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Escorts Provided For Aliens Flying Over Canal Zone Passengers' Cameras Must Be Sealed Under Strict Orders Airplanes carrying any persons not American citizens will not be al lowed to fly over the Panama Canal Zone or its nearby territorial waters except under official escort, Presi dent Roosevelt has ordered. Details of rigid rules for any air craft flights over the Canal Zone, prescribed in connection with moves to strengthen national defense and safeguard neutrality, were disclosed today by publication in the Fed eral Register of the President’s ex ecutive order. The order sets up a “Canal Zone military airspace reservation,” in cluding the airspace above the Canal Zone and the territorial waters within the 3-mile marine boundary at each end of the canal, All foreign or domestic aircraft are forbidden to navigate within, into or through the Canal Zone ex cept under specific authorization by the Civil Aeronautics Authority for civil aircraft or by the State De partment in conjunction with the War Department for military Dianes. rarss (Continued From First Page.) the troops were barracked withoul obvious delay. Units of the British Army wen observed moving toward the front There was little of the public re joicing that greeted the arrival o! the British in 1914, and French peasants, stolidly watching the brown clad columns moving through their villages, seemed to take the coming of their allies for granted Poilus mingled with the troops as they halted for brief rest periods Many of the Britons were veterans of the last war, and adopted the attitude that “we're just picking up where we left off last time.” Cabinet Is Shuffled. Behind the lines Premier Daladiet shuffled his cabinet for what the French termed "a fight to the finish with Nazidom.” Changes in the cabinet, which M Daladier announced yesterday, did rot affect the political aspect of the government to any great degree. Georges Bonnet, who has been foreign minister, was appointed minister of Justice, while M. Dala dier took over the foreign office portfolio in addition to his duties as Premier and minister of national defense. Two new ministries—blockade and armament—were created. Senator Georges Pemot, member of the Radical Union group, took the block ade post, and Raoul Dautry, former director of the French National Railways, was made armament min ister. The numerically strong Socialist group, headed by former Premier Leon Blum, declined to participate in the new government. Health Officer Named MANASSAS, Va., Sept. 14 (Spe 1 rial).—Dr. H. Garnett Snead, as : sistant health officer in Arlington I County, will succeed Dr. D. L. Riley 1 as director of the Prince William Stafford health district October 1. Dr. Riley plans to enter private j practice at Winchester. — Common sense, not legal rights, | mean traffic safety. Rules on Aliens. The most stringent rules are set up for planes operated by or trans porting aliens. Before they take off for the Canal Zone, they must notify the zone governor of the probable time of arrival, cruising altitude and speed. At a designated rendezvous point outside the Canal Zone, the aircraft Will be met by an official escort of Canal Zone planes which will lead the way to a designated landing place. The flight commander must remain under instructions of the canal aeronautical inspector while in the zone's jurisdiction. The vis iting aircraft may leave only with a similar escort. The presidential order require? that all cameras carried by any planes entering the Canal Zone area shall be sealed before the take-ofl for the zone and remain sealed while in the military reservation. Rules similar to those for alien planes apply to aircraft operated by and transporting United State' citizens, except that an official escort is not required for them. They are required, however, to follow pre scribed routes to and from desig nated landing places. Penalty Provided. The order bans any planes from flying over the airspace reservation without landing in compliance with the prescribed regulations. A pen alty of up to a year's imprisonment is provided for any violations. The President put the canal under military rule last week, when the War Department ordered troop re inforcements for the garrison. Maj Gen. David L. Stone. Army com mander, was given full authority and already has put guards on ai ships making the transit and in creased safety measures at such vul nerable points as locks. ANY WATCH Cleaned and All Work Overhauled Guaranteed Watch Cryttale, 35c WADE'S CREDIT «iir. lath st. n.w JEWELERS -j i j TRICO Radiator Coven complete the beauty of weH-fur nlshed and decorated rooms, pre vent radiator smudge and provide proper humidity. Reasonable pricee —convenient terms. Estimates Without Obligatien. FREDERIC B. BLACKBURN 8627 Georgia Ave. N.W» Phene GEorgia S62f I1-H] i ^-ilO \b>' EI.ECT from ynur> _ _ an indul • • • (tent menn your favorite food combi nations prepared by the famous WHiard chef . . . AT POPULAR PRICES Drop In at the conveniently located air-conditioned IwtiLlARD COFFEE a\ l4TH 4 pcNN / JrW/J AVI- intranci I M ; I YOU'RE NOT ENTIRELY HAPPY With your party-line Telephone order an INDIVIDUAL LINE Today! . It is exclusively yours. It is never busy unless you are using it. No service charge to change. Just call our office. Call Metropolitan 9900 THE CHESAPEAKE AND POTOMAC TELEPHONE COMPANY 723 13th ST. N.W. (BeR System) t h >r ALL 4 STORES OPEN TONIGHT. FRIDAY & SATURDAY UNTIL 9:30 P.M. ANNIVERSARY Bis 62 Cubic Foot SURPRISE VALUE! ® OLDSPOT I Beautiful Kenmore De Luxe ELECTRIC in iaiiph ALL WHIT With Motor Driven Pump for Easy Emptying • Insulated Tub • Safety Bar-type Pressure Release • Automatic Reversible Drainboard • Aluminum Finished Wringer | • Wringer Swings Into 8 Positions \ • Rubber Mounted 14-H.P. Motor ; |l Large 25-gallon white porcelain enam I eled, rubber-mounted tub that washes H 8 pounds of clothes at a time . . . thor i oughly, because of a new Multi-Vane I Agitator. Silent, safety sealed mech P anism. Motor never needs oiling. jp| Wflshcr*—Basement Electric Refrigerator With HANDI-BIN as I '125' • All-Steel Construction • Porcelain Enamel Lined • 3 Inches Coldex Insulation • 5-year Protection Plan • 105 Ice Cubes; over 8 pounds of ice I No woman who sees the dazzling beauty of this new 1939 Coldspot can help feeling an irresistible urge to have it in her kitchen. The new style note is unmistakable. The unit is super-powered yet so thrifty that in ordinary use it runs but a frac tion of the time. Foodex with one porcelain enameled vegedrator, one wire vegetable basket. Coldsvoti—Basement COMBINATION OFFER! Kenmore De Luxe Automatic ! VACUUM CLEANER and Kenmore Jr. De Luxe | HAND Y VACUUM CLEANER Regular Price for Both $63.90 • Extra Large Bag ■IflllH 1! I* Powerful Air-Cooled Motor n||j||||l • Convenient Electric Light nlll|| H * Both Fully Guaranteed $13.95 off the regular price of these two fine vacuum cleaners. No other combination offers you so much qual ity for so little money. Automatically | adjusts itself to any rug thickness. | Hand-y model used for upholstery, | stair carpets, etc. | x: £ I Acid Resisting Porcelain Enameled | SINK AND CABINET With Right or Left Drainboard—$36.50 Value! 1 Installation Ar ranged! All Work Guaranteed and Financed by Sears! • 42-inch Acid-resisting Sink • Swing Spout Faucet, black handles • Paneled Drainboard, anti-surge rim • Undersink Cabinet, 1 drawer, 2 compart- I ments Sink has convenient 3V2-inch ledge, which may be | used for various kitchen needs. Built-in soap dish. I The sturdy furniture steel cabinet provides ample | storage space for pots, pans, etc. Complete with trap | to wall. I Compare With Any Other $90 Radio! Silvertone CONSOLE RADIO I Adaptable for Use With Television! ! • Dual Purpose Tube for 12 Tube Performance. • 1940 Superheterodyne Circuit, World Wit7' Reception. • Giant Rubber Floating Chassis. • Powerful 12-inch Dynamic Speaker. Has 9 “Instamatic” push buttons, 4-variation tone control and television-phono jack and push button, Five tuning bands, including 2 spread bands. American broadcast range 550 to 1,700 K. C.; short wave, 6 to 18 M. C.; police and aeroplane, 1.7 to 5 M. C.; foreign spread bands, 9.4 to 9.8 and 11 to 12 M. C. Radios—Basement. mmmm m s mm mm mmm i m m msm White Porcelain Enameled Prosperity GAS RANGE f Also Available for Essotane, Protane, Philgas and Pyrofax Beautiful Kenmore DE LUXE ELECTRIC IRONER Makes the Hardest Household Job Easy! • 26-in. Roll with open end »• Chromium Plated Shoe ||f • Finger or Knee Control ||| • Control for Pressing In addition to the above |f| features Kenmore is p| equipped with separate || switches for motor and m heat element. Heat indi- Wt cator light. Hinged utility « table top cover. Rubber 11 mounted motor. Ironert—Basement. S W0 W0 ★ | 55 | • Big, 20-Inch, Fully -Insulated Oven • Slide-out Smokeless Broiler • Automatic Flash Lighter • Robertshaw Oven Heat 3| Regulator Glistening white porcelain enamel with Polymeron base. Super-speed, gas saving burn ers. Cuts cooking time in the |j| kitchen and cooking costs. Stoves—Basement. | i ^ m ifii ^ 111 r.i u \ ■ 4;.ui i 3132 m st. n.w. iUM E^0| 7il ,i 113 tl! I n .■i|, 11 ■ H f phone Michigan 0202 AMPLE ^T* M ■ jilr I* J ™ * A A 1 alii A ^^^HHMBHIMHBIMIil^B(mm,a '■™"^"“,^^“,,,“,“*,,“™ FREE I BBMI^B»lll[nillliUi]»B PHONE RAndoiph 1122 PARKiHfi A —~ '1_BBMMRMB I 1 Jll I lif 6847 Wisconsin ave. ^BHfffWWTTfR^WMffWi1|WEWUWTWTWff||TTyt|«?ft|M ‘J i 111 phone wiicomin 4044 /• !' 4 <