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Corporate Bonds Up Further, but U. S. Issues Retreat Junior Groups Pushed Sharply Higher as Trade Hopes Rise Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. F an. Net change. +2 +.3 unc. +.8 Today, close 58.6 97.8 93.3 50.7 Prev. day .. 58.4 97.5 93.3 49.9 Month ago. 57.1 100.5 96.9 59.2 Year ago -. 56.6 98.4 92.9 63.1 1939 high.. 64.9 100.8 97.5 64.0 1939 low... 53.4 95.8 90 4 49.0 1938 high.. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high..101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 > 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close 105.7 Prev. day. 105.6 M'nth ago 112.3 Year ago. 109.4 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 104.6 1938 high 110.7 1938 low. 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 (Compiled bj tha Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Sept. 9.—Corporate Bonds pushed ahead today in a con tinuation of buying inspired chiefly by hopes of faster business improve ment on the war boom. In contrast. United States Gov ernment obligations gave up most of their previous gains on the rally from the war drop. Losses in some Treasury' issues ran to more than half a point. Many secondary corporate issues rose fractions to more than 2 points before week end profit taking stemmed the rise. The strength of stocks this week, brokers said, was an incentive to buying of semi speculative bonds, including secon dary rails. Among the wider gainers were Delaware & Hudson refunding 41-2s, Great Northern 4s, Alleghany 5s of 1950. Nickel Plate 4»2s. Northern Pacific 4s. New York Central 5s. Southern Pacific 4'*.s, Walworth 4s and Missouri Pacific 5s. Some foreign loans again were taken only at wide declines. Rhine Westphalia 5s sold at 10, off 14 s-8, and Copenhagen 412s were down 12> 2 at 58. Neither had sold previously this week. Poland 8s rallied 2 to 17 on a single sale. New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Sept. 9.—Cotton fu tures closed at today's lowest levels, off 30 to 38 points. Increased hedge pressure, plus foreign and commis sion house liquidation, found a less active trade demand, and prices edged steadily lower. Short covering and buying by ring traders early made for a partial recovery from initial losses, but as hedge offerings and Southern selling late increased the market again sold off sharply. Open. High. Low Last October _ 9.12 9 29 9 00 9.00-02 December _ 9 05 9 27 8.95 8 95-97 January 8 92 9.17 8 80 8.89 March 8.80 9,13 8.85 8.85-87 May _ 8 72 8.96 8.71 8.71-72 July _ 8.83 8.88 8.80 8.60-63 Middling, soot. 9.35. Future? No. 3 closed 12-15 lower. 8ale?, 25.900 tons. High. Low. Last. September _2.8<i 2.73 2.?ot January _ 2.74 2.5o 2.60fc March _2.70 2.52 2.63t b Bid. Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed unchanged to 2 higher. Sales. 77 con tracts. October. 7.oob: December. 7.19b; January. 7.25b March. 7.37-39. b Bid. Chicago Stock Market CHICAGO. Sept. 9 UP-.—Following !.< the compleie list of transactions on the Chicago Stock Exchange today: Bales. STOCKS High. Low. Last. 150 Abbott Lab 66', 65% 66'., 100 Allied Prod _ 10 10 in 15 Allls-Ch Mfg 43', 43', 4.1', 110 Am Pub Svc pf _ 82 80', 82 89 Am Tel A- Tel 163’, 167’, 163*, 1500 Armour A Co 7% 7% 7', 100 Asbestos Mfg ._ '2 *4 150 Athey Tr Wheel . 6% 6', 6'., 200 Aviation Corp 5s, 5*, 5*, 850 Avia A Trans 2*, 2*. 2*, 50 Bastian-Hless IT', 17’2 17'2 SnOBendix Av 29 28", 28', 100 Berghoff Brew 8*. S’, 8’, 250 Bliss A Laughlin 27'g 26'2 20', 800 Borg-Warner _ 25', 25 25 100 Brown PAW 5*2 51, 5'4 150 Bruce 'E Ll 7*2 7'2 7'g 450 Butler Bros 7’, 7% 7’, 350 Castle A M _ 25", 25 25 250 c HI Pb Svc pf. 73 72 72'2 40(1 Cen A S W Ut 1 Vi 1', 1'/« 50 Cherrv-Burrell 13 13 13 1550 Chi Corp 2', 2'i 2'4 150 Chi Corp pf 37 37 37 50 Chrysler Corp . _ 85 85 85 80(1 Com with Edis 29', 28’, 29 150 cons Oil 9', 9V, 9V„ 55 Container Corp 15', 15', 15', 5c Cont Steel 30*4 30*, 30% loo Crane Co 22*, 22*, 22*, 10 Cudahy Pack pf 64 64 64 150 Deere A Co . 22'4 22'4 22'2 too Diam T Motor. . 8', 8‘, 8*4 iootn Household 3% 3', 3% loo Fairbanks Morse 4(0, 39’, 40'/, 600 Four Wh Dr Auto 7 6*, 7 100 Gardner Denver 17*, 17*, 17*, 15 Gen Am Trans 55', 55', 55*, too Gen Motors 53*« 5.3V, 53*4 100 Goodyear TAR 29', 29 29V, 150 Gt Lakes Dredg 21V* 21 *i 21', 50 Helleman (G> Br s>2 S',2 RVg 30 Hibb Spen Bart 33 3.3 33 100 111 Brick 3', 3', 3Vi loom Cent R R 14*. 14 V, ]4*< 50 Inland Steel 96», 95*, 95*, 167 Int Harvester _ 64’, 64 64 V, 50 Iron Fireman 15 15 15 150 Jarvis 1WB1 _ 14', 14 14 50 Jefferson Elee 19 19 19 50 Le Roi Co . .. 10 10 10 ?00 Llb-McN A L _ 9 9 9 50 Lindsay Lt . .. 4 3*4 4 100 Lion Oil Ref 17 17 17 <00 Manh-Dearborn... */, ", »/. 850 Marshal Field ... 13 12*. 13 120 McCord Rad A . 7*4 7*. 7*. 200 Merch A Mfrt A . 3V. 3'. 3V< 100 Mickleberry's Fd. 3‘4 3 >4 3 *, 650 Mid West Corp _ 8', 8 8*, }R0 Miller A Hart pf. 4', 4*, 4*2 100 Monte Ward_ 52*4 52*', 52*. 20 Musk Mot Snec A. 22 22 22 150 NobUtt-Sparks __ 33*4 33V, 33'i 200 Peabody Coal B_. *, = , S 50 Penn R R__ 22*, 22*, 22*, 65 Peoples G L A C_ 35’, 35’, 35V, t50 Pressed Stl Car.. 10% 10*. 10*4 50 Process Corp _ 1(1% 10*. 10% lOOuaker Oats .110 110 110 80 Reliance Mfg ... 1.3 12 13 too Rollins Hos 1*4 1*4 1*4 1" St L Nat Stk Yda 72 72 72 100 Sangamo El 28'4 28 28 50 Bears Roeb 78'4 78V, 7RVi 130 Btvyer Steel Cast 14'g 14V. 1414 #00 80 Bend L Wks 23 23 23 50 Spiegel Ine 11 11 11 25 Std Gas A Elec 2% 2% 2’i ?57 Std Oil Ind __ 28’, 27*i 27*. OO Stewart Warn . 8*. 8V« 8*. 50 Sunstr M Tool. 11*4 11% II'a 700 Swift A Co_ 24*4 2* 24 13O0 8w!ft Int _ 35 34*4 34’, 100 Union Carbide_90\ 90*, 90*. 60 Unit Air Lines_ 11 11 11 15 U 8 Gypsum_ 67*4 67*4 87*i 100 Utah Radio_ 1V4 1*4 l*a 100 Util A Ind_ *4 *4 », 20 Viking Pump_ 18 18 18 150 Walgreen _ 20*4 20*4 20*4 22 Wavne Pumo ._ 21*. 21*. 21*. too West Un Tel . 27’/, 27*. 27*, 38 Westing El A M. 114*. 113*. 113*,i too Wise Bankshrs .44 4 50 Woodall Indust .4 4 4 5 Wrigiey (W| Jr. 77% 77% 77% 100 Zenith Rad 17*4 17Vi 17V. Block sales today—26,000 shares. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Sept. 9 UR.—National As aoctation Securities Dealers. Inc. . Bid. Asked Bk of Am NTS (SF' (2.40). 36Vi 384 Bank of Man (,80a)_ 17 184 Bank of N Y (14)_ 412 422 Bankers Tr (2) _ 584 584 Bklrn Tr (4)_ 72 77 Cen Han Bk A Tr i4)_ 984 1014 Chase Nat (1.40) _ 324 344 Chem Bk & Tr (1.80)_ 484 504 Commercial (8)_ 100 166 • Cont Bk & Tr (.80)_ 13 144 Corn Ex Bk A T 13)_ 554 564 Umpire Tr (.60)- 114 124 First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 444 464 First Natl (1001_1845 1885 Guaranty Tr (12)_ 272 277 Irving Tr (.60) _ 124 13»„ Manufacturers Tr (2)_ 37 4 394 Manufacturers Tr pf (2)__ 504 524 Natl City (1)_ 27 284 N Y Trust (5)-1114 1144 Public (14) _ 294 304 i Title G T_ 4 £ BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By pAvti wire Dim u The nu. Approximate Tranioctiofi* Today. Domestto Bonds_ 6.280.000 Foreign Bond*__ 660.000 U S Govt Bonds_ 14,160.000 * TREASURY. Rich Low Close. 20 1947_ 100.25 100.24 100.24 2*41 1945_ 104.14 104.14 104.14 1*4S 1949-68_ 100.25 100.20 100.20 2*4* 1960-62_ 100.26 100.22 100.26 214* 1945-47_ 105.4 105. 105.4 2%s 1948-61.... 103.20 103.20 103.20 2%g 1951-64_ 102.28 102.22 102.24 2** 1966-69_ 101.28 101.28 101.28 2*4e 1961-63_ 101.26 101.24 101.24 2%s 1960-66_ 101.24 101.24 101.24 i 2 *4» 1965-60_ 103.10 108.6 103.6 3s 1946-4*_ 106.10 105.24 106.8 3s 1961-66. . . 106.4 105.31 105.31 3*4* 1946-49_ 107.1 107. 107. 3*4* 1949-62__ 107.8 107.8 107.8 3 V s 1941_ 104.18 104.18 104.18 3*4* 1943-45_ 106.28 106.25 106.28 3*4* 1944-46 . 106.31 106.29 106.29 3*4* 1940-43 Jun 102.21 102.21 102.21 3*s 1941-43 Mar 104.3 104.3 104.3 3 *4* 1943-47_ 106.27 106.27 106.27 4S 1944-64 _111.8 110.25 111.8 4*4* 1947-62_117. 116.12 116.16 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 3* 1942-47_ 102.24 102.22 102.22 3s 1944-49 _ 104.4 104. 104 4 3>4S 1944-64_ 104.22 104.22 104.22 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 1*48 1946-47_ 98.25 98.25 98.25 2 ** s 1942-44. _ 101.25 101.22 101.25 3s 1944-62_ 103.24 103.24 103.24 FOREIGN BONDS. Hieh. Low. Close. Abitibl F&P 6s 53_ 53V 53V 53V Antloquia 7s 45 C_ 12V 12V 11V Argentine 4s 72 Feb.. 79 78V 78V Argentine 4s 72 Apr.. 79V 79V 79V Argentine 4*4e 46.92V 92V 92V Argentine 4 *4s 71__ 87 86V 86V Australia 4*4s 5*_ 70V 70V 70V Australia 6s 65__ 77 77 77 Australia 6s 67_ 77 77 77 Belgium 6s 65_ 97 96V 96V Belgium 6Vs 49_ 97V 97 97V Belgium 7s 65 . .... 103V 108V 103V Berlin C El 6 Vs 59_ 10 10 10 Brazil 6 Vi 1926-67_ 13 12V 12V Brazil 8s 41. _ 15V 15V 15V Brisbane 5s 57__ 75 75 75 ! Brisbane 5s 58_ 73 73 73 i B A 4*4-4 Vs 76 Aug.. 58 58 58 i Buen Air 4 *4-4 Vs 76. 59V 59V 59V Canada 2 Vs 46_ 92V 92 92 Canada Ss 67_ 87V 86V 87V Canada 3 *4 s 61_ 87V S7V 87V Canada 4s 60_ 95V 95 95 Canada 6s 62 _ 102 101V 102 Canada 5s 52 reg_101 101 101 Chile 6s 60. _ 17 17 17 Chile 6s 61 Jan_ 17V 17 17V Chile 6s 61 Feb_ 17 17 17 Chile 6s 61 Sept assd. 12V 12V 12V Chile 6s 62 _ 16V 16V 16V 1 Chile 6s 63 assd _ 12V 12V 12V I Chile Mtg B 6s 61 asd 11V 11V 11V Chile Mtg B 6s 62 asd 11V 11V 11V Chile MB 6 Vs 57 assd 11V 11V 11V j Chilean Mun L, 7s 60.. 14V 14V 14V Colombia 6s 61 Jan... 23V 23V 23V Copenhagen 4 Vs 53.. 58 58 58 i Copenhagen 5s 52_ 60 58V 60 i Costa Rica 7s 51_ 20 20 20 ! Cuba 5 Vs 45_ 74 74 74 Denmark 4 Vs 62..... 62V 59v 62V Denmark 5 Vs 55_ 75 75 75 Denmark 6s 42 ... 83 V 83V 83V Dominic 1st 5 V* 40_ 70 70 70 Dominic 2d 5 *4s 40_ 70 70 70 Dominic 5 V s 61 ext_ 70 70 70 Finland 6s 45 ... _ 100 100 100 Frencn Gvt 7 Vs 41... 93 93 93 GerGovt 6*4s 65 ... 9 9 9 German Govt 7s 49 .. 10 10 10 GrtC El Jap 6 Vs 50.. 61 61 61 GrtC El Jap 7s 44_ 82 82 82 Haiti 6s 52_ 92 92 92 Italy 7s 51_ 50V 50V 50V Itel D n Pwd 1m KO 9k Af, ‘Ar* Japan 5fts 65_ 59ft 59ft 59ft Japan 6fts 54_ 73ft 73ft 73ft Lombard El 7a 52_ 49 49 49 Medellin 6fta 54_ 12ft 12ft 12ft ilex 4s 10-45 ast am— ft ft ft Milan 6fts 62_ 33ft 33 33 Norway 4s 63 _ 84 84 84 Norway 4 ft a 65.—_ 86ft 86 86ft Norway 4fts 66_ 94 93 94 Norway 6s 43_ 98ft 98ft 98ft Norway 6s 44_ 100 100 100 Oriental Dev 6s 63_ 59 68 58 Panama 5s 63 st asd— 65ft 65 65 Pernambuco 7s 47_ 6ft 6ft 6ft Peru 1st 6s 60_ 9 8ft 9 Peru 2d 6s 61_ 9.9 9 Poland 8s 50_ 17 17 17 Queensland 6s 47_ 88ft 88 88 Queensland 7s 41_ 97 97 97 : Rhine W El P 6s 55—. 10 9ft 10 ;Rome6fts52 _ 45ft 45ft 45ft Sao Paulo St 6s 68 8V» 7ft 8ft Sao Paulo St 7s 40—_ 18ft 18ft 18ft Sao Paulo St 7s 56—8ft 8 8ft Serbs 7s 62_ 11 11 11 Tokyo El Lt 6s 53- 66ft 56 66 ! Uruguay cv 3 ft s 79 — 40ft 40ft 40ft Uru 3ft-4-4fts adj 79. 4? 46 47 j Uruguay 8s 46 - 44 44 44 Yokohama 6s 61- 57ft 57ft 57ft DOMESTIC IONDS. Adams Ex 4%S 46 st. 103ft 103ft 103ft Alb P \V P 6s 48 ww— 4t 41 41 Alleg Coro 5s 49 _ — 66 66 66 Alleg Corn 5s 60 std— 34ft 33ft 34ft Alleg Valley 4s 42. .. 103ft 102ft 103ft Allied Stores 4’fts 50. 97 97 97 Allied Stores 4fts 61. 93 92ft 93 Allis Chalmers 4s 62. 110 109ft 110 Am A For Pw 6s 2030 61 61 61 Am I G Ch 514* 49 101ft 101 101 Am TAT 314s 61- 103 102ft 102ft MnT&T3<4ll6_102ft 102 102 Am T A T Rfts 43 ._ 108ft 108 108ft Am Type Fdrs cv 50 104ft 104ft 104ft Anglo-Chtl Nitr db 67 33 33 33 Armour(Del)lst4s 65 98ft 97ft 97ft Armour Dftl 4s 67 — 96ft 96ft 96ft A TAS Fe gen 48 95— 103 102ft 103 A TAS Fe 4fts 43 101ft 101ft 101ft A TASF TC StL 4s 88 106ft 106ft 106ft Atl Coast L 1st 4s 52. 81ft 8lft 81ft Atl Coast Lclt 4s 52.. 66 66 66 Atl Coast L 4fts 64—. 63ft 63 63 Atl A Dan 1st 4s 48 .. 39ft 39ft 39ft Atl Gulf A W I 6s 59. 72ft 68 72ft Atlantic Refln 38 53— 99ft 99ft 99ft BAG 1st 4s 48_ 64 64 64 B A O conv 4fts 60— 14ft 14 14 B A O 4 fts 60 ct- 14 13ft 13ft B AO 1st 5s 48_ 65ft 65 65ft B A O 1st 6s 48 ct_ 65 65 65 B AO ref 6s 96_ 26ft 25ft 26ft B A O ref 6s 95 ct_ 25 24ft 25 B AO 6s 96 F_ 25 25 25 B A O 6s 96 F ct- 24ft 24ft 24ft B A O ref 5s 2000 D—. 25ft 24ft 25ft BAOrf 6s 2000 Det. 25 25 25 B AO ref 6s 95 _ 26 25ft 26 BAG ref 6s 95 ct_ 25ft 24ft 24ft BAO PLEAW V 4s 41. 59ft 58ft 59ft B A O Swn 6s 50_ 45 44ft 45 BAO Swn 5s 60 ct_ 45 44ft 45 Ball T of Pa 5s 48 B— 113ft 113ft 113ft Bell T of Pa 6s 60 C— 124 122ft 123 Beth Steel 3'/«a 59 F 97ft 97ft 97ft Beth Steel 3 fts 62 _. 109ft 108ft 109 Beth Steel 3fts 66 100ft 100ft 100ft Beth Steel 4fta 60 — 104ft 104ft 104ft Bos A Me 4V«s 6t JJ__ 31ft 30ft 31 HOS« Ale bs no_ 35 35 35 Bos & Me 5s 67. _ 344 34 344 Bos N Y A L 4s 65_ 6 6 6 Bklyn Ed cn 3 4s 66.. 104 103 103 Bklyn Man T 4 4s 66. 724 72 724 Bklyn Un El 6s 60 ... 82 82 82 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 60.. 94 934 93*4 Bklyn Un G 6s 67 B.. 1004 100 100 Buff GE 44s 31 110 109 109 B R* P en 44s 67 ct. 374*364 364 B C R & N cl 6s 34_ 64 6 64 B C R&N 5s 34 ct_ 54 54 54 Bush Term cn 6s 55 ._ 444 424 444 Bush Ter Bldg 6s 60.. 52 52 52 Calif Oreg Pwr 4s 66. 964 964 664 Canada South 6s 62 . 84 834 834 Canadian NK 44s 61. 994 994 994 Can NR 4 4s 66.. 1004 1001, 1004 Can NR 4 4s 67 - 1004 100 100 Can NR 6s 69 July_ 1024 102 102 Can NR 6s 69 Oct- 1034 1034 1034 Can NR 6s 70. _ 1034 1034 1034 Can Nor 6 4s 46 - 1084 1084 1084 Can Pac d'o 4s perp_ 654 65 654 Can Pac 44s 60_ 76 764 76 Can Pac 6s 44 - 102 102 102 Celotez 44s 47 *w— *64 854 854 Cent of Ga cn 5a 46_<4 64 64 Cent of Ga 6s 69 C_ 84 34 34 Cent of Ga 6 4s 59... 4 34 4 Cent Ga Chat 4s 51... 64 54 54 Cent N J gn 5s 67 rig.. 13 13 13 Cent NY Pw 34s 62- 1024 1024 1024 Cent Pac 5s 60 _ 53 58 63 Cart'd deb 6 4 * 63 _ 76 75 75 Ches & O 3 4s 96 D_ 94 934 984 Cheat 0 3 4s 96 E_ 94 94 £4 Bffh. Low. CIom. Chea A Ohio »Hs 83 V 102 102 102 C A O can 4 Ha 91-117 117 117 Cbl A Alton ta 49_ 9 814 9 Chi BAQ can 4a it— 9244 92S 92H Chi BAQ 4Ha T7_ 86H 861* 86H Chi BAQ ref ia 71- 94H 94 94H C BAQ 111 dial Ha 49. 94H 94 9444 C BAQ 111 die 4a 49_,99 99 99 Chi A Bill Sad ... ‘ 18H 18 1814 Chi Gr» Waat 4a St_ 2044 20H 2044 Chi Ind A L 6a *8_ SH 8 SH Chi MU A 8t P 4a 89.. 26 26 26 CMAStP 4 Ha 89 C_ 26 2544 26 CMAStP 4Ha *9 B... 26 26 26 Chi Mil A St P 6a 76 . 8 8 8 CMStPAP adJ 6a 2000 8 2H 8 ChlANW «en 8Ha 87. 12H 12H 12H ChlANW 4 Ha 2087.. 9 9 9 ChlANW 4 Ha 20*7 C. 9 9 9 Chi A NW ea 444a 49. 4H 3H 4H Chi A NW Ken 6a 87_ 14 13H 14 ChlANW rf 6a 2037... OH 9 9H ChlANW 6Ha 36_. 16 16 16 Chi R1AP rf 4a 34__ 7h 714 714 Chi R1AP rf 4a 34 et.. 6H 6 6H Chi R 1 A P Ken 4a 88. 14H 1414 14H Chi R1AP 4Ha 62 A . 8H 8H 8H Chi RIAPea 4V4e 60.. 3H 8 3 Chi Dn Sta 814s 83— 102H 102H 10214 Chi Un 8ts 4s 44 - 105H 106H 106H Chi AW Ind 414a 82. 94H 9414 94H Childs A Co 6s 43_ 69 58H 59 Cln GAB 3Hs 66 .. 102H 102H 102H Cin Un Term 3 Ha 71. 104H 104H 104H CCCAStLgen 4s 9*._ 68 68 68 CCOAStL L rf 4 Ha 77 64H 54 64 CCCAStLStL dv 4s90. 63H 68H 63'/i Clea Un Ter 4 Ha 77.. 76 75 75 Clea Un Ter 6a 73_ 81 80H 81 Colo F Air 6s 70- 66H 64H 66H Colo A 80 4 Ha 80- 33 33 33 Col GAB 6s 62 May_101 101 101 Col GAE 6a 61 . 100 99H 100 Colum Ry PAL 4s *6. 107 107 107 Cornel Cred 2 Ha 61— 103H 103H 103H Co®» Ed 3 Hs 68-115H 114H 114% Coma Ed 3Ha 68- 105 104H 104H Cona Ed N Y 3Ha 48.. 10314 10314 1031* Cons Ed db 8 Ha 41 .. 10314 103 103 Cona Ed N Y 8 Ha 66. 102 101 101 Cons Ed N T *Ha 61.. 102 102 102 Cons OH 3Hs 51 . 102H 101H 101H Consum Pwr 3 Ha 68. 100 100 100 Consum Pwr* Ha 86. 104H 104 104H Consum Pwr* Hs 70. 103H 103 103 Consum Pwr *14a 85. 106 106 106 Conti 011 2148 48 112 111H 111H Crucible Steal 4 Ha 48 99H 99V, 9914 Cubs Northn*Ha42. 36 36 36 Cubs RR 7Hs 48 A_ 46 45 46 Del A Hud raf 4a 48_62H 62 62S Den GAE 6s 61- 105 105 106 Den GAE 5s 51 at- 105 106 105 Den & K6 con 4i 1C mu inn inn L V RR cOn 6s 2003 _ 19 19 19 L V Term 5s 41 assd.. 68 58 58 I Ligg ft Myers 6s 61 - 1224 122 122 Liquid Carbon 4s 47— 106% 1064 1064 Loew's 2 4s 46 . - 974 97 97 Long Isld ref 4s 49_ 864 864 864 La ft Ark 6s 69 844 834 844 L&N 1st 4s 2001_ 85 85 86 L&N 6s 2001 B_ 97 9614 97 Manatl Sugar 4s 67— 45 44 444 Manhat Ry 4s 90__ 60 584 60 Mead Co 6s 46_ 104 104 104 Mich Cons Gas 4s 61954 95 954 Mich Cent 34s 52_ 924 924 924 Mich Cent 4 4 s 79—. 684 68 4 684 MStPSSM cn 4S 33... 7 64 7 MStP&SSM 5s 33 gtd. 7 7 7 MStPftSSM 54s 49— 14 14 14 MStP&SSM 6s 46 —24 24 24 Mo K ft T 1st 4s 90_ 334 314 334 Mo K ft T 6s 62 A_ 20 194 20 Mo K ft T adj 6s 67_ 104 94 94 Mo Pac 4s 76_ 44 44 44 Mo Pac 5s 65 A_174 17 17 Mo Pao 6s 77 F_ 174 17 17 Mo Pac 6s 73 G_ 174 17 17 Mo Pac 6s 30 H_ 174 17 17 Mo Pac 6s 311_ 174 17 17% Mo Pac 64s 49- 3 2H 24 Mob ft Ohio 44s 77 — 25 2 6 25 Mob ft Ohio 6s 38 __ 29 29 29 Monong P 8 44s 60— 106 106 106 Mont Power 3%s 66 .. 964 954 954 MorrlsftEs 34s 2000- 424 414 424 Morris* Es 44s 66 . 37 87 37 Mount StTftT 34s 63 1024 101% 1014 Nassau Elec 4s 61- 40 39% 39% Nat Dairy 3%s 61 ww 103 1024 1024 Natl Distill 3 4S 49-. 100 J00 100 Natl Steel 3s 66 . - 97% 97 97 New E T&T 1st 6s 62. 123 123 123 New Jer P*L 44s 60 1064 1064 1064 New Orl P 8 6s 62 A.. 103 103 103 New Orl P S 6s 66 B 1034 1034 1034 New Orl TAM 4%s 66 30 30 80 New Orl TftM 6s 64 B 32 32 32 N f Central 3 4s 62— 65 64 66 N T Central 3 %s 97- 81 81 81 NT Central 3%s 46- 764 76 75 N T Cent con 4s 96... 62 61 62 N T Cent rf 4%s 2013 56% 66 554 w Y cent ri ss zme - oun »» NYC Mich C I He 91. 69% 69% 69% N Y ChlAStL 4%e 78. 66% 56 56% N Y CAStC6%s 74 A. 68 63 63 N Y Chi A St L 6s 41.. 66 66 66 N Y Conn 1st 4%a 68. 102 101 102 N Y Dock 4s 61 _ 65 60 65 N Y Dock cv 5s 47_ 60% 55% 60 N Y Edis 8%s65 D... 102 102 102 N Y Edls ref 8%s 66- 102 102 102 N Y LAW 1st 4s 78— 54 54 64 NY NH AH 4%s67 _. 16% 15% 15% NY NH AHerls 48- 16% 15% 16% NY OAW ref 4s 98- 7% 7% 7% N Y Putnam 4s 98.... 48% 48% 48% N Y Steam 9 %s 68- 99% 98% 98% N Y Tel 9%a 67_102% 102% 102% N Y Tel sen 4%a 89.. 100* 100* 100* N Y WAB 4%s 46- 2% 2% 2% Nias L A O 6s 66_ 108 108 108 Norf Southn 6s 61— 11% 11% 11% North Am 8%s 49-101% 101 101 North Am 8%a64-101% 100% 100% North Am 4s 69 - 102% 102% 102% Nor*n Pac sn 8s 8047. 44% 44% 44% Nor'n Pac 4s 97 -. 73 72% 72% Nor'n Pao4%a 8047.. 48 48 48 Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 C-. 52% 52% 52% Nor’n Pac 8s 2047 . 61% 61% 61% North Sta Pw 2%s 67 102% 102% 102% Ohio Edison 8%s 71.. 101% 101% 101% Ohio Edison 4s 65_ 108% 103% 103% Ohio Edison 4s 67- 102% 102% 102% Okie GAE 8 % s 66_102% 102% 102% Okla OAE 4s 46_ 102 102 102 Orecon W RK 4s 61_ 101%^1% 101% D A R G W 6s 65 ast.. 3% 3% 3% DenAR G W rf 6s 7I_. 6% 6% 6% Det Edison 3%s (6— 110% 110% 110% Det Edison «s 65 . log 108 108 Duluth SSATtl 6a J7. 13% 13% 13% Duouesne L.t 3%s 66. 107 106% 107 Erie 1st 4a 96_ 44 44 44 Erie gen 4a 96_ 21 21 21 Erie ref 6a 67_ 12% 12 12 Erie ref 6s 76_ 12% 12 12 Falrbks Morse 4s 66.. 103 103 103 Fed LtATr 6s 42 St... 103 103 103 Firestone Tire 3 %s 41 101% 101 101 Fla E O Ry 6s 74 . .. 7% 7% 7% Francisco Sug 6s 66.. 69 69 59 Gen Cable 6%s 47_ 99% 99% 99% Gen Mot Aco*%s61. 103 103 103 ! Gen Stl Cast 6%s 49.. 67% 66% 66% Goodrich 4%s 66 ... 102% 102 102 I Grt Nor Ry 3%s 67 79 79 79 Grt Nor 4s 46 G _103% 102% 103 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H _ 91% 90% 91 [ Grt N Ry 1st 4%s 61.. 102 102 102 i Grt N Ry 4%s76 D_ 83% 83% 83% 1 Grt Nor Ry 6%s62_ 98 98 98 ! Hock Val 4%s 99_118 118 118 Hudson Coal 6s 62 A. 40 38% 39% i Hud A Man Inc 6s 67.. 14% 13% 13% Hud A Man ref 6a 57. 48 47% 48 111 Bell Tel 3 %s 70 B. 107% 106% 106% j 111 Cent 3 %s 52_ 45 45 45 111 Cent ret 4s 56_ 54% 54% 54% ■ HI Cent 4%s 66. 49 48% 48% ICCAStL. NO 4%s«l. 48% 48% 48% ICCAStL. NO 6s 63 ... 51% 61 51 Ind A L-oulsv 4s 56_ 10% 10% 10% lndust Kayon 4%s 41 97% 96% 96% i Inland Steel 3%s 61.. 105% 105% 105% | Inter R T 1st rf 6s 66 61 60 61 lnt R T 1st rf 6s 66 et 58% 58% 58% inter RT 6s 32_ 29% 29% 29% Inter RT 7s 32__ 58 57% 57% ' Interlake Iron 4s 47_ 88 88 88 lnt Grt Nor 5s 66 B .. 14% 14% 14% lnt Grt Nor 1st 6s 62. 19% 18% 19 Int Grt Nor adj 6s 62. 3 3 3 lnt Hydro El 6s 44_ 76 76 76 lnt Mer Mar 6s 41__ 72% 70 72% I; Int Paper 1st 5s 47_ 98 98 98 < lnt Paper ref 6s 65_ 92 91% 92 ! lnt Ry C A 6%s 47_ 89% 89% 89% i lnt TAT 4%s 52. 46% 45% 46 i Int TAT 6s 66_ 49% 49 49% Kans C FtSAM 4s 36 30 30 30 KCFSAMrf 4s 36 ct. 29 29 29 Kans C So rf 6s 60 . 68 68 68 Kan City Term 4s 60. 105 104% 104% Keith s 6s 46 . _ 100% 100 100 Kings Co El 4s 49_ 80 80 80 Koppers Co 4s 61_100% 99% 100 | Lautaro Nitrate 75... 33% 33% 33% I LehCAN 4 4s 54 A . 63% 53 53% j Eeh Yal Coal 6s 64 ct. 26 26 26 ; Leh Yal Co 5s 74 std 27 27 27 ! L,eh V NY 4 4s 40 asd 51 51 51 I L. V RR con 48 2003.. 17% 17% 17% ! L. V RR 4s 2003 asd. 16% 16 16% L. V RR 4 4a 2003 asd 17% 17% 17% High. Low. Clooo. Otis Steal 4Had._ 76% 76% 76% Fae Gas A EH 13ft s 61. 102% 102% 102% PuOtBItill_ 106 105% 106 Pao G A B 4s 64 108 107% 108 Pao TAT rf I % a 66 B 102 102 102 Pao TAT IU a 46 C_108% 108% 108% Panhand BT4a 61_ 102 102 102 Penn Co 4s 61 _ 99% 99% 99% Penn RR !%s 61_ 88 86 88 Pann RR Mis 11_ 86% 85 85 Penn RR 4s 46 _109% 109% 109% Penn RR 4%s 66_112% 112% 112% Penn RR gn 4%s 46.. 98 97% 98 Penn RR db 4%s 70.. 85% 85% 85% Penn RR gen 6s 46 104 104 104 Phelps Dodge 1%» 61 115 114 114% Phlla BAW 4%s II D 103% 103% 103% Phlla Co 6a 67 ._ 102 100% 100% Phlla RCA Ir 6s71.. 15 14% 14% Phlla RCA Ir4s 49.. 5% 4% 5 Philippine Ry 4s 177% 7% 7% Phillips Petrol Is 41. 113% 118 113 PCCAStL 4%s 77 . 95 96 95 PlttAW Va4%s6* A. 38% 36% 38% PlttAW Va4%s59B. 37 37 37 PlttAW Va 4%s 60C. 38 37% 38 Port Gen El 4 %a 60 . 76% 75% 75% Porto R A T 6s 41 at.. 26 26 26 Postal Tel AC 6s 63 . 14% 14 14 Publto St 1st 8%s 44. 103% 103% 103% Purity Baking 6s 41.. 99 99 99 R-K-O-ls 41 .. _ 60 60 60 Reading R 4%s 9T A 74 74 74 Rem Rand 4V«s 66 ww 95 94 94 Republic Stl 4%s 61. 93% 92% 93% Republic Stl 4 %s 61.. 94 92% 94 Republic Stl 6%a 64.. 113 112% 113 Revere Cop 4 % a 61_ 98 98 98 Richfield 011 4s 62_106% 106% 106% Rio GW 1st 4s 99 ... 31 31 31 Rio G W col 48 49 A.. 16 16 16 R1AAL 4 %a 34_ 9 9 9 St L-San Fr 4s 60 A.. 10% 10% 10% StL-San Fr 4%s 71... 10% 9% 10% St L-8 F 4%s 71 ct St. 9% 9% 9% St LSW ref 6a 90 . 11 10% 10% St LS W 1st ter 6a 63 18 17 18 San AAA Pass 4S 43 58 58 58 San Antonio P S 4a 61 102 102 102 Seabd A L4s60 stp— 11% 11 11 Seab'd A Lrf 4s 89 .. 5 4% 5 Seabd A Lrf 4s 59 ct.. 4 4 4 Seab'd A L 6s 46 A .. 7% 7% 7% Seab'd A L 6a 45 Ct— 6% 6% 6% Seab'd A FI 6s 36 Act 3 S1 3 Silesian Am 7s 41_ 22% 22% 22% Simmons Co 4s 62 .. 96 96 96 So Bell TAT 3 >4 s 63.. 102% 102 102% Southn Cal O 4s 65 .. 105% 105% 105% Southn Cal G 4%s 41. 105% 105% 105% Southn Kraft 4%a 44. 91% 91% 91% Southn Nat G 4%s 61. 102% 102% 102% So Pac 3%s 46 _ 60 59% 59% SoPaccol 4s 49_ 48% 48% 48% So Pac ref 4s 65_ 62* 62* 62* So Pac 4Hs 68_ 48* 48* 48* So Pac 4Hs 69_ 48* 47* 48 So Pac 4H> 81 _ 48* 48 48 So Pac Ore*: 4*8 7T_ 52 51 51 So Ry Ken 4s SC A_ 56* 56 56 So Ry 6s 94 _ 86* 86* 86* So Ry Ken 6s 56_ 71* 70* 71 Sp Ry 6Hs 66 _ 76 76 76 S W Bell Tel 8s 68 ... 100* 100* 100* S W Bell Tel 3He 84. 106 106* 106 Stand Oil N J 2*s 68. 100 99* 99* Stand Oil N J 3s 61 ... 101 100* 100* Studebaker ct 6s 46_ 88* 88* 88* Swift A Co I*s 60_ 104* 104* 104* Term As St L 4s 63_ 104 104 104 Texarkana 6He 60__ 86* 86* 86* Texas Corp Is 69 ... 99* 99* 99* Texas Corn IH» 61... 105 105 105 Texas A Pac 6s 79 C . 83 88 83 Tex A P MPT 5Hs 64. 101 101 101 Third Av ref 4s 60... 44* 44* 44* Third At ad1 6s 60 . 9* 9* 9* Tide Wat Oil IHs 62. 102* 102* 102* Un Oil (Cal) 6s 42 A- 109 109 109 1 Un Pacific 3 Hs 71 _ 92* 92* 92* I Un Pacific 1st 4s 47.. 109* 109* 109* Un Pac ref 4a 2008_ 103* 103* 108* I Un Pac 1st 6s 2008_112 112 112 ! United Drug 6s 61_ 78 77* 77* | US Steel 3*s 41 _ 103* 103 103* , Utd Stkyds4*s61ww 86 86 86 i Utah DAT 6s 44 . 97* 97* 97* I Utah Pwr A Dt 6s 44.. 99* 99* 99* j Utility PAD6s69_ 76* 76* 76* Vanadium 6s 41 _ 109 109 109 j VaRy 1st IHs 66_103 102* 103 i Wabash 4H« W C_ 8* 8 8* Wabash 1st 6s 89_ 86 36 36 Wabash 6s 76 B_ 8 8 v 8 Wabash 5s SOD_ 8 8 8 Wabash Des M 4s 19.. 13 13 13 Walworth 4s 65 62 60 62 Warner Bros 6s 48_ 82* 82* 82* Warren Bros cv 6s 41 41* 41 41 Westcht Lull 3Hs 17 102 102 102 West Penn P 8 H® 66. 105* 105* 105* W Pa Pw 1st 5s 63 E. 118* 118* 118* W Sh 1st 4s 2361 re*. 46 46 46 i West Pac 6s 46 A as.. 18 18 18 I West Union 4H* 60_ 68 67* 68 West Union 6s 60 69 69 69 | Wheel Steel 4 Hs 61.. 95 95 95 i Wilkes BAE 5e 42 .. 9* 9* 9* Wilson A Co l*e 47.. 98 98 98 Wilson ACo4a65.... 100 100 100 I Wls Cent 1st gn 4s 49 14 14 14 W C 1st an 4s 49 cfs .. 13 13 13 Wia Pub Svc 4s 61_ 107* 107* 107* Tounsst'n SAT 4s 41. 112 111* 112 Younffst’n SAT 4s 61. 102* 102 102* Washington Exchange BALES. Washington Railway & Electric pfd. —15 at lldtj. BONDS PUBUC UTILITY Bid Asked. Anaeostia A Pot 5s _. 934 97 Ana & Pot Qusr 5s _ 111 Capital Traction 1st 5s Pu 94 City A Suburban 5s _ 934 97 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s_113 Pot Elec Pow 34s .. 103 Washington Gss 5s 1960 114 Wash Rwy A Elec 4s 105 107 MISCELLANEOUS. Chevy Chase Club 1st 4 4s . 102 105 Ool Country Club 1st 44s 102 _ Ter Rel A Wh Coro 1st 44s 101 _ STOCKS PUBLIC UTILITY. Bid. Asked. Amer Tel A Tel <9> _163 Capital Transit Co _ 13 14 N A W Steamboat (4) do 70 Pot Elec Power 64 pfd (0) 114 Pot Eiec Pwr 64 Pld <5.501 114 110 Wash Gss Lt com r 1.501 . . 20 27 Wash Gas Lt pfd (4.50)_105 108 Wash Ry A El com <g36)_ 025 _ Wash Ry A El pfd <5> 115 118 BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Amer 8ee A Tr Co <e8i 230 200 Bank of Bethesda (.75) ... 30 Capital (41 143 _ Com A Savings (ylO.OO). 265 Liberty (6) _ 174 185 Lincoln (f51 _ 200 Natl Sav Tr (V3.00)_ 175 205 Prince Geor Bk A Tr (.60) 18 22 Riggs le8) 257 272 Riggs pfd (5) _100 _ Washington <01 -120 _ Wash Loan A Tr <e8> 232 250 FIRE INSURANCE American 06) _115 _ Firemen's <1.40)_ 27 _ National Union (.75)_ 15 184 TCTIE INSURANCE. Columbia (k.30) __ 13 _ Real Estate <m«' 170 _ MISCELLANEOUS Carpel Corp (2.00) _ 274 33 Lanston Monotype (4). .. 444 50 Lincoln Serv com (tl.OO) *19 22 Lincoln Serv prior pfd (3.50) *44 52 Mergenthaler Lino (p.50> 164 18 Peoples Drug 8 com (tl.OO) *33 30 Peoples Drug S pfd (8.50).bllO Real Eat M A G pfd (.45). 5 7 Security Storage (5) _ 90 105 Ter Ref A Wh Corn (3) . 60 65 Wdwd A Loth com (s2.00)_ 41 53 Wdwd A Loth ofd (71 120 •Ex-dividend. b Books closed Stock called for re demption September 15. 1939. • Plus extras, e!*. extra, f 34 extra, g *14.00 extra paid December 20. 1938. k 20c extra, m *1.50 extra, p 50c paid September 20, 1938. s *2.00 paid In 1938. v *3.00 pgld so far thia year, y $5.00 extra. U. S. Treasury Notes (Reported by Smith, Barney & Co.) Rate. Maturity. Bid. Offer. IS Dec. 16. 39_ 100 27-32 100 20-32 IS Mar. 15. 40... 101 2-32 101 4-32 IS June 16. 40... 101 8-32 10110-32 IS Dec. 15, 40... 101 9-32 101 11-32 IS Mar. 15, 41... 10110-32 10112-32 IS June 16. 41— 101 7-32 101 0-32 1V« Dec. 16. 41_ 100 31-32 101 1-32 IS Mar. 15. 42_ 101 30-32 102 2 Sept. 16, 42... 102 20-32 102 22-32 IS Dec. 15, 42... 10123-32 101 25-32 IS June 15. 43... 99 19-32 99 21-32 IV, Dec. 15. 43_ 99 17-32 99 19-.3S S June 16. 44— 97 31-32 98 1-32 Baltimore Stocks Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE. Sept. 9.— Sales. STOCKS. Hlfh. Low. Ctose. 150 Arundel dorp 21 21 21 52 Consol Pow com 72S 72 72 135 East Sue As VT. 12S 12 12 200 East sue Pf VT . 24S 24V, 24V. 305Plnanee Amer A. 0 0 _ 0 . 107 Nor Amer Oil .. 1.65 1,65 1,55 168 New Amster Oas. 13SA 18* 13* 228 U S Fid ft Guar. 21Is 21 21* DOMESTIC. High. Low. CloM. Ala Power 4%s 87_ 98 98 98 Ala Power 6s 61_ 103 102% 102% Ala Power 6s 68_102% 102% 102% Ala Power 5s 58 _ 102 102 102 Am O A E 5s 2028... 107% 107% 107% Am P A L 6s 2016 ... 96 94% 94% Am Radial 4%s 47 .. 101% 101% 101% Am Seat 6s 46 cv st ... 99% 90% 99% Appalach E P 4s 63... 105% 104% 105% Appalaeh K P 4%s 48 ... 106 106 106 Ark-La Oas 4s 51_101 101 101 Ark P A L 6s 58 ... 104 103% 103% As El Ind 4%s 53... 69 58% 58% As O A E 4%s 49_ 41% 41% 41% As O A E 5s 68 ... 44 4«% 43% As T A T 5%s 55 A... 73% 73% 73% Atl City El 3%s 84... 99 99 99 Bald Loco 6s 50 ...118 118% 116% Bell Te C 5s 56 A... 105% 105% 105% Bell Te C 5s 57 B... 109 109 109 Beth Steel 6s 98_ 128 128 128 Binning Oas 5s 59_ 92% 92 92% Can Nor Pwr 6s 53_ 94% 94 94 Can Pac 8s 42 .. 90 90 90 Caro Pw Lt 5s 53 . 104 103% 104 Central Pw 5s 57 D.. 93% 93% 93% Cent St El 5s 48_ 39% 39% 39% Cent St El 5%s 64 __ 40% 40V. 40% Cent St PAL 5%s 63_. 69% 68% 68% Chi M A 111 4%s 56 A.. 101V. 101 % 101 % Chi Rys 6s 27 c.o.d.. 50% 60% 60% Cities Bvc 5s 60_ 72% 71% 72 Cities Service 6s 58.. 72 71% 71% Clt 8 PAL 5%s 62.. 81 % 81V. 81% Clt 8 P A L 5%s 49 . 81V. 81 81 Comun'ty PAL 5s 57._ 84 84 84 Cons GELAP 3s 69.. 101 100% 100% Con GELAP 3%s 71 104% 104% 104% Cons G Util 6s 43 st._ 70 70 70 Cont O A E 5s 58 A . 87% 87 87 Cudahy Pkg 3%s 65.. 90 90 90 Del El Pw 5%s 59_104% 104% 104% Det Int Bg 7s 52_ % % % East G A F 5s 56 A_. 74 73 74 El Pw A Lt 5s 2030— 75% 75% 75V. Emp DIs El 5s 52.. ...101 101 101 Fla Pwr coupn 4s 68_. 93V. 93% 93V. Florida PAL 5s 64_100% 100% 100% Gary E A G 5s 44 st _ 96% 95 96% Gen Pub Ut 6%s 56 . 92 91V. 92 Gen W WAE 5s 43 A._ 9.3 92 93 Georgia Pw 6s 67 ... 104% 104 194 Georgia P A L 5s 78 . 69 69 69 Glen Alden Cl 4s 65_. 68% 67% 68% Hall IWF) 6s 47 st A— 100% 100% 100% Idaho Pwr 3%s 67_103% 103 103% ni Pw A Lt 5%s 57.. 91 91 91 111 Pw A Lt 6s 53 A—102 101% 101% 111 Pw A L 5%s 54 B . 90 99 99 111 Pw A Lt 5s 56 C— 98% 98 98% Ind El C 6s 47 A_101% 101 101 V. Ind E C 5s 51 C ... 97 97 97 Indiana Bvc 5s 50 A_65% 65% 65V. Indiana 8er 5s 63 A . 87 67 67 Indianap Gs 5s 62 ... 72% 72% 72% Interst Pw 6s 57_ 66 65 65% Interst Pw 6s 52 .. 53 52% 53 Interst P 8 5s 56 D __ 95% 95 95% Interst P 8 4%s 58 F . 94 92% 93 Ia-N L A P 5s 57 A 100 100 100 Iowa-N L A U 5s 61 B 100 99 100 Jackson O 5s 42 stp 44 43% 44 Jer C P A L 4%s 61 C. 104% 104 1 04V. Ky Utilities 5s 61 96 96 96 Kentucky U 5s 60 I_ 96 95% 96 Van TT a 1 - a Cl T-V 4 /«- . Int Lax Util 5s 52 _102*4 102*4 102*4 Libby McN A L 5s 42 __ 103 102*. 102*. La Pw A Lt 5s 57 _ 106 105 105 Metroo Edis 4s 71 E _ 103 103 103 Midlan V R R os 43 03 03 03 Mid S Pw «*,s 45 A 00*4 1*0*4 1*0*4 Mil G A E 44s 07_100 OH',4 100 Minn P A L 6s 65,..104 ]o4 104 Miss Pow 6s 55 .4. 94 93*4 94 Miss Rw A L 5s 57 99*4 994 1*9*4 Mo Pqb Svc 5s 00 90 89*2 90 Navad Cal El 5. 50 _ 77 70*4 77 Naw E Pw 54s 64 . 95*4 954 954 Naw Or P S Os 40 A . 984 98», 984, N Y p[a Li 4'is 07 __ In4*s 104 4 1044 NYSE AG 44s 80 ini 191 101 Nor A L A P 54* 50 _ 994 99s. 99*4 No Bost Lt* 3‘4s 42 1034 103*4 103*4 No Con U 54s 48 A .. 514 514 514 No Ind P 8 5s 09 D . 104 103 4 103*4 Norw El Os 45 ftpd .1054 1054 105*. Northw P S Os 57 A Ion 100 100 Ohio Powar 3*4. 08 __ loo'# 100 100*4 Ohio Pub Svc 4s 02 .. 103*4 103V, 103*4 Okla P A W 5s 48 ... 994 994 994 Par PAL 5s 55 .. 91 90*. 904 Pann CLIP 44s 77 . 904 95*4 954 Pann Elec 4s 71 F _ 98*. P8 98*# Pann Elac os 02 H 104 103 103*4 Pann Wi A P 5s 40 _ 1044 1044 104'# Paop G L A C 4s 81 D 95 P44 94*. Portland G A C 5s 40 73*4 734 734 Potomac E 5s 50 E 107 107 107 Pub Sar N J Os ctfs 142 142 142 Pu* 8d P A L 5*25 4 9 9 3*4 9 3 4 93*4 Pile S P * L 5s 50 C 93 92*. 93 Pu* 8 P A L 4 4s 50 D 88 87*. 88 Scripps 5 4s 43 101 4 101 4 lot >4 Scullin Stael 3s 51 05 05 05 Shw W A p 4 4s 07 A 95 95 95 Shw WAP 4*25 70 D 9312 934 934 8 E P A L Os 2025 A 108 107*2 107*4 i Soil Cal Ed 3*,s 00 105 1 04*4 1 05 ; Sou Cal E 3*4s 00 B 1054 104*2 105*4 Sou Co Gs of Cal 4 4s 08 104*4 104*4 104*4 Souw As T 5s HI A_ 102 102 10” Souw PAL Os 2022 A . 94 94 94 Std GAE Os 48 st .. __ 07 00 00 Std GAE Os 48 cv at. _ 004 00'2 80*4 Std Gas A El Os 51 A _ 00*4 00*4 Std Gas A El Os 57 00 OH HO Std Gas A El Os HO B 084 oo*# 004 Stand Pw A Lt Os 57 ._ 00 00 00 : Taxas Elac 5s On_I no*# ion inn Tax Pw A L 5s 50_ 104*2 104*2 104'# i Ttda Wat P 5s 79 A._ 93 93 93 ■ Twin C RT 54s 62 A . Oo 00 on Unit Lt A Pw 6s 75_ 77*4 77 77 4 Unit LARD 5*#s 52-_ 85 84*# 85 Unit L A R M Os 73 A.. 78 78 78 Wald Ast flot 5s 54 .. 13 12 13 wis P A i; 4s 00 _ini inn*, ini Yadkin Riv P 5s 41_ 105*. 105', 1054 York Rwy 5s 47 at_ 92 92 92 FOREIGN BONDS Danish Con 54s 55 . . _ 80 80 811 Fin R M B 5a 01 at.. 904 904 P«4 Nippon E P 0 4s 53 50 50 50 Ptad El 0 4s 00 A_ 38 38 SR Ternl-Soc 04s 53 A.. 35 344 35 ww—With warrants xw—Without warranti. n—Naw. st <stp'—Stampad. INa*ouabtlity tmpairad by maturity. Washington Produce BUTTER—BO score 1-pound prints. 27>2: tub, 2H‘2: '«-pound prints. 29'2. 92 score, tub. 27V>: 's-pound prints. 29'2. MEATS—Choice beef. IS; good beef. 1ft I7'2: calves, 16-17 spring lambs 21. veal. 10 down: pork loin 20-21 smoked regu lar ham 22-2.1: smoked skinned ham 24; large smoked skinned ham. 20-21: bacon, sliced. 28; bacon, piece. 23; compound. 10; pure lard. S'2. LIVESTOCK—Pigs. 120-140 pounds. 7.00-7.30; light pigs 140-150 pounds. 7.40 7.ftO; 150-200 pounds 7.60-7 80; 210-250 pounds. 7.40-7.«0; 250-300 pounds. 7.00 7.50: calves, good grade 11 down: lambs. 10 down; buck lambs. 2.70 less: sows. 5.28 ft.oo; stags. 4.50 down; weightier sows. 4.50-5.50 From Agricultural Marketing Service. Prices paid net f o b Washington: EGGS—Market steady. For eggs can died and graded in Washington (Septem ber 91: Whites. U. 8. extras. large. 33; U. S. extras, medium. 24: U. S. standards, large. 25: U. S. standards, mediums, 20; U. S. trades. 17; U. S. pullets. 14. For nearby ungraded eggs: Current receipts— Whites. 20 to 21; mixed colors. 17 to 18. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady. Fowl: Colored, all sixes. 17 to 18; few higher: No. 2. 12 to 14: Leghorns. 12 to 13; Roosters. 9 to 10. Chickens: Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers, all sixes. 19 to 20: No. 2. 13 to 14. Delaware Rocks and crosses, broilers and fryers, all sixes. 18'2 to 19'.b: No. 2. 13 to 14; mixed col ored fryers 1H to 17; Leghorns, broilers. 2 to 21b pounds. 15 to 1ft for best Tur keys—Young toms. 15 pounds and up. 18; hens. 10 pounds and up, 19; No. 2. hens and toms, 12 to 14. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Sept 9 OP! (0. S Dept, of Agriculture)—Salable hogs 400: total 3.900: meager supply hogs Insufficient to make a thorough test, odd lots cleaning up at weak to mostly 25 cents lower levels: these averaging 140-250 pounds at 7.25 8.00; shippers took none: estimated hold over. 500: compared week ago. generally 1.25-50 higher with Instances on packing sows 1.75 higher 8alable cattle. 500: calves. 100: com pared Friday last week, all grades and classes fat cattle erratically higher: Tues day and Wednesday steer advance sharpest in trade history: later reaction left good and choice grades 75-1.25 up. with com mon and medium grades 25-50 higher; yearling heifers 75-1.00 higher; cows. 50-75 up: bulls. 50-1.00 higher, and vealers 1.00 over late last week: fed steers and long yearlings grading average-medium to choice predominated: grass cattle. Including Stockers and feeders, in minor supply: heavy feeders. 50-75 up; yearling stockers. 25-40 higher: extreme top fed steers. 12.00. com pared 10.40 last week: yearlings. 11.85: heifer yearlings. 11.00: most grassers. 7.25 8.75: large share week's fed crop selling at 9.50-11.60; good to choice Western grass cows up to 8.00: cutter cows to ft.00: tiavy sausage bulls at 7.65 and vealers to 1 TOO: few 12.50. Salable sheep. 5,500: total. 9.000: com pared Friday last week, spring lambs around 1.00 higher: yearlings sharing major portion of upturn: sheep. 25-50 higher; feeding lambs fully 25 up; week's spring lamb top. 10.75 Thursday, paid for 81 nound Westerns to packers and shippers: week's bulk Westerns. 9.35-10.50: natives, 9.40-10.25: best natives this week, 10.50; top slaughter yearlings. 9.40: bulk- 7.25 8.50: native slaughter ewes. 2.75-4.00; 67 71-pound feeding lambs. 8.40-8.75. Federal Land Banks By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Sept. 9.—Federal Land Bank bonds: Bid. Asked. 4s July. 1946-44_106V4 19714 3'«s May. 1955-45_101 102 :is July. 1055-45_ 109 101 3s Jan., 1956-46_109 101 3s May. 1956-46_ 190 101 Foreign Exchange NEW YORK Sept. 9 UP.—The neutral currencies—the belga. guilder and Swiss franc—improved in today’s foreign ex change dealings, while sterling and the French franc held their ground firmly. Control guidance apparently influenced the steady course of sterling. Bankers said improvement in the neutral group might be due to further transfer of funds from capitals threatened by Immediate hostilities. Late morning rates follow: Great Britain in dollars, others in cents. Great Britain, demand. 4.0414; Great Britain, cables. 4.05V4: 60-day bills, 4.0414: 90-day bills. 4.0314: Canada. Montreal in New York. 93.25; Canada. New York in Montreal. 106.75: Belgium. 17.10: Den mark. 19.50: Finland. 2.00: France. 2.26: Greece. ,80n; Hungary. 18.75n: Italy. 5.21; Netherlands 53.13; Norway. 22.70: Poland. 18 80n; Portugal 3.80: Rumania. .72n; Sweden. 23.90: Switzerland. 22 65: Ar gentina (official), unquoted; Argentina (free). 24.00; Brasil (official), unauoted; Brasil (free). 5.00: Mexico. 20 00n: Japan. 23.70; Hong Kong, 25.55: Shanghai. 7.10: Yugoslavia. 2.30. Rates in spot eables unless otherwise indicated, jn Nominal. NEW YORK CURB MARKET to private wire direct to Yfce Mar. Mock and Rales— Dividend Rato. Add 00. Bleb. Lav. Cote. Aero Supply (B). 14 4 4 Alnaworth - 6 6* 6* G* Air Investors_11 2 114 2 Air Invest war - l i h i Ala Power pf («) 80s 8714 87* 8714 Ala Power pf (7) 20s 97V* 9714 97* Alliance Invest.. 2 1* 1* 1* Allied Prod .25*.. 150s 1014 9 1014 Alum Co of Am . 600s 139* 138 138 Alum Ltd (,25a). 1350»112'4 110 11214 Am Beverage- 2 1* 1* 1* Am Book (4) 10s 48 48 48 Am Bo* Board... 1 7* 7* 7* Am Centrifugal 4 114 1 1 Am City Power A Lt(A) 2.5214h- 25a 32 32 82' Am Cynam B .40. 9 35* 84* 35 Am Fork A H .40. 60s 1114 1114 1114 Am Gas A El 1.40 13 32 31* 82 Am G A El pf (•) 200s 111* ill* 111* Am General_ 2 6*4 6* 514 Am LtATrae 1.20 6 15 14* 14* AmMfgCo _ 300s 21 17 21 Am Maracaibo_ 14 1 1 1 Am Republics_ 6 8* 8H 8* Am Superpower.. 4 H & * Am Superpwr pf. 1 16* 16* 16* Anchor Post F . 2 1* 1* 1* Angostura (.05*) 1 2* 2* 2* Ape* Eec Mfg_ 1 10 10 10 Ark Nat Gas- 1 3* 3* 3* Ark Nat Gas A... 20 3* 3* 3* Ark Nat Gas pf.. 3 7* 7* 7* Art Met Wks.30*. 1 5 5 5 Assoc G A E (A). 9 * * * Assoc GasAEl pf. 2 8 7* 7* Atl Coast Fish... 13 814 3* 8* AtJasCorpwar .2111 Atlas Drop Forg. 13 3 3 Atlas Plyw’d .25* 9 16* 16 16* Auto Vot M .60 .. 2 6 6 6 Avery (BF) war 3 2H 2* 2* Avery pf xw 1.60. 100s 15* 15 15* Aviation A Trans 17 3 2* 2* Babcock A Wll .. 9 23* 22* 23* Baldwin Lo war.. 35 8* 7* 7* Baldw L Df 2.10.. BOa 23* 23* 23* Bardstown Diet.. 3 4§ M 4| BarlASeel A 1.20. 150s 7* 7* 7* Basic Dol .25g 17 7 7 Bath Iron ... 20 8* 8* 814 Beech Aircraft. 6 7* 7 7* Bellanca Aircraft 10 8* 8 8 Bell Aircraft 25 23 22 22* Benson A Hed pf. 60s 45 45 45 Berk A Gay Fur.. 3 * * * Blrdsboro Stl Fy. 2 8* 7* 8* Bliss (EW)_ 32 16* 16* 16* Blue Ridge .. 37 1* 1* 1* Blumenthal (S)_. 6 8 8 8 Bowman Blit 1st. 60s 7* 7* 7* Rra*ilian T* L X fiU R’a. fii Breeze Corp __ 1 54 54 54 Brewst Aero .20* 7 84 74 74 Brid*p't Machine 6 44 44 44 Brill <A) ___ 10 34 34 34 Brlllo Mf* (.80).. 1 12 12 12 Brown Co pf- 250s 204 20 20 Brown Rubber_ 4 44 44 44 Bruce Co (EL)... 1 74 74 74 BNAEPofl.60 . 3 214 214 214 Bunker Hill .50*. 6 174 164 17 Calamha Su* 1.60 3 244 234 234 Can Col Airways. 2 7 7 7 Can Marc Wire .. 41 14 14 14 I Carnation Co (1). 1 36 36 36 Carneeie Met_ 9 1 1 1 Caro PAL pf (7). 30s 97 964 97 Carrier Corp 9 104 10 10 Carter (JW) .30* 5 74 7 7 Catalln (Am) i 34 34 84 ! Celan ptc pf (7a). 25s 1034 1034 1034 Celluloid Corp_ 8 54 54 54 i Celluloid pf .. 350s 21 204 21 Celluloid 1st pf . 10s 574 574 574 | Cent HG&E (.80) 5 134 134 134 Cent NY Pwr pf 5 10* 90 90 90 j Cent Ohio St .80* 6 94 9 94 j Cent States Elec 15 4 A 4 j Cent Sts E cvpf n 25s 3 3 3 Cent Sts El pf 25s 9 9 9 Centrif Pipe .40 . 3 34 34 34 ; Chief Consol_ 1 4 4 4 Cities Service_ 6 64 64 64 I Cities Service pf. 3 61 504 504 | Cities Svc pf B 1 44 44 44 City Auto St .15* 11 64 54 64 ; Clark Cont .25*.. 50s 18 18 18 j Claude Neon L 6 4 A A I Clayton & Lamb. 2 24 24 24 Clev Tractor ... 3 54 54 64 ; Clinchfleld Coal.. 4 4 34 4 Club Alum Uten. 3 24 24 24 Colon Develop... 13 S 3 3 Col Fuel A 1 war. 5 74 74 74 Colts Pat F A (2) 250s 894 884 89M Columb Oil A Gas 13 34 34 34 Comwlth A S war 37 4 4 4 Com PA List pf 125s 304 30 30 Com'ty PS (2) 75s 24 4 23 4 234 Cons GAE Ba 3.60 4 72 71 71 Cons Steel Corp .. 17 74 7 74 Conti Oil (Mex)_. 14 4 4 Conti Roll A Stl.. 2 9 84 84 Cook Paint (.60). 50s 84 84 84 Cooper-Bess 4 84 8 84 Cooper-Bes pf (3) 2 20 20 20 Copper Ran*e 150s 8 8 8 Copperweld .60*. 8 144 144 144 Cornucopia Gold. 25 4 4 4 Corroon A Reyn.. 2 24 2 24 Cosden Petrolm . 6 2 14 14 Creole Petm .60a. 34 274 264 274 Crocker Wheeler 8 74 74 74 Cro’n Ck Int .75k 1 74 74 74 Crown Dru* 3 14 14 14 Cuneo Press (3a) 50s 48 48 48 Dayton Rub (1*) 2 154 154 154 Decca Reo .60* 3 64 6 6 Det Gray Iron .04 8 14 14 14 Det Paper Prod .12 2 2 Det Stl Prod .50* 1 20 20 20 Driver-Har .35*.. 1 26 26 26 Duke Pwr 2.25* . 25s 664 664 664 Duval. Texas Sul 13 94 9 94 Eagle Ptcher Ld. 7 134 134 134 East'n Gas & F._ 22 34 3 3 Eastn G&F 8 pf . 1620* 214 19 20 Eastn G&F pr pf. 350s 324 32 324 Eastern States... 2 14 14 14 Eastern Sts pf A. 250s 234 224 224 Eastern Sts pf B. 100s 224 22 22 Elsler Electric_ 1 14 14 14 Elec Bond & Sb.. 67 94 84 84 Elec B & S pf <5) 2 56 56 56 Elec B & S pf (6) 1 65 65 65 Elec P&L 2d pf A 50s 18 18 18 Equity Corp_ 9 1 4 1 Esquire (.60) .. 4 4 4 4 Fairchild Av .20g 2 114 114 114 Falstaff Brew .60 1 64 64 64 Fanny Farm 1.50. 2 194 194 194 Fansteel Metal.. 4 9 84 9 Fire As Phila 2a. 100s 64 64 64 Fisk Rubber 16 10 94 94 Ford (Can) A (1) 11 174 17 174 Ford Ltd (.16k).. 10 34 3 3 Froedt cvpf 1.20. 100s 174 174 174 Fruehauf T .75k-. 4 194 194 194 Gen Alloys_ 2 2 2 2 Gen Invest.._ 14 4 4 Gen Sharehold... 12 2 2 Ga Power pf (5).. 10s 85 85 85 Ga Power pf (6). 75s 98 96 98 Gilbert (AC)_ 2 44 44 44 Glen Alden Coal 137 84 74 84 GodchauxA 2.50g 200s 324 32 32 Godchaux (B) .. 7 164 144 154 Godchaux pf (7). 10s 98 98 98 Goldfield Consol. 5< 4 4 4 GA&P n v (6g)) - 100s 93 93 93 Grt No Pap 1.50k 250s 404 40 40 Greenfield T & D 14 84 84 84 Grum'an Air .25g 4 174 174 174 Gulf Oil of Pad) So 424 42 424 Hall Lamp __ 1 24 24 24 Hearn Dept Strs. 1 34 34 34 Hecla Min (.20k). 6 94 84 84 Helena Ruben_ 1 34 34 34 HeydenCh 1.60.. 3 45 444 45 HolllnKer G 65a 2 12 114 114 Horn & Hard (2). 300s 324 324 324 Humble O 1.375g. 7 684 68 68 Hummel-Ross F. 4 44 44 44 Huy (Del) pf std. 60s 7 7 7 Hygrade Food . 4 34 3 3 Hvgrade Syl 1.60. 20s 25 25 26 Illlnols-Ia Power 2 34 24 24 Ill-la Power pf.. 4 184 174 174 Ill-la Pwr div ct. 2 44 4 4 Imp Oil Ltd .60a. II 154 144 144 Ind Pipe L »0g.„ 1 64 64 64 Ins Co N Am 2a.. 300s 68 65 65 Int Hydro El pf- 1 174 174 174 Int Indust .10k_ 12 2 2 Int PaAPwr war. 62 4 84 34 Int Petrol 1.60a.. 20 24 234 234 Int Products ... 4 54 64 54 Int Utilities (B) 5 4 4 4 Int Vitamin .225k 2 24 24 24 Interst P Del pf 60s 5 5 5 Irving Air C (1a) 1 194 194 194 Jacobs Co _ 13 34 34 34 Jeanette Glass... 3 14 14 14 JerCPftLpf (6). 20s 884 884 884 JerCPftLpf (7). 10s 100 100 100 Jonea A Lau Stl- 19 894 38 384 Kingston Prod... 4 24 24 24 Knott Corp .20g 2 84 84 84 Koppera pf 2.25k. 30s 71 69 71 Lake Shore M(4) 11 294 29 29 Lakey Fdry AM. 4 4 34 4 Lehigh Coal A N. 40 84 3 34 Leonard OH_ 20 4 4 4 Locke Steel 1.20. 150s 13 124 18 Lockheed Aircr.. 24 284 274 274 Lone Star (.40g). 1 84 84 84 Long Island Ltg.^ 6 14 , 14 14 Block And BaIci - Dividend Rate Add 00. Blah. Low. Okla La Lard A Ex .40 16 8* 6 « Lynch Corn (8) .. 10»s 28 28 28 Mo W 111ms Dredg 8 9 8S 9 Manatl Bug war.. 1 IS IS IS Master El (,90g)_ 60s 18S 18S 18S Mead John (la).. 126s 166 168 163 Memph N G .85k. 1 444 444 444 M A M pt pf (2a). 60s 2644 2644 2644 Merr-Chap A So.. 2 4 3S 4 Mesabl Iron _ 84 IS 1 1 Mich Gas A Oil_ 4 IS IS IS Mich Sugar- 38 IS IS IS Mich Sugar pf_ 1 6S 6S 6S Midvale Co (lg)_ 160s 120 118 118 Mid West Corp . 18 8 7S 8 Minn MAM (IK). 460s 65 63S 66 Molybdenum_ 9 6S 6S 644 Mont Ward A (7) 20s 163 162 163 Mon LHAP 1.50.. 100s 24 24 24 Mount City Cop.. 21 6S 6S 6S Murray (O) .26g. 3 8S 8S 8S Muskegon 1.20k~ 2 14S 14S 14S Nat Auto Fibre.. 3 7S 7S 7S Nat Bella Hess 10 fc S A Nat Contain.225g 4 7 7 7 Nat Fuel Gas (1) 1 12S 12S 12S Nat Oil Prod .Sag 3 38S 37S 37s NatPALpfK) 225s 88 85S 85S Nat Rubber Mach 10 4S 4S 4S Nat Sug Ref (1).. 9 17 16S 17 Nehi Corp (2).._ 1 37 37 37 New idea (.60)_ 3 1244 12 12 N J Zinc (1.50k). 800b 74S 74 74 Newmont 1.50g . 3 80S 80 80 NY Shlpbld fd sh 2 12S 1244 12S Nlag Hudson Pwi 9 6S 6S 6S NiagSh Md (B) .. 1 5S 5S 5S Nlles-Bem-P ,50a 10 69 68S 69 Nor Am LAP Df . 60s 59 59 69 N Am Ray B ,60g 3 23S 23S 23S Nor Europ Oil ..15 S S S Nor Ind Pub Svo 6* pf (3k)_ 30s 91 88S 88S North'n Sta P<A) 3 10S 10s 10S Novadel-Ag (2).. 6 36S 36 36S Ohio Brass (B)__ 25s 20S 20S 20S Ohio Oil Df (6) ... 100s 98S 98 98S Okla Nat G 1.50g. 6 15S 15S 15S Okla Nat G pf I.. 200s 41S 41 41 Omar. Inc 1.60g__ 1 10S 10S 10S Overseas Secur.. 1 4S 4S 4S ! Par Can .25g _ 1 12% 12% 12% Pac Gas & Klee ; 6%%pf 1.375.. 2 27% 27% 27% iPantepecOU. . 86 6% 6% 6% | ParksbgR*R.50g 2 11% 11% 11% Pender Groc (B). 1 8% 8% 8% Pennroad Corp .. 10 1% 1% 1% i PennP&Lpf (6). 30g 106 106 106 ! Penn Salt (4g)__ 325s 162 160 160 ! Pepperell (4*)... 175s 94% 92 92 Pharis T&R .60g. 4 8% 8% 8% | Phila Co <.45g).. 2 8% 8% 8% Phillips Packing. 3 6% 6 6 ; Phoenix Secur ... 18 6% 6% 6% Phoenix Secur pf. 60s 28 28 28 Pierce Gov ,15g ._ 1 10% 10% 10% I Pioneer Gold .40. 1 2% 2% 2% i Pitney-Bowes 49 1 7% 7% 7% ; Pitts B&LE 1.50.. 25s 42 42 42 ; Pitts Forging . 5 11% 10% 11% | Pitts & L E ,50g.. 280s 60% 60 60 I Potrero Sugar_ 13 1% 1% 1% i Pratt & Lam (lg) 2 20 19% 20 ' Premier Gold .12. 2 1% 1% 1% Pressed lletala.. 4 8 7% 8 Producers Corp.. 13 4 % % P S Ind *7 pr pf . 175s 58 57% 68 : Puget Sd P *5 pf 150s 60 58 58 i Puget S d PtS pf 325s 18% 17% 18% 1 Quaker Oats pf 6. 20s 145 146 146 Raytheon Mfg... 1 1% 1% 1% j Red Bank Oil_ 11 3% 3 3% : Reiter Foster__ 3 % 4 4 Rice Styx DG_ 1 6% 6% 6% i Richmond Rad ..12 2 2 ! Roes & Pend (1). 1 12 12 12 I Rome Cable .2«g 3 12% 12 12 ; Rossia lnternat’l 3 4 4 4 Rustless Ir & Stl 4 12% 12% 12% Ryan Consol_ 2 2% 2% 2% Ryerson H_ 1 % % % St Regis Paper_ 75 4% 4% 4% Salt Dome Oil.. 13 10% 10% 10% Savov Oil- 1 1% 1% 1% i Scovill Mfg .50g_. 20 33 31 32% Scullin Steel .. 5 12% 12% 12% Scullin Steel war 12 1% 1% 1% Seemn Bros 2.50a 1 38 38 88 Segal Lock . 9 % % % | Seiberling Rub 2 7 6% 6% | Select Industries 5 1% 1% lw . Select Ind cv pf . 200s 9% 9% 9% : Seversky Aircr’t. 26 3% 3% 3% 1 Shattuck-D 125g 17 9% 9% 9% Shawn W&P.68g 2 18 18 18 Sher-K,illms(2g) 400g 86 86% 85% i Simmons H & P._ 1 1% 1% 1% ! Soss Mfg (.25g)_. 1 4% 4% 4% j South Coast _ 7 4 3% 4 So Penn Oil 1.60.. 1 35 35 35 i SC Ed pf B 1.60.. 2 28% 28 28% Spalding (new).. 1 3% 3% 3% Stand CAS 1.60.. 1 16 16 16 i Stand Dredse ... 5 14 14 14 | Stand Invest pf . 150s 11V4 114 114 1 Stand Oil Ky (1) 3 184 184 184 Stand Oil Ohio(l) 2 24 4 23 4 234 1 Stand Pwr A Lt— 1 4 4 4 | Stand Prod .25*.. 4 84 84 84 1 Stand Stlver-Ld.. 16 4 4 4 Stand Stl S .60*.. 1 37 37 37 I Stand Tube (B)._ 5 24 24 24 Starrett vtc - 2 14 14 14 Sterchi Bros St*. 1 34 34 34 ! Sterling Alu .25*. 2 64 64 64 Sterling. Inc 20a. 4 3 3 3 j Sunray 011 05* . 3 24 24 24 ! Sup Oil of Cal(l). 1 42 42 42 i Taggart .. 13 54 5 5 I Tampa Elec 2.24. 2 314 304 304 S Technicolor .35*. 14 114 104 104 Tllo Koofln* (1). 1 104 104 104 Todd Shipy’d 2*.. 150* 72 70 70 Tonopah Mining. 2 4 4 4 Trans-Lux. _ 6 14 14 14 Tublze Chatillon. 15 114 11 114 Tubize Chat CA). 150* 35 35 35 Tung-Sol Lamp.. 1 34 34 34 Ulen A Co pf A_ 2 2 2 2 Unexcelled Mf*.. 3 14 14 14 Un Gas Can ,80a.. 1 11 11 11 UnPremFS(l). 1 164 154 164 Utd Cgr Wh Str*. 9 4 H Unit Core war_ 4444 Unit Gas _ 44 24 24 24 Unit Gas war_ 1 4 4 4 Unit LtAPwr (A) 11 14 14 14 Unit LtAPwr (B) 3 14 14 14 Unit Lt A Pwr pf 14 254 24 24 Unit Shipyds (A) 1 94 94 94 Unit Shipyda (B) 7 14 14 14 Unit Sh M 2.60a.. 200* 794 79 79 US Foil IB) .. 5 54 6 54 USA Inti Secur.. 2 4 4 4 US Lines pf— . 171 7 4 64 U S Radiator_ 3 24 24 24 U S Rub Reclaim. 9 6 44 6 Unit Verde Ext _ 5 1-1 1 Unit Wall Paper. 23 2 14 2 Utah-Idaho 8u* 12 24 24 24 Uth PAL pf 3.50k 175* 63 624 624 Utah Rad Prod... 1 14 14 14 Util PAL of (r) . 50s 20 20 20 Utility Eo pf lk.. 25* 524 524 624 Utility A Indus.. 2 4 4 4 ValsparCorp ... 2 14 14 14 Van Norm 1.20*. 150* 264 254 264 Venezuela Petrol. 9 14 14 14 Waco Aircraft... 1 54 54 54 Walker Minin*... 13 2 2 2 WestVaCAC .. 13 24 2 24 Western Air Exp 1 34 34 84 Wilson-Jon .25* 4 64 64 64 Wolverine T .20* 9 84 8 84 Woodley Fet .40 1 64 6 4 64 Wright Har*.40a 31 64 64 64 Tulcon Pac Mf*.. 10 24 2 24 New York Produce NSW YORK. Sept, t jr .—■***. 16,13#; steady to Arm Mixed color*; Fancy to extra fancy. 214-264. standards. 21; Arsts. 18; seconds. 17-174: mediums, 164; dirties. No 1. 164; average check*. 1*4 15. Ref rise rate; fancy heavyweights. 20 22; standards. 104. Whites; Resale of premium mark*. 354-38. Nearby and Midwestern, premium marks. 324-35: exchange specials. 32; ex change standard*. 26. Resale of nearby heavier mediums. 274-32. Nearby and Midwestern, exchange mediums. 27; pullets. 174-18; peewee*. 154-16. Pacific Coast, tumbo and premiums. 304-41: specials. 354-39: standards. 29-35; mediums. 28 284. Browns: Nesrby. extra fancy. 27-37. Nearby and Midwestern exchange apeeiala. 264: exchange standards. 23-234. Near by. mediums. 23. Butter. 670.275. Arm Creamery, higher than extra 274-28: extra (92 score!. 27; «|W,<M-9H. 23-264; seconds (84-87), ~ Cheese 293 731. Arm State whole milk, fist*, neld 1938. 194-21: Junes. 17-174; other fresh, 164-4. Dressed poultry Arm fresh, boxes: Chickens, broilers. 17-234: all other fresh and froeen prices unchanged. Live poultry, by freight. Nominal, no ouotatlon*. By express: Firm; broilers. Rocks. 23; pullets, crosses. 26, turkeys. ggj __ Second Trust Notes We win buy monthly payment de ferred purchase money second trust notes, secured on owner -occupied private dwellings. UNION FINANCE CO. 01A Woodward Bids NA. 70S* r-— Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Existing Properties 5% nssT deed or TBoar onli GEORGE I. BORGER MS laSlana An. N.W. NaS’1 MM First Trast Loan Sea us end LEARN HOW to meny of Hie fine new APARTMENT HOUSES keve keen V PERMANENTLY FINANCED ky we. Tyler and Rutherford INC. Lean CerraaeenOeat Mntaal Benefit Ufa Invar anna Ce. 1512 L Sr. N.W. NA. 0475 MONEY WANTED The Northwester* Federal Savings b Loan Association accepts ac counts from $1 to $5,000. Each ac count insured to $5,000. Dividends paid June 30 and Dec. 31 for post 35 years. ! No. I Colorado Bldg. | No. 7335—14th b G Sts. N.W. Branch Office Tckoma rati i —U i'a]3,:a®ais®aiara®siBieiaaiajaiara®aiB I That Are Different! Easy Monthly Payments that lead to Debt-Free Homes. • No Subscription tor Shares Required. • Direct Reduction of Principal each Month. • Lowest Interest Coot —Computed on Monthly reducing balances. • Liberal Prepayment Privileges. Taxes may be included with monthly payments. • Payments by MaO Made Easy. The Simplest, sorest, least expensive home loan pun ever de vised. Writo, phono or oott for Prompt ond Coar (mu Sorvico. i District 2340 FIRST FtDflML Sflvmcs ono loud ussocumon COHveniently Located: 610 13th St. N.W. (Bet. FAG) Property ■ I Management • Automobile Insurance IFire and 1x1 the important matter of Fire and Automobile Insurance you can rely uP°n the advice and service of our Automobile insurance Department. Insurance Policies written in the strong com panies we represent. B. F. SAUL CO. 825 15th St. N.W. National 2100 "f-m=Lmt-1