OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, August 30, 1939, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1939-08-30/ed-1/seq-7/

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Murder Suspect Acts
In Sound Film for
Grand Jury to See
Confessions Claimed
In California Cases,
Robbery Chief Motive
By the Associated Press.
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 30.—Police,
probing the fatal bludgeoning of a
one-time follies dancer fend brutal
attacks on two 17-year-old girls,
borrowed an idea today from Hollyr
wood’s movie studios.
Sound pictures of De Witt Clinton
Cook, 20, re-enacting the clubbing of
blond Anya Sosoyeva on a college
campus, were prepared for a grand
jury to see.
District Attorney Buron Pitts
claims Cook confessed killing Miss
Sosoyeva, 32, beating and ravishing
Myrtle Wagner, a maid, and slug
ging and robbing Delia Bogard, film
dancer. The youth was booked on
suspicion of murder. Mr. Pitts said
he would ask the jury to vote a mur
der indictment.
‘‘Each time robbery was the rea
son I started out,” Pitts quoted Cook,
unemployed printer and former in
mate of the Eldorado, Iowa, Reform
School, who doesn’t smoke or drink.
The district attorney also asserted
Cook had admitted committing
"about 300” buglaries since he came
here two years ago from Waterloo,
Iowa, “sometimes three or four a
nirvVvt ’’
Police Capt. Dalton R. Patton said
Cook readily agreed to re-enact the
assault February 24 on Miss Soso
yeva on the grounds of City College,
where she was a dramatic student.
Mary Rose, a resident of the
neighborhood, posed as the dancer,
Cook wielded a paper club while
cameras ground and his words went
into a microphone. He also re
enacted the attack on Miss Bogard
March 29 as she walked along a
Hollywood street and the assault
last week on Miss Wagner, struck
down as she sat knitting in the
kitchen of her employers’ home.
He denied criminally assaulting
any except Miss Wagner. She is
still in a serious condition in a hos
pital, her skull fractured.
Cook's wife, Lorraine, 24, and his
mother, Mrs. Ruby Cook, were
booked by police for investigation.
Santa Claus Church Restored
SANTA CLAUS, Ind., Aug. 30 (A*).
—Regular church services are being
held for the first time in 20 years in
Santa Claus, named after the patron
saint of Christmas.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church,
atop a little hill near the hamlet's
famous post office which does a
rushing busines canceling stamped
mail at Christmas, has been re- .
About Time
Three weeks ago Mrs. John Caylor
hung the family washing in the
back yard. Somebody stole it. •
Two weeks ago Mrs. Caylor hung
the family washing in the back yard,
somebody stole it. Yesterday Mrs.
Caylor hung the family washing in
the back yard. Somebody stole it.
Mrs. Caylor then told police.
District Attorney U. U. Blalock
yesterday announced Dewitt
Clinton Cook (above), 20, had
admitted slaying Anya Sosoy
eva, Russian dancer, and at
tacking two other girls. “I
don’t know exactly why I did
it,” Blalock quoted Cook as
saying. —A. P. Wirephoto.
Persistent Driver
Capt. T. P. Osterhaus, the Dutch
motor traveler, has arrived in Singa
pore, Malaya, after a trip of 270,000
miles and his motor badges now
total 180.
A. F. L. Colls 50,000
Out os Strike Protest
By the Associated Press.
F. L.-Buildlng Trades Council or
dered 50,000 of its Philadelphia mem
bers yesterday to remain away from
commercial and industrial construc
tion projects until contractors dis
miss plumbers and steam fitters on
the operations.
Council President James L. Mc
Devltt said the strike was directed
against two of the council’s affiliates,
the Steam Fitters and Plumbers
Unions, recently ousted from the
council because they called unau
thorized strikes In violation of coun
cil agreements with contractors.
The strike stopped work Immedi
ately on two large projects In the
city—the new Federal courthouse
and the municipal courthouse.
More care, leu dare.
^1016 20th St. N.W.
REpublic 1070
1-1500th I
netol focal-plane shutter, ..; i,:jgami,
film transport, built-In ■** w
ichronher, many other , '■"%$*
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SWOPE 30-Day Guarantee
Swope will refund your mpney with
m 30 days if you ore not satisfied
with your purchase.
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/ 1114 F STREET N. W.
'Mext to Columbia Theatre
65 HUmifito
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For houses of 4 to 6 rooms . . .
entirely automatic . . . contains
famous Delco Oil Burner. The
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it and get the low installed prices
Easy terms—3 years to pay.
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Fit* :
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Complete with the Delco GOLD SEAL of accurate in
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Sold, installed, serviced and fueled by
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Quick relief from the maddening
Itch of eczema, psoriasis, poison ivy,
and irritation about the rectum or
personal parts is obtained by apply
ing Resinol Ointment. Leave it on
over night. It lessens the desire to
scratch, and eases the irritation.
The soothing effect of Resinol
takes the sting from the irritated
places and makes you more comfort
able. The skin heals sooner, too,
with the help of Resinol, as its oily
base holds the medication in active
contact with the tortured parts.
For gentle cleansing of irritated
skin, Resinol Soap is excellent be
cause it has no excess of free alkali
and is so refreshing. Many nurses
suggest and use Resinol Ointment
and Soap—why don’t you try them ?
Buy at any drug store. For free
sample, write to Resinol, Dept. 86,
Baltimore, Md.
. Ill tUpt : ■;$
feSSS** .
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•NAT A LOT rou m
my wimvarw
CLS J | n ^r When it comes time for you to^L
, --. fflT/Pr. ^ buy a new refrigerator, you %
ANrrvUVK ] I*^ # <can make no better choice 1
ill xXCf*1, # than to buy a 1939 Electric I %
* f You will be assured of quiet ■
■ trouble-free service; safe tern* ■
CoBparati*. t** and aatherttativ* iaiocBatioa I peratures for food protection I
peer* bnoBd doubt <iw truth «< thii xataaMBt I even on hottest days: I
_ ^ sealed-in mechanisms that f
L need no attention: —and the ^BB
fliffliif ^.i'z! '' " '■ ■ cost of operation will be. only J| z
'Tr^ HJt W I* It ' *■■*. WL half as much as any other
« ir f , '■ type. Buy Electric I f
PjPPPJPPjppI | P ^ ^^ '>-.1 L fcgjj ^ V ' *'I| ", 1 "
* '
Paris gives you not one key silhouette
for fall—but five... not one new color—but
half a dozen. You can wrap your figure like
a mummy —drape it a la Turque —wear a
hoop-skirt or a hohble-skirt. You can be dar
ing in red-and-green or subtle in new
“stormy” greys and taupes. There’s one
point on which all agree: you must cinch
in your waist to a minimum.
With such a bewildering whirl of drasti
cally new ideas, don’t rush in to buy, with
out a guide! More than ever, you’ll need
Vogue to help you. Vogue’s editors—pretty
well hardened to couturiere excitement—
have made cool headed selections from the
incredible variety at the Openings, and
from these selections, you’ll make yours!
See September 1st Vogue for the clue to
coming events—the important highlights of
line and color, fur and fabric—and current
American fashions which you can buy here
and now and with confidence. Spend 35^
for Vogue today, and be sure your first fall
purchases are slated for all-season success.
Or better still, invest $2 for the next 10
issues of Vogue; it caneasily save you $200!
t 4

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