Newspaper Page Text
** WATERFRONT PROPERTY. ^WOODLAND BEACH—FULLY FURN LOE. rm. and porch cottage; elec, water; lot xlOO; sacrifice for $875 cash; leaving town. 47 Bryant st. njv. North BB41. LOO CABIN. 5 ROOMS AND BATH. ELEC tric light, electric oumn Id miles District line: $100 cash. $35 month. ZANTZINGER. Oreenwood 1819 or Greenwood 4053._ PINEHURST. ON CHESAPEAKE BAY, completely furnished 11-room home, all conveniences; will rent reasonably for Sept., or week or month._Box 3Q3-H. Star._ COTTAGE. BAY RIDGE. MD. — COM pletely furnished, available Friday, Sept. 1. Call North 2227. SOUTH RIVER—RENT 5-RM. COTTAGE, shower bath, furn . for wk or week end: JO miles D C. Green, 1819, or Green. 4953. _SEASHORE PROPERTY. Wildwood, new jersey." 238 east 14th . »t-—Cottage apt., 3 rooms, kitchen, bath; per week lgcluding refrigeration. AvallablejBept 4._Randolph 9955, __TRAILERS FOR SALE. TR AVELO TRAILER for sale by owner; in cludes "Goss" tent. 8xld; reasonable. See Mr. Melnger. Jack's Trailer Camp. Berwyn, Mu _ VAGABOND~TRAILER COACHES on dts^ Play at Cherry Hill Camp, 7 miles north of Washington, on U. S. No. 1. Terms, trade Open nights and Sunday d’ JBtAILER for sale by owner; masonite in terior and exterior; roomy. See Mrs Bax ter. Jack's Trailer Camp. Berwyn. MdJ_ _MONEY TO LOAN. 1st. 2nd AND 3rd TRUST LOANS. D. C. »,nd Maryland: aUo loans on taxes; deals closed in 24 hours: small monthly pay- 1 ■tents. W. T. COTHERN. 913 New York »ve, nw. National 74JL6. 1* MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OP Interest on first trust on Improved D C property. JgSaE_L_HEI8KELL 1115 EYE ST N.W _MONEY WANTED. SEVERAL WELL-SECURED FIRST MORT Wages. $2,500 to $0,000 owner-occupied properties; fic interest. JOHN A. BRICK LEY. Dist. 7321* PERSONAL LOAN COMPANIES. Operating Under Uniform Small __ _Loan Laws. L-0-A-l\-S ON YOUR SIGNATURE ONLY No Endorsers or Other Security Required I l uuw iwommy r-aymenrs WO you repay $363 per month $100 you repay $7.04 per month $160 you repay $1060 per month $200 you repay $14.08 per month $300 you repay $21.11 per month Above payments include all charges. You receive the full amount you bor row, no deductions. Arrange Tour Loan by Phone STATE LOAN GO. a small loan Corp. S CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 7900 Ga. Ave., Silver Sprirtg SHepherd 5600 8300 R. I. Ave., Mt. Rainier, Md. DEcatur 5553 1200 Lee Hgwy., Rosslyn, Va. ; Just Across Kev Bridge CHestnut 3225 NEED MONEY? ’ At any one of our offices you can quickly and easily borrow any amount up to $300. As security use your fignature, furniture or car. Repay on monthly terms that are scaled to fit your income and, if you like, fake as long as 20 months. STANDARD LOAN SERVICE See Mr. Thrather 3329 Rhode Island Are Mt. Rainier. Md. DU. 2338 PUBLIC SMALL LOAN COMPANY See Mr. Barclay 2028 No. Moore St. Rosslyn, Va., CHestnut 2144 PEOPLES PERSONAL BANKERS See Mr. Hart 3308 Rhode Tsland Ave. Mt. Rainier. Md. DE. 1240 Under Uniform Small Loan Law PROPOSALS. Sealed-bids, indorsed • bids for tide bridge, specification No. 9395.” will be received at the Bureau of Yards and * pocks, Navy Department, Washington. ► D. C. until 11 am. Sept. 6. 1939, and then and there publicly opened, for steel tide bridge for loading railroad cars on barges at the Naval Magazine. Washington * (Bellevue*. D. C. Specification No. 9395 end accompanying drawings may be ob tained on application to the bureau. De posit of a check or postal money order for $10. payable to the Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks, is required as security for the safe return of the drawings and Bpeciflcation. B. MOREELL. Chief of Bu reau. 17th August. 1939. au30.se4 BANKRUPTCY NOTICES. In the district court of the United States for the District of Co lumbia. Holding a Bankruptcy Court.—In the Matter of FRANK SMITH. 1804 C St. N.E.. Washington. D C.. Bankrupt — In Bankruptcy No. 3838— NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF FIRST MEETING.—To the creditors of Frank Smith of the City of Washington. District of Columbia: Notice Is hereby givpn that the said Frank Smith has been duly adjudged a bankrupt on a * petition filed by him on the *18th day of August. 1939. and that the first meeting ©f*his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned Referee in Bankruptcy, &1P Investment Bldg., 15th and K Sts. W, Washington. D C. on the eighth day of September. 1939 at one-thirty o’clock p m . at which place and time the •aid creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, appoint a com mittee of creditors, examine the bankrupt. *nd transact such other business as mav Sroperly come before said meeting. FRED . EDEN, Referee in Bankruptcy. LEGAL NOTICES. ’ J. D. BROOKS. Attorney. IN THE MATTER OF THE MURRAY OAL lerles.—Partnership No. lit)—This is to give notice that a certain Limited Part . nershtp Agreement was filed with the Clerk of the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia on August 7. 3 030. wherein: 1 Murray Starbecker. 451!> , Georgia Ave. N.W.. Washington. D C. Is a genera) partner, having contributed *2.500 capital. 2 Edward R Seal. 3303 Eighteenth St. N.W.. Washington. D. C. is a limited partner having contributed *2.500 capital. 3. The partnership shall run from July 1. 1030 to July I. 1040 4 * The business is to be conducted under the name of 'The Murray Galleries’’ at 1724 20th St. N.W.. Washington. D. C. by the general partner, with a total capital of *5.non. 5. The nature of the business to be conducted Is that of general dealers in »nd commission agents for antiques rugs, furniture jewels and personal property, as enumerated in the said Agreement MUR RAY STARBECKER EDWARD R SEAL. «ul4.36, 30.sel.4.«.8 niLLisn t. LMni. Attorney, Bboreham Bldg.. D. C. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia.—HARRY C. BATES. RICHARD J. GRAY. ELMER SPAHR. DANIEL O. COL Sai the Executive Board of the Brtck i, Masons Sc Plasterers' International l of America Bowen Building. Wash ington. D C.. Plaintiffs, vs. WILLIAM J. BOWEfc. HARRY C. BATES. RICHARD J. GRAY. Bowen Building. Washington, D C. and John J. Gleeson. Address unknown, as Trustees of the Bricklayers. Masons Sc Plasterers’ International Union of America. Defendants.—Civil Action File No. 3356.— AMENDED ORDER OF PUBLICATION — The object of this action is to obtain the appointment of substitute trustees under deeds in trust recorded as Instrument No. 30435 of December 22. 1932: Instrument No 12769 of June 29. 1934. Liber 6607. Polio 267. and Instrument No. 875 of December 5. 1934. recorded January 11. 1935. in Liber 6857. Folio 219. respec tively. of the Land Records of the District of Columbia, in the places and stead of George T. Thornton, deceased, and John J Gleeson whose whereabouts is unknown, and both of whom are named as trustees In the deeds in trust hereinbefore men tioned On motion of the complainants, it Is this 21st day of August. A. D. 1939. ordered that the defendant. John J. Gleeson. cause his appearance to be en tered herein on or before the fortieth day, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, occurring after the day of the first publi , cation of this order: otherwise the cause ' will be proceeded with as in cause . fault. Provided a copy of this order be •—w published once a week for three consecu tive weeks in The Washington Law Re porter and The Evening Star before said day F. DICKINSON LETTS. Justice. (Seal.! A true copy Test: CHARLES E STEWART. Clerk. By JOHN O. BOWEN, ^ast. Clerk. au23.30.se6 ( AUCTION SALES. _TOMORROW._ ADAM A. WESCHLER & SON. Auctioneers. TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABLE TWO STORY BRICK DWELLING. BEING PREMISES 1209 SEVENTEENTH STREET NORTHEAST By virtue of a deed of trust reoordeu in Liber 72iO at folio 593. one of the land records nl the District of Columbia, and at the request of the narty secured there by the undersigned trustee will offer for sale by ouDllc auction, in front of the premises op THURSDAY. THE THIRTY FIRST DAY OF AUGUST. 1939. AT FOUR THIRTY O'CLOCK P M . the following described property in the District of Co lumbia. to wit: Lot numbered eighty-one 1911 in square numbered forty-four hun dred and forty-five (4445) in Henrv H. Gillry Trustee's subdivision of "City View Heights," as per plat recorded in the office of tne surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber Cou.ity 24 at folio 1: subject to the buiMine restriction line as shown on said plat. TERMS OF SALE: The purchaser will be required to make a deposit of *300 at time of sale, balance to be paid all cash or in reasonab'e amounts, which terms will be announced at the sale, deferred amount- to bear interest at Rr;. per annum. Examination of title, conveyancing, record ing. revenue stamps, etc., at cost at pur fv??'!er .Terms to be complied with within thi'ty days from day of sale, otherwise trustee reserves the nebt to resell property at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days advertisement of such some newspaper published in feUed gt°n’ D' C" °r deposlt may be *or‘ AMERICAN • SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY. Trustee. By HOWARD MORAN. (Seal.) Attest- V,Ce PreSldent' A. H. SHILLINGTON. .e » Assistant Secretary. EU21, ** __FUTURE. ADAM A. WESCHLER & SON, Auctioneers. UN'TED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE OF PLYMOUTH :’-DOOR SEDAN. y yir!Me of a write of fieri facias issued rn ,rt Cr\eT£ °fflcp of lhe District r'PHT1, of ,the United States for the District oi Columbia and to me directed. I will sell rM-p£bllc auctlon for cash, at Weschler's. ftc.hEth'' °» FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER I!M!*' AT TEN O'CLOCK AM, L',[ynsouth 2-door sedan, motor No. r -.'4-..seized and levied upon as the property of the defendant. Harry Glass £p5;“; anb to satisfy a judgment in 04103°* Eva Glasscock' Euuity Cause No. JOHN B. COLPOYS. United Slates Marshal In and for the District of Columbia TV ncscmer x Son, Auctioneers. FURNITURE Bv order Executor ot an Estate and from other sources. BY AUCTION AT WESCHLER’S 915 E St. N.W. FRIDAY ' Commencing at 9 O CIock A.M. au30,31 AUTOMOBILES WANTED. DON’T sell until you see us: will pay your unpaid balance give you difference in cash Barnes Motors. 1?29 14th si. OLDSMOBILE OR PLYMOUTH coupe, 1937 or 1038 mode!, mileage around 15,non or ior About $3(10 cash. Gaithersburg 32-F-R, BOX 300-H. Star. • WANTED LATE-MODEL CARS~* we u pa’- top cash tarices for any late PPP®1 car Open evenings Call North cE‘i7n6e7,h^H^AN APTO * CASH AT ONCE FOR CARS. Whether Car Is Paid For or Not.1 SUPERIOR MOTORS. 14th-P Sts. CASH FOR ANY MAKE CAR. WE PAY ore THE NOTES __ Leo Rocca. Inc. &-7-9-11 N V Ave _NE_Natl 7321 ! _TIRES FOR SALE._ AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE._ CHEVROLET lO.'lfi pickup. S4!I5; Ford l1';!* 'i-ton stake. *375; Dodge litHH pane) delivery. *2Sn. Terms to suit. Addison Chevrolet Trucks. 14.')7 Irving st. n.w. Adams 5411._ CHEVROLET 1H.17 panel delivery; fine cond.. new mint: sac. immed. sale: con sider offer, H.142 M st. n.w._Dealer_ SPECIALS. Ford ’37 model “85” 1 Va-ton CE07 panel « Ford *37 “60” Va-ton ~ 0007 panel * Ford ’36 “85” Va-ton ~ $997 pickup 1 Ford ’.33 “75” Va-ton Cl Q7 pickup _ 1 Chevrolet ’36 CQ97 panel _ • HILL & TIBBITTS, 1114 Vermont Ave. N.W. Truck Bargains No Inspection Worries in one of these reconditioned used cars. 1938 Ford Cob & Chassis Duals—Helper Springs 1937 Ford Hydraulic Dump 1937 Ford Dual Stake 157-Inch. Helpers i 1937 Ford Panel Delivery 1937 Plymouth Sedan Delivery 1936 Ford Stake ; Duals—Helpers 1936 Ford Hydraulic Dump 1936 Ford 1 V2-T011 Panel 1935 Dodge Sedan Delivery 1935 Dodge Panel 1934 Ford Pickup \lEUAiuM5l5gt 6th & N. Y. Ave. N.W. Na. 3000 Open Evenings AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. BUICK 1935 sedan, model 57—New paint, clean" Interior; rubber excellent; splendid family car that will give excellent and safe service, now only $320. Packard, 24th and N sts. n.w._Republic 0145. BUICK-1928 4-pass, coupe: A-l condition, passed D. C inspection: reas. Rear 1216 No. Cap Met 8283 BUICK 1934 coupe; come in and buy this good Buick: only $5 down: Just what you have been waiting for; car No. 659. 2002 Nichols ave. s e. lot. Frank Small, Jr.. 215 Pa. ave. s.e. Line 2077._ BUICK latest 1939. model 40. 6-passenger, folding seat coupe, very low mileage: sacri fice immediate sale. On display 3342 M st. n.w. Dealer._ BUICK 1938 special coupe; finish interior and mechanically excellent; $675. Also Buick 1936 special coupe, like new through out: only $395. Both fully guaranteed. Terms If Interested act at once. A real buy Barnes Motors. 1729 14th st. n.w. Wash ing ton|s_oldest_usedy;ar_dealers._ BUICK 1938 model 81 4-door Roadmaster trunk sedan white sidewall tires, wheels mounted on side, radio, heater; cost over $1,800; runs and looks like a new car; only $875; guaranteed: terms. Barnes Motors, 1729 14th st. n.w. Wash ington's oldest used-car dealers._ BUICK 19.37 special 4-dr. trunk sedan; radio, heater: the most perfect one in city: an excellent value at $095: fully guaranteed. Very best terms at lowest cost at Superior Motors, 14th and P ats. Dupont 1300.___ BUICK 1933 convertible sedan: de luxe equipment, white-wall tires, radio, trunk, the smart appearance and unusual condi tion of this car combine to make It an outstanding value; act quickly. Warfield Motor Co.. Ford. Mercury. Zephyr, 1707 14th st. n.w. Adams 8000. T AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. (Continued.) BUICK 1938 "Special” 4-door trunk sedan; a most maanlncent-looklns and almost brand-new car. radio heater, white-wall tires: at $825 It Is really a marvelous value: fully guaranteed; we finance all our own sales and can offer the very best terms. SUPERIOR MOTORS 14th and P ns. Dupont 1300, Open eve, till 10._ CADILLAC 1938 4-door trunk sedan: ma roon. white sidewall tires, low mileage: privately owned: party must sacrifice lor $ 1.150' terms. Rand. 1803._ CADILLAC 1938 five-passenger trunk se dan; radio and heater, model ''06''; orig inal cost slightly under $3,000; now In new-car condition and offered at a sacri fice price. Warfield Motor Co.. Lincoln dealer. 1352 Conn, ave. Michigan 1220, CHEVROLET 1937 2-door trunk sedan; gunmetal finish; low mileage by one careful owner: dandy rubber: motor and Interior excellent: heater: splendid family car for only $445. Packard, 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic 0145._ CHEVROLET 1938 master de luxe town sedan—Spotless Interior; original paint like new; 5 practically new tires; truly a fine Chevrolet that will give you new-car service in every way: $545. Packard, 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic 0145._ CHEVROLET 1930 coach: perfect black finish, clean upholstery, good tires: thor oughly reconditioned: blue ribbon guaran tee. Your '34 car and $10.89 mo. Triangle Motors. 1401 R. I, ave. n.c. Dec. 0302;_ CHEVROLET 1939 company official ears; standard and de luxe sport sedans, town sedans and coupes: perfect condition: new car wa'ranty. Substantial reductions. Addison Chevrolet Sales Co.. 1437 Irving at n.vl_ CHEVROLET 1931 de luxe roadster, rumble seat: tires and motor excellent: only $49 cash. 5013 Georgia ave._ CHEVROLET late 1937 master de luxe 2 door trunk: original finish, mechanically perfect; mileage. 17.000: $395; terms. 5013 Georgia ave._ CHEVROLET 1938 2-door trunk sedan: come in and see what a low down payment will take this fine car: car No. 031. 2002 Nichols ave. se. lot. Frank Small, Jr.. 215 Pa. ave. s.e._Line. 2077._ CHEVROLET 1934 coach: here's truly a good car and only $5 down, balance to suit: car No. 513. 1553 Pa. ave. s.e. lot. Prank Small. Jr., 215 Pa. ave. s.e. Line. 2077._ CHEVROLET 1930 2-door trunk sedan: upholstery, finish like new car. tires nearly new. has had unusual care; $345. Barnes Motors, 1729 14th st. n.w. Wash ington s oldest used-car dealers._ CHEVROLET 1938 coupe with pickup body: excellent condition with low mileage: reduced to $495. Warfield Motor Co.. 2525 Sherman avenw Adams 8000. CHEVROLET 1937 coupe: radio, heater: low mileage, rubber like new; $467: buy now, save considerable. lee D. Butler. Inc.. 1 121_21 st n.W;_Dist. 1218.__ CHEVROLET 1939 master de luxe; radio, heater, original black, new-car appearance and performance; big allowance; easy terms: $087. lee 17 Butler, Inc.. 1121 21st n.w Dist. 1218. CHEVROLET 2-door sedan. 1932; excellent condition; $90. 1803 Wyoming a»e. n.w. Phone _AdAms_5200. CHEVROLET 1938 coupe; Just like brand new in appearance and performance; an outstanding value at $495; fully guaran teed; very best terms in the city through our own finance plan. SUPERIOR MOTORS, 14th and P sts. n.w. Open, eve. till_10._ CHEVROLET 1936 Master de luxe coupe; black flntth. cord uphol. This car Is abova the average used car offered for sale: with out a doubt here Is one of the best we have had for some time. To further insure you of that lasting satisfaction we offer our written 3<i-day guarantee: surely a bar gain for only $307. Call Nat. 9850. Hill dt Tibbltts. 1114 Vermont ave. n.w._ CREVROLETS, 4-dr. and 2-dr. trunk sedans: all models from 1933 to 1938. inclusive. Drastic price reductions during our annual clearance sale. Special terms. SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN, Dodge-Plymouth dealers, 333 Carroll st., Takoma Park, D. C. Randolph 8410.______ CHRYSLER Royal “ Windsor 1939 4-door sedan: radio; 7.000 miles; private; cost $1,225; sacrifice. $995. Sh._4242. CHRYSLER 1939 black 4-door sedan; radio: exchange $489 equity for best offer. 52H Edgewood st. n e. Michigan 7037. 30* CHRYSLER 19.37 Imperial 4-door touring sedan: jet-black original finish, factory built-in Phllco Transi-tone radio, over drive: hardly used, looks and acts like a new one. Chance of a lifetime to own, a modern, high-priced and high-powered roomy car Was $095—Now $505 CONDITIONED BY HALEY'S. 2020 M St. N.W Call R _W Thompson. Natl. 1900._ CHRYSLER 19.38 "Royal" 2-dr. trunk sedan: radio, heater, almost brand-new; former owner, naval aviator, really gave this car the most marvelous care; was com pelled to leave city. This Is an outstanding value for only $095. Fully guaranteed and the very best terms at Superior Motors, 14th and P sts._Dupont 1300. CHRYSLER 1935 convertible coupe. C-6: 0-cylinder, airstream. black paint, all good tires, brown leather upholstery, excellent top. radio and heater. This is a very clean car $245. C. C. C Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n.w.. Natl. 3300_Open evenings, closed Sundays. DE SOTO 1935 sedan. Airflow: beautiful green finish; no down payment too small, you name your own terms: car No 089 i-a ave. st lot. Frank Small, Jr.. 215 Pa ave. a.e. Line. 2077, DE SOTO 1937 4-door tour, sedan; over drive. heater; unpaid balance, $416: terms. Marks Motors. 2611 Lee hwy. Chest. 6773. DODGE 1938 touring sedan; economical and excellent floating power engine, safe hydraulic brakes: one-owner car that looks and performs like new: special at $620 Packard, 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic (11 4 .>. DODGE 1937 2-door sedan: black finish. Pnilco radio and trunk: perfect condition only 16.000 miles: $450. Lincoln 9290. DODGE 1933 sedan: fine condition, splen did transportation for $110 and your old car: why walk or ride a bus? Call R. W. Thompson. National 1900. CONDITIONED BY HALEYS. DODGE 1937 2-door de luxe trunk sedan: radio, heater, clock: removable tailor-made seat covers: popular marine metallic blue paint: new-car condition: traded by promi nent Washington publisher who has 2 other cars: 5 new tires: sound and bright as a brand-new dollar. Was $545—Now $495. CONDITIONED BY HALEY'S. 2020 M St. N.W Call R W. Thompson. Natl, 1900. DODGE 1938 4-door trunk sedan: radio, heater, the black finish is just like new: interior spotless: perfect Urea and motor: you won’t find a nicer one in town: $695. Pohajika Service. 1126 20th st. n.w., Dlst. 914j___ _ DODGE 1936 4-door trunk sedan: at tractive blue metallic finish: interior clean and shows no wear: fine tires and it runs nerfectly; $345 Pohanka Service. 1126 2nth st. n.w.. Dlst, 9141._ DODGE 19.33 4-door sedan: new tan finish, clean i-i*e>-lor- good tires and motor: an attractive car that will give some one many 1 miles of stood service: $175. Pohanka Service. J 126 20th st, n.w,. Dlst, 9141. DODGE 1937 coupe: nothing wrong with this car. you will like It. especially the Dricp; ask for car No. 691. Prank Small. Jr,. 215 Pa. ave. s.e._Line. 2077._ DODGE 1937 2-door touring sedan: amphibian green finish, immaculate in terior: tires that show little wear: a motor that has had the best of care. Will pass the n. r inspection. Fully guaranteed. Priced way below market at only $499. Coast-In. Inc , 407 Fla. ave. n.e. Atlantic 7200._ DODGE 1936 business coupe: gray finish, white sidewall tires, spotless interior and a splendid motor. Here is real value in a clean car $325. C. C. C. Guaranty, Cap itol Cadillac Co.. 1222 22nd st. n.w.. Natl. 3300. Open evenings, closed Sundays, DODGE 1936 de luxe 2-door trunk sedan; unusual: finish and tires excellent; $275; to rms Columbia 2075. Dealer._ DODGE 1938 4-rinor trunk sedan; spot less throughout; trade NOW. save NOW. big ^allowance for your car; terms easy; $6n<. Lee D. Butler. Inc.. 1121 21st n.w. Dlst. 1218. _ DODGE 1935 4-door touring sedan; origi nal jet black finish: exceptionally clean interior; a motor so oulet. and smooth you 11 hardly believe it’s a 1935 model. Tires far above average. Priced to meet your Docket book at only $299. Your old car as down payment. Easy monthly Payments. Coast-ln. Inc.. 407 Fla ave. n e._Atlantic 7200. _ DODGES. 4-dr. and 2-dr. trunk sedans: all models from 1934 to 1937. Inclusive. Drast.c price reductions during our annual clearance sale Special terms. 8CHLEGKL & GOLDEN. Dodge-Plymouth dealers, 333 Carrol1 st.. Takoma Park. D. c. Rand. 8416. ESSEX 1932 4-door sport sedan; in un usually fine condition for the age of the car: fine black paint, good tires, clean In side and It runs perfectly: $95. Pohanka Service. 1126 20th st. n.w., Dlst. 9141 FORD 1936 de luxe touring 4-door sedan1 powerful and economical V-8 motor; very good rubber; clean Interior; will give you many thousands of miles of reliable and safe transportation for only $320 Pack ard. 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic 0145. FORD 1937 85-h.p. Fordor trunk 5-pass se dan; its orlg. black finish has the appear ance of a new car. mohair unhni u un. usually clean, we have Just Installed new rings and pins In motor: other mechanical ends thoroughly reconditioned to R & O standards: all 5 tires are nearly new: equipped with Ford custom radio. Without a doubt this Is really a fine car for only *446: ask for car No. 4386; special terms if desired. Hill A Tlbbttts. 1114 Vermont ave. Nat. 9850. FORD 1936 cabriolet; new paint, new top. very smart and sporty car that's excellent mechanically; 6 nearly new tires; very clean; priced low at *365. Packard. 24th and N sts, n.w. Republic 0145. FORD 1934 de luxe coupe: radio eaulpped: already passed D. C. inspection; now has green sticker: *146; *15 down. Triangle Motors. 1401 R I. ave, n.e. Dec. 6302. FORD 1936 Ford or trunk sedan: dark bine finish: like new: every tire good: im maculate Interior: this car’s appearance speaks for the care It has received. You will be the 1udge. Drive it and be convinced. Priced low Terms and trade NORTHEAST MOTOR CO.. 920 Bladensburg Rd N.E. Atl. 0200. FORD 1938 de luxe Tudor: black finish without a mar. Interior very clean low mileage, blue ribbon guarantee. Reduced to *,->8,. Liberal trade, easy terms. Triangle Motors, 1401 R. I. ave. n.e. Dec. 6302. FORD 1936 Tudor; radio equipped: looks and runs good: reduced to *269. Triangle Motors. 1401 R, I. ave, n.e. Dec. 6302. FORD 1937 de luxe Fordor sedan: like new Washington blue paint. BhelBeld gray steel cut. lona-nap mohair trim: motor reconditioned. 5 good tires: your old Ford and moderate monthly payments: a prize If you act quickly. __ Was *4811—Now *445. CONDITIONED BY HALEY"* __ _ 2020 M Bt. N.W. Call R. W. Thompson. Nath iqpo. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. row) 1937 convertible coup*: original o*»ck. new ton, leather uoho.; very eportv: Irede now. Mg allowance. Lee D. Butler, Tne... U21 21at. n.w. Plat, 1218. FORD 1988 4-door de luxe touring sedan: completely reconditioned motor and clutch; exceptionally rieen mohetr upholstery; beautiful deep maroon finish: road tested and fully guaranteed. Liberal trade and easv terms A real value for only #349. Coast-In, Inc., 407 Fla. ava. n.e. Atlantic 7200, FORD 1936 60-h.p. coupe; unusual econ omy, ample power: thrifty 60 means 20 to 27 miles on 1 gallon of gas. This particular car has had the best of care plus our RAO checkup system. It will give that lasting service that you are entitled to. Large trunk space and all excellent tires; makes a real bargain for only *359. Call Mat. 9860.__ FORD 1938 Tudor trunk sedan: finished In beautiful maroon: clean Interior: radio and heater: excellent motor and tires. Has many miles of unused transportation. Terms and trade. NORTHEAST MOTOR CO.. 9*20 Bladensburs Rd. N.E, Atl. 0200, FORD 1937 85-h.p. Tudor 5-pass, trunk sedan: beautiful maroon flnlah with custom liber seat covert; all tlrea are almost new; motor and chassis unusually tight which Indicates the care the former owner gave. Specially priced today for only *389. Ask for car No. 4355. Hill A Tlbbitts. 1114 Vermont ave._Nat. 9850. FORD 1936 V-8 86 de luxe Tudor aedan: walnut dash, which means It's a late one: Derfect motor and tires and highest priced custom-tailored seat covert. A real buy If you set here before It's sold. Was *329—Now *295. CONDITIONED BY HALEY’S. 2020 M Bt. N.W. Call R. W. Thompson. Natl. 1900. FORD 1937 coupe; black finish and It's perfect throughout: see this one and com pare our price of only *295. Pohanka Service, 1126 20th st. n.w,. Plat. 9141. FORD 1933 Tudor trunk: original black finish, good tires and It runs perfectly; #110. Pohanka Service, 1126 20th st. n.w. Plst. 9141._ FORD 1936 convert, coupe: radio and heater: *50 equity and take over unpaid balance. Call Mr, Oolle. Ra, 6607. after 8. FORD 1936 de luxe Fordor touring sedan: motor Just overhauled, like new: S‘280; terms. 5013 Georgia ave. n.w._ FORD 1935 Fordor sedan; black, green wheels: party will sacrifice, #176; terms. 5013 Georgia ave._ FORD ]935 Fordor sedan: trunk: motor, tires. Dalnt and general condition far above the average. Come in today for a demon stration. Convenient terms. Your car In trade. Reduced to seh NORTHEAST MOTOR CO.. _920 Bladensbnrg Rd, N.E._Atl. 0200,_ FORD 1938 de luxe Fordor aedan: here's the best used car you can buy at any price: only $155 down, easy terms on balance. Ask for car No. 63ti Frank Small. Jr., 215 Pa. ave. s.e._Line. 2077._ FORD 1937 Tudor sedsn: think of buying a beautiful car for only *05 down, easy terms on balance: ask for car No. 666. Frank Small. Jr.. 215 Pa. ave. s.e. Line. 2077._ FORD 1935 roadster: a very (nappy car. priced very low: hurry If you want this one: ask for ear No. 630. Frank Small. Jr.. 215 Pa. ave. s.e. Line. 2077.__ FORD 1937 con». sedan; a sporty and attractive model: driven onlv 17.000 miles: white sidewall tires; black finish; new tan loo; radio: clean as a pin: perfect through out. Reduced to tell on sight; terms and trade. NORTHEAST MOTOR CO.. 920 Bladentburg Rd. N.E, Atl. 0200. FORD 1931 model "A" coupe: rumble seat: good condition. Call Mst. 3054 after 6 pm _ FORD 1936 de luxe coupe. 19.36 factory" rebullt motor: overhauled: good paint, tires: *135 cash. Chest. 6433 after 0 p.m. FORD 1935 de luxe r s. coupe: radio; unpaid balance. #197.50. Chestnut 6773. Terms. Marks Motors. 2166 Lee highway. FORD 19.36 6-pass. conv. sedan; leather interior that shows no wear; lust Installed special handmade lassln-design too; Ford radio; black fintah ahlnes like new; all white-wall tires are In excellent condition; one look and a ride and you will need no urging to buy thia clean car for only *419. Call Nat. 9850. Hill & Tlbbitts. 1114 Vermont ave. n.w._ FORD 1932 Victoria; thoroughly recondi tioned. manv miles of good, dependable transportation, for the small sum of $2 2i?n 1 hijterms to suit you. McKEE SERVICE CENTER. 22nd and N sts. n.w. Metropolitan 0400. FORD 1938 de luxe club convertibie~coupe; Washington blue, new top. radio: bargain, *395. Warfield Motor Co., 1707 14 th st n w_Adams 8000._ FORD 1933 sport touring car: finish is good, leather upholstery: better hurry, price only *135. Warfield Motor Co.. 2525 8herman ave. n.w. Adams 8000. FORD 1935 sport coupe; new maroon finish, rumble seat: reconditioned and guaranteed; oMy *245. Warfield Motor Co., 170. 14th st. n.w. Adams 8000, FORD 19.36 de luxe convertible coupe; re nnished. reconditioned, has rumble seat; an exceptionally attractive value at the reduced price of *389. Warfield Motor Co- 1352 Conn. ave. Michigan 1220 I IHBMM, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE._ FORD 1935 rumble seat coupe: 4 new U. S. tlrea: beat one In D. C.: $195: terms. Owner. Dlst. 8875._ FORD .1937 five-passenger Tudor sedan; black, sixty-horsepower motor: a careful Inspection will reveal best of care and a demonstration carries no obligation; the price has been reduced and will accept your present car in trade; guaranteed in writing; only $365.09. Warfield Motor Co- 1707 14th st. n.w. Adams 8000, FORDS. Fordor and Tudor trunk sedans; all models from 1934 to 1938, inclusive. Drastic price reductions during our annual clearance sale. Special terms. SCHLEGEL At GOLDEN, Dodge-Plymouth dealers, 333 Carroll gt- Takoma Park. D. C. Rand. 8416. LA FAYETTE trunk sedan; excellent black finish: economical operation, rubber and interior excellent; a fine car reduced to sell quickly at $275. • Packard, 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic 0145._ LA SALLE 1937 4-door sedan: excellent finish, fine motor, nearly new tires, spotless Interior: high-grade car that we have re duced to sell on sight; small down payment and terms on balance to suit you. McKEE SERVICE CENTER 22nd and N sts. n.w. Met, 0400,__ LINCOLN 193ft 4-door sedan: in beautiful condition mechanically and In appearance: one-owner car. chauffeur driven, shows the best of care: your opportunity to own and drive a hleh-grade car at a low price. McKEE SERVICE CENTER. 22nd and N sts. n.w. Met. 0400. _ LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1937 sedan; smart ap pearance, low mileage, extra equipment; reduced price, $675. Warfield Motor Co 2525 Sherman ave, n ,w. Ad sms 8090, LINCOLN-ZEPHYR 1938 six-passenger se dan, new-car appearance and condition. ^real motoring enjoyment and economy, plus comfort and safety; a demonstration car ries no obligation and we'U allow top dollar for your present car. Price. $975. Warfield Motor Co- Llncoln-Zephyr dis trlbutor, 1707 14th st. n.w. Adams 8900. LINCOLN-ZEPHYR late 1937 V-12 sedan. «-passenger: like new. Ever receive a present, well come down and see this fine car; absolutely In new-car condition. Was $725—Now *675 CONDITIONED BY HALEY S. 2020 M St. N W Call R. W Thompson. Natl. 1909. MERCURY 1939 6-Dasscnger convertible coupe; black, tan too. red leather. white wall tires; low mileage, just. 3 months old. Will arrange financing._Emerson_4966._ MERCURY 1939 sport convertible coupe; black, less than 4,000 miles, company car; substantial reduction and new-car terms, act at once Warfield Motor Co- 1352 Conn, ave Michigan 1226._ NASH 1938 4-door sedan; by private own er, In excellent condition. 244 8th st. n e 6 to 6:3(1 p.m. • OLDSMOBILE 1939 demonstrators; 6 and 8 cylinder 2-door and 4-door sedans: liberal discount and a fair allowance on your old car. Pohanka Service. Olds sales and service since 1923. 1126 20th st. n.w.. Dlst. 9141.__ OLDSMOBILE 1037 rnnv, eoupe; new top: onlv $367: 5-dsv driving trial; only $57 down, balance essv oavments. Lee D. Butler. Tile- 1121 21st st. n.w. Dlst. 1218. OLDSMOBILE 1936 2-door trunk sedan: beautiful original finish: motor and tires perfect; room* trunk: low mileage; car vnu will he nroud to own and drive. Terms and trade NORTHEAST MOTOR CO.. 929 Bladensbnrg Rd N E_Atl. 9209._ PACKARD 1937 model 120 C club sedan; new black finish: factory built-in trunk— heater; excellent white-wall tires; motor excellent and fully guaranteed; any dem onstration you wish: will sell auickly at $525. Packard, 24th and N sts. n.w. Republic 0145__ PACKARD 1935 129 touring sedan; beau tiful golden beige finish: whitewall tires: motor recently reconditioned at cost of more than $190 Spotlessly clean interior. A whale of a value for only $340 Coast In. Tnc . 407 Fla, ave. n.e. Atlantic 7200. PACKARD 1937 4-door trunk sedan: radio, heater etc.: without a doubt the finest one In Washington: really looks and per forms like brand-new. a real bargain at $595; fully guaranteed and the best terms | In city. SUPERIOR MOTORS 14th and P sts. n.w Dupont 1399. Open eve. tlll 10. PACKARD 1937 touring sedan: fine motor, 5 practical!? new tires, very clean interior; $59 down if you have a steady job and will arrange balance to suit you McKEE SERV ICE CENTER. 22nd and N sts. n.w. Met. 0400.__ PACKARD 1937 5-passenger touring sedan. 120-C: large trunk, gray paint, excellent tires, radio. This clean car Is priced far below the market for a quick sale $525. C C. C Guaranty. Capitol Cadillac Co. 1222 22nd st. n w Natl. 3300. Open evenings, closed Sundays_ 1 PACKARD 1937 model 120 sedan: radio heater: $597: Hutler Ronried. too many used rars. prlres slashed to wholesale basis. Tee D. Butler. Inc . 1121 21st n.w. Dlst 1218. __ _ _AUTOMOBILIS FOII SALE PACKARD 1635 de luxe coupe: 6-wheel equip.: radio: unpaid *347: terms. Marts Motors, 2611 Lee highway. Chest nut 077.5. PACKARD 1936 4-dr. de luxe 6-paa*. trunk sedan: equipped with radio: luat traded In bv a colonel who save the car unusual at tention; also, we have thoroughly recondi tioned and to further insure you that lasting satisfaction we offer our GOLD STAR 30-day written guarantee Call ave*' ifw50' Hil* * Tlbbltts- 1114 Vermont PACKARD 1939 model 120 touring sedan1 very low mileage; one-owner car that re ceived the best of care; traded on a larger condition and appearance In Park..ISrf;‘ b»r*»ln only *1.045. Packatd, -4th and N sts. n.w. Republic PLYMOUTH 1932 coupe: In A-l condition. KpD' Metn8283l°n: Re,r 1318 PLYMOUTH 1936 de luxe rumble-seat coupe: black finish: low mileage: cleanest car in our stock: finest condition. _ Was *345—Now *299 CONDITIONED BY HALEY'S. _ „ „ 2020 M St. N.W _Call R .W. Thompson. Natl. 1900. PLYMOUTH J 935 2-door trunk sedan: ?**S: car'. wUh trunk space; gun metal finish; 5 perfect tires; motor checked through our shop; interior sootless Ready !**?;, MAnJ mlles ot trouble-free trans portation Your inspection invited. Terms ana trade. „„„ northeast motor CO.. _920 Bladensbnrg Rd. N.E._Atl. 0200. ^LytdCCTH 1037 trunk sedan: brilliant green finish: very low mileage, absolutely 5v.*icClSanf5t' smirtest Job in town. Has lo'-i? ofsh an? interior, one of the latest 1937 Plymouth models to be built. Was *519—Now #475 CONDITIONED BY HALEY'S. 2020 M St N W _Call F W, Thompson. Natl, 1900. PLYMOUTH 1936 2-door trunk sedsrT; e?rd«n healV: flniah.1* Perfect: interior fir®0, bas flne 'ires and a good motor: we lPX!te your most careful Inspection: *345 Poh.nka^ Service. 1128 30th “• °*: PLYMOUTH 1 fi:ls 2-door trunk sedanT i?d.h' .vour Inspection will convince you of the former owner s fine cere: the finish i,ndk?t "nWrf lnterlor spotless; perfect tires Pnh.nt performs like a new car; *546. 5?it 9141 8ervice' 1126 20th st. n.w.. \^P da luxe touring sedan, original lustrous black finish: soot l£aaly ,rJ'"n hroadcnlth Interior: and a '° ,hP ,1,n' of Perfection; road tested for your safety; fully guaran teed. Only Coaat-In, Inc.. 407 Fla ave ne At iantir_7200. I-— i AUTOMOtIUS FOR SALE. PLYMOUTH 1936 4-door de Juxe touring sedan; beautiful gun-metal finish: smartly custom tailored seat covers: motor and tires far above average. A real family car and one that wtfl give excellent service. Will oass the rigid D. C. Inspection. Fully guaranteed. Priced at only *369. Coast In. Inc.. 407 Fla, are, n.e, Atlantic 7‘2QQ PLYMOUTH i938 de luxe coupe: heater; unpaid balance. #497: trade: terms. Chest nut 6773. Marks Motors. 281 l_Lee_hwy. PLYMOUTH 1934 sedan; good condition, new paint and covers; real buy, #145. 3342 M st. n.w. Dealer._ PLYMOUTH 1936 2-door trunk sedan; up holstery spotless, appearance like new car; #346. Also Plymouth 1938 coupe, excellent condition; only #296. Both fully guaran teed. Don't fall to see these cars. Barnes Motors. 1729 14th st. n.w. Wash lngton's oldest used-ear dealers. PLYMOUTH 1838 4-door sedan: finished In black; good tires, clew Interior: thor oughly reconditioned and cVna Inly a bar tain at our terms; #25 dV>n. McKEE Service center. 22nd #311 etV. n w Metropolltan 0400._ PLYMOUTH 1939 de luxe trunk sedan; practically a new car, the finish Is black, the tires show practically no wear, has a bullt-ln radio and the latest type of steering post gear shift; a real savings and an unusual opportunity: only #765. Warfield Motor Co.. 1707 14th st. n.w. Adams 8000. PLYMOUTH 1937 4-door trunk sedan: fi ds* driving trial; Tuesday special only S.l.ll per month: a real bargain. Lee D. Butler. Inc . 1121 21st n.w._Plat. 1218. l®'!?6 4-door trunk sedan; this Is the best buy In city at $255. with a written guarantee and the best terms in town. 8UPERIOR MOTORS. 14th and P sts. Dupont 1300, Open eve, till 10. PLYMOUTH8. 4-dr. and 2-dr. trunk se dans; all models from 1933 to 1939, inclu sive. Drastic price reductions during our ‘it Special terms. SCHL EG EL b GOLDEN, Dodge-Plymouth dealers, 333 Carroll st., Tskoma Park. D. C. Randolph 8416, PONTIAC 1939: company official cars In 2-door and 4-door and convertible models; liberal discounts from new-esr price: dif ferent colors; every one sold with new car guarantee and service policy; top »11 ./aHr c,r if JOd BUY NOW. McKEE SERVICE CENTER. 22nd and N *'*- n-w-.Met. 0400; or 6858 Wls. ave. n.w. Wls 5060._ PONTIAC 1937 convertible sedan: new top. fine motor^ excellent rubber; 5-day driving trial; $597: big allowance for your car : District j^jp ^ 1121 21,t | I . _ _ _ I “- n—u AUTOMOBILE BOR IALI. PONTIAC 1937 6-cylinder de luxe coupe* £55? 75** "ltb radio: original black finish And red trim shines like new; uphol. Is un usually clean: a demonstration wiii show you that it has had the best of care; all £J,r«8 >r<‘K,iD excellent condition. See this N»t? kfi8sr> VB«,n t0^*I!r/w£,.onlT M87' Call mont ave n.w 11 * Tlbb tu- 1118 W 18,2® 4-dr. Commander: radio, heater, overdrive, de luxe equip 1 'vi? *Snld c°“dltlon: aacriflee. Siuv 242<L_Btt. 70. Shep, 6011-M after 6 » 8TDDEBAKER 10.14 4-door eedan: orlcinal black flnleh: interior clean; good tires and P/>hinlp*rc>ectI?,: * retl value at on> *248 DIM 0*1*41 ®*rVC*’ 1128 20th mT n.wi 8TUDEBAKER 1018 President coupe; ra dio overdrive, white eldewall tiree your payment: e»«y term* on bel “w f>"7, iJfS D' B,ltler- Inc- 1121 2let 8TODEBAKER 1018 President cruising ee ?i?«. low’ mlfiri' 0Terclrlve. white eldewall Lires. low mileage; one towner. name on request; eoeciel today et *837. uS D Butler. Inc 1121 2l«t n.w. Diet. 1218 575fj®3'u937 Dictator 4-door sedan: excellent flnleh. equipped with all the famous Studebaker features: low mileage. ca?"Jm> ^md hion ,n2 *bh**rance: a fine Sfoertw wpu^5.J,r?^!L4g_0Wn *nd drive “ tIC*n?ENTER- 22nd ,nd N 8TUDEBAKER 1934 4-door touring sedan. Dictator: radio; black finish: must be seen ♦h.*??*6?1*1** P«rfor®ance will Please ex/5V£g buyer; *395. McKEE Wisconsin 5$^' dfl5S Wlicon,ln «v‘ BJHP*BAK*R . 1938 State Commander n?i?Me.<ii1uhed /“ mllt-«v*«n: low mileage. » Appearance and perform 5«xa’ 5n98- McKEE 8ERVICE CENTER. 6658 Wisconsin ave. Wisconsin 8060 bar!*ln Prices. Many of these are repossessed cars and are in ex trirfe* o111}?1?? condition. Terms and lTZre‘~c &,0»we. 1296 Upshur st. _Rand. 9831. Open Sundays. SSBSS OLDSMOBILES E«h ear carefully reconditioned •ni tuaranteed. We Incite year meet careful inspection. A fair allowance on your old ear. 1938 2-Dr. Trunk Sedan; 8 eyl.. radio, boater S?1A 1938 4-Dr. Trunk Sedan. « __radio, heater_(893 2222 *-»r; Sudani 8 eyl._(325 1938 Sport Coupe; 8 eyl. S42S 222* 2-Door Sedan: 8 iyl ll lSlS 1931 Sport Coupe; 8 eyL_S24A Pohanka Service Otde. Sals, and Serciee Slnee 19*3. 1126 20th St. N.W. Dial. 9141 I '37 Oldsmobilt Coup*_$495 )■ '38 Ford D. L. Tudor ....$575 fl '38 Ford D. L. Club Cobr., $665 fl '37 Ford Coup*..__$365 fl '36 Pontiac 6. L. Coup* . $350 fl '36 Plymouth D. L. Coach, $335 | '36 Lincoln-Zcphyr Sedan, $495 fl '36 Dodge 0. L. Coupe...$365 fl '37 Ford Tudor_$385 B '36 Ford Tudor, Rad., H.__$315 fl '35 Plymouth Coach _$225 fl ‘35 Ford Tudor, Radio ...$249 fl '35 Ford D. L. Tudor, Tr. $275 B SH3MS M Lincnln-Zevhvr, Ford. Mercury fljjW 1 6th k N. Y. Ave. N.W. fl ■ N*. 3000 ■ ■ 3rd & H Streets N.E. 8 fl 1919 West Virginia Ave. N.E. fl r THE KEYS to U»ed Car SATISFACTION Are to be found at this famous Buick address. Thirty years' experience enables us to con sistently offer the finest cars obtainable. Try any demon stration you like. Prices reduced to new lows. Drive a better Buick traded car. 1938 $195 mao Baick “4«” 4- coje 1900 Door Trank Bed. 0040 1041 Baick Model 4B-C OIOE I 90 I Convertible Coe. 0 199 IQ4C Bnlck Model 48 dIE I90D 2-Door Trunk 9419 1040 Chevrolet Sedan. *C4E 1900 Near New Cond. 9049 1937 SS£ ^,rr $495 j 1040 Salle 4-Door OftOE 1900 Trunk Sedan .. 9099 1041 Pontiac Sedan. *40E I 90 I Very Clean 9499 1041 Packard 4-Door fBRA 1901 Trnnk Sedan 999U 1040 Stadebaker 4 - #EOE I 900 Door Com. Sedan 9999 50 OTHER FINE CARS Emerson & Orme “HOME OF THE BUICK" 17th t M Sts. N.W. Dlst. 8100 Open Eves. Closed Sundays HORNER’S CORNER 6th and FLA. AWE. N.E. I 1039 L<k"Hac 4'DoorTru"k s*dan' $895 1938 Pontiac 1937 Graham 1937 Chevrolet 4-door inner Charier 4-doer Muter De Luo Trank Sedan 4-door Trank Trank sedan Sedan. I || ijjj || | I Qlfl Ford Modal "85" 2-Door Oeag I IgJO Trunk Sodon, like wow.-. WO | I 1937 Plymouth 1938 Buiek I937 0ojfe Do Los* Coot. **•' Coupe „_ Trank Sedan p c*a** Kadio-Heater Ramble Seat I »M5 || II M95 | im lo Soto Coupe. Excadont condition .... $626 I STANLEY H. HORNER •UICK DEALERS (Hi Md Fit. Art. H.E. At. (4(4 1 1 ' QUALITY CARS AT REDUCED PRICES 1935r.Zoath_$279 1935 araL1*.... 9320 1936 9319 1936 ^‘”“*Trank 6319 1937 rord.r _ ... 6439 1937 $429 1938 gr%„g*..__ 6559 EAST TERMS AND TRADE RARRY-PATE 1130 Conn. Ave. Open Bandar * Ercninri. Dlatrlet 4SM NEW SAFETY AUTO DOOR GLASS INSTALLED Any Make Car, t* a max Not Orer_ _ 94.50 Not'o'yer _82.50 Wlndihielde, on aa Not Oyer _ 9W.UU Half Wlndihlrlda, 0/4 ST A Not Oyer _94.50 “Shatter-Proof’'—Non Better. If Ton Can Bay for Leo* We Will Refund Tear Money i “tlASSKRS" gl«t- S«70. 3nd and Florida Aye. N.E. Plenty Parkin*—30-Mlnute Serylee. *• 7 - Passenger Cars Prices Slashed *14 Plirti Arrow Sodaa ’14 Paokard Stad.-I Sadaa ’14 loiek ML Sadaa Thoroughly Reconditioned. Beet Terne in City. Superior Motors 14th * P Su. DUpont 1300 j I I I UNCLE JOE’S I FAMOUS “30” CHERNEBIZING 1 OPERATIONS! • I—Body and chassis washed and cleaned. V • 2-—Motor cleaned. Grease and oil renored from power plant. V • 3—Inspection hr Berries Su pervisor for necessary re pairs v • 4—Reconditionlns of motor! necessary replacements made.V • o—Transmission tested, neces sary repairs made, v • A—Rear axle construction In spected, necessary replacements made, v • 7—Front construction Inspect ed: worn parts replaced and thoroughly tightened up. V • "—Steering e o n s t r u e 11 o n Checked! adjustments or re placements made. V • I*—Wiring Inspected for bad connections, etc. V • 10—Wheels removed: neces sary replacements of bearings, washers, etc. \/ • II—Brakes Inspected: linings replaced If necessary. V • >2—Inspection for necessary body and fender repairs. V • 13—Faint examined. reOnished where necessary. V 8 14—Roof or top examined, leaks repaired sr new materials installed. V • 1.7—Roof or top re-dressed, v • 1 A—Glass examined and re placed where chipped or cracked. \/ • 17—Upholstery cleaned, re paired where neeessary er ma terials replaced. V • 18—Chassis and all back run ning gear painted. V • 18—Bulbs, reflectors or louses replaced where neeessary V 8 28—Windshield wipers In spected. necessary repairs sr replacements made. V 8 21—Bumpers Inspected, bent or broken units replaced. V 8 22—Tires Inspected i replace ments mads where neces sary. v 8 23—Car thoroughly lubricated and springs sprayed. V 8 24—Crank case drained, flush ed and refilled with fresh oil. V 8 2.7—Radiator Inspected, cleaned out or repaired as neeessary. v i • Mrs 8 27—Battery tested I connec tions checked or replaced: new battery installed If neseesary.V a 28—Body and fenders cleaned and Simonlsed expertly. V 8 28—Read-tested ta cheek per formance V 8 30—Last, but not least, our guarantee goes with ovary Churnerlood Car. %/ !. Give Your Family Chernerized Protection '39 Chevrolet '36 Packard Sport Sedan 120 Sedan *759 *469 $559 £.7",d T“d" $359 1 c77”JD,^,.„ $559 f-".$399 C«briol«t . Cl~*_$669 $499 ^L.Wj",‘_ $279 $679 | 1937 Ford tOCQ 1936 Ford Tudor POQA I WOOJ Sedan _ 1939 FORDS ft MERCURYS \ d.a • Ford Do Luxe Tudors £ Cabriolets ( Will • Mercury Town Sedans , • All with now-car guarantee, terms, \ DISCOUNTS II 1936^Ford Tudor $319 1936 D#<I,r* To,,ri"* S3S9 1 **3« Ford Fordor €990 1936 Plymouth 4P9AA Sedan - Cabriolet _ W99 1 1*36 Plymouth *99Q 1935 Ford 4POOA CoUge^-i__i__^__i_i__^VWW^ Coup#_ VuZtf 1936 Ford De Luxe €940 1935 Plymouth IPOOA |i Tourinp Fordor_Coupe_ ffl 1*36 Chevrolet Town $379 1935 Plymouth $299 ASK OUR ) U * *PMtel w « t*nna must be adjusted to your ( salary—then just teU one ef Uncle Joe's mlesmen. : SALESMEN j Jr d~* thmt pocket book more than half way.