Newspaper Page Text
Federal Bonds Stage Strong Comeback as Selling Eases Utility, Rail and Some Industrial Issues Join Upturn Bond Averages 20 JO 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. F an. Net change +.8 +.3+1.5 +.4 Todav. close 57.3 96.1 92.7 49.4 Prev.' day.. 56.5 95.8 91.2 49.0 Month ago 57.1 100.6 96.9 59.3 Year ago . 57.6 98.5 93.1 63.4 1939 high . 64.9 100.8 97.5 64.0 1939 low — 53.4 95.8 90.4 49.0 1938 high-. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1^2 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high . 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close. 105.4 Prev. day 104.6 M'nth ago 112.3 Year ago 109.7 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 104.6 1938 high 110 7 1938 low 106 7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Sept. 7—United States Government issues bounded upward in a strong general bond market today. Traders said there was a notable cessation of selling and that while j some purchases by banks and other i financial institutions were noted here and there, it was unclear as yet who the heavy buyers were. Wide short-covering was reported after the two preceding days of declines in the heaviest volume of Federal loan dealings in exchange history and this was said to tend to firm values. Some dealers said they still saw signs of market support by the New York Reserve Bank. Treasury loans near noon in fast dealings showed gains ranging to! 11-32 of a point and one Home Owners’ Loan issue was ahead 13-32. Forging upward at the head of r rising corporate list were utility, rail and some industrial loans. Around 1 to 2 or more higher were American & Foreign Power 5s, In ternational Hydroelectric 6s, New York Steam 3'_.s, Columbia Gas & Electric 5s of '61, New York Central 5s, Pennsylvania Railroad general 4':s- of '65. Nickel Plate 5'2s and International Telephone 5s. Lesser gainers included Bethlehem Steel 334s, Firestone Tire 3v2s and Ana conda Copper 4>2s. Higher in the foreign dollar list1 were Belgian, Buenos Aires, Cana dian and German issues. Some French and Danish loans fell back. Big Hide Sales Reported at 14 Cents By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Sept. 7.—Sale of 10.000 light native cowhides at (4 cents a pound in the cash market, a jump of 3 cents over the last confirmed transaction, was reported today. Tanners were said to be the buyers. No spot sales had been reported since some at 11 cents last week prior to the outbreak of the war in Europe, which brought a with drawal of quotations by packers. There was a nominal spot quotation yesterday of 1312 cents, but traders said no business was done at that figure. Dividends Announced NEW YORK. Sept. 7.—Dividends de clared. Prepared by Fitch Publishing Co. Resumed. Pe- Sik. of Pay Rate. nod. recora. able. Backstay Welt Cc 12Wc 0-18 9-20 Accumulated. Cuban American Sugar ,, „„ 70 pf . S4 8-18 8-28 Guilford Realty Balt 60 pf 75c _ 9-20 9-30 Regular. Am Aaricul Chemical 30c 9-18 9-20 Am Express Co. $1.50 Q 9-15 10-2 Am Snuff 7 5c W 9-14 10-2 Am Sr Ptc pf_S3.27 Q 9-1.) 0-3* Bird Machine Co 10c Q 9-1.> 9-28 Bliss A- Laughlin Inc 25c 9-35 9-3o Do. pl 37Vic Q 9-25 9-3o Cine & Sub Bell Tel $1.13 Q 9-In lo-2 De.iav Stores 10c 9-lo 10-1 European & North Am Ry Co $3.50. S 9-15 10-3 Fanny Farmer Candy Shops _ 37Vic Q 9-1.) 10-2 Food Mach Corp 67' c 9-15 9-30 General Printing Ink loc 9-19 10-1 Do. pf SI -59 Q 9-19 lo-l Homestake Mining 37'_>c M 9-20 9-25 Invest Co of America 25c 9-15 10-3 Lehman Corp 39c 9-32 10-6 > Pacific Pub Svc 1,0c 9-is 9-78 Do. pm 32 uC Q 10-16 11-1 Pictorial Pap & Pack 10c 9-15 9-30 Reliance Mfg l(,c 10-21 11-1 DO. 7*i- pf $1.7o Q 9-21 10-2 Square D Co 30c 9-20 9-30 ____— New York Produce NEW YORK. Sent. 7 ;/P>.—Eggs. 17.2fif: firm Mixed colors. Fancy to extra fancy. 21-26: standards. 30V firsts, 17*2: sec onds. 16'2-1 7: mediums. 16: dirties, No. I, 16: average checks 14V Refrigerator, fancy heavy weights, ao-glV standards. 19' >. Whites: Resale of premium marks. 35 R71- Nearby and Midwestern, premium marks. 32-34 V exchange specials, 31; ex change standards. 75'». Resale of nearby heavier mediums. 36V3!. Nearby and Midwestern, rxchange mediums. 26; DUi jet.-. 17. peewers. 14V2-10. Browns: Nearby extra fancy. 20-.TV ■ Nearby and M •’western, exchange specials. exchance standards. 22-22'2. Nearby, mediums 27. Duck eggs: Nearby. 18-77. Butter. 1.177.448 easier. Creamery, higher than extra. 2(P1-271 ex»ra (97 acore). 2H,v’ firsts (88-91). 22d-25d: seconds (84-8? t. 2l-22d Clu?ese. 184.019- firm. State whole milk flats, held 1978 18-20; Junes. 1 (id-17; other fresh. 15'a-IH. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Sep; ? (/TV—National Assocla^on Securities Dealers. Inc.; (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bid. Asked. Bk of Am NTS (S F) 12.40) 343» :w3« ! Bank of Man. (,80a) 1 n3* 1?d i Bank of N Y (14) 409 419 Bankers’ Tr (2) _ 62 56 Brooklyn Tr (4> 983* 7M34 Cen Han Rk A Tr (4)_ 97d lOOd Chase Nat d.40> 91 37 Chem Bk A Tr (1.80) 4.Vfc 4?»/a Commercial 18) ion 190 Cont Rk & Tr (.8u) . IP4 1 :i14 Corn Fx Rk A T (3) ___ . 67d 641 4 Empire Tr (.on) __ lOd lid First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 47 45 First Natl (100) .1800 1840 Guaranty Tr (12)_ 207 208 Irvine Tr (.00) _ 10d 1 Id Manufacturers' Tr (2). 90 .".8 Manuf'rs Tr nf (7) 5(»d 57 d i Natl Citv d) . •_ 2434 7rtd N Y Trust (5) __ 108»2 111«, Public (Pa) _ 2814 20d Title GAT _ 3d 4d a Extra or extras. Freight Loadings NEW YORK. Sept. 7 '/Pi.—Revenue freight carloadings on railroads reporting today for the week ended September 2 Included: _ „ _ Sept. 2. Prev. wk. Yr. ago. Burlington 23,403 22.319 22.562 Illinois Central 31.960 29.398 29.642 Missouri-Pac. 23.034 21.234 '.1.40(1 Pennsylvania . 101.934 99.526 91,030 St. L.-Sftn Fr.. 12.800 11.696 11.988 Ches. & Ohio 37 200 ;,.V04ii 31.809 Erie . 24.700 23.108 23.09.2 Nickel Plate 15 555 15.156 1.3.969 Pere Marquette 10.203 9.301 9.070 London Bor Gold LONDON Sept. 7 I(pi.—Bar gold. 169a. unchanged. (Equivalent. $33.9,3 on basis of aterling at $4.04 > Bar silver. 21,*.d. up »/«. (Equivalent .38.74 cents.) Women of India have taken a to imitation Jewelry. f BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK. EXCHANGE Br private wire direr! to The star (Eastern Daylight Savina Time.) Approximate Troniacfioni Today. Domestic Bonds_ 9.710.000 Foreign Bonds _ 1.050.000 US Govt Bonds _ 12.790.000 TREASURY. High Low Close. 2s 1947 _101.10 100.23 101.1 2Hs 1945_ 104.24 104.22 104.22 . 2 4v s 194 8 _ 103.14 103.8 103.8 2Hs 1949-53_ 101.12 100.31 100.31 2 s 1 950-52_101.12 101 101. 2»is 1945-47_ 105.16 105.6 105.9 2»«s 1948-61. . 101.12 103 27 103.28 2Xis 1951-64_ 103.10 102 30 102.30 2 s 1956-69 _ 102.14 102 8 102.8 2*«s 1958-63 ... 102.16 101.30 101.30 2 44 s 1 960-65 ... 102.16 101.27 101 31 2T*s 1955-60 ... 104.2 103.16 103.16 3s 1 946-48 _ 106.27 106.25 106.25 3s 1951-55 . 106.10 106.6 106.6 3 44s 1 946-49 _ 107.19 107.16 107.18 Sts 1949-52 . 108. 107.23 107.80 3Hs 1941 _ 104.19 104.4 104.19 3Hs 1943-45 .. 107.2 106.20 106.30 3Hs 1944-46 107.5 106.23 107. 3«ts 1940-43 .lun 102.16 102.8 102.16 3»4s 1941-43 Mar 104.1 103.25 104.1 3 aKs 194 3-47 106.30 106.16 106.30 3%s 1946--56 __ 111.13 111.13 111.13 4s 1944-54 1 1 1.22 1 11.18 111.18 4^3 1947-52 .. 116.30 1 16.30 116.30 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE 2*is 1942-47 _ 102. 102. 102. 3s 1942-47 _ 103. 102.12 103. 3s 1944-49 _ 104 9 104 3 104 8 3 44s 1944-64 ... 105.7 105.4 105.5 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. lHs 1945-47 ._ 99. 98.17 98.23 2'is 1942-44 . 101.23 101.10 101.22 3s 1944-52 .. 104.8 104.3 101.4 FORFIGN ROWD8 High. Low. Close. Abltlbl P&P 6s 63_ 49% 49% 49% Antloouia 7s 45 B_ 13% 13% 13% Antwerp 6s 58 _ 61 61 61 Argentine 4s 72 Feb . 79 78% 79 Argentine 4s 72 Apr.. 79 79 79 Argentine 4 44 s 48 ... 93% 92% 93% Australia 4%s 56_ 69% 69% 69% Australia 6s 65_ 77 72% 76% Australia 6s 67_ 74 72 74 Belgium 6s 55 _ 91% 9(1 91% Belgium 6 44 s 49_ 91 90 91 Belgium 7s 56 ... 98 94 98 Brazil 6 44s 1926-57 ... 13% 13 13% Brazil S%s 1927-57... 13% 13% 13% Brazil 8s 41 . 17 16% 16', Buen Air 4 44 - 4 sis 77 . 58 56% 58 B A 4 41-4 44s 76 Aug. 58 57% 57% B A 464-4s 76 Apr . 57% 57% 57% Buen Air 4 %-4 6is 75. 59% 59 59% Canada 244 s 44_ 92 92 92 Canada 244s 45_ 92 91% 92 Canada 3s 67 _ 87', 87 87% Canada S44s 61_L__ 90 88% 90 Canada 4s 60 _ 97 91% 96% Canada 5s 52_ 102% 100% 102 Chile fis Go _ 16% 16', 16% Chile 6s 60 assd_ 12% 12% 12% Chile fis fi 1 Jan_ 15% 15% 15% Chile 7s 42 _ 15% 15% 15% Chile Mtg Bk 6Us 57. 14% 14% 14% Colombia 6s 61 Oct 24% 24% 24% Col Mts Bk 7s 46 ... 24% 24% 24% Copenhagen 5s 52 .. 66 66 66 Cordoba Prov 7s 42 _ 72 70 70 Costa Pica 7s 51 _ 18% ls% 18, Cuba 4 44s 77 - 58 57% 57'* Denmark 4 44s 62_ 56% 56% 56% Denmark 5 %s 55_ 7i% 70 71% Denmark 6s 42 .. 79 75 79 Dominic 1st 5 44 s 42 .. 71% 71% 71% Estonia 7s 67 _ 90 89% 90 Finland fis 45 ... 98% 98 98 French Gvt 7 44 s 41... 94 94 94 Ger Govt 5 44 s 65 ... 8% 6% 8% German Govt 7s 49 ... 10 9% 10 Grt C El Jap 7s 41 ... 80 80 80 Italy 7s 51 51% 50% 60% Ital P U Crd 7s 52 ... 36 36 36 Japan 5 44s 65_ 59 59 59 Japan m*s 54 74% 74% 74% Jugos Mtg Bk 7s 57 .. 18 16% 16s* Kreug & Toll 5s 69 ct. 4% 4% 4% Milan 644s52 _ 37 35% 37 Norway 4s 63 _ 79% 79% 7941 Norway 44*s 65_ 80 80 80 Norwav 444s 56_ 88% 88% 88% Not way 6s 43 _ 98 98% 97% Norway 6s 44 _ 97% 95% 97% Oriental Dev 5 44 s 58 . 49% 46% 49% Panama 6s 63 st asd .. 63% 62% 63% Panama 544s 53_101% 101% 101% Peru 1st 6ts 60_ 9% 8% 8% Peru 2d 6s 61_ 8% h% 8% Peru 7s 59 9% 9% 9% Poland 8s 50 _ 17 17 17 Porto Alegre 8s 61_ 8% 8% 8% Queensland 6s 47_ 88% 88% 88% Queensland 7s 41_ 97% 95 97% u an « to a u i) _ _ / ( Rio Gr do Sul 7s 66... V% 7% 7% Rio Gr do Sul Ss 46... 77* 75 75 Rumania 7s 59. _ 15 15 15 Sao Paulo St 7s 40 ... 185 185 185 Sao Paulo St 7s 56_ 85 85 85 Sao Paulo St 8s 60_ 85 8 8 Serhs 7s 62 ... 105 105 105 Serbs 8s 62 ... 12 105 11 Taiwan Elec 55s 71.. 56 545 56 Tokyo City 5s 52 ... 395 395 395 Tokyo City 5 5s 61... 60 595 60 Tokvo El Et 6s 53 565 56 565 Uru 33,«-4-45s adl 79. 445 435 44% Urn 4-4 5 -4 5s 78 45 45 45 Warsaw 45s 58 assd 8 8 8 Yokohama 6s 61 57 56 5 57 DOMESTIC BONDS. Alleg Corp 5s 44_ 75 74 75 Alleg Corp 5s 49 . _ 63 , 635 635 Alleg Corp 6s 50 std.. 305 295 305 Alleg Valley 4s 42 _ 103 103 103 Allied Stores 45s 50. 965 965 965 Allis Chalmers 4s 52 1095 109 1095 Am & For Pw 5s 2030 66% 54 56% Am 1 G Ch 55s 49 .. 101 5 1005 1005 Am Inti 65s 49 _ 975 96% 975 Am I &T 35a 61_ 1025 1015 102 Am T & T 3 5 a 66_:. 102% 1015 1015 AmTAT6V,s43 .. 108* 108 108 Anaconda db 4 V,s50 1055 1045 1055 Anglo-Chll Nitr db 67 34 34 34 Armour! Del > lstts 65 965 945 95 Armour Del 4s 57 .. 96 95 96 A T&S Fe gen 4s 95.. 102% 102 102% A TAS Fe 45s 48 . 100!, 100 100 Atl Coast L clt 4s 52. 65 65 65 Atl Coast L 4 5s 64.. 65 645 64% Atl Cdlst E 5s 46 .. 76 76 76 Atl & Dan 1st 4s 48 .. 395 395 395 Atl Gulf & W 1 5s 59. 665 665 66', Atlantic Refin 3s 53.. 100 99 100 BA Gist 4s 48 ... 65 5 64 655 UAGconv 45* 60_ 14 13% 135 B * G 4 %s 60 Ct_ 13% 13% 13% BAG 1st 5s 48 ..... 65 65 65 B & O 1st 6s 48 Ct_ 65 645 65 BAG ref 6s 95 _ 245 23% 24 B & O ref 6s 95 Ct_ 235 22% 225 B A O 5s 96 F _ 235 23% 235 B A G 6s 96 F ct ... 23 #23 23 B A O ref 6s 2000 D . 235 22% 235 B A G rf 6s 20C0 D ct. 23 22 22% B A O ref 6s 96 .... 25 245 245 B A G ret 6s 95 Ct.. . 245 23 245 BAG PEE&W V 4s 41 68% 585 58% B&OPEEAW V 4s4let 58% 575 57% BAG Swn 6s 60 _ 435 42% 435 BAOSwn6s60ct _. 43 425 425 Bang & Aroos 6s 43 .. 105 105 105 Bell T of Pa 6s 48 B .. ill 1105 110% Beth Steel 35s 59 F „ 97', 96% 97 tsetn steel 3 %s 62 1 u t % 106% 107 Beth Steel 8%s 66 ._ 100 98% 99% Beth Steel 4 V4 s 60 _ 104% 103% 104 Bus & Me 4848 61 JJ_ 29% 29% 29% Bos* Me 6s 65 _ 34% 33% 34% Bos & Me 6s 67 _ 33% 33 33% Bos N Y A L, 4s 55 ... 6% 6% 6% Bklyn Ed un 3 V4S 66 . 103 101% 103 Bklyn Man T 4 44s 66. 72 70 "2 Bklyn Uh El 6a 60 ... 82 82 82 Bklvn Un Gas 5s 45.. 107 107 107 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 50 .. 92 91% 917, Bklyn Un G 5s 67 B . 99% 99 99% Bklyn Un G rf 6s 47 .. 11(1 110 110 Buff K&P cn 4 %s 57 38 36 38 B K& Pen 4%s57 ct. 36 35% 36 Bush Term cn 6s 55 . 39 39 39 Calif Oree Pwr 4s 66 96 96 96 Canadian NK «44s 61. 100% 99 100% Can NK 4 448 56 _102% 100 101 Can NK 444s 57- 101% 100 100% CanNK4 3is 65 .... 103 101% 103 Can NR 6s 69 July_ 103 100% 102% Can NR 6s 69 Oct_ 103% 10214 103% Can NR 6s 70 _102% 101% 102% Can Nor 6 44s 46 _108 J07 108 Can Pac db 4s perp_ 65% 64 65% Can Pao 4 44s 60_ 74% 73 73 Can Pac 6s 44__ 101 100 101 Can Pao 6s 64 _ 75 72% 75 Carth & Ad 4s 81_ 46 46 46 Celotex 4 44 s 47 ww . 82% 82% 82% Cent ot N J een 6s 87 14 13% 1$% Cent NY Pw 3%s 62 . 102 102 102 Cent Pao 1st rf 4s 49. 68 68 68 Cent Pac 6s 60 ... 52% 51% 51% Cert'd deh 6 44s 4* . . "0% 69 69 Cham P&F 4%s 88-50 100% 100 10^4 High. Low. Close. Ches *08 4s 96 D_ 924 92 92 » Che* & O 34s 96 E._. 92 92 92 C & O gen 4 4s 92_1154 1154 1154 Chi & Alton 8s 49 ... 74 74 74 Chi R&U *en 4s 58_ 93 93 93 Chi B&U 4 4s 77_ 85 83 85 Chi B&W ref 6s 71.. . 88 88 88 C B&u 111 dlv 34a 49 95 944 944 C B&CJ 111 dlv 4s 49... 994 99 99 Chi & Bill 6s 51 __ 16 154 154 Chi Urt West 4s 69 19 184 19 Chi Mil & St P 4s 89 __ 224 214 224 Chi Mil A St P 5s 75 74 7 74 CMStPAP adl 6s 20fiO 24 24 24 Chi A NW 4 4s 2037 . 84 7 4 84 Chi&NW 44s 2037 C. 84 8 84 Chi & NW cv 44* 49. 84 34 34 i Chi & NW sen 5s 87.. 13 12 124 Chl&NW rf 6s 2037 .. 9 9 9 j Chi KI&P rf 4s 34 64 64 64 ! Chi IU&P rf 4s 34 ct 64 64 64 Chi K 1 & P gen 4s 88 144 I84 144 Chi IU&P 4 4* 62 A 8 74 8 Chi R1&P4 4S52A cfs 64 6 6 Chi RI&P cv 4 4s 60 34 3 34 Chi lln Sta S4s 61.. 100*, 100 100 Chi Un Sta 3<Sis 63 ... 1024 101 1024 Chi Un Sta 4s 63 D .. 104 104 104 ! Chi & W In cv 4s 62 91 904 91 Cht * W Ind 4 4* 62 94 93 94 iCInU TrmHst9 et 106 106 106 I CCO&StLStL dv 4s90 62 62 62 CCC&Stt. i. rf 4 4* 77 63 604 514 Clev El 111 3*is 65 . 1074 1064 1074 Clev lln Ter 4 4s 77.. 74 71 74 Clev Un Ter 6s 73_ 80 774 80 ColoF&Ir6s70_ 62 62 62 Colo & So 4Hi 80 ... 31*4 30 31', , Col G&E 6s 62 Apr... 100 99 100 Col G&E 6s 62 May.. 1004 994 100', I Col G&E 6s 61 _ 994 g7:,, 984 Cornel Cred 3 4e 61.. 1034 1031! 1031? Com tv Ed 3 4 s 68 ... 1144 112 113*, Oomw Ed 34s 68 .. 1044 1034 1044 Cons Coal Del 5s 60 . 594 66 594 Cons Ed N Y 3 4s 46 1024 1004 102 Cons Ed db 3 4s 48 103 1014 102*, Cons Ed N Y 3 4s 66 1014 1004 1004 Cons Ed N Y 3 4s 68 102*. 1004 100*, Cons 011 34*51 1014 101 101 Consol Rys 4s 55 J&J 94 94 94 ('orisum f*wr 3 U r fifi ini 7. inn1 mi;. Consum Pwr 3 14s 67 . 104 104 104 Consum Pwr 3 %s 70 105 103 103', Container deb 5a 43 98 98 98 Conti Oil 2%» 48 . 109% 109 109 Crane Co 3 %s 51 101% 101% 101% Crown C&S 4s 50 _101 104 104 Cuba Northn 6'AS 42 34% 33 33 Cuba Hist 5s 52 _ 39% 39% 39% Dayton P&L 3 %s 60 .. 105 103 105 Del & Hud ret 4s 43.. 58% 56% 68%. DenC!&E5s61 _104% 104% 104% Den U&E 6s 61 st . 104% 104% 104 % Den & K G eon 4s 36. 10% 9% 10% D & R G W 6s 65 ast.. 3 2% 3 Den< G VV rf 6s 78.. 6% 6% 6% Des AI&F D 4s 35 et_ 3% 3% 3% Det Edison 4s 65 ... 107V, 107 107 Det Edison 4% 81 109% 108% 109% Det Ter&Tun 4 %s 61 100 99% 99% Duluth Al&IR 3 %s 62 103 102% 103 Duauesne Dt 3 %s 65 106% 105 105 Erie sen 4s 98_ 20% 19% 20%. Erie ref 6s 67_ 12 11% 11% Erie ref 6s 76 _ 12 11% H% Erie Gen Uiv 6s 57 ... 41 41 41 Falrbks Morse 4s 56 . 102% 102%. 102% Fed Dt&Tr 6s 42 103 103 103 Firestone Tire 3 %s 48 101% 99% 100% F!aECKv6s74 _ 7% 7% 7% Francisco Sus 6s 56 . 58% 54% 57 Gen Cable 6 %s 47 .. 99 99 99 Gen Mot Acc iSlis 61. 103 101% 103 Gen Stl Cast 5 %s 49 . 65% 65 65% Goodrich 4'4 s 66 101% 101 101% Goth Silk H 6s 46 ww 85% 85% 85% Grt Nor Hy 3%s 67 74% 74 74% Grt Nor 4s 46 G .. 100 W7 99 Grt Nor Ky 4s 46 H . 89% 88% 89 Grt N Ry 1st 4'/«s 61. 102 102 102 Grt N Ity 4VV«76 D 81 83% 83% Grt N It en 4%s 77 E. 83% 82 82% Grt Nor Ry 5s 73 _ 88% 87 88% Grt Nor Rv 5 %s 62 ... 95 94% 94%. Gulf M&N 5s 50 ... 81 81 81 Gulf St Util 3'. s 69 ._ 102% 102 102% Hoe (It I 1st nil* 44 . 69% 69% 69% Hudson Coal bs 62 A. 35 34% 35 Hud & Man Inc 6s 67. 13% 13 13% Hud & Man ref 6s 67. 47 46 46% 111 Cent 4s 52_ 53 53 53 ! ill Cent 4s 53 _ 50 50 60 ill Cent ref 4s 55_ 53 5.3 53 111 Cent 4%s 66 . 48% 47% 48% ICC&StL NO 4%s 63. 48 46% 47% ICO&StL NO 6s 63 51% 50% 50% Indust Rayon 4 %s 48 92 91 92 Inland Steel 3%s 61 104% 104 104% Inter R T 1st rf 6s 66 60 58% 59% inter RT 6s 32 29% 29% 29% Inter RT 7s 32 . .. 57% 56% 57% lnterlake Iron 4s 47.. 87 86 86 Int Grt Nor 5s 56 B .. 12 12 12 Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52. 16 14% 16 Int Grt Nor adj 6s 52. 2% 2% 2% Int HVdro El 6s 44 ... 76 74% 75% Int Mar Mar fic il C<> r*> , Int Paper 1st 5s 47... 944 944 944 Int Paper ref 6s 65_ 90 88% 90 Int TAT 4 4s 52_ 45 43% 44% Int TAT 5s 65 47% 464 47% Iowa C 1st A ref 4s 51 2% 2% 2% James F&C 4s 59 ... 48 48 48 Kane C FtSAAl 4s 36 28 28 28 K C FSAM rf 4s 36 ct. 27 26 27 Kans City So 3s 60 .67 67 67 Kans C So rf 5s 50 . 64 64 64 Kan City Term 4s 60_ 104 104 104 Kans GAE 44s 80 _. 103% 103% 103% Koppers Co 4s 51 964 954 964 Kresae Found 34s 47 100% 100% 100% Kresse Found 4s 45 .. 102 102 102 Laclede Gas 6 4 * 63 . 52 514 614 Laclede O 6 4s 60 D_. 50% 50% 60% Laclede Gas 6s 42 B — 45 45 45 Lautaro Nitrate 75 .. 33 83 33 Leh CAN 44s 64 A 61 51 51 Leh Val C 5s 64 std... 28 28 28 Leh Val Coal 6s 43 43 43 43 Leh Val N Y 4 4s 40 50 60 60 Leh V NY 4 4s 40 asd 50 60 50 L V RR con is 2003 16% 15 15% L V RR 4s 2003 asd . 16 14% 16 L V RR cn 4 4s 2003 164 164 164 L V RR 44S 2093 asd 164 16 16% L V RR con 6s 2003.. 18 IS 18 L V RR 6s 2903 asd . 18 18 18 Lift* A Mvers 5s 51.. 122 119', 122 Lion Oil 4 4■ 52 _ 100 994 100 Loew’s 3 4* 46 97 96 97 Lone Star Gas 34*53 103 103 103 LoriUard6s61 .. 116 116 116 Lorlilard 7s 44 .. 119 119 119 Louisv GAB! 3 4s 66 .. 104 101% 103 L A Nash 3%s 2003 . 77 764 77 I L A Nash unlf 4s 40.. 99 99 99 L A Nash 4 4s 2003 .. 87 87 87 McCrory Strs 5s 51... 106% 106% 106% Me Central 4 4s 60 ... 46 46 46 Manati Suaar 4s 67 — 40% 38% 394 Manhat Ry 4s 90 _ 68 674 674 Manhat Ry «s 90 ct... 654 544 55 iMarket St Ry 7s 40... 53 62 62 .Mead Co 6s 45 _ 104 104 104 Metrop Ed 4 4s 68 . 1094 109'* 1094 Mich Cons Gas 4s 63 95% 94% 95% MStPASSM con 6s 38. 64 44 44 MStPASSM 5s 38 atd. 64 64 64 MStPASSM 54s 49.. 1% 1% 1% MStPASSM 64s 7*.. 65 65 65 MStPASSM 6s 46_ 24 24 24 Mo 111 6s 69 _ 58 67 58 Mo K A T 1st 4s 90—. 324 314 314 Mo K & T 4s 62 B_ 17 16% 17 MoKAT44s78_ 18 18 18 Mo K A T 6s 62 A ... 194 19 19 Mo K ATadi 6s 67... 9 8% 8% Mo Pac 4s 76 _ 44 3% 3% Mo Pac 6s 77 F _ 16V, 14l* 15% Mo Pac 5s 77 Fct_ 13% 13% 13% Mo Pac 6s 78 G_ 15% 144 15% mo me os o i i ....... xuv* iiva Mo Pac 6%« 49 . —_ 3 3 3 Mob A Ohio 4%s 7T„ 23% 23% 23% Mob A Ohio 6s 3* ... 26% 26% 26%. Mohawk & M 4s 91 49 49 49 Monona P S 4 %a 60 _ 104% 103*4 104% Monona Pub S 6s 65 100% 100*4 100% Mont Power 34i s 66 94*4 93% 94% MorrlsAEs 8 %s 2000 40% 39% 39*2 Morris A Es 4 V2S 55 . 36 86 36 Morris A Es 5s 65 36% 35*4 35% Mount StTAT 3%S 68 102 101', 101% Nassau Elec 4s 61. 40 40 40 Nat Dairv 8 4is 61 ww 102% 1Q1 101% Natl Distill 3 %■ 49.. 99% 98% 99% Natl Steel 3s 65 ... 97 96% 96% New E TAT 4%S 61 - 117 113 117 New E TAT 1st 5s 62. 121 120% 120% New Orl A N 4%s 62. 52 60 52 New on P S 5s 68 A 103 102% 103 New Orl TAM 4%s 56 30 29% 30 New on TAM 6s 54 B 80% 30% 30% New Orl TAM 6s 66 C 31 31 31 N Y Central 3%s 62 61 58% 60 N Y Central 3 %s *7 .. 76% 76 76 NY Centra] 3 44 • 46. 71 71 71 N Y Cent con 4s 98 60% 68% 68% N Y Cent rf 4%e 2013 53 51% 62% N Y Cent rf ts 2018 . 58% 66% 67% NYCL,Sh3%s 98 . 60 69 60 N Y ChlA9tE 4%s 78 63% 61% 62% N Y CAStL 6%s 74 A 60% 58% 59% N Y Chi A St L 6s 41 64 64 64 N Y Conn 1st 4%s 53 101 100 101 NY Dock 4s 61 ... 50% 49% 50 N Y Dock cv 6s 47_ 64 63% 64 N Y Edis 3 %s 65 D_102 10^ 102 High. Low. Close. N Y Edlsref 14* 61.. 104 104 104 NY NH A H 34*64 — 114 114 114 NY NH&H 44*67... 144 144 144 NY NH & H cl 4* 40.. 23 23 23 NY NH & H ov 4* 41.. 14 14 14 NY O&W r*f 4* 92... 74 7 74 N Y Putnam 4* 93_ 48 48 48 N Y Rich G 6s 61 _ 1004 100 1004 NY Steam 8 4s 63 .. 98% 954 98 N Y SA VY ref 6*37 84 84 84 N Y Tel 3 4 s 67 -.1014 1014 1014 N Y Tel cen 4 4* 89 .. 100A 100A 100A NYW&B44» 46 . 34 34 34 Niaa Fall* P 34* 66. 1054 1054 1054 Niaff I. & O 6s 66_1074 1074 1074 Nlaa Sh 54s 60 _ 96 95 95 Norf Southn 6s 61 ... 104 104 104 Norf* W 1st 4s 96... 1154 115% 1154 North Am 34*49_ 1004 100 1004 North Am 3%s 64_ 994 994 994 North Am 4* 69 _. 102% 1014 1024 Nor'n Pac an Ss 2047 . 43 424 424 Nor'n Pac 4s 97 .. 694 69 69% Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 C.. 60 60 50 Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 D . 504 494 494 Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 604 59 594 North Sta Pw 3 4s 67 103 1004 102 Ohio Edison l%s 72.. 100% 984 100% Ohio Edison 4s 65 ... 102% 1014 102% Ohio Edison 4s 67_ 102 100% 102 Okla GAE 4s 46 ... 102 102 102 OreR RH A N 4s 46 .. 106 1044 106 1 Orea Sh L 6s 46 etd .. 114 114 114 Oreaon W HR 4s 61.. 101 994 101 i Otis Steel 4 4*62 75% 75 75 ! Pac Gas A El 34s 66 1034 1024 1034 j Pac G A E 3 % g 61 1044 103 104 . Pac G A E 4s 64 1064 105 1064 I Pac TAT rf 3%s 66 B 102', 102 1024 Pac TAT 34s 66 C 103 102 103 Para Brodwy 3s 65 ct 60 50 50 Penn Co 4s 63 .. 974 974 974 ' r>A>n r. n i ■ 7T i PennRR3%s62_ 85% 81% 85% PennRR38js70_ 84% 83 .83% Penn RR 4s 48 . 110%-107% 107% Penn RR cn 4s 48 stp. 109% 109% 109% Penn RR 4'.is 81 ... 92 90 92 Penn R 4 '.is 84 91 90 91 Penn RR trn 4 %s 65_. 96% 94% 96 Penn RR <1h 4 %s 70.. 85% 85 86 Penn RR cen 5s 68 ... 103% 100% 102% Pere Mara 4 % s 80 .. 58 57% 57% Pere Mara 6s 66 65 64% 64% Phelps Dnrttre 3 Us 52 114% 114 114 Phila RAW 4s 43_ 108 108 108 ! Phila Cn 6s 67 ... 103 100% 102 1 Phila Klee 3 %s 67 . 105% 104% 104% Phila R P A lr 6s 73.. 13% 12% 13% i Phila R r A lr 8s 49 4% 4 4 Philippine Rv 4s 37 . 7% 7% 7% Phillips Petrol 3* 48. 112 111", m% PPPAStL 4%s 77_ 93% 93% 93% PPPAStL 6s 75 B __ 102 101% 102 Plus P A lr 4 %s 52 . 97% 97 97% PlttAW Va 4%* 58 A. 35 34% 35 PlttAW Va 4 %s 60 C. 33% 33 33 Port Oen El 4 %s 60 . 75% 73% 75 Postal Tel A C 6s 53 14% 13% 13% Pressed Stl Par 5s 51 75 75 75 Pub Svc EAR 3'/«s 68 102% 102% 102% Public Sv 1 st 3 Us 68 102% 101% 101*, Puritv Raklne 5s 48 98 97 98 Readlns Jer C 4s 61 . 50 50 50 ! Readlnc R 4%s 97 A 7.3% 73% 73% j Rem Rand 4%s 66 ww 9.3% 93 93% Republic Stl 4 %s 66 93% 92% 92% Repuhltc Stl 4 %s 61 . 9.3 92 93 Republic Stl 6Us 64 109% 109 109 Revere Pop 4 % a 66 ... 96% 96% 96% Richfield Oil 4s 62 ... 108 108 108 i Roch P.AE S»4s 67 .. 104 104 104 R 1 A A L 4 %a 34 . . 9 9 9 Bacuena v Pw 4 V, a 66 95 95 95 ! St L PANW 5s 4 8 .. 14% 14% 14% St l.-San Er 4s 50 A . _ 9% 9 9", St L-San Fr 4 % s 78 9% 9 9% St L-S F 4 Us 78 Ct st 9% 8% 9% St L-San Fr6s 50 B 9% 9% 9% San Antonio P S 4s 63 100% 100*. 100%! Ran Pieiro PGAE 4a65 107 106% 106%: Schulco 6 %s 4 6 A stp 17 17 17 Scabd A L 4s 50 stp . 10% 10% 10%' Seah'd A L rf 4s 50 . 4% 4% 4% Seahd A L rf 4s 50 ct. 3% 3% 3% Seahd A 1. adt 5s 49._ 2% 2% 2% Seah'd A L 6s 46 A 7 6% 7 Seah’d A I. 6e 45 ct 6 6 6 Seah'd A FI 8s 35 A ct 2% 2’, 2% Silesian Am 7s 41_ 25% 25% 25% 1 Simmons Cn 4s 52 .. 0.3 93 93 So Rell TAT 3'i s 62 .. 103% 102% 102% Southn Cal O 4s 85 . 106 106 106 Southn Pal G 4 Us 81. 105% 105% 105% So Polo Pwr 6s 47 A 103 102 102 Southn Kraft 4 % a 46 99% 89 89% Southn Nat G 4 %a 61 101 100% 101 SoPaccol 4s 49_ 47% 46 47%, em r-rtu rei as no_ r>I*« nI fil% So Pac 4%s 68_ 47% 45% 47 RoPae4%s69_ 47 45% 46% So Pac 4 %s 81 __ 47% 45% 46% So Pac Orep 4 %8 77 .. 51 50 50% Fo Prc S F Ter 4s 50_. 83% 8.3 83% So Rv een 4s 66 A_ 55% 54 55% So Rv 6s 94 _ 85 85 85 So Rv een 6s 68_ 70% 69% 70% So Rv 6 %B 66 _ 75 73% 74 S W Rell Tei 3s 68 _ 101 100 100% S W Bell Tel 3%s 64. 105% 105% 105% Snuthwn G&E 4s 60 104 103% 104 Snokane IntBs 65 16 16 16 Stand Oil N J 2%s 63 100% 98% 99% Stand Oil N J 3s 61 _. 101 99% 99% Studehnker ev 6s 4588 87 88 Swift & Co 8%s SO_ 104 104 104 Term As St L 4s 63 ... 102% 100% 102% Texarkana 6 %s 60... 86% 86 86% Texas Corn 3s 69 ... 99% 97% 99', Texas Corn 3%s 61 .. 104% 103 103% Texas * Par 5s 79 C . 82 82 82 Tex & P MPT 5%s 64 101% 101% 101% Third A v ref 4s 60 .. 45% 45% 45% Third Av adt 6s 60 . 10% 9% 9% Tide Wat Oil 3%s 62. 102 101% 102 Un El ( Mo)3 %s 62 .. 105 104% 105 Un Oil Cal 2 %s 52_ 106J| 1054! 105JJ Un Pacific 3 %s 70_ 92% 92% 901, Un Pacific 3%a 71 .. 92% 92% 9?% Un Pacificist 4s 47 . 108% 107 107% Un Pacific 4s 47 re*.. 105% 105% 105% Un Pac ref 4s 2008 103 101% 102% ' Un Pac 1st 5s 2008 . 110% 110% 110% j United Biscuit 5s 60. 105% 105% 105% : United Drue 6a 63 .. 77 74 76 | Utd Rvs St L 4a 34 ... 27 27 27 U S Steel 3 % a 48 102% 101% 102% i Utd Stkyds4 % s51 ww 85 85 85 j Utah L&T 5s 44 .. 95% 93% 95 Utah Pwr & L.t 6s 44. 98 86 97% Utility P * U 5s 69 . 76% 76 76 Utility P& L 5%s 47. 76 76 76 Vanadium 5s 41 _ 108 107 107 J VaIrCAC5s49 _ 38 38 38 Va Rv 1st 3 % s 68- 102% 101% 102% I Va S W con 5s 58_ 58 58 58 Wabash 4 %a 78 C__ 6% 6% 8% I Wabash 2d 5s 3D_ 16% 16% 16'! Wabash 6s 76 B___ 7 6% 6% Wabash 5s 80 D_ 7 7 7 Wabash 5 %s 75 . . 7 5% 7 Walker H&S 4 % s 45 103% 103% 103% Warren Bros cv 6s 41 43% 41 41 VVestcht L en 3 %a 67 102 102 102 West Penn P 3 %s 66. 105 104% 104% West Sh 1st 4s 2361.. 61 50 50 W Va P&P4%s 62... 102% 102% 102% West Md 1st 4s 52 .. 80% 79% 79% West Pac 5s 46 A as.. 17% 17% 17% West Union 4%s 60.. 65 65 65 West Union 6s 61 .. 69 68 68 West Union 6s 60 .. 68% 66 66 Wheel Steel 4 %s 66 _ 94 92% 94 Wilson & Co 3%a 47. 98% 97% 97% Wilson & Co 4s 65 97 97 97 Wis Cent 1st Rn 4s 49 12% 12% 12% Wis El Pw 3%a 68 .. 102% 102 102% Wis Pub Sve 4s 61... 106 106 106 ] Younest'n S&T 4a 48 109 108 108% 1 Youneat’n S&T 4a 61. 102% 101 102% Canada Delays Action On Wheat Dealings By thf Associated Press. OTTAWA, Sept. 7 (Canadian Press).—No immediate action in con nection with the wheat market is contemplated by the Canadian gov ernment, trade Minister W. D. Euler stated. George Mclvor, chairman of the Canadian Wheat Board, and Dr. T. W. Grindley, secretary, returned to Ottawa yesterday from Winnipeg. “We talked over the wheat situa tion,” Euler said. "We do not con- 1 template taking any immediate ac tion.” Euler is the chairman of the cabinet subcommittee on wheat : marketing. , Dividend Is Ordered NEW YORK, sept. 7 (Special).— : Directors of Selected Industries, , Inc., have declared the regular quar terly dividend of $1.37>/2 a share on the $5.50 dividend prior stock, pay able October 1 to stockholders of i record September 15. Power Output Rises Moderately in Week; Tops Year Ago Contraseasonal Increase Sends A. P.Index to 122.2 Mark By the Asioci&ted Press. NEW YORK, Sept. 7.—Electric power production in the United States during the week ended Sep tember 2 totaled 2,357,203,000 kilo watt hours, a gain of 1 per cent over the 2,354,750,000 in the preceding week and 9.7 per cent ahead of the 2,148,954,000 in the comparable 1938 week, the Edison Electric Institute reported today. The advance, when a decline at this time of year is usually expected, carried the Associated Press power index to 122.2 from 121.7 in the pre ceding week. The index, which is based on 1929-30 as 100 and is ad justed for seasonal and long-term trend, stood at 113.6 a year ago Range for recent years follows;: 1939. 1938. 1937. 1936.1934-5. High 122.8 117.2 125.2 119.8 105.5 Low 112.3 102.8 111.8 102.0 91.9 Percentage gains over the similar week last year, according to major geographic areas, were reported as follows: New England, 11.6; Middle Atlantic, 11.6; Central Industrial, 12.8; West Central, 5.1; Southern States, 1.2; Rocky Mountain, 19.6; Pacific Coast, 8.8. Washington Produce BUTTER—90 score. 1-pound prints. 27; ub, 2b; 4-pound prints. 29, 92 score, tub. 2i; 4-pound prints. 29. MEATS--Choice beef. 18. good beef. 10 17 4; calves. 10-17; spring lambs. 21; veal, lu oown, pork loin. 20-21: smoked regu ar ham 22-23: smoked skinned ham. 24; arge smoked skinned ham. 20-21; bacon, sliced. 28. bacon, piece, 23; compound. 10, jure lard 84. LIVESTOCK—-Pigs. 120-140 pounds. FI .50-0.80, Imht pigs. 14o-15o pounds. >90-7.10; 150-200 pounds. 7.00-7.30: ! 10-250 pounds. fl.9o-7.lo: 260-300 jounds. 6.60-7.00; calves, good grade. 11 iown: lambs. 9 down buck lambs. 2.20 ess: sows. 4.75-60; stag* 4 down, weightier lows. 4.00-5.00. From Agricultural Marketing Service Prices paid net 4 o. b. Washington EGGS-—Market stronger and higher on J S extras, large steady and uncnanged jn others. For eggs candled and graded in Washington (September 7 k Whites U. S. *xtras. large. 33 cents; U 8 extras, me ilums. 24 cents. U 8 standards, large. 25 'ents. U. 8. standards mediums, 20 cents, U. S. trades. 17 cents. U. 8. pullets. 14 rents For nearby ungraded eggs Cur ent receipts: Whites. 20 to 21 cents mixed :oiors. 17 to is cents. LIVE POULTRY—Market stronger and ugher on most classes. Fowl Colored, all size*. 15 to 17 cents: No. 2s. 11 to 13 rents; Leghorns. 1! to 12 ernes roosters. 9 o 10 cents. Chickens Virginia Rocks Broilers and fryers, all sizes. J 84 to 19 ents. few best higher No. 2s. 124 to 13 ents Delaware Rocks and crosses Broil er." and fryers, all sizes. 18 to I84 cents. Few best higher No. 2s. 13 cents: mixed rolored fryers. 16 to 16 cents Leghorns, jrollers. all sizes. 15 to 16 cents. Fruits and Vegetables. Compiled by the market news section >f Agricultural Marketing Service. Sales o 8 a m on this morning's wholesale mar tef in less than carlot quantities: APPLES—Market dull. Truck receipts iberal. No carlot arrivals, one broken '&r on track. Maryland. Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, bushel baskets ind Eastern crates: U. 8. No. 1. Rambos. -4-inch minimum. 60-66; 24-inch mini mum and 3-inch minimum. 65-75; Bonums. 2 4-inch minimum and 2la-inch nimmum. 40-65; Grimes. 24-inch mini mum. 5U-6*i; 24-inch minimum and up. 75-1.00; Delicious. 24-inch minimum 75; -4-inch minimum,; 24-inch ninimum, 1.26-1.35: McIntosh. 24-inch nimmum. mostly 50; 24-inch minimum. “r *9*1. Pennsylvania and Virginia, bushel joi s. DeliciouA. combination extra fancy *nd fancy, medium to large size. 1.50-1.65, arge to very large size. 1.76-2.00; C grade, ill sizes. 1.25-1.50 McIntosh. 1.40-1.60, is to size, rlpes, 85-1.00. AVOCADOS—Express receipt s. market nB»ri. rioriaa. iugs ana canons. 14S ind 16 size. 50-75. according to quality *nd condition, few higher, bushel baskets md bushel crates. 2.00-2.50. CABBAGE—Market about steady. Truck receipts moderate. One Virginia arrived. 3ne unbroken car on track. Pennsylvania, dushel hampers, domestic flat type, 60-75. Mew York domestic round tvpe crates, approximately 60 pounds net. »<>; 60-pound =acks. 65-75. Virginia, bushel hampers, domestic flat type. 60-75; mostly 65. CANTALOUPES—Market weaker One California arrived; eight broken and four mbroken cars on track California, Casa ^as. jumoo crates. Ms to 8s. 1.75 Per >ians. ponys 8s. 1.50-1.76. Christmas nelons. Jumbo crates, all sizes. 2.25. Colo rado. Green Meats, jumbos. 27s, 2.25-2.60; lumbo crates. .'16s and 45s. 2.50-2 76; mmbo flats 11s and 12s. 100: Salmon Weats. jumbo flats. Ps. 00: lis and l°g. I few higher, standard flats, 12s *nd 15s. 75-00. HONEYDEWS—Market weaker. One -olorado arrived: two broken and three mbroken cars on track. Colorado Jumbo rrates. all sizes. 1.60-1.75; few hither. California jumbo crates, all sizes. 1.75; lew higher. CARROTS—Market steady. One Cali fornia arrived; no cars on track. Prac tically no supplies on the market. CELERY—Market about steady. Truck receipts moderate. One New York arrived; wo broken and one unbroken cars on :rack. New York individually washed. ‘'2-crates. 1.00-1.15; poor quality lower; -crates. 1.00-1.35. according to quality for all sizes. GRAPES—Market weaker. Truck re ceipts moderate. No carlot arrivals; four sroken cars on track. New York, table =;tock. cartons containing 12 2-quart bas kets. Concords. 1.25-1.75. according to duality and condition LETTUCE — Market slightly weaker, rwo California arrived; three broken and ihree unbroken cars on track. California. Los Angeles, crates. Iceberg type. 5 dozen. 1.75-4 no LIMES—Express receipts market about steady. Florida. 14 boxes and cartons. Persians. 75-1.25. according to quality and size; bushel crates. 1.00-2.00. according to quality and condition. ONIONS—Truck receipts moderate. No :arlot arrivals; one broken and one un sroken cars on track. Fifty-pound sacks. LJ. S. No. 1: Indiana. Massachusetts. New Ifork and Ohio. Yellows. 50-75. according rx> quality and condition. Idaho, market weaker. Sweet Spanish. 3 inches and larger, L.25-1.30; few higher. Peaches About Steady. PEACHES—Market about steady. Truck ■ecelpts liberal. No carlot arrivals; one 3roken car on track. Bushel baskets. U. S. *0. 1. Elbertas: Maryland. New Jersey ind Pennsylvania. 2-inch minimum, most y around 1.25: 2U-lnch minimum, mostly around 1.50: 2Vi-inch minimum. 1.75; few ugher; Elbertas and Hales. U. S. No. 1. I1,2-3 inches, best. 1.75: few higher. PEARS—Market about steady. Truck ■eceipts moderate. No carlot arrivals: one >roken car on track. New York. Seckels. J. 8. No. 1; Bushel baskets, best. 1.50 !.‘43: ’^-bushel baskets 90-1.25. accord ng to quality; Bartletts. U. S. No. 1, >ushel baskets. 1.25-1.75. mostly 1.25-1.50; i-bushel baskets. 75-85. PEAS—Market stronger. One Colorado irrived: one broken and two unbroken ars on track. Colorado, bushel hampers, I. 00-2.25. POTATOES—Market slightly stronger. )ne Idaho arrived; one broken and one mbroken cars on track. 100-pound sacks. J. 8. No. 1: New Jersey and Pennsylvania Gobblers, mostly around 1.50: Idaho. Rus £>! RnrhanVc *> SO SWEET POTATOES—Market weaker [Tuck receipts moderate. No carlot ar lvals. no cars on track. Maryland, bushel laskets. U. S. No. 1. Goldens. 90-1.00; ’uerto Ricans. 1 00: North Carolina mshel baskets, U. S. No. 1. Puerto Ricans, ..00-1.10; Nancy Halls. 1.00-1.25. WATERMELONS—Market about steady, 'ruck receipts light. Eastern Shore Mary and and Virginia, crosses, U. S. No. 1. !0-24 pounds average. 20-25: 26-32 rounds average. 40-50 each. MIXED VEGETABLES—No carlot ar lvals. two broken cars on track SNAP BEANS—Market slightly stronger 'ruck receipts moderate. Maryland, bushel tampers and baskets, green. Hat type, ’5-1.25. according to quality and condi lon: few higher; Pennsylvania, bushel tampers and baskets, green round type. 10-1.00; Virginia, bushel hampers and laskets. green, round type, fair quality ,nd condition. 75. _ LIMAS—Market slightly weaker. Truck ecelpts moderate. Ohio. 12-quart baskets. 10-75, according to quality and condition: lew York. Long Island, bushel hampers. .25-1.75. according to quality: Pennsyl ania. bushel hampers, mostly around 1.50, SPINACH—Market about steady. Truck ecelpts moderate. 12-quart climax bas ;ets Ohio. 75; New York, bushel baskets, arryovers, 25-50. BEETS — Pennsylvania. bushels and rates. 2 dozen bunches. 50. BROCCOLI—Pennsylvania, crates. 12s. .00-1.25; California, crates. 24s. 2.50. RADISHES—Ohio. 12-quart climax bas :ets 40-60 according to quality. CUCUMBERS—New York, best, bushel. ^CAULIFLOWER—Crate. New York. Cats ;ill section. 1.50-2.00, according to quality ind condition. OKRA—North Carolina t4-bushel bas ^BRUSSELS^SpROUTtl—California. 25 round drums. 2.25-2.75: New York. lStk PEPPERS—Local, bushel, 35-40. ORAPE8—No carlot arrivals; four broken lars on track. California, lugs. 28 {rounds. Phompson Seedless. 1.26-1.40: Red Mala ras„ 1.25*1.60: Ribiers. 1.26-1.75. mostly .50: Tokays. 1.40-1.60. ORANGES—Two California arrived: >ight broken and six unbroken cars on rack, one car diverted: California, stand ird boxes. 2.7A-4.50, according to silt and 0 PINEAPPLES—Florida. eratki, few gales. i.00-5.50. NEW YORK CURB EXCHANGE or erlvate wire direct te The Star. Stack and Sale*— Dividend Rate Add 00. High. Low. Olosa. Aetna Wire.45*.. 100* I7v* 17',* 17v* Aero Supply (B). 22 4<* 4 4'* Air investors 1 la* iv* l v* Air Invest ov pf.. l 14 14 14 Ala Grt Bou (3g) 125* 73 72 72V4 Ala Power pf (6) 30s 86 86'* 86 Ala Power pf (7) 60s 96 95V* 96 Alliance Invest.. 14 1',* lVi IV* Alum Co of Am 1350*138 134 134 Alumn Goods .10 1 17V4 17V4 1-7V4 Alum Industries. 100s 6 6 6 Alum Ltd i.2Sa). 1200*128 124 124 Am Box Board .. 3 6 6 6 Am Centrifugal 4 1 V* V* Am City Power A Lt<A)2.52V*h . 26* 33 83 83 Am City PAL(B) 2 14* 14* 14* Am Cynam A .60. 20* 32V* 32'* 32V* Am Cynam B 60 100 34 32V* 34 Am Fork AH.60 650* 12 11 11 Am Gas A El 1.60 23 88H 32 33 AmOAElpf II) 75*112 lll'illlV* Am General 2 6'* 6V* 5'/« Am Hard Rubber 160* 10'* 10'* 10'* Am LtATrac 1.K0 16 15'* 14V* 16V* Am Mfg Co _ 675* 19 17 17 Am Mfg pf (6)... 10* 61V* 61'i 61'* Am Maracaibo 17 1 V* 1 Am PotACh (2g) 75* 89 87V* 87V« Am Republics . 5 8'* 8 8 Am Superpower 38 1* 4* Am Buperpwr of. 1 17v* 17V* 17v* Anchor Post F 2 14* IS 1% Angostura <.05g) 1 2'* 2V* 21* Appal El P pf<7) 20* 107'* 107'* 1074 Ark Nat Gas_ 20 S'* 3 3V* Ark Nat Gas A... 32 3S .3 3'* Ark Nat Gas pf . 12 7 7 7 Ashland OAR 40 3 5'* 6'* 6'i AssooGAE(A) 9 «» 4, ft Assoc GasAEl pf. 4 8 74* 74* Atl Coast Fish . 2 8V* SVi 3'* A 11 Pnact T. He) 1 QAa O) Ol OO Atlas Corp war 10 14 14 14 Atlas Plyw’d ,25f 1 13% 13% 13% Austin Silver M.. 0444 Automat Prod_ 12 2 2 Auto Vot M .60 ... 2 64 64 64 Avery A Sons .. 2 74 74 74 Avery (BF) war 3 24 24 24 Avery pf ww 1.50 60s 20 20 20 Averv pf xw 1.60. 25s 154 154 154 Aviation A Trans 25 24 2% 24 BabcockAWlI 8 214 204 21 Baldwin L.0 war 54 84 74 74 Baldwin Rub.25r 11 74 74 74 Barium Stain Stl. 13 1', 14 14 Basic Dol .25g_ 3 7 6’, 7 Bath Iron _ 11 84 7% 8 Beanult Mills ... 2 44 44 44 Beech Aircraft I'l 7 6% 7 Bellanca Aircraft 25 8% 84 84 Bell Aircraft . 12 23 21 224 Berk A Gay Fur . 3 4 % 4 Blrdsboro Stl Fy. 1 74 74 74 Bliss (EW)_ 28 164 16 16 Blue Ridge . 5 14 p, 14 Blue R cvpf <3h). 2 40 39% 39% Bohack (HC) .13 3 3 Bohack(HC) 1st. 40s 20 20 20 Bowman Blit 1st 100s 7 7 7 Bowman B 2d pf. 2 14 14 14 Brazilian T A L-. 11 74 7 7 Breeze Corp 7 6 54 6% Brewst Aero 208 13 74 74 74 BrldKD’t Machine 3 44 44 44 BridR’p’t M pf(7) 10s 60 60 60 Brill (A) 2 34 3% 3% Brit-Am O cp (1) 2 21% 21 21% Brown Co pf ... 400s 15 15 15 Brown Rubber 9 44 44 4% Buckeye P L 14c 250« 274 27 4 274 B N&EP pf 1.60 6 21% 214 21% ts let 15) 2UU. 105 103 103 Bunker Hill 60g IB 18S 17H 17S Calamba Sug 1.60 24 24S 22S 24S Can Col Airway* 3 fis 6S 6s .Can Marc Wire . 189 IS ]v4 ji, Carib Syndicate . 3 IS is IS Carnation Co (1). 1 34S 34S 34S Carnegie Met 25 1 S 7» Caro PAL pf (7). 20a 96'4 96', 96'i Carrier Corp_ 9 10 9', 9S Catalln (Am) 4 3s 3 Xs Celan ptc pf <7a) 25s 105 105 106 Cent Me Power pf (7.875k) . 20a 103'4 103S 103S Cent Ohio St 80g 1 8s 8', 8S Cent PA Lpf (7) 50» 101S 101 101'i Cent A Sown Util * IS is IS Cent States Elec 9 ft ft ft Cent Sts E cvpf n 50» 3 2S 3 Centrif Pipe 40 3 S’S 3S 374 Chesebro (4a) . 100e 120 120 120 i Chi Rivet (.30*). 3 7 7 7 Chief Consol_ 2 S S S Childs pf _ 25a 28 28 28 Cities Service ... 17 7 SS 6H Cities Service pf. 1 SIS 61S 51s Cities 8vc BB pf 30s 50 48', 48', Cltias SPAL 18 pf 70s 73 72 72 Cities SPAL *7 pf 80s 73 71 72 City Auto St .15*. 3 6S 6 SS Clayton A Lamb. 1 2S 2'i 2V« Clev Elec 111 (2). 150. 42 42 42 Clev Tractor .. 18 6 4S 474 Clinchfield Coal.. 1 IS IS IS Club Alum Uten. 2 2S 2s 2S Colon Develop .. 16 27* 2S 2S Col Fuel A 1 war 15 7S 6*, 6S Coin Pat F A (2) 600* 91', 88s 89 Columb Oil A Oat 12 3 2S 3 Comwlth Dis .07* 1 IS IS IS Comwlth A S war 13 S S S Com P A L 1st pf 150a 31 30S 30V, Com'ty P S (2) . 150* 24H 24 24 Cona Biacuit.30*- 2 3S 8S 3S Con*CopM.15g 104 9S 9 9'4 Cons GAE Ba 3 60 2 73H 73 73H Consol GasAElee Balto pf B 4.50. 60s 114 113 113 Consol Gas Util . 6 .S S 74 Cona Royalty .20. 1 Is IS IS Cona Steel Corp.. 25 7S 7 7S Conti Oil (Mex).. 19 ft S ft Conti Roll A Stl.. 7 9S 8S 9 Cooper-Besa _ S 8S 7', 7S Copper Range 1100a 8 7S 8 Copperweld .60*. 1 14S 14S 14S CorrARey pfA 5k 40* 72 7(1 72 Coaden Petrolm 2 2 2 2 Cosden Petrol pf. 1 12 12 12 Creole Petm .50a 52 25S 24', 24S Crocker Wheeler 4 6S 6S 6S Croft Brewing... 6 ft ft ft Crown Drug _ 13 1 1 1 Crystal Oil pf .. 60s 11 11 11 Cuneo Press (3a) 100a 47 47 47 Cun Press pf (6). 50s 111 111 111 Davenp’t Ho .60* 1 14S 14S 14S Decca Hec .60* . 3 6S 6H 6S Darby 011 5 2S 2S 2V4 Det Gray Iron .04 2 is is IS Da* Denes Dvn/4 1 1 U 1 I. 1 l Det 8tl Prod .60*. 1 19 19 19 Divco Twin T 6 64 64 64 Domin Stl ft Coal 2 134 1.3 134 Draper Corp (3a) 50s 08 4 684 684 Drlver-Har .85*. 5 23 22 22 Dubiller Condens 2 14 IS IS Duke Pwr 2.25g . 50s 644 64 64 Duro-Test (4%f> 3 24 24 24 Duval. Texas Sul 4 74 7S 74 Eagle Picher Ld. 23 13S 13 13s East’n Gas ft F._ 13 2S 24 24 Eastn GftF 6 pf . 1200* 164 14 16 Eastn GftF pr pf 600s 30 264 29 Eastern States .. 31 4 S 4 Eastern Sts pf A. 225s 20 16 20 Eastern Sts pf B. 200s 18 164 17 El sler Electric... 2 IS 14 IS Else Bond ft Sh . 152 94 94 94 Elec B ft 9 pf (I) 2 67 60S 67 Elec PAL war . 8 44 4 4 Elec PAL 2d pf A 300s 194 19 19 Electrograph (1) 1 10S 10S 10S Emp O ft F 6% pf 10s 53 68 68 Emp G ft F 8% pf 50s 60 60 60 Emsco Derrick.. 6 8 8 8 Equity Corp 61 4 H 4 Equity CV pf (»)- 75s 284 27S 284 Esquire (.90*)... 12 44 4 4 Fairchild AV .20* 6 11H 114 11S Falstaff Brew .60 1 64 64 64 Fanny Farm .76* 1 20 20 20 Fansteel Metal 3 8S 84 84 Fedders Mf* .36* 1 64 64 64 Ferro-Enam .75* 2 17S 17 17 Fldello Brew 6 ft ft ft Fire As Phil* 2a 10s 63 63 68 Fisk Rubber 28 114 10 104 Fisk Rub pf (6) 75s 81 81 81 Ford (Cant A (1) 7 20 194 194 te ui vi van / \ j. r * v>>o ,n av 7* Ford Ltd (.16ft) 1 314 314 3>4 Froedtart (.46*) 1 7*« 7% 74« Froadtevpf 1.20 100s 1744 1744 17*4 Fruehauf T .75* 6 1914 19 1914 Fuller (GA)- 25s 16 16 16 Gan Alloys 6 2 144 1% Gan Flrapr’f .40* 2 12H 12 1244 Gan Pub Svo pf.. 10s 46 45 46 Gan Sharabold .. 3 214 2 2 Gan Share pf(6h) 70s 76 74 74 Qian Aldan Coal 77 <14 6 <14 GodchauxA 2.50* 160i 3144 8114 8144 Qodohaux (B) — 13 1314 1214 18 Goldflald Consol. 10 ft ft ft Gorham Mf 1.75* 1 1914 1914 1914 GA&P n v (<*)) 200s 9414 9244 9244 Grt No Pap 1.50*. 60s 39 39 89 Greenfield T&D 17 7 7 Grocery Prod _. 2 2'4 214 214 Grum’an Air .86* 26 1< 1514 1614 Guard Inv . 2 ft ft ft Gulf Oil of Pad) 28 4114 40 41 GulStUtpf 6.60. 50s 107 107 107 Hartford Rayon. } 1*4 144 1*4 Hartman Tobac.. M 44 44 4» fv Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hich. Low. Close Harvard Brew... 5 1* 1* 1* Hazaltlna (2) ... 1 28* 28* 28* Hacla Min MO*) 27 9* 8* 8* Hormel G (1.10). 100a 80* 29* |29* Horn (AC) . .. 12 2 2 Horn & Hard (2). 75a 83* 32 33* HornAHar pf (5) 30a 110* 110* 110* Hubhell (H) (1) 100a 12* 12* 12* Humble O 1.375*. 13 67* 66* 67* Hummel-Roas F. 5 3* 3* 3* Huy (Del) pf atd 100a 7' 7 7 , Hygrade Food .. 6 8 2* 8 Illlnoia-la Powar 3 3* 3* 3* Ill-la Power pf . 6 19* 18* 19 Ill-la Pwr dlv ct. 4 4* 4* 4* Imp Oil Ltd 60a. 7 14* 14* 14* Imp Oil reg 60a.. 2 14* 14* 14* Ind Ter 111 (B)._. 1 1* 1* 1* Ins Co N Am 2a . 160a 66* 65 65 Int Hvdro El pf.. 4 18* 17* 18* Int Indust .10g... 8 2 2 2 Int PaAPwr war. 513 2* 2* Int Petrol 1.60a.. 40 23* 22* 23* Int Products .. 2 4* 4* 4* Interst H Eq 60. 1 6* 6* 6* Inv Royalty .0* 6 * * * Iron Fire vtc 1.20 80a 16 15* 15* Irvin* Air C (la) 9 20 19* 19* Jacobs Co .. 9 3* sva 314 Jeanette Glass .. 1 1* it4 ii/4 Jer CP&L of (6). 60a 95 91* 94* JerCP&Lpf (7). 20g 100* 100* 100* Jones & Lau Stl_. 24 33* 31* 31* Kennedy’s 50g__ 1 4* 414 414 Kingston Prod .. 23 2* 1* 2* Kirby Petroleum 3 3* 3* 3* Knott Corp .20* 1 7* 7* 7* LakeShore Mt4) 9 32 SO 30 Lakey Kdry A M. 4 3* 3* 3* Lane-Wells .75* 1 8* 8* 8* Lehigh Coal A N. 17 2* 2* 2*. f Sofia Cl41 C t • . 1 \ Le Tourneau .75* 1 294 294 294 Line Mater'l .35* 100* 94 94 94 Locke Steel 1.20. 100» 124 124 124 Lockhead Alrcr . 71 274 25 26S Lone Star (.40*). 11 84 84 84 Lon* Island Lt* 1 14 14 14 La Land & Ex 40 15 6 54 54 Me Wlllma Dred* 4 74 74 74 Maleatlc Radio • 4 14 14 14 Manati Su* war.. 66 24 14 14 Massey-Harrls t fi fi R Master El (.90*). 200a 194 19 19 Mead John (3a) 25* 117 147 147 Memnh N G 35* 1 44 44 44 Mer & Mfe A .20* 2 34 34 34 Merr-Chap & Sc 2 34 34 34 Merr-Ch & S pf A 25* 57 57 57 Mesabl Iron _ 57 14 1 1 Mich Bumher 5 4 J, f, Mich Gas & Oil.. 1 14 14 14 Mich Su*ar ... 110 24 14 14 MlehSuearpf .. 5 74 7 7 Mid Sts P A 62* 2 4 4 4 Mid Sts P (B).10* 12 4 4 4 Midvale Co (3*). 175* 110 106 110 Mid-West Abras 1 14 14 14 Mid West Corp 6 84 8 84 Miss Riv B pf (6) 40s 115 115 115 Molybdenum 33 64 64 64 Monroe Ln A.16* 1 24 24 24 Mont Ward A (7) 30* 160 150 150 Mon LH&P 1.50 50* 274 274 274 Moore (T) Dist 441, yt Mount City Cop 49 64 64 64 Mount Prod 60 1 54 ji, 54 Murray (O) 25*. 1 84 84 84 Muskegon 1.20g 2 14 134 134 Nat Auto Fibre . 2 64 64 64 Nat Bella Hess 23 4 4 4 Nat Candy _ _ 3 9 84 9 Nat Contain.225* 2 64 . 54 54 Nat Fuel Gas (1) 5 124 12 124 Xat Oil Prod .85* 1 384 384 384 Nat P & L pf 16) 200s 85 84 844 Nat Rubber Mach 3 44 44 44 Nat Su* Ref (1). 8 17 164 164 Nat Tea pf 25s 4 4 4 Nat Tunnel dr Min 2 24 2 2 NebrPwrpf (7). 10s 1104 1104 1104 Nelii Corp (2) . 4 364 354 354 Nestle Le Mur A. 9 1 1 1 N E P A pf 3 50k 25* 69\ 69'» 694 New Haven Clock 5 7 6 7 N J Zinc (1.60*). 1700* 74»i 6j4 73 New Mex & Ariz 1 14 14 14 Newmont 1.60* _ 5 83 824 83 N Y Merch (.60). 1 74 74 74 NYC Ommb war 1 15 15 15 N Y P & Lt pf (6) 20* 102 102 102 Nla* Hudson Pwr 30 64 64 64 Nla* Hud let (5) 75s 834 81*» 834 Nia* Hud A war. 8 NiasShMd(B) 11 5’, 64 64 Nlles-Bem-P 50a 2 66 65 66 Nlplssln* Mlnea 1 14 14 14 nma P’lor-t no O orl. Or. or Nor Am Lt i Pwr 3 1% 1% 1% N Am Ray A .60* 6 20% 19% 20% N Am Ray B .50* 4 19% 18% 19% Nor Cent T .log.. 1 3% 3% 3% Nor Europ Oil .. 15 % % % North n Sta P(A) 5 11% 10% 10% N W Eng .75* ... 2 16% 15% 15% Novadel-Ag 12)_ 4 34% 34 34% Ohio Edis or (8) 125* 100 99% 100 Okla Nat O .60* 3 15% 15 15 Overseas Secur _ 3 4 3% 4 Pac Gas 6 pf 1 50 7 30% 20% 30% PacP&Et pf < 7) 10* 83 83 83 Pantapec 011 107 5% 5% 5% ParksbgR&R.SOg 2 11 10% 11 Pender Groc (B) 2 8% 8% 8% Pa-Cent Alrllnea 8 8% 8 8 Pennroad Corp 11 1% 1% 1% Pann P&L pf (7) 100* 10fi% 106% 106% Pepperell (4g) .. 225* 84 80% 84 Pharis T&R 60g. 10 8% 8% 8% Phila Co (.45*).. 2 8 8 8 Phillips Packing. 17 6% 6 6% Phoenix Secur 4 6% 6% 6% Phoenix Secur pf 100s 27% 26 26 Pioneer Gold .40 5 £% 2% 2% Pltney-Bowes .48 1 7% 7% 7% Pitta Forging 4 11% 10% 10% Pitts* L E 1.50* 10* 54% 54% 54% Pitta Metall .50* 3 9% 9 9 Pitts I’l U1 2.25g 1 103% 103% 103% Potrero Sugar 37 2% 1% 1% PowdrellAAl .30* 5 4% 4% 4% Pratt &Lam. 50* 1 19 19 19 Premier Gold 12 1 1% 1% 1% Producers Corp . 12 A % % Prosperity (B) . 14 4 4 Pub 8v Ind 16 pf 100* 31 30% 31 P S Ind J7 pr pf 175* 62 60 62 PS Ok pr In pf<7) 20* 104 100 100 Puget Sd P 15 pf 225* 61 60 60 Puget 8’d P 36 pf 250* 19% 19 19% Quaker Oats «5) 10*112 112 112 Quaker Oats pf 6 10* 140 140 140 Raym'd Cone (1) 300* 16% 15 15% Raytheon Mfg_ 2 1 1 1 Red Bank Oil ... 18 3% 3 3% Reeves (D) .50... 1 6 6 6 Reiter Foster ... 16 % % % Reynolds Invest. 1 % % % Rice Styx D G_ 1 6% 6% 6% Richmond Rad... 5 2 2 2 Rio Gr V G vto... 1 % % % RochG&EpfDS 25*101 101 101 Rome Cable 10*. 2 11% 11% 11% Roosevelt Field.. 1 1% 1% 1% Root Petroleum 2 2% 2% 2% noyai lyp ovs .o .s is Rustless Ir A Stl 18 12% 11% 12 Ryan Consol- 4 2% 2% 2% SafCHALt(2g) 125s 61 49 49 St Kegis Paper . 89 3% 2% 3% St Regis Pap pf.. 26s 66% 49 66% Salt Dorns Oil.. 8 10 9% 10 SavovOil - 1 1% 1% 1% Schiff Cod)_ 1 12% 12% 12% Scovill Mfg .50g_ 23 82 30 31% Scullln Steel _ 10 10% 10 10% Soullln Steel war. 7 1% 1% 1% Segal Lock —. 6 % % % Selberline Rub 5 7% 7% 7% Selby Shoe .50g.. 100s 12% 12 12% 8slect industries 3 1% 1% 1% Sentry Saf Con 1 % % % Seversky Airor't. 71 8% 8% 8% Shattuck-D 125g 19 9% 8% 9% Shawn WAP .68g 6 17% 17% 17% 8her-Wlllms(2g) 860s 87 85 85 Sher*Will pf (6). 80s 107 107 107 Simplicity Pst _. 1 1% 1% 1% Bonotone <.0og)_. 16 1% 1% 1% South Coast _ 10 4 3% 8% So Penn Oil 1.60 . 8 34% 34% 34% SC Ed pfC 1.271. 8 26% 26 26% I So Col Pwr (A) 7 2 2 2 South P L l.SOg). 14 4 4 South’n tin Gas . » 1 2% 2% 2% So'land Roy(2ng) 6 6% 6 6 Span A Gen reg.. 2 % % % Stahl-Meyer .. 1 2% 2% 2% Stand CAS 1.60 1 16% 16% 16% Std CAS cvpf 1.60 100s 23 28 23 Stand Oil Ky (1) 6 18% 18% 18% Stand Oil Ohlo(l) 2 26 24% 24% Stand Pwr A Lt 2 % % % Stand PAL pf (B) 1 % % % Stand Prod .25g.. 1 8% 8% 8% Stand SUver-Ld.. 87 % % % Stand Stl S .60g.. 11 38% 37 37 Stand Tubs (B).. 12 2 2 Starrett vtc .. 1 1H 1% 1% Sterchi Bros Sts 1 3% 3% 3% Sterchi Br lst(S) 26s 87 37 87 Sterchi Bros 2d . 60s 8 9 9 Sterling Alu .26g 4 6% 6% 6% Sterling. Inc .20* 6 8 2H 2% Stetson (JB)_ 76t 4% 4 4% Stlnnes (H)_ l % % % Stroock A Co_ 60s 9% 9% 9% Sunray Oil otg 40 2% 2% 2% Sun’y O cvpf I.T8 . 1 M 86 36 Sup Oil of Cal(l) ** 7 43 41 41 Stock end Seles— Dividend Rete. Add 00. Hleh. Low Close. Taggart _ 64 4% 3% 4% Tampa Elec 2.24. 1 32% 32% 32% Taylor (Ky) Diet 2 % % % Technicolor ISg IS 12% 11% 12 Thew Shovel .60g 150» 14% 14% 14% Tilo Hooting <1>_ 1 10% 10% 10% Tob Prod Ex .36*. 2 4 3% 3% Todd Shlpy d 2g.. 25» 62% 62% 62% Toledo Ed pf (7). 10* 109 109 109 Tonopah Mining. 3 % % % Transwest Oil... 16 6 6 Trl Conti war_ 9 % % % Tubtzs Chatlllon. 7 10% 10% 10% TublzsChat (A). 200s 35 31% 34 Tung-Sol Lamp.. 4 8% 8% 8% Ulen A Co pf A... 2 1% 1% 1% Un Gas Can .80a.. 2 12% 12 12% Unit Chemical __ 3 7% 7 7% Utd Cgr Wh Stra. 31 % # ft Unit Corp war_ 2 % % % Unit Gaa - 37 2% 2% 2% Unit Gas war . 5 % % % Unit Gas pf 6.76k 1 84% 84% 84% Unit LtAPwr (A 1 21 1% 1% 1% Unit LtAPwr (B) 10 1% 1% 1% UnltLtAPwrpf 14 27% 26 26% Unit Profit Shar 1* % % % Unit Shlpyds (A) 3 9% 9% 9% Unit 8h M 2.60a . 600s 7»% 77% 79% Unit Specialties- 1 2% 3% 3% U 8 Foil IB) .. 16 5% 6 6 USAlntlSecur 1 % % % USAINtSpf 1.7ok 25s 69 69 69 U S Lines pf_. . 26 3% 2% 3 U 8 Plywood . .. 1 12% 12% 12% U 8 Plyw pf 1.60. 60s 22% 22% 22% U 8 Radiator_ 5 2% 2% 2% U 8 Rub Reclaim 3 4% 4 4 Unit Verde Ext .6111 Unit Wall Paper. 7 1% 1% 1% Univ Corp vtc ._ 3 2% 2% 2% Utah-ldaho Sug.. 38 2% 2% 2% Utah Rad Prod... 2 IV* 1% 1% Util P&L Df(r)__ 300s 20 20 20 Utility Equity .. 11 1% 1% i% Utility A Ind pf. 1 1% 1% 1% Valspar Corp_ 1 1% 1% 1% \ an i\orm l.zog 300§ 26t4 26 26 Venezuela Petrol 40 11, IV* Va Pub Serv pf__ 20a 52 52 62 Wagner Baking.. 4 4Tt 4'4 4:a V\ alker Mining. 4 2 1'a 2 Wentworth .Hug 7 2'-» 2 2 WestVaC&C ,. 6 1»» l*t is4 Western Air Exp 1 3't SVt S'4 West Tab & Sta . 50s 13 13 13 Wichita Kiv Oil.. 3 6Mi 6*4 b\ WillmsOil-O-M . 1 1H 1H 1H Wilson Trod ,45g. 1 9>» 9v« 9t» Wllson-Jon ,25g.. 1 6V4 6>4 6t, Woodley Fet .40.. 1 6t4 6t4 6V4 Wright Haig.40a. 17 6% 6*4 6s Yukon Pac Mfg.. 23 214 2 2t» r In bankruptcy or receivership or bema reoraanized under Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies Rates ol dividends in >he foregoing tahle ere annual disbursements based on the laat auarterlv or semi-annual declaration Un less otherwise noted, special or extra divi dends are not Included xo Ex dividend xr Ex rights a Also extra or extras e Paid last year 1 Pay able In stock a Declared cr oaid so far this year h Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividend oald or declared this year ur Under rule ww With warrant# gw Without warrants war Warrant# CURB BONDS DOMESTIC. High Low 1PM Ala Power 4‘2s 67_ 97 ;2 96*2 97*a Ala Power 5s 68_liin‘a 993« 9934 Ala Power 5s 56 _Ml 101 101 Am GAE 5s 2028_106*2 106’% 106’a Am P A L 6s 2016_ 92*2 91V# 92* a Am Seat 6s 46 cv si_loo 100 loo Apnaiach E P 4s 63.._ 103 104*4 105 Ark-La Gas 4s 51_101*2 101 1"1*2 Ark PAL 5« 56_ 103 103 103 As Ei Ind 4*as 63_ 69*2 58 59'a As G A E 4 12S 49_ 40*2 395a 4"!2 As G A E os 50_-_ 42 42 42 As G A E 5s 68 _ 42*4 41 »* 42*4 As G A E 5*2s 77_ 48 48 48 As T A T 5**s 55 A_ 71 71 71 All City El 3*48 64_ 99 97 99 Bald Loco 6s 50_117 111 113'a Bell Te C 5s 55 A _ 105 104 it 1«»4 *1 Bell Te C 5s 67 B ... M8 107 106 Birm El 4»2s 68 _ 89'* 89 89*a Birming Gas 5s 59_ 89 88 89 Can Nor Pwr 6s 63- 94*a 94‘a 94 a Can Pac 6s 42.._ 87 84 8? Caro PwALt 5s 56_102 MO7* M2 Central Pw 5s 57 D 92 91 92 Cent St El 5s 4 8 38*» 3» 38 Cen St PAL 5Vas 63 65 65 6o Chi Rys 5s 27 cod 47*a 4i*« 4. *4 Cities Svc 5s 50 717« 70»« 715a Cities Service 5s 58 -. 71 70 jl Ciues Svc 5s HO 75 »5 75 Cities 8ervice 5s 69 70 70 <0 Cit S PAL 5*as 52 . 81 7 9*4 81 Cit S PAL 5*?s 49 80 80 |o Community PAL. 5s 67 81** 81 V« 81 ** Cons GELAP 3s 69 _ 100 100 100 Cons G Util 6s 43 st 66 65'a 65’2 Cont GAE 5s 58 A 85 L2 84*2 85 ‘2 Denver GAE 5s 49 106 104*4 106 East G A F 4s 06 A 72** 70*2 7 2 *2 Edis Ei Iiiu 3*2S 65 105*4 l'L * T . Ei Pw A Lt 5s 2030 _. 75*.a 743.# «5V* Emp Dl.s E. Oi 32 1G<» 9!y j • * Pea Wat o*2s 54 . __ 86 85 86 Fiorida P A L 5s 54 981* 97*a 98'■» Gen Pub Ut 6*as 56 _ 8i34 87V» 8 7 4* Gen W W A E 6s 43 A 90 90 9" Georgia Pw 5s 67 10234 102** 102-1* Glen Alden Cl 4s 65 68 *2 68 68 Houst LAP 3*as 66 _ 103 103 lo3 111 Pw A Lt 5'as 57 88 88 88 III Pw A Lt 6? 53 A MO*a 99*« 100*% 111 Pw & L 5*28 54 B 99 98 99 III Pw A L 5s 56 C 9034 95 9644 Ind El C 6s 47 A M1 *2 1**1 *2 Ml:* Ind hyd Eiec 05 58 8934 89*4 RP^ Indiana Ser 5s 63 A _ 63 63 63 Interst Pw 5s 57 64*2 63’* 637* Interst Pw 6s 52 _ 49*2 49 49*a Interst P S 5s 56 D 93 Pu*2 93 Inters P S 4>j 5H F. 91'a 90 91*% Ital Su Pw 6s 63 A 37 37 3T Jer C P A L 5s 4 7 B . M534 105*4 1o534 Jer C P A L 4*2s 61 C 104‘2104 104*2 i\.v uuuues os ni no wo yo Kentucky U .os 09 I 94% 94% 94% Ken U 6%s 48 D _ 102V* 102% 102% Long Is Lt 0* 4,o _ yy 97 98 La Pw A Lt 5s 57 105*4 104% 104 % McCord R Os 43 std_. 05 01 05 Metrop Edis 4s 71 E 10.3 10.3 103 Mid S Pw 6%s 45 A _ 90% 90% 90% Mil G A E 4 %s 07_ _ 99 98% 99 Minn P Ar L 4%s 78.. 99 99 99 Minn P L 5s 55_ 104 104 104 Miss Pow 5s 55 _ 92% 92% 92% Miss Pw A’ L 5s 57_ 97 96% P? Miss River P 5s 51 . 107% 107% 107% Nai P A- L Os 2020 A 105 105 105 Neisner Bros Os 48 _105 105 105 Nrvari Cal El 5s 50 75% . » 7 5 New E G A* E 5s 47 _ 05 05 05 New E G Ac E 5g 50.. 04*2 04% 64% New E Pw 5* is 54 94 93% 94 New Or P S Os 49 A 97% 97% 97% NY P Lt 4%s 07. _ 104 % 104 104% N Y S E Ar G 4%s 80 100% 100 ]00% No Bost Lte 3%s 42.. 102% 102 102'* No Con U 5%s 4 8 A. 48 48 48 No Ind P S 4%s 70 E 99% 99 99% Norw El Os 45 stnd . 105% 105% 105% Northw P S Os 57 A 98% 98’2 98% Ohio Power 3*4? 08 100% 09% 100% Ohio Pub Svc 4s 02. _ 102 % 101 102’* Pac Coast Pw 5s 40__ 99 99 99 Pac P Ar L 5s 55 . _ 80% 87 88 Penn C L Ac P 4%s 77_. 95*■* 95% 96% Penn Elec 4s 71 F 07% 97% 97% Penn Elec 5s 02 H _ 102 102 102 Penn Oh E 5*is 59 B _ 103 103 103 Penn Oh E Os 5o A . _ 104 104 104 Pa Wa Ar P 4%s OR B 104% 104% 104% Peon OLArC 4s 61 D ft! 93 93 Prop OLArC 4s 81 B v 91 91 91 Phila El P 5%s 72 110% 110 110% Portland O A* C 5s 40 7f»*V 70% 70% Pue Sd PA’L 5%a 49. 91% Pi 91% Pile S PA’L 5s 50 C 90% 90% 90% Pile S P T. 41 is 50 D 80% 85% 86% Scrlpps 5%S 43 _ . 101 101 mi Scullin Steel 3s 51 61 01 01 Shw W A- P 4*is 07 A 95% 96% 95% Shw WArP 4%s 70 r> 95 94 *4 95 S E PA’L 6s 7025 A _ 105% 104% 105 Sou Cal Ed 3%s 45 102% 102V* 107% Sou Cal Ed 3%a 00. _ 104% im 104% Sou Caro 5s 57 93 91 93 Sou Ind Rv 4s 51 47 47 47 Std QArE Os 48 st... 60 04% 00 Std GasArEl Os 51 A . 67 67 07 Std Gas Se El Os 57 06 06 00 Stand PwAcLt 0s 57 _ . 05% 04% 05 St arret Corp 5 s 50 18% 18 is Texas Elec 5s OO 99 99 99 Tex Pw Ar L 5s 56 .... 3 04 3 04 104 Twin C RT 5%s 52 A 00 59% 5°% Unit LtA^Pw Os 75 . 75% 76% 75% Va Pub S 5’2s 46 A 96** 95% 95*4 Va Pub Ser 5s 50 B 92% 91% 92% Wald Ast Hot 5s 54 11 % ]0% Iji. West News U fis 44_ S3 5.1 S3 wis pal 4, flu on1, on1^ onu 37 mat- fll '-a m H !UVi FORFTON— Isarco Hyd El ?e S3 . 33 33 33 Lima CUy fi'.s 5K 3'« tut ww—With warrants jtw—Without war rants. n—New st (stp>—Stamped SNeaotUbillty impaired by maturity. Steel Ingot Output Is Highest Since 1937. By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Sept. 7.—August production of 3.763.718 gross tons of open hearth and Bessemer steel In gots was the highest monthly output since September, 1937. the American Iron ite Steel Institute said yester day. This was 19 per cent above the revised July figure of 3.162,534 tons and nearly 50 per cent ahead of 2.537,102 produced in August last year. Dividend Is Declared By Chemical Concern By th* Associated Press. NEW YORK. Sept. 7.—Director* of American Agricultural Chemical Co. yesterday declared a dividend of 30 cents a share on common stock, payable September 29 to holders of record September 18. Previous pay ment in June wSp 35 cents a share, e