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Tests Show Adequacy Of 2-Inch Concrete Stucco Walls Reduction in Costs of Homes Seen in Experiments An appreciable saving in the cost of constructing fireproof outer walls and structural frames for residences probably will result from recent sci entific research in the building field. This is good news to prospective •> builders of small homes. It ought also to have an important bearing on low-cost housing construction. Elaborate tests made in recent months show that a wall slab of con crete stucco only 2 inches thick, to gether with its necessary stiffening ribs, is fully capable of sustaining the structural and wind loads of a conventional dwelling. Its “safety factor” far exceeds requirements for residence construction. Until these tests wTere made such thin slabs of built-up concrete were regarded as suitable only for “curtain” walls attached to structural frames. Now they are proved to be adequate for “bearing” walls. Applied on Both Sides. Such a wall slab, known as the Lurie wall, is built up by applying Portland cement mortar alternately to the outer and inner surfaces of a screenlike structure of metal lath supported by slender steel channels, commonly called plastering chan nels. When completed the face of the wall is smooth and straight, while on the back are stiffening ribs formed by “plastering in” the sup porting steel channels. Corner posts, columns and span drel beams can be built un in much the same manner, although requir ing closer spacing of the slender steel channels for additional re inforcement. Thus it is unnecessary to have a skeleton frame of struc tural steel, such as usually provided for a house of this kind. Erecting the metal lath and steel channel frame and completing the outer walls is entirely the work of lathers and plasterers. All of the materials required are those ordinarily used by such crafts. Waterproofing Available. The completed structure is a monolith of remarkable strength and durability—a house requiring little upkeep. Waterproof stucco textures and colors in wide range are avail able for the finish coat, or it can be hand-tooled while soft to simu late cut stone. For the room plastering a base of metal lath and steel plastering chan nels can be supported away from and by the ribs of the outer wall slab, or erected as a "free standing" construction. Further fire resistance and freedom from interior plaster cracks is provided by using metal lath as the plaster base for ceilings and partitions throughout the house. F. H. A. Aide Attends Competition Meetings Miles L. Colean, assistant ad- ! ministrator of the Federal Housing Administration, is in New York at tending a series of meetings climax ing a national home construction competition sponsored by the Amer ican Gas Association. Mr. Colean ■ heads a committee of judges who will choose from thousands of en tries a recently constructed home most fittingly embodying the ad vantages of four major gas ap pliances. *■ | Washington Doorways ^ Forerunner of today’s “modern" architecture, this doorway Of a house built in 1885 is now the entrance to a house erected in 1927. — By ANN ABEL PAXTON. . It is unlikely that Henry H. Rich-! ardson, famous Boston architect of the early 80s, ever designed a I simpler and more pleasing doorway for a nouse than that to be seen at 3014 Woodland Drive. This doorway was originally that of the John Hay house which stood at the cor ner of Sixteenth and H streets N.W., across from old St. John's Church. When the Hay house was demolished in 1927. Horace Peaslee, architect, purchased the doorway for the house in which it has found a final home, i Warm gray limestone, hammer dressed to a relatively smooth sur face. was used for the stone work. In its plain surfaces, deep reveals and restrained ornament, one sees a forerunner of today's so-called •‘modern ’ architecture, and Rich ardson at his best. The pier caps are decorated with crisp intertwining conventionalized, acute-pointed ac anthus leaves of French-Roman esque inspiration. A vigorous label moulding terminating in bulbous bosses forms a strong, pleasing cap for the doorway motif. In the wide central opening, be tween the piers, is a heavy oak frame and door with ornamental strap hinges of iron. At either side are well-proportioned windows form ing generous side lights. The low, carved stone pedestals, set on either side of the door on the entrance platform, were part of the original doorway in the John Hay house. The house, of which the Hay door way is now part and parcel, with its steep pitched roof and trim for mality, recalls the French architec tural tradition. The dull, salmon red of the clinker face brick of the walls is an agreeable contrast with the buff-gray limestone doorway. Tall trees reaching high for sun light afford the house a woodland setting and cast welcome shade on the green lawn. The name of John Hay recalls the hectic days in Washington during the Civil War and the political and cultural life of the post-war period in the 70s and 80s. John Hay was one of President Lincoln’s secre taries. Following the War Between the States, Hay served in various diplomatic posts and was a journal ist of marked ability. In 1878 he be came Assistant Secretary of State. During the following 10 years he collaborated with John G. Nicolay in writing “Abraham Lincoln: A His tory.” At the time of his death in 1905, he was Secretary of State. During his lifetime Hay achieved deserved recognition with his "Pike County Ballads,” “Castilian Days" and “The Bread Winners.” He was a close friend of Henry Cabot Lodge, Senator from Massachusetts: Au gustus Saint-Gaudens, sculptor, and the painter, John La Farge. Henry Adams was probably his most inti mate friend and. in 1885, both Hay and Adams commissioned Richard son to design their similar houses, which they built side by side. Cold Floors Cold floors are an indication of excessive heat leakage in the base ment. If the home owner is sure that the windows fit well and are closed, steps should be taken to locate the source of leakage. W. Waverly Taylor Named To Advisory Council W. Waverly Taylor of Washing ton has been selected as a mem ber of the Federal Savings and Loan Advisory Council. The council members confer eral Home Loan Bank Board during the fiscal J year on thrift a and home fl- V nanclng p r o b- 1 lems. _ | A s provided 1 by Congress in 1 1935, the council meets at least a twice a year in F Washing ton. || XUb 111 UU utvv V ■MtaaMBMMMflMBMtaH ing of the new council Will be w. W. Taylor. in the early fall. Each of the 12 Federal Home Loan Banks selects a member and six are named by the board here. All are prominent savings and loan or business leaders. Besides Mr. Tay lor, those selected by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board are: Eustace Seligman, New York; Theodore H. Tangeman, Columbus, Ohio; Henry G. Zander, jr., Chi cago; Charles B. Robbins, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and J. W. Maxwell, Seattle. Representatives of the 12 re gional banks are: Boston, Ray mond P. Harold! Worcester, Mass, (re-elected); New York. Le Grand W. Pellett, Newburgh, N. Y. (re elected); Pittsburgh, James J. O’Malley, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (re elected) ; Winston-Salem, George W. West, Atlanta, Ga.; Cincinnati, Herman F. Cellarius, Cincinnati (re elected); Indianapolis, William C. Walz, Ann Arbor, Mich, (re-elected); Chicago, William E. Hodnett, Lin coln, 111; Des Moines, John F. Scott, St. Paul, Minn.; Little Rock, I. Friedlander, Houston, Tex. (re elected); Topeka, George E. Mc Kinnis, Shawnee, Okla. (re-elected); Portland, Frank S. McWilliams, Spokane, Wash, (re-elected), and Los Angeles, Paul Endicott, Pomona, Calif. Leopards are herding cattle to corrals to kill them at leisure in South Africa. ■ I I $9,750 CHEVY CHASE, D. C. 4 New Homes Go Up In Highwood Four new homes are being con structed in Highwood, Chevy Chase, by O. E. Mikki.lson & Son, de velopers- The development will consist of 94 homes when com pleted. Sixty-four of the 69 homes already constructed have been sold, according to an announcement by the company. Mr. Mikkelson is directing the construction. He is assisted by C. Raymond Weadon, formerly with W. T. Galliher & Bro. It’s easier to drive safely than to explain an accident. Chevy Chase View Kensington, Md. 26 Cleveland St. Center-hall colonial — 3 bed rooms, 2 baths; space for two additional rooms on third floor; recreation room with fireplace; automatic heat; large screened porch: hardwood floors through out; two-car garage attached to house with storage space over garage; % of acre lot, bearing fruit trees: beautiful lily pool, large pen oak shade trees, beau tiful shrubbery, white birch and - holly; all necessary tools for gardening and lawn care. Leo Tooley, Owner 26 Cleveland St., Kensington, Md. Phene Ken. 239. I i * i-i5U Anacostia Rd. S.E. I *5,850 r. H. A. APPROVED J| Drive across Penna I Ave. SE Bridge, then li turn left alone Sfinne- |l seta Ave. and Anacostia I' Rd. to the homes I AIR CONDITIONING I and other features too I numerous to list. I | Open Sunday and I | Week Day Afternooni | DAVIDSON l DAVIDSON * lit REALTOR I ly<^MhN^NatU51^J ) A BARGAIN I % For Contractors—Builders \ AMERICAN OIL-FIRED / Summer and Winter ( S AIR CONDITIONER 1 1 I Mail'd (* * ' 'i I 1 i4i Low Am [ 3 I # Here is a quality heating prod- # a uct. and includes air conditioner, % 1 with self contained oil burner, M ( all controls and ducts. Provides % 1 heating in winter . . . cooling J f in summer. Special builders’ l \ price. 1 m Complete Heatinr and Plumbing % a Service. Estimates Free. 1 I 1005 N.Y. Ave. N.W. Na. 8421 l BURNT MILLS HILLS MARYLAND “ NORMAN” Home of Mr Arch McDonald 2'i acres of beautifully wooded land, stream ideal for swimming pool. 15 large rooms. 5 baths. 2 lav atories. ;i fireplaces, maids' rooms. 2 baths, billiard room, attractive recreation room with fireplace and roasting oven, 2-car built-in gar age. General Electric kitchen, oil heat, perfect home for entertaining. Built to sell for $4(1,000. Due to Mr McDonald, sports commentator, being transferred to New York, we are authorized to offer this beauti ful home at a sacrifice price of $2/.500. on convenient terms 23 t minutes’ drive from downtown Washington. Drive out Colesville Pike t miles bevond Silver Spring traffic light to entrance of Burnt Mills Hill4, Open todoy and Sunday for your inipection from 11 o.m. to 9 p.m. and daily by appointment. L. G. WHITE, Inc. Exclusive Agents 7101 Wisconsin Ave. Wis. 7600-01 Bethesda, Md. $5,990 You will not find its equal in appearance, quality, spacious ness or value. $6,575 Six good rooms, nicely wooded rear lot. $7,500 Field stone exterior of striking color; 6 rooms of ample sise (closets to match); awnings. Drive out lfith St. to D C. line, turn left under railroad to 2nd Ave , turn left to hoio 2nd Ave. between B and C Sts. R. J. BEECH Wit. 3155 2013 Klingle Road N.W. An H. O. L. C. foreclosure A fine home at the edge of Rock Creek Park, yet convenient to stores, churches, schools and transportation—seven spacious rooms—2 baths— sleeping porches—built-in garage—being reconditioned like new. A value to see at once. 1740 Kilbourne PI. N.W. A real Mt. Pleasant bargain—6 rooms, bath, porches, lavatory first floor; automatic heat, insulated and priced at 950 6401 Offutt Rd., Chevy Chase, Md. A lovely home, well built and well kept, on corner lot; center-hall entrance, screened side porch, 8 rooms, 2 baths, 3 bedrooms, finished attic, recreation room and built-in garage. Priced under the market. Small house in trade considered TO REACH: Out Wisconsin Ave. to Morgan Drive, oppo site grounds of Chew Chase Club, then left to Offutt Road. Open Saturday and Sunday until dark Wm. M. Throckmorton REALTOR Investment Bldg. Dl. 6092 11ST < 4nnn.rTrimmmMM V \ \ \\\\ \\ *\\ \\\ i Cooley Bros, presents a new Cape Cod in (Clotty (Eliaa? (Sartona I One of 4 new homes in this exclusive develop- place, dining room, modem kitchen, 2 large ment, featuring 6 rooms, a unique Spanish bedrooms and bath on second floor. Private K adaptation of recreation room and guest room screened porch 10x20 ft. ® with private bath, large living room with fire- |S|1 1 4704 Morgan drive Price, $9,950 OPEN TODAY AND DAILY TO 9 P.M. TO REACH: Drive out Wisconsin Ave. to Morgan Drive, op posite Chevy Chase Golf Course, turn left on Morgan Drive SS one block to home. 8L^i REALTORS ilggRDRRRBDBRRNDHHNHHHHHHHHMMHNK*1* investment bmc. dim. iu \ __ HICHWOOD W CHIVY CHASi, D.C. A Community of Fine Detached Homes If’ ’ * •• i ' " 1 3309 Stephenson N.W. A New Home in an established neighborhood where the Character of adjoining homes protects the value. Spacious center hall—living room 13x24 Vz opening onto large screened porch—unusually equipped kitchen—-4 bedrooms (one finished as deni—2 baths on second floor—finished and heated attic—air conditioned. Pretty landscaped lot enclosed with rustic fence. Moderately Priced Open Daily and Sunday Drive out Connecticut Ave. to Chevy Chase Circle, turn noht on Western Aie -» squares to Broad Branch Road, turn right 1 square to Stephenson St., then left to property. OWNERS G. F. Mikkelson & Son BUILDERS jj MILTON F. SCHWAB, Sales Millwork and Lumber by W. T. Galliher & Bro. *' ■■ 1 i' . . — Edgewood Challenges You To Compare Design, Size, Location THEN TRY TO MATCH THESE HOMES AT THEIR LOW PRICES 114 GLENWOOD RD. BETHESDA, MD. TO REACH: Drive out Wisconsin Ave. to Bank of Bethesda. turn left at Bank on Old Georgetown Rd.. a short distance to Glenwood Rd. and Edgewood entrance. Open Every Day Including Sunday Till 9 P.M. We have created a new community with every city convenience includ ing concrete streets in and paid for ond homes of individuality, built to highest structural standards. See them all—then visit Edgewood. Large entrance hall with guest closet, large living room with fireplace, full size dining room, big screened porch, modern kitchen, two spacious bedrooms, tiled bath with shower. Attached garage. Full basement. Air-conditioned oil heat. 4-inch rock wool insulation. Copper tubing ond flashings. Slate roof. Dampproof walls, caulked and weather stripped. Rapid transportation within one block. Stores, schools ond churches convenient ... all for $8,295 on most convenient terms. BOWLING & GARDINER Developers fir Builders 729 Old Georgetown Rd. Wisconsin 6698 Buy Direct From Owners and Builders ond Save WYYNEWOOD A Beautifully Wooded New Home Community ijl 1426 North Ivanhoe St., Arlington, Va. jj| P This lovely new 5-room brick home is located on comer with m 70-ft. frontage and 110-ft. depth in a new' restricted subdivision g<| pC with wide streets and all improvements, convenient to schools g) $3 and transportation. A setting of rare beauty with many fine 5] I S8.300-F. H. A. Approved | p I P j NEXT DOOR AVAILABLE FOR... g P Open for Inapection Daily g TO REACH Crons Arlington Memorial Bridge and take Lee Bird to Glebe Rd list traffic light', right on Glebe Rd to N Washington Bird , R* left on N. Washington Bird. 34 mile to Ivanhoe St., right to house. w J. WESLEY BUCHANAN I Realtor 1501 Columbia Pike. Virginia Office, Ch. 1341, Ox. 2~98 1 A NEW SILVER STAR HOME II FAIRLAWN VILLAGE ||| A Low Cost, Planned and Restricted Community of 400 All Brick Homes—Mostly Semi-Detached—5 and 6 Rooms. 175 SOLD IN 13 MONTHS *4990 to *5990 10% Cash—Monthly Payments as Low as $33 Per Month I Silver Star Home, 1811 T Street S.E. fj| Furnished by Hutchison*s, Inc. If A COOL, quiet location within 3 blocks of graded, I™ Some of the Special Features: ! ; A junior and senior high schools. Convenient to . Waterproof basement. ? stores, churches and excellent transportation. Near - __ ^ .. the new Fairlawn Recreation Center, offering a beau- * rurrea walls. ' tiful golf course, tennis courts, and swimming pool. • Insulated roof. Front terraces sodded and artistically landscaped. • Copper hot and cold water piping. Rear yards sodded and fenced. Paved streets, side- • Doors and windows caulked and metal weather walks, alleys and concrete curbing. 5 and 6 rooms, , stripped and tiled bath. Front porch and full sized base- . Built-in aerial and ground for your radio, s ment. Several floor plans, combined with artistic & * „ . , exteriors, give an appearance not usually found in • Custom-built bronze screens for all windows moderate priced homes. It is our constant endeavor anc* uoors on first and second floors. ||| to incorporate the best materials the market af- • Automatic gas hot water heater. fords in our homes. They are carefully built by • Air Conditioned Heat—Oil burner, pf skilled mechanics under constant supervision, and 9 Washable wall paper mony yeard h°"’*S' "* belieVe' Wi" e"dUre ,hrOU9h » Sun-fast shades for all windows and doors. I Planned, Built and Sold by MEADOWBROOK, Inc. j MONROE WARREN, President || Over 1,000 homes of quality and character built in Washington and vicinity in the last IS years. ft