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I ttflHSI HOUSE of i heimz ( I At All Sanitary Food Stores I H INZ SOUPS j Heinz soups are ready to serve , / ... do not dilute. All the good- I # ness is slowly cooked in. can 8 YOUR CHOICE OF: Heinz Asparagus, Bean, Vege ■ table Beef, Celery, Mock Turtle. Mushroom, Chicken ■ Noodle, Chicken With Rice, Onion, Pea, Pepper Pot, \ Spinach, Tomato, Vegetable. Corn Chowder, Oyster, > Scotch Broth, Genuine Turtle, Vegetarian. { i Heinz Chicken Gumbo Creole_can 15c I Heinz Consomme_ can 15c 1 Heinz Consomme Madrilene_can 15c 1 Heinz Clam Chowder_ _can 15c \ HEINZ | i Tomato Ketchup.18c ■ HEINZ 1 Cooked Spaghetti-lie \ HEINZ | i Cooked Macaroni - - - - can I3c I HEINZ I Chili Sauce.12*r 23c 8 HEINZ J Cucumber Pickles-24jaT 19c ^ Sanitary s Savings BISQU1CK.X26c APPLE BUTTER 2 27c QUAKER 0ATS ---2 p^1Sc HAZOLfl «■.* 39° WESSON oil.* 39° WHEATIES.2pk«19e POST tosshes. PIE CHERRIES ■..2.:i9t PABSTETT CHEESE _ 2 EEf 25* AM6L0 *88“ —. '■•••■ 15" Phillips iar.... 5* SALT mffgz* .2*- 5* NUCOA H HCMI*.IE- |9B CATALINA S _2ls25* GREEN %_2 '™ 2T* APPLESAUCE.5* BRESSING ™ “ 25» &' Price* »re for the District of Columbia until eiuae of bwineaa Wedneedar. Sept. 27. 1939. Due to the Maryland and Virginia unfair praetieo acts tome price* are higher in thoaa State*. NO SALES TO DEALEBS. K 1 .1 11 " 7 r A HAM You Don’t Have to Cook Make it last all week for lunehet—tandwiches—meal$ Sausage Fit For A King SANITARY'S ALL PORK SAUSAGE Yes. maam ... it’s 100% $ork and seasoned to the queer’s taste. You’ve never tasted lb. any finer. LAND 0’ LAKES AMERICAN CHEESE Made by the makers of the famous Land 2 lb. O'Lakes Butter. box Rib Lamb Chops -.,b 25c j Tender Veal Cutlets.,b 45c Loin Veal 39c Briggs U-£J£'1 Scrapple.,b 12c Briggs Pork Pudding.,b 17c U. S. No. I Frankfurters-,b 27c Skinless Frankfurters.ft 2lc U. S. No. I Bologna.,b 27c Tender* 19c SANICO BACON 81iced from expertly dry sugar-cured sides. Every pound must grade U. 8. No. 1 before ^ leaving the plant. 29‘ GARDEN j FRESH A MkM Fr£tsfir.ve9e- m ^ tables |ust a ^B J few hours out ^B of the fields. ^B Full flavored S and crisp as ^B though grown ^B in your own ^B back yard. ^B Stringless Beans-,b 5c Fresh Spinach-2 ,b* 15c Ripe Tomatoes.,b 5c Hubbard Squash.Ib 3c White Yellow Onions-3 ,b5 10c Seckel or Bartlett Pears - Ib 5c Crabapples or Prunes-Ib 5c Ripe Damsons.Ib 6c k Helps keep busy hands lovely SU-PURB SOAP Contains a hand lotion ingredient to protect the pkff. hands. v * ! B Gr M Brown Bread_08,1 14c j College Inn Boned Chicken_08,1 39c j Land O' Lakes Milk_3 taU 08118 17c I Dromedary Cocoanut_4 oz- pke• 9c Silver Floss Sauerkraut_No-2>/2 0811 7c I Phillips Shaghetti_15 oz-0811 5c j Silver Slice Grapefruit_2 No> 2 08118 19c j B & M Baked Beans_28 oz-0811 15c Salty Crisp Crackers_2 lb- pkg- 13c 5c Candies and Gums___3 pkg8' 10c Cream of Wheat_14 oz- pkg- 14c Kellogg's Pep_10c Wheatena_pkg- 22c Davis Codfish Cakes-0811 9c Jello Desserts_3 I*gs- 14c Lake Shore Honey_1 lb- gl88S 18c Sanico Jellies-—8 02 gl88S 10c Sanico Macaroni_pkg- 5c Kraft Miracle Whip-pint 25c Karo Syrup_1 lb-08,1 8c | French's Mustard-8 **•Jar 10c f Morton's Salt_2 J*88- 13c j Vinegar_*8l,0n Ju« 29c j Diamond Wax Paper_125 ft ro11 13c s CANTERBURY TEA Tea in the beet tradition Just the tender young leaves, the flavorful ones. • i k SANICO MAYONNAISE Made according to Government speci fications for real mayonnaise. SANICO PEANUT BUTTER Ground from U. B. No. 1 Spanish and Virginia peanuts. BURRY'S OLD ENGLISH STYLE BISCUITS one pound C box McCORMICITS BANQUET TEA Orange V* lb- ^ C Pekoe con Mm I National Biscuit Co. PREMIUM FLAKES the one C pound package know is fresh Every loaf carries a band with today's date . . . there's not a chance for stale bread. Any loaves left over are picked up the next morning. DATED BREAD_1 »>• u»f 9c Stokely Hominy_No-2&can 8c Welch's Grape Juice_<*uart 39c . Dole Pineapple Juice_46 oz-can 21c Pomorang Juice_3 25c Baker's Chocolate_1/2 lb- ***■ 17c Hershey's Baking Chocolate—^2 lb- ***• 10c Royal Baking Powder_8 °*n 17c Lindsay Giant Olives_9 °*- “n 19c Sun Maid Seeded Raisins_***■ 9c Sanka or Kaffee Hag Coffee_lb- 34c C. b B. Date and Nut Bread_2cens 25c Argo Salmon_11b. can |9C Argo Corn Starch_1 lb- J**- 8c Lang's Di 11 Pick les_j._13 oz-Jar 10c Sanico White Rice_1 lb-i**- 9c Fleischmann's Yeast_cake 3c Try it on prioe alone, then see how grand it tastes AIRWAY COFFEE 9 ibt. 9Rc I M