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DON’T CUT ‘ CUTICLES CJevtr Ctmuttc Btauh/m Haiti W’btit it siftm i Cmiuits This clever preparation removes tough, dead cuticle without scissors, v and at tin tam tim helps keep nails more flexible and easy to shape. It brings out their natural beauty. It is a cuticle remover, a cuticle oil and a stain remover, all in one. You may not have time for long expensive manicures, but with /<^t Manicare you simply brush your fingertips a little each day, to keep nails nice. Avoid hangnails or brittleness. MANICARE35/ v DOUBLE SIZE 59c For Sale by All the Bu»y PEOPLES DRUG STORES Copyright 1M9. kepi Broi., lac.. N. Y. 'Playground of Tomorrow' Unveiled at Park Conclave .—■■■■ .. I 1 FIELD HOUSE ON WHEELS—For the “playground of the future” ' recreation officials in Washington and throughout the country may adopt the above suggestion of how trailers may be used in i place of permanent field houses. Here is how amateur theat ricals might be put on. At other times musical, dance and movie programs could be held with sound equipment incorpo rated in the trailer. A platform in front or seating arrange ments could take care of gatherings of all kinds. Office space, shelter, locker and sanitary facilities, and many other things ! could be incorporated, if desired. There is a “playground of the future-’ just as there is a “World of Tomorrow.” A glimpse of what form it may take was possible in Philadelphia j this week at the annual convention ! of the American Institute of Park Executives at which Prank T. Gart side, acting superintendent of Na tional Capital Parks and a senior director of the institute is in charge of the educational exhibit. The "playground of tomorrow,” as presented at the convention by Mr. Gartside and others will, among other things, possess three improve ments which are of primary im portance. One is a surface planted with a new species of grass that will pro vide a suitable and almost inde , structable turf for playgrounds. The second is a system of mobile field houses, built as trailers, which may be hauled from playground to playground, or allowed to provide shelter to playground users in definitely; and which can be hooked up to city water, light, gas and sewer systems. The third is a court surface, made from a carefully worked out proportion of cork and bitumen, which will be durable, resi lient. hard and yet soft. Grass Gift of Orient. Contrasted to the dirt, cinder and weed picture presented by many playgrounds in Washington and throughout the country, this future playground should prove heaven to the metropolitan youngsters in fu ture years, it was pointed out. The grass was described to the convention by Dr. John Monteith, director of the green section of the United States Golf Association. The discovery of this durable turf, which j may spell the end to the skinned knees and barked shins that have been the badges of the Americar youth seeking to improve his leisurt hours on city playgrounds, wai hailed as a distinct advance in pari and playgrourfd development by tht assembled park executives. Dr. Monteith turned to the Orien to find a grass that would meet re quirements for a tough green carpe for playing areas, after exhaustinf the possibilities of the more that 1,200 varieties of grass native to thi Western Hemisphere. The name of the Oriental grasi he finally hit upon is Zoysia. It ha; been tested by the United State; Department of Agriculture and dur 5<X DENTURE BATH for 10C and 1 Stera-Kleen CartonTop Moulded plastic denture bath holds both uppers and lowers, keeps them out of sight while being cleaned. Buy Stera-Kleen and send for yours today! Stera-Kleen is the tested formula of a dentist for cleaning plates and bridges without brushing. Acts over night or while dressing. Daily use removes stains and film. Helps re store natural appearance of dentures. Send Carton Top and Dime Today. Buy Stera-Kleen from your druggist. Send 10* and the carton top from a 30*, 60* or dollar size Stera-Kleen and get your denture bath by return mail. Stera-Kleen, I nc., 6 High Street, Jersey City, N. J. ing the last two yean It has been given actual performance tests In small patches In the parks and play grounds of a score of American cities including Washington. Due to the limited amount of seed availa ble in this country widespread use of the new grass is precluded as yet. However, by catching seed in especially constructed lawn mowers the strain can be propagated and Improved as time goes on, Dr. Mon teith told the convention. Samples in Washington. Mr. Gartside has a limited amount of the grass in Washington at the present time and hopes to be able to plant restricted areas with it soon. So far it has been carefully guarded behind hedges and in greenhouses until enough seed is gleaned U> enable its use on a trial recreational area where it can be put to the acid test of pounding feet. The beauty of the new grass, as described at the convention, is that it grows laterally, throwing out roots from the grass stems, some what after the manner of crab grass. Thus it spreads quickly into a thick mat. Besides this its perpendicular growth is practically nil, which means that it will have to be cut only once or twice a season and, in addition, it is said to have camel like qualities for going without wa ter over extended periods of time. Utilization of the automobile trailer in the development of the “playground of tomorrow” was sug gested at the convention by Mr. Oartside himself. He presented pre pared studies of the use to which such trailers might be put. Economy, flexibility in use and adaptability to meet the existing conditions of the site were the fea tures of chief value in their use, the studies revealed. Mr. Gartside pointed out that the use of this type of equipment would make it possible to provide at low cost the most de sirable features of the modern, but costly, recreation field houses, which frequently are beyond the means of a community. In other instances, he explained, the trailer units might serve temporarily in newly acquired areas, pending permanent develop ment, their mobility making them readily available for use at any other site. Facilities for dramatic presenta tions. projection of motion pictures, social dancing, amplification of edu cational programs and symphonic music, civic gatherings and the hold ing of patriotic meetings and pag eants, office space for recreation su pervisors, dressing and locker rooms, first aid stations and sanitary ac commodations could be provided by the trailer units suggested in Mr. Oartside’s study. The new “hard but soft” surfacing which was included in the institute's educational exhibit, is another im provement on which Mr. Oartslde has devoted much time and study. Repeated trials have resulted, he ex plained before leaving for the con vention, in a surface material for courts and other hard surface areas, which can be treated to a permanent green color and on which permanent lines can be painted. With its corlc base and bituminous binding mate rial the surfacing can be indented with the thumb and forefinger and come back to normal after the pres sure has been released. Use your head instead of your horn. ROACHES Rid the home of these pests quickly and surely. One applies I* }ft|ij9|| ^B B | I § I I ■ H a! I I B mm |B i • LARGE INK CAPACITY • SATIN-SMOOTH SUPER* POINTS • MEN'S AND WOMEN'S SIZES • NICELY BOXED FOR GIFTS • BEAUTIFUL DUPONT PEARL-LIKE MATERIAL CASES (Choice of Black, Burgundy, Gold, Silver or Green.) No more shaking, no more coaxing to get pen started . The point is kept constantly moist, always ready to write instantly because it is sealed tight in a specially con structed inner cap. SPECIALLY ^ CONSTRUCTED INNER-CAP! There’s nothing cheap about these pens but the price! They’re really good quality pens that writers will use con fidently. High school students .. . stenographers ... busi ness men... career women... housewives... all will realize what a sensational value these pens are the minute they take them in hand and write. For Sale By All the Busy PEOPLES DRUG STORES l Li Colonial Vir ginia is won derful now % Enjoy a Fall Vacation In the I cradle ol history. Bestial *00- _ mile trip. - ■ _ drlvfnr Bis, modern steamer your ca- • I B Comfortable beds. Bound JJ ■ |^^B trip fA.AO. Staterooms for M-00 ■ffrareBalBWIHW NORFOLK-WASHINGTON LINE Experienced Advertisers PreferThe Star Your Choice of Reg. $54.95 All 1 I (With Motor Driven Pump) (With Table-Top Cover) I Oil scaled Has full 26_ mechanism inch 0pCn end ! permanently chrome-plated . i sealed and shoe, Anger or lubricated at kn®e ,c°ntro1 : ; ™ and quiet one the factory. sixth h or se ll a s enclosed r— power motor, drainboard and ttff nAn/mj b*ub<« a cover pro safety dry feed ^ *on‘h'7 ^ts it from ; , . , Plus Carrying Charge dUSt and makes board. Triple- _ , D a useful table | dipped one- Buys Either or Both. when not in J piece tub. _use. # Waihera and Ironeri—Baiement. j I I” 6.2 Cu. Ft. All Steel COLDSPOT ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR With Handi-Bin 5-Year Protection Plan Makes 105 ice cubes. Equipped with finger tip tray release, automatic reset defroster and in terior light. 1939 model, with two porcelain enameled vegedrators. Shelf area totaling 12.0 square feet. Coldipott—Bailment 1 I tor Natural, Bottled or City Gasl 5 *42.95 GAS One-piece top and back-guard. Porcelain enameled oven 16xl2x 18 inches. 4 aluminum head burners, flash lighter and slide-out broiler. Trimly styled and constructed to give you years of dependable service. Sto vet—Baiement i Balance Monthly Plus Carrying Cha Beautiful Brass Finished 7-PC. FIREPLACE SET Automatic Heat With l his Hercules ANTHRACITE STOKER Completely Installed, Ready to Offer ate! 1 Year Service! • Screen {• Andirons ( • Fire Set 9J! Set comprises 3-fold screen with brass trim and handles. 4-piece flreset, pair of heavy andirons, antique brass finish. ' Stoves—Basement NO MONEY DOWN Up to 3 Years to Pap Under F. H. A. Plan. Complete with 4 con trols. Eliminates old fashioned hand fir ms. radio mb phonograph Silvertone Radio Adaptable for lit* With Tolooiaion Compare with other $90 radios I Has 9 “lnstamatic” push buttons, 4-variation tone control, 5 tun ing bands, including 2 spread bands. Range 500 to 1700 K.C., < to 18 M.C., 1.7 to 5 M.C., 9.4 to 9.8 and 11 to 12 M.C. Audio*—Basement COMBINATION elf-Starting Motor Plays 10 or 12 Inch Records 6-Tube Silvertone Radio with newly developed bass boost, variable tone control. Automatic vol ume control. Broadcast range 536 to 1730 K.C. _] Radio*—Bailment DOWN Balance Menthly Pint Carrying Chary V^^IIAIN STORE. 91* BUDENSIURB ROAD. ^^^^MVJ^RVSRVQJVSIVuzTSoSoaTTnIw1 1 i i 4