Newspaper Page Text
Bratus ALLEN. FRED D. Suddenly, on Wed nesday. October 4. 1939. at his residence. 3369 Quest da at. n.w.. FRED D. ALLEN, beloved husband of Jessie M. Allen and aon of Mrs. Estelle Allen of 67ft8 8th st. n.w., and the late Clyde D. Allen. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Saturday. October 7. at 3:30 p.m 8 ALSTON. JOSEPHINE. Departed this life on Tuesday. October 3. 1939. at Freed men's Hospital, after a lingering illness. JOSEPHINE ALSTON, devoted wife of Teelio T. Alston, sister of Henry Yar borough of Greensboro. N. C.. and Eugene Yarborough. She also leaves to mourn their loss other relatives and friends. Funeral Friday. October 6. at 1:30 p.m.. from Barbour Bros.’ funeral home. 48 K st. n e.. Rev. H. B. Taylor officiating. In terment Woodlawn Cemetery. 6 ALSTON, JOSEPHINE S. Officers and members of Virginia Berry Auxiliary. No. 6. U 8. W. V.. Dept of Potomac, are hereby notified of the death of Sister JOSEPHINE S. ALSTON on Tuesday. Oc tober 3, 1939. at Freedmen's Hospital She was past department president. You are earnestly reanested to attend funeral serv ices Friday. October 8. at 1:30 Dm., at Barbour Bros.’ funeral home. 48 K *t. n.e. Eva Allensworth Auxiliary cordiallv in vited. By order of the president. MARY V. JOHNSON. SUSIE E. ADDELLE. Sec. ALSTON. JOSEPHINE. Officers and members of Miriam ChaDter. No. 4, O E 8. are requested to attend the funeral of Sister JOSEPHINE ALSTON on Fridav. October 8. 1939. at 1 :30 P.m., from Bar bour Bros.' funeral home. 48 K st. n.e. By order of the worthy matron. SISTER OLIVIA TURNER. W. M. BROTHER ROBERT ANDERSON. W. P. SISTER BLAUNCHE BURTON. Sec. ALSTON. JOSEPHINE. The officers and members of R. H. Gleaves Assembly. No. 2. O. G. C.. are requested to attend twilight services for L. I.. JOSEPHINE ALSTON. Thursday. October 6. 1939. at 8 p.m.. at Barbour Bros.’ funeral home. 48 K st. n.e. BETTIE MILES. L. L. Ruler. H. REBECCA BE A SON, L. L. Sec. 6 BARBEE. CHARLES A. On Wednesday. October 4. 1939, at his residence. Hoadly. Va.. CHARLES A. BARBEE, aerd 78 years, beloved husband of Moilie Barbee and fa ther of William A . Allen H . James M.. Chtrln A • Achhv W Rorhoo anrf Mrc Mary V. Renna. Funeral on Friday. October 6. at 2 pm. from Oak Grove Baptist Church. Hoadly. Va. Interment church cemetery. Services by the Hall funeral home. Occoquan. Va. BEHA. INDIA V. On Wednesday. Octo ber 4. 1939. INDIA V. BEHA of 1623 Up shur st n.w.. beloved wife of John W. Beha *nd mother of John W.. ir.. and Wilhelmina B. Taylor. Services at the R H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 J4th st. n w . on Saturday. October 7. at l pm. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Prospect, HOI Ceme tery. 6 BIRCH. RENEF ILLINOIS. On Thurs day. October fi. 1939. at George Washing ton Hospital. RENEE ILLINOIS BIRCH, beloved wife of James T. Birch of 900 N. Monroe st.. Arlington. Va.. and mother of Janie Illinois. Remains resting at the Ives funeral home. 2647 W’ilson blvd.. Ar lington. Va. Notice of funeral later. (New York pa pers please copy.) CHAMPAYNF. WILLIAM WIRT. On Thursday October 6. 1939. at his resi dence. 64 W st n.w. WILLIAM WIRT CHAMPAYNE. husband of Ella Cham payne. father of William M. Champayne of El Paso. Tex. Funeral from the above address on Sat urday. October 7. at 3 D.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 6 CLUBB, GFORGF L. On Wednesday. October 4. 1939 at, Providence Hospital. GEORGE L. CLUBB, the beloved husband of Nellie V. Clubb. Funeral from H. M. Padgett’s funeral home. 131 11th st s.e.. on Frida v. Oc tober 6. at 2 p.m Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. CLUBB, GFORGF L. Special communi cation of Naval Lodge. No. 4. F. A. A M., is called at 1:30 p m. Friday. October 6. 1939. ifor the purpose of attending the funeral nr our late brother. GEORGE L CLUBB. By order of the worshipful master. ROLAND M. BROWN, Secretary. DAVIS. KEZZIF. On Wednesday. Octo ber 4, 1939. KEZZTE DAVIS, the beloved daughter of Mrs. Bhoebe Oriel and sister of Mrs Beck Reans. Elijah Davis, Alfred Bees and Phillip T. Oriel. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 ChaDin st. n.w . on Friday. October 6, at 11 a m. Interment private. DIGQS, CHARLES NORFOLK. On Thursday. October 5. 1939. at his resi dence. 1 IS 16th st. n.e . CHARLES NOR FOLK DIGGS, beloved husband of Ruth C. Diggs, son of Cynthia Diges and brother of Albert Diggs. He also leaves a host of other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis. EDWARDS, ARTHUR. Suddenly, nn Tuesday, October 3. 1039, ARTHUR ED WARDS. husband of the late Sarah Ed wards. Hp leaves to mourn their loss one sister. Katie Fuller: one niece, one nephew, other relatives and friends. Body resting •t the Snowden & Davis funeral home. Rockville. Md Funeral Fridav. October 6. at 2 p m . from Sharp Street Church. Sandy Spring, Md. Relatives and friends invited. FENDNER, WILLIAM H. On Wednes day. October 4. 1939. WILLIAM H, FEND NER. beloved husband of the late Mag deline Fendner (nee Ntemeyer) and father of Mabel F Christensen. Funeral services at his late residence. 6522 l6t st n.e.. on Friday. October 6. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited to Attend. Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 6 GORMLET. LEANDER J. On Tuesday. October 3. 1939. LEANDER J. GORMLEY, Aged 76 years, of 601 Powhatan pi. n.w. Washington. D. C.. son of the late Richard And Rachael Gormley. beloved brother of Mrs. Claude Atchinson Funeral from H. W. Mears A Son’s. 605 North Calvert at., Baltimore. Md.. on Fri day. October 6, at 9:40 am. Relatives And friends are invited to attend the re fluiem mass at st Ignatius’ Church. Cal ?ert and Madison sts.. Baltimore. Md.. at 0:16 a.m. Interment Cathedral Ceme tery. & _ GRENACHER. LOTTIE M. On Satur day. September 30. 1939. at Los Angeles. Calif . LOTTIE M GRENACHER. beloved daughter of Louis and Sophia Grenacher. Funeral from the W W. Deal funeral # home, 616 H st. n.e . on Friday. October 6. at 12 noon. Relatives and friends in Tited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 5 HANNEN. PAULINE AMALIE On Wed nesday. October 4. 1939. at her home. Cabin John Park. Md.. PAULINE AMALIE HANNEN. beloved wife of the late Joseph H. Hannan. Funeral services at the funeral home of William Reuben Pumphrey. 7005 Wiscon sin ave.. Bethesda. Md , on Fridav, Octo ber 6. at 2 30 pm. Intermpnt Prospect Hill Cemetery. HURLEY, JAMES A. On Mondav. Oc «t Garfield Hospital. JAMES A HURLEY of 23 Jones Bridge rd.. North Chevy Chase, Md.. beloved husband of Gladys Hurley __services at the funeral home of William Reuben Pumphrey. 7005 Wisconsin Ave., Bethesda. Md.. on Friday. October 6. At 11 a m. Interment Congressional Ceme tery. 5 HURLEY, JAMES A. Washington Lodge. No. 15. B. p o. Elks, will convene in session of sorrow at 7:20 p.m Thursday. Oc tober 5. 1939. for the pur !■', pose nf paying tribute to the 1 memory of our late brother. " JAMES A HURLEY, en rolled October 12.. 1927. who — Passed to the Grand Lodge 6f the Hereafter October 2. Elk services At chapel of Wm. R. Pumphrey. 7005 Wis consin ave., Bethesda. Md.. at 6 p.m. By order of HAROLD T. PEASE. Exalted Ruler. JONES, PAUL KEMP Suddenly, on Tuesday. October 3. 1939. PAUL KEMP JONES, son of Marie Wilda Jones and brother of Marie Jones Ryan and John E. Jones Funeral services at Chambers' Riverdale funeral home on Thursday October 5. at 2 p.m. Interment Washington National Cemetery. 5 KNICKERBOCKER. GEORGE F. Entered Into eternal rest on Wednesday. Octobpr 4, 1939. at Freedmen's Hospital. Col. GEORGE F KNICKERBOCKER. He leaves many friends to mourn his departure. Re Xuneral chapel. 3rd and I sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. KOHLERMAN, MARIE H On Wednes day October 4, 1939 at her residence. 1359 Monroe st. n e.. MARIE H. KOHLER MAN. widow of Charles F. Kohlerman. Services at the above address on Friday. October ft. at 9 a.m : thence to St An thony's Catholic Church. 12th and Monroe J* "here mass will be offered at 9 30 a.m Interment New Cathedral Cem etery. Baltimore. Md. LEE. MARY EVANS. On Thursday. Oc tober 5, 1939, at her residence. 942 S st It w.. MARY EVANS LEE. wife of the late Charles B Lee Notice of Xuneral later. Arrangements by McGuire. LYLES, HARRY L. On Tuesday. October S. 1939. HARRY L. LYLES, beloved hus band of Mattie N. Lyles and father of John and William Lyles of Washington. D C, and Mrs. Marion E. Tucker of North Beach. Md. Funeral from the W W. Deal funeral home. Si 6 H st. n e . on Friday. October fl »t 10 a.m. Relatives and friends are in vited. Interment, Friendship, Md. 5 MAIO, ALISON. On Thursday, October B, 1939, ALISON MAIO. beloved wife of Joseph Malo and daughter of John and Isabella W. Bedford. ,,?frv‘.ce* *f Chambers’ funeral home. 517 11th st.js.e., on Saturday. October 7. at p P-m. Relatives jnd_friegjis invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Frank Geier’s Sons Co. • "a National 2473 r J. William Lee‘s Sons Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS , Crematorium 4Ul u4 Man Ate N.l Lincoln SSM V. L. SPEARE CO. NeMber the successor to nor connected with the original W R 8peare establishment 1009 H St. N.W. t * — - . FUNERAL DESIGNS. fcUDE BROS. CO. Floral Piece. r HU F St. N.W.National ACTS GEO. G SHAFFER, Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT OIOS *524 sY3ST Cor. 14th b Eye I Eugene W. Weaver Dies; Civil War Veteran Eugene W. Weaver, 97, Civil War veteran, died Tuesday at his apart ment in the Burlington Hotel after a long illness. He had been a Wash ington resident many years. A native of Columbus, Ohio, he joined the Union Army as a private in Company P, 43rd Ohio Infantry, November 20, 1861, and served until January 16, 1865. After the war he became a salesman. An extensive traveler, he made five trips around the world. Mr. Weaver was one of six surviv ing members of the Department of the Potomac, Grand Army of the Republic. At the time of his death he was a member and chaplain of Kit Carson Post, No. 2, G. A. R., and chftplain of the Department of the Potomac, all of whose members now belong to the Kit Carson Post. Pre viously, Mr.' Weaver belonged to Lincoln Post, G. A. R., until it was disbanded. Mr. Weaver leaves. no immediate relatives. The Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War will have charge of the funeral. Services will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow in the Lee funeral home and burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery. Seatljii MATTHEWS. WILLIAM D. Departed this life Tuesday. Oerober 3. 1939. WIL LIAM D. MATTHEWS, beloved brother of Theodore Matthews and Margaret Hali burton. Remains resting at residence of his sister. 1238 K st. s.e.. after 1 o’clock Thursday. Funeral from the above residence Fri day. October rt. at 8:30 a m.; thence to Holy Redeemer Church. New York and New Jersey aves.. at 9 o’clock. Funeral arrangements by W Earl Better Co.. Inc. • MEADOWS. ARTHUR H. On Tuesday. October 3. 19351. at Freedmen’s Hospital. ARTHUR H MEADOWS, beloved husband of Mrs. Ruth Meadows, father of Arthur, jr . and Elmer Meadows, son-in-law of Mrs. Fffle Harvey, nenhew of Louis and Charles Allen. He also leaves other rela tives and friends. Remains may be viewed at his late residence. 51 L st. ne.. after 9 am. Friday. October H. Funeral from the above residence Sat urday October 7. at 8:30 a m.: thence to Holy Redeemer Church, where mass will be offered at 9 n.m. Relatives and friends invited Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Arrangement by W € Ernest Jarvis. * 6 MOORE. GALES PRITCHARD. On Tues day. October 3. 1939. at 7:45 p.m.. at his home, in Bristol. Conn . in the 67th year Of his agp. OALES PRITCHARD MOORE, husband of Katharine Donovan Moore and son of the late Joseph Gales and Kate Pritchard Moore. ft MOSS. ALLEN. On Monday. October 2. 1939. ALLEN MOSS, husband of the late Mattie Moss. He leaves seven children and seven grandchildren. Remains resting at Stewart’s funeral home. 30 H st. n e.. where services will be held Friday. October 6. at 1 p.m MYERS, ELIZABETH. On Thursday. October ft. 1939. ELIZABETH MYERS. Re mains resting at Frazier’s funeral home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w Notice of funeral later. REDMILES. LEMUEL. On Wednesday. October 4. 1939. at his home, near Fatux ent. Md.. LEMUEL REDMTLES. husband of the late Mary A. Redmiles. Funeral services st Patuxent Methodist Church on Friday. October 6. at 2 p.m. Interment church cemetery. ROACH, RAPHAEL S. Col John J. Astor Camp No. 6. Dept, of D. C , U S. W V., deeply regrets to announce the death of Com rade RAPHAEL S. ROACH, at U. S Soldiers’ Home. D. C.. Octo ber 3. 1939. Funeral with mil itary honors from Soldiers’ Home Chapel at 10 40 a.m. Friday. Oc tober 6. Interment in Soldiers' Home National Cemetery. E. F. K. SCHROEDER. Adjutant. • ROBERTS, COSBY COLUMBUS. SR. On LUMBUS ROBERTS. Sr., beloved husband of Ida Elizabeth Roberts and father of Mrs. Nellie Moscati. Mrs. Alma Curtin and James and Cosby Roberts. Funeral from the W W. Deal funeral home, sift H st. n.e. on Saturday. Octo ber 7. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends in vited. (Fredericksburg and Culpeper. Va., pacers please copy.) • ft SANDERS. JAMF.S. On Mondav. Octo ber 2. 1D30. JAMES SANDERS, beloved son of Satlie and Albert Sanders. Remains resting at Brown. Sutton * Ford's funeral home. Services will be held at. Charlotte Mis sion Thursday. October 5. at 8:30 pm.. Elder Crow officiating Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery. • SIMMS, OTHO. On Tuesday. October 3. 1039, at. Freedmen's Hospital. OTHO SIMMS. He leaves a devoted wife. Sarah Simms; four daughters. Matilda Ruffin. Isabelle McGowan. Josephine Sellmar. and Alberta Turner; four sons. Frank Sewall. Elmer. Carroll and Norman Simms, and many other relatives and friend*. Body resting at the Snowden Davis funeral home. Rockville. Md. Funeral Friday. October ft. at 1 p.m.. from Scotland A. M. E. Church. Scotland, Md.. Rev. Leo Watkins officiating. 5 SNOWDEN, LULLA. On Sunday. Octo ber 1. 1939. at the Home of the Aged and Infirm. LULLA SNOWDEN. She leaves a devoted friend. Clara Smith; one sister and other relatives and friends. Funeral Friday, October ft. at 1:30 p.m.. from the Morris A. Carter A Co. funeral home. 2nd and F sts. s.w. Interment Rose mont Cemetery. WALLACE, CLAUDE MARION. Sudden ly. on Monday. October 2. 1939. CLAUDE MARION WALLACE, husband of Rosella Wallace, father of Marian Wallace. Re mains resting at the Chambers funeral home. 1400 Chapin st n.w. Funeral services Friday October ft. at 2 p.m. Interment Washington National Cemetery. 5 WEAVER. EUGENE W. On Tuesday. October 3. 1939. at his residence, the Bur lington Hotel, EUGENE W. WEAVER. Remains resting at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. w’here services will be held on Friday. October ft. at 1 p.m. Interment in Arlington National Cemetery. Friends invited to attend. ft WHALEN. JEANETT. On Tuesday. Oc tober 3. 1939. at her residence. 131 ft Princess st... Alexandria. Va.. JEANETT WHALEN, aged 45 years, daughter of the late William and Annie Whalen. Funeral services on Saturday. October >■ at 9:30 a.m.. at St. Marv’s Church, Interment St. Mary’s Cemetery, Alexan dria. Va. ft YOUNG, DOROTHY HAMMOND. On Tuesday. October 3. 1939. at the residence of her sister. 1001 50th st. n.e.. DOROTHY HAMMOND YOUNG, wife of the late Wil liam Young, daughter of the late Allen and Mary* Hammond, mother of William A. Young, sister of Mrs Alice Eaglen. Anna Hammond and Ada Scott. Other relatives and friends also survive her. Funeral Fridav. October ft at 2 p.m., from Henry S. Washington & Sons’ funeral home. 4925 Deane ave. n.e Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 5 YOUNG. ELSIE MARIE. On Tuesday. October 3. 1939. at Thurmont. Md.. ELSIE MARIE YOUNG (nee Tilp). beloved wife of James C. Young. Services on Friday. October 6. at the Oliver B Jenkins funeral home. 809 10th st. n.w . at 2 o.m. Interment Rock Creek In iHrmortam BOYLE, JOHN. Sacred to the memory of my beloved brother. JOHN BOYLE, who departed this life nine years ago todav. October ft. 1930. Anniversary mass was said at 8-lft o’clock this morning at St. Aloysius Church. BELOVED SISTER. KATIE. MAYN, CLIFTON T. In loving memory of my darling son and our brother. CLIP TON T. WAYN. who departed this life twelve years ago today. October 5. 1927. We think of von in silence. Your name we often call: There is nothing left to answer _But your darling Dicture on the wall. DEVOTED MOTHER, SISTER AND BROTHER. SKINNER, IDA A. In memory of our devoted wife and mother. IDA A. SKIN NER. who departed this life four years ago today. October 5. 193ft. Peaceful be thv rest, dear mother. And God he with you till we meet again. HER HUSBAND AND SONS. • Lord Albert Fairfax, Nativg of Maryland, Dies in England Member of Family Prominent in Early Colonial History Lord Albert Kirby Fairfax, a na tive of Prince Georges County, Md„ who oecame a British citizen and assumed the title of his ancestors as 12th Baron of Cameron, died at his home in Essex, near London, yester day after a long illness, the Asso ciated Press reported. He was 69 years old. Lord Fairfax was born on the fam ily estate, Northampton, near Land over, Md. His father was Dr. John Contee Fairfax, who never accepted station as a peer. When Dr. Fairfax died in 1900, his son was employed by a New York Banking firm. Two years later, when offered a managerial post with the International Banking Corp., of Lon don, the latter moved to England, where he was accepted immediately as Lord Fairfax, although still an American citizen. Title Confirmed. After becoming a British subject in 1906. Lord Fairfax decided to ap ply for official recognition of his title, and his rights were confirmed within two years by the House of Lords’ Committee on Privileges. He was elected as a representative peer for Scotland in 1917. Lord Fairfax headed his own Lon don banking firm, Fairfax & Co., and served for many years as chairman of the board of Amalgamated Cot ton Mills Trust, Ltd. The Fairfax family figured prom inently in American Colonial his tory. An earlier Lord Fairfax found place in pre-Revolutionary annals as the patron of George Washing ton. Six generations have dwelt in the Tidewater country of Mary land and Virginia. The twelfth Lord Fairfax returned to the United States only once after establishing himself in the Essex countryside on the estate at Thorpe Le Soken. Together with Lady Fair fax and their two sons he visited relatives in Maryland two summers ago. He found a new residence re placing the venerable manor house at Northampton which was de stroyed by fire in 1909. Lady Fairfax Survives. Lady Fairfax, who survives, was Miss Maud Wishart McKelvie. only daughter of James McKflvie, wealthy Scottish coal operator. She married the nobleman in the Church of St. James, London, in 1922. The sons are Thomas Bryan McKelvie Fairfax, 16, who succeeds to the title, and John Peregrine Wishart Poirfov Lord Fairfax also leaves two sis ters. Mrs. Clarence M. Roberts of Landover, Md„ and Mrs. Tunstall Smith of Baltimore. A brother, Charles Edmund Fair fax. died last April at Northamp ton, where he had been living in re tirement. Funeral arrangements for Lord Fairfax have not been completed, but the twelfth Baron of Cameron will be laid to rest in England in a crypt beside his British ancestors. Mrs. Marie Kohlerman Dies of Heart Attack Mrs. Marie H. Kohlerman. widow of Charles F. Kohlerman, died yes terday of a heart attack at her home, 1359 Monroe street N.E. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Mary Murray, and daughter. Miss Pauline Kohlerman, both of this city, and a brother, Martin Mur ray. Baltimore. Funeral services will be at 9:30 am. tomorrow in St. Anthonvs Catholic Church. Burial will be in Baltimore. Funeral Services Held For R. T. McAllister Funeral services for Richard T. McAllister. 47,#confidential assistant to the commissioner of internal revenue, were held today in Holy Trinity Catholic Church, George town. Burial was in Mount Olivet Cemetery: Mr. McAllister, who lived at 2235 Thirty-ninth place N.W., died Monday of a heart attack. A native of this city, he attended Gonzaga College and was in the real estate business before begin ning work in the Bureau of Internal Revenue some 12 years ago. Surviving are Tiis widow, Mrs. Martha H. McAllister; a daughter, Martha McAllister; a son, Richard Thomas McAllister, jr.; two sisters, Mrs. James M. Cullen and Mrs. J. E. Luskey, and a brother. James A. McAllister, all of this city. In Case of Death COL. 0432 CALL UUMHhriS oni or THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS IN THE WORLD LORD FAIRFAX. Du Pont Official Dies KENNET SQUARE, Pa., Oct. 5 UP).—James B. D. Edge, sr., a direc tor and former vice president of the E. I. du Pont de Nemours Co., died yesterday of a heart attack at Cedar croft, his estate near here. G. L. Clubb, Washington Merchant, Dies George L. Clubb, 61, of 308 Eleventh street N.E., for many years a retail dealer here in coal, wood, feed and building supplies, died yes terday in Providence Hospital after an illness of about 10 days. In former years Mr. Clubb con ducted his business in the 600 block of Pennsylvania avenue S.E. and in recent years at Third and D streets S.E. He was a member of the Naval Lodge of Masons. He was a native of Charles County, Md., but had been a resident of this city since he was a young boy. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Nellie V. Clubb; a daughter, Mrs. Doris Greene, this city; two sisters, Mrs. Ida Stansbury, Prince Georges County, Md., and Mrs. Jennie Specht, this city, and three brothers, Tenney, Walter and Eddie Clubb, all of this city. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in the Padgett fu neral home, 131 Eleventh street S.E. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Ceme tery. Japan plans to enlarge many of its airfields. Capt. Sibley Funeral To Be Held Tomorrow The funeral of Capt. George J. Sibley, Dental Corps, retired, who died at Cumbeland, Md., Monday, will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow in Arlington National Cemetery. Chap lain Walter B. Zimmerman will of ficiate and military honors will be given at the grave. Capt. Sibley, who was born at Cumberland In 1884, is survived by his widow, Mrs. Helen H. Sibley. He was graduated from Georgetown University In 1911 and commissioned a first lieutenant December 22, 1917. He was promoted to captain in 1920 and retired for disability In 1922. iMil'lliMillWH If you have any bearing difficulty, you owe it to youraelf and your family to take advantage of thli opportunity and secure a free demonstration of the , amazing new ACOUSTICON See for yourself how It will brine you ataln the pleasures of GOOD HEARING. I Come in now for a free custom flttlns I and enjov TOMORROW’S HEARING TODAY Convenient Deferred Payments, f Acousticon Institute Suite SAB Earle Bide. NA. OB22 I 13th A E Sta. N.W. | Accent on York MYRTLE BEACH. S. C„ Oct. 6 (/P>. —Dr. W, T. Moore's great-great grandfather was bom in York, England; his great-grandfather in York, Pa.; his father and himself in York, 8. C. FACTS concerning I CEDAR HILL CEMETERY 0 Prices in beautiful Cedar Hill begin as low as Fifty Dollars ($50) per burial site and include perpetual and thorough care. Every section of this sacred Garden of Memories is beautifully landscaped and ready for immediate use. Both monument and non-monument sections are available. Your inspection is respectfully invited. (jectarHill Washington’s Most Beautiful Cemetery Located at the end of Penn. Ave. S£. Gates open until 7:09 O’Cloek. V A WE AKc OPEN EVENINGS SHOP Street, N. W. --■■■ " *■■■■■■ i i HOUSE^AND^HERRMANN’S^^^ ^^^^E ^E &§ EE ^E ^E M ^E j^E JEf ^^E ^E j JEL^J^Bf ^E ^E ^E ^E ^E ^E ^E ^E ^^E ^^^F ^^^jS^^^^^^^BEEEEEEL*zE! f JHp / 3-Piece Modern Bedroom $59.00 All good things must come to on end. This is your last chance to participate in our 54th ANNUAL AUTUMN SALE on "Furniture of Merit." If you have not been here before, we urge you to come here during one of these last two days. Convenient Budget Terms Consists of chest of drawers, bed and ^1 choice of dresser or vanity. Finished in beautiful walnut veneers over hard wood in the modern styling. Worthy of bearing the "Furniture of Merit" seal. Fourth piece_$23.75 BOUDOIR CHAIR Covered in chintz with kopok filled reversible seat S ^ 89 cushions. Assortment of colors. ** OSTERMOOR MATTRESS Every one a "Service Stripe" Ostermoor mattress or ja a g^ box spring of the same standard and craftsman build ing as those sold the year round at the regular price of $42.50. 9x12 IMPORTED CHENILLE RUGS Beautiful fern leaf design with fringed ends. Closely $1 Q.95 woven of selected cotton yarns. Available in five ■ ^ lovely colors. SIMMONS STUDIO COUCH A fine couch with innerspring mattress. Opens to full SO A *7^ size or twin beds. Choice of colors. WINDSOR CHAIR Choice of three designs. Finished in walnut, ma- $1-69 hogany or maple over hardwood. * POSTER BED All sizes and finishes. Finished in walnut or ma- S^-95 hogany over gumwood. ^ LUUNvjt CHAIR Nicely styled ond deep seated. Upholstered in long 5 | 50 wearing materials. 1 ™ ! STUDENT DESK Has one roomy drawer and finished in walnut over *Q‘95 hardwood. ^ OCCASIONAL CHAIR Queen Anne design with walnut finished frame. $C.95 Choice of durable coverings. COMMODE Chinese Chippendale style with two drawers. Ma- SQ-95 hogany veneer. ^ MAYTAG WASHER This nationally famous washer has the sturdy, easily $A Q-95 operated Maytag construction throughout. “x COFFEE TABLE Duncan Phyfe design with removable glass tray. $0.95 Mahogany or walnut veneers over hardwood. w WALL TABLE Smartly styled with Duncan Phyfe base. Finished in *1 f\J5 mahogany or walnut veneers over hardwood. • ^ AND A HUNDRED OTHER VALUES IN THIS ANNUAL AUTUMN SALE 2-Piece Living Room Suite A large custom built lounge suite with web bottoms ond soft spring back. Covered in mohair and cotton boucle in wine, green or blue. 10-Piece Mahogany Dining Room A lovely 18th Century Dining room finished in your choice of walnut or mahogany veneers over hardwood. Ten pieces con sist of buffet, china, table, server, five side chairs and one host chair. Open Evenings by Appointment— Phone Dl. 3180 Before 6 P.M. i i ill I