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Zoning Adjustment Board 0. K.'s Altering Mansion Conversion of the old Matthews mansion at 1403 Thirtieth street, in Georgetown, into a five-unit apart ment house was approved late yes terday by the Board of Zoning Ad justment, following a public hearing at which this and eight other ap peals trom existing zoning rules were considered. The large house, built shortly after the Civil War, was considered electric substations at 2006 Bunker Hill road N.E., subject to approval by the Public Utilities Commission. The Emanuel Baptist Church was given permission to erect a one story rear addition to the church at 2409 Ainger place S.E.; F. Weber was granted permission to remodel the office building at 5913 Georgia avenue into an apartment house; Elmer M. Nelson was given permis sion to make alterations in the dwelling at 1830 Jackson street N.E., and Mrs. J. Simmons was granted an appeal for erection of a one story addition at 3061 Clinton street N.E. D. C. Motorists Urged To Aid Out-of-Towners Washington motorists were urged today to be more courteous to out of-town drivers unfamiliar with local streets and traffic regulations in a bulletin issued by the Keystone Automobile Club. The bulletin, in part, stated: ‘‘A more considerate and tolerant atti tude is needed. The National Cap ital’s reputation for hospitality will be greatly enhanced if local motor ists accord visitors the same consid eration they expect in strange ter ritory.” Army Names Reserves To Air Corps Two men who gave Washington as their home address are among more than 300 Air Reserve officers appointed second lieutenants in the Air Corps, Regular Army, on Tues day as the result of examinations heid in June, it is announced by the War Department. The two are John Kuie de Russy, who already was on active duty at March Field, Calif., and Jo Kyie Warner, who when appointed was on duty at Hickman Field, Hawaii. All of the newly-appointed officers are to remain at their present sta tions, it was said at the War De partment. The following Virginians were among those made Regular Army Air Corps officers: William Sydnor Barksdale, jr„ Richmond; William Coombs Clark of Dutnbarton, Skidmore Neale Garrett of Cumberland, Thomas Ed ward Gumett of Hampton, Donald Waters Macdonald, Hampton, and Philip Lambeth Mathewson, Rich mond, all stationed at Langley Field, Va.; Elmer Earle McKesson, Richmond; Robert Danforth Van Auken, Fort Belvoir, Va., stationed at Selfridge, Mich., and Henry Vic cellio, Chatham, Va., stationed at Barksdale Field, La. Capt. John W. Joyes, Jr., Dies at Albany, Oreg. The War Department yesterday announced the death of Capt. John W. Joyes, jr., U. S. Infantry, Tues day at Albany, Oreg. He was 34 years old. He Is survived by his widow In Vancouver Barracks, Wash., and his parents. Col. and Mrs. John W. Joyes, and a sister, Miss Patricia C. Joyes of 2029 Waterside drive N.W. Funeral arrangements have not been announced. ( Hundreds of Extraordinary Values.. In practically every department: New. Fresh, timely merchandise . . . Radios. Bicycles. Outing Supplies. plainly marked with big “easy-to Sporting Goods. Paints. Hardware, spot” Creen Banners . . . ready for Tires. Batteries. Auto Parts, etc. your selection. Come in and save! Our BUDGET PLAN Provides for Easy Payments on an appeal by the Demarest Lloyd estate, but It was explained the con tract purchaser was Mrs. Emily H. Shepard, who was represented by A. R. Reed. The board also granted an appeal by the Hebrew Home for the Aged, acting for the Jewish Social Service Agency, for permission to erect a two-story office building for the agency, west of the home for aged, near Eleventh street and Spring road N.W. Thfe Potomac Electric Power Co. was granted permission for the erec tion of one of its series of new FOR YOUR OLD IRON ( Peqord/ess of Condition) On Purchase of WIZARD DeLuxe ^Automatic *» s?79 W And Mm old I. ^ ";on. For faster, easier ironinp. Full sun watts. 5-ranpe heat control. 4 <2 lb. weipht with « lb size sole plate. <>unrnn1ee<t 3 jeiirs. /2/jO "fiou/lSpOUt” THERMIC JUG i Sfa***''* Handy pour spout prevents spilling and tem perature loss. Quality construc tion throughout. Music Wherever You Go Jl Tfsw TRUETONE PORTABLE RADIO ■ X>fd» No Aerlnl Cirounrt nr lloune I Current. | Comport—w rlghn only 10 llio. With Battrrirs 1 Handsome Uses low-rost Air - Plane Type long-life Ratter Fabric Case ies. BIKE TIRE I . A Premium Quality I white sidewall tire ■ land lontr-life tube— I [both for less than I you would expert to 1 pay for tire alone. 1 ^■$1591 TirC on the New DA VIS —the Outstanding Leader for Tire Value / 'Handy Leather jy KEY CASE / Holds^Keqs t 2C\ y—wq TUBE PATCH1 m OUTFIT j W Complete j 5t§ Jc' F F*** *|l Roll of Films, 1 . _ with each ^ I1 'OuMckUC jSLl Candid-Tqpe < CAMERA Film A Cimrrx '* ■ Not Available at as 1313 Good Hone Rd. S.E *:■ ^MjniversalN^ 1 / Joint Boot \| / Lace on type ,■.V'!,C\ I l ] \ ^JV^Made of heavy * \ chrome leather. V 15« X Only a limited supply of these outstanding radios at these LOW PRICES! Get yours NOW! Beautiful plastic cabinets, Full rich tones. Ideal for home, of fice or travel. I a Full Standard ! y Size and Weight a Built of the Very | y Best Materials ^ Long-Wearing, Quiet er Running Rib Tread aA Safe; Modern; i ▼ Good-Looking ! A A GUARANTEED .▼ 15 MONTHS —1— iniM Hiiini iMi min iiiiihii. Site Reg. List Price SALE PRICE 1 i£:il $6.60 $5.35 1 5:00:il $6.8Q $5.35* gjo-'tl $7.90 $6.28* 17 $8.65 $6.28 6.00-16 $9.75 $6.70* lifoill $11.95 $8.50* 9 Price includes trade-in of eld tire DAVIS Deluxe also a! Deep Slashed Prices I poll! It mill FLOOR ■ KVAMF.L—For in H. side or out. wood I _ or concrete. Fnui ■ neutral tones. 1 LIAOI.F.IM VAR | \|SH — Clear. 9 rIoss finish. 9 KITC H K N »nd 9 R A T II KV\ '1 F.L — 9 Seven pastel 9 shades. 9 < VOI OSS \\ ALL s* pa I AT—For all in- Guaranteed! I &T.r*Hs i::*9 shades. - M SAVE ON HOUSE PAINT: Cel Your Fall Requirements DOW • Quality, durability, covering capacity and long-life guaranteed , 10 Beautiful Gallon covers 3*n , Colon To so. ft. average sui- Choose From | face 2 coats__ Pure Gum SHELLAC—Reg. 69c Qt. 52c Quick-Dry VARNISH—Reg. 95c Qt 59c 4-HOUR ENAMEL—Reg-55c Pt. 44c TURPENTINE—Pint Can--r-14c Quart can 19c Gallon can 54c ? SEAT COVERS \ tpMS&k&tf \ thit IALE n.rrt ^ * j Si DISCOUNT . ' For Your Old Battery LOOK! This Big { WIZARD DELUXE Guaranteed 2 Year» \ $A' 40 £ft And Ola Battery | # /few Reduced Prices. 6-Tubes—Touch-Tuning K’tss iffl jafftt 5^4fl “ "v Poy Only $1 Per •Peek! _ KAR” Loosely-woven cotton-fibre inserts tiermit a cooling circulation of air. Hard finish gives extra wear. Skirt ing covers entire back of seat. Elastic Inserts assure perfect fit. Coupes. Conch or Complets Sets for Sedon front sent* Conches nnd Sednns ^ 5398 N most cars Guaranteed to* _ i Money Back Trial 1 et us Install a TRV E TONE in MS# o' county Uyo* fYed return* ttP«n? we will VefundevW^^^^^^ TRUETONE "Oilutt" | Unsurp„Sed rerforman,yO , _Deluxe in evc,J ■SSs* $7095 Hew Junior ■ ntw of auto radio at tin.* I Vibe^Kxce.len’t perform ance. Compact, s'ngi I unit. In- •■MAC ill 95 ' extra. ■ ■ If PRY SHAVER 728 13th St. N.W. 5 BIG 3113 14th St. N.W. . 911-15 H St. N.E. STORES 923-257thSt.N.W. Open 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. 1213 GOOD HOPE RD. S.E. We^Reserve the Right —Saturdays, 9:30 P.M. ANACOST1A, D. C. to L,m,t Quantities. ■' - 1 ■ 1 - ' ■ - "1 v-,. ~ 1 1 7TWWTT7M l * " ^ 1 m. V* Jt * TRUETONE 6-Tube "Compact'’ new True tone Built-in • Stra tosrope" . . . entirely eliminates need for aerial nr crounrl Wires . . . yet Kive performances that oq u a | or excel! similar sets with extra aerial in sin llatlon*. Allow* I radio to bo movod I from room to room B "ith no mnro fn*s B than ‘'plugging It In " B l«» I WEARWELL Motor Oil j Strong turn- ^ bier type lock prevents theft of gas. l5V‘sTeEi.“Flyer" \ All Steel tongue, m Safety rolled ■ edges. | I *28'Long i e7'' Double % discwheels : % eWide %" ' ■ rubber ■ tires W 20 gauge auto ■ body steel. 1 Flashy baked-on 51 enamel. HIM A genuine full-size double-bar Western Flyer lor less than you would expect to pay for the average single-bar bicycle! Speedy! 1 Flashy! Beautiful! Sturdy! Combines all the famous Western Flyer features! At this sen sational low price t^ey will go fast. USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN! A small deposit will hold the exact bicycle you select until October 1st! a Get more tor your money |pp^^ 1 with a WESTERN FLYER B FINEST CONSTRUCTION . . . American made throughout . . . no compromise with quality or substitution of foreign parts. Life A time frames tested to hold 34 times the weight of average boy. fa UNSURPASSED BEAUTY' . . . Brilliant finish of finest baked-on [a enamel. All exposed metal parts heavily chrome, nickel or cad [ 1 mium plated. GUARANTEED QUALITY . . SATISFACTION OR MONEY *~urumt - r'tQ it a GRILLE GUARD Thick Solid Steel Bar MW\\W\ Auto Fuses I Bo* of 5, |p . * 10,15or20 I Amps. nj I 12rCell.Focusinq f FLASHLIGHT | &riqH+1^ plated all-metal case Hondi|3 luaij 6 ft. Roll-up STEEL TAPE \ Clear Accurate ■ fka. martcinqs I kjT SPECIAL OFFER! Pkg. of CHEESE CLOTH Pkg. of ABSORBO PADS with each Pint of POLI-WAX For Trice of Polish alone. Hep. 90e val ue. All for oni.v CLEANS. POLISHES and WAXES All At the Snnie Time! No tiresome duplication of effort — no extra cleaners or waxes to buy. For in ONE ap plication POLI-WAX pives complete results. Money-Back Trial j: Drop-Forged Steel I HAMMER Full l6oz. ^k jk _ Double wedqed I SOCKET SET II pieces Ratchet handle. Offset i handle. fl Screw Fa driver LI Extension, a 8 Sockets 6 I fcto%T _ rjPIPE WRENCH | 10* All-around (f Tq I Siie.SureCrip ^^P spar replug P ( Taken in Trade ) On New WIZARD DELUXE Guaranteed 18.000 mile? m of Efficient. Trouble- I Free Service. I Your Old Plug and i- in Seta ** of 4 or more Money Back Trial a &ecthicAir Blast Loud commandine lone— yet musical. Carries lone distances. Complete with relay wire and bracket. AUTO FLOOR MATS For all Cars VtfK rub per y flat, o u gh and wearing. A a low &■ 69' for ford Far CH(V. ! 1928-31 _..43e 1925-32 52« 1932 4'e 1933-34 50a 1933-34 48c 1935-36 _68a Other cars __ 81.10 to 81.75 Universal Rear Mat. iCO/s 50"a50‘ a37"_WJFA.