Newspaper Page Text
Spath* BARBER. SAMVEL LLOYD. On Wed nesday August 23. 1939. af Garfield Hos pital. SAMUEL LLOYD BARBER, belovec husband of Irene Peruzzi Barber. Funeral from the James T Ryan funera home. 317 Pa ave. s.e.. on Saturday. Au gust 26. at 8:30 a m.: thence to St Ga briel's Church, where mass will be of fered at 9 a m Relatives and friends In vited Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. BAYLOR. ERNEST. On Tuesday Au gust 22. 1939. ERNEST BAYLOR, beloved brother of George Walker. Randolph and Sara Baylor and Rosa Reed He also leaves one uncle, aunt, nieces, nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. Re mains may be viewed st the residence ol his sister. 2208 Georgia ave. n.w.. after o p.m Saturday August. 26. Funeral Sunday. August. 27. at 2 pm from the Luther Church of Our Re deemer. 8th st betwppn V st. and Barrs place n w . Rev. D. E. Wiseman officiating Interment Payne's Cemetery. Relative* and friends invited. Arrangements by W, Ernest Jarvis. 27 BOMGARDNER. ELIZABETH M. On Friday. August 25. 1939. at Sibley Me morial Hospital. ELIZABETH M. BOM GARDNER beloved wife of the late Herbert G. Bomgardner. Remains resting at the Huntemann funeral home. 5732 Georgia ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. BROWN. MAGGIE. On Thursday. Au Sist 24. 1939. «t Georgetown University ospltal. MAGGIE BROWN, the beloved wife of thp late Moses Brown, loving sis ter of Mrs. Carrie V. Brow^n and Mrs. Theresa Sawyer. Other relatives and friends also survive. Remains resting at the John T. Rhmes A Co. funeral chapel. 3rd and Ev# sts s.w. Notice of funeral later. CAMPBELL. WILLIAM S. On Thursday. August 24. 1939. at his residence. 730 New ton place n.w.. WILLIAM S. CAMPBELL, beloved husband of Hattie G. Campbell and father of Margaret Steele, Florence Black well and Nola Wilkerson. Funeral from his late residence on Satur day. August 26. at 3 p.m. Interment Con gressional Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. CARTER. WILLIAM A. On Thursday, August 24. 1939. WILLTAM A. CARTER, husband of Alice Baker Carter. Funeral from his late residcncp. 2113 1st sr. n w on Monday. August 28. at IT a m. Services will be held in Fort Myer Chapel at 11 a.m Relatives and friends invited Interment Arlington Nationa: Cemetery. Services by Chambers’ Southeast funeral home. 27 CHANDLER. CHARLES GOODMAN. Oi: Wednesday. August 23. 1939. CHARLES GOODMAN CHANDLER, beloved husband of Ann Erancps Chandler and father ol Bruce Chandler and Charles Nelson Chandler. Funeral services at thp Chambers George town funeral home 31st. and M sts. n.w., on Saturday. August, 26. at 2 p.m. Inter ment National Memorial Park Cemetery Falls Church. Va. Relatives and friend* invited. 25 COOK. ABRAHAM G. On August 25 1939 at Sibley Memorial Hospital. ABRA HAM O. COOK, father of J Williamson Cook, grandfather of Thplma M. Cook and uncle of Martha C. and Charles A DeVauehn. Services at Chambers’ funeral homp 617 11 rh st sp. on Monday. August 28, at 2 pm. Relatives and fnpnds invited Interment Congrpssional Cemetery. 27 CROSON. MARY R. On Thursday. Au Bust 24. 1939. at Providence Hospital MARY R CROSON. beloved wife of Johr W. Crnson and mother of Mildred M. Sum mers and daughter of Sarah M. Robey and the late James F. Robey. Funeral from the Deal funeral home, 816 H st. n e . on Saturday. August 26. at P am: thenre to St Joseph s Church where mass wiil be said at 9:30 am. for the nf her soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Bethel Cem etery. Alexandria. Va. (Alexandria papers please copy ) 25 DUFFY. FDUAFD J. Suddenly, on July 28. 1939 at Bailey Island. Me. ED WARD J DUFFY, beloved husband oi Adrienne Mann Duffy Funeral services on Monday afternoon. August 28. at 3 o'clock at Bailey Island. Me. No flowers bv reauest. 27 DULANEY. EUGENE. Suddenly. on Monday. August 21. 1939. EUGENE DU LANEY. beloved son of Edna B and the late Robert Dulaney, loving grandson of Massie Dulaney He also leaves other rela tives and friends Remains restme a* the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You s' n.w . where funeral services will b° held Friday. Au gust. 25. at 2 pm Intermen' Douglas Cemetery. Alexandria. Va. Relatives and friends invited. 25 ESSEX. MARGARET f Suddenly, on Wednesday. August 23. 1939. MARGARET L ESSFX <nee Aiken». beioved mother of Mrs. Margaret Knight. Mrs Rose Mathews. William A . James J and Joseph A Essex Funeral from the Dpai funeral home 816 H st. ne. on Saturday. August 26 at 8 30 a m : rherc® to Hnlv Name Church, where mass will bo said a' 9 a m Rela ■ fives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 25 HALL. MARSHALL. On Tuesday Au ns’ 22. 10.39, in Potorsbure Va. MAR SHALL HAT I He is survived bv on* son ar.d rhrop sisters. Remains resting at the Allen & Morrow Funeral Home. Inc . 1326 V st n w Funeral Sunday. August 27. at 1 pm.. Bt Broad Run. Va. 27 HARRINGTON. MARY F. On Thurs day August 24. 1939. at her residence. 4440 Conduit road n.w. MARY E HAR RINGTON. beloved wife of Daniel Har rington Funeral from the abo’-p residence or Monday August 2®. at <*;30 R m. Solemr requiem mass at Hnlv Trinity Church at f a m Relatives ar.d friends invited. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 27 HAUSER. MARY ANN. On Fridav. Au fust 25 1939 a' Columbia Hospital MARY ANN HAUSER AND BABY wife and chile of Augustus Hauspr of 7317 Georgia ave r. w. Bodies renting Rt Warner F. Pum Phrey’s funeral home. 8421 Georgia ave. C.lvr.. Notice of service later HAWKINS. JOHN RUSSELL On Wed nesday August, 23. 1030. at his residence 1352 Que sv n.w . JOHN RUSSELL HAW KINS husband of the iate Lillian M. Haw. kins, father of F'thmr Hawkins Wilson anc the late John Russell Hawkins. Jr. Re mains restmc at his late residence aftei noon Fndav. August 25 and Metropolitan A M F Church. M st. between 15th and 16th sts n.w . from 10 a m. to 12:30 p.m. 3aturdav August 26. Funeral service* pr said church at 1 pm faturday. August 26 Interment Lincoln Temorial Cemetery. Frjpnds invited. Ar rangements by McGuire. 25 HAZEL. PRESTON On Thursday Au gust 24 1030. PRFSTON HAZEL, beloved *on of the latp John and Emma Hazel. Funeral from the Thos F. Murray fu neral homp. 200? Nichols ave. s r> nr Sunday August 2? a* 2 pm Relative* and friend' invited Interment Bells M E Cemetery. Camp Springs. Md.. Prince Georges County. 26 HFRFURTH. WILLIAM C On Thurs dav. August. 24. 1030. WILLIAM C. HER FUPTH the belo'ed father of August H Herfurth Mrs. Mmnte I-. Wunder and Mrs. Maude F. Dean. Funeral from Chambers'. 517 11th at ae on Saturday. August 26. at 2:30 pm Relatives and fnend' aie invited. In*er metn Prosoect Hill Cemetery. 26 HFRFURTH. WILLIAM C. A special com munication of Calanthe Lodge / No ll. Knights of Pythias, if XfCzrV' bPing called on Saturday. Au gust 26 1030. at l 30 p m af the Chambers Southeast fu '▼ neral home, for the purpose oj conferring Pythian rite* or our late Brother and Pasf Chancellor Com mander WTI.I TAM C. HFRFURTH. AS members arp urced to attend HERBERT L. RICHARDSON. Chancellor Commander. HOWES. WILLIAM JOSEPH. On Thurs day August 24. 1030. at Garfield Hospital • WILLIAM JOSFPH HOWES, beloved sor of Mary F and the latp Joseph Howes Funeral services at the Colonial funeral home of Wm Reuben Pumnhrey. Rorkville Md on Monday. August 28 a' 0:30 a m : thence tn St. John's Catholic Church Forest Glen. Md . where reauiem mass wil! be said af 10 a.m. Interment Rockvi’lt Union Cemetery 27 KELLY, f ATHFR1NF M. On Wednes day. August 23. 1030 a* Georgetown Uni versity Hospital. CATHERINE M. KELLY beloved mother of Mrs. Mary T. Davis. Funeral from her late residence. .334f N st. n w . on Saturday. August 26. at 8:31 a m. Reauiem mass at Holy Trinity Church at 0 am. Relatives and friends invited Intermpnt Holy Rood Cpmetery. 25 LIGHTFOOT. SADIE II. On Tuesday August 22. 1030. at her residence. 017 C ft n w SADTF H. LIGHTFOOT She U survived by a sister. Mrs. Catherine Holli day five nieces. Mrs. Sarah Tyler. Mrs Nellie Harding. Mrs. Harriet Smith. Mrs Mary F Slaughter and Mrs. Alice Hill, anc a nephew. Lyman R Rotfinson. Short services nr her late residence Sat urday August 26. at R p m . followed b3 funeral at V;pwtown. Va.. Sunday Angus1 27. at 2 pm. Arrangements by McGuire 27 MAHONEY. FLLFN. On Wednesday August 23 1030. ELLEN MAHONEY, be loved daughter of Johanna and the lati Daniel Mahoney. Funeral from the T. F. Costeilo funera home. 1722 North Capitol st . on Satur day. August 26 at 8:36 a.m. Reauierr mass at St Aloysius Church at 0 a m Re'atives and friend* invited. Intermen Mount Olivet Cemetery. 25 MAYO, JULIUS. On Friday. August 25 1939. JULTUS MAYO. Funeral services at the Central Unioi Mission. 613 C st n.w.. nn Saturday. Au gust 26. at 11 a.m. Interment Cedar Hil Cemetei y. rUALRAL umtt 1 UKa. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium 4th and M»»» Ave. N.E. Lincoln 02(H V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connected wltl the original W R Sneare eatabllshment 1009 H St N W Phone luwn JI. 11.YY, National 2891 Frank Geier’a Sons Co. 1113 Seventh St. N.VV U.ilnal| JJ71 Modern Chapel. TaL ”81101181 44/. FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piece _ 1212 F St. N.W._National 4276 GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0101 and Sunday Cor. 14th Cx Eye CEMETERY LOTS. FAMILY BURIAL PLOT. OAK HILL CEM •tery. Phone Woodley 4632. evenings. % r Rib Fracture Evidence Found in Autopsy on Suspect's Body 'Occurred Two or Three Weeks Ago/ Coroner . In Torso Case Says By the Associated Press. CLEVELAND, ^ug. 25.—Coroner S. R. Gerber announced today an autopsy on the body of Frank Dole zal, torso murder suspect, showed evidence of six fractured ribs, but added the fractures occurred "two or three weeks ago.” The only recent mark on the body was discoloration of the neck, caused by a ragged cloth with which Dolezal hanged himself in a county Jail cell, Gerber announced. "Apparent cause of death was as phyxiation caused by the rope,” the coroner reported. Gerber agreed to conduct the au topsy after demands were made by William E. Edwards, director of the Cleveland Crime Commission, sup ported by Dolezal’s relatives. Before the results of the autopsy were an Bratljfl MITCHELL. ANDREW. On Thursday. August 24 1939. at hi* residence. 5200 Eastern ave n.e.. ANDREW MITCHELL, friend and partner of McKinlev Curtis. Funeral Saturday. August 26. at 2:30 P.m.. from the Henry S. Washington <fc Sons funeral home. 4925 Deane ave. n.e. Interment. Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. MORTON. FRANK H. On Tuesday. Au gust 22. 1939. at his residence. 62ft L st. n.e.. FRANK H MORTON, beloved husband of Mrs Daisy Morton. Also survived by a sister. Elizabeth Johnson of Richmond. Va.; three aunts, an uncle and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed aftpr 2 p.m Friday at Allen & Morrow's funeral home. 1326 V st. n.w. Funeral Saturday. August 26. at 2 P.m.. from the above-named funeral home. In terment Harmony Cemetery. 25 MUSSELMAN. MARGARET SWOPE. On Thursday. August. 24. 1939. at her resi dence 2219 California st n.w.. MAR GARET SWOPE MUSSELMAN. wlf® of the late Amos S Musselman and mother of James L. A. and John S. Burrell and Mrs. C. Alden Chase Services at thp above address on Satur day. August 26. at 9:30 am. Interment Gettysburg. Pa. PALMER. WILLIAM. On Thursday. August 24. 1939 at Casualty Hospital. WILLIAM PALMER. Remains resting at Frazier's funeral hnmp, 389 R. I. ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. POLLEY. WILLIAM G. On Wednesday. August 23. ]939. at Alexandria Hospital. WILLIAM G. POLLEY. beloved father of j Martha M. Windsor and grandfather of ] Charles W. and Frances V. Jones. Services at the Chambers funeral home. 517 11th st. se. on Saturday. August 26. at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends invited, j Interment Dumfries. Va 25 ROBEY. SARAH ANNA. On Thursday. August 24. 1939. at her residence Park i land. Prince Georees County Md . SARAH ANNA ROBEY, beloved wife of the late George Walter Robey Funeral from the Thomas F. Murray fu neral home 2007 Nichols ave. se on Saturday. August 26. at 2 p.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. RYAN. JAMFS HENRY. On Thursday. August 24. 1939. at his residence. 3647 Warder st n w. JAMES HENRY RYAN, be beloved husband of Frances Hunt Ryan. Funeral from the above residence on Saturday. August 26. gt. 9:30 a m. Re quiem mass st. Gabriel's Church at 10 a m Relatives and friends invited. In j terment Plainsfield. N. J., on Monday. August 28. RYAN, JAMFS H. The members of Washington Council. No. 224. Knights of Columbus, ar* ad vised of the death on Thursday. .August 24. 1939. of Brother JAMFS H RYAN and are re quested to nttpnd the funeral services at St. Gabriel's Church on Saturday. August 26 at 10 a.m. The members are to meet at his lat.p resi dence. 3647 Wardpr st. n w . on Friday August 25. at 6 D m. Recitation of pray ers for the deceased ROBERT F HANDLEY. Grand Knight. DR. A D WILKINSON. F. S. SMITH. ETHEL F. Entered Into eter I nal rest on Thursday. August 24. 1939. ETHEL E. SMITH, loving daughter of Mr 1 and Mrs. Robert, Smith, loving sister of Mary L.. James L.. Edna Mae and Ellen E. Smith. Funeral Saturday. August 26. at 2 p m from the John T Rhines A: Co funeral chapel. 3rd and Fye sts. s.w. Interment Rosemont Cemetery STACKS WILLIAM BRADLEY. On Fri day. August 25. 1939 af Georgetown Uni versity Hospital. WILLIAM BRADLEY STACKS Remains resting at thp funeral home of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. 7005 Wis consin ave . Rethesda. Md. Notice of funeral later. TAYLOR, FMMA SIMMS. On Friday. Aueust 25. 1939. at her residence. 1S40 California «♦. n.w. EMMA SIMMS TAY i LOR. beloved wife of George A Taylor, sister of Mrs F Carter of Boston. Mass She also leaves three nephews, one sister | in-law. other relatives and friends Notice of funpral later. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis THOMAS. FTTA L. On Tuesday. August 22. 193}» a* her residence. 225 R I ave i n.w.. FTTA I, THOMAS, rhe beloved daugh ter of the late Henry A and Laura Thomas. Remains resting a’ her late residence after 4 o m. Friday. August 25. I Funeral Saturday August 26. at 1 n m . from Israel C. M. E. Church. N. J. ave. and Morgan st. n.w Interment Harmony Cemetery. Services by Stewart. THOMAS. JACOB. Suddenly, on Monday. August 21. 1939. at Freedmen's Hospital. JACOB THOMAS of 661 Jefferson ave.. Brooklyn. N Y.. beloved husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, father of Norma and Phyllis Thomas, brother of Mrs. Beatrice Goode. He also leaves other relatives and friends Remains mav be viewed at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st. n.w.. after in a.m. Friday. August 25. Funeral Saturday. August 26. at 2 p.m.. from the above funeral church. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Friends in vited. 25 TODD. ASHTON. On Thursday August 24. 1939. ASHTON TODD, husband of the late Catherine V. Todd, son of the late Rev John M, and Sarah Todd and brother of Carolina A. Todd. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 i Chapin st. n.w . on Saturday. August 26. at 2 D.m. Interment. Glenwood Cemetery. WALSH. DELTA. On Thursday. August 24. 1939. DELTA WALSH. Funeral from the James T. Clements’ Sons funeral home. 1241 Wisconsin ave. n.w. on Saturday. August 26. at, 9:30 a.m.: thence to Holv Trinity Church, where ma*s will be said at 1.0 a m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Friends invited. WEADON. LILLIAN B. On Wednesday. August 23. 1939. at 1216 Madison st. n.w . LILLIAN B. WEADON. beloved slater of Mollv Weadon and John Weadon of Or lean. Va. Funeral from the James T. Rvan funeral home. 317 Pa. ave. s e . on Saturday. Au gust 26. at 10 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Marshall. Va. 25 WETIIERILL. STANLEY. Suddenly, on Wednesday. August 23. 1939. STANLEY WETHER ILL. beloved snp of Col. Richard and Eleanor Wetherill of 3716 Morrison st. n w. Remains resting at the funeral home j of Wm. Reuben Pumphrey. 7005 Wisconsin ave . Bethesda. Md. Services and interment private. No flowers 25 WILLIAMS. KATHERINE. Deoarted this life suddenly. Monday. August 21. 1939. at 4 D m . at her residence 1644 3rd st n.w.. KATHERINE WILLIAMS wife of Willie B. Williams. .1r.‘ devoted daughter of Mrs. Estelle Patrick, stepdaughter %of Roscoe C. Patrirk loving mother of Estelle Ashton and sister of Mae Hyson and Violet Bate. She also leaves other relatives and many friends. Funeral from the above residence Satur day. August 26. 81 1 D.m.. Rev. L. T. Hughes officiating. Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery. Arrangements by Barnes Sc Matthews. W'RIGHT. EVA M. Departed this life Tuesday. August 22. 1939. at her residence. 142 Yon st. n.w.. EVA M WRIGHT, wife ol the late Thomas S. Wright. She leaves tc mourn their loss one son. Nathaniel W Wright: one sister. Corrine Blanchard: twc brothers. Moses Williams and Leonidas Williams, and sister-in-law. Minnie Wil liams Funeral Saturday. August 26. at 2 p.m., from Asbury M E Church. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrange ments by Bundy. 25 In iHmnrimn DICKERSON, BISHOP ABEL S. Sleeping. In loving memory of my dear husband. Bishop ABEL 8 DICKERSON, who de parted this life four years ago today. Au gust 25. 1935. Gon*. but nnt forgotten. 1 FLORENCE O. DICKERSON. PARKER. ALVP.RGIA HOBBS. In lov ing remembrance of our dear mother, daughter, wife and sister ALVERGIA HOBBS PARKER, who departed this life one year ago today. August 25. 1938. , Sleep, sweet spirit, sleep THE FAMILY. • SARIVI. YOLANDA. In loving memory of our beloved daughter and sister. YO i LANDA SARIVI. who departed this life seven years sro today. August 25. 1932. Nothing can ever take awav The love a heart holds dear: Fond memories linger every day. I The remembrance keeps you near. MOTHER. BROTHER AND SISTERS. WAHL. CARRIE BERTHA. In sad but loving remembrance of onr sweet "SUE." CARRIE BERTHA WAHL (nee Frink), be l loved daughter snd slstar. who wss sud denly taken from us two years ago. Au ! gu* 25. 1937. We cannot, say and will not say That she Is dead. She Is .lust away! With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand She has wandered into an unknown land MOM. DAD. BERT AND "GRANNY.” < l nounced, Edwards said he would de mand a grand Jury investigation of Dolezal’s jail treatment if the exam ination showed evidence of brutal treatment of the suspect. "In view of rumors and reports of brutal treatment of Dolezal," Mr. Edwards said, "I think it is only fair to the sheriff (Martin L. O’Don nell) and the public to make as thorough as possible an investiga tion to ascertain the truth or falsity of these reports.” “We never bothered him at all,” 'the sheriff said. Dolezal was under manslaughter charges in the butchering of Mrs. Florence Polillo, No. 3 victim in the city's mystery of the 12 headless dead. Deputy Sheriff Hugh Crawford found the accused man's limp body and cut him down. Dolezal was still alive, and a fire department rescue squad worked over him 45 minutes before Dr. A. V. Fried pronounced him dead. On two previous occasions, the sheriff said, Dolezal had attempted to end his life—first' only three days after his arrest, when he at tempted hanging with a shoestring, and later with his shirt, which broke. An original charge of murder against the suspect was reduced to manslaughter, and he was to have faced a grand Jury investigation on that count September 7. Court Ready to hear Plea In Walters Will Case Special Dispatch to The Star. RENO, Nev., Aug. 25.—The first legal skirmish over the $1,500,000 estate of the late Caroline Roeb ling Hagner Walters had ended to day as a Nevada District Court pre pared to hear a petition for probate of her will and an attached codi cil after granting yesterday a mo tion to stay proceedings in her hus band's application for letters of ad ministration. The court decided that a deci sion in the application of Paul A. Walters, Reno auto rental agent, who was wed to the Roebling bridge building-fortune heiress shortly after she was divorced, May 8. from Alexander Hagner of Washington, D. C„ and Warrenton, Va., must await disposition of the petition to probate. This petition was filed for Robert C. Roebling. brother of Mrs. Walters, and George Cutting, named in the attached codicil as executors and trustees of the estate. No mention j is made of Mr. Walters in either the , will or codicil Specific bequests to Mr. Hagner are revoked in the codicil. After the motion to stay proceed , ings in Mr. Walters' application had been granted. Judge L. O. Hawkins denied a motion to transfer the petition for probate from Depart ment 2 of District Court to Depart ment 1, where Mr. Walters’ petition . is on file. The probate hearing has been set for September 5, but authorities anticipate a delay. Mrs. Walters died July 8 at her Reno home from a gunshot wound which a coroner's jury decided was self-inflicted by accident. Miss Moore to Speak In San Francisco Just returned from the Interna tional Housing and Town Planning Conference in Sweden, Miss Eliza beth C. Moore of the information service of the United States Housing Authority, will be one of the prin cipal speakers at the San Francisco convention of the National Council of Catholic Women, it was an nounced today. "How Catholic Women Can Help the Housing Program in Their Own Communities" will be Miss Moore's subject. She also will be in charge of an exhibit to be shown through out the convention, from September 9 to 14. Funeral Rites Held For Stanley Wetherill Funeral services for Stanley Weth erill, 17-vear-old son of Col. Richard Wetherill, who was accidentally shot and killed by a chum, were held to day at his parents' home, 3718 Mor rison street N.W. The body was cremated. The Wetherill youth was fatally wounded Wednesday while at target practice near Forest Glen, Md„ with William A. Strong, also 17, son of Brig. Gen. George V. Strong, chief of the War Plans Division of the Army General Staff. Young Strong said the pistol, an old dueling type of small caliber, discharged accidentally shortly after he had placed a single cartridge in the breach. A certificate of accidental death was issued by Dr. C. E. Hawks, med ical examiner for Montgomery County. William C. Herfurth Dies of Long Illness William C. Herfurth, 72, lifelong resident of the District, died yes terday in Gallinger Hospital after a long illness. Mr. Herfurth had worked as a salesman for Liggett's Drugstore a I Thirteenth and F streets N.W. for many years. He was a member anc past chancellor commander of Ca lanthe Lodge, No. 11, Knights ol Pythias. Surviving are a son, Pvt. August H. Herfurth, U. S. A., stationed at Mitchel Field, Long Island, and two daughters, Mrs. Minnie L. Wun der of Arlington, Va., and Mrs Maude E. Dean of Washington. Funeral services will be held to morrow at 2:30 p.m. at Chambers funeral home, 517 Eleventh street S.E. Burial will be in Prospect HiL Cemetery. — William S. Campbell Dies of Brief Illness William S. Campbell, 55, of 73C Newton place, N.W., retired Treas ury Department accountant, died yesterday at his home after a briel illness. Mr. Campbell was a native ol Washington and had made his home here all his life. He was a member of the Sons and Daughters ol Liberty and was active in the First Methodist Protestant Church ol Washington. He is survived by his widow, Mrs Hattie G. Campbell, and three daughters, Mrs. Margaret Steele Mrs. Florence Blackwell and Mrs Nola Wilkerson, all of this city. Funeral services will be held to morrow at 3 pm. at his home Burial" will be in the Congressiona: Cemetery. * Campaign Against Jews in Government Admits Taking Relief Allen Tells Dies Inquiry That Race Now Has Him 'Absolutely Boycotted' By the Associated Press. Henry D. Allen, 60-year-old former mining explorer who has been wag ing a six-year campaign to "throw the Jews out of the Government,” told the House Committee on Un American Activities late yesterday that during "a great deal” of that time he had been on relief in Cali fornia. “I find the Jews have absolutely got me boycotted," he said, telling of his unemployment since 1933. “The fact is,” commented Repre sentative Voorhis, Democrat, of California, "you are not denied re lief in spite of your activities.” The committee has been question ing Mr. Allen for two days in an effort to develop evidence of co operation between groups engaged in anti-Semitic propaganda. Talked at Embassies. .niilull* uuitr tilings, ne related that last year, while in Washington to arrange for an Arab picket line at a Palestine relief convention, he visited the German and Italian Embassies and talked of his activities with officials there. As a result of this testimony, Chairman Dies asked the commit tee's counsel to determine whether this country could take any action j in cases where diplomats "meddle in domestic affairs.” "I think it is a violation of the spirit, if not the letter, of our treaties with these countries,” he added. In response to questioning, Mr. Allen, who described himself as a West Coast leader of the "fight against international Jewry,” re lated that his activities included as sociation, correspondence or con | versations with many groups holding aims similar to his. Among them, he said, were organ j izations of White Russians, Italians | and the German-American Bund in | this country. Asks “Word of His Own.” At the end of a long siege of questioning by the committee, Mr. Allen asked to have a word of his own. He then demanded that the com | mittee charge with perjury Arnold 1 Gingrich of Chicago, publisher of ' Ken Magazine, declaring that on the committee's witness stand last year the publisher had accused him ' falsely of "being an agent of a : foreign government and of gun running." Chairman Dies asked the witness to prepare evidence of h^s charge. Committee counsel spent most of ■ the day asking about letters and telegrams that Allen had sent and received. One letter, from James True, publisher of Industrial Control Re ports in this city, referred to sup plying "pea-shooters” to Mr. Al len's friends and the witness said he had discussed the procurement of arms "in case of an uprising.” I -- Long Illness Is Fatal To James H. Ryan James H. Ryan. 56. supervisory auditor in the Income Tax Unit. Bureau of Internal Revenue, died yesterday at his home. 3447 Warder street N.W., after an illness of four months. Born in Brooklyn. N. Y.. Mr. Ryan came to Washington in 1919 and had worked for the Government for the past 20 years. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus and of St. Gabriel's Catholic Church. Surviving are his wife. Mrs Frances C. Ryan; a brother. Richard B. Ryan of Brooklyn, and two sisters, Mrs. Joseph Smith and Mrs. James Markle, both of Dunellen. N. J. Funeral services will be held to morrow at 10 am. in St. Gabriel's Church. Grant Circle and Varnum street N.W. Burial will be in Plain field, N. J., Monday. G. 0. P. Opens Drive For House Nominees In September Will Visit Every State Which Offers Prospect Of Success By the Associated Press. Officials of the Republican Con gressional Campaign Committee will start early in September a three month campaigning tour in behall of 1940 candidates for election to the House. Representative Ditter of Pennsyl vania, committee chairman, said to day he and Earl Venable, commit tee secretary, would “visit every State that offers any prospect what ever of Republican success.” He added that States in the “solid South” would not be visited. “We have no intention of waiting around until after the next national convention to start our campaign,’ Mr. Ditter said. “It is under way now, and it is going to keep up until the next election.” The chairman emphasized he would take no part in any candidacy for the Presidential nomination. Predicting his party would have a majority in the next House, Repre sentative Dltter said he had received "encouraging reports” from both in dustrial and agricultural sections. He added that "extremely good re ports” nad come from political workers in Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Iowa and Kansas. Republican politicians here ex pressed interest in a party rally to morrow at Dexter, Me., in observ ance of "Hannibal Hamlin Day." Hamlin, a native of Maine, was Vice President in the first Lincoln ad ministration. House Minority Leader Martin of Massachusetts will speak. Colored Catholics Cruise The Federated Colored Catholics will participate in a moonlight cruise on the Robert E. Lee next Friday. The boat will leave from Sixth street and Maine avenue S.W. at 8:30 p.m. and music will be fur nished by the Bluebird Orchestra. Tickets are available at 1727 Thir teenth street N.W. Bridge to Be Closed The draw span of Arlington Me morial Bridge, closed twice before while being repainted, will be closed a third time for repaving between 9:30 am. and 3 pm. Thursday and Friday, August 30 and 31, Mrs. Alfred E. Hunt Dies * PITTSBURGH, Aug. 25 UP).—Mr* Alfred E. Hunt, mother of Roy A. Hunt, president of the Aluminum Co. of America, and widow of one of the founders of the aluminum Industry, died yesterday. Milburn T. ZIRKLE Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Service 510 C St. N.E. Line. 5537 North 8ide of Stanton Park LI. 2204 AT. 1622 T. Frank Murray FUNERAL, HOME 741 11 th SI. S.E. Ambulance Service Cremation* ONE OF THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS IN THE WORLD ■ V4 Location Your location has no effect upon the availability of Ryan service. We have the experience and the facilities necessary for handling calls from all points in the city with economy and ij dispatch. Our new air-conditioned home is a model of comfort and con venience. De Luxe ambulance service, with courteous attend ants, always available. James T. Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. Atlantic 1700, 1701 k ' Innerspring Mattress Expertly tailored end covered with attractive ticking. Hundreds of resilient coil springs with softly padded tops and bottoms. it Ends Tomorrow! THE NATIONAL'S SENSATIONAL Right! Eyes, right! And when v\' I you- eyes ore right YOU ore _ right! Why not have your eyes examined todoy to make «| ft ftj m a ■ B 4 I n r certain poor vision isn't hold* • I * M ■ ■ftft| ■ LJ ILL ing you back? Call at Kay's *J k I I I flj| ^^ft I —see Dr. BIRKETT, the reg 3 % y I V I ■ |^P L ^ istered optometrist. OpenAll Day Saturday ^///mwW0^ _ EASY WEEKLY TERMS 409 7th St. N.W. 1 ' ' ——f 36-Pc. Initial Silver-Plate Set INCLUDED with Any Purchase of S59 or more! Nationally Advertised Merchandise Excepted SdMR ■ ii ' ■■■ ml Chest of Drowers $6« A aturdy and (paeiaat eh(d. C«B(tra«t(d »f i bardwaod and I n t « • 1 y ftn 1 l(h«d. IDropleaf Table Dancan P h y t « base with brass tipped feet. Ballt of camwood and flnithed In wal nut er mahocanr. ^UHHHbHHiBHBBHyHUkUUSftlByHy^ h 4 A >