Newspaper Page Text
- Junior Rail Issues Take Leadership On Bond Market * Many Rise as Much As 2 Points With Traffic Mounting Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. P'gn. ' Net change. +.4 —.1 —.2+1.0 Today, noon 61.6 97.1 92.4 44.2 61.2 97.2 92.6 43.2 Month ago. 54.8 98.8 95.3 55.4 Year ago .. 52.9 97.6 91.3 59.0 1939 high.. 64.9 100.8 97.5 64.0 1939 low... 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 1938 high.. 70.5100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low— 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high..101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon_103.6 Prev. day. 103.7 M'nth ago 110.4 Year ago. 108.4 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 103.7 1938 high 110.7 1938 low 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 (Compiled By tft» Associated Press.) Bv i ne Associated Press. NEW YORK. Sept. 25.—Lower priced rail loans grabbed leadership of a generally firm bond market today. Buyers, tempted by news of steadily growing carrier traffic, lift ed many of these issues as much as 2 points near the start of the last hour. Heavy gains in loans of Belgium put backbone in the foreign division. Government 7s shot up about 12 points on substantial turnover, fur ther erasing last week's declines. While losses were in the major ity among United States Govern ments, prices did not move very far despite transfer of big blocks of the Treasuries. Federal Farm Mortgage 3s of '49-’44 dropped 22-32 of a point, but other losses were much less. Favored in the corporate section were such issues as Baltimore & Ohio convertible 4>2S, Mobile & Ohio 4'is. St. Paul 5s, Great North ern 4s of 46 “G," Pittsburgh & West Virginia 4'2s of '58 ‘'A,” Frisco 4VaS of 78 and Nickel Plate 4'2s, Washington Produce - ; BUTTER—90 score. 1-pound prints, 31; tub. 30: Vi*-pound prints. 32: 92 score, tub, 81: 1-pound prints. 32: U-Pound prints. 33. • MEATS—Choice beef. is; -good beef. 16- ! 17Va; calves. 10’-: spring lambs. 9; veal. ; 10 down: pork loin. 20-21: smoked regular ham 22-23: smoked skinned ham 24: large smoked skinned ham 20-21; bacon, sliced, 28: bacon, piece, 23; compound. 10; pure lard S’;-. LIVESTOCK—Pigs. 120-14 0 pounds, 6.60-9.90; light pigs, 140-150 pounds, 7.00-7.20; 150-200 pounds. 7.10-7.40; 210-250 ' pounds. 7.00-7.20: 250-300 pounds. 6.00-7.10; calves, good grade. 10 ; down: lambs. 9 down; buck lambs. 2.70 | less: sows. 4.85-5.60: stags, down; weightier sows. 4.10-5.10. From Agricultural Marketing Service. Frices paid net f.o.b. Washington: EGGS—Market steady. For eggs can died and graded in Washington (Septem ber 25t: Whites, U. 8. extras, large. 34; TJ. S. ejtfras. mediums, 25: U. S. stand ards, large, 28: U. S. standards, mediums, 22: U. S. trades. 18; U. S. pullets. 15. For nearby ungraded eggs: Current re ceipts: Whites. 21 to 22: mixed colors, 1^ LIVE "POULTRY—Market steady. Fowl: Colored, all sizes. 16 to 17; No. 2s. 12 to 14; Leghorns, 10 to 11; roosters. 9 to 10; Chickens: Virginia Rocks: Broilers and iryers, all sizes, 18 to 19: No. 2s. 13 to 14. Delaware Rocks and crosses: Broil ers and fryers, all sizes. 17 W to 18M» lew best higher: No. 2s. 13 to 14. mixed r colored fryers. 15 to 10. Leghorns, chickens. 14 for best Turkeys: Young toms. 15 pounds and up, 18; young hens. 10 pounds and up. 21: oN. 2s. hens and toms. 12 to 14; under sizes. 15 to 17. I Fruits and Vegetables. Compiled by the Market News Section ot Agricultural Marketing Service. Sales to 8 j a m. on this morning s wholesale market . in less than carlot quantities. APPLES—Market about steady. Truck f receipts moderate. Maryland, Pennsyl vania. Virginia and West Virginia, bushel i baskets. U. S. No. 1: Grimes. 2-4-inch min- i imum. 5(»; 2,*-inch minimum. 65-75; 234- j inch minimum. 75-85-; Jonathans 2*4- 1 inch minimum. 40-60: 2 la-inch minimum, i 05-75; 2U-inch minimum. 75-90: Delicious, i 3’4-inch minimum 50-00; 2Va-mch mini- ‘ mum. 90-1.10: 2-U-inch minimum. 1.15 1.25; Smokehouse. 2,a-inch minimum. 05 <5: 2-U-inch minimum 85-90: Eastern crates, U. S. No. 1: Grimes. 2 U-inch min- i imum. 10-75; 2-U-inch minimum. 75-90; Delicious. 2Va-inch minimum. 1.10-1.15; : 2-4-inch minimum. 1.25-1.40: Jonathans.! 2‘2-inch minimum. 85-90: 2U-inch mini- I mum 1.10-1.25: bushel boxes: Delicious, combination extra fancy and fanev. large ' size. 1.35-1.65: very large size. 1.; 5-3.00; ■ C grade, all sizes. 1.00-1.35. AVOCADOS—Market steady. Express I receipts. Florida, lugs and flats. 12s ana 18s. mostly 75: fair quality and condition. 60; bushel baskets. 1.50-2.00. CABBAGE—Market about steadv. Truck receipts moderate. Virginia, bushel hamp ers. domestic flat type, packed locally 65; fair quality mostly around 50: Pennsylva nia. domestic round type. 50-pound sacks, mostly 90. 5-peck hampers. 1.10-1.15; New York. 50-pound sacks domestic round type, mostly 1.00. CANTALOUPES—Market about steadv. Colorado. Green Meats, jumbo flats. 9s and 2 oS5 standard fiats, 12s and 15s. PERSIAN MELONS—Market about steady California. Salmon Meals, jumbo flats. 4s to 0s. 2.00-2.25: standard flats, 6s. l.,o: ponys. 6s to 8s. 1.50. HONEYDEWS—Market about steadv. Colorado standard crates, 9s to 12s, 1.50-1 15. mostly 1.50. CARROTS—Market slightly weaker. Truck receipts moderate. California. L. A. New York and Pennsylvania, bushel bas kets. topped, washed, 75-1.00; Ohio, splrnt baskets. 14 dozen, bunched. 50. CELERY—Market about stead'* Truck receipts moderate. New York 4 crates and 10-inch crates individually washed 1.25-1.50: 2/3 crates in the rough. 4-8 dozen, mostly around 1.25. GRAPES—Market about steady. Truck receipts light. Table stock: New York, Concords. 2-quart climax baskets. 14: Ohio cartons containing 12 2-quart baskets Con cords. 1.25-1.60. LETTUCE—Market slightly stronger. Truck receipts light. California. L. A. crates Iceberg type 5 dozen, 3.00-3.25; 4 dozen. 2.75: New York. Eastern crates. Big Boston type 2 dozen, mostly 1.25: poor to ordinary quality and condition low as 50. LIMES—Market about steady. Express receipts Florida. 4 boxes and cartons. 75 1.00. few best higher: ordinary quality. 50: bushel baskets. 1.50-2.00. Onion Trices Steady. ONIONS—Market steady. Truck re ceipts moderate. 50-pound sacks. U. S. No. 1: New York and Indiana, yellows. 75 86; fair quality. 00-65; Colorado. Sweet Epanlsh. 3 inches and larger. 1.25-1.35. PEACHES—Truck receipts very light. Supplies Insufficient to quote. PEARS—Market about steady. Truck receipts light. New York. Bartletts. U. S. No. 1. bushel baskets, mostly around 1.75. few higher; fair quality and condition. 1.25-1.50: 4-bushel baskets. 80-1.00; Seckels. U. S. No. 1. bushel baskets, 1.60 1.76; 4-bushel bsakets. 14-lnch minimum. 60-75; 14-inch minimum. 90-1.00. PEAS—Market about steady. Bushel hampers Idaho, mostly around 2.50: Cali fornia. 2.50-2.75. mostly 2.50. POTATOES—Market steady. Truck re ceipts moderate. 100-pound sacks. U. 8. No. 1, Pennsylvania. Cobblers. 1.65-1.75; fair quality mostly 1.50: New Jersey. Chip pewas and Cobblers. 1.65-1.75. fair quality mostly 1.50. SWEET POTATOES—Market about steady. Truck receipts moderate. Mary land and Virginia, bushel baskets. Puerto Ricans. Ooldens and Jersey type, mostly around 76; Virginia, bushel baskets. Nancy Halls. U. S. No. 1. 80-90. SNAP BEANS—Market about steady. Truck receipts light. Bushel baskets and hampers. Maryland and New Jersey, flat and round type. 75-85. few higher. LIMA BEANS—Market slightly stronger. Truck receipts light. Pennsylvania, bushel baskets. 75-85; fair quality. 60-65. MIXED VEGETABLES—Three California, one Colorado arrived: five broken and three unbroken cars on track. CRABAPPLES—No carlot arrivals; one broken car on track. Visible Grain Supply NEW YORK, Sept. 25 (/P).—Visible supply of American grain showed the following changes from a week ago (in bushels): Wheat decreased 1,256,000; corn increased 3,882,000; oats decreased 1,000; rye increased 149,000; barley increased 305,000. Rubber Futures NEW YORK Sept. 25 <JP).—Crude rub ber futures opened unchanged to 13 lower. December, 20.08-20.20; March, 18.95 19.05; May 16.86-90. |s_ A BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE ■r KlnM wire Intel W The Itet TREASURY. High. Low. 2:55. 2a 1947_ 99.15 99.14 99.15 2*s 1946_ 103.6 103.6 108.6 2*8 1950-52_ 99.15 99.15 99.15 2*s 1949-65 _. 99.17 99.16 99.17 2*8 1945-47 r*.. 103.10 103.10 103.10 2*11948-61 . 101.17 101.18 101.16 2*8 1961-64%.. 100.14 100.13 100.13 2*8 1956-69_ 99.18 99 13 99.16 2*8 1956-63_ 99.18 99.12 99.15 2*8 1960-65_ 99.20 99.13 39.14 2*8 1966-60_ 100 17 100.14 100.16 38 1946-46 - 104.23 104.14 104.15 38 1951-55 . 102.28 102.26 102.26 3r 1951-55 rg_ 102.20 102 20 102 20 3*1 1946-49_ 104.28 104.27 104.27 3*8 1941 _ 105.9 105.8 105.9 8*1 1944-46 106.20 106 17 106.17 s*8 1940-43 Jun 102.20 102.20 102.20 3*8 1941-43 Mar 104.11 104.11 104.11 3*8 1943 47 ... 106.20 106.20 106.20 3*8 1946-56_ 10R.18 108 18 10R.18 48 1944-54 _ 110 2 110.2 *110.2 4*8 1947-52 ... 113.24 113.18 113.18 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 38 1944-49 . 103.2 103. 103. HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 38 1944-52 . 102.20 102.20 102.20 FOREIGN BONDS. High Low 2:55 Abltlbl P&P 6i 63 .. 52 52 52 Adriatic Klee 7s 52 36 35* 35* Agr Mtg Bk Col 6s 47 22* 22* 22* Antloqula 7s 45 D 11* 11* 11* Antloqula 1st 7s 57 ... 10% 10% 10% Antwerp 5s 58 .. 68* 68* 68* Argentine 4s 72 Keb 74% 74* 74* Argentine 4s 72 Apr. 75 75 75 Argentine 4 *s 48 ... 89 88* 88* Australia 4*s 56_ 58 57* 58 Australia Bs 55__ 60% 60 60* Australia Bs 57..._ 60% 60 60 Belgium 6s 65 __ 84* 82Vi 84* Belgium 6*s 49_ 83 80 83 Belgium 7s 55 _ 93 88 92* Braill 6*s 1926-57_ 10* 10 10 Brazil 6*a 1927-57... 10* 10 10% Brasil 8s 41 . IS* 13* 13* Buen Air 4%-4*s 77. 52* 52* 52* B A 4*-4*s 76 Apr . 52 52 . 52 Buen A1r4*-4*s 75. 55 54* 54* Bulgaria 7*s 68_ 13 13 13 Canada 3e 67 _ 72* 72 72* Canada S*s 81..._ 76* 75* 76* Canada 4s 60 _... 85% 84* 84% Canada Rs 62 __ 97% 97* 97% Canada 5s 5>jeg_ 96* 96* 96* Chile n« «n in in in Chile 6s 61 Jan ... 15% 15% 15% Chile 6s 61 Jan assd.. 11% 11% 11% Chile 7s 42 assd ... 11% 11% 11% Chile Mte Bk 8s 61 . 13% 13% 13% Chile Morte Bk 6s 62 14 14 14 Chile Mte Bk 6%s 67. 14% 14% 14% Chilean Mun L 7s 60. 13% 13% 13% Col Mta Bk 6%s 47_ 22% 22% 22% Conenhaeen 5s 52_ 51 51 51 Cuba 5%s 45 _ 73% 73% 73% Denmark 4%s 62_ 55% 54% 55 Denmark 5%s 65_ 63 62% 62% Denmark 6s 42 73 73 73 Dominic 1st 5%s 42.. 68% 68% 68% Estonia 7s 67_ 45 45 45 Finland 6s 45 _ 83% 83 83% French Gov 7s 49_ 99 99 99 French Gvt 7%s 41 . 87 87 87 Ger C A Bk 6s 60 Oct. 7% 7% 7% GerGovt5%s6S ..888 German Govt 7s 49 ... 9% 9% 9% Haiti 6s 52 .. 81 81 81 Helsinefors 6%s 60 84% 83 84 Hune Con M 7%s 45 6% 6% 6% Italy 7s 51 ... 51 49% 50% Japan 6 Us 54 . 76% 76% 76% Jucos Mte Bk 7s 57 .. 16 16 16 Mendoza 4s 54 65 65 65 Mex 4s 1910-45 as sm % % % Mexico 6s 33 ast .. % % % Mexico 6s 33 ast sm_ % % % Milan *Us 62 35 35 35 Minas Geraes 6%s 56 7% 7% 7% Minas Geraes 6%s 59 7 7 7 New So Wales 5s 6* 60% 60 60 Norway 4s 63 _ 74% 74% 74% Norway 4%s65_ 75% 74% 75% Norway 4%s 56_ 80 75% 80 Norway 6s 43 _ 95 94% 94% Norway 6s 44 _ 97 94 95% Oriental Dev 6 %s 58. 48 48 48 Oriental Dev 6s 63 ._ 53% 63 63% Panama 6s 63 at asd.. 65 *65' 65 Peru 1st 6s 60 . ,m.w 8% 8% 8% Peru 2d 6s 61 ... 8% 8 8% Poland 4 %s 58 asd_ 6 6 6 Queensland 6s 47_ 60% 60% 60% Queensland 7s 41_ 80% 80 80% Klo do Jan 6%s 63_ 6% 6% 6% Rio Gr do Sul 6s 68 ... 6% 6% 6% Rome 6Us 62 _ 40% 40 40 Sao Paulo C 8s 52_ 8 8 8 Sao Paulo St 7s 40_ 16 16 16 Sao Paulo St 8s 60... 7% 7% 7% Serbs 7s 62 _ 10% 10% 10% Serbs 8s 62 ... 11% 11% 11% Taiwan Elec 6%s 71. 60% 50% 50% Tokvo El Lt 6s 53 54 53% 53% Uru 33i-4-4%s adl 79 39% 39% 39% Warsaw 4%s 68 assd 3% 3% 3% uuivitjiiv. »unu) Ala Grt Southn 4s 43 1024 1024 1024 Alleg Corp 6s 44 85 844 844 Alleg Corp 6s 49 __ 754 74’i 744 Alleg Corp 6s 50 std 454 444 454 Alleg* VVestn 4s 98.. 55 55 55 Allied Stores 4 4s 51 934 934 934 Allis Chalmers 4s 62 1094 1094 1094 Am & For Pw 6s 2030 57'* 574 57V* Am 1 G Ch 5 4s 49... 984 98 98 Am Inti 6 4s 49 _101 101 101 Am T & T 3 4 ■ 61_ 994 994 994 Am T ft T 34a 66_ 994 994 994 Am T ft T 64s 43 . 109 109 109 Am Type Fdrs cv 50.. 1044 1044 1044 Am Wat Wks 6s 75 ... 107 1064 1064 Anaconda db 4 4s50 1054 1054 1054 Anglo-Chll Nltr db 67 344 344 344 Armour(Del)lst4s 65 944 94 94 A T*S Fa gen 4s 96 . 1024 1014 1014 A TftS Fa 4 4s 46 1014 1014 1014 A T&S FeCA 4 4s 62 1024 1024 1024 Atlanta ft Birm 4s 33. 17 17 17 Atl Coast L clt 4s 62 . 71 70 70 Atl Coast L 1st 4s 62. 824 824 824 Atl Coast L 44s 64 . 65 64 65 Atl ft Dan 1st 4s 48 .. 414 41 414 Atl Gulf ft W 1 5s 59. 714 714 714 5 & U 1st 4s 48 .. 70 684 694 3 & O conv 4 4s 60_ 204 194 204 3 ft O 4 4s 60 ct_ 20 184 20 3*0 1st 5s 48 _ 714 704 704 3 ft O 1st 6s 48 ct_ 694 684 684 3 ft O ref 5s 95 _ 31 30H 31 3 ft O ref 6s 95 ct_ 304 304 304 3 ft O 6s 96 F _ 304 30 304 3 « <.» os SO r ct_ 3UV4 3U 3U% 3 & O ref 5s 2000 D _. 31 30% 31 3 * O rf 5s 2000 D ct. 30% 30% 30% 3 * O ref 6s 95 _ 33% 33 33% B * O ref 6s 95 ct . . 33 32% 32% B&O PLE&W V 4s 41 59% 59% 69% 3 & O Swn 6s 60 50 50 50 B * O Swn 6s 60 ct _. 48 48 48 Bell T of Pa 5s 48 B__ 113% 113 113 Bell T of Pa 6s 60 C._ 123% 123% 123% Beth 8teel 3%s 62 . 113 112% 112% Beth Steel 3%s 66_ 97% 97 97% Beth Steel 4%s 60 104% 104% 104% 3os & Me 4%s 61 JJ_. 34% 34 34% Bos* Me 5s 65 _ 40 38% 39% Bos & Me 5s 67 _ 39% 38% 39% Bos N Y A L 4s 65_ 9% 9% gy4 Bklyn City R 5s 41_ 57 57 67 Bklyn Ed cn 3%s 66 .. 101 100% 100% Bklyn Man T 4 %s 66 70% 69% 69% Bklyn Q C&S cn 5s 41 38 38 38 Bklyn Un El 5s 60 ... 78% 78% 78% Bklyn On O 6s 67 B . 100% 100% 100% Buff R&Pcn 4%s 57.. 41% 40% 41% B R* Pcn4%s67 ct. 40% 40 40% 3CR*Ncl6s3i_ 7% 7% 7% Bush Term cn 6s 65 ._ 47% 47% 47% Bush Ter Bldg 6s 60.. 60 60 60 Dallf Ores Pwr 4s 68. 95% 95% 95% Danada South 6s 63 . 82 81% 81% Canadian NK 4Hs 61. 93 92% 92% Dan NK 4%s 56- 92 90% 90% Dan NR 4%s 67- 92% 91% 91% Dan NR 444s 65_ 93 92% 92% Dan NR 6s 69 July_ 94 93% 94 Dan NR 6s 69 Oct_ 96 95% 96 Dan NR 6s 70_96% 95% 95% Dan Nor 6%s 46 _ 106 105% 105% Dan Pac db 4s parp_ 55% 55% 55% Dan Pao 4 %s 46_ 70 70 70 DanPae4%s60_ 64 62% 64 Dan Pac 6s 4 4- 96% 96% 96% Dan Pac 6s 64 _ 68% 68% 68% Delotex 4%s 47 nr_ 76 76 76 Dent of Ga 5%s 59... 5 5 5 Dent of N J 4s 87 _ 18% 18% 18% Dent of N J gen 6s 87. 20% 20 20 Dent N J gn 6s 87 rg.. 17% 17% 17% Dent NT Pw344s6!.. 102% 102% 102% Dent Pac 6s 60 . 66% 54% 56% Dent RR*B Ga 6s 42. 53 53 53 Dert’d deb 6%a 48 . 75 74% 74% Dham P&F444S 38-60 102 102 102 Dhes * O 3%s 96 D_ 92% 92% 92% Dhea* O 8%a 96 B— 92% 92% 92% DM * Alton Is 49- 18% 18% 18% D B*Q 111 dlT 3%s 49. 95% 95% 95% l 4 i Blah. Low. 9:65. Chi A E 111 Ea II__ 20 19% 20 Chi A E 111 5s 61 et_19 19 19 Chi A Erls 6s 12_ 86 8S 86 Chi Urt West 4a 69... 23 22 23 Chi Ind A L 6a 66_ 6 4% 4% Chi Ind A L gen la II. 4% 4% 4% Cht Mil A St P 4s 89.. 28% 28% 28% CMAStP 4%s *9 C.._ 28% 28% 28% CMAStP 4 %a 89 E .. 28% 28% 28% Chi Mil A St P 6a 76 10% 9% 10 CMStPAP adj 6s 2000 3% 2% 3 ChlANW ran 8%s 97. 15% 15 15% ChlANW gen 4s 87 .. 16 15% 16 ChlANW 4 Ha 20*7.. 11 10% 11 ChlANW 4 Ha 20*7 C. 11 10H 11 Chi A NW cv 4%e 49. 5% 4% 6 ChlANW 4%a 87 _ 16% 15% 16% Chi A NW gen 5a 17.. 17% 16% 17% ChlANW rf 6a 2027_ 11% 10% 11% ChlANW (Us 16_ 17% 17% 17% Chi K1AP rf 4a 84 ... 9 8% 8% Chi RIAP rf 4a 24 ct 7% 7% 7% Chi R I A P gan 4s 8* 16% 15% 16% Chi RIAP 4 Ha 62 A . 9% 9% 9% Chi RIAP cv 4Us 60.. 4 3% 3% Chi StLANO 5a 61_ 78 78 78 Chi THAS rf 6a 60 ... 69 69 69 Chi THAS tne 6a 60_ 58 57 58 Chi Un Sta 8 Ha 61— 100% 100% 100% Chi Un Sta 8%a 68 .. 102 101% 101% Chi A W In cv 4a 62 . 91 90% 90% Chi A W Ind 4Ha 62. 94 93% 93% Childs A Co 6a 48_ 60% 60 60% Cln OAE 3%a 66_ 100 100 100 Cin GAE 3%s 67_111 m m CCc'AStL L rf «Ha 77 61 59% 60% CCCAStLStL dv 4s90 65 64 65 Clev El 111 8%a 65 .. 107 107 107 Clev Un Ter « Ha 77.. 76% 74% 75% Clev Un Ter 64s 72.. .894 89 89 Colo F A Ir 6s 43-TO04 1004 1004 Colo F & Ir 6s 70- 76V* 76 764 Colo A So 4 Vis *0_ 39 384 39 Col GAE 6s 52 Apr... 101 101 101 Col GAE 6s 62 May.. 101 1004 1004 Col GAE 6s 61 . 98 971* 99 Colum Ry PAL 4s 66. 106 106 106 Com* Ed 3 Ha 63 ... 1124 112 112V* Com w Ed 3 4a 61 .. 1024 IO14 1014 Cons Coal Del 6s 60 66 644 64V* Cons Ed N 7 34a 46. 1024 102V* 1024 Cons Ed db 3 Via 48 .. 1024 1024 1024 Cons Ed N ¥ 34s 56. 994 99-4 994 Cons Ed N 7 34s 61. 994 994 994 Cons OH 84s 61 . 1014 1014 1014 Consum Pwr 34s 66 974 974 974 Consum Pwr 3 4» 65. 1024 102 102 Consum Pwr 3 4s 70. 1004 1004 1004 Contalnef deb 6s 43_. 100 100 100 Conti 011 24s 48 ... 112 112 112 Crane Co 8 4s 51 ... 1004 1004 1004 Crucible Steel 4 4s 48 1014 101 101 Cuba Nortbn 6 4s 42. 344 344 344 Dayton PAL 3 4s 60. 1034 1034 1034 Del A Hud rst 4s 43.. 694 684 69 Den GAE 5s 61 - 1064 1064 1064 Den GAE 6s 51 st .. 10655 10655 10655 Den A R G con 4s 36. 12 11 114 D A R G W 6s 65 ast_. 4 34 4 DenAH G W rf 6s 78.. 74 74, 74 Des MAF D 4s 35 ct_ 34 3V* 34 Det Edison 4s 66 ... 1084 108 108 Det Edison 4 4 61 111 ill m Duluth MAIR 34s 62 102 1014 1014 Duluth SSATtl 6s 37. I64 164 164 Duauesn* Lt 3 4s 66. 1044 1044 1044 Eleo Auto Lt 4s 52... 1074 1074 1074 Erie cv 4s 53 A_ 234 22 234 Erie cv 4s 63 B- 234 214 234 Erls 1st 4s 96_ 49 474 49 Erls Ren 4s 96 _ 264 244 25*4. Erie Ren 4s 96 reK- 204 204 204 Erie ref 6s 67 - 18V* 174 18v» Erie ref 6s 75 _ 184 17V* 184 Erie Gen Rlv 6s 67... 464 464 464 Erie & Jersey 6s 65 ... 49 48 49 Falrbks Morse 4s 56.. 1034 1034 1034 Fed Lt&Tr 6s 42 1034 1034 1034 Firestone Tire 3 Vis 41 1004 1004 1004 Fla E C Ry 4 Vis 69 .. 694 59 594 Fla E C Ry 6s 74 . 84 84 84 Fla E C Ry 5s 74 ctfa. 8 7»« 8 Francisco Sur 6s 66 .. 64 51 64 Gen Cable 6 Vis 47 .. 100 100 100 Gen Mot Acc 34s 61. 104 1034 1034 Gen Stl Cast 5 4s 49.. 73** 724 734 Ga & Ala 5s 45 20 20 20 Ga Caro A Nfer 6s 34... 23 22 23 Goodrich 4 Vis 66 ... 1004 100 1004 Grt Nor Ry 34a 67.. 79 79 79 Grt Nor 4s 46 O ... 1084 1074 108v« Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H . 92V* 914 924 Grt N Ry lat 4V«s 61 1014 1014 1014 Grt N R Rn 4 4a 77 E. 85 85 85 v wa to - 9iv) Grt Nor Ry 6%s 62 .. 98 97 98 Green Bay & W db B. 8 8 8. Gulf St Util 3%s 69 — 98 98 98 Houston OH 4V* 54_ 94V4 94% 94% Hudson Coal 6a 62 A. 42% 41% 42% Hud & Man lno 6a 67. 16 15% 18 Hud A Man raf 6a 67. 48% 47 48% 111 Bell Tal 3%s 70 B. 105 104% 104% 111 Cent 4a 63 _ 62 51% 52 111 Cent 4%s 68 _ 51% 50% 51% 111 Cent ref 5a 66_ 61 61 61 ICC&StL NO 4%a 43. 51 50% 51 ICC&StL NO 6a 63 55 63% 55 Indust Rayon 4 %s 43 96 96 96 Inland Steel 3%s 61 104% 104% 104% Inter R T lat rf 6s 66 64 63% 63% Int R T 1st rf 6a 66 ct 64 62% 62% inter RT 6s 32 28% 28% 28% Inter RT 7a 32 .. 62% 62% 62% lnterlake Iron 4s 47 . 96% 96% 96% Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 62. 19% 19 19 Int Hydro El 6s 44 .. 68% 68 68 Int Mer Mar 6s 41_ 70% 70% 70% Int Paper 1st 6s 47_ 99 98 99 Int Paper ref 6s 65_ 91 91 91 Int T&T 4 %s 62_ 46 45% 46 Int T&T 6s 65 . 60% 50% 50% Iowa C 1st & ref 4s 61 2% 2% 2% James F&C 4s 69_ 54 54 54 Jones & LStl 4%s 61. 92% 92% 92% Kans C FtS&M 4s 36. 34% 34 34% Kans City So 3s 60__ 67 66% 67 Kans C So rf 6s 60 ... 69% 69 , 69% Kan City Term 4s 60. 103% 103 103% Kans G&E 4 %s SO_103% 103% 103% Keith s 6s 46 __ 100 100 100 Kings Co El 4s 49_ 78% 78% 78% Koppers Co 4s 61_ 98 97% 97% Kresge Found 3%s 47 100 100 100 Kresge Found 4a 45_ 102 102 102 Laclede Gas 6%s 63..' 48% 48% 48% Laclede G 6%s 60 D„ 48 48 48 Lake S&M S 3%s 97.. 83% 83% 83% Lautaro Nitrate 76 .. 33 33 33 Leh C* N 4%s 64 A- 56 55 55 L,ell CftN 4%s 64 C... 55% 55% 55% Leh New Eng 4s 65 .. 85 85 85 Leh Val Co 6s 74 std- 30% 30% 30% Leh Val Har 6s 54 48% 48% 48% Leh Val N Y 4%s 40.. 55 55 65 L V RR con 4s 2003 .. 21% 21 21% L V RR 4a 2003 asd 20% 20 20% L V RR 4%s 2003 asd 22 21% 22 L V RR 6s 2003 asd— 23% 23% 23% Llgg* Myers 6s 61.. 119 119 119 Llgg & Myers 7s 44_121% 121% 121% Loew's 3 %s 46 ... 93 93 93 Long Dock 3%s 60_ 70 70 70 Lorlllard 7s 44_ 120 120 120 La ft Ark 6s 69. ... 81% 81% 81% Loulsv G&E 3%s 66.. 102% 102% 102% L ft Nash 3 % s 2003 ... 80 80 80 L ft Nash unlf 4s 40.. 100 99% 99% L ft Nash 4%s 2003.. 90 90 90 L ft N 6s 2003 B .. 97 96% 97 L&N So Men 1t 4s 52- 72% 68 72% McCrory Strs 6s 61_105% 105% 105% Me Central 4 %s 60_ 50 50 50 Manatl Sugar 4s 67_ 41 40% 41 Manhat Ky 4s 90 _ 65% 64% 65% ManltowoC 3 %s 41— 12 14 14 Market St Ry 7s 40_ 51% 51% 51% Metrop Ed 4%a 68 . 109 109 109 Met West Side 4s 33.. 7 7 7 Mich Cone Gas 4s 63- 93 93 93 Mil No con 4%s39 ._ 29% 29% 29% Mil Spa ft NW 4s 47-. 15 14% 15 Minn ft St L 4s 49_ 2 2 2 MStPSSM cn 4s 38 . 8% 8% 8% MStPftSSM con 6s 38. 6 6 6 MStPftSSM 6 %s 49__ 2% 2% 2% Mo K ft T 1st 4s 90_ 87% 86 37% Mo K ft T 4s <2 B_ 22% 21% 22% Mo K ft T 4%s 73_ 23% 23 23% Mo K ft T 6s 82 A_25% 24 26 Mo K ft Tad] 6s 87_ 12% 11% 12% Mo Pac 4s 76- 6% 6 6% Mo Pao 6a 77 F- 19% 18% 19% Mo Pac 6s 7TF et_18% 18% 18% Mo Psc 6s 78 G-19% 18% 19% Mo Pac 5s 78 Get- 18 18 18 Mo Pac 6s 80 H_ 19 19 19 Mo Pao 6s 81 1_19% 19 19% Mo Pao 6 %s 49- 3% 3% 3% Mob ft Ohio 4 Vis 77._ 27 26 27 Mob ft Ohio 6s 33 .. 31% 29% 31% Mob ft Oh Mont 6s 77. 19 18% 19 Mohawk ft M 4s 91 ... 63% 63% 63% Monong P 8 4 %s 60_ 106 106 106 Monong Pub S 6s 66 . 107 107 107 MorrlsftEs 3 Vis 2000. 61 49% 51 Morris ft Es 4%s 66— 42 40% 42 Morris ft Es 6s 66 45 44% 44% Mount StTftT t %s 81 99% 99% 99% Mat Dairy «%e 61 w» 102% 102 102 Matl Distill 8 %s 41— 96 96 96 MaU Steel 2s 86 . 95% 96 95 Mew E T&T let 6s 52. 120 120 120 Mew Jer PftL 4%s 80. 106 106 106 Mew Orl G N R 5s 12. 70% 70% 70% < Mew Orl ft N 4 Vis 62— 68 67 58 Mew Orl P 8 6s M B . 104% 104% 104% : Mew Orl Ter 1st 4s II. 70% 70 70% i Mew Orl TftM 6 Vis 64. 87% 87% 37% ■ k „ _ Hlrh. Lew 8:68. NT Centralize 63.. 71 69* 70* N X Central 8 *s 97.. 80* 80* 80* NT Central l%e««_ 79 78 79 N T Central 4a 42_ 83 83 83 NX Cent eon 4a 91... 67 66 66* N TCentrf 4 *s 2013 62* 60* 62* N X Cent rfta 2011.. 68* 67* 68* N X C L 8h 3*s 92 ... 66 66 65 N X Chi A Bt L 4a 46.. 80 79 80 N X ChlAStL 4*a 78. 60* 69* 60* N X CAStL 6*a 74 A. 09* 68* 69* N X Chi A St L 6a 41. 78 72 73 N I Conn lat 4*atl. 100* 100 100 NX Dock 4a 61 _ 64* 54 64 N X Dock cv 6s 47_ 57 67 67 N X Edls 8*a 66 D .. 100* 100* 100* N X Edlsref t*s66. 100 100 100 N Y A Green L 6a 46.. 17 17 17 N X LAW 1st 4a 78... 61* 60* 61* NT NH AH 4a 66_ 15 14* 14* NT NH AH 4s 67 ... 8* 8* 8* NT NH AH 4*a67... 18* 18* 18* NT NH A H cl 6a 40.. 26* 26* 25* NT NH A H ev 6a 48.. 18* 18* 18* NT O&W ref 4a 92... 9* 8* 9* N X Putnam 4a 93_ 60 60 60 NT Tel 3*8 67 _ 100* 100* 100* N T Tel een 4*8 39 . 100A 100A 100* N X Tr Rk 6a 46 atpd. 87 87 87 NYWAB 4*8 46 . 4 3* 4 NlaK Falla PS*a66. 103* 103* 103* Nlag L A O 6s 66- 107* 107* 107* NlaK Sh 6 *a60 _ 100 100 100 Norf Southn 6s 61_ 12* 12 12* Norf A W let 4a 96_115 115 116 North Am 3*849_ 99* 99* 99* North Am 8*s 64_ 100 99* 100 North Am 4a 69 ... 102 101* 102 Nor’n Pac Rn 3s 2047. 47 46 47 Nor’n Pao 4s 97 .. 72 71 71 Nor’n Pac 4*s 2047.. 64 63 64 Nor’n Pac 6a 2047 C._ 67 65* 57 Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 D.. 66 66 66 Nor’n Pac 6s 2047 66 64 64* North Sta Pw 3*a 67 99* 98* 98* Ohio Edison 3*a 72.. 98* 98 98 Ohio Edison 4s 65 ... 104 103* 104 Okla GAE 3 * s 66 ... 102 102 102 OreRon W HR 4s 61__ 100 100 100 Otla Steel 4*a 62 ... 77* 76* 76* Pac Gas A El 3*s 66. 101 100 100* Pac G A E 3*a 61- 103* 103* 103* Pac G A E 4s 64 _ 107* 107* 107* Pac T A T 3*s 66 C... 101 101 101 Do n ho n/1 IP tP An CO KlOa/ tool/ « nns/ Param t Pic 8 *e 47_ 79* 79 79 Penn Co 4s 63 _ 99* 99* 99* Penn P&L, 3*s 69_101 100*101 Penn r&L 4*s 7 4- 102* 102 102* Penn RK 3 *s 62_ 90 89* 89* Penn RR 3*s 70_ 84 84 84 Penn RR 4s 43 _ 106 106 106 Penn RR 4*s*l_ 92* 92* 92* Penn R 4 *a *4 .... 93* 92* 92* Penn RR gn 4*a 15.. 97 96* 96* Penn RR db 4*8 70.. 85* 84 85 Penn HR gen 5s 6* .. 104* 104* 104* Peoria & E 1st 4s 40.. 55 63* 65 Peoria & E Inc 4s 90_ 6* 6* 6* Pere Mara 4 *s 10_ 65* 64* 65* Pere Mara 6s 66_ 72 72 72 Phelps Dodge 3*s 62 114*114 114 Phila B&W 4*8 81 D 103 103 103 Phila B&W cn 5s 74.. 107 107 107 Phila Co 6s 67 _ 102 101* 101* Phils Elec 8 *a 67 ... 103* 103* 103* Phils RC* Ir6s73._ 17* 17* 17* Phila R C& ir 6s 49.. 6* 6* 6* Philippine Ry 4s 37.. 7 7 7 PCC&StB 4 *s 77_ 94* 94* 94* PCC&StL 6s 70 A_ 103* 103 103 Pitts C & Ir 4 *s 62... 101 100 101 Pltt&W Va 4*s 68 A. 54* 51 63* Pitt&W Va 4*s 69 B. 54* 49 54 Pltt&W Va 4*s 60 C. 53* 49* 63* Port Gen El 4 *s 60.. 76 75* 75* Postal Tel & C 6s 63 .. 17* 17* 17* Pressed Stl Car 5s 61. 85 85 85 Prov Sec 4s 57 ..._ 5 6 5 Public Sv 1st 3*s 68. 99* 99* 99* Purity Baking 5s 43.. 98 98 98 Reading R 4*s #7 A. 77 77 77 Republic Stl 4 *s 56.. 93* 93* 93* Republic Stl 4 *s 81.. 93 91* 92 Republic Stl 5*a 64. 114 114 114 R 1 A & B 4*a 34 ... 10* 10* 10* Rutland RR 4 *s 41.. 8 8 8 Saguenay Pw 4*s 68 90* 90* 90* StB 1M&S K&G 48 88. 62* 62* 62* St B P&N W 6s 48_ 20 20 20 St B-San Fr 4s 60 A.. 12* 12* 12* StB-San Fr 4s 6U ct._ 12* 12 12 StB-San Fr 4*s 78... 12* 12* 12* St B-S F 4*s 78 ct at. 12* 11* 12* St B-San Fr 6s 60 B._ 12* 12* 12*. St B-S F 6s 60 B ct... 12* 12* 12* St B S W 1st 4s 89- 6o 63* 65 St B S W ret 6s 90_ 14* 13 14* St B S W 1st ter 6s 63 20* 19* 20* StPKSB4*s41.— 8* 8* S* San a&A Pass 4s 43.. 68 6« 58 San Antonio P S 4a 61 99** 99* 99* San Diego CG&E 4165 106* 106* 106* Schulco 6*s 46 B_ 28 28 28 Seabd A B 4s 50 stp_ 14 j.3* 44 Seab'd A B rt 4s 69_ 6H 6* 6* Seabd A B adj 6s 49.. 3 3 3 Seab d A B 6s 46 A... 9* 0* 9* Silesian Am 7s 41_ 27* 26* 27* Simmons Co 4s 62_ 94 94 94 Skelly 011 4s 61_100* loo 100 Socbny Vac 3s 64 _ 97* 97* y7* nuiun Dtii JS IS 9o 93* 93% So Bell T&T 3 V*s (2 .. 100% 100% 100% Southn Cal U 4%s #1. iu7 107 107 So Colo Pwr ts 47 A . 103% 103% 103% Southn Kraft 4%s 46 94 94 94 So Pac col 4s 49 . 52 50% 52 So 1’ac col 4s 49 reg._ 45 44 45 So Pac rsf 4s 6a . - 66 65% 65% So Pao 4%s 66- 53% 51 53 So Pao 4 %s 69_ 52% 50% 52 So Pac 4 %s 81- 52% 51 52 So Pac Oreg 4%s 77— 53% 52% 53% So Pac S 6'Ter 4s 60.. 79% 79% 79% So Ky gen 4s 66 A- 60% 59 60 So Ky 5s 94.. 88% 86% 88% So Ky gen 6s 66- 76% 75% 76% So Ky 6%s 66- 80% 80 80% S W Bell Tsi 3s 68__ 97% 97% 97% S W Bell Tel 3%s 64. 105 105 105 Southwn U&E 4s 80.. 103% 103% 103% Stand OH N J 2%s68. 96% 96% 96% Stand Oil N J 3s 61... 98% 97% 98 Studebaker cy 6s 46.. 92 90% 92 Swift & Co His 60_ 105 105 105 Term As St L 4s 53_102% 102 102% Texas corp 3s 69 _ 96% 96 96% Texas Corp 3%s 51... 104% 104% 104% Texas & Pac 6s 77 B.. 83% 83% 83% Tex & Pac 6s 80 D_ 84 84 84 Third Av ref 4s 60... 44% 44 44% Third Av adl 6s 60 .. 12 11% 12 Tide Wat Uil 8%s 62. 102 101% 102 Tol & Ohio C 3 % s 60. 86 85% 86 Tol St L.&W 4s 50_ 68% 68% 68% Un El(Mo)3%s 62_104% 104% 104% Un OH Cal 3%S 62._ 106 106 106 UnOil (Cal) 6s 42 A. 110* 110*110* Un Paclho 3%s 70_ 90 90 90 Un Facittc 3%s 71_ 91 91 91 Un Pac ref 4s 2008_101 101 101 Un Pac 1st 5s 2008 ._ 112 112 112 United Biscuit 5s 60.. 107 107 107 United Drug 6s 68._ 77% 76% 77 US Steel 8%s 48_103% 102% 103 Utah L.&T 6s 44_ 97% 96% 96% Utah Pwr & Lit 6s 44.. 99 99 99 Utility P & L. 6s 69... 77 77 77 Vanadium 6s 41 _113% 112% 113% ViEl&PSUnMR 1(111* 111(11. 1 no Va Ky 1st 3%s <6_102 101% 102 Wabasb 4%s N C_ 14 13 14 (Vabash 1st 6a St_ 45 43% 44% Wabash 2d 6s 39_ 26% 26% 25% Wabash 6s 76 B_ 14% 13% 14 Wabash 6s 80 D_ 14 13% 14 Wabash 5%s 76- 14% 13% 14 Walker HAS 4%s 46. 100% 100% 100% Walworth 4a 66 _ 63 63 63 Warner Bros 6s 41... 80% 80% 80% Warren Broa cv 6s 41 40% 40% 40% Wsstcht L gn 8%s 67 100% 100 100 West Penn P 8%s 66. 105% 105% 105% West Sh 1st 4s 2361 .. 56% 64 56% W Sh 1st 4s 2861 reg. 50 48 60 West Md 1st 4s 61_ 83 82% 83 West Md 6%s 77 - 88% 88% 88% West Pacific 6s 46 A.. 18% 18% 18% West Pao 6s 46 Ass.. 18% 17% 18% West Union 4%s 60._ 70% 69% 70% West Union 6s 61_ 76 75% 76% WestiUnlon 6s 60_ 75% 74% 76% Whasl Steal 4 %s 4I._ 96 95% 96 Wilkes BAE 6s 42_11% 10% 11% Wilson A Co 4s 66.... 98% 98% 98% WlaCent 1st gn 4s 48 19% 19 19 Wls El Pw 2 %S 68- 99% 99% 99% Wls Pub Sto 4s 61_105% 105% 105% roungst*nSAT 4s 46. 114 114 114 roungst'n SAT 4s 61. 102 101% 101% i Mew York Sugar { NEW YORK. Sept. 25 OP).—World sugar 1 tu'ures moved slightly lower today as lelimg through operator and outside lources encountered small demand. Late ifternoon prices were 1 to 3 points lower, vith December off 3 at 2.14. Domestic contracts were somewhat lr ■egular as speculative support encountered ; -ubsn hedge selling and some trade liqul latlon. Late prices were 1 lower to 1 < ligher. with the March position off 1 at -■46 and May up l at 2.62. Volume was unall. No sales were reported In the raw sugar patket. although both Puerto Ricos and ’hllipplnes were available In a range be ween 3.86 and. 8.70 cents. Cuban sellers 'emalned out of the market. Refined was < in changed at-6.76 cents. ‘ A Building Industry Expected to Show Jump in Profits Goins for Nine Months To Exceed Those for All of 1938 ■pedal Dispatch to The Star. NEW YORK, Sept. 25.—For the full year 1939 a substantial improve ment in profits for the building and construction Industry is forecast In Poor’s Industry and investment sur veys. Net income for the first six months registered a sharp Increase above the operating results for the corresponding period of 1938. The earnings reports for the third quar ter should also reveal gains. In fact, the earnings gains shown for the first nine months will exceed those recorded in the 12 months of 1938. "During coming months, total con struction contracts are expected to remain below the figure of a year ago. largely reflecting a decline in public works,” continues Poor's fore cast. “Then, too, the European war is likely to discourage many indus trialists from contemplated build ing projects, at least until they can appraise more accurately its effects on their business. On the other hand, the anticipated revision of our present neutrality legislation, when effected, should stimulate some in dustrial construction in order to meet the needs of belligerents. “The postponement of projects on the part of potential home owners, as a result of the uncertainties ac companying the European war, may be offset largely by the speeding up of building plans in other quarters in anticipation of higher material and labor costs. Moreover, a con siderable amount of residential building js likely to be undertaken for investment purposes—as a hedge against any prospective depreciation in purchasing power, in addition, the United States Housing Author ity's slum-clearance program is also expected to contribute materially toward the maintainance of resi dential building at high levels. The progress has been delayed consid erably, but acceleration of work on such projects is expected to take place during the coming months. “Although no marked increase in building material and labor costs is anticipated for the immediate term, the prolongation of the European war would threaten to raise costs in the construction field as well as in industry n general. A further increase in labor costs in the build ing industry may thus be witnessed, despite the f,ct that wages in this field are already at a level which undoubtedly has kept building ac tivity from rising to higher levels.” I —__ , McGill Staple Index Up Slightly in Week 8peclal Dispatch to The Star. AUBURNDALE, Mass.. Sept. 25.— Commodity prices worked slightly higher during the third week end ing in September. The advance was orderly compared with the sharp upswing noted during the two previous weeks. The index of all commodities compiled by the McGill Commodity Service stood at 73.5 on September 22. as against 73 a week earlier and 68.5 the first of this year. Industrial products were generally strong, but agricultural products and livestock prices declined slightly during the week. Out of 14 indi vidual group classifications compris ing this index 10 were higher, 2 lower and 2 unchanged from a week earlier. Chicago Produce •~iC,!?IC^GO Sep' 75 (45.—Poultry, live. ■ 4 trucks easy: hens. 41-, pounds up. 17 under 4'i pounds. 14'-i: 1Leghorn hens'. - 2 Pounds and under, col ?«edr lit.2', plIm?,uth R°ck- 1H' White Rock. 18. Leghorn Broilers. 2 pounds and under. 14 2 Leghorn springs, over 2 pounds 12 springs 4 pounds up. colored 14‘j Ply mouth Rock 1 .V2: White Rock. 1H; under 4 Pounds, colored. 14: Plymouth Rock lft>2: White Rock, 10; bareback chickens l”1 roosters. 11; Leghorn roosters. 10',: ducks' 412 Pounds up. colored. 13: white. 13: small, colored. 10: white. 11: geese old. 13; young. 13: turkeys toms. 17: hens. 18. nn?U3t<‘r A,iu A,i4 flrm: creamery. 03 score, 3? 4 t:o9V- 91' 77',: 90. so -o a: 88. 25: 90 centralized carlots, 27'4. Eggs. 5.401. steady: fresh graded, extra firsts, local. 18',: cars. 19',: firsts local, 18‘a: cars. 1 s'->; current rereints. 10', Potatoes. 234: on track. 432: total D 8 shipments. Saturday, 454: Sunday, 'so' Idaho Russets best stock, large, slightly stronger; others about steady: Bliss Tri umphs, all sections, best slightly stronger; [air quality about steady: Northern Cob blers and Early Ohios steady; supplies rather heavy, demand fairly good. 8ackcd. per cwt . Idaho Russet Burbanks. D 8 No. 1 washed. 1.05-85: mostly 1.70-80; unwashed 1.00: Colorado Red McClures, H l ,was£ed' 1 80: unwashed. 1.70: North Dakota Red River Valley section Cobblers. 90 per cent or better U. S No J,'75: Bliss Triumphs. 85-90 per cent S'. 8s No° l.1 few "sales! 1 jSCOn8in Cobblers New York Produce NEW YORK. Sept. 25 WP.—Eggs. 15 546: weak. Mixed colors, fancv to extra (n1?/05'1 standards. 21 Mi: first si Lf.V ®*®on^s’ lT-iSH; mediums. 16; dirties. No 1. ISM: average checks. 13 l'il?'nr>Ref^teS^atJ0^• fancy heavyweights. J.Srf'.‘22i«f/'a?Sards- flrs,s- aM onds. 16’a-l,; mediums, 15>/«; dirties. 1 5 1 2 . ' Whites: Resale of Premium marks. 3lVb mtrvVneoofy and Midwestern, premium marks, 2812-31, exchange specials. 28: ex change standards. 23-24. Resale of nearby heavmr mediums 22 >*-27. Nearby and Midwestern, exchange mediums. 21-2-’ pullets. 17-17Va: peewees. 15-151*. Re friaerator, nearhv and Midwestern, stand ards. 22>*-2.3: firsts, 21-21>*. „ Browns: Nearby, extra fancy. 29<*-34. Nearby and Midwestern, exchange specials. 29: exchange standards. 22>*-23. Nearby mediums. 20: pullets. 16>*. Duck eggs: Nearby. 24-26. Butter: 758.062: firmer. Creamery, higher than extra. 29>/4-30: extra <92 score). 28»4-29: firsts (88-91), 24M-28; seconds (84-87) 22>*-24. Cheese: 434,489: quiet. State, whole milk flats, held. 1938. 21-22; Junes, 19>* 20; others, fresh, 17M-18V4. Dry Goods Market NEW YORK. Sept. 25 OP).—A good In quiry was reported today for gray goods tn the Worth Street textile district. Prices again moved upward, and although gome orders have been booked at the advanced levels business was not large. Trading In woolen goods w«i on a somewhat wider scale than at the end of Last week Mills continued to refuse to sell far ahead, however due to price uncer tainties. Worsted sweaters have been advanced from $1 to $3 per doxen. which prices have been communicated to the retail trade. Dealings In rayon were on a fairly ac tive scale, despite some buyer resistance to the higher price level. Twills, satins and taffeta* sold in good volume. Silk dealers report small sales In fabrics ponflned to those lines of cloth” where silk Is used for warp or filling. Fabrics are 3™v.u5m*U,,0t*tyei° "nt ,b0Ve th0” Railway Earnings j NEW YORK, Sept. 25 UP).—Net operat- * nc Income, before fixed chargee and other * ncome. of railroads reporting today for li Lugust Included: . _ _ 1030. 1038. 1 J.-K.-T. *970.523 98.501 I Missouri Pacific .. 321.650 618.514 , ^Deficit.-2T5'9°° 132'787 l -- l Federal Land Banks i NEW YORK. Sept. 25 OP).—Federal Land i lank bonds: J Bid. Asked. 1 is July, 1046-44_106% 107 % l l%s May. 1055-45_101% 102 » Is July. 1055-45_100% 100% L IS Jan., 1956-46_100% 100% % la May, 195^-46—100% 100% J t ' ' " ... £ Motion pictures will be shown in & tussian submarines. J . i V ■ NEW YORK CURB MARKET ns pfmw wire wren w tae wear* Stock and Sale*— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Rich. Low. 8:55. Acme Wire ,45g.. 60a 23* 23* 23* Aaro Supply (B). 9 4* 4* 4* Ainsworth —, 2 6* •* 6* Air Investors— 2 2* 2* 2* Air Invest war . 6 * H * Ala Grt Sou fig) 25s 77* 77* 77* Ala Power pf (6) 80s 87 86* 86* Aim Powsr pf (7) 100s 97* 97 97 Alum Co of Am 60s 135* 135* 135* Alum Industries. 100* 7 7 7 Alum Ltd (.26s). 200s 89* 88* 88* Am Book (4) ... 10s 41* 41* 41* Am Box Board... 10 9 7* 9 Am Centrifugal 4 1 * * Am City Powsr A Lt<A) 2.62*h.. 60s 30* 30* 30* Am Cynam B 40. 20 34* 34* 34* Am A For P war. 1 A A A Am Fork AH.60. 200s 11* 11* 11* Am Oas A El 1.40 4 36* 35* 36 Am G A El pf (4) 60s 113* 113* 113* Am General- 1 5* 6* 6* Am Gen pf (2) .. 25s 28 28 28 Am Laund M .80. 1 16* 16* 16* Am LtATrac 1.80 12 15* 15 15* Am Maracaibo... 2 H * * Am Meter (2g)._. 1 27* 27* 27* Am PotACh (2g) 160s 95 94* 95 Am Republics 2 9* 9* 9* Am Seal-Kap .36* 3 6* 5* 6* Am Superpower 21 * A * Am Thread pf .26 1 3* 3* 3* Apex Eec Mfg- 2 10 10 10 Ark Nat Gaa_ 2 3 3 3 Ark Nat Oas A... 12 3* 3 3 Ark Nat Gas pf . 6 7 6* 7 Ashland OAR .40 2 6 5 5 Assoc Gas A Elec 1 * * * Assoc G A E l A). 3 * ft tt Atl Coast L (le). 10a 24* 24* 24* Atlas Corp war .41 1 1 Atlas Drop Forg 3 5* 5 5* Atlas Plyw’d 26g 2 16* 16* 16* Austin Silv M(r). 3 A A A Auto Vot M 50... 1 6 6 6 Avery A Sons ... 18 8 8 Aviation A Trans 11 3 2* 3 Babcock A Wll .. 6 25* 25 25* Baldwin Lo war.. 49 9* 8* 9* Baldw L pf 2.10.. 60s 23* 23* 23* Bardstown Dist.. 1 H B If Basic Dol .25g.._ 3 9* 9* 9* Bath Iron ... 4 9* 9* 9* Beanutt Mills_ 2 4* 4* 4* Beaunit M cv pf < 375k)_, 1 10* 10* 10* Beech Aircraft 16 9* 9* 9* Bel lan ca Aircraft 4 84 84 feVi Bell Aircraft _ 3 24 24 ' 24 Berk A Gay Fur.. 4 A A A Berk A Gay war.. 1 A A A Biles (EW> 11 184 184 184 Bliss A Lau 1.25* 25s 284 284 284 Blumenthal (8).. 1 74 74 74 Brasilian TAL.. 2 7 7 7 Breeze Com . 3 7 7 7 3rewst Aero 20* 13 84 8 8 Brld*p't Machine a 44 44 44 Brill (A) 2 44 4V4 44 Brlt-Am T br.71* 10 15 14 15 Brown Co pf 600s 224 18 224 Brown FAW .20* 1 54 54 54 Brown Kubber .. 3 34 34 3a, B NAEP pf 1.60.. 1 204 204 20V* B NAEP 1st «5>.. 50* 100 100 100 Bunker Hill .60*. 2 16»« 16»* 16a* 2alamba Su* 1.60 2 20 4 204 204 2an Col Airways 3 64 54 51* 2an Marc Wire . 13 14 14 14 2ar1b Syndicate . 1 14 14 14 tarnation Co (1). 1 354 354 354 2arne*le Met_ 7 7* a, a4 Carrier Corp - 5 114 114 114 2atal1n (Am) 10 34 34 34 >nt NT Pwr pf t 40s 894 894 894 >nt Ohio St 80* 1 10 10 10 2ent A Sown Util 1 14 14 14 2ent States Elec 14 4 4 2ent Sts El 7* pf 100» 10 10 10. -hllds pf _ 50s 294 284 294 titles Service — 13 64 64 64 titles Svc pf B l 44 44 44 21 ties SPAL J6 pf 20s 714 71 71 titles SPAL *7 pf 10s 724 724 724 2ity Auto St .15* 17 7 7 21aude Neon L .. 5 4 A A 21ev Elec 111 (2). 100s 38 38 38 21ev Tractor ... 11 6a, 64 64 2ockshutt Plow.. 50s 7 7 7 -olon Dev pf (6). 1 44 44 44 2ol Fuel A 1 war 5 8*i 84 84 2olta Pat F A (2) 200s 92 90 90 VlllIM Kllll A n a ex,, ex,, ex, < Jomwlth Dis ,07g 1 14 14 14 Jomwlth A S war 9 4 4 4 Join P A L 1st pf 125a 30 294 294 Join'tyPSif) . 60a 244 244 244 Jommunity Wat. 2 4 4 4 Jompo Shoe (1)2 164 164 164 Jonsol M A 8 (1). 60s 40 40 40 Jons Retail Strs. 2 44 44 44 Jons Steel Corp.. 2 8 74 74 Jontl Oil (Mex).. 6 A A A Jontl Roll A Stl.. 21 12V* 104 12 Jooper-Bess 44 134 124 134 Jooper-Bes pr pf 2 274 274 274 Jopper Range 400s 74 7V« 74 Jopperweld .60* 5 154 154 154 Jorroon & Reyn 1 2V* 24 24 JorrARey pfA 5k 30a 754 75 4 754 Josden Peirolm 2 14 14 14 Jreola Petm 60a. 16 26v« 254 264 Jrocker Wheeler. 2 74 74 74 Jrofr Brewing 2 4 4 4 Jr’n C'k Int A lk. 1 64 64 64 Jrown Drug 1 14 14 14 Juneo Press (3a) 50s 464 464 464 Darby Petroleum 1 54 54 54 Dayton Rub (1*) 2 154 154 154 Decca Rec .60* 3 64 64 64 Derby Oil __ 2 24 24 24 Det Mich Stove.. 1 14 14 14 Det Paper Prod.. 7 24 14 24 Dtvco Twin T 6 64 64 64 Domln Stl A Coal 1 124 124 124 Draper Corp (3a) 50s 75 75 75 Driver-Har .5og_. 5 274 26 27 Eagle Ptcher Ld. 5 134 134 134 East'nOasAF . 3 5 5 5 Eastn G&F 6 pf 650a 244 24 244 EastnGAFprpf 275s 41 40 41 Eastern States 1 14 14 14 Eastern Sts pf A 125s 204 20 204 Eastern Sts pf B. 300s 204 194 20 Elsler Electric .. 1 14 14 14 Elec Bond A Sh . 40 94 9 4 94 Elec BAS pf 16) 4 66 654 66 Elec PAL war . 1444 Blec PAL 2d of A 50a 19 19 19 Elgin Nat W .75* 175a 21 21 21 Empire Pw 1.50k 60s 264 264 264 Equity Corp 8 ft ft ft Europ E deb rts . 13 A A A I'alrchlld As 20* 4 114 11 11 'alstafT Brew .60 2 64 64 64 'ansleel Metal . 2 9 84 9 'idelio Brew ... 1 A A A 'lsk Rubber 2 104 104 104 'la PAL pf 5.68k 200s 774 77 77 'ord (Can) All) 2 164 164 164 'ord Ltd (,16g).. 6 24 24 24 'roedert (,60g)._ 3 9 84 9 'roedt cvpf 1.20 360a 18 174 174 'ruehauf T .75*. 1 204 204 204 la Power pf (6). 25a 94 94 94 lien Alden Coal. 16 9% 914 9% Irand K • V .40. 2 8 7% 7% Irt No Pap 1.50g 60s 43% 43% 43% IA&P n v (6g) > 75a 98 98 98 Ireenfleld T & D 3 9% 9% 9% Irumann Air.BOg 9 16% 16% 16% luard Inv _ 1 % % % iulf Oil of Pad) 18 43% 43% 43% •all Ump . 1 2% 2% 2% lartford Rayon 21 2% 2 2% larv’d Brew .Oog 1 1% 1% i% lecla Min «.20g| 2 8% 8 8% lolltnger O 66a 19 9 9 lorn A Hard (2) 275a 32 32 32 tumble O 1.375g. 3 68% 68% 68% lummal-Roas F. 14 5% 5 5% Ivsrada Food .13 3 3 IvgradaSyl 1.50. 60s 28 28 28 11-la Power pf . 3 18% 18% 18% 11-la Pwr dlv ct. 6 4% 4% 4% mp Oil Ltd .60a. 14 13% 12% 12% mp Tob Can .40a 14 10% 10% 10% mp Tob OB 1.15g 6 19% 19 19% nt Indust .10g... 1 2% 2% 2% nt PaAPwr war. 69 4 3% 4 at Patrol l.B0a 3 19% 19% 19% nt Vitamin .225g 3 2% 2% 2% Herat H Eq ,60g. 6 7% 7% 7% Herat Hos Mills 1 11% n% n% rvtna Air C ila) 81 22% 21% 21% tal Suparpwr A. 2 % % % acobsCo ... 2 3 3 3 ennette Glass ... 26 2% 1% 2% onaa A Lau Stl„ 13 46% 45% 46% bannedy'a 60g— 1 4% 4% 4% dngston Prod_ 2 2% 2% 2% Ake Shore M(4). 8 27 26% 27 *key Fdry AM. 4 4% 3% 4% ehlgh Coal A N. 10 4% 4% 4% a Tournaau ,75g 6 83 31% 33 Ine Mater*l ,35g 200s 9% 9% 9% It Brothers- 6 1% 1% |% ocke Steel 1.20. 160a 13% 13% 13% ockheed Alrc — 9 29 28% 28% ion* Star (,40g). 8 8% 8% 8% ong Island Ltg 16 1% i% i% ong tal Ltg pf B 100s 27% 26% 26% a Land&Exp .40. 1 6% 6% 6% talestle Radio.. 62 2% 2% 2% [anat! Sag war.. 8 1% 1% 1% [arioa St Shoval 8 4% 4% 4% [ercantlle Stra_. 100s 18% 18% 18% larr-Chap A So_ 2 4% 4% 4H1 1 stocx ana sain— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Bich. Low. 8:56. Meaabl Iron . . 8 1 1 l Mich Steel T .46*. 4 #4 84 94 Mich Sugar- 1 14 14 14 Mich Sugar of— 1 64 64 64 Mid Sts P A .62*. 1 44 44 44 Midvale Co (tg). 176* 116 1154 1164 Mid West Corp._ 2 8 74 74 Midwest 011 .90 6 74 74 74 Minn MAM 1.65*. 100s 684 63 63 Mo Pub Svo .20*. 1 44 44 44 Mock Jud V .76*. 2 114 114 114 Molybdenum . 5 64 64 64 Monarch MT .85* 2 264 26 264 Mount City Cop.. 8 64 64 64 Nachman Sp(lg). 1 94 94 94 Nat Bella Haas.. 2 4 4 4 Nat City L.60* 1 184 134 134 Nat Conta!n.226g 14 104 94 10 Nat Fuel Oas (1) 2 184 134 184 Nat Oil Prod .85* 8 40 894 40 Nat P A L pf <6) 100s 884 834 834 Nat Rubber Mach 4 64 44 64 Nat Tunnal A Min 2 14 14k 14 Nat Union Radio 14 4 4 N J Zino (1.60*). 200s 724 70 70 New Mex A Aria. 2 14 14 14 Newmont 1.60* . 1 74 74 74 N Y P A Lt pf (7) 100a 1084 1084 1084 Nla* Hudson Pwr 17 74 74 74 Niles-Bem-P ,50a. 2 73 714 73 Noma Electric -. 2 5 5 6 Nor Am LAP pf.. 100s 674 67 674 N Am Ray A .60* 1 24 24 24 Nor Ind Pub Sve 84 pf (3k)_ 60s 86 86 86 North’d StA P(A) 1 104 104 104 Ohio Brass (B).. 50* 214 21 214 Ohio Pwr pf (6). 20* 1144 1144 1144 Oldetym* Diet_ 3 14 14 14 Pac Gas 6 pf 1.60 4 304 304 304 Panteuec 011 15 64 54 64 P’k’b’K R A R.50* 2 124 12 124 Pennrnad Corp 103 24 2 24 Penn Ed pf (5) _ 25* 63 63 63 Penn-Mex Fuel 1 4 4 % Penn PAL pf (6) 10* 1054 1054 1054 Penn PAL pf (7) 100* 1084 108 108 Pharis TAR .60*. 3 74 74 74 Phillips Packing. 3 74 74 74 Phoenix Secur 23 8 7 4 74 Phoenix Secur pf 150* 304 294 294 Pioneer Oold .40 1 2 2 2 Pltney-Bowes .40 4 74 7 74 Pitts Forging 9 14 134 14 Pitts ALE 50* 880* 70 67 70 Pitt* Metall 60* 1 114 114 114 Plough. Inc (.60). 1 84 84 84 PftlAriR 1 11 •» 1 1 ■ Potrero Sugar 3 1% 1% 1% PowdrellAAl .30* 6 5 6 6 Pratt* Lam (1*) 1 19% 19% 19% Premier Gold .12 2 1% 1% 1% Puget Sd P 3S Df 60s 62 62 62 Puget S d P 36 pf 50i 20 20 20 Puget Sd P AT— 1 10 10 10 Pyle National ... 25a 12 12 12 Quaker Oata (6). 10a 112% 112% 112% Raym’d Cono Cl) 10a 15 15 15 Rome Cable ,20g 2 12% 12 12 Russeks Fifth Av 1 4% 4% 4% Rustless Ir A Stl 13 15% 15% 15% Ryerson H- 4 1% 1% 1% St Regis Paper 68 4 3% 4 i St Regis Pap pf.. 75a 61 60% 61 Scovill Mfg .50*. 6 37% 37 37% Scullin Steel .. 1 13% 13% 13% Scullln Steel war. 2 1% 1% 1% Segal Lock _ 7 % % % Selberling Rub 4 7% 7% 7% Select Industries 3 1% 1% 1% Sel Ind al ct 5.50 . 6O1 61% 61% 61% Sel Ind pr pf 5.50 50a 61% 61% 61% Seversky AlrcPt. 21 * 6% 6- 6 Shattuck-D 125* 2 8 8 8 Sher-Wlll pf (5). 60s 111% 110 111% Simmons HAP.. 1222 Singer Mfg (6a). 60s 132 131 132 Sonotone (.05*).. 5 1% )% 1% South Coast 4 4% 4 4% So Penn Oil 1.50.. 8 38 36% 37 S C Ed pf B 1.60 . 2 27% 27% 27V, S C Ed pf C 1.27*. 2 25)4 25 25% So N'E Tel 4.50g. 10s 156 155 156 South'n (Jn Gas.. 12 2 2 Spalding (new).. 3 3% 2% 2% Stand CAS 1.60.. 1 16 16 16 Stand Oil Ky (1) 4 18% 18% 18% Stand Oil Ohlo(l) 2 25% 25% 26% Stand Pwr A Lt._ 10 | H H Stand PA Lpf... 50a 25 25 25 Stand Silver-Ld. 1 ft ft ft Stand Stl SpUg) 3 36% 26 36 Stand Wh Ph(.80) 100s 18% 17% 18% Starrett vtc 6 1% 1% 1% Stein A A Co .55*. 100s 11 11 11 Ktirrhi Krna Sti 2 a a a Sterchl Bros 2d.. 60s 8k 8k 8k Sterling AIu .25g. 1 6k 6k 6k Stinnes (H)- 1 k k k StroockACo-100» 12 Ilk 12 Sun Ray D(.6Pg)_ 1 10k 10k 10k Sunray Oil .05g.. 3 2k 2k 2k Taggart ........ 19 6 4k 4k Taylor (Ky) Dlst 2 k k k Technicolor .35g. 7 Ilk Ilk Ilk TexonOil t.lOg) 1 3k 3k 3k Thew Shovel ,60g 300* 18 17 , 17k Todd Shipy’d 2g 125s 79 79 78 Toledo Ed pf (7). 20s 107 1064 107 Trans-Lux _ I lk lk lk Transwest Oil... 2 4k 4k 4k Trl Conti war_ 2 k k k Tung-Sol Lamp 11 3k 3k 34 Tung-Sol L pf .80 1 7k 7k 7k Ulen&CopfA .. 1 14 14 14 UnPremf 8(11. 4 16 15k 15k Utd Cgr Wh Stra. 14 1 1 l Unit Corp war... 14 4 4 Unit Gas - 1 2k 2k 24 Unit Gas war_ 7 k 4 k Unit Lt&Pwr (A) 11 lk 14 14 Unit Lt&Pwr IB) 1 lk lk lk Unit Lt & Pwr pf 2 25k 25k 25k Unit Milk (2)_125s 21 21 21 Unit Shipyds <B) 4 lk lk lk Unit Sn M 2.6Ua 125s 76k 76 76k Unit Sh M pf 1.50 40s 40k 40k 404 Unit Specialties.. 2 34 34 34 US Foil (B)- *3 4k 4k 4k U S Lines pf.. . 6 3k 3k 3k U S Ply w pf 1.50. 60s 24k 24k 24k U S Radiator_ 1 2k 2k 2k Unit Stores new.. 1 k k k Unit Verde Ext.. 2 lk 1 lk Unit Wail Paper. 15 2k 2 2k Utah-ldaho 8ug_. 16 2k 2k 2k UtliP&Lpfir) . 350s 20 20 20 Utility & Ind pf. 2 lk lk lk Valspar Corp ... 4 lk lk lk Valspar pf 1.25k. 100s J2k 22k 22k Venezuela Petrol 7 14 1 lk Wagner Baking.. 1 5k 6k 6k Walker Mining.. 1 lk lk lk West VaC &C .. 26 3k 3k 3k Western Air Exo 3 3k 8k 8k West'n Md 1st pf 150s 68 56k 68 Westmor'ld Coal. 160s 13 12k 13 Wlll'ms RC .15g_ 2 7k 7k 7k Wliaon-Jon ,26g 3 8k 8k 8k Wilson Prod .45g. 25s 12k 12k 12k Woolw Ltd 631g. 6 9k 9 9k Wright Harg.40a 6 6 6 6 Yukon Pac Mfg— 3 2 2 2 r In bankruptcy or receivership or belnt reorganised under Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed 0 such companies Rates of dividends in the toresoln* table are annua] disbursements based on the last pusrterly or semi-annual declaration On less otherwise noted, special or extra divi dends are not ineludea xj Ex dividend ir gx right* a Also ejtraor extras e Paid last rear fPay ?£?* ln ,t0<* * Declared or oald so far fhls Tear b Cash or stock k Accumu •tSd ,,d,Tldend °*ld or declared this Tsar j ofiHpder rule ww With warrants gw Without warrant* war Warrants Boston Wool Market BOSTON. Sept. 25 ifPi (D S. Dept, of Agriculture).—Wool prices advanced fur- i ther on strong bidding today In the Boston I wool market. Graded One delaine bright fleece wools were sold at 43 to 46 cents, m the grease or $1.07 to #1.12. scoured basis. Graded staple combing length fine Texas wools brought Si.lo, scoured basis. Graded half blood territory wools in which staple and Prench combing lengths were graded together brought around #1. scoured basis. Pine territory wools In original bags were sold at prices ranging #1 to #1.05. scoured basis, for good Prench combing lengths, and at 97 cents to #1. scoured basis, for average to short Prench combing lengths. Odd-Lot Dealings By the Associated Press. . The Securities Commission reported -.‘J1?*? transactions by customers with odd-lot dealers or specialists on the Me* York Stock Exchange for Septem ber 23: 3.469 purchases Involving 91.408 shares: 3.358 sales Involving 87.231 shares, including 73 short sales involving 2.16(i s shares. „ — ' '■ ' Money Market NEW YORK. Sept. 25 OP).—Call money: „ steady. 1 per cent. Prime commercial * baoer. > per cent. Time loans steady: 30-90 days. iy4; four-six months. 1>6 per =«“<•• Bankers' acceptances unchanged: , ’0-90 days 16*A Per cent: four months I H-Vj per cent: five-six months. per ' sent. Rediscount rate. New York Reserve Bank. L per cent. Freight Loadings . NEW YORK. Sept. 25 —Revenue nciuaea; “• - . *** A— Franchise Tax Upheld1 By Pennsylvania 1 High Court r ^ *• * Decision of County Court Reversed in Columbia Gas Case ^ By the A**octat«4 Preaa. -yl PITTSBURGH, Sept. 36.—The Pennsylvania Supreme Court today upheld the State franchise tax on out-of-State corporations, which has netted $21,000,000 for the State since its enactment in 1935. — The decision reversed the Dauphitv County Court. Chief Justice JohQ W. Kephart ordered the record rer. turned to the State Department of* Revenue to resettle the tax against3 the Columbia Gas 6c Electric Corp.t* which had challenged the act. 8 The law imposed a tax of 5 miUa. on the “taxable value” of foreign? corporations doing business in* Pennsylvania and set up procedure* to determine that value for Penn** sylvania taxing purposes. Columbia charged the tax wai* discriminatory and asserted it im-v paired the “obligation” of the State to foreign corporations. The Com?* monwealth argded the tax was a'i levy on out-of-State corporations for the privilege of doing business in Pennsylvania. -’i Justice Kephart said in his opin-A' ion: “The result of the act’s operation* is not so obviously wrong and so oulT of proportion to the business done1' and property within the State tha<* it can be said to be confiscatory of '1 discriminatory compared with simii’! lar domiciliary corporations. In the light of this opinion, there is no im^* position or unjust burden on this* foreign corporation (Columbia),” A I* 1 ‘ - 1 " ■ ■ ■ CURB BONOS i: DOMESTIC. High. Low. Noon." * A g Power 4Vjs 67- 987w 98*» 9»*m, Ala Power 5s 68 -102-. 102*4 102-W'. 6“ 4'as 47 lolA 101,-. 101A APPaiacn E P 4s 63... 105". 105'. 105‘4». Trkirf L^s in 162*4 102‘a 102-4 As El Ino 4'as o3_ 57 57 57 As O A E 5s 68 41V» 41V4 41‘.a As i A T 5‘as 55 A.... 71 71 71 » Atl City El U'.s 64_ 98 98 98 ’ 7 Bald Lrro 6» 50 - 131 129*4 131 S?) x* £ £‘ £—1°«'« io6s. io8‘« • g®}} I® C of 3, B ... 106 105 105 Bell Tel C os 60 C-105‘. 105',. lOo',. Binning Gas ft. 69_ 89 89 89 *"* Can Pat 6s '2 _ 78‘a 78*» 78'a Caro Pw & Lt os 56 .. 104‘a 104‘a 104Va. Cent St El OS 48 __ 41 41 41 V Cent St El o'as 54 _ 41 *« 41*» 41*«. Cen St PAL 5'as 53 .1 70‘? 70? 70‘!* Cm St Ry 5'as 62_ 79 79 79 -1 Cities Svc os 50 _ 7"7,a 70‘a 7ut». Cit S PAL o'as 52.... 78 77? 78 Cit S PAL 5'as 49_ 77'. 77'! 7?*g Comnty PaL os 67_ 83 82 83 Cons G Ltli 6s 43 st .. 69 89 09 Coo to & E fts 58 A_ 82 Vi 82 82 V* » 5® E* Pw j'is on. 104*4 104*4 lOi'T. Det lnt Bs . s 52 1 l l East G & P 4s art A _ 7834 7b 7«5« - El Pw 6c Lt 5s 2U30_ 72vl 72 V* 72 U Emp Dis Ei 5s 52 _ loi 101 lol ■* PlGrida PAcL 5s 54 ..1 98* 9*1, Gary EAG os 44 st ... 98 98 98 Gen Bronze 8s 40 77 77 - - r Gen Pub Ut 0».as 56_Z' 924 92 V* «2V»^ Gen W WAE 5s 43 A... 91 Si 91 ’ Georgia Pw os 67 . .. 104*a 104>,i liig'S™ Ofbei 4VaS 41.A.. 60 60 2 60 ‘ iff & °,ai 01 -- bo8« 8«5* L fTV'l.1* 8?, 5ii A - 101101 v« 101? • liidF! r C--- a,’« »5V« 96 .. ina El C t>s 4 , A _1(J3 103 103 Ind El C os 51 C__ 94 941,a 9414 Indiana 8er 5s 50 Ss Inti P Sec Sl2t 55 cZZZ 5f% g?4 interst rw bt b, 04 «4 - Interst P 8 5s 5« D'ZZ 94 94 S3 Interst P8 4J'as 5b F 8912 89 V* Mitt*' Kentucky C 5s o« I.” 97*! 97 97 H?nJ Is. L.t ris 45 - 99*. 99*. 99*« MU 04 “« «7 -- 10»7- Vl’* 'ft'Z Mi‘,n,nP^5W8:::; Wt iU Sft' ^^dfcL 5s 57_ 98*-a 98^a 98^a Jff p & ^ 2028 A - - 109 109 109 . Z* sSi&WSS.!* SS; g* ?sa S I 88 a 15:;:; g„ gj Mew E Pw 5s 48 ...I 92? 2?? Mew E Pw o'as 54 98 9ft? * M Y A i i Of*, loot. 100*4 M Y A W Lt 4s 2004.. lOlVa 101*! 101*1 mS UmStGAE nt2*'/'-- 10JV‘ iSa-* ■ in a u&e os o2 __ lo, io7 lo? v Mo Ind P S 5s 89 D 104 104 104 p.iapp5fvr i ii 97v« y7‘* 97v^ ■* Penn Elec 5s* 02 hZZZZ 104»! loivj loi»J4 p«: fyt' io„t; y Pug S PAL 4'as 50 D_. 83'a 83? 83'! Icrfnns Yi* *'?■*, 7U-108V. 108'. 108'. * Icuum* steel 3s si::;; ^ ^ ■ * 3hw W&P 4,aS 07 A_ 82 hTl. «•’ r lotf rafwH653 '0i6 A~- 105 10434 104% sou Cal Ed 3*4s On_103H 103^ 103>4 SouwP A L6J 2022 A 91? 91*1 91*! Svd G A E 6s 48 st __ 65 64'a 64*w > £3 O * ■«•«»*» «* 65 65 65^* I d R! ? f 5* 51 A 64*4 64Vi 64Vi 5. PM * E1 65 66 B 64'a 64? 04Vu Stand Pw A Lt 6a 57 65 65 65 Texas Elec 5s 60 _ 98 Vi 98 98’#'>' Le* & L 5s 56 .. 105*. 105*. 105*1 nde Wat P os 79 A 947« 947. 94Vi Twin c R T 5Vas 52 A 67? 57 57 — Unit Lt A Pw 5?s 59 104 104 104 Unit LARD 6*4. 52*1 82V4 82*4 82*4 * gn‘t L A R M 6s 73 A. 78 76 76 - - Pug S 5Vaa 46 A .. 98 98 98 .. S? fub S«r 5» 50 H _. 93*. 93 93 ' West News D 6s 44_ 62*4 52V4 52V4*> FOREIGN. • Pin R MB 5s 61 st _. 77 75 76 puant A W 6s 58 A.. 48 48 48 - * Uarco Hyd El 7s 52- 37*4 37V. 3?v. *• Russian 5?s 21 mat .. *« ? ? Russian 6*is 19 mat ,\ . wltg *'*r.r*nts ** Without warrants.*"1 1 New. at (stp) Stamped. fNegotiablllty impaired by maturity. mn Short-Term Securities " • VJ tReoorted by Smith. Barney A Co > Jja Ot Southern A 3s 1943 107*4 OBeT' Uieghany Corp Cv 5s 1944 . 85 86% J® Tel A Tel 5'-as 1943 _ 109 109% "* 4ust.n A Northern 5s 1941 61 61>!.T$ Baldwin Locomot W 5s 1940- 99% 102%_. s£?tral £cundry 6s 1941 10(1 ^ .hlcago On 8tatlon 4s 1944 105 107 »» -onuiner Corp 5s 1943 .j • % 100%, niba Northern 5%s 1942 * .4% 34% 3 >laware A Hudson 4s 1943 68% 69 /A 3r Rap A Ind 4VaS 1941.. 100 1 lhnois Steel 4>as 1940 _ 101% 102 '** Inti Hydrd-Electric 6s 1944. 68 69% .ntl Merc Marine 6s 1941 70 72 -'h gh Val Ter Ry 5s 1941. 55. 65 ». S“L*vUIe * Nash 4s 1940 99% 100 5 4» 1940 99% 100 i'-rt Midland R R N J 6s 1940 1 3 14 ^ 4 Y A Long Branch 4s 1941 . 74% * Pennsylvania Co 3%s 1941 100 102% •* penn-Dlxie Cement 6s 1941 99% .99%.. Jenna R R Co 4s 1943 .. 106 109% '3 peoples O L A C 6s 1943 _ 110% 112 »£nrla^c,East£.rn 4* 1940 - 49 53%„„ phlla. Balt A Kash 4s 1943. 100 106 * Jtudeoaker Corp 6s 1945 __ 90% 92 : rex A N Orleans 5s 1943.. 50 70 Jnlon Oil of Calif 5s 1942.. 110 111 ?f Janadmin Corp 5s 1941... 111% 113% „ Varren Bros 6s 1941 39% 40% Western N Y A Pa 4s 1943 103% 10* , J. Yhite Sewing Mach 6s 1940 101% _ . I I • 'fv ■oreign txchange NSW YORK. Sept. 26 (F—The Bound- , terline held at. $4 in the foreign ex* * 5 hange market today, but considerable'* r*s*J*te appeared against several of the o-called neutral currencies. 8wlsa francs were quoted .08 of a cent'’ ’wer In relation to the doUar and the.., ullder dipped .02 bf a cent. The belga ” '»* unchanged, but the French Irene'--* >st .01 of a cant. TJe discount on sterling deliverable in ^ 0 d»v* widened to 5 cents from 464 cents.- a Late rates follow: Great Britain In , ollars. others in cents: Great Britain,* emand. 3.09; Oreat Britain, cables. 4.00s** O-dav bills. 3 97*4; BO-day bill*. 3.95; , anada. Montreal in New Yorkf 90.87*4: '* anada. New York in Montreal. 109 12*4* tqtolum. 18.95; Denmark. 16.35: Finland, .00; France. 2.26*4; Germany unquoted,' S enevolent. 18.7S: travel unquoted; Greece,- .. .4n: Huneary, lS.OOn: Italy. 5.09: Neth rlands. 53.20; Norway. 22.80: Poland un- - noted: Portugal. 3.70n: Rumania. 70n: weden. 23.83; Switzerland. 22.58: Ar 28.80: Argentina (free), 'bo8: 8.05; Brasil (free). .00: Mexico. 20.00n: Japan, 23.37*4: lavi*a *230n2ft18: “t*”*11**- 7JO; Yugo Rates in spot cables unleu otherwise in* iCItM. n Nominal. rtetal Market NBW YORK. Sept. 25 (F—Copper teady; electrolytic, spot. 12 00; export nquoted. Tin steady; spot and nearby. O.OOn: forward unquoted. Lead steady; Dot. New York. 5.60-65; Xset 8t. Louis! ■■15. Zinc steady; Bast 81. Louis, spot nd forward. 6.26. Pig Iron No. 2 fob! **t«n. Pennsylvania. 24.00; Buffalo. 3.00: Alabama. 19.38. Aluminum, virgin. 9 ,P*r cent. 20.00. Antimony. chUmaai pot. 14.00. Quicksilver. 185.00*175.00. 'attnum. pure, 40.00. OhtBase wolframite 2n°NominaL' ""n**Ue »*»‘««Uta. 23.00ni i