Newspaper Page Text
HOUSES FOR SALE. (Continued.) BmCK^BUNGALOW! t bedrooms. living room, dlmng room, kitchen and bath, basement ana attic, In flated built a lew months ago. prac tically new _ , Will Sacrifice for $300 Cash. $47.50 Per Month. 10 blocks to New Hampshire ave. and kSvX0 KD8HNER. Natl. 2425. Emer. 3438. WOODRIDGE, D. C. 3 NEW. DETACHER BRICK HOMES. SAMPLE— 220(1 SHEPHERD ST. N.E. 8 large rooms, modern bath and shower. Oxford equipped kitchen. Stone fireplace In living room: chestnut trim Large jot and garage. Price and terms to suit pur chaser Onen dally _ _ _ _ LOUIS H. HALL, REALTOR, _Decatur 2083.__ 'possession with deposit. ONLY $250 DOWN OPEN TODAY^ AND SUNDAY.. 819 LONGFELLOW ST. N.W. 8 rooms. 3 porches new oil burner, electric refrigeration, brick garage. ROGER MOSS, DIST. 3121, 027 15th St, N.W._ OPEN TODAY, 3 TO 8. 1233 Ingraham st. n.w.—» rooms, tile bath, inclosed porch. G. E. refrigerator, garaee. $7,000: terms. 4132 Military rd. n.w.—Semi-det, S rooms. 2 baths, auto, heat: omi. park; easv terms. 10'- down. bal. 1 trust at .rr. WASHINGTON REALTY CO . GEO. 83<m. SPECIAL BUY. $6,450. Here is your opportunity to buy a fully detached 2-story. center-haii-plan brick home of K nice rooms hardwood floors, chestnut trim bath and a half, automatic hot-watcr heat with oil burner, large fire place in living room, unusually well con structed. with slate roof copper gutters and downspouts; nice size lot; conv. to car lines and stores. For inspection call Mr. Btrickland. evenings, at Georgia 8454. HOHENSTEIN BROS.. 7th and H Sts. N.E. Lincoln (1SP7. 1506 SPRING PL. N.W. Brick dwelling, CO ft. wide; 6 large rms., ©pen fireplace, oak floors throughout; h.-w h ; electricity garage; large glass inclosed sleening porch, screened breakfast porch: Frigida:re. house in A-l condition. Reduced: $8,350; terms. $1,000 cash, bal ance like rent at 5'c interest. H’ H. CAR TER.^ V\_ 15th st. n.w Na11 _ 41 78._ 8»h ST.. NEAR H N E R-room dwelling, bath, garage, new heat ing plant, electricity A low-priced home on easy terms Price. $4.35o. WM T. BALLARD, _1221 Eye St N.W._ NEW HOMES. $500 CASH, $57.50 per month, including taxes and Insurance; 8 rooms, bath recreation room, oil heat, front and rear porches 36 GIRARD ST. N.E., NEAR N CAPITOL AND MICHIGAN AVE STEUART BROS., INC., DISTRICT 2434,_ 3812 VAN NESS ST N.W.—8 ROOMS AND 2 baths. 2-car garage. 2 screened torches; lot is 33x134. Price. $11.50(1. WEAVER BROS.. INC... Washington Bldg. Dist. 8300. PETWORTH, t FACING INTO KANS. AVE A modeern Colonial brick. CO ft. wide, having H rooms, bath. Bryant gas. h.-w.h.. elec. refg. screens, weather strips, awnings, attic with finished room. C-car garage. Convenient to Roosevelt High, public li brary. stores, bus and street cars. Priced only $6,500. Eve. and Sun. phone Georgia 4P87 L. T. GRAVATTE, TCP 15th St. Realtor. Natl. 0751. $6,250. Convenient to Caoitol and Library. Co lonial brick, six large rooms and tile bath, hot-water heat, earage: lot Cl feet wide. Attractive terms can be arranged JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, __114 Purina. Ave. S.E. NEW HOMES—MT. PLEASANT. NEARING COMPLETION—ONLY $0,750. NR. 16th AND COLUMBIA RD. Overlooking Rock Creek Park -Brick. 6 large rooms. C baths. ‘Sun-Lit" kitchen and bedroom, beautiful recreation room. C fireplaces earage. 1760 Hobart st. nw i 1 Block North of Harvard St > Rep. 0CC3. SHEPHERD PARK. D. C., 7934 13th ST. N.W. fCompr Lee Gate rd > Outstanding Value in a lovelv new brick home, spacious living room opening onto porch, den with lavatory, dining room, built-in corner cup boards: unusuallv large master bedroom. C baths, large attic, recreation room, maid's room and bath. C-car built-in garage. ROBERTS E. LATIMER. 7711 _Alaska Axe._Geo. 1C66._ 3201 CENTRAL AVE N.E., Near R I. ave.. in Woodridge—6 rooms, a m.i.: must sell. Open Saturday and Sun day C410 R. I ave.—.1 rooms, arranged for C families: sale or lease. Ooen Satur dav and Sunday. H C MAYNOR. North 4118 __ MONTGOMERY HILL, 1116 Stratton rd.—Handsome Colonial brick home. 5 bedrms.. sitting room. C baths on Cnd fl . ample servants' quarters on 3rd fl . C-car built-in garage, oil heat: 110-ft frontage' must see to appreciate. TRADE CONSIDERED TERMS TO SUIT To reach: Drive out Ga ave. past Silver Spring traffic light to Montgomery Hill, turn left 1 block to house. ROBERTS E. LATIMER. 7711 Alaska Ave_Geo._J[C70 GEORGETOWN 3133 N St. A lovely new house with the charm and atmosphere of old Georgetown recaptured. The gra cious dignity of thie expertly de signed home will appeal to the cultured buyer Random width floors, quaint fire places. intriguing walled-in garden and the delicate color scheme of th^ decorations blend gracefully and create a most pleasing environment. OPEN DAILY. BOSS & PHELPS Na. 9300. Evenings. Call Mrs. Hill. Wo. 3297. Facing Trinity College New 6-Room Brick Homes The nearest in-town new homes you con find, all rooms large. Price moderate. Terms low. Model home open to 9 P.M. 57 Franklin St. N.E. If you are looking for value and location, see these houses today. Out North Capitol St. to Mich. Ave., one block to right to Franklin St. You will see our sign. WAPLE & JAMES, Inc. 1224 14th St. N.W. DI. 334* ■35338888^853^8833S A Rare Opportunity In Shepherd Park It offered family desiring gracious liv ing quarters at low cost to buy one of Washington's outstanding finer homes at 33tp less than actual cost of $3’’. 700 After a moderate down payment this distinguished home can be bought for $108 per month until paid—in cluding principal and interest, s love ly rooms. - baths, beautiful kitchen, new automatic oil burning unit, built in garage; situated on an unusual lot with nice shade trees, artistic evergreen landscaping Truly a remarkable buy. If within your price range don't fail to see *810 Alaska Avenue N.W. OPEN FOR INSPECTION 10* $6,450 NEW BRICK COLONIAL 530 EDGEHILL LANE • Full 2 Story • Air Condi • 6 Room, *ion*d . , „ . # Insulation • 3 Bedroom., Fu„,d Wo,,f • Tile Both # Weother • All Room* .tripped Big • Large Lot • Slate Roof • Bus Service r. H. A. FINANCED. S46.00 , MONTHLY, INCLUDING PAY MENT, TAXES, INSURANCE, INTEREST. Drive out Colesville Pike at traffic light in Silver Spring. Md.. con tinue to Four Corners at Indian Spring Golf Club, turn right V* mile \ to Indian Spring Village Develop ment to home. HOUSES FOR SALE._ SACRIFICE IN PETWORTH. $5,250. 18-ft. brick, fi rooms and bath; near Georgia ave.; financed on convenient terms. H. G. SMITHY CO., 811 lftth St. N.W Natl. 6903. PREVIEW The Best Buy of the Year. $6,250 Total Sale Price. 8 HAWAII AVE. $35.55 Per Mo . F H. A. Terms, Includes All Carrying Charges 8 rooms hath, air conditioned: front porch, large yard and many other conven iences enjoyed in a more expensive home. A Brown Bro. Construction. Direction: 1 bik. past 1st and Webster sts. n w . on Rock Creek Ch. rd. to Buchan an st. Call District 2724. EveR.. Woodley 0432. _ I. ”, ~==| 3 Exceptional Hotne Values Worthy of Your Inspection This Week-End. 42nd Street at Wisconsin Avenue Facing Park 88,950 op Right in the heart of every thing, stores, schools and trans portation at your door. This superb group features an end home with basement office ideally suitable for DOCTOR or DENTIST, with « rooms, baths, paneled rec reation room in basement, laundry trays, maid's toilet HOMES AIR CONDITIONED for year round comfort and built of finest materiRl and workmanship—BE SURE TO SEE THEM SUNDAY AS THERE ARE ONLY 3 FOR SALE! Out Wise. Are. N W. to Emery PI. and Homes. S. PERRY OWNER & BUILDER GE. 3060 colored! 133ST" VERMONT AVE N.W.. right downtown—Beautiful 8-r.. bath brick, oil burner, beautifully decorated high ceilings, real open fireplaces, kitchen cab inets. etc. Open evenings 7 to 8. Sundays 3 to 7 pm. E. A GARVEY (owner*. Dis trict 4508._Sun. and eve.. Georgia 0(500. COLORED—EASTLAND GARDENS 4 2nd and Kenilworth ave. n.e.—You can own one of these attractive homes. Six now under construction and three competed for those who have purchased lots. Pur chase a lot today, when $250 to 8500 has •been paid we will build a modern heme for you FRED M CHIVES salesman. 4422 Hunt pi. n.e. Line. 68P3-J._ 1133 5th ST N.E. Co’oied—Semi-detached brick dwelling of o rooms bath eas. electricity, oil heat; 2-car garag" Cond’tion ''xcellent. P V MARCERON 613 15th#St. N.W._Na 6588. COLORED—$4,650. NEAR CAPITOL AND LIBRARY Completely reconditioned, six rooms and two bp'h«;. hot-water heat, hardwood floors: suitable for two families. Convenient t^rms. JOHN F. DONOHOE & SONS, 314 Penna. Ave. S.E. HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT. _ 325 nth PL. N.E—8 ROOMS, in PATHS. . built-in carase. recreatinn room and lava forv in basement: nr Eastern High and Ell'Ot Jr. HiEh: restricted white aec’mn: ren" $711- will •■ell nn easy term.'. WIS CONSLN 3BB3. OWNER__ | UPPER 1 Rth ST N.W.—T ROOMS. 2Vr I natha. finished attic, recreatinn room, oil heat. 2-car garage: on lot H"xl50: sale nrice. $14,750- rent. $125 per mo. Phone Randolph 4H14,__ _ _ HOUSES WANTED TO BUY ALL CASH NET FOR D C HOUSES THIS ad is not for purpose of obtaining listings E A GARVEY Dist 4508 Eve and Sun.. Georgia flflflO 1125 VL ave _ _ 5-ROOM BRICK-BUNGALOW OR HOUSE In D C ■ must be bargain: no agents. Box 354-J. Star___* . CASH FOR HOUSES. BRICK OR FRAME white or colored: any condition E A. BARRY. 3430 14th st n w_Col. 60HH. CASH PURCHASERS WANT SMALL homes in s.e. and n.e. State pric". im provements etc HARRY E. GLADMAN. 308 Pa. ave s.e. Lincoln 0346._•_ WILL PAY ALL CASH For brick or frame houses, any condition. Must be cheap. Reo. 0226._ _ no vnti NFFn cash’ We will buy vour D C property brick or frame, white nr colored Quick settlement, no commission Call Mr Parker with J GARRETT RETT7ELL. 1515 K st nw Di 3100 or Rand. 4453 eves_ _ GET MY PRICE BEFORE YOU SELL. I personally will nay cash for your D C. proDeriv white or colored G. G DUTY. 1024 Vermont ave National 4482__ WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR YOUR D. C property if the price is right Frame or brick large or small: condition immaterial R. A.. HUMPHRIES 80S No Cap Realtor_Natl. 0878. WE HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR D C. houses, brick or frame, white or colored. Phone or write Mr Conner. GOSS REALTY CO. 1405 Eve St. Nat 1353. __Evenings. At 2702._ CASH FOR YOUR HOME. IMMEDIATE ACTION CALL NATL. 3383, EVENING8. WOODLEY 0271. ^ REAL ESTATE WANTED. WE HAVE NUMBER OF CLIENTS FOR immediate rentals. $50 up. Also have clients to purchase several 8-bedroom houses. Phone listings to GREEN A MA GRUDER. 28411 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va. Chestnut 3838._ SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. AURORA HILLS. VA.—FIVE-ROOM BUN calow. carace. large lot. for $5,000. Phone OWNER. Jackson 1710. l-!_ ARLINGTON VA., 311 N. JACKSON ST — Detached brick home on large corner lot. Price, $0,050. 10'» down. $05 mo. Large i living room with fireplace, sun parlor, de I luxe kitchen, oil heat, fish and lily pond. j V. EHRHARDT. Chestnut 7235._ ARLINGTON, VA.. 830 S. BARTON ST — Detached brick home on large lot: price. $10,250. 10'; down payment and only $05 mo. No finance or renewal charges. Extra large living room with fireplace, de luxe kitchen with Magic Chef stove and gas refrigeration. 3 large bedrooms. ~ baths. floored attit* full basement, oil heat, detached garage, overhead doors; 2 blocks to junior high, grade school, shopping center and bus line. 10c fare. Near Army and Navy Club. 10 min. to downtown. ! V. EHRHARDT. Chestnut 7235._ OWNER TRANSFERRED; MUST 8ACRI . flee new home, occupied only two weeks when notified: three bedrooms, one down stairs with bath, two upstairs with bath: 1 corner lot: restricted neighborhood, insur ing sustained value- must be seen to be appreciated. Located at 1515 N. Harrison st.. Arlington. ____ NEW ASBESTOS SHINGLE 5 R. AND B. bungalow; a.m.t.: paved street; $o.2u|l; $500 cash, balance like rent. See OWNER. I Sat. or Sun.. 3 to 8. 4407 Prospect ave.. 1 Brpntwood.__ NEW HOUSE ON LOT 80x214; ALMOST acre: in beautiful Garrett Park with 50 year-old shade trees and quiet streets. A safe place for children. Near schools. Only 10 minutes from D. C. line by auto or Conn ave bus. Large living room with fireplace, dining roflm, choice of gas or electric xncnen. .» ueaiuums. - with showers; ,shower and toilet in base ment: nil hpat. Open Sat.. Son. and eves. 8 Clermont pi. Third house from corner G E. KEELER. Kens. 503 or Natl. 8734. __ ARLINGTON SACRIFICE—MODERN home 5 large bedrooms, 1 maid's room. 2 baths: approximately 2 acres, many very beautiful trees, fruit, etc. Restricted residential: 10 minutes to District. In spection invited. No mortgages, terms. Box 258-K. Star __ LOVELY NEW 8-R. BRICK: 2 B.; EVERY convenience: attached garage, spacious lot: built by Dove & Jafle, 28th st. N.. just oil GJebe rd„ bet. Lee hwy. and club; best yet price, terms: open. SEE OUR LIST AND SIGNS. N E RYON CO.. 2203 Wil sqn_blyd, Ch. 2880. or 1218 N. Y, ave. NEARBY VA—8 R.. BATH. PORCHES built-in garage, large lot: on bus line; rea sonable; like rent; $55 month. Box 364-J. 8tar. !_ 84 ACRES: CHEAP; NEAR MT. VERNON. Va. on State blvd. Address MRS. A. B. WICKES, Mt. Vernon, Va. Call Alexandria 71-J-ll.____ BEAUTIFUL CAPE COD COLONIAL SIX lar’e rooms. 2 tile baths with shower, hard wood floors throughout, oil burner, summer winter hookup: insulated; large lot: con venient to schools, stores. Open until 9:30 n m 709 North Kenmore at.. Clarendon. Va. Oxford 0214-W, ________ VIENNA. VA.—LARGE 6-ROOM HOUSE, a m.l.. 1 aare. large shade trees; good street; H block bus and street car service. Price. $5,250: easy terms. FRENZEL, McLean, Va. Phone Palls Church 837-VM., SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) “NORMAN. BURNT-MILLS HILL. MD. Due to Mr. Arch McDonald, sports commentator, being transferred to New York, we are offering his fine home built to sell for *40.000 at a price of *27.500. 15 large rms.. 5 baths, ft fireplaces, maid's rms.. 2 baths, billiard rm., recreation rm. with fireplace and Dutch oven. 2-car built in garage. General Klecfwic kitchen. oH heat. 2'/. acres of wooded land, and stream. 2M min. drive from Government Bldgs. Drive nut Colesvtlle Pike. 3 ml. beyond Silver Soring traffic light to property. Open 11 a.m. to Q p.m. Shepherd B166. A BEAUTY—$6,500. 5-room new brick bungalow. 1 acre, hlvh. fine view; electric kitchen, fireplace, full basement, attic, oil burner JOHN BURDOFT. Ashton 3508. Colesvlllc. Md. THREE STREAMS ON 6 WOODED ACRES. Rustic club-style house. 2 bedrooms end hath, recreation room with fireplace, un finished 2nd floor with space for 2 rooms. Also smell summer house on property; 1 stream darned for swimming- only 8 miles from D C.. on hard-surfaced road: priced at $1,800 less than bankers’ appraised value in order to sell this week end. GREEN & MAGRUDER, 2840 Wilson Blvd. Chest. 3838. Evenings. Chest .5787. NEW 5-ROOM CAPE COD BRICK. OIL heat, air conditioned, insulated, built-in garage, large porch. 05-ft. frontage; on Erimonston rd. in SDringbrook Terrace. Md. Bus at door: price. $0,450: terms arranged. Open all day Sunday. LEWIS A ROGERS REALTY CO.. _Greenwood 3038—1231. CENTER-HALL BRICK. 2 story and floored attic, recreation room with fireplace, maid’s room and lavatory: oil heat: screened porch; 10c bus. Situated in Waycroft. Arlington. Va. Financed F. H. A. For sale by owner at $0,050. To in spect phone Chestnut 3838. Eves.. Chestnut mL______ STORE AND FLAT—$4,500. *300 DOWN. WSO MO. On Wash-Balto. blvd.- 1st fl„ 3 lge. rms.. 2 toilets (restaurant1: 2nd fl . 5 rms.. open fireplace, h -w.h., gas. elec., large lot; Immediate possession: also other acreage and Diaces on blvd. Call today. ''Waring." Greenwood 7232 J. HARRIS ROOFRS, Hvattsvllle 403: eves.. Greenwood 2232. SPECIAL—$6,000. 5 acres, service station site, corner, fronts on hard road: 4-room house, spring, fruit, garden, pasture; Investment prop erty. 8 miles to Silver Spring JOHN BUK DOFT. Ashton 35U8, Colesyllle^Md._ SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT. A RFATTTTFTTT. 5-ROHM ANTI RATH bungalow attic. cellar, hot-water heat, narace. shrubbery, new-house condition: 1 •» satiare from Russell rd,. Alexandria Va. Excellent location. 1n-ceni b’ts fare to Washington: rent reasonable For in spection. phone District 1015. Alex. 9&0-W,_ _ 0 RMS. RATH. FURNACE HEAT. A M I : fine location; $52.50. ERVIN REALTY CO.. call Hyattsvllle 705. 8-LARGE-ROOM HOUSE ONBEAUTIFUL ly located farm. 10 miles from District line, nr Laytonsville and Montgomery County. Md Modern bath and plumbing, oil burn er. fin radiatofs. elec, stove, refg. and light :_845 mo. Wisconsin 4300. NEW 4-RM . BATH HOUSE. SPLENDID water, elec.: 2 acres: hard road: Va 20 miles downtown: $32 50._ Box 258-K. Star. ARLINGTON—0-ROOM BRICK. NEARLY new. 3 bedrms., tiled bath, screened porch, large living rm, fireplace, h.-w. heat, large lot. garage- all conv.: 10c busfare; $70. OWNER. Ch. 2520.__ NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. TILE BATH, hot-air heat: lot 137x45, trees. 10 Logan st^ Cottage City. Md. _10* 5 ROOMS BATH BUNGALOW. AMI. hot-water heat: fine location, 00 Shepherd st.. Hyatts.. Md. OWNER. 00 Franklin st.. H.vatts^ Md. Greenwood 204 7. MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE. SHOWER bath, oil heat. acre: 30 minutes from D C: $42.50 per month. Phone Falls Church 803-W-2. _ KENSINGTON 30 FARRAGUT AVE — Bungalow. 5 rm* . bath. ami., elec, refg., cprage, large shaded lot. $42.5u. Kens. 251. _ _ ARLINGTON VA.. 508 N. FILLMORE ST. —Unfurn. bungalow. 2 bedrooms, living room, dinette, kitchen and bath: gas fur nace: lot 75x110 ft., beautifully land scaped: garage. ^00; $lOo /urn.; adults only. Key at 500 N. Fillmore st. Chest nut 4080 ARLINGTON. VA --0-ROOM BRICK Co lonial. 3 bedrooms, oil heat: near bus: less than yr. old. $85. 5 rooms 2 bedrooms, near countrv club shade $02.50 GREEN A- MAGRUDER 2840 Wilson blvd. Ches. 3838._ __ tuxedo7~md 5-room modern bungalow, front and rear porches, full concrete basement, h - w h . large lot- $35 mo O B HOPKINS. 1 12H Vt. ave Dist. 7271 or Emerson 1903. 4-ROCM HOUSE ON BEAUTIFULLY Lo cated farm. JO miles from District line. nr. Laytonsville and Montgomery Countv. Md : elcc. furnace, modern bath, open firenlace. hardwood floors. $25 mo. Phone Wiscon sin 4390 _ 800—NEW BRICK. 5 RMS TILE B $7.750—2 ppts . tenant, pays monthly. BOSS REALTY. Ox. 3281. 1014 N. Hudson. 3 ROOMS AND KITCHEN. ALL MODERN imp., with shower hath. lee yard: corner house: #27.50 month. 410 Franklin ave., Capitol Heights. Md._»* SUBURBAN PROP.—SALE OR RENT. ROLLINS AVE . SEAT PLEASANT—NEW house, detached just completed. 4 rooms, tile bath, kitchen first floor: second floor. 2 large room*, kitchen and bat*: oak floors nice basement 14x30. oil heat, built-in car^ee. lot 100x200: L? mile from Marlboro mke good road, price. $S«0'O. Tel, Hillside 0197-J _ _ 10* K(»l BRADDOCK ROAD! ALEXANDRIA. Va —Npw all-hrirk 0 large rooms, bath extra shower and toilet in basement; weather-stripped, insulated, slate roof; oil heat summer-winter hookup; built-in ga rage. large porch: lot contains fU»oo square feet. Apply BENJAMIN BROOKS. 4 7**4 Washington blvd Arlington. Va. Phone Chestnut 3344: eves.. Rand. 5714._ SU BURBAN_ PROPERTY_WANTED. INTERESTED IN BUYING HOME IN Prince Georges County. Md.. prefer Uni versity Park area: cash. Greenwood 3150 evpnings and Sunday afterJM) a m._ HAVE CLIENTS FOR SMALL FARMS AND country homes in Montgomery County. What have you to offer? Kensington Realty Co., _Kensington. Md._Kensington 132._ BUSINESS PROPERTY_FOR RENT. STORE AND HOME IN ROCKVILLE: good business location; 1st fl.. store. .3 r.. lav.: ’.'nd fl.. 6 r.. b. 2 por : gas. elec., h.-w.h., ‘.-a, lot. OWNER. Rockville 89-M. STORES. OFFICES AND~STORAGE SPACE for rent .•mill 14th *t. n.w. Columbia Hgts. building center. Suitable for ma terial concerns, general or subcontractings no parking worries: easily accessible from all parts of city.. Rent, including heat and light. 5.30 per month, and up. See MR. BRESLER. second floor _ STORE AND GAS STATION. FULLY equipped for business Incl. lge. elec, display case: price reas. Laurel 328-W. 89.1 Washington ave.. Laurel. Maryland. Will sell_property with 5-rm._cottage._ 1114 13th N.W. (DOWNTOWNi —BASE ment: .3 rms.. suitable any kind business; also furnished apts. Met. 7829._12* 1007-09 E ST. S W . OPPOSITE FARMERS’ Market, suitable for warehouse or other business: elevator. THOMAS P. BROWN. BIS 4th St. 8.W._Na. 6872. A DESIRABLE AND ATTRACTIVE Busi ness or professional location on the second floor of 1.36.3-1365 Conn. ave.. at a mod erate rent. EDWARD KOHNER. 802 Woodward Building. National 449.3. 14th ST. N W.. SOUTH" OF K”’ST.. VERY valuable for retail business or office use: lot 24'> ft. by 90 ft. to 20-ft. alley: pedestrian traffic heavy and of the better class: no leases; can be had under the assessed value LOUIS P SHOEMAKER. 1719 K St. N.W _ Na.Jt.168. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE. MUST SACRIFICE ON ACCOUNT OF FAMILY ACCIDENT, business prop. In ex cellent condition and well-established res taurant with eood income, in best business section of D. C. close to White House. Direct from owner, can stand strict in vestigation_ Met. 8005.__ CENTRAL AVE . ABOUT 2 BLOCKS FROM D C. line, improved by a good 2-gfory frame '•esidencc: lot 60-ft. front by good depth A wonderful commercial site in progressive section at residential price, or a wonderful commercial site in a section of rapidly expandne pooulation. PERCY H. RUSSELL CO. J731 K st. n.w._ GEORGIA AVF. NR. ALASKA. 30 TO 80 ft front, will b*»il*i to auit. PAUL P. STONF. Adams 0053. FARMS FOR SALE. SPECIAL BARGAIN IN UPPER' FAIRFAX. 30 minutes from D. C.. 138 acres in timber, part commercial: lasting stream: on pike, north of Pender. Route 50; electricity avail able. eight 3-acre tracts facing the Pike will bring more than half asked for prop ertv: beautiful view of mountains; price. .$30 per acre. BUELL FARM AGENCY. Herndon. Fairfax Co.. Va Phone Herndon 38._ Agents, take notice._11" SACRIFICE FOR QUICK SALE. 120'/, acres on Lee highway. 27 miles Key Bridge. 4-rm. bungalow, outbldgs.. 3 wells, streat elec., phone available. Oxford 2632-J. 10" DESIRABLE FARM. 385 ACRES. LOCATED 12 miles from Leesburg. Va.. and 12 miles from Frederick. Md. For information call Temple 3722-W, _10" 181 ACRES. HIGH. LEVEL LAND: WATER front; fishing, ducking; good road: 45 miles n. C. $4.80n. Lin. 7075-J. Natl. 3753. Oibons, Barr Bldg. 76 ACRES. Good land. 11 acres timber. 200 bearing fruit trees, 2 wells, barn, chicken house, tool shop. 7-room dwelling electricity: $8,000; terms. ERVIN REALTY CO. Call Hyattsvlile 765. Eve., Greenwood 1231._ A SENSATIONAL OFFER. Not only one of the best eouipped and most productive 200-acre farms in Montg. Co.. Md.. far below its real value, but a guaranteed market for 8.000 gallons of milk per month, at a fair price over a period of years, is included in the purchase of this splendid property near Oinev. For particulars call JOHN A. BRICKLEY, Dist. 7321. Barr Bldg. Adams 9771. k INVESTMENT PROPERTY FOR SALE. 14th ST. N.W.—STORK AND APART ment above: good Investment: south of Flo. ave.: *10,500: easy terms.. Box 307-J. Star. ___10* NEW APT., 27 UNITS, *79,500. Income. *14,088 year. Will trade. _8AM RQ6EY, ADAMS 2700. GROUP OF THREE NEW 4-FAMILY APT. bldgs., tenants furnish heat, no janitor. 18-apt. bldg., in beautiful Cleveland Park, near Conn, ave.; trade eoulty for small dear properties. THADEN. Wls. 5440J__ y_*_ 2324 TO 2332 CHAMPLAIN ST. N.W.—5 frame dwellings. 0 brick garages, all rented: Income. *130.50 per month: 1st commer cial: lot 80x100 ft.; price. $11,500. H. H. CARTER. 013 15th st. n.w._Natl. 5178. VALUES ARE RISING IN BETHESDA. Large brick store on Wis. ave., rented, long lease. $1,500 cash, term* balance. Price. $10,050. MONTGOMERY REALTY CORP . 7 Wilson Lane. Bethesda. Wls. 2431. __ N.W. COR., 3 STORES. 2 APTS. $25,000. Sacrificing, need money. Income. $2,900. BAM ROBEY. ADAMS 2700. SACRIFICE. MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY! 10-room, lime stone. 3-story home. 1st commercial. In finest Northwest location, von will be amased when you learn the nrice. CALL CANTRELL, ADAMS 2319. OPEN TILL II P.M. LOTS FOR SALE._ SILVER SPRING—40x97. with trees, Nall improvement.'; 2 blocks from District line. >770. BAINS REALTY CO.. Shep. 3802. NEAR THE GEORGE WASHINGTON parkway in Virginia. Two beautifully lo cated homesites, tff> and 70 feet front, with w.. s.. g.. c, etc. A real investment. ROBERT E. HEATER, 3927 N. Glebr rd. Chestnut 5622. ^_10* GEORGIA AVE., NR. ALASKA—30 TO 40 ft. front; will build to suit. PAUL P. STONE. Adams 0853._ BROOkLAND. NEXT TO T023 IRVING ST. n.e.—Approximately 40x130 ft,, on grade: all improvements: sacrifice, >1.200. L. V. THACKER. Hobart 2387._ ONE-FARE ZONE- BEAUTIFUL WOODED building sites. >198 to $398; terms to suit. Out Benning rd.. Central ave. or route 214 through Capitol Heights, left at Dixie Tav ern on Chapel rd.. right at wooden bridge on Carmody rd. to office. O. B ZANT ZINGER CO. 945 K st n.w. National 5371. Eve . Greenwood 1377._ WOODRIDGE. CORNER LOT. 22nd AND Franklm sts n.e.; 50x100: very reason able North 4004._ 2728 22nd st. n.e:_ H"BEAUTIFUL DETACHED LOTS. Off 13th and Underwood Sts. Or Grario ' $1,350 Each Reo. 0228. | NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE HIGHLANDS. Lo cated T 3 10 miles over D C line. In Maryland- F H A.-aDnroved subdivision. 1 Representative on orenv«es sat alternoon, 1 all dav Sunday. New houses under con i struction. C M PLUNKERT to CO.. 1 Thomas Circle _ _Na 0052. VIRGINIA BARGAIN. HIGH ’ LOT WITH view and over 80 feet wide, water and I cewer in street: $900 cash This is in Beverly Hills. Alexandria LOUIS P SHOEMAKER. _1719 K St. N.W._Na. 1166. NEARBY MD —WOODED. 100 FT. FRONT. $1,250. * GEO E. DIEFFENBACH. Lot Specialist Natl, 8850. 1101 Vt. Ave. N.W. Emer. 4117. $600 AND $800. Detached homesites in beautiful Summit Park. D. C. (adjoins Hillcrest). Many nicely wooded. Comparable lots nearby are selling for twice these prices. Call at branch office any afternoon for list and maps. 3601 Alabama ave. s.e. Lincoln loOO. ADELBERT W. LEE. _1343 H St. N.W. _ District 4600._ FOREST GLEN PARK, Bordering Rock Creek Park, between Silver Spring and North Chew Chase, established community of beautiful moderate-priced homesites or »'» to 3 4 of an acre. Several new homes already occupied Lovely roll ing woodland. To reach: Follow Rock Creek direct to property. 1 mile north of East-West highway. ROBERTS E. LATIMER. 7733 Alaska Ave. _ Geo. 1270. _ SILVER SPRING. RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL LOTS. 15 lots. 70x150; $25o each. 17 lots 70x150; $350 each. 10 'ots. 70x190: $450 each. 3 commercial lots; $1,500 each. MARYLAND REAL ESTATE CO T900 Georgia Ave._Shep. 5100. acreageforsale. VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND CONTAIN ing practically 1.500 ft. on No. 1 hwy. Can be had at a most unusual price. Easy price and terms Box 202-H. Star SMALL TRACTS OF ACREAGE THAT ARE very valuable land suitable for any kind of business, on No. 1 highway, in easy commuting to Washington. Sold on easy terms._ Box 203-H_ Star. _ __ OVER 100 ACRES NEAR WASHINGTON ana Mt. Vernon blvd.. that will make a wonderful subdivision. Was sold a few ypars ago for $300 per acre. Can be pur chasea now for less than half that price. Great opportunity for an energetic man to make his last fortune. Box 21Q-H. Star ON GREAT FALLS RDr. 4»2 MILES FROM CHAIN BRIDGE—25 acres lovely rolling land. 15 acres clear balance wooded: spring stream: ideal building site, large shade, trees and old house. Price. $8,500; very attractive terms. FRENZEL. McLean, Va._ Phone Falls Church Ki;-W-l. _ NEAR LANGLEY, VA.—LOVELY WOODED building sites. to 1 acre; restricted sec tion. Price. $750 to $1,000. F. H A. approved. Homes built by your plan, financed through F H. A. FRENZEL. exclusive agent. McLean. Va. Phone Falls Church H37-W-1.__ BARGAIN IN 1 AND 2 ACRE TRACTS" also one 20-acre tract, high knoll, stream, fine land to cultivate; electricity, telephone. Terms JOHN BURDOFT. Ashton 3508. Colesville. Md._ _ ARLINGTON About 5 acres on both sides South Court House rd.. ripe for low-price homes. For price call National 2265. WM. T. BALLARD, _1H1 EYE ST. N W. ACREAGE WANTED. 10 TO 25 ACRES IN VIRGINIA WITHIN 1H miles of Washington: with or without house; preferably high location with view, some timber and stream; require pIpc avail able and access to hard road. Call Oxford 0270-W. 6 to 10 p m . or write Box 43‘J-K. Star. _ _ ON MAIN HIGHWAY—WOODED' ACRE arp. suitable for tourist camp: give dcscrip I tion. price, cash._Box 382-J. Star._10*_ _WATERJFRONT PROPERTY A S/FE PLACE FOR YOUR FAMILY IN THE FOREST on Lake Jackson. Cabins for sale- water and elec.: boating and fish ing Building sites end acreage. Call or write PROPRIETORS. Lake Jackson, Manassas. Va.__* NEW* LOG CABINS AND COTTAGES FOR sale at Cedarhurst on Ches. Bay. near i Shady Side. Md., $1,200 up: elec.: good roads: sea wall, pier, boat harbor; bldg, sites. $75 to $1,000. Free circular on re quest. WALTER M BAUMAN. 1 Thomas Circle. Nations] H229. 31 ACRES ON WEST RIVER. NEAR SHADY Side. Md.. $3,000. FRANK CRANDALL. Sudley. Md.. or call WALTER M BAUMAN. 1 Thomas Circle. _ National 0220 COTTAGE 321 CLOPSTON HILL SHER wood Forest. Md.—Beautiful water view. Completely furnished. Price reasonable. Open for inspection Sunday. September 10. _ STORES FOR RENT. 5 LARGE FLOORS SUITABLE FOR Of fices or any business. Centrally located on F at. n.w. Call Met. 8128. »• IDEAL SMALL STORES PRICED REA sonably: °2nd and P sis n w Apply to MR. THOMPSON. 2152 P st nw CORNER STORE. LINCOLN RD. AND RAN dolpb pi,, near swimming pool and schools. Reas, rent AnplyO Randolph^!. n e._ LARGE STORE FOR RENT. NEXT TO corner. 1784 Fla. ave. n.w. Apply 1782 Da ave._Phone Mich, 9997. DESIRABLE CORNER STORE. CHEAP rent, suitable lor all business. Li. 9328 39 14th st. s.e.__ 2333 18th ST. N.W—LARGE. MODERN store on 25-ft. frontage, with or without double brick garage and large storeroom above. Phone Adams 7823.__15 •_ 3939 GEORGIA AVE. N.W Large store. Ideal for most any type of b' slness. now available at reduced rental. ROBERT W SAVAGE. 807 Union Trust Bldg_Natl 3939. 815 7th ST N.W.—STORE WITH second story _SI 90.00 1901 E st. n.w.—Basement _ 50.00 1028 21st st. n.w.—1st floor 37.50 1028 21st st. n.w—Basement 25.00 JAMES MORRIS WOODWARD REALTOR, 723 20th ST. N.W. NORTHWEST CORNER OF 14 th AND Harvard sts. n.w.. large store havimr a irontage on I4tn st. of :t.1 feet and a deDth of approximately R5 feet, contain ing about 2.100 sauare feet. Available for Immediate possession. For details call AMERICAN SECURITY & TRUST CO . Natl. 4815. 15th and Pa, Ave. N.W, 500 FLORIDA AVE. N.W. Corner store, located in excellent col ored neighborhood, suitable for grocery or delicatessen. Key at office. $00.00. B F. SAUL CO.. _ 025 15th St_Na._2100. 1804 20th 8T. N.W.—SUITABLE FOR delicatessen, next to Dost office: rent, $55. THOMAS P. BROWN. _0154th St. B.W._Na, 0872. 1501 GOOD HOPE RD. S.E. Corner, modern store. In new apart ment building, suitable for grocery, drug or automobile showroom; Im mediate possession; $125. SHANNON & LUCHS CO. _1505 H St, N.W. National 2345. 1913 E ST. N.W; NEW BUILDINO. IDEAL LOCATION FOR ANY BUSINESS. APT. IN REAR. HARRY A. OLIKER CO., 018 15th St. N.W.Natl. 7157, H ST. N.E., NEAR 10th. Store and 5 rms.. bath. Will consider repairs to suit tenant. Lincoln 0897. HOHENSTEIN BROS., _7th AND H STS. N.E._ VACANT STORE. Up and coming location in a large sub urban community. Wonderful business op portunity for gift shop or ladies' ready t wear. One large floor. 20 ft. by 59 ft Already in vicinity are: Drugstore, res taurant. grocery, beauty shop, valet and dry cleaning shop. Call Chestnut 7500 Arlington Village. Store located at Co lumbla pike and South Barto^. _OFFICES FOR RENT. PRIVATE OFFICE OR DESK SPACE. attr turn., in suite of 4 offices: tel., aec. services optional 410 Hill Bldg.__ 1407 L ST. N.W—TWO ROOMS AND bath. $40. Apply premises or nbone Natl. DlfiO. ___ OFFICE APT.. 2333 18th N.W—2nd floor, modern apartment; can be used for office-workroom; on 26-ft. frontage. Phone Adams 7823.__16* 1616 K ST. N.W. Two ground-floor locations, approxi mately sauare feet each. RENTAL, $200.00. Entire second floor, approximately 3.000 sauare feet. RENTAL, $300.00. Third flrtar. two-room office RENTAL, $75.00. B. F. SAUL CO., P25 15th St_Na. 2100. SECURITIES BUILDING, 729 15th ST. N.W. Entire 3rd floor. over 2 700 sauare feet ; 24-hour service; heart of financial district; near Treasury and Government DePts,. banks and trust companies. Rental very reasonable. L. T. GRAVATTE, MANAGER ON PREMISES. STORES WANTED._ WANTED—To buy at once, Small business, poultry, grocery, delica tessen or novelties._Phone_Decatur WAREHOUSES FOR RENT._ LEASE OR sale! 4-ST. AND BASEMENT, fireproof 80,000 so. ft.. 200-lb. carrying load centrally located; r.r. siding. 2 large elev.; all imps.: exceptional loading facili ties refrig»ration equipment. Address TRUSTEE, 1355 Euclid st._Tel.Col.JTRAT_ REAR OP »’7 D ST N.W. Four-story, fireproof warehouse, contain ing approximately 8.500 sauare feet; freight elevator For details call _ AMERICAN SECURITY * TRUST COMPANY. Na. 4815. 15th and Pa. Ave._N.W. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES OP interest on first trust on improved D C JESSE** HEI8KELL 1116 EYE 81_Ni_W_ SECOND-TRUST MONEv LOANED TO D C.-MD -VA. HOMEOWNERS. COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO.. 14,:0 L ST NW. _DIST 150. 12* MONEY WANTED. $15,111)11 FIRST TRUST AT 5',. INVESTI Katf. Phone Woodley 441)1 ______ AUCTION SALES._ FUTURE.__ THOS J OWEN A SON AUCTIONEERS 1431 Evp St. N.W. Tru»tee»’ sale of valuable four-story brick-and-lime stone office building, known as premises 1415 K street northwest. Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly ! recorded. In Liber No. '044. Polio*01 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the part v secured thereby, the undersigned I trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY THE THIRTEENTH DAV of SEPTFMBBR AD IfKMI. AT POUR O'CLOCK PM. the following-described land and premises sit uate in the District of Columbia, and designated a* and being Lot Eicht, in John L Kidwell’s subdivision of 8cuarp Two Hundred and Seventeen C?1T). a* per plat recorded in Liber R W. Folio 11 ■'< of the records of the Office of the Surveyor of the District of Columbia: sub’ect to condition fixing the building I ne K» fee: from the street line: also all plumbing, boilers dynamos, engine*, heating a no j lighting apparatus, hot-water heaters, ele vators. sprinkler or fire extinguishing sys tem. screens, ventilating or air-condition system, awning*, window shades linoleum, ianitor's tools and equipment, and a'l the furniture, furnishings and equipment of every kind and descriptinn in and upon said premises and all each and every of the interior improvements and fixture . movable or Immovable, of every kind and description in and upon said premises and which under the terms of said deed of trust the undersigned trustees can sell and convev TERM8 OF SALE One-fifth of the pur chase-money to be paid in cash, balance in four equal installments, payable in one. two three and four year* with interest at ft per centum per annum, payable semi annually. from day of sale, secured by first deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of *5.000 00 will be required ar time of sale All conveyancing, revenue stamos on deed, recording, etc., at cost ; of purchaser Terms of sale to be com plied with within thirty days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the ; right to resell the property at the risk and i cost of defaulting purchaser af’er five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington. D. C. HARRY L RUST. Junior. GEO CALVERT BOWIE. JAMES J. BECKER. _sel .dAds exfcu&hols_^Trustees._ CHANCE FOR BARGAIN. FORECLOSURE SALE. AT PUBLIC AUCTION. 1 04 OXFORD ST CHEVY CHASE. MD U)PMMPCn»V CPDTniDPD VIDPVTIPTU 1!».!!». FOUR-THIRTY PM. Corner prop erty with large lot. 2-story cinder block and stucco dwelling. 7 rms.. 3 baths; h.-w h.; gas. elec. Also 2-car garage. For details consult INTERSTATE BANKERS C'ORP . Woodward Bldg. scM.lo THOS. J. OWEN A* SON. AUCTIONEERS' 1431 EYE ST. N.W. TRUSTEES SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IMPROVED BY TWO-STORY BRICK APfcR [ MENT BUILDING KNOWN AS PREMISES EUCLID STREET NORTHWEST By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber No. 5502. folio 15o et seq of the land records of the District of Colurrbia. and at the request of the party secured thereby the undersigned trustee will sell at public auction, in frort. of the ; premises, on MONDAY. THE EIGHTEENTH j DAY OF SEPTEMBER. A D 1030. AT FIVE : O'CLOCK PM. the following-described land and premises situate in the District | of Columbia, and designated as and being I lot numbered thirty-two <32* in John L. I Warren's subdivision of lots in block num ber d nine <o» * Meridian Hill " as per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 55 at folio 163: said block nine (0) being now known for purposes of assessment and tax ation as square numbered tw’enty-flve hun dred and seventh-two (2572). Terms of sale; One-fifth of the purchase money *o be paid ir. cash balance in four equal installments, payable in one. two. three and four years, with interest at five t5) per centum per annum, payable quar terly from day of sale, secured by first deed of trust upon tne property sold, or all rash at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $1,000 will be required at time of sale. Examination of title, conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps, etc . at cost of purchaser Terms of sale to be complied with within 30 days from day of tale, oth erwise the trusi*e reserves the right to forfeit said deposit or to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser upon the foregoing terms, after five days’ advertisement of such resale in some news paper published in Washington. D. C.. or with or without forfeiting the deposit the trustee may avail itself of any legal or equitable rights against the defaulting purrhaser AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY. Trustee. By WM. L. BEALE Vice President. (Seal.) Attest: A H. SHILLINGTON. se7-dfcds.ex8u_Assistant Secretary._ LEGAL NOTICES. HARRY J. DALY, Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding a Probate Cburt.—Estate of Delia T. Dougherty. Deceased.—No. 55.174.— Administration Docket 118.—Application having been made herein for letters of administration on said estate, by Cecilia Pratico it is oredered this i 8th day of August. A.D. 1939. that Edward L. Dough-, ertv. also known as Edmund L. Dougherty and Edward Lawrence Dougherty, the un known heirs, alienees and devisees of Ed ward L Dougherty (also knowm as Edmund L. Dougherty and Edward Lawrence onh thp unknown heirs, alienees and devisees of Delia T. Dougherty, de ceased. and all others concerned appear in said Court on Monday, the 2nd day of October. A.D. 19.19. at 10 o clock A.M^ to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof he pub lished in the "Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star, once in each of three successive weeks before the return day herein mentioned, the ,fl”t Pobjica tlon to be not less than thirty days before said return day. Witness, the Honor able ALFRED A. WHEAT. Chief Justice of said Court, this ISth d»y of August. AD 1939 (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _au'lBsel.9_ ANDREW I. HICKEY, Attorney. DISTRICT 'COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing a Probate Court—Estate of Agnes Schaney, Deceased.—No. oR.12-1. Adminis tration Docket 119.—Application having been made herein for Pr°bate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and for letters testamentary on said estate by Andrew I. Hickey and James M. Brow", it is ordered this 23rd day of August, A. D. 1939. that Josephine Brown, whoselast known address was and is in Baltimore State of Maryland, and who is the daugh ter of Josephine Marshall, sister of de ceased: and Christine Marshall resident of Marlboro. State of Maryland. of de cedent. now an inmate at CrownsWlle State Hospital. Crownsvllle. State of Maryland, and her custodian. Dr. Robert £■ Superintendent of said hospital, and all others concerned, appear In s®Id Covrrt on Monday, the 2nd day of OcWb'r A. IL 1939. at 10 o'clock A M., to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published in th* „Wq,s-hr" ington Law Reporter" and Evening Star, once in each of three successive wee!ks be fore the return day herein mentioned the first publication to be not less than thlrty days before said return day. Witness, the Honorable ALFRED A. WHEAT Chief Jus tice of said Court, this 23rd day of August. A. D. 1939. (Seal.) Attest. MELVTN J. MARQUES Deputy Register of WIUs for the District of Columbia. Clerk of lh^ Probate Court. auZoieZ.B A LEGAL NOTICES. NELSON T. HARTSON. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT CF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 55.462. Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters ad Colligen dum on the estate of Caroline Roeblint Walters, formerly Caroline Roebling Hag ner, late of the State of Nevada, deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally au thenticated. to the subscriber, on or before the 24tn day of August, AD. 1940: other wise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 1st day of September, I960. THE NATIONAL METROPOLITAN BANK OF WASHINGTON. By HAROLD A. KERTZ. Assistant Trust Officer. (Seal.) Attest: VICTOR 8. MER8CH. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court._se9.16.26_ GEO. H. CALVERT, JR., Attorney. —v DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 55.456. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Ancillary Letters Testamentary on the estate of Rosanna S. V. Capito late of the State of Maryland, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated to the subscriber, on or be fore the l'Jth day of August. A D. 1940; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given un der my hand this 17th day of August. I960. GEO. H. CALVERT JR.. 507 "E” St N W. (Seal ) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Co lumbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _au26se2.iL___ ARTHUR PETER and W. H. BADEN, Attorneys. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding a Probate Court.—Estate of Kate L. Sterling. Deceased—No. 55,479, Ad ministration Docket 118.—Application hav ing been made herein for probate of the last will and testament and codicil of said deceased, and for letters testamentary on said estate by The Washington Loan <fc Trust Company, it is ordered this 61st day of August. A.D. 1969, that Isabella Beck worth and Charles McGowan and the unknown heirs at law and next of kin of Kate L. Sterling, deceased, if any. and ail others concerned appear in said Court on Monday, the 9th day of October. A D. 1969, at 10 o clock a m. to show cause why such application should not be granted Let notice hereof be published In the “Washington Law Reporter1' and “The E\ening Star Newspaper/’ once In each of three successive weeks before the return daw herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said return day. Witness, the Honorable ALFRED A. WHEAT. Chief Justice of said Court, this 61st day of August. AD. 1969. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL. Register of Wilis for the District of Columbia. Chief of the Probate Court. se2.9.16. ARTHUR PETER and W. H. BADEN, Attorneys. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Holding Probate Court.—No. .54.7“(>. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters of Administra tion c.t.a on the estate of George D. Barbour, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit I tne same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticateu to the subscriber, on or before the 1st day of August, A D. 1940: otherwise they may b.v law be excluded i from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this “5th day of August. 19.19. THE WASHINGTON LOAN A TRUST COMPANY By Leonard Marbury. Assistant Trust Officer. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Cleric of the Probate Court. _ _set! 9.16. McKENXEY, FLANNERY Sc GRAIGHILL. Attorneys. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED S.ates for the District of Columbia. Holding a Probate Court.—Estate of Rudolphe de Zapp. Deceased.—No. 55 411, Administration Docket 11*.—Application having b en made herein for probate of l the last will and testament of said de ceased. and for letters testamentary on said estate, by Helen J P. Stair, it is | ordered this “6th day of August. A D. 1959. that Dorothy Dawson Raflalovich and the unknown heirs at law and next of km of Rudolphe de Zapp. deceased, and ail others concerned, appear in said CouH olt Monday, the 9th day of October, A D i 1999. a? 10 n clock a.m. to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published 1 in the “Washington Law Reporter ’ and ! “The Evening Star” once in each of three i successive weeks before the return day ; herein mentioned, the first publication to 1 be not less than thirty days before said return day Witness the Honorable ALFRED A. WHEAT Chief Justice of said • Court, this “6th day of August. AD. 19.19 ‘Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGS WELL. Register of Wills for the District of i Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. se“.9.16._ _ CROMELIN. TOWNSEND. BROOKE and KIRKLAND. 1'MM Natl. Press Bldg.. Attorneys. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding a Probate Court.—Estate of Eu gene O. Lightner Deceased—No. 55.406.— Administration Docket 116.—Application having been made herein for probate of the last will and testament of said de ceased. and for letters testamentary on said esta'e by Phoebe R. Lightner. execu trix it is ordered this 16th day of August. A. D. 1999. that Elizabeth P. LiRhtner and i all others concerned appear in said Court on Monday the “nd day of October. A.D. : 19.39. at 10 o'clock AM., to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published in the Washington Law Reporter'' and The Eve ning Star, once in each of three successive i weeks before the mum day herein men tioned the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said return day. Witness the Honorable ALFRED A. WHEAT. Chief Justice of said Court, this IKth day of August A D. 1999. ‘Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia Clerk of_t.he Probate Court._au“6seC 9_ Washington. D. C.. Attorney. Dist. 2127. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States lor the District of Columbia Hold ing a Probate Court.—Estate of Mary Mur ray. Deceased.—No. 55.438. Administration Docket 11 H.—Application having been made herein for probate of the last will and testa ment of said deceased and for letters testa mentary on said estate, by Andrew Murray. Executor named therein, it is ordered this 1 21 st day of August. A D. 1939. that James Anderson and Alexander Anderson and all others concerned appear in said Court on Monday, the 2nd day of October. A. D. 1939. at 19 o'clock A M. to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published in the "Washington Law Reporter" and The Eve ning Star, once in each of three successive weeks before the return day herein men , tioned the first publication to be not less : than thirty days before said return day. Witness, the Honorable ALFRED A. WHEAT Chief Justice of said Court, this 21st day of August. A D I (Seal.> Attest: THEO ; DORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for ! the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Pro i bate Court_au26se2,9 HERMAN M. GRIMES. Trustee, c o Johnson Sc Wimsatt. Inc., 9th and Water Sts. S.W. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia.—William A Wimsatt. et al.. vs. William K. Wimsatt. et al.—Equity No. 52.233 —ORDER NISI FOR SALE.—Her man M. Grimes. Trustee herein, having reported to the Court that he has rece.ved from Con tee J Weeks an offer to purchase Lots 42 and 43 in Square 390. improved by premises 918 and 920 G Street S.W., Washington. D. C.. herein concerned, for $4,000. all cash, subject to broker's com mission of $200: ..nd three disinterested appraisers appointed by the Court having filed their appraisement of said real estate: and said offer being in excess of two-thirds of said appraisement: It is. by the Court, this 8th day of September. 1939. ORDERED, that said offer, together with any further offer or offers received before said offer is acted upon by the Court, be heard by the Court as to ratification there of. on the 20th day of September. 1939, at 10:00 o'clock AM.. Provided a copy of this order be published in one issue each of the Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star published at least ten days prior to said hearing date. BY THE COURT: JENNINGS BAILEY. Justice. (Seal.) A true copy. Test: CHARLES E. STEWART. Clerk. By C. E. STEWART, Jr., HAMILTON A HAMILTON. Attorneys. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States lor the District ot Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 65.413, Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Co lumbia. has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters of Administration on the estate of William T. Henderson, late of the District of Co lumbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 22nd day of August, A.D. 1040; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 22nd day of August. 1930. MABEL K. HENDER SON. 3900 14th st. n.w.. D. C. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL, Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Cleric of the Probate Court. se2 9.1f)._ DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Holding Probate Court.—No. 63,031, Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice that the subscriber, which was by the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia granted letters testamentary on the estate of Edwin Moffatt. deceased, has. with the approval of the District Court of the United States for the. District of Columbia holding a Probate Court, appointed Monday, the 26th day of Sep tember. 1939. at 10 o'clock a.m.. as the time, and said Court room as tbe place, for making payment and distribution from said estate, under the Court's direction and control, when and where all creditors and persons entitled to distributive shares or legacies, or the residue, or parts thereof, are notified to attend, in person or by agent or attorney duly authorized, with their claims against the estate properly vouched. Given under its hand this 31st day of August. 1939. NATIONAL SAVINGS & TRU8T COMPANY. By Bruce Baird, Attorney. (8eal.) Attest: VICTOR 3 MER8CH. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. ao2,9,10. fc LEGAL NOTICES. K. r. BROOKS. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED Btates for the District of Columbia. Hold lnc Probate Court.—No. Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the Dis trict of Columbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Thomas D. Fields, late of the District of Columbia deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 15 th day of August. A. D. 1940: otherwise they may by law be excluded Irom all benefit of said estate. Given under its hand this 19th day of August. 1939. THE RIOOS NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON, D C. By SID NEY F. TALIAFERRO. Vice President and Trust Officer. (Seal.I Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the Dis tric' of Columbia. Cleric of the Probate Court._»u2Bse2.9_ H. W. SOHON. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia, Holding Probate Court.—No. 55.503 Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court ,.f the District of Columbia. Loiters of Administration on the estate of Callie T. Perry, laLe of the District of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof legally authenticated, to the sub scriber. on or before the ’filth day of August. A.D 1940; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate Given under my hand this :19th day of August. 1939. R. ROSS PERRY. Jr.. Union Trust Building. (Seal > Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL, Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Cleric of the Probate Court__se'f.9,1H._ HEWITT GRIGGS ROBERTSON. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States lor the District ol Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 55.39*1. Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of Charles A. Johnson, also known as Charlie Johnson, late of the District of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers ther-of, legally authenti cated. lo the subscriber on or before the 22nd day of August. A.D 1940: otherwise tney may by taw’ be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 20th day of August. 1939. MARTHA E MOORE ll’lfi lith S’ N \V. (Seal 1 Attest THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wilis for the District of Co lumbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. - se2.ll. i IS ARTHUR PETER AND W. H. BADEN, Attorneys. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia Hold ing Probate Court.—No 54.941. Admin istration.—This is to Give Notice That the subscriber, of the District of Colum bia. has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia Letters Tes tamentary on the estate of Leeds C. Kerr, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof legally authenticated to the subscriber on or be fore 'he 25th day of July. A.D 1940; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 25th day of August. 1939. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY by LEONARD MAR BURY. Assistant Trust Officer. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia Clerk of_ the Probate Court._ se2.9.1g_ BRANDENBURG A BRANDENBURG, Attorneys. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 55.29b. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice That the subscribers, of the District of Colum bia have obtained from the Probate Court I of the District of Columbia Letters of i Collection on the estate of Barbara Hoder mann late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated to the sub scribers. on or before the 28th day of August. AD. 194b: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefl1 of said estate. Given under our hand* this 2Mh day of August. 1939. MARION L KING 3133 Conn Ave. N W.; CHARLES W. KING JR. 907 N. Y. Ave. N.W. < Seal.» Attest THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Co i lumbia Clerk of the Probate Court. 1 se2.9 lfl ___ juse.1 n n. n /ii»«■ nt •. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Hold ing a Prooate Court.—Estate of Franklin Janara Prea. D^cea^ed—No 55.350. Ad ministration Docket 118—Application hav i ine been made herein for probate of the ; last will and testament of said deceased i and for lettrrs of administration c. t a on I said estate, by Anna Ellen Frra and Eisie Frea Stoner, it is oraerpd this 29th dav of August. A.D. 1939. that Walter Frea and all others concerned, appear in said Court on Monday, ’he 9th day of October. A D 1939. at 10 o'clock AM. to show cause why such application should not be granted Ler notice hereof be published in the •Washington Law Reporter" and The Eve ning Star, once in each of three successive weeks before the return day herein men tioned. the first oublfcation to be not less than thirty days before said return day Witness. the Honorabtp ALFRED A WHEaT. Chief Justice of .said Couit this 29th dav of August. AD 1939. <Seal > Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Reirstrr of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _ se2.9.10_ ~ GARDINER. EARNEST & GARDINER. Attorneys. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Proba’e Court.— No. 54 84 ’. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice That the subscribers, of the District of Colum bia. have obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Collection on thp esta*e of Julia Catherine Murid late of the District of Columbia deceased All persons having claims aeainst ; Thp deceased are hereby warned to ex hibit the same with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to thp subscribers on or before the 24th dav of August. A.D. 1940; otherwise they may by law be ex j eluded from all benefit of said estate Given undpr our hands this 21th dav of August 1939. JAMES M. EARNEST Wood ! ward Building. JAMES E. ARTIS 1<»10 Vermont Ave N.W. (Seal * Attest' THEO DORF COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the i Probate Court. _ ge2.9.16_ JACOB N. HALPER, Attorney. DISTRIC t^-COURT CF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia Holri ! :ng Probate Court.—No. 55.525. Adminis tration —This is to Give Notice: That the ' subscriber of the District of Columbia has | obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Administra tion on the estate of Frank Hawks, late of the District of Columbia, deceased All Per sons having claims against the deceased are herebv warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 5th day of September. AD. 1940. otherwise they may by law'he excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under mv haT,d this .Vh dav of September. J939. JACOB N HAL PFP 1511 K St NW. ‘Seal) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _ se9.18.23 LEONARD MARBURY. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT CF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 55.508. Adminis tration.—This is to Give Notice: That thp subscriber, of the State of Maryland has obtained from thp Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Adminis tration on the estate of Harry Kotchorek. otherwise known as Harry Kotschorrk. late of Canada, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 30th day of August. A.D. 1940: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 30th day of August. 1939 LEONARD MARBURY. 900 F St N.W. <Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSW’ELL. Register of Wills for the Dis trict of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court._se 9.16.23 __MOTORCYCLES^ FOR SALE. INDIAN CHIEF. 1937. excellent condition; will sell reasonable. Call Columbia 0198. HARLEY-DAVIDSON 19.38. model 80. with all extras. 5325; 0:000 miies. 525 10th st, s.e. Atlantic 8H07. TRAILERS FOR SALE. VAGABOND TRAILER COACHES on dis play at Cherry Hill Camp. 7 miles north of Washington, on U S. No. 1 Terms. trade Open nights and Sunday. 9* KOZY COACH, de luxe, like new. sleeps four: must sell. Robert Halliday, Washing ' ton Tourist Camp.__10* NEW AND USED TRAILER8 for sale. Dis tributors for glider Schult and Covered Wagons. Financed on monthly terms. 12 is. 24 mos. Liberal allowance on trade-in. American Trailer Co., Inc.. 4511 Wis. ave. Woodley 3232._Open evenings. Sunday._ AUTOMOBILES WANTED. DON’T sal) until you sea us: will pay your unpaid balance give you difference In cash Barnes_Motors. 1729 14th st._ WE NEED old cars lor Europe, your old car Is valuable, we buy by weight. 25c oer hundred lbs ; any make, any model, any condition; we haul them In. no extra charge lor hauling. ‘ Glassers,’’ 2nd and Fla, ave. n.e. Dlst. 3071>._12* WANTED LATE-MODEL CAR8. We’ll pa- top cash prices for any late model car Open evenings Call North 7557. The MANHATTAN AUTO Ar RADIO CO.. 1706 7th st n.w CASH AT ONCE FOR CARS. Whether Car Is Paid For or Not. SUPERIOR MOTORS, 14th-P Sts. CASH FOR ANY MAKE CAR. WE PAY OFF THE NOTES Leo Roeea. Inc. >-7-8-11 N Y Ave N.E_Netl 7821 “ACT NOW!” Any car, make or condition, bought for cash. Parts on hand for all cars. Phone Line. 1178. Glass in stalled.^ 'garages for rent! QARAOE. 3544 W PL. N.W.. GLOVER Park—1 ear. brtck^tS mo. finer. 8544. ■ AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE. INTERNATIONAL 1034 panel. *4 ton: clean and good mechanically, good rubber; 9135* easy terms. 1045 Wisconsin ave. Mich 2074.__ FORD 1030 sedan delivery, black; gooj shape; will sacrifice to highest offer. 302F Nichjols ave.jt.e._um CHEVROLET 1030 bydr dump, ready tot work: have backboard to go with dumtf (terms, cash), flee Mr. Stinnetts at Stin netts’ Oarage. 1018 Irving st. n.w., 8 any to 0 P.m. Co. 10128._ _AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. __ BUICK 1037 model 41 4-dr. trunk sedan, by lady owner: excell, condition, new tires; 9O05. Will consider terms. Mich. 2486. Saturday or Monday. _ __ CHEVROLET 1038 de luxe town sedan: black factory finish, immaculate mohair interior: little mileage bf one careful owner: 5 excellent tires, best mechanical order, full de luxe equipment, knee action, hydraulics, no-draft ventilation. Honestly Priced at 9505: low-cost finance Plan to suit your budget. Ow'-ns Motor Co.. 0323 Georgia ave Ge 0100. _ CHEVROLET 1038 coupe, beautiful tan finish like new. low mileage by one careful owner, motor fully guaranteed, splendid car for business or pleasure; low price NOW at $525. L. P Steuart. Inc., 1325 14th fit. n.w. Decatur 4803. _ CHEVROLET 1036 de luxe town sedan; newly painted black: custom slip covers: knee-action comfort, hydraulic brakes, no draft ventilation. 0-cylinder valve-in-head economy, all-steel construction 5 excellent tires: guaranteed to pass thp D C. insper tion Honestly Priced a* 9305: low-cost finance plan to suit vour budget. Owsns Motor Co.. 0323 Georgia ave Ge moo CHEVROLET 1030 coupe: color, black: heater, spotlessly clean, good rubber, best mechanical order, all-steel construction. •9270: easy terms: guarantee. Wisconsin Motors. Inc . In45 Wisconsin ave. Mich. 2074,__ CHEVROLET'S. FORDS PLYMOUTHS. DODGES RUICKS COUPES COACHE3 AND SED4NS all m cood running condi tion. from 940. Fred Motor Company, 2427 14th st. n.w Col. 0733._ CHRYSLER 1038 Imperial touring sedan: equipped with expensive radio, heater ana grille cuarri a smartly styled luxurious automobi!** for the price of a cheap car. carries our full warranty: verv liberal trade; price slashed from 9845 to $745 for a quick sale. Coast-In. Inc., 407 Fla._ave. n_e. A/l. 7200, DE SO'l'O 1030 4-door touring sedan; beautiful tan finish. 5 very good tires, spotless interior: splendid and economical family car reduced to sell a* once at $375. L. P. Sreiart, Inc., 1325 14th n.w. Dpratur 4 803. DE SOTO 1 03 7 ‘’-rinnr tnunnu tfWon* paint, tires motor and Interior excellent, very economical operation fine car for only L. P. Steuart, Inc., 1325 14th 8t. n w. Decatur 4*03. 'DODGE 193‘i 4-dr. touring sedan the very last word in used-car duality and value; has super?? mercury metallic finish and smart broadcloth interior, ‘road test ed ' for your safety; fully guaran‘ep<j: priced extremely low at only *300. Coast In. Inc . 407 Fla ave. A11 720o DODGE 1035 4-door touring sedan: black finish shines like new. motor in finp con dition. rubber and interior perfect, truly ft fine, economical family car reduced to *325. L. P Steuart, Inc,. 1325 14th n.w. D'catur 4803. DODGF 1930 4-door touring 'dan; excel lent b'ack finish splendid and economical floating-power engine, safe hydraulic brakes, rubber excellent, dean interior and well worth *305. L P Steuart. Inc.. 1325 14th n.w. Dceatur 4803. DODGE l!':;: 2-door touring sedan: fine finish, guaranteed motor, very good rubber, radio, interior spotless: splendid family car that will sell immediately for *489 L P. Steuart. Inc., 1325 14th n.w. Decatur 4803 DODGE 1937 4-door touring .srdan~beaif ; tiful mack, upholstery shows little wear, i 1°*' mileaee by one owner ‘name on car>: reduced to *405. Your old car may be down payment. Mak° your own terms on ! the balance. Se*- today. All readv for ! delivery Kaplan t Crawford *2329 Champlain *t. n w _ Columbia f>740. FORD 1035 Tudor sedan, rxcdlent COn ; dition; 22 ‘>00 mile* private owner. Co lumbia 5752 after_5 pm*. ! FORD 1932 coupe practically new engine, two new tires, eeonomical transportation; a rare bargain. *45.00 cash. Call owner, National 1012. Afrttr 7 p m.. Atlantic 25*1. 0* ford • 2-door dc luxe “Sedan; original finish of blue excellent, powerful and eco nomical V-K motor perfect, rubber and interior excellent, only *319 I. p Steuart. ( Inc 1325 14rh st n.w _ Decatur 4803. FORD 1939 Tudor de luxe radio and I heater: *735.0«>. District i«n. p« i FORD 1 930 de luxe road-ter: private party | leaving town radio, heater and a:r horns; *‘-7.» Her J *77 after u a m Mon HUDSON 1938 4-dnor touring sedan: largft trunk, black factory finish, smooth riding and powerful straight-8 mo’nr, spotlessly clean throughout, practically new tires. i-u.'ium i rtuiu ana npa^r. eieciric nana Pear shift: bargain price. 8789: liberal trade allowance: easy terms Call Car! Motor Sales. Georgia ave. and Peabodv st n.w. Ge 24 4 4 _ HUDSON 1939 4-door Country Club sedan, straight 8: actually in.non miles bv com oanv officer: cnmnlete new guarantee: color black: just like brand-new throughout; $859: easy term*;. Call Pari Motor Sales. Georgia ave. and Peabody st. n.w. Ge. 2444 _ _ NASH Lafayette J938 trunk sedan black finish, brand-new apnparance and faultless mechanical order, immaculatelv clean in | side, new tires all around any demon I stration you like: guaranteed ea<v terms: liberal trade allowance: $559 Call Carl Motor Sales. Georgia ave. and Peabody nw Ge 2444 _ OLDSMOBILE 1938 de luxe coupe, very attractive and sporty car. finished in black, with radio. 5 nearly new tires, motor fully guaranteed: a car you will be proud to own and drive for only $599. L P. Steuart. Inc., 1325 14th st. n.w. Decatur 4803. PLYMOUTH 1936 de luxe 4-door trunk sedan, heated: wheel in fender, perfect condition: today. $329. Frrd Motor Co.. 2427 14th st. n.w. Col 6733 _ PLYMOUTH 1937: radio and hea-er. re cently passed inspection, in excellent condi tion: price. $425. Call Col. 4635 lor in spection. __ PLYMOUTH 1939 4-door sedan, built-in i Plymouth radio and heater, low mileage. I owner; excellent condition Emgr 7793. Plymouth 1939 de luxe coupe; low mile age. like new in every detail; sold with new i car guarantee and service policy; consider aole savings; NOW $595 L P. Steuart, , Inc . 1325 14th rnw. Decatur 48Q3. j PLYMOUTH 1937 convertible cotine kept beautiful, white-wall tires, radio and heat er: $415: terms. Owner. Dist $875 in* PLYMOUTH 1938 de luxe coupe; blue finish like new. motor fully guaranteed, rubber and interior perfect, truly a fine COUPE that will give new-car service for only $51(1. L. P. Steuart. Inc.. 1325 14th St n w Decatur 4803. PONTIAC J 935 business coupe. $269 $4 per week: trade-in accepted. 801 H st. n.w . S A O. Auto Service._ PONTIAC coupe 1933: sell for storage; ex i cellent condition. 1805 14th st. n.w in* PONTIAC 1933 2-door: new paint, good tires, clean upholstery, no reasonable offer i refused Fred Motor Co., 2427 14th st. n.w. Col. 6733._ 1 WILLYS 1937 de luxe coach, heater: private owner. Republic 0999 after 6:30 | p.m. __ New Safety Auto Door Glass Installed Any Make Car, €2/f ST A Nor Over_ Vents, Not Over_ Windshields, 020m 0000 Not Over _ €50«WW Half Windshields, Not Over _ "Shatter-Proof" None Better If You Can Buy for Less We Will Refund Your Money “GLASSEITS” Dlst. 3670. 2nd ond Florida Ave. N.E. Plenty Parking—20-Minute Service. Also 15th & H Sts. N.E. 13* | DEPENDABLE USED CARS LATE MODEL Thoroughly Reconditioned BARGAINS ’35 upe_. _ 269 1 Chevrolet De Luxe 289 VIC Chevrolet De Luxe QQO 1*0 Town Sedan_tlOO* 937 Dodxe Trunk 329 ’87~^ISUK 449 ’3s aa. “ 45» V|Q Chevrolet De Lnxe S7Q wO Town Sedan_«*<«* ’38 ^evrolet Lnxe SJgJJ 35 OTHER FINE VALUES ' 1130 Conn. Avc. Open Evenings and Sundays District 4200 4