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Prompt ronsidera tion given applica tions for loans on business and in vestment properties in D. C. and vi cinity. H. CLIFFORD BANGS 200 lnve*tment Bldg. ME. 0240 MONEY WANTED | The Northwestern Federal Savings | & Loan Association accepts ac j counts from $1 to $5,000. Each ac count insured to $5,000. Dividends I paid June 30 and Dec. 31 for past 35 years. No. I Colorado Bldg. No. 7335—1 4fh & G Sts. N.W. Branch Office Takoma Park h-- i HEADQUARTERS * FOR LOW-COST F* H» A* MORTGAGES , I H Send Postcard jor F. H. A. Easy Payment Loan Plan Here at mortgage h e a d q u a rters, we . have ample funds available right now under the F. H. A. P I a n f o r low - in - terest, long-term mortgages on suita ble homes. No com mission is charged, and the interest rate is only 4V2%. Get the facts. Send postcard — or tele phone for F. H. A. booklet. WEAVER BROS me MORTGAGE LOANS Loans jor Residential, Business Building and Refinancing for over ji years WASHINGTON BUILDING DISTRICT 8300 < i l Steel Rate Estimated At 70.2 Per Cent In Current Week Institute Report Cites 45.3 Per Cent Mark Of Year Ago By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Sept. 11.—Opera tions in the steel industry for the current week will advance 11.6 points to 70.2 per cent of capacity, a new 1939 high, the American Iron and Steel Institute estimated today. Last week s figure was 58.6 per cent of capacity. A month ago ODerations were at the rate of 62.1 pier cent while a year ago they were 45.3 pier cent. The jump in steel production, partly representing a rebound from Labor day curtailment last week, appeared to have been influenced by the wave of war buying in metals. Trade reports said steel makers have witnessed a rush to cover forward needs in finished products for protection against price ad vances. together with an increase in exploit business as result of a diversion of orders from Europe. Except for a new year upturn ! the first week of January, it was the steepiest weekly rise of 1939. Since the Fourth of July lull m steel activity, the operating rate has nearly doubled. The latest rate was the highest since September 27, 1937, just be fore the record-breaking autumn curtailment in steel production that year. ! Washington Exchange SALES. 1 Potomac Electric Power 5&% pfd.— I 5 at 115. AFTER CALL. ; Washington Railway & Electric pfd. | —2 at 116. BONDS PUBLIC UTILITY Bid Asked. Anacostia & Pot 5s 93* a 97 Ana A Pow guar 5s_112 113““ Canital Traction 1st 5s 9*» 94 i City A Suourban 5s 93‘a 97 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 113 Pot Elec Pow 3Us _102 _ I Washington Gas 5s 1960 114 Wash Rwy A Elec 4s 105 107 MISCELLANEOUS. Chevy Chase Club 1st 4 Us— 102 Col Country Club 1st 4Us 102 _ Ter Ref A Wh Corp 1st 4Us_ 10U _ STOCKS PUBLIC UTILITY Bid Asked. Amer Tel & Tel <9)_ . 104 _ Capital Transit Co 13 14 N A W Steamboat '4> __ Ho 75 Pot Elec Power 0• f pfd < 6 > 114 Pot Eiec Pwr 5U Did (5.50) 114 116 Wash Gat Lt com il.50> 26U 27U Wash Gas Lt pld «4.5o» 105 107 Wash Ry A El com «g36) . 63n _ Wash Ry A El pfd 15 > _114 116 BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. Amer Sec A’ Tr Co <e8) 230 260 Bank of Bethesda ( 75) 30 _ Capital <4> 143 Com A Savings (ylO.OO)_27o _ Liberty (6* 174 185 i Lincoln (15 ) 2oo Natl Sav Tr <v3.00> . ... 175 205 Prince Geor Bk A Tr ( 60) 18 22 Riggs <eM _ 250 272 Rirrs pfd (5) _10O _ Washington i6> _12<* _ Wash Loan A Tr (e8)_ 230 250 FIRE INSURANCE American (*6> . 115 Firemen s <1.40)_ 27 _ National Union (.75)_ 15 18U TITUT INSURANCE. Columbia (k.30) 13 _ Real Estate (m^‘» 170 _ MISCELLANEOUS | Carpel Corp (2.00) 27U 33 j Lanston Monotype (4) 44U 56 Lincoln Serv com <T1.00» *19 22 i Lincoln Serv prior pfd «3 50)*44 52 Mergenthaler Lino <d 50» 16!a IS Peoples Drug S com < + 1.00)_ *32 36 Peoples Drug S pfd <6.50) bllO Real Est M A' O pfd ( 45) 5 7 Security Storage (5> _ 90 105 Ter Ref A Wh Coro (3) 60 65 Wdwd A: Loth com <s2 00) _ 41 53 Wdwd A Loth pfd (7) 120 •Ex-dividend b Books closed Stock called for re demption September 15. 1939. * Plus extras, e 20 rxtra f 3' extra. R $14.00 extra paid December 20 1938. k 20c extra m$1.50 extra. p 5<ic paid September 20. 1938. s $2.00 paid in 1938. v $3.00 paid so far this year. y $5.00 ’ extra Short-Term Securities (Reported by Smith. Barnev A Co > Bid Offer. ! A’a Gt Southern A 5s 1943 107*4 Alleghany Corp Cv 5s 1944 78 79 i Am Tel A: Tel 5*'2s 1943 108 109 ! Austin A’ Northwn 5s 1941 5*2 00 Baldwin Locomot W 5s 1940 9812 lop* Central Foundry Os 1941 105 Chi Un Station 4s 1944 105 107 Container Corp 5s 1943 9858 loo Cuba Northern Ry 194*3 .35** 4! Delaware & Hudson 4s i943 0*3 0:3 Illinois Steel 4,2s 1940 lop8 3o*3 Inti Hydro-Electric Os 1944 7♦* 7 7’2 Inti Merc Marine Os 194 1 00 00*2 Lake Erie A Western 5s 1911 88 Lehigh Valley Ter R 5s 1941 55 00 Louisville A- Nash 4s 1940 99 loo»4 I Michigan Central 4s 1940 99 100 : Midland R R N J 5s 1940 9 1*2 N Y A Lone Branch 4s 1941 7434 Pennsylvania Co 312s 194 1 lot) I Penn-Dixie Cement Os 1941 9914 101 Penna R R Co 4s 1943 109s* Peoples G L A C Os 1943 109*4 115 ; Peoria A Eastern Is 1940 431* 50 * Phila Balt A* Wash 4s 1943 loS'* ; Srudebaker Corp Os 1945 87’2 88*2 Tex A N Orleans 5s 1913 To Union Oil of Calif Os 1942 108’2 1 11 > Vanadium Corp 5s 1941 108*2 110 Warren Bros Os 1941 411* 43 Western N Y A Pa 4s 1943 100 103s* White Sewing Mach Os 1940 1ii134 Odd-Lot Dealings By the Associated Press. The Securities Commission reported these transactions by customers with odd loi dealers or specialists on the New York Stock Exchange for September 8: 13 07 7 purchases involving 37 9.980 shares. 15.430 / sales involving 419.550 shares, including 310 short sales involving 8.900 shares. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (Continued Prom Page A-18.) Prev. 1939 Stock and Sain— Net Rich. Low. Dividend Rate Add 00. Rich. Low Clow. ehta. 124 5 US DlstCbln* pf_ 200a 174 144 144 +24 11 5H U S A Fom Smut.. 49 10 94 10 + 4 874 75 USA For 8 pf (6).. 1 81 81 81 +8 104 64 U S Freight _ 62 114 104 114+14 113 674 U S Gypsum (2a)_ 135 71 654 71 +3 74 4 U 8 Hoffman _ 19 64 54 64+4 254 134 U S Indus Alcohol- 202 294 244 28 + 44 94 34 U 8 Leather_ 141 94 9 94 +14 14 54 U 8 Leather (A)— 184 144 134 144 +14 49 344 U 8 Pipe A Fdy (*>_ 43 S6H 334 334 -14 38 284 US Play Card (2a). 2 314 314 314 -4 64 14 U 8 Realty A Im(r). 117 24 l7s 2+4 624 314 U S Rubhor _ 124 454 434 444 - 4 1124 864 U 8 Rubber let of(» 94 105 103 103 -1 654 48 USSmARef(lK) 44 644 63 64 +24 70 60 U SS A R pf (2.60). 2 68 68 68 70 414 US Steel _ 1067 784 704 7'8 +84 1204 984 U S Steel rf (T)_ 85 1184 117 117 -4 374 33 U S Tobacco .96* _ 3 334 334 334 464 434 U S Tobacco pf 1.76 10s 45 45 45 4 14 Unit Stockyards 64 34 34 34 +4 84 64 Unit Stkyds pf(.70) 17 84 74 84 +4 24 14 United Stores (A)_ 26 2 1 4 2 154 9 Univ Cyclops .25*.. 7 16 15 16+4 85 69 Univ Leaf Tob (4a) 4 694 65 65 -5 163 157 Univ Deaf Tpf (8). 20s 1614 1614 1614 +14 78 454 Univ Plctur 1st pf.. 200s 504 60 50 +2 1 4 Vadsco Sales ... 100 1 4 4 204 16 Vadsco Sales pf_ 200s 21 20 204 +4 344 16 Vanadium Corp 620 39 354 384 + 34 37 25 Van Raalte (1.60*). 20 35 35 36 +4 26 184 Victor Chem (.75*). 10 26 254 26 +4 44 24 Va Caro Chemical— 181 54 44 54 +4 314 17 Va Caro Chem of... 33 304 284 294 +24 44 4 Va Iron Coal A C._. 220s 64 44 54 +14 114 44 Va Iron Coal & C pf 620s 144 13 144 +34 91 644 Vulcan Detln 2.50*. 60s 95 91 94 +3 14 4 Wabash (r) _ 8 14 14 14+4 34 14 Wabash of (A)(r).. 4 3 24 24 2 1 Wabash pf(BHr).. 100s 14 14 14+4 74 54 Waldorf Syst .30*.. 5 64 6 6 —4 234 154 Walgreen (1.40)_ 1 21 204 204 — 4 504 314 Walker (H)(4)_ 68 34 33 33 -14 204 194 Walker (H)pf(l)_ 1 164 164 164-4 94 4 Walworth Co_ 84 64 6 4 64 + Vi 144 74 Ward Bak (A)_ 11 94 9 94 24 14 Ward Bak (B)_ 18 2 14 14-4 64 34 Warner Bros Plct— 580 34 34 34 — 4 58 36 Warner Bros Pic pf 10s 434 41 41 -64 34 14 Warren Bros (r> 4 3 24 24 - 4 314 194 Warren F A P 1.50*. 22 324 304 32 +24 244 144 Waukesha Mot (II. 19 204 194 194 -4 324 20 Wayne Pump (1*)_. 28 22 214 214 +4 34 14 Webster Elsenlohr 14 24 24 24 — 4 Prev 1939 Stock tnd Skies— Net High Low. Dividend Rote Add 00. High. Low Close, ehge. 28* 16 Wesson Oil A Snow 117 27* 26* 27*+* 105 88 Woat Fens E of(6) 30s 97 97 97 + * 112 95 Woat Penn B1 of<7) 20s 105 104* 105 4* 112* 105* W Penn Pw pf 4.50.. I 106* 106* 106* 34 20* West Aut S 1.05*_ 42 29* 28 28* -1* 4* 2* Westn Maryland 45 4 3* 4 + * 8 3* Wsstn Md 2d pf 20 8* 8 8 * V* Wostorn Pacific 15 * * * + * 1* * Wastarn Pacific pf. 7 1* 1* 1* 28* 16* Wsstn Union Tel ... 137 29* 27* 29 +1* 31* 18* Wssthae A B .50*_ 35 28 27 27*-* 120 82* WosthsaKlao 1.75*. 51119 114 118*44* 145 126 Wosthso E pf(I.IO) 210s 135 135 135 42 20* 10* Weston Else Inst 49 21* 20+ 20V, 4 * 40 37 Weston El In A (2) 80s 37* 37* 37* -1* 29* 15* Westvaco (la)_ 11 30 29* 30 +1 34* 29 Westvaco pf (1.50). 8 35 34 36 +1* 31* 15* Wheeling Steal . 194 31* 29* 31 42* 65 45 Wheel S pr pf 2.50k x 6 68 65 68 46 IS* 7 White Motor 118 13* 12* 18*41+ 7 3* White Rock Min Sp 23 4 3* 4 4 * 2* 1* White Sew M new . 9 2* 2* 2* + * 17* 14 White Sew M pr pf. 1 15* 15* 15* 4 Vi 3* 2* Wilcox Oil A Gas... 87 3* 3* 3* + * 3+ 1 Willys-Ovsriand... 249 2* 1* 1*- * 6* 2* Willys-Overl'd of.. 42 4* 4+ 4* 7* 2* Wilson A Co _ 128 6* 6* 6* 4 * 52 82 Wilson A Co pf_ 55 51* 50 51 +1 + 26* 15 Woodward Iron_ 82 29* 28* 29 +2* 50* 391, Woolworth (2.40).. 509 39* 37* 38* -IV, 23* 10* Worthington Pump 124 18* 18* 18* 4 * 38 23V, Worth P pr pf ... 1 31 31 31 +1 53 81+Worth P cv pr pf_ 4 45 44* 45 42* 120 85 Wright Aero- 470* 116 110 114 +4 I 85* 75 Wrlgley (la)- 7 78* 78* 78* 4 * 33* 18* Yale A Townef.60). 8 26+ 24+ 26+ 42* 21* 11* Yellow Truck 1099 19* 17* 18* 41 + 116 98 Tell Tk 7% pf 5.25k. 30s 115 115 115 +1 21* 9* Young Sp* A Wire. 41 14* 14 14+4 + 55+ 30 Tgstwn Sheet A T 875 55 50* 55 +5* ! 87* 74 Tgstwn SAT pf 6.50 1 89* 87 89* 44* 31* 17 Ygstwn Stl Dr .50*. 123 25V* 24* 25 + + 22+ 12 Zenith Radio (1*) 89 17+ 16* 16*- * , 3* 2 Z.onlts Products .. 267 3+ 3* 3+ — * Approximate Soles of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M.._ - 1.250.000 12:00 Noon_ 2,060.000 1:00 P.M. 2.880.000 2:00 PM ... 3,590,000 Total Sales for the day 4,680.000 eUnlt of trsdlns 1(1 shares rln hsnkruDtc, or receivership or being reorganised under Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies Rates of dividend In the ioreaoing table are annual di*bur*e ments based or. the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration Unless,otherwise noted special or extra dividend* are not Included xd Ex dividend xr Ex right* a Also extra or extra* e Paid | year, f Payable in «tock g Declared or paid »o far this i year h Cash or *tock k Accumulated dividend* paid or de I rlared this rear Insurance Stocks NEW YORK. Sept. 11 (4>*.-—National Association Security Dealers, Inc : Rid. Asked. Aetna Cas (3a> _... _ 103 107 Aetna Ins (1.00)._ 434 454 Aetna Life <1 20a) _ 274 25) Am Equit (1) _ 21 224 Am In« Nwk < 4a)__ 124 14 4 Am Reins (l.HO) _ 414 434 Am Reserve (14)__ 22 4 24 Am Surety (24) _ 404 4x4 Automobile <la> _... 294 7114 Balt Amer ( 20a)_ 04 7 4 Carolina (1.30) _ 204 2X4 City of N Y (1.20) _ 2234 24 4 , Conn Gen Life ‘.80)___ 2.34 25 Contin Cas (1 20a) - 3o4 324 Fid A Dep (4 • . _122 120 | Firem's Nwk « 40) 84 i<» I Frank Fire (la' _ 31 33 Gen Reinsur <Ja) _ 4(>4 42 4 , i Geora Home (la* _22 4 24 4 1 Glens Falls (1 00) _ . 394 4 14 I Globe A Rod (4) _ 114 13 ' 1 Globe A Rut _ 204 22 4 j Gt Amer Ins < 1 a) . _ ...... 28 204 l Hanover (1.20* _ 2634 *'84 Hartford F>re <2) . __ 74 76 Home Fire Sec . _ 234 34 Home Ins (1.20a) __ 334 354 Homestead (1) . _ 1x4 2o Knickerbocker (.00) _ 94 114 . Lincoln Fire __ 24 3 Maryland Cas - 24 34 \ Mass Bond (34) _ . 55 4 *57 4 ; Merc Ins Pr 3 44 ' I Nati Fire *2) _ _ 50 4 014 Nat' Liberty < 20a* _ 74 8 4 N HamDshire (1.00a)_ 43 45 4 , N Y Fire < 1 ) 16 174 ■ Nor East Ins _ 4 4 54 Nor River (1) _ 254 27 4 Phoenix (2a) _ 73 4 73 4 ! Prov Wash (1 > _ 314 33»,| Rep Ins Tex '1.20) ..»_ 24 254 Revere <P» In (1.20a) . 25 4 27 4 Rh Isl Ins . _ 3 4 4 St Paul Fire <x» ....... __ 222 227 Springfield «44a» ... _ 110 110 ; Sun Life (15) 315 365 Travelers (10* _ 41«» 420 U S Fid A G <1) _ 21 224 ! U S Fire (2) _ 514 534 Westchester (120a> 33 35 a Also exua or extras. Quotations furnished by National Asso ! ciation of Securities Dealers. Inc which ! states they do not necessarily reflect ac ! tual transactions or firm bids or offers but , should indicate approximate prices. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Sept 11 <4*' (U. S Dept, of Agriculture'.—Salable hogs. 12.000; total. 15.000; open slow; weights below 240 pounds. 50-75 lower than Friday’s aver age: heavier butchers and sows. 25-50 lower; closing active with part of early losses regained; bulk good and choice 180-270 pound*:. 7.40-45; practical top 7.7 5: 270-990 pounds. 7.25-50; .990-400 pounds. ♦5.75-7.95: small lots. 150-170 pounds. 6 75-7.25: bulk. 270-9.90-poiind sows. 0.75-7.25: 990-400 pounds. 6.50-85; 400 pounds up 6.00-60. Salable cattle. 20.000; salable calves. 1.5oo bidding 50 cents or more lower on medium, good and choice fed steers and lone yearlings large share crop compris ing such fed rattle bulk promising to sell ai 9.25-10.50 light heifers and mixed yearlings steady to 25 lower: supply small; best f^ri st Aprs, early 11.00: heifers, i 10.50 with sprinkling up to ]o90: sev eral loads yearlings and fed steers held abovp ll.OO: around 9.000 Western-bred stockers and feeders vearlings and tw?os in crop: fairly active steady at 8.25-9.25: some yearlings. 9.50: cows weak to 25 lower; bulls steady to weak vealers. 5u lower: practical top weighty cutter cows. 5.75; heavy Western fat cows up to 8.25: heavy sausage bulls to 7.65: vealers. 11.50 ! down bis share fed steers scaling 1100 I pounds upward unsold. j Salable sheep. 10.00(1; total. 16.50(1: ' slow soring lambs and yearlings, fully 40-50 lower than Friday: native spring I j lambs to packers. P.50-85: best still held above 10.00: odd loads Idaho and Colo rado springers. 9.50-75; sheep steady to easier. Western slaughter ewes. 2 65-9.25: good gradp offerings at outside; native ewes eligible around .2.00-4,00. New York Produce NEW YORK Sept 11 uP'.—Eg«s. 11. 8Tb; firm Mixed colors, fancy to extra : fancv. 23,a-28: standards. 23; firsts, lfl'.j: seconds l8-»R«a: mediums. 1?‘4: dirties. No. 1. 18'j: average checks. 15-15's Re frigerator. fancy heavyweights. 20l/a-23; standards. 20; firsts. 19; mediums. 17; I dirties. 17'/a. Whites: Resale of premium marks, 37'2-4(1. Nearby and Midwestern, pre j maim marks. 341j-37: exchange specials. 34; exchange standards. 27. Resale of nearby heavier mediums. 28>/a-33. Nearby and Midwestern, exchange mediums. 28; pullets. 19; peewees. 16*a-17. Browns: Nearby, extra fancy. 29's-39. Nearby and Midwestern, exchange specials. 29: exchange standards. 24'j. Nearby, mediums. 24. Duck eggs: Nearby. 20-24. Butter' 882.492: firm. Creamery, high er than extra. 28>.-29: extra (92 score!, 28; firsts (88-91). 23-2B3.: seconds (84 811. 21'a-22».. Cheese 284.853. firm State, whole milk flats, held. 1938. m«_-21V«: June. 18V-1-19: other fresh. 16'/«-l/. United States Treasury Position By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury September 8. compared with comparable date a year aso * September 8. 1030. September 8. 1038. Receipts _ $21.360.872.51 $11,60b,8o4.8 < expenditures _ 22.467.125.60 22.725.103.88 Net balance _ 2.212,890.588.11 2.1 72.985.612.oo Workinn balance included _ 1.520.100.203.46 1.575.053.300.61 Customs receipts for month_ 7.708.363.84 6.800. <82.31 Receipts for fiscal year (July It_ 010.554.086.21 885.743. <44.1 ^ Expenditures __ 1.857.863.781.76 1.651.35 < .484.41 Excess of expenditures _ 947.308.795.55 765.613. <40.20 Gross debt . __ _ 40.904.784.931.87 37,634.013,019.< < Decrease under previous day_ 32.792.075.71 ------ Gold assets__ 16 743.780.673.38 13.257.537.120,04 I Ask Us about Interstate Building Association's “SHARE ACCOUNTS” —how they cultivate the savings habit—how at semi-annual periods they "share" in the earned divi dends of the Association. And amounts up to $5,000 are insured. We believe you will be interested—and we'll be glad to go into details. Interstate Building Association l Visible Grain Supply NEW YORK, Sept. 11 Visibli supply of American grain showec the following changes from a weel ago fin bushels): Wheat, decreased 410,000: corn, decreased 2.493,000; oats, increased 795.000; rye, in 1 creased 177.000; barley, increased : 669.000. We Make Loans lo Individuals lor HOME CONSTRUCTION All loans made subject to monthly cur tailment—in some instances on a basis as low as $7.50 per thousand, which includes payment of both principal and interest. SEE US FOR PARTICULARS We make no commission charge and there u ill never be any costly renewal expense. NATIONAL PERMANENT BUILDING ASSOCIATION UNDER SUPERVISION OF UNITED STATES TREASURY 719 Tenth St. N. W. (Just North of G) NAtional 0254 on Improved D. C. Property •...*& > ii '; For biding, rebuilding or refinancing at prevailing rates of interest. Loans repayable monthly. No charge for appraisal if loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of principal. ........ __; j Equitable Co-operative Building Association 915 F ST. N.W. ORGANIZED 1879 FIRST LIN OF DEFENSE The Germans prepared their Sieg fried line and the French the Magi not line long in advance of the expected need. Now they are ready to defend the boundaries and citi zens of both countries. Just so the wise man or woman pro vides in advance for eventualities by carrying adequate life insurance and placing it in trust so that the beneficiaries will be protected from loss through inexperience or extrav agance. Our trust officers will welcome inquiries. They entail no obligation on you. THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY Horry G. Moom, President F Street at 9th 17th Street at G Member, federal Reserve System, federal Depotit Intaranee Corporation 20th Century-Fox Omits Dividend By the Associated Presa. NEW YORK, Sept. 11.—Directors of the 20th Century-Fox Film Corp. have voted to omit the dividend on the common stock due at this time. Previous payments were 50 cents each on June 30 and March 15. 1939. The company said that "in view of the present uncertainty of revenue from foreign markets it would not be wise to declare any dividend on the common stock at this time.” REAL ESTATE LOANS on improved property in D. C., nearby Md. and Va. Low interest rates,easy month* ly payments, no commissions; no renewal charges. NORTHERN LIBERTY BUILDING ASSOCIATION *11 SEVENTH, STREET. N. W. Established 48 Years MEMBER OF TEDERAl HOME fcOAN BANK SYSTEM D. C. BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE U. S. BUILDING AND LOAN LEAGUE One dollar spent to repair a small roof leak will prevent damage per haps amounting to hundreds of dollars. So it is with insects and rodents. Loss be cause of vacancies resulting from insect infestations, as well as other economic losses, can be pre vented by our Cer tified Pest Control Service. Try this modern protection for your property. It will save many times its small cost. A complete survey will prove its value tc the careful owner. AMERICAN Disinfectant Company 928 Eye St. N.W. * NA. 6478 U. S. Treasury Receipts Far Below Year Ago By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Sept. 11—United States Treasury receipts lor August, totaling $419,979,812. were 11 per cent less than in the same month a year ago. Largest drop in Uncle Sam's in come was in miscellaneous internal revenue from $281,627,468 in Au gust, 1938, to $217,209,795 this year. Receipts from income taxes in creased irom $31388.354 to $37,295. 885. Social security taxes were also heavier than a year ago. New York Bar Silver NEW YORK. Sept. 11 UP).—Bar silver. 361*, off H of a cent. i -; Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Existing Properties 5% FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONI* GEORGE I. BORGER 043 Indian* Am. N.W. Nat l 03SO - Don’t Be a - Slave to Your Property Let us show you how to horness your i mortgage problems, providing more net i ^ income for you. ^ === [Shannon & luc~hS]^= Member ot Washington Real Estate Board 1505 H St. N.W. Nat'l 2345 Realtors i """"l^™1. ' " ■ TO BUT . . . BUILD . . . REFINANCE ■ i Check These Columbia Features Prevailing Interest Rates | V’ ' f —/ Lower Costs—No Renewals j Prompt Action—No Red Tape i / Small Monthly Payments / Liberal Repayment Privileges / Taxes and Insurance May Be Paid Monthly * ~mm7 * / Interest Computed on Monthly Balance of Loan >- . Pass Books Show New Loan Balance After Each Payment It's Better to ^JPay by Check Here’s why . . . IT'S SAFER SAVES TIME, EFFORT IS MORE CONVENIENT PROVIDES A RECORD OF FINANCES LENDS PRESTIGE GIVES YOU A RECEIPT | Drop in at the nearest American Security office and talk with j one of our Officers. He will be glad to tell you how you can enjoy the advantages of a checking account. Large and small accounts invited. ; j American Security & TRUST COMPANY SAIN OFFICE: FIFTEENTH STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE j CENTRAL BRANCH: 7TH AND MASSACHUSETTS AVE., N. W. SOUTHWEST BRANCH: SEVENTH AND E STREETS, S. W. NORTHEAST BRANCH: EIGHTH AND H STREETS, N. E. NORTHWEST BRANCH: 1140 FIFTEENTH ST., N. W. MEMBER: FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM I J i