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Red Cross Motor Corps Leaders Honored Two veteran leaders of the volun teer Motor Corps, District Chapter, American Red Cross, were given a testimonial luncheon at the Army Navy Country Club today on the occasion of their resignation—Mrs. Howard R. Krinbill as chairman and Mrs. Karl Schmitt as vlca chair man of the corps. Brig. Gen. F. R. Keefer, chapter chairman, presided and presented Mrs. Krinbill with an honor certifi cate In recognition of her 15 years' service. Mrs. William H. Luckett presented a silver tray to Mrs. Krin bill and a vase to Mrs. Schmitt on behalf of her many friends in the Red Cross. Both Mrs. Krinbill and Mrs. Schmitt have been transferred from Washing ton. Mrs. L. E. Harris, act ing chairman of the corps, expressed appreciation for the distinguished service of the two women and regret at their departure. Autos Held Responsible For 11% of Fire Alarms A survey conducted by the maga zine Fire Engineering has revealed that in 426 cities 11.53 per cent of legitimate alarms are caused by au tomobile fires, many of which could hare been extinguished by the driv ers if they had the proper equip ment. The survey disclosed that there were 742 alarms from automo bile Ares here last year. Commenting on the figures, Fred Sheppard, manager of the Interna tional Association of Fire Chiefs, declared the facts "Justify the reg I ulatlons of the Interstate Commerce Commission and various States which require motor vehicles of some classes be equipped with fire ex tinguishers. In the great majority of cases, drivers could extinguish the fires themselves If a fire extin guisher were carried on every car.” This, he said, would eliminate the extra traffic hazard and the expense of fire apparatus responding to so many calls. Rays Disinfect Plants Disinfection of plants and vege table products by a new process utilizing electric rays has been auth orized by the ministry of agriculture of Brazil. Gets M. A. Degree Charles Frederick Kolb of this city received a master of arts degree Fri day at commencement exercises at » the University of Kentucky, where Bishop Edwin Holt Hughes of Wash ington delivered the commencement address. Degrees were awarded to some 250 students. NOW IN PROGRESS . . . RALEIGH CLEARANCE _ j—Baaga—i■■ i §g ■ I ■ Save! Topcoats and Overcoats A 1 IlinAnVPA 1 AA A A pr I A ■ A 4 AAA vr A f II * V I A A I A ■k ■ j j imi vn ■ bw gnu TIC TWEED and SHETLAND TOPCOATS. Sizes—Regulars, > 1 (39), 4 (42), 3 (44), 2 (46). Shorts, 1 (38), 2 (39) , 2 (40), 2 (42). Longs, 1 (36), 1 (38), 3 (40) _$19.85 18 IMPORTED SCOTCH KY NOCK OVERCOATS, brown, grey. Sizes — Regulars, 1 (35), 2 (36), 3 (37), 2 (38) , 1 (39), 3 (40), 2 (42). Longs, 1 (37), 1 (38), 1 (39), 1 (40). Were $45, _$29.50 ”7 IMPORTED SCOTCH FLEECE TASMANIAN OVERCOATS, grey and green plaid. Sizes— Regulars, 1 (35), 1 (361, 1 (37), 2 (38), 2 (39). Were $60_$33.50 15 IMPORTED ENGLISH fir IRISH FLEECE OVERCOATS, grey, brown assorted checks. Sizes—Regulars, 2 (361, 3 (37), 1 (38), 1 (39), 2 (40), 1 (42). Long, 1 (37), 1 (38), 1 (39), 1 (40), 1 (42). Were $45 and $50 _$31.50 4 GENUINE QUILTED LINED C R O Y D E N OVERCOATS. Sizes—Regulars, 3 (38), 2 (39) . Were $50 ...$27.50 *1 BLUE CHINCHILLA WOR UMBO OVERCOAT. Size 35 regular. Was $65 - - $33.50 Sm i m I wn I bV d I I b ■ b » M V OVERCOATS, f>ure worsted; lined. Sizes—Regulars, 1 ; (36) , 1 (39). Were $60, I $28.75 8 ENGLISH BURBERRY OVER COATS, brown; raglan, single or double breasted. Sizes— Regulars, 3 (361, 1 (38), I (40), 1 (42). Longs, 1 (37, 1 (38). Were $85 and $90_$64.75 4 IMPORTED SCOTCH CURL DRESS OVERCOATS. Sizes— Regular, 1 (44). Longs, 1 (38), 2 (40. Were $125, $79.50 19 $35 to $45 IMPORTED and DOMESTIC FLEECE VELOUR and TWEED OVERCOATS. Sizes—Regulars, 1 (36), 1 (38), I (39), 1 (40), 3 (42), 4 (44). Longs, 2 (37) , 2 (38), 3 (39), 1 (40) _$21.85 11 $45 and $50 FINE IM PORTED FLEECE OVER COATS. Light tan heathers. Sizes—Regulars, 1 (36), 2 (37), 2 (38), 3 (39), 2 (40), 1 (42)_$23.85 1 ENGLISH AQUASCUTUM OVERCOAT. Brown, double breasted, region. Size 40 short. Was $65_$32.50 Men’s Hats at Pre*invenU>ry Savings RALEIGH STRAW HATS. Were $2 to $3.50, now-95c KNOX STRAWS. Were $4, now _ $1.85 FINE KNOX STRAWS. Were $5 ond $7.50, now_ $2.45 RALEIGH PANAMAS. Were~$5 ond $6, now_$2.45 KNOX PANAMAS. Were $7.50, now Vj price_ _$3.75 KNOX PANAMAS. Were $10, now less than Vi price . $4.85 KNOX PANAMAS. Were $15, now less than Vi price $6.85 KNOX PANAMAS. Were $20, now Vj price_$10 iMexfs Summer Shoes.. ♦ at Savings 109 PAIRS RALEIGH '8' SPORTS SHOES, whites, tan or black and whites. Some two-tone tans. Were $5.50 and $6.85_$3.95 19 PAIRS GOLF SHOES, buck skins, tan or black and white, spiked soles. Were $6.85 $4.95 ARCH PRESERVER SHOES, popu lar sports styles. Were $10 and $12_$7.85 53 PAIRS HAND LASTED SHOES, some ventilated styles included. Whites and tan and white. Were $8.75, $5.95 138 PAIRS RALEIGH “8" SPORTS SHOES, popular styles and white novelties. Were $8 and $8.75.-$5.45 HANAN SPORTS SHOES, im ported buckskin. Were $12.75 to $14.50—.$8.85 .. & 4 HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS OF ITEMS DRASTICALLY REDUCED $|M> "ssr J 12 Prt. SPORTS TROUSERS. Were $8.50_$4.S5 62 Prt. SPORTS TROUSERS in a wide assortment of popular fabrics, patterns and colors. Sizes 30 to 42. Were $7.50 to $10_$5.85 . 5 SEERSUCKER and SUMMER TROPICALS. Sizes—Regu lars, 1 (35), I (36). Shorts, 2 (37) Long stout, 1 (46). Were $12.50_$5.50 9 SPORTS COATS. Good size, style and color selection. Plain or sports back models of fine imported and domestic fab rics. Were $17.50 to $23.50 _ $12.85 yy-. y ..... 3 WHITE LINEN, COTTON AND MOHAIR SUITS. Sizes —Regular, I (35). Short, 1 (38). Long, 1 (40). Were $16.50 to $20-__$10 8 TROPICAL WORSTED AND MOHAIR SUITS. Sizes— Regulars, 1 (37), 1 (38), 1 (39). Short, 1 (42). Longs, 1 (37), 1 (39). Stout, 1 (34). Were $30 and $35, $12.75 15 3-PC. SUMMER FLANNELS AND FINE TROPICALS. Sizes—Regulars, 1 (35), I (36), 1 (37), 3 (38), 3 (39) , 2 (40). Short, 1 (40) . Longs, 1 (37), 1 (42). Stout, 1 (39). Were $35_$17.75 19 SUMMER WEIGHT 3-PC. GABARDINE SUITS. Sizes —Regulars, 2 (39), 4 (40), 2 (42). Shorts, 2 (37), 2 (38) , 2 (39), 1 (40), 3 (42). Long, 1 (38). Were $29.95 _----$19.50 26 FINE WORSTEDS, TWISTS. Single and double breasted. Plains, plaids. Blue, gray, tan. For summer and early fall. Sizes—Regulors, 3 < (37), 5 (38), 8 (39), l (40), 1 (42), 1 (46). Shorts, 1 (37), 2 (38), 1 (42), 1 (44). Long, 1 (39U Were $35--SI9.75 8 SPORTS COATS. Sizes— Regulars, 1 (38), 1 (39), 1 (44). Shorts, 1 (37), 1 (39) . Were $17.50 and $20 _S9.95 WOOL SUITS* Fall and Winter-weights at 5 TWO-TROUSER HERRING BONE CHEVIOTS, brown. Sizes—Shorts, 1 (36), 1 (37) , 2 (38). Long, 1 (39) . Were $40_-$I9.85 3 TWO-TROUSER WORSTED TWISTS, heather shades. Sizes—Regulars, 1 (37), 1 (38) , 1 (40). Were $45, $26.75 9 FINE HERRINGBONE SHET LANDS, double - breasted, grey, brown, blue. Sizes— Regulars, 1 (36), 2 (38), 1 (39), 1 (40). Shorts, 1 (37), 1 (38), 3 (40). Were $40.$26.50 21 HAND-TAILORED WOR STEDS, blue and brown stripes and mixtures. Sizes Regulars, 2 (36), 2 (37), 7 (38), 2 (42). Shorts, 1 (37) , 3 (38), 2 (39), 1 (40) , 1 (42). Were $40, $25.50 6 HAND-T A I L O R E D WOR STEDS, grey and brown. Sizes ; —Regulars, 1 (37), 1 (38), 1 (401. Stout, 1 (38), 2 (39), Vi price. Were $50_$25 10 TWO-TROUSER WORSTEDS, grey and green heather shades. Sizes—Regulars, 1 (36), 1 (38), 2 (39), 1 (40). Shorts, 1 (37), 1 (40). Longs, 1 (39), 2 (40). Were $40..$25.85 11 HAND-TAILORED WOR STEDS, grey and blue. Sizes j Regulars, 1 (37), 2 (381, 1 (40), 1 (42). Shorts, 1 (38) , 1 (40), 1 (42). Longs, t (39), 1 (40), I (42). Were $45_$25 .... -■ ... .... .. . . 13 TWO-TROUSER HAND-TAI LORED WORSTEDS, lovot ^ green. Sizes—Regulars, 3 (38) , 1 (39), 2 (40), ) (42), 1 (44). Shorts, 2 (37), 1 (38), 1 (40). Long, 1 (42). Were $45, $27.75 10 FINE WORSTEDS, grey plaids. Sizes—Regulars, 1 (36), 1 (37) , 1 (40), 1 (42). Shorts, 1 (37), 1 (38), 1 (39) , 1 (40). Longs, 1 (39), 1 (42). Were $47.50, $25.85 10 TWO-TROUSER SHARK. SKINS, tan and grey over- \ plaids. Sizes—Regulars, 2 (36), 1 (37), 1 (38), 1 (39), 1 (40). Shorts, 1 (38) , 1 (39), 1 (42). Longs, \ (42). Were $50, _ $27.50 7 SHARKSKINS, grey and tan stripe. Sizes—Regular, 2 (42). Shorts, 1 (37), 1 (39) , 1 (40). Longs, 1 (38) , 1 (39). Were $40, $24.50 Suits for Stout Sizes 17 FINE WORSTEDS, TWISTS. Sizes—Stouts, 9 (39), 4 (40), 1 (44). Long stouts, 2 (40). Were $35 _$19.85 12 TWO-TROUSER WOR STEDS. Sizes—Stouts, 8 (391, I (40), 2 (44). Long stout, 1 (40). Were $40 ond $45_$22.85 25 WORSTED TWISTS, blue, grey, tan. Sizes—Regulars, 3 (37), 4 (38), 6 (39), 1 (40) , 1 (42), 1 (46). Shorts, 1 (37),-3 (38), 1 (42), 1 (44). Long, 1 (39) . Were $35-$19.50 15 BENCH-MADE WORSTEDS. Sizes—Regulars, 2 (37), 1 (38) , 1 (39), 1 (40), 1 (44). Shorts, 1 (36), 1 (40). Longs, t (37), 4 (40), 1 (44). Were $50 to $60_$34.50 7 BENCH-MADE CUSTOM WORSTEDS. Sizes — Regu lars, 3 (38), 1 (40). Short, ! 1 (38). Long, 1 (37). Stout, 1 (39). Were $65 ond $75_$39.50 12 WORSTEDS, TWISTS, CHEV IOTS, CASHMERES. Sizes— Regulars, 2 (40), 2 (42), 1 (44). Shorts, 1 (39), 1 (42). Stouts, 2 (39), 2 (44). Long stout, 1 (40). Were $35..$1745 12.IMPORTED CHEVIOTS; -^Sizes—Regulars, 1 (38), 1 (39) , 1 (40), 3 (42). Shorts, 1 (37), 1 (38), 1 (39), 2 (42). Stouts, 2 (39). Were $35--$19.B5 5 FINE WORSTEDS, CHEVI OTS, SHETLANDS. Sizes— Regulars, 1 138), 1 (40). Shorts, 2 (38), 1 (42). Were $35 ond $40. $21.85 9 FINE WORSTEDS, custom | type herringbones, shetlonds. Sizes—Regulars, 1 (34), 1 (38) . Shorts, 1 (38), 2 (39) , 1 (40), 1 (42). Stout, 1 (44). Long stout, 1 (40). Were $35 to $45, $23.85 15 IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CHEVIOTS. Sizes — Regu lars, 1 (36), 1 (39), 1 (40), 4 (42). Shorts, 1 (37), 2 (38) , 1 (39), 2 (40), 1 (42). Long, 1 39). Were $35_$22.50 14 FINE WORSTEDS, stripes, plaids. Sizes—Regulars, 1 (36', 1 (37), 5 -(38), 1 (39) , 4 (40), 1 (42), 1 (44). Long stout, 1 (40). Were $35 ond $40..$23.50 MEN’S FURNISHINGS.. Far Summer. Foil at Saving* • $2 & $2.50 COLLAR-ATTACHED SHIRTS Broadcloth and fine madrases in your favorite white, plain colors and fancy pat- ffi'l terns. Great savings at_ $1 & $1.50 FINE SUMMER NECKWEAR A large selection of patterns and colors in truly fine wearing fabrics. A great assortment in the group_ 16 SHIRTS, slightly soiled. Bro ken sizes and styles. Were $2 to $3.50_88c 70 SHIRTS, slightly soiled. Whites, plain colors and fancy collar - attached models. Demi-bosom neckbands. Were $2 to $3.50_Vi Price 45-SHIRTS, foncy and white. Collar attached and neckband. Broken sizes. Were $2 and $2.50_$1.18 240 SHIRTS, plain white in col lar-attached and neckbands. Patterns in collar-attached style. Were $2.50-$1.88 185 SHIRTS. White pima broad cloth in collar-attached and . neckband. Fancy woven madrases and colored broad cloths in collar-attached. Were $3 and $3.50-$2.28 48-FOULARD TIES, colors and patterns for Summer and Fall. Were $1 -28c 180 SUMMER TIES, mostly light grounds. Stripes and figures. _Were $1 _48c 80-NECKTIES in colors for early fall wear. Repps and crepes. Were $ 1.50 and $1,65--88c 69 NECKTIES, foulords and im ported crepes. Were $1.65 and $2.50_$1.28 $1 QUALITY PURE SILK, LISLE HOSE Light and dark colors in patterns that include ribbed effects, stripes, clocks and many others. STSKf* All sizes in the group_ 75c & $1 QUALITY WOVEN SHORTS Fine woven fabrics in plain colors and white. Also combed yam shirts. Every one full cut for better fit and wear_ 22PRS. HOSE, sizes 10 to 11 only included. Assorted yorns. Were 35c to 50c_18c 170-PRS. HOSE, new patterns in fine lisle and rayon mixtures, were 35c ond 50c_28c 255-PRS. HOSE, lisle ond silk mixtures, Were 50c ond 65c-38c 140 SHORTS OR SHIRTS, fine woven shorts in white, stripes and patterns. Shirts of fine combed Swiss knit yarns. Were 39c_4 for $1.50 65-UNION SUITS, fine checked nainsook. Sizes 40, 42, 44 only. Were $1.00-78e 40 SHIRTS, SHORTS, DRAWERS in assorted fabrics and styles. Were 55c to $3--_-,/2 Pri«« 36 SWEATERS, pullover ond coat styles in various colors. Were $4 to $5$3.78 3 SWEATERS, sleeveless style only. Were $2.50 and $3.50, $1.79 9 SWEATERS, pullover style only. Were $3.50-$2.48 3 CORDUROY JACKETS, medi um size in brown, green. Were $3.50 $1.75 1 SUEDE JACKET, grey-suede, size 42, plaid lined. Was $12 _$7.98 $1.28 & $1.65 Finely Knitted Sports Shirts Just 110 of these fine popular styled sports shirts at this price! Blue, white and green in OQa all sizes_„_OOC $1.50 & $2 FINE LEATHER SPORTS BELTS A great assortment of new and novel effects in truly fine leathers. Brown and white, black and white. Some all white incJjjded— ADVANCE SALE!* / FINE FABRICS! LAVISHLY j FUR-TRIMMED COATS WITH * j | K,\. vr $69.95 to $79.95 Volues Also rippling pouch eollors and collars that look fckf boleros. Truly a marvel ous collection . . , in foct os dromotic in value and quality as you hove ever found hi our Ae^bst Sole ... and remember .. . i«i August you con find the careful, un hurried workmanship coatmakers con ^ MONTHS TO lavish, in off seasons . . . ond the choicest, PAY. No down j lovfiest furs. poyment, no car rying charge. $10.95 to $14.95 Summer Dresses Drastically reduced for immediate clearance —rayon sharkskin, spun rayons and silk CJK Ck 8J "Melloweave" prints_ 16 SUMMER DRESSES. Were priced $14.95 to $17.95, $8.95 58 SILK & BEMBERG SLIPS. Were $1.95 and $22.5- $1.49 81 WOOD BEAD BAGS; pastels and white. Were $2.95--$1.95 11 HANDBAGS; fabric and grained calf. Were $5-$3 12 SUMMER SKIRTS; sharkskin, ® flannel, linen. Were $3.95.$2.29 $4.95 & $5.95 Famous Brand Swim Suits Made by one of America's most famous bathing suit manufacturers. All wool or wool-and-lastex. Just 90, sizes 32 to 40. 36 HANDBAGS; alligator-grained calf Gr linen. Were $2.95$1.29 74 LUXITE SPORTSWEAR; rayon jersey. Shirts, shorts. Were $2 and $2.50_$1 ' 43 RUBBER SWIM SUITS; variety of styles. Were $3.50—$1.39 45 LASTEX SWIM SUITS; rayon satin. Were $4.95 and $5.95_$3.95 $6.75 & $10 Knox Sample Felt Hat Specials Including a special group of finer Knox Hats taken from our own stocks. All superb 0O ST quality felts in fall colors 67 SUMMER HATS. White, navy or burnt straws. Were $7.50 to $10_$1.95 17 TURBANS. Jersey or crepe. Were $5 to $6.50_$2.95 $1 and $1.15 Raleigh Silk Hosiery . . . Reduced Drastic reductions because sizes and color range are broken. Shop early for best selection. FURNISHINGS mt Smmtmft 205 PAJAMAS, broadcloth, ma dras, sateens in notch, sur plice and middy styles. All sizes included. Plenty of pat terns. Were $2.50 and $3 _$1.88 118 PAJAMAS, sateens, rayons and fine madrases. Fancy patterns in notch and middy styles. Were $3.50 and $5 _-_$2.78 6 PAJAMAS, fine quality silk in a popular style. Were $5 to $6.50_$3.98 13 P A J A M A S, silk pajamas, notch collar, plain colors. Were $7.50 to $8. ..$5.88 65 PAJAMAS, fine, mercerized fabrics in novelty styles and colors. Were $2 to $3. $1.39 $2 AND $2.50 BROADCLOTH PAJAMAS. Patterns ond * plenty of plain colors in-, notch, surplice and middy styles. All full cut, all well mode $1.58 55 SUSPENDERS, fine elastic with plenty of stretch. Nov elty striped. Leather ends. Were $1 _78c' 140 HANDKERCHIEFS, fancy colorful yarns in smart pat terns. Were 35c and 50c each-3 for 98c RALEIGH TISSUE THIN RAZOR BLADES. Fine Hermanitc processed steel blades that' give a keen, even shave. Regularly 25 for 50c. 75 for$1 59 PRS. GARTERS. Fine elastic in novelty patterns and col ors. Were 50c_38c 30 PAJAMAS, short sleeve, knee-length styles. Assorted colors. Were $2_98c 5 ROBES, white terry cloth only. Were $6.95_$4.98 12.ROBES, washable striped robes in pastel shades. Were $2 .. $1.98 14.ROBES, washable fabrics in novelty patterns and colors. Were $4.-_$2.9* r 4 TERRY ROBES, striped terry cloth. 3 medium size, 1 large. Were $7.95$4.88 33 ROBES, terry cloth and waffle weave fabrics in white and light colors. All sizes in the group. Were $5-$3.98 2 HOUSECOATS, fine black brocade with satin collars. •Were $15$9.95 10 PAJAMAS, b a I b r i g g a n. Striped tops with plain trou sers. Were $2.50_$105 RALEIGH HABERDASHER WASHINGTON’S FINEST MEN’S WEAR STORE 1310 F Street a ^ k A