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D. C. Building Permit Total Is $323,628; Homes Leading 56 Single-Family Dwellings Allowed During the Week Private building in the District again in the past week was featured by activity in the residential field as the office of Building Inspector John W. Oehmann approved per mits having a total value of <323,628. Permits for 56 one-family dwell ings and a half dozen flats were issued in the week. More important permits of the period follow: Howard Homes. Inc., 1012 Fifth street N.W.. owners and builders: Leon Chatelain, jr„ architect: to erect twelve 2-story brick dwellings. 825 to 847 Twentieth street N.E.; to cost $38,500. Eugene B. Casey, 715 Jackson street N.E.. owner and builder; George T. Santmyers, architect: to erect three 2-story brick and cinder block flats, 1266, 70 and 74 Meigs street N.E.; to cost $24,000. Frank D. Phillips. 3500 Ritten house street N.W., owner, designer and builder; to erect three 2-story brick and tile dwellings. 6109 Thirty third street and 3235 and 29 Ritten house street N.W.: to cost <24.000. R. S. Nash. 50 Florida avenue N.E., owner; A J. Scullen. designer; R. T. Woodfleld. 6321 Eighth street N.W.. builder; to erect one 2-story brick and concrete garage and office build ing. 1120 First street N.E.; to cost <24.000. Stone Construction, Inc., 927 Fif reentn street in.w.. owners ana builders; Edwin Weihe. architect; to erect three 2-storv brick and cinder block dwellings, 4520, 24 and 28 Van Ness street N.W.; to cost $21,000. C. Leo De Orsey, trustee. Union Trust, Building: Hubert Kleinpeter, designer: Hubert Kleinpeter. Inc., North Chevy Chase. Md.. builders; to erect five 2-storv brick and cinder block dwellings. 4001 to 17 Nichols avenue S.E.: to cost $20,000. E. B. Uberti. 1221 L street N.W.. owner: Milton Taylor, designer; Mike Asha, 216 Southern Building, builder: to erect seven 2-story brick dwellings. 1632 to 44 Rosedale street N.E.; to cost $18,200. M B Swanson, 2761 Brandwine street N.W., owner and builder: Louis R. Moss, architect; to erect two 2-storv brick and cinder block dwellings. 6632 and 36 Thirty-second street N.W.: to cost S7.500 each. Eastland Gardens Corp.. Colorado Building, owners; L. W. Giles, archi tect: Randolph Dodd. 906 Forty eighth place N.E., builder: to erect four 2-story brick and cinder block dwellings. 1100 to 1106 Kenilworth avenue N.E.: to cost $5,500 each. Hugh B. Fegan, owner: Robert J. O'Neil & Co.. 3901 Harewood road N.E . designers and builders; to erect three 2-stor.v brick dwellings. 1314. 16 and 18 Michigan avenue N.E : to cost $12,000. Mrs. Beatrix Scott, 1717 T street N.W., owner: Curil G. Bow. designer: O B Cassell. 1311 Hamlin street N.E.. builder; to erect one 2-storv brick, stone and concrete dwelling. 1260 Irving street N.E.; to cost $10,000. Springlawm, Inc.. 1108 Sixteenth street N.W., owners and builders: Harvey P. Baxter, architect; to erect two 2-story brick and cinder block dwellings. 4628 and 32 Windom place N.W.: to cost $10,500 Springlawn. Inc.. 1108 Sixteenth street N.W., owners and builders: Harvey P. Baxter, architect; to erect two 2-storv brick and cinder block dwellings, 4629 and 33 Windom place N.W.; to cost $10,500. Joseph M. Stanley, 5513 Broad Branch road N.W.. owner and build er; KirkhufT Bagiev, designers; to erect one 2-story brick and cinder block riwpllinu 3RR3 Annlnlm, N.W.; to cost $9,000 G. F. Mikkelson ft Son. 3353 Rit tenhouse street N.W.. owners and builders: E B. Corning, architect, to erect one 2'2-story brick and tile dwelling, 3367 Stephenson place N.W : to cost $8,000 Mrs. M J. Van der Sys, 1318 Girard street NW. owner: M J. Van der Sys. 1318 Girard street N.W.. design er and builder: to erect one 2-story brick dwelling. 6500 Luzon avenue N.W.; to cost $8,000 Mary L. Hall. 3804 Twenty-fourth street N.E.. owner and builder: Earl von Reichenbach. designer: to ->rect one 2-storv brick dwelling. 1711 Otis place N.E.: to cost $6,500. Fred B. Monar. 625 Adrian street S.E.. owner and builder: Helen F. Monar, designer: to erect one 2 story brick dwelling. 636 Ridge road S.E.: to cost $6,000. Fred B. Monar. 625 Adrian street K E.. owner and builder; Helen E. Monar. designer; to erect one 2 atory brick and cinder block dwell ing. 632 Ridge road S.E.: to cost $6,000. Delaware Realty Co.. 565 Fif teenth street S.E.. owners and build ers: John R. Cadle. designer: to erect two 2-story brick dwellings. Adjoining Foxhall Village, Facing Reservoir and Most Beautiful View in City s9,95© t Here la Quality, • I d Rooms—3 Bedrooms 7. Fir .lot*!*—Quartered Oak Floor* 3. Conner Covered Bay Window* j 4. 7 Large Maple Tree* on 130' Lot 3. Bus at Corner 4. School. Shopping Center 3 Blocks 7. Slate Roof A. General Klee. Air-Conditioning A. Caulked. Weather-stripped. In sulated 14. Southwestern Exposure 11. AM Brick—Beautifully Land scaped I Exhibit Home 4737 Conduit Rd. N.W. Furnlslftd by Mazor Masterpieces Open Daily tl to 9 DRIVE OUT Que St. through George town to Wisconsin Arc., right one Mock, then left on Reservoir Rond pest Dumbarton to intersection of Conduit and Reservoir Rds., turn left to houses. BUILT BY DAVID R. ISEN Owner-B«lll»r Emrr.nit MOB a IN MANOR CLUB ESTATES—This new residence, at 124 Beverly road, Norbeck, Md., has been erected for Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Scott by the Maryland Real Estate Co. HOME SOLD—Col. and Mrs. Henry Hossfeld have purchased this residence, at 3665 Upton street N.W., through the office of Mrs. Jack Hayes. —Star Staff Photo. 3311 and 3313 Twelfth street S.E.; ! to cost $6,000. J A. Jordan. 3224 Quesada street *N.W.. owner, designer and builder: to erect one 2-story brick dwelling 4324 Twenty-first street N.E.: to cost $5,500. Harold W. Spargo. 515 Sixteenth ; street S.E.. owner: H. W. Dorst. de signer; M. E. Scarborough, 903 Alli ! son street N.W. builder; to erect one 2-story brick dwelling. 3400 Ala bama avenue S.E.: to cost $6,750. H Clinton Smith. 2262 Cathedral avenue N.W.. owner, designer and builder: to erect one 2-story brick dwelling. 4119 Nineteenth street N.E.: to cost $4,500. Emmanuel Baptist Church. 2409 Ainger place S. E. owners and builders: J. Marcus Hallett. de signer: to erect one 1-story brick addition. 2409 Ainger place S.E.: to cost $4,000. , George T. W'alker. Shoreham Building, owner and builder: George T. Santmyers. architect; to erect one 2-story brick and cinder block flat. 925 New Jersey avenue S.E.: to | cost $4,500. Adelbert W. Lee. 1343 H street N.W.. owner and builder: J. M. Hallett. designer: to erect one 2-1 : story frame dwelling. 3344 Minns i sola avenup S.E.: to cost $3,000. Capital Transit Co.. Thirty-sixth and M streets N.W., owners; Sinker A: Garrett. 1719 I street N.W.. build : ers: to make repairs. Thirty-sixth and M streets N.W.; to cost $2,000. E. M. Aiken. Inc.. 800 H street N.W. owners and builders: George T. Santmyers, architect: to erect, one 2-stor.v brick flat. 1507 Thir teenth street N.W; to cost *3.500. Milton Dicner. 1221 Twenty-sec ond street N.W.. owner and builder; D. M. I>vy. designer; to erect one 2-storv brick addition. 1221 Twenty second street N.W.: to cost $2,000 Griffith Consumers Co.. 1300 First street N.E.. owners; Clarence W. Oosnell, Inc.. 1414 Monroe street N.W., builders; to make repairs. 1300 First street N E.; to cost $1,800. Realtors ^Continued From First Page t a second major topic of the conven tion. It is the great, possibilities that exist in practically every city for rehabilitation of old structures that are nevertheless sound struc tures for the development of good low-cost housing at private initia tive. F. H. A. has already indicated it is ready to back such undertak ings. when well conceived, with mortgage insurance. In the meantime the American In stitute of Real Estate . Appraisers, professional branch of the associa tion in the valuation field, has scheduled on its program at the coming convention a very specific discussion of the influence of urban decentralization on central business values. David Neiswanger, Topeka, Kans., chairman of the institute's Com mittee on Education, past vice presi dent of the association and past president of the Kansas Association of Real Estate Boards, will address the institute on this subject. George H. Coffin, Jr., Hollywood, Calif., will lead the subsequent discussion. Barnard Will Speak. How is the value of a good sound house that is no longer new affected by construction in the low-price field of houses financed on small down payments and monthly payments? Appraisers of the country will dis cuss this, too. at the coming meeting of the institute at the Los Angeles convention. Boyd T. Barnard, general partner, Jackson-Cross Co., Philadelphia, will open the subject and will review basic principles and procedures of valuation with special reference to trends affecting the outlook for fu ture use of the house that is five, 10, 15 or more years old. Charles B. Shattuck. head of the Shattuck Co., Los Angeies, vice president of the Institute and also of the association for the Southwest region, will lead the general discus- i sion to follow. Door Closers Screen doors are more convenient when there is some mechanism to close them quickly. Door-control- i ling devices can be obtained which hold the door under control from start to. finish of the closing opera- | tion and provide a separate "slow or fast” afljustment at the latch. Screens for French Doors Screen doors of tubular metal framework are especially adaptable to French door*, because the frame is narrow and inconspicuous and permits a larger light area. The metal construction assures strength and rigidity for the door yet carries a minimum'of bulk and weight. The j frames can be fitted with any stand ard screening. BE FA1RMINDED When You Compare Cost* Compare Quality. Too Anything Leu than the Beit Available in Quality and Service Is Often No Bargain at Any Price. i SPECIFY EDMONDS ARCHITECTURAL CAST STONE EDMONDS ART STONE CO. Members Cast Stone Institute" 2135 Queens Chapel Rd. N.E. Atlantic 2000 [Real Value $8,500—Easy Terms , -v&:. . ' 'y^':iM 4151 Alabama Ave. S.E. This lovely new all-brick home is well worth your inspection. Six big; rooms, lovelv tiled bath. «;creenrd in back porrh. furred walls, copper screens, fully Insulated, oil heat, detached garage. Near schools, stores, excellent transportation, etc. Opposite Fort Dupont Cfovernment r«rk. Open Daily & Sunday 10 to 9 TO INSPECT: Strnioht on I F<i A If. S.E. to Alabama Are . left on Ala bama Ave. to property. RANDLE & GARVIN, Inc. 2.V59 P*. At*. S.E. Ph»B* ATI. '.VIII * 4109 Jenifer St. • Center Hall • Most Unusual Kitchen | • Automatic Heat j • Play Soa.p in Bo'-pmenf | • Beautiful Yard with Trees Open Saturday, Sunday, Monday \ 1A Fact | F COURSE, we don't like to brag, but, darn it all. we have to tell somebody about the A B C Oil Burners in Washington because some of these A B C's were installed back in 1921 and even*those are still performing, and any piece of ma chinery that will continue to run sat isfactorily after 18 years of use must be pretty well put together, and if you want that kind of equip ment you can call us at National 3068. John P. Agnew & Co., Inc., 714 13th Street, N.W. A M ★ Thanksgiving ★ Has Been Advanced By the President One Wrek if Price fir Grogan if Have Adi'anccd Features of Homes 10 Years Things you have never seen In a home before Brlrk and atone. « r. 2 h kitrhen you'll never want to leave spacious with burnt knotty pine breakfast nook open ing onto screened porch summer kitchen in the yard, roof garden. Come out 1>© Highway, about A miles, to Robt. E. Lee School right *.* blocks. There you will sec the ■ 1050 homes I will look for you. Homes worth *l \! - QQA up oimi. but sell for And I Am Not Hard In Deal With Model Home Open *til 9 P.M. Datlv Will also build what you want nn one of these large wooded lots. PRICE & GROGAN Owners—Builders 10 Build, Buy or Refinanca Your Home Long-Term Loans With Monthly Payments as Low as $6.60 per $1,000.00 Straight 3-Ycar Loans R EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE * COMPANY »16 14th Sr.ME.* 341? And thev will he MORE than pleaded with a modern, wn-tn-the-mlnnte kitchen. Plenty nf cupboard anace. no dinm corner*, more working •pace and easier to keep clean. Have n* modernise yotir Aid kitchen. Survey—Drowing—EsfTmotM. No Obligation 1 Eaty Termt Can Be Arranged OXFORD "DE LUXE" KITCHEN CABINETS FELIPPE A. BROADBF.NT, Exclutive Dealer Ditplay Roomt Open 8 A.M. to 9 P.M., Sal. 8 to 1 The Toronto. 2002 P St. N.W. Dupont 2283-8238 Be Sure to Visit the SILVER STAR HOME IIS j FAIRLAWN VILLAGE A Low Cost, Planned and Restricted Community of 400 All Brick Homes—Mostly Semi-Detached—5 and 6 Rooms. 175 SOLD IN 13 MONTHS *4990 to *5990 JO% Cash—Monthly Payments as Cote as $33 Per Month ----- . .... Silver Star Home, 1811 T Street S.E. burnished by Hutchison’s, Inc. A COOL, quiet location within 3 blocks of graded, junior and senior high schools. Convenient to stores, churches and excellent transportation. Near the new Fairlawn Recreation Center, offering a beautiful golf course, ijjl tennis courts, and swimming pool. Front terraces sodded and artistically landscaped. Rear yards sodded and fenced. Paved streets, sidewalks, alleys , ; and concrete curbing. 5 and 6 rooms, and tiled bath. Front porch and full sized basement. It is our constant endeavor to incorporate the best ma terials the market affords in our homes. They are carefully built by skilled mechanics under constant supervision, and the finished homes, we believe, will endure through many years. PI .'I Planned, Built and Sold by MEADOWBROOK, INC. i| MONROE WARREN, President III 7 | J Over 1,000 hemes ef quality and character bailt in Washiugtea and vicinity in the Inst 20 years. Vacation it over—but hunting and tith ing teaton it clote at hand—why not A SPORTSMAN’S PARADISE and 237 acres of excellent farm land. Part cleared, balance fine stand of timber. i TIDEWATER MARYLAND 1 Mile of River Frontage Where the Potomac j I | It 8 Milet Wide . . . Neor Point Lookout 8-Room, 1-Bath Houte Where the old manor house stood and close to the woter's edge it an excellent tree-studded building site. Good Road*. IV* hour* drive from Waehington, D. C. j Price, $25,000 Snndoz. Inc.—Exclusive Agents 2 Dupont Circle Washington, D. C. Can pay broker* 5% eommittion Miniature Estate in Cleveland Park --—— 3121 Quebec Place Vfl. Only $12,250 Seldom ever does one have the opportunity to 'orate a brand-new home with so murh charm, so much exclusiveness, so much privacy, right in the city. This home, center-hall in plan, with screened side porrh. high elevation amid giant oak trees, offers many unexcelled features; 3 large bedrooms. 2 baths, ultra-modern kitchen and breakfast room. Solidly built and equipped with A No. 1 fixtures. Southern exposure; near schools, stores and theater. C^vrt A’f to Rnrhtirtt .S'/ trU ni»#• square to Quebec PI.. left to property j Realty Associates. Inc. 1506 K St. N W. Realtor, Notl. MBS li -- ■ ■— il 12 EAST THORNAPPLE STREET Chevy Chase, Md. 511,950 s One Block East of Connecticut Avenue | IN THE COUNTRY CLUB SECTION OF CHEVY CHASE. {!' Npw cerHer-hall Colonial—Six room' two bath*, toilet and lavatory on first j) floor at nr side living porrh AIR CONDITIONED. insulated: built-in garagp. CONVENIENT TO AIL SCHOOLS and to storos Open Today and Sunday I ^HNOUNCEMENT j Ivor Properties ! -INC A NEW GROUP OF HOMES on . WOODED SITES SARATOGA VILLAGE e SILVER SPRING, MD. M I I I i » I > iv j j * t' ! •% I { ■ r j n ' 1 ~ IL,__T—__ Ji I *