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Bishop Hughes to Give Two Sermons Here Tomorrow Will Pay First Visit to Mt. Vernon Place Church Since Unification Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes, resi dent bishop of the Methodist Church, will preach at the Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. on "Gaining a Personal Creed" and at 8 p.m. on “Heaven." This will be his first visit to this church since he became the presid ing bishop over the churches of the original Methodist Church South, now unified with the M. E. Church and the Protestant Meth odist Church Music will be furnished by the quartet, Mrs. La Verne Sims Fair child, soprano; Mrs. Lily Clayton Garrett, contralto; David Manley, tenor, and Arthur M. Tabbutt, bass. They v ill sing in the morning “Sing Allelulia Sing,” by Buck, and Arthur M. Tabbutt, bass, will sing the offertory solo, "Gloria,” by A. Buzzi Peccia. At night they will sing “Let Not Your Heart Be Trou bled,” by Sparks, and David Man ley. tenor, will sing “Hear Thou My Prayer," by Bernard Hamblen. Continuing a study of the church ritual, Mrs. Purcell Storey, the pas tor's assistant, will address the adult department at 9:30 on “Reception of Members into the Church.” On Thursday evening H. L. Sten del. assistant secretary of the Wash ington Cathedral, will give an illus trated lecture showing in full, nat ural color pictures taken by the cathedral staff photographer. National City Christian Pastor to Return Dr. Raphael Harwood Miller will return to his pulpit at the National City Christian Church affer a month’s absence in the WeT and Middle West. He completed a series of addresses before the Annual Con vention of Churches of Christ of Southern California at Long Beach In July and August 6 he appeared In a joint service with his son, Raphael Miller, jr„ who preached at the Independence Boulevard Christian Church at Kansas City, Mo., where Dr. Miller was formerly pastor. Dr. Miller's topic tomorrow morn ing will be "Landmarks and Bear ings for Life's Journev.” Miss Max well Galloway, soprano soloist, will Bing "Light,” by Scott. The young people's meeting will be at 6:30 p.m., at 1308 Vermont avenue N.W. Augustana Lutheran Breakfast Tomorrow At the morning service of the Au gusta Lutheran Congregation to morrow at 11 o'clock in the Sunday school rooms of its new church on V street N.W., just off Sixteenth Street N.W., Dr. Arthur O. Hjelm will preach on "Our Godliness, i Plated or Sterling?” Miss Pearl Erickson will be the soloist. The Luther League will conduct its annual breakfast tomorrow at 6:30 in reservation No. 25. Rock Creek Park, near Sixteenth and Kennedy streets N.W. Plans for the laying of a new cornerstone in the church building, recently acquired, are being made. The date of the exercises will be Sunday afternoon. September 17. It is expected that one of the execu tives of the New York Conference of the Lutheran Augustana Synod of Amprim trill nffirinfp Thp rhiirrh Will be dedicated on October 22, when Dr. P. O. Bersell of Minneap olis. president of the synod, will preside. Y. M. C. A. News Edward H. De Groot, jr„ president of Central Union Mission and for mer president of the District of Co lumbia Sunday School Association, will deliver the address at the Y. M. C. A. open-air service in Lincoln Park tomorrow at 4 p.m. The song service will be in charge of William R Schmucker. William S. Jones, vice president of the Sunday School Association, will be the guest preacher at the Rosedale Methodist Church tomor row at 11 am. Page McK. Etchison, religious Work director of the Y. M. C. A., will; speak at the Gunton Temple Pres byterian Church tomorrow at 11 a.m. Self Realization. Brahmachari Jotin of Calcutta, India, will speak at the morning Service on “Search for Happiness.” The public class in philosophy and yoga will be held Wednesday at 8 p.m. U& <§jtorLeA aSou/W&s Igreat Hvmns m CmPdiutid Jhf DEAL FUNERAL HOME 4812 Georgia Ave.N.W. I 816 H Street ME. Branch Homt ---r Schedule of Activities in Washington Churches Baptist Chevy Chase. The Rev. William J. Sly cf Wash ington will be the guest speaker to morrow at 11 a.m. in the absence of the pastor, the Rev. Edward O. Clark, who is vacationing in Penn sylvania. Wisconsin Avenue. • Cleansed by Blood” will be the theme at 11 a.m. by the Rev. Clar ence Ray Ferguson and "His Mas ter's Voice” at 8 p.m. A Bible study of Second Chronicles, 26th chapter, will be made Thursday evening. . Redeemer—Italian. Morning worship, 10:45 o’clock. The Rev. M. C. Marseglla will preach on “What Is Necessary for Our Work.” Temple. The speaker at the 11 a.m. service tomorrow will be Durwood Hudgins, a divinity student at the University of Richmond. The service, 7:30 p.m.. will be in charge of the B. Y. P. U. Speakers will be Durwood Hudgins and Howard Sorrell. The Thursday evening service will be led by Fred Braugh and the Intermediate B. Y. P. U. A _ west wasmngton. At 11 a.m. sermon by the Rev. Charles J. Bowen, pastor of the Baptist Church, Good Hope, Ohio. E. W. Ladson will conduct the serv ice Thursday evening. The Rev. Vivian Broderick, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Jamaica Plains. Boston, Mass., will be the preacher August 27. Friendship (Colored). The Rev. L. E. Clark will preach at 11 a.m. Holy communion at 3 p.m. The Young Me's Jubilee Chorus will render a program at 8 pm. Good Will (Colored). Dr. James L. Pinn will speak in the morning on "Fearfully and Won derfully Made” and in the evening on “Making Excuses.” Third (Colored). Dr. George O. Bullock will preach in the morning on “The Secret of Pentecost.” Holy communion and receiving new members will follow the morning services. At 3:30 p.m. he will preach at Zion Baptist Church. His topic in the evening will be "The Christian Worshp.” Second (Colored). Dr. J. L. S. Holloman will preach at 11 a.m. on “The Eternal and Unchanging Christ.” In the evening there will be a special preaching service. Vermont Avenue (Colored). At 11 am. the Rev. S. W. Wil liams will preach on “The Gulf That Separates Us.” At 11:20 a.m. serv ices will be held in the junior de partment. At 8 o'clock evening wor ship will be held. On August 26 the members will go down the Potomac on an afternoon cruise on the steamer Robert E. Lee. It will leave the wharf at 2 p.m. and return at 6 p.m. Capitol View (Colored). The guest preacher, the Rev. An drew Fowler, will speak at 11 a.m. ine Rev. w. c. Robinson will preach ' for the Willing Workers’ Club at i 3:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor at 6 p.m The topic will be "What Can I We Do About Gambling?” Depart mental night will be observed at 8 p.m. Zion Southwest (Colored). The Rev. A. Joseph Edwards preaches tomorrow morning on “A Fourfold Philosophy of Self.” At night the pastor also will be the preacher. At 3:30 p.m. the Foreign Missionary Circle will hold a spe cial service and family rally with 1 Dr. G. O. Bullock, pastor of the ; Third Baptist Church, as guest speaker. At 6 p.m. the Christain Endeavor Society will conduct its meeting at Forestville, Md. Christian Columbia Heights. The Rev. A. P. Wilson will con tinue the special summer series on “Epochs in the Life of Peter” with the subject, “Christ’s Prayer for Peter.” Special music will be fur nished by Marjorie Wilson and James Waldo, who will sing a duet arrangement of Harker’s “How Beautiful Upon the Mountains.” Park View. The Rev. L. F. Harris will speak at the morning service on “Five Min utes Before Death.” The Rev. J. Lloyd Black, regular pastor, is on his vacation. The Rev. W. E. La Rue will be the guest minister at the evening service, Rhodes Artz, min ister of the Junior Church, will be in the Junior pulpit after a short vacation. Fifteenth Street. Morning worship and the Lord's Supper at 10:30 a.m. Sermon by the Rev. Leslie L. Bowers on “Are Ve Able?” * Third. "Is It Worth While?” Is the topic tomorrow et 11 a.m. by the Rev. C. N. Williams. The Lord’s Supper will be observed. Congregational Mount Pleasant. The Rev. George A. Ackerly, asso ciate minister, will preach at the union service tomorrow at 11 a.m. All Souls’ Unitarian Church and the Universalist National Memorial Church are co-operating. His sub ject will be “The Heavens Are Telling.” Lincoln (Colored). Dr. H. T. Medford, missionary secretary, A. M. E. Zion Church, will be guest speaker. Dr. St. Elmo Brady will address the brotherhood. Peoples (Colored). L. Maynard Catchings, a student in the school of religion of Howard University, will speak at the morn ing service on “Jesus, We Part Here.” He is serving this church during the minister's vacation. Episcopal All Saints. The Rev. Henry Teller Cocke will speak on “Spiritual Moods” at 11 a.m. Holy communion at 7:30 a.m. The rector will preside over a holy communion service at 10 o’clock Thursday in observation of the feast of St. Bartholomew. vnuitii vi v;ui Giiviuur. At 7:30 a.m. tomorrow there will be the celebration of the holy com munion. At 11 a.m. there will be a morning prayer and sermon. The special preacher will be the Rev. John G. Sadtler, formerly rector of St. Joseph's Church. McLain, Va. His subject will be "The Transfiguration of Christ.” Lutheran Georgetown. On Sunday at 11 a.m. the guest preacher will be Dr. Gould Wickey, former pastor and executive secre tary of the Board of Education of the United Lutheran Church. Zion. "Why Are Ye Fearful?” will be the subject of the Rev. Edward G. Goetz at the 8:30 and the 11 a.m. services. The summer schedule con tinues during August. Beginning September 3 only the 11 a.m. service will be held. St. Mark's. The Rev. J. Luther Frantz will use as the theme at 11 am. "Wings Like a Dove.” Mr. Tate, guest soloist, will sing "Beautiful Garden of Prayer.” Mount Olivet (Colored). "Searching the Scriptures” is the subject of the Rev. W. Schiebel at 11 o'clock. The Candace Club meets Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Rosina Demouy, 705 Thir teenth street N.E. On Sunday eve ning the Rev. Mr. Schiebel will preach at Amaranth, Pa. Methodist Waugh. In the absence of the Rev. Clark son R. Banes, Dr. Harold M. Dudley will preach tomorrow at 11 a.m. He will also preach August 27. There will be no evening service. Union. The guest preacher tomorrow will be the Rev. Charles F. Linger, local preacher. There will be special music at the morning service. The Epworth League will meet at 7 p.m. Harold Lee will be the leader. Lincoln Road. “The Forward Marching Church” will be the theme of Dr. Reginald H. Stone at 11 a.m. At 8 p.m. in the church parlors, with Mrs. Alice Haffey in charge and the sermon by the Rev. Francis R. Stone, son of Dr. Stone, and who is enrolled as a student in Boston University School of Technology. McKendree. The Rev. Samuel E. Rose speaks tomorrow at 11 am. on “Living Daily With God” in the Masonic Hall at Rhode Island and Mills avenues N.E. Miss Mary Mason, leader of the Home Forum of the National Broad casting Co., will speak at 7:30 p.m. Chevy Chase. The speaker at 11 a.m. tomorrow will be the Rev. Thomas W. Sunder land, pastor of Seat Pleasant Metho dist Church. The pastor, the Rev. Edward Gardiner Latch, is in Ocean Grove, N. J., on vacation. Metropolitan Memorial. In the absence of the Rev. W. A. Keese, who is vacationing in Maine, the pulpit will be supplied by the Eullffratt CHRIST LUTHERAN (MISSOURI SYNOD) 16th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. REV J. FREDERIC WENCHEL, Pastor. 8:30 am.—Sermon by Rev. O. F. _Weinbach. F A I T H Lee Bird, at Jackson, Arlington. Vo. ■un“*r School. 0:30; Morning Worship 1LOO a.m. Fellowship. Wed., 8:00 p.m. REV. GEO. J. GREWENOW. Faster. TAKOMA Seventh and Dahlia N.W. (Three Blocks East o( Walter Reed.) _ Rev. J. Adrian Pfeiffer. Paster. S. 8. at 9:00 Morning Worship at 10. TRINITY MISSOURI SYNOD . 4th and E Sts. N.W. REV. HUGO M. HENMG 8:30 a.m.—German Service. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—English Service, “The Two Debtors.” 1ST. MATTHEW S LUTHERAN I Kentucky Ave. at 15th St. 8.E. Key. Theodore Paul Frieke. S. T. M. P:4fi a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—“Exhaustion Through Humility.’' Wo Invite Yon to Attend Atonement Lutheran Church Maryland Synod. U. L. C. North Capitol and Rhodo Island Avs. Sunday School_9:18 a.m Services During July_8:00 a.m BEV. H. E. SNYDER. Taster. CHURCH OF THE ~ REFORMATION 212 East Capitol Stroot Opposite Polger-Shakespeare Library. 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.—Morning fcrt- I ices. Sermon: "Faring Up to the lodgments ft Jesus.” 0:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 8:18 p.m.—Evening Service. Sermon: “Why You and 1 Are Here.” Rev. Ralph W. Loew Will Pretch. THE PUBLIC 18 CORDIALLY INVITED. - -j Rev. Dr. Klein K. Haddaway, min ister in the Mount Olivet Church, Arlington. Allen A. M. E. Dr. O. Oliver Wing, pastor, will talk on “Thinking for Ones Self” at 11 a.m. Sermon by the Rev. R. M. Butler, pastor of Church of God and Saints of Christ, at 8 p.m. Pilgrim A. M. E. The services will be under the aus pices of the Board of Stewards and a special offering will be taken for the District Conference to be held at the Campbell Church, Anacostia, commencing next Tuesday. The Rev. C. E. Walden will preach on "God in the Midst” in the morning. In the afternoon a service will be held in the interest of the women's day drive, with preaching by local preacher Prank Young. Allen League, 6:30 p.m. Preaching by the pastor in the evening. A large tent will be erected on the lot next to the church in which the open-air services will be held during the remainedr of the summer. Metropolitan Wesley A. M. E. Z. At 11 a.m. the Rev. E. S. Hardge of Jersey City, N. J„ will be the guest preacher. “As Sands of the Sea” will be the subject of the pastor at 8 p.m. Galbraith A. M. E. Z. At 11 a m. Mrs. Gray, evangelist, will preach. The Rev. J. L. White will preach at 8 p.m. The choir, under the direction of R. Davis, will furnish music. Mrs. Dorothy Lynn will lead the V. C. E. Society at 6:15. Topic. “What Can We Do About Gambling?" Young people's “happy hour” every Tuesday evening. James A. Deahl is president. Ebenezer (Colored). At 11 am. the Rev. Elijah Ayers will speak. Music by the Crusaders' Choir. At 8 p.m. sermon by the pas tor. Different ministers will serve the pulpit each Sunday while the pastor is on his vacation. John Wesley A. M. E. Z. At 11 a.m. Dr. James Clair Taylor of Paterson, N. J„ editor of the Quarterly Review of the A. M. E. Zion Church, will preach. At 8 p.m. the Rev. Stephen Gill Spottswood, pastor, will speak on "East and West of Sin.” Presbyterian Knox. Services will be held at 1316 Vermont avenue N.W. at 11 a m. and 8 p.m. William Young, a student of Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, will conduct the serv ices. Kenilworth. Service, 11:30 am. Continuation of a series of sermons on the general theme “God's Side of Things"— “The Hands of Christ." Young people's meeting at 7 p.m., under th« direction of Mrs. R. Smith. Sherwood. The Rev. Thomas Law Coyle will preach at 8:50 a.m. and 11 a.m. on "Change Your Luck.” Eckington. The Rev. Henry B. Wooding will return, having visited his parents in Ottawa, Canada, and preach at 11 a.m. Metropolitan. The Rev. Fred A. Kullman of the First Presbyterian Church, Lake Worth, Fla , will be the guest preach at 11 a.m. Western. The Rev. D. Hobart Evans, pastor of the Hyattsville. Md.. Presbyterian Church, will be the guest preacher. His subject will be “Life’s Anchors.” The Christian Endeavor Society will meet at 7 p.m. The prayer service : will be held in the chapel Thursday night. Fifteenth Street (Colored). "How Much Faith Have You?” is j the subject of the Rev. R. A. Fairley, ! pastor of the Tabor Presbyterian Church, at 11 a.m.. In the absence , of Dr. H. B. Taylor, who is on ; vacation. Music will be rendered by ; the choir, under the direction of Miss Virginia Williams. Eulfyrratt INCARNATION gaiIatinn.w. (Maryland Synod United Lutheran Church) Re?. Henry Manken, Jr.» Paator. S:30 a.m.—Matins. 9:4ft a m.—School. 11:00 a.m.—The Service (Srarr IttWM Y*rmwi 8tW J CfXRAM S. IRMAS , PASTtfc". - 8:30 a.m.—Matins. “The Bindini Char acter of Conduct.” Sermon by Pastor. ,8:30 a.m.—Church School. Classes for all. 11:00 a.m.—"Thronrh a Door Called Re pentance.” Sermon by Pastor. Augustana Lutheran Church Invites you to Its service in Its new sanctuary on V 8t. N.W.. just off of 16th Si., tomorrow at 11 a.m., and to Its Sunday School at 9:4» a.m. ARTHUR O. H.1ELM. D. D., Paator. Residence. 36*0 Veaiey St. N.W. Tel. EM. 0011. I i Other Services Church of the Brethren. In the absence of the pastor the Rev. J. H. Hollinger will speak at 10:15 a.m. on "Seeing Things.” A union service will be held at this church at 8 pm. with the Rev. Edward Wilcox, pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, as the speaker. Open Door Church. The pastor will preach tomorrow morning and night. At 8:30 there will be a vesper service in Judiciary Park. The young people's service is at 7 p.m. The pastor will have charge of the meeting Wednesday night. - 1 , Pentecostal. The Rev. Howard Salter of Ma nassas, Va„ will occupy the pulpit at Bethel, speaking at 11 am. on “Jesus the Mediator” and at 7:30 pm. on "The Lamb in the Midst of the Throne.' On Tuesday, 7:45 pm., Christ Ambassadors in charge; Thursday, 1 to 4, fasting and prayer; Friday, 7:45 p.m., Pastor Schaeffer will return to city and preach. Christian Science. "Mind” is the subject of the lesson sermon in all the Churches of Christ, Scientist, tomorrow, at 11 am. and 8 pm. Church services also on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The golden text is from Romans 11:34, 36. "Who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor?—For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things; to whom be glory for ever.” Among the citations which comprise the lesson-sermon is the following from the Bible: “The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” (Psalms, 24:1). First Brethren. William Pierson will preach at 9:30 am. in connection with the unified summer service. The eve ning preacher will be the Rev. M. R Japhet. These guest speakers are filling the pulpit tomorrow in the absence of the Rev. Homer A. Kent, j who has gone to Indiana to attend meetings of the Foreign Mission Board of the Brethren Church and the General Conference of the church. Salvation Army. Meetings tomorrow are: Temple Corps, 606 S street N.W. 11 a.m., Capt. C. W. Jaynes will speak on "Cup of Devils" and at 8 p.m. on “Souls in Danger.” Colored Corps. 1501 Seventh street N.W., 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Brigadier James Roberts will have charge. Southeast Corps. 733 Eighth street S.E. 11 a.m., Capt. Lucyie Gallo way will speak on “Humility"; 8 p.m., L. C. Barrington will speak on “The Power of Choice.” Georgetown Corps, 1075 Jefferson street N.W. 11 a.m.. Lt. L. Barbee will speak on "Cornelius, Truth Seeker," and at 8 p.m. on "Peter's Blundering Sword.” Northeast Corps. 715 I street N.E.,' 1 11 a.m and 8 pm. Capt. C. Slim ier will have charge. Calvary Pentecostal. The Rev. Richard Bishop, from Taylor University, will speak at the 11 am. service. The Gospel Hour will again be heard over WFMD at , 1 p.m. Young people meet at 6:30 p.m. and will be addressed by Mrs. t J. E. Miller. The sacred organ re cital will be at 7:30 pm., with Miss Leona Bedford, organist. Dr. Miller, pastor, will speak at the ,7:45 evangelistic service. Services ! at 7:45 p.m. Wednesday and Fridav, with prayer and fasting from 2 p.m. on Wednesday. (Soaprl (Tabfrtiarlf Alliance Gospel Tabernacle 5714 Georgia Ave. N.W. P4.S—Sunday School. 10:30—Morning service. No evening service due to our camp meeting at New Freedom. Pa. Rev. N. M. Cressman. pastor. Hmt-g>grtariatt "Seeing the Invisible" |4 k| 11 A.M. LI "NO MORE THIRST" M 8 P.M. fTfl (A Sunday nlte service people K-EJ like. > ■ g| Church »f the Air 1*^ WOL. 9 A.M. IIJ Thursday Meetlne, 8 P.M. IAI VISIT HV THE TABERNACLE gAW FOR A SOIL TONE UP Dr. Clark Pokey , Mwister tiff PiHCY Bft.Pi). at GEQKiAAtt.MlfH ffreflhgtgriatt NEW YORK AVE. CHURCH 13th & H & N. Y. Avenue Ministers: DR. PETER MARSHALL. DR ALBERT SVANS. 9:45 am.—Church Bible School. 11:00 a m —"ACCEPTABLE WORSHIP.” Dr. Evans Preachim. 6:45 p.m.—Young People's Meetings. GUNTON-TEMPLE MEMORIAL 16th and Newton Ste. Rev. Bernard Braskamp, D.D., Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon by Mr. Page McK. Etchison. Subject: "Finding God." SHERWOOD "The Churchy Church" Rhode bland Ave. at 22d St. N.E. Thomas Law Coyle, Minister 2 Morning Services 8:50 A.M.—11 A.M. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. QTYTLV Sixteenth and OLA 1 n Kennedy Sta. N.W. J. HERBERT GARNER, Minister _ 11 A.M. Rev. R. Paal Schearrer Takoma Park, Mi. METROPOLITAN PRESBYTERIAN CH 4th and B St*. S.E. Rev J. Lewrey Fendrlch. D. D., LL. Rev. W. 1 Sly Ph D. Parish Mlaist 11:00 a.m.—Guest Preacher, Re7. Fred BURNING RUM.” -. - GUEST PREACHER—The Rev. Jesse Davis, pastor of the Virginia Heights Baptist Church, Roanoke, Va., who will preach tomorrow morning and evening at Bethany Bap tist Church. Mrs. Ruth Ock ershausen will conduct the service Thursday night. • —Star Staff Photo. Reformation Lutheran Services Announced The Rev. Ralph W. Loew, assistant pastor, will be the preacher at the services in the Lutheran Church of the Reformation tomorrow at 8:30 and at 11 a.m., speaking on "Pacing Up to the Judgments of Jesus.” At 8:15 p.m. the series of August Sun day evenings is continued with the sermon “Why You and I Are Here.” Soloists for the respective services are Miss Lily Widule, Mrs. Flora Thornton and John Nordberg. The Fellowship Hour, planned by the young people, will be held at 7 p.m., with the members of the Senior Luther Leagues as hosts. Bruce Hulett is the chairman of this com mittee. The adult classes will have as their guest teacher at 8:30 a.m. Sister Pearle Lyerly, parish deaconess. Dr Bruner to Return For Guest Sermon Dr. Weston Bruner of Portsmouth, Va., former pastor of the Fifth Baptist Church, will be the guest preacher at both services tomorrow. Mrs. Weston Bruner will teach the Darlington Berea Bible Class. J. R. Tune the Philathea Class and George Bell. sr.. the Mooney Baraca Class at 9:30 am. United Brethren. Dr. Simpson B. Daugherty, who has been serving in the field as chaplain of the 121st Engineer*. D. C. N. G.. will preach at 8:30 and 11 am. on “The Conquest of Fear.” dealing with his contacts with the men in the service. 3Frirni)fl Friends Meeting of Washington 'Establish'd 1930—*111 Florida Art.) M'eting for Worship First Day i8undaj> at 11 a m. All interested are welcome._ FRIENDS MEETING (ORTHODOX) 13th and Irving Streets N.W. P:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.— Meeting for worship. All welcome._ SttattgrliralanbErformrft CONCORDIA 20th and G 8ti. N.W. KEY. CHARLES ENDERS. Pastor. 9 45 a m.—Bible School. PREACHING SERVICES. 10:00 a.m.—German 11:15 a.m.—English. Akaalttr &rirnrr 0'“ASHIC SCIENCE-* n.. 11 a m—(Love Offering.) j VRE. AKASH1C TESTS. FORT’M I TLE THEATER. Oth Above F • I _REV. BERTINE POWERS— $rrnbgtrrian CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN Southern General Assembly 16th and firing Sts. N.W. Re?. James H. Taylor, D. D., Pastor Wm. F. Mansell, Asst. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon. “The Gospel el Power." Mr. Mansell. 7:00P.m.—Christian Endeavor. 8:00 p.m.—Sermon. “The Transflrnra* tion.” Mr. Mansell. CHEVY CHASE Chevy Chafe Circle Dr. J. Hillman Hollister. Minister. 9:30 a.m.—Morning Worship. Rev. Ran dolph L. Gregory, Temple Baptist Church. GEORGETOWN (Founded 17*0) P Street neur 31st Street N.W. Rev. John Ballev Kellv. f> 0.. Pastor. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship, the Rev. John A. Hutchison. Bayonne. N. J. WESTERN 1906 H St. N.W. “The Little Stone Church Around the Corner.” Sunday, August 20th 9:45 a.m.—"All Comers" Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Rev. D. Hobart Evans, guest preacher. Subject: "Lifalg Anchors.” 7:00 p.m.—Christian Endeavor. COVENANT FIRST Connecticut Are. at 18th St N Su. N.W. Minittart: ALBERT JOSEPH McCARTNEY, D. D. REV. SAMUEL R. ALLISON 11 A.M.—Morning Worship. "A New Generation Seeks God/' 8:45 A.M.—Sunday School. JRCH B. ir. A. Kullmar of Lekewortk. Fla., 'THE 1 Grace Lutheran Service in Charge Of Dr. Lenski Old Testament Sermon Series to Be Continued At Matins The double-service program at Grace Lutheran Church tomorrow will be conducted by the pastor, Dr. Gerhard E. Lenski. At matins, at 8:30 a.m., he will preach, continu ing his sermon series on Old Testa ment themes. He will preach on "The Binding Character of Our Own Conduct.” Walter Eggers, bar itone, will be guest soloist, singing Geoffrey O’Hara's latest number, “I Walked Where Jesus Walked.” At 11 am. Dr. Lenski will preach on “Through a Door Called Repent ance.” Charter Heslep, tenor, will be the special soloist. He will sing Van De Waters’ version of the gospel lesson, entitled "Two Men Went Up Into the Temple to Pray.” Both the matins at 8:30 and the service at 11 a.m. will be preceded by 15-minute organ recitals by the or ganist, Marion Ranberg. Dr. Rasmussen's Topic Is 'Reflected Blessings' Dr. Carl C. Rasmussen, pastor at Luther Place Memorial Church, will speaek on "Reflected Blessings” to morrow at 11 a m. This will be Dr. Rasmussen's last sermon before leav ing on fhe Queen Mary. August 23, with his family. After touring 5 Prance and Germany, Dr. Rasmus sen and the family will reside at Lund, Sweden, for f<5ur months, j while he is studying at Lund Uni versity. Dr. Rasmussen will return to his pulpit in Luther Place Church the first of the new year. During Dr. Rasmussen's absence, the Rev. Mr. Eckert will be in charge. He will be assisted from time to time in the pulpit by outsanding minis ters of the United Lutheran Church. The Senior and Young People's Luther League will see the presen tation of "Buddhism” by a Chinese friend at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the church parlors. This is a continua tion of the series of world religions being studied by this group during the summer. | (Cljurrff of (CIjrtHt 14th St. Church of Christ 3460 14th St. N.W. 10:00a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon. 8 :00 p.m.—Sermon. St. Michael's Pastor To Fill City Pulpit The Rev. C. R. Strausburg, pastoE of St. Michael’s Methodist Church, St. Michaels, Md., will occupy the pulpit at Rhode Island Avenue Methodist Church tomorrow morn ing and evening. The pastor, Dr. R. W. White, who is spending his vacation at Ocean City, Md., will return next week and be in his pulpit on August 27. The Men's Bible Class will be taught at 9:30 a.m. by the assistant teacher, R. L. Pile. The Thursday night services ari under the direction of the president of the Official Board. Harry i,. Strang, Jr., a layman of the congre gation, will lead the service# throughout August. The pastor will resume the leadership in September. Special Bible study will be followed on Thursday nights beginning in' October. Sermons Announced At Calvary Baptist The Rev. Frank E. Johnston, Jr., assistant minister at Calvary Bap tist Church, will preach tomorrow morning on "A Portrait of Faith,” and in the evening on "The Toler ance of Christ.” He will be assisted at this latter service by Miss Ruby Harrte and Frank L. Culley. The Neighborhood project for the children will continue until after Labor Day under the direction of Miss Ruth Clark. The "Happy Hour” will be held on Friday evening and the social for parents on Sunday from 6 to 7 p.m. Mrs. Mary Frances Johnston wilF be the teacher of the Burrall Class tomorrow morning for the commit tee chairman. Miss Margaret Jus tice, Miss Nora Ellis Maddox and Miss Selma Last will take part In the program. First Reformed. The Rev. George M. Cummings will occupy the pulpit in place of Dr. James D. Buhrer, who is on his vacation. * ©thrr 8>rrtiirrfl Dr. Charles A. Shreve Jopps I «dtt Masonic Temple. Ga. Are. at Upshur St. 11 sOO a.m.—Morning Worship 7:45 p.m,—“Christ Calling Still.” Ererjbody Welcome All the Time. Phone ADimi *847. lEpifimpai Eptflrnjml i . — -- — Washington Cathedral Wisconsin and Massachusetts Avenues j and Woodley Road Holy Communion_7:30 and 0 30 am Morning Prayer and 8ermon 11 00 a m Preacher. Canon Wedel I People's Evensong and Sermon 4 no p m Preacher, the Rev. Edward Oabler. ST. AGNES’ CHURCH 4fl Que Street N.W. Key. A J. Dubois. S. T. B . Rector. Sunday Masses 7 and 10 a m. Mass Daily 7am ! Fri.. 8 p.m.—Benediction. St. Margaret’s Conn. Aye. and Bancroft Place. REV. HERBERT SCOTT SMITH. D. D.. RECTOR. 7:30 a m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer. The Rector will preach Thursday—Holy Communion at 11 a m. &aint JWarfe’s • ON CAPITOL HILL” Third and A Streets Southeast 7:30 a m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon Rev. Francis A. Gray. CHURCH OF ST. STEPHEN AND THE INCARNATION Sixteenth and Newton Streets N.W. The Rev. Paul D. Wilbur. Rector. The Rev. Arthur LeB. Kibble. Priest in Charge. Holy Communion_7:30 am Morning Prayer and Sermon._11:00 a m. WEEKDAY SERVICES: _ , Thursday Holy Communion_10:00 a.m. ROCK CREElTPARISH REV. F. J. BOHANAN. D. D. A The Country Church in the City ST. PAUL’S CHURCH Webster St and Rock Creek Church Rd. Services 8:30 and 11:00 a m. HOLY COMFORTER CHAPEL 7th and Oglethorpe Sts. N.W. REV. JOHN 8 KROMER. Services at 7:30 and 10 a m. — Epiphany 1317 G Street N.W. Rev. Z. B. Phillips. D. D.. LL. D. Rev. Duncan Fraser. B. A. 8:00 a m—Holy Communion. f 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Fraser. 8:00 p m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Fraser. ST. JAMES’CHURCH 222 8th St. N.E.—Tel. All. 1746 THE REV A. Q. PLANE Sunday Masses. 7:30 and 11 Church 8chool at 9:30 a.m Vespers. 7:30 pm. Daily Mass. 7 a.m.: Holy Hour Thura. 8 D.m Confessions. 8at. 7-9 p.m. St. Thomas’ Church 18th Street. Between P and Q. Near Dupont Circle. Rev. H. S. Wilkinson. D D . Rector. Rer. Rodney F. Cobh in Charge for August. Sunday. 8 a m.—Holy Communion. 11:00 am.—Shortened Morning Prayer. Litany and Sermon “Two Men Went to Church.’* Thursday—St. Bartholomew s Day— 11 a m . Holy Communion SAlNf70HN’S CHURCH 16th and H Streets 8:OOam—Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m.—Summer Session of Church School. 11:00 a m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. Preacher. Rev. Mr. Acton. All Souls’ Memorial Church Cathedral and Conn. Atm. N.W. REV. H. D. STERRETT. Rector. A on a m —Holy Communion 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sermon. - ST. JOHN’S, GEORGETOWN 32*0 O St. NJF. Her F. BLAND TUCCTR, Rector. 7:30 a m.—"Holy Communion. I 61:00 a.m—Morning Prayer and Sermon. Thursday. 10:00 a.m. fHftfrohigt (Cfrurrh Headquarters—Methodist Building, 100 Maryland Ave. N.L *«*?»>>« Bishop. Edwin Holt Hashes, D. D.. LL. D. District Superintendent G. Ellis Williams. D. D. Church School in All Churches ot 9:45 A.M. McKENDREE . MASONIC HALL _ Rhode Island and Mills Are N.E. Rev. Samuel E Rose. D. D., Minister. Worship 11 A.M and 8 P.M. RYLAND 10th and D Sts. S.W. „ Rev. K. G Newell. Worship. 0:30 AM and 11:00 AM. DOUGLAS MEMORIAL 11th and H Sts. N.E. Rev. Clarence H. Corkran. Minister. Worship. 11 A.M. and 8 P.M. TRINITY 5th and Penna. Are. S.E. Rev. Edward B Wilcox. Minister. 11:00 a m.—"Still Waters.” Dr. Wilcox 8:00 p.m.—Union Service at Church of the Brethren. 4th and North Caro lina Ave. S I . "The Success of Fail ure.” Dr. Wilcox. _CALVARY Columbia Rd. Near Fifteenth Si. N.W. ORRIS GRAVENOR ROBINSON. Minister. < LOUIS POTTER. Minister of Music. Two Morning Services at 8:30 and 11 O’Clock No Evening Service. WAUGH Third and A Streets N.E. Clarkson R. Banes. Minister. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. ELDBROOKE Wisconsin Arc. and River Rd. N.W. Rev. Walter M Michael. D.D.. Mlnlater. Worship. 7 A.M. and 11 A.M WESLEY Connecticut Are. and Jocelyn St. Rer. J. Lather Neff. Minister 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. petworth K. R. Are. and Omt Circle N.W. Dr Frank Steelma" Minister Worship. 11 A.M an:i 7:30 P M. HAMLINE rnth and Allison Sts. NW Rev. H. W. Barren. D. D,. Minister. Worship, 11 A.M. UNION «*th Street Near Penn. Are. N.W. JOHN R. EDWARDS. D. D.. Minuter. Divine Worship—11 am. end 8 p.ra. WOODSIDE SSI 4 Geerrla Avenue. (Silver 8prlni Maryland.! Rey. R. D Smith. Ph. D.. Mlnlater. 11:00 a m.—Momlnr Worship. Metropolitan Memorial The National Chnreh Nebraska and New Mexico Arenaem. WILLIAM ANDREW REESE Mlnlater. 11:00 a m,—The Rer. Klein K. Had d a w a r . M t. OU ret Chnreh. Arllnftan. FOUNDRY r,Vs, “The Church of the State*” FREDERICK BROWN HARRIS, Minister Sermons by In. Cbsstson Smith, D. D. 1100am.—"MAN’S SENSE OF WONDER." 8:00 p.m.—"VICTIMS OF A PERVERTED TASTE.” Mount Vernon Place TzXTti: The South's Representative Church DR. JOHN W. RUSTIN, Minister. 11:00 a.m.—“GAINING A PERSONAL CREED.” 8:00 p.m_"HEAVEN.” BISHOP EDWIN HOLT HUGHES. Gmt Preaobtr. > I