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Europe's 'New' Map Shows Changes Made in Year National Geographic Society Sends Out Revised Edition % axic new map 01 iLuiope, contain lng alignments made within the last year, has Just been distributed to members of the National Geo graphic Society as a supplement to the magazine. Czecho-Slovakia. bom of the Peace of Versailles in 1918, is missing from the 1939 map. The National Geo graphic Magazine says: "It has gone to join Montenegro and other ghost countries of the past, its four provinces administered now by three governments. Two of these provinces. Bohemia and Mo ravia, are a protectorate of the Ger man Reich; Slovakia is an independ ent state, and Ruthenia. renamed Carpatho-Ukraine, has been incor porated into the territory of Hun gry.” The article adds: "The boundary changes entail changes in place names. In Bohemia gnd Moravia the old German names are again in vogue. Plzen once more Is Pllsen, and Ceske Bejovice reverts to Budweis and Ceske Slavok again becomes Austerlitz, as it was known when Napoleon won his greatest Victory there. xii oiuvHMti. urtituac ui its auton omy, places remain the same, but in the CRrpatho-Ukraine they become Hungarian. Chust, for instance, is replaced by Huszt. "In March, 1939. Lithuania restored the territory of Memel to Germany and that 1,100-square-mile area is snown on the new map with its new political coloring. "Albania now wearing the map yellow of Italy, reflects its new po- j litical status in the renaming of j Santi Quaranta, changed to Porto Edda. in honor of the daughter of Premier Mussolini. "The ceding of the Hatay Repub lic by France to Turkey in June. 1939, increased the area of that country by nearly 2.000 square miles This republic, formerly part of the Levant States, was administered by France under a League of Nations mandate. "The change from French to Turkish administration also made necessary new place names. An tioch. scene of St Paul's first minis try. is now Ant aka. and Alexand retta becomes Iskenderon. "Many new place names appear in Libia as the result of Italian colonization. Marconi and D'An nunzio are among them. "That part of the U. S. S. R. shown on the map . represents an entirely new selection of place names based on the new Soviet atlas and recent Soviet official maps. In the much discussed Ukraine, in the neighborhood of Stalino, appear in large type such new and important names as Makeevka. Ordzhonikidze Gorlovka and Sergo.” The magazine points out that 173 names of towns and regions have been changed officially since last October. Young People Sponsor Church Lawn Fete The Young Peoples Society of the Epiphany Episcopal Church, Twen tieth and North Quincy streets, Arlington, Va., will sponsor an old fashioned lawn fete tonight at 7:30 o'clock. The committee in charge includes Miss Ruth Whitmer, Kenneth Fu gate and Miss Arbelia Charles. Re freshments will be served on the side lawn of the church and several en tertainment features have been ar ranged. Balkan Games Stamps Greece will issue special stamps commemorating the 10th Balkan games, which will be held in Ath ens. Berlin A. P. Men Nearly Lose Car To German Army By the Associated Press. BERLIN, Sept. 1.—Two crisis tired A. P. men nearly lost their automobile today in the German mobilization of trucks, motorcycles and private cars. After an hour at the Kroll Opera House session of the Reichstag they found their parked car had been stenciled front and back with the large white letters, "W. L.”—initial designation of the air force. By accident they had parked in a line of vehicles waiting to be driven off into government service. It took a policeman's aid and a dab of gaso line to clean off the stencils and set everything right. Mrs. Ellen Sullivan Dies in Hospital Mrs. Ellen Sullivan, 54, an em ploye of the District, died yesterday in Georgetown Hospital. A requiem high mass will be celebrated at 10 am. tomorrow in St. Dominic's Catholic Church, with burial in Mount Olivet Cemetery. A lifelong resident of Washington,. Mrs. Sullivan was educated in St. Dominic's Parochial School and re sided in Southwest Washington until recently, when she moved to the 219 block of Bates street N.W. Mrs. Sullivan was the widow of James J. Sullivan, Navy Yard employe for 27 years. Surviving are a son, James, jr.; four sisters, Mrs. Eva Rush, Mrs. Agnes O'Connell, Mrs. Minnie Doyle and Mrs. Alice Clark; two brothers, John and Joseph Dant, all of Wash ington. ; Gas-Masked Rescuers RIDGEFIELD. Conn., Sept. 1 (JP).— A posse of State policemen took protective measures before rescuing a skunk from a well at the home of Miss Augusta P. Dixon. They wore gas masks! «L_ 'Ion won t have damp walls if you treat them with Cabot’s Waterproofing. 922 N. Y. Ave. No. 8610 No Distress in Drinking BERKELEY SPRINGS MINERAL WATER Known to thousands to be beneficial u »r‘l»ritia. diabe'ei. akin diseases, rheumatism. Bottled only in W. Va. PHONE WISCONSIN 3232 [notice Our Store Will Be Closed ALL DAY TOMORROW AND LABOR DAY E. F. Droop & Sobs Co., 1300 G , LJUUImil If Tour Dentist Harts Ton Try DR. FIELD PLATE EXPERT Double Suction I Guarantee a riirht Fit in Any Month Violet Ray Treatment (or Pyorrhea Extractions. SI A S2. Also Gas § Plates SIO to S3A Gold Crowns .... . SB up Fillinss SI np DR. FIELD 406 7th St. N.W. MEt. 9256 Over Woolworth Be A lOe Store IF IT S HEW ( YOl CM SEE IT AT > SWOPE’S I 1114 F STREET 1 SWOPE 30-Day Guarantee Swope will refund your money with in 30 days if you are not satisfied with your purchase. 1114 F STREET N. W. Theatre Y- Store Open 9:30 A.M. to 5:45 P.M. _*_« _ i w - and Wireless Record Players ■■■■■*' ■ ■ Brand-New 1939 G. E. Midget in original factory cartons. Ask for Model G. D. 500—A mite of a Radio but a giant in perform* ance. S tubes, and operates on A. C. or D. C. Brand-New 1939 G. E. Midget Model G. D.-521. A 5-tube A. C.-D. C. Superhet erodyne. Standard broadcast and State Police* reception, from 535-1750 kc. * v C. E. Wireless Record Player No wires, no connection to radio, plays phono graph records through radio loud speaker—elec trically. Can be played from any location in the room! » PI * I 1 i ... | Til |ii;ni 'v?>" I Convenient monthly payments f STRUT AT SIVKNTH NATIONAL SlOO I plus *mall carrying charfe / is! OFFERS You a GENEROUS ALLOWANCE for ► Your Old Set on the Purchase of This “Plus Value99 1940 IT PLUS FEATURE Super Beom-a-scope eliminates aerial and ground! No more wires to clutter your room. 9*- PLUS FEATURE Attachment for television sound through your loud speaker. Or use it os phono graph key for wired type of record ployer. IT PLUS FEATURE ^Feather touch tuning dials your favorite station at the touch of a key-lightening fast. ■T PLUS FEATURE Tone selector gets you the exact tonal balance you want for any progrom. IT PLUS FEATURE Dynapower speaker gives you finest concert-stage reproductions of musical notes and overtones. i Another Instance of “PLUS VALUE” in the 11941 j I Special Keys for Television! No Ground! No Aerial! Feathertouch Tuning! Big Speaker! i 1 Note just a few of the mauy features, that • $ make this Radio such a wonderful value. Come in and have it demonstrated you’ll be amazed! Radio Dept., Air-Conditioned Main Floor, The Electrical Arcade 4 y$ t yd Television A n d i o or Phonographic Key sup plies “the voice of tele vision” through your radio’s loud speaker when used in connec tion with sight receiver. New Super Beam-a Scope ends need of aerial and ground wires — reduces local static and noises. Provides better reception and permits plugging in your radio as you do a lamp. % New Sight Angle Vis ualux Dial—making it easier to read. Kilo cycle numbers are deep molded three - dimen sion block numerals, edge lighted for maxi mum visibility from any angle. A Generous Allowance for Your Old Radio I USE OUR HUGE MODERN PARKING BUILDING