Newspaper Page Text
Nature’s Children Sea-Mouse (Aphrodite aculeata) By LILLIAN COX ATHEY. Can you imagine calling a sea mouse a most beautiful worm? That Is what this marine invertebrate has been said to be and by an au thority on such subjects. So we’re going into the matter, for here is news. A fur-coated creature belonging to the genus Aphrodite, designated a sea-going mouse, yet known to be a worm! Further we find it inhabits tide pools and when annoyed by human Investigators tries to escape by digging into the mud. Perhaps it is x»i far better, if you are of an investi gating mind along these lines, to prepare a trap for the unwary sea mouse. Like our well-known cheese seeker or tree destroyer, the terres trial mouse, it gravitates toward the spot where food is promised. The snare may consist of old shells In a pan filled with sea-water. Place this in their haunts,, permit ting the water to become quite stale and attractive to small creatures greatly enjoyed by sea-mice. Then, cot only the worms you are seeking will come but others that belong to this and other families. Here they Lt Col. L. B. Jacobs To Go to New Air Base Lt. Col. Lynwood B. Jacobs, Army Air Corps, has been ordered re lieved of duty in the office of the chief of Air Corps here and trans ferred to the new Southeast air base now being constructed at Tampa, Fla., under the $300,000,000 Air Corps expansion program. Col. Jacobs is to take station at the site of the new base not later than September 5, the War De partment announced. Final Summer Festival Will Be Held Tomorrow The eleventh and final summer festival, “The Merry Wives of Wind sor,” will be presented tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Sylvan Theater at the Washington Monument. The presentation was scheduled to be given last night, but was postponed Because of inclement weather. A concert by the Washington Civic Orchestra preceding the play Will start at 7:30 p.m. Jolly Polly A Little Chat on Etiquette JERRY SAYS THAT WHEN A GIRL EATS UKE A HORSE, THE BEST THING TO GIVE HER IS STABLE By JOS. J. FRISCH. G. T. S.—Soup is properly taken from the side of the spoon, not from the tip. One writer says that the Bight of a spoon being pushed straight into the mouth reminds him of a shovelful of coal being fired Into a furnace. Soup, of course, must be eaten silently. Send a return envelope for the leaflet “Manners at Table.” CLASSIFIED AD RATES Local Advertisers Three Lines (Minimum) 1 time, 23c line.. $ .69 3 times, 20c line_ _ 1.80 7 times. 19c line (consecutively) 3.99 Transient advertisements cash. Additional space pro rata. Claims for errors must be made in time for correction before the sec ond Insertion. Situations Wanted Reduced Rates 8 lines, 1 time, 20c line_8 -60 8 lines, 2 times, 18c line_ 1.08 3 lines. 3 times, 15c line. 1.35 DEATH NOTICES—$1.25 per In sertion for 10 lines or less, 15c per line for additional lines. Business cards under Special No tices and all advertisements under Personal, 3c per line additional Business advertisements under Situations Wanted will be charged the regular classified rate The Star is the peat "Want Ad“ medium of Washington, and the rates charged are far lower than those of newspapers in other large cities. Nothing is so cheap consider ing the results obtained. LOST. DIAMOND WRIST WATCH: lost Tuesday afternoon between 13th and C s.w. and JellefTs store. 4:30-5: reward. Rand. 3788. ____31*_ DOG. part police, tan, medium-sized male, collar; very timid: answers to name "Bounce." Randolph 8329._ icEYS. bunch of keys, lost between Park rd. and Southern Railway Bldg. Box 91-H, Btar._* _ WRIST WATCH, lady’s Bulova, on Colum bia road between ITth and Blltmore sts. Reward. 1707 Columbia rd. Col. 7800. Apt. 308._31"_ WRIST WATCH, white gold. Gruen. lady's. Baturday eve., vicinity 23 Girard st. n.e. Reward. Duj?ont_7042._ SPECIAL NOTICES. CHAIRS FOR RENT. SUITABLE FOR BRIDGE PARTUS, banquets, weddings •nd meetings, loo up per day each. New chairs. Also Invalid rolling chairs for rent or sale. UNITED states storage CO.. 418 10th st. n.w. MEtropolitan 1844 Notice is hereby given that Joseph Berlanstein and John M. Thai have dis aolved the partnership heretofore existing in connection with their conduct of the Executi/e Pharmacy at 501 F st. n.w: and the Sampler Fountain Room at 908 F st. n.w. Joseph Berlanstein is the sole owner of the said establishments, effective August 26, 1939. DAVID HORNSTEIN. Attorney. _ au30sefl,13_ FALSE TEETH REPAIRED WHILE YOU WAIT Private Waiting Rooms. Rot*. B. Scott. Dental Tech Rms. 901-902. Westory Bldg- 806 14th at F Met 1B33 A DEAL FUNERAL AT $75 Bjyldes same service as one costing $600. n’t waste "insurance money.” Call DEAL with 26 Tears* experience Lincoln 8200 PEACHES, LUSCIOUS. TREE RIPENED. Canning—Preserving—Table Use. 5,000 al WHEATON, MD„ _Egypt Farm Orchards. 3* WISH TO BUY OR LEASE Rooming house In downtown n.w. section. Must be clean and niceljr furnished. No dealers. Box 87-H. Star. \ rV. manufacture a colorless slime in which they remain while feasting. If you try to capture a sea-mouse it crawls rapidly out of its “cello phane” coat and glides swiftly away. It is at this time yqu really get an idea of how truly beautiful these polychaete are. In color they are brilliantly iridescent. There are 15 pairs of scales, though they are not visible because of the fur (setae). These bristles cover the back and sides and are coarse. Some of them reach a length df almost an inch. They are possessed of sharp points and are barbed at the ends. Indeed, if you examine these barbed bristles [ you will be at once reminded of our famous quill pig, the porcupine. The sea-mouse is from 3 to 6 Inches long and quite broad in the middle, tapering slightly to a point. Many who have found them in the mud below tide-mark or stranded upon the beach after a storm have given to them the name of “paddle worms,” because of their leaf-like cirri, and the clever way they use them in locomotion. _-J i - i( i__1 t_ ***'- amt ui ai o four pairs of short tentacles as well as eight long ones. The body Is rather long, too, and depressed. The average length of sea-mice where food is abundant is 8 to 10 inches. However, some extremely handsome bright green ones have been re corded of a much greater length. These mice have no economic im portance. They are among the many interesting inhabitants of the mud below tide-mark and offer end less hours of thrilling adventure. Tons of Oranges Oranges shipped from the Levante district in Spain in the 1933-9 sea sonweighed over 275.000,000 pounds. _HELP MEN._ AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS, experienced on j Dodge-Plvmnuth cars; must hr sobpr, re | liable: married men rroferred. refs, re quired. CaU between in and 1*2 a m.. Mr. , Schall. 4 1 on Georgia avp. n w. AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN—\Ve~have~the most attraenve proposition in or around the city of Washington for 2 men who are ! thoroughly experienced and can furnish ; cood refs. If you can qualify and have i confidence in yourself end ability, see Mr Adams. Eddie Adams Motors. 85*-! I Georgia ave_ AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN—1 Hudson : models are here. The beauty and economy I f'f this great car will go to make this year ■ Hudson’s bieeest ever. Price range from j ?S(W to Si 5(»0. delivered prices in Wash ; lnston Tremendous commissions available ! in our new and u.-ed car departments Lib eral bonuses on sales above quotas. Trans. portation and 4n gallons of gas monthly furnished qualifiers. Plenty of live leads ■ and ever'* co-operation given. See Mr. Rouzie. Call Carl Motor Sales Co . direct factory Hudson dealer Georgia ave Rtid reabodv sts ft.w between in and *: pm. BOY. colored, driver's pprmit. with grocery . store experience and reference. 44th and Sheriff rd. n e. • BUTLER-CHAUFFEUR’. colored’ experi enced. for handy work around h^use stav j nights. $50 monthly Box rtOl-H. Star • ESTIMATOR and foreman bv established firm in plumbing and heating business ; Only those with practical experience and i reference nped apply. Box T’O-H Star. GROCERY ECY. white, fo’- inside and I outside: must have D. G. S. experience ; Coll Randolph ."h77. ; GROCERY AND VEGETABLE CLERK EX i PERTFNCED. with D c references. Wood lev Food Store. 35H» Conn n w HOTT.^FPOV rnlnretri Annlv Ooor.-, oA'k" 1626 K st. nw. between 11 and 12 am. JOBBING PLUMBERS; must be good lead workers and drive truck* Only those who can furnish reference need apply. J. C. Flood Co.._2*>12 14 th fit. n.w._ MAN. not over -*<». ro take over Do-’tion of trust with local company and act as deauerjn a restricted area_Box 22-E Star. MAN—Position open for energetic man. neat appearance necessary, own or able to drive light car: only man accustomed to meeting the public need apply. 2-4. 979 National Press Bldg. - _ MAN. youne. to drive truck, who can sell to grocers; 515 start. 2151 Newport pl. n.w.__ • MAN. married, willing worker. living in Arlington County, to call on users of a national advertised product: sales experi ence helpful._Box 15-E. J5tar MAN. "apablo cf meeting the public, to call on an established group of customers Call Mr. Babcock tor appointment. District 4477, between 1 .50 and 5jvclock_ MAN. young, high school graduate, to assist manager establish route; must be willing to start at 515. commission and bonus. See Mr. A. B. Rudolph. Rm. 708. . 2nd Na'l Bank Bide., at s a.m. MAN. young, whits, to work in delicatessen I soda fountain, must be experienced; ref erences. 1228 N si. n w_ | MAN. white, with D. C. permit, for grocery i store; experienced only; references. 1209 ■S s'. s p. hpforp 7 d m. ! MAN. young, over 20. high school grad. I able to meet people well; good pay and future. 1427 Eye st. n.w., Rm. 210. ! : MAN with car needed, who wants immedi ate employment; compensation pa!d weekly. Call for an appointment. Dunont 4679. Wednesday evening between fi and 8. MEN. with or without auto. $10 and commission without car. Experience not essential. Apply Mr. Hess, 651 Penn. ave. n.w.. after in am. Thurs.. 2’ p.jn. Fri. * MEN—We want 5 men between 55 and 45 for our outside sales department. Neat appearance, no experience required. Gra mont Wholesalers. 805 Penna. ave. n.w. MEN (6). over 60. with cars and free to travel, calling on farmers. Md.. Va.. N. C : good earnings: we train you Phone R. H. Sherrick. National 851 <». Saturdav. s»pt. 2nd. or write P. O. Box 426. Frederick. Md. ___1 •_ MOTORCYCLE DRIVER, white, for deliv ery purposes. Must know the city. Steady job. Apply 1842 N. Y. ave. n.w._ PIANO SALESMAN, experienced: leads fur nished: salary and commission. Give full particulars_for internew\_Box 502-H. Star. PLUMBER, experienced, with tools and car. age 25-40; neat. fast. Report 2627 Evarts st n e.. ready for work. PLUMBER'S APPRENTICE^ at least 5 years' experience. Refs. 518 Der week. Box 215-H. Star. PRESSER. experienced on Hoffman mT chine. Steady position. 7711 Georgia ave. n.w. SALESMAN for established route;""starting about 525 week. Apply 4504 Georgia ave. n.w. Columbia 9158. SALESMAN, young man. experienced in dry cleaning and tailoring. Steady posi tion. Box 416-H, Star._ SALESMAN, experienced, for men’s furnish ing department. Blechman\s, cor. 7th and H_sts._n.e_ SALESMAN, long-established firm has im mediate opening for experienced man with car to sell fleet owners and automobile dealers truck equipment and bodies: leads furnished; salary and commission; per manent position: experience in this par ticular line not necessary, we school you. Box 292-H. StRr SALESMEN experienced specialty men: let demonstrator show you how you can earn SK per day. See Mr. Ney. Rm. 708. 2nd Natl. Bank_Bldx„_at 8 a.m. only. SALESMEN wanted—Reliable firm wants five salesmen with cars: permanent con nection: drawing account. Apply Mr. Les ter. Colonial rm.. Colonial Hotel. Thurs., 0 to 13 only.____ SODA DISPENSER, local refs.: only experi enced need apply; good opportunity. Bab bitt's. 1106 F st. n.w. 31* VALET-CHAUFFEUR, white. Apply Rm. .'it)5. 1020 K £t. n.w.. between 11 a.m. and 12_m.__ WINDOW DRESSER, young man, exp. In window trimming in men's furnishings store._Apply_H17_H si. n.e._ EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY, large corpo ration for young man with mechanical ability; college man given preference. Box 414-H. Star.__ WANTED—Experienced stock room assist ant for Chevrolet-Pontiac parts dept. 6tate age. reference, salary expected. Perma nent Job._-JBox_221-H, Star._ AN AGENT to sell ornamental flowering trees and shrubs. Must have a delivery truck or old car. Good nay. Box PD-H, Star.__• OFFICE FURNITURE SALESMEN. EX PERIENCED PREFERRED; ALL REPLIES CONFIDENTIAL. BOX 334-H, STAR. ROUTE MEN. We have a fine established route avail able for the right man. The applicant must be willing to work eight hours per day, Experience not necessary. WE TRAIN OUR MEN. Pay arrangements satisfactory. Ap ply 1* to 12 a.m.. 513 K st. n.w._ REAL ESTATE SALESMAN. Opportunity for young real estate sales man to make an excellent connection with an established firm erf realtors and builders. See Mr Dortch. Adams 6623. SPRUCE & CARR. INC.. _265ft Conm_Ave. N.W._ AT ONCE. Will select a man for a permanent Inside and outside sales position. Right man will cash in on a well-planned program this fall. Must have car to call on store cus tomers. Compensation and duties dis cussed at interview Selling experience helpful but unnecessary Age 25 to 60 years. Employment offlee. 4th floor. Thurs day from 10 to 11:30 a.m. LANSBURGH & BRO. HELP MEN. (Continued.) A-l job; Clean-cut ynunit man to travel for Look, exceptional npnnrtunlty. See Mr. Mllla, 10 to 4. 1327 Kenyon at. n.w„ Apt., 23. Men, white, over 21 years of age, with D C. permits, to drive Diamond Cabs. FREE INSTRUCTIONS. For further details see Mr. A. L. Livsie between 3 and 5 p.m. Room No. Ill, 1735 14th st. n.w. GENTLEMAN TO ^SOLICIT CIRCULATION FOR ESTAB LISHED LOCAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER. GENEROUS COMMISSION. FULL OR PART-TIME BASIS. REFER ENCE. BOX 89-H, STAR. WANTED! Are You a Sales Engineer? Can You Sell 011 Burners. Stokers, Boiler Burner Units—Automatic Heat ing of all types and Air Condi tioning Units? IF YOU CAN SELL— If you are a clean-cut man of good character, we need you and you will profit, by joining our forces. Nationally and locally ad vertised products. Call in person at once. Our proposition will in leresi vou. LEE D. BUTLER AIR CONDITIONING, INC., 1119 21st ST. N.W. _Washington, D. C.__ INSTRUCTION COURSES._ lilARN BEAUTY CULTURE—Special sum mer rates Positions secured. Nakon Beauty School 14.34 Park rd. n.w._ SPANISH. FRENCH. GERMAN. Day and evening classes. Also private instruction. Washington School of Languages, 1118 18th st. n.w. District .3744. _ _ LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE^ WARFLYNN BEAUTY COLLEGE _1018 Vermont Avcl_District 1782. THE MABELLE HONOUR" Beauty Trained Operator Is In Demand. FREE CATALOG—EASY TERMS 1340 N, Y. Ave. <Est. II'.' Yrs.l Met. 7778. GIRLS! LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE. “The Modern Way." Licensed ^phool Graduates placed Mod erate tuition, easy terms. Start any time. MODERN SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE. _1.317 F St. N.W_Natl 4771 _ SECRETARIAL COURSE. Gregg or Boyd Shorthand. Typewriting. Accounting. Eng.. Spelling. Calculating Ma i chines, cte. EASY methods, interesting. POSITIONS guaranteed graduates. InQUire Natl. 23.38 BQYD SCHOOL. 1.3.33 F. _ $5—Civil Service Exams.—$5 ENROL!, TODAY—SPECIAL TUITION. $3. Calculating Machines. Entire Course. ?3 S3—Special Stenographer Course—S3 FILE CLERK. STATISTICAL CLK. Begin at once. The Civil Service Preparatory School R2f> 12th M ft w. Met. 6337. • HELP WOMEN. AGENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS—See our , beautiful line of Christmas card box as sortments. 30', commission: personal cards, i 30 for *1.0(i 4<>'< commission. Earl s. Inc.. 412 Ncw_Jersey ave._n.w. • i ALTOS AND SO PR A NOS~ wit h~ choral ex> perience interesting opportunity in promi • rent church choir. Box 207-H. Star. ’ BEAUTY OPERATOR, expert hair stylist, pleasant personality. Conn. ave. following preferred Bailey’s. 1317 Conn, ave._ BEAUTY OPERATOR, colored, experienced, must have operator's license. Call At lantic 0168 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR, experienced, must be fast and accurate: good salary: | permanent position. Box 2<>8-H. Star. ; GIRL to operate multigraph shop, who can ! p.Iso sell this, service and get new easiness, i Box 237-II. Star _ GIRL, experienced for sales dept.: salary. * 1 2.30 Will »1*n train 4 inpvnprpnfi'H girls whos* salary will be $9 to start, i Mr Hess H31 Pennsylvania ave. n.w.. after j Thursday 2 p m. Friday. • HOUSEKEEPER. white. for employed i coup’e one child. 2 years: no drinking ; no smoking allowed: Sundays off: $7 per week: reference required. Box 81-H. Star. _ _31 •_ ! HOUSEKEEPER. active white woman, near by Virginia- empl. couple: boy in school; i good homo and salary Jackson 1953-J KITCHEN MATO, white between 30 and | 40. good worker with excellent references, j live in rall nt 2800 Alb^^narle st. n.w. NEWSSTAND CLERK fully experienced. ‘ Anply Dupont Circle Adis.. Conn ave. at Dupont Circle. Thursday. 2-4 p m. PRACTICAL NURSE—Will Lucille Williams, colored, who worked as practical nurse for Chas. B Chamberlin, jr.. rail Cob_8002? SALESLADIES. must be thoroughly experi enced jn spiling dresses and coat-; only. Steady position, good cav. Apply all week Lucky Strike Dress Shop 1212 G st. n.w. TRAINED LIBRARIAN: maintenance, small salary: in District. Apply, giving qualifi cation^ Box 293-H, Star_ WAITRESS, white, neat, snappy, for night duty. 0 to 2. near airport. Va . barbecue and beer. Phone Tvv 1045 during day. • ■ WAITRESSES. 2. for delicatessen. 7715 1 Georgia ave. n.w._ WOMEN, experienced: direct selling, new specialty deal on deferred payments: joint i account arrangements if you can qualify. I Sec Mr A B Rudolph. 708 Second Na , tional Bank Bide., 1333 G st. n.w.. at 8:30 >.m._ ; CHRISTMAS CARD MASTERPIECE' 100% Profit. Sensational $1 assortment. 9 I other money making boxes. 50 personals. Rhoades made $330. Reauest samples. j Bluebird. 593 Fitchburg. Mass._ CHRISTMAS CARDS MAILED BY SANTA CLAUS. First timp exclusive sensational Idea | offered' Large selection personal cards with name including 50 for $1.00. Out standing “21 in" feature assortment and j 10 others. Up to 100% profit. Write Janes Art Studios, 105 Anson pi., Rochester. N^Y. SHOW~BIGGEST LINE OP 50 FOR $1 CHRISTMAS CARDS. Sensational sellers Customers name: big profit: 3 beautiful sample outfits FREE, General Card. 400 S. Peoria st.. Dept. A-73(). Chicago._* HOLLYWOOD SHOPS. Millinery salesladies; splendid opportu nity in our new shop; will consider only I thoroughly experienced m'llinery people. Apply_Mr._W i 11 iams. 705_12th_st._n.w._ HELP DOMESTIC. ‘ cook and general houseworker, live in. 3 in family: $25 month._Randolph 4080. j COOK and general houseworker. must be I experienced. Phone Columbia 0007 bet. 9-11 a.m._ i GIRL, colored, g.h.w . exp. cook and 1 laundress, refs. Go home nights. Lyon | Park. Va. Chestnut 3932._ GIRL, white, reliable, for general house work. answer telephone: references; live in. Call Randolph 7200._ GIRL, white, for general housework and cooking, light laundry; experienced with infant; live in; private room; $8 week; references. Randolph 6595._ GIRL, white, general housework: cooking: help care for 2 children. 101 George M a son_d r.- Arlington. Chest. 1337._ GIRL, white, reliable, for housework; all or part time; good cook: ref. Shep. 3483. 1* GIRL, white, g.h.w.. experienced with children; room, board and. salary. 927 Decatur st. n.w._ rnjuDr,JEvr.E.i-e,rv, expenenceo. rets., 10 uue care of home and baby; $25 month. Live in. 1116 F st. n w.___ __ HOUSEKEEPER and cook, white, live in. Apply 14.'ii) South Carolina ave. s.e.. after 4:.')<> o.m._ HOUSEKEEPER, white, between 30 and 45. honest, clean, dependable; references: emnloycd counle. two children. 5 and 7: stay nights optional 3041 Valley ave., Mt. Rainier. Md. Greenwood 4441-J after 5. LADY, young, to care for apt. for room. board and small salary._Box 318-H. 8tar. MAID colored. 25-40: cook, general house work for 2: no Sundays: $8 ner week, car fare. Give city reference in letter. Box 201-H. Star._ NURSEMAID, experienced, for year-old baby. 3 afternoons and 3 evenings a week. Box 217-H. Star,_ WOMAN, colored settled, stay nights: housework and cooking; $30. Pyles. 608 Lafayette ave.. Riverdale, Md. Green. 2246-W._ WOMAN, white. 25 to 40. mother’s helper, one who would appreciate home; small compensation. Wis, 1488-W. WOMAN, colored good cook and general houseworker; small family; must live In; $40 mo. Refs, req. Wisconsin 3852. WOMAN, part time: live vicinity River dale: occasional evenings with children. Greenwood 1905-M,31* WOMAN, colored experienced, refs., gen eral housework, rooking: live in: good home, $7 wk.; 2 small children. 6028 32nd st. n.w. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES. _BUSINESS._ STENOGRAPHER (male or female), exp. In Are Ins., calculating premiums, typing pol icies. STENOGRAPHERS (female), exp.. 25 to 30 .vrs. of age, shorthand, inn w.D.m.: typing. 50 w.D.m. Salaries. $20 to $30 wk. Ap ply Thursday. 2 p.m.. in person. No Charge of Any Kind. Washington Employment Exchange, 214 National Press Building. DOMESTIC. RELIABLE AGENCY, Dec. 5661. 1402 11th, has cooks, maids, nurses. g.h.w., das workers, part-timers, esuples, housemen. | 81* HELP MEN AND WOMEN. CHRISTMAS CARDS—Exceptional earn lngs. easy: Coronet commissions larger Call early, free samples. 803 Pa. ave. n.w COLORED middle-aged husband and wife cook and g.h.w.: husband to do worl around 1-acre suburban home and maki minor repairs around ants, owned by em ployer: board and living Quarters provided $100 per month: no children: year-’roun< employment: must have references. Bo: 90-H. Star.__1A_ $40 PER MONTH. Couple (whltei. unde: 35. both work on Doultry farm: farmhand preferred: modern 4-room bungalow; nea Annapolis. Md. Phone.Severna_Park_105 _SITUATIONS MEN. _ ACCOUNTANT, expert; part time bookkeep' ink, books started, audited, balanced; ta: reports; city refs. Randolph 3131._ AUTO UPHOLSTERER, experienced on new used cars, desires position with local bod: shop, expert on leather work. Box 8o-H Star._ __ 31 * CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, ag 39 with Id yrs.' experience In the practlc of public accounting, desires position wit! private concern; a personal Interview wouh be appreciated. Salary open. Box 3’.J-H Star. _31*_ CHAUFFEUR, colored, wants job: good ref. license 221 K st. n.w.. James H. Hamilton Phone Nat, 5032._30„ CHEF, colored, all-around cook Call Nortl 1051, Y. M. C. A.. 1818 12th st. n.w. between 6 ajid 9. R. Austin._1_ COOK, colored, short-order; 20 years’ ex penence: good references. 1021 <lh st n.e. Lincoln W540._ MAN. has dump truck: hauling gravel brick, cement, concrete blocks, turn. Geo 11)52^Wed , bet, d and 8. * MAN, young, colored, neat, reliable, want work of any kind: good references. Met 9798, 8:.‘jO to 9 p.m._____ MAN, young, colored, as houseman. Jan itor, porter: exo.; good ref. 10*21 4th st n.w. Met. 2688._ MAN. colored, wants steady Job as trucl driver or elevator operator. Lincoir 44,'17-W. _ __ MAN. colored, experienced in short orde or second cook, dishwashing or all around Randolph SO.'16._ PHARMACIST, registered, desires relie work. Box 97-H. Star. _* RESTAURANT MANAGER or buyer sev eral years’ exp. with large chain; «i5 yrs of age. Box 94-H. Star. •» I CAN’T GET WOF^K without experience no experience without work; will W’ork on month FREE._Box Star._ ATTENTION, PLEASE. VERY UNUSUAL SITUATION Due to internal home conditions requir ing his presence in or close to Wash., th services of a really first-class sales repre sentative are available for Wash, or Ball! more, preferably Wash. This man is no onlv now lucratively employed, but cai produce lit-year record of outstanding success. Negotiations relating to securities insurance or mediocre miscellany dennitel will not be entered into. Box Star._ SITUATIONS WOMEN. ACCOUNTANT offer' part-time bookkeeo ing service at reasonable cost. Tax re Ports, correspondence._Sben f»*24Q-R. 1 GIRL white, exp., wants waitress or can for child: ref Do. 0141-J._ GRADUATE NURSE, after J« months’ spe rial work in neurology in New York Cit: hospital, desires case in Washington. Mary l^nd or Virginia. H Beyer. P O. Box *2o Poolesville._ Md._Ca 11 Poolesville 9._ GRADUATE NURSE, position as com panion; salary reasonable; will leave city Box aiO-H. Star _ 31* LADY, pxpericnred tn dining room super vision and personnel directing desires po sition of supervision or management, excel lent references. Rnx (tfi-H. Star__ LADY~refined. Protestant. 4i». with nic personality, desires work as housekeeper companion to »n eldprlv ladv free t' travel. .'GO Fast Capitol at.. Apt, ft._•_ ORGANIST would like church position: ex perienced Will substitute. References Box gSO-H. Star.__ SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER typist, gen eral office work; '2 years’ experience. Cal Met. K4 Hi. Mis* Right hand. _* WOMAN, white. 4n. desires position a housekeeper or companion for elderlv worn an, experienced with children. Box fiL-H Star. _ SITUATIONS DOMESTIC._ GIRL- colored, wants gen. housework cook honest, reliable, experienced, ret. Phon Lin. 9384. ______?«* GIRL colored, wants day's work or Dart i time job. '1150 t*th st. n.w„ or cal Michlgan _31 i GIRL. neat, colored, wishes part-time am general housework, reference*. Call Hobar | :G 1 h._ _ _• GIRL, colored, wants day’s worker par time:_city_reference._ Republic ‘2H« / ._ GIRL,, colored, wants pari-i;me. ua? I or work of any kind: reference. Atlanti I 7107._ GIRL, colored, wishes part-time or day' work, reference. Woodley_8186._ GIRL, colored, wants job as cook: refer ence._Little Barber. 3614 P st. n.w._ GIRL, colored, wants general houseworl of anv kind, willing worker: city reference Republic 1714._ GIRL, colored, wants part-time work: goo< reference._Dupont 6866.__ GIRL, colored, neat, wants light houseworl or mother's helper. Call Dupont 573t from 6 to 8 p.m._ GIRL, neat, reliable, exp. plain cook, coi ored. wishes work of any kind, prefer n< Sundays._Lin, 5175-J.__ GIRL, colored, wants part-time work: n< Sunday. 1 01 7 O st. n.w. Dupont* 7101. GIRL, colored, wan's general housework will sleep in. references. Mary Collins 1528 N. Carolina ave. n.r._* GIRL, colored, wants place cooking: cit: ref.; home nights. 763 Girard st._n.w._| GIRL, colored, wishes work, part-time o day’s work: city ref._District 6076;_ GIRL, colored, wants part-time or day’ work. Phone North 7278-W._ GIRL, colored, wants gen. housework mother’s helper, work of any kind. 411 Col rd Randolph 8757._ GIRL, experienced, colored, wishes Dart time work, mornings or afternoons: ex cellent city ref. Decatur 3370._ GIRL, colored, wishes part-time or day’ work. $2. carfare, per day; permanent North 3110._ GIRL colored wants work of any kinc J exp.: ref._Call Michigan 0475._ GIRL. neat, light colored, desires work ii lunchroom or waitress: have some experi ence. but will accept small wages until full experienced: ref. Call Mi. 9406._ GIRL, colored, w'ants general housework good cleaner: Dart time or full: ref. Phon Mi. 6955._ GIRL, colored, wishes general housework plain cooking, light laundry; $8: Teferencc Adams 9641-J._ GIRL, colored, wishes job as maid, nurs or general houseworker. Phone Metropol itan 3627.__ GIRL, colored, neat, wants work of an kind, reliable; willing to stay nightj ! Adams 9235._ GIRL, colored, exp., wants part-time o full-time work._Decatur 2603,_ GIRLS. 3. colored, want maids’ work o general housework: live in or out; refer i ences. Adams 5037-W._ MAID, colored, experienced, wants g.h.w or mother's helper: home nights: no Sun d a y: ref erence._M ich 3896.__ WOMAN, colored, desires part-time or day’ work: neat, reliable, good worker: cit: referenceJ_Line. 5686-W._ WOMAN, colored, wants day’s work, part time or steady job: reference. Metropol itan 4062.__ _personal_ HEMORRHOIDS ERADICATED BY M' own method Results effective lor a life time or money back Write lor booklet. N drugs or surgery DR. 80MMERWERCK 1HB5 Columbia rd Adams 0388. WILL BUY PAWN TICKET FOR DIA mond ring; must be over 1 carat and per feet. Box 427-E. Star._2‘ BEAUTIFUL PARLORS. ALSO VER' large hall, for meetings or dances. Reason able. Inquire MRS. PATTERSON Orafto Hotel. District 4020. FIRST-FLOOR ROOM VACANCY II nursing home, nest bath. Special atten tion to dipt. o,n. 8321. •_ M13S FLOODS PRIVATE KINDKROAK ten. 1322 Massachusetts ave. n.w.: schoc of dancing and nursery: hour day o week_8:30 to 6:30 ____ MOTHERS: I WOULD LIKE TO TAK care of vour children, In a private homf It will be Just a few children, so they wi: have good care. Ares 3 to 5. 5822 3r st. n.w. Georgia 4352. _* WORLD’S FAIR TRIPS. Special rates over Labor Day. Phon Republic 0203._1115 Barr bldg._ FALSE TEETH REPAIREI WHILE YOU WAIT Private Waiting Rooms. Robt. B Scott. Dental Tech Rms 901-80! Westory Bldg 005 14th at P Met 1882 PERMANENTS, $1.25; Fingerwave. 15c; manicure. 15c. Met. 7772 Mabelle Honour School. 1340 N. Y. Avi PERSONALITY AND SPEECH Are vital factors In achieving success, har plness, peace of mind. Fall classes no' forming. Private tuition also available. N charge for preliminary Interviews. For ai pointment telephone District 3200. AGNES McCALL PARKER, 1150 Conn. Ave. BEAUTY PARLORS. EXCESSIVE WEIGHT safely reduced; won derful French method used. Dr. Dell Ledendecker. 3025 O st. n w. Mich. 1121 MOTOR TRAVEL. STUDEBAKER SEDAN TO CINCINNAT Ohio. Friday or Saturday: can take thr« cr four; references. Col 0500-W._2* DRIVING WEST COAST, 1939 MERCUR1 8ept.. 1, return 2 wks.: share expenst take 3 persons. Met. 3708._31* ACCOMMODATIONS FOR TWO PAE sengert Asheville, N. C.; leaving Frida morning: careful driver; $5.00. Phon Chestnut 2120._•_ OCEAN CITY. MD.—LEAVING'S*'".; AC commodate three. Call after A. I MERRILL. Chestnut 2000. AptTYlR* » TAKE 2 ALL OR PART WAY. FLA leave FRI.; ref. exch. Call No. 3535 Wed after 0 ,• NORFOLK—HAVE ROOM FOR 3. LEA\ lng Sept. 2. returning 4th. Phone Me 2710 between 8 and 8. TAT£M. ( MOTOR TRAVEL. (Continued.) : LEAVING SUNDAY FOR SAVANNAH, transportation fbr two. Phone Emerson 2187. 31* j COLLEGE STUDENT DRIVINO Sf5x water, Okla.. Sept. 5 or 8; can take male passenger; share expenses. Berwyn 389-J. • ; MUNCIE, ANDERSON, INDIANA; '38 DE Soto sedan. Leave Fri. evening. Return for work Tueg._ Call LEO, Alexandria X85_l^_ : CAMERA SERVICE fir REPAIRS. _.CAMERA REPAIRING FULLER & d'ALBERT INC.. §15 IOtj_Bt N W Phone National «71f ‘ HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES. 20% REDUCTION THIS MONTH. ; ROOFING PAPERING HEATING PAINTING PLUMBING INSULATING REMODELING SIDING ! PLASTERING CARPENTRY ! $5 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ( 70 Years of Satisfactory Service. I TABOR S HOME RENOVATING CO.. ■ Office and Showroom. 1420 Irving St. N.W, Adams 7900. « GUARANTEED HOME IMPROVEMENTS From Cellar to Attic. Deal With a Reliable Firm. NO CASH DOWN. Small Monthly Payments. Free Estimates. Federal Contracting Co., Inc., 913 New York Ave. N.W. Natl. 741H._Night, Natl. 7417._1» REPAIRS & SERVICE. BEDDING MATTRFS8ES. box springs and pillows reno.; best prices and prompt del Wash. Mattreas Co . 319 Let s.w Nat. 8879 CARPENTRY, painting, screens made, re paired. Sash. cord, locks: every repair about the house. Free estimates. Small JobssoUcited._R. W, Neely Co.. Col. 6838. ELECTRIC WIRING,^11?'?. lefs repairs, old nouseR a specialty Regal 34ft Upshur n w Col 83PI_ ! PAINTING, ext.. Int.: paper hanging of ppntry. electric., plastering. plumbing: every in >rovement your home requires, ; Inside or outside, from basement to roof; j guaranteed b. over 40 yrs.; exp. Bur rell. Col. 23X7. PAPER HANGING, this week only. $6.50 per room: 1030 washable, sunfast papers: work guaranteed Michigan 5315._ • PAPER HANGING, ‘ work done Immediately. Randolph 4350. PAPER HANGING, painting and plastering. You can get your work done now on easy i terms that suit you J. Tolson, Atl. 7632. ___30*_ PAPER HANGING-—Special this week only: Rooms drv scraped, cracks filled. $6. All sunfast Papers. I do ray own work; guar anteed. __Georgia 6050. 30* PAPER HANOING and painting—Rooms papered, $3 and up. Met. 6746, John Wright.___ PAPERING ROOMS. $5 UP. White mechanics. R. L. Keener. Line. 0658-J___ PAPPPTNfl rooms. $4 up. work guaranteed to satisfy. Call anv’lmc._Rand 5022. PLASTERING AND CEMENT WORK—No Jon too far. none too small. Dist. 4570. William Thomas. 707 M st. n.w,_31 • P LASTERINO. stucco, cernpnt. chimneys, painting waterproofing basement' damn walls. leaky_roofs._Mlnnick. Line. 5071.31* PLUMBING AND HEATING, jobbing and remodeling a specialty 24-hour service. Harrv E Williams. North 624*. RADIOS REPAIRED - SERVICE. , FREE ESTIMATES—7:30 A M. TO II P.M. RADIO DOCTORS, Met. 8221. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERY, corner: mixed trade; $35 rent: 1 about $300 bus : onlv $1,500. <Na. 0654.) WINFIELD tr THTJRM. DOS 10th St. N.W. i OLD-ESTABlYsHED NIGHT CLUB and . restaurant for rale. Cash. Colored, sterling *44n. 5c. 10c. $1 VARIETY STORE." doing over $25,000 yearly cash business, same owner * years: fine net profit; price, $3,300 cash. Box 96-H S’ar_* , GROCERY STORE, fixtures, stock in trade, etc : sacrifice $1,260. Thos. W. Parks Co.. D*»c. 1160 __ i WANTED TO RENT -Part of store for cuf rate drugs, preferably 14th st. n.w., or H : I st. n.e. Box 332-H. Star._30* BILLIARD PARLOR, good location, n.w : nn.Trl Kllcinar, f At* ri aV. , n, n /"L ('•* « n m a , and address to Box 307-H. Star._30* : FOR SALE—Convertible roof structure, tents, etc. Patent No 2132238. WTite i “L.*' 748 Rosslyn Arlington. Va._ ^_ FOR SALE -High-class grocery, best meats, by owner: unusual location: growing trade: > long lease, reasonable rent; a real pur chase _Box_3?4-H._Star__ ■ OPERATE a modern JERRY O’MAHONY DINER and be independent. B:g profits— ; small overhead If you have som*- capital to finance your own business writhe for latest catalog or visit our factory. Several . used cars on hand for quick sale Liberal 1 terms arrancod JERRY O MAHONY INC., ELIZABETH. N J.. Worlds Largest Dining Car Builders._ DRUGSTORE, resid. section; family trade; equipped and stocked, long estab.: long • lease: sell account death owner. Price. 13,750; terms. Box V'''-H. Star._•_ VALET SHOP in larce apt house: sacrifice i on account of death. Inquire 3505 14th st. n.w. __ GAS STATION. 8.000 gals monthly. 20(1 gals, oil: 0 pumps; no discounts, rent. $75; same owner 0 yrs . price. $1,200, , Jos. Hollander. 907 Tower Bldg.. Met. 4813. BUILDING MATERIAL INVENTION for sale to one ynth evpenence. able to manu , facture anrid’.^ribute. Box 348-H. Star.* [ 307 3rd ST. 8.E. AND 1303 9th St N.W. s Stores, apt*. above: sell nr trade, white ot colored house; bargain. No. 1420. Apt. 355 • 1 ROOMING_HOUSE 2oth. nr. Conn.—lfT rms.. 4 baths, nicely furnished; rent, $15<»; • garage: inc.. $350: price. $2,000: terms. ■ Reach and Forbes, 1010 Vt., Rm. 314. Rep, 2919. • s SANDWICH SHOP, newly equipped, ideal . place: for quick sale, sac : reas. terms A S. ECONOMON. Dupont 0817. 31* ROOMING HOUSE for sale cheap; must scariflce this week: owner leaving town, i 204 Indiana ave. n.w. _ * ; VALET SHOP. 1340 Wis. ave. n.w : good j business: bargain: sacrifice, act fast; rea sonable offer considered GASOLINE. ACCESSORIES, large corner; » sell 10.000 gals, month; well eq.; price, $2.000: terms. Box 84-H. Star._• . BOARDING HOUSE. ‘»4*bedrms.. well furn.; . reasonable rent. Same owner 9 yrs. Pricp. $4,500; terms. Owens Realty, Met . 3083._ • ROOMING HOUSE. 14 rms., well furn. filled: owner leaving Hty; $800 handles r Owens Realty. Met. 3083._ EXCELLENT LOCATION. Large store in new downtown apartment ; building containing over 190 housekeeping 1 units: especially suitable for drugstore, beauty or barber shop: reasonable rental. r 1404 K. CAFRITZ._Dist. 9080. ROOMING HOUSE. R aft. near Conn, ave.; 11 rooms. 3 baths: oil heat: rent. $100: • nicely furnished, clean. Price, $1,100; • terms. WINFIELD & THURM, f BOB 10th St. N.W._Natl. BOM. ROOMING HOUSE, 19 RMS 18th, MASS. AVE. N.W. Laid out perfect for room and board No better location. House in lst-class condition. Average furniture. Wonderful . possibilities. Price. $2,500; easy terms. ! EDWIN L. ELLIS, ) 1010 Vermont Ave.. Room 217. Natl. 3310. * • BEAUTY SHOP with 5-room apt.: newb equipped, excellent condition throughout hardwood floors; income auoted, $50f “ month; nil heat; excellent location. Price ‘ $1,900: terms. WINFIELD & THURM, [ BBS 10th St. N.W.Natl, BOM, 1 Hammond & Co., 91113th St TUI t UV1IUU0 BUU BUIOU I1U U9C3 VDU 1W. t public 0311._ ' ROOMING HOUSE, 8 RMS PRICE, $400—TERMS. J 1st near Rhode Island ave. n.w. $65 r rent. Worth asking price. 5 EDWIN L. ELLIS, . 1010 Vermont Ave.. Room 217. Natl. 3310, ' } ROOMING HOUSE near O. W. IT.; 14 J rooms 5 baths, oil heat, (income ouoted . $3501, nice furniture: rent, $132. Price $2,000: terms , WINFIELD & THURM, 008 10th St, N.W.Natl, 0654. ) Apartment Dining Room, Best Northwest . May be purchased foi less than cost of equipment. Tenant pay; , only electricity and gas charges. No rent Only small capital necessary, but experi enced restaurant manager essential. Call Decatur 50110. . ROOMING HOUSE. Irving at., near 14th 11 rooms. 3 baths, garage, oil heat: rent $80; nicelv furnished, clean. Price. $1,160 terms. ; WINFIELD & THURM, 0 nos 10th St.. N.W.Natl. P654. ■ ROOMING HOUSE, APTS. PRICE, $450—TERMS. r Near 1st. and C sts. n.e.: 3 baths: $7! rent: good furniture: all filled. EDWIN L. ELLIS, " 1010 Vermont Ave.. Room 217. Natl. 3310 1 « = ROOMING HOUSE, close to Govt, building in 11 mortis. 2 baths; rent. $50 Total tjrir.P. $200. WINFIELD & THURM, e P08 10th St, N.W._Natl. 9654. . GUEST HOUSE, 15 RMS., ' Rhode Island ave . few doors east, of lfltl - n.w.; 3 baths (2-car gar., rented), ol - heat, running water 1n all large bedrooms r rent. $146: clean: $1,000 down. B EDWIN L. ELLIS, - 1010 Vermont Ave., Room 217. Nat. 3,310 • • k ROOMING HOUSE near Dupont Circle: If i rooms. 2 baths garage; rent. $90: excellen j furniture; clean, filled. Price. $1,500 terms. : WINFIELD & THURM, :. 008 10th St. N.W. Natl. 0064. Wash.’* Largest Rooming ^lousa Broke: * BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. (Continued.) LOOK AT THIS FOR $300. Rooming house near Capitol: B rooms. 1'4 baths: rent, $50. Call Republic 0011. HAMMOND & CO„ 911 13th ST. BOARDING HOUSE, 14 RMS. 10th at Scott Circle—4'/i baths, gar.: long established; located where you can gel right price; $3,200, terms. EDWIN L. ELLIS, 1010 Vermont Ave„ Room 217. Natl. 3310. » ROOMING HOUSE, near Capitol: 0 nice rooms: good Income: rent, $50; lull price only $300. WINFIELD & THURM, BOR 10th St. N.W. Natl. 0051._ MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. ACETYLENE WELDING TORCH and cutting head with regulators, hose, etc.; Harris low-pressure; cost $80; sell $00. Phone Falls Church 1324 alter 0 p.m._♦ ADDING MACHINE. Burroughs. 10 bank, a c. motor, with stand and table, complete, on wheels. $100. Apply J. F Krause, mgr.. Newton Theater Michigan 1830.__ ANTIQUES lor sale—Pistols. $2; awords, $2; guns, $2. Also glassware, bric-a-brac, Kapnerk 1410 N st. n.w.. Dec. 4538-J, ♦ BAND SAW. 30": 20" planer. 8" Joiner, saw table, drill press, grinder, shalting, pulleys, bearings, etc. Col. 8370._ BEAUTY PARLOR EQUIPMENT, Bonat permanent wave machine, like new, hair dryer, etc. Greenwood 2582._ BEAUTY PARLOR EQUIPMENT, cheap; out of business: dressers, shampoo chair. dryers, cases, etc. Phone Georgia 7480._• BEDS. twin. 2 sets. new. Simmons, Inch spes. and malt.. $34 set: dressers. $10; dnt. tbl. and 4 chairs. $5. 223 N. Thomas. Apt. 4. Buckingham. Arl.. Va._* BEDROOM—Walnut, waterfall. Perfectly beautiful. 3-pc., with guaranteed Inner spring mattress and fine coil spring. Mr. Green says—"You won't believe it but the enure suite as advertised, $80.75." OPEN EVENINGS Your credit Is good. Green Furniture. 3000 Georgia avenue. Georgia 2223.___1* BEDROOM—Solid maple. “It looks ab solutely like new. AND THE PRICE IS A BARGAIN " Take a vrar tn nnv Oopn nights. Acme Storage Co. (showroom ad dress). 4630_14th sL_n.w._Geo. 3432._1^ , BEDROOMS. Mr. Green says—‘‘Some beauties Just arrived and the selection is varied—there is a suite for your home or apartment—the prices are the ‘talk of the town.' ” Our deferred payment plan makes buying easy. Everything guaranteed. Open evenings. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD (PAY AFTER LABOR DAY.) Green Furniture, 3600 Georgia ave._Georgia 2223._1 •_ BEDROOM, dining room. A. B. C washer, studio conch, desk twin beds, chest. WE DO MOVING Edelman. 3303 Georgia ave. • BEDROOM SUITE, walnut; good condition; reasonable. 1400 Buchanan st. n.w. Georgia 7433._ BED-SOFA, used 1 month, blue. Chester field style: drop-leaf Sheraton table and 2 mahogany chairs: at sacrifice. 4415 38th st n w. _ BILLIARD and Po6l TABLES. PING-PONG TABLES, accessories, supplies, repairs. Conn. 810 9tb st. n.w. District 4711, BRICK. $8.50 per M: lumber, free of nails, ready to use. from $10 up per M; doors : from 50c. sash from 25c: radiation from i 10c ft.: h.-w. heating plant. $20; also large stock of bath tubs, lavatories, kitchen sinks, toilets, pipe fittings, etc. Come to our yard for convenience in selection. ACE WRECKING CO.. | 56 F St S.W._Rep, 3060. BRICK. LUMBER & PLUMBING materials at bargain prices from hundreds of wreck ing jobs reconditioned and neatly ar ranged for easy selection at HECHINGER S You’ll save time as well as m^nev by coming to any of our four yards. We quote i delivered or undelivered Phone Atl. 1400 HECHINGER CO . Used Material Dept 15th and H Sts N.E 6th and C Sts. S.W 5025 Ga. Ave, NW 1005 Nichols S E. BUILDING MATERIALS from 16 houses being wrecked for Federal Housing Project. Brick $8.50 per M: Flooring. $10 ner M; I ! Framing. $12 per M: Doors $1 ea : Sash. ! 35c: Iron Fencing. 25c ft ; Sash Weights, 1c ; ! lb : Door Jambs 50c: Baseboard and Trim. : Pac ft. Iron Steps and Porches, Pipe. Hollow tile. etc. Apply on job. 735 7th st. s.e._Ace Wrecking Co. Rep. 3060._ 1 CHINA CLOSET, suitable for display cab inet: also serving table, mahogany. $10. j Wisconsin 7437._ I COMPLETE FURNISHINGS of 5-room flat: i sacrifice $100. Call evenings. ADt. 2. 1 745 Columbia rd. n.w._ DINETTE—7 beautiful pieces: $69.75. Mr. Green says—‘ You reaily have to see this magnificent suite with fine upholstered ; seats.” You SAVE at least $50.00 Open evenings. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Green Furniture. 3600 Georgia ave. Georgia DINING ROOM Mr. Green says—“Here it is folk5 a handsome 9-pc solid oak > Jacobean dining room. It's the ’talk of s I the town ’ ' The entire suite for only j 5110 75. Save at least 575.00. We ll take j yours in trade, so don’t delay. Open eve- I nings. YOUR CREDrT IS GOOD. Green j P’urmture. 3600 Georgia ave. Georgia j 2223._1*_ DISPLAY CASE. Oriole, with G. E. unit, 8 it. long, all porcelain, used 8 mos. Must I sell today Terms. Md. Elec. Co.. 106 Balto bhd . Hyattsvllle. Greenwood 1075. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. Westing house. 5 cubic feet. 1037 model: original price, 5168; must move, will sacrifice for 505._Phone Atlantic 06A0-R._30* ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, late model, ape size: 520. 1118 ftth st. n.w„ Apt. 1. * ENAMELED STNK. good used. 18x24 roll rim with back. 52.40: big bargain for ; homes, summer cottages, etc. Hechinger Co. FRIGIDAIRE. looks like new, 4*2 cu. ft., alternating current; 818. Number 11 N st. n.w_• FURNITURE—Repossessed, just like new: bargain prices on bedrm.. din. rm.. living room suite On sale daily. 0-5. at Met ropolitan Warehouse. 50 Florida ave. n.e. FURNITURE—Kitchen cabinet. $7! oak hall seat’ and mirror. 55; porch glider. 55. Pro. 1973._ FURNITURE fine; dining chairs, cabinet, • drop-leaf table, dresser, bench, chair, rug. 1 Dupont 1000, Apt. 611._I FURNITURE!—Din. rm.. Colonial mahogany: ’ also mahogany dresser, bed; Kelvinator. used: good cond. 214 Rittenhouse st. n.w. FURNITURE—We have everything for your ' home. AND IT ALL LOOKS LIKE NEW— It’s fine furniture, some of it sold for charges, others because customers have ! been transferred, but it’s here and at SACRIFICE PRICES Credit arrangements will be made to suit your purse. There are bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, dinettes, odd pieces Beds, chests, dressers, etc. Come earlv BUT EVERY NIGHT WE ARE OPETN UNTIL 0 for your convenience. Our showroom address, 4630 14th st. n.w. Acme Storage Co., Georgia 3432._1 • FURNITURE—Walnut dresser, poster bed. double-deck coil sorings: all for 520. Call Met 4947._ FURNITURE — Expensive walnut dining room suit. 5250. Also bedroom suites. Double-twist broadloom rugs and other household furnishings. 3616 Van Ness at. n.w. Woodley 1836._ GARAGE EQUIPMENT, front-top desk, Burroughs adding machine, cash register, check writer, hydraulic floor jack, brake lining machine, electric drill, set of stocks and dies, set of Bonney heavy-duty sockets and Harley-Davidion motorcycle with box. W. C. Tupper. 3301 Rhode Island ave . Mt. Rainier. Md. * Telephone Greenwood 2400. GAS RANGES, brand-new factory samples; less than wholesale Rebuilt. $7.75 deliv ered. _J. S Le Fevrc, 2007 K n.w._ GAS RANGES. 5 de luxe, brand-new dis continued floor samples: almost half price: all fully insulated, with heat control, some with electric lamp, electric clock and timer. Exceptionally rare bargains for quick sale. J. S. LeFevre. Inc., factory distributors, 2007 K st n.w. HOT-WATER BOILER. “National.” No. 2 W-6. and blower: cheap. 3601 Warren st. n.w. Woodley 5161._ KIDDY KOOP. good condition. 510: Collier Keyworth folding carriage. 55: bathinette. 51._Chestnut 1728._ KITCHEN CABINET, bed. dressers, antique chest, misc. articles. 3721 S st. No dealers._31 • LIVING ROOM. Mr. Green says—“525.00 for your old suite AND our prices are the ‘talk of the town.’ ” Inspect these beau tiful mohairs, friezes, velours, boucles and nthor nanr matoHilr Unn — - ....J frrmes.- Don’t delay, folks. Inspect today. Open evenings. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. Green Furniture, 3000 Georgia ave. Geo. 2223, _ _ X • MULTIGRAPH. in fine running condition? used every day; cheap for cash. Call 300 B st. s.e. (rear)._ MULTIGRAPH. Addressograph equipment, model F-2 elec. Addressograph, incl. cab inets. drawers and frames; No. 3rt Multi graph with printing ink attach., paper feed. Job type. Good condition, Michigan_3H(V2. OUTBOARD MOTOR. J939 Johnson. 2Vi h.p. alternate firing twin, new guarantee. Meenehan's Hardware .'!’.’-!! \! st. nw_ PIANO—Slightiy used full keyboard spinet in splendid condition. $149. One of the newer models in a walnut finish. Pay $5 monthly. Nat. 4730. Kltt’s. 1330 O at. PIANOS—Lowest prices and easiest terms In the city at the Piano Shop. Used up rights. $10 and $15 cash (delivery extra): slightly used spinets. $129 up: used baby grands $139 up. Pianos for rent. $3 monthly and up. Pay $1 weekly. 30-DAY TRIAL. We rebuild and repair all types of pianos at reasonable rates. Republic 1590. The Plano Shop, 1015 7th st. n.w.. Just above New York ave. PIANO—-Used Steinway grand In good con dition. $395. Easy terms. Nat. 4730. Kitt’s, 1330 O st, PIANO—-Small-size, full keyboard apartment upright In excellent condition $150. Ma hogany case. New guarantee. Very easy terms. Nat, 4730. Kltt’s, 1330 O st. PIANOS FOR RENT, spinets and apart ment uprighta. new and slightly used: only $5 monthly. If you buy rental money will be deducted from purchase price. Natl 3223. Arthur Jordan Plano Co., corner 13th and O sts. PIANO, slightly used new-style Hunting ton. full-keyboard spinet; special, only $187.50. A repossession. It can be pur chased by merely continuing the small weekly payments. National 3223. Arthur Jordan Piano Co., corner 13th and O sts. PIANOS—Used five-foot baby grand. $375; a good piano in excellent condition. Also a Stleff-made grand at $395. Both real values. Natl. 3223. Arthur Jordan Plano Co.. corner 13th and G sts. PIANO—Baby grand, perfect condition: bargain for cash. Schaeffer, 1428 Irving at. n.e. Hobart 0989._ PIANO. $30; Steinwny make; elec, refrlger ator. $30: twin beds, complete, cheap; desks, filing cabinet; porch set. $8: 2 dress ers. $7 each: tables and other furniture. In nice condition. Woodley 6483. 3017 Rod man st. n.w.» PIANOS—Whitney apartment ilia. $125; p;nSrhe»ohMiVVtSMggSi . Co.. 1313 You at. B.w. North 3343. * MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. (Continued.) PIANOS—Special value, brand-new Starr mahogany, full keyboard, small uprights, only SHIS on very easy terms. The regu lar price la $266. Compare them with any small piano in the city. Republic 1600. The Plano Shop, 1015 7th at. n.w._ PIANO—Latest model Mathuahek spinet, almost like new. $306. New-piano guaran tee- Very easy terms. Nat. 47_0. Kitt s, 1330 Gs L_ RADIATORS AND BOILER, new style, at prices to save you money; private house. Randolph 1063. • RADIO-PHONOGRAPH—Brand-new 1040 Crosley full-size console sets, only $40.06; also values In R. C. A.-Victor. General Elec tric and Zenith sets. 10 DAYS’ TRIAL. *1, weekly. Republic 1500. The Plano Shop. 1015 7th st. n.w. RADIO PHONOGRAPH. R. C. A 1030. repossession reduced to $40.50 cash. Aoex Elec. Co. 700 Oth st. n.w. at G. REFRIGERATOR8. bargains on repossessed boxes. $25 up: easy terms; euar up to 5 years, 413 H n.c. Line, 6050. P. O. Smith. REFRIGERATOR. 25 cu. ft., used 3 weeks; complete with hermetically sealed West nghouse unit; 5-yr. warranty: ideal small lunchroom, boarding house or fraternity; *025; convenient terms. Edgar Morris Bales Co.. 712 13th st, n w._NatL 1031. REFRIGERATOR, used. 41? cubic ft., re conditioned: bargain. Myers * Flournoy. 514 H st, n.e._ REFRIGERATORS—Sacrificing at deep cut prices Frigldaire, Norge, Westinghouse. General Electric, Kelvinator. Crosley and i group of floor models as low as $30.50; brand-new refrigerators In original factory crates at discounts up to H5rc off; repossessed refrigerators as low as $2,; easy terms; unusual liberal trade-in i&E hWNGT°N'8 LARGEST ATLAS APPLIANCE COMPANY. <13 G St N.W., OUR ONLY SALESROOM. District_3,3, Open Eves. Until li P M. REFRIGERATORS—Clearance sale of re possessed and reconditioned Fngidaires. G. E . Westinghouse. Norge. Crosleys. Kelvl nators, and many other late models. All sn,1,1,y*?,y,a£??.teeci Largest aelection in city: Terms. Lux Appliance Co ._, n8_»th st. n.w. Meg. 7086. REFRIGERATOR CLEARANCE 1SALE— All standard makes and sizes. Recond and tuar Sacrifice prices. 1.318 14th st. n.w. REFRIGERATOR!* Vi.,..^T reasonably priced Special, new G E and Wesunghouse 6 cu It. models. $159 50. J. f. H- -ding * Co.. 517 loth st n w SEWING MACHINES, *5 up. TreadTeT portables, consoles. Rents Repairs. "605 nth st, n.w. Open eves Columbia 3344 SEWING MACHINE. White, elec., $17750. good condition; Singer reversible speed Portable. $00. 3413 18th st. Col. 3245. 8EW. MACH.. SINGER, d.h.. $7.5(irportabTe elec . knee control, light. $37.50. New Home console elec.. 835 ea.: yr. gnar. 3337 Cogn. SEWING MACHINES—Drop-head treadles. $...)0 up; Singer con. elecs., $49.50; Singer port, elecs, $39 50; other elecs.. $17.50. New mach. guarantee and lree sewing lessons We rent and repair. Open til! 0 p.m. 917 F st. n.w. Rep. 1900._ SEWING MACHINES, good valueTHfrom $1 - 50: rentals and repairs, (till Georgia ave._Phone Georgia Mill._ SEWING MACH, drophead treadle, $t75<>7 elec, console. $31.50. Repairing. $1.00. Open eve._3813 Lee_highway. Ch. 4014. STUDIO COUCH, single-bed. walnut, brand new mattress; porcelain-lined icebox. 75 lb capacity; moving, must be sold by ihursday noon: no dealers. 1451 Park rd. n.w.. Apt. 101._ • TYPEWRITERS. $15 up- Royals. Smiths, Underwoods; TERMS. Portables so wk Rentals. $3. Rep. 0334 1435 Eye st n w MAC DONALD TYPEWRITERS. Open eves! TYPEWRITER rentals. $3 month; used machines. $10 up. Central Typewriter Co.. 933 G st. Natl. 8139. TYPEWRITER Rental Service! 5718 18th n.w. Geo 1883—Underwoods. $1 85 mo. 4 mos ,n adv,. $5 55; no del.; $I_addl_deD. TYPEWRITER, Underwood; good condition; $‘.5.00, 1507 M st. n.w._Inquire at desk. VACUUM CLEANERS. G. e7 ancT Eureka. Royal and Hoover rebuilt: perfect condi tion; $0.95 up: brand-new G. E„ Eureka. . £,a‘..cleaners for 85 low as SI .00 per wk J. C. Harding A Co.. Inc.. 517 10th st, n.w WASHING MACHINES—New General Elec tric machines, only $39. brand-new A B t s. $39: brftnd-new Maytaes. $49 50 brand-new Apex machines. $39.95; new two-tub spin-dry washers, only $69. Com plete selection of new Maytag Thor Gen eral Electric. Hotpoint. Norge, A B. C, Apex, Kelvmator and Prima machines largest stock m the city at the lowest prices: pay $1 weekly. 10 DAYS’ TRIAL. Republic 1590. The Piano Shop. 1015 7th st, n.w.. lust above New York ave. WASHING MACHINE. G E.. slightly used' must sell Quickly: terms Mrt ew rv, i'ii, Baito._Dlya.. Hyans:_Greenwood 1975. WASHING MACHINES— Standard make’ brand-new washers; 1-tub and 2-tub wash ers sacrificing at 50<V off: used Easy. May tag. General Electric ABC. Westinghouse ar.d others $12; unusual liberal trad»-in allowance: easy terms as low as $1 weekly WASHINGTON'S LARGEST APPLIANCE HOUSE. ATLAS APPLIANCE COMPANY. 713 G St. N.W.. OUR ONLY SALESROOM. District 3737. Open Eves, Until n P.M REPRESENTING FUR MFGRS.' OUTLET Save 350 to 500 on your lur coats. Cal! Rand. 665H eves., 8 to 9. lor our latest models from $25 up. OLD FRANCE SHOP. French engraving* • Watteau. Boucher, etc., antiques and 18th century fans. Span ish shawls. evening dresses, worn but few times by stars of Parisian movie studios Me 4460._1741 Rhode Island ave. n.w 30* RE-UPHOLSTERING] Three-piece living suite upholstered for M5; covering and new inside material in cluded: made like new in finest tapestry and friezette: workmanship guaranteed. LA FRANCE UPHOLSTERING CO 2509 14th_gT_jTW. COLUMBIA 10172. _MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. CITY DIRECTORY of Washington. 1939! wanted Phone Decatur 2270. CI/5THING—Highest prices paid for men's used clcthing Berman's 1122 7th «t n w Met. 3787, Open eve. Will call. FURNITURE, rugs, household goods! etc Best prices paid For best results call Natl .•>244: after 8. Lincoln 5488, Reliable mov ing done, lowest prices._ FURNITURE, bric-a-brac, china. Rlassware rugs, silverware, paintings: highest cash prices paid. Call Murray. Adams, 5133. FURNITURE—Would like to purchase some good used household goods, also Diano. Cal evenings alter 7. Republic 4228. !• OLD GOLD. DIAMONDS. JEWELRY! WATCHES: HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID A_MARKEL. RM, 211. 918 F ST, N.W, PIANO, grand or upright; must be cheat lor cash. North 8302._ PIANOS, small uprights, in good condition Smith's Storage Co.. 1313 You st. n w North 3343 SEWING MACHINES—We buy all types; repair, hemstitching. buttons covered. pleating, 917 F st. Republic 1900._ STORE FIXTURES, stocks of merchandise office furniture, restaurant equipment, cash registers, safes, etc. Bought for cash. Baum’s, 307 9th st. 11 w. Phone RE 3025 GOLD—BRING YOUR OLD GOLD SIL VER PLATINUM. TEETH DISCARDET JEWELRY WE PAY CASH A KAHN INC. 47 YEARS ATJKJ5P_ OLD GOLD sliver, platinum purchased foi manufacturing use; maximum prices paid BURNSTINE a 919 F ST N W _ Since 1888 CASH FOR OLD GOLD. Stiver, watches, diamonds and old dis carded Jewelry: full cash value paid. SELINOER'S. BIB P 8t N.W _ BOATS. CABIN CRUISER. 30 leet long by 8-foo1 beam: 40-horsepower 1934 Gray marine motor. Box 18-E. Star. MATTHEWS CRUISER, fullv found. Take that delayed vacation. $3,150. Rand 4479___ WANTED small cabin cruiser or runabout; VC mi uasu. Wisconsin BOAT BARGAINS, small cabin cruiser' clean, smart looking, practically new, factory built: $295. Will trade for car Relck, »n:i 19th n.w., Wash., D. C. • YACHT FOR CHARTER. Prlyatj_Partie8._Accom_30 Met_204fl CATTLE AND LIVE STOCK._ COWS—1 Guernsey. 1 Jersey, fresh, #78 each. Call National 0510._ DOGS, PETS, ETC. ' DOBERMAN PINSCHER. A. K. c. regis tered blue ribbon female; reasonably priced._Chestnut 23B1. _ VACATION TIME—Don’t desert your anT mals. Call Washington Animal Rescu; League. North 5730. BOSTON PUPS, female, 2’i mos.. pedL greed; cheap for quick sale. Cali before 8 p.m . Dupont 4018._ WIRE-HAIRED FOX TERRIERS, registered A. K. C., 3 mos. old. Atlantic 8080. Ext, 103.__ GOING AWAY OVER LABOR DAY? BOARD YOUR BIRD AT ATHERTON’S Canaries, $1.00 week. $3.75 month. Parrots. $1.50 week. $5 month. ATHERTON'S PET SHOPS. Six-Nineteen F St. N.W. Natl. 4702 1355 Wls. Ave- 5420 Georgia Ave. DOGS BOARDED—Shaded individual runs PUPPIES. Cocker Spaniels, Boston Bulls. Scotties. Dachschund. Registered—Stud 8erv!ce. HOLLYWOOD KENNELS. Waah.-Balto. blv.. 2 ml. no. MdTU. Gr. 1824 ADLEA KENNELS. REGTD. HAND-PLUCKING BATHING. BOARDING PUPPIES. STUD SERVICE. Phone Rockville 248. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Woolner. Washington Grove Md. ATHERTON'S "MARVEL'' CANARY HEALTH FOOD. A General Canary Conditioner. Special This Week. 10c: Regularly. 25e ATHERTON S PET SHOPS Six-Nineteen F St. N.W. Natl. 4702. 1355 Wisconsin Ave. 6429_Georgta_Ave _FARM_AND GARDEN. WELL-ROTTED COW MANURE, qualitj and quantity guaranteed: direct Irom farm Phone Wls. 4195, Waters. _ CUT FLOWERS THREE DOZEN MIXED GLADIOLUS. SI delivered; baskets or apravs. #3 up; com plete wedding decorations. $25 up HELEN! AFFLECK, Vienna, Va. Vienna 17-W. 31* ROOMS FURNISHED. _ 5821 N. H. AVE.—Beautifully furnished room; private detached home: '» block ex Press bu». After 8:30. Oe. 8885. » OFF l«th AND COLUMBIA RD. N.W. 2827 15th it.. Apt. 22—Large itudlo room eoutb and west exp^: pvt. entrance. - #20 AW ROOMS FURNISHED. (Continued.) DUPONT CIRClfE—1740 P st. n.w— Beautifully furn. front room, twin beds, c.n.w., phone; also nicely furn. housekeep ing room, Frigldalre. gas range._ 2710 ONTARIO RD. N.W.—Pleasant room, twin beds: nr. bath: one single. Refined lady share room with another._ 2°10 WYOMING AVE. N W—Large room, twin beds 2 closets; attractively furn.; unlimited phone._ DOWNTOWN. 1217 Mass. ave. n.w— Beautiful double rm.. twin beds. 2nd fl„ next shower and bath: lovely home. 1828 COLUMBIA RD. N.W.—Large room, twin beds, cont. h. w , $6; light housekeep ing If desired. Also single._83.50. 1740 HOBART ST. N W. (Mt. Pleasant)— Quiet studio rm., beautiful view, adl. bath; new nome: 820. Adams 5283._' DUPONT CIRCLE—Spacious studio rm.. artistically fur.; unllm. phone: elevator; 535: refa. req. 1307 Conn., 3rd floor. ANACOSTIA. 1015 10th st. s.e—Nice front rm, cor. house: conv. Navy Yard or St. Elizabeth's Hospital. 1633 IRVING 8T. N.W—Beautifully fur nished single or double sleeping rooms' every convenience._Columbia 3178 DUPONT CIRCLE 1610 20th St.—Single or double room, near baths; also young lady share room with another. 1310 R. I. AVE N.W—Beautifully furm large front room, twin beds, next bath with shower, phone. Also single, 1868 COLUMBIA RD. N.W., Apt. 401 Large, exceptionally nice double room. 2 exposures, private bath, twin beds; unllm. phone- conv, location._ NEAR BUREAU OF STANDARDS—Master front, shower, lavatory, twin beds; private modern home; conv. transp. Woodley 8504 __Sl» DOWNTOWN. 414 6th st. n.w—Rooms, *2.50 up; newly finished apts., baths and shower, contin. h. w. Met. 7246. 1* 2006 COLUMBIA RD. N.W., Apt. 6_ Studio room. cool, clean, comfortable, next shower: phone: lady. Call after 6, i605 16th ST. N.w.—Double and single rooms $15 and 817.50 per mo. Board If d es ired._Deca tur 1422-W. j MT. PLEASANT. 1724 Kllbourr.e pi.—Clealn cool, conv. transn.: share with another | quiet young lady; twin beds: $3. I M A n’QDM ET XT XtT T__m furnished room: private bath optional: e:iccel _transP- Randolph 0403 after 5 d m. RESEARCHMEN’S CLUB. 1607 I «Eye7st — Ideal downtown home for men who appre ciatejcomfort and guiet. Board also. 1834 COLUMBIA RD.—$3 wg. single rms.: double. Clean outside: * baths c.h.w . basement nn„ $2.50: men. Adams 10213 EBB ITT HOTEL. 10th and H sts. n.w — Attractively furnished rooms with pvt. baths. Simmons inner-spring mattresses, elec. fan. Circulating ice water Beau tiful lobby Colorful Spanish Patio where you may enjoy rest or games A block or two to best stores and movies and brief walks to Govt, offices: 810.50 up weekly_ 1718 17th ST N.W.—Nicely furnished rooms, clean, comfortable: newly decorated: single, $4 up: doubles, $6 up. _ ALT UR AS. 1500 16th st n.w.—Convenient ly located: 24-hour elevator and hotel serv lce: shower baths: $5 week up. THE WESTMINSTER. 1607 17th n.w.— Comfortable rms running water, inner sprine mattresses: singles. $5 up: doubles. $< up. Nice lobby. Showers: elevator. THE VIVIAN. 172.3 G st. n.w.. offers lovely rms.. all with running water: newly deco rated and furn.: inner-spring mattresses. Venetian blinds, showers switchbd . elev ; single. $6.50 wkly. up: dbles50 up. GORDON HOTEL, on beautiful 16th st., between Eve and K—Lovely, cool room* with running water: single from $7 week double from $0 weekly, double wi*h bath from $12.50 weekly 24-hr elevator and switchboard service: excellent dining room.__ DOWNTOWN' $4.50—Nicely furbished; convenient location: corn, h w : wardrobe. Apply 616 12th st. n.w. Apt3. 3• CLOSE IN. Conn. ave. at Taf7Bridee~2308 Ashmead pi. n.w.. Apt. 63—Attractive, next bath: unlim_phone_24-hr, elevator. 17*3.0 10th ST N.W.—Newly dec . 2nd floor. Iront: twin beds, maple furniture; next t® semiprivate bath: phone. 2138 CALIFORNIA ST. NW.7 Apt. 201— Large, attractive single or double rm.. 2 baths, unlimited phone: reasonable._ MASTER RFDROOM. private barh nhone in room; southern exposure 1311 Ritten house st. n.w._Georgia 7420. 5206 1st N.W. cor7N H7ave.—Twin beds, pvt. bath, shower. 2 closets: Chillum exp. bus: gentiles. Randolph 3414_ 1630 R. I. AVE. N.W.—Gentleman; large. U , • * v/uixia. BUJ. unit'., shower; single or double: one with pvt. baih: pvt, home; maid service._ J703 R i AVE. N.W.—Attractive rooms, smgl. or double: plenty of linen running water, baths with showers: maid service. 1433 EUCLID ST N.W.—Luxurious largt front rooms, next bath: everything for your comfort: unexcelled service for 2 or 3; lovely home; bus, couple or gentlemen. 1821 19th ST. N.W.—Unusually attractivt i home for young ladies: double room, twin beds, inner-spring mattresses, semi-private bath: also single room; walking distance: j room and breakfast or room and_board. 2704 CATHEDRAL AVE.—Double room, twin beds: also single: 1 block Conn ave.; I Private home Gentlemen Adams 6475 *514 13th ST. N.W.—Master front, oom fortably furn., next bath; private home; one. $19: two. $28. Georgia 8574 _ 1103 13th ST. N W.—2nd-floor l.h k room, running water. $5.50: with private bath. * < .50. Single room. $3. 1717 EYE ST N.W.—Comfortably fur nishPQ sing> and double rooms, cross ventllation. Lad 1 es on 1 y. 1628 21st ST N.W.—Highly desirable room, bath with shower: for 1 or 2 gentlemen; excellent location. Dupont 4770 DOWNTOWN. 1816 Jefferson pi 'off Conn at I8th>—Gentlemen; large, light, quiet; twin beds: reasonable._Met. 2694. 1488 MERIDIAN PL. n7w.—Attractive! clean front room, four windows- privat# home; owner; adults; reasonable. Col. 0243. __30* 1315 FAIRMONT ST. N W.—Large, attrac. ^.nd-floor-froiit nr... south expos.. 4 win dows: twin oeds. inner-spring mattresses: c h.w.: maid service._Col. 4502._ 1 750 N ST. N.W.—Large double front room i with den: in private home: twin beds; ; unI-miTpd_phone:_reasonable. DUPONT CIRCLE. 2O02~P~st. n.w . Ant. 45 i —'Lady): clean, attractive room. 24-hour elevator, phone service._30* CHEVY CHASE—Front corner, adj. baTh. in ownejs detached home of three adults; reasonable: ref. Wisconsin 5869-J. CATHEDRAL AVE (2714). off Conn — Attractive furnished room, single or double. 1442 BELMONT ST N.W*5— Large studio room, nicely furnished, running water, k 11 chen Prfvl leges: re a so n a b 1 e. 2924 UPTON ST. N.W.—Delightfufrooms: gentlemen: semi-pvt. bath, shower privata jamily;_breakfast_ opt. Wood. 2924. CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—Colonial home, nicely furnished, semi-private bath and shower: bus (gentleman). Woodlev 2325 AMERICAN UNIV. PARK—Large front .semi-private bath, large clos et half block to bus. 7 minutes from Bu reau of Standards: private home. Emer son 3 811.__ OPPCX3ITE KENNEDY-WARREN—Lovely double corner room, semi-private bath, Ap‘m430h°ne: *30 mo- 3100 Conn- ave rssip' MASS. A VHf KW^New detached Prna.e home, front room, semi-private bath._garage: good transp. (gentleman>. 1347 HARVARD ST. N W.—Cozy, clean, iront studio room, modern furn : In nice nome._ «M-7h A5wih^'iE'—Large room and kitchen vuh Frlgidaire: all convenience#. Also single room: reasonable 1227 HAMILTON ST N.W.—Nice largt room, private home: $2(1. Rand. 4479. ®T- N,:w-—Master bedroom. prl vate bath new home; small family; 2 gen tlemen; S30: express but._Oeo._l fios I^RGE. 2 closets, cross-ventilation de tached home: gentleman; ?14 month; ex MARLBOROUGH. 91 < 18th st. n.w. Apt. ‘-—Attractively turn. rm.. twin ' beds, unjim. phone; ladies only. Met. 4595. 1723 N ST. N.W.. off Conn. ave.—Walking distance; large double. 2nd floor; twin beds: cross ventilation; maid service. 1401 COL RD N.W., Apt. 309—Pleasant room tor 1 or 2. Inner-spring mattress 2 closets, tree phone; home atmosphere. 1444 PARKWOOD PL. N.W.—Large double room, also sun parlor, adjoining bath; Beautyrest mattresses. Adams 0391. DUPONT CIRCLE. 1333 18th st. (near N) —Desirable, quiet room for young man; walking distance; $17._ 19.72 CALVERT ST. N W.—Clean, comfort able rooms, some with l.h.k. privileges. cont. hot water._Columbia 2816-J._ 1740 K ST. N.W.. Apt. .74—Large rm.. well furnished; shower phone, elevator: inner sorlng mattresses: suitable 1 or 2. 2017 KALORAMA RD. N.W.—Beautifully furnished front room in mahogany, twin beds, inner-spring mattresses. 5 windows. Al'o s'udio room. >k block Conn. ave. Convenient cars and buses. Unlimited phone. North 7564._81 • 1304 E. CAP. ST.—Furnished room, next bath, for couple, newly furnished_.70* 2818 i3th ST. N W.—Front room light housekeeping. Frigldalre. $7.50 Smaller room. $6, Adults. 14th st. cars._ 1812 PARK RD. N.W.—Attractive room for young man; private home; near bus, cars; $18.31 • DUPONT CIRCLE. 1733 P st.—Basement room, hall kitchen, private entrance, $7.50: lat-floor room, complete kit.. $7.50. 1771 MASS. AVE. NW.—Gentleman. Urge front room, twin beds, adjoining bath. Southern exposure Also lovely single room: all well-kept. Oarage for rent. 1417 PARKWOOD PL. N.W.—Bedrm. or studio, single or double; innersprmg. Vene timn blinds: lst-dass. Columbia 1242 _ MT. PLEASANT 3108 17th st. n.w.— Large front rm.: 'A block car and bus; 1 gentleman; $5 week. Columbia 2076. 1014 EVE ST. N.W.—Unexcelled location; 2nd fl. twin bedrm, adJ. modern shower; $30_mo.__ PRIVATE ENTRANCE; ciose in: shower, phone; newly dec and furn.; single. $4-$5: double. $0-$8. 1424 Belmont st. n.w_ 1440 R I. AVI. N W.. Ant. 25—Newly decorated. In large attractive apt. North 2901._ 1204 MASS. AVE.—Large front, adjoining bRth, twin beds, c.h w. Also single roonn reas. Met. 2880. Oentlemen only,_T 715 H ST. N.W.—Newly dec. sal. and dbJe. rms., next so bath, c.h.w . S3-$3 50. Also sm l.h.k. rm., for couple employed: reas. 30* 1113 11th ST. N.W.—Front basement h.k. ' room, running water: alao double room. $5.50 wkly, ea. 1 (Continued on Next Pago.)