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Newspaper Page Text
[SPECIAL MERCHANDISE for THURSDAY I A Each Week this page will appear in Wednesday Evening Star ^ Each Merchant on this page offers a special value for Thursday Only ^ Hechinger Co. Four Great Building ® Material Store* flOWNTOWN RRIGHTWOOD ANACOST1A I.Tih A H N.E. hth A C s.W_.»>»■>.■» Ga Ave. 190S Nichols Ave. Extension Ladder Complete with Rope and Pulleys Sturdily constructed of finest qual ity lumber. Height, 28 feet; we car ry a complete stock of other sizes, and all types of ladders. THURSDAY ONLY Phone Orders ATlantic 1400 ANNIVERSARY SALE NOW IN PROGRESS OPEN FRI. b SAT. TO 9 P.M. Brightwood and Main Stores Only Julius Lansburgh r r' 6 Furniture Lo. 909 F St. N.W.__NA. 8748 Solid Mahogany COFFEE TABLE Thursday ip °n*y A Regular $14.95 Value Authentic Duncan Phyfe Solid Mahogany Coffee Table, with remov able glass serving tray. A well-constructed, smartly designed table at a sensational price for Thursday only. No Phone or Moil Orders Open a "J. L.” Budget Account Homer L. Kitt Co. 1330 G Street • National 4730 Slightly Used and Floor Sample SPINET PIANOS That Sold New From $225 up InUKaUAY ONLY Very Easy Terms Full keyboard instruments that we want to close out quickly. All are the latest models in good condition and carry our usual new guarantee. Call National 4730. I Open Thursday Nights Until 9 P.M. AIR COOLED Morton's Seventh & D Streets N.W. No charge*, no mail or phone order*, no deliverie* Jf ... Morton’* tell* the new e*t fashion* at turpritingly low CASH price*. SPORTSWEAR 420 All-Wool Zephyr Sweaters and 320 Wool and Rayon Skirts THURSDAY ONLY 69c_.| SWEATERS: All-wool zephyrs (also Shetland types which are not all wril. Cardigan and styles on styles. Every new Fall color and white. Sizes :14 to 40. SKIRTS: Popular shades, rich fabrics at an un heard of price. Sizes 14 to 20. Morton's—Main Floor Zlotnick, The Furrier On the Corner of 12th & G Sts. AT THE SIGN OF THE BIG WHITE BEAR 1 PAIR SILVER FOXES THURSDAY ONLY k Our former prices ranged to $150.00. A real buy at twice the price. You will be amazed at the value. Just a few offered at this price, so hurry! All Sales Final, No Refunds, No Exchanges on This Group SHOP IN AIR-COOLED COMFORT! Shah Optical Co. Sp‘ecMi,t 927 F St. N.W. P<£S'» KRYPTOK INVISIBLE BIFOCAL LENSES THURSDAY ONLY Highly polished, crystalline white lenses, ground out of one piece with no lines or seams that show. A perfect lens for BOTH far and near vision. Examination at no extra cost. Oculist Prescriptions Included For the past 27 yeors the name "SHAH" hos been associated with the optical profession in Washington. This signifies that our aim to satisfy is well founded. Chas. Schwartz & Son Since 1SSS . . . Home of "Perfect Diamonds" 708 Seventh St. N.W. {'"<*-* ME. 0060 AT A NEW LOW PRICE! Beautiful 8x10 Cold or Silver-Plated PICTURE FRAMES THURSDAY ONLY Here's an unusually low price for very fine picture frames. You’ll find a very smart assortment from which to make your selection. Beau tiful styles with very decorative de signs. Solidly constructed for long use. Peerless Fine Furniture “AN INVESTMENT IN BETTER LIVING” 817-819-821 7th Street NAV. *3250 STUDIO COUCH ★ with all-metal supporting hack! ★ Think of it—a regular $32.50 Studio Couch with upholstered metal supporting back for only $18.85. Comfortable inner spring construction, opens up to twin or double beds. Take your pick from a large collection of beautiful patterns and colors. THURSDAY ONLY I Use the Peerless Budget Plan and Charge It. Free Parking on Lot in Rear of Our Store. Clean-Rite VACUUM STORES 925 F St. N.W. Store Hours: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. FREE PARKING ot 9th and G Place N.W. COMPLETE with Attachments CR0EBUILTy HOOVERS THURSDAY ! Complete With ONLY Attochments $|4.95 FULLY GUARANTEED LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD CLEANER 10 DAY TRIAL PLAN If you can’t call—Write or phone for a free Home Demonstration Call MEtropolitan 5600 Peoples Hardware Stores NORTHEAST SUBURBS ^OBTHWEgT lint Florida Ave N.E. Uolmar Manor. Md. ,8t7. N ?'vc Al ,flth »na H Bu- ‘•'il Baltimore Blvd. Al o \)L 2HM» Rhode Inland Are. Mt Rainier. Md 8 «.?rP eM»n 8 v 1826 Bladensborr Road 3660 3tth St. 2*'] £onn * ! £ S' - Colonial Village. Va. 5<riii-ih fit n w Phone Nearest Store 1723 Wilson Blvd. 7:i» Ga. Ave. vw. „r Line. 4044-10430 eg^wf^ a,. Note—None but the It PEOPLES STORES above have this SPECIAL! PAINT SALE! SAVE 45c GALLON ON Lawrence bTrand P 31 n t A dd Years In Your Home Your home is your castle. Preserve it . . . Keep it beauti ful. LAWRENCE HOUSE PAINT does both ' J-S==^ 100% pure LEAD, ZINC and TITANIUM FORMULA—Ready-mixed in all colors, and the New No. 35 OUTSIDE WHITE that makes White Houses WHITER! THURSDAY ONLY A TRUE STORY! There is no finer HOUSE PAINT than LAWRENCE TIGER BRAND, regardless of price, name, make or j quality! ( NOTE—Sove 45c—Place your order | Thursday for later delivery! ( George's Radio Co. 814-816 F St. N.W. 1111 H St. N.E. 2017 14th St. N.W. 3107-09 M St. N.W. 3038 14th St. N.W. PORTABLE RADIO LATEST MODEL SELF-POWERED Plays Anywhere No Aerial—No Ground No Electrical Connections Aeroplane Luggage ON SALE AT ALL STORES THURSDAY ONLY The Hub 7th & D Sts. N.W. ME. 5420 BRAND-NEW 1939 Crosley Shelvador ELECTRIC SREFRIGERATOR, THURSDAY ONLY Orig. $139.95 Brana-new 1939 moaei, Dig d-cu.-k. urosiey Electric Refrigerator specially priced for Thurs day only. Don’t miss this buy! NO MONEY DOWN—THE HUB MILSTONE’S Acme Liquor Store RETAILERS—IMPORTERS ’j 927 Penn. Ave. N.W. Open Till 9 P.M. "Home of Low Prices” Imported CHAMPAGNE Sale! A LUCKY PURCHASE MADE DIRECT FROM THE PRODUCER JUST BEFORE THE WAR STARTED ENABLES US TO OFFER— 1926 VINTAGE ROYALE RESERVE FRENCH CHAMPAGNE With prices advancing rapidly on all French Cham pagnes it will pay you to buy now for your Fall and j |||jj Winter needs! ] ] MADE TO SELL FOR $3.95 p I THURSDAY ONLY! [ Lester Dutt AND ASSOCIATES 1338 G STREET N.W. Crystal, Lamps, Silver, Art, Furniture, Oriental Rugs, etc. Remodeling Entire Store! Must Make Room for Workmen! Club, Period, Wing, Barrel-Back Custom-Built CHAIRS Just THURSDAY ONLY 50 To Sell! These living room chairs were made to sell from $79.50 to $112.50! Every one is a floor sample and all are hair-filled with down cushions! At the amazingly low price of $39.50 they won't stay in stock long, so hurry! HOLD YOUR SELECTION UNTIL WANTED Blackistone, Inc 1407 H St. N.W. DIst. 1300 LOVELY GLASS VASE FILLED'WITH FLOWERS THURSDAY ONLY Phone and Charge It Lovely assortment of fresh summer flowers, tastefully ar ranged in an attractive glass vase. Overall height—16 to 18 inches. Free Delivery Service Standard Upholstery 913 7th St. N.W. Goldenber*'* MEt. 6282 REUPHOLSTER ANY 3-PC. SUITE SEAT^CUSHIONS I in high-grade material, including labor. All suites rebuilt to look like new. New springs where nec essary. Work guaranteed. Orders taken for future delivery if necessary. THURSDAY ONLY The Following Colors to Select From Brown—Blue—Green Red and Rust