Newspaper Page Text
i Weather Forecast h From the United States Weather Bureau Report | Full Associated Press i Full Details on Pace A-2 Generally fair and slightly warmer to- NeWS and WirephotOS day; tomorrow, partly cloudy with after- . r noon showers. Temperature.1, yesterday Sunday Morning and —Highest. 80. at 5 p.m.; lowest, 70, at rn.,_ A *, iop.m. | Every Afternoon. No. 1,796-No. 34,809. WASHINGTON, D. C., AUGUST 20, 1939.-106 PAGES. * FIVE CENTS I TEN CENTS _____;___ _ IN WASHINGTON AND SUBURBS1 ELSEWHERE Slovakia Mobilizing to Assist Reich Army of100,000 on Border; Poland Armed, Ready for Crisis (Territory Demands Are Put Forward By Bratislava The European Situation— SLOVAKIA MOBILIZING to co-op erate with German Army of 100. 000 lining Polish frontier; terri torial demand put forward by Bratislava. Page A-l POLAND ARMED AND READY for critical week, expected to bring actual war threat in appeasement or compromise bid. Page A-l BRITAIN'S INNER CABINET to meet Tuesday to review entire Eu ropean situation; decision on peace move expected. Page A-l 1 POPE PIUS APPEALS for settle ment of Europe's troubles which will avert war; Postmaster Gen eral Farley received in audience. Page A-l HUNGARIANS CHEER WARNING of neutrality between Reich and Poland; Count Csaky to resume Rome conversations tomorrow. Page A-4 BALTIC STATES STUDY Slovakia's fate for clue to own fate if Anglo I French-Soviet pact provides for action against internal aggression Dr> rro A-4 the Associated Press. BRATISLAVA. Aug. 19—Gradual mobilization of Slovakia's Army, pledged to “co-operation” with Nazi Germany's forces, was under way to night throughout the little nation. Two divisions of Slovakia's Army of 30,000 and 300.000 reservists were reported authoritatively to have been dispatched to the high Tatra Mountains, which constitute Slo vakia's frontier with Poland These Slovak measures were dr scribed as "necessary for the defense of the country.” They were reported a few hours after Germany took "military pos session” of her protectorate. Nearly 100.000 German troops were strung along the Slovak-Polish frontier with their headquarters at the railway junction of Zilina. Slovaks Renew Demands. Nazi "military possession” was ac companied by renewed expressions by Slovak leaders of territorial de mands for their little country on Poland. Premier Josef Tiso. Propaganda Minister Sano Mach and Dr. Moses Kirschbaum, general secretary of the Hlinka party, alleged in speeches at Trnava that Poland had “stolen” the Javorina region from Slovakia last September. "Slovakia has a legal right to this region now incorporated in Poland.'’ Tiso declared. “Slovakia will per severe and accomplish its will in regaining this object of Polish rob bery." Gen. Ferdinand Csatlos. Slovak minister of war. was still in office today, having withdrawn his resig nation offered last week in protest against ordering two divisions to the Polish frontier. The divisions Bratislava Quiet. Members of Tiso's cabinet refused to make any statement regarding Germany's "military possession" of their country. Bratislava was quiet tonight, and. in contrast to the northern region, there were no Ger man troops in sight. Reports that Nazi soldiers also were massed on the frontier between Slovakia and Hungarian Ruthenia, door to the Polish Ukraine, were de nied 7n authoritative quarters. “If there are any German troops In the eastern part of Slovakia, it is only a coincidence." these sources said. Travelers returning from Northern Slovakia said that Zilina's citizens were instructed to be ready to leave their homes at a minute's notice. The town of Orava was reported to have been turned into a huge Ger man troop encampment. Belief That Britain Won't Fight Is Altered Bv LOUIS P. LOCHNER, Associated Press Foreign Correspondent. BERLIN. Aug. 19.—A week of in tense German newspaper war upon Poland closed tonight without action es yet following Nazi "last warnings" vthat Poland must come to terms on Adolf Hitler's demands for posses sion of Danzig and at least a broad avenue through the Polish Corridor to East Prussia. It seemed to neutral observers as If everywhere in Europe everybody in authority was hoping the nerves of the other fellow would crack first and that thereby the onus for forc ing a decisive turn would be tagged on him. How long such a condition could endure was anybody's guess. A week ago talk In high Nazi • < See BRATISLAVATPage A-6.) Tardieu, French Premier 3 Times, Seriously III Er the Associated Press. MENTON, France, Aug. 19.—An dre Tardieu, three times premier of Prance and last living French signer of the peace treaty ending the World War, was disclosed to night to have been seriously ill since July 22. A bulletin issued by his physician said, however, "his general state has now become satisfactory." But added that “absolute rest for sev eral weeks” is necessary. M. Tardieu retired in 1936 to wage a vigorous private campaign for re form of the French political system which he characterized w? "rotten." His illness began with a nervous breakdown so severe he mils uncon scious for 24 hours. k i *-- < British Ministers Expected To Act Tuesday on Peace Move Inner Cabinet to Meet to Review Entire European Situation By the Associated Press. ; LONDON. Aug. 19.—British minis ters watched the German - Polish ;'dispute with increasing concern to night and were expected in political quarters to decide Tuesday whether the government should intervene now to attempt a peaceful settle ment. Prime Minister Chamberlain planned to break his fishing holiday in Scotland Monday to return for a meeting of ministers the next day to review the entire European situa tion. which was regarded in all quarters to have reached a danger ous stage with a peaceful solution daily becoming more difficult. Great Britain, pledged to stand by Poland in resisting any aggression threatening her independence, has stood aloof from the German-Polish quarrel over Danzig. Prime Minister Chamberlain has declared it was a matter to be settled between the two countries involved. May Move to Avert War. Despite this, it was felt in some political quarters that the situation had become so grave the Prime Min ister might decide upon some move to try to break the deadlock and avert any possible war. How to do this without indicating a weakening of the British pledge to Poland and to other countries asso ciated in the British-French system of alliances and guarantees was the : problem confronting him. Hungary's position also was a matter of concern in London as a ; result of the visits of Count Csakv, Hungarian foreign minister, to Ger many and Italy, where it was be lieved in London diplomatic quarters ; that he was subjected to pressure to ally his country definiteV with the Rome-Berlin axis powers. Hungary has good relations with Poland. By a coincidence, Tuesday's meet ing of the ministers is on the *ame day the labor opposition sought be fore Parliament recessed two weeks ago to have it reconvened for a short session because Qf expecta tions of a crisis by that time. Halifax Commuting. Prime Minister Chamberlain, however, refused to agree to what he regarded as a move to bring Parliament back as a "watch dog' on his foreign policy. Lord Halifax, foreign secretary, who has been commuting between his country home in Yorkshire and London to keep a close watch on European developments, was at the foreign office this afternoon. Tuesday's meeting of ministers was to include Mr. Chamberlain, Lord Halifax. Sir John Simon, chancellor of the exchequer, and Sir Samuel Hoare. home secretarv. the four comprising the inner cabi net. and several other ministers. It will not. however, be a full cabinet ■ meeting. Pope Pius Appeals For Settlement to Avert European War Puts Trust in Rulers to Avoid Force; Farley Granted Audience By the Associated Press. CASTEL GANDOLFO. Italy, Aug 19.—Pope Pius XII implored a set tlement of Europe's critical troubles that would avert war today in ad dressing Italian pilgrims just before he received United States Postmas ter General James A. Farley in private audience. After the audience, Mr. Farley said he was convinced of the pon tiff's anxiety for world peace and that the pontiff was doing every thing possible to maintain it. The Pope told his hearers in the public audience that he maintained his trust that those who govern the nations would refrain from an “ap peal to force." He kept his hope, i he said, that “feelings of modera tion and objectivity would serve to avert a conflict.” Found Pope in Good Health. He made his fervent plea in im parting his blessing on more than 2.000 Italian pilgrims who came to his summer palace for the 25th an niversary of the death of Pope Pius X. “The holy father recognizes the seriousness of the situation and the burden he must bear in striving for peace." Postmaster General Farley said, “but I found him in good health and am confident he will measure up to his task by con tinuing to counsel for an amicable settlement of European problems. “The Pope is in a position,” Mr. Farley added, “to make a great con tribution towards the maintenance of peace because of his knowledge of the world through his travels, especially to the United States and South America.” Striving to Prevent War. in ms puonc aucuence me fope recalled that he had been striving to prevent war ever since his elec tion to the papacy last March. His remarks were published tonight in L'Osservatore Romano, Vatican newspaper. "In the present hour, which re news acute anxiety and trembling of heart.” he said, "we ourself, from the first day of our pontificate, have attempted and done what was in our power to ward off the danger of war and co-operate in the attainment of a solid peace, founded on justice, which would safeguard the liberty and honor of peoples. "We have even, within the limits of possibility and so far as the duties of our apostolic ministry al lowed us, laid aside other tasks and other preoccupations which weigh on our minds,” the Pope continued. Trusts in Rulers. "We have imposed prudent cau tion on ourself, in order not to make more difficult or impossible for us in any way the work for peace, con scious of all in this field that we owed and owe to the children of the Catholic church and all humanity. "We do not want nor do we have the heart to give up the hope that feelings of moderation and objec tivity will serve to avert a conflict which, according to every forecast, would exceed even the past in de struction and material and spiritual ruin. We do not cease to trust that the rulers of peoples in decisive hours wifi refuse to assume the in expressible responsibility of an ap peal to force. "But above all, human hopes rest ~7< See POPE. Page A-4.) Radio Programs, Page F-3 Complete Index, Page A-2 I Two Dead, Property And Crop Damage Heavy in Storm $100,000 Loss Reported By County in Northern Neck of Virginia Two persons dead, an undeter mined number injured and property and crop damage that ran high in the thousands were counted last night, as the result of the heavy rains and high winds that for 24 hours had beaten along the upper Atlantic seaboard, ending the three month drouth. More tragic consea.uences prob ably were averted late in the day when the crack Blue Comet, the At lantic City-New York express of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, was derailed on storm-weakened tracks in Southern New Jersey. Rain and cloudy was the forecast over a part of the area today, but the outlook locally was fair and slightly warmer, with showers pre dicted tomorrow. The two deaths came in the Lower Chesapeake Bay section. Miss Julia Richardson. 70. was killed by falling timbers when her home on St. Jeromes Creek, about 30 miles south of Leonardtown. Md., collapsed in the height of the storm early yesterday. Her brother Thomas, sleeping in an adjoining room, w:as trapped for more than two hours before he was able to dig out of the wreckage. Man Swept Overboard. Raymond Campbell, colored mem ber of the crew of the freighter Seven Brothers, was swept over board while the vessel was in the bay near the mouth of the Potomac River. The heaviest property damage— $100.000—w’as reported from Fleeton and Reedville, Northumberland County, in the northern neck of Vir ginia. where the "twister,” as it was described, first struck shortly after midnight Friday. The post office, an ice plant and a fish factory were among the structures wrecked. About a dozen persons were injured and more than a score left homeless. In St. Marys County, Md„ the damage was estimated at $50,000. several tobacco barns being blown down and much farm machinery in outbuildings damaged by falling timbers. As is usually the case, the storm produced its freak mishaps. Garage Blown 100 Yards. The garage at the home of former Representative L. C. Dyer of Mis souri, in St. Marys County, was blown 100 yards into a shallow lake, dousing two colored families sleep ing in the building, but otherwise leaving them unharmed. A 40-foot cruiser occupied by Paul Crandall, Washington real estate operator, Mrs. Crandall and their three children was blown more than a mile in St. Marys River, but was i See STORM, Page “a“10.)~7~ Removal of Pontoons From Squalus Begun By the Associated Press. PORTSMOUTH, N. H., Aug. 19.— Navy salvage workers today began removing pontoons attached to the sunken submarine Squalus, indicat ing that the third lift toward shore might be made through compressed air pumped directly into the $4,000, 000 vessel’s hull. Rear Admiral Cyrus W. Cole, director of salvage operations, earlier has said that procedure might be followed. The vessel, which sank in a 240 foot depth during tests last May, lies in 92 feet of water 4 miles off shore and 9 miles from Portsmouth. ii Actual WarThreat Expected During This Week By the Associated Press. WARSAW, Aug. 19.—Armed Po land held herself in readiness to night for developments generally expected in Warsaw to bring a decisive turn soon—possibly within a week—in European affairs. Feeling grew that "pressure'’ by the Rome-Berlin axis would be intensified in the dispute over Ger many’s demands for the Free City ol Danzig, which Poland holds to be a "lung" of her economic or ganism. Week of Crisis Seen. "The forthcoming week," read a headline in the evening Warsaw newspaper Czas. "will be a week of crisis—to decide peace or war." The German propaganda cam paign already has been described by the Polish press as "bordering on madness.’’ Official comment was lacking on military moves in Slovakia. German protectorate over which the Nazis have established "military posses sion." Polish circles said the Polish Army had been aware since last March of possible German "attacks" on Slovakia. It was stated bluntly that "Poland is ready." War Threat Seen Ahead. In general the Polish view was that the forthcoming week would see the actual threat of war launch ed in a new bid for an appeasement policy and compromise. German propaganda, in this Polish view, was expected to continue "the effort to isolate Poland, provoke Poland, and establish Poland as an aggressor nation." Man Killed, Second Hurt In. Army Plane Crash By the Associated Press. GRAHAMSVILLE. N. Y.. Aug 20 (Sunday i.—One man was killed and another critically injured last night when their airplane, carrying Army markings, crashed on Denman Mountain near this Ulster Comity village. State Police Sergt. Thomas J. Mangan. said the dead man was identified from papers in his cloth ing as John Brennan Smith, about 19. of Lowell. Mass. Papers on the second man. Sergt. Mangan said, bore the name of Second Lt. Willard G. Ewing. Post Field. Fort Sill. Okla. The plane, first heard flying low over Monticello at 9:50 pm. crashed 10 minutes later ini/' the trees on Denman Mountain, p .ir yf the Cat skill range, and bankeO into a meadow. Johnny Weissmuller W'jd In After-Midnight Rite Ey the Associated Press. GARFIELD. N. J.. Aug. 20 <Sun dayi.—Johnny (Tarzani Weissmul ler, the swimmer whose divorce from Lupe Vglez became final last Wed nesday. and Miss Beryl Scott, San Francisco society girl, were married here early today. Two ceremonies were performed, the Rev. Frank MacDonald of Clif ton performing the first upstairs in the home of City Counsel Henry L. Janowski to please the bride, and Mayor John M. Gabriel performing the second downstairs to please the newsreel cameramen. The bride, wearing a periwinkle blue dress with hat to match and a corsage of deep purple orchids, was attended by Miss Jean Trawan of New York, a cousin. The bride groom. who hastened here after his last performance at the New York World's Fair last night and plans to return to the show tonight, wore a blue business suit. Mrs. Weissmuller gave her age as 23 and Mr. Weissmuller as 35. Sher man Billingsley, New York night club operator, was best man. Included in the wedding party were Ethel Merman, musical comedy singer; B. O. Roos. Mr. Weissmuller's manager: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Scott, parents of the bride, and Stubby Kreuger and Pete Des Jardines,' swimmers. Chamberlin Arrested Because of Plane's Noise By the Associated Press. MADISON, Wis., Aug. 19.—Col. Clarence Chamberlin, the trans Atlantic flyer, was free tonight on $.“>0 bail after being arrested on a charge of violating the city's anti noise ordinance with his huge twin motored biplane. Police Chief William H. McCor mick, who signed the complaint, said he acted -after receiving “nu merous" complaints from Madison residents. Col. Chamberlin has been here since Wednesday conducting sight-seeing flights over the city. He is the first pilot who crossed the Atlantic carrying a passenger. Europe Hears Broadcast Of Indian War Chants Bj the Associated Press. GALLUP N. Mex., Aug. 19.— Fierce war chants of the once feared Southwestern Indians were broadcast to tense European cap itals, the United States and Can ada today over a hookup from the intertribal Indian ceremonial. Large crowds saw and heard the colorfully bedecked tribesmen send their throbbing, rhythmic chant and blood-curdling yells into “the big wind that talks." About 7,000 Indians representing 19 tribes attended this year's cere monial. k It s a Good Act, but It s Hard on tne Spectators 17 Persons Injured As Train Is Derailed In N. J. Storm Five Cars Leave Tracks; Fire Breaks Out, but Is Extinguished By thf *sfiociatf*d Ptpse. CHATSWORTH. N. J . Aug. IP - Seventeen persons were injured late today, three of them seriously, when the “Blue Comet." crark Central Railroad of New Jersey Atlantic City-New York flier, was derailed in southern New Jersey's pine wilder ness during a heavy rainstorm. Most of them were in the observa tion car. last of five which leaped the rails, and were pitched back and forth with furniture as the cars bounced 500 feet down the ties be fore breaking loose from the loco motive. On either side was a drainage ditch for a cranberry bog. Cars tilted at dizzy angles, but none went over. Railroadmen had no explanation to offer, but others said the water from the bog. level with the rails as the storm raged, apparently had weakened the track. Rescue squads from a score of communities in four neighboring counties had to carry the injured three miles along the tracks to this crossroads community. Uninjured passengers, after spending two to four hours in the derailed coaches to escape the downpour, had to lug their baggage the same distance to meet a relief train, prevented from coming to them by the Blue Comet 's locomotive, which was stalled with a derailed tender a mile beyond the coaches. Seriously injured and taken 20 miles to the Burlington County Hos pital at Mount Holly were: Mrs. Joseph Gilligan. 50. Wilkes Barre. Pa., back injuries. Richard Kelly. 41, Philadelphia. Joseph Coleman. 45. New York, colored dining-car attendant, scalds and possible broken legs. Others were treated at the scene by physicians rallied from the coun tryside. Fire broke out in the dining car, but was quickly extinguished. Win dows here and in other cars were broken. Forty-nine passengers were re ported aboard the train. Several women and children were hysterical by the time they reached the Chats worth station The train was running under “caution’’ orders and the crew re ported to division headquarters at Long Branch that they were going only 30 or 35 miles an hour instead of double that speed. Derailment of the train occurred about 4:30 p.m. i Eastern stand ard time), the time the train was due in Chatsworth. The relief train left at 9:26 p.m„ for Jersey City, where New7 York passengers transfer to Hudson River ferries. The locomotive, dragging behind it a tender with one truck crash ing along the ties, rolled more than a mile up the track before it could be stopped. From there the engineer and fireman ran into Chatsworth and summoned help. Blockaded Tientsin Area Flooded by Hai River By the Associated Press. TIENTSIN. Aug. 19.—This war harassed area faced a new terror tonight—flood waters of the Hai River, which poured through block aded foreign concessions and sur rounding territory occupied by Japa nese. The Japanese blockade of the British and French concessions, in effect since June 14, was virtually forgotten in the stress of new danger. Two feet of water in one section caused residents to evacuate. Busi ness firms vacated lower floors. Vast sections of farmland were submerged and thousands of peasants fled. Boat Passengers Saved ST. IGN^CE. Mich., Aug. 19 (^P).— Eight passengers who jumped into the water when the launch Pilot II caught lire in the Straits of Macki nac were rescued today by the State ferry City of Cheboygan. The Pilot II, a 60-foot gasoline launch, is used to transport passen gers between Mackinaw City and Mackinac Island. -V Probation Bars Pendergast Bets For Five Years By ihe Associated Press. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 19—For five years after Tom Pendergast leaves Leavenworth Prison he may not visit the headquarters of his Democratic organization. Hp may not gamble or bet on the races. He must stand in line once a month to tell a probation officer how he has been behaving himself. Federal Judge Merrill E. Otis set those terms for the erstwhile "boss's" probation today in a document filed with the clerk of the Federal Court. The document was a history of the Missouri Fire Insurance com promise case. Pendergast and R. Emmet O'Malley, former State in surance superintendent, were sent . to Leavenworth for failing to pay j income taxes on money they re | ceived for putting the compromise ! through. Pendergast was sentenced to 15 months and O'Malley to a year and a day. Griffs Give $40,C33 To Minneapolis for Shortstop Pofahl Third Highest Sum Ever Paid Here; Right-Hander Boasts .303 Average The Washington ball club's death less quest for righthanded batting strength landed a young American Association shortstop, it was an nounced yesterday by President Clark Griffith, and for what report edly is the third highest price ever paid by the Nats for a ball player. Emphasizing that he had outbid the Chicago Cubs and the Boston Red Sox, Griffith revealed that Jimmy Pofahl. 22-year-old shortstop star of the Minneapolis Millers, had been purchased for $40,000, half to be paid immediately and the other $20,000 to be paid to Owner Mike Kelley of Minneapolis in the spring. Pofahl, whose batting average has slumped to .303 during the last month while playing with a sprained left wrist, has been one of the main sparkplugs in the Millers' unex pected strong fight against the Yankee-owned Kansas City Blues for the American Association pen nant. He will be delivered next spring at the Nats’ training camp in Orlando, Fla. Third Most Expensive Nat. In costing the Washington club $40,000, Pofahl becomes the third most expensive player ever pur chased by Griffith. Only the $65,000 paid for Joe Kuhel in 1930 and the $50,000 paid for Outfielder Earl Mc Neely in 1924 topped the Pofahl price tag. The purchase of the shortstop created a wave of rumor around town, concerning, chiefly, the status of Cecil Travis, present regular shortstop. It generally is believed tContinued on Page E-l. Part 4.) |_ University President Is Killed in Crash By the Associated Press. DANVILLE, 111., Aug. 19— Dr. Da vid Edwards, 67, president of Friends University, Wichita, Kans.. was fa tally injured today when his auto mobile skidded on wet pavement and struck a concrete abutment. His wife and a daughter, Phyllis Jane. 17, suffered serious injuries. Forest Fire Destroys Community in West, 600 Homeless 22 Blazes Raging in Washington State; Damage Heavy By the Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO. Apg. 19 Smoke billowed above Pacific Coast forests from central California to British Columbia todav. marking scattered fire sectors where thou sands of men fought to halt de struction of timber. A lumber mill fire destroyed the tiny forest community of Pine Ridge, 35 miles north of Klamath Falls. Oreg.. leaving approximately 600 persons homeless. Managers of the lumber company said the loss prob ably would range between one and two million dollars. The mill and about 200 buildings were razed. Firebugs, wind and intense heat ; created a critical situation in the I Northwest. Twenty-two fires in | Washington alone caused one official ■ to declare conditions there "the most ! critical in 22 years." Logging, mining and recreational activities were stopped by official ; order on Vancouver Island. British Columbia. Flames fed on timber in Western areas of the province. In Oregon, where logging opera - tions in certain districts were halted more than a week ago. a 40-mile wind defied attempts of nearly 1.000 fighters to control the Chetco fire, which had lapped over into the Siskiyou National Forest, near the State's southern boundary. Fire crews attempted to hold the blaze within a 12.000-acre area. A string of fires attributed to in cendiarists burned along a front of j 2'2 miles near Elkton. Southern Oregon. Telephone lines were down here and 120 men battled the 1.000 acre blaze. Other fires, some of them out of control, burned in the Tillamook area of Oregon and near Index in Northwestern Washington. California fires, which had caused two deaths, approached full con trol. Largest of the three major blazes, all in the Los Padres Na tional Forest, was the 18.000-acre Machenso fire in American Canyon. San Luis Ooispo County, which 800 C. C. C. and civilian fighters hoped to conquer tonight. Michigan Governor Presses Gaming Drive By the Associated Press. LANSING. Mich.. Aug. 19.—Gov. Luren D. Dickinson, foe of high life drinking and gambling, ad dressed letters today to a number of Michigan sheriffs in whose juris dictions State troopers recently seized slot machines. "You know what the law is: please explain why it wasn't enforced," the letters demanded. At the Governor's office it was said there would be "follow-ups" on the letters. "We will insist on re plies,” said Emerson R. Boyles, the Governor’s legal adviser. Meanwhile Gov. Dickinson indi cated his approval of an announce ment by Attorney General Thomas Read that he would petition the Wayne County i Detroit > Circuit Court for a grand jury investiga tion of gambling in the Detroit area. The furore over allegations of po lice connivance with gamblers in Detroit followed the suicide of Janet MacDonald, who left a group of letters charging that a man who jilted her had been a “go-between” for gamblers and certain police offi cers. Simultaneously a group of Detroit citizens petitioned for a grand jury inquiry of the gambling situation. Water Gate Concerts on WMAL A full hour of the 12th of the season’s ‘‘Sunset Symphonies” by the National Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Guy Fraser Harrison, guest conductor, will be broadcast over a Nation wide network by the National Broadcasting Co. this evening. Through the co-operation of the National Broadcasting Co. and The Star the program will be heard locally over WMAL. Tonight's program will be broadcast from 9 to 10 o’clock. By all means attend the concert tonight if you can. The music and the setting provide a combination that you shouldn’t miss. If you cannot attend, tune in the concert on WMAL at 9 o’clock. In arranging these broadcasts the National Broadcasting Co. and The Star are co-operating with the Summer Concert Com mittee of the Symphony Orchestra in its effort to further appre ciation and support of the orchestra which contributes so greatly to the musical life of the Nation's Capital. Ticket* for the concert can be purchased at the Water Gate tonight. I * Plumbers Join Building Tieup Tomorrow Walkout Is Ordered As Peace Is Sought In Smoot Dispute BACKGROUND— Principal supply of concrete building materials in Washington uas shut off completely Thurs day when Smoot Sand & Gravel Co. ceased operation three days after employes struck for “better working conditions. ’ Work on big Federal and District building projects has been slowed almost to standstill while warring fac tions have been attempting to settle differences under guid ance of a Labor Department con ciliator. More than 300 plumbers are sched uled to go on strike tomorrow in a city-wide walkout, further compli cating Washington's building con struction program already brought almost to a standstill by the week old sand and gravel tieup. The Star learned last night. Ernest S. Ott, business agent for the Plumbers Union. Local No. 5, .)i»iu a sunn i inti v* no 11V1U day between representatives of the Master Plumbers Association, lead ers of the International Union of Journeymen Plumbers and Steam Fitters and local officials, after mem bers of the local had voted in favor of the strike last Wednesday. “Work will cease Monday,” Mr. Ott said the joint conference de cided. “Only a few small jobs under way with contractors who have signed satisfactory union contracts will continue." Mr. Ott explained that the union, an American Federation of Labor affiliate, is asking tl per day in crease over the $12 wage, which "has prevailed for 10 years.” Federal Projects Affected. Plumbing work on all Federal projects and most of the major mu nicipal and private construction will cease, Mr. Ott said. An agreement between the union and the Plumbers’ Guild, an or ganization of plumbing contractors, expired August 1. a guild official explained earlier, and negotiations for renewal have been in progress since June 1. Mr. Ott said most of the men have been notified of the strike decision of the conference and that he will dispatch a letter to the Conference Board of the guild today explaining “the action of the union and agree ing to meet for further negotiations at the guild's convenience.” A general walkout of plumbers will complete the virtual halting of building construction, already slowed by the sand and gravel tieup, as their work mu«t progress from the foundation up along with the rest of the construction. The international organization was represented at yesterday's con ference by Michael Garrett, general organizer, and Thomas E. Burke, secretary and treasurer of the inter national union. Mr. Ott explained that contracts already signed with individual con tractors will be abrogated if they are not in accord with the general agreement with the guild, when, and if, the latter is completed. Smoot Peace Sought. Meanwhile, the Labor Department conciliation service continued to work overtime in an effort to put the 200 striking employes of the Smoot Sand & Gravel Co. back on the job. at least temporarily, to re lieve the concrete material shortage which has tied up work on millions of dollars' worth of Federal and District construction projects and made idle hundreds of workers throughout the city. A favorable adjustment was an ticipated within the next few days after company officials and nego tiators for the striking Local No. 22075 of the Sand and Gravel Work #rs' Union, also an A. F. of L. affil iate. indicated qualified approval of a temporary back-to-work agree ment yesterday. Such an agreement has been sought in conferences with nego tiators by Howard T. Colvin. Labor Department conciliator, who said last night that "prospects are much brighter for an early settlement of the dispute.” Mr. Colvin conferred separately yesterday with union leaders and (See STRIKE, Page A-10.) Justice Douglas Not Presidential Aspirant By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 19 —William O. Douglas, youngest member of the United States Supreme Court, said in an interview at the New York World's Fair today that any one who mentioned his name as a pos sible successor to President Roose velt "must be talking about some other Douglas.” "I'm just plain Bill Douglas of Yakima. Wash.,” he said Here to attend Whitman College (Walla Walla, Wa«h.) day at the fair, he met about 100 graduates of the college and natives of Wash ington State. The justice said 300 cases were pending in Supreme Court and he planned to study some of them on a vacation trip to the Thousand Islands. Referring to the pending cases, he said: "I feel just like an oyster. They get just what the tide brings in, and that’s just the way we are." ALBUQUERQUE, N. Mex., Aug. 19 (/P>.—Senator Wheeler, Democrat, of Montana said in an interview today he intended to seek re-election to the Senate in 1940 and wasn't in terested in the presidency. He voiced belief that President Roose velt “will not insist on renomination" for a third term. A