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D. C. Clearings Soar To 10-Year Peak In September Business in Capital Well Above Year Ago, Check Total Shows By EDWARD C. STONE. Business in the third quarter in Washington was substantially ahead of last year, judging by bank clear ings reports. Clearings for the Cap ital in September, just reported, totaled $99,244,037.21. against $89, 203,505.89 in September, 1938, a gain of $10,040,531.32. July and August were also up sharply. The September figures made a 10-year record for that month, reaching the highest figure since 1929. the year of the Wall Street breakup. Clearings in the Capital: * In September, 1929, totaled $114, 886 938.61. In the first nine months of this year Washington clearings totaled ! $881,628,474.24 as compared with j $837,642,854.13 in the like period in I 1938. a splendid increase of $43,- ; 885.620.11. While the gain in September over the same month a year ago is im portant. many comparisons are now being made with conditions in 1937. Clearings in the month just ended were nearly $9,000,000 ahead of Sep tember. 1937. when the total stood Et $90,915,380.85. So far this year clearings have exceeded 1938 in all but two months. The gains have been gradually in creasing. which leads to the con clusion that the fourth quarter will make a still better showing. Bank ers made that prediction today. * Clearings in the Capital by months so far in 1939 compare as follows with the corresponding months in 1938: 4 ftOft 4 090 A i/iii/. At/wu. January_$96,424,506 $93,436,118 February ... 82,733.900 84,231,245 March_ 103,916.350 95,692.398 April . 99,730,563 101,104,372 Mav. 96,395.809 86,749,470 June _ 108,446,851 101,841,824 July .. 101,104.931 94.366,854 August . 93.631.523 88.017.063 September .. 99.244.037 89.203,505 Loan Association Celebrates. National Permanent Building As sociation, which opened for busi ness on October 3, 1890, is now cele brating its 49th birthday. For the year ending September 30 a new all-time high in total assets is re ported. At the close of business last year resources stood at $9,175. 000. while today they are $10,611,000. en increase of over $1,435,000. The history of National Perman ent dates hack to the early fall day in- 1890, when a small group of business and professional men opened the organization in St. Joseph's Hall at Fifth and H streets N.W. Rapid growth necessitated early removal to larger quarters and as time went on and the associa tion expanded, it was again found Imperative to seek additional space. Last November the present build ing was taken over, with ample of fice room to take care of future in creases in business. In entering upon its 50th year, members have been notified that beginning immediately the associa tion will apply the direct reduction system on interest charges to bor rowers. It was also stated that the number of new share accounts opened during the year reflected a gratifying increase over last year. In addition to Robert E. Buck ley. president, other officers include Harry M. Packard, vice president; Millard T. Dixon, treasurer, and Ro land M. Brown, secretary. Directors are John B. Geier. Joseph F. Zego witz. Francis L. Neubeck. Alphonse C. Hammer. James E. Colliflower and Charles M. Wallingsford. August Gas Revenues Improve. Details from the August report of the Washington Gas Light Co., filed with the Public Utilities Commission, shows operating revenues of $444,674 as compared with $421,449 for August a year ago, an increase of $23,225, as a result of the larger volume of gas sold. Operating expenses, including taxes and uncollectible bills, amount ed to $420,626 for August 1939. an increase of $8,668 over August a year ago. These figures resulted in net operating revenue of $24,048 or $14,557 more than for the same month last year. Non-operating revenues were $12, 218, interest and amortization was $70,145 and the final balance for the mpn^h was a seasonal deficit of $33.*Ach was, however, an im provement of $37,846, compared with a deficit in August a year ago of $71,725. Net income for the first eight months ended August 31, 1939, | amounted to $847,540 compared with j $599,014 for the same period last year, an increase of $248,526. The company reports gas sales Of 598.980 mcf or 40.792 mcf more than that for August, 1938. There were 154.072 meters in service on August 31, a gain of 5,142 over the eame date last year. T: ° report shows substantial ex per res are being currently made foi extensions to property. The company expended approximately $119,000 in improvements in August and over $648,000 during the first eight months of the current year. Heard in Financial District. George W. West, of Atlanta, Ga , elected president of the United States Building and Loan League, is well known to building and loan leaders in Washington. Public offerings of registered bond issues totalled over $800,000,000 dur ing the first nine months of the current year, according to a survey by the Fitch Investors Service. Dii lon, Read & Co. headed the list of syndicate managers. Offerings man aged under their direction totalled $184,125,000. The First Boston Corp., and Morgan, Stanley & Co., were second and third. Thp R.ierP.<s Nnt.innnl Ranlrc rnn densed statement of condition as of September 30. 1939, shows total de posits of $105,698,365.78. With Riggs deposits at this figure, it becomes the more evident that total deposits in all the Washington banks are now the highest on record. The weather hit the attendance at the daily session of the Washing ton Stock Exchange and only one sale was recorded, a small lot of Washington Railway & Electric pre ferred moving at ios’u. Narrowing down the spread, the bid for the newly listed National Mortgage & Investment preferred stock was raised to 45g and the asked price lowered to 4 Vi from 4>4 today. New York Bar Silver NEW YORK, Oct. 2 <JP).—Bar iilver 347/g, off V* of a cent. I" TRANSACTIONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE dt rrivtte win Direct to rne star. 2:30 p.m. Prrv. 1030 Stock and Sales— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 71% 63 Abbott Lab 1.eon).. 1 71% 71% 71% •+ % 50% 31% Acme Steel (2)_ 1 48 48 48 + % 11% 6% Adams Exp <.10g)_. 7 10% 9% 9% — % 27% 15% Addressog'ph 1.40.. 1 17% 171* 17% I 68 45% Air ReductlonMa) 10 65% 64% 64% -1% 10 6% Alaska Juneau ,80g. 18 7 6% 7 + Vi 2 % Allegnanv .. 42 1% 1% 1% 20% 5% Allechanv *30 ww 39 19 17% 18% -1 18% 4% Allegh'y *40 pf ww. 3 16% 16 16% - % 18 4% Alleghany pf xw .. 24 17 16 16% — % 23% 8 Alleghany prior pf 4 21 20% 20% — % 28% 14 Alleg-Ludlum Steel 16 25% 25 25 - % 11% 6% Allen Indust .25g... 1 10 10 10 200% 151% Allied Chemical (6) 5 185% 185 185 -2 16% 9% Allied Mills t.76g). 6 12% 12% 12% -I- % 11% 6 Allied Stores _ 17 9% 9% 9% — % 48% 28 Allls-Chalm 75g.._ 9 45 44% 44% -1 3% 1% Amalg Leather_ 6 2% 2% 2% 74% 50 Amerada (2)_ 1 69% 69% 69% +2% 36% 16s* Am Airlines_ 3 31% 30% 30% - a, 17% 9% Am Bank Note 20g 11 14% 14 14% + V* 60 49% Am Bank N of (3) 20s 52 52 52 +1 8 3% Am Bosch 47 6% 6% 6a* + % 57% 3la* Am Brake Shoe .75g 3 54 52 62 -2 116% 83% Am Can (41 11 114% 113% 114 39% 16Vi Am Car & Foundry 35 39% 37% 38% - % 61% 30% Am Car & Fary pf.. 13 60 59 60 25 13% Am Chain & C .65g.. 28 24»* 424 24%-% 8V* 6 Am Colortype .. 3 7% 7% 7% — % 11% 6% Am Corne l Alcohol 2 9% 9% 9a* - % 18% 6% Am Crystal Sugar 5 14% 14V* 14% + % 86% 61 Am Crystal S pf (6) 100s 86% 86 86 + % 5% 2% Am Encaustic Til 15 3 2% 2% 3% 2 Am & ForeigB Twr 6 2% 2% 2% 19% 10 Am & For'n P *6 pf 1 17% 17% 17% - % 25 12% Am & For'n P *7 pf 1 23 23 23 — a, 9a« 5 Am & For’n P 2d pf 6 7% 7% 7% — V, 33 12 Am Hawa'n SS (1). 5 25% 24% 24% -1 8 2% Am Htde& Leather 25 7% 7 7% 43% 25% Am Hide & L pf (3) 2 39a* 38'* 39% 55 41'* Am Home Prod 2.40 1 47% 47% 47%+ % 3% 1% Am Ice 3 2% 2% 2% 9 3s* Am International.. 5 7% 7% 7% — % 30% 13 Am Locomotive .. 19 28 27 27% — % 79% 41 Am Locomotive of. 3 75% 73 73 -6 15V* 11 Am Mach & Fy .80.. 6 13% 13a* 13a* 5% 2% Am Mach & Metals. 2 4*» 4% 4% — % 40% 25V* Am Metal (,50g)_ 5 26 26 26 — % 7 3% Am Power & Light. 18 5% 5% 5% 45 28 Am P&L *5 pf 2.501c 3 40% 40% 40% — V* 50% 32 Am P&L *6 pf (3k). 1 47 47 47 + V. 18% 8% Am Radiator .. 62 10% 10 10% - V* 22a* 11% Am Rolling Mills . 31 21% 20%- 21 — % 80V* 50 Am Roll M pf 1.25k. 2 79% 79% 79% — V* 15% 11*» Am Safety Raz 1.20 6 12 12 12 - % 46V* 25% Am Shlpbuild g (2) 450s 40V* 38% 38% -1% 63 35% Am Sm & Ref (2g)_. 13 56% 55% 56% - % 69 59% Am Snuff (3a) 3 63'* 63% 63a* + a, 41 20% Am Steel Foundry.. 24 39% 38V* 39 -1% 34% 15% Am Sugar Refining. 3 26 25** 25'* — a, 170% 148 Am Tel & Teleg (») 6 161% 161% 161% 87% 73 Am Tobacco (6)_ 2 74a* 74% 74V*— % 89-'« 75% Am Tobacco (B)(5) 10 75% 75V* 75% - % 100% 182 Am Tobacco pf (6). 1 135% 135a, 135,, 8% 4% Am Type Founders. 7 6% 6% 6% — % 14% 8% Am Water Works.. 32 14% 13% 13% - % 15V* 3% Am Woolen _ 33 14% 13V* 13% — % 64% 28% Am Woolen pf_ 12 58% 55% 56% -2% 12 4 Am Zinc 11 9% 9% 9v* - V. 40 20% Anaconda (.75*)_ 152 34% 33% 33% - Vi 114% 111 Anchor H G pi 6.50. 10s 111% 111% Ilia* +1 37 21 Arch-Ban-Mid .75* .1 32% 32% 32% 105 97 Armour(Del) pf (7) 2 102 101', 101a* _ y4 8a* 3% Armour (111). 21 6% 6% 6a* - % 60 33-a, Armour (111) pr pf. 1 60% 50% 50% - % 58 31 •% Armstr’g Cork .75*. 4 38% 38V, 38%+ % 13 7% Arnold Const .625*. 2 10% 10% 10% + Vi 10% 6% Artloom Corn .. 24 9% 9% 9% •+■ % 10.% 5% Assoc Dry Goods 21 9% 8% 9% 100 89% Assoc Invest pf (5) 50s 92 92 92 -1 42% 21 Atcli Ion ASF' 32 33 31 Vi 31% -1% 71 50 Atch T&SF pf 3.50* 1 64 64 64 - V, 30% 15 Atl Coast Line __ 3 26 25% 26 — a* 26% 5a, Atl Gulf A W Ind 3 20% 20 20 H I 26 9% Atl Gulf & W Ind pf 1 19% 19% 19%+ % .4% 18% Atl Kenning (1) 48 24'% 23-. 24"* + % 9% 7 Atlas Corp (.25*) 12 8% 8% 8% - V, 5a, 1 % Auburn Auto (r)... 1 3% 3% 3% + 30% 17% Austin Nich pf A 60s 18", 18% 18% &% 3% Aviation Corn 48 6% 5% 6 - V, 21* 9'> Baldwin Loco ctrs 147 20% 19% 20 - % b% 3% Hallo & Ohio 28 8% 8 8 — % 1IV* 4% Baito & Ohio pf_ 16 It5, 9% 10% - a, 30% 19 Bangor & Ar (2)_ 1 23'* 23% 23% - % 21% 10V* Barber Asphalt_ 2 15% 15", 15a* — % 13 6 Barker Brothers 3 9% 8s, 8', - % 33 24V* Barker Bros pf 2.75 10s 27% 27% 27", 19% 11% Barnsdall <1) 16 16% 16', 16% - % 25% 15V* Bavuk Cigar (.75) 7 23% 23V* 23% + % 315, 16% Bendix Aviat'n .50g 20 29% 29 29% - % 21% 17% Beneficial L'n 1.35g) 1 19V, 19% 19 ,+ % 57% 32 Best A Co > 1 60s) 2 39 38% 38"* — % 100 60V* Beth Steel (.50g) ... 105 91% 90% 90% -2% 18% 15% Beth Sll 6% pf (1). 6 18V, 18% 18% - % 120% 99V* Beth Steel pf (7) .. 2 117% 117 117V, + % 28 15% Bigelow-Sanford .. 16 29% 28 29% +1% 24', 14 Black & Decker (1) 5 24 23%. 23% — % 17-% 8% Blaw-Knox 11 14% 14 14% - % 34% 16% Boeing Airplane 25 27% 26% 26% - % 28% 16 Bon Alum & B 75g 2 26 :5% 26 + ", 117 100% Bon Ami (A) (4a) 20s 110 109 109Vi — 1% 59% 51 Bon Ami (Bi 2 50a 60s 58 57% 57% — a* 22 12% Bond Stores (.80).. 1 17 17 17 + y. 22 16% Borden Co ( 90g) .. 11 2ia* 211* 21% 32 18% Borg-Warner 75g _ 18 28% 27% 27% - % 4% IV, Boston & Maine 1 4% 4V* 4% + % 31% 19'i Bower Roll Brg (2) 131 31 31 7% 5% Brewing Corp 60g 5 5a, 5a, 5% 15% 74* Bridgeport Brass 19 14a* 14% 14% — at 31% 16'.* Briggs Mfg (lg) .. 54 25V, .4% 25 - % 53 41". Brlstoi-Mvers 2.40 9 47 46 47 +1 14% 7H« Bklyn-Man Transit 12 12a, 12a. I94t — u 2 1% Bklyn & Queens 1 1% 1% 1% 13% 5% Bklyn & <jueens pf 2 12 ]1% 11%+ % 30% 13% Bklyn Un Gas .25g_ 2 24% 24% 24% + % 19% 9% Brunswick-B 1.2ag 6 17% 17% 17% 13% 7 Bucyrus-Erle 15 11% 11 11 — % 106% 94% Bucyrus-E of (7).. 10s 102% 102% 102% + % 8 4 Budd Mfe _ 17 7% 7% 7% — % 65% 29% Budd Mfg pf- 130s 52 50% 51 -1 5% 3 Budd Wheel_ 26 5% 5V, 5% - % 20 15% Bullard Co - _ 5 26% 26% 26% -1 19% 11% Burllngt'n Mills (1) 6 18% 18 18 — % 18% 11 Burr's Add M .30g_. It 13% 12% 12%-% 7% 1 Bush Terminal ... 16 5% 6% 5% — % 9% 5% Butler Bros 15g _ 3 7% 7% 7% — % 23s, 18% Butler Bros pf 1.50. 1 20% 20% 20% 6% 2% Butte Copper 9 5% 5% 5% — % 13% 7 Byers' A.\l) Cc 2 12% 12% 12% - % 74 26% Byers AM pf 10.39k. 90s 69 67% 68 +1 17% 11 % Byron Jackson 11) 6 16 16 16 30 13% California Packing 3 26% 25 25'% -1 3% % Callahan Zinc 50 2% 2 2% + % 10% 4% Calumet & Hec 25g. 13 8% 8% 8% - % 17*i 9% Campbell Wvant 11 16% 16 16% - % 20% 12 Canada Dry (,50g) 3 14% 14% 14% - % 6% 3V» Canadian Pacific 91 5% 5% 5% — % 41% 29Vi Cannon Mills 1.2 jg. 3 40 39% 39%+ % 8 4% Capital Admin tA). 1 7% 7% 7% + % 33 13% Carpenter Stl 70g._ 2 30% 30% 30% — % 94% 63% Case (J 1) <5e> 1 86% 86% 86% - % 122% 110 Case (J 1 )Co pf (7) 100s 118% 118% 118% + % 64% 38% Caterpillar Tract2) 7 61% 60% 61% -1 29% 13% Celanese Corn . 21 26 25% 25% — % 109% 84 Celanese pr pf (7). 60s 104 103% 103% — % 9V, 7% Celotex Corp 8 11 10% 10% — % 72% 60 Celotex Corp pf (5) 30s 60 60 60 30% 18V4 Cent Aguirre (1.50) 8 28 28 28 5% 2% Central Foundry 4 4% 4% 4% — % 12% 3% Central RR of N J.. 1 10% 10% 10% + % 14% 3% Central Violetta 5 12 11 11 — % 62% 32 Cerro de Pasco(3g) 7 41% 40% 41 — Va 13 5% Certain-teed .. 3 7% 7% 7% 30 17 Cliamo reaper * F . 2 28 27% 27% - % 102 98 Champ P&F pf (6). 40s 100 100 100 18% 6% Checker Cab Co .. 1 14% 14% 14%-% 29% 17% Ches Corp (1.20g) . 6 27% 27% 27%-% 47% 27 Ches «r Ohio <2> 31 44% 43% 44% -1% 4 1% Chi & East 111 pf (r) 2 3% 3V, 3% + Vi 13V, 9% Chi Mail Order 75e 2 12% 12% 12% - u % % Chi M StP* P ir) . 18 % % % 1% % Chi M StPAP pf (r) 14 1% 1% 1% 1% % Chi & Northwn (ri 11 1% 1% 1% 3% 1% Chi & Northw pf(r) 2 3 2% 2% — % 20% 10 Chi Pneu Tool 10 17*. 17 17 - % % % Chi Rl&Plrl ... 1 % % %+% 1% % Chi Rl&P 6% pf(r) 8 1% 1% 1% 1% % Chi RIAP 73!. Of «r) 4 1% 1% 1% + % 15% 10 Chickasha C O .25g. 1 14 14 14 13% 5 Childs Co .. 4 6% 6% 6% 92% 53% Chrysler Mg) 87 91 89% 90%-% 14% 9 City Ire&Fuel SOg. 1 11% 11% 11%-% 4% 2% City Stores _ 1 3% 3% 3% 30 15 Clark Equip (75g)-. 2 30% 30% 30%+ % 33% 20% Cleve Graphite (1) 1 32% 32% 32%-% 60% 34% Climax Molvb 1.20 20 46% 43% 45 -2 85% 21% Cluett Peabdy(.75g) 1 31% 31% 31% +1 133 105 Coca-Cola (2g) 2 110 109% 110 +% 17% 11% Colgate-Palm-P 60. 8 13% 13% 13% + % 107 101% Colg-Pal-P pf (6) .. 1 10 i% 103% 103% 36% 20% Collins Aik (.75g)_. 6 33% 33% 33%, - % 24% 11% Colo Fuel & Iron .. 2 22% 22% 22%-% 8 2% Colo & Southern .. 20s 6% 6% 6% + % 9% 3% Colo & Sou 1st pf 210s 9 8 8 - Vs 24% 14 Colum B C(A)1.05g 1 18% 18% 18% 24% 14 Colum B C (Bl 1.05g 1 18% 18% 18%-% 9 5% Columbia Gas & El. 46 7% 7% 7% - % 91 74% Col G&E of A (6) ' 1 83% 83% 83%+ % 15% 6% Columb Pic vtc 2%f 5 7% 7% 7% + % 30% 16 Colum Pic pf (2.76) 2 18 17% 18 + T4 94 73 Columb’n Carb (4). 3 89% 88% 89% - % 57 38% Cornel Credit (4)... 16 46% 45% 46*,+ % 60 42 Cornel Inv Tr (4)... 5 51% 50% 50% - % 16 8% Cornel Solvents . 25 13% 13% 13% — % 31% 25% Comwlth Edls 1.20g 47 29% 28% 29 + W 2% 1% Comwlth & South’n. 24 1% 1% 1% 72% 45% Comwlth & S pf (3). 6 64 63% 64 8% 5 Conde-Nast Pub_ 1 7 7 7 - % 30% 19 Congoleum 75g_ 2 22% 22% 22% 7 5 Congress Cigar- 2 5% 6% 5% + % 28% 15% Consol Aircraft .. 49 26% 2514 25% - % 11 4% Consol Cop M(.30g). 24 9% 9 9% - % 35 27 Consol Edison (2).. 64 30% 30 30% - % 108% 101% Consol Edls of (61.. 1 103 103 103 -% 2% 1 Consol Film ... 1 1% 1% 1% 7% 4% Consol Laundries.. 1 4% 4% 4% 9% 6% Consol 011 (.80) 34 9 8% 8% - % 5% 1 Consol RR Cuba pf. 4 3% 3% 3% 16% 9% Container Corp 11 16% 16% 16%-% 22% 11% Conti Baking (A)— 4 15 14% 14% — te ft ft 2:30 p.m. Prev. 1030 Stock and Sales— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. 2 1% Conti Baking <B) 1 1% 1% 1% + % 100 87% Conti Bak 8% pf 6k 3 89 89 89 51% 32% Conti Can (1.60k).. 6 49 48% 48% 116 106 Conti Can Df (4.60). 1 108% 108% 108% - % 10% 5 Conti Diamond _ 2 8% 8% 8% + V« 37% 29% Conti (naur (1.80a) 5 37 36% 36%+ % 4 1% Conti Motor . 23 3V* 3% 3% 31% 19% Conti Oll(Dal) ,76k- 26 29% 29V. 29%+% 67% 64% Corn Prodnpta (81 7 63% 62% 63% + 1 4% 3 Coty, Inc (25g) .... 3 4% 4 4% 2% % Coty Internftl .20g_ 6 1% 1% 1% — A 38 16 Crane Co . 29 26% 25% 26% - % 110 93 Crane Co cv of (6).. 2 98 97% 97% - % 13 6% Crosley Corp .. 1 8% 8% 8% — % 41% 20% Crown Cork A Seal. 4 26% 26% 26% — % 16% 9 Crown Zeller (.60).. 3 15% 15% 15%-% 91 75 Crown Zeller pf (5) 100b 89 89 89 +1 52% 24% Crucible Steel .. 29 50% 49% 49% - % 96 62 Crucible Steel of_ 1 93% 93% 93% +1% 13 3 Cuban Am Sugar... 39 9% 9 9 — % 19% 9 Cudahy Packing_ 1 16 16 16 — % 7% 3% Curtis Publishing.. 10 6»i 6% 6% - % 7% 4% Curtiss-Wright .. 103 7% 7% 7% 28% 19% Curtiss Wr A (lg) .. 16 26% 26% 26%-% 25 13% Cutler Hammer 25g 2 23% 23 23% 7 3% Davega Stores .16g. 3 6% 5% S% + % 10% 4% Davison Chemical . 15 9% 9 9 — % 24% 15% Deere A Co 18 2>% 23% 23%-% 16% 11% Delsel-Wem-G .75g. I 15 16 15 -+ % 27% 12% Del A Hudson_ 18 26 25% 25%-% 8% 3% Del Lack A Wn .. 19 8% 7% 8 - % 32% 18 Devos* Rayn (A). 190s 24% 23% 23% + % 34% 28 Dlam'd Match 1.60 2 33 32% 32% 44% 36% DianTd Mtch pf 1.60 2 38 38 38 9% 6% Diamond T Motor . I 8% 8% 8% + % 20% 13% Distill-Seag 1.50g . 2 14% 14% 14% + % OUT* UU L/IAIO- T UM n M B.UVI 06 011 06 T 1 22% 10 Doehler Die Casting 1 18% 18% 18% — % 34 20% Dome Mines 42> . 9 22% 21% 21% - % 79% 55 Douglas Aircraft .. 27 77 76 76 -1% 142% 101% Dow Chemical (3).. 2 140 140 140 +1% 11% 6 Dresser Mfg _ 10 11% 11% 11% - % 188% 126% Du Pont (3.75g)_ 8 184 182% 183 -1% 142 127 Cfu Pont deb (6) ... 2 130 129% 130 + % 124% 112 Du Pont nf <4.60) . 3 117% 117% 117% - % 118% 111% Duauesne 1st Df<5) 60s 116% 116% 116% + % 20 12% Eastern Air Llnei.. 4 17% 17% 17% — % 8% 3% Eastn Roll Mills . 3 7% 7% 7% 186% 138% Eastman Kodak («) 5 154% 152% 152% -3 183% 160 Eastm Kodak pf(S) 10s 156% 156% 156% 28 15% Eaton Mfg (l.BOg).. 10 27% 26% 26% -1% 19% 15 Edison Bros Stall). I 16% 16% 16%+ % 3% I Eltlncton Schlld .. 25 2 1% 1% - % 39% 22% Elec Auto L (2g)... 29 39% 38% 38% -1 17 8% Elec Boat l.BOg) ... 37 15% 15% 15% 3% 1% Elec & Music (. 09e). 3 1% 1% l%-% 12% 6% Eleo Pwr A Light_ 4 9% 9% 9% - % 41% 20% Elec Pw A Lt pf_ 5 34 83 33%-% 35 23% Elec Stor Bat (2)_ 3 32% 32% 32% + % 3% % Elk Horn Coal _ 1 2% 2% 2% -r % 39 28 El Paso Nat G (2).. 2 38% 38% 38% 55 32% Kndicott-John (3).. 1 47% 47% 47%+ % 13% 7 Eng PubServlce 13 11% 11% 11% - Vi 89 65% Eng Pub Sve pf 6 50 1 81 81 81 +1 95 69 Eng Pub Svc pf (6). 1 90% 90% 90%-% 1% % Fault Office Bldg... 1 1% 1% 1% — % 3 1 Erie RR (r) ._ 13 3 2% 2% 6 1% Erie RR 1st pf <r)_. 6 5% 5% 5% - % 3% 1% Erie RR 2d pf (r) . 2 3% 3% 3% - % 5% 3% Eureka Vacuum Cl. 2 4% 4% 4% + Vi 13 6 Evans Products ... 9 11% 11% 11% — % 25% 14% Ex-Cell-O (.70c)... 5 24% 23% 24 + % 43% 24 Fairbanks-Mors# .. 2 38% 38 38 -1% 96 81 Fed Lt A Tr pf (6).. 10s 94 94 94 +4 6 2% Fed Motor Truck .. 2 4% 4% 4% + Vi 1% % Fed Water Svc (A). 1 1% 1% 1% 26% 18% Federat Dept S (1) 1 22% 22% 22% -1 89s, 82% Federat’d DS pf 4.2B 1 84% 84% 84% + % 37% 27% Fidelity Phne 1 6da 1 36% 36% 36% + % 25% 17% Firestone Tire (1)_ 6 24% 23% 23%-% 105% 99% Firestone pf 16) 1 102% 102% 102% -1 51 38% First Natl Strs 2.50 26 45% 45% 45% 31% 15 Fllntkote Co .. 6 18 17% 18 38 25 Florence Stove (2) .. 2 32 32 32 + % 5 1% Follansbee Bro ir). 1 4% 4% 4% + % 37% 21 Food Mach 1.125g 1 34% 34% 34%-% 108% 103% Food Mach pf(4 50) 30s 106% 106% 106% 29% 14 Foster Wheeler 5 23% 23% 23% - % 9% 1% Francisco Sugar 19 7 7 7 + % 36 18% Freeport Su'.Dh .75g 13 34% 34 34%-% 3% 1% Gabriel (A) 13 3 3 5% 2 Galr (Robert) _ 7 5 5 5 — % 17% 7% Galr (Robert) pf_ 4 16% 15% 15% — % 15% 9 Gamewell (.25g) .. 10s 14% 14% 14% - % 7% 3% Gar Wood Indust _ 5 6', 6% 6% — % 18% 9% Gaylord Cont .60g . 1 14 14 14 9 5% Gen Am Invest 3 7% 7% 7% — % 65 40 Gen Am Tran 1 125g 10 61% 60% 60% -1% 11 7% Gen Baking (,45g) .. 3 8 8 8 18 9 Gen Cable .. 5 13% 13% 13%-% 25% 18 Gen Cigar (1.50g)— 1 19 19 19 44% 31 Gen Electric 75c -- 60 41% 41 41%+% 47% 36% Gen Foods (2) .. 25 40% 40 40% + % 1% % Gen Gas A El (A).. 2 % % % + % 197 117 Can ItlllBnillt 90. 199 1911. 199 55*. 364 Gen Motors (2.25*) 152 6»4 644 544 -1 64 34 Gen Outdoor Adv _ 14 4 4 28 124 Gen Rwy Slenal . 5 24 234 234 — 4 14 4 Gen Realty A Util 6 1 4 4 — 4 41 194 Gen Refractor .25*. 8 404 38 384 — V. 154 124 Gan Shoe (1) 1 144 14 144 +4 434 16 Gen Steel Cast pf 300» 414 40'.. 414 — 4 154 84 Gen Thea Kq (.63*1. 3 9 84 9 274 154 Gen TlreARub .60* 6 234 23 234 -4 84 54 Gillette Saf R < SO) 7 64 64 64 - 4 54 44 Gillette S R pf (6) 1 45 444 444 -4 134 64 Glmhel Broa 10 94 94 94 664 43 Glmbel Bros pf IS) 5 51 50>, 504 244 14 Glldden Co - 4 194 184 184 - 4 34 24 Gobel (Adolf) 1 34 34 34 24 14 Goebel Brew (.20a) 15 24 2'. 24 24*. 134 Got.rtnch iB F) 16 234 224 23 384 214 Goodyear <.75b)._ 24 294 29 29 -4 1094 90 Goodyear pf <6) 9 1024 1004 1004 -24 80 69 4 Gotham S H Pf (7). 10s 70 70 70 -1 14 4 Graham-Pa!*# 16 1 1 1 104 44 Granby Const 15*) 1 84 84 84 — 4 224 10 Granite City Steel 3 214 214 214 -4 35 244 Grant (WT) (1.40). 7 314 314 314 + 4 334 164 Great North n pf 33 314 304 314 -4 224 124 Great No O cfs 76* 4 20 19', 194-4 374 234 Great Wn Sup (2).. 11 324 314 314 - 4 1414 1294 Great Wn S pf (7).. 30s 1304 1304 1304 + 4 354 244 Green (HL) 2.30*.. 4 294 294 294 + 4 214 144 Greyhound ( SO) 19 17 16*. 164 - 4 124 10 Greyhound Df (.65) 1 114 114 114 6 4 Guantanamo Sugar 3 4 34 34 154 8 Hall < W F) Prt* 24 164 154* 154 -4 103 96 Hanna (M )pf (5)_ 10s 102'-. 1024 1024 - 4 334 17 Harb-Walk 45* .. 9 314 31 314 -1 144 123 Harb-Walk Df (6).. 30s 126 126 126 46 94 44 Hat Com (A) 20* . 3:1 10 94 94 + 4 91 71 Hat Corp pf (6.60). 30s 91 91 91 44 2 Haves Bod* . 19 34 34 34 - 4 134 84 Hecker Prod (.(0a) 6 114 114 114-4 17 10 Hercules Motor 2 154 154 154 — 4 1014 63 Hercules P (1.20*). 8 91 90 904 +4 1354 1284 Hercules P Df i*).. 10s 132 132 132 +4 51 294 Holland Furn (2) . 7 32 314 32 + 4 214 8*, Holly Sugar 3 16 16 16-4 664 474 Homestake (4 50) 13 52 514 514 + 4 174 84 Houd-Hersh(B) 25* 9 154 144 144 - 4 1104 102 Household F pf (5) 1 102 102 102 -4 94 44 Houston Oil . 8 8 74 8 — V. 57 40 Howe Sound (3a) _. 1 524 524 524 -4 354 214 Hudson Bay (.75*). 7 234 23 4 234 - Vi 84 44 Hudson Motor 9 64 64 64 — 4 24 4 Hupp Motor _ 28 14 14 14 204 9 Illinois Central _ 16 154 154 154 — 4 35 164 Illinois Central Df.. 4 314 304 304 - 4 294 164 Indust Rayon .25* . 6 28 274 274 131 86 In*eraoll R'd * 50*. 1 123 123 123 -2 984 67 Inland Steal 1.60*.. 12 964 95 95 -2 21 94 Inspiration Copper 18 174 164 174 — 4 54 44 Insuransharea ,10g 15 5 6 94 24 Interboro RT (r) . 1 4 4 4 — Vi 374 174 Interchem (.40*)... 2 36 36 36 +4 108 90 Interchem pf (6) .. 10s 104 104 104 —1 54 24 Intercontl Rubber.. 2 5 5 5 164 74 Interlake Iron . 27 154 154 154 — 4 31 16 Inti Agrleul pr pf . 2 304 30 30 +4 714 454 Inti Harvester 1.60 11 684 674 68 -14 1664 142 Inti Harvest pf (7). 2 162 151 152 +2 84 34 Inti Hydro-El (A).. 2 54 54 64 - 4 174 24 Inti Mercantile Ma. 13 104 94 104 - 4 10 54 Inti Minin* (.30*).. I 64 64 64 554 364 Inti Nickel (2) .. 35 384 374 38 -4 144 64 Inti Pa pet A Power 24 134 134 134 - 4 514 254 Inti Paper A Pw of 19 49 474 48 -14 604 394 In Ry CA pf(4.60k) 30s 46 46 46 404 314 Inti Shoe (1.60) __ 1 384 384 384 -1 314 19 Inti Silver _ 1 294 294 294 + 4 94 34 Inti Tel A Tele* ... 41 6V» 54 54 a1* 4 jnu i or * tore* .... 4 ovt o'** O'** — t» 14% 7% Interstate Dept St 3 12% 12% 12% - % 125 119% Island CrkCpf (6). 30* 120 120 120 +% 14% 13 Jarvis (WB) .75* 5 14% 14 14 105 59 Johns-Manville .75* 3 76% 76% 76% + V, 83 35 Jones & Laueb of_. 3 79 78% 79 -1 11% 5% Kansas City Sou_ 69 10% 10% 10% 24 11 KansCitySopf 2 22% 22% 22% 15% 8% Kaufman D S(.50g) 2 15% 15% 15% 99% 90 Kaufm Dep S pf (5) 1 92 92 92 +2 14% 7% Kelsev-Hayes (A* 6 12% 12 12% + % 10% 5 Kelsev Haves (R) 4 8 7% 7% — % 46% 28 Kennecott Cop .75*. 38 41% 40% 41% — % 16% 8% Keystone Stl 60s 1 15% 15% 15%-% 4 1% Kinney IQRI 1 2% 2% 2% 26 12% Kinney $6 pf (.50*) 140s 23 22% 22% - % 26% 20 LresaetS 81 < 1.20) 3 25% 25 25% 29% 20V* Krocer Oroo l.SOa.. 6 25% 25 25% 13% 7 Laclede oas .. 40a 10% 10% 10%-% 18% 14 Lambert (1.50) .. 1 15% 15 15 -% 35% 25 Lee Rub* T 1.25*.. 2 33% 33 33%-% 25 17 Leh Port Cmt 1.25*. 7 22% 22 22% - % 118 113 Leh Port C pf (4).. 10s 115 115 115 l+% 3% % Leh Valley Coal 22 2% 2% 2% 8% 1% Leh Valley Coal pf. 1 6% 6% 6% - % 6% 2% Leh Valley RR (r).. 4 5% 5% 5% - % 27% 20 Lehman Corp (.80). 10 25 24% 24%-% 12% 9% LehnftFink (.75*). 2 12% 12% 12%+% 32% 23 Lerner Stores (2) . 1 28% 28% 28% 56% 36% Llbbey-Ow-F 1.60*. 6 49% 48 48%-% 10 4% Libby McN * Lib .. 1 8% 8 8 - % 108% 95 L!*g& Myers <4a)_ 1 95% 95% 95% 109% 95% Li*** MvfB)C4a) 3 96 95% 96 + % 180 152 Li** ft Myers pf(7) 1 156 156 156 +3% 40% 20% Lima Locomotive..- 7 39% 38% 39 47 31% Link Belt (1)_ 2 45% 45 45%+% 20% 10 Lion Oil Ref (1)._ 1 17 17 17 - % 19 18% Liquid Carbide .SOa. 1 15% 15% 15% - % 2:30 p.m. Prey. 1030 Stock and Sale*— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chge. .64% 30% Loew's, Inc- 69 32% 31 32% +1% 21% 6 Loft tno _ 26 18% 18 18 - % 62 38% Lon* SurC (I)_ 4 44% 44 44 - % 6% 2 Long-Bell (A) _ 1 4% 4% 4% - V* 22% 16% Loose-Wiles (.75*). 1 17% 17% 17% + % 24% 19% Lorlllard (1.20)_ 2 21 20% 20%-% 159% 138 Lorlllard pf (7) .. 10s 140 140 140 -2 20% 15% Louts t)*E( A >1.60 3 18% 18% 18% 67 36% Louis A Nash 2.25*. 3 61 61 61 -1 30% 18 Mack Trucks 6 29% 28% 29%+ % 43% 25% MacytRHICo 1.50* 19 34 33% 33% 19% 11% Madls Sq Gar 1.10* 3 12% 12% 12%+ % 40 25% Magma Copper .76* l 36 35 35 - % 6% 1 Manati Sugar .. 16 4% 4% 4% 7% 5 Mandell Bros .46*.. 1 7% 7% 7% - Vi 13% 10 Manhat Shirt (.*0). 1 14 13 14 +1% 14% 5 Man fty mod gtd(r) 6 12% 12% 12% - % 2% 1 Maracaibo 011 6 1% 1% 1% 5% 4% Marine Mldl’d .22*. 23 6% 5% 5% 8% 3% Market St Ry pr pf. 90s 6 5% 6 16% 9% Marshall Field. 15 16 15% 16 - % 39% 26% Martin (Glenn)_ 35 38% 37% 37% - % 6% 2 Martin Parry . 1 4% 4% 4% - % 67% 30 Masonite Corp (1).. 3 34% 34 34 37% 20% Math Alklll (1.60).. 6 33% 32% 32% -1% 62% 40% May Dept Strs (2).. 3 49% 48% 49%-% 6% 3% Maytag Co _ 14 4 4 16% 10% McCall Corp (1)_ 2 14 13% 14 + % 99% 88 McLellan pf (6)_ 50s 96 96 96 14% 9% MeCrorv Strs _ 3 14% 14 14 — % 24 15% McGraw Elec (1)... 10 20 20 20 59% 39 McIntyre Pore (2)-. 6 40 39% 40 + % 18% 8% McKeesport Tin .. 5 16 15% 15% — % 10 6% McLellan Strs .60*. 7 8% 8% 8% 4 % 14% 6 Mead Corp ... 2 13 13 13 — % 62% 46 Melville Shoe (2)... 1 54% 54% 54V, 28% 14 Mengel Co 6% pf 30s 23% 23% 23% — % 39% 25 Mesta Mach 1.50*.. 2 37% 37% 37% + % 16% 6% Miami Copper 16 13% 13 13 — % 18 11% Mid Cont Pet ( 25*) 11 16% 16 16%-% 35 18% Mid Steel (1.50g) . 12 34 33% 33%+ % 118 101 Mid St) 1st pt 18) . 10s 118 118 118 +1% 85% 44 4 Minn-Hnn Rna iV.\ 9 ka ko*/. _1i. 6% 2% Minn Moline Imp 4 5% 5% 6% — % 54 36 Minneap-Mollne of 1 49 49 49 14% 8% Mission Corn (.25*) 3 12% 12% 12% + % 2% 1 Mo-Kan A Texas 5 2% 2% 2% 9% 2% Mo-Kan A Texas pf 9 7 *% 7 — % 2% % Mo Pacific pf ir) 12 2 2 17% 10% Mohawk Carpet 25* 17 17% 16% 17% +1% 114% 85% Monsanto 12 > 3 107% 106% 106% -1% 121 110 Monsanto C pf 4.60 30s 113 113 113 -1 65% 40% Montgom W'd 1.26* 23 54 53% 53% - % 37% 22% Morris A Es (3 876) 60s 34% 34% 34% — 14 19 9% Motor Products 3 16% 16% 16% — % 16% 10 Motor Wheel (1 60) 5 16% 16% 16%+ % 30 16% Mueller Bras.40*.„ 1 25 25 25 — % 7% 3% Mulllna Mf* (B)_ 6 6% 5% 5% — % 44% 30 Mullins Mfe pf_110s 38 37% 38 -1% 14% 9 Munslncwear_ 5 14% 13% 14% + % 9% 4 Murray Corp_ 9 7% 6% 6% - % 9% 5% Nash Kelvtnator... 91 71,4 7% 7% — % 26% 14 Nash Chat A St L.. 60s 25 25 25 -1 18% 7% Natl Acme .. 9 17% 17 17% _ -4 14% 7% Natl Aviation 60*.. 2 12% 12 12% — % 28% 21% Natl Biscuit 1*0* . 18 22% 22% 22% 15% 10% Natl Bond & In 60* 1 12% 12% 12% 26V* 14% Nall Cash Re* ill 7 16% 16% 16% + % 16 8% Natl Cyl Gas (.35*) 74 14% 14 14% - % 18% 12% Nat Dairy (.60*) . 10 16 15% 15% + % 117% 110 Natl Dairy pf A(7) 10s 110% 110% 110% - % 8% 4%' Natl Dept Stores 2 7% 7% 7% + % 6% 4% Natl Dept Stores pf 1 5% 5% 6% — % 28% 20% Natl Distillers <*). 15 23% 23% 23% — % 16% 8% Natl Gypsum _ 10 10% 10 10 - % 27% 17% Natl Dead (.60) .. 7 23% 23 23 - % 35% 14% Natl Malleable Stl_. 7 33% 33 33 -1% 10 6% Natl Pwr A D ( SO). 5 8% 8% 8% - % 82 52 Natl Steel (1.20*) _ 3 79 78 78 -1 15% 5% Nall Supply . 4 ]2% 12 12 — % 20 10 Nall Supply *2 nf 1 16 16 16 — % 59% 33% Natl Sup 6% 6875k 2 45 44% 41% -1% 4% 2% .Natl Tea Co 1 4 4 4 +% 42 32 Newberry <JJ) (2). 1 38 38 38 17% 8% Newport Ipdus 16 16% 15% 151% — % 62 27 N Y Air Brake .60* 1 57 57 57 -1% 23% 11% N Y Central 169 22% 21 21% - % : 5% 10% N Y Chi A St D 9 21 23% 23% - % 45% 18% N Y Chi A St L Df 13 42 40% 41% -1% 43% 30 N Y C Omnibus (3a) 3 31% 31% 31% - % 10% 1% N Y Dock 140s 7% 7% 7% + % 15% 4% N Y Dock of 110s 11 10% 11 + % 1% % N Y N H A H (r) 6 1% 1% 1% — % j 5% 2 N Y N H A H pf (rl 12 4% 4% 4% - % 1% % N Y Ont A Wn (r).. 2 1% 1% 1% 17 8% N Y Shipbuildtfie 5 15% 15 15% + % 216 168 Norfolk A Wn (1(1) 1211 211 211 -4 21% 12% North Am Avia.40* 49 21% 21 21 - % 26% 18% North Am Cot.90*) 2! 22% 22% 22% — V* 59 50% No Am 6%%pf 3.876 1 54% 54% 54% 14% 7 Northern Pacific 22 11% 11% 11% - % 5% 2% Norwalk Tire .... 10 5% 5 5% + % 10% 6 Ohio Oil < Z0e) 13 8% 8% 8% 30 14% Oliver Farm Eaulp 1 23% 23% 23% — % 20% 12 Omnibus Corp 1.20a 3 13% 13% 13%+ % 113% 100% Omnibus pf 18) 10s 102% 102% 102% — V* 1 8% 4% Uppenhelm Coll 1 6% 6% 6% 27% 15% Otis Elevator!.65*) 11 17% 17% 17V* — % 148% 130 Otis Elev pf (6) 20s 130 128 128 -2 16 7%. Otis Steel .'8 15 14% 14%-% 70 50 Owens-111 G1 1.50* 5 64% 64 64 + % 7% 3 Pac Am Fisheries 1 6% 6% 6% — % 15% 3% Pac Coast 2d pf 20s 13 13 13 -]% 1 34% 27% Pac Gas A Elec (2) 14 30% 30 ."0% - % 50% 41 Pac Dlahtln* <3) 9 45% 45% 45% - % 21% 9% Pac Mills 2 £0 19% i9% - % awe. * av i Cl Vi. i ci la.1 l.l I *. 1 T »• 4% 3 Packard Motor 38 44 34 44+4 16% 9% Pan-Am Airways... 7 164 15% 15s*- % I 2 % Panhandle 8 14 1% 1% - 4 144 64 Paramount (16k) 32 74 7 7% + 4 13% 7% Param't 2d of I 60) 3 84 84 84 + 4 4 14 Park Utah Mines 8 3 24 24 47 36 Parke Davisd.60g). 2 444 444 444 1 21 114 Parker Rust d) .. 3 204 20 20 2% 14 Parmelee Trans ... 2 2 1% 2 134 5% Patne Film ... 30 114 104 10% 11% 74 Patino Mines . 9 104 104 104 + % 94% 74 Penney <JC) 2.25g_. 4 864 86 8n -14 4% % Penn Coal * Coke . 6 44 34 44 + % ! 5% 24 Penn-Diile Cem 2 44 44 44 27% 15 Penn Railroad! 60e) 56 26% 25% 26 —1 40% 304 Peoples G & C 2.50g 4 39% 38% 39% +14 19% 7% Pere Marquette 1 174 174 174+4 40 134 Pere Marquette pf 270s 374 354 36 -14 45 21 Pere Mare pr pf 130s 41 41 41 104 6% Petrol'm Corp 30g 1 9% 9% 9% + 4 84 5% Pfeiffer Brew 60g 2 64 6% 64 + 4 474 284 Phelps Dodge ,76g 27 444 434 44 48% 36 Phila Co $6 pf (3) . 4 41% 414 414- 4 I 2% 14 Phila Rap Tr (r) 40s 24 24 24 5 3 Phila Rap Tr pf (r) 20s 4% 4% 4% + 4 14 4 Phila A RC& 1 tr). 12 1 4 4-4 1034 74 Philip Morris (3a) 1 82% 82'. 82% - % 464 314 Phillips Petrol (3) 16 46 45% 45%-% 9 6 Pierce Oil of _ 1 84 84 84 — 4 12 24 Pitts Coal _ 3 8% 8% 8% + V. 324 12 Pitts Coal pf ... 1 27 27 27 -3 144 4 Pitts Coke ft Iron.. 2 12 114 114+ % 95 50 Pitts C& Ir pf (6) 60s 82 82 82 11% 44 Pitts Screw _ 4 10% 94 94 — Vs 164 74 Pitts Steel ... 1 15 15 15 -1 404 18 Pitts Steel pr of... 110s 36 344 36 -2 204 6 Pitts* W Va _ 150s 19 184 19 - 4 24 4 Plttston Co . ... 2 14 1% 14+ % 24 174 Plymouth 011 1.40a 2 224 22% 224 + 4 17 64 Pond Creek C.25g _ 1 154 154 154 +4 164 74 Poor & Co tB) 15 164 154 154 — ®* 24 4 Port R Am To A(r) 2 1% 1% 1% + % 164 6 Pressed Steel Car. 41 16 14% 154- 4 644 50% Proctor ft Gam (2a) 3 614 614 614 - % 119% 112 Proc ft Gam pf (R) 40s 1154 1154 1154 - 4 41% 314 PubSvc (NJ) 1.85g 10 384 384 384 - Vi 114% 1014 Pub Svc(N J)pf(5) 2 103% 103% 103% +1 166 147 PubSvc(N J)pf(8F 10s 152 152 152 +1 41% 224 Pullman Co (.75g) 28 39% 38% 39 -1 11% 6% Pure 011 8 10% 10 10 - 4 184 10% Purity Baking 65g 2 13% 13% 13% - 4 84 5 Radio Corp 44 64 6 6 - V* 67% 634 Radio cv of (3.60) 3 67 56% 57 2% 14 Radio-Ketth-Or (r) 5 1% 14 14-4 114 4% Rallr'd Sec I'i Rtk 70s 7% 7% 7% - Vi 234 164 Ray best-Man (.7 5g) 1 224 224 224 + 4 17% 6% Ravonler Inc 3 17 16% 16% - % 22% 104 Reading Co (1) .... 9 224 21 21% - 4 27 16 Reading 2d pf (2).. 1 24 24 24 -2 54 3 Real Silk Hose ... 1 54 54 54 - % 174 9% Rem Rand (.80g) . 6 11% 114 114-% 754 55 Rem R pf wwl4.R0) 1 58 58 58 -3 24 % Reo Motor (r * 16 2 1% 2 284 12% Republic Steel 121 274 26% 26% - % 85% 42 Republic Stl pf (A) 1 79*. 79% 79% -2% 204 9% Revere Coppar 4 17 16V* 16% - V* 14®* 74 Reynolds Metals... 6 104 10 10-4 11% 54 Reynolds Spring 3 9 84 84 - 4 45 35 Reyn Tob (B) l.ROg 10 364 36 364 104 6% Richfield 011 13 8% 84 84 - 4 94 64 Ritter Dental ... 1 6% 6% 6% - 4 34 15% Ruberold Co (.«0).. 1 194 194 194 -4 * 1 2:30 D.m. Prev. 1939 Stock end Sale*— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. Close, chae. 48% 27% Safeway Strs 1.75* 4 42% 42% 42% - % 109 82% Safeway pf (6) ... 20a 104 103% 104 + Vi 116% 104% Safeway S pf (7) .. 30» 112% 112 112%+ % 49% 27% 8t Joseph Lead .76* 2 45% 44% 44V* -1% Vi Vi St L-San Fran (r).. 2 % % Vi + Vi 2 % St L-San Fr pf (r) 2 1% 1% 1% 23 10% Savage Arms (.26*) 2 21% 21% 21% + Vi 17% 10 Schenley Distillers. 2 13% 13 13% 76% 61 Schenley pf (5.60>.. 1 66 66 66 +1 1 % Schulte Retail Sir). 9 % % % 10% 3% Schults R S pf (r).. 3 7% 7% 7% - % 62% 44'% Scott Paper (1.60).. 1 46% 46% 46% — % 1 V* Seaboard A L (r) . 4 1 % % - % 3% 1 Seaboard A X. pf (r) 4 2% 2% 2% + % 24% 15% Seaboard 011 (1)... 1 22 22 22 + Vi 3V4 1% Seagrave Corp_ 1 2% 2% 2% + % 80% 60% Sears Roebuck (J). 11 77% 77 77 - % 18% 11% Servel Inc (la)_ 21 14% 14% 14% + % 21% 10% Sharon Steel _ 6 19-% 19 19 - % 7% 3% Sharp A Donme_ 3 6% 6% 6% 11% 6% Shattuck (FOX.40) 6 7% 7% 7% - % 17% 9% Shell Un 011 (.26*1. 7 14% 14% 14%-% 107 98% Shell Un O pf<5.50). 3 100 99 100 +1 32% 17% Slmmona Co (.60*). 6 24 23% 23% — Vi 127 70 SJoss-Sheffield (lg) 40s 113% 113% 113% 21 11% Smith (A O) .. 1 19% 19% 19% - % 15% 10% Socony-Vac'm .60*. 43 14 13% 14 + % 3Vi 1% So Am Gold (.10g). 7 2% 2% 2% — % 35% 14 S Porto R Sug 1.25* 10 30% 29% 29% - % 29V. 23% Southn Cal Ed 1.60s 6 25% 25% 25% - % 21% 10% Southern Paclflo... 105 17% 17% 17% - % 23V* 11% Southern Railway.. 45 20% 19% *0% — V* 34 15% Southern Rwy pf... 34 32% 31% 32 -1 51% 36 Sperry Corp (lg)._. 18 48% 47% 47% -1 31% 11 Spicer Mfg (2g) ... 6 31% 31% 31',+ Vi 16% 8% Spiegel. Inc (.1".*).. 24 12% 12 12 - % 75% 60 Spiegel Inc pf 4 60.. 10s 63% 63% 63% +1 30% 18% Square D Co (,75g). 4 28% 27% 27% - Vi 7Vi 5% Stand Brands .475*. 32 6% 6% 6% + % 108 94% Stand Br'ds pf 4.60. 2 95V* 95 95 4% 2% Stand Gaa A Elec 3 3% 3% 3% 10% 4% Stand Gas A Elec pf 1 8 8 8 20% 10 Stand GAE 66 pr pf. 1 19 19 19 +1 24% 13% Stand GAE *7 pr pf. 6 23 22 22% - % 33% 24% Stand Oil Cal (la).. 8 30 29% 29 , - Vi 30 22% Stand Oil Ind (1)... 16 28% 28 28% 63% 38 Stand Oil N J (la).. 30 48% 48% 48% - V, 36 20% Starrett L S .75g __ 3 33% 33 33 oioiunn rroau.BUJ a 7 4 73V* 73V*— V* 124 6'i Stewart-Warner_ 3 104 104 10*, - 4 7a* 34 Stokely Brother*... 1 64 6** 6** — 4 174 84 Stone A Webster_ 28 124 124 124 — 4 94 64 Studebaker. 37 84 84 ga, - 4 66 454 Sun 011(1) .. _ 5 564 56 56 -14 _ll»i 74 Sunshine Min 1.20*. 6 94 94 94- 4 384 194 Superheater (.50).. 5 32*, 31a* 324— 4 34 I** Superior Oil _ 7 34 3 3 224 10 Superior Steel _ 4 20 194 194 - a, 254 17 Swift & Co (1.20)_ 5 224 224 224 +4 374 24*« Swift Inti (2)_ 8 324 32 32 124 44 Symington ww_ 17 12 n 114 — *„ 94 34 Symington xw _ 9 94 g*t gr, _ i, 64 34 Telautograph .26*.. 14 4 4+4 94 4 Tenn Corp .1. 5 74 74 74 504 324 Texas Corp (2) ... 31 474 47 47 -4 5*4 3'/* Tex Gulf Prod .10* 1 44 4** 44 384 26 Tex Gulf Sul (2) __ 82 364 354 354-1 114 7 Tex Pac CAO (.40). 5 104 94 104 +4 9 64 Texaa Pac Ld Tr... 3 74 74 74 4'* 24 Thermold _ 7 44 44 44+4 274 14 Thermold pf 1.76k.. 130s 254 25 4 254 - 4 34 14 Third Avenue _ 1 2'* 24 24 37, 24 Thompson (JR).. 2 3 3 3 297, 17 Thomp Prod 75g 1 2774 27 4 274 — a. 144 94 Tide-Water AO .06* 6 124 124 124- 4 96 83 Tide WAO pf(4.50i 2 914 91 91 — 4 184 104 Timken Det Ax ,25g 11 184 184 184 - 4 544 34V* Tlmkei; Roll B (1*) 7 50*1 50'* 504 -1 84 5 Transamerica (.60) 5 64 64 64 124 64 Transcond & W Air 7 94 94 94 - 4 104 5'4 Transue & Wlllraa.. 2 104 104 10Vi — 4 44 2 TrI-Conllnental .. 10 34 34 34-4 7a* 3 Truax-Traer Coal.. 1 64 64 64 264 12 20th Century Fox .. 10 134 134 134 + 4 344 194 20th Cent-F pf 1.60 3 224 224 224 - 4 354 174 Twin Cltv R T Df 10s 30 30 30 127, 74 Twin Coach 1 10 10 10 44 14 Ulen&Co 34 2 1*» 2 + 4 66 34', Underw-EU-F 1.50g 1 414 414 41 Vi - 4 12** 6 Union Rat: & Paper 14 12*« 114 124 — 4 94'* 654 Union Carh (1.90g> 16 91 904 91 - 4 118 10K*. Union El(Mo)pf(5) 10s 1!0», 110*, 110a. + 4 105 814 Union Pacific 16) 3 1044 104 104 —1 244 204 Un Tank Car (1 20) 4 23*, 234 234 - 4 46 31 Unit Aircraft!.75g) 32 437* 424 43 -1 13Vi 77s Unit Air Lines 68 10** 10'* 104 — 4 18** 144 Unit Biscuit (.76*). 1 154 154 154 + 4 65*« 52 United Carbon 131 2 614 614 61*, — 4 20 134 Unlt-Carr F (,60g). 2 17a* 174 171,+) 3a* 2 Unit Coro . 19 3 24 24 — 4 394 304 Unit Corp pf 2.«0k_. 9 35*, 354 354 -4 74 44 Unit Drug .. 2 6 64 6 + 4 8V* 44 Unit Dyewood _ 3 6** 6»* 6*« + V* 84 3V* Unit Electric Coal 5 74 64 6*4 — V* 354 25*. Unit EngAFy 1.50* 1 344 344 344 + 4 95 624 United bruit (4) 14 86a* 851, gsa, _ 144 11 Unit Gas Imp (1) . 21 137, 134 137, 14 64 Unit Mer A Mfg ... 5 13 124 124 — 4 74 34 Unit Paperboard .. 6 7 64 64 — 4 11 54 U S A For'n Secur.. 1 94 94 9* — 4 14 54 U S Freight ... 8 12', 1U» 114- 4 a*-. c ujpaum i *.«.; ... O (6 — l ^ *94 13V, U S Indus Alconol.. 7 25', 25 25 —4 104 3V, U S Leather __ 2 9 84 9+4 15V* 54 U S Leather (A) . 5 134 134 134- Vi 49 324 U S Pipe & Fdy (?) 2 35V* 35V* 35V* 64 IV* U S Realty A Imlt) 11 2 2 2 524 314 u S Rubber 41 44 43 43 — a, 1124 864 U S Rubber let pl'(* 1 105 105 105 - Vi 684 48 USSm & Ref (4) 1 644 644 644 70 60 U S S A R of (3.50) 1 64 64 64 -14 824 414 US Steel 226 77 754 764 -24 1204 984 U S Steel rf (7) ... 5 119 118 119 374 30 U S Tobacco .96k 7 32 32 32 + Vi 464 434 U S Tobacco pf 1.76 20s 40 394 394 -5vi 4 14 Unit Stockyards 1 24 24 24 84 64 Unit Stkyds Df(.70) 1 74 74 74 + 4 24 14 United Stores (A).. 1 24 24 24 +4 85 604 Unlv Leaf Tob (4a) 1 65 65 65 163 146v, Unlv Leaf T pf (8). 10s 146 146 146 1 4 Vadsco Bares _ 6 4 4 4 40 16 Vanadium Corp 46 384 364 364 -1 37 25 Van Raalte (1.50g). 5 344 334 344 -4 284 18V* Victor Chem (.7ob) 1 254 254 254 - 4 54 2V, Va Caro Chemical . 3 64 54 54 334 17 VaOaroCbemDf . 2 31 304 304 -14 118 112', Va El Pwr pf (S).. 10s 1144 1144 1144 + 4 54 4 Va iron Coal AC 120s 44 4 4 15 44 Va Iron Coal A C pf 10s 12 12 12 — 4 95 64', Vulcan Detln 2.50k 20s 91 904 91 +2 74 54 Waldorf Syst .30k . 6 64 64 64 504 304 Walker (H)(4) ._ 4 324 324 324 - V* 204 154 Walker (H)pf(l).. 1 144 14', 14', - 4 9'* 4 Walworth Co - 9 64 64 04- iA 144 74 Ward Bak (A) - 1 104 104 104 -4 64 34 Warner Bros Piet 22 44 4 4 24-4 144 Waukesha Mot (1) 3 214 214 214 324 20 Wayne Pump l.aOg 2 234 234 234 - 4 28V, 16 Wesson OR & Snow 2 26 254 25S — V* 105 88 West Penn E pf<6) 50s 96'i 964 964 - 4 112 95 West Penn El pfi7i JOs 106', 106', 1064 + 4 1124 1054 W Penn Pw pf 4.50. 2 1074 1064 1074 + 4 64 24 Westn Maryland 19 6s, 6 6-4 2 4 Western Pacific pf. 2 14 14 14 37 164 Westn Union Tel 21 35 334 337,-4 37V* 184 Westhse A B .60k.. 34 314 334 334 -U, 121 824 Wssthse Elec 1.76* 22 1194 118'* 119V* - 4 30 15V* Wastvaco (la)_ 6 28 274 28 34 154 Wheeling Steel 18 344 33 3314 12'* 9V» White Dental (.60). 1 94 94 9',- u 134 7 White Motor 4 124 12V* 124- 4 44 14 White Sewing Mch 1 34 34 34+ y* 34 1 Willys-Overland .. 5 24 24 24 — 4 64 24 Wlllys Overl'd Df 4 4V* 4V* 44+4 74 24 Wilson A Co - 26 64 6 6v» 314 15 Woodward Iron ... 4 304 304 304 -1 504 36 Woolworth (2.40) 28 39 384 384 + 4 234 104 Worthington Pump 7 21'* 204 20'* - ', *6 47 Worth Pump pf(B) 20s 59 59 59 +11 38v, 234 Worth P pr pf 1 37 37 37 33V* 184 Yale A Towne(.60) 17 24 2SV4 24 -1 214 114 Yellow Truck 50 194 184 194 _ 9* , *•» ™ 7% pf 6.25k !0S 1134 ilk ilk - 4 21V* 9V, Young Spg A Wire 5 154 15 15 _ », 564 30 Ygstwn Sheet A T 50 534 524 524 -D* 34 17 Ygstwn Stl Dr .50b 17 33 4 33 334 -4 224 12 Zenith Radio (lg) 7 174 174 174+4 34 2 Zonite Products 2 31* 3V* 3y* _ y, Approximote Soles of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange 270.000 12:00 Noon_ 460,000 1:00 P.M. 660.000 2:00 P.M _ 630 000 sOnlt ot trading 10 shares juspssurj-st BBSS' — Confectionary Sales Climb 10.5 Per Cent By the Associated Press. Manufacturers’ sales of confec tionary and competitive chocolate products during August were 10.5 per cent above August, 1938, ac cording to reports from 223 identical firms compiled by the Census Bureau. Federal Land Banks NEW YORK. Oct. 2 UP).—Federal Land Bank bonds: Rate. Maturity Bid. Asked. 4s July 1046-44_107',4 107*4 3'is May 1055-45_102V, 102», 3s July 1055-45_100*. 101>4 3s Jan. 1056-46_100*4 101t« 3s May 1956-46_lOO** 101‘/4 Don’t gamble your life to win a minute. New York Sugar NEW YORK. Oct. 2 M>1.—Domestic sugar futures eased today as offerings found trade demand small. Late after noon prices were 1 higher to 2 lower, with January off 2 at 2.2ft. Lower re fined prices and a slow raw market con tributed to the decline. The world market encountered some outside selling and speculative liquida tion and declined 4'i to ts points, with July off fi at 2.02 cents. Trade inter ests were small buyers. The law market was quiet, with offer ings at 3.70 cents for duty frees and no sales reported. Refined sugar in Eastern territory was reduced 2ft points today to a basis of 5.50 ce’xts by leading refiners. National Sugar Co. re-entered the market at the new basis and other refiners lollowed the reduction. Odd-Lot Dealings By the Associated Press. The Securities Commission reported to day these transactions by customers with odd-lot dealers or specialists on the New York Stock Exchange for September 30: 3.877 purchases Involving 111.658 shares: 4.478 sales involving 118.372 shares. In cluding 135 short sales Involving 3.600 shares. *. % Metal Market NEW YORK. Oct. 2 UP).—Copper steady Tin1 SBOt; 12a00: ewort unquoted', ilra 1 ??ynnSDOt. ‘I*1 n*,rbE 80.00; for mat?’ 47 00 Lead steady; spot. New York. 5.50-05: Best St. Louis. 5.35. Zinc «tRn^y' 5i*s* i®' Louis, spot and forward, 6.50. Pjg iron. No 2. fob Eastprn hfm1SyliV2".‘j’ 2t',0n:, Buffalo. 23.00; Ala bama. 19.38. Aluminum, virgin. 99 per faVrn 20« (! w „Antl“°ny- Chinese spot. 14.00. Quicksilver. lBO.OOn. Platinum. purt. 42 00. Chinese wolframite, duty ”* 00 22 00‘24 °°- Domestic scheelite, Freight Loadings NEW YORK. Oct. 2 OPi—Revenue freight carloadlngs on railroads reporting today for the week ended September 30 In eluded: _ „ . Sept. 30. Pv. wk. Yr. ago. Balto & Ohio 55.987 54.901 43.937 St Paul 34.007 32.225 29,448 Failures Total Rises NEW YORK. Cct. 2 (4b.—Business fail ures in the United States rose to 196 dur ing the week ended September 28 from 162 in the preceding week. Dun 4 Brad ■tfeet reported today. A year ago the total waa 203. Stock Leaders Ease Fractions to $3 in * Dull Session Prices Finish Above Day's Lows; Traders Take Profits u Stock Averages 30 15 15 50 Indust. Raili. Util. 8Us. Net change —.7 —.7 —3 —.5 Today, noon 74.9 22.9 38.7 52.7 Prev. day... 75.6 23.6 39.0 53.2 Month ago. 67.1 17.1 36.3 46.7 Year ago... 73.3 19.4 33.1 49.5 1939 high.. 77.0 23.8 40.6 53.5 1939 low... 58.8 15.7 33.7 41.6 1938 high.. 79.5 23.5 37.8 54.7 1938 low... 49.2 12.1 24.9 33.7 1932 low... 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high.. 146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low... 51.6 95.3 61.8 61.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press > ■■ Bv VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK. Oct. 2.—Stock mar ket prices backtracked today in the laziest full day's session in mortf than a month. Leaders dropped fractions to around 3 points at their worst but finished above their lows. After a fairly brisk start, at which the trend was lower, volume dwindled. Transfers approximated 800.000 shares. Profit - taking was apparent throughout the "war infant" clas sification which benefitted by Sat urday's abrupt rise. Utilities and a few’ specialties were fairly resistant * to the trend, but few’ got their heads above water. There was little in domestic news to force a retreat, brokers said, and the foreign picture remained about a* it had been Saturday. The fea ture seemed to be that Britain and France would not accept a peace insisted upon by Hitler until, in the words of Winston Churchill, first lord of the British admiralty, "we are convinced that he (Hitler; has had enough.” j The advance in the steel operating rate to 87.5 per cent of capacity from ’ 83.8 was about in line with expecta tions. The magazine Steel said, "The unprecedented wave of steel buying ! of the past four weeks has passed its i crest." but added that pressure for deliveries leaves mills the problem of providing additional producing fa ! cilities necessary to relieve heavy backlogs. In the meantime the American Iron and Steel Institute reported * • August payrolls in the industry were the highest for any month in nearly | tw’o years. September figures were | expected to show a continuation of the upward trend. Preliminary estimates of railroad freight carloadings for last week in dicated the Nation's carriers did some of the best hauling for many months. On both the Baltimore & Ohio and St. Paul roads loadings were the highest for any week in years. Some of the amusement stocks such as Loews and Pathe added small gains. Down most of the time were U. S. Steel. Bethlehem, Chrysler. Douglas * Aircraft. United Aircraft. Du Pont, Allied Chemical, Unilon Carbide, Santa Fe, Westinghouse Air Brake, Baldwin Locomotive, Westinghouse Electric, American Smelting, Good year and Montgomery. Chicago Grain By thf. Associated Press. CHICAGO, Oct. 2.—With most traders awaiting the Hitler and | Chamberlain speeches in Europe, I quiet but persistent selling domi nated the grain trade today and prices were lower. * Wheat lost about 2 cents and corn and other grains more than a cent before enough buying power de veloped to steady the market and ' bring about moderate rallies. Weakness in securities and Euro j pean peace talk were the most im ! portant trade factors. | Wheat closed 138-1‘4 lower than Saturday. December 8278-34: May,. 83'2-38: Corn. l-l1, down: Decem ber, 4978; May, 5234-78: oats, 34-l’s I lower. WHEAT— Open High. Low Close Dec .k:«* a .8t!>4 S27*-34 May .8 .84*4 x:i SM'a-3. July .83 ,s:t .**: .82 * CORN— ! Dec .5012 .50*2 to5* -tf»7j« l May .53*4 .53'4 .52,i 523t-% July .54*8 .541 e .53*2 5«i'4 ; OATS— Dec. .:«?*4 .:»234 ..*U34 .32 May __ :;;iv2 .32*a .32»* ; July :n34 .3134 .31 .31U I SOV BEANS — I Oct. . .83.83*a .82'* .82*2 : Dc:. .HI 'i .Kl '2 .81 '» .HP, I May .83 .83*2 .83 .83!2 1 RYE— * Dec. .53 34 .53*4 .53'4 53,» • : May .5H34 ,5Hj4 .553» .5534 i July .5534 .5o34 .55*4 .55*2 LARD— Oct. 8.82 A.85 8.52 8 55 Dec. __ 8.85 0.85 8.65 6.72 Jan. 8.05 6.P5 8.72 8.75 ' May 7.35 7.45 7.30 7.35 BELLIES— Jan. 7.18 Chicago Cash Market. Clash wheat. No. 2 red. 87'a. No 3. 85: No 1 hard. S73,: No. 2. 8.V2 No 2 yellow, hard. 84'a-3.: sample grade yellow, hard. 82s*: No. 3 mixed. 58. Corn told*. No. 1 mixed. 50'a-3,: No. 2. S33.: No 1 yellow. 5il'*-51: No. 2. 50*2-51; sample grade, white. 471_.-4M,2; (new). No 2 yellow. 50-50 *'2: No. 3. 48’2-40. No 3 white. 55: sample grade, white. 44-44'2 Oats. No. 2 white <thm). 31: No 3 31. L No. 3 feed 30. sample grade, mixed. 29: No. 2 While. 33: No. 3 3212-33: sample grade, white, 30-31 Rye. No. 2. Buckwheat. No, 2. 1.45 nominal Barley, mailing. 5.0-02; feed. 40-48 nominal. No. 3 barley. 00: No. 4. 55; No. 3 malting 02. Soy beans. No. 3 yellow. 82-84: No. 4. 82*,. Timothy seed. 3.05-90 nominal. Red clover 12.50-15.00 Red top. 8.50 1 9.00. Alsike. 13.00-10.00. Winnipeg Prices. W'INNIPEG. Oct. 2 oTV—-Grain range at principal markets today: WHEAT— Prey. . High. Low Close. close. : * Dec.73 Va .71V, .71V, .73 Oct. -.71** 09V, .09 V, .71 Moats— " ,78 * -751* •751'* -77*-s/« Dec. -.315, .305, .31 .31H-44 Baltimore Quotations BALTIMORE. Oct. 2 i,Pi.—Wheat, No. t red winter, garlicky, spot domestic. 84. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Oct. 2 OPV—National Asso ciation of Security Dealers. Inc.: (Quotations as of 2 o'clock.) Bid Asked. Bk of Am NTS (SF) (2.40)_ 34'a 38(4 Bank Of Man ( 80a) _ 18*4 2(1 Bank of N Y (14)_ 437 449 Bankers Tr (2)_ 68(4 81(4 A Bklyn Tr (4) __ 78 83 Cen Han Bk & Tr (4)_105'4 108>4 Chase Nat (1.40) 37 38 Chem Bk & Tr (1.80)_ 51(4 53'/« Commercial (8) 172 178 Cont Bk A Tr (.80)__ 14 lft'4 Corn Fx Bk Ac T (3)_ 58 80 Empire Tr (.00) _ 13(4 1414 First Nat (Bnsi (2)_ 47 48 First Natl (100) _1880 1830 Guaranty Tr (12)_ 287 302 Irving Tr (.80) 13(4 J4>4 Manuf'ct'rs Tr (2) _ 38(4 40>4 Manuf'rs Tr Df (2)_ 51 53 Natl Citv (1). 30(4 32(4 N Y Trust (5)__ 115(a 118'J Public (112) „ _ 32(4 34 (« Title GAT _ 4(4 5(, a Also extra or extras. t Rubber Futures NEW YORK. Oct. 2 OP).—Crude rubber futures opened 8 lower to 6 higher. Octo ber, 20.25a: December. 19.63-65: March. 18.63-65. a Anted.