Newspaper Page Text
laundry Managers • To Hold Convention Several local laundry managers will attend the first national con vention of the Association or In stitutional Laundry Managers in Atlantic City September 29, 30 and October 1. The purpose of the meeting is educational and for ex change of ideas. Brig. Gen. A. B. Warfield of Wash ington, who is in charge of Army launaries, will be the principal speaker. Gen. Prank T. Hines, vet erans’ administrator, will be rep resented by J. E. McMurrer, super visor of the laundries in 86 veterans’ hospitals. Washington managers planning to attend the convention include E. A. O'Neill and P. A. Darnell of the Wardman Park Hotel, Arthur Pass more, Garfield Hospital; A. G. Sto vcll and A. Campbell, Mayflower Hotel; S. E. Elmore, Sibley Hos pital; E. P. Williams. Pullman Laundry; H. S. Grday, Peoples Drug Stores; E. G. Adcock, Wash ington Hotel; K. B. Spittel, Stand ard Oil Co.; Sam Sasher, Hamilton Hotel; F. N. Gocal, National Home opathic Hospital; A. E. Files, Gal linger Hospital; C. H. Brown, Naval Hospital; E. Stoneburner and H. Eads, Fort Myer. Church to Hold Dinner The Ladles’ Aid Society of the Gaithersburg (Md.) Epworth Church will hold its annual fried chicken dinner from 5 to 8 p.m. tomorrow at the church. Mrs. N. B. Jacobs is president of the society. Hearst Paper Takes A. P. Wi rephotos By th« Associated Preii. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 80.—The San Francisco Examiner last night announced increase In Its world news picture coverage by the addi tion of the wirephoto service of the Associated Press. First of the Hearst newspapers to take the wlrephoto service, the Ex aminer Joins with SI other Amer ican newspapers in the distribution of news pictures by leased wire. Cabled and radioed crisis pic tures from European capitals were among the first received by the Ex aminer photo desk from the San Francisco Associated Press Bureau. The Chronicle, which has been a subscriber to the wlrephoto service since its inception by the Assp elated Press In 1935, continues to receive the service. Actor Keeps Agent's Fee LOS ANGELES. Aug. 30 (/P).—Tom Brown of the screen can keep the 915,000 a theatrical agency said he owed. A superior judge upheld his argu ment the agency failed to obtain satisfactory employment for him. Carmody to Speak John M. Carmody, administrator of the Federal Works Agency, will speak on "The Engineer's Role In Government" at a meeting of ihe local chapter of the Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists and Technicians at 8 o’clock tonight in the auditorium of the South Interior Building, the federation announced today. T«€ ~M^//?^coA/D/T/<y^D^ Tomorrow—Thursday—our famous month-end sale— Half Price Day! Spring, Summer and Fall items offer a medley of attractions for tomorrow’s Half Price Day the theme of which is HALF PRICE or LESS! Mostly Summer things; some Spring apparel and accessories; a sprinkling of Fall dresses and hats—totaling thousands of dollars’ worth of Jelleff’s kind of merchandise clearing from our own stocks and from those of Manufacturers with whom we regularly do business. Come early, shop carefully —remembering our Conditions of Sale on Half Price Day: No exchanges! No credits! No refunds! No C. O. D.'s! and please do not shop for others because all sales must be final! No deliveries can be promised for day of sale. Pin fittings are 25c. Store opens at 9:30 and whatever the weather, remember we re AIR-CONDITIONED! Women's Coot Shop, Third Floor 40 Women's $16.95 Spring Coats, $8.48 Dressy navy, black, beige, grey, bark—casual blue, grey, gold, rust, rose, black-and-white tweed mixtures—boxy, fitted and tuxedo; 35'2 to 43■ i, 36 to 44 in group. 2 Women’s $8.95 Sheer Wool Spring Coats; hip-length; brown, black; 36, 40 _ _ . $3.38 6 Women's S10.95 Coats; summer navy, black rayon sheers; 36, 42; spring green, violet monotone tweed casuals; 38, 41 Vi $3,48 18 Women’s $19.95 Coats—3 black, blue summer rayon sheers, black rayon-and-cotton bcngalines, 38, 42—balance spring navy, black, grey dressy coats, casual colorful tweeds; 36 to 42, 35'i fo 43'j in group _ _ S3.98 1 Woman’s $25 Spring Grey Tweed Casual, boxy, 45Vi $12.50 26 Women's $29.75 to $39.75 Spring and Summer Coats—blark w'ool and-ravon bcngalines, 36, 38—wolf-collared tweed casuals in beige, grey, green mixtures; 35';.., 37!2—dressy and casual Forstmann and Juilliard wool crepes, novelty tweeds in black, navy, bark, beige, blue, grey; 36 to 42, 35'2 to 39'2 in lot $14.88 ! 2 Women’s $49.75 Grey, Brown Forstmann Twill fitted Coats; 36, 38 --_ ___$19.88 S Women’s $49.75 Casual Boxy Coats with fox and wolf; blue, grey, bark; 37's, 39>i _ __ $24.88 1 Woman’s $49.75 Grey Dress Coat; all-over tucked, boxy; 38 $29.88 1 Woman’s $69.75 Fox-collared Blaok Boxy Dress Coat, 40 $32.50 Misses' Coat Shop, Third Floor i —i. - - i 14 Misses $16.95 & $19.95 Spring Coats, $8.48 Black camel-hair-anti-wool; black, navy and Springwine dress coats; broken sizes 12, 16 to 20. 2 Misses’ $.5.95 Summer Coats; black, navy rayon sheers; hip | length; 16, 18 , $2.98 4 Misses’ S'.9.5 E!ac|- Rayon Faille or Blue Monotone Wool Hip. . length Coats: 12, 14. 18 ....... S3.98 7 Misses' $10.95 Pastel Summer Coats; aqua dusty rose, white 12, 16. 18. 20 $5.48 1 5 Misses’ $19.95, $‘22.95 Spring Coats; shell pink tweed, black, navv, ! beige. Springwine dressy types; 14 to 20 in group $9 98 13 Misses’ $29.75 Spring Coats: dressy or casual: monotone and j diagonal tweeds in violet, redwood: crepey woolens in navy, greer., , blue; 12, 14, 18 $1488 Juniors' Coat Shop, Third Floor 3 Juniors’ $10.95 Summer Coats; gold, grey, white woolens; 13 12 ' _$5.48 S Juniors’ $13.95 Summer Coats; pink and beige wool: 13, 17 S6.98 9 Juniors’ $16.95 and $19.95 Spring Coats; casual and dressy; gold, navy, Springwine, chartreuse; 13 to 17 in lot _ ..." S8.48 ; 4 Juniors' S19.95 and $25 Dress Coats; black, blue, rose, beige, spring woolens; 13. 15 ... .. . S9.98 2 Juniors’ $29.75 Navy Dressmaker Coats; fitted, bogy; 17 ... $1188 Suit Shop, Fifth Floor_ 100—$10.95 to $16.95 Summer Suits, $5.48 2-Pr. Rayon Salyna Cloth Tailleurs. Duco-triangled rayons, dress > maker wool boucles, tweed jackets with plain skirts, pastel wool ens—3-pc. striped rayons with bolero, organdie blouse—blue, pink, maiie, green, rose, luggage, navy, black; 10 to 18 in lot. 30 Misses’ $29.<5 and $39.75 Spring Suits—2-pc. bolero wool crepes, I reefer wool eponges, tweed or plain jacket types—3-pc. dressv wool bolero or topcoat styles; navy, black, beige, blue, Mavwine and textures; 12 to 18 in group ... _ . ._ _ $U.8R 12—$35 Spring Suits—Craigleigh tweed swagger coat, dressy wool jacket suits; 2-pc.; navy, black, brown, beige; 12 to 18, few 38 and 40 in group _ $17.50 9 Misses' S49.75 and $59.75 Dressmaker Spring Suits—contrast or matched jackets; imported tweeds in mixtures: blue, rose $24 88 3 Misses’ $59.75 to $89.75 Spring Suits—3-pc. imported tweeds; fox collared or furless topcoats with suits or blouses; beige and mix • turcs: 14 and 16 . __$29.88 Neckwear, Street Floor_ 240 Pcs. $1 Fall Neckwear, 50c High neckline and V-coIlars in white piques, organdies. j 24—$2.50 Rayon Crepe Dickies; American Beauty, purple, beige, buckthorn .. __ 50c j [295—$1 to $1.95 Belts, 50c Whites and street shades in novelty rayon and cotton fabrics, leathers. 350—50c Spring Flowers—organdies, piques, clusters..2 for 25c 185—$1 Fall Scarfs; squares, ascots; prints, solid color rayons 50c 110—S1.95 Guimpes; cotton nets, batistes, piques; mostly tailored $1 25—SI.95 and $2.95 Boleros, Jackets; summer piques, organdies, rayon sharkskins _ ___ $1 35—$1 Rayon Crepe Sashes; solid colors, multi-colors __50c 50—$1 Fishnet Turbans and Scarfs; cottons, rayons; gay colors. 50c Hondkerchiefs, Street Floor_ 3600 Women's, Men's 35c, 50c, 65c Linen I Handkerchiefs, 4 for $1 Women's pure linens in white and pastels. Chinese hand-embroi dered—pure Irish linen prints, hand-rolled—men’s linen cords, hand-rolled. * Umbrellas, Street Floor_ | 60 Women's $4 Umbrellas, $2 Oil silks and rayons; 16-rib; navy, green, wine, brown and floral patterns; variety of handles. Jewelry, Street Floor_ 200 Pcs. $1.95 to $3 Jewelry, 75c Gilt and stone set styles, grand for Fall accents! Bracelets, clips, f pins, necklaces, pendants. 100 Pcs. 69c and $1 Costume Jewelry—colorful variety of pins, clips, necklaces, bracelets __ __35c 50—$1.50 Compacts—single style cases in gay enamels....<5c Toiletries, Street Floor_ 72 Boxes 35c Shulton Talc, 3 for 50c Scented with exotic "Tropical Night”—baton-shaped boxes. 72—$1.50 Cordav Lipsticks with refills; Electric and Light shades.69c 18—$5.95 Hair Brushes—assorted styles __ $3 78—$1 D'Qrsay Cleansing and Massage Creams__39c 7—$5.95 Dresser Trays; mirror with gold-filled frame _ $3 • BOO—25c and 29c Tooth Brushes; medium bristles; assorted styles-------3 for 50c 24—$1 Beach Bags; variety of styles; canvas-llke cottons_50c 4—$3.95 Travel Casefr—alligator-grain fabricoid_$1.95 36—59c Parfait Powder Puff Packages.__30c Little Hat Shop, Street Floor_ 500—$1.95 & $2.95 Fall Felt Hats, $1.29 Wool felt and fur felt; tiny types and brimmed styles; tailored and dressy; black, brown, navy and rich new Fall shades; for misses and women. Economy Shoe Shop, Second Floor > ■ ' 'A Misses* Moderote Price Dresses, Fifth Floor_ 130 Misses' $16.95 to $25 Summer Dresses, Wrops, $8.48 Light or dark floral or monotone print rayons; white and pastel washable rayons; black or navy blue chiffons; evening and dinner silk chiffons, plain and printed; rayon laces, nets, crepes; tome jacketed, many samples, pink, blue, white, navy, black, aqua, maize, beige; 5 black rayon velvet, embroidered white wool or white cotton sharkskin evening wraps; broken sizes 12 to 20. 3 Misses’ $13.95 Evening Wraps; rayon taffeta swaggers; aqua. 14; rose, 16 and 20 __ -- - -$3.98 89 Misses’ $13.95 to $19.95 Summer Dresses—Mostly tailored, dressy street and afternoon types; flowered silk chiffons with jackets, rayon prints, polka dots, tailored washable white rayons, high shade rayon sheers; rose, aqua, peach, silk chiffons; Mack, Mue, aqua, rose, white, copen—4 evening wraps: Pink velveteen, 20; aqua rayon velvet, 18; purple wool, chartreuse rayon satin, 12; broken sizes 12 to 20 in dresses . _ _ _ $6.98 28 Misses' $19.95 and $22.95 Summer Dresses—daytime rayon prints, plains, silk chiffons; navy, black, Mue, aqua, brown, rose; dinner and evening dresses of imported rayon print, rayon crepes, silk chiffons, rayon mousseline de soie; broken sizes 12 to 20 $9.98 13 Misses’ $25 Summer Dresses—Mostly dinner and evening types; black-and-white starched rayon chiffon, rayon nets, lace, crepe; some with boleros: 2 afternoon silk chiffons in Mue, Mack; broken sizes 12 to 20 _$12.50 Women's Moderate Price Dresses, Fifth Floor 84 Women's $16.95 Summer Dresses, $8.48 Colorful and dark ground silk chiffon prints, some with jackets; 1 and 2 pc. white rayon sheers; afternoon rayon laces in rose; broken sires 16'i to 24and 36 to 44. 77 Women's $13.95 Summer Afternoon Dresses—flowered silk chif fons. colorful and monotone rayon chiffons and sheers, few tailored white and pastel rayon sheers; mostly 1 pc.; 16', to 24'i, 36 to 44 in group ... .. $6.98 29—Women's $19.95 Summer Dresses—afternoon silk chiffon print jacket and few 1-pc. styles; evening rayon lares in black, Capri blue; broken range of regular and half sires .. _ $9.98 Lorger Women's Dresses, Second Floor_ 30 Larger Women's $16.95 Fall and Summer Dresses, $8.48 Black, wine, blue, green rayon crepes; long and be low-elbow sleeves; jewel trims; few summer rayon chiffon prints; 401 ^ to 52'i. in group. 18—Larger Women s 55.95 Cotton Dresses—voile prints, laces, dotted swisses; some capeiet sleeves; broken sizes 404 to 504 - $1.98 13—Larger Women's $13.95 to $19.95 Summer Dresses—afternoon navy rayon chiffons, printed rayon crepes and sheers; pastel cotton lace; white spectator rayon crepe; broken sizes 404 to 504 $6.98 22 Larger Women's $19.95 Fall Dresses—afternoon rayon crepes and sheers in black, wine, blue, aqua, purple; jewel, tucking, metallic detail; 40Va to 524 In group __.59.98 French Room, Second Floor 8—Misses' Si Women's $49.75 Summer Dresses—silk chiffon Si lace (38, 40}, print chiffon (14), black lace with rayon print (42) dinner dresses; black rayon marquisette jacketed formal (14) afternoon black rayon marganza (11, 18), grev silk chiffon (38) .... _____ $24.88 4—Misses’ $65 to $98.75 Black Summer Dresses—rayon and silk sheers for afternoon; silk chiffon dinner dress; 16, 18_$32.50 1—Misses’ $45 Rayon Net Formal with cape; black; 16_$22.50 Misses' Gown Solon, Second Floor_ 23 Misses' $25 Summer Dresses, $12.50 Daytime and evening rayon crepes, sheers, chiffons, silk njarqul settes; pastel prints, navvs, few blacks; broken sizes. 15—Misses' $19.95 Summer Dresses—tailored rayon marquisettes; sports rayon crepes; evening frosted rayon satin, chiffon formal and dinner gowns; pastels, black, navy and prints; broken sizes . _ _ _ _ $9.98 5—Misses’ $19.95 to $29.75 Short Summer Evening Wraps—rayon velvet or ravon-and-wool; blue, chartreuse $9.98 21—Misses’ $29.75 Summer Dresses—Rayon marquisette formals with ostrich capes, eyelet embroidered formals with jackets, rayon print or silk marquisette dinner gowns; daytime tailored and dressy rayon crepes; rayon chiffon rostumes; white, pink, blue, aqua, navy, some blacks; broken sizes $14.88 7—Misses’ $39.75 Summer Dresses; rayon lace and chiffon dinner gowns; rayon net formals with boleros; embroidered organdies; few dark daytime rayon sheers; broken sizes__$19.88 Women's Gown Solon, Second Floor 41 Women's $19.95 Summer Daytime Dresses, $9.98 * White, navy, lavender, few Marks; rayon chiffons, sheers, crepes, silk chiffons; broken range regular and half sizes. 25 Women’s, Shorter Women's $25 Summer Dresses—chiffons, rayon or silk, plain pastels, navys, blacks or prints, some with jackets for daytime or evening—rayon lace evening gowns; washable white rayon damask costumes; dark rayon prints; broken sizes $12.50 1* Women's $29.75 Summer Daytime and Evening Dresses—rayon chiffon print costumes, 1-piece styles; silk print dinner gowns; formal rayon lares; daytime rayon crepes; broken sizes. _. $14.88 Inexpensive Dress Shop, Fourth Floor_ 83 Misses', Women's $12.95 Fall Sample, Few Summer Dresses, $6.48 l-pc. and Jacket styles; plain and novelty rayon crepes; few sheer wools; mostly one of a kind; black, blue, grape; few summer rayon chiffons, sheers; broken sizes 16<2 to 24’u, 36 to 44, 12 to 20. 43 Misses’, Women's $10.95 Summer Dresses and Wraps—afternoon, evening; l-pc. and jacketed; rayon chiffons, rayon crepes, prints; broken sizes 12 to 20, lS'/j to 24li, 36 to 44—evening wraps of rayon bengaline, taffeta in aqua, rose, black, 12 to 18_$5.48 69 Misses’, Women’s $7.95 to $12.95 Summer Dresses—rayon chif fons, laces, marquisettes, washable spun rayons; plains, prints; navy, black, pastel shades; broken sizes 16!4 to 24H, 36 to 44, 12 to 18 _ _ _ ... _t_ $3.98 55 Misses’, Women’s $5.95 to $12.95 Afternoon, Evening Summer Dresses—washable rayon crepes, polka dots, prints; evening rayon nets, marquisettes, chiffons, crepes; pastel shades—broken sizes 12 to 18, 36 to 44........$2.98 85 Misses' $4.95 Summer Evening Wraps, $2.48 Rayon bengalines, embroidered, quilted and plain rayon taffetas; short lengths; flared or straight; some capes; black, white, aqua, chartreuse; broken sizes 12 to 20. Better Millinery Salon, Street Floor_ 62—$10 Hats in Fall Styles, $5 Berets, bumpers, pillboxes, toques, btims, posUlions, sailors; felts, antelope-finish suedes, rayon velvets; Mack and Fall colors; headsizes 21’* to 23. Street Floor__ 335 Prs. $1 Gotham Silk Stockings, 50c 3-Thread “Adjustables.” made by Gotham, but without the gold stripe. Broken size in Summer colors; few pairs in size 11. Better Shoe Shop, Street Floor_ 350 Prs. $6.95 & $8.75 Shoes, $3.45 Discontinued styles; broken sizes; white, cherry, Mue, Mack patent; mostly open styles; VALUES for now, next month, for cruising; Spring and summer styles. Cotton Shop, Fourth Floor_ 151—$3.95 Cotton and Rayon Dresses, $1.98 Print rayons, lawns, dotted voiles, plaid ginghams, spun rayons, white piques, lew ehambrays and cotton laces; misses, few wom en's sizes. „ 137—$5.95 Summer Dresses—multi-color and monotone voile prints, white rayon sharkskins, dotted lawns, few cotton laces, checked ginghams, rayon sheers, dotted swisses, ehambrays; broken sizes 12 to 44_____ $2.98 34—$7.95 Summer Dresses—checked rayon sheers, dotted swisses, rayon crepes, cotton lares; one of a kmd; whites, pastels; broken sizes 12 to 44 _______$3.9* 22—$10.95 to $14.95 Summer Dresses—redingote voile prints; paisley print voiles, rayon crepes, few cotton lares; pastels; broken sizes 12 to 18__..... $5.48 Junior Deb Cottons, Fourth Floor 50 Juniors’ $3.95 Cotton Dresses dotted swisses, plaid and check ginghams, print lawns, swiss voiles; broken sizes 9 to 17 -$1.98 100 Juniors' $2.95, $3.95 Cotton and Rayon Summer Dresses, $1.48 Dotted swisses, print voiles with petticoat ruffles, cotton laces, spun rayons; light and dark prints; broken sizes 9 to 17. 10 Juniors’ $12.95 to $16.95 Cottons—2-pc. tuck-in ginghams, dotted swisses. piques, few spun rayons; 9 to 17 in lot.-.$5.48 Better Sport Shop, Third Floor 40 Misses' $7.95 to $10.95 Sport Frocks, $3.98 Rayon crepes in solid colors, prints; rayon sharkskins, span rayons; white, rose, bloc; pleated and flared skirts; 13 to 20 in lot. 32 Misses' *5.95 Sport Dresses—white, peach, aqua, blue, rayon crepes, spun rayons, cotton chambraya; 12 to 20 in croup *2.98 23 Misses’ *10.95 and *12.95 Tailored Dresses—rayon crepes, spun rayons; white, aqua, yellow, blue; broken sires 12 to 20. _ *5.48 19 Women's *13.95 Shirtwaist Dresses—pleated skirts, tucked blouses; white, few colors: 38 to 42 in croup _ *6.98 30 Misses’ *10.95 to *16.95 Knit Dresses—rayons, 1 and 2 pc. pastels; 12 to 20 in lot __*5.48, *6.98, *8.48 85—$4.95 b $5.95 Sweaters, $2.48 Sprinc and summer slipons, cardicans, Shetland wools, Ancora and-wools; lone and short sleeves; pastels, white; 34 to 40 in Croup. ■ 61—*7.95 Cashmere Pullover Sweaters—long and short sleeved. pastels, bright shades; 34 to 40 in lot ...... *3.48 10—*3.95 and *5.95 Summer Skirts—cottons, rayons, wools; flared. pleated; dark and bright shades; broken sizes 12 to 20 . *1.98 22—*5.95 to *8.95 Summer Skirts—wools, rayon-chartreuse, purple. pink, blue—broken sizes 12 to 20 __ ...*2.98 14—*7.95 and *8.95 Summer Skirts—brown, chartreuse, green, pink wools, rayons; 12 to 20 in group __ _ _*3.98 17—*10.95 Spring Skirts—wool Shetlands, pleated rayons; dark shades; broken sizes 12 to 20 ..... *5.48 7—55.95 and *7.95 Spring Jackets—cardigan Shetland woolens: rose, chartreuse; broken sizes 12 to 20 __*1.98 5—*13.95 Spring Jackets—Shetland cardigans; Mue, green, rose; 12 to 20 in group. .......*3.98 4—610.95 to *13.95 Spring Cardigan Jackets—short sleeved in stripes, long sleeved in plain colors; dark shades; 12 to 18 in lot___(____*5.48 102—$3.95 to $5.95 Bathing Suits, $1.98 Dressmaker spun rayons, rayon sharkskins, few rayon-satin-lastex print and plain; chartreuse, blue, multi-colors; 32 to 40 In lot. 71—*3.95 Print 2-Pc. Playsuits—with hutton-on skirts; navy, red. blue cottons, rayons; 12 to 20 in lot ......*1.48 22—*3.95, *4.95 Playsuits—colorful prints on navy, rose, chartreuse cottons, rayons; 2-pc. with separate skirts; broken sizes 12 to 20 . _ . ... *1.98 39—*5.95 Playsuits—print cottons, rayons, some whites; broken sizes 12 to 20 ___ . *2.98 470 Pieces 59c to *5.95 Beach Accessories—bags, shoes, halter tops, hats, visors, ’kerchiefs, bathing caps, goggles, sun-blinkers, 25c to *2.98 34—*1.95 Slacks and Slack Sets—rayons and cottons; yellow, aqua, lime green, red; 12 to 20 In group _ _*1 27—*3.95 and *4.95 Spun Rayon Slacks; green, chartreuse, pink, maize; 12 to 20 in lot_ _*1,98 41— *5.95 Slacks—spun rayons, rayon sharkskin, flax linens in pink, yellow, green, aqua ; 12 to 20 in lot___*2.98 32—*3.95 to *5.95 Blouses cotton organdies, piques, rayon crepes, sheers; white, pink, blue, chartreuse; broken sizes 32 to 38 .. *1 42— *3.95 and *5.95 Blouses—rayon sheers, crepes; dressy cotton or gandies; white, pastels; 32 to 38 in lot...*1.98 Economy Sport Shop, Third Floor_ 150—$2.95 Summer Sweaters, $1.48 Cashmere-and-wool blends. C un* goat-hair-and-wools, wool che nilles, rayon-angora-and-wools—zipper, boat. V necks; embroi dered cardigans; white, chartreuse, rose, blue, natural, aqua; broken sizes 34 to 40. 20—$2.95 Skirts—wool flannels, rayon gabardines, spun rayons; gored, pleated, swing; navy, chartreuse, maize, gold, black; 24-30 in lot_ ... _ ___$1.48 15—$2.95 Summer Blouses—organdies, eyelet batistes, piques, linens, spun rayons; dressy, tailored, Jacket styles; white, blue, red, rose; 32-40 - $1.48 50—$5.95 Summer Rayon Knit Dresses—1 and 2 piece; high slit, zipper square, V and brooks necklines; embroidered vestee fronts; maize, aqua, cyclamen, chartrense, coral; broken sizes 12 to 20 .....$298 Economy Sportswear, Street Floor_ 150—$2.95 Bathing Suits, $1.48 Rayon-and-cotton lastex, wool-and-lastex, all-wrool, dressmaker cottons, rayon print or plain packer salts; maillots, quarter skirts, halter necks; white, aqua, cyclamen, chartreuse, black, royal, ■ grape, rose, blue; 32 to 40 in group. 60—$1 Rayon Beach Shirts; boat neck or cardigan; maixe, blue, rose, pink, beige, chartreuse; 34 to 40 in lot. ... ... .. 50c 40—S2.95 Playsuits—rayon crepes, spun rayons; 2-pc. with separate skirts; rose, blue, navy, white, chartreuse prints; 12 to 16 in lot ______ _*1.48 50—*1.95 Playsuits—cotton prints with separate skirts; red, blue, ■lav'y, wine; 12 to 18 in lot-- 98c 100 Pcs. *2.95 Beach Togs—long sleeve spun rayon bush Jackets, cotton hopsacking slacks, cotton gabatex shorts sets, cotton print beach robes; broken sixes 12 to 20 --*1.48 100 Pcs. *1.95 Beach Toga—rayon bsch shirts, cotton gabardine and blue denim shorts, slacks; broken sixes 12 to 20...98c Handbogs, Street Floor 250—$2 Summer Handbags, $1 t Smooth and grain leathers, suedes, doe-finished sheepskin, rayon prints, linens—afternoon and evening bags—dark shades and bright. 150—83 Handbags—Dark leathers, smooth and grained; suedes; embroidered linens, needle-points, novelty rayon fabrics . *1.50 72—*5 Handbags—smooth and grained leathers, suedes, afternoon rayon crepes and velvets, evening fabrics ...*2.50 48—*7.50 Street and Evening Bags—suedes. leathers, rayon fabrics; envelopes, vagabonds, top and back-strap pouches; Mack, brown, wine ---(3.7S *6 *10 Handbags—Mack, brown, green, wine, Japonica leathers, suedes; afternoon rayon velvets and crepes; evening rayon bro cades .-.. .*5 24 113.50 Suede and Leather Bags handle and back-strap pouches, vagabonds; Mack, brown, Japonica, wine.....*6.71 I 1 Grey Shops, Second Floor 400—$3.95 Pure dye silk Satin Slips, $1.95 Trimmed with Alencon-type laces or tailored; tearose, white, black; 32 to 44 but not in all styles. 200—13 Slips—pure dye silk or silk-and-rayon satins and crepes; . tailored or lacy; light blue, tearose, white; broken sizes 32-44 ...$1.50 300—$3.95 Satin Gowns; silk or silk-and-rayon; Alencon and Val type lace detailed or tailored with hemstitching; tearose, aqua. white, dusty rose; broken sizes 32 to 40_,....$1.95 100—$3.95 Pajamas—rayon crepes and satins; 2-pc. coat and tuck-in styles; wine, royal blue, tearose, white, aqua; 32 to 44 in lot ..,... .$1.95 On Street Floor 100—$1.95 Lace-trimmed Gowns, $1 Silk-and-rayon satins with creamy laces; tearose, blfe; broken sizes 34 to 40. 100—$1.95 Panties; silk or silk-and-rayon crepes and satins; white, tearose; tailored or lacy; broken sizes 28 to 32 __ $1 200—$1.95 Slips—silk-and-rayon satins and crepes in white or tearose, tailored or lacy—pleat-ruffled relanese rayon taffeta in green, purple, aqua, brown; 32 to 40 in lot..$1 Corset Shop, Second Floor 240—$6.50 £r $7.50 Girdles, Foundations, $2.95 Jelleff Specials; also N'u-back Foundations, 36 to 44, and Treos, 34 to 40—Treo and Mme. Irene Girdles of cotton net, ravon bro cade, few rayon lastex; 14, 15 and 16 inch; side-hook or talon; • boned panel fronts, bias boned barks; 26 to 32— 2 or 3 of a style. 200—$7.50 and $8.50 Foundations, Girdles—Treo Smartline, Jelleff ! Special, Channelle, Nuback Foundations; cotton batiste, rayon batiste, rayon lastex, boned and boneless; sixes 35 to 45— Treo, Spirit of Youth, Vagabond, Jelleff Special Girdles; 14, 15, 16 inch; cotton batiste, rayon satins, brocades; 26 to 36: not all sizes in each model __ _$3.95 97—$2.95 and $5 Side-hook Girdles, Pantie Girdles, Foundations— pultons; few talon models; Yankee Girl Kobweb panties, small and large; foundations 32 and 33; girdles 25 to 28; 16-lnch , rayon batistes _•_ $1 15ft—$3.95 and $5 Girdles and Foundations—cotton net, rayon bro- | cade and batiste girdles, mostly 14-inch, few 15-inch; sizes 25 to 30—rayon brocade foundations, boned back and front: 39 to 46 ___ $1.95 120—$10 to $15 Foundations and Girdles—rayon lastex, Darleen fabric boning and Contour lastex foundations; Franco, LeLong. Nuback, Mme. Irene; sizes 36 to 44—girdles of hand-loomed webbing, rayon brocade, imported cotton batiste, rayon Contour lastex, silk satin in 14, 15, 16, few 17-inch lengths; sizes 26 to 33—1 or 2 of a type__$4.95 and $5.95 Knit Underwear, Second Floor, 300—$2.50 Rayon Lace Lastex Panties, $1.49 All-over lace with removable garters or with rayon glove cloth panel front; tearose; 4 to 7 in lot. 50—$3 Vanity Fair Slips—discontinued, lace-trimmed, shadow panel; tearose; sixe 34 _ __ __*1.19 120—*2 Vanity Fair Combinations—discontinued; tearose, white rayon; uplift bra top, flare leg; 32 to 38 _ 98c 50—*2 Singlettes—famous make, blnsh rayon, flare legs, uplift top; 32 to 38 ____*1.19 200—*2 to *4 Vanity Fair Discontinued Gowns; rayon Radia or lacy mesh: 32 to 38 in group _i__*1.19 100—*4 to *5 Vanity Fair Discontinued Gowns—pastel rayon Radia; lavishly lacy; 32 to 38 in group _ *2.19 t 100—S3 Summer-weight Pantie Girdles; rayon satin lastex; tearose, white; small, medium, large _ *1 150—*2 to *3.50 Vantiy Fair Discontinued Slips; lacy or tailored ravon; panel front; tearose, white; short and medium lengths: j 32 to 36, few 38 in lot _... ._ ..._ SI.19 ; 540—S3 to *5 Rayon Lastex Panties and Girdles—lace, panel-front panties with removable garters; tearose. white; 2-wav stretch regular weight; power net; many by Vanity Fair; tearose: broken sixes 4 to 7 _ .. _ ._ _*1.95 48—*5 Vanity Fair Discontinued Rayon Lastex Foundations; 2-way stretch, lace uplift bra or rayon glove cloth tops; tearose: 32, 38, 40, 42 in lot_*1.65 On Street Floor 585—$1 to $2 Vanity Fair Discontinued Undies, 50c *1 Rayon briefs, elastic-leg bloomers: tearose: 4 to 7; *2 cotton shortie pajamas; red. green, blue: 14. 16; *1 and *1.25 Rayon sheer mesh and lace briefs, stepins; tearose, white; 4 to 7; silk milanese front panels. 150—$1 Indies—Briefs, few panties: broken sizes . 25c 180—S2 and J2.50 Vanity Fair Rayon Gowns—diseontinueds; pastels; 32 to 42 in lot ____98c Housecoats, Second Floor 100—$3.95 Cotton, Spun Rayon Housecoats, $1.95 Zipper and wrap-around, wide-skirted; aqua, grape-wine, navy, rose: broken sizes 12 to 44; print and plain. 65—$5.95 Zipper and Wrap Housecoats—rayon crepes, spun rayons, cottons; solid colors and prints; fitted bodices, wide skirts: 12 to 44 - -----$2.95 60—$7.95 Housecoats—many popular styles, zippered and wrap; rayon crepes, satins, spun rayons, cottons; plain or printed; 12 to 44 _ _ _$3.95 65—510.95 Rayon Crepe and Satin Housecoats—tailored and hostess zipper and wrap-around styles; French blue, rose, grape-wine, aqua, navy; sizes 12 to 40 in lot ___ $5.95 60—514.95 to 522.50 Hostess Gowns and Negligees—rayon satins, crepes, chiffons, taffetas and damasks: fitted bodices, yards of skirt: sky blue, French rose, grape-wine, black, white, wisteria; 12 to 40 in group .....57.95 to $10.95 Gloves, Street Floor 1356 Prs. $1 Fabric Gloves, 50c Black, brown, bittersweet, navy, green; imported double-woven cottons, domestic rayons, handsewn, leather trimmed; shorties and longer styles. 180 Prs. $2 Doe-Finished Sheepskin Gloves; some handsewn, white and natural; slightly soiled: washable with care ... 51 1020 Prs. $3 to $4 Imported Kid and Suede Gloves, $1.85 Classic slipons and dressmaker styles; black, brown, navy, chamois, green, beige, white. 1-—-1 207 Prs. $3 to $7 Imported “Sample" Gloves—one of a style; kid skins, suedes, doe-finished sheepskins; plain and novelties; black, brown, navy, beige, white _$1.95 * $2.95 Junior Deb Shop, Fourth Floor 100 Juniors' $12.95 to $16.95 Fall and Summer Dresses, $6.48 j Fall rayon crepes, woolens—metal-button fronts, % sleeves, front fullness, rhinestone buttons at waistlines, shadow-check woolens with leather buttons, belt; dark Fall colors—Summer afternoon rayon chiffon prints, pastel rayon sharkskins, rayon crepes, few , rayon jerseys; evening cottons, dotted voiles, printed lawns, ruffled rayon nets, mousselines; broken sizes 9 to 17. 20 Juniors' $19.95 to $25 Summer Dresses—formal linens, dotted | swisses, few afternoon rayon crepes in plain colors, prints; broken sizes 9 to 15___$9.98 20 Juniors’ $12.95 to $16.95 Summer Evening Dresses—print lawns, embroidered organdies, rayon nets; 9 to 17 in lot_$3.98 51 Juniors' $7.95 Summer Dresses, $2.98 White afternoon rayon crepes, sharkskins—dinner and formal rayon nets, marquisettes, embroidered organdies In white, aqua, chartreuse; broken sizes 9 to 17. 40 Juniors' $10.95 Summer Dresses—rayon crepes; tailored and soft S whites, some with print bodices, boleros; polka dots with linen jackets; broken sizes 9 to 15 .___ $3.98 $5 Juniors’ $4.95 Summer Evening Wraps—quilted rayon taffetas, rayon bengalines; hip-length; white, aqua, black; 9 to 15 in lot.... ......$2.48 ! 7 Juniors’ $7.95 Summer Evening Wraps; black rayon bengaline; *4-length; 9 to 17 in group.....$3.98 : 31 Juniors’ $10.95 Summer Dresses—evening dot rayon chiffons with rayon taffeta boleros; strapless rayon chiffons; organdie-blouse 2-pc. red or blue checked ginghams; 9 to 15—grey, white, pink rayon jerseys for afternoon, 11 to 17---$5.48