Newspaper Page Text
Italian Bonds Sag As Market Watches Crisis Abroad Domestic Corporates Also Resume Slide In Slow Session ——_______ | Bond Averages — 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. R'»n. Net change —.1 unc unc, unc. Today, close 56.2 100.3 96.3 58.5 Prey, dav .. 56.3 100.3 96.3 58.5 Month ago 58.6 100.6 97.0 61.3 Year ago . 59.1 99 6 93.2 62.9 1939 high.. 64.9 100.8 97.5 64.0 1939 low .. 53.4 97.0 919 58.2 1938 high- 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low... 45.8 40 0 64.6 42.2 1928 high-101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close 111.9 Prev. day 111.9 M'nth ago 112.3 Year ago. 109.9 1939 high 112.6 1939 low 110.2 1938 high 110.7 1938 low. 106.7 ,• 1928 high 104.4 1932 low. 869 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) Ey the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 19—Italian bonds slipped in a soggy market to day as traders nervously watched another European crisis take shape Italy 7s dropped more than a point, along with some of the Ital ian municipal and utility issues. Dealings were light. Domestic corporate bonds also re sumed a decline in moderate trading in step with a sagging stock market. 1 Brokers said the threat of a show down between Germany and Poland sepmed to be the dominant depres sent on speculative sentiment. T T m t tirl Ctotor Teoociivu rvnn _ erally were marked down a little With the rank and file of the list. Off fractions to more than a point at one time were American & For •» eign Power 5s, Commonwealth Edison 3'2s. Cuba^ Northern Rail way 5>2s, Consolidated Oil Con vertible 3'js. New York Central 5s. Southern Pacific 3Us and New York Steam 312s. Countering the main trend for fractional gams were United States Steel 3 Us, Pennsylvania General 4t2s and Pacific Telephone 3'4s Third Avenue Railway Adjustment 5s and the 4s of 1960 advanced more than a point. Washington Produce BUTTER—00 score 1-pound prints. 2b. tub. 25. «-pound prints. 2 7. 02 score, tub. 2* !4-pound prints. 2s MEATS—Choice beet IV good beef, lb 171 2- calves 1 b-1 7. spring iambs 2 I . vrai 16-18; perk loin 20-21; smoked regular ham 12-23. groked skinned ham 24; large smoked skinned ham 20-21 :• bacon, sliced 28 bacon, piece 23. compound. 1“ pure lard 8*2 LIVESTOCK — Pu;s J20-14“ pounds. 4 80-5.05. light nigs 14“-15o pound5 5.05 5:3o. 150-200 pounds 5 30-5 55 210-250 pounds. 4 8o-4 05 250-300 pound?. 4.3o 4 8o calve? good grade 0 down lamb? £*■2 down buck .nmb? 1 00 less; sows 2.80-2 05. stag? 1 so down. From Agricultural Marketing Service. Price? paid net f.o.b. Washington: EGOS—Marke1 steady For eggs candled and graded in Washington 'August 10> White. U S. evras. large 27: U. S extra? medium5 23. U S standard?, large 23: U. S standards medium?. 18. U S trader 17 For resrbv ungraded eggs Current receipts, whites. 17 to IT1-; mix®d colors 15* 4 to lb LIVE POULTRY—Marke* steady Fowl 1 Colored all sizes. 14 to 15; No. 2s. in to 12 Leghorns. 10 to 11 roosters. P to 1". Chickens Virginia Rocks, broilers and fry ers. all sizes. I 8. No. 2s. 121 ■ tp 13. Dela ware Rocks ard crosses, broilers and fri ers. all sizes jb to IT No 25 1° mixe-1 colored fryers. 14 Leghorns, broilers sizes. 14 Turkeys: Old toms. 12 to 13 old hens. 15. » - i .... . .. Insurance Stocks NEW YORK Aug IP (TV—Investment Bankers' Conference Inc.: . _ Bid. Asked. Aetna Cas <3a' .. ... 100 11.2 •Aetna Ins (l.bOt.. 45i4 4 Aetna Life <) 20a»_ 30 3** Am Equit O' _ •ui’ 7 Am Ins Nwk <1 ;• a )_ ] 314 ARems (1.60).__ 41?4 $;p4 Am Reserve <1>2) __ ‘MS 2.V4 + Am Surety 21 v •_ _7 51’ » 6312 A'ltomolvlr t 1 a . ii Bair Amer * 'Ja t . _. 94 74 Carolina * 1.301 _ •*♦>4 Citv of N Y '1 -o* . I"! >44 Conn Gen Liir * ho) __ 29 Contin Cas *1 2(*a 1_~ 3::4 354 Fid A* Dop <1» 128 J30 Firemen s Nwk 4.40>__ it 104 Frank Fire 'la* _ ___ 294 304 Gen Remsur <la» . _ 41 4 434 Georg Home Ma _ *\*{t4 254 G’ens Falls . _1 394 404 Globe A Ren (4* _ _ 104 1*4 r Globe A Ruf _ 19 *M4 Gf Amer Ins <la» __ 26 4 *’8 Hanover t 1 .20 > __ 27 ««4 Hartford Fire <2> __III1I 784 794 Home Fire Spc _ 14 24 Home Ins M .20a 1_ 314 334 Homestead 'It _ j;i4 js«4 Knickerbnf ker 1 Ho*___ 94 J04 Lincoln Firp _ 24 24 Maryland Cas __II. I 94 34 1 Mass Bond <34* _ I 584 5s Mere Ins Fr _ _ 3 4 4 l Natl Fire (2» _ . 594 814 Natl Liberty t 20a» __ _ -4 *4 N Hampshire < 1 »>oji» _ 454 474 j N V Firp ill-- j.V*. J7>. Nor Fast ins . . . _ . 14 54 Nor River m _ _ 254 °7 Phoenix <2a> _ 78 An Prov Wash (1 » _. 33 35 Rep Tns Tex *I.2o> 24 *'.‘>4 1 Revere (p, ln d.20a«._ 24 254 , Rh Is] Ins 3 44 S' Paul Fire <K' _ _ 232 938 8pr: n afield 44a* __ 123 ]•»♦> Su». Life *35*_ 370 420 Travelers (19* _ 44 3 453 U S F d A G *1*_I 204 21 34 U S F re <2>._ _ 504 524 Westchester (J.20at 32 34 a - Also extra or extras g—Declared or paid so far this year, e—Paid last year. Quotations furnished by Investment Bankers Conference. Inc, which states they do not necessarily reflect actual transactions or firm bids or offers but •hould indicate approximate prices. -- Short-Term Securities (Reported by Smith, Barney A Co » j _ . Bid. Offer ! Ala Gt South * A ns 43 1094 1104 Alleghany Coro Cv 5s 44 7 34 74 ; Amer Tpi A Tel 54s 43 _ lit* Jln4 Austin A- Northwest 5s 4 1 52 59s* Baldwin Loco Wks 5s 40 I014 Central Foundry Hs 41 no 96 Chicago Union Sta 4s 44 1064 107 Container Corp 5s 43 1004 1004 Cuba North Rwvs 54s 42 27 4 284 ! Delaware A* Hudson 4s 43 5H4 564 j Illinois Steel 4 4s 4<* _ j<*24 103 Inti Hvdro-Elec Hs 44 _ 834 84 s* i Inti Merc Marine Hs 41 55 4 57 4 I Lakr EriP A West 5s 41 _ 62 88 Lehich Val Term Ry 5s 41. 54s* 65 Louisville A* Nash 4s 40 _ 1(H); HOH Michigan Central 4s 4«» 993* joo Midland RR of N J 5s 40 94 12 N Y A Long Branch 4s 41, 744 Pennsylvania Co 34s 41 103 Fenn-Dixie Cement 6s 41 ion 1004 Penna R R Co 4s 43 109 1094 Peop es G L A C 6s 43 116 J17 Peoria A Eastern 4s 40 _ 48 484 * i 4% v* aan t.' to j i i i 1 1 2 S/udrbaker Coro Hr 4 5 tsp>4 PI l/’xa.s Ar N Orleans 5s 4.t 7m Union Oil of calif 6s 42 IIIS 115 vanadium Coro 5s 41 1<»] iMt> Warren Bro» 6s 41 ;iPJ4 4] Western N Y * Pa 4s 43 1«•♦>»4 107 White Sew Machine 6s 4m 101*4 _ U. S. Treasury Notes (Reported dv Smith Barney & Co.> Rale—Maturity Bid. Offer. 1\ Sept. 15. ::ti. _ 100 2-32 1* f>er 15. .39 ldl 10-32 101 12-32 1 « Mar. In. 40-mi 18-32 101 20-32 1 1 ; June 15. 40 nu 19-32 10121-32 1 . Dec 15. 40. 10131-32 102 1-32 1. Mar. 15. 41. _ 102 9-32 102 11-32' 1» 3une is. 41 102 10-32 102 12-3" ! ‘ j Dee- 15. 4!_ _ 102 18-32 102 20-32 i ' 15. 42. 103 28-32 1 03 30-32 1 fept. 15. 42- 105 8-32 105 10-32 1% Dec. 15. 42 104 22-32 104 24-32 1 Jtine 15 43 . 102 14-32 102 10-3" 4,« Der 15 43 [02 10-32 102 18-3" ■« June 15. 44 100 17-32 100 19-32 Baltimore Stocks Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE. Aus. 19 •Hee STOCKS H:ch Low. Close. 60 Arundel Corp 21 21 21 140 Baltimore Transit 46 45 45 16 Fidelity A: Dep 128 128 128 ' 2 Fidelity & Guar 29% 29% 29% lOMerch Sr Miners 12 12 12 242 D S Fidel & Guar 20% 20% 20% L { NEW YORK BOND MARKET (Eastern Daylight Saving Time// •y private wife direct la The Star TREASURY. *4a 1949-63_ 106. 106. 106. 2«i* 1945-47_ 108.26 108.26 108.26 2*s 19*0-65_ 107.2 107.2 107.2 3a 1946-48 _110.19 110.19 110.19 34* 1946-49_ 111.10 111.10 111.10 348 1943-45_ 109.31 109.31 109.31 3 4a 1943-47 _ 110.10110.10110.10 34* 1946-56 _115.6 115.6 115.6 48 1944-54 . 115.6 115.6 115.6 Hlth. Low. Close. FOREIGN BONDS. High Low. Close Abitlbl PlfeP 6a 53 .. 424 42V, 424 Argentine 4a 72 Feb.. 774 774 774 Argentine 4 4a 48_ 92 914 914 Argentine 4 4s T1_ 864 864 864 Australia 44* 5*_ 894 894 894 Australia 5a 55_ 964 964 964 Australia 5s 67 _ 954 954 954 Brazil 6 4s 1927-57... 134 134 134 Brazil 8s 41 _ 154 154 154 Buen Air 4 4-4 4a 77. 54 54 54 B A 414-44a 76 Aug. 534 534 534 Canada 3s 67 _ 102 102 102 Canada 4s 60_ 1994 1094 1094 Canada 5s 62_ 109 109 109 Chile 6s 60 _ 144 144 144 Chile 6a 60 assd_ 104 104 114 Chile 6s 61 Jan ... 144 144 144 Chile 6s 61 Jan assd.. 104 104 lost Chile 6s 61 Pent _ 144 144 '44 Chile 6s 63 aasd _ 104 104 104 Chile 7s 42 assd 104 104 104 Chilean Mun L 7s 60 . 13 13 13 Cuba 54*45 _ 65 65 65 Denmark 44s 62_ 81 804 81 Denmark 6s 42 _ 944 94 944 Ger Gen Elec 7s 45... 534 534 534 Ger Govt 5V»s 65 ... 164 164 164 German Govt 7s 49 ... 204 204 204 Italv 7s 51 _ 68 564 57 Ital P U Crd 7s 52_ 424 414 414 Japan 64s 54 _ 67 67 67 Lombard El 7s 52_ 564 554 564 Medellin 64* 54 ... 134 134 134 Met Water 54s 50_ 98 98 98 Milan 6Us 52 .. 43 43 43 New So Wales 5s 68 .. 924 924 924 Norway 4s 63 _ 100 994 994 Norway 44s 66 _ 104 1034 1034 Panama 5s 63 *t asd 704 704 704 Panama 54a 53 1044 1044 1044 Paris Orl P.y f.4s 68 994 994 994 r>i e» f. en a o» Peru 2d 6s 61 8 8 8 Queensland fis 47_11134 1034 1034 Queensland 7s 41_1024 1024 1024 Rumania 7s 59 _ 184 18 18 Tokvo FI Lt 6s 53_ 494 494 494 Yokohama 6s 61 _ 504 504 504 DOMESTIC I0NDS. Allied Stores 44s 51 944 944 944 Allis Chalmers 4s 62 109 1084 109 Am & For Pw 5s 2030 584 58 58 Am Inti 5 4s 49 ... 1034 1034 1034 AmTAT64s43 _ 110ft, 110/, 110ft, Anaconda dh 4 >,s50 . 107 1064 1064 A TAS Fe 4s fin 1)4 94 94 A TAS Fe cen 4s 95 1094 109 109 Atl Coast L 1st 4s 52 . 824 82*. 824 Atlantic P.efin 3s 53 . 104'a 104', 1044 Baldwin Loco 5s 40 . 1014 1014 1014 B A O 1st 4s 48 ._ 60 60 60 B A O con v 4 4s 60_ 11 11 11 B A O 4 4 s 60 ct- 11 104 104 B A O ref 5s 95 _ 194 194 194 B A O 5s 96 F _ 184 I84 184 BAOBs96Fct .. 19 19 19 B A O rf 5s 2000 p ct 20 20 20 B A O Swn 6s 50 ct . 404 40'.. 404 Beil T of Pa 5s 48 B._ 1174 1174 1174 Beth Steel 3 4s 62 .. 1004 100 100 Beth S'eel 3*. s 66 .. IO44 1044 104', Bos A Me 5s 67 .. 304 294 30 . Bklvn Cltv R 6s 41 . . 644 644 644 Bklyn Man T 4 4s 66 77 77 77 Bklvn Fn K1 5s 60 _ 864 86 86 Rklvn Fn G 5s 57 B . 1044 104", 104*, Rklvn Fn G rf 6s 47 _ 114*. 1144 114", Buff G F 4 Vis 81 . HO', 1104 llOt, B R A P cn 4 V,s 57 ct. .324 324 32*. Calif Orec Pwr 4s 66 1024 1024 1024 Canada South 6s 62 . 89 89 89 Canadian NR 4 Vis 51. 115 115 115 Can NR 4 Vis 57 _ 1154 1154 1154 Can NR 5s 69 Oct_1184 1184 118", Can Pac db 4s nerp_ 704 70 70 CanPac4Hs4fi _ 954 95 954 Can Pac 44s 60_ 814 814 8I4 Can Pac 5s 64 _ 914 914 914 Car A Gen 5s 50 .. 944 914 944 Cent of N .1 gen 5s 87. 134 134 134 Cent N J cn 6s 87 TK . 13 13 13 Cent Pac 6s 60 47 47 47 Cham PAF 44* 38-50 1024 1024 102*. ('hfs () £ « Qfi n GCj 1 _ qq oui . Chl&EHlBsil ... 15 14', 14', Chi & E 111 5s 51 ct_ 15 15 15 Chi Grt West 4s 59 .. 194 19 19s Chi Ind & L rf 6s 47.. 12', 12', 124 Chi Mil & St P 4s *9 .. 20 20 20 Chi Mil & St P 5s 75 64 6', fit, CMStP&PadJ 6s 2000 2 2 2 Chi & NW cv 4 S s 49 . 3 3 3 Chi & NW gen 5s 87 _. 114 114 114 Chi&NW rf 5s 2037.. 74 7s 74 Chi Ul&P rf 4s 34 .. 54 5 5 Chi Rl&P rf 4s 34 ct 44 44 44 Chi R 1 & P cen 4s 88 11 11 11 Chi RI&P 4 4s 62 A 64 64 Chi Rl&P4«,s52A cfs 54 54 54 Chi Un Sta 3\s 63 . 108 l#s 108 Chi Un Sta 4s 44 _ 1064 1064 1064 Childs & Co 5s 43 .. 68 68 68 Clev Cn Ter 54® 72_. 891, 89 89 C0I0&So 44880 .. 274 274 274 Col G&E os 52 May.. 1034 103", 103'* Col G&E 5s 61 _ 1034 1034 1034 Com w Ed 3 8, s 68 . 117 1164 117 Cons Fid N V 3 8»s 46. 1054 1054 1054 Cons Fid N Y 34* 5g_ 107 107 107 Cons Oil 34s 51_ 103 103 103 Conti Oil 24* 48_105S 105 105 Crane Co 3 4s 51_ 104 104 104 Cuba Northn 58ts 42. 27 27 27 Del & Hud ref 4s 43.. 55 544 544 Det Edison 44 61 .. Ills Ills U1S DuquesneLt 3 84s 65. 109s 109S 1094 Erie pen 4s 96_ 1714 1714 174 Erie ref 5s 67_ 9S 9S 9S Erie ref 5s 75_ 98, 9 9 Fla E C Ry 5s 74_ 7 7 7 Gen Stl Cast 5 84 s 49.. 594 594 594 Goodrich 4 Vis 56 ... IO44 104N 104', Grt Nor Ry 8*,s 67 ... 74 74 74 Grt Nor 4s 46 G 96 96 96 Grt N R pn 4>*s 77 E 8114 814 814 Hoe <R) 1st mtp 44 70 70 70 Hudson Coal 5s 62 A. 3D, 3D, 3D, Hud & Man Inc 6s 57. 134 134 134 Hud & Man ref 6s 57. 464 464 464 ICC&StL NO 4 84s 63. 44 44 44 ICC&StL NO 6s 63 49 49 49 Indust Rayon 4 84s 48 974 97 974 Inter R T 1st rf 5s 66 60 59', 594 Inter RT 6s 32 _ 334 32'. 334 Inter RT 7s 32 . . 564 56', 564 Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52. 11 10 10 Int Grt Nor adj 6s 52. 14 14 14 Int Hydro El 6s 44 .. 83 824 824 Int Paper ref 6s 65_ 904 90s 90S Int T&T 4 84s 52_ 564 554 564 Int T&T 5s 55_ 60 60 60 Kans C FtS&M 4s 36 . 26 4 25 4 254 Koppers Co 4s 51_ 1034 1034 1034 Laclede Gas 6s 42 A— 484 484 484 Leh Vai Coal 5s 64_ 24 24 24 Leh Val Coal 5s 74 __ 22 22 22 L V RR 4s 2003 asd._ 134 134 134 Lion Oil 4Vis 52_ 954 954 954 Loew's 3 8,s 46- 1034 1034 1038k La & Ark 5s 69 .. ... 844 84'-, 844 L& Nash unif 4s 40.. lOOti 100*, 100H jj X i\asn e^s zuua_»94 »94 894 L & X 5s 2003 B 98 98 98 LAN So Mon jt 4s 62- 734 734 734 Manatl Sugar 4s 57... 27 264 264 Alanhat Kv 4s 00 . 574 574 574 Marlon St Shov 6s 47. 54 54 54 Market St Ry 7s 4C__. 524 524 524 Alead Co 6s 45 .. 104 104 104 Allch Cons Gas 4s 68. 1024 1024 1024 Mo K & T 1st 4s 90... 264 264 264 Mo K & T 5s 62 A_ 17 164 17 Mo P«c 4s 75 _ 3(, 34 34 Mo Pao 6s 77 F_ 134 134 134 Mo Pac 5s 80 H_ 134 134 134 Mo Pac 5s 811_ 134 134 134 Mo Pac 61*8 49_ 24 24 24 Mob* Ohio 41*s 77.. 224 224 224 Mob A Ohio 6s 88_ 254 254 254 Monong Pub S 6s 65.. 1104 110 110 Mont Power S\s (I . 1004 100 100 MorrlsAEs 84*2000- 384 384 384 Morris A Es 44* 55_ 35 35 85 Nashv C&L 4s 78_ 67 67 67 Nassau Elec 4s 51_ 40 40 40 Nat Dairy 84s 51 ww 1064 106 106 Natl Distill 84s <».. 1044 1044 1044 Natl Steel 3s 65 1024 1024 1024 New Orl G N R 5s 83 74 74 74 New Orl Ter 1st 4s 63 684 684 684 N Y Central 3 4* 97 .. 804 804 804 N Y Central S\s 46 734 734 734 N Y Cent rf 44 * 2018 46 454 454 N Y Cent rf Bs 2018 52 514 52 N Y C&StL 6 4* 74 A 57 57 57 N Y Conn 1st 44 * 68. 1054 1054 1054 NY NH & H 4s 56. — 124 124 124 NY NH & H cv 6s 48- 13 13 13 l Hieh. Low. Cljse. NY Steam S4s 63 „ 106 106 106 N Y SAW Ren 6s «0._. 6 6 6 N Y Tel gen 44sS9__ 1008* 100*. 1004 N Y WAB 44s 46 ... 24 24 24 Norf Southn 6s 61 84 84 84 North Am 3 4 a 64 _. 1064 106 1064 Nor’n Pac gn 3s 2047. 444 444 444 Nor'n Pao 4a 97 _ 694 69 69 Nor'n Pac 6a 2047 564 56 564 NArth Sta Pw 3 4s 67 108 108 108 Okla GAE 4s 46 ... 1034 1037* 1034 OntPwr Niag 5s 43 ... 1124 1124 1124 Oreg Sh L 6* 46 gtd .. 1184 1184 1184 Oregon W HR 4s 61.. 106 1054 106 Otis Steel 44a 62 744 744 744 Pac TAT rf 34* 66 B 1094 109 109 Param't Pic 3 V*s 47_ 914 914 914 Penn Co 4s 63 lu4 104 104 Penn RR 34* 52_ 854 854 854 Penn RR 3*4 s 70 89 89 89 Penn RR cn 4* 48 stp. 113 113 113 Penn RR gn 44*65 . 1004 1004 1007* Penn RR db 44* 70.. 88 874 874 Penn RR gen 5s 68 . 1074 1074 1077* Peo GLAC 5s 47 reg.. 114 114 114 Pere Mara 5s 56 634 63 63 Phelps Dodge 34* 68 1074 1074 107*4 Phila Co 5s 67 ... 105 105 105 Phila Elec 3 4a 67 .. 110 110 110 Phila R C A lr 6s 73 .. 104 104 104 Phila R C A Ir 6s 49.. 34 34 34 PCCASt L 4 4s 77_ 994 99 99 PCCAStL 6s 70 A . 107 107 107 Pi MAW Va 4 4S 60 C- 274 274 274 Port Gen El 4 4s 60 . 784 78 784 Postal Tel A C 5s 63 124 124 124 Pub Svc EAG 8V„s 68 112 1114 1114 Public Sv 1st 3 4a 68. 1084 1074 1074 Purity Baking 5s 48 . 1034 1034 1034 Reading R 4'is 97 B 72 72 72 Rem Rand 44s 66 ww 1034 1034 1034 Republic Stl 4 4s 56 944 944 944 Republic Stl 4 4s 61. 93 92 4 924 Republic Sll 54s 54 106 105 106 Rio G W col 4s 49 A.. 134 134 134 St L R MAP 5s 55 ... 604 604 604 St l.-San Fr 4s 50 A.. 8 8 8 StL-San Fr 4s 60 ct.. 8 8 8 Stl^-San Fr 4 4s 78 .. 8 8 8 Seabd A L 4s 50 stp _ 9 84 84 Seabd A L rf 4s 59 ct. 34 34 34 ; Silesian Am 7s 41_ 65 65 65 Simmons Co 4s 52 .. 100 100 100 Rn PgIa Ptrr (tc A 104 1 A I 104 SoPae3*is46 _ 65% 55% 55% So Pao ref 4s 55_ 59% 69% 59% So Pac 4 %s 68_ 41% 41% 41% So Pac 4 % s 69_ 42 41 42 So Pac 4 %s 81 .. 41% 41 41% So Pac Oreg 4 %s 77.. 46 45% 46 So Ry gen 4s 56 A_ 51% 50% 51% So Ry 6s 94 _ 85% 85% 85% SoRy6%s66 _ 73% 73% 73', S W Rail Tel 3s 63 ... 108 108 108 Stand Oil N J 3s 61 105 105 105 Studebaker cv 6s 45.. 85", 85 85% Texas Corn 3s 59 ... 104% 104% 104% Texas Corp 3*%s 51_105% 105% 105', Third Av ref 4s 60_ 45 43 45 Third A v adj 5a 60 11 9% 11 Un Pacific 1st 4s 77._ 113% 113% 113% Un Pac ref 4s 2U08 ... 108% 108% 108% United Drug 5s 53_ 80 80 80 U S Steel 3 %s 48_ 106% 106', 106% Utah LAT 5s 44 ... 101% 101% 101% Utah Pwr A Lt 5s 44. 101% 101% 101% , Va Ry 1 st 3 31 s 66_108% 108% 108% Wabash 1st 5s 39_ 36% 36% 36% Wabash 2d 5s 39 _ 15% 15% 15% West Sh 1st 4s 2361 ._ 49% 49 , 49% West Pacific 5s 46 A. 17% 17% 17*,; West Pac 5s 46 A as . 17% 17% 17% West Union 4Hs 50.. 65 65 65 West Union 6s 51_ 70 70 70 West Union 6s 60 .. 68% 68% 68% Wheel Steel 4 %s 66.. 97% 96% 96% Wilkes BAE 5s 42 ... 8% 8% 8% Wis C SAD T 4s 36 . 5% 5% Wis C SAD T 4s 36 ct 4*. 4% 4% Wis El Pw 3 %s 68 108% 108% 106% Youngst'n SAT 4s 48 104 , 101 , 104%. Youngst'n SAT 4s 61. 105% 105% 105% ■ e, ■ increase in uve jiock Marketings Predicted E» the Auonited Pres*. Plenty of beefsteak, pork chops and ham and lamb will be avail able for the public the rest of this year and the first part of 1940, the Agriculture Department reported yesterday. In a general summary ol the Na tion's livestock situation, the Bu reau of Agriculture Economics pre j dieted that marketings of livestock j in the next few months would be larger than a year earlier Most of the increase will be in hogs and grainfed cattle, it was said, because of the large corn crop this year and the surplus corn car ried over from last year's crop. Drought conditions in the North- ■ east and Western range areas also are expected to affect marketing, i Cattle, sheep and lambs normally fed in these regions will be marketed in larger numbers. The bureau predicted, however, that the total number of hogs, j cattle, sheep and other livestock on farms at the start of the next year would be larger than a year earlier. Chicago Stock Market CHICAGO. Aug. IP 4’ —Following is the complete list of transactions on the Chicago Stock Exchange today. Sale*; STOCKS High Low Last. | CO Allis-Ch Mfg _ 31 3. 313. 313* 231 Am Tel A Tel 163*. 162s. 1H27. 1 50 Armour a Co 33-« 3*4 334 J30 Aviation Corp . 334 3s. 334 ! 5<» Backstay-Welt .V* 5’i 5*2 ! 5o Bastian-Bless 16>„ lo** io». i loofiendix Av 227a 227* 227. ' 1<hi Bprehofl Brew Hi'4 10 10'4 j 150 Bliss A Laughlin IP1* 10'2 lP’a i>oo Bora-Warner CC,2 221. 22*« 52 Campbell Wyant ]o>4 lo»4 ]o«4 1'MiCen A S W Ut l3. J3* J3. j 50 Cen S' a P A L pf 6 57« 57« 5o Chi Flex Shaft To TO To 15o Chrysler Corp 7SS. THV« 7S*4 . loo cities Serv 5 5 5 4200 Com with Edis 20*2 20*4 2P*i 5o Cons Oil T T 7 20 Cont Steel 24 3« 243« 243. I 05 Crane Co mi. ifi iq jimcunnmeh D Strs 19 ](t ]!) 30 Deere & Co 17s, 17% 17s, 1 1 o Dixie-Vortex 10% ]o‘« in1, 50 Fairbanks Morse 29% 29', 29s, 50 Filz Simons A Co 12% 12% 12% I 300 Puller Mfg 2s, 2s, 2s, 35 Gen Am Trans 47'* 47', 47% 40 Gen Foods _ . 46', 45’, 45’, 2oo Gen Motors 44s, 44’, 44’, 50 Gen Out Advert 4S 4% 4s, 25 Gillette Saf R 6% 6% 6%; 105 Goodyear TAR 25s, 25', 25% lOOGt Lakes Dredge 22% 22% 22% 300 Heileman (Gi Br 9 9 9 JOHoud-Her B 11% 11% 11% 70 111 Cent R R 1"% 10s, 16% 35 Inland Steel 71s. 71s, 71s* 32 Int Harvester 51s, 51% 51% 5o Jarvis I W BI- 13% 13% 13% 50 Joslyn Mfg A Sup 45 45 45 50 Leath A Co 3 3 3 20 Leath A Co pf 26 26 26 50 Lion Oil Ref 12 12 12 3oo Loudon Pack- 1", 1% 1', 250 Marsh Field 13% 13V, 13% 13o McQuav-Norris 33 33 33 100 Mickelberry's Fd 3 3 3 1050 Mid West Com 9 8s/, S’, 165 Montg Ward 48s, 4S>, 48'-, lOONobhtt SDarks 8% 8s, 8% 10 No W Ut ~r< pf 21 21 21 20 Penn R R 16s, 16s., 16s, 44 Peoples G L A C 37’-, 37’, 37’. 50 Pines Winter s« s. s. 50 Quaker Oats _ 125 124% 125 lo Quaker Oats Pf . 153s. 153s, 1571s, 207 Sears Roeb 75% 74’. 75', 30 Spieael Inc _ 10s. 10s. 10s. loostd Oil Ind 24', 24', 24V. 30 Stewart-Warn_ 7>, 7‘, 7', 85 Swift A Co_ 17s, 17s, 17s, 55 Union Carbide __ 76’. 76s, 76s, 5o Unit Air Lines_ 10s, 10', 10% 200 Walgreen _ 20 19s, 19s, 175 West Un Tel_ 21s, 21s, 21s. 82 Westineh El A M_ 100s, 09s, liai’. 60 Wrigley iWi Jr__ 83s, 83s, 83s. 150 Zenith Radio 17 16% 16% BONDS. 52000 Comwhh EdiS-._ 117% 116% 117% Stock sales today—13.000. Bond sales today—52.IKK). New York Produce NEW YORK. Aug. 19 uP).—Eggs, 17,830; Quiet. Mixed colors Fancy to extra fancy. 18 V4 22*4; standards. 18 firsts, lfi-lfl1*; sec onds. 14s4-l534: mediums. 14V*; dirties. No. 1. 14*/«. average checks. 1.314. Whites: Resale of premium marks. 28 30‘*. Nearby and mid-Western. premium marks. J25-27V4; exchange specials. 24 241*: exchange standards. 21. Resale of nearby heavier mediums. 23*4-28. Nearby and mid-Western. exchange mediums. 2112 23; pullets. 18-18. nee wees. 11-13. Pacific Coast, jumbo and premiums. 30-3134: spe cials 27*4-29‘-a; standards. 26-26V4; me diums. 24V4-25. Browns: Nearby, extra fancy. 23*4-30. Nearbv and mid-Western. exchange specials. 22*2--3: exchange standards. 10-21. Near bv. medium 20. Duck eggs: Nearbv. 18-20. Dressed poultry irregular. All fresh and frozen prices unchanged. Live poultry, by freight and express, nominal; no sales. * Butter. 907 915; Quiet. Creamerv: High er than extra 241'*-25,4i extra (92 score). : 24U; firsts <88-91), 22-£334; seconds (84 8?>. 2OV4-2I V*. Cheese, 189.898. Quiet. Prices unchanged. A ' 7 Livestock Markets Follow Irregular Course in Week Steer Prices Uneven, Hogs Recover, but Lambs Slump The following review of the livestock market for the week ended August 17 was prepared for the Associated Press by the United States Department of Agriculture: CHICAGO, Aug. 19.—Mixed price movement featured the livestock markets this week. Medium weight and heavy steers sold off 15-25c gen erally, while good and choice light yearlings held to steady levels. Hogs made noticeable recovery from re cent low levels, while spring lambs received one of the season's most severe price slashes. Top steers made $10.30, yearlings $10.15. hogs closed at $6.40 down, while the late lamb top rested at $8.50, after having sold up to $9.15 early in the week. It was distinctly a fed steer and yearling run in which good and mime sihuf.s preuonnnawu, ana buyers having numbers in their fa vor tried diligently to enforce sharply lower prices. But scarcity of little cattle offset any bearish ideas in that branch of the trade and late sales reflected no import ant price change Meanwhile, the rank and file of the steer crop, comprising medium weights and weightly bullocks, escaped with a 15-25c downturn. Top of $10.30 was paid Monday and a few loads sold later at $10125. but there was little here to sell above the $10.00 line. In fact, it was a $9.00-9.65 market on load after load of all weights in eluding 1500 pounders at $9 25. Com mon and medium grades were con spicuously scarce, it being emphat ically a run of fed cattle. Cows were scarce and canner and cutter grades made a 15-25c Advance which was not received by the good and choice quota. Several loads of light heifers turned at $9.00-9.65, a few head to $9.85, while grassy and grain on grass offerings sold from $6.50 8 25. Few western grassers arrived and there was also a limited amount of business in the Stocker and feeder , division, mostly at prices ranging downward from $9.00 to $6.50 and below. Hog Prices Recover. After having dipped last week to new low levels dating back to 1934. hog prices turned upward early in the week and closed at the high point of the period. Weights 180 lbs. down finished steady to 25c higher, while heavy butchers and sows gathered a 40 50c advance, top standing at $6 40 Thursday. Late sales of good and choice 180 270 lbs. Were mostly at $5.95-6.35 with heavier butchers at $5.40-600. Having been punished more se verely than other hogs in the re cent decline, butchers and sows made a corresponding recovery this week. Spring Lambs Drop. Spring lambs lost price ground steadily throughout the wepk. closing with a top of $8.50 after having es tablished a peak of $9.15 on Monday muni Mica ui uauvc anu ncairiu spring lambs were over a spread of $855-9.15, cumulative downturns having uncovered a net lass of 60 75c during the week. -— Chicago Grain Br the Associated Press. CHICAGO. Aug. 19.—Wheat prices rose more than a cent a bushel to day to the highest levels in about a month, reflecting reports of disturb ing European political developments. Prices in other world markets also were higher. Tending to hold the upturn in check, however, particularly in Eu ropean markets, was the hesitancy of many dealers to take market ac tion pending definite indications of the effect of the 1930-1940 United States export subsidy program, under which business could be done for the first time today. Some domestic old crop wheat was re ported sold abroad, but no an nouncement was made during the market sesaten of any business pending. Wheat closed %-l cent higher than yesterday, September. 67; De cember. 66:,s- ; corn. 14-SR up. Sep tember. 433*-1*: December, 42S-V oats t*-** higher. WHEAT— Open. Hish. Low. Close. SePt. .66', .67'. .66'. 67 Dec ,H5’. ,*>H1. ns1. May .65*b .66*8 .65*8 .66*,-'. CORN— Sept. 4i: ■ 2. .4.1 .4:i3»-', Dec. „ . 4 21 ♦ .42*4 ,42'. 42'*-*. Mav .45*, .45*, ,45‘, 45', OATS— SePt. .2»*» .2f’« .2H,2 .‘It*1. Dec ,2S*. 2R’, ,2R;2 ,2R*. Mae .2R*« .2»‘« .28*. .26'. SOY BEANS— Oct. .HS-’b .6*4* tvs‘a tie1, Dec. .67'. .67 >2^Jill. .67*8 May .70 -■'i‘*VRV*h 0!'*, RYE— x* Sept. lot, 41 .40*2 .40’8 Dec .42*2 4.7s* .42*2 4:)>, May _.45 .451* .45 45‘. LARD— Sept. 5 40 5.50 5 40 5 45 Oct. . 5.50 5.57 5.5o 5.52 Dec.- 5.55 5.62 5.55 5.60 Jan. 5,57' 5.65 5.57 5.65 BELLIES— Sept. 5.62 Chlcaao Cash Market. Cash Whpat—No. 5 hard. 67: No. 3 yel low hard 67', Com. No. 1 yellow, 45'. No. 2. 4 o'«-3 4: No. 1 white. oOU: sample. 43'2 Oars. N". 2 white, thin. 31: No. 3. 303.-311,: sample. 2f>'2-30’«. Bar ley. malttna. 47-55 nominal: feed 35-40 nominal, no. .1 mailing. iimor.ny ffpo. 3.65-00 nominal, ner hundrPdwpiiht. Red top. 8.50-ft.OO nominal. Alslke, 12.00 15.00 nominal. Wilson Will Remain As T. W. A. Chairman By the Associated Press. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 19.—Jack Frye, president of Transcontinental and Western Air. Inc., said last night T. B. Wilson, former rail and ship ping executive, would remain with T. W. A. as chairman of its Board of Directors. Wilson last April announced his intention of resigning alter Lehman Bros.’ holdings in the airline were acquired by Frye. Paul E. Richter, executive vice president, and their associates. Chicago Produce CHICAGO Aug. 19 IIP.—Butter. 934.811: eggs. 10.848; nominally steady: no prices available. Potatoes. 51: on track. 201: total C. S. shipments. 168. Supplies moderate de mand good: good quality Western Triumphs, demand moderate market slightly stronger; for ordinary quality Western Trfumpns de mand slow, market weak: for other varie ties demand slow, market, about steady. Sacked, per hundredweight Nebraska Cob blers. 85 per cent or better U. S No. I quality, unwashed car good condition. 1.10; car showing spotted sacks. 80; washed, good condition. 1.25: showing spotted sacks. MO-15: Oregon Bliss Triumphs. U. S No. 1 under ice. few sales. 1 65-15; Idaho Rus set Burbanks TJ. S. No 1 under ice. 1.70-80. mostly 1.80: Idaho Bliss Tri umphs. D. 8 No. 1 under lee. few sales, 1.55; heavy to large size showing decay, 1 25-35; Wisconsin Cobblers. 0. 8. No. 1, car. 1.10: U. 8. commercial, one car, 1.00. K Value of U. S. Homes To Show First Rise In Nearly Decade Mortgage Bankers Expect $750,000,000 Gain During This Year Br the Associated Press. CHICAGO, Aug. 19.—The Mort gage Bankers’ Association for Amer ica asserted today that the value of the Nations homes will this year show the first Important net in crease in nearly 10 years. "In the five years before the mar ket crash in 1929,” said S. M. Waters, president of the association, “more buildings were built or repaired than were tom down or destroyed, but the trend has been the other way until last year. “The Nation's city mortgage debt went from $9,000.000 000 in 1920 to $22,000,000,000 in 1930 and then dropped over $4,500,000,000 in the next seven years. “In recent years we have, in a sense, been living on our ‘home’ cap ital. Last year the turn came and we increased this asset by about $300,000,000. This year the net gain ought to be around $750,000,000. “A gain in home mortgage debt J like this means permanent progress J onH crrrmrtl-i nf m___ « ” — ouuniatium kind.” Baltimore Markets BALTIMORE. Md . Aug. 19,—Po tatoes, 100-pound sacks. 1 15al .35: sweet potatoes, bushel. 80al.25; 1 beans, bushel, nearby. 65a90; can ners' stock, 50a55; beets, nearby, bunch, 112 a3; brussels sprouts, drum, 2.50a2.75; cabbage, bushel. 60a75; nearby, bushel, 35a50, car rots, bushel. 75a85; Western, crate, 1.75a2.50: nearby, bunch. 1 a 1 ; I cauliflower, crate. 150a 1.75; celery, I crate, 50a 125; corn, nearby, dozen. 6a20; cucumbers, bushel. 1.00a 1.75; nearby, >2 bushel 40a60; eggplant, nearby. >2 bushel, I0a25: lettuce, crate. Big Boston, 50a 125; West ern. Iceberg, 4 00a4.75; lima beans, bushel. 40al.00; onions. 50-pound sack. 50al.75: peas, bushel. 1.50a2.00; peppers, bushel. 35a50; nearby, >2 bushel. 10a20; radishes, basket. 40a 50; spinach, bushel, 75a 1.25: squash, nearby, >2 bushel. 10a20; tomatoes, nearby, >2 bushel. 15a40: canners' stock, bushel. 40a45; apples, bushel. 25a75, cantaloupes, crate. 40a75; nearby. >2 bushel. 10a40; grapes, lug. 100al.75; honeydews. crate, 1.50a2.00; oranges. Florida, box. 2.00a400; California. 2.50a4.25: peaches, bushel, 50a2.00; pears, box, 2.25a300: bushel. 1.25al.50: plums, crate, 1.25a2.00: lemons, box. 4.25a 5.25; watermelons, each. 5a20. Hairy Products. Live Poultry — Chickens. Rocks, pound, 18a20; crosses. 15al9: mixed colors, 16al8; Leghorns. 14al6; fowl. Rocks. 17a 19: mixed colors, 15a 18; Leghorns, llal3; roosters, 7al2: ducks. Peking, 12al3. Eggs—Nearby, ungraded, dozen, white, large. 22a24: medium. 18a20: mixed colors, 17al9; receipts, 671 cases. Butter—Prints. 92 score, pound. 254a26 : 90 score. 24a25; country rolls. 17al8; packing stock, 15al54; receipts, 761 tubs. Livestock Market. ' Cattle. 10. Compared with Friday last week, steers mostly 25 to 35 cents lower. Some weighty grassers considered off more; medium and good grades, 950 to 1.390 pounds, mostly 7.35a8.50: few grain feds, 8.50a9.25; choice 1.220 pounds, indi vidual. 10.00: heifers around steady: common and medium, mainly 5 50a 7.50; cows, strong to 25 higher; me dium and good grades. 5.50a625; few to 6.50 or above: cutter and common, late in week. 4.50a5.50: canners. mainly 3.50a4.25: sausage bulls little changed, mostly 6.50 down. Calves, none. Compared Friday last week, vealers closing only 50 cents higher following 1.00 higher rates from Monday to Thursday, in clusive; late sales good and choice. 9.50a 10.00: common and medium grades. 7.00a9.00. Hogs. 190. Mostly 15 cents higher than Friday: good and choice 160 to 210 pounds. 6.55a6.80; practical top. 680: 210 to 230 pounds, 635a 6.60: 230 to 250 pounds. 6.10a6.30; 250 to 300 pounds, 5.30a6.10: 140 to 160 pounds. 6.30a6.55; 120 to 140 pounds. 6 00a6.30; packing sows. 500 pounds down. 4.15a4 65. Compared week ago. mostly 20 cents higher: packing sows up 40 cents. Hogs from doubtful areas and those fattened on garbage or swill and price premiums occa sionally paid for through billed rail consignments purchased for reship ment not represented in above quo tations. Sheep, none. For week ending Fri day: Spring lambs steady to 25 cents higher; bulk sales good and choice grades ewes and wethers. 9.00a9.50: week's top, 960. paid Monday for around 350 head; fat buck lambs usually 1.00 under load price: com mon and medium grades mostly 6.00 a8 00: few fat slaughter ew'es around 3.00; steady. Grain Market. Opening prices were: Wheat. No. 2 red winter, garlicky, spot, domestic. 7114; August delivery', 71'4. Settling prices were: Wheat. No. 2 red win ter. garlicky, spot, domestic, 71 Vi: August delivery. 7112. Corn. No. 2 yellow; domestic. 60a62. Western billing at a premium over this price. Cob corn nominal. Oats. No. 2 white domestic. 43a48; No. 3. 42a47; Pacific Coast, No. 1 white. 65a67. Except grain on track, there is an additional charge of 134 cents a bushel for storage and elevation on sale of oats. Rye. No. 2. 50a55. Barley. 45a50. Hay, ton, 10.00al3.00. Wheat straw, ton. 6.00a6.50. Flour, barrel, winter, patent. 4.20a 4.50; winter, straight. 3.40a3.65; spring, patent. 4.80a5.05: spring, straight. 4.55a4.75: hard winter, pat ent. 4.45a4.65: hard winter, straight, 4.25a4.50; rye flour, dark to white, 3.10a4.00. Mill feed, ton, spring bran, 23.00a24.00; standard middlings, 25.00a26.00. For Lease Entire Building 1121 14th St. N.W. 4 Stories Passenger Elevator With Push-Button Control ALLEY LINKINS CO. 1622 H St. N.W. 1 ^ A A»/J Ai/UUI 4 A 11 n 11 v X NEW YORK CURB MARKET B7 mnu win ureet to The mar (baton Davlisht Sana* Time.) Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Rich. Low. Close. Ala Power pf (7) 80s 98 98 98 Alum Co of Am.. 200« 109 108 108 Alum Co pf («)._ 50*115 115 115 Am Beverage 1 14 14 14 AmCPALt (A) ww (2.064h).. 1 324 324 324 Am Cynam B 60 3 274 274 274 Am Gas A El 1.60 2 364 86 364 Am G A El pf (6) 100* 1124 1124 1124 Am Laund M .80 1 164 164 164 Am LtATrac 1.20 1 17 17 17 Am Republic* .. 2 64 54 64 Am Superpower 5 4 4 4 Am Surierpwr pf 2 174 174 174 Angostura <.05g) 1 24 24 24 Ark Nat Gas ... 1 24 24 24 Ark Nat Gas A... 1 24 24 24 Ark Nat Gas pf17 7 7 Ark PA L. pf (7). 10s 944 944 944 Assoo G A E (A). 6 4 4 4 Assoc GasAEl pf. 1 74 74 74 Atl Coast Fish .. 3 24 24 24 Avery (BF) war. 2 24 24 24 Aviation A Trans 3 14 14 14 Baldwin Lo war.. 1 44 44 44 Bath Iron _ 2 64 6 6 Beanult Mills ... 1 44 44 44 Beech Aircraft_ 2 54 54 54 Bickfords 1.20g_. 50s 144 144 144 Bliss (EW) 1 94 94 94 Bliss ALau (lg). 60s 194 194 194 Brazilian T A L.. 1 74 74 74 Breeze Corp . 1 34 34 34 Brewst Aero ,20g 1 64 64 64 DeiAwn'S If. -L I_ . 1 Ml Ml, Ml Brill (A) 1 2M. 214 24 Brown Ca pf_ 60s 8*. 8*. 8** Brown Rubber_ 1 44 44 44 Can Marc Wire.. 1 114 Hi in | Carrier Corp_ 8 12 114 114; Catalln (Am) 1 24 24 2*4 i Celan ptc pf (7a) 60s 1054 1054 10514 I Cent NT Pwr pf 6 20s 94 94 94 Childs pf _ 50s 31 31 31 Cities Service 5 5 5 5 | Cities Service pf > 4 51 504 51 Cities SPAG *7 pf lOe 77*4 774 77*4 City Auto Stpg __ 1 54 5*» 54 Ciaude Neon G... 1 4 *4 *» Clev Tractor 2 34 3** 34 | Coiumb Oil & Gaa 2 24 24 24 Com PAG 1st pf 75s 33*. 334 334 j Cons Cop M 15g 7 54 54 5% ! Cons GAE Ba 3 60 3 82 82 82 j Consol GasAElec Balto pf B 4.50 30s 118 118 118 Cons Steel Corp . 1 4*6 4*4 4*6 Copperweld 60g_ 1 14 14 14 Corroon A Reyn 12 2 2 CorrARey pfA 6k 10s 71 74 74 Creole Pe:m ,60a. 2 18*» 18*4 184 Crown Drug 2 ve 4 74 Cuneo Press (3a) 250s 481* 47** 47** 1 Dayton Rub (lg) 1 13*4 134 13'-. DaytonR(Al(2) 100s 2914 29‘. 294 Det Gasket .60g _ 1 8*. 84 8s* Det Gray Iron 04 1 IV* 1V» 14 Driv-Har pf(7a)_ 10s 105*. 105*. 105** Eagle Richer Gd 1 84 8*. 84 Eastn GAE 6 pf . 100s 10*. 104 10*. Eastn GAF pr pf. 50s 22V» 22 * 224 Eastern Sts pf A 25s 13 13 13 Economy GS(1) 100s 17 16*4 164 ; Eisler Electric __ 3 114 14 l1. Elec Bond A Sh . 48 8*. 8** 8*. j Elec BAS of (6) 2 67*. 67*. 67*.' Emp Dist Elec pf 50s 67 67 67 Emp G A F 67» pf 10s 59 59 59 Esquire < 4 4*. 44 4*. Fanny Farm .75g 1 23*4 23*4 231* Ferro-Enam .50g 1 18'. 18*. 18*% Fisk Rubber 3 9*. 94 9*. Ford (Can) A (1) 1 18*. 184 18*. Glen Alden Coal 10 3*. 34 3*. Grand Rap V .40 1 7 7 7 Grt No Pap l.;,(«g 100b 37*. 37*. 37*. Greentield TAD 1 5*. 5*. 5*. ! Gul St Ut pf 5.50 10s 1084 1084 1084 Haloid Co (,50g) 1 14 14 14 Hecla Min i 2ds ) 1 64 64 6*4 Heller 1 lVE).4da 1 8 8 8 j Hollinger G 65a 1 14*4 14*. 144 Humble Oil 1.50. 2 534 534 634 Hummel-Ross F_ 13 3 3 llllnois-la Power 2 4 4 4 Ill-la Pwr div ct. 2 5 5 5 Indus Fman pf. _ 25s 114 114 114 I Construction Awards Hold 30 Per Cent Above 1938 flr the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 19—Building construction contracts awarded in the first seven 1939 months aggre gated $1,999,247,000 in 37 Eastern States, a jump of 30 per cent over the like 1938 period. F. W. Dodge Corp. reported. Residential contracts awarded in July, the company said, totaled $2 - 566.000. a decline of 2 per cent under June, but a rise of 25 per cent over July last year. July non-residential building was placed at $88,501,000, a rise of 22 per cent over July a year ago The non-residential total included $17. 404.000 of manufacturing buildings, which represented a rise of 80 per cent over factory contracts in Julv. 1938. Clearing House Issues Report at New York By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug 19 —The weekly statement of the New York Clearing House showed: Total surplus and undivided profits, unchanged at $916,981,200. Total net demand deposits < aver age i. increased $182,986,000 Time deposits (average!. decreased $7, 354.000 Clearings, week ending to day, $3,203,526,026. Clearings, week ending August 11, $2,410,650,291. Realty Firm Chartered BALTIMORE. Aug. 19 (Special!.— Papers of incorporation of the Montgomery Realty Corp.. Bethesda, Md.. have been filed with the Maryland State Tax Commission. It has authorized capital stock of 1.000 shares, par value $100 each. The incorporators are Russell Sams, John Howell and Ruth A. Marine, all of Bethesda. Second Trust Notes We will boy monthly payment de ferred purchase money second trust nates, secured on owner-occupied private dwellings. UNION FINANCE CO. •IS WMdwarg Nit NA. 7936 H. CLIFFORD BANGS 200 Investment Bldg. ME. 0240 First Trast Loan See us end LEARN HOW so many of Hio fine now APARTMENT HOUSES ho va boon PERMANENTLT FINANCED by us. Tyler and Rutherford 1512 L St. N.W. NA.M75 1 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. doss. Int Hydro El of— 1 17* 17* 17* Inv Royalty .06— 2 * * * Jacobs Co l 2H 21* 2* Jones A Lau Stl„ 1 21* 21* 21* Kingston Prod1 1* l* i* Lakey Fdry & M. 6 3* 3* 3* Lockhead Aircr . 6 22* 22* 22* Long Isld Ltg pf, 100s 37* 37* 37* Loudon Packing 1 1* 1* l* La Land & Ex .40 5 4* 4* 4* Mo Willmi Dredg 1 8* 8* 8H Majestic Radio 5 1* l* i»4 ManatiSugwar 2 bi bi bi Marlon St Shovel 4 2* 2* 2* Master Elec 50g_ 150s 19 18* 19 Mead John (3a).. 75s 141 139* 139* Memph N G 35g_ 1 4* 4* 4* Merr-Chao & Sc . 2 3* 3* 3* Midvale Co <3g)_. 50s 93 93 93 Mid West Corp _ 3 8* 8* 8* Molybdenum_ 2 4 3* 4 Mount City Cop— 1 3* 3* 3* Nat City L pf (3) 50s 44 44 44 Nat P&L pf (6). 175* 92V* 92* 92* New Idea (.60) _ 2 10* 10* 10* N J Zinc (1.50s-) S(l» sail rsl. siu Mag Hudson Pwr 1 6% 6% 6''* Nlpissing Mines 7 1% 1% Noma Electric __ 1 4% 4% 4% North'n Sta P(A) 4 12% 12% 12% N W Eng .7jg- 1 15% 15% 15% Okla Nat G SOg.. 1 16% 16% 16% Omar. Inc 1.50g.. 1 8% 8% 8% Pac Gas 6 pf 1.50. 1 34% 34% 34% Pantepec Oil 5 4% 4% 4% Penln Tel 1.90g._ 60s 32% 32% 32% Pennroad Corp... 2 1% 1% 1% Penn Ed pf (5) 25s 64% 64% 64% Penn P&L pf (6). 10s 107 107 107 Penn P&L. pf (7) 25s 110% 110% 110% Pepperell (4g) __ 100s 74 74 74 Phila Elec pf (5). 25s 120 120 120 Phillips Packing. 1 3% 3% 3% Phoenia Secur . 3 7% 7% 7% Pioneer Gold .40 3 2% 2% 2% Pitney-Bowes 4 0 6 8% 8% 8% Powdrell&Al ,30g 1 4% 4% 4% Puget Sd P $5 pf 100s 67 67 67 Puget S d P 16 pf 200s 21% 21% 21% Red Bank Oil ..122 2 Reeves (D) .50... 1 6% 6% 6% Rio Gr V G vtc _. 1 % % % Root Petroleum . 1 1% l.t 1% Rustless lr & Stl 2 9% 9', 9% St Kegis Paper . 4 1% 1% 1% Scullin Steel ... 1 6% 6% 6% Seiberlirig Rub 1 6% 6% 6% Seversky Aircr't. 13 3 3 3 Sher-Willms(2g) 150s 92% 91 91 Sher-Will pf (5). 10s 110 110 110 Sonotone (.(log)__ 2 1% 1% 1% Soss Mfg (.25g)_. 2 4% 4% 4% South Coast 1 2% 2% 2% So Penn Oil 1.50 . 1 27 , 27% 27% South P L, (.15g). 2 4 4 4 So Un Gas pf A .. 75s 14% 14% 14% Spalding (new).. 3 3% 3s. 3^ Stand Oil Ky(l) 3 18% 18% 18% Stand Pwr & Lt 1 % % i. Stand Stl Spr 50g 2 32% 32% 32% Sterchi Bros Sts. 1 3% 3i.a 31,' Sunray OH ,05g . 1 2% 2% 2% Tampa Elec 2 24 2 32% 32% 32% Taylor (Ky) Dlst 2 % % % Technicolor .35g. 1 15% 15% 15% TUo Roofing (1). 1 12 12 12 Transwest Oil _ 1 3% 3% 31* Tubize Chatillon 2 8% 8% 8% Tung-Sol L pf .80 1 7% 7% 7% UnPremFS(l). 1 16% 16% 16% Unit Chemical _. 16 6 6 ITrrt C'trr U7k Cfe. Ol 1 .a Unit Corp war 1 4 ^ ^ UnitLt&Pwrpf 1 27s 27s 274 Unit Sh M pf 1.50 30s 42'-. 424 424 US Foil IB) 2 3s 34 3s 1 S Lines pf . 2 IS Is IS L S Rub Reclaim 1 14 14 14 Unit Wall Paper 2 2 2 2 UnivCorpvtc __ 2 34 34 34 Util P&L pfir).. 250s 20 20 20 Waco Aircraft— 1 44 44 4S Wagner Baling... 7 54 54 5s WestVaC&C . 5 14 1 1 Will me Rr 15g 1 64 64 64 Wolverine T ,20g 16 6 6 r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by such comDamea Ra*es of dividend* in the foregoing table "•re «™ua! disbursement based on the last Quarterly or semi-armual declaration Un less otherwise noted special or extra divi dends are not included xd Ex dividend xr Ex rights a Also **-ra or extras e Paid last Tear f Pay ab.o in stork e Declared or oaid so far this vpgr h Cash or stock k Areumu _P,VJdpnd Daid or dec*ared this year ur Under rule ww With warrants rw without warrants war Warrants rr-— - 1 Money tor Construction Loans and Loans on Existing Properties FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLT GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Are. N.W. Nat'l 63S0 Northwestern Federal Savings and Loon Association Accepts $1.00 to $10,000.00 Loan*, on i «»nstrac First tion. Im Trusts in nroicmcnt. D. C . Md Rpfinanc Va. inf VA. 7335 Lobby, Colorado Building 14th and G Sts. N.W. Branch. Takoma Park To Build, Buy or Refinance Your Home Long-Term Loans With Monthly Payments as Low as $6.60 per $1,000.00 Straizht 3-Year Loans FT EQUITABLE "Tj LIFE INSURANCE * COMPANY 116 i4rt> it._Mtrldi i .i—... "v il , , r /ri'-i'a':.. gJi, ■ nir.jjrj.:, asaaar | Property Mortgage | Management Loans H Automobile | Insurance I Apartment I You’ll benefit in every way by placing | and House y°ur apartment house and resident al II properties in the care of our Property | Management Management Department—and for a |! ’ very nominal fee. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W. ticPKerson'squart National 2100 1 4 ** A—id Steel Gains Support Upward Trend in Industrial Index Associated Press Average Near Peaks Recorded Last Autumn By FREDERICK GARDNER, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. Aug. 19—Steel, backbone of the capital goods indus tries, re-enforced a summer busi ness revival this week with another sharp boost in operating schedules. Rising hand in hand for weeks, the Associated Press weekly index of industrial activity and the steel production rate got back virtually to the peaks registered last autumn. eyi__1_. _ . __ ***'- OW.VJ i. a LC went LU XJ6.1 per CclT L of capacity, up 2 points from the previous week, in what seemed to some business observers a broaden ing of improvement in the vital ma chine-making industries. The advance in steel, partly in preparation for the motor indus try’s start on production of 1940 cars, more than offset a further decline in assembly of automobiles. Auto out put, trade estimates showed, was at low ebb for the year as the industry geared its plants for the new models. Business managers planned for the autumn months in face of an other European crisis which many feared would duplicate the prolonged spell of tension in financial centers preceding the Munich pact last September. Selling in security mar kets, causing a fall in stocks toward the end of the week, was attributed by brokers mainly to nervousness over a possible showdown on Poland. Going contrary to the stock mar ket. the Associated Pross industrial index was up for the fifth straight week. It has advanced since mid May from around 81 to 94. The peak last autumn was 94.9. The index, with component groups based on latest figures available, calculated on 1929-30 levels as 100, compared as follows: Latest Previous Yeur W»e< W'-rk As Compel,• p index iH i 94 n 9.1 : :6 3 Automobile prod 75.0 so o 320 Steel mill act 'HI . S.'i 4 SOS 54 3 Cotton mfg. iH 1 1212 11 e 2 117 4 Electric power use 120 7 120 1 112 0 Residential bids 92.2 92 5 MS 5 Total carloadlnes «7 s MM 5 39 i} H-—Means 19:19 hiah The summer pickup in steel pro duction drew much comment in financial circles because frequently in the past an advancing steel rata has been the best indicator of recov ery in the capital goods industries, the center of business depression in recent years. The Iron Age said “Business is coming from such widely scattered sources as to indicate a solid founda tion for the coming months when automotive requirements will be added to those already apparent.” Motorist: Help the pedestrian and nrotert yourselves • One loan made to cov er construction and permanent financing. • One Payment each month covers princi pal. interest, taxes, insurance (fire, tor nado and life*, and assessments. • Loans made up to 20 years. Liberal prepay ment privileges. • Payments credited to Direct Reduction of Principal each month. • Lowest Interest Cost computed on the re ducing balance each month. Write phone or call for prompt and courteous service. mmem District 2340 FIRST KDFRflL savmcs ano Loan associanon Conveniently Located: 610 13th St. N.W. (Bet. F & G) ■ •■■■••a •