Newspaper Page Text
—Bond Market Stages Broad Advance as Peace Hopes Gain Federal Issues Rise As Much as 26-32ds Of a Point Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. F'gn. Net change, unc. +.2 unc. —.1 Today, close 55.0 98.9 95.6 56.6 Prev. day. _ 55.0 98.7 95.6 56.7 Month ago 58.6 100.7 97.3 61.2 Year ago.... 57.7 99.1 93.0 62.5 1939 high.. 64.9 100.8 97.5 64.0 1939 low_ 53.4 97.0 91.9 55.4 1938 high.. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high-101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close_110.4 Prev. day. 110.4 M'nth ago 112.3 Year ago 109.7 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 110.2 1938 high 110.7 1938 low. 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 ^ (Compiled by the Associated Press.) sy tne Associated press. NEW YORK, Aug. 30 —The bond market pointed upward all along the line today. United States Governments Showed gains up to 26-32 of a point es the final hour approached, and the general run of corporate and foreign dollar obligations were up fractions to more than a point. The 6lightly better hope for European peace was the principal buying fuel, brokers said. Prominent on the upturn were Continental Oil 2 '1s. International Telephone 5s, American & Foreign Power 5s, Baltimore & Ohio 5s, Portland General Electric 4'2s and Southern Railway 4s. Bonds of Denmark, New South Wales, Poland and Australia were higher in the foreign group. New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 30 —Cotton fu tures moved slightly lower today as commission house selling and pro fessional liquidation developed on continued unsettled European events. Late afternoon prices were un changed to 5 points lower. Offerings were not large, however, find the market met some support from trade price fixing and Liver pool buying. Locals also bought on ■ the less favorable weekly weather report. October, at 8.41. was off 5 and May was unchanged at 8 00. Further New Orleans selling and local liquidation depressed cotton to the lowest levels of the day in the final hour, closing 5-9 lower. Open. High. Low. Last. Oct. 8.4it 8.53 8.3; 8 37 off 9 Dec. 8.31 s.4t 8.25 8.25-26 off 6 Jan. 8.20 8.27 8.12 S.12n off 5 March 8.15 8.22 8.07 8.07 off 5 May 8.02 8. in 7.04 7.»5n off 5 July 7.85 7,94 7.78 7.78 off 7 Middling, spot. 8.82. n Nominal. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed 14-17 lower- sales. 178 contracts: Sep tember. 5.40b: October. 5.4 7b December 6.61b; January. 5.69: March. 5.78. b Bid New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 3o ,4V—Mild trade and foreign demand supported cot ton futures (oldi here today and at mid session the market was ateady at 1 to 6 points net higher. High. Low. Last. October _ 8.62 8 55 8 57 December_ 8.49 8 40 8 43 March _ 8 30 8 21 8 26 May _8.14 8.11 8 14 July - 7.98 7.96 7 98 Cottonseed oil ontned steady: September 6 01b: October 5.11b; December. 5.24b; January. 5.29b. March. 5.44b. b—Bid. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK Auk. 30 i/p».—National As •ociation Securities Dealers. Inc (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bid. Asked. Bk of Am NTS (SF> (2.40) 35 37 Bank of Manhattan (,S()a> Id 17*2 Bank of New York <14> . 4(»2 412 Bankers Trust (2) 52*4 54'4 Brooklyn Trust (4 * 7n»4 75'4 Cen Han Bk A Tr <4)_ 9!) J02 Chase National «1.40»_ 29*4 ;||'4 m Chem Bk A: Tr (1.80)_ 45 V4 47'4 Commercial (*i _103 169 Cont Bk A- Tr (.80) 12l/2 14 Corn Ex Bk A: Tr (3)_ 52 34 53\ Empire Trust (.60) in34 j]34 First Nat (Boston* (2)_ 4p2 43Va First National (inO)_1 8oo J84(* Guaranty Trust '12* _ 255 260 Irving Trust (.60* _ io34 n3« Manufacturers Tr (2) _ 36r4 38>4 Manufacturers Tr of (2) 52 54 National City (1* 23'4 2434 New York Trust (5*_ 1 <*6l'a 109>2 Public (1'2* __ _ 27 34 •’0>4 Title Guaranty A: Trust 3Va 4‘a New York Sugar NEW YORK. Aue. 30 '-P*.—Renewed ner vousness over the European situation checked liquidation and stimulated demand for the world sugar contract today Prices were ''-need to r2 higher in the late after"" 'ter early losses. September was * *d at 1.20 Dr » • futures held unchanged after ; declip much as two points. Sep- j tembr- 3 at 1.96. unchanged Raws remained quiet with offerings from 2 92 to 2 95 cents on a delivered basis. Demand for refined was reported good, with prices unchanged at 4 30-4.40. . Futures No. 3 closed unchanged to 1 higher Sales. 4 250 tons. High Low Last. Sept. __ 1.96 1.95 1.96b Jan _ 1 95 1.92 1.94b Mar _ 1.96 1.95 1.96b b Bid. Boston Wool Market BOSTON. Aug. 30 >/■p. United States De partment of Agriculture).—A few’ buyers were in the maiket today for moderate quantities of wool for urgent immediate re quirements. They showed no interest, how ever. in anticipating future needs. Original bag. fine territory wool, was sold at 67 to 68 cents- scoured basis, for good French conbing length, and 61 to 66 cents, scoured basis, for-average to short French combine length Graded combing, half blood, blight fleece wool, was sold at a price within the range. 29 to 31 cents, in the grease. In m. quiries wore received for quarter blood, combing bright fleece wools, but buyers Were not willing to pay the prices asked. Dry Goods Market NEW YORK. Aue. 30 i/R.—Small ■mounts of print and broadcloths were sold to converters today in Worth Strret textile markets. Demand for sheeungF was light. Ravon activity continued brisk with •cetate satins in demand from underwear manufacturers. Converters also reported demand for dress goods was improving. Bilk fabrics were a trifle more active but high raw silk costs has reduced trading. The wool goods market continued spotty Burlap advanced slightly in line with higher Calcutta quotations. Freight Loadings NEW YORK. Aug 30 </p\.—Revenue freight cascadings on railroads reporting today for the week ended August 26 in • eluded: Aug. 26. Prev Wk. Yr. Ago. Norf A Wstn __ 27.770 27.455 25.161 Steel Dividend Voted NEW YORK, Aug. 30 (/P).—Di rectors of Wheeling Steel Corp. ordered a dividend of $1 a share on the $5 preferred stock, payable October 2 to holders of record Sep tember 12. Previous payment was 50 cents on July 1. Dividend Is Ordered PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 30 (Spe cial!—Directors of the Pennsylva nia Glass Sand Corp. yesterday de • dared the regular quarterly dividend of $1.75 per share on the $7.00 "““'cumulative convertible preferred stock, payable October 1, to stock holders of record September 15. f fj r BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK.EXCHANGE Approximate Transaction* Today. Domestic Bonds_ 2,770.000 Foreign Bonds_, 650.000 U S Govt Bonds_. 340.000 •j private wire direct Is The Star. TREASURY. High. Low. Close. 2*s 1949-63_ 105.5 105. 105.2 2*8 1960-62_ 105.8 105.8 105.8 2 4 s 1945-47_ 108.2 108. 108. 2*48 1953-63_ 106.7 106.7 106.7 2*8 1960-65_ 106.7 105.31 105.31 2*s 1955-60 _ 107.27 107.18 107.18 2%s 1955-60 rg_. 107.17 107.17 107.17 38 1951-55 _ 110.10 110.10 110.10 3*8 1946-49_ 110.16 110.16 110.16 3*sl949-52. . 111.25 111.25 111.25 3*8 1943-45_ 109.10 109.7 109.7 3*8 1944-46 109.16 109.16 109.16 3*s 1940-43 Jun 102.22 102.22 102.22 3*s 1943-47 ... 109.12 109.12 109.12 3 * s 1946-56 _ 113.28 113.28 113.28 4s 1944-54 re.... 113.28 113.28 113.28 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3s 1942-47 _ 105.4 105.4 105.4 3s 1944-49 . 107.8 107.7 107.7 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. l*s 1945-47... 101.2 101.2 101.2 38 1944-52 . 107.8 107.8 107.8 FOREIGN BONDS. High Low. Close. Antioqula 3d 7s 57 .. 12* 12* 12* Argentine 4s 72 Apr . 75* 75* 75* Argentine 4s 72 Feb. 76* 76% 76% Argentine 4 *s 48_ 92* 92* 92* Australia 4*s 56_ 85 83% 83* Australia 6s 55_ 91 89* 90% Australia 6s 57_ 91* 89* 89* Belgium 6s 55 100 10(1 100 Belgium 6%s 49_ 101% 101% 101% Belgium 7s 55 ... 107% 107% 107% Brazil 6%s 1926-57 .. 12% 12 12 Brazil C Ry El 7s 52. 11 11 11 Brisbane 5s 58. 88 88 88 Brisbane 6s 50 _ 95 94% 95 Budapest 6s 62 8 8 8 Buen Air 4%-4%s 77 50% 50% 50% B A 4%-4%s 76 Apr.. 53 53 53 Canada 2Us 44_ 100 100 100 Canaria 3s 67 _ 97% 97% 97% Canada 3%s 61_ 100% 100% 100% Canada 4s 60 _ 100% 105% 105% Canada 6s 52 109 108% 109 Chile 6s 61 Feb . 13% 13% 13% Chile 6s 61 Feh assd . 9% 9% 9% Chile Mtg Bk 6%s 61 12% 12% 12% Colombia 6s 61 Jan . 23 23 23 Colombia 6s 61 Oct .. 23 23 23 Copenhagen 4%s 53.. 70% 70% 70% Copenhagen 5s 52_ 75 74 74 Denmark 4%s 62_ 77 74 74 Denmark 5Us 55_ 84% 84 84% Denmark 6s 42 _ 91%. 89 89% Finland 6s 45 103 103 103 Ger Gen El 6%s 40_ 57 57 57 Ger Gen Elec 7s 45 .. 54% 54% 54% Ger Go vl 6 % s 65 .. 15% 15% 15% German Govt 7s 49 20% 20 20% Helsingfors 6%s 60 . 98 98 98 Hung Con M 7%s 45 8 8 8 1 ta I v 7a 51 56 56 56 Ital Crd P W 7s 47 B 53% 52% 53 Ital P U Crd 7s 52 ... 40%. 39% 39% Japan 5%s 65 _ 54% 54% 54% Japan 6Us 54 70% 70 70 Ixreug & Toll 5s 59 ct 5 5 5 Mex 4s 10-45 ast sm . % % % Milan 6Us 52 .. 41% 40 40% New So Wales 5s 57 .. 90% 90% 90% New So Wales 5s 58.. 90% 90% 90% Norway 4s 63 95 95 95 Norway 4%s 65_ 96% 94% 95 Norway 6s 43 _ 101 101 101 Norwav 6s 4 4 .. . 101% 101% 101% Oriental Dev 5%s 58 47 47 47 Oriental Dev 6s 53 50% 50% 50%. Oslo 4 %s 55 99% 99% 99% Panama 5s 63 st asd 66 65% 65% Panama 5%s 53 _ 105 105 105 i Peru 1st 6s 6» 7% 7 7 Peru 2d 6s 61 ... 7% 7% 7% Poland 4%s 58 asd ... 27% 27'a 27%' Poland 4 %s 63 asd .. 26 26 26 Queensland 6s 47 ... 100%. 100% 100% Queensland 7s 41_ 102% 102 102 Rio de Jan 6U s 53 ._ 7% 7 7% Rio Gr do Sul 6s 68 8 7% 7% Rome 6Us 52 47% 46% 47 Sao Paulo C 6%s 57 . 7 7 7 Sao Paulo St 7s 56 7% 7% 7% Sao Paulo St 8s 50 .. 8% 8% 8% Serbs 8s 62 ... 18% 18% 18% Silesia Prov 7s 58_ 25% 25% 25% Sydnev 5%s 55 .. 90% 90% 90% Taiwan Elec 5Us 71. 48% 48 48% Tokyo City 5s 52 ... 38% 38% 38% Tokyo City 5Us 61... 51 51 51 Tokyo El Lt 6s 53 .. 53% 53% 53% ] Uru 3sA-4-4%s ad1 79. 40 40 40 Uru 4-4%-4Us 78 41% 41% 41% Warsaw 4%s 58 assd 20% 20 20 DUMtSIIC BUNDS Adams Ex 4 V s 46 st 105V 105V 105V Ala Grt Southn 4s 43 106% 105% 105% Alley Corn 5s 44 70 69V 70 Allee Corp 6s 5ft std 25 24V 24V Allied Stores 4 Vs 51 95'* 95 95V Allis Chalmers 4s 52 109v 109 109', Am A For Pw 5s 2030 58 57 57 Am Inti 5 Vs 49 103', 103V 103 V AmTAT3V,s61 107V 107 107* i AmTAT3V,s 66 107V 107 107 Am TAT 5Vs 43 110*110*110* Anaconda dh 4 Vs50 106 105% 105V Anelo-Chll Nitr dh 67 27 27 27 ArmourtDel )lst4s 55 98V 98% 98V Armour Del 4s 67 98V 98V 98V A TAS Fa yen 4s 95.. 107% 107 107 A TAS Fe 4Vs 48 .. 101 101 101 Atl Coast L 4 Vs 64... 62% 62 62% B&O 1st 4s 48 _ 58V 58 58V BAOconv4Vs60_ 11 10V 11 B A O 4 Vs 60 ct_ 11 10V 11 B A O 1st 5s 48 _ 59 59 59 B A O 1st 5s 48 ct_ 58% 58 58 B A O ref 6s 95_ 19% 19% 19% B A O 5s 96 F ... 19% 19 19 B A O rf 5s 2000 D ct 18% 18% 18% BAO PLEAW V 4s 41 51% 51% 51", B A O Swn 5s 50 ct 40% 40 40 Ball T of Pa 6a 48 B . 117% 117 117% Beth Steel 3 Vs 52 .. 101 100% 101 Beth Steel 3%s 66 .. 104 104 104 Beth Steel 4%s 60 . 106 105% 106 Bos A Me 4%s 6' JJ .. 26V 26V 26% Bos A Me 6s 55 __ 29V 29 29 Bos A Me 5s 67 . 29% 29 29 Bltlvn Ed cn 3%s 66 107% 107% 107% Bklyn Man T 4 Vs 66 76 74V 74V Bklyn Un El 5s 50 . 85 85 85 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 45 . 112 112 112 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 50 _ 95% 95 95 Bklvn Un G 6s 57 B . 103", 103% 103% Bklyn Un G rf 6s 47 . 113% 113% 113% Buff RAP cn 4 Vs 57 34% 34 34% B R A Pen 4%s 57 ct 33 31 33 Calif Oree Fwr 4s 66 100V 100V 100V Canadian NR 4V« 51 111% 111 111% Can NR 4 Vs 56 _ 111% 111% 111% Can NR 4 Vs 67_ 112 111', 111% Can NR 4 %s 55 _115 113 113 Can NR 6s 69 July... 111% 111% 111% Can NR 5s 69 Oct_ 115% 115 115 Can NR 5s 70 ... 115V 115V 115V Can Pac db 4s perp_ 68 67% 67% Can Pac 4 %s 46 _ 94V 94V 94V Can Pac 4%s 60_ 77 77 77 Can Pac 6s 44 _110% 110% 110% Can Pac 6s 54 ... 87 87 87 Cent of Ga cn 5s 45... "6 6 6 Cent of Ga 5s 59 C -.333 Cent of N J een 5s 87 14V 14V 14V Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49 66V 66V 66V Cent Pac 6s 60 ... 47% 47 47 Ches A O 3 %s 96 D .. 99% 99% 99% Ches A O 3%a 96 E... 99 98% 98% C A O gen 4 %s 92_ 120% 120% 120% Chl & Alton 3s 49_ 7V 7% 7V Chl BAQ een 4s 68 95V 94V 94V Chl BAQ 4 %s 77 . . 83V 83 83 C BAQ 111 dlv 3%s 49 97% 97% 97% Chl A E III 6s 51 — 15 15 15 Chl A E 111 5s 51 ct— 14% 14% 14% Chl AE 111 6s 34_111% 110% 110% Chi A Erie 5s 82 _ 82 82 82 Chl Grt West 4s 69 .. 18% 18% 18% Chi Ind A Lou 5s 47_ 9% 9% 9% CMAStP 4 %s 89 C — 20 20 20 r’V,4 U1I A Ct D Ea 7C Cl/. C C CMStP&Padi 6s 2000 1% 1% 1% Chl&NW gen 4s 87 .. 10% 10% 10% Chi & NW 4%s 2037.. 6% 6 6 Chl&NW 4%s 2037 C. 6% 6 6 Chi & NW cv 4%s 49 3% 2% 3% Chi & NW gen 5s 87 . 11 11 11 Chi lll&P rf 4s 34 5% 5% 5% Chi RI&P rf 4s 34 ct 4% 4% 4% Chi R I & P gen 4s 88 11% 11 11 Chi RI&P 4%s 62 A 6% 5% 6% Chi RI&Pcv 4%s 60 2% 2% 2% Chi Un Sta 3 %s 61 105 105 105 Chi Un Sta 8%s 63 107% 106% 107% Chi & W Ind 4%s 62 92 90% 92 Childs & Co 6s 43 65 65 65 Cln G&E 3 % s 66 107 107 107 Cln U Trm 3%s 69 gt 109% 109% 109% CCC&StU L rf 4%s 77 45 44% 45 Clev Un Ter 4%a 77.. 72 72 72 Colo & So 4 %s 80 .. 28 27% 27% Col G&E 6s 62 Slay... 101% 101% 101% Col GAE 6s 61 _ 102 101% 101% Col & H Yal 4 s 48_112 112 112 Colum Ry P&L 4a 65. 108% 108% 108% Hlah Low. Close. Cornel Cred tlie 61_ 103** 103** 103** Comw Ed S!*■ 61- 117% 116% 116% Comw Ed 3 %s 61 ... 109% 109% 109% Cons Ed db 3%s 48 .. 107 106% 106% Cons Ed N T 3%s 56. 104% 104% 104% Cons Oil 3%s 61 . 108% 103% 103% Consum Pwr3%s88 106% 106% 106% Consum Pwr 3%s 65. 108 108 108 Container deb 6s 43.. 100 99 100 Conti Oil 2 %s 48 ... 105% 105% 105% Del & Hud ref 4s 43.. 54 54 64 Del P&L 4V*s 69_ 105 105 105 D & R G W 6s 66 ast.. 2% 2% 2% Den&RG W rf 5s 78. 5% 5% 5% Det Edison 3 %s 66 ... 110 110 110 Det Edison 4% 61 111 111 111 Det Ter&Tun 4 %s 61 102 101% 102 Duauesne Lt 3 %s 65 109% 109% 109% Eleo Auto Lt 4s 62 ... 107% 107% 107% Erie ref 6s 67_ 9% 8% 9 Erie ref 5s 76 _ 8% 8% 8% Fed Lt&Tr 6s 54 B 101% 101% 101% Firestone Tire 3 %s 48 104 104 104 Fla E C Ry 4 %s 69 54 64 64 Fla E C Ry 6s 74_ 7% 7% 7% Gen Am Iny»6s 62 103% 103 103% Gen Mot Ace 3%s 61. 104% 104'% 104% Gen Stl Cast 6%s 49. 58 67% 58 Goodrich 4%s 66 ... 103% 103% 103% GrtNor4s46G ... 94% 94 94% Grt N Ry 4 %s 76 D 81 79% 79% Grt N R an 4%s 77 E 81% 79% 79% Gulf Sta Stl 4%s 61.. 93 93 93 Gulf St Util 3%s 69 106% 106% 106% Hudson Coal 6s 62 A. 3.1% 30% 30% Hud & Man Ino 6s 67. 14% 14% 14% Hud & Man ref 5a 57 . 46% 45% 46% 111 Bell Tel 3%s 70 B 110 110 110 111 Cent 1st 3%s 51 rg 82% 82% 82% 111 Cent ext 3 %s 51.. . 82% 82% 82% 111 Cent 4s 53 _ 45 44% 44% 111 Cent ref 4s 55_ 50 50 60 111 Pant a Cl JO At JO I JO A/ Ill Cent ref 5s 55_ 53% 63% 63% ICC&StL NO 4 %s 63. 43 42% 43 ICC&StL NO 6s 63 48 46% 46% Indust Kayon 4 %s 48 95% 95% 95% Inter R T 1st rf 6s 66 58% 67% 68 Inter RT 6s 32 _ 32 31 32 Inter RT 7s 32 . 56 56 56 Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52. 13% 13 13% Int Grt Nor adj 6s 52. 1% 1% 1% Int Hydro El 6s 44_ 81% 80% 80% Int Mer Mar 6s 41_ 54% 54 54 Int Paper 1st 5s 47_„ 97% 97% 97% Int Paper ref 6» 55 __89% 89% 89% Int Ry of C A 5s 72 — 80% 80% 80% int T&T 4 %s 52 _ 55% 54 54 Int T&T 6s 55 _ 59 58 58% James F&C 4s 59_ 46 46 46 Kans C So rf 5s 60 . 65 64 64 Kan Cltv Term 4s 60 . 106% 106% 106% Kans G&E 4%s 80 .. 104 104 104 Kopners Co 4s 61_ 102 101% 101% Laclede S 5%s 60 D.. 48 48 48 Leh C & N 4%s 54 A.. 48 48 <8 Leh C&N 4%s 54 C ... 47 47 47 L V RR con 4s 2003.. 13 13 13 L V RR 4s 2003 asd 12% 12% 12% L V RR 4%s 2003 asd 14% 14% 14% Lies & Mvers 5s 51.. 129 129 129 Loew's 3 %s 46 .. 102% 102 102 Lone Isld ref 4s 49— 86% 86% 86% Lorlllard 5s 51_ 124 121 124 La & Ark 6s 69 . ... 83% 83% 83% L & Nash unlf 4s 40— 100(1, 100 100ft Manat! Suear 4s 57... 29% 29 29 Manhat Rv 4s 90 _ 60% 68% 59 Metrop Ed 4%s 68 . 109% 109% 109% Mich Cons Gas 4s 63 . 101% 100% 100% MStPSSM cn 4s 38 . 6% 6% 6% MStP&SSM 6s 46_ 1% 1% 1% Mo 111 6s 59 _ 62 59 59 Mo K & T 1st 4s 90 . 26% 26% 26% Mo K & T 4s 62 B_ 14 14 14 Mo K & T 5s 62 A __ 16% 16% 16% MoK&Tad15s67_ 6% 6% 6% Mo Pac 4s 76 _ 3% 3 3 Mo Pac 5s 77 F_ 13% 13% 13% Mo Pac 5s 78 G_ 13% 13% 13% Mo Pac 5%s 49 _ 2 2 2 Monone P S 4%s 60 .. 108% 108% 108% Mont Power 3%s 66 100 99% 99% Morrls&Es 3%s 2000 39 38% 39 Morris & Es 5s 65 34 34 34 Mount StT&T 3%s 68 106% 106% 106% Nassau Elec 4s 61 40% 40% 40% Nat Dairv 34*s 61 ww 105 104% 105 Natl Distill 3.%s 49 . 102', 102% 102% Natl Steel 3s 65 102% 102% 102% New E T&T 1st 5s 52 126% 126% 126% New Jer P&L 4%s 60 107 107 107 New Orl G N R 5s 83 74 74 74 New orl P S 5s 62 A 103% 103% 103% New Orl P S 6s 65 B 105% 105 105 New Orl Ter 1st 4s 63 66% 66% 66% New Orl T&M 6s 54 B 30% 30% 30% New OT&M 5%s 54 ct 30 30 30 N Y Central 3 %■ 97 . 77% 77 77 NY Central 344s 46. 69 68% 69 N Y Cent con 4s 98 52 51% 51% N Y Cent rf 4%s 2013 46 45% 45% N Y Cent rf 6s 2013 - 51% 51 51 N Y C L Sh 3 %s 98 . 59 59 59 N Y Chl&StL 4%s 78 48 47 47 N Y C&StL 5%s 74 A 57 56 57 N Y Edls 3%s 65 D . 107 107 107 NYGEH&P4S49.. 117 117 117 NY N'H &H 4%s 67 12% 12% 12% NY NH & H cv 6s 48 12% 12% 12% N Y O&W gen 4s 55 3% 3', 314 N Y S & W ref 5s 37 6% 6% 6% N Y Tel 3%s 57 109 108*. 108% N Y Tel een 4%s 39 100%, 100% 100% N Y W&B 4 Hs 46 ... 3 3 3 Niag 1. & O 5s 55_ 108** 108% 108% Niag Sh 5%s 50 _ 101% 100% 101% Norf Southn 5s 61 . 8% 8% 8% Norf Southn 5s 61 ct. 8% 8% 8H Norf & VV 1st 4s 96 .. 122 122 122 North Am 3%s64_ 1031* 103% 103% North Am 4s 59 .. 105 105 105 Nor’n Pac gn 3s 2047- 41% 41 41 Nor'n Pae 4s 97 .. 67% 66 66 Nor’n Pao 4 %s 2047- 42% 42% 42% Nor’n Pac 5s 2047 C._ 46% 46 46 Nor’n Pac 5s 2047 D . 47 46 46 Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 56 64% 55% North Sta Pw 3%s 67 108 108 1.08 Ohio Edison I%s 72.. 105% 104% 105% Ohio Edison 4s 65 107% 107 107 Oregon W RR4S81- 103% 103% 103% Pac Gas & El 3%s 66. 106 105% 105% Pac G & E 3%s 61_ 108% 108% 108% Pac G & E 4s 64 ... 110% 110 110% Pae T&T 3%s 66 C . 107 107 107 Paducah&Ill 4%s 55. 102% 102% 102% Penn Co 3 %s 44 D ... 103% 103% 103% Penn Co 4s 63 . Iu2% 102 102 Penn Dixie C 6s 41 A. 100 99% 100 Penn U & D 4 %s 77_ 99% 99% 99% Penn RR 3 %s 70_ 88% 88% 88% Penn RR 4s 48 111 111 111 Penn RR 4%s 81_ 96 96 96 Penn RR 4 %s 6# ... 117% 117% 117% Penn RR gn 4%s (5— 100% 100 100% Penn RR db 4%s 70.. 85 84% 84% Penn RR gen 6s 68 106 106 106 Phila B&W 4%a 77 C. 108% 108% 108% Phila Co 6s 67 ... 104% 103% 103% Phila Elec 3 %s 67 .. 108% 108% 108% Phila R C & Ir 6s 49- 3% 3% 3% Phillips Petrol 3s 48. 107 107 107 PCC&StL 6s 70 A — 106 105 105 Pitts C & Ir 4%s 52 ... 94% 94% 94% Pltt&W Va 4%s 68 A. 28 28 28 Pitt&W Va 4%s 60 C. 26% 26 26 Port Gen El 4%s 60.. 78 77 78 Postal Tel AC 6s 53 12% 12% 12% Public Sv 1st 3%a 68 106% 106% 106% Reading R 4%s 97 A. 70 69 70 Reading R 4%s 97 B 68% 68% 68% Rem Rand 4V*s 66 war 100% 100 100% Republic Stl 4%s 68. 94V* 94% 94% Richfield 011 4s 62 ... 106 106 106 Rio GW 1st 4s 39_ 30 29% 30 StL 1M&S R&G 4s 33. 58 58 68 St L-San Fr 4s 50 A.. 7% 7% 7% StL-San Fr 4s 60 ct_ 7 7 7 StL-San Fr 4%s 78 .. 7% 7% 7% St L-S F 4%s 78 ct at 7 7 7 St L-San Fr 6s 60 B„ 8 7% 7% St L-S F 6s 60 B ct 7% 7 7% San Antonio P S 4s 63 105 105 105 Seab’d A L 6s 45 A .. 6 6 6 Simmons Co 4s 62 98 98 98 Southn Cal G 4%■ 61 105% 105 105 Southn Kraft 4%s 46 93 93 93 SoPaccol 4s 49_ 44 43 43 So Pao ref 4s 55_ 59% 58% 68% So Pao 4 %s 68_ 43 43 43 So Pao 4*8 69- 42* 41* 41* So Pac 4*8*1 - 42* 41* 41* So Pac Oreg 4*s 77.. 45* 44* 4444 So Ry Ken 48 66 A_ 52* 52* 52* So Ry 5s 94 _ 86 86 86 So Ry Ken 6s 66_ 68* 68* 68* So Ry 6 *s 66 _ 73 72 72 S W Bell Tel 3s 68_ 106 106* 106 Stand bll N J 3s 61_ 104* 104 104* Studebaker cv 6s 46.. 88 87 87 Swift & Co 3*8 60... 106* 106* 106* Texas Corn 3s 59 103* 103* 103* Tenn Co 3*s 42 C .. 105* 105* 105* Texas & Pac 5s 77 B 80* 80* 80* Texas & Pac 5s 79 C 80* 80* 80* Tex & Pac 6s 80 D 81* 81* 81* Tex & Pac 1st 6s 2000 114* 114* 114* Third Av ref 4s 60 46* 46* 46* Third Av adl 5s 60 .. 11* 11 11* Un El Chicago 6s 46.. 8* 9* 9* Un El(Mo)3*a62 .. 108* 108* 108* Un Pacific 3*s 70 ... 97 97 97 Un Pacific 1st 4s 47_112*112 112* Un Pac 1st 6s 2008 .. 112* 112* 112* United Biscuit 6s 60.. 106* 105* 106* United Drue 6a 68 78 78 78 A _ _ _ * High Low. Close US Steel 14a «* -1054 105 1064 Utd Stkyds44s61ww 87 87 87 UtahL&T6s44 . _. 100 100 100 Utah Pwrft Lt 5s 44. 100 99% 100 Utility P& L 64s 47. 774 774 774 Vs Ry 1st 14a •«-107% 107% 107% Wabash 1st 6s S»_ 344 334 334 Wabash 64s 75- 54 64 64 Walworth 4s 65 67 67 57 Warner Bros 6s 41... 86 85 85 Warren Bros cv 6s 41 384 384 384 Wash Term 4s 45 _ _ 1084 1084 1084 Westcht Lsrn 3 48 67 108 1074 108 W Va P&P 4%s 52... 1054 1054 1054 West Md 1st 4s 62 794 784 784 West NY&Pitn 4s 43 1044 1044 1044 West Union 4 4s 50.. 644 644 644 West Union 6s 60 . 69 68 68 Wheel Steel 4 4s 66 95% 96% 95% Wls Cent 1st jrn 4s 49 11% 11 11% W C 1st jrn 4s 49 cfs 104 10 104 WlsCS&DT4s 36 ... 6 6 6 YoVnasCn S&T 4s 46 103% 1034 103% Youn^t’n S4T 4s 61. 1044 1044 1044 --1-;-; Phone Installations Climb Far Ahead Of Last Year Seven-Month Additions Are Triple Those of Same 1938 Period Special Dispatch to The Star, NEW YORK, Aug. 30— New tele phone installations so fftr this year are triple those made in the corre- j sponding period of 1938. according , to Poor's Industry and Investment Surveys. This high rate of gain will hardly continue, however, as comparisons will soon be with j months of rising activity last year, i Nevertheless satisfactory progress is expected, and expansion in op erating revenues will be more than large enough to absorb higher wages and tax costs. Relative freedom from near-term political pressure removes the barrier to stock market reflection of income gains. "During the first seven months of the year the Bell System added 382.000 new phones, three times as 1 many as in the same months of 1938,” states the analysts. “The months of June and July made the best comparison, wdth increases re ported this year as against losses in 1938. "American Telephone A: Tele graph's net income may well reach the highest point since 1930. Tire system expects its investment in plants and improvements to be the largest in eight years, kesulting increased efficiency will be helpful. Additional benefit to net income will result if expected refinancing of high coupon bonds and high dividend stocks of subsidiaries nia j terialize. "Equally as encouraging as the prospective rise in earnings is the ; sympathetic attitude of a large body : of Congressmen toward the prob lems of the telephone industry. This attitude was clearly expressed when the House Appropriations Committee refused to vote the F. C. C. funds which that commission had held were necessary for a 'com prehensive program of regulation. Factors responsible for this senti ment in Congress are both eco nomic and political. In the first place there is widespread opinion, even among politicians, that the Bell System is efficiently operated. Secondly, the number of employes 1 and stockholders involved makes a large voting body. Add to these the arbitrary methods of Commissioner Walker in his investigation, of which Congress has been made fully aware, and it becomes difficult to I visualize any seriously detrimental legislation at the next session.” Charles Town Bank Selects Officers Special Dispatch to The Star. CHARLES TOWN, W, Va„ Aug. 30.—Dr. J. L. Myers of Shepherds town, president for some years of the Farmers’ Bank of Shepherds town, which is being merged with the new institution here, was named president of the newly-organized Peoples’ Bank of Charles Town at an organization session of the new ly-named board last night. J. D. Yowell of Charles Town was named first vice president; Joseph A. Warrenfeltz of Charles Town, sec ond vice president; Herman Willis, cashier; H. J. Wiswell, assistant cashier; Miss Mona Moler, Shep herdstown. bookkeeper, and Lee Bushong, jr., attorney. Lion Oil Refining Co. To Restore Prices By the Associated Press. EL DORADO, Ark., Aug. 30.— Lion Oil Refining Co. announced it was restoring it prices for crude oil purchases in Arkansas fields, ef fective at 7 a.m. September 1, bring ing the range back to the schedule in effect August 14, prior to pro duction shutdowns in this and ad jacent States. The reductions made by Lion, in concert with similar action by other major purchasers, amounted to 13 to 20 cents per barrel. Virginia Farm Radios Show Big Increase By the Associated Press. RICHMOND, Va., Aug. 30.—The Virginia Co-operative Crop Report ing Service said yesterday 72 per cent of its correspondents have ra-" dios, compared with 18 per cent in 1927. In its annual compilation of Vir ginia farm statistics, the service said a larger percentage of crop reporters have radios than all farmers, because the 1930 census showed radios on only 7.1 per cent of farms, while 35 per cent of crop reporters owned radios last year. The Joint Committee on Radio Research reported that on Jan uary 1, 1938, 56 per cent of all rural families in Virginia had radios, whereas 70 per cent of the crop cor respondents reported radios that year. Dividend Is Declared By Hercules Powder By the Associated Press. WILMINGTON, Del., Aug. 30.— The Hercules Powder Co. today de clared a dividend of 40 cents a share on common stock, payable Septem ber 25 to stockholders of record at the close of business September 14. Dollar Off Further As Pressure Against Pound Eases American Unit Closes At $4.41 Vi at London, Securities Improve By the Associated Press. LOltoON, Aug. 30.—The United States dollar closed 4.41 >/2 to the pound in foreign exchange trad ing today, a decline of 5>/2 cents from yesterday. The rate compared with sterling at $4.391 ^ in New York over night. As pressure lessened against ster ling quieter conditions prevailed and fluctuations in the sterling-dollar rate narrowed. French francs held unchanged at 175.25 to the pound. A mild rally in British govern ment stocks developed in London’s heavily restricted markets today, as dealers took a cautiously hopeful view of the tense European situa tion. In some cases gilt edged securi ties rose nearly 2 points above the official “war emergency" minimum prices set last Thursday to prevent panic selling. The 3 Vi per cent war loan, “weather vane" of market sentiment, advanced 1’* on the overnight close to 90'», a figure 1% points above the minimum price. This issue was quoted for four days at the mini mum. Other leading British government securities advanced from to V Volume, however, still was only a fraction of normal. PARIS. Aug. 30 (/P).—The United States dollar was quoted at 39.80 francs (2.513 cents to the franc) in final foreign exchange dealings to day. In comparison the franc was 2.515 cents in New York overnight. Exchange on London, 175.24. Three per cent rentes in the Bourse ended 74.00 francs. 4>2s “A" 83.00; 4'2s, 1937, 162 00. r~~ _ Bar Gold Price Raised Again At London By the Associated Press. LONDON, Aug. 30 —Bar gold was quoted at 158s 6d an ounce in the open market today, up 1 shilling 6 pence. The American equivalent, based on sterling at $4 39. is $34.79. Continental selling fell off appre ciably m volume. However, there was a small but keen demand. Bar silver was quoted 19 l-16d, off 7-16 of a penny. 'Equivalent based on sterling at $4.40'» is 37.76 cents.; Investing Companies NEW YORK. Aue 30 .TPi,—National As sociatlon Securities Dealers. Inc.: (Closing auotations.t £«Tin Jn,d Inc i bio n>id Affiliated F Inc __ 3 OS 337 * Amerex Hold If) Its un’a-x Am Bus Shrs ' 2 fin 3 "1 Am Gen Ea Inc _ ~ 37 ' 4*. Am Ins Stocks 4 7,5 595 •Bankers Nat. Inv Coro A 5 375 ti 375 Basic Industry 3 53 "Blair & Co _ _ ] 05 -95 Boston Fund Inc_~ 14 37 15 45 Broad St Inv .. ___ 93 9 \21'2 Bullock Fund 1" J. .! Century Shrs Tr" I-o3 5? 04 2 ehemical Fund _ n>7 10 R8 Comwlth Invest. _ 3 14 34 •Continental Sh pf _ZZZZZ 5 05 « 05 Corporate Trust _ 9 93 ' Corporate Trust A A 5 V: Corp Tr Accum _* " 3 3't Corp Tr A A mod _ ~ 0^5 Coro Th Acc Mod ~ " 5 - Cumulative Tr Sh 4 ftl - Denes Bk Sh N Y "A" '* 1 40 - DePO' Ins Shrs •■A” I" •> sii - Depos Ins Shrs • B" S'jn - Diversified Tr C 3 55 - Dividend Shrs 4 ']}{ .99 Eaton Ar How Fund "A-l" in 00 ls’ou Equity Coro An or oxo? iS S5 rvaetuy Fund Inc _ 174- « « •First B vto.i Corp lit f’S ITti-'s F.rM Mutual Tr Fd . HZ 2 Rtf 7 4 Fiscal Fund Bk Sh •• 33 ‘<11 Fiscal Fund Ins a'tn Fixed Trust Sh A ~ _.ZZ~ S) 07 '4 Foreign Bond Assoc t; to ~ Found Tr Sh A ZZ" 3 i" 4 4 Fund Investors Inc ' " ], yl, Fund Tr Shrs A 1L - -V Fund Tr Shrs B ' 4 3A ■>o1 Ofn Capital Corn Z~ "s 3‘ 'in*" Gen Investors Tr "4,1,, \; Group Sec Agricultural 4 .,,, W ! i Gronp Sec Automobile 4 4-’ 4 4.» Grour Sec Aviation A ir, 704 Grour Sec Builaing * -4 !< A Group Sec Chemical 035 Group See Frods 4- 9 A 2 Group Sec Invest Shrs 3 in' A ..A Group Sec Merchandising 5 17 V ..'t Group Sec Mining 2 : on* Group Sec Petroleum 4 4 V si Group Sec R R Equip 347 A ii Group Sec Steel v 15 "i? Group Sec Tobacco 4,,5 •Huron Holding - 4 0 : ! incorp Investors -,-. AV Independence Tr Sh •> no lb*Jo Instl Sec Bank Group ~ 7 * i , Instl Sec Insurance ” "i ] Investors Pd *'C" Ine A -, , A';. Kevstone Custodn B i """ "g 4ft A2 ; Keystone Custodn B 2 i n 1 A nn Keystone Custodn B 3 ' 7■ • fA'' Keystone Custodn K 1 " }i "7,, Il f? Keystone Custodn K 2 " & L-< n ~i Keystone Custodn S 2- 13 Id us! Keystone Custodn S 3 "" .)«e JJ'52 Keystone Custodn s 4 _ 3 44 12'2? Manhat Bond Fund H 70 ~2n Maryland Fund .- V iX 1 iA Mass Invest Tr Z.Z 107 Mutual Invest ,n,'A tIt? Nation Wide Sec 354 1111 Nation Wide Voting_ZZZ- lift 1 30 Natl Investors __ 5 4S i"h New England Fund ZZZZ 11 73 iSrA m v ^?cki? Automobile_ 4 7s 5*10 w v S.toc,ks Aviation _ 8.34 on” m v J*toc,ks Bk Stock.*? __ 8 03 8 «o N Y S!dfZ Supply _ H OI 6 52 N | ItockS InsurfSceD %% Wier " 2:f2 I V 1**1 Afh Bond Tr Ctfs .. 4900 Nor Am Tr Shares 1053 •>.,(, ' Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 " 0 71 - Nor Am Tr Sh 1»5R 2'fifi - Nor Am Tr Sh lt»58_ " 2 30 - Plymouth Fund Inc " 35 4n Putnam (Gt Fund _ZZZ" 13.30 1455 Quarterly Income Sh ZZ 7 75 s 2R Schoellkopt-Hut a* Pom .. lion " on Se ec ed Am Sh Inc ... s.or 9 4« Selected Income Sh __ 4 ]•> a'4H Sovereign Invest Z "" rT " os Spencer Trask Fund"_._Z 14 57 15 45 Stand Util Inc *62 Rft Super of Am Tr A 344 Suprr of Am Tr B __ _Z 3 fio - super of Am Tr A A " "'41 - Supervised St»s __ " 947 jnm Trustee Stand Inv c ZZ. 2 4" Trustee Stand Inv D Z"_Z 2'31: Trusteed Am Bk "B" _ "54 ""fin Trusteed Industry Shrs 81 flt Wellington Fund "ZZ 13.05 14i3R •Asterisk denotes "Not quoted by spon sors or Issuers." Foreign Exchange NEW YORK, Aug. 30 uPV—The pound sterling continued to Improve in foreign exchange dealings today The currency was quoted nearly 30 cents above the low of $4.12. reached soon after the stabilization fund last week temporarily ceased support and was 2% cents better than yesterday's close Bankers said transactions were the near est to normal thus far in the week, noting that commercial users of the currency were again appearing in the market. Evidence there was still considerable nervousness over the outcome of the Dan zig impasse, despite the more conciliatory note apparent in foreign dispatches, was seen in often wide disparity between bid and asked prices. News that Poland was calling more men to the colors, one foreign exchange trader said, caused immediate downward revisions in several leading rates. The guilder, for instance, sensitive as usual to political news, dropped to a net loss on the day of .16 of a cent In terms of the dollar The French franc advanced .00% of a cent, the belga gained .07 of a cent while the Swiss franc was unchanged. Canadian dollars rose .62% of a cent, but money dealers said the rate was nom inal. Late rates follow (Great Britain in dol lars. others in centsi: Great Britain, de mand. 4.41: Great Britain, cables. 4.41%; lio-day bills. 4.30%: 90-day bills. 4.38%; Canada, Montreal in New York 98.75n: Canada New York in Montreal. 101.25n; Belgium. 16.99: Denmark, 20.85: Finland, 2.05; France. 2.52 Vs: Germany. 40.02; benevolent. 19.15; travel. 22.50; Greece. 80%; Hungary. 19.70; Italy. 5.26'/c Netherlands. 53.49: Norway. 23.00; Poland. 18.82; Portugal unquoted; Rumania. .72; Sweden 24.00: Switzerland. 22.65; Argen tina (official), unquoted: Argentina (free). 23.50; Brazil (official!. 6.05; Brazil (free). 5.10; Mexico. 17.00n; Japan. 25 80n: Hong Kong, 27.60; Shanghai. 7.60; Yugoslavia. 2.33. Rates In spot cables unless other wise indicated, n—Nominal. 1 ^ FV/ A* A» V A A A , NEW YORK CURB MARKET Bt private wire direct le The Star. Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00 Hlah. Low. Close. Ainsworth - 1 6a* 5% 6% Air Assoc (.60) _ ’ 7% 7 7 Ala Power pf (Si 50s 89 88% 88% Ala Power pi’ (7) 130s 98 97% 98 Alum Co of Am.. 40Js 117% 116% 117% Alum Co pf (6) . 60s 115% 116% 115% Alumn Goods .80 1 17 17 17 Alum Ltd (,25s). 150s 119 118 118 Am Capital (B).. 1 % % % Am Cynam B .80 9 27% 26a* 26% Am Gaa ft El 1.80 1 36% 86% 36% Am G A El pf (8) 26s 112% 112% 112% Am LtftTrac 1.20 1 16 16 16 Am Maracaibo_ 1 % % % Am Republics_ 3 6 5% 5% Am Superpower.. 1 % % % Am Superpwr pf. 3 16% 16% 16% Ark Nat Gas_ 3 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat Gas A 1 2% 2% 2% Assoc Gas & Elec 1 4 4-4 Assoc QasAEl pf. 1 7% 7% 7% Atl Coast Fish .. 2 2% 2% 2% Atlantic Rayon.. 1 3% 3% 3% Atlas Corn war . 3 a* a4 % Austin Silver M_. 7 % 4 % Babcock & Wll... 1 16% ie% 16% Baldwin Lo war . 6 5 4a4 4** Barium Stain Stl. 3 % % % Barl&Seel A 1.20. 50s 8% 8% 8% Bath Iron .. 3 6% 6% 6% Beech Aircraft 15 5 6 Bellanea Aircraft 6 6% 5% 5% Bell Aircraft- 1 16% 16% 16% Bliss (EW) 1 ]0 10 10 Brewst Aero .20* 1 6a* 5a* 5% Brldgp't Machine 1 3% 3% 3% Brid*’p’t M pf(7) 10a 55 65 65 Brill (A) 3 ]% 1% 1% Rr,1> Df 50s 26 26 26 Brit-Am T br.71* .1 20% 20% 20% Rrlt-Am T r*.71* 1 19% 1914 J94 Brown Rubber ..74 4 4 Can Col Airways. 16 6 6 Can Marc Wire.. 5 1% 1 114 farrier Per. r* . . - ... ... - - • * * " in in Catalln (Am) __ 2 2\ 2\ 2\ Celluloid Corp 1 314 31,4 314 Cent NY Pwr pf 5 20s 924 924 924 Cent P & L pf (7) 25* 106 106 106 Cent State* Elec 14 4 4 Cent Sts El 77. pf 150* 84 84 84 Centrif Pipe 40.. 2 34 43 34 Chesehro (4a) . BO* U5 115 115 Cities Service .. 10 54 5 54 Cities Service pf 1 494 494 494 Cities SP&L J6 pf 10s 70 70 70 Claude Neon L .. 6 4 4 4 Club Alum ITten. 3 24 24 24 Colon Develop 5 1*. 14 14 Columb OH & Ga* 1 24 24 24 Com P & L 1st pf 100s 334 334 *34 CompoSho* 111 3 16 154 16 Cons Blscuit.30*. 1 34 34 314 Cons Cop M 15* 12 64 6 6 Cons G&E P.a 3 60 4 784 774 774 Consol Gas&Elec Balto pf B 4.50. 10*118 118 118 Cons Steel Corp . 3 44 44 44 Conti P.oll & Stl 15 5 5 Copper Ranee 150s 4 4 4 Copperweld .60*. 1 134 134 1314 Cosden Petrolm 3 14 14 14 Creole Petm 60a 4 194 194 194 Crocker Wheeler 1 44 4s, 44 Crown Cent Pet .. 1 14 14 14 Crown Drug_ 1 a, a, a, Crystal Oil 1 ft ft ft Cuneo Press (3a) 100s 484 484 484 Cuneo Ppf 6.50 . 80* 1184 1184 1184 Dayton Rub (lg) 2 14 14 14 Decca I tec .60g . 4 7 7 7 Derby Oil .... . 1 14 py, 14 Det Gray Iron .04 2 14 14 14 Eagle Picher Ld 5 84 84 84 Eastn G&F 6 pf 250s 124 124 124 KaStn G&F pr pf 175s 25 24 24 Elec Bond & Sh 85 9 4 8 4 9 Elec B & S pf (6) 1 664 664 664 Esquire ( 90s) .. 1 44 44 44 Europ E deb rts . 56 ft ft ft Fairchild Av .20g 1 10 ]0 10 Fisk Rubber 4 94 94 914 Fla P&L pf 3.93k 75* 73 73 73 Ford (Can) A (1) 1 174 174 174 Gen Invest_ 1 4 4 4 GaPowerpf(6) 25s 96 96 96 Goldfield Consol 8444 Gray Mfg 1 914 94 94 GA&P 1st pf (7) 50s 127 127 127 Greenfield T&D 1 44 44 44 Grum'an Air .25g 4 144 144 144 Gulf Oil of Pad ) 3 314 314 31*4 Hartman Tobac.. 1 4 4 4 Harvard Brew 1 14 14 14 Hat Corp (B).20g 2 44 44 44 Hecla Uln L20g) 5 64 6 6 Hewitt Rub .45g. 2 94 94 94 Hoe (R) & Co A.. 4 44 44 44 Hubbell (H) .80.. 50s 114 114 114 Humble O 1.375* 3 564 55 564 Hummel-Ross F. 1 24 24 24 Hv*rade Syl 1.50 50s 244 244 244 Ill-la. Pwr div ct. 3 44 44 44 Indus Finan pf._ 25s 104 104 104 IneDo M A m O n C. A - Cf C r tf r Int Hvdro El pf.. 2 16 16 16 Int Indust .10g... 1 2% 2% 2% Int Pa&Pwr war. 3 2 1% 1% Int Petrol 1.60a 4 20% 20% 20% Int Vitamin ,225g 1 2% 2% 2% Interst H Ea .60 8 7% 7% 7% Interst-P Del of 25s 5% 5% 5% Inv Royalty .06 . 3 % % % Jacobs Co . 2 2% 2% 2% Jer CP&L pf (71 10s 101% 101% 101% Ivans G&E rf (7 ) 10s 116% 116% 116% Kingston Prod . 1 IV, 1% 1% Klein (DE) (1)_. 1 12 12 12 UckRRNJ (4). 60s 38% 38% 38% Rehigh Coal & N 5 2 2 2 Re Tourneau ,75g 2 28% 28% 28% Rockhead Aircr . 14 22% 21% 21% Lone Star (.40g). 1 8% 8% 8% Long lsld Ltg pf 50s 36 35% 36 Long Isl Ltg pf B 150s 33 32 33 La Rand & Ex .40 1 4% 4% 4% Me Willms Dredg 18 8 8 Majestic Radio 22 1% 1% 1% Mapes Consol (2) 1 24 24 24 Mass Util Assoc. 2 2% 2% 2% May Hos pf (4).. 50s 54 54 54 Merr-Chap & Sc. 1 3% 3% 3% Mesabi Iron 1 % % % Mid Sts P A 62g. 1 3% 3% 3% Mid West Corp . 1 8% 8% 8% Minn M&M fig). 50s 52% 52% 52% Mo Pub Svc .20g. 1 5% 5% 5% Molybdenum 4 4 3% 3% Mont Ward A (7) 70s 158 155 155 Mount City Cop.. 1 3% 3% 3% Nat Bella Hess . 1 % % % Nat Fuel Gas (1) 1 12% 12% 12% Nat Oil Prod ,60g 1 35 35 35 Nat P & R pf (61 50s 88% 88% 88% Nat Rubber Mach 2 3% 3% 3% N J Zinc (1.50g). 100s 54% 54% 54% Newmont 1.50g . 2 69 69 69 N Y P & Rt pf (6) 20* 104% 104% 101% N Y Water Svc pf 30s 19% 19% 19% Niag Hudson Pwi 6 6% 6% 6% Niag Hud 1st (61 200s 88 88 88 Niag Sh Md (B1 15 5 5 Nlles-Bem-P 60a 2 53% 53 53 Nor Am Rt & Pwr 2 IV* lVi 1% N Am Ray B ,50g 1 18 18 18 N IPS 7 pf 3.60k 10s 105 105 105 North n Sta pi A> 1 11% 11% 11% Novadel-Ag (2).. 3 34% 34 34% Ohio P S pf A(7) 10s 111% 111% 111% Pac Gas 6 pf 1.60 7 32 32 32 Pantepec Oil 14 5 4% 6 Pa-Cent Airlines 3 8% 8% 8% Pennroad Corp 1 1% 1% 1% Penn P&R pf (6) 10s 106% 106% 106% Penn P&L pf (7) 25s 110 lio 110 Penn Salt (4g) . 50s 141% 139% 139% Fharis T&R ,60g 1 7% 7% 7% Phoenix Secur 15 7 614 6% Phoenix Secur pf 150s 29% 29 29 Pioneer Gold .40 4 2% 214 2% a uiicj-uunco .*v u I Y* l -4 1 '/)) Fitts* LE.BOg 70s 47 454 454 Pitts PI G) l.BOg. 1 1034 1034 1034 Polaris Minin* 3 14 14 14 Powdrell*Al .30* . 1 4 4 4 Pratt &Lam.50g. 1 19 19 19 Pub Sv ind SB pf 25s 354 354 354 Puget Sd P 35 pf 225s 654 654 654 Puget S’d P 36 pf 250s 224 214 224 Raytheon Mfg_ 2 4 ft ft Richmond Rad ..2 2 2 2 Royal Typ 2.25g. 150s 494 494 494 Saf Car H*Lt 2*. 25s 534 534 534 St Regis Paper.. 2 14 14 14 Salt Dome Oil 3 8 8 8 Scovill Mfg.50g 2 21 21 21 Select Ind cv pf .. 100s 6 6 6 Seversky AlrcPt. 2 24 24 24 Shattuck-D 125g 1 54 54 54 Sher-Willms(2g) 50s 854 854 854 Sonotune (,05g).. 1 14 14 14 So Penn Oil 1.50.. 7 274 274 274 S C Ed of B 1.60.. 3 29 29 29 SoColPwr(A) 2 2 2 2 So'land Roy(25g) 1 54 54 64 Stand Oil Ky (1) 1 18 18 18 Stand Oil Neb .. 6 174 174 174 Stand Pwr * Lt.. 14 4 4 Stand Stl S .50g__ 3 33 324 324 Stinnes (H)- 2 4 4 4 8unray Oil ,05g._ 12 2 2 Technicolor ,35g. 4 14 134 14 Texon Oil (.10g) 1 24 24 24 Thew Shovel ,60g 50s 15 15 15 Todd Ship l.BOg.. 76s 47 47 47 Trl Conti war_ 2 i i i A Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate Add 00 High Low Close. Tubtz* Chatlllon. 2 8* 8* 8* TublzeChat (A). 60s 28* 28* 28* Ulen & Co pf A 1 ?. 2 2 UnPremFS(l). 1 IV* 17* 17* Utd Cgr Wh Stra. 14 1 {ft 1 Unit Gaa - 140 2% 2* 2* Unit Gas war_ 1 * * * Unit Lt&Pwr <A) 2 1% 1% 1% Unit Lt&Pwr <B) 6 1* 1* 1* Unit Lt & Pwr pf 17 27* 26% 27 Unit Sh M 2.60a . 60s 79% 79* 79% U 8 Foil (B) 2 3* 3% 3% US&INtSpf 1.75k 25s 58 68 58 Unit V" rde Ext - 5 1 1 1 Unit Wall Paper 1 1* 1* l* Utb P&L pf 3.50k 25s 59* 59* 59* Utah Rad Prod... 1 1* 1* 1* Util P&L pf(r>__ 150s 20 20 20 Van Norm 1.20g . 1 21% 21% 21% Weisbaum (.40k) 1 4* 4* 4* Wright Harg.40a 7 7% 7% 7% Yukon Pao Ufg.. 1111 r In bankruptcy or receivership or belna reorganized under Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed b» such companies Rates of dividends in the foregoing table •re annual disbursements based on the last auarterlv or semi-annual declaration Un less otherwise noted, special or extra divi dends are not included xd Ex dividend xr Ex right* a Also extra or extra* e Paid last rear f Pay able in stock g Declared or paid so far tnis vear h Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividend oald or declared this year ur Under rule ww With warrants xw Without warrant* war Warrants Washington Produce BUTTER—9o score. 1-pound prints. 26; tub. 2o; ' 4-pound prints. 27; 92 score tub. 26; 14-pound prints. 28. MEATS—Choice beef 18. good beef. 16 J < 2; calves. 16-17; spring lambs. 21; veal. 10 down: pork loin. 20-21; smoked regu lar ham. 22-23; smoked skinned ham 24. laige smoked skinned ham. 20-21: bacon, sliced. 28; bacon piece. 23; compound, 10; pure lard. 8V2. _ LIVESTOCK—Pigs. 120-140 pounds >80; liqht pigs. 140-150 pounds. ;).»o-o.lo; 150-200 nounds. 6 .00-6.30; 210-2.>0 pounds. 5.90-0.10: 250-300 pounds. 5 50-6.00: calves, good grade. 3 down: lambs. 8‘2 down: buck lambs. 1.20 less sows 3.15-4.00. stags. 3 down, weightier sows. 3.00-4.00. From Agricultural Marketing Service. Prices paid net l. 0. b. Washington: EGGS—Market stead. For eggs candled and graded in Washington ‘August 30>: Whites. U S extras, large. 39 cents: U. S extras, mediums. 24 cents; U S. standards, large. 23 cents: U. S. standards, mediums. 19 cents: U. S. trades. 17 cents; U. S pullet1- 14 rpnfs. For nearby ungraded eggs Current receipts: Whites. 18>2 to 19 cents, mixed colors. 16»2 to 17 cents. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady. Fowl Colored all sizes. 14 to 15 cents; No. 2s. lo 1 to J2* cents; Leghorns. 1“ to 11 cents: ! roosters. 9 to lo cents. Chickens: Virginia Rocks: Broilers and fryers, all sizes. 18 j to 19 cents: No 2s 12>2 to 13 cents. Dela ware Rocks and crosses: Broilers and fry 1 ers all sizes. 17 to 18 cents; No 2s. 12 cents: mixed colored fryers 14 cents. Leg horns. broilers, all sizes. 14 cents. Fruits and Vegetables. Compiled by the market news section of Agricultural Marketing Service Sales to 8 a m. on this morning s wholesale market in less than carlot quantities: APPLES—Market dull. Truck receipts moderate. Bushel baskets and bushel crates Maryland Pennsylvania. Virginia and Wes: Virginia. U S. No. 1. Rambos. 2 2-inch_minimum. 65-75: 234-1nch mini mum 75-85: .'5-inch minimum. 90-i.n0, Wealthys. 214-inch minimum. 40-50. 2M2 inch minimum. 60-65 Grimes. 2J4-inch | m;nimum. 50-60: 2*'2-inch minimum. 75 8.». 234-inch minimum. 90-1.00: North . western Greenings. 2J2-inch minimum. ! 6«»-6.): 234-inch minimum 75: 3-inch min ! imum 85-90; Wolf Rivers. 234-inch min imum. 8;> • 3 inches and up 90-1.oO AVOCADOS — Market about sieadv , Express receipts Florida, lugs. 15 and 16 ■ size. 15-1.00. mostly around 85: full ripe | wasty‘ 25-50; bushel baskets, 2.00 CABBAGE—Market about steady. Truck receipts, light. Virginia. 5o-pound sacks, domestic, round type 50-60. CANTALOUPES—Market slightly weak j pr ■ Truck receipts very light One Colo rado arrived; four broken and one un broken cars on track Colorado. Green j Meats, jumbos 36s. 3.00-3.25: jumbos, .-s 2.75: standards. 45s. 2.50-2.75: jumbo ^ats- 1J 1 00-1.15. California. Casabas. jumbo flats. 6s to 8s. 1 75-2.00 HONE5 DEW’S—Market about steadv One Colorado arrived, four broken and no unbroken cars on track. California, jumbo crates. 8s. and standard cratps. 9s. J./0-2OO: standard crates. 12s. 2.00-2.25. HONEY BALLS—No sales reported. CARROTS—Market stronger No carlot arrivals, one broken car on track. Cali ! .PT-.1}1*-.Lns Angeles, crates, bunched, best. ; " n<l. ,'ew- Poor to ordinary quality and ! condition, lower N®w York Truck receipts i bushel baskets, topped washed. 75 ! 1 °™a™~dll;5 to quality and condition. CELERY—Market weaker. Truck re ceipts moderate. No carlot arrivals: one broken and one unbroken cars on track New York:J2 crates, individually washed. ‘0-125. according to quality and condo ion EASTERN GRAPES—Truck receipts mod erate. No carlot arrivals; two broken cars on track Market about steady. Dela i chmax baskets Concords, fair qutlitv 25 | cartons containing 12 2-quart baskets ■ ♦ aJ?aLes and Niagaras, too few sales to establish market 1 -.JifJTUCE^'Truck receipts moderate. No carlot arrival?: six broker, and two un ! cars .on Uack- California, market slight!' weaker. Los Angeles, crates, ice P,eJK,t7Pe; S dozen, ordinary to fair qual | lt> n.o(i-4.on: best. 4.00-4.25. New York, market slightly stronger. Eastern crates. Boston type. 2 dozen 1.00-1.15. LIMES-—Express receipts market about steady. Florida quarter boxes and car bons. Persians. T5-1.00; best. 1.25. half boxes. Keyes, best, mostly around 2.50: bushel crates. U S. No. 1. 2.00. according to quality and size. Onions About Steady. ONIONS—Market about steady. Truck receipts moderate. One New York arrived: no broken and two u,. broken cars on rro'vNf? VprkL 5o-Dound sacks, yellows, ity 50° * bi>"*o; P°or to ordinary qual PEAC HES—Market about steady TrucK receipts moderate. Pennsylvania and Vir ginia. bushel baskets Elbertas and Hales. U. S No. 1, 2-inch minimum, 1.00-1.25. according to quality. 2'«-inch minimum SL UH’ 1.2->-150: half-bushel baskets Hales. U. S. No. 1. .1. inches and up. 75 West Virginia, bushei baskets Elbertas u. s No. 1. fair quality and condition, minimum. 75; 2'.-inch minimum. . PEAS—Market steady. No carlot ar rivals, one car diverted: one broken and no unbroken cars on track. Colorado, bushel hampers. 1.75. PEARS—-Truck receipts moderate. New York, bushel baskets Clapps Favorites. U. S. No. 1, mostly around 1.50- bushel baskets Seckels. U. S. No. 1. 1.00-1 25; half-bushel baskets Bartletts. U. S No 1 fair quality. 75: best. 1.00-1.25. ' ’ POTATOES—Market about steady. Truck receipts moderate. No carlot arrivals; no cars on track. 100-pound sacks Cobblers. , No. 1: Maryland and Pennsylvania, l.-o; few best higher. Virginia, fair quality and condition. 1.00. New Jersev. IhO-pound sacks Chippcwas. C. S. No. 1. SWEET POTATOES — Market about steady Truck receipts moderate. Mary land. bushel baskets Goldens. U- S No 1 To-i.oo North Carolina, bushel baskets r^best8Vim fir Nancy Halls. D- S- No. WATERMELONS—Truck receipts light Truck receipts: East Shore Maryland. Owens Grays, few sales. 25-35-pound av eragr. 20-35. MIXED VEGETABLES—No carlot ar rivals: two broken and no unbroken cars on track. SNAP BEANS—Market slightly weaker. Truck receipts moderate. Virginia, ord inary to fair quality, bushel hampers green, flat type. 75-85. LIMA BEANS—Market about steady. Truck receipts moderate. New York. Long Island. 12-quart climax baskets, 60-65. CORN—Market about steady. Truck re ceipts light. New York, burlap sacks. 5 dozen. 40-65. according to quality and condition. SPINACH—Truck receipts light. New York, bushel baskets. 1.00-1.25. Ohio, 12 quart climax baskets. 65. BEETS—Virginia, bunched. 2,a. CAULIFLOWER—New York. Catskill aec tion. crates. 1.25-1.40. RADISHES-^—Ohio. 12-quart climax bas kets. 40. BRUSSEL SPROUTS—California 25 pound drums, 2.75: 32-quart crates, packed locally 4.50: few 5.00. according to quality and condition ROMAINE—New York, crates. 16s. 1.00. OKRA—North Carolina and Florida. la bushel baskets. 25-50. according -to condi tion - Pfilifrtrnto oo i..-. Thompson Seedless. 90-1.25. according to condition: Red Malagas, best. 1.65-1.75: Ribiers. 1.40-1.50. PRUNES—Half bushels (28 pounds). Italians: Oregon. 1.26-1.50. California. 1.3a. PINEAPPLES—Cuba, crates. Red Span ish, 24s and 30s. 3.00-3.25. PLUMS—California, lugs and flats. 1.5-2.25. according to varieties and con dition. PEARS — California. 45-pound boxes. Mountain Bartletts. ripes, 1.50; best Qual ity. 2.50-3.00. PIGS—California, flats. 50-75. ^ ^NECTARINES—California, flats. 1.00 ORANGES—Two California arrived: six broken and six unbroken cars on track. California, boxes, 2.75-4.50. according to size and condition. LEMONS—No arrivals: one broken car on track. California, boxes. No. Is, 8.00 6.50: No 2s. 5.00-5.50. GRAPEFRUIT—Cuba, standard boxes. 3.50-4.00. MUSHROOMS — Pennsylvania. 3-pound baskets. 40-85, according to Quality and condition. United States Treasury Position By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury August 28 compared with comparable date a year ato: RerHnts August 28, 1939. August 27, 1938. workinB*ha*ance included”:::::::::;:::: Customs receipts for month _ 24.204.65398 1 ofi'n37'a-nnn Receipts for fiscal year (July 1)- 697.253.650.44 77l!36s:804 54 Expenditures _____ 1.585,379.378 70 1 388 9°° tra R9 Excess of expenditure*- 888.125.728:26 16ir5ft6!976'.ii Gross debt _ _40,884.675.7°° 20 M7 nro aia tw Increase over previous day_I 5.348.112 15 •7.533.379,436.7? Gold assets- 18.608,708.905.12 13,092.089.804 46 -• A—1/ Certain-Teed Products Earns $150,651 for June Quarter Result Contrasts With $148,659 Deficit in Preceding Period By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 30.—Certain Teed Products Corp. and wholly owned subsidiaries, makers of build ing materials, reported net profit for the June quarter of $150,651, equal after quarterly dividend require ments on the 6 per cent preferred stock (on which there is an accumu lation of unpaid dividends) to 6 cents a share on common stock. This compared with a net loss of $148,659 in the preceding quarter and net profit of $106,619, or $1.46 a share on preferred stock, in the sec ond quarter of 1938. Plants are throughout the country. Compo Shoe Machinery. Compo Shoe Machinery Corp. re ported for the first half of 1939 net profit of $167,527, equal to $1.04 a share on the common stock. In the comparable periajla year ago earnings were equal to 84 cents a share on the common. The com pany's plant is at Boston, with sales and service offices in other large cities. Lerner Stores Corp. Lerner Stores Corp. and subsid iaries reported net profit for the six months ended July 31 of $579,459, j equal after preferred dividend re quirements to $1 27 a share on com mon stock, compared with $487,292, or $1.05 a common share, in the com : parable 1938 stretch. Company sell* women's clothes through 162 out j lets. —----. Industrial Loan Firms Will Pay Dividends Stockholders of record August 30 in 3 of the 14 industrial loan com panies affiliated with Southeastern Industrial Bankers, Inc., will receive dividend payments September 10, it was announced today by Lewis Eisele, vice president and treasurer of the parent company. The institutions which will make these dividend payments are the Southeastern Loan Corp., Roanoke. Va.; Silver Spring Industrial Sav ings & Loan Co. and the Hagerstown Industrial Savings & Loan Co. In the case of the Roanoke and Silver Spring companies dividend payments will amount to 7 per cent on preferred stock and 10 cents a share on common. The Hagerstown concern will pay 7 per cent on pre ferred. 10 cents a share on class B common and $1.60 on class A com I mon stock. Sales of Maryland Tobacco Increase Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE, Aug. 30.—Sales of * Southern Maryland tobacco by sell ing agents on or through the Balti more market during July totaled 5.352.323 pounds, according to a summary of returns made by the agents. The average price received was 0.1870 per pound. In the pre vious month the sales amounted to 4.213.969 pounds, but the average price was somewhat higher—0.1955 per pound. The average price received during July of last year was 0.2058 per pound. CURB BONDS DON!ESTIC. High. Low 1 pm. Ala Power 4%s 67 . 100% 100% mn% ! Ala Power 5s 68 103% 1(I3V« 103% Am G & E 5s 2028 107% 107% 107% Am P & L rts 2016 97% 97% 97% Ark P & L 5s 56 .... 105% 105% 105% . As El Ind 412s 53 _ 62 62 6° As G Si E 5s 68._ __ 42% 42% 42% : Bald Loco 6s 50 _ 91% 91 91% Bell Tel Can 5s 55 A. 1061! 10611 106!! Bell Tel Can 5s 51 B 121 % 121 % 121 % Bell Tel Can 5s 60 C 126 126 126 Birm El 4%s 68 _ 92% 92% 92% Birming Gas 5s 59.. 91% 90% 91 % Can Pac 6s 42 94% 94% 94% Cen St P & L 5%s 53 68% 68% 68% Chi J R A- C S Y 5s 40. 102 102 102 Cities Svc 5s 50 73% 73% 73% Cities Service 5s 58 72% 72% 72% Cit S P ft; L 5%s 52 84% 84 84 V* Commun'ty P ft L 5s 57 85 84% 85 Con G E L & P 3s 69. _ 1063, 106% 106% Con G Util 6s 43 st_ 70% 70% 70% Cont G ft E as 58 A . 90% 89% 90% East G ft F 4s 58 A... 72 71V* 72 Edis El Ulu 3%s 65_ 109 109 109 Emp Dis El 5s 52_ 102 102 102 Fed Wat 5%s 54 . . 88', 88% 88% Florida PftrL 5s 54_ 100% 100% 100% Gary EftrG 5s 44 st_ 98% 98% 98". Gen Pub Ut 6%s 56 ... 92% 92% 92% Gen W WftrE 5s 43 A 92% 92% 92% Georgia Pw 5s 67 _ 104% 104% 104% Glen Alatn Cl 4s 65_ 66 65% 65% Hygrade Fd 6s 49 B 63 63 63 111 PwrftrL' 6s 53 A ... 103% 103% 103% 111 PwftL 5%s 54 P ... 101% 101% 101% III Pw ft; L 5s 56 C_100% 100l« 100% Ind E C 8%s S3 B_ 104 103% 104 Indiana Svc 5s 50 A __ 68 6R 68 Indiana Ser 5s 63 A_ 68 68 68 Indianap Gs 5s 52_ 73% 7.3 73% Ind PftrL 1st 3%s 68_ 106 106 106 Interst Pw 5s 57_ 67 65% 67 Interst Pw 6s 52 _ 50‘,, 50% 50% Interst P S 5s 56 D_ 98% 98% 98". Jackson G 5s 42 stp . 46 46 46 Jer C PftrL 5s 47 B 104 104 104 Ky Utilities 5s 61 _ 100 100 100 Kentucky U 5s 69 I . 98% 98% 98% Ken U 5%s 55 F ... 103 103 103 Mar Rse Pw 4%s 52_ 103 103 103 Mil G ft; E 4 %s 67_101 % 101% 101% Mmn P ft L 4%s 78 _. 102 102 102 Miss Pow 5s 55_ 98% 98 98% Miss Pw At L 5s 57_101% 101% 101% Mo Pub Svc 5s 60_ 91 90% 91 Nat P A- L 2026 A _110 110 HO Nevad Cal Ed 5s 56_ 78% 78% 78% New E C. ft E 5s 47_ 67 67 67 New E G ft: E 5s 48 66% 66% 66% New E G ft; E 5s 50 _ 66% 66% 66% New E Pw 5%s 54.. 97V* 97% 97% N V P ft Lt 4%s 67 105 105 105 NY SEftrG4%s 80. 103% 103 103% No Con U 5%s 48 A _ 51 % 51% 51% No Ind P S 5s 69 D . 104% 104% 104% No Ind P S 4%s 70 E 102% 102% 102% Norw El 6s 45 stpd _ 106 106 106 Northw P S 6s 57 A . 103% 103% 103% Ohio Power 3%s 68 106 105V, 105V, Ohio Pub Svc 4s 62 _ 106% 106% 106% Pac P A L 5s 55 92% 92% 92% Penn C L A P 4%s 77 100% 100% 100% Pa Wa ft; P 4%s 68 B 105% 105'* 105 V* Peop O L ft C 4> 81 B 99 98% 99 Portland O jt C 5s 40 75 75 75 Pub Sd P « L 5%s 49 941 a 92% 94 Pug 8 P A L 5s 50 c 93% 92 93% Pug S P A L 4%j 50 D 89 89 89 Shw WAP 4%s 07 A 101% 101% 101% S E P A L Os 2025 A .110 109% 110 Sou Cal Ed 3%s 00 _ 107V« 107 107% Sou Cal E 3%s 60 B 107 107 107 Sou Coun Gas ol Cal 4%s 68 _104% 104% 104% Sou PAL 6s 2022 A_ 97% 97% 97% Std GAE Os 48 St __ 67% 66% 67% Std Gas A El 6s 51 A . 67% 60 67% Std GasAEl 6s 66 B_ 67% 67 67 Stand PwALt 6s 57... 66 66 66 Texas Elec 5s 60 .. 103% 103% 103% UlenACo 6s 50 IV at.. 30 30 30 Unit LtAPw 6s 75 .. 84 83 84 Unit LAR M 6s 52 A__ 117 117 117 Unit LAR M 6s 73 A.. 80 80 80 Va Pub S 5'is 46 A . 99 99 99 West News U 6s 44_ 55 55 55 Wis PAL 4s 66 105 105 105 York Ry 5s 37 Mat... 92% 92% 92% FOREIGN, Chile M B 6s 31 mat 12% 12% 12% Terni-Soc 6%s 53 A 38% 38 38 ww With warrants. xw Without war rants. n New st istpi Stamped. I Negotiability impaired by maturity.