Newspaper Page Text
(Earh of aljankfl STROTHERS. ALBERT B. We wish tl express our sincere thanks to the man! friends, relatives. Rev. F.arl Tyler, pastoi of of Mount Airy Baptist Church, ant Rev. Phillips of Plains. Va.. for theii expressions of kindness and floral trib. utes during the recent illness and at thi death of onr beloved husband and father Deacon ALBERT STROTHERS. _ _ MRS VERNIE STROTHERS, WIFE; SONt AND DAUGHTER. * Sratljfl BALLINGER. MARGARET EVELYN On Wednesday September 20. »J Stblev Memorial Hospital. MARGARET EVELYN BALLINGER, beloved daughtei of George W Ballinger and Harriett R Ballinger <nee Snider I and sister ol George W. Ballinger. Jr., and Norma Jean Ballinger. . _ . Services at her late residence. 7 3rd ave. ForestviUe. Md on Saturday. Sep tember 2-’t. at 2:30 pm. Relatives and friends invited Interment Cedar Hll Cemetery. T. Prank Murray funeral serv ice. 741 11th at, s.e. 22 BANTY, CFCIL F. On Thursday. Sep tember 21 1039. CECIL F BANTY. hus band of Evelyn Ranty. He also is sur vived by two brothers and four sisters Remains resting at his lata residence. 3544 New Hampshire ave n.w. Notice of funeral later. Services bJ Chambers. BLACK. RACHEL. On Wednesday, Sep tember 20. 1939. RACHEL BLACK of 60S 2nd st. n e She i« survived by one son, one daughter, one brother, other relative! and friends Remains resting at the Mal Van A Schey funeral home, N. J. ave. and R st o w. V.!... A# fitnaral lalar * BROOKS. ODESSA. On Monday. Sep tember 1 s. 1939. at Gallinger Hospital, ODESSA BROOKS. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband. Calvin Brooks: a father. Samuel Chambers: one sister, Sa vannah Russian: four brothers. Early. Ben, Martin and Blair Chambers. Remain* Jesting af Eugene Ford’s funeral home, 300 South Capitol st. Funeral Friday. September 22. at 1 p.m., from St. Matthew’s Baptist Church. New Jersey ave. and L st. s.e. ~1 CARTER. VERONA HELEN On Mon day. September IS. 1939. VERONA HELEN CARTER. 1309 1st st n.w.. beloved daugh ter of James and Ellena Carter and sistei of Mrs Flfreda Hunter and Doris. Jame* *nd Melvin Carter. Funeral from the McGuire funeral home 3S*’0 9th st n.w.. Fridav. September 22, at 1 pm. Relatives and friends invited Interment at Warrenton. Va. *-l CONNOR. JOHN P. On Thursday. Sep tember •’ 1. 1939. at his residence. 1114 Robinson st s.w.. JOHN P. CONNOR, be loved husband of the late Catherine Connor Funeral from the chaoel of P. A. Tal tavull. 436 Tth st. s.w.. Saturday. Septem ber 23. Pt 9:30 a m. Reouiem mass at St Dominic’s at 10 o’clock. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Mount OJivei Cemetery. COOK. HENRV. On Tuesday. Septem ber 19. 1939. at Gallinger Hospital. HENRY COOK, devoted husband of Amv Cook. Remains mav he viewed at Frazier s fu neral home 3so R I. aye. n.w.. where funeral services will be held on Saturaav September 23. at 1 o.m.. Rev Pinknej officiating. Interment Rosemont Cemetery COPENING. NELLIE. Departed this lifj Monday. September IS. 1939, NELLI1 COPENING She is survived by thre* children. Mrs Elsie Thomas. James Henrj and Engine Greening; three sisters Mrs Charles Willard. Mrs Bertha Powell anr Mrs. Willis Long; two brothers. Charlei And Amos Norris _ Funeral Friday. September 22. At 7.3, pm. from >he funeral narlor of L. E Murray A- Son. Interment in Manassas Va. SI CORCORAN. CORA SULLIVAN Sud denlv. on Monday. SeDtember IP. ld.'9 CORA SULLIVAN, beloved wife of Wtl liam J Corcoran of 1.534 John 8t., Bal timore. Md. Funeral notice later. DISMER. CHARLOTTE F. Suddenlrot Monday. Sepiember IS. Id'll1. CHARLOTTI E DTSMFR of OfldS Georgia ave.. Stlvei Spring. Md.. beloved wife of Louis C Dismer and mother of Helen C Dismer Remains resting at. the S. H. Hines Co Xunerai nome. -wm j-rn n.w. Notice of funeral later. EMMERT. AUGUSTA V. On Thursday September 21. 1939. AUGUSTA V. EM MERT. the beloved mother of Lee H. Em inert. Remains reding at Chambers fu neral home. 517 11th st. s.e., until Fri day. September 22. at 11 n m Services and interment Hagerstown. Md FEHRMAN. GUSTAVE J. On Thurs day. September 21, 1939. at George town University Hospital. GUSTAVF J FEHR MAN. beloved husband of Lola Fehrmar (nee Anderson). Services at his late residence- 494, Albemarle at n w . on Saturday. Septem ber 2.3. at 10 am. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 22 FLOWERS. MART ELIZABETH Or Wednesday. September 20. 1939. MARY ELIZABETH FLOWERS wife of the lati Addison S. Flowers, mother of Mrs. Gladys Brown. Remains resting at the Chambers' Xunerai home. 1400 Chaoin st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. GORDON, ROBERT. On Tuesday. Sep tember 19. 1939. at Garfield Hospital ROBERT GORDON He leaves to mourr their loss a devoted wife. Jennie Gordon one daughter. Sylvia Gordon: one aister Blanche Hill: five brothers. William. Blaine Vincent. Fred and George Gordon, ant • Iso other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Eugene For. g fu neral home. 1.300 South Capitol st. where funeral services will be held at - &m. Saturday. September 23. Intermen armony Cemetery. 22 GREEN, JEREMIAH. On Wednesday September 20. 1939, JEREMIAH GREEh of 170.3 New Jersey ave n.w. He leaves a wife. Amelia Green: two brothers. Johr and David Green, and many other rela tives and friends. Remains resting al Stewart's funeral home. ,30 H st. n.e. Notice of funeral later. 22 HOOVER. THOMAS G. On Thursday September 21. 19,39. ar Emergency Hos pintal. THOMAS G HOOVER, belovec brother of Mrs. C. S. Walters and Johr L. Hoover. Remains resting at. the Let Xunerai home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e. Notice of funeral later. JOHNSON. ALICE. On Wednesday. SeP tember 20. 1939. at Freedmen's Hospital ALICE JOHNSON, beloved niece of Mrs Clara Brown, loving cousin of Cornelia Albert and Edward Brown. Other rela tives and friends also survive. Remains resting at the John T. Rhine! A Co. funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts s w.. where funeral services will be hele Saturday. September 23. at 1:30 D.m. In terment, Harmony Cemetery. JOHNSON. ELIZABETH L. On Tuesday September 19. 1939. ELIZABETH L. JOHN SON. wife of Isaac H. Johnson. Remain! resting at the Chambers funeral home 1400 ChaDin st. n.w . until Friday, Septem ber °2. ar 8 .30 o m. Mass at St. Patrick’s Catholic Churct •t 9 a.m. Interment Easton, Pa. 21 KINGREY. WILLIAM B. On Thursday September 21. 1939. WILLIAM B. KING REY husband of Addie Kingrey. fathet of Mrs. Nellie F Crismond and Earl C Kingrey. brother of Mrs. Hazel Pierce. Re mains resting at the Chambers funeral home. 517 11th st s.e. Funeral from Fort Myer Chapel. Fori Myer. Va Saturday September 23. at 1(1 • m Interment Arlington National Cem etery 22 McCARRON. JAMES J. Suddenly. OE Wednesday. September 20. 19.39. JAMES J McCARRON. beloved husband of Mars McCarron (nee McNally) of 3221 12th et n.e. Funeral will be held from the residenc* ef his mother. Mrs. John F. McCarron, 5.3 Girard st n.e.. on Friday. Septembei 22. at 9 a.m Reauiem mass at St. An thony’s Church ot 9:30 a.m. Intermenl Cedar Hill Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. McDANIEL. GEORGE. On Thursday September 21. 1939. at Emergency Hos pital. GEORGE McDANIEL Remain! resting at Frazier's funeral home._3R9 R I. ave n.w. Notice of funeral later. MCKENZIE. DR. LAWSON W. Sud denly on Wednesday. September 29. 1939 at bis residence. 814 Concord ave. n.w.. Dr LAWSON W. McKENZIE. beloved husband of Bertha Sims McKenzie and father of Lawson Morel! McKenzie. Remains resting at Hysone's funeral home. 1300 N s>. n.w.. where services will be held Thursday. Seotember 21. at f p m. Relatives and friends invited to at tend. interment Sheridan. Ind. RAEDY, BARTHOLOMEW J. On Tues day. Seotember 19. 1939. at Mount Alto Hospital BARTHOLOMEW J RAEDY. be loved son of the late Thomas and Hanora Raedy Funeral from his late residence. 317 Webster st. n.w.. on Friday, September 22, •t 10 a.m Requiem mass at St. Gabriel's Church at 10:30 am. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. RAEDY. BARTHOLOMEW J. The com rades of Richard J. Harder I Camp. No. 2, United Spanish War Veterans, will assemble al 10 a m Friday September 22 1939 at 317 Webster st. n.w. for the funeral of our lat! comrade. BARTHOLOMEW J RAEDY. Interment Mount Oltvet Cemetery WALTER L. PTPER. Commander. H. L. LESLIE. Adjutant. RAUTERBERG. MINNA. On Tuesday September 19. 1939. at 2 o.m . at th( Emergency Hospital, Annapolis. Md.. MIN NA RAUTERBERG. beloved wife of Dr Arthur C Rauterherg Remains resting at Hysongs funera home. 1300 N st n.w.. where services wit be held Friday. September 22. at 3 p.m Relatives end friends Invited to attend interment congressional cemetery. zi RIVERS, JUDD. On Sunday. Septembei 17. 1PHP. at Oallinger Hospital. JUDE RIVERS, loving father of Mesdames Alms fellers. Ogetter Floyd. Etta Rivers. Irent ove Hattie. Boyd. Harmon. Norman Floyd and Fred Rivers: beloved brother ol Mrs. Olla Allen. Mrs. Violet Covington Jack. Anda. Clarence. Roy. Quincy. Lester William and Robert Rivers. Other relative! and friends also survive. Remains restins at the John T. Rhines & Co. funeral chapel 3rd and Eye sts. * w.. until Friday. Sep tember 22. at 4 p.m Funeral and interment in Chrew. 8. C. CEMETERY LOTS. FOR SALE—TWO SITES. GLENWOOE Cemetery. P15 Kennedy gt. n.w., ot Georgia list 22« FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO! Floral Piece. m« f »t N.W Nattanal 4«7« GEO. C SHAFFER, Inc. EXPRE88IVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES. PRONE NAT 01<M °ZS KXST Cor. 14th fir Eye .a. Howard Stark's Body Found by Shepherd In Utah Mountains Commerce Department Aviation Expert Lost On Flight in 1936 Identification of a body found by a sheepherder in the Wasatch Moun tains of Utah as that of Howard Stark of Alexandria, Va., interna tionally known air navigation expert and Commerce Department air in spector. today ended a search which has continued intermittently for more than three years. Mr. Stark disappeared in a snow storm January 16, 1936, while on an official flight for the former Bureau of Air Commerce from Rock Springs, Wyo., to Salt Lake City. Plane Found in 1936. Despite one of the most intensive searches ever made in that country, no clue to Mr. Stark's disappear ance was found until May 30, 1936, when a Utah sheepherder found the missing airplane, turned over after a forced landing in the mountains, but virtually undamaged. There ’ HOWARD STARK. j was no trace of the pilot, though his two suit cases and maps were found intact. Mr. Stark's body was found yes | terday about 6 miles from where he had left his airplane in an apparent effort to make his way out of the mountains on foot. United States Marshal Gilbert Mecham of Hunts ville, Utah, who identified the body, 1 said Mr. Stark apparently died of cold and exhaustion after he had waded through deep snowdrifts. Identification, according to an As sociated Press dispatch, was made from a pilot's license found in a wallet beside the body. The widow of Mr. Stark remarried, and as Mrs. James Williamson lives at 1010 Prince street in Alexandria, Va. She was informed of the dis I SpattfB SANDERS. EDITH H. On Wednesday. September 20. 1939. «t Sibley Memorial Hospital. EDITH B. SANDERS of 200 Rhode Island ave. n.e. beloved wife of the late Joseph Sanders and daughter of Thomas and Annie Jones and mother of Dorothy Sanders Towberman. Funeral from the above residence on Saturday, September 23. at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 22 SHORTS. CHARLES. On Tuesday. Sep tember 18. 193P. at his residence. 1245 Delaware ave. a.w.. CHARLES SHORTS He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted wife. Mary Shorts: two daughters, two sons and other relatives and friends Re mains resting at Eugene Eord'a funeral home. 1300 South Capitol st. Funeral Saturday. September 23. at 1 p.m.. from Mount Moriah Baptist Church. 22 WALLACE, MARLE. Departed this life on Tuesday. September 19, 1939. MABLE WALLACE devoted wife of Avery Wallace, loving mother of Leroy Boston and Mar garet. C. Jones, she also is survived by five stepchildren, three brothers, one daughter-in-law, six grandchildren, one adopted brother, two aunts and one adopt ed daughter. Remains may be viewed at ‘ Frazier's funeral home. 3S9 R T ave. ; n.w., after 4 pm. Friday. September 22. Funeral Saturday. September 23. at 1 Pm., from Florida Avenue Baptist Church, | Rev. Rollings officiating. 22 1 WEEMS, ELIZARETH W. On Tuesday. 1 September 19. 1939. at the Church Home ! and Infirmary. ELIZABETH W. WEEMS, i beloved daughter of the late Franklin and Mary M Weems of Lock Eden. Anne Arundel County. Md Funeral services at the Wm. Cook man sion. St. Paul and Preston sts.. Baltimore. Md.. on Saturday. September 23. at 1:30 p.m. Interment private. 23 In l&moruun CARPER, OWEN. Sacred to the mem ory of our darling "EENCIE." who left us three years ago today. September 21. 193fi. HIS LOVING MOMMY, DADDY AND mvuin&A, GREENE. MOLLIE VIRGINIA. In sad ; but loving remembrance of my devoted 1 wife. MOLLIE VIRGINIA GREEN*, who , departed this life three years ago today, i September 21, 193R LEONARD GREENE. • HAILSTORKS. LATTIMORE S. In lov ing_remembrance of my dear husband. LATTIMORE S. HAILSTORKS. who passed sway eleven years ago today. September 21. 1928. Oh. the memory of that morning. When I knew that he was dead: My heart was crushed with sorrow And many tears were shed HIS DEVOTED WIFE. SARAH P. HAIL STORKS. JACKSON. SANFORD. In sad but lov ing remembrance of my dear husband, SANFORD JACKSON, who departed this life one year ago today. September 21, 1938. There is some one who misses you sadly. And finds time long since you went: i There Is some one who thinks of you alwayg And tries to be brave and content. HI8 DEVOTED WIFE. REBECCA. • PLATER, CORA E. In memory of our devoted mother and sister. CORA E. PLATER who left us eight years ago to day. September 21, 1931. We cannot. Lord. Thy purpose see. But all Is well that's done by Thee. The best are always the first to die. FAMILY. • THOMAS. OWF.N H. To the cherished memory of my beloved husband and our dear father OWEN H THOMAS, who de parted this life two years ago today. Sep tember 21. 1937. The years may wipe out many things. But this they wine out never. The memory of thosa happy days When we were all together. • HIS WIFE, EVELYN THOMAS, AND FAM ILY. • THOMAS, OWEN H. This day is sa cred to the memory of my beloved uncle, OWEN H. THOMAS, who departed this life two years ago today. September 21. 1937. It's only a step that divides us From the glories no mortal hath seen: We shall find you when death’s grim fingers Shall have lifted the veil between. HIS LOVING VTEC'F. ON* IT* • zEGowrrz. Elizabeth a. in iovin« memory of our dear mother and arand mother. ELIZABETH A. ZEOOWITZ! who left us three years ato today. September 31. 1P3«. Anniversary mass at Immac ulate Conception Church. A wonderful mother, woman and aide. One who was better. Qod never made: A wonderful worker, loyal and true: One In a million—that, mother, was you. Just in your Judgment, always rlcht: Honest and liberal, ever uprisht. Loved by your friends and all that you knew. Wonderful mother—that, mother, was you. HER LOVING CHILDREN AND GRAND CHILDREN. • FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V. L. SPEARE CO. NeiHwr the suecMsor to nor connected with iomhV MT Frank Geier’s Sons Co. VXJrgfStf WstioBsl 2473 J. William Lee’s Sons Co. rCNEBAL OIBECTOBS Crematorium 4th aM Man. Am NJL Unh SSSS a “READY, AIM—i-”—But the two officers were fixing only at targets yesterday as they prepared for the fourth annual pistol matches, to be held October 6 and 7 at Terra Cotta, D. C. The sharpshooters are Park Policemen Harold F. Stewart and W. R. Lutes. Teams from the twelfth precinct, White House police force, park police and Maryland and Virginia State police will take part in the matches. —Star Staff Photos. covery of the aviator's body when The Star called her. She and Mr. Stark had a son, Carl Stark, noto 17, who is a fresh man at the University of Virginia and who is studying to be a doctor. Long List of Achievements. A long list of achievements in blind flying marked Mr. Stark's career. He developed much of the science of instrument navigation used by commercial airlines in the United States and abroad. After serving as instrumental navigation instructor to pilots of Eastern Airlines and Pan-American Airways, he was engaged by the Dutch international air system to instruct pilots on the long airway to the Dutch East Indies. On his re turn to the United States in August, 1935, he was employed by the Bu reau of Air Commerce, Commerce Department, now a part of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, to take charge of instruction of airline pilots in use of new Federal radio aids to navigation and instrument land ings. Output of Distilled Spirits Increases By the Associated Press. August distilled spirits production totaled 63.390.136 gallons, the Treas ury reports, compared with 6,108,002 in the same month last year. Slight increases were shown for whisky, rum, brandy and other spirits except gin, which declined a little. Stocks of spirits on hand at the end of the month were said to be 518.487,207 gallons, compared with 496,061.286 a year ago. Mrs. Arthur Rauterberg Dies in Annapolis Mrs. Minna Rauterberg, 65, a former resident of Washington and veteran Government employe, died Tuesday in Emergency Hospital, An napolis, after a brief illness. Funeral services will be held at 3 p.m. tomorrow at the Hysong j funeral home, with burial in Con gressional Cemetery. 1 Mrs. Rauterberg, who retired from her post with the Bureau of Loans I and credits in the Treasury Depart ! ment on December 1, 1937, had made I her winter home at St. Petersburg, : Fla., and spent her summers at Pine j Whiff Beach on South River near ; Annapolis. ! A native of Washington, Mrs, Rauterberg attended public schools here and later was married to Dr Arthur C. Rauterberg. who practiced medicine here for many years prior to his retirement. Mrs. Rauterberg served about 1C years with the Post Office Depart ment and nearly 20 years with the Treasury Department. She was an active member of the Esther Chap ter of the Order of the Eastern Star here before her retirement from Government service. I Her husband is the only survivor. ! _____ Meeting to Aid Blind The District Association of the 1 Workers for the Blind will hold a 1 business meeting and elect officers j at a meeting at 7:45 o'clock tonight i at Epiphany Hall. 1317 G street N.W, Harry Kaufman Dies; Was Head of D. C. Department Store Death in Atlantic City Follows Illness of Six Months Harry Kaufman, president of Harry Kaufman, Inc., and a director of the Hamilton National Bank, died last night at Atlantic City, where he had been staying since last Friday. He was 75 years old. Physicians attributed his death to anemia. A son, Alan Kaufman, said his father had been in ill health for six months and had gone to Atlantic City to recuperate. His home was at 3816 Huntington street N.W. Harry Kaufman was born in Georgetown, the son of Emmanuel Kaufman, a merchant. In his early youth Mr. Kaufman served news papers and at the age of 13 was em ployed as a clerk in the shoe store of B. Rich & Sons, located at 1324 Seventh street N.W., the site of the present Kaufman store. Nearly 40 years ago Mr. Kaufman purchased the store of B. Rich & Sons had later added men’s wear as a feature. Finally he enlarged his business into a department store, of which he was president at the time of his death. Mr. Kaufman had not been active in the business since his illness. Mr. Kaufman was married to the former Rae Frechie of Philadelphia, who survives him. He was a life member of St. John’s Lodge of Ma sons and was also a member of the ; Washington Hebrew Congregation, j In addition to his wife and son, ] Alan, survivors include two daugh \ ters, Mrs. J. Shulman and Mrs. S. ; Greenberg, both of Washington; three brothers, Morris, of Riverdale. i Md., and Sidney and Isador Kauf Shelton T. White Funeral Tomorrow Bpeeltl Dispatch to The Star. ANNANDALE, Va., Sept. 21.— Shelton Thomas White, 49, local contractor, who died yesterday in Providence Hospital in Washington from injuries received in a fall here a weeic ago, will be buried tomorrow in the Annandale Ceme tery. Puneral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. at the Annandale Methodist Church under the direc tion of the Rev. Stuart M. Igle heart, pastor. Mr. Whits had been a resident ct Fairfax County for 20 years, and was active in church work. Besides his widow, Mrs. Myrtle W. White, he is survived by two sons, Shelton T. White, jr., and James White, and one daughter. Miss Vir ginia White, all of Annandale; three brothers, Jesse E. Herndon White, William Allen White and Ernest E. White, all of Washington, and four sisters, Mrs. Malcolm A. Stokes and Mrs. John C. McIntosh of Washington, Mrs. Aubrey Chason and Mrs. Stergeon Williams of An nandale. Miss Laura de Alba Dies in Mexico City Miss Laura de Alba, 21. daughter of Dr. Pedro de Alba, acting direc tor of the Pan American Union, and ; a student at George Washington j University, died Tuesday night in ! Mexico City, according to word re ! ceived here by officials of the union. Dr. de Alba, who left Washington for Mexico City by plane after re ceiving word that his daughter was dangerously ill, failed to arrive there before her death. In the absence of Dr. de Alba and Director Gen eral L. S. Rowe, who is attending the Inter-American Conference at Panama, William V. Griffin, chief clerk, will be in charge of adminis tration. Augustus M. Jullien Buried in Mount Olivet Augustus M. Jullien. 50, compos ing room foreman of the Lansing (Mich.) State Journal, who died Monday in Lansing, was buried yes terday in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Funeral services were held Tuesday in Lansing. Bom in Washington, Mr. Jullien was educated in the public schools here. He left Washington 15 years ago to work for the Michigan news paper, having previously set type for various publications in the District. Surviving are his widow, Louise ' Carl Jullien, and seven children: four brothers, Louis S. and Philip M. Jullien of Washington, Cyrus S. Jullien of New York and Paul J. of Wuterville, Me.; four sisters, Mrs. S. J. Henry and Mrs. Lulu Lundy, both of Washington; Mrs. Barnet Phi'lips of Rye, N. Y„ and Miss Edna Jullien of Fresno, Calif. Workman Is Injured Walter McClancey, 38,712 Twenty second street N.W., was in Emer gency Hospital today in undeter mined condition with Injuries re ceived yesterday in a 35-foot fall on a construction job at Fifteenth and I streets N.W. HARRY KAUFMAN. —Harris-Ewing Photo. man, both of Washington; a sister, Mrs. Carrie Deardoff of Philadelphia, and three grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at the Deal funeral home at a time to be announced later. Burial will be in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Woman to Face Jury In Fatal Auto Crosh By the Associated Press. BALTIMORE, Sept. 21.—Mrs. Frances Smalley of Catonsville was technically charged with man slaughter and released in $100 bail for grand jury action by Magistrate John Standord at a hearing on an automobile accident fatal to Mrs. Robert H. Riley, wife of the State health director. Mrs. Riley was a passenger in Mrs. Smalley’s car when it collided with a machine driven by Edward Crookes, 18. Magistrate Stanford said Mrs. Smalley's driving was ’grossly negligent.” Crookes was dismissed. In Case of Death COL. 0432 CALL C/umtwti ONE or I THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS IN THE WORLD FACTS concerning I CEDAR HILL CEMETERY Despite the improvements, the popularity, and ad mitted superiority of Cedar Hill, desirable plots (containing space for from one to sixteen graves), may be purchased at most moderate prices and on convenient terms. Prices begin at FIFTY DOLLARS ($50.00) per grave site and include perpetual care. (ed&rHill Washington’s Most Beautiful Cemetery Located at the end of Penn. Ape. S£. \ Gates open until 7:00 O'Clock. i We regret to announce the death of Mr. Harry Kaufman PRESIDENT NEW! BETTER CAKES THAN YOU EVER BAKED BEFORE! r CARAMEL-HUT I WHITE CAKE m I 14 cup Crisco ««UP^*« I 2 te«poons baking _ | ‘"ST <«>“• I » aa^as I not dry. Bake in i:wo ■ inch layer pans in Frost with: f%': I (350° F.) 30-3o minutes. Frost J CIUWMEL FWSTWC: Cook 0™ hotting jj U 1 cuds brown sugar, /3 r nga ■ ;aur aid 2 ePgg white* Beat 7 J ■ rt« or until frosting holds peak* ■ Remove from heat. Continue beating g ■ t-ii „„ni Stiread between layers (4 k 1 cssrssfa*-* 1 ! dipped in melted chocolate. | I All COOKING EXPERTS AND HOUSEWIFE AGREE “You’ll get HIGHER CAKES with New ‘Sure-Mix’ Crisco!’’ ^^^k toys Mrs. tdna togas Crabtree, cooking school teacher for 14 years. And this New Crisco makes ■ CAKES LIGHTER " J ta/i Mrc. Ella Co wan— A Har cooking wat cantod to ' tha King and Ouaan of England. SS __M “‘Sure-Mix’ Crisco gives you TENDERER CAKES!" ^B toys Miss Nancy Baker, famous focifie Coast cooking Itchier. “The experts are right. And here’s my news—Crisco cakes are SETTEE’EA TIB El" lays Mrt. Albari C. Millar, hautawifa from MMalphio, fa. 4 IJus' “k ** -w „ zz —i I «»• nWiaocbtDgt I .-Tew '"“ **"»“ . I n c«sco itself! I Biggest Shortening Discovery in 29 Years! New “gSGOmf’ CRISCO does things no other shortening does for you! Today you can open your oven door and take out a finer, better-eating cake than you have ever baked before. There is a lot to this promise. It means— 1. HIGHER cake (2. LIGHTER cake L3. TENDERER cake ^k Just one ingredient can make IK this big difference—your short 1}H ening Change to New "Sure H Mix" Crisco! ^B Pure all-vegetable Crisco now brings you a vital short ly ening discovery made by Jr science. No other household shortening we know of is like this New “Sure-Mix” Crisco! “Sure-Mix” Crisco batters are different! New "Sure-Mix” Crisco gives you more completely mixed batter. Crisco actually seems to flow all the ingredi ents together. They stay together! ’ I m ■■■ ■ — And what a vital difference this new-type batter makes! Our baking tests show cakes turn out higher—up to 15% higher depending on type of cake. And lighter! And when you lasts .. / that's the best!... Tenderer and better-eating cake isn’t to be had! Let your own recipe show you! No “trick” recipe required. Just use your favorite cake recipe, the same pans, the same oven. Make only one change ... use “Sure-Mix” Crisco. We truly believe that you’ll get cakes that will be a real revelation. You can bake with new confidence! Grand pies! Delicious frying, too! .Make “Sure-Mix” Crisco your prize help in cooking. Get flaky pastry that melts in your mouth, and crisp deli cious fried foods. They taste so good made with pure all-vegetable Crisco, a shortening that always comes to you fresh and keeps fresh. Don’t miss another day of good eating. Get Crisco now! JURY OF 1,100 HOUSEWIVES MADE “BUND” TEST! ' Here’s the amazing majority vote! i 1,100 housewives in cities from Coast to Coast were given “Sure-Mix” Qrisco in plain, unlabeletl cans. They were not told what product they were being asked to test. They were merely asked to bake two cakes: 1. One cake with the un labeled shortening (it was “Sure-Mix” Crisco). 2; The same cake with 'another shortening. Then after the baking, .we questioned each of these housewives to compare the results they got in the two cakes. And here is the ma jority preference vote: l THEY FOUND 1. Cakes rose HIGHER with “Sure-Mix” Crisco. 2. Cakes were LIGHTER with “Sure-Mix” Crisco. 3. Cakes were TENDERER v with “Sure-Mix” Crisco. 4. Cakes BETTER-EATING with “Sure-Mix” Crisco. 5. Cakes EASIER TO MAKE with “Sure-Mix” Crisco. T—ooMMw nos. u. a. —o». • wwataa a wmu A