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WmJ. f *k u i ilk //BPHVVilffHl ^^j±j^LtZJjULLJttEXESSEOm ililiBBiiil You are invited to attend 1 the FORMAL OPENING of I rmtwwcl aar> I • •••BY THE CREATORS OF BRENTWOOD VILLAGE I RHODE ISLAND & MONTANA AVENUES I At 14th St. N.E. I Presenting Country Hones in a Delightful Esvirennent I "RICHT IN THE CITY" I 4y2% I F. H. A. MORTGAGES I Including OIL BURNER I With Automatic Summer-Winter Hot Water I Operated From Oil Burner, Providing Con- I stant Hot Water at a Guaranteed Saving. ■ • Never before has fine modern living been brought within the reach of so many families Here is a delightful country estate in a beautiful established environment of fine resi dences . . . within the District of Columbia, close to downtown, convenient to everything . . . AND, at a price you can COMFORTABLY afford! Brentwood Park is a unique 45-acre residential park which will soon be the most magnificent and the most discussed home community in the Washington area. Never before has such value been known here. Look carefully at this model residential community rising here . . . make your reservation promptly to assure one of the most desirable locations. There are three guest homes open for your inspection. Many different styles, sizes and floor plans are available ... to suit every need and desire. ALL WE ASK IS COMPARE THESE FEATURES WITH ART OTHER HOME AHTWHERE AT THE PRICE • PRICES INCLUDE THE COST OF ALL STREET IMPROVEMENTS. • COLORED TILE KITCHEN with Mogic Chef insulated gas range and heat control. • THREE ATTRACTIVE BEDROOMS. • FOREST FLEECE INSULATION. • LAUNDRY AND LAVATORY IN BASEMENT. • ATTACHED GARAGE. • LIFETIME SLATE ROOF. • NEW TYPE MEDICINE CABINET with two light fixtures and electric outlet. • BOULEVARD STREETS with 150 feet between house fronts. • BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPED LAWNS. • LOTS AVERAGE 50'xt00'. • REAL LOG-BURNING FIREPLACE. • BEAUTIFUL COLORED TILE BATH. • WASHABLE WALLPAPERS THROUGHOUT in latest designs. 9 12 minutes by bus or auto to the center of the city. 9 Trolley right at the comer ... 15 minutes to the center of the city. 9 In the environment of beautiful homes. This firm has acauired all of the odjacent ground to insure the maintaining of the high calibre of the com munity. 9 Full wooden fire mantel. 9 Dupont new washable flocked Tontine shades, 5-yeor guarantee. 9 Insulated gas range with oven control. 9 Inlaid linoleum. 9 Plenty of space for breakfast room set. 9 Specially built kitchen cabinets. 9 Electric door chimes. 9 Brick walls stripped before rock lath and plaster are put on—preventing dampness. 9 Genuine hardwood flooring. 9 Copper screens. • Linen closet in bath. 9 Radio aeriol built-in. 9 Plenty of electric outlets. 9 Metal weather-stripping. 9 Recessed radiation, enamel grilles. 9 Copper valleys. Sample house furnished by the Peerless Furniture Company. FHA INSURED MORTGAGE SYSTEM C o n «t r u ctioii and Permanent Financing by Walker fir Dun lop, Inc. < FHA approved Mort gagee. ) DIRECTIONS I Drlva Ml Kkd* Island Ava. diraet ta Mantona | Ava. at 14tk Si. NE. and Brantwaad Park. I MATTHEW K. STEVENS BUILDER and DEVELOPER 2435 14th St. N.E. Washington, D. C. DEcatur 3200*3201