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Diocesan Editors Discuss Distribution Of Church's Word Ackerman, Dean of Columbia Journalist School, Speaks Effective ways in which to use modern communication facilities for the vital message of the Christian church were discussed this week at the second annual conference for editors of diocesan publications of the Protestant Episcopal Church, held in the College of Preachers building on Mount Saint Alban. In formal sessions lasting three days were led by Dr. Carl W. Ackerman, dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at Columbia University and member of the Council of Wash ington Cathedral; Joseph E. Boyle, director of publicity for the National Council of the Episcopal Church and editor of "The Spirit of Mis sions." and the Rev. Howard Harper of Waycross, Ga.. chairman of the Association of Church Publications, which was organized at the College of Preachers last December. The importance of diocesan publi cations in helping distribute re ligion to the people was stressed by Dean Ackerman. "The greatest problems in religion, as in industry, are in the field of distribution,” he said. “The church in the world of tomorrow, in my opinion, must be a distributor- of religion—not just a j place where people go to attend j services." Co-operation Asked. .. _ . ... ivn . J3U.Y1C ui^ru iiir wu^cinuuu of the conference members in bring ing Christian missions down to the j concrete from the abstract. Mr. Harper concluded the confer ence with a discussion of program building which will enlist the co operation of all the diocesan leaders from the bishop to the heads of the various organizations. The editors made a pilgrimage through the Cathedral, during which they met Paul Callaw-ay, the new choir director, who played on the great organ with comment to explain its unique features and tonal effects. Members at Conference. The members of the conference Included the Rev. Theodore F. Devlin of Union. S. C., editor of “Pied mont Churchman." diocese of Upper South Carolina: William O. French, business manager of "The Harris burg Churchman." diocese of Harris burg: the Rev. J. Lewis Gibbs. D. D . Staunton. Va.. managing editor and business manager of “Southwestern I Episcopalian." diocese of Southwest 1 Virginia; the Rev. George R. Mad son. Paris. Ky.. business manager of "Diocesan News." diocese of Lexing ton: J. J. Saunders of Louisville. Ky., editor and business manager of “The Bishop's Letter," diocese of Ken tucky; the Rev. Albert C. Muller, West Point. Va.. representing "Vir ginia Churchman,” published for diocese of Virginia: the Rev. John M. Nelson. Indianapolis. Ind.. repre senting "Indianapolis Churchman.” diocese of Indianapolis; the Rev. J. Harding Hughes. Concord. N. C., representing “The North Carolina Churchman." diocese of North Caro lina; the Rev. John G. Shirley, Elkins. W. Va., representing "Church News." diocese of West Virginia; the Venerable R. G. Gribbon, Trenton, editor and business manager of "The Diocese of New Jersey": Robert V. Ackerman, editor of "St. Andrew's Cross,” national magazine of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew: Edwin N. Lewis, editor of "The Cathedral Age,” and the Rev. Clyde Brown, editor of “Washington Diocese." _ I Columbia College To Open Sunday Formal opening of the Columbia College of Christian Education. 1708 Massachusetts avenue N.W.,! will be observed next Sunday at 4 p.m. The Rev. M. Chandler Stith. pas- 1 tor of the Brookland Baptist Church, who has accepted the chair of evangelism and history of mis sions, will speak on “Youth and the I Need of Training for Christian Service.’’ The Rev. Thomas Law Coyle, pas tor of Sherwood Presbyteriarj Church, who will teach church hi.i» torv and Christian evidences, will speak on "Youth and Christian Ed- ; ucation.” The program of music will be Bi sected by Carl L. Bemies, who is director of the Columbia School of Sacred Music of the college. Three courses are offered to stu dents; The general Bible and mis sionary training course, leading to diploma; the bachelor of theology course, leading to the degree Th. B„ j and the special course for every one who wishes to attend classes with out doing the usual work of stu dents. 'Remedy for Worry' Christ Lutheran Topic The Rev. J. Frederic Wenchel, j pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, will speak Sunday morning on "Christ’s Remedy for Worry.” There Will be holy communion. Next Sunday has been set apart as synodical Sunday. Enno Knoll man will report on the convention of the southeastern district of the Synod of Missouri in Conover, N. C., Which he attended as delegate. Next Sunday evening the Walther League will have its opening fall meeting, under the leadership of Paul Wachholz. The catechetical in struction of young people from the Sunday school will begin Thursday afternoon. September 28, in the social room. Catherine and Adam W’enchel. daughter and son of Mr. Wenchel, will speak Sunday night, September 24, at the Sunday school auditorium on their three-month bicycle trip in England and Central Europe. _Unitarian li1-- 1 1 ■ ... 5fi55.I ALL SOULS’ CHURCH Sixteenth and Harvard Street* Minister ULYSSES G. B. PIERCE, D. D. —unurcn scnooi. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship, “THE SUNLIT PATH.” Musical Ministry: Mm. Henry T. Farrett. soprano. Mrs. Kathryn S English, alto. George Irving Chandler, tenor Charles Trowbridge Tittmann, baas. Lewis C. Atwater, organ. ■ 1 ■————ere——— n ■ - Schedule of Activities in Washington Churches Baptist Wisconsin Avenue. “The Ministry of Angeles" will be the theme at 11 by the pastor, Clar ence Ray Ferguson. “The Gates o1 Hades” is the sermon topic at 8 Church prayer service Thursdaj evening at 8. Bethany. “Bargaining With God" and “The Most Common Failure in Life" are the pastor's subjects for tomorrow morning and evening. The junioi church will meet tomorrow morn ing. The young people's societies meel at 6:45. The officers and teacher! of the junior and intermediate de partment of the church school wil meet Monday evening for dinnei and business session. Midweek de votional service Thursday evening The Stewardship Commission oi Bethany B. Y. P. U. No. 1 will pre sent a program entitled "The Shielc of Faith.” The primary B. Y. P. U will have its first program of the fall season. Petworth. "Foreknowledge of Prophecy” wil be the subject of the morning serv ice at the Petworth Baptist Church by the Rev. H. J. Smith, pastor "Likable Humanity” will be the eve ning subject. The midweek prayei service, Thursday night at 8. Senioi B. Y. P. U. meets at 7 p.m. The Bible school meets 9:45 a.m. Takoma Park. Dr. Rufus W. Weaver, executive secretary of the District of Columbia Baptist Convention, conducting a special service tomorrow morning in honor of the Baptist leader, Luther Rice, will speak on the topic, “The Man Who United Northern and Southern Baptists.” The Rev. Wil liam E. La Rue will fill Dr. Weaver's engagement at the morning service at the Fifth Baptist Church. The Women's Missionary Society will meet Thursday. East Washington Heights. "A Plea for Peace” will be the theme of the pastor at the 11 o'clock service. Pictures. "Baptists Are Go ing Forward.” will be shown at 8 pm Redeemer (Italian). Sermon in Italian by the Rev, M. C. Marseglia, 10:45 am.: subject, "Man. Host to the Most High.” The Young People's Union will resume at 6:30 p.m.. with group No. 1 pre senting the lesson. Mount Bethel. Dr. K. W. Roy will preach at 11 am. on "At Our Wits' End.” At 8 p.m. the pastor will preach on "The Still. Small Voice.” Tuesday night, prayer meeting; Thursday night, young people's meeting at 8:30. Mount Carmel. Fall revival begins Sunday. Rev, J. W. Tate of Decatur. Ga.. will fill the pulpit for 10 days. At 11 am. his subject is "Preparing for a Revival." At 3:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. he will speak to Christian workers. Communion service at the afternoon service. Rehoboth. The senior choir will furnish the music for both the morning and evening worship. In the evening the pastor. Rev. A. H. S. Johnson will announce subjects for a series of sermons. Capitol View (Colored). Rev. M. A. Hunter, evangelist, will preach at 11 am. and again at 8 p.m Christian Endeavor at 6 p.m. Re vival will begin tomorrow and run through October 1. Second (Colored). The pastor. Dr. J. L. S Holloman will preach at 11 am. on "The Chris tian Church, the Greatest of Moth ers.” The Deaconess Board of the church will conduct a special pew rally service at 4 p.m. The Rev, C. T. Murray, pastor of Vermont Avenue Baptist Church, will preach at the evening service. Pilgrim (Colored). “Lively stones in the Building" will be the subject of the Rev. John S. Miller tomorrow at 11 a.m. The Lord's supper will be celebrated and new members received at 3 p.m. The Willing Workers’ Club will meet Monday at 8 p.m. Prayer serv ice Tuesday at 8 p.m. Trinidad (Colored). The Rev. Spencer D. Franklin, pastor, will preach at 11:30 on “The Chief Interest of Man.” At 3:30 he will preach at Sims Memorial, First and M streets S.E. At 8, services again at Trinidad. — Friendship (Colored). Rev. J. A. Hayes of Birmingham. Ala., will preach at 11 a.m. Holy communion at 3 p.m. Young Men s Jubilee Chorus at 8 p.m. Florida Avenue (Colored). At 11 a.m. sermon by the pastor, Rev. Robert L. Rollins. Subject, "Christian's Conquest.” At 3 p.m., communion. At 8 p.m., a religious drama, "The Upper Garden.” Good Will (Colored). Rev. Thomas C. Garnett, the blind preacher, will speak in the morning on "Running Away From Duty.’ In the evening the pastor, Dr. James L. Pinn, will speak on "Having a Mind to Work.” Vermont Avenue (Colored). At 11 a.m. the pastor, Rev. C. T Murray, will preach on “Lot Breaks With Abraham.” At 11:20 a.m. reg ular services will be held in the junior department, Rev. S. W. Wil liams, director. At 8 p.m. the pastor will speak on “A Message From the Wagon Wheel.” On Thursday at 8:30 p.m. the social service depart ment will present Robert Smith, director of the senior choir, in a recital, assisted by the Gospel Chor us of the Salem Baptist Church, a quartet and the senoir choir of the church. Third Baptist (Colored). Dr. George O. Bullock will preach both morning and night. Holy communion and receiving new mem bers will follow the morning serv ices. Prayer meeting. 6:30 to 8 a.m.; Tuesday, 8 to 10 p.m., and Thurs day, 8 to 9 p.m., for the young people. Christian Third. C. N. Williams, minister; 9:45 a.m., Bible school: 11 a.m., sermon and Lord's supper; subject, “Lord, Is It I?” Park View. “The Blessed Meek’’ will be the sermon subject by the Rev. J. Lloyd Black at 11 a.m., and at 8 p.m., “The Will of God.” Fifteenth Street. Home-coming day will feature I special progftms at all services. Bible school at 9:40 a.m.; morning worship at 11 a.m., sermon by the Rev. Leslie L. Bowers on “In Co operation With God.” At 8 p.m. the minister will be assisted by the elders. The message, “The Face of a Christian.” At 6:45 p.m. the three youth groups will resume regular : meetings. Congregational Cleveland Park. Services for the year 1939-40 will be resumed at 11 a.m. The Rev. Paul Yinger of New York will preach. The Sunday school will be organ ized September 24 at 9:45 a.m. A ; young people's rally is being ar ranged for Saturday evening, Sep tember 30. Plymouth (Colored). The Rev. Arthur D. Gray will preach on "In the Day of Trouble.” AI7 p m., the children's picture hour. The minister will lead the midweek service Thursday at 8 p.m. People's (Colored). The minister, the Rev. A. F. Elmes, will preach from the theme. "The Will to Be Christian,” in the morn ing. The Department of Religious Education will hold a conference at 6 p.m. Thursday night is church night. Lincoln (Colored). Dr. R. W. Brooks will speak to morrow morning on "Only Superla j tive Righteousness Counts.” The Men's Brotherhood meets at 10 a.m. The midweek prayer and praise 1 service will be Thursday. 8 p.m. Thursday evening the church cab inet meets. Episcopal All Saints. Rev Henry Teller Cocke, rector of All Saints' Episcopal Church. Chevy Chase Circle, has chosen "Looking Up” as his subject for his morning sermon. Holy com munion at the early service at 7:30 o'clock. The Woman's Auxiliary will meet at 10:30 Tuesday morning. The Sunday school will have its opening exercises Sunday morning'’ at 9:30. Church of Our Saviour. Holy communion. 7:30 a.m.: morn ing prayer and sermon by the rec tor, Rev. Alvin Lamar Wills, at 11 a.m : subject, "Character Educa tion.” Fall session of the church school will open September 24 at 9:30 a.m. Transfiguration. Services at 7:30 and 11 a m., Rev. I John J. Queally, rector, officiating and preaching The text at 11 will be. "He Who Saves His Life Shall Lose It.” 1 Sunday school will reopen Sep j tember 24. On Monday. Septem ber 25, the men's social will be held in the hall. Lutheran St. Stephen’s Evangelical. Sunday school at 9:45 a m. Church 1 service at 11, with sermon by the j Rev. Sam H. Kornmann. on "Hin drances to Salvation." Luther League meetings will be resumed beginning with the 7 p.m. service. Incarnation. At 11 a m. the pastor, Rev. Henry Manken, jr„ will preach on "Sowing ! and Reaping.” The Incarnation Bi ble School meets at 9:30 am. Rally and promotion day will be observed September 24. Luther League day will be observed September 24, with a senior candlelight installation service at 7:15 p.m., under direc tion of the recently elected offi cers, E. Hoover Duff, president. On Thursday, September 21, at 8 p.m, the Women's Guild, Mrs. Charles Williams, will hold its first fall meet ing in the parish hall. Mount Olivet. (In the Phyllis Wheatley Y. W. C. A.l "Christ’s Lesson on Hospitality” is the subject of Rev. Mr. W. Schie bel at 11 o'clock service. Tuesday evening the men of the Voter s As sembly meet at 705 Thirteenth street N-E. Wednesday the Sunday School will hold its annual picnic in Rock Creek Park. The children’s Relig ious Instruction C,-.^ for children 12 years old and over will begin Sep tember 25. Keller Memorial. J. Harold Mumper, pastor. Sun day church school, 9:30 a.m. Morn ing worship at 11 a.m.; sermon, “Spirit-Possession”; young people’s societies at 6:30 p.m.; evening wor ship at 7:45 p.m.; sermon, '‘Other People’s Faults.” Zion. “The Secret of His Presence” will be the subject of Edwacd G. Goetz, the pastor. The Intermediate Luther League will begin Its fall program at its meeting at 6 o’clock. The Young Women's Missionary Society will meet Friday at 8 p.m. at the home of Miss Margaret McDonald, 5021 Fourth street N.W. Promo tion Sunday and rally day will be observed at the Sunday school serv ice SeDtember 24. . Methodist McKendree. Morning worship at 11 o'clock in the Masonic Hall at Rhode Island and Mills avenues N.E. Sermon by the minister. Rev. Samuel E. Rose, on "Coat and Cloak.” Evening wor ship af, 8 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Rose will speak on "Wasted Grace.” Young People's League meets at 7 p.m. Chevy Chase. Rev. Edward Gardiner Latch will speak on the subject, “When a Man Reads the Bible,” at 11 o'clock service. The Senior Young People will meet at 6:45 and Young Adults at 7 o'clock. All departments of the church school will meet at 9:30. Emory. The minister. Horace E. Cromer, will preach at both services to morrow. At 11 a.m., his subject, "My Peace I Leave.” At 8 p.m. Dr. Cromer will preach on "A Message for the Needy.” The three league groups will meet at 7 p.m. The Workers’ Council will meet Mon day evening. The Emory Players will meet on Tuesday evening. The Young People's Council will meet Tuesday evening. The minister will conduct the midweek service on Thursday at 8 p.m. The Young Wes leyans will have a business meeting on Tuesday at 8 p.m. Eldbrooke. "Wholesome Praise” will be the subject at the morning worship by Dr. Walter M. Michael. A moving picture. "The Payoff.” wnll be pre sented in (the social hall at 8 p.m The Church School Board will meet Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Gorsuch. The Rev. Richard T Scholl will preach on the subject. "Divine Power for Disciples," at 11 o'clock. At 8 o'clock there will be a song service and sermon The church school convenes at 9:45. Waugh. At 11 a.m. the pastor. Rey. Clark son R. Banes, will preach On "Hal lowed Be Thy Name.” The subject at 8 p.m. will be "What Shall I Do?” Church school is at 9:30 a.m., the Intermediate League at 6 p.m. and the Epworth League at 6:45 p.m. The Woman's Guild, the Home and the Foreign Missionary Societies, will hold their fall meeting Wednes day at 12:30 p.m. Regular prayer meeting will be Thursday at 7:30 p.m. Metropolitan Memorial. The minister, the Rev. William Andrew Keese, will speak at 11 o'clock on "Our First Line of De fense.” Members of the class of 1943. the American University, and students of all colleges, are espe cially invited. — Congress Street. The Harrison Bible Class will celebrate Porter Sunday tomorrow. 9:45 a.m. Chief Stephen T. Porter, second vice president, will preside. Robert Porter will have charge of the lesson. Dr. Hirl A. Kester, pas tor, will give a short talk. Stephen O. Porter will be the guest speaker. Dr. Kester will preach at 11 a.m. on "Christ's Call to the Weary,” and at 8 p.m. on “Christ’s Bid for Men.” > Young People's Society meets at 7 p.m. Brnokland. The Rev. J. M. Gillum, minister, will preach at the Sunday evening service on “The Christian Witness.” The morning topic will be “The Au thority of Jesus.” The Woman's Guild will meet Tuesday at 10:30 and the Missionary Society at 11:30. Union. Dr. John R. Edwards, pastor, an nounces the following subjects for tomorrow: 11 a.m., "The Reach of the Soul; 8 p.m., “The Biography of Noah.” Epworth. The Rev. Dr. Clifton K. Ray. pastor of Epworth Methodist Church, will preach at 11 a.m. on “Things Beau tiful.” At 8 he will preach on “The Withered Hand.” Sunday school services will be held at 9:30. The Wesley Fellowship and the young people’s department meet at 7. Tomorrow Is ’’every member canvass” Sunday. The Woman’s Mis sionary Society will meet Monday. Regular midweek prayer meeting at 8 Thursday evening. Lincoln Road. The Rev. Dr. Reginald H. Stone will speak at 11 on “The Peril and Privilege of a Great Experience.” At 8 p.m. the sermon topic will be "Has God a Plan for Your Life?” St. Paul. The Rev. Charles F. Phillips will preach at 11 on “The Greater Loyal ties." At 8 p.m. his subject will be "Christian Optimism.” The young people’s division meets at 7:15 p.m. Ebenezer. Ebenezer Methodist Church will celebrate coal club day at morning service. Rev. F. F. King will preach a special sermon to the club. In the afternoon the Rev. W. H. Dean of Baltimore will be the guest speaker. A club program will be rendered at night. Jones Memorial (Colored). At 11 a m., sermon by Dr. Julius S. Carroll. Church school at 9:30 a m. The Woman’s Home Mission ary Society meets Wednesday night. Metropolitan A. M. E. The Trustee Volunteers will cele brate 20th anniversary, 11 a m. Rev. T. L. Scott of Baltimore, guest speaker; 8 p.m., Rev. A. N. White, guest speaker; subject, “Echoes From the Youth Conference Held in Am sterdam, Holland.” Galbraith A. M. E. Zion. Dr. James L. White will preach at 11 on "Giving Thanks Amid Our Trouble"; at 8 p.m., “The Art of Making Excuses.” V. C. E. Society at 6:15. Juniors and intermediates every Sunday from 5 to 6. John Wesley A. M. E. Rev. Stephen Gill Spottswood, minister, will return from vacation. At 11 a m. and 8 p.m.. Rev. Fred eric Fisher, evangelist of Evanston. 111., will be the guest preacher. The minister will administer holy com munion following the evenirig medi tation. St. Paul A. M. E. The Rev. J. M. Harrison. Jr., will preach on “True Friendship" in the morning. At 4 p.m. group 6 will conduct a bench rally and a sermon will be delivered on the theme, “Is There No Balm in Gilead?” At night the quarterly report of the Mileage Club will be presented. Miles Memorial C. M. E. The Rev. L. Q Brown will dis cuss at 11 a m., “No Retreat” and at, 8 p.m., “The Penalty of Hate." Epworth League meets at 6:30 p.m. Presbyterian Western. Dr. J. Harvey Dunham, pastor, will speak tomorrow morning on "Mend ing Our Religion.” River Road. Upper room prayer group at 9:30. Bible school, 9:45. At 11 the young people who attended the National Young People's Christian Union Convention held at State College, Pa., last month will give brief re ports. The pastor. Rev. Virgil M. Cosby, will speak on "I Press On.” Young people's societies will meet at 7:30. Metropolitan. At 11 the pastor. Dr. J. Lowrev Fendrich. jr.. will speak on “Mixing Brains With Religion.” At 7:45 p.m. Dr. Fendrich will speak on “Destiny in the White House." Sunday school convenes at 9:30 o'clock, and the Christian Endeavor groups at 6:30 p.m. Prayer service Thursday eve ning at 7:30 o’clock. Tuesday eve ning from 6:30 to 9 p.m. a lawn social will be held on the church lawn. Eckington. Morning worship at 11. The eve ning service will be resuced at 8. with the pastor. Rev. Henry B. Wooding, preaching. The young people will meet Sunday, 7 p.m. Gunton Temple. Dr. Bernard Braskamp. pastor, will preach at 11 on “The Adequacy of Christ.” Sherwood. The minister, the Rev. Thomas Law Coyle, will preach at 8:50 a.m. and 11 a.m. on the subject. "Light ning War.” The Junior C. E. meets at 2:30 p.m. Wallace Memorial. The Lord’s supper will be ob _ i served tomorrow at 11. Dr. C. E. Hawthorne will preach on “Com plete in Him.” At 8 o’clock the minister will preach on “How to Be Saved.” The Bible School Board meets Wednesday evening. Knox. The Rev. Henry D. Phillips will preach at 11 a.m. on "Christianity, the Supernatural Religion, Has the Supernatural Revelation”; at 8 p.m., “Saved Prom Lusts by Love.” Northminster. At 11 the pastor, Walter E. Price, will speak on “The Religion of Jesus.” Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Christian Endeavor at 7 p.m. Westminster Memorial. The Rev. Harry V. Porter, at the morning service, will preach on “Sin, First and Last.” At 7 p.m. the Sen ior Young People's Society elect of ficers. Other Services Christian Science. “Matter” Is the subject of the lesson-sermon in all the Churches of Christ, Scientist, tomorrow at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday school is at 11 a.m. Services include Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock. The golden text is from Psalms 73:26. “My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.” Among the citations which com prise the lesson-sermon is the fol lowing from the Bible: “God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:24.) All Souls' Unitarian. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, minister, will preach at 11 on "The Sunlit Path.” The church auditorium has been re decorated during the summer. All Souls’ church school, including the adult classes in comparative re ligion and current events, will re assemble at 9:45. Judge C. S. Lob ingier will speak before the com parative religion class on “Religion at the World's Fair.” First Brethren. Rev. R. Paul Miller, evangelist and secretary of the Home Missions Council of the Brethren Church, will preach at 11. Every night for the next two weeks Evangelist Miller will speak in an evangelistic tent meeting in Arlington. Va. The pas tor, Rev. Homer A. Kent, will preach at 8 on “Midnight in the Prison at Philippi.” The midweek service will be Wednesday at 8. Church of the Brethren. Dr. Warren D. Bowman will preach at both services. At 11 a.m. on "Christ or Barabbas?” At 8 on "Keep Your Mind on God.” The B. Y. P. D. meets at 6:50. Prayer services Thursday evening at 8. Divine Science. The Rev. G. L. Patch will speak on “Your Gift" tomorrow at 11 am., Grafton Hotel. Bethel Tabernacle. Evangelists William and Virginia Gunderson of Lakewood. N. J.. come to Bethel for evangelistic services. The Rev. Gunderson will speak at 11 am. and 7:45 p.m. Meetings con tinue each night at 7:45 pm. except Saturday. Thursday, 1 to 4 p.m., fasting and prayer. Open Door. Sunday morning the pastor will begin a series of messages based on the prophecies of the Book of Daniel. Sunday night the first of seven "signs” in the Gospel by John. The young people have service at 7. Thursday night the pastor will be in charge. Potomac Heights. “God's Challenge to Hitler—Will He Heed It?” will be the subject of the Rev. O. J. Randall tomorrow at 11. The church council meets Tues day evening. Memorial U. B. Dr. Simpson B. Daugherty will preach at 8:30 and 11 am. on “Are We Angry?" The planning group for youth activities will meet in the east room of the chapel at 7 p.m. Awards for perfect records at 9:40 a m. Church School Board meeting Monday at 8 p.m., women's group on Thursday at 8 p.m. The quar terly conference in session last Thursday voted unanimously for the return of the present pastor. Healing Mission. “The Camp Farthest Out at Koro nis Lake, Minn.,” will be described by Miss Henrietta J. Schlerf at the Prayer Circle of the St. Stephen’s Healing Mission Tuesday at 10:30, in the parish hall of the Church of St. Stephen and the Incarnation, Center street entrance. Self-Realization. Brahmachari Jotin of Calcutta, India, will speak at the regular morning service of the Self-Realiza tion Fellowship on the subject, “The Prophet of Iran.” The public class in philosophy and yoga will be held Wednesday at 8 p.m. Theosophlcal Society. Astrology class, conducted by George Heilman, at 1216 H street N.W., every Saturday, 8 p.m. Mem bers’ meetings resumed on Wednes day. Sunday evening lectures be gin October 1. Calvary Gospel. Dr. Jonas E. Miller will speak on “Jesus and the Holy Spirit" at 11 a m. The gospel hour will be heard at 1 p.m. over WFMD. Young peo ple meet at 6:30 p.m. Evening evan gelistic service at 7:45, when Dr. Miller will speak on "Worldliness and Other Worldliness.” Midweek serv ices Wednesday and Friday at 7:45, with prayer and fasting from 2 p.m. on Wednesday. Rev. William C. White Is Back From Vacation / The Rev. William Curtis White has returned from vacation and will preach at St. John's Church, Sixteenth and H streets, Sunday morning at 11. The summer session of the church school will meet in the parish hall at 9:30 am. Holy communion will be cele brated at 8 am., when St. John's Chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will hold its corporate communion. Services for the week are as fol lows: Wednesday ■ Ember Day), 7:30 a m., holy communion; Thurs day iSt. Matthew), 12 noon, holy communion. (Eotujrrgatumal Dr. Blackwelder Will Preach on 'Lark Over the Battlefield' Sunday School of Reformation Lutheran To Mark Rally Day “The Lark Over the Battlefield" Is the sermon subject selected by Dr. Oscar F. Blackwelder for to morrow at 8 p.m. at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation. At the morning service Dr. Black welder will speak on the subject, “A Man and His Watchtower.” The Rev. Ralph W. Loew. assistant pas tor, will preach at the 8:30 o'clock matin service on the subject, “The Dangers of Victory.” The Sunday school will observe rally day at 9:45 am. At 6:45 p.m. the Senior Luther League has the topic, “Education— for What?” Miss Josephine Mc Call is in charge of the devotional program at the Young People's League. Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. the Ladies’ Aid Society will sponsor a luncheon at the Fairfax Apart ments. Thursday at 6 p.m. the organiza tion dinner of the Business and Pro fessional Women’s Group will be held at the church. Saturday at 3:30 p.m. the retreat for young people is to be held at the Kensington cabin. (Ctyriatian CHRISTIAN #ark $ipin 627 Park Road N.W. ' J f.LOYD BLACK. Minister. 11:09 a.m.—"The Blessed Meek." 8:00 p.m —"The Will of God. ” Nintlj &trrft 9th A D Sts. N.E. CLIFFORD H. JOPE. Minister WM. GEO. ORAM. Assistant 9:30 a.m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon, “The Church in This Crisis.” Robert M. Hopkins. 7:45 p.m.—Sermon and Moving Picture. “The Unwel 1 come Guest.” Clifford H. Jope. (Ell* National (Eitg Thomas Circle. RAPHAEL H. MILLER, IVAN H. DUGAN. Minister* 9:45 a m.—Bible School. 10 50 a.m.—Morning 8erviee, "Ready! For What?” Dr Miller. 6:30 p m.—Young People's Meeting. i SfatUmal ^pirttualifil Aggartalintt The Firit Spiritualist Church S'"'*** *» ‘he P»vchic Center. 131 C Street N.E., Sunday, 8 P.M. Lecture by the Pastor REV. ALFRED H. TERRY 8ub.lect: "THE SECOND BIRTH" Followed bv Healing Service Followed by Spirit Messages. Message Seance. Thursday, R PM Consultations. Lincoln 1572. • ffifrrtatian &ptritualjgt Christian Spiritualist Church Grafton Hotel. No. Parlor. Every Sunday, 8 F.M. LECTURES AND MESSAGES. Wed.. 8 p.m.. 1451 N St. N.W. REV. 0. PENTER, Teoeher. Du. 3636. | ! Imm——1^——J spiritual 8>rignrg Church of Spiritual Science i Dr. Z. A. Wrifht, I Pastor. I ► 1329 N ST. N.W. SUNDAY SERVICE—7:30 p.m.. Address | By DR. GEO. D. KLINEFELTER, j Midweek Service Thur., 8 P.M. Messages to all by clergy, Rev. M. Mc Farland. Dr. A. Frederick. Dr. Z. A. Wright. Rev. J. Gray. Visiting Medium* Dr. Geo. D. Klinefelter and others. Seances. 450 N. J. Ave. S.E., Mon.. Wed.. Frl. at 8 p.m Line. 10027. • t S>jjtritualt0t J. K. Simmons. 1341 Newton St. N.W Message Meetings every Thurs., 8 P.M. Readings by Appt, Col. 4342_ 1st Survivalist Church Twelfth and L N.W. Sunrise Service Sunday Reading Room Open Daily for Prayer and Meditation Message Meeting. Friday. 2 p.m. Deaconess De Long, in charge at Psychic Message Council House 1100 Twelfth Street Northwest Authorized and licensed practitionen available for individual development, ! prayer healing. private readings or spirit message seance at Council House. Advance Appointment Advisable _Telephone Metropolitan 5234._ LONGLEY MEMORIAL 3423 Holmead Place N.W. Between 13th and ]4th at Newton St. Sunday, Sept. 17, at 8 P.M. Lecture by Rev. I). J. Cave Messages by Mrs. Eggers. Message Service Wednesday at S p.m. * MRS. ELISABETH MeDONALD—Message Service Thurs., 2:0ft p.m.. Apt. 8. 1116 G. Cor. ] 2th N.W. Met. 6368. Readings by appointment._*_ PAULINE EVANS. 1313 Harvard St. N.W. Spiritual advice daily. 2 to ft. Meeting Tues. and Thurs. evenings at 8 p.m. Adams 7636.___ Rev. Mr*. Carol E. McKinitry 1343 Gallatin St. N.W. at 6000 Block 14th St. Ordained by the Intern’l General Assembly of Spiritualists. “Blessed ore they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.'' Matt. 6.4. Message Meetings. Tues. and Frl. Eyes., 8 p.m. Public welcome. All reached. Georgia 6663.__ "THE TRUTH ABOUT SPIRITUALISM.” By RHEMVAL. Miss Mills Will Answer Personal Questions K P M _13B-A Rock Creek Church Road N.W. • MYSTIC CHURCH OF CHRIST Services Sunday and Wednesday at 8 p.m. Healing and Consultation daily 12 to 6 p.m. Healing each meeting T to 8 p.m. DR. r. L. DONCEEL. Teacher. 1343 R. I. Are. N.W. • ©IfrtHttatt &rtrnr? Christian Science CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Branches of The Mother Church, The Firit Church of Christ Scientist, Boston, Mass. First Church of Christ Scientist Columbia Rd. and Euclid St. Second Church of Christ Scientist 111 C St. N.E. Third Church of Christ Scientist 13th and L Sta. N.W. Fourth Church of Christ Scientist 16th and Oak Sts. N.W. SUBJECT: “MATTER” SERVICES— Sunday 11 A M and 8 P.M. Sunday School—11 A M. WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING— 8 o'clock RADIO PROGRAMS 8UNDAYS. P:30 AM STATION WJ8V SECOND AND FOURTH FRIDAYS. 12.30 P.M.. STATION WRC. READING ROOMS FIRST CHURCH—730 17th St. N.W Hours 9 to 9 (except WEDNESDAYS, 9 to 7, and Sun days and holidays, 2:30 to 5:30) SECOND CHURCH—111 C St. N.E. Hours. 12 to 5:30 p.m. week days. 2:30 to 5:30 Sun days and holidays. THIRD CHURCH-Colorado Bldg., 14th and G Sts. Hours, 9 to 9 (Wednesdays, 9 to 7:30 and Sundays and holidays, 2 to 6). FOURTH CHURCH—Riggs Bank Bldg., 3300 14th St., 9 to 9 week days; Wednesdays. 9:30 to 7; Sundays, 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Holidays. 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend out church tervicet and use our reading roome. First Church of Christ Scientist EAST FALLS CHURCH FA. At Little Falla Street Station Sunday Services and Sunday School. 11 AM Wednesday Services 8 PM. Readine Room at 3248 Wilton Bird. Arlincton Fa. CHRISTIANSCIENCESOCIETY Alexandria. Va Georxe Mason Hotel Sunday Service and Sunday School. II t.e. Wednesday Service. 8 p.m. Public Cordially Invited. Rosdln* Room. 110 S. Washlnrton ft. ft $?nt?rootal Aaombliro of (Soh f——i The Full Gospel rabernacle 915 Mats. Are. N.W. 11 o'clock—Morning Worship. Topic: "Docs God Hove a Peace Plon?" 7:30—Evangelistic. Topic: "When Sin Is Finished." Everybody Welcome B. I, MAHAN, Minister Preaching the Cross in Heart or Notion s lopitoi Bethel Tabernacle N. Capitol & K Sts. Bible School. B:30 o.m. rou want to naar The Gundersons of Lakewood, N. J. Evangmliitt Coming to Waihington Special Welcome to Tom People BRING THE SICK. HEALING SERVICE. THUR-, 7:40 P.M. HARRY V. SCHAEFFER, PASTOR 1911 H St. N.W. Take Penna. Ave. Cars to 10th St. N.W CALVARY GOSPEL CHURCH Sunday School _9:30 a.m. Worship_11:00 a.m. Young People_6:30 p.m. Organ recital _ 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic _ 7:45 p.m Prayer Service at_ 2:00 pm. Wednesday - 7:45 p.m Friday _7:45 p.m DR. JONAS E. MILLER. Minister. Everybody Welcome. I (Eljurrlf of (Sob CHURCH OF GOD 2407 Minnesota Avenue S.E. (Headquarters at Anderson. Indiana.) ORDER OF SUNDAY SERVICES: Church School—Classes for Every Age _10:00 a m. Morning Worship _11:00 a.m. Youth and Junior Crusaders. 7:00 p.m. Evening Evangelistic Service 8:00 om ESTHER M. BOYER. Pastor. 1125 12th St. N.W Phone RE 0300 (Emujrrijatimtal MOUNT PLEASANT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 1410 Columbia Road Fred Sherman Buschmeyer, Minister 11 no a M “THE CHRISTIAN AND THE COMMUNITY” • loth & G SU. N.W. FIRST CHURCH J"™e Vde,r Waller G. Borcher*, Jr. , 9:45 Sunday School begins. Jacob A. Duerksen, superintendent 11:00 a.m. 74th Anniversary Service, Mr. Anderson preaching “HOLDING THE WORLD TOGETHER!” Volunteer choir of past and present singers in First Church's choir will smg two old favorite anthems. Thursday, September 21, at 6 o'clock. Church Night dinner will feature historical reminiscences and music by an instrumental trio: Dr. C. G. Abbot, M. D. Lindsay and Loyal B. Aldrich. LLOYD C. DOUGLAS Author of "Magnificent Obsession," "Green Light,” etc., lectures in First Church four evenings, Oct. 3, 4, 5, and 6 at 8 o'clock on the theme, Adventures and Defenses.” Church Office, 10th and G N.W., has ticket information. 2£aptt«l IBaptifi! CENTENNIAL 7th and I Street* N.E. Wilson Holder, Pastor. 9:30—Bible School. 11:00 AM. “The Lsit Hope” 8:00 P M “The Hatred of God” Thnraday at 8:00 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study Meeting. Prayer for the Sick at Each Service. d| ■■■■ N.E. Comer of Chillum w 9:30 a m —8. 8. 7:15 p.m.—B. Y. P. U. 11:00 a.m. and 8:00 pm.—Worship Evangelists Here Next Month Will Play Cow Bells. Piano. Saw, Etc. CHEVY CHASE Western Art.. W. of Circle. Key. Edward O. Clark. Paster 9:45 a.m.—Church School 8ession. 11:00 a m.—College Youth Sunday: “True Wisdom.” 8:00 p.m.—“The World of Tomorrow ” Welcome! CIETU E Near 7th S.W. r ir i n Dr. J E. Briar*. 1). IV, Pastor. 11:00 a m.—Dr. Wm. E La Rue Preach ing. "The Care of the Son! • ” 7:45 p.m.—Dr Rufus W Weaver Preaching. "Lother Rice." 9:30 a.m.—8. 8 Rev. Lukens teaching the Bereas, Deacon Tune the Philatheas and Mr.' Bell the Baracas. 8:30 pm.—B. T. U. Program Thurs., 8 p.m—Prayer and Praise Service. A Message From the Faator Will Re Read. Hie Church That Cares! Come! KENDALL 9th Near Independence Are. S.W. Len Franklin Stevens, Minister. 11:00 am.—“Where Shall We Find Security?” 8:00 p.m.—“The Saviour Become* the Judge.” GRACE 9th and Roath Carolina Ara. RE. PASTOR, F. W. JOHNSON 9 30 a m—Bible School. Claaaee for All. ! 11:00 a.m.—"Restless Humanity.'* I 7:45 p.m.—'"Shut Dnnrs.” Maryland Avenue 14th and Md. Are. N.E. W. A. Emmans. Pastor He Preach l iZ^ _Chr'*i f C^mlna Again SECOND 17th and East Capitol Sti. Rot. H. M. B Jones. D.D. 9:30 a.m.—Bible School 11:00 am—"A Vital Relicion.” 8:00 p.m.—"A True Friend," i WEST WASHINGTON 31st and N Streets N.W. CHARLES B. AUSTIN Pastor. Worship. 11:00 a m. and 8:00 p.m ! 9:4ft a m—8. S. 7:00 p.m.—B. Y. P. U. METROPOLITAN Sixth and A Sta. N.E. John Compton Boll, D. D. Rev. Robert C. Savace. MORNING AT ELEVEN: "The One Sure Foundation” ! A Group of New Members to Be Received. Evening at Seven Forty-Pive: "Spiritual Inventory” Sermon by Assistant Pastor. Baptism Attend the Church That Glnwa. Goes and j Grows Continually. Newly Decorated Auditorium. Come Early and Hear the Organ Chimes IF LATE CALL A TAXI. DCTU/ADTII 7th & Randolph Sts. I L I fr UI\ III Rev. H. J. Smith. Pastor 11:00am—Sermon by Pastor. “FOREKNOWLEDGE OF PROPHECY.” 8:00 p m—Sermon and 8ontr 8ervice. “LIKABLE HUMANITY.” I 9:45 a m—S. S Classes for All. Yaden Bible Class for Men. Thursday—Prayer Service. nPHTI ¥ A MV I. I. ATe. and 2nd II. N.W. M. P. GERMAN, Minister. nr. I HAIM 1 ll:no am.—"Baraainina With God.” * * ****' * fl:00p.m.—"Thr Most Common Failure in Ufa.’ The Men's Bible Class Invites Too to Hear Horace L. Stevenson Give a Praetleal and Helpful Interpretation of the Lesson. I-—- — tfP afVifltnt 8th and H Sts. N.W. KUttlUcH^REV. W. S. ABERNETHY, Minister. Rev. F. E. Johnston, Jr., Assistant. 11 am.—“WORLD UPSETTERS.” 8 p.m.—“KNOWING WHAT IS BEST.” The Minister Preaching. 9:30—Sunday School; 8:45—B. Y. P. U. Rational baptist jHemortal 16tb St. and Columbia Road N.W. Gove G. Johnson, Pastor. A. Lincoln Smith, Assistant Pastor. 11 am—“UNTROUBLED IN TROUBLOUS TIMES.” (Dr. Johnson Preaching.) 8 pm—“THE BOOKS ARE OPENED” (Rev. A. L. Smith Preaching). 9:40 a.m.—Bible School. 7:00 p.m.—Training Unions. Thursday, at 8 p.m.—Mid-Week Prayer Service. CIDCT 16th and 0 Streets N.W. ■ ■ J • Edward Hughes Pruden, Pastor 11 a.m.—"Peace of Mind and Heart.” 8 p.m.—“Helpful Witnesses.” Sermons by Dr Pruden. • Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; B. Y. P. U. at 6:45 p.m. a ~