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Federal Bonds Firm, But Others Take Uneven Course Rails and Industrials Show Declines of Fractions to 2 Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Ralls. Indust. Util. F an. Net change —.3 -t-.l unc. —.8 Today, close 60 2 97.9 93.3 *47.9 Prev. day_ 60.5 97.8 93.3 48.7 Month ago, 56.2 100.3 96.3 58.5 Year ago __ 54.2 97.3 91.7 61.2 1939 high., 64.9 100.8 97.5 64.0 1939 low... 53.4 95.8 90.4 47.9 1938 high.. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high..101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Close 105.0 Prev. day. 104.9 M'nth ago 111.9 Year ago. 109.0 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 104.6 1938 high 110.7 1938 low. 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 *New 1939 low. (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Sept. 16.—Some rails and industrials slipped today in the bond market, with declines running from fractions to 2 points or more. However, the trend was mixed to ward the. close. United States Government obli gations were generally firm and the market quiet. Gains ran up to 12-32ds of a point. There were a few declines running to 6-32ds on Email transactions. Tire foreign dollar list continued quiet and irregular. Canada 4s, still active, lost more than a point. French stamped 7 l2s were up about i2. Milan 632s were down about a point. In the general list Alleghany 4 stamped 5s of '50 lost nearly 3 points. The 5s of '49, however, were up nearly The moves fol lowed news of the collateral value behind the issues. Bethlehem Steel 312s were off about 2 points, slipping with the stock. Losers of a point or more included Chesapeake & Ohio 3>2s. Great Northern 4s of '46. series “G"; Illi , nois Central 434s. M.-K -T. 5s of 62 and Youngstown Sheet & Tube 4s. Columbia Gas Electric 5s of '61 were up more than a point. Frac tional gains w'ere made by Fire stone Tire 3'2s, Montana Power 334s. Southern Railway 4s and United States Steel 3]4s. New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Sept. 16—The cot ton futures market sold off 14 to 20 points in very active trading to day. Pressure of large hudge sales and Bombay straddle liquidation forced prices downward despite the fact large quantities of cotton were absorbed by trade interests in the form of price fixings for both do mestic and foreign mill accounts. As prices continued to sag after the opening, trade bids were scaled down. Although Bombay selling subsided early, it was replaced by aggressive New Orleans and com mission house liquidation and the market continued to edge lower, finishing at the lows of the day. Futures closed 14 to 20 lower. Open. High. Low. Last October _ 9 22 9.2.1 9.09 9.10-12 December _8.99 8.9!> 8.85 8.85-86 January 8.87 8.88 8.7? 8.77 March 8 75 8.76 8.61 8.61-61 May s 52 s.s? * <1 8.43-44 July __ 8.41 8.41 8 25 8.25-26 Middling spot. 0 20. * Cottonseed Oil. Bleachable cottonseed oil futures closed } in 9 Sower. Sales, llo contracts. Oc tober 7.18b: December. 7.31b; March. 7.50: May. 7.55b. b Bid. Chicago brain By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, Sept. 16. —Wheat prices went through another ses ■' Pion of nervous fluctuations today, dipping more than a cent, but then rallying almost two cents from the early lows. Closing quotations were little changed from yesterday. Prospects for little relief in win ter wheat districts Southwest where good rains are needed to permit seeding of the 1940 crop induced some purchasing on the recovery movement. Mill buying also was in evidence, but on the whole trade was light, with profit taking and hedging keeping the market under pressure. Wheat closed % lower to % high • er, compared with yesterday's finish, December 867s-34; May, 87%-88; corn, %-% down; December. 573g %; May, GO**-1*; oats, unchanged to 3g lower. WHEAT— Open. High. Low. Close. Bep _.85% .86% .85% .85% Dec. _.86% .8T% .85% .88%-% May _.87% .88% .86% .87%-88 CORN— Bep _.58 .58% .57% .58 Dec _.57% .57% .56% ..•><%-% May _ .60% .60% .59% .60%-% ^CATS— 3fit/t 35j4 Dec. __.35% .35% .34% ,35%-35 May .36 .36 .35% .35% SOY BEANS— CVt. .81 81 % .81 .81% Dec . . .81% .81% .81 .81% May _ _ _ ..... _ .83% RYE— Bep ... .51% -- .51% Dec. _ .53% .54% .53% .54% May -.56% .57% .56 .57 % LARD— Bep. . 7 89 7 90 7.80 7.90 Oct. _ 7.82 7 82 7.67 7.82 Dec . ... 7.60 7 75 7.55 7.75 Jao - 7.62 7.77 7.62 7.77 May 8 15 8.22 8.15 8,23 BELLIES— Bep. . __ _ _ _ . 8.62 Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat no sales reported Corn. No. 2 mixed. 60!*, No. 1 yellow. 00%-61: m2' i Ckats. sample, mixed. 35: No , white, 36%-37. No. 3. 36% Barley, malting. .55-6*5 nominal: fped 40-4K nominal: No. 4 57: No. 3 malting. 63 Timothy seed. 3 65-90 nominal. Red toD. P.50-!> 00 nominal. Alsike. 12 00-15 no nominal. 2,100 Tons of Lead Sold NEW YORK, Sept. 16 (/P).—St. . Joseph Lead Co. reported 40 tons of Southeast Missouri pig lead sold yesterday at $5.35 per 100 pounds, East St. Louis; 1.550 tons at $5.55, New York, and 150 tons at the New York average. Rubber Futures NEW YORK. Sept. 18 </p,.—Crude rubber futures closed unchanged to 50 lower. Sales No. 1 Standard. 12S con tracts. September. 21.80b: December 20.00-63: March. lf).30b. Smoked ribbed spot, 22.25n. b—Bid. n—Nominal. London Bar Gold _ LONDON Sept. 18 i/Pi.—Dealings in the bar gold and bar silver markets will be suspended on Saturdays until further notice, Two new hug* rolling mills in Tokio will have American machin ery. t. I BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By private wire Amt to The Star. Approximate Tranjacfiont Today. Domestic Bonds_ 4.320,000 Foreign Bonds_ .670.000 US Govt Bonds_ .370.000 TREASURY. High. Low. Close. 2s 1947 _ 100.22 100.2* 100.22 2HS 1945_ 104 26 104.10 104.26 2H* 1948 _ 103.4 103.4 103.4 2 ’*s 1949-63_ 100.26 100.19 100.26 2 Hs 196(1-52 _ 100.28 100.20 100.28 24*8 1945-47_ 104.28 104.28 104.28 *%s 1948-51. _ 103.12 103 12 103.12 24*8 1956-59_101.20 10117 101.20 24,8 1968-63_101.21 101.17 101.21 284s 1960-65_101.20 101.13 10120 2 84s 1955-60_ 102.24 102.24 102.24 3s 1946-48 _ 106.4 106.4 106.4 3s 1951-55 _ 105.12 105.12 105.12 3s 1951-55 rg_ 105.10 105.10 105.10 3 V4s 1946-49_ 106.28 106.28 106.28 3 H s 1949-52. _ 107.5 107.5 105.5 34*sl941 _ 105.14 105.14 105.14 3V*s 1943-45_ 107.2 107.2 107.2 3V*s 1944-46. _ 107.5 107.5 107.5 34*s 1946-56_ 110.24 110 24 110.24 4>4s 1947-52 ... 1 16.4 116.2 116.4 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE 3s 1942-47 ... 103.28 103.20 103.28 S'4s 1944-64 ... 104 20 104.20 104 20 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 3s 1944-52 . 104.4 103.31 104.4 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low. Close. Abltiht P*P 5s 53 ... 50 48'* 4H'3 Adriatic Elec 7s 52_ 38 38 38 Antloqula 3d 7s 57- 11 H Antwerp 6s 68 _ 74 74 74 Argentine 4s 72 Feb.. 75U* 74H 75(4 Argentine 4s 72 Apr.. 76 76 76 Argentine 4 >4s 48_ 91'* 91** 91*» Argentine 4 Hs 71__ 83»* 85'* So'* ; Australia 44(>s 66_ 63*4 63 63 Australia 6s 55__ 69'* 67 67 Australia Re R7 fi7 67 67 Belgium 6* 65 __ 91% 91 91 Belgium 6%s 49_ 92 91 92 Belgium 7s 56 ... 94 93% 93% Brazil 6 %a 1926-67__ 11% 11% 11% Bra7.ll 6 44s 1927-57 11% 10% 10% 1 Brazil 8s 41 .14 14 14 Buen Air «%-<%■> 77 53 53 53 Buen Air 4 44 - 4 % a 76. 57% 57% 57% Bulgaria 7s 67 13 13 13 Bulgaria 74?s 68_ 13 13 13 Canaria 2 44s 45_ 90 90 90 Canada 3a 67 81 79 79 Canada 3 44 s 61_ 83% 82 82 j Canada 4s 60_ 90% 90% 90% Canada 6s 62 _ 99% 99% 99% Chile fis 60 assd 12% 12% 12% Chile fis fil Jan assd_ 12% 12% 12% ' Chile fis fi1 Sept_ 16% 16% 16%: Chile 6s 62 _ 16% 16% 16% Chile fis *3 _ 16% 16% 16% Chile 6s 63 assd_' 12% 12% 12%; Chile 7s 42 _ 16% 16% 16% , Chile Mortg Bk fis «2. 13% 13% 13% Colombia 6s 61 Jan . 22 22 22 Cuba 5s 1914-49 _103% 102% 102% Denmark 4%s 62_ 58% 57% 58% Denmark fis 42 ... 75% 75% 75% Dominic 544s 61 ext_. 72 70% 70% Estonia 7s 67 _ 85 82 82 Finland fis 45 ... 97 96 96 French Gvt 7 44 s 41... 90 88% 90 j Ger Govt 6 44 s 65 ... 6% 6% 6%: German Govt 7s 49 _ 9% 8% 8% 1 Grt C El Jap 6%s 50 .. 65 65 65 Helsingfors 6%s SO . 96 96 96 Italv 7s 51 . .. 48% 48 48% Milan «44a 62 33 31% 31% Minas Geraes 6 44 s 68 7 7 7 New So Wales 5s 57 . 69 69 69 Norwav fis 43 ... 99% 99 99 Norwav fis 44 .. 99 98% 98% Otlental Dev 644s 58 48% 48 48 Oriental Dev fis 53 .. 54% 54% 54% Panama 5 44 s 53_105% 105 105% Peru IstfisfiO 7% 7% 7% Poland 8s 50 _ 14% 14% 14% Queensland 6s 47_ 70 70 70 Queensland 7s 41_ 87 86% 86% Rome B4i>s 52 _ 38% .3844 38% Rumania 7s 59_ 12 12 12 Sao Paulo St 7s 40.__ 16% 16% 16% Sao Paulo St 7s 66 ... 6% 6% 6% Taiwan Elec 5 44a 71.. 53 53 53 Uru 3%-4-4V.s adl 79 42% 42% 42% DOMESTIC IONDS Adams Exp 4s 48_ 103s. 103s, 103s, Alleg Corp 5s 44 78s. 78 78". Alleg Corp 5s 4D_ 68s* 67 684 Alleg Corp 5s 50_ 48 48 48 Alleg Corp 5s 50 std . 42 38s. 414 Allis CPalmers 4s 52. 110s. 110s, 110s, Am 1 G Ch 6 4s 49 1004 100s, 1004 Am Inti 64s 49 _ 103 1024 1024 AmT&T34s61_101 1004 101 Am T&T 34*66 ... 1004 100s. 1004 Am T & T 6 4» 43 .. 109 1084 103', Anaconda db 4 4s50 1064 106 106 Anglo-Chll Mtr db 67 344 344 344 Armour! Del >lst4s 65 95'. 95s, 95', A T&S Fe ad1 4s 95 st 854 854 854 1 A T&S Fe gen 4s 95 103V, 103 103 A T&S Fe 4 4s 48 101 101 101 | A T&SF TC StL 4s 58 103", 1034 103". Atl Coast L 5s 45 76 76 76 Atl & l)an 2d 4s 48 . 334 33", 334 Atl Gulf & W I 5s 59 . 72 72 72 Atlantic Refln 3s 53 . 994 994 994 B & U 1st 4s 48 _ 634 64', 644 B & O conv 44s 60... 17V, 164 174 B & O 4 4s 60 ct_ 174 16', 164 B & O 1st 6s 48_ 69 69 69 B & O ref 6s 95_ 294 294 294 B & O ref 6s 95 ct_ 294 29 294 B * O 6s 96 F. _ 29', 29 29 B & O 5s 96 Fct_ 294 29 29 B & O ref 5s 2000 D... 29 29 29 B * O rf 6s 2000 Dct. 294 29 29 B & O ref 6s 95 _ 31s, 314 314 B * O ref 6s 95 ct . 314 304 314 B&OPLE&W V 4s41ct 59 59 59 B & O Swn 6s 60 ... 4Rsi 484 48*. B * O S wn 5s 50 ct... 46s, 46s. 464 Bang & Aroos 4s 51.. 87V, 86 86 Beth Steel 3V.s 59 F.. 97 4 964 964 Beth Steel 3 4s 62_ 112 111 112 Beth Steel 3*4* 66.__ 100 994 994 Beth Steel 4 4s 60 ... 1044 104'/, 1044 Bos & Me 44s 6’ JJ.. 334 324 324 Bos & Me 5s 67 ... 37 364 364 Bos N Y A L 4s 55 74 7 7 Bklyn Ed cn S4s 66 . 1024 1024 1024 Bklvn Man T 44s 66. 71 704 704 Bklvn Un El 6s 60 ... 804 804 804 Bklvn Un Gas 6s 60— 924 924 924 Bklvn Un O 6s 57 B.. 101 101 101 Buff G E 4 4s 81 ._ 110 110 110 Buff R&Pcn 44s 57. 394 394 394 B R & P cn 44s 67 ct 39 39 39 B C R & N cl 5s 3 J_ 64 64 64 Calif Oreg Pwr 4s 66. 974 974 974 Canadian NR 4 4* 51. 95 94 94 i Can NR 4 4s 56 _ 95 944 944 Can NR 44s 67 _ 94 934 934 Can NR 5s 69 July_ 98 96 96 Can NR 5s 69 Oct_ 99 974 974 Can NR 6s 70 _ 974 974 974 Can Nor 64s 46 _1064 1064 1064 Can Pac db 4s perp_ 624 624 624 Can Pac 6s 44_ 1004 100 1004 Can Pac 6s 64 _ 78 76 76 Cent of Ga cn 6s 45 — 10 10 10 Cent of N J gen 6s 87. 18 17 17 Cent N J gn 6s 87 rg— 16 16 16 Cent Pac 6s 60 - 54 54 54 Cert’d deb£4s 48 . 77 77 77 Ches& Ohio 34s 63 F 1014 101s, 101s. Ches & O 34s 96 D... 924 924 924 Chi & Alton 3s 49_ 104 104 104 Chi B&Q gen 4s 68 ... 92 92 92 Chi * E 111 6s 61 ct_ 17 17 17 Chi Grt West 4s 69 214 214 214 : Chi Ind & L gen 6s 66. 34 34 34 ! CM&StP 4 4s 89 C — 28 28 28 CM&StP 44s 89 E .. 28 28 28 Chi Mil & St P 6s 75 8s. 84 84 CMStP&P adi 6s 2000 3 3 3 Chl&NW gen 4s 87 .. 144 144 144 Chi & NW 44s 2037.. 9 8s, 84 Chl&NW 44s 2037 C. 9 9 9 Chi & NW cv 44s 4». 44 44 44 I Chi Rl&Prf 4S 34 8 74 74 Chi R 1 * Pgen 4s *8 154 15 15 i Chi R1&P4 4S62A cf* 64 64 64 I Chi Rl&Pcv 448 60. 34 34 34 Chi TH&S tnc 6s 60.. 564 664 564 Chi Un Sta 4s 44_ 105 105 105 Ch! * W Ind 44* 6*. " j 93 93 Childs & Co 6s 43 - 6 * /59V. 594 CCC&StLLrf 4 4»77 58,/ 684 584 Clev Un Ter 6s 73 „ 784 784 784 Vvior un (i.. m ps | Colo* So 4 4s 80 —_ 364 354 354 Col G&E 5s 62 Apr—. 100 100 100 Col G&E 6s 61 . 994 984 984 | Colum Ry P&L 4s 65- 107 107 107 ComwEd34s68 .. 1144 1134 1144 Corns Ed J4s 68 ... 1034 1034 1034 Conn R P» 34s 61 .. 1044 1044 1044 Cons Coal Del 6s 60 . 644 64 64 Cons Ed N Y 8 4s 46 1034 1034 1034 ; Cons Ed db 3 4s 48 1034 1024 1024 , Cons Ed N Y 34s56 1014 1014 1014 Cons Ed N 7 3 4s 58 1014 1014 1014 Cons 011 34s 51 104 1034 104 j Consum Pwr 84s 66 1044 1044 1044 Consum Pwr 3 8B. 1044 1044 1044 I Container 6s 46_ 1024 1024 1024 l Hlsh. Low. Close. Conti Oil 2Vis 4S . .. 113 112*113 Cuba Northn 5 V6s 42. 35* 35* 35* Cuba RR 7V4s 46 A—. 46* 46* 46* Dayton P&L »*a 60.. 105 105 105 Del & Hud ref «* 43__ 67* 67 67* Den & R O W 6s 65 .. 3* 3* 3* D & R G W 6s 66 ast — 3* 8* 3* Desplaln Val 4*s 47. 40 40 40 Det Edison 4s 65 .. 109* 109* 109* Dow Chemical 3s 61 102* 102* 102* Duluth MA1R 3*s 62 103 103 103 Duouesne Lt 3*s 65. 105* 105* 105* Elec Auto Lt 4s 62... 108* 108 108* Erie 1st 4s 96_ 45* 45* 45* Erie sen 4s 96__ 22* 22* 22* Erie ref 6s 67_ Ifi 15* 15* Erie ref 5* 75 16* 15* 15* Erie Gen Rlv 6s 57... 45 45 45 Falrbks Alorse 4s 56 103 103 103 Firestone Tire 3 *s 41 102* 102* 102* Francisco Sue 6s 66 . 53 60 63 Gen Alot Acc3*s 61. 103* 103* 103* Gen Stl Cast 6*s 49.. 68* 68* 68* Goodrich 4 Vis 66 _101* 101* 101* Grt Nor Ry 3*s 67_ 77* 77* 77* Grt Nor 4s 46 G ... 106* 105* 106* Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H.. 92* 92* 92* Grt N Ry 4 *• 76 D . 83* 83* 83* Grt N R En 4*s 77 B. 83* 83* 83* Grt Nor Ry 6 *s 52 .. 99 99 99 Gulf St Util 3*s 69.. 100* 100 100* Hock Val 4*s 99 ...116 116 116 Hoe (H) 1st mtE 44 ... 72 71* 72 Hudson Coal 6s 62 A. 41* 41 41 Hud & Alan Inc 6s 67.. 15 14* 14* Hud & Alan ref 6s 67. 48* 48 48 111 Cent 4*8 66 . 50 49 49* ICC&StL NO 4*s 63. 49* 49* 49* ICCAStL NO 6s 63 .. 53* 62* 62* 111 Stl deb 4*s 40 A . 101* 101* 101* lndust Rayon 4 *s 48 96 96 96 Inter R T 1st rf 6s 66 64* 64 61* Int R T 1st rf 6s 66 ct 63* 63 63* Inter R T 6s 32_ 30* 30 30 Inter R T 7s 32_ 61* 61* 61* Int R T 7s 32 ct_ 60 60 60 Interlake Iron 4s 47 . 95* 95* 95* Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 52. 17* 17* 17* Int Hvdro El fis 44 ... 74* 73* 73* Int Mer Alar 6s 41_ 74* 73* 74 Int Paper ref 6s 55_ 90* 90* 90* Int T&T 4*s 52 _ 50 50 50 TST Sc KS SQli SOIc SO Iowa C 1st * ref 4s 51 2H 27, 2H Kane C FtS&M 4s 3B 32', S2‘a 32V, K C FS&M rf 4s 36 ct. 31'. 31', 31H Kan Citv Term 4s 60. 105',a 1047i 105V, KansG&E 4V.S80_103V* 103', 103V* Kines Co El 4s 49_ 79 79 79 Kopners Co 4s 51 _ 99H 99H 99', Kresee Found 3 Hs 47 103H |03v* 103V* Kresee Found 4s 45 .. 102 102 102 Laclede Gas 6s 42 B_48H 48', 48'/, Lautaro Nitrate 76 ._. 33 33 33 L V KK 4s 2003 asd_ 19', 19V* 19H Loew’s3Hs46 95', 95'* 95', Louisv G&E 3Hs 66.. 103', 103', 103H L& Nash unlf 4s 40.. 100 100 1(10 McCrory Strs 5s 51_106'* 106 106 Me Central 4H» 60_ 49V, 49', 49', Manati Suear 4s 67_ 41 41 41 Manhat Ky 4s 90 67 65', 67 Manhat Ry 4s 90 ct—. 63'. 63 63', Metrop Ed 4Hs 68 ... 109'a 109'a 109H Mich Cons Gas 4s 63.. 94H 94 94 Minn & St L rf 6s 62— 14* 1', 1H MStPSS.M cn 4s 38 . 8H 8', 8V* MStP&SSM con 6s 38. 6 6 6 MStP&SSM 5Hs 49.. 2 2 2 Mo K & T 1st 4s 90_ 34', 34'i 34'/* Mo K & T 4s 62 B_ 20 20 20 Mo K & T 4 H® 78_ 23 22 22 Mo K & T 5s 62 A __ 23 22 22'-, Mo K & T ad 1 6s 67_ 11 9:, 9 . Mo Pac 4s 75 _ 5 44* 4'* Mo Pac 5s 65 A____. 17H 17'. 17H Mo Pac 5s 77 F_ 17'* 17 17 Mo Pac os 78 G_ 17 17 17 Mo Pac 5s 81 1_ 17'. 17 17 Mo Pac 5 Hs 49 _ 3H 3', 3Vi Mob & Ohio 6s 38 ... 28H 28v, 28', Monone P S 4 H s 60_106', 106H 106 , Monone Pub S 6s 65.. 106H 106 106 Mont Power 3<V*s 66.. 94 93'. 93'. Morris & Es 4Hs 55 — 38', 38% 38H Morris & Es 5s 55 427* 42*. 427, Mount StT&T 3V.S 68 100‘* IOOH 100H Nassau Elec 4s 61_ 39H 39H 39'i Nat Dairy 31.3 61 ww 102 101', 1017. Natl Distill 3 Hs 49.. 99H 99 99', Natl Steel 3s 65 97 96', 97 New Jer P&L 4',s 60 106 106 106 New url P S 6s 65 B 104', 104H 104', New Orl T&M 6s 64 B 36 35 35 N Y Central 3 Hs 62 . 69 68H 6HH N Y Central 3 He 97 .. 81 81 81 N Y Central 3V*s 46. 75H 75'* 75'* N Y Cent con 4s 98 65 641, 64', N Y Cent rf 4Hs 2013 58H 574* 58H N Y Cent rf 6s 2013 65 64 64 N Y Cht&StL 4 Hs 78 58 56*. 57'i N Y C&StL 6 Hs 74 A. 66 65H 66 N Y Conn 1st 4Hs 53. 100V, 100', 100H NY Dock 4s 51 .. 56:, 567, 56H N Y Edis 3Hs 65 D .. 101H 101*. 101', N Y Edis ref 3 V*s 66. 102'* 102'. 1024* NY NH & H 3 He 54 _ 12', 12H 12', NY NH & H 4s 57 . 7 7 7 NY NH & H cv 6s 48. 16H 16 16'. N Y O&W Ren 4s 55_ 5 5 5 NY O&W ref 4s 92 ... 8V4 8', 8H N Y Rich G 6s 61 ... 104 1037, 104 N Y Steam 3 Hs 63 .. 97H 97 97H N Y S & W ref 5s 37 9H 9 9 Niae Falls P3'»s 66. 103H 103U 103H Norf Southn 5s 41 _ 45 44s, 45 Norf Southn 6s 61 11', 11V, lit, Norf Southn 5s 61 ct. 12 11 11 North Am 3H»49_ 101H 101', 101H North Am 3*is 54_100'* 100'* 100'* North Am 4s 59 _101>, 101 101H Nor'n Pac 4s 97 _ 72', 72 72 Nor’n Pao 4 Hs 2047— 52 51', 51H Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 D_. 57 57 57 Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 * 65', 65 65H North Sta Pw 3Hs 67 101', 101', 101’, Ohio Edison 3Hs 72.. 100 100 100 Ohio Edison 4s 65_103'. 103', 103', Ohio Edison 4s 67_ 103 102*. 1027, Okla G&E 3 A*s 66_ 103 102V, 102H Okla G&E 4s 46 _ 103 103 103 OreR RR & N 4s 46... 1054* 1054, 105', OreRon W RR 4s 61— 101 101 101 Otis Steel 4Hs 62 ... 774, 77H 77', Pac Gas & El 3 Hs 66. 101U 100", 101'* Pac G & E 3 H s 61_ 105 104H 105 Pac G & E 4s 64 108H 108 108V, Pac T&T rf 3Hs 66 B 101', 101'. 101'* Pac T&T 3V,s 66 C 103V, 103'/, 103H Para Brodwy 3s 55 ct 48 48 48 1 Param't Pic 3V,s 47 . 80 80 80 Penn Dixie C 6s 41 A. 100 100 100 I C1U1 v o( v i 7J ■ i i ... ^7 4 1 .4•» ■•’2 Penn RR 34s 52_ 89V. 884 884 Penn RR 3 % s 70_ 84 84 84 Penn RR 4s 43 __1114 1114 1114 Penn RR gn 44s 65 — 97% 97% 97% Penn RR (1b 4 4s 70.. 864 86 86 Peoples GL&C 5s 47.. 108 108 108 Peoria * E tne 4s DO . 5% 5% 5% Pere Marquette 4s 56 59 59 59 Phelps Dodge 34s 62 1144 1134 1144 Phila B&W 4s 43_ 1044 1044 1044 Phila Co 6s 67 _ 1014 1014 1014 Phila Elec 3 4a 67 ... 105 105 105 Phila R C* Ir 5s 73— 14% 14% 14% Phila R C& Ir 6s 49.. 5% 5 5% Phillips Petrol 3s 48. 114 1134 113% PCC&StL 44s 40 A— 1034 1034 1034 PCC&StL 6s 70 A - 1044 1044 1044 Pltt&W Va 44s 58 A. 44 44 44 Pitt&VV Va 4 4s 60 C. 434 434 434 Port Gen El 44s 80— 754 75 754 Postal Tel &C 5s 63 . 164 16 16% Pressed Stl Car 5s 51. 81 804 81 Potomac EP3V.S 86. 102% 102% 102% Publio Sv 1st 3 4s 88. 100% 1004 100% Reading R 44s 97 A. 76 76 76 Republic Stl 64s 54_. 113% 1124 113% Richfield 011 4s 62_ 108 108 108 Rio G W col 4s 49 A._ 16 16 16 St L-San Fr 4s 50 A.. 11% 104 104 StL-San Fr 4s 60 ct— 10% 10% 10% St L-S F 44s 78 ct St. 104 104 104 St L-San Fr 6s 50 B— 114 114 114 St L-S F 5s 60 B ct— 11 11 11 St L S W ref 5s 90.. 114 114 114 San Antonio P S 4s 63 1014 1014 1014 San Diego CG&E 4s65 1074 1074 1074 Schulco 64s 46 A .. 17 17 17 Schulco 64s 46 A stp 17 17 17 Seab’d A L rf 4s 69 — 54 5 4 54 Seabd A L add 5s49._ 3 3 3 Seab'd A L 6s 45 A—— 8% 84 8% Seab d A L 6s 45 ct— 7% 7% 7% Shell Un Oil 24s 54— 91 90% 91 Simmons Co 4s 62- 92 91% 91% Skelly 011 4s 51_ 1004 1004 1014 Socony Vac 3s 64_ 994 994 994 Sothn Bell T&T 3s 79 964 964 964 So Bell T&T 34s 82 1004 1004 10'V. Southn Cal G 4 4s 81 1064 1064 1064 Southn Kraft 44« 46 944 94 944 So Pac 34s 46_ 614 614 614 So Pao raf 4s 65_ 634 634 634 So Pao 44s 68_ 494 4S% 494 So Pao 44s 69_ 49 48% 49 So Pac 4 4s 81_ 484 48% 48% So Pac Oreg 4 4s T7-_ 514 514 514 So Ry gen «s 66 A__ 58 574 57% So Ry 6a 94 _ 87 87 87 So Ry gen 6s 68__ 75 74 74 So Ry 64s 56 _ 794 79 79 S W Bell Tel 3s 68 — 99 984 99 S W Bell Tel 8 4s 64. 106H 105% 106 Southwn G&E 4s 60 . 1044 1044 1044 Stand OH N J 2 4s 58. 98% 984 98% Stand Oil N J 3s «1_ 1004 100 100 ,4 Blah. Low. Close. Studebaker ev <■ 45_. 92* 92 92 Swift St Co >*■ 60_ 104* 104* 104* Texaa Corp 8a 69 98* 98 98* Texas Corp S*s 51... 105 104* 105 Texas A Pac 6s 77 B„ 86* 86* 85* Third Av ref 4s 60_ 44* 44* 44* Third Avadi 5s 60 . 11 10* 10* Tide Wat Oil <*• 62. 101* 101* 101* Un El<Mo)3*«62.__. 104* 104* 104* Un Pacific 3 *s 70_ 91* 91* 91* Un Pacific 3 *s 71_ 91* 91* 91* Un Pacifio let 4s 47-_ 110 109*110 Un Pac ref 4s 2008_ 103* 103* 103* United Drug 6s 63_ 76* 76* 76* U S Steel S*s 41_ 103* 103* 103* Utah L,&J 6s 44 _ 96* 96* 96* Utah Pwr A Lt 6s 44.. 98* 9844 98* Utility PAD 5s 69 . 76* 76* 76* Utility P A L 6*s 47- 76* 76* 76* Vanadium 6s 41 ... 113 112 112 Va El A P 3*s 68 B— 102* 102* 102* Va Ky 1st 3*s 66_ 102 102 102 Wabash 4*sWC_ 11 10* 10* Wabash 1st 6s 39_ 39 38* 38* Wabash 2d 6s 39_ 20* 20* 20* Wabash 6s 76 B_ 11* 10* 10* Wabash 6s 80 D_ 11* 10* 10* Wabash 6*s 76 _ 11 10* 10* Walker HAS 4*s 45. 102* 102* 102* Walworth 4a 55 . 63 63 63 Warren tiros cv 6s 41 38* 36* 38* Westcht L gn 3 *s 67 101* 100* 100* W Sh let 4s 2361 reg. 48 47* 48 West Pacltic 6s 46 A— 17* 17* 17* West Union 4 *s 50._ 72* 72 72* West Union 6s 61-- 76 75 76 West Union 6s 60 .. 75* 74* 74* Wheel Steel 4 *s 66— 95* 95 96 White Sew M 6s 40— 101* 101* 101* Wilkes BAE 5s 42_ 9* 9* 9* Wilson A Co 4s 65_ 99 98* 98* Wls Cent 1st gn 4s 49 15* 16 15* Wls El Pw 3 *s 68... 101 100* 100v* Wls Pub Svc 4s 61— 104 104 104 Younest’n SAT 4s 48. 113* 112* 113* Youngst’n S&T 4s 61. 102* 102 102 CURB BONDS DOMESTIC. High. Low. Close. Ala l’ower 4 Us 67- 96U 96 98 ♦ Ala Power 5s 46 A-106U }o5U }95U Ala Power os 51_ 104*4 104** 104U AIh Pow’pr 5s 66_101U301*♦101U Ala Power 5s 56 — 102*4 102',4 10*. *4 Am P A L 6s 2016 92*4 92 92 Am Seat 6s 46 cv st 96 96 96 Appalach E P 4s 63 105U 105 lo5U Ark PAL 5s 56 . J03‘4 J03V§ 103*4 As El Ind 4 Us 53 55 55 5o As G A E 4 Us 49 39*4 39U 39U As G A E 5s 50 ___ 43U 42U 43*4 As GAE 5s 68 42 41 41 As T A T 5Us 55 A . 68'4 6614 68*4 Bald Loco 6s 50 . _ 122 1KU *1 Bell Te C 5s 55 A 106 106 10H Bell Te C os 57 B _ 105** 1 u4 U 105 Birming Gas 5s 59 89U 89U 89 U Can Nor Pwr 5s 53 . 90*4 90 90 Can Pac 6s 42 _ 84 84 84 Cent St El 5s 48 _ 41 39 U 4 1 Cent St El 5Us 54 40U 40*,4 4(>U Cen St PA L 5 Us 53 69U 69 69'4 Chi M A 111 4Us 56 A 101'4 lo! '4 301 U Cities five 5s 50 71U 71 71 U Cities Service 5s 58 70 7<» 70 Cit S P A L 5Us 52 78'a 78U 78 U Community PAL 5* 57 82 81U 82 Con G E L A P 3s 69 993« 9934 99U Cons G Util 6s 43 st 69 68U 68*a Cont GAE 5s 58 A 84 *4 84 84 Del El Pw 5Us 59 _ 104 104 3 04 Denver G A E 5s 49 _ 107U 107U 1<»7 Der Int Br 6* s 52 -_ 5U 5*4 5*4 Det Int Bg 7s 52_ U U U East G A F 4s 56 A 75 74U 75 Edis El Illu 3Us 65 3057» 105U K»5U El Pw A Lt 5s 2030 73 73 7.3 Erie Lieht 5s 67 1 «»T1 • 107 U 3«'*’ • Fla Pwr coupn 4s 66. _ 92 U 92'2 92 U Florid" P ,* L 5s 54 _ _ 99 »4 99 99‘4 Gary E A G 5s 44 st . 98 U 96 98U Gen Bronze 6s 40 _ 79 79 79 Gen Pud Ut 6 Us 56. _ 92 92 92 Georgia Pw 5s 67 I04U104 3 04 Glen Aldrn Cl 4< 65._ 70i4 70 70 Onhpl Inc 4U< 41 A 62'- 62*? 62U Hnust LAP 3Us 66.. 10.3U 10.3U ]03\ Hyerade Fd 6s 40 A 66 66 66 Idaho Pwr 3Us 67 . _ 103U 1 n.3U 10.3U in Pwr A L* 6s 5.3 A 30!>', jop, ldp, II Pw A L 5U< 54 B . 96U 96*2 98»a V\ Pw A L 5s 56 C 96* 4 96'4 96«4 Tnd El C 6s 47 A_10.3 10.3 10.3 Ind E C 5s .51 C. _ 90'4 95U 95 U Indiana Ser 5s 50 . 65 03U 65 Indiana S^r 5s 63 A . 61U 64 64U Indiana^ Os 5s 52__ 7o*a To1', 7o»2 Tnd PAL Is* .3Us 68 107*4 102U 107*4 Inters* Pw 6s 57 .57 51 51 Interst P S 5s 56 D - 91 94 94 Interst P S 4U* 58 F 91 U 90U 91 J*r C P A L 5s 47 B 307U 107U K>2U Kv Utilit’es .5s 61 _ 96'4 96 96*4 Ken I* 5’- s 55 F _ 1 oi 101 101 Ken U 6 U s 48 D .. 305 105 3 05 Iubov McN ^ L 5s 42 103*- 103U 10.3'', Long Is Lt Os 45 _ 99\ 99U P9U Mil GAE 4Us 67 99 U 99', 99 U Miss Pow 5s 55 94 9:<U 93' Miss pwAL 5s 57 97 U 97 U 97 U i Miss Rrver P 5s 51 1nK\ 198U '' HU Nat P A* L 5s 7030 B 101 101 101 i Nebr Pwr 1'?s 81 los'4 lii8'« los'l* I Nevad Cal El 5s 56 75U 75U 75U New E GAE 5s 4 7 __ 641 * 64 64 New E R*E 5c -IS .. ri4'« «» «4 I New E 05:E 5s 5n «4 KS'i ivl'i New E Pw 5s 48 _ 883C 0:4>2 »34 New E Pw 5*is «54 96U 96 96 New Or PS 6s 49 A 98>8 98 98 N Y PaAOhio 4»4.s 50 80 80 80 N Y P A' Lt 4Us 67 104U 104U 104U N Y S EAG 4 Us 80. 3nO>8 100'8 3<>oU Nor A LAP 5'2s 56 99U 99'4 99‘4 No Bost Lte 3*as 42 3«)3U 103U lo3'4 No Ind PS 4Us 70 E lOOU lOOU lOOU Northw P S 6s 57 A 100*4 100 lOOU Ohio Pub Svc 4s 62- - 10.3U 103 10.3U Pac G A E 6s 41 B . 109 109 309 Pac P A L 5s 55 89 U 89 89 U Penn C LAP 4Us 77 96 96 96 Penn Eler 4s 71 F 91*2 9T'a 97*a Penn Elec 5s 67 H 1 o5 105 105 Pa WaAP 4' s 68 B 305‘4 305*4 105'/4 PeoD GLAC 4s 81 B 94 94 94 Phila El P 5Us 72 1 11«2 11 1 12 1 1 1 1 a Portland GAC 5s 40 72*4 77*4 7,.,’4 Pur Sd PAL 5Us 49 90U 9<»U 90U Pur S PAL 4 Us 50 D 84 U 84*4 84'4 San Jo LAP 6s 57 121** 171 * * 171 ', Scr-Dps 5 Us 4:’, lOOU hx»'4 loon S E PAL 6s 2025 A 105U 104*- 105'4 Sou Cal Ed .3Us 60 ]»i4U K'43* 1<i4U Souw As T 5s 61 A . 3 07 107 3 07 Spalding 5s 89 50 50 5n Std G A E 6s 48 st 65U 65'4 65*4 Std G A E 6s 48 cv st6 66'4 65U 66*4 Std Gas A El Os 51 A 60 05U 05U Std Gas A El Os 57 05 05 05 Std Gas A El Os 00 B 05U 05U 05*4 Stand Pw a Lt Os 57 04 U 04 U 04 U Texas Elec 5s 00 98 >8 9,8 <18 Tex Pw A L 5s 50 3 OH ]<»5U lo5U Twin CRT 5Us 57 A 59U 59 59 Ulen A Co Os 50 IV st 10U 15 15 Unit LA R D 5 Us 57 8.7 »4 8.7 83 U Va Pub S 5Us 40 A OOU 90U 96U Va Pub Ser 5s 50 B l»2U 92U 9234 Wald A si Jlot 5s 54 15 14U 14U WiS P A L 4s 60 1 OOU 10<>U lOOU FOREIGN Fin R M B 5s 01 st _ 95 95 95 Ger Con Mun Os 47 OU 0'2 o'a Guant A W 6s 58 A 47 47 47 Tsarco Hvd El 7s 52 34 .34 34 Lima Citv 0*2s 58 ?U 7U 7'2 ww'With warranfs. xw—Without war rants. n New. st <stp> Stamped. ^Negotiability impaired by maturity. Short-Term Securities • Reported bv Smith. Barney A Co> Bid Asked Ala Gt South VA*’ 5s 1943 lu7U Alleghany Corp Cv 5s 1944 77'4 78U Amer Tel A Tel 5'2s 1943 3 OS18 3o8'a Austin A Northwest os 1941 61U 70 Baldwin Loco Works 5s 1940 99U 103 U Central Foundry 6s 1941 92 105 Chicago Union St a 4s 1944 3 02 105 Container Corp 5s 1943 98*2 300 Cuba North Rw’ys 5Us 194 2 35'2 36 Delaware A Hudson 4s 1943 68*4 68U Grand Rap A Ind 4 Us 1941 100 Illinois Steel 4*-s 1940 loiu 107 Inti Hydro-Electric 6s 1944 7.7U 74U Inter Merc Marine Os 1941 7.3 . 74'3 Lake Erie A West 5s 1941 55 88 I»ehiRh Val Ter Rv 5s 1941 55 Louis A Nash R R 4s 1940 99U 99*/a Michigan Cent P R 4s 1940 99 3 00 Midland R R of N J 5s 1940 1 1»2 1.3U N Y A Long Branch 4s 1941 74U Pennsylvania Co 3Us 1941 3 00 Penn-Dixie Cement Os 1941 99U 100 Penna R R Co 4s 1943 100 109U Peoples GLAC 6s 194.3 _ 113U Peoria A Eastern 4s 1940 51 5,31/3 Phila. Balt A Wash 4s 194.3 ]OTU SjXUdebaker Com 6s 1945 971/2 94 Texas A N Orleans 5s 194.3 50 70 Union Oil of Calif 6s 1942 109 Ho Vanadium Corp 5s 1941 11.7 U5U Warren Bros 6s 1941 .38U 41 Western N Y A Pa 4s 194.7 lOOU 102U White Sew Machine Os 1940 imu 102 I Chicago Produce CHICAGO Sept. 16 *.P'.—Butter—Re ceipts. 848.TOP; steady; creamery, fin, cen tralized carlots, 26: other prices un changed. Eggs—Receipts. 5.948: easy fresh graded, firsts, local. 18'2: cars. 19; othet prices unchanged. Potatoes, 110; on track. 238; total United States shipments. 454; supplies moderate demand fairly good: slightly weaker sacked, per hundredweight. Idaho Russel Burbanks. U. S. No. 1, washed, under In itial ice and ventilation, 1.75-90; Oregon Bliss Triumphs. U. S. Np. 1. washed, undei ventilation few sales 2,25; Oregon lone white. U. S. No. 1. under ventilation. 1.80, Colorado Bliss Triumphs. U. S. No 1 car 1.90: Minnesota sandland section Cobblers fairly good quality. 1.15: North Dakota Rec River Valley section Cobblers. 85 per cenl or better U. S. No. 1. 1.27‘2-30: Bits' Triumphs. 90 per cent or better U. S No 1. 1.36-45: Wisconsin Cobblers. U 8 No 1. 1.25-35: mostlv 1.30: car cotton sacks 1.40: Wisconsin Triumphs. U. 8 No 1 car. 1.60. U. S. Treasury Notes (Reported by Smith, Barney Se Co 1 Rate.—Maturity. Bid Offer. Is. Dec. 15. 1939 100 30-32 101 l5, Mar. L5. 1940 101 8-32 101 10-35 1‘2 June 15. 1940. 101 14-32 101 16-35 1V2 Dec. 15. 1940 101 ?2-32 101 24-35 l»v Mar. 15. 1941. 101 25-32 101 27-35 1'; June 15. 1941 101 23-32 101 25-35 114 Dec. 15. 1941 101 17-32 101 19-35 l*-« Mar. 15. 1942. 102 21-32 102 23-35 2 Sept. 15. 1942. 103 16-32 103 18-35 1»4 Dec. 16. 1942 102 15-32 102 17-35 Hk Jun* 15. 1943. 100 6-32 100 8-82 IV, Dee 15. 1943. 100 4-32 100-6-32 4« June 15, 1944. 98 6-32 98 8-32 s Washington Produce BUTTER—00 More, 1 -pound prints, 31; tub. 30; Vi-pound prints, 32; 92 score tub. 31: 1-pound prints, 32; y«-pound prints. 33. MEATS—Choice beef. 18; good beef, 18 17Va: calves. 16-17: spring lambs. 21; veal. 10 down: pork, loin, 20-21: smoked regu lar ham. 22-23; smoked skinned ham. 24; large smoked skinned ham. 20-21: bacon, sliced. 28; bacon, piece. 23; compound, 10; pure lard. 8U. LIVESTOCK—Pigs. 120-140 pounds. 6.60-6.flo; light pigs. 140-156 pounds. 7.00-7.20: 150-200 pounds. 7.10-7.40; 210-250 pounds. 7.00-7 20: 250-300 pounds 8.60-7.10: calves, good grade. 10 down; lembs. (1 down; buck lambs. 2.70 less; sows. 4,85-5.60: stags. 4.10 down; weightier sows. 4 10-5 10. Prom Agricultural Marketing Service. Prices paid net fob. Washington: EOOS—Market steady. For eggs can died and graded in Washington fSentem ber 18): Whites. U S extras, large. 35; U. S extras, mediums. 26 U. 8 standards, large. 27; U. 8 standards, mediums. 22: U. 6. trades. 18; U. S. pullets. 15. For nearby ungraded eggs: Current receipts, whites. 21-22: mixed colors, 19-20. LIVE POULTRY—Market about ateady: slight weakness on colored fowl. Fowl: Colored, all sires. 15-18: No. 2s. 12-14; Leghorns. 10-11; roosters, 9-10. Chickens Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryers, all sizes. 18-19: No 2s. 13-14. Delaware Rocks and crosses, broilers and fryers, all sizes. 17*4-18*4. few best higher: No, 2s. 13-14: mixed colored fryers. 15-16 Leg horns. chickens. 14 for best. Turkeys: Young toms. 15 pounds and up. 19-20; hens. 10 pounds and up. 21-22. mostly 31: No. 2s. hens and toms. 12-14: under sizes. 15-17. Washington Exchange SALES. Washington Gas Light pfd.—5 at 103. BONDS PUBLIC UTILITY Bid. Asked. Anacostia A Pot 5s_ 93 97 Ana A Pot guar 5s _ 110 113 Cap Traction 1st 5s_ 88 94 City & Suburban 5s_ 93 97 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s _. 113 Pot Elec Pow 3 Us _ 101 __ Washington Gas 5s 1900 115 _ Wash Rwy A Elec 4s 105 _ MISCELLANEOUS Chevv Chase Cluo 1st 4 Us 102 — _ Col Country Club 1st 4Us 102 _ Ter Ref A Wh Corp 1st 4U»- 100 STOCKS PUBLIC U riLTTY Bid A<ked. 1 ' Amer Tel k Te! (») .*1(1214 Capital Transit Co . _ 13 14 N A W Steamboat (4)_ 80 75 ! Pot Elec.Power 6r'«* pfd (8) 114 Pot El Pw 5’2'7 Pfd (5.50) 112 115U j Wash Gas Lt com (1 50) 27U 28’* , Wash Gas Lt pfd (4.50* 101 108 i Wash Rv A El com <g.38) 850 Wash Ry A El pfd (5) 112 118 BANK AND TRU8T COMPANY Amer Sec A- Tr Co <e8) 24 0 280 Bank of Bethesda (75) 30 Capital (4* ... 143 Com A Savings (ylO.OO) _ 272 Liberty (8* . 174 185 Lincoln (f5) 200 Natl Sav Tr fvS.OO) _ 175 205 Prince Geor Bk A Tr ( 80) 18 22 Riggs (e8 > 255 272 Riggs pfd (5) _ 100 _ Washington *8> _120 _ Wash Loan A Tr (eR)_ 235 250 FIRE INSURANCE American ( + 8) 115 _ Firemen’s (1.40) _ 27 _ National Union ( 75) _ 15 18U TITLE INSURANCE Columbia (k.30* 13 _ Real Estate (mR' 170 _ MISCELLANEOUS Carpel Coro (2.00) 28 13 Lanston Monotype »4» 45 50 Lincoln Serv com ( + 1.00' 19 20 j Lincoln Svc prior pfd (3.50) 44U 52 Mereenthaler Lino (p 50). . 17 18 People* Dr S' r com < + lO0>_ *30 35 Real Est MAO pfd (45) 5 7 S°curttv Storage <5> -- 90 105 Tr- Ref A Wh Corn (3* RO 85 Wdwd A Loth com <s2.00) *4Pi 53 Wdwd A Loth pf (7» *120 •Ex-dividend T ptus extra* e 2rr extra f 3" extra, g $14 00 extra paid December 20 1938. k 20c extra rr *1 50 extra p 50c paid September 20. 1938 a $2.00 paid In 1938 j v $3.00 paid so far this year. y $5.00 i extra Chicago Stock Market CHICAGO. Sept. 16 ■■*%—Following Is the romple’e list of transactions on the Chicago Stock Exchange today: Sales STOCKS High. Low Close. ! i 110 Acme Steel 49% 49 49 i 200 Allied Prod 11 11.11 t 00 Allis-Ch Mfg _ 44 % 43% 44% in Am Pub Svc Df 81 8 1 81 07 Am Tel A Tel 162% 162% 162% 155o Armour A Co 6*4 6% 6% ; 250 Aro Equip Jo 9% lo , .'»o At hev Truss Whl 5*4 5\ 5% 500 Aviation Coro 6 6 6 250 Avia A’ Trans . 3% 3 31* loo Belmont Radio _ 5% 5% 5% I 200 Bendix Av 3o 297* 297* looBerghofT Brew 8% 8% 8% 100 Bliss A Laughlin 27 27 27 3oo Borg Warner 25% 25% 25% 50 Bruce <E Lo_ B B B 250 Butler Bros _ 7*4 7% 7% loo Castle A M 23 23 23 20 Cen Cold Stor . 13% 13% 13% 38o cen 111 P S pf__ 74% 74 74% 50 Cen Til Sec Df 7% 7% 7% 650 Cen A S W Ut 1% 1% 1 % 20 Cen A S W $7 pf 58 58 58 1 Chi A N W 1 1 1 I 1250 Chi Corp _ 2% 2% 2% j 960 Chrysler Corp 87 85% 87 75o Com with Edis 28*4 28s* 28% loo Comp Ind Gas 14% J4% 14% 150 Cons Oil 9 9 9 5o Container Corp __ 14% 14% 14% 295 Crane Co _ 46% 26% 26 5o Diam T Motor __ >*% H% 8% 50 Elgin Nat Watch. _ 21 21 21 | 5o Fairbanks Morse 37% 37% 37% 250 Four Wh Dr Auto . 7 6% 7 50 Fuller Mfg _ 3% 3s* 3% 40 Gen Am Trans-- 58% 58% 58% 175 Gen Foods_- 4o% 40% 40% ; 300 Gen Motors _ 52% 52% 52*4 7o Goodyear TAR 29% 29% 29** 1 5<• Gt Lakes Dredge__ 21% 21% 21% loo Hamilton Mfg A 7% 7% 7% 200 Heileman <G) Bw 8 7% 7% lpo Houd-Her B _ 14% 34% 14% 26 Hupp Mot _ 1% 1% I** 75 111 Cent R R_ 14% 14 14 100 Ind Steel Prod_ 3% 3% 3% I 135 Inland Steel 91% 91% 91**1 50 Int Harvester 69 69 69 loo Kellogg Switch s% 8% 8% j 50 Ken-Rad T A L 7% 7% 7% 60 Ky Ut Jr cum pf 42 41 % 41% i J o Ky Ut 6% pf 99 99 99 5o Kerlyn Oil A 3% 3% 3% j 25 Lib-McN A L 8% 8% 8% : 150 Lindsay Lt _ 4% 4% 4%' 500 Manh-Dearborn _ % % % ; 800 Marsh Field 15% 14% 15% lOOMerch A Mfrs A 3% 3% 3% Too Mid West Corp 8% 8% 8% 620o Midland Uif % % % loo Midland Unit pf. 2% 2% 2*4 211 Monte Ward 54 53% 53% 50 Nat-Stand _ 23 23 23 150 Noblitt-Spark.s 33% 33 33 50 Nor Am Car 2% 2% 2% 20 No West Ut 7 7 pf 17% 17 % 17** TOO Peabody Coal B 1% 1% l % 205 Penn R R 23% 23% 23% 35 Peoples G1 & C 36% 36% 367* loo Pictorial P Pack 4% 4% 4% 9oo Pines Winter 1 % % 250 Pressed Stl Car 12% 12% 12% 10 Quaker Oats pf 111 111 111 25 St Joseph Lead 45% 45% 45% 100 Schwitzer Cum.. 8% 8% 8% 67 Sears Roeb 77% 77% 77% 150 Serrick Corn B 2% 2% 2*2 50 Spiegel Inc 11% 11% 11 % 50 Std Oil Ind_ 28% 28% 28% 50 Stewart-Warn_ 9 9 9 450 Sunstrand M Tool 14% 14 14 49 Swift A CO_ 24% 23% 23% 250 Swift Int _ 3234 32% 32% ion Trane Co_ 13 13 13 15 Union Carbide_ 89% 87% 87% 25 U S Gypsum_ 72% 72% 72% loo Utah Radio _ 1% 1% 1% 50 Util A Ind pf_ 1% 1 % 134 675 West Un Tel_ 35 32% 35 10 Westioeh El A M- 113 113 113 50 Will Oil-O-Mat_ 7 7 7 500 Wis Bankshrs_ 4% 4% 4% 100 Zenith Radio_ 17% IT3* 17% Stock sales today—26.000. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Sect. 1H i/pi.—National Association Securities Dealers. Inc.: Bid Asked. Bk of Am NTS (SF* (2.40) _ 37% 39% Bank of Man ( 80a) _ 18% 20% Bank of N Y '14) 429 439 Bankers' Tr (2) _ 00% «2% Brooklyn Tr (4) _ 70 81 Cen Han Bk & Tr (4)_100% 1(10% Chase Nat (1.40) 30% 38% Chem Bk A- Tr (1.80)_ 53% 55% Commercial (8) _ 3 09 175 Coni Bk & Tr (.80)_ 14 15% Corn Ex Bk & T (31_ 01 % 02% I Empire Tr (.00) 13% 14% First Nat (Bos' (2)_ 45% 47% , First Natl (100) 1805 1905 Guaranty Tr (12) _ 288 293 Irvina Tr (.60) _ 13% 14% Manufacturers’ Tr (2) — 39% 41% Manufacturers’ Tr rif (2)_ 51% 53% Na'l City (1) ... _ 30% 32% N Y Trust (5)_115% 118% Public (1%) _ 33 35 Title G & T _. ___ 4% 5% a Also extra or extras. Baltimore Stocks Special Dispatch to The Star. BALTIMORE. Md.. Sept. 16.— STOCKS. Sales. High. Low. Close. 205 Arundel Corp _ 20% 20% 20% 0 Consol Pow pfd __ - 112 112 312 551 Eastern Sugar As VT 12% 12 12 75 Eastern Sugar of VT 24 23V, 24 300 North American Oil 1.50 1.50 1.50 76 Phillios Packing pf. 90 90 9(1 *00 O S Fidel At Guar— 21% 21% 21% Metal Market NEW YORK. Sept. 16 i/P'.—Copper, steadv. electrolytic spot. 12 00: export unquoted. Tin. spot and nearby and forward unquoted Lead, steady: spot. New York. 5 50- 55; East St. Louis. 5.35. Zinc steady; East 8t. Louis spot and forward. 8.25. Pig Iron, aluminum, an timony quicksilver platinum and Chinese wolframite unchanged. 4 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Bt private wire direct te The Star. Stock and Sale*— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlath. Low. Oloee. Aero Supply (B). 3 4% 4% 4% Ainsworth ___ 17 7 7 Air Investors_ 7 2% 2 2% Air Invest war . 1 % % % Ala Power pf <() 20s 85% 85% 85% Alum Co of Am 450* 132% 129 129 Alumr. Goods .80 1 17% 17% 17% Alum Ltd i.25a) 800s 95 94 94 Am City PAL(B) 3 1% 1% 1% AmCynamB.60 80 34% 33% 33% Am Gas & El 1.(0 18 35% 34% 35% Am Gen pf (2)... 25s 28% 28% 28% Am LtATrae 1.20 10 15% 15 15% Am Mfg Co_175s 23 23 23 Am Maracaibo... 1111 Am Meter (28)... 1 27 27 27 Am PotACh (28) 125s 95% 95 95 Am Republics .. 2 9% 9% 9% Am Superpower.. 18 % % % Am 8uperpwr pf. 4 18 17 18 Anchor Post F . 1 2% 2% 2% Arctur Rad Tube. 1 % % % Ark Nat Gas _ 4 3 3 8 Ark Nat Gas A — 8 3% 3% Ashland OAR .40. 5 5% 5% 6% AssooGAE(A). 1 % % % Assoc GasAEl pf. 1 7% 7% 7% Atl Coast L (le). 70s 23 % 22% 22% Atlantic Rayon.. 3 8% 7% 7% Avery A Sons .. 3 8% 8% 8% Averv pf jw 1.50. 25s 15% 15% 15% Aviation A Trans 5 3% 3 3% Axton Fisher A_BOs 36% 86 36 labcock A Wll... 6 24 23% 23% Baldwin Lo war.. 17 7% 7% 7% larium Stain Stl. 5 1% 1% lt4 larlASeel A 1.20. 1 8% 8% 8% lasic Dol .25g_ 2 9% 9 9 Sath Iron _ 3 9% 9% 9% leech Aircraft . 7 7% 7 7% Dellanca Aircraft 2 8 7% 7% 3ell Aircraft 14 25% 24 25 3erk A Gay Fur.. 1 % % % 3erk A Gay war.. 5 A A A t.ftfnrri. 11 Kill Kf>• til. 1 is 1,4a.. Birdsboro Stl Fy. 19 9 9 Bliss IF.WI 9 174 17 17 Bowman Blit 1st. 60s 11 11 11 Breeze Corp . 6 64 64 64 Brewst Aero 20k 21 84 8 84 Brldgp't Machine 9 44 44 44 Brill (A) _ 1 34 34 34 Brill (B> . 2 14 14 14 Brown F&W 20g 1 64 64 64 Brown Rubber . 5 44 44 44 Bunker Hill .oOg. 4 174 164 164 Caiamba Sue 1.60 1 214 214 214 Can Car & Fy pf 25s 23 23 23 Can Col Airways. 7 64 64 64 Can Maro Wire... 6 14 14 14 Carnegie Met_ 6 4 4 4 Carrier Corp ... 7 124 114 114 Celan ptc pf (7a) 125s 106 104 104 Cent NY Pwr pf 5 20s 864 864 864 Cent * Sown Uttl 1 14 14 14 Cent St El cv pf 25s 44 44 44 Cent Sts El 7% pf 25s 104 104 104 Childs pf _ 60s 34 33 33 Cities Service_ 9 64 64 64 Cities Service pf. 1 604 504 504 Claude Neon L_ 14 4"* Clev Tractor_ 13 6 5", 5*, Colon Develop— 2 24 24 24 Coi Fuel A 1 war. 9 84 74 8 Colts Pat F A (2) 650s 95 93 934 Col G A E pf (5). 150* 61 624 624 Comwlth A S war 40 A 4 A Com PAL 1st pf 100s 31 31 31 Com’tv P S (2) 50s 23 4 23 4 234 Cons GAE Ba 3 60 2 75 744 75 Consol Gas Util.. 2 1 1 1 Cons Retail Strs. 1 44 44 44 Cons Steel Corp.. 12 8 74 74 Conti Roll A Stl.. 1 94 94 94 Copper Range 700* 74 74 74 Copperweld 60g_ 4 154 154 154 Corroon A Reyn 3 24 24 24 CorrARey pfA 5k 50s 78 78 78 Cosden Petrolm 3 14 14 14 Cosden Petrol pf. 1 114 114 114 Creole Petm ,50a. 6 264 254 26 Crocker Wheeler. 6 8 74 74 Croft Brewing 1 A ft fli Crown Cent Pet_ 2 24 24 24 Crown Drug _ 1 14 14 14 Dayton Rub (1b). 2 15 14 14 Derby Oil . 1 24 24 24 Det Gray Iron .04 2 2 14 2 Dlvco Twin T 1 54 54 54 Domln Stl A Coal 1 13 13 13 Dubilier Con .13g 1 1% 14 14 Duro-Test <4%f) 1 24 24 24 Eagle Richer Ld 5 134 13’* 134 East'n Gas A F.. 2 44 44 44 Eastn GAF 6 pf 550* 224 214 214 Eastn GAF pr pf 350* 35 344 344 Eastern Sts pf A 100* 19 19 19 Eastern Sts pf B 100* 18 18 18 Piasv Wash M(B) 8 34 34 34 filsler Electric... 7 l", 14 14 Elec Bond A Sh . 189 104 94 10 Elec B A S pf (5) 3 574 56 574 Elec B A S pf <6). 5 66s, 654 664 Elec P A L war , 1 44 44 44 Elec PAL 2d pf A 50s 20 20 20 Emp G A F 87# pf 50* 59 574 59 Equity Corp_ 10 U H Esquire (.60)_ 2 44 44 44 Fairchild Av 20k 3 114 11s, 114 Fansteel Metal z » a ^ Ferro-Enam .75g 5 17% 17 17 Fisk Rubber 1 9% 9% 9% Fla P&L pf 5.68k 100s 76 76 76 Ford Ltd (.16g)- 13 3 3 Gen Alloys 4 2% 2% 2% Gen Firepr'f .70g. 1 13% 13% 18% Gen Invest _ 2 % % % Gen Sharehold_ 12 2 2 Gilbert (AC) _ 1 4% 4% 4% Glen Alden Coal. 38 8% 8 8% GA&P n v (6g) > 50s 86', 86% 86% Greenfield T & D 4 9% 9% 9% Grutuann Air.50g 8 16% 16% 16% Gulf Oil of Pa(l> 3 43% 42% 42% Hartford Rayon. 6 1% 1% 1% Hecla Min «.20g). 9 8% 8% 8% Heyden Ch 1.60 _ 3 57 55 56 Humble O 1.375g_ 6 68% 68 68% HvKrade Syl 1.50 50s 26 26 26 Ill-la Power pf . 3 18% 18 18', Ill-la Pwr div ct. 1 4% 4% 4% Imp Oil Ltd .60a. 5 14% 14 14 Ind Ter 111 (A)_ 6 2 2 2 Ind Ter 111(B)_ 1 1% 1% 1% Ins Co N Am 2a— 100s 66 66 66 Int Cigar M (2)„ 1 21 21 21 Int Hydro El pf- 9 18 17 18 Int Indust ,10b— 6 2% 2% 2% Int Pa&Pwr war. 4 3% 3% 3% Int Petrol 1.60a— 13 21% 19% 19% Int Ptr reg 1.50a. 1 20% 20% 20% Int Vitamin ,225g 2 2% 2% 2% Interst H Eq 50. 1 7 7 7 Interst Hos Mills 2 10% 10% 10% Iron Fire vtc 1.20 50s 15% 15% 15% Irving Air C (1a) 5 20% 20% 20% Jacobs Co - 9 3% 3% 3% Jones & Lau Stl— 17 44% 42% 44 Kingston Prod.— 5 2% 2% 2% LakeShore M(4) 1 28% 28% 28% Lakey Fdry&M. 8 4 3% 3% Lehigh Coal & N\ 11 4% 3% 3% Line Mater’l .Sag 500s 10% 9% 10% Lockheed Aire „ 23 28% 28 28% Lone Star (,40gL 1 8% 8% 8% Long Island Ltg 2 1% 1% 1% Long I si Ltg pf B 100s 28 28 28 Laoudon Packing 1 2% 2% 2% L,a L,anciit.fc;xp 4 byi by* b4 Mo Wlllms Dredg 1 74 74 74 Majestic Radio.. 7 14 14 14 Mangel Strg pf... 20s 33 33 33 Manatl Sug war.. 1 14 14 14 Marlon St Shovel 1 34 34 34 Masssy-Harrls 2 64 54 54 Master El (.90g). 100» 194 194 194 Memph N G .S5g. 2 44 44 44 Mercantile Strs 50s 19 19 19 Mer & Mfg A .£0g 1 34 34 34 Merr-Chap & Sc_. 3 34 34 34 Mesabi Iron- 3 4 4 Mich Bumber_ 2 4 4 4 Mich Sugar_ 3 14 14 14 Mich Sugar pf_ 1 64 64 64 Mid Sts PA 62g 1 44 44 44 Mid Sts P (B).lOe 43 # 4 tt Midland Oil cv pf 100s 44 44 44 Midland Stl 1.50g 2 174 174 174 Midvale Co <3g) 25s 116 116 116 Mid-West Abras 1 14 14 14 Mid West Corn 1 84 84 84 Minn Mft M (lg> 50s 524 524 524 Mock Jud V .75g 3 114 114 114 Molybdenum 8 64 64 6H Mont Ward A <71 30s 164 153 15S Moody pto pf (3) 50s 27 27 27 Mount City Cop 8 64 54 54 Murray (O) .50g. 1 104 104 104 Muskegon 1.20g_. 1 15 15 15 Nat Bella Hess 41 4 H 4 Nat Contain.225g 2 74 7 7 Nat P ft I* pf <6) 175s 834 824 824 Nat Rubber Mach 7 6 6 5 Nat Steel Car (2) 50s 65 54 54 Nat Sug Ref (1) 5 154 154 154 Nat Tea pf_ 25s 44 44 44 Nat Transit .35g 1 84 84 84 Nat Tunnel ft Min 3 14 14 14 Nehi Corp (2)... 1 874 374 374 N E P A pf (5k) . 226s 734 714 734 New Haven Clock 1 74 74 74 N J Zinc (1.50g). 250s 714 71 714 Newmont 1.50g 1 75 75 75 N T P ft Lt pf (6) 60s 103 103 103 NT Shipbld fd all. 2 124 124 124 Nlag Hudson Pwi 46 74 74 74 Niag Sh Md (B)_. 3 64 64 64 K Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close. Nllas-Bem-P ,60a 4 75 74 74 N Am Ray A .BOg. 1 23% 23% 23% N Am Ray B .50g. 2 23 22% 22% Nor Am Util Sec. 1 1% 1% 1% Nor Europ Oil_ 1 % % % North’n Sta P(A) 12 11% 11 11% Ohio Brass <B).. 25* 20 20 20 Ohio Edls pr (6). 25s 102% 102% 102% Ohio Pwr pf (6)_. 20*112 112 112 Ohi PS 1st (6)... 50* 96% 96% 96% Okla Nat Gas .75g 2 15% 16% 15% Okla Nat G pf 3 ._ 50s 41% 41% 41% Pantepec 011 8 5% 6% 5% P’k’b’g R & R.50g 2 11% 11 11% Ponder Groc <B). 1 8% 8% 8% Pa-Cent Airlines. 1 8% 8% 8% Pennroad Corp... 6 2 2 2 Penn P&L pf (7). 50* 108 107% 108 Penn Salt <4g)__ 60* 161 160 161 Pepperell <4g)_ 275* 89 88% 89 Phila Co (.45g)__ 1 9% 9% 9% Phillips Packing. 19 7% 7 7 Phoenix Secur .. 12 7% 7% 7% Pines Winterf’t.. 2 % % % Pltney-Bowes 40 2 7 7 7 Pitts B&LE 1.50_. 25* 41 41 41 Pitts Forging 4 12% 12 12% Pitts & L E .50g . 160* 64% 63 63 Pitts Metall ,50g. 1 11% 11% 11% Pitts PI G1 2.25g. 3 101 100 101 Plough, Inc ( 60). 1 8% 8% 8% Potrero Sugar 6 1% 1% 1% PowdrellAAl ,30g 9 5% 5% 5% Pratt & Lam (lg) 1 20 20 20 Premier Gold .12. 8 1% 1% 1% Pub Sv Ind 16 pf. 25* 33 33 33 F a Ind *7 pr pf _ 50s 60 59 60 Pueet SdP J5 pf 25s 61 61 61 Puget S’d P 36 pf 350s 194 19 194 Pyrene <.40g). ... 16 6 6 Quaker Oats (5). 20s 111 111 111 Red Bank Oil_ 2 24 24 24 Reiter Foster_ 5 4 4 4 Relian K & E .50* 1 13a, 134 134 Rice Styx DG . 1 64 64 64 Rome Cable .20*. 1 12 12 12 Root Petroleum . 1 24 24 24 Royal Typ .2.25*. 60s 564 664 564 Rustless Ir & Stl. 8 124 124 124 Ryerson H_ 8 14 14 14 St Ke*is Paper _ 18 34 34 34 Sanford Mills 3*. 60s 41 404 404 SchiirCo(l) .. 1 134 134 134 Scovill Mfg .50* 6 354 34 34 Scrant Lace 1.25* 20s 22 22 22 Scullin Steel 3 124 124 124 ' Scullin Steel war. 1 14 14 14 | Segal Lock - 6 4 4 4 Select Industries 1 14 14 14 Sel Ind al ct 5.50. 60s 58 58 58 I Sel Ind pr pf 5.50. 60s 60 60 60 Seversky Alrcr’t. 112 64 5 5 Shattuck-D .125* 4 84 84 84 j Sher-Willms(2*) 200s 834 834 834 I Sher-Will pf (5). 40s 107 107 107 ! Simmons H & P._ 3 24 24 24 Singer Mfg (6a). 80s 1424 140 1424 SossMf* (.25*).. 1 5 5 5 S C Ed pf B 1.50.. 3 27H 274 274 South’nUnGas 1 24 24 24 Std C&S cvpf 1.60 100s 22 22 22 Stand Oil Ohlo(l) 2 254 254 254 Stand Pwr & Lt 1 4 4 Stand P&L pf(B) 1 4 4 4 Stand P&Lpf .. 50s 27 27 27 Stand Sllver-Ld 4 ft 4 ft Stand Stl Sp.50*. 2 354 35 35 j Starrett vtc . 4 14 ji., m Stercht Bros Sts. 1 44 44 44 Stroock & Co _ 50s 114 114 114 Sunray Oil .05g__ 1 24 24 24! Taeeart . ... 1 44 4 , 44 Technicolor .35* 5 124 12 12 Thom C).n„.l C A rn. - I Tob Prod Ex 35e 1 44 44 4s, Tonopah Mining. 4 4 4 4 Trans-Lux _ 1 14 i»4 j*4 Trl Conti war_ 1 4 4 »4 Tubize Chatillon 6 114 104 114 Tubize Chat (A) 400s 384 38 38 Tung-Sol Lamp . 1 34 34 34 I Un Prem FS (1). 4 164 16 164 Utd Cgr Wh Strs 11 1 1 1 Unit Gas 21 ,24 24 24 ; Unit Gas pf 5.75k 2 &54 85 85 Unit G&E pf (7) 10s 86 86 86 1 Unit Lt&Pwr (A) 12 1H 14 14 I Unit Lt&Pwr <B) 2 14 14 14 j Unit Lt & Pwr pf 17 264 254 26 j Unit Shipyds (B) 1 14 14 ii4 | Unit Sh M 2.50a 50s 78 78 78 Unit Sh M pf 1.50 20s 414 414 414 U S Foil (B) 4 44 4:, 47, I US&ln S pf 2.75k 50» 63 63 63 j U S Lines pf 6 44 44 44 I U S Hub Reclaim. 1 44 44 44 Unit Wall Paper. 11 24 2 2 |Univ Core vie_ 2 3 3 3 j Utah-idaho Sug.. 22 21* 24 24 ' Util P&L pf <n.. 300s 194 194 194 j Utility & Indus.. 2 A A A | Valspar Corp pf.. 200s 19 19 19 I Van .Norm 1.20g 160s 28 27 27 j Yoght Mfg i.6Ug) 1 104 104 104 Wagner Baking.. 2 44 44 44 j W alker Mining... 10 14 14 14 ! West Va C &C... 17 24 24 24 j W'est’n Md 1st pf. 70s 54 52 52 | Wllson-Jon ,25g 18 8 8 Wolverine T .20g 1 74 74 74 Wright Harg.40a 13 64 5 6 Yukon Pac Mfg.. 5 2 14 14 r In bankruptcy or receivership or beins reorganized under Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by such companies Rates of dividends m the foregoing table are annual disbursements based on ‘he last ouarterlv or aemi-annuai declaration Un less otherwise noted, spec!*' nr extra divi dend? are not included xd Ex dividend xr JSx rights a Also extra or extras e Paid last vear f Pay able in stock g Declared or oald so far this rear h Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividend oald or declared this vear ur Under rule ww With warrants gw Without warrant* war Warrant* Federal Land Banks NEW YORK Sept. 16 OP).—Federal Land Bank bonds. Rate. Maturity. Bid. Asked. 4? - July 1946-44_ 1074 10»4 34s May 1955-45_1024 10.3 3s July 1955-45_1014* 1014 3s Jan. 1956-46_ 1 u 14 1014 3s May 1956-46_1014 1014 1 Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. Sept. 10 'The pound sterling calmed down in the foreign ex change market today and the free* pound was transferred at $3.84, off .04 of a cent from yesterday s close No quotations were available for “blocked" sterling usable fox purchase of non-ferrous metals from outside the em pire source*?, inasmuch as no such sales were reported The official price of the pound for use in liquidating pre-war ster ling balances or in commerrial transac tions with the British Empire remained at $4.02-04. Imposition of Canadian exchange con trol restrictions, involving a daily price fixing by the Control Board of the Ca nadian dollar was a novelty of the day. Todays price of the American dollar at Montreal was. buying. $110; selling. $1.11. In New York the Canadian unit dropped .8?va of a cen* at 80 cents The exchange control imposes prohibi tion of exporting of Canadian dollars in excess of certain amounts and orders that all transactions must be carried out by the board's authorized dealers The French franc, which moves with sterling was off .02 of a cent, the Bel gian belga .04 of a cent and the Nether lands guilder .10 of a cent Noon rates follow Great Britain In dollars, others in cents. Great Britain, demand. 3 83>4 Great Britain cables. 3.84: HO-day bills, unquoted: 90-day bills, unquoted. Canada. Montreal in New York. 89.00: Canada Npw York in Montreal. 111.00: Belgium 17.07: Denmark. 19.30; Finland. 2.03 Prance. 2.17: Germany, un quoted. benevolent 18 75: travel un quoted. Greece .7Hn: Hungary, 19.50n; Italy. 5.21: Netherlands. 53.10 Norway. 22.72: Poland. Js.HOn: Portugal. 3.70n; Rumania. .?0n: Sweden. 23.85; Switzer land. 22.02: Argentina (official', unquot ed Argentina (free-. 2300n; Brazil (of ficial). *5.(»5n Brazil <free>. 5 con. Mexi co. lD.OOn; Japan 23.35n: Hong Kong. 24 40; Shanghai t».?o: Yugoslavia. 2.28n. Rates in spot cables unless otherwise indicated. n Nominal. *. 923 15th ST. N.W. Desirable office space, containing ! «14 square feet, in modern ele vator building. Available October 1st. j $55.00. B F. SAUL CO., PC.S 15th St.Na. 2100 Second Trust Notes We will buy monthly payment de ferred purchase money second trust notes, secured on owner-occupied private dwellings. UNION FINANCE CO. 918 Woodward Bid* NA. 7938 r_ RALPH W. LEE & CO. INSURANCE 1508 L St. N.W. REPUBLIC 4848 Ralph W. Lea—Ralph W Lae, Jr. Money for Construction Loans and Loans on Existing Properties FIRST DEED OF TRUST OVL» GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Are *.W. Nat’l 0350 MONEY WANTED The Northwestern Federal Savings & Loan Association accepts ac counts from $1 to $5,000. Each ac count insured to $5,000. Dividends paid June 30 and Dec. 31 for past 35 years. No. I Colorado Bldg. No. 7335—14th & G Sts. N.W. Branch Office Takoma Park First Trust Loans See us and LEARN HOW so many of the fine new APARTMENT HOUSES have been PERMANENTLY FINANCED by us. Tyler and Rutherford INC. Loan Correspondent Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. 1512 L St. N.W. NA. 0475 ■■■__, 1<» Ifi • -- = — ji'lr" K ST. A.W. -—- ■ f; ! Desirable Space Available in One of the City's Most Conveniently Located Buildings Suitable for offices, stores, laboratories, etc. 1ST FLOOR: Two units, each containing approxi mately 1.000 square feet; both have 2 lavatories; front and back entrances; limited parking space in rear. j 2ND FLOOR: Enure floor, containing approximately 3,000 square feet; 2 lavatories; sep arate rear entrance; well lighted and ventilated by large wnidows and sky lights. 3RD FLOOR: Suite of 3 rooms and lavatory. (Auto matic elevator to upper floors.) For further information and details, call B. F. SAUL CO. I 925 15th St. Ns. 2100 .. - - Property Management Automobile Insurance Mortgage Loans Fire Insurance | . You’ll be placing the management of j Apartment your apartment house and residential j , |, properties in experienced hands when j ana Mouse you appoint our property Management .. . Department to look after them. Management ' Ask us about this service. j B. F. SAUL CO. ) 925 15th St. N.W. >cPk^to»smn National 2100 11 L_ _ —I