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Mrs. Marshall Asks $23,275 Tax Refund In Plea to High Court I Ex-Film Star Bases Claim on Community Property Law In an appeal on file today In the Supreme Court Corinne Griffith Marshall, one-time screen star, sought return of $23,275 in Federal income taxes which, she alleged, was erroneously paid under the Cali fornia community property law. Mrs. Marshall, wife of George Preston Marshall, laundry operator and owner of the Washington Red skins, petitioned the court yesterday to review the claim which previous ly has been rejected by the United States Court of Claims. Through Counsel C. Leo De Orsev, Milton W. King and Bernard I. Nordlinger the court was advised that the point at issue has direct bearing on the community property laws of nine States, as it will deter mine how Federal income tax liabil ity can be shifted under these. The tax in question was paid on income earned in 1930 when Mrs. Marshall was the wife of Oliver Morosco, from whom she was di vorced in 1934. In April, 1927, California enacted a law giving husband and wife domi ciled there an equal vested interest in community property. In Novem ber of that year, the court is in formed, the actress and her then husband entered into an agreement providing in substance that all earn ings of either after that date should be the sole property of the earner. In 1930 each reported their income separately, the wife paying income tax on $283,821 and the husband on $55,442. Thereafter the commissioner of internal revenue held that the income of the couple should be al located under the community prop erty laws of California, with one half of the income of each attributed to the other. By such a division. Mr. Morosco would have owed additional tax. for which assessment has been made, I and, Mrs. Marshall points out, her own tax should have been reduced correspondingly. The tax against her former husband, however, has not been collected, according to the petitioner, and the collector of in ternal revenue has refused to grant a refund to the wife. The Court of Claims upheld this decision, declar ing that the petitioner was not en titled to recover because her earn ings, in view of the agreement, never became community property. “The sole issue now presented,” the court is told, “is whether hus band and wife, domiciled in Cali fornia, can enter into an anticipa tory arrangement whereby they can effectively shift Federal income tax liability for receipt of community income.” -—____ Four Chicagoans Drown In Lake Michigan By the Associated Press. GARY, Ind., Aug. 23.—Pour Chi cago persons were drowned and a fifth was rescued yesterday when a strong undertow pulled them into Lake Michigan while they were swimming at a bathing beach here. The drowned: Mary OMalley, 35, and John Mo ran, 60, both of whose bodies were recovered, and Mary Moran, 25, and John Hogan, 11, being sought by life guards. Mary Hogan. 8. was rescued by her cousin, Joseph O’Malley, 19. Philippine Bill Seeks To Limit Alien Labor By the Associated Press. MANILA, Aug. 23.—A bill which would prove a hard blow to Chinese, Japanese and other foreigners work ing in the Philippines was introduced in the National Assembly today by Jose Uy of Marinduqe Province. The measure would provide that at least 75 per cent of employes in any one firm be citizens of the Philippines or the United States. It would exclude those whose work re quires technical knowledge or ability unobtainable in the Philippines. Friend of Royalty to Receive Strange Burial in Atlantic By the Associated Press. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 23.—A strange burial in the deepest part of the Atlantic, comingling the ashes of a woman who once was enter tained by European royalty with those of her husband and child, will be given Mrs. Eleanor Massie Hope of Shreveport, La. Sterling Stewart, Cass County lumberman, said today he was sworn to secrecy about some of the details, but divulged he was one of 11 per sons asked to participate in the ceremony. Between New York and Liverpool the ashes of Mrs. Hope, her husband, George D. Hope, once prosperous lumberman, and their daughter will be placed in a copper urn, covered with a floral blanket 5 feet square and cast off to sink to the ocean’s .bottom. Then the 11 persons will continue to Europe on a tour at the late Mrs. Hope’s expense. The hus band and daughter are buried here, and their bodies will be exhumed. Mr. Stewart said Mrs. Hope once found so many diamonds on her husband's 10.000-acre holdings in Arkansas that she gave a bridge party and presented the winners with the jewels. After her husband’s death Mrs. Hope went to Europe to live for a time. "She wrote me frequently during the years she lived in England,” Mr. Stewart said. “She was a house guest of Queen Mary. She danced many times with the Duke of Windsor when he was Prince of Wales. She entertained him at her home and he gave par ties in her honor.” Marines Acquitted In Salesman's Death By the Associated Press. NORFOLK, Va., Aug. 23.—Two 19 year-old marines, stationed on the aircraft carrier Ranger, were free today of charges of murder which grew out of the slaying of F. T. Jen nings, traveling salesman of Au gusta, Ga., in a hotel room here July 24. The youths, Wallace E. Miller of Johnson City, Tenn., and Lawrence M. King of Columbia, Miss., were acquitted within a half hour last night by a Corporation Court Jury. Both testified they had gone to I — Jennings’ hotel room at his invita tion to have some beer. King said that while he was sitting on the bed Jennings made improper advances to him. Miller, who had gone into the bathroom, returned and a scuffle followed, King stated. Jennings was struck with beer bottles and a water pitcher. "We didn’t think the man was hurt very badly,” King said. "We left and I first discovered Jennings had died the next day when Miller came to tell me. I did not make a report immediately because I was afraid. I didn’t know what to do. "I had never seen or heard of Jennings prior to meeting him that night.” _EDUCATIONAL. »aw«Wfa»v».''*».-9Vt3Rv^cp53PB^g5|5 SPANISH SPECIAL AUGUST OFFER 10O HOURS COURSE FOR $00.00. Fall Term—Hath Year—Becins October 1st THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. 1IIS Conn. Avo. NAtionai O'ilO. Southeastern UNIVERSITY (□□-educational) School O^ AcC044*tl04tC4f, Classes for beginners and ad vanced students leading to B.C.S. and M. C.S. degrees. Early morning classes at 6:50, evening classes at 5:30 and 7:20. EVERY INSTRUCTOR IN ACCOUNTING A C.P.A. CATALOGUE ON REQUEST FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 18 1736 G Street N. W. NA. 8250 BERLITZ ftith Year—French. Spanish, Italian. Ger man nr any other language made easy by the Berlitz Method—available only at the BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANG I'AGES. 11 1A Conn. Ave. National 0’»'0 THERE IS A BERLITZ SCHOOL IN EVERY _LFA DING CITY OF THE WORLD. _ SAVE $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ REM E M B E R < JL the Contes, for the S FREE ACCOl NTINC. SCHOLARSHIP <£ T Onen to t!,:t8 and l»:w* S' 5 HIGH SCHOOL GRAD! ATES CJ S' Closes Sent. ft. Get ILrtails NOW. **' C CAPITAL CITY COLLEGE £ "P SI 7 l.’tth St -P $$$$$_$ $$$$$$s$$$ Accountancy Paco Courses: B C. S. and jj M. C. S. Degrees. C. P. A. Preparation. Day and Even ing Divisions; Coeducational Send for 33rd Year Book. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN UNIVERSITY UOO 16th Street, N. W. at L L RE 2262 r \ I V E II S I T Y (co-educational) School ofi Jlaui Classes for beginning and ad vanced students. Early morn ing classes at 6:50, day classes at 9:30. evening classes at 5:30. Entrance Requirements: Two years pre-legal education. CATALOGUE ON REQUEST FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 18 1736 G Street N. W. NA. 8250 EDUCATIONAL. SPANISH ONLY THE SANZ METHOD Madrid and South American Professors SANZ SPANISH SCHOOL 1128 CONN. AVE. RE. 1513 ahr (Columbus Hnturrsitg Sluntor (Collrgr announces the availability of courses i in the fields of English, French, German, Greek, History, Latin, . Mathematics, Public Speaking and f i Fall Semester Opens September 18th j Catalogue on Request 1760 N Street N.W. Washington, D. C. I • Go-Educational—Evening Glasses School that offers opportunity to make up credits needed for college entry; and to equip for better positions. Small classes. Specialized instruction. Individual interest. You'll "make the grade" easily in the Washington Preparatory School. Write for Foil Catalogue—or phone Nat. 8250 and we will be glad to send a representative to talk with you. Fall Term Opens September 18th J. J. King, B. A., Director Leroy J. Maas, B. S., Principal • • Y. M. C. A. Activity An Accredited Day School Your boy will find Woodword School methods helpful and beneficial—because of the personal interest which J is taken by every teacher in every pupil in his class. Individualized instruction that cannot be given under i! the public school system, with its large classes. If your boy hasn't been making satisfactory progress, let us take him in hand. You will see marked improve ment. With membership in the Woodward School goes physical training, athletic and swimming instruction. Fall Term Opens September 18th Registration may be made at any time Write for Fall Catalogue James J. King, A. B., Head Master 4 k If* You Haven’t ZAKAMZ1D You’re Missing Something Considering quality and comfort, where else can you get a grand-new mattress for as little as $6.00? Our process includes sterilizing, cleaning, restoration of ^F^jk spririginess and covering with brand-new ticking of your selection. Phone for our representative and we will submit sam pie of covering and give you an M | Mattress & Box Spring Co. | ■— 1215 22nd St. N.W. NAt. 9410 WOm , 1JUST 7 DAYS REMAIN! August a on quality 1 1 wJu' Scintillating styles! Sharp Savings! The pleasing combination which is at tracting smart women to our August Sale! AIR COOLED comfort adds to the advantages of econ omy affected by shopping now. We invite your in spection and comparison. SKUNK COATS. Deftly fash ioned, without bulk, of selected pelts. 40-inch length. AUGUST £ I Cfi SALE PRICE_^inT.OU BLACK AND GREY PERSIAN in tight curl. Lustrous skins. Hand taped and beaut'ifully lined. r.STWE $195.00 MINK AND SABLE DYED FITCH COATS in variety of new silhou ettes. AUGUST AA SALE PRICE_i A deposit reserves, your selection— your purchase stored FREE until de sired. Charoe account privileaes available. Alto on sale is every other wanted fur. includina Black Caracul. Jap Mink. Natural Siberian Sauirrel. ... air* a. ^narf/c account vnvueaet qggr available. Alto on tale it every other wanted fur. includina Black Caracul. Jav Mink. Natural Siberian Squirrel. 1268 GEE STREET Truly A Fur Institution I Black and Brawn Baby Alligator; open to*. Matching handbags. Made Expressly Tor I. Miller I. MILLER 1222 F St. m Queen Anne Easy Chair Exposed frame solid Honduras mahogany. Down-filled cushions, K damask tailoring. Regularly S52 ..$44 11 Tub Chair :i> ' Charming Colonial model with exposed frame of solid Honduras mahogany. Tufted I bock, tight upholstered seat, damask tailoring. || Regularly $50_$42 s g Chippendale iWing Chair Exposed frame solid Honduras mahogany; i tailored in Crewel em broidered linen. |p| Regularly sss -—859.50 9 Barrel Chair ♦ Design inspired by the early originals; wide comfortable back; tight upholstered seat; tai lored in damask. Regularly SSS-$42*50 Open Arm Chair Hepplewhite model. Exposed frame of solid Honduras mahogany. Tailored in damask. Regularly J25..... *19.75 i A The Integrity of the store from which you buy is of Importance. SultUB Carlinrkel & Company They End on Saturday, September 2nd OUR TWO MOST IMPORTANT PRE-SEASON SALES of NEW WINTER CLOTH COATS . and FUR COATS Up to that time, wise women and misses will find that extraordinary savings may be made in the purchase of our famous cloth coats, fur trimmed, or our fur coats so noted for dependable quality. Coats selected now will be stored without charge in our Cold Storage Vaults on the premises until wanted. The values in both sales are ! * quite remarkable. F at Fourteenth I Living Room Furniture Crisp and New Pieces Brentford Sofa Regularly $140_ ^11 f| Exposed frame solid Amazon mahogany. Cushions filled with genuine down, and tailored in antique damask. i -1 Of course, the fine schools of design are featured—all done in strict con formity to those specifications which make Sloane Upholstered Furniture outstanding in character and con struction. 1. Genuine cabinet 3. Genuine horsehair woods filled 2. Genuine goose down and goose 4‘ Handsome new coy feather cushions wrings, skillfully tai and pillows lored 5. In the designing, care has been given to the angle and height of the backs; the incline of the seats; the curve of the arms—that su preme comfort is assured. Put them to the test when you are making your inspection. August Sale Only Prices Thames Sofa Regularly $156_ Of the Hepplewhite School, with down-filled cushions ond tailored in striped damask. W&J SLOANE ■■■■■■711 TWELFTH STREET® k