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Sratfji BARBER. NORA WATKINS. On Sun da v. September 3. 1 at her residence. Cedar Grove. Md.. NORA WATKINS BAR BER. agpd of) years. beloved wife of Charles H Barber. She also is survived bv two daughters. Mrs John Purdum. Cedar Grov* Md.. and Miss Anna Barber of Cedar Grove. Md two sons. Lester E. Barber and Frederick Barber of Wash ington. D. C. Funeral services on Tuesday. Septem ber 5 at 2 o.m . from Salem M. E Church. Cedar Grove. Md. Interment Church Cem ttery. Arrangements by Roy W. Barber. BILLINGSLEY. JOHN ASCOM. On Sat urday Sent ember *\ 1999. at Sibley Hos pital. JOHN ASCOM BILLINGSLEY of 99-9 noth st . Mount Rainier. Md.. beloved hus band of Willie F. Billingsley and father of Frederick Ascom Billingsley of Los Angeles, Services at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w . on Tuesday. Sep tember 5. at 1:110 P.m. Interment F«rt Lincoln Cemetery. BOOKER. MARY C.TSTIS. On Saturday September 2. 19.19. at her residence. 292 N st n w . MARY CUSTIS BOOKER, be loved wife of Charles A Booker and de voted mother of Gladys N. Booker. She is also survived by other relatives and many friends. Remains may be viewed after 4 p.m. Tuesday. September 5. at the McGuire fu neral home. 1820 9th st n.w.. whore fu neral services will be held on Wednesday. September o at 1 P m. Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. 5 BROWN. SCSIK ANNA. On Saturday. September 2 1999. at her residence. 1422 P sr ne. SUSIE ANNA RROWN. beloved wife of the late William T Brown and devoted mother of Flhel Brown. Agnes Queen. Frances Rrown. Edna Brown. Wil liam Brown. Beatrice EveTetf. Lawrence Brown and Irving Rrown Sh« also is survived hv one sister. Sarah Dyer. Joseph. John and Henry Dyer: eleven grandchildren and a host of other relatives and mends. Remains resting at her late residence. 14»>*» r> st n e Funeral Wednesday. September t> at 9 • m . from S’ Cyprian's Church where mass wiU he offered. Relatives and friends Invited Intermeu* at Mount Olivet Cem etery. 5* B! ( HANAN. CAREY PARKS. On Sat urday Seotember 2. 1999 Ht Montgomery County Ho.stntal CAREY PARKS BU CHANAN of Riggs rd . HyatfSvillc. Md.. be loved husband of Alma W. Buchanan. Services at the S. H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st n.w on Tuesday. Sep tember f* a' 11:90 am. Relatives and friend- invited. Interment, Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 4 CATLETT. WALTER. On Monday. Sep tember 4. 1999 at Freedmen's Hospital. WALTER CATLETT, beloved husband of Letfie Catlett lather of E’i-o Barkett. | Etta Johnson Samuel and Ridgeway Cat- 1 ]rtr Hr also leave- six grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. , Notice of funeral later. Arrangements ( b.v w. F.rnpst Jarvis. CATOE. WILLIAM ( l Kill. un vveu rpsdav. August :;o ld.iu. WILLIAM CUR IFF CATOF of 14ns s st. n.w.. beloved husband of Rosie V Catoe. He is survived bv lour brother.", John, .lames Roosevelt and Albee Catoe. and two sisters. Mrs. Esther White and Mrs. Elizabeth Hough of Kershaw. S C _ Funeral services at the McGuire funeral home Tuesday September f». at 1 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 4 CHINN. M AGGIE. Departed this life Wednesday. August no. lonn. after a lin gering illness. Mrs. MAGGIE CHINN, the beloved wife of the late Rov Chinn. She : is survived bv two nephews, Clyncus and , Fielden Nutt two nieces. Mrs. Arnita Carroll and Mrs Colethia Johnson; other . relatives and friends. 1 Funeral Tuesday. September 5. afc 1 , T m from the funeral parlor.-, of L. E. Murray & Son. D’th and V sts. n.w. CONNER. JOHN V. On Friday. Sep1 em ber i l.nnji. a' hi" relidrnee. *Jrl ‘hind st . Cam’ol Heights. Md JOHN I' CONNER, beloved husband of Irene A Conner (nee Fowler' and fa*hrr Mrs C Geneva Lare. stepfather of T Leonard and F. Douglas Mattingly of Capitol Heights Md.. i end Sister Irene of Baltimore. Md. Funeral lrom the above residence on Tups- , day. September A. at S:.*:(» a.nt : thence to ; S' Mathias Church, where mass will be i said at '» a.m Relatives and friend" m- j vned Intel men* Congressional Cemetery. Arrangements by the Wm. H. Sardo & Co. 4 COOK. JOHN A. On Monday. Sep tember 4. a' 'be residence of his 1 daughter Mrs. S H Wood of '.’l.'t Varnum , s n w . JOHN A COOK, beloved husband of ’he latp Margaret Cook. Funeral notice later. (Alexandria, va.. papers please coov. DIETZ. ROBERT MATTHEWS. Sud deniv. on Sunday. September 103SE at his parents’ residence J AoK D st. s.e ROBERT MATTHEWS DIETZ, the beloved #on of 0"car NT and Mary L Diet? Funeral from Chambers' luneral home. ; 517 ntb st. s e. on Tuesday. September 5 pt 10:30 a.nv Relatives ana friends , Invited Interment in St. Mary's Church Cemetprv. Bryantown. Md. DIGGS. LAWRENCE WILLIAM. On Thursday. Angus* .51 1031*. a‘ Mount Alto j Hospital LAWRENCF WTIMAM DIGGS. Invine son of Mahal* Diggs, nephew ot Mary F Rel. Maggie Jackson and Theresa Wiiliams. cousin of Dorothy Jones. Remains resting at trip W Ernest Jarvis Inner* 1 church. 14.T' It «t. n.w.. where , luneral services will be held Tuesday. Sep tember A. at !» a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 4 FOX. OTIS. Suddenly, on Sunday. Sep- \ tember 3 1»3fL ai Georgetown Univer- j sitv Hospital O I TS FOX He is*survived : bv two sister*. Mam ip SutPhin of Pender. \ a and Nora Wu er.s ot Washington. D C , , Funeral from Groffs funeral home. Fairfax. Va.. Tuesday. September A. - p m Interment Arlington National Cem etery. FRANK. NEVA L. On Saturday. Sep tember •: 1 !-*:»,!*. at Garfield Hospital. NEVA E FRANK ot J 4*14 Harvard sr. n.w. widow of John a Frank and mother o‘. Winner | j and Elmer A Frank and sister of Waiter j H and Ernest D Moling. , i Services at the S. H. Hines Co funeral : home, -doi 14'h st. n.w . on Tuesday. Sen- : tember A. at 3 p.m. Interment Congres sional Cemetery. o t «.A Ivrvl. I I - I.«l m Ifl.. ''.1 on-in day September 2. Ja’, her residence. 1924 Monroe m. n.w.. LAURA MAUDE GARRETT, beloved sister of Mrs. Margarei Louise Brook'. Services a• the S. H. Hines Co funerai home. 2901 14’h st. n.w.. on Monday. Sep tember 4 at s p.m. Interment West Laurel Hill Cemetery. Philadelphia. Pa. GARTEAND. FRANC I> F. On Saturday. September 2. 1999 a1 Garfield Hospital. FRANCIS F GARTLANH of 12.92 Mas sachusetts ave n.w.. beloved husband of Eihel S. Gartland. Remains resting at the J? H Hines Co. funerai home. 2901 14th st n v until 10 p.m. Sunday. September 9. Services and interment Pensacola. Fla. GRAV. ANNIE REBECCA. On Satur day. September 2. 1999. at the residence of her daughter. 41) 4’h st.. s.e,. ANNIE REBECCA grav. beloved wife of Joseph F Grav of Westwood- Md.. mother of Mrs I a vims Meade. Benjamin. Thomas. Louis. Franc's and James Grav: foster mother of Mrs. Lillian I.^wts and Mrs Rose Ravi ngs; sister of Mrs. Katherine Jackson Mrs. Nellie Smith, Peter and Emanuel Gross of Washington. D. C., and John Gross of Aquasco. Md. She also leaves fourteen grandchildren, four great grandchildren, other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1422’ You st. n.w., *f-er in am Wednesday Scntc-mber b. Funeral Thursday. September . at 1 p m . from S:. Thomas’ M E. Church. Ao’insro. Mri . Rev. Smallwood officiating. Interment church cemetery. Relatives *nd friends- invited. li GRIMES, FRANK F. Suddenly, on Sat urday. September 2 1999. at Oteen. N. C. FRANK F GRIMES, beloved husband of Margaret Platt Grimes and son of Nora A. find 'he late William M. Grimes. Remains resting a* his late residence. 49*; F st. s.w . until 9:90 a m. Wednesday. September b. thence to St. Dominic s Cath olic Church, bth and E st.s. s.w.. where requiem mass will be offered at 9 a m. Rel atives and Jripnds invited. Interment Mount Olivet. Cemetery. 5 HIEE. TIMOTHY V On Saturday. Sep tember 1999. fit Garfield Hospital. TIM OTHY A. HILL, beloved husband ol Eliza beth Hill. funeral from his late residence. 229 1 l*h ft n r., on Tuesday. September 5. a' 9:9o p m Reouiem mass ar St. Joseph s Church a’ 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 4 JACKSON. HENRY. On Saturday. Sep tember 2- J999. at Mount Alto Hospital, HENRY JACKSON of b02 Pitt st.. Alex andria. Va. Funeral services at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1492 U M. n.w,. Tuesday. September 5. at 1 p in. Friends invited 4 JARRIN, VIRGINTF. On Saturday. Sep tember 2. .1999. at Georgetown University Hospital VIRGINIF JARRTN. beloved mother of Jep.n B. and Claude f. Jarrm. Funeral from the William H. Sardo & Co funeral chapel. 412 H st. n.e . on Wednesday. September b. at 9 a m ; thence to Our Lady of Lourdes Church. 4517 Watkins »' e . Rerhesda. Md . where mass will he said at. 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 5 FUNERAL DIRECTORS._ J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNERAL directors Crematorium 41h an* Hast Avc._N.E._Lincoln 5200 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connectea with the original W R Speare establishment 1009 H St. N.W. N»tlonal°*lSM2 Frank Geier’s Sons Co. S^TiSe!* National 2473 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDEBROS. CO. Floral Pieces H1I F St. N.W. National 4270_ GEO. C. SHAFFER, Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0100 °and Sunday* Cor. 14th & Eye CEMETERY LOTS. SEVERAL LOTS IN CHOICE SECTION CF Fori Lincoln Cemetery: will sacrifice at much below regular price for quick sale. Terms can be arranged if necessary. Atl. ljttr-j__ CEMETERY LOTS. NATIONAL MEMORIAL Park. Va.—2' lots in Masonic section and 2 other lots: bough" early, can sell reason ab’y LULA M. SHAW. 1456 Clifton st n w„ city. Drallia JENKINS. WILLIAM. On Monday. Sep tember 4. at Mount Alto Hospital. WILLIAM JENKTNR. beloved husband of Ruth Jenkins, father of Gloria Jenkins, nephew of Lula Wyatt He also leaves other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by W. Er nest Jarvis. JOHNSON. ORVEL JAY (Lieutenant i Colonel. Reserve). On Monday. Septem ber 4. 1 fl.U» at Mount Alto Hospital. Lt. j Col. ORVEL JAY JOHNSON, husband of I Leela Adams Johnson, father of Mar guerite Johnson Westbrook of Oklahoma; brother of Mrs. Prank Allison of Orlando. Fla. Remains resting at Chambers'. 1400 Chapin st n.w. Notice of funeral later. KENNEDY. MONTE. On Sunday. Sep tember 10.10. at Garfield Memorial Hos pital. MONTF KENNEDY, beloved hus band ot Beatrice Kennedy. Remains resting at the funeral home of William Reuben Pumohrey. 7005 Wisconsin ave., Bethesda. Md. Notice of funeral later. KIDWELL. EDGAR H. Suddenly, on Sat urday. September 2 1W.T0. EDGAR B. KIDWELL. beloved husband of Ella J Kidwell and father of Hillery E. and Marshall R. Kidwell. Funeral services will be held in Cham bers' Georgetown funeral home, .'list and M sts. n w\. nn Tuesday. September 5. at, 2 p m. Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Flint Hill Cemetery. Oakton. Va. 5 KIT.I.BERG. WILLIAM E. On Saturday. September 2. JO.TO. at his residence. 0408 10th st. n w. WILLIAM F. KULLBERG. husband of the late Nellie Dwyer and brother of Mrs. Henrietta Schermansen of Wallace. Idaho. Services at the Chambers funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on W°dnesday. Sep tember f>. at 8:.T<) a m Mass at Church of Nativity. OOOO Georgia ave n.w . at W a m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 5 KYLE, MARY ANN. On Saturday. Sep tember ii, !.»;{!». at Walter Reed General Hospital. MARY ANN. infant daughter of CaPt and Mrs. Reuben Kyle, ir Body resting at the Tabler funeral home. 4*: 17 !>th st. n.w. until Tuesday Septem ber 5. when services will be held at the grave in Arlington National Cemetery at 11 o'clock a m. * I.OOMIS. FANNIE ('. On Sunday Sep tember 0. at Alexandria Hospital. FANNIE C LOOMIS, beloved wife of Jack j Loomis and mother of Constance Diane ; I oomis of loo North Glebe road. Arlington. , Va.. and daughter ot William B. and Molly ! Bowers. Remains resting at the Ives funeral home. ! *2847 Wi'son blvd.. Arlington. Va.. until; Tuesday. September 5. at 1 :d0 ".m.. thence j to the Cherrydale Rapiist Church. ‘21st j and Quebec sts. Arlington. Va.. where ; lunoral services will be held at 2 p.m. In- \ terment National Memorial Park. Lee Hign- . way. near e’alls Church. Va. M1LSTEAD. MARTHA ELLEN. On Sun day. Se*>;ember It. lWill*. a' the home of ’ her daughter, in Pleasant Hill. Md.. MAR- , THA ELLEN MILSTEAD. aged «J«*. daugh- j ter of the laic Andrew Jackson and Mary t fc. Thompson, beloved wife of Thomas L. Milstead She also is survived by five daughters and three sonv Funeral services Tuesday. September 5 at " o'clock, at the Spencerville. Md.. Free Methodist Church. Interment Union Cem etery BurtonjsVille. Ma. OYYINCiS. ANNIE HOLLAND. On Sun day. September 3 J. a* her home, i Biookeville. Md . ANNIE HOLLAND OW> ' 1NGS beloved wile of the late Samuel Dorsey Owing*. Funeral services at hpr late residence | Tuesday. Seorember iY. ai 11 am. In terment Rockville Union Cemetery. PETERS, AUSTIN I). On Sunday. Sep tember 3. 1939. at Galhnger Hospital. AUSTIN D. PETERS, devoted father of Mrs. Annie James. Mrs. Mary Moore. Mrs. Emma Holland. William. Harvev. Riley and | Austin Peters jr. Other relatives and j friend? also survive. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co. funeral chapel. ; 3rd and Eve «t«, s w. Not»ce of funeral later. RAN DOI'll. INK/ R. Departed this life Sunday. September 3. 1931*, INEZ B. 1 RANDOPH. the beloved w »t* o’ John D. I RandcDh. She survived bv her lather : Henry Bailey; one sister Ftheiyn John- ! son; an aunt. Mrs. Joe Bolling, other rel- j atuts and friends. Remains resting with j L. F Murray A Son Funeral Wednesday. September ft. at 1 P nv. from Fifth Street Baptist Church. Richmond. Va. 5 REED. WILLIAM II. On Monday Sep tember 4. 1939. at Georgetown University Hospital. WILLIAM H. REED, husband of the late Mabel Reed and father of Henry D Re«ri. Stacy M. Reed and Mrs. May Reed Jeffries, and brother of Helen Louisa Reed. Remains resting at the Lee iu nera1 home. 4th st and Mass, ave ne.. until Wednesday. September ti. at 1:30 p m. Funeral services will be held at Centen nial Baptist Church, I’h ana Ms. ne.. on Wednesday. September H at p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 5 1 ROBINSON. SARAH. On Saturday. Sep tember J93!*. a: her residence. 1S4** Capitol ave n e . SARAH ROBINSON, mother of Clarenrp Robinson Catherine Smith Florence Hallman. Maud Wright. Josephine Glasco. Joseph Robinson: sister of Walter Young She also is survived by sixteen grandchildren, six great-grandchil aren. other relatives and friend?. Remains resting at Stewart's funeral home 3<» H st. ne. until rt p.m. Tuesday. September .»• thereafter at her late residence. Funeral Wednesday. September »*. at 1 P.m., from Nash Memorial Church. Rev. B. C. Pogue officiating. A RHONE. FANNIE I . Suddenly, on Sun day. September 3. 1939. at t> 4o am. FANNIE F’ RHONE, sister of the late Lewis and Robert S'arks and the late laa. Isaac and Nelson Rhone. She also is survived l>y many relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by McGuire. xn.iuo, ira.iic.1. OUUU' Hi). Uii Thursday. August 31. 1939, in New York Ciry, DANIEL F. SANDS 01 4004 21 st. st. n r . beloved husband of Edna V Sands ana father of Dorothea Lorraine Sana*. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 29oj J4th st. n.w. on Tuesday. September ft. at 10 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. 4 SEXTON. KATHERINE C. On Satur day* September 2. 1939. at Berea. Ohio. KATHERINE C. SEXTON, beloved wile of the ]"re John F X Sexton and mother of Mry Chester M. Gardner. Mrs. Kath erine E Sandifer. Mr>. Agnes C. Davis and Francis O. Sexton. Funeral from the James T. Ryan fu neral homp. 317 Pa. ave. s.e.. on Wednes day. September at N:3o a m ; ihpp.ce to St. Peter's Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a m Relatives and lriends invited. Interment. Mount Olivet Cem etery. 5 SIMKINS. EDITH YVONNE. On Fri day September .1. 1939. EDITH YVONNE SIMKINS. devoted wife of Algernon Bel cher Siskins, beloved sister of Miriam. Hiloa. Virginia. Mary. Ramona. Jehu and Rober; JJavj.s; niece of Mrs. Carrie Phil lips of Pittsburgh. Pa. She also is sur vived by other relatives and many mends. Remains may he viewed alter 1 p.m. Monday. September 4 at her late resi dence. J.fMil ftth st. n.w . where luncral services will be held on Tuesday. Septem ber ft. at I p m Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery. ArraiiRements by Mc Guire. 4 SIMPSON'. JOHN l>. On Friday, Sep tember I. 1939. at his residence, .ft3»i loth st. s.e.. JOHN D. SIMPSON, beloved hus oand of Amanda Anderson Simpson. Services at. the above residence on Tues day. September 5. m 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. T. Frank Murray funeral serv ice. *74 1 .11 th sf. s.e. 4 SIMPSON, JOHN I). The Reunion As sociation of the Jr. O TJ. A. M. are re quested to attend the services for our late brother. JOHN D. SIMPSON, at his iatt residence. 530 ]<»ih st. s.e.. at 2 p.m. Tues day. September ft. 1939. E. D. KAUFFMAN. Secretary. 4 SIMPSON, JOHN n. The officers and members of Anacostia Council. No. 1 rt. Jr. O. V A. M . are requested to assemble at 530 loth st. s.e.. on Tuesday. Scpiem [ ber ft. 1939. at 2:30 pm. ro attend the services of our Jate brother, JOHN D. SIMPSON. CLARK W. TEATES. Rer. Sec. SLAVENS, JOSEPHINE LINDSEY. On Monday. September 4, 193!*. at her resi oence. HftJ2 Nth st. n.w.. JOSEPHINE 1 LINDSEY SLAVENS. the beloved wife of Luther Jones Slavens and motifer of Mary ! 1, Slavens. Nelhe L Siavens. Bernice L. , Bengel Irene S. Donohoe and Joseph R. I Slavens. Friends are invited to call at, the Takoma tuneral home, 254 Carroll st.. | 'iakoma Park. D. C. Notice of services later, i SMITH. HATTIE. On Saturday. Sep i iember 2. 193!*. at her residence. 924 I 2 7th s». n.w . HATI IE SMITH, wife of the I late Walter Smith, moiher of Alberta. i Roger. Everplt and John Smith; sister [ of Aibprta Wood and James Willis. Other ; relatives and friends survive. | Funeral Tuesday. September ft. at 2 P. m . from the Henry S. Washington & | Sons funeral home. 1400 S st. n.w. In I ternient Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. , SUMNER. JANE D. On Monday. Sep tember 4. 1939. JANF. D. SUMNER (nee Sc.hcaffer>. beloved wife of Neil Sumner and mother of Mrs. Tereta Royle and Claude T. Clements; sister, of Mrs. Mary Jane Dugan. Remains resting at George VV. Wise Co. funeral home. 2900 M st. n.w. Notice of funeral Jater. SWART. CATHERINE E. On Sunday. September 3. 1939. at her residence. 134X Euclid st. n.w\. CATHERINE E. SWART mce Holden), beloved wife of the late Abram H. Swart and beloved sister-in-law of Mis* Rose C Swart. Remains resting at i he Lee luneral home, 4th st. and Mass, ave. n e. Notice of funeral later. THOMPSON, JAMES E. On Sunday, September 3. 1939. at his home 1229 Evarts st. n.e . JAMES E. THOMPSON, beloved husband of Hester Thompson. Service* (private) for familv onlv. at his late residence on Tuesday, Septem ber n. at 2 p.m. Interment Rockville Union Cemetery. TAYLOR. GERTRUDE RANDOLPH. On Friday. September 1. 1939. at the Home for the Aged and Infirm at Blue Plains. D. C . GFRTRUDE RANDOLPH TAYLOR be loved sister of Maggie Straughter and Miss Felicia Taylor. She also leaves to mourn their loss the dear friend*. Mrs. Nancy L. Darden and Charles R. Talbott. Remains may be viewed at the Frazier funeral home. 3X9 R. T ave. n.w.. after 10 a m. Sunday. September 3. Funeral services Tuesday. September 5. at 1 p.m.. at the above luneral home. Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. TIMOTHY. FLORENCE WHITFIELD. On Saturday. September 2. 1939. at her resi dence. 717 Maple lane. Silver Spring. Md., FLORENCE WHITFIELD TIMOTHY, be loved wife of the late Gustave V. Tinmthj and mother of Harold V Timothy and Mrs Perry JecWn of Washington. D. C.: Mrs Charles Zirkle of Silver Spring. Md . anc grandmother of Perry Timothy Jecko. Services at the S H Hines Co. funera home. 2901 14th *t. n.w., on Wednesday September 6. at R:30 a m . thence to St Paul's Catholic Church. 16th and V ats n.w.. where mass will be said at 9 a.m Interment 6 Carey P. Buchanan, Veterans' Attorney Reviewer, Dead Native of Charlotte, N.C., Victim of Heart Ailment at 47 Carey Parks Buchanan, 47, an attorney reviewer of the Veterans' Administration, died Saturday of a : heart ailment in the Montgomery County (Md.) General Hospital. , Funeral services, with the Ma- : sonic fraternity in charge, will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow in Hines : funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. The Rev. Dr. Peter 1 Marshall, pastor of New York Ave nue Presbyterian Church, will offi ciate. Burial will be in Fort Lin coln Cemetery. Close friends of Mr. Buchanan in ■ the Masonic fraternity will be active pallbearers. Honorary pallbearers 1 will be Representative Bulwinkle of 1 North Carolina. Frank R. McNinch, 1 former head of the Federal Com- ! munications Commission; former 1 Gov. O. Max Gardner of North 1 Carolina, E. R Preston, J. J. Light foot, H. H. Hummer, W. R. Burgess, E. Lee Noble, F. M. Feller. F. G. Fraser, H. F. Chandler, Matthew Mills and J. K. Slear. Born in Charlotte. Born in Charlotte. N. C., Mr. Buchanan was a son of the late ; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Buchanan. He was a descendant of early settlers of the Carolinas, being a lineal descendant of John Rutledge, former Chief Justice of the United States ■ and early Governor of South Caro- j lina. m „1 a nn _ “ J VUi o iUI . i»U chanan had made his home in Washington or nearby, having been connected with the Veterans Ad ministration, formerly the Veterans Bureau, since being discharged from the Army. He had quit the practice of law in Charlotte and volunteered for Army service during the World War. Mr. Buchanan was a member of a Charlotte Masoni* lodge, the Crafts man Club, the National League of Masonic Clubs, Inc.: the Sergt. Jasper Post of the American Legion and the Associated Reformed Pres byterian Church of Charlotte. He attended the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church here. He also belonged to the North Carolina Bar Association and the Federal Bar Association. Early in his career he was admitted to prac tice before the Supreme Court. Took Law Honors. After being graduated from the Charlotte High School. Mr. Bu- ! chanan attended the Agriculture and Engineering College at Raleigh, N. C.. for three years and then studied law at the University of . North Carolina, graduating with honors in 1912. While at the latter university he won the declaimer's medal, which was presented to him by Josephus Daniels, now Ambassa dor to Mexico. Subsequently, he was reputedly the youngest man up to that time to pass the North Caro lina bar examination, a special di.'- ] pensation having been granted to enable him to take the examina tion. He had to wait, however, until reaching the age of 21, in December, 1912. before he was permitted to practice. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Alma Womack Buchanan: a sister, Mrs. P. M. Edge. Charlotte. N. C„ and two brothers. Harry and H. F. Buchanan, both of this city. Mr. Buchanan lived on Riggs road in Montgomery County. Rev. Richard Martin, S. J., Dies at Georgetown The Rev. Richard Martin, 79. S. J.. who had taught chemistry and other sciences in various Jesuit ! schools in the East, died last night j in Georgetown Hospital. He had | been seriously ill about a week. Two years ago Father Martin ' celebrated his 60th anniversary of service in the Society of Jesus. He I retired several years ago and went i to Georgetown University. Nude Legs Opposed | "To go without stockings is not 1 esthetic. Ifs not beautiful. It’s I Masonic." reads a notice in Burgos. [ Spain, where the officials are hostile i to Freemasonry. 0rat!|0 WEBSTER. NATHAN G. Departed thi.« life on Fridav. Sppremb^r 1. 1MH. NA THAN n WEBSTER, beloved husband of Daisy Webster and father of TJade.lane Morrison. He also leaves to mourn their loss a mother, two granddaughters, five brothers, three sisters, son-in-law and other relative* and many friends. Funeral from his late residence. Rock ville. Md . on Tuesday. September 5. at 2 D.m Relatives and friends invited. Ar rangements bv Snowden A- Davis. WHITLOW. WILLIAM STRATTON. On Sunday. September .‘1. at Mount Alto Hospital. WILLIAM STRATTON WHIT LOW. husband of Josephine Whitlow. Re mains resting at the W. Ernest Jarvis fu neral rhnrrh. 14.1° Yn\i st. n.W. Interment Lynchburg, Va.. Tuesday. Sep tember 5 WOODLAND. JESSIE. On Saturday. September •!. at. Gallinger Hospital. JESSIE WOODLAND, daughter of Mrs. Ada Saviour, wife of John Woodland. She also is survived hv two sisters, two broth ers. other relative* and friends. Funeral Wednesday. September fi. at 11 a m., from Salem Baptist Church. N st. between nth and loth sts. n.wv. Rev Grimes officiating Remains resting at Stewart’s funeral home, an H st. n.e. 5 Zl’GGAR. JLLIA. On Saturday. Septem ber *2. man. at Walter Reed General Hos pital. JULIA ZUGGAR. wife of John Zug gar. Remains resting at Chambers’ sub urban funeral home. Riverdale, Md. Notice of funeral later. in Mrmnrtam DICKERSON. IDA M.j MASON. JES SIE F.. Sacred to the memory of our aunts, IDA M. DICKERSON, who departed this life ten years ago today. September 4. 1929. and JESSIE F. MASON, who left us seven years ago. September 6. 1932. God giveth His beloved sleep. FLORTNE C. LAMSON. ELSIE B. WIG GINS. * JOHNSON. FRANCIS ROBERT. In loving memory of FRANCIS R. JOHNSON, who departed this life two years ago today. September 4. 1937. Today recalls sad memories Of a loved one gone to rest. And those who think of you today Are the ones who loved you best. Some think T am not lonely When at times they see me smile; Little do thev know the heartache That I suffer all the while. We think of you in silence. No one ran see us ween; But silent tears are shed When others are asleep. HIS LOVING MOTHER. Peaceful be thy sleep, dear brother. It. is sweet, to breath* thy name: In life we loved you dearly In death we do the same. Oft we think of you. dear brother. And our hearts are sad with pain: Oh. this would be a heaven Could we hear your voice again. You are rone, but not forgotten— Never shall your memory fade: Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger Around the grave where you are laid. CLARA AND BILLY. In m.v heart your memory lingers. You were loving, kind and true; There is not. a day that, passes That I do not think of you. We cannot hear your loving voice. ; Your smiles we cannot see; But this little token shows We fttlU remember thee. I GRANDMA. * LI. S. Troops Guard Michigan Canal Locks B1 the Associated Press. SAULT STE. MARIE, Mich., Sept. L—l/nited States soldiers guarded he locks of the St. Mary's Falls ■Janal and the American end of the :nternational Bridge here last night or the first time since the World War. Twenty soldiers from Fort Brady, rear here, took up their posts soon ifter the declaration of war. They vere equipped with machine guns tnd erected a fence topped with jar bed wire at the entrance to the irst lock. Only persons with Army jasses were admitted. Shipping continued as usual, but i vigil was maintained to see that 10 one left a vessel. Across the river in Sault Ste. tfarie, Ont., Canadian guards have jeen on duty at the locks and jridge since last Monday. Multiple Crash POCATELLO, Idaho. Sept. 4 (/P).— I truck and trailer, two automobiles —one pulling a trailer—and two Jicycles got tangled up in an acci lent. Three men and the two boys jrushed off the dirt and shook them ;elves. No injuries. They looked at he vehicles—$50 covered the dam iges. Henry (Continued From First Page.) j I Dffice there is one car. belonging to 1 i news photographer, with a radio. Ml the press gathers around and rears the voice of the Prime Min-i .ster announcing the momentous iecision to the world. The police lather around also. Back in Downing street again, rhen suddenly come sharp, inter mittent blasts on whistles from all | sides, warning of an air raid. The solice are as much astounded as inybody. Has Hitler actually struck so soon? No words can adequately describe he orderliness of that crowd, 1,000 men and women gathered in a short, pne-way street, in the face of the threatening danger. We all go quiet y, reporters and photographers as veil as the merely curious onlook >rs, as the police direct us through i narrow gate to the nearest air •aid shelter. There is absolutely no rushing or pushing. We cross a muddy field beside St. James Park Dnlv a few in the crowd has gas masks. Poise Kept in Shelter. There are soldiers and air raid vardens in tall rubber boots awaiting is. Their smiling calmness accent lates the unbelieveable calmness of :he crowd. Without tfie slightest iisorder. 1,000 men, women and children are ushered into concrete ined tunnels. The system works to perfection. A seat is provided for ;verv woman. ‘‘We have every reason to believe it is a real raid,” says a warden. "I rave absolutely no intimation other wise.” It is five minutes later before ne announces that we can all go out igain. "Just a practice warning,” he says, but it is 10 minutes before the long, uninterrupted blasts on the whistles conveys the "All clear” sig nal. If only Hitler could have seen now that crowd behaved! We stand before the House of Commons. Cabinet members arrive a few at a time and are mildly cheered. Sir Samuel Hoare enters with a lady carrying her gas mask. A woman member enters clad in a blue uniform with a silver insignia on her cap. Worship Uninterrupted. We cross the street to Westminster Abbey. A single black-robed clergy man is doing something about the altar. It is a place of infinite peace. The altar is covered with a red-and gold altar cloth. Over it is a paint ing of the last supper in white and red. "There was a communion service in progress." says the clergyman. “It was not interrupted by the alarm. The persons taking com munion were a little annoyed." He smiles. "Maybe they thought God could not hear them for the noise.” An old woman is kneeling by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, heaped high with wreaths from the President of France, from French veterans and Belgian veterans. For days there have been continuous prayers for peace there. We walk down the Mall to Buck ingham Palace, a broad avenue of lime trees. Cold, silent and de serted stands the yellowish German Embassy. There is a chow dog on the Embassy steps. “Yes.” says a policeman, “it is Von Ribbentrop's dog.” He pats its head. It is a gentle, friendly old dog. quite unaware of his new re sponsibility as representative of the Third Reich. CHAS. S. ZURHORST inc. Funeral Director* i 301 EAST CAPITOL ST. Air-Condilioned Chapel LINC. 0372-0468 Est. 1857 -.- - -* In Case of Death COL. 0432 CALL ChamfafiS . ONE OF THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS Ity THE WORLD Standard v The type of equipment one ob serves in a Ryan funeral pro cession is a gauge by which the excellence of service might well be measured. Appropriate ser vices available for every one. j Our hew air-conditioned home is a model of comfort and con venience. De Luxe ambulance service, with courteous gttend I ants, always available. James T. Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Are. S.E. Atlantic 170091701 * u Monte Kennedy Dies, Forest Service Aide Monte Ray Kennedy, 43, purchas ing agent for the United States For est Service, died yesterday in Gar field Hospital after a month's ill ness. Mr. Kennedy, who lived at 6701 Forty-fourth street, Chevy Chase, Md., had been with the Forest Service here more than four years and prior to coming to this city was chief of maintenance for its branch at Denver. Colo. He served overseas in the Army during the World War. Surviving afe his widow, Mrs. Beatrice Kennedy; a daughter, Miss Lee Jane Kennedy, and two sons, Richard Clark Kennedy and Monte Ray Kennedy, jr„ ail of Chevy Chase; nis father, G. C. Kennedy, and three brothers. Arch, Ross and John Kennedy, all of Maysville, Ark., and two sisters, Mrs. Liliie Lee Abercrombie of Maysville, and Mrs. Hazel Terry, Tulsa, Okla. Funeral arrangements were to be completed later. Burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery. Baby Suffocates In Mother's Arms A 6-week-old baby died from suf focation yesterday while his mother was holding him in her arms for nursing. Police quoted the mother, Mrs. Mary Lucille Dietz, 21, of 1508 D street S.E., as saying that she had taken her baby boy, Robert, from his crib for feeding and fell asleep while holding him. The child be came tangled in a sheet that had been wrapped about him, officers stated. Coroner A. Magruder MacDonald issued a certificate of accidental death. U. S. Reds' Stand NEW YORK, Sept. 4 (A>).—Clar ence Hathaway, editor of the Com munist newspaper, the Daily Worker, declared last night his editorial policy would support Poland, de nounce Hitler and Germany, stand against the policies of Chamberlain and Daladier insofar as they pre vented England and France support ing Poland and would continue to praise the “neutrality” of Soviet Russia. Woman Ends Life While in Hospital A 36-year-old colored woman end ed her life early yesterday by dash ing into the emergency room of Children's Hospital and drinking poison from several bottles. Coronor A. Magruder MacDonald, Issuing a certificate of suicide, said that the woman, Inez Batting of Rochester. N. Y., was visiting a sis ter-in-law near the hospital. She stripped off her clothes be fore going to the emergency room's medicine cabinet, he said. After drinking a portion of the solution attendants use for sterilizing their hands, she painted her body with mercurochrome. wrapped a sheet about herself and got in a parked car outside the hospital, he said. She was rushed back into the hos pital. given first aid. then taken to Gallinger Hospital, where she died shortly afterward. Tablet Put on Fuji Young anti-Communists of the Germany-Italian-Japanese Friend ship Society recently placed a tablet at the top of Mount Fuji, Japan's famous mountain. Japanese Bombers Raid Chungking By the Associated Press. CHUNGKING, Sept. 4.—Japanese bombers raided Chungking today concentrating on new industrial and governmental buildings in the city* suburbs. While Chinese pursuit planes surged upward to meet the attack, Chinese officials, huddled in cave shelters, heard King George VI broadcast his message to the British Empire. Leukemia Fatal To Virginia Girl Victim of leukemia, unusual type of blood disease, Elizabeth Roberts, 15. of Broad Run. Va., died yester day at Georgetown Hospital after several blood transfusions had been given in a futile attempt to save her life. It is possible, it was said today by Dr. Sol Katz of the hospital staff, that a post-mortem will be held in the interest of scientific study of the disease. The girl was the child of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Roberts. Building Bigger... To Serve You Better! j Chalk np another great opportunity to make sensa tional savings on furniture and home furnishings at your favorite store—The NATIONAL. Our reputation lor gilt-edged values has increased our business so that we’re cramped for spare. Result: We’ve got to expand, so we're slashing prices to make room for the k builders and to afford you even finer service. ^ iVo Money Down! Our Regular 969,95 Value! 3-Pc. Modern Bedroom Suite Constructed of selected American gumwood and finished in walnut. Consists of full-sized bed, spacious chest of drawers and your choice of vanity or dresser. Limited quantity to sell at this low orico OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT! Phone National 6516 Before 6 P.M. This offer for • Limited Time Onlyf , D._ B . c .. ...... Was Now 3-Piece Bedroom Suite finished in n; a a nr so ee nr maple. Bed. Chest of Drawers and 4>/L/L $yQ.V5 your choice of Vanity or Dresser ' * do X 3-Piece Bedroom Suita, walnut finish CT /—QC on gum. Consists of Bed, Chest of ^ / *Ow j 3-Piece Colonial Bedroom Suite. Bed, %~I A 50 5 ^ A 70 ! Chest of Drawers and Vanity or Dresser. / I Jf' Mahogany finish on gumwood _ [ j liMiViHIIHi-l in- , . , . Was Now Z-riece London Club Suite, consists <ri—(\cr e» gn ) of Sofo and Chair covered in heavy t’Sm'^ V’®" cotton tapestry_ _ ^ I 3-Piece Living Room Suite, consisting C-'7 A Qc: tF^ 40 of Sofo, Club Chair and Lounge Choir. ^ J Covered in topestry_ ^ 2-Piece Kroehlor Living Room Suite $l/1Q-95 $Q Q.70 covered in good quality striped mohair. | 'f J7 Q A Sofo and Club Cheir_ Was Now i I 7-Piece Dinette Suite in walnut finish <r—7 a qc C p m Af) on gum. Consists of Buffet, China, ^ Extension Table and 4 chairs __ ' ' ^ * 9-Piece Modern Dining Room Suite, Buf- Cl r\ A QS © 60 fet, China, Table, Arm Chair and 5 sida * | Q chairs. Walnut finish on gumwood . _ **' 7-Piece Dinette Suite in mahogany ve- SI/IQ-50 SO ^.40 neer on gumwood. Consists of Buffet, I \ / O / Corner Cabinet, Table and 4 chairs TYPEWRITER TABLE ond STOOL Wo I not -5“ _ finish - $8.95 $3.49 Gloss Door BOOKCASE. Gomwood, walnut ^£t\ ! finish _ $1 Z.V5 $7.09 DROPLEAF TABLE, wolnot or mohogony finish f.r- *. A __ on gumwood_ $1*7.95 $10.95 ; aSAXM,NST“.-.:. $36.95 $21.85 ?uS M0U'I0UK-,. $19.95 $9.88 CURTAINS "ISCIUA. $1.79 99c MtTAL WARDRObl, b™.. $6,95 $4.49 . $10.95 $6.49 21,27 HATHSR PILLOWS. gg 99^ I SSJS! STU0,.°.C0UCH'-. $44.95 $32.60 WOM pp^s SWA .ID,. $39.95 $29.95 INNER SPRING MATTRESS, $ 1 2 95 $7 95 ^■■■lUyHHUHiBidiBiiiByLv 1 " .T-5"---:. 1