Insurance Partners
Dissolve Concern
After 18 Years
Payne and Lee Will
Operate Own Firms
In Future
Lewis A. Payne, for the past 18
years a partner of Ralph W. Lee &
Co., Insurance, today announced j
the dissolution of that company I
tnrougn mutual
consent with
Ralph W. Lee,
sr. At the same
time, Mr. Payne
announced the
formation of a :
new insurance
firm to be known
as Lewis A.
Payne & Co.,
with offices in
the Investment g
Building. T h e 1
firm of Ralph I
W. Lee A: Co. §
win conn nue
business without Lewis A. Payne,
any change in name.
in forming his new company, Mr.
Payne announced that a number of
his associates would accompany
him. These include David H. King,
Mrs. F. Evelyn Oliver. Miss Virginia
C. Busch, Miss Marie O'Connor,
Miss Dorothy Wickline and Mrs.
Mary M. McConnell.
Mr. Payne, born at Allen Fresh,
Charles County. Md„ came to
Washington at the age of 4 years.
Graduating from St. John's Col
lege in 1904, he took his first posi
tion with John F. Donohoe & Sons
in real estate. After 15 months, he
went to Tyler & Rutherford, Inc.,
and in 1906 joined Ralph W. Lee in
the insurance business. Later he
was taken in as a partner.
He is a graduate of Georgetown
University Law School, a member
of the University, Columbia Coun
try. National Press, and Cosmopoli
tan Clubs.
Baby Bonds in Lively Demand.
The Treasury Department reports
that $19 421.145 of savings bonds
was sold during the first 12 days of
September, compared with $14,206.
049 during the same period of last
Redemptions of these baby bonds
during the first 12 days of the month
amounted to $4,066,865, compared
with $2,632,264 during the corre
sponding period last year.
The Treasury pointed out the
redemptions early this month
amounted to 0.2 per cent of total
savings bonds outstanding on Au
gust 31. which is on a level with
redemptions during the same period
of last year as compared with bonds
Bank Slork Listings l rged.
W. W. Mackall, jr.. president of
the Washington Stock Exchange,
has received a letter from George
P. Rea. president of the New York
Curb Exchange, pointing out the
advantages of listing on the big
exchanges bank and insurance com
pany stocks. On both regional and
metropolitan exchanges there is a
maximum of protection under the
Securities Exchange Act, he says.
Mr. Rea has sent letters to 17
New York banks and 45 insurance
companies urging them to give the
listing question careful consider
ation. His efforts, of course, are to
increase the listings on the curb.
Many Washington bank stocks are
listed on the Washington exchange,
but none are at present listed in
New York.
Sharp Drop in Foreclosures.
July real estate foreclosures on
other than farm properties declined
5.9 per cent from June this year and
2.4 per cent from July last year,
officials of the Federal Home Loan
Bank Board said today.
Delaware, Pennsylvania and West
Virginia, comprising the district of
the Federal Home Loan Bank of
Pittsburgh, reported an 18.6 per cent
decrease from July, 1938, the largest
relative drop m number of foreclos
ures in the 12 Federal Home Loan
Bank districts. The W'inston-Salem
bank area, including the seven
Southeastern States and the Dis
trict of Columbia, followed with a
17.7 per cent reduction.
Increases were recorded in five
districts, the largest, 21.9 per cent,
being in the Chicago district of
Illinois and Wisconsin.
Banks Purchase Governments.
The first statistics of banking
conditions during the initial stages
of the war crisis have been released.
While a portion of the data, says
Fitch's Weekly Review, was infla
tionary in nature, there also was
evidence of support for the present
basic structure of easy money.
Most significant was the fact that
New York banks purchased $6,000.
000 of long-term Government secu
rities at the outbreak of the war, and
that banks in 100 other cities sold
the relatively small amount of $19 -
000.000. This indicates that the
liquidation movement did not find
its origin in the banking system, but
came from other sources to the
greater degree.
Apparently, banks have not
deemed it expedient to strengthen
their reserves at this time, the re
view concludes.
Heard in Financial District.
Washington Gas Light common
etock came to light on the Wash
ington exchange again yesterday
when three 10-share sales were re
corded at 27V The market closed
Wdth 27*4 bid and 28*i asked.
Carpel Corp. stock sold at 28 dur
ing the same session and a small
lot of Lanston Monotype moved at
46 v The exchange has recently
been slightly more active.
Holders have received word that
the General Tire & Rubber Co. has
declared the regular quarterly divi
dend of $1.50 per share on the pre
ferred stock, payable September 30.
Edward J. Noble, Undersecretary
of Commerce, will address the San
Francisco session of the American
Institute of Accountants next week.
Several other Government officials
ere also on the program.
Exchange Transactions
Resumed by Bolivia
Bs the Associated Press.
The Commerce Department has
received word from the American
Embassy at La Paz that Bolivia has
resumed foreign currency exchange
transactions on a limited basis, after
a temporary suspension following
outbreak of the European war.
The department also received word
from Managua that Nicaragua has
tightened up its existing system for
controlling foreign exchange for
payments of imports.
w am mm m m m ' — - «
By Private Wire Direct to The Star.
Prev. 19.19 Stock and Sales— Met
Hich Low Dividend Rate Add 00 Hith Low. Close, chae
1414 120 Abbott Lab pf 4.50. 20s 140 140 140 -24
504 314 Acme Steel (2)_ 2 49 484 484 -2
114 64 A(\ams Exp (.lOg)_. 7 104 104 104 — H
25 19 Adams-Millis ,75g.. 2 23 23 23
274 154 Addressog’pb 1.40.. 1 18 18 18—4
674 45V* Air Reduction!la.' . 11 644 64 644 -14
10 64 Alaska Juneau .<5g. 2 64 64 64
14 4 Allegnanv _ 32 14 14 14
144 54 Alleghanv $30 ww 28 144 134 14 — 4
134 44 Allegh’y $40 pf ww. 4 124 114 114— 4
124 44 Alleghanv pf xw .. 2 124 124 124 + 4
284 14 AIleg-Ludlum Steel 26 25 244 244 - 4
114 64 Allen Indust .25g... 1 84 84 84
2004 1514 Allied Chemical (6) 5 194 194 194 -3
164 94 Allied Mills (,75g). 1 134 134 134+4
114 6 Allied Stores . 1 94 94 94
71 544 Allied Stores nf (5) 1 62 62 62 + 4
484 28 AUis-Chalm .75g .. 6 45 44 44 -IV,
194 124 Alph Port Cmt ,75g 2 154 154 154 - 4
34 14 Amalg Leather_ 2 24 24 24 —4
744 50 Amerada (2) 2 71 69’•> 694 —14
244 16 Am AgCh Del (lg). 4 23 224 224 + 4
36V* 164 Am Airlines _ 6 314 314 314 - 4
174 94 Am Bank Note ,20g 7 15 144 15 -4
60 494 Am Bank N nf (3) 30s 504 50 50
544 314 Am Brake Shoe .75g 6 49 48 48 —1
1164 834 Am Can < 4) 4 1104 110 1104 -14
35 164 Am Car & Foundry. 22 33 314 324 —14
55 304 Am Car & Fdry pf.. 2 50 494 494 “IV*
244 134 Am Chain & C ,55g.. 10 234 23 23 -1
84 5 Am Colortype _ 3 64 6 6 —4
114 54 Am Corne l Alcohol. 7 10 84 94 -4
184 64 Am Crystal Sugar.. 2 15 144 15 +4
54 24 Am Encaustic Til.. 5 34 34 34 - 4
6 44 Am European Sec_ 2 64 64 64 + 4
34 2 Am & Foreign Fwr. 5 24 24 24 — 4
194 10 Am & Foi-n P $6 pf. 3 174 17 174 -4
244 124 Am & For'n P $7 pf. 5 224 22 224
94 5 Am & For’n P 2d pf. 3 84 84 84 + V*
33 12 Am Hawa’n SS (1). It 284 274 28 -14
8 24 Am Hide & Leather 22 74 7 74 -4
434 254 Am Hide & L nf (3) 1 404 404 404 -4
55 414 Am Home Prod 2.40 3 494 49 49 — Vi
34 14 Am Ice .. 1 24 24 24 + 4
9 34 Am International.. 11 74 74 74 — 4
204 13 Am Locomotive . 11 24 23 234 — 4
794 41 Am Locomotive pf. 1 70 70 70 +14
154 11 Am Mach & Fy .80.. 21 144 134 14 - 4
44 24 Am Mach & Metals. 1 34 34 34 — 4
404 254 Am Metal (,50g)... 9 264 254 26 + V*
7 34 Am Power & Light 59 54 5V* 54 + 4
45 28 Am P&L $5 pf 2.50k 15 384 374 384 +14
504 32 Am P&L $6 pf (3k). 4 444 434 444 +14
184 84 Am Radiator 68 114 11 114- 4
162 140 Am Radiator pf (7) IDs 145 145 145 -(3
224 114 Am Rolling Mills 34 214 20 4 204 - 4
80 50 Am Roll M pf 1.25k. 1 764 764 764 - 4
154 114 Am Safetv Raz 1.20 3 124 124 124 +4
20 9 Am Seating i.50e) . 3 12V* 12 124 — 4
464 254 Am Shlpbuild'g (2) 360s 414 404 41 -2
6,1 354 Am Smelt & R 1.60g 49 58 56 564 -2
41 204 Am Steel Foundry. 23 36 344 354 — 4
144 84 Am Stores (.26g>... 4 12 12 12
344 154 Am Sugar Refining- 3 274 274 274 — Vi
1704 148 Am Tel & Teleg (9) 12 163 1624 1624 + 4
874 71 Am Tobacco (6) ... 2 784 78 78 - 4
894 754 Am Tobacco (B)(5) 3 794 79 79 - V*
84 44 Am Type Founders 6 6 54 54 — 4
144 -84 Am Water Works.. 291 134 124 134 + 4
144 34 Am Woolen _ 65 144 134 144 - 4;
624 284 Am Woolen of_ 39 644 604 62 - 4
12 4 Am Zinc 51 94 84 9 — V< j
54:« 35 Anaconda Wire & C 1 494 494 494 + 4
274 134 Anchor Hoc G1 30g. 1 23 23 23 - 4
37 21 Areh-Dan-Mid .75g_ 1 35 35 35 —1
84 34 Armour (111) 64 64 64 64 - 4
60 334 Armour (ill) prof. 3 484 464 464 —24 !
68 314 Armstr’e Cork .75g. 13 364 354 364 — 4
13 74 Arnold Const 625g. 1 10 10 10 — 4
104 54 Artloom Corp __ 1 84 84 84 — 4
104 54 Assoc Dry Goods .. 12 8*4 84 84 - 4
424 21 Atch Top & S F 27 304 284 294 -14
71 60 Alch T&SF pf 3.50s 2 60 594 60
304 15 Atl Coast Line _ 19 224 21 214 — Is I
264 54 Atl Gulf & W Ind... 6 214 20 4 21 -14 I
.44 184 Atl Refining (1) .. 13 234 23 234 + 4
94 7 Atlas Corp (,25g) 5 84 84 84 — 4
71 50 Atlas Powder 1.50g. 1 66 66 66 —1
54 14 Auburn Auto (r)_ 1 34 34 34
34 2 Austin .Nichols_ 1 24 24 24 — 4
84 34 Aviation Com 91 64 6 64 — 4
194 94 Baldwin Loco ctfs . 59 174 174 174 — 4
84 34 Balto & Ohio _ 66 84 74 74 - 4
104 4 » Balto & Ohio pf 11 9 84 84 — 4
874 65 Bangor & Ar pf (5). 50s 694 694 694 — 4
214 10*» Barber Asphalt_ 6 144 144 144 — 4
194 114 Barnsdall (1) 18 164 164 164
254 154 Bavuk Cigar (.75).. 1 214 214 214
28 17 Beatrice Cre (la).. 1 244 244 244 + 4
94 74 Belding-Hem (.70). 1 84 84 84
314 164 Bendix Aviat'n ,50g 48 304 294 304 - 4
214 177* Beneficial L‘n 1.35g) 2 184 184 184 — 4
574 32 Best & Co (1 60a).. 1 38 * 384 38'*- 4
100 504 Beth Steel (.60g).._ 219 914 884 904 -2
184 154 Beth Stl 6% pf (1). 4 174 174 177*
274 157* Bigelow-Sanford 1 254 254 254 — 4
234 14 Black & Decker (1) 1 23 23 23 -4
174 84 Blaw-Knox 9 15 144 144 — 4
234 144 Bl’mlngdale ,5625g_ 20s 154 154 154 -14
34*4 164 Boeing Airplane .. 21 264 264 264 — 7*
28’* 16 Bon Alum & B .Tog. 3 26 25 25 -2
117 1004 Bon Ami (A) (4a) . 30s 102 102 102 +1
594 51 Bon Ami (B) 2.50a. 20s 574 574 574 — 4
22 124 Eond Stores (.80).. 1 17 17 17 - 4
22 164 Borden Co <.90g)... 31 22 214 22 +4
32 184 Borg-Warner ,75g_ 31 264 254 254 — 4!
44 1*2 Boston & Maine_ 3 34 34 34 — 4
74 54 Brewing Corp .60g.. 1 54 54 54
157* 74 Bridgeport Brass.. 11 144 14 144 — 4
314 164 Briggs Mfg (lg)._. 19 234 234 234 -4
53 414 Bristol-Myers 2.40. 3 454 454 454 + 4
144 74 Bklyn-Man Transit 14 12 114 12
484 27 Bklyn-Man Tran pf 7 42 414 414 — 4
134 54 Bklvn & (Jueens pf 1 11 11 11
304 134 Bklyn Un Gas .25g_ 53 264 244 254
194 94 Brunswick-B 1.25g. 9 174 164 17 - V,
134 7 Bucyrus-Erle_ 7 9*2 94 94 — 4
8 4 Budd Mfg _ 19 64 64 64- 4
554 294 Budd Mfg pf_ 180s 464 46 464 +4
54 3 Budd Wheel _ 6 44 44 44
34'4 214 Bulova Watch (2)_. 2 27 27 27 -4
194 ll'g Burltngt’n Mills (1) 5 19 184 19 -4
184 11 Burr's Add M .30g._ ]6 134 13 13 - 4
74 1 Bush Terminal_ 28 6 4 6 4 54 — 4
94 54 Butler Bros .lag.... 4 7** 74 74 — 4
234 184 Butler Bros pf 1.60. 2 204 204 204 -4
64 2*2 Butte Copper_ 7 54 54 54 — 4 ‘
134 7 Byers <AM)Cc 7 124 114 114- 4
74 2512 Byers AM pf 10.305k 20s 704 704 704 + 4
174 114 ByronJackson (1). 1 16 16 16+4
30 134 California Packing. 4 274 27 27 -4
34 4 Callahan Zinc _ 43 2 4 2 4 24
104 44 Calumet & Hecla 21 84 84 84 — 4
174 94 Campbell Wyant 5 144 134 134 — 4
204 12 Canada Dry (,50g).. 12 154 154 154 + 4
6V* 34 Canadian Pacific .. 24 5 44 44 — 4
33 134 Carpenter Stl .70g . 3 28 274 274 -14
4 24 Carriers&Gen .125g 1 34 34 34
94*2 63*2 Case (J 1) (6e)_ 3 84 84 84 -1
634 384 Caterpillar Trac(2) 13 594 574 574 -14
294 134 Celanese Corp- 60 274 254 264 — 4
1094 84 Celanese pr pf (7).. 10s 1084 1084 1084 + 4
*94 74 Celotex Corp 9 104 104 104 — 4
72*2 624 Celotex Corp pf (5) 50s 624 62 62 — 4
304 184 Cent Aguirre (1.50) 1 284 284 284 + 4
54 24 Central Foundry . 3 44 44 4'*
12 34 Central RR of NJ„ 3 104 94 94 -4
144 34 Central Violetta — 2 134 134 134 -14
64 34 Century Rib Mills.. 1 44 44 44 + 4
524 32 Cerro de Pasco(3g) 16 42 40 40 -2
13 54 Certain-teed - 12 74 74 74 +4
474 22 Certain-teed pf .. 110s 27 4 27 4 274
224 18 Chain Belt (,60g)... 1 20 20 20 -1
30 17 Champ Paper «c F.. 1 26 26 26 -1
11 64 Checker Cab Co _ 1 104 104 104 + 4
254 174 Ches Corp (1.20g)._ 1 244 244 244
424 27 Ches & Ohio (2)_ 26 404 40t* 404 — 4
* . nr a — * / _ \ I OI / •II. 012. 1/.
li, 4Chl M StP&Ppf (r). 6 1% 14 14-4
1 % Chi & Nortnwn < r» 22 4 4 4
34 14 Chi & Northw pf(r) 6 24 24 24-4
204 10 Chi Pneu Tool_ 2 174 17V* 174 - 4
4 v« Chi Rl&P (r) _ 8 4 4 4 -4
14 4 Chi RI&P 6% pf(r) 1 IV* IV* IV*
14 4 Chi Rl&P 7% pf (r) 1 14 14 14-4
15V* 10 Chickasha Cot Oil-. 1 1S4 134 134 — 4
134 5 Childs Co _ 13 74 64 7 — 4
924 534 Chrysler (4g)- 64 88 854 864 —14
144 9 City Ice&Fuel -90g. 1 114 114 114 — 4
274 15 Clark Equip (75g) — 3 264 25 25 -2
324 204 Cleve Graphite < 1)- 1 31 31 31 + 4
604 34% Climax Molyb 1.20 8 494 48 484 — 4
354 214 Cluett Peabdy C.75g) 3 30 4 294 294 -IV*
133 105 Coca-Cola <2g) ... 3 110% 11014 1104 -1
62 58 Coca-Cola (A)(3).. 1 584 584 584 -24
174 114 Colgate-Palm-P .50. 1 134 13** 134
364 204 Collins Aik (.75g)_. 3 304 294 30 —14
244 114 Colo Fuel & Iron _. 2 23V* 23 23 -4
9'* 34 Colo & Sou 1st pf... 100s 7 7 7 — %
74 34 Colo & Sou 2d pf 10s 64 54 64
244 14 Colum B C(A)1.05g. 2 184 18', 184-4
244 14 Colum BC (B) 1.05* 1 184 184 184 -4
9 54 Columbia Gas & El 334 7 4 7 4 74 + H
154 64 Columb Pic vtc 2%f 2 74 74 74
67 384 Cornel Credit (4).„ 6 444 424 43V* - 4
60 42 Cornel Inv Tr (4)... 5 47V* 46V* 47 -1
16 8% Cornel Solvents- 60 144 134 144 — 4
314 25% Comwlth Edls 1.20* 41 284 284 284 + Vt
24 IV* Comwlth & South’n. 22 14 14 14
724 454 Comwlth & S pf (3) 9 644 63 64 +1
84 5 Conde-Nast Pub_ 1 5V* 54 54+4
30% 19 Congoleum .75e- 7 224 22 22 —4
25% 154 Consol Aircraft 8 244 23 4 234 —1
11 44 Consol Cop Min.lSg. 43 94 9 9V* — 4
35 27 Consol Edison (2) . 13S 314 304 314 + 4
1084 1014 Consol Edls of (6) 1 1034 103V* 1034 + 4
124 74 Consol Film pf .75k 1 94 94 94 -4
7% 44 Consol Laundries.. 6 54 44 54 + 4
9% 64 Consol Oil ( 80) 47 94 8% 84- 4
6% 1 Consol RR Cuba of. 2 4 34 34 - V*
9 14 Consolidation Coal. 13 64 6 6 —4
101 89 Consum Pw pf 4.60. 1 90 90 90 +1
164 94 Container Corp_ 6 144 14V* 14V4 — Vi
224 114 Conti Baking <A)_ 1 134 134 134 — 4
2 lVi Conti Baking (B)_ 3 14 14 14—4
51 324 Conti Can (1.50*)—. 19 484 474 484 - V*
116 106 Conti Can pf (4.60). 1 1074 1074 1074 -1
104 6 Conti Diamond_ 6 74 74 74 —4
4 14 Conti Motor_ 28 2% 24 24 - 4
314 19% Conti Oil (Del) .75*. 16 284 274 284 -4
Prev. 1039 Stock and Bales— Met
High. Low Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low Close, chae
32% 16% Conti Steel ,75g_ lt 30V, 28% 29% -1%
61 49 Com Exchange (3). 60s 61% 61 61
67% 54% Com Products (3). 4 61*. 61 61 -1
4% 3 Coty Inc (new)_ 1 3% 3% 3%
2% 44 Coty International. 8 1% 1 l%+%
38 16 Crane co - 19 264* 25% 26V* - %
41% 20V* Crown Cork * Seal. 6 27% 26% 274*
15% 9 Crown Zeller (.50).. 14 154* 14% 15%+%
52 24% Crucible Steel ._ 38 48Vs 46% 47% -2%
96 62 Crucible Steel pf... 1 90% 90% 90% -1%
13 3 Cuban Am Sugar 19 9% 9% 9% — %
93 48 Cuban-Am Spf(4k). 160s 82 79 80 - %
19% 9 Cudahy Packing_ 2 18 18 18
6% 3% Curtis Publishing.. 2 4% 4% 4% - V*
7% 4% Curtiss-Wright 166 74* 7V* 74* - V*
28V* 19% Curtiss Wr(A) .60g 10 27% 26% 27 -%
24% 1344 Cutler Hammer ,25g 8 23% 22% 22% - V*
9% 444 Davison Chemical.. 8 84* 8 8%
24% 15% Deere* Co _ 20 234* 23% 23% - 4*
26V* 12% Del * Hudson_ 44 24% 22% 23% -14*
8V* 3% Del Lack & Wn ... 28 74* 7 7% - %
44% 36% Diam'd Mtch of 1.60 1 38% 38% 38%
94* 5% Diamond T Motor.. 2 84* 8% 8% — 4*
20% 13% Distill-Seag 1.50g . 7 15% 15% 15%
22% 10 Doehler Die Casting 2 18% 18% 18% -1%
34 20V* Dome Mines (2) .. 21 22% 21% 21%-%
79% 55 Douglas Aircraft .. 14 75 72% 75 -1%
142% 101% Dow Chemical (3).. 2 140 139% 140 +%
11V* 6 Dresser Mfg — 6 10% 10 10%
19% 6% Dunhlll lnternatl— 3 10% 10% 10% - V*
188% 126% Du Pont (3.75g)_ 19 179 176 176% -2%
142 127 Du Pont deb (6)_ 1 128% 128% 128% - %
124% 112 Du Pont of (4.50)_ 1 118% 118% 118% +1%
20 12% Eastern Air Liner.. 2 17% 174* 17%
8% 3% Eaetn Roll Mill*.— 10 7% 7% 7%
186% 138% Eastman Kodak («) 6 158% 157% 157%
28 15% Eaton Mfg (l.*0g).. 5 26% 26% 26% - 4*
19% 15 Edison Bros Stall). 3 16 16 16
34* 1 Ellington Schlld — 40 2 14* 2 + %
38% 22% Elec Auto L (2s).— 18 37% 36% 37 -%
17 8% Elec Boat t.SOg). — 41 15 14% 14%-%
3% 1% Elec* Music t.09e) 2 1% 1% 1%
12% 6% Eleo Pwr & Light . 67 9% 9 9% + %
38 18% Elec Pw & Lt 36 pf. 4 29 28% 29 + %
41% 20% Elec Pw * Lt pf ... 43 33% 32% 33% % %
35 23% Elec Stor Bat (2)._. 2 33% 33 33 -1%
3% % Elk Horn Coal_ 6 2% 2% 2% + %
39 28 El Paso Nat G (2).. 5 37% 37 37
13% 7 Eng Pub Service ... 117 12% 11% 12 + %
1% % Eqult Office Bldg_ 3 IV* IV* 1% — %
2% 1 Erie RR (r) 7 2% 2% 2%
6% 1% Erie RR 1st Pf (r)_ 6 4% 4 4% - %
3 1% Erie RR 2d pf (r) . 4 2% 2% 2% + %
54* 3% Eureka Vacuum Cl- 1 3% 3% 3% — %
13 6 Evans Products_ 2 9% 9% 9% — %
25% 14% Ex-Cell-O <.70g)__. 13 23 21% 22% - %
8% 2% Fairbanks Co pf_ 0« 7% 7% 7% — %
43% 24 Fairbanks-Morse... 8 38 37 37V* — %
38% 20 Fajardo Sug 1.60g— 7 34% 33% 34%
18% 11 Fed Lt & Trac ... 6 15V* 14% 15% +1%
6 2% Fed Motor Truck _. 2 4% 4% 4% - V*
14* % Fed Water Svc (A). 5 1% 1 1% + %
37% 27% Fidelity Phoe 1 60a. 4 37% 37 37 - %
25% 17% Firestone Tire 76g 5 24% 24 24 - V.
105% 99% Firestone pf (6) 1101 101 101
51 38% First Natl Strs 2.50 4 41% 40% 41%+%
31% 15 Flintkote Co ... 15 ,18% 17% 18 - %
22% 17 Florsheim A (2)_ 1 21 21 21
5 1% Follansbee Bro (r). 3 4% 4% 4% — %
29% 14 Foster Wheeler ... 14 24% 23% 23%-%
9% 1% Francisco Sugar_ 2 6% 6% 6% — %
55 27 Franklin Simon pf. 10» 30 30 30 +3
34% 18% Freeport Sulph .75g 19 32 31% 31%-%
oh x ry uauuci in; . __ u o o •»
5% 2 Galr (Robert)._ 4 4% 4 4 - %
16 7% Galr (Robert) of... 1 13 13 13 -%
14 9 Gamewell (.25g).._ 10s 13 13 13
102 94 Gannett Co pf (6).. 10s 101% 101% 101% +3%
7% 3% Gar Wood Induat... 2 5% 5% 5% - V,
9 5V, Gen Am Invest 2 8', 8% 8% - %
60% 40 Gen Am Tran 1.125g 3 58% 56% 56% -1%
11 7% Gan Baking (.30g) 1 8% 8% 8% + %
18 9 Gen Cable .. 5 13% 12% 13%-%
25% 18 Gen Cigar (1.50g)__ 4 20% 20 20%+ %
44% 31 Gen Electric 75g_ 56 41% 41% 41% — %
47% 36% Gen Foods <2) 15 41 40% 40% — %
1 % % G en Ga s & El (A). . 6 % % %
127 117 Gen Mills pf 16).. 140s 121% 120% 120% -1%
55% 36% Gen Motors (2.25g) 145 54 52% 52% -1%
126% 112 Gen Motors of (6) 1 117", 117% 117%
10% 7 Gen Print Ink .3<lg 9 9% 9 9 - %
110 105 Gen Print ink pf<6) 40s 108 108 108 + %.
28 12% Gen Rwy Signal . 8 20% 19% 20 — %
1% % Gen Realty * Util 2 1 1 1 - %
41 19% Gen Refractor .25g. 11 37% 35% 36 -2 |
34 16 Gen Steel Cast pf 330s 31% 30% 30% —2
18% 13% Gen Telephone (1) 3 16% 16% 16%+%
15% 8% Gen Thea Eq ,60g ... 2 9% 9% 9% — %
27% 15% Gen TlreARub .50g_ 8 22% 22 22%-%
8% 5% Gillette Saf R (.60) 4 6% 6% 6%
54 44 Gillette S R pf (6).. 2 45 45 45 -1
13% 6% Glmbel Bros_ 20 9% 9% 9% - %
24% 14 Glldden Co _ 6 17% 17% 17% — %
3% 2% Gobel (Adolf)_ 10 3% 3% 3% - %
24% 13% Goodrich (B F)_ 29 23% 22% 23 - %
74% 53 Goodrich! BF)pf(B) 1 65% 65% 65% - %
38% 21% Goodyear (,75g)... 16 29% 29% 29% - %
5 2% Gotham Silk Hose.. 4 4% 4% 4%
1% % Graham-Palga _ 14 1 % 1
10% 4% Granby Cons( 15g). 29 8% 8 8 - %
22% 10 Granite City Steel.. 5 20V, 20 20 -1% i
35 24% Grant (WT) (1.40). 4 33% 32% 32%
31% 16% Great North'n pf .. 26 29% 28% 29% - %
22% 12% Great No O cfs 7Bg. 19 20% 20 20 - %
37% 23% Great ffn Sug (2).. 5 33% 32% 32%-%
35% 24% Green(H LU 1.60a) 2 30 30 30 -1
21% 14% Greyhound (.60) . 56 17% 16% 17% — %
12% 10 Greyhound of (-BB) 2 11 11 11
6 % Guantanamo Sugar 10 3% 3% 3%
36 9 Guantanamo S pf . 20s 25% 25% 25% —3
22 11 Gulf Mob 4< Nor pf. 1 17% 17% 17% —1
15% 8 Hall IW F) Prtg__ 2 12% 12% 12% - %
32% 17 Harb-Walk ,46g_ 13 29 28% 28%-%
7% 4% Hat Corp (A) 20g — 1 6% 6*. 6% - V*
4'* 2 Hayes Bod* . ... 9 3 2% 2% — %
110% 93 Hazel-Atlas G1 (5). 1 102 102 102 - %
13% 8% Heeker Prod ( *0a). 3 12% 12 12%
117 100 Helme(G W)(5a)_ 1 100 100 100
101% 63 Hercules P (1.20g)_ 3 93 92 92 -2
115 101 Hershey cv pf (4a). 2 101 100% 100% — %
19 14% llinde & Panch .7og 4 18 18 18
51 29% Holland Furn (2)... 7 32 31% 32 +%
21% 8% Holly Sugar - 13 16% 16 16% - V*
66% 53 Homestake (4.B0) 3 54% 54% 54% + %
17% 8% Houd-Hersh(B).26g 23 15 14% 14%
9% 4% Houston Oil 24 8% 8 8% — %
57 40 Howe Sound (3a) 2 55% 44% 54% —1%
35% 24% Hudson Bay (.76g). 16 24V, 23 24 —1
1% 7s Hudson & Manbat_ 1 1% 1% 1%
87s 4% Hudson Motor_ 5 6% 6% 6% + %
27s % Hupd Motor_... 39 1% 1% IV*
20% 9 Illinois Central_ 13 14% 14% 14% - %
49 38% Illinois Cent LL14). 70s 42 42 42 - %
29% 16% Industrial Rayon... 13 26% 26% 26% — %
98% 67 Inland Steel l.lOg... 9 94 91% 92%+ %
21 9% Inspiration Copper. 22 16% 16% 16% — %
9% 2% Interboro R T (r)_ 6 3% 3% 3% + %
36% 17% Inter Chemical- 5 36% 34% 35% — %
5% 2% Intercontl Rubber— 3 4% 4% 4% — %
16% 7% Interlake Iron _ 66 16% 15% 16 — V*
3% 1% lntl Agricultural... 6 3 2% 2% — %
28 16 lntl Agrlcul pr pf.. 1 25% 25% 25% -1%
195% 145 lntl Bus Mach (6a). 9 163 163 163 — v„
71% 45% lntl Harvester 1.60. 20 71 68% 69 —1%
166% 142 lntl Harvest pf (7). 1 143% 143% 143%
8% 3% lntl Hydro-El (A).. 31 6% 5% 6% + %
17% 2% lntl Mercantile Ma. 83 12% 12 12% — %
10 5% lntl Mining (.30g)_. 2 6% 6% 6% - %
55% 41 lntl Nickel (2)_ 177 40% 39% 39% —1%
14% 6% lntl Paper & Power. 73 12% 11% 12% — %
51% 25% lntl Paper & Pw pf. 45 42% 41 42 — 7*
6% 3V« lntl Ry Cent Am .. 2 4 4 4 + %
60% 39% In Ry CA pf (4.50k). 10s 50 50 50
40% 31% lntl Shoe (1.B0)_ 2 38% 38% 38% +1%
9% 374 lntl Tel * Teleg_ 77 5% 5% 5%
974 4 lntl T & T for ct_ 1 5% 5% 5% + 74
1IV4 < ,n lnicrauuo ov.. o i n
324 18 Island Cik Coal (2) 4 30 29 29 -14
144 134 Jarvis (WB) .25*_ 2 13 13 13-4
85 68 Jewel Tea (4a)_ 1 71 74 74 +1
105 59 Johns-Manville .75* ll 80 78 79 - Vi
75 35 Jones & Laugh of-- 1 73 73 73 —1
194 13 Kalamazo Sto .376*. 4 164 154 164 + 4
114 54 Kansas City Sou- 3 9 84 9
23 11 KansCity Sopf _ 2 204 20 4 204 — 4
15 84 Kaufman D S .38*.. 1 144 144 144
104 5 Kelsey Haves (B).. 2 74 74 74 — 4
464 28 Kennecott Cop .75*. 7i 424 42 424 - 4
164 84 Keystone Stl .60*—. 9 164 164 164 — Vi
34 20 Kimberly-Clark la. 2 33 32 32 -1
4 14 Kinney (GR) _ 4 34 34 34 — 4
264 20 Kres*e(S SX1.20). 2 234 234 234 +4
294 204 Kroger Groo 1.60a.. 16 244 244 244 — 4
134 7 Laclede c*aa _ 20g 94 94 94 —4
234 124 Laclede Gas Df_ 40s 187« 17 184 + 4
184 14 Lambert (1.50) _ 1 154 154 154 + 4
354 25 Lee Rub * T 1.25*.. 6 31 304 31 +4
25 17 Leh Port Cmt 1.25*. 1 224 224 224 - 4
34 4 Leh Valley Coal_ 26 14 14 14
84 14 Leh Valley Coal pf. 9 54 44 5 — 4
64 24 Leh Valley RR (r).. 11 54 54 54 -4
274 20 Lehman Corp (.80). 4 254 254 254 -14
124 94 Lehn * Fink (.76*). 7 12 12 12 - Vi
564 364 Libbey-Ow-F 1.50*. 16 46 454 454 —1
10 44 Libby McN & Lib .. 2 84 84 84 — 4
434 33 Life Savers (1.60a). 1 35Vi 354 354 + 4
1094 98 Llg* & M»(8H*a). 9 994 984 99
' 404 204 Lima Locomotive— 4 354 35V* 354 — 4
47 314 Link Belt (.75*)- 1 43 43 43
20V* 10 Lion Oil Ref (1) ... 1 174 174 174 + 4
19 134 Liquid Carbide .80a. 4 164 154 154 -14
544 304 LoeWs Inc (2a)_ 18 364 354 364 + 4
214 6 Loft lno . _ 76 184 174 184 — 4
62 384 Lone Star C (8)- 8 444 434 434 —14
64 2 Lone-Bell (A)_ 12 44 44 44 - 4
244 194 Lorlllard (1.20)- 2 214 214 214 +4
1594 1394 Lorillard pf (7)- 30s 140 138 140 + V*
204 154 Louts G8kE( A)1.60. 4 184 174 174 — 4
59 364 Louis & Nash 2.25*. 1 574 574 574 —1
304 18 Mack Trucks . 12 29 274 284 -1
434 254 Macy(RH)Co 1.60*. 5 324 32 324 -4
194 114 Madls Sq Gar 1.10*. 1 114 114 114—4
40 254 Magma Copper .75*. 5 314 34 344 — 4
64 1 Manatl Sugar - 6 44 44 44
144 5 Man Ry mod gtd(r) 42 134 114 13 +4
264 9 Man Ry gtd (r)- 70s 244 244 244 +14
24 1 Maracaibo OIL - 4 24 2 24 +4
64 44 Marine Mldl'd .82*.. 10 64 54 54 - 4
84 34 Market St Ry pr of. 160s 64 6 64 — 4
154 94 Marshall Field 12 154 15 154 +4
394 264 Martin (Glenn)_ 29 384 374 .374 - 4
Prev 1939 Stock and Sales— Nes i
High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low Close. chse. 1
6* 2 Martin Parry- 1 3* 3* 3* — *
67* 30 Masonite Corp (1).. 4 35* 35 35 — 84 j
37* 20* Math Alklll <1.60).. 11 34* 34* 34*+*
52* 40* May Dept Strs <*)-. 4 49* 48* 48* -1*1
fi* 3* Maytag Co - 2 4* 4* 4*
36* 27 Maytag Co pf <*)... 1 23* 29* 29* +2*
14* 9* McCrory Strs_ 2 13* 13* 13* + *
24 15* McGraw Elec (1)-- 5 19* 19* 19* + Vt
10* 5* McGraw-Hill(.15g) 4 6* 6* 6*
59* 40* McIntyre Pore <2). 3 42* 42* 42* — *
18* 8* McKeesport Tin ... 19 16* 15* 16*— *
10 6* McLellan Strs 40g. 4 8* 8 8* - *
14 6 Mead Corp 8 13* 12* 12* — *
62* 46 Melville Shoe (I)— 1 55 55 55 - *
6* 3 Mengel Co _ 2 6* 6* 5* - *
28* 14 Mengel Co S% pf— 30a 21* 21* 21* - Vi j
39* 25 Mesta Mach 1.50g_. 3 38* 38 38 - *
16* 6* Miami Copper 17 13* 13* 13* - *
18 11* Mid Cont Pet <.25g) 3 16* 16* 16*-*
34* 18* Mid Steel <1.50g)... 11 32* 31* 31* -1*
ln( 101 Mid Stl 1st of (8).. 10s 116* 116* 116*
85* 44* Minn-Hon Ros (2). 6 58 57* 58 +2
6* 2* Mlnn-Mollne Imp 9 5* 5* 5* — *
54 36 Minneap-Mollne pf 2 48* 46* 46* -2*
14* 8* Mission Corn <.25g) 4 13* 13 13 — *
2* 1 Mo-Kan ft Texas 3 2 2 2 - *
9% 2% Mo-Kan A Texas pi Li o'* o'*. ov» - yi
1% % Mo Pacldc <r)_. 4 % % %
2Vi % Mo Pacific pf <r) 3 1% 1% 1% - %
17% 10% Mohawk Carpet 25g 3 16% 16% 16% — %
114% 85% Monsanto <2 > 4 108 107 107 —1
122% 112 Monsanto pf B 4.50 100s 115% 115 115
55% 40% Montgom W'd 1.25g 29 54% 53% 53% -1%
47 31% Morrell A Co 1.50g . 2 45% 44 44 -3
37% 22% Morris A Es (3.875) 80s 33 32 32%+%
19 9% Motor Product* _ 6 15% 15% 15% — %
16% 10 Motor Wheel (1.60) 5 16 15% 15% - %
30 16% Mueller Bras.40g_ 7 27% 27% 27% - % j
7% 3% Mullins Mfg (B)_ 5 5% 5% 5% - %
14% 9 Munslngwear_ 1 12% 12% 12% — % j
9% 4 Murray Corp _ 6 6% 6 6% — %
51 43% Myers(FE) (2.25g). 1 46% 46% 46%
9% 5% Nasb-Kelvtnator... 12 6% 6% 6% — %!
18% 7% Natl Acme .. 7 17 16% 17 — %
14% 7% Natl Aviation 60g.. 5 13 12% 13 + %
28% 21% Natl Biscuit 1.20B-- 60 23% 22% 23%+%
26% 14% Natl Cash Reg <11 13 18% 18 18 -%
13% 8% Natl Cyl Gas (.35g) 19 14 13% 13%+%
18% 12% Nat Dairy (,60b) - 6 15% 15% 15% — %
117% 111 Natl Dairy pf A(7). 10s 111% 111% 111%
114 107 Natl Dairy pf B(7). 60s 110 110 110 +2
8% 4% Natl Dept Stores _ 17 7 7
28% 20% Natl Distillers (2). 19 23% 23 23%-%
16% 8% Natl Gypsum 22 10% 10% 10%
106 81 Natl Gvps m pf 4.50 1 84 84 81 -1
27% 17% Natl Lead (.60) . 9 23% 23% 23% - %
29% 14% Natl Malleable StI.. 6 28% 27'. 27% -1%
10 6% Natl Pwr A L ( 60). 90 9% 8% 9 +%
82 52 Natl Steel (1.20g) 3 78% 78% 78% -1
15% 5% Nall Supply .. 16 13% 12% 12% — %
20 10 Natl Supply S2 pf_. 1 16% 16% 16% — %
11% 8% Natomas(.IO)_ 1 8% 8% 8% + %
17% 8% Newport Indue 32 16% 15% 16'. — %
51 27 N Y Air Brake 50g. 4 48% 46% 46% -3
22% 11% NY Central - 221 19% 19% 19%-%
23% 10% N Y Chi A St L .. 4 19 18% 18%-%
38 18% N Y Chi A St L. Df 6 31 32% 32% -1%
43% 30 N Y C Omnibus (3a) 4 31 31 31 - %
10% 1% N Y Dock _ 120s 7% 7% 7% - %
15% 4% N Y Dock Df_ 70s 11 10% 10% - %
1% % N Y N H A H (r»_ 18 1% 1% 1%
4% 2 NYNHAHpf (r) 3 4% 4% 4% - %
1% % N Y Ont A Wn (r)„ 6 1% 1% 1%
17 8% N Y Shipbuilding.. 7 15 14% 14% - %
89% 70 N Y Shipbldg pf 20s 85 85 85
113 103t* Norfolk A W pr (41 50s 104% 104% 104% +1
21% 12% North Am Avia.40g 100 20% 19% 20 - %
26% 18% North Am Co(.90e> 112 22% 22% 22% + %
59 50% No Am 6%%pf 2.875 4 52% 51% 52%*- %
59% 52% North Am 618 pf<3) 1 54% 54% 54% + %
14% 7 Northern Pacific 21 10'. 10% 10% — %
112% 100 Nor’n St» Pw pf<6) 1 100% 100% 100% + %
5% 2% Norwalk Tire _ 1 4% 4% 4% - %
10% 6 Ohio Oil L20e> 32 9% 9 9 - %
30 14% Oliver Farm EaulP 6 24% 23% 23% -1
20% 12 Omnibus Corp 1.20a 4 13% 13% 13% — %
8% 4% Oppenheim Coll 2 6% 6% 6% — %
27% 15% Otis Elevator!.Bog) 64 19% 18% 19 — %
16 7% Otis Steel 24 15 14% 15
70 50 Owens-Ill G1 1.60g.. 13 60% 58% 59 - %
7% 3 Pac Am Fisheries 8 6% 6% 6%
7 2% Pacific Coast _ 90s 6% 6% 6% — %
24 11% Pac Coast 1st pf_ 10s 23% 21% 23% + %
13% 3% Pac Coast 2d pf 110s 12 11% 11% — %
34% 27% Pao Gas A Elec (2) 2 30% 30% 30%+%
50% 41 Pao Lighting (I) 2 45% 45% 45% - %
21% 9V* Pac Mills 17 21% 19% 20 -1%
132 114 Pac Tel A Tel 5 25b 220s 117 116% 116%+%
156% 140 Pac T A T pf (6) .. 10s 130 130 130
32% 17 Pac Tin spl (.75g> 4 27 26 26 -3
ll1* 7% Pao Westn Ol 50e). 1 10% 10% 10-%+%
4% 3 Packard Motor 35 4% 4 4
16% 9% Pan-Am Airway*... 53 16% 15% 16% -f 1
2 % Panhandle _ 13 1% 1% 1%
60% 35 rarafflne(2) _ 1 38% 38% 38%
14% 6% Paramount (.15g) . 47 7% 7% 7%
13% 7% Param't 2d pf (.60). 5 9% 9 9
4 1% Park Utah Mines... 27 2% 2% 2% + %
47 36 Tarke Davis 1.60e_. 8 46 45 45 -1%
2% 1% Parmelee Trans- 1 1% 1% 1% + %
13% 5% Paths Film _ 9 10% 10% 10',
11% 7% Patino Mines ... 8 10% 10% 10% — %
94% 74 Tenney (JC) 2.25g.. 3 87 86 86%-%
4% % Penn Coal A Coke.. 2 3% 3% 3% - %
5% 2% Penn-Dlxle Cem 15 5 4'. 4% — %
16% 11% Penn Glass Sand ct 1 13% 13% 13% + %
'.5% 15 Penn Railroadi.BOe) 47 24 23% 23% — %
40% 30% Peoples G A C 2.50g 1 37 37 37
5 2 Peoria A Eastern 1 4% 4% 4% - %
34 13% Pere Marquette pf 420s 25% 24% 25V* — %
41 21 Pere Marq nr pf IDs 31 31 31
.-I no i SC. -IS 4 r.S 441. AAU. .Ill
4 3 Phila Rap Tr pf (r) 190s 5 44 44+ 4
14 4 Phlia & R C & 1 (r). 27 4 4 4
1034 74 Philip Morris (3a). 3 834 834 834 + V.
7 24 Phillips-Jones_ 1 54 54 54
464 31V* Phillips Petrol (2). 12 444 434 44 -4
34 2 Phoenix Hosiery_ 1 34 3V* 34 + 4
12 24 Pitts Coal _ 6 84 8 84 -4
31 12 Pitts Coai pf ... 1 294 294 294 - 4
144 4 Pitts Coke & Iron.. 6 124 124 124 — 4
114 44 Pitts Screw ... 24 94 94 94 — 4
474 22 Pitts Steel pf (B).. 160s 46 45 45 -24
404 18 Pitts Steel pr pf .. 20s 394 394 394 — 4
244 124 Pitts Steel 5% pf— 10s 234 234 23V*
16 6 Pitts & W Va. 380s 144 134 144 - V.
2V* 4 Pittston Co _ 1 14 14 14
24 174 Plymouth Oil 1.40a 7 224 224 224 — 4
164 74 Poor & Co IB) 5 134 134 134 - 4
24 4 Tort R Am To A(r). 1111
4 4 Porto R Am To (B). 1 4 4 4 —4
144 6 Pressed Steel Car 43 124 12S 124 — 4
144 64 Pressed Stl C 1st pf 2 124 124 124 -4
434 18 Pressed Stl C 2d pf. 1 38 38 38 - 4
644 504 Proctor & Gam (2a) 5 624 624 624 + V*
414 314 PubSvc <NJ> 1.85* 16 394 384 394 + 4
1144 1024 Pub SvcfN J)pf(5) 1 1024 1024 1024 - 4
143 129 Pub Svo (N J)pf(7) 1 130 130 130 +4
166 148 Pub Svc( N J )pf (8) 100s 150 150 150 -1
394 224 Pullman Co (.75g). 15 354 344 354 — 4
114 64 Pure Oil — _. 31 104 10V* 104 - v*
814 634 Pure Oil pf (6) — 1 774 774 774 + 4
184 104 Purity Baking 65g. 5 134 134 134 + 4
84 5 Radio Corp — 34 64 6 64 -4
674 534 Radio cv pf (3.50).. 2 58 574 574 -14
24 14 Radlo-Keith-Or (r). 3 14 14 14-4
17 64 Rayonler Inc. - 9 154 154 154 -4
244 124 Kavonier Inc pf- 1 234 234 234 - 4
184 104 Reading Co (1)- 5 174 17 17-4
254 20V* Reading 1st pf (2).. 1 244 244 244 +4
224 16 Reading 2d pf (2)— 1 22 22 22 -4
54 3 Real Silk Hose ... 2 44 44 44 +4
54 43 Real Silk Hose pf.. 20s 474 474 474 +14
144 7 Reis & Co 1st pf ... 50s 154 14V* 144
174 94 Rem Rand (,80g).. 20 134 124 124 - 4
2V* 4 Keo Motor (r)- 15 14 14 14
284 124 Republlo Steel . 220 274 26 264 - 4
81 42 Republic Stl pf (A) 2 80 79 79 —2
20V* 94 Revere Copper ... 3 164 164 164 - Vi
81 63 Revere Copper pf— 10s 84 84 84 +34
144 74 Reynolds Metals— 3 104 104 104 - V*
114 54 Reynolds Spring .. 1 8 8 8 —4
45 354 Reyn Tob (B) 1.50* 17 364 364 364 + 4
104 64 Richfield 011 5 84 84 84 —4
174 114 Roan Antelope .40g. 2 104 10 10 -14
484 274 Safeway Strs 1.7og . 12 424 414 424 +4
494 27V* St Joseph Lead .76g 14 46V* 45 45
2 4 St L-San Fr pf fr) 1 14 14 14
224 104 Savage Arms (,25g) 4 204 194 194 -14
174 10 Schenley Distillers 7 134 134 134 - 4
1 4 Schulte Retail S(r). 4 4 4 4
104 34 Schulte R S pf (r)— 1 64 64 64 -4
524 444 Scott Paper (1.60).. 1 454 454 454 + 4
1 V* Seaboard A L (r)__. 12 1 4 1
Prev. J 919 Stock and Sales— Met
Hlfh. Low Dividend Rate Add 00. Hlfh. Low Close, cnee.
24% 15% Seaboard 011 (1)_ 7 23% 22% 22%-%
3% 1% Seasrave Corp 1 1% 1% 1% — %
80% 60% Sears Roebuck <*).. 13 78 77% 78 - %
18% 11% Servel Inc (la)_ 6 14% 14% 14%+%
21% 10% Sharon Steel_ 3 18% 18% 18%-%
7% 3% Sharp & Doh*ne 16 6% 6% 6% — %
50% 43 Sharp & D pf (3.60). 1 49% 49% 49%-%
11% 6% Shattuck (FGX.40) 4 7% 7% 7%
17% 9% Shell Un 011 (.26*). 14 14% 14% 14% -1%
8% 4% Silver Kin* .10* 2 8 8 8
32% 17% Simmons Co (.60*). 6 23% 23% 23%-%
29% 15% Skelly Oil (.50*)... 6 24 23% 24 -1
21 11% Smith (AO) ... 1 19 19 19 -1
17% 9% Smith&Corona,375* 1 11% 11% 11% — %
15% 10% Socony- Vac’m .60*. 54 14% 14% 14% — %
3% 1% So Am Gold (.10*) . 12 2% 2% 2%
35% 14 S Porto R Sue 1.25* 7 31% 31% 31%-%
18% 13 SEGreyh'nd 1.60*. 1 14 14 14 + %
29% 23% Southn Cal Ed 1.60a 10 25% 25% 25% + %
21% 10% Southern Pacific 41 16 15% 15% — %
23% 11% Southern Railway.. 23 18% 17% 17% — %
33% 15% Southern Rwy pr... 14 26% 26 26% — %i
3% 1% Sparks Wlthln*ton. 3 2% 2% 2% — %
8% 4% Spear & Co .. _ 3 6% 6% 6% + %
22 14% Spencer Kell .70*... 1 21 21 21
51% 36 Sperry Corp (lE)— 31 49% 48% 48% -1%
27% 11 Spicer Mf* (.50*) 3 26% 26% 26%
16% 8% Spiegel. Ino (.17*).. 34 12% 11% 11%-%
75% 60 Snleeel Inc nf 4 60 20s 66 66 66
30% 18% Square D Co (.75g). 2 27% 27 27% - W
7Vi 5% Stand Brands ,475g. 22 6% 6Vi 6% + %
108 96 Stand Br'ds pf 4.50. 3 96 95 95
4% 2V4 Stand Gaa & Elec .. 3 3% 3% 3%+%
10% 4% Stand Gas & Elec pf 36 8% 7% 8% + %
20% 10 Stand G&E *6 pr pf. 3 18% 17% 18%+*.
24% 13% Stand G&E 17 pr pf. 15 22% 21V. 22%+%
33% 24% Stand Oil Cal (la).. 9 31% 31% 31% - %
30 22% Stand Ol! Ind (1)... 10 29 28% 28% - % i
53% 38 Stand Oil N J (la).. 26 52 51% 51%-%
36 20% Starrett I. S .75g ._ 1 34 34 34 -1
79% 65 Sterling Prod(3.80) 1 74% 74% 74% - %
12% 6% Stewart-Warner_ 6 9% 9 9% — V.
7% 3% Stokely Brothers_ 4 6% 6% 6% — Vi i
17% 8% Stone & Webster—. 62 11% 11% 11%+%
9% 6% Studebaker_ 16 8% 8 8 - %
66 45% Sun 011(1)_ 7 58 57 57 - %
1281.* 119 Sun Oil pf (6) ... 40s 119 119 119
11% 7% Sunshine Min 1.20g. 15 9% 9% 9% + %
38% 19% Superheater .375g_ _ 1 29 £9 29 — %
3% 1% Superior Oil _ 23 3% 3% 3% — V.
22% 10 Superior Steel ... 4 20% 19% 19% - %
25% 17 Swift & Co (1.20)_ 27 24% 24 24 - %
37% 24% Swift inti (2) _ 9 33% 32% 32% - Vi
10% 4% Symington ww . ... 12 9 8% 8% — %
7% 4% Talcott (J) (.50g).. 1 5% 5% 5% + %
43% 35% Talcott! J )pf(Z 75). 10s 36% 36V. 36V.- 4,
6% 3% Telautograph .25*. 3 4 4 4
9% 4 Tenn Corp 8 8 7% 7% — Vi
60 , 32% Texas Corp <2) _. 45 47% 46% 46% -1%
5% 3Vi Tex Gulf Prod .10g 3 4V. 4% 4% - %
38% 26 Tex Gulf Sul (2) .. 13 36% 36% 36% - %
11% 7 Tex Pao C&O ( 40)_ 3 10 9% 9% - %
9 6% Texas Pac Ud Tr_ 3 7% 7% 7%
4% 2% Thermold _ 4 4% 4 4 — %
3 IV, Third Avenue _ 4 2s. 2% 2%
3% 3 Thompson (J R)_ 1 2% 2% 2% — Vi
29% 17 Thomp Prod 75g_ 1 27% 27% 27% -1
3*. 1% Thompson Starrett 1 2% 2% 2%
14% 9% Tide-Water AO .65g 6 13% 12% 12% - %
18% 10% Timken Det Ax .25g 9 16% 16% 16%-%
54% 34% Timkei; Roll B (lg) 2 49% 48% 48% -1
8% 5 Transamerlca (.50) 11 7% 7 7 - %
12% 6% Transcooll & W Air 2 9% 9% 9% — Vi
4% 2 Tri-Continental .. 8 3% 3% 3%
7% 3 Truax-Traer Coal.. 2 6% 6% 6% — %
26% 12 20th Century Fox . 6 14% 14V* 14% — Vi
3% 1% Twin City Rap Tr.. 3 3% 3 3%
35% 17V, Twin Citv R T pf.. 10s 28 28 28
12% 7% Twin Coach ... 15 10 9% 10 - %
4% 1% Ulen & Co . 3 2 2 2
66 34% Underw-Ell-F l.oOg 2 44 44 44
12% 6 Union Bag & Paper 11 11% 10% 11%+ %
94% 65% Union Carb (1.90g) 31 89% 88 88% -2%
19% 15V, Union Oil (Cal).80g 3 17% 17% 17%-%
104 81% Union Pacific (6 > 6 99% 99% 99%+%
23% 20V* Un Tank Car (1.20) 1 22% 22% 22% - %
46 31 Unit Aircraft!.75g) 31 43% 42% 43V* — %
13% 7% Unit Air Ulnes 12 10% 10% 10% - %
18% 14% Unit Biscuit (.75g). 3 15 15 15 + Vi
65% 52 United Carbon i3>. 1 62% 62% 62% — %
20 13% Unit-Carr F (,60g). 1 17% 17% 17%+ V.
3% 2 Unit Coro . 44 3% 3 3% + %
39% 30% Unit Corp pf 2.*0k._ 10 36 35% 36 + %
7% 4% Unit Drug 5 6% 6% 6% + %
8% 4% Unit Dyewood 1 6% 6*. 6%
74 56 Unit Dyew'd pf (7) 10s 59% 59V* 59% + %
8V* 3% Unit Electric Cos) 3 6% 6% 6%
35 25% Unit Eng*Fy 1.50g 1 33 33 33 -1
95 62% United Fruit (4) 19 88 86 87% -1%
14% 11 Unit Gas Imp H).. 64 13% 13% 13%+ %
14 6% Unit Mer & Mfg ... 19 13% 12% 13% - %
7% 3*. Unit Paperboard__ 2 6 6 6
11 5% U S & For’n Secur.. 6 9% 9 9 — %
11% 5% U S Freight ... 3 9% 9% 9% - %
113 65% U S Gypsum (2a)... 6 73 72 72% + %
7% 4 U S Hoffman ... 2 5% 5% 5", — %
29% 13% U S Indus Alcohol.. 11 26% 25 26% -1
10% 3% U S Ueather_ 10 9% 9% 9% - %
15% 5% US Ueather (A) .. 7 14 14 14 - %
49 32% U S Pipe & Fdy (2) 2 36% 36% 36%
6% IV, U S Realty & Im(r) 3 2% 2% 2%
52% 31% US Rubber 52 44% 43% 44%-%
112% 86% U S Rubber let Dfit 2 103% 103 103 -1
65% 48 USSm&RefUg) 2 64% 64% 64%+ %
82% 41% US Steel 320 78 75% 76% -1%
1Qjl. n C Claal of 171 9 1 IQ 1 1 £l . 1 1 Cl_ _ l.
374 33 U S Tobacco .96g.._ 1 334 334 334 -%
4 14 Unit Stockyards 2 34 34 34 - 4
8% 6% Unit Stkyds nf<.70) 1 74 74 74 — 4
24 1% United Stores (A) 12 2 2
85 604 Univ Leaf Tob (4a) 1 69 69 69 -1
163 1504 Univ Leaf T of (8) 110s 150 150 150
40 16 Vanadium Com 32 37 354 37 — %
37 25 Van Raalte <1.50g>. 7 344 334 344 + 4
43 344 Vick Chemical (2a) 1 42 42 42 + 4
54 24 Va Caro Chemical.. 10 44 4% 44- 4
314 17 Va Caro Chem Df... 7 274 27 274 — 4
118 1124 Va El Pwr of (6) 60s 113 1124 113
54 % Va Iron Coal &C_ 60s 34 34 34 + %
3 *4 Wabash (r) ... 8 14 14 14 - 4
34 14 Wabash of (A)(r). 3 34 3 3 - %
74 54 Waldorf Syst .30g . 1 6% 6% 64+ 4
23% 154 Walgreen (1*0)_ 1 204 204 204 +4
94 4 Walworth Co _ 29 7 6% 64 — 4
64 3% Warner Bros Piet.. 19 44 44 44 — 4
34 1% Warren Bros (r) .. 26 24 2 24 -4
134 64 Warren Br cv pf(r) 3 10 94 94 + 4
324 20 Wayne Pump 1.50* 2 244 244 244 — 4
34 14 Webster Eisenlohr 1 24 24 24 + 4
284 16 Wesson Oil & Snow. 6 234 23 4 234 - 4
104 85 West Penn E A(7). 20s 102 1014 102 +2
105 88 West Penn E pf(6) 200s 99 98 99 +2
112 95 West Penn El pf(7) 20s 106 1054 106
1124 1054 W Penn Pw pf 4.50. 1 108 108 108 - 4
34 204 West Aut S 1.05g__. 3 294 29 294 - 4
54 2% Westn Maryland_ 16 5 44 5
84 34 Westn Md 2d pf_ 2 8 74 74 — 4
35% 164 Westn Union Tel... 130 35 33 344 - 4
31% 184 Westhse A B ,50g 26 31 30 304
121 824 Westhse Elec 1.76g 11 1144 1124 114 -24
145 126 Westhse E pf (3.80) 40s 1384 1384 1384 -14
244 104 Weston B1 Inst(lg) 11 24 23 24
90 74 Wheel & L E pf 6.50 10s 91 91 91 +5
324 15% Wheeling Steel 11 30% 294 294 -4
68 45 Wheel S pr pf 2.50k 1 65 65 65 -24
134 7 White Motor ... 13 124 114 124 -%
3% 1-4 White Sew M new _ 14 44 34 4
17% 14 White Sew M pr pf. 2 16% 164 16% — 4
3% 2% Wilcox Oil & Gaa... 2 34 3% 34
34 1 Wlllys-Overland_ 10 24 24 24
64 2% Wlllys-Overl'd pf_ 1 44 44 44 -4
74 24 Wilson * Co _ 45 64 6 64
52 82 Wilson* Co pf_ 3 48 48 48
294 15 Woodward Iron_ 10 294 28% 28% — 4
50% 36 Woolworth (2.40).. 35 39% 394 394
234 104 Worthington Pump 24 204 20 20% - 4
38 234 Worth P pr pf_ 1 324 324 324 -1
334 18% Yale & Towne(.60). 2 26% 264 26% - %
21% 11% Yellow Truck 83 19% 18% 18%-%
116 98 Y'ell Tk 7% pf 5.26k 70s 108 108 108
56% 30 Ygstwn Sheet & T 63 63 4 514 53 - 4
894 74 Ygstwn S&T pf 5.60 1 884 884 884 -1
314 17 Y'gstwn Stl Dr ,60g. 28 304 284 30 - %
224 12 Zenith Radio <1«) 3 18 18 18 - 4
34 2 Zonlte Products_ 13 34 3 34
Approximate Sales of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange.
11:00 A.M. 580.000 12:00 Noon_ 1.080,000
sUnlt ot trading 10 shares
rln bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under
Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies
Rates ol dividend in the loregoing table are annual disburse
ments based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration.
Unless otherwise noted. sDectal or extra dividends are not Included
xd Ex dividend xr Ex rights a Also extra or extras, e Paid
last year, f Payable In stock g Declared or paid so far this
year h Cash or stock k Accumulated dividends paid or de
clared this year
Dividends Announced
NEW vork, Sept. 10—Dividends de
clared. Prepared by Pitch Publishing Co.:
Accumulated. _
Pe- Stock of Pay
Rate. riod. record, able.
Northw Elec 7% of..$1.75 __ 9-20 10-2
Am Harfd Rubber ^ Q 9,]R M0
Arundel Corp-25c Q 9-19 10-2
Burkart, F Mfg-70c 9-10 10-1
Do of_55c Q 9-16 10-1
Clipper Belt Lacer. 50c __ 9-13 9-15
q 9:5.3 9:5?
pfrMton^Tire Rubl25c II 10-5° 10-20
Florence Stove 50c Q 9-~5
Franklin Telegraph._$1.25 8 10-14 11-1
Grand Rap Varnish 10c <3 9-2.1 10-2
Harshaw Chemical ---25c 9-20 9-2/
Do 7r'r pf_$1.75 Q 9-25 9-29
Hormel Geo <fc Co_..37*/2C <3 9-30 10-10
Horn & Hardart Bak .$1.50 Q P-lo 9--0
Idaho Md Mines-6c M 10-10 10-21
Magor Car Corp_25c Q 9-22 9-30
Do pf ......_$175 <3 9-22 9-30
Murray Ohio Mfg-25c . 9-21 10-2
Natl Fuel Gas-25c <3 9-30 10-10
Packer Corp _2oc Q 10-4 10-14
Rochester Tr & Safe
Deposit N Y_SI .05 Q 9-15 9-30
Sivyer Steel Casting..25c . 9-20 10-10
Worcester Salt _50c <3 9-19 9-30
Do 67o Pf_$1.50 Q 11-6 11-16
New York Sugar
NEW YORK Sept. 16 OP’—Sugar futures
No. ,3 opened 2-4 higher. September,
2.30a: January. 2.33: March, 2.42; May.
2.48; July, 2.62. a—Asked.
U. S. Treasury Statement
By the Associated Press.
The position of the Tressury September 14. compared with comparable date a
year ago:
Sept 14.1039. Sept. 14. 1938.
Receipts - $28,119,109.41 $29,432,803.39
Expenditures - 18.547.649.10
Net balance- 2.201.391.121.78 2,180.746.231.09
Working balance Included - 1,607.578.905.09 1.582.284.412.71
Customs receipts for month . _ 18,149 547.52 12.840.889.03
Receipts for fiscal year (July 1)- 57 1.008.549.838 57
Expenditures 1.907.295.053 10 1.759.240.110.87
Excess of expenditures- 924.055.080.53 750.090.278.30
Gross debt 40.882,474,020.49 37,6.37,95.3.328.00
Increase over previous day_ 474.020 49
Gold assets - - 10.838.990,909.07 13.420.508.501.42
New York Produce
NEW YORK. Sept. 16 (/Pi.—Eggs. 8.285:
steady. Mixed colors: Fancy to extra
fancy. 2316-38: standards, 23. firsts,
lfl‘6-20: seconds, 18-19: mediums. 1634
17: dirties. No. ) 18Va-17: average
checks. 14*6-15. Refrigerator. fancy
heavyweights. 21-24: standards. I9>/3
20*6: firsts. lS’s-lfi'/?: seconds. 18-1M«;
mediums, 17: dirties, 16*6.
Whites: Resale of premium marks.
37*6-40: nearby and Midwestern, premium
marks. 34*6-37; exchange specials, 34:
exchange standards. 28-28*6. Resale of
nearby heavier mediums. 29*6-34. Nearby
and Midwestern, exchange mediums, '.9;
pullets. 20*6-21: peewees 17*6-18. Re
frigerator. nearby and Midwestern, stand
ards. 23*6-25: firsts. 21-22. Pacific Coast,
jumbo and premiums. 38-40; specials. 3.
3834; standards. 30-3016: mediums, 30
3°Browns: Nearby, extra fancy. 29*6-40.
Nearby and Midwestern, excbante specials.
29; exchange standards. 25V4. Nearby,
mediums, 24Va-25; pullets, 19.
Duck eggs: Nearby. 24-28.
Butter. 432.778: easier. Creamery, higher
than extra. 28'/«-29: extra (92 score), 28;
firsts (88-91). 24-27Vi; seconds 84-87),
| Cheese, 264,324; firm. Prices un
I changed.
Dressed poultry generally steady. Fresh
1 and frozen prices unchanged.
I Live poultry, by freight, irregular.
Broilers. Rocks. 17; Leghorn. 17. Fowls,
colored 21: Leghorn. 12-13. Pullets.
Rocks, large. 23; small, 22. Old roosters.
13. Ducks. 14.
By express, about steady. Chickens.
Reds. 18. Broilers. Rocks. 21-22: crosses.
19-20: Reds. 18-1»; Leghorn, small. 18
18'^: large. 17-18. Fowls. Leghorn. 15. Pul
lets. Rocks, small. 21; fancy, large 25;
Reds, medium. 22: fancy, large. 24.
Stock Leaders Drop
$1 to $4 or More in
Profit Taking
Extreme Declines Cut
Later and Volume
Dwindles Sharply
Stock Averages
_ *
30 15 15 30
Indust. Ralls. Util. Stic.
Net change —1.0 —.4 +.4 —.5
Todav, close 74.8 21.4 38.9 52.3
Prev day ._ 75.8 21.8 38.5 52.8
Month ago 66.2 17 4 38.5 46 9
Year ago 66.6 15.9 29.9 44.5
1939 high.. 77.0 23.8 40.6 53.4
1939 low .. 58 8 15.7 33.7 41.6
1938 high.. 79.5 23.5 37.8 54.7
1938 low.. 49.2 12.1 24.9 33.7
1932 low .. 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9
1929 high..146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7
1927 low... 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8
(Complied by the Associated Press.)
Associated Press Financial Writer.
NEW YORK, Sept. 16—The stock
market's war babies were hit by fur
ther profit taking today and most
dropped 1 to more than 4 points be
fore buying support came to their
Worst setbacks came in the first
hour, w'hen selling pressure was
heavy enough to put the ticker tape .
behind two minutes for a brief in
terval. The pace then reverted to
a slow jog and extreme losses were
reduced substantially in many cases
at the close.
Steels, aircrafts, coppers and spe
cialties were the principal sufferers
in the initial tumble. Utilities con
tested the trend, with a number
posting modest advances. Rails also
were fairly resistant.
Most trading contingents exhib
ited a disposition to clear the decks
for the week end. especially, brokers
said, as the European news pre
sented little of an outstanding bull
ish nature.
The Lindbergh broadcast on keep- »
ing out of war served to arouse
doubts here and there in boardrooms
as to whether the proposed arms em
bargo repeal would get through the
coming special session of Congress
without a real battle.
Peace Attempt Talked.
In addition, financial observers
found nothing particularly cheer
ing in the Far Eastern peace pact
between Russia and Japan, and
murmurings from Berlin of a pos- »
sible new peace attempt by Mus
solini served to arouse the thought
that gains based on longldrawm
out European hostilities might be
nebulous at best.
Action of the Canadian govern
ment in taking over wide control
of foreign exchange, imports, ex- <
ports and securities helped depress
Dominion stocks and the country's
dollar. Sterling was also lower in
terms of United States currency.
The Amsterdam market, only im
portant overseas exchange open to
day, displayed heaviness.
Good business signs at home were
plentiful. Based on word from the
main steel-producing centers, next
week's mill operations were expected
to jump in the neighborhood of
8 to 10 points to 78 to 80 per cent
of capacity, a new peak since the
fall of 1937. Steel scrap at Pitts
burgh was boosted $1 a ton after
three previous 50-cent hikes this
Utilities Helped.
Utilities were buoyed by the belief
of some analysts that the power
companies stand to benefit hand
somely by rising industrial trends.
This group has been neglected in the
run-up of the past two weeks.
Transfers approximated 900.000
Resistant were American Tele
phone, Consolidated Edison. North
American, Public Service of New »
Jersey and American Water Works.
Investing Companies
NEW YORK Sept. 16 —National
Association Securities Dealers. Inc.:
Bid. Asked.
Admin Fd 2nd Inc _ 12.65 13 46
Affiliated F Inc 3.89 4.25
•Amerex Hold 15.875 17.3*5
Am Bus Shrs . _ 3.61 3.99
Am Gen Ea Inc 46 .52 _
Am Ins Stocks 4.on 4.60
•Bankers Nat Inv Corn A 6 375 7.50
Basic Industry 4.0!)
•Blair A* Co _ 2.25 3.00
Boston Fund Inc _ 16.32 17.55
Broad St Inv _ 24.86 26.59
Bullock Fund _ 14 75 16.125
Century Shrs Tr _23.4o 25.16
Chemical Fund _ 10 79 11 67
Comwlth Invest _ 3.71 4 04
•Continental Sh Df _ 11.50 12.50
Corporate Trust _ 2.57 _
Corporate Trust AA_ 2.46 _
Corp Tr Accum _ 2.46 _
Corp Tr AA Mod _ 2.98 _
Corp Tr Acc Mod _ 2.98
Cumulative Tr Sh _ 5.21 _
Depos Bk Sh N Y A”_ 1.65 _
Depos Ins Shrs "A"_ 2.8o _
Depos Ins Shrs "B" _ 2.49 -
Diversified Tr C _ 4.00
Dividend Shrs 1.31 1.44
Eaton & How Fd •‘A-l” __ 17.96 19 29
Equity Corp S3 pf _ 29.50 30.00
Fidelity Fund Inc _ 19.78 21.£9
•First Boston Com _ 12.875 14.i"! *
First Mutual Tr Fd_ 7.4S f.f'?
Fiscal Fund Bk Sh _ •’.*!> 2.87
Fiscal Fund Ins _ 3.16 3.52
Fixed Trust Sh A _10.48
Foreign Bond Assoc_ 6.42 7.08
Found Tr Sh A _ 4.15 4.70
Fund Investors Inc _ 18 68 20 31
Fund Tr Shrs A _ 5.30 6.04
Fund Tr Shrs B _ 4.79
Gen Capital Corp_ 31.53 33 90
Gen Investors Tr 4.87 6.30
Group Sec Agricultural 6.95 6 48
Group Sec Automobile_ 4.88 5 32
Group Sec Aviation _ 7.88 8.57
Group Sec Building _ 6.17 6.72
Group Sec Chemical _ 7.11 7.71
Group Sec Foods 448 4 80
Group Sec Invest Shrs 3.94 4.30
Group Sec Merchandising 5.27 5 74
Group Sec Mining 6 47 7.04
Group Sec Petroleum 5.12 5 58
Group Sec R R Equip 4.77 6.2<*
Group Sec Steel - 6.39 6.95
Group Sec Tobacco _ 4.84 5.27
•Huron Holding _ .10 ..30
Incorp Investors _17.88 19.22
Independence Tr Sh _ 2.30 __
Insfl Sec. Bank Group _ 1.17 1.29
Instl Sec: Insurance _ 1.30 1.43
Investors Fd "C" Inc_11.26 12.02
Keystone Custodn B 1_ 26 07 28.60
Keystone Custodn B 2 __ 22.05 24.13
Keystone Custodn B 3_14.66 16.00
Keystone Custodn K 1 — 14.15 15.54
Keystone Custodn K 2_10.08 11.17
Keystone Custodn S 2 — 13.86 16.26
Keystone Custodn S 3_11.64 12.88
Keystone Custodn 8 4 __ 4.57 5.14
Manhat Bond Fund - 7.00 7.73
Maryland Fund - 5.33 5.88
Mass Invest Tr - 21.48 23.10
Mutual Invest _11.42 12.48
Nation Wide Sec _ 3.77 __
Nation Wide Voting _ 1.33 1.48
Natl Investors _ 5.77 6 14
New England Fund _ 13 69 14.75
N Y Stocks Automobile _ 6.63 6.11
N Y Stocks Aviation _ 9.98 10.78
N Y Stocks Bk Stocks _ 9.24 9 99
N Y Stocks. Bldg Supply 6.46 7 00
N Y Stocks Elec Itoulp __ 8.22 8 89
N Y Stocks. Insurance __ 9.65 10.43
N Y Stocks Machinery __ 8.62 9.32
N Y Stocks Oils_ 8.71 9.42
N Y Stocks. R R Equip _ 8.21 8 88
N Y Stocks. Steel _ 8.46 9.15
North Am Bond Tr ctfs_ 46.25 -- *
Nor Am Tr Shares 1953. 2.44 -
Nor Ar Tr Shares 19.55_ 2.96 __
Nor Am Tr Shares 1956- 2.90 __
Nor Am Tr Shares 1958- 2.64 __
Plymouth Fund Inc _ .43 .48
Putnam (G) Fund _14.51 15 62
Quarterly Income Sh _ 9.00 9.90
•Shoellkopf-Hut A Pom, 1.00 2.00
Selected Am Sh Inc - 9.77 10.65
, Selected Income Sh - 4.54 --
! Sovereign Invest _ .72 .80
Spencer Trask Fund_15.78 16.73
| Stand Util Inc _ 65 .59
Super of Am Tr A- 3.79 --
Super of Am Tr B_ 3.96 --
Super of Am Tr AA- 2.59 -
Supervised Shares _10.28 11.17
Trustee Stand Inv C- 2.64 -
Trustee Stand Inv D_ 2.58 --
Trusteed Am Bk “B’’ .58 .64
Trusteed Industry Shares .88 .98
Wellington Fund -14.52 15.96
Quotation furnished by National As
sociation of Securities Dealers. Inc., which
states they do not necessarily reflect
actual transactions or Arm bids or offers
but should indicate approximate prices,
and unless otherwise indicated, art as
quoted by the sponsors or isuers.
•Not Quoted by sponsors or issuers.
k \