Newspaper Page Text
Bond Market Scores Moderate Gains After Hesitancy Rails Fairly Active; Federal Issues Take Irregular Course Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Ralls. Indust. Util. Pgn Net change +.2 unc. +.2 +.2 Today, noon 62.0 98.0 93.8 47.5 Prev. day _ 61.8 98.0 93.6 47.3 Month ago- 57.3 96.1 92.7 49.4 Year ago . 60.0 99.1 94.0 64.7 1939 high-. 64.9 100.8 97.5 64.0 1939 low... 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 1938 high.. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67 0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low... 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high..101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon _105.6 Prev. day 105.5 M'nth ago 105.4 Year ago . 110.0 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 103.6 1938 high 110.7 1938 low 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Oct. 5.—Demand picked up a little In the bond mar ket today after an uncertain start. Neither buyers nor sellers were Willing to get very far out on a limb In view of Hitler's speech tomorrow, and volume was appreciably under some recent fast sessions. The Government bond section hadn't decided which way to go at the start of the last hour and gains of around 8-32 point were offset by • small losses. Rails were fairly lively at slightly higher prices, including Nickel Plate 4'2s, Baltimore & Ohio convertible 41,s. Delaware & Hudson refunding 4s and Illinois Central 434s. Others on top included Common wealth Edison 3'2s. Walworth 4s and Bethlehem Steel 3V2S. The foreign dollar group presented a ragged price line. Some Italian and Belgian loans advanced, but German 5n>s of '65 and Argentine 4s lost ground. Investing Companies NEW YORK. Oct. 5 P'.—National As sociation Securities Dealers. Inc.: (Noon Quotations ) Bid. Asked. Admin Fd 2nd Inc 17.4« 13 26 Affiliated F Inc - 3> 4.1« •Amerex Hold -lo (?" iJ-gQ Am Bus Shrs . 3.o8 3.0n Am Gen Eu Inc _ _ . Am Ins Stocks J-QO 4. ml •Bankers Nat Inf Corn A 6.3m , • Basic Industry 4.02 „ •Blair & .Co -• OQ Boston .Fur4d Inc- 1'; ''? Broad St Inv - 24,4o 26.15 Bullock Fund - 14.5(1 l.j «<» Century. Shrs Tr -Tn {i’ Si Chemical Fund - if? 4.4 11.-8 Comwlth Invest -,3<6 4.03 •Continental Sh pf - 11;> 1—° Corporate Trust - - o' Corporate Trust A A- -.4' - Corp Tr Accum - 24' - Com Tr A A mod - - 0- - Com Tr Acc Mod -- 2.02 - Cumulative Tr Sh o4- - Depos Bk Sh N Y "A” lnO - Depos Ins Shrs "A” - - ;8 - Depos Ins Shrs "B -.40 Diversified Tr C 30o Dividend Shrs 1-30 14. Eaton A- How Fund 'A-l 1 *'-(><» 10 4(1 Equity Com S3 pf 2...o 28.n0 Fidelity Fund Inc - 10.30 •First Boston Corn ...... 12.C o 3 1 1 so Firs! Mutual Tr Fd_ 7.24 8.62 Fiscal Fund Bk Sh_ 2.54 2.82 - Fiscal Fund Ins _ 3.1 < 3.53 Fixed Trust Sh A-10.30 Foreign Bond Assoc-- 6.43 7.00 Found Tr Sh A - 4.16 4.65 Tnvottnrt Inr. 1 S 10.04 Fund Tr Shrs A - o.lO o vZ Fund Tr Shrs B _ 4.71 Gen Capital Corp _31.02 3o.3-> Gen Investors Tr 4.87 5.30 Group Sec Agricultural 5.86 6.38 Group Sec Automobile 4 PI 5.35 Group Sec Aviation 7.50 8.25 Group Sec Building 5.03 6.45 Group Sec Chemical 6.o:», 7.54 Group Sec Foods 4.41 4.81 Group Sec Invent Shrs 3.64 3.0 7 Group Sec Mchsndising 5.14 5 60 Group Sec Mining 6.12 6.66 Group Sec Petroleum 4.03 5.37 Groun Sec R R Equip 5.On 5.45 Group Spc Steel _ 6.23 6.78 Group Sec Tobacco 4.73 51‘» •Huron Holding .15 35 Incorp Investors 17.34 18.65 Independence Tr Sh 2.27 Instl Sec Bank Group 1.14 1.26 ♦ Instl Sec. Insurance 1.26 1.30 Investors Pel “C" I ic 11 13 ’ t >■; Keystone Custodn B 1 26 IP 28 63 Kpy.stone Custodn B 2 22.26 21.35 Keystone Custod. B 3 14.77 16.24 Keystone Custodn K 1 15.41 Keystone Custodt: K 2 10.17 11.26 Keystone Custodn S 2 13.88 15.28 Keystone Custodn S 3 11.5o 12.7 ' Keystone Custodn S 4 4 58 .5 16 Manhat Bond Fund __ 7.13 7.8 7 Maryland Fund 5.35 5 00 Mass Invest Tr _ 21.07 22 66 Mutual Invest _ 12.03 Nation Widp Sec . 3 86 Nation Wide Voting 1.30 1.45 Natl Investors 5.76 6 13 New Er gland Fund 13.5n 14.5 » N Y Stocks Automobile 5.65 6.13 - N Y Stocks Aviation 0 67 10.45 N Y Stocks Bk Steeds 0 <>2 0.75 N Y Stocks Bide Supply 6 22 6.74 N Y Stocks Elec Equip _ 8.OP 8.75 N Y StocKs Insurance 9.60 10.44 N Y Stocks Machinery 8.3K 0 06 N Y Storks Oils 8.43 0.12 N Y Stocks R R Equip 8.58 0.28 N Y Stocks Steel S.15 8.82 North Am Bond Tr c:fs 46 37 5 _ I Nor Am Tr Shrs 1053 _ 2.4n _ Nor Am Tr Shrs 1055 . 2.01 _ Nor Am Tr Shrs 1056 _ 2.86 Nor Am Tr Shrs 1058 2.60 Plymouth Fund Inc 4 4 40 Putnam (G.) Fund . 14.27 15 26 Quarterly Income Sh 8.00 0.80 •Schoelikopf-Hut & Pom J.on 2.00 Selected Am Sh Inc _ P.67 10.54 Selected Income Sh _ 4.46 Sovereign Invest. __ .71 .79 Spencer Trask Fund_ 15.60 16.54 Stand Util Inc _ .55 .59 * Super of Am Tr A_ 3.72 Super of Am Tr B _ 3.87 _ I Super of Am Ti AA _ 2.55 Supervised Shrs 10 11 10.99 I Trustee Stand Inv C _ 2.58 Trustee Stand Tnv D._ 2.53 Trusteed Am Bk *B * __ .55 .61 Trusteed Industry Shrs .87 .07 Wellington Fund __ 14.48 15.91 Quotations furnished by National Asso ciation of Securities Dealer . Inc., which transactions or firm bids or offers, but should indieat' approximate prices, and unless otherwise indicated are as quoted by the sponsors or issuers. •Not quoted by sponsors or issuers. New York Produce ' NEW YORK. Oct. 5 oPi.—Eggs. 11.363: firm. Mixed colors: Fancy to extra fancy. 24*a-2912: standards. 24: firsts. 19: sec onds. 17-18: mediums. 16*4; dirties. No. 1. 16*2: average checks. 15*2 Refrigerator, fancy heavyweights. 18-22: standards. 17*2: firsts. 17: seconds. 153'4-16: mediums. 15*4: dirties. 15-15*2. Whites: Resale of premium marks. 34 *2 87; ncarbv and midwestern. premium marks. 31*2-34: exchange specials. 31: exchange standards. 25*2-26 Resale of nearby heavier mediums. 22*4-27. Nearby and midwestern. exchange mediums. 21*2 22: pullets. 16*2-17; peewees. 14*2-15. Refrigerator. nearby and Midwestern 1 etandards. 24*2-25: firsts. 22*4-23. Browns: Nearby, extra fancy. 29*4-34. Nearby p.nd Midwestern, exchange spe cials. 29: exchange standards. 25. Near by. mediums. 20*4-21: pullets. 16. Duck eggs: Nearby. 25-26. Butter. 869.140: irregular. Creamery, higher than extras. 29*/t-30: extra (92 genre*, 2834-29: firsts (88-91), 24*2-27*4: fceconds (84-87), 22*4-24 Cheese. 357.629; Quiet. Prices un changed. Chicago Produce CHICAGO. Oct. 5 HP'-—Poultry live, on» •*r: 42 trucks: steady; prices unchanged. Butter—862.550: weaker: creamery. 93 acore. 28s;-29'»: 92. 28V«: 90. 25V 89, 24: 88 23V 90. centralised carlots. 26 2 ti1. other prices unchanged. « Eggs. 3.165: steady: fresh graded, extra firsts, local and cars. 22: other prices un changed. Potatoes. 116: on track. 409: total United States shipments. 575: Idaho Russets and Colorado McClures, best, steady others dull: Northern stock, all varieties dull and weak: supplies rather heavy; demand slow sacked per cwt.. Idaho Russet Burbanks. U. S. No. 1. washed. 1.55-1.75, mostly 1.60-1.70: unwashed, few sales 1.47VI 65; Colorado Red McClures. U. S. No. 1. washed food color. 1.90: North Dakota Red River Valley section. Cobblers. 90 per cent or S. NO. 1. few sales 1,05-1.15: Bliss Triumphs. 90 per cent or better U S No 1, 1.20: Early Ohio. 90 per cent U. S. No. 1. 1.15; Wisconsin round whites. * C S' No 1' Til ,ew sales' 11W: Cobble'’s’ Doctors in Latvia are puzzled by ft girl who has been asleep for three months. \ , 1 BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE I> private wire direct te The Star Approximate Tramactioni Today. Domestic Bonds_ 6.180.000 Foreign Bonds_. 980,000 U S Govt Bonds_. 180.000 T R EASU R Y. High Low Close 2s 1947 . _ 100.10 100.10 100.10 2 44s 1949-63_ 100.20 100.20 100.20 2 % s 1946-47_ 104.23 104.23 104.23 244s 1941-61. . 103.6 103.6 103.6 244s 1961-64_101.21 101.20 101.20 2448 1956-69_ 100.26 100.24 100.24 244s 1968-63 __ 100.23 100.23 100.23 2 44s 1960-65_ 100.24 100.21 100.24 244s 1955-60 ... 101.27 101.21 101.22 3s 1961-65 . 104.4 104.4 104.4 314,8 1946-49_ 106.4 106.2 106.4 SHs 1941 _ 105.11 105.11 105.11 3>48 1943-46 .. 107.18 107.15 107.18 3%s 1944-46 107.16 107.16 107.16 344s 1940-43 Jun 102.27 102.27 102 27 3 44s 1946-56 . 109.19 109.19 109 19 444s 1947-62 J 14.26 114.26 114.26 HOME OWNERS' LOAN 8s 1944-52 104. 104. 104. FOREIGN BONDS . High Low Close Ablttht P&P 6s 63 53 52 5214 Akershus 4s 68 _ 73'i 73H 7314 Antloaula 7s 45 B_ 1114 11% 111* Antwerp 6s 68 _. 7214 72M, 72% Argentine 4s 72 Feb 75 74's 74'4 Argentine 4s 72 Apr 7414 74% 74V» Argentine 4 14s 48 _ 89% 88% 8914 Australia 414s 56_ 66 66 66 Australia Bs SB_ 69 67% 68 Australia 6s 57_ 69 67% 68 Austria 7s 57_ 9 9 9 Belgium 6s 65 864 864 864 Belgium 49_ 86 854 854 Belgium 7s 55 ... 92 894 92 Berlin C El 6Hs 59... 84 84 84 Brazil 6 4,s 1926-57... 12 114 114 Brazil 6 4s 1927-57 114 11 11 Brazil C Rv El 7s 52.. 11 11 11 Brazil Rs 41 . 144 144 144 Breda Ernesto 7s 54.. 70 70 70 Brisbane 3s 58 .. 634 634 634 Rrtshane 6s 50 69 69 69 Buen A1r 44-4HS 77. 534 53 534 Canada 3s 67 _ S3 82 82 Canada 34s 61_ 85 834 834 Canada 4s 60 _ 93 pi 91 Canada Rs 52 _ 102 1014 IP‘4 Chile 6s 60 assd_ 114 114 114 Chile Rs 61 Jan 154 154 154 Chile 6s 61 Feb assd 12 114 114 Chilean Mun L 7s 60 134 134 134 Copenhagen 44s 53 52 52 52 Copenhagen 5s 62 .. 564 564 664 Cuba 44s 49_ 100 100 100 Cuba 4 4s 77 _ 574 57 4 574 Cuba 54s 45_ 724 724 724 Cuha 54s 53 _ 102 102 102 Denmark 4 4s 82 _ 594 594 594 Denmark Rs 42 754 734 754 Dominic 54s 61 ext 70 70 70 Finland 6s 45 76 744 75 Ger C A Bk 6s 60 Oct 94 94 94 Ger C Ag Ln 6Hs 58 84 S' , 84 Ger Govt 54s 65 114 114 114 German Govt 7s 49 144 134 134 Good HS& I 7s 45 12 12 12 Italv 7s 51 564 554 56 Ital Crd P W 7a 47 B 53 53 53 Ital P U Crd 7s 62 404 384 394 Japan 6 4s 54 _ 794 784 794 Medeilln 64s 64_ 114 114 114 Mendoza 4s 54 ... 68 68 68 Met Water 514s 50 .. 674 674 674 Milan 6 4s 62 41 40 41 New So Wales 5s 57 704 70 70 New So Wales 5s 58 714 704 704 Norway 4s 63 81 81 81 Norway 6s 43 974 964 96", Norwav 6s 44 97 964 964 Oilental Dev 54s 58 504 50 504 Oriental Dev 6s 53 55 55 55 Panama 5 4s 53 _ 105V 1054 1054 Peru 1st 6s 60 74 74 74 Peru 2d 6s 61 _ 74 74 74 Poland Rs 40 8 8 8 Porto Alegre 7 4s 66 7 7 7 Klo de Jan 6>^s 63 64 64 64 Rome 64s 52 48 474 474 Sao Paulo C 64s 57 .6 6 6 •Sao Paulo St 6s 68 . t.4 64 64 Sao Paulo St 7s 40 17 , 174 174 Sao Paulo St 7s 56 64 64 64 Serbs , s 62 114 11 114 Serbs 8s 62 114 114 114 Silesia Pr 4 4s 58 asd 44 44 44 Tokyo Citv 6s 52 26 . 364 364 Tokyo Citv 6 4s 61 57 57 57 Tokvo El Ll 6s 63 55 544 55 Un Stl W 3Vis51 Aasd 11 11 11 Uruguay ev 34s 79 394 394 394 Uru 34-4-443 id! 79 434 41 434 Uruguay 3’»s 78 Dec 404 40 404 Yokohama By HI 554 554 654 DOMESTIC BONDS. Adorns Exp 4s 47 103 103 103 Alb Per W P 6s 48 47 47 47 Alleg Corp 5s 44 S04 794 80 Allec Corp 5s 49 _ 76 754 76 Alleg Corn 5s 60 std 454 434 45 Allied Stores Iks 51 92 92 92 Allis 1'halmers 4s 62 110 110 110 Am A Foi Pw 5s 2030 60', r,94 60 Am I G Ch 5 4s 49 1004 1004 1004 Am Inti 54s 49 103 103 103 t Am 1 AT 314 s 61 102 1014 1014 Am T A " 34*66 101' 101 1014 Am T A T 54s 43 109J} 1094 109 Am Wat Wks 6s 75 105', 1054 1054 Anaconda rtl> 4 4s50 107 106'j 106', Anclo-Chll Nttr dh 67 34 34 34 Armouri Del list4s 65 954 95 95 Armour Del 4s 57 95 95 95 A TAS Fe adi 4s 95 89 89 89 A TAS Feadi 4s 95 st 894 894 894 A TAS Fe cen 4s 95 1024 102', 1024 A TAS Fe 4 4s 48 1014 1014 1014 Atl Coast L clt 4s 62 69 69 69 Atl Coast 1 4 4s 64 67 66 66 Atl & Dan 2d 4s 48 ._ 354 354 354 Atlantic Refln 3s 53 102 1014 102 Baldwin Loco 6s 40 . 1004 1004 1004 B A u 1st 4s 48 _ 684 684 684 B A O conv 4 4 s 60_ 214 204 214 B A O 4 4s 60 ct _ 204 194 20 B A O 1 st 5s 48 _ 684 684 684 B A O 1st 6s 48 ct_ 68 68 68 B A O ref 6s 95 _ 304 294 304 B & O ref 6s 96 ct_ 294 29 294 B A O 5s 96 F _ 294 294 294 B A O 6s 96 F ct .. 29 29 29 B A O ref 6s 2000 D 294 294 294 B A O rf 6s 2000 D ct 284 284 284 B A O ref 6s 96 324 314 324 B A U ref 6s 96 ct 32 32 32 BAO PLE&W V 4s 41 614 604 614 BAOPLEAW V 4s41ct 604 604 6O4 Bell T of Pa 6s 60 C 126 126 126 Beth Steel 3 ‘/»s 59 F 964 964 964 Beth Steel 3 4s 62 1094 1084 1094 Beth Steel 34s 66 994 99 99 Beth Steel 4 4s 60 1054 105 1054 Bos ft Me 6s f.> 41% 41% 41% Bos ft Me 5s 67 41 40% 41 Bos N Y A L «s 65 8% 8% BklvnfEd cn 3 %s 66 103 102% 103 Bklvn Man T 4 %s 66 74 73% 73% Bk]vn Cn Gas 6s 46 109 108% 108% Bklvn Un Gas 5s 60 91% 90 90 Bklvn Cn O 6s 67 B 100 100 100 Ruff R&P cn 4 %s 67 42% 42% 42% B R ft P cn 4 Vis 67 ct 41% 41% 41% Calif Ores Pwr 4s 66 97 96% 97 Canada South 6s 62 83% 83% 83% Canadian NR 4 %a 51 94% 94% 94% Can NH 4 %s 66 ’ 94% 94 94% CanNH4%s67 . _ 94% 93% 94% Can NK 4 % s 65 ... 96% 96% 96% Can NR 6s 69 July ... 98 97% 98 Can NH 6s 69 Oct .. 98 97% 97% Can NR 6s 70 ... 98 97% 98 Can Nor 6 %s 46 . 108% 108% 108% Can Pac dh 4S perp . 59 58% 58% Can pac 4 %s 46 . .. 82 81% 82 Can Pac 4%s 60 ... 70 69% 69% Can Pac 5s 44 _ 100 99% 100 Can Pac 6s 64 .. 77% 76% 76% Cent of Ga cn 6s 45 ... 9% 9% 9% Cent of Ga 6%s 69 .. 6 5 5 Cent N Eng 4s 61 38 38 38 Cent of N J gen 5s 87 22 22 22 Cent N J gn 6s 87 rg 17% 17% 17% Cent NY Pw 3%s 62 104% 104 104 Cent Pae let rf 4a 49 72% 72% 72% Cent Pae 6s 60 56% 56 56% Cert'd deb 6 %s 48 73% 73% 73% Cham PftF 4%s 38-60 102 102 102 Ches & Ohio 3%s 63 F 102 102 102 Ches ft O 3 %8 96 D 94% 94% 94% C ft O gen 4 %s 02 118% 118% 118% C ft O R&A 1st 4s 89 108 108 108 Chi BftU'4 %s 77 86 85% 86 Chi B&g ref 6s 71 92 91% 91% C B&g ill dlv 3 %s 49 96 96 96 C B&g 111 dlv 4s 49 100% 100% 100% Chi ft Kill 6s §1 19% 19% 194 Chi Urt West 4s 69 22% 22% 22% Chi MB ft St P 4s 89 27% 27(5, 27% Chi Mil ft St P 6s 76 9% 9 9% CMStPftP ad1 6s 2000 3% 214 3 ChlftNW gen 8%s 87 15% 14% 15% Chi ft NW 4%s 2037 10% 10% 10% Chi&NW 4%s 2037 C. 10% 10% 10% Chi ft NW cv 4%s 49. 5 4% 6 ChlftNW rf 6s 2037... 11 11 H Chi RlftP rf 4s 14 .. 8% 8% 8% Chi RlftP rf «a 84 ct_. 7% ' 7 7 i Htsh. Low. CIom. Chi RI*P on 4a II 16* 16* 15* Chi RlAF4Hs53A cfa 111 Chi R1AP ov 414* 10. 8* 3* 3* Chi (Jn Stales IS .. 102* 102* 102* Chi Un Sta 4a 61 D .. 104* 1*4* 104* Chi A W In ev 4a 68 . 91 90* 91 Chi AW Ind 4*s 61. 93* 93* 93* Childs A Co 6s 43 .. 60 59* 60 Cln GAE S*s 66 . 102* 102* 102* Cin Un Term 8*a 71 104 103* 104 CCCAStL L rf 4 *s 77 60* 60 60* Clev El III 8*s 65 . 107* 107* 107* Clev Un Ter 4 V* a 77.. 75* 76* 75* Clev Un Ter 6s 78 .. 82* 82* 82* Clev Un Tsr 6*s 7*.. 89* 89* 89* ColoE Air 6s 48_ 102 102 102 ColoP Air 6s 70_ 72* 72 72 Colo A So 4 *a 80 .. 41* 40* 40* Col GAE 6a 62 Apr... 102* 102* 102* Col GAE 6s 62 May 102* 102* 102* Col GAE 6s 61 100* 100* 100* Colum Ry PAL 4s 65 107* 107* 107* Comw Ed 3*s 68 120* 120 120 Comw Ed 8 *s 61 104 103* 104 Conn HAL 4%s 61 Rt 106* 106* 106* Cons Coal Del 6s 60 65* 65' j 65* Cons Ed N Y 8*s 46 106 105 105* Cons Ed db 8*s 48 106* 105* 105* Cons Ed N Y 3*s 66 102* 102* 102* Cons Ed N 7 S*s 68 102* 101* 101* Cons Oil 3*s 61 102* 102 102* Consum Pwr 8*s 66 100* 100 100 Consum Pwr 8 *s 65 102 101* 102 Consum Pwr 3 *s 67 102 101* 102 Consum Pwr 3*s 70 102 102 102. Consum Pwr 3*s 66 104* 104* H)4* Container deb 6s 43 100 100 100 Crane Co 8*s 61 102* 101* 102* Crucible Steel 4 Vis 41 100* 100* 100* Cuba Northn 5*s 42 34* 34* 34* Dayton PAL 8 *s 60 105* 105* 105* Del A Hud ref 4s 43 65 64* 64* Den A R G con 4s 36. 11* 11 11 Den A R G W 6s 65 . 4* 4* 4* D A R G W 6s 56 ast.. 4* 3* 4* DenAR G W rf 5s 78 . 7* 7* 7H net Edison 4s 66 .. 108% 108% 108% Det Edison 4 % 6] . 112 112 112 Duauesne Lt 3 %s 65 . 107% 107 107 Elec Auto Lt 4s 62 .. 108 107% 108 Erls cv 4s 63 A_ 23% 23 23% Erls ref 6s 67_ 17% 16*4 16% Erie ref 6s 75. 17% 16% 17% Firestone Tire 3%s 41 103% 103% 103*4 Fla E C Rv 4 %s 69 .. 62 62 62 Fla E C Ry 6s 74 _. 9% 9% 9% Gen Mot Acc 3%s 61. 105% 105 105% Gen 3tl Cast 6 Vis 49. 77% 76% 77 Goodrich 4 Vis 66 . 102 101% 102 Grt Nor Rv 3 %s 67 . 76% 76% 76% Grt Nor 4s 46 G .. 106% 106% 106% Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H . 93% 93 93% Grt N Ry 4%s 76 D 84 84 81 Grt N R «rn 4 %s 77 E 84 83% 84 Grt Nor Ry 5s 72 . 89% 89 89% Grt Nor Rv 5 %s 62 . 98 98 98 Gulf St Util 3%s 69 . 100% 10014 100% Har Rlver&P 4s 54 ... 54% 54 54 Hock Val 4 %s 99 .. 116% 116% 116% Houston Oil 4% 54 . 95 95 93 Hudson Coal 5s 62 A 42% 41% 42 Hud & Man Inc 5s 57 15 15 15 Hud * Man ref 6a 67 48% 47% 47% 111 Cent 4s 62 .. 55% 55% 55% 111 Cent 4s 63 _ 51 50% 51 111 Cent ref 4s 55 - 55% 55% 55% 111 Cent «%s 66 ... 53 52% 52% 111 Cent ref 6s 55 64% 64% 61% ICC&StL NO 4 %s 63 52% 52 52% ICC&StL NO 6s 63 56% 55*. 56 111 Stl deb 4%s 40 A 101% 101% 101% Indust Kayon 4 %s 48 95% 95% 95% Inland Steel 34is 61 106'. 106% 106'. Inter R T let rf 6s 66 64% 63 * 64% Int R T 1st rf 6l 66 ct 63% 63% 63% Inter RT 7s 32 63% 63% 63% Int R T 7s 32 ct _ 63% 63 63% Intel lake Iron 4s 47 .. 93% 93 93% Int Grt Nor 5s 66 C .. 17 17 17 Int Grt Nor 1st 6s 62 20% 20% 20% Int Grt Nor adj 6s 52 3% 3% 3% Int Hvdro El 6s 44 70 69 7o int Mer Mar 6s 41 64% 64 64 Int Paper ref 6s 66 _. 93 93 33 Int Ry of C A 5s 72 .. 74 74 74 Int T&T 4 % s 52 49 48% 48% Int T&T 6s 65 53% 52% 53% K C FSAM rf 4s 36 ct 33% 33%' 33% Kans c So rf 5s 60 66% 66% 66% Kan Cltv Term 4s 60 107 106% 106% Kfnjrs Co El 4s 49 79 79 79 Kopners Co 4s 61 99 98*4 99 Kresce Found S V4* 47 102% 102 102% Kresee Found 4s 4S * 102% 102% 102% Laclede Gas 6s 42 81 80% 81 Laclede Gas 5 %s 62 5° 51% 5? Laclede Gas 6s 42 A 47 47' 47 ; uiuTHie v**!* o.« n 4 i 4 i 47 [ Leh New Eng 4s 65 . 86 86 86 i L V RR con 4s 2003 . 21 20% 20% L V RR 4s 2003 asd 2(1 20 20 LV RR cn 4 Hs 2003 21 21 21 L V RR con 5s 200? 22% 22% 22% L V Term 5s 41 ass<J 60 60 60 LIbe & Mvers 5s 51 119% 119% 119% | LIee & Mvers 7s 44 12:1% 123% 123% j Liauld Pirhon 4s 47 107% 107% 107% ; LonE Is! ref 4s 49 st 85% 85% 85% I Loutsv (l&R 3 %s 66 104V; 104 104% ! L * Nash 3%s 2003 79% 79% 79% ! L & N 1st 4s 2003 . 84 84 84 ! I.* Nash unlf 4s 40 100% 100% 100% L * Nash 4 2003 89% 89% 89% L & N 5s 2003 B 96% 96 96 McCrory Strs 6s 51 _ 105% 105% 105% Mans 11 Sugar 4s 67 38% 38% ,38% Manhat Rv 4s 90 rt 64% 64 64%. Metron Ed 4 %s 68 109% 109 log's Mich i 'oris Gas 4s 63 95 94% 95 Minn & St L 4s 49 2% 2% 2% MStPSS.M cn 4s 38 8% 8% 8% MStP&SSM con Bs 38 6% 5% 6% MStP&SSM 6s 46 4% 4% 4% Mo K & T 1st 4s 90 39% 39 39% Mo K & T 4 %s 78 ... 23% 23% 23% Mo K & T 6s 62 A .. 26% 26 26% Mo K & T adl 6s 67... 12% 12 12% Mo Pac 4s 75 6% 5% 5% Mo Pac 5s 77 F _ 17% 16% 17% Mo Pac 5s 80 H _ 17% 16% 17%' Mo Pac 5s 80 Hct_ 16% 16% 16'% Mo Pac 6s 81 1 __ 17% 17% 17% Mob & Ohio 4%s 77 .. 27% 27% 27% Monong P S 4 %s 60 .. 108% 108% 108% MononB Pub S 6l 65 106% 106% 106% Mont Power 3%s 66 94% 94% 94% Morris*Es 3%s 2000 50% 60 50 Morris & Es 4%s 65 45 44% 45 Morris * Es.Bs 65 50% 50 50% Mount StT&T 3%s 68 101 100% 100% Mutual Tel 5s 41 . . 100 100 100 Nassau Elec 4s 61 41% 41% 41% Nat Dalrv 3%s 61 ww 104% 104 104% Natl Distill 3 %s 49 99 99 99 Nat Gypsum 4 %s 6C 103 103 103 Natl Steel 3s 65 98% 98% 98% New Ens R 4s 45 27 26% 27 New E T&T 1st 6s 52 120% 120 120 New Orl P S 5s 52 A 104% 104% 104% New Orl P S 5s 55 B 105 104% 105 New Orl T&M 4 %s 56 33 33 ’33 New Orl T&M 5s 64 B 35% 35% .35% New Orl T&M 5 lie Si 37 Sett 37 N Y Central 3 %s 62 71% 70% 71 NY Central 3%s 46 81% 81 81 N Y Central 4s 42 84 84 84 N Y Cent con 4a 98 66% 66% 66% N Y Cent rf 4%s 2013 61% 60% 60% N Y Cent rf 6a 2018 67% 66% 67% N YCL Sh 3 %s 98 66 66 66 NYC Mich C 3-%s 98 63% 63% 63% N Y Chi & St L 4s 48 80% 80% 80% N Y Chl&StL 4 %s 78 61% 60% 60% N Y C&StL 6%a 74 A 68% 68 68% N Y Conn 1st 4%s 53 101% 101% 101% N Y Conn 6s 53 .. 104% 104 104 N Y Dock 4a 51 55% 55 55% N Y Dock cv 5s 47 .. 57% 57% 57% N Y Edls 3 % s 65 D 102% 101% 101% N Y Edls ref 8%s 6* 103 102% 102% NYNH&H3%s66_ 14 14 14 NY NH &H 4 %>s 67 18 17% 18 NY NH & H cl 6s 40 . 25% 25% 26% NY NH & H cv 6s 48 18% 17% 18 N Y O&W gen 4s 55 .. 6 5 5 NY O&W ref 4s 92 . 8% 8% 8% N Y S * W ref 6s 37 9% 9% 9% NYSteam8%s63 . 97% 97% 97% N Y S&W gen 6s 40 _ 9 9 9 N Y Tel 3%s67 103% 103% 103% Nlag Sh 5 %s 60 102 102 102 Norf Southn 6s 61 ct. 11 11 11 North Am 3 %a 49 ... 102% 102% 102% North Am 884s 64-101% 101% 101% North Am 4s 69 .. 104% 104% 104% Nor’n Pao gn 3s 2047. 46% 46 46 Nor‘nPac4s97 71% 70% 70% Nofn Pao 4%s 2047.. 54 f64 64 Noi-d Pao 6s 2047 C-. 67 57 ff7 Nor'r Pac 4s 2047 65 64% 65 North Sts Pw 3%a 87 101% 100% 101% Ohio Edison 3%s 72 100% 100% 100% Ohio Edison 4s 66 106% 106 106 Ohio Edison 4s 67 105 106 105 Dkla O&E 3 84 s 66 102% 102% 102% Oreg Sh Line 5s 46 112% 112% 112% Oregon W HR 4s 61 102% 102 102% Otis Steel 4 %s 62 77% 76% 77% Pac Uas & El J%s 66 102% 102 102 Pac G & E 3848 61 105 104% 105 Pac G & E 4s 64 108 107% 108 Pac Mo 1st 4s 38 79 79 79 Pac T&T rf 8%a 66 B 102 101% 102 Panhand E T 4a 62 .. 104% 104% 104% Param t Pic 8%s 47.. 79 78 79 Penn Co 4s 62 E-100% 100% 100% Penn Co 4s 63 _100% 100% 100% Penn P&L 3 %s 69- 102% 102% 102% Penn P&L 4%s 74- 108 102% 10284 __L_ _ Hlch. Low. Clots. Penn RR S We 61_ 90* 90 90 Penn RR I We 70- 85* 86* 85* Penn RR 4s 41 _ 109 109 109 Penn RR cn 4s 41 stp. 109* 108* 109* Penn RR 4 Ws II- 93* 93* 93* Penn R 4 Ws 14 - .93* 93* 93* Penn RR 4 *■ 10 _113 113 113 Penn KR gn 4*s66.. 99 98* 99 Penn RR db 4 Ws 70.. 86 85* 85* Penn HR gen ts 68 .. 106* 104* 105 Peoria & E let 4s 40.. 63 62 62* Peoria & E !ne 4s 90.. 7 7 7 Pere Marq 4 *s 10 .. 70 70 70 Pere Mara 6s 56 75 74* 75 Phelps Dodge 3 *e 61 114 113*114 Phlla B&W 4*s 77 c. 103 103 103 Phlla Co 6s 67 .. 104 103* 104 Phlla Elec 3 Ws 67 .. 105* 105 105* Phlla RCA Ir6s73.. 16V* 16 16 Phlla R C * Ir 6a 49 . 6 6* 6 Phillips Petrol 3s 41 114*114 114 PCC&StL 4s 45 D ... 105 105 105 PCC&StL 4*s 77 96 96 96 Pitts C & Ir 4*s 53 100* 100* 100* Pltt&W Va 4 *s 68 A 53 53 53 Pltt&W Va 4*s 69 B 63* 52* 53 Pltt&W Va 4*s 60 C 53 52 53 Port Gen El 4 *s 60 76 75* 75* Poetal Tel & C 6a 63 18* 17* 18* Potomac E P 3 Ws 66 102* 102* 102* Public Sv 1st 3*s 68 101* 100* 10U* Reading JerC 4s 51 63* 63* 63* Rem Rand 4*8 66 ww 94* 94* 94* Rem Hand 4* 66 xw 94* 94* 94* Republic Stl 4 *e 66 93* 93* 93* Republic Stl 4 *s 61 93* 93* 93* Kepubllo 8tl 6*a 64 111*111 111 Koch G&E 3 *s 69 . 100* 100* 100* HI A & L 4 *1 34- 10* 10* 10* Saguenay Pw 4 We 66 89 88 89 StL iM&S K&G ts S3 61* 61* 61* St L-San U'r 4s 60 A.. 12* 12* 12* StL-San 6'r 4a 60 ct.. 12 12 12 -- -• vt. vi. St 1,-S 6' 4 Vis 78 ct »t. 12 12 12 St L. San Fr 6b 60 B._ 13* 13 13 SlLSWlsi4sS9 ... 63 63 63 St L, S tV ret 6s 30 .. U jut, 10* St 1. S tV 1st ter oa 52 18 17* 18 St P Un Dep rt 6s 72.. 113 113 113 San A&A Bass 4a 43 . 63 62 62 sail Antonio B s 4s 63 101* 101* 101* Schulco 6V*s 4b A alp 16* 16* 16* Seaha A U 4S 60 sty.. 13* 136* 13* Seab Q A U bs 46 A_ y* y* y* seab d A U ba 46 ct .. 8* 8* 8* Shell Un Oil 2 Via 64.. 92* 916. -92* Simmons Uo 4s 62- 95V. 95* 956* Skelly OH «s 61 -lOB* lol* 101* Soeony Vac 3s 64_ 1016*101 101 Sulhn Bell T&T 3s 7 9 9/6* 97!* 97* So Bell ldt'l 3*s62-. 102* 101* 101* Southn Cal O 4a bo . 107 10 7 107 Southn uai o 4*s61. 107* lo7* 107* So Colo Bwr bs 47 A _ 1046, 1046, 104* Southn Ivrati 4 *s 46 966, 95* 96 Southn Nat U 4 Via 61 104* 104 , 104* So Bac 2*a 46 _ 63* 63 63 So Bac rel 4s 66- 67 b6* 67 So Bac 4 Vis 68_ 54* 54 64 So Bac 4 *s 63- 64* D3* 54 So Bac 4 *s 81 . 64* 53, oa* So Bac Oreg 4 Vis 77.. 56 556, 656, 6iO tty K*n 41 66 A- 616, 60 6, 61 SO ay 68 94 _ 89 88 89 So ay sen bs 66_ 77* 77 77* So ay b*s 06 _ 82 81 82 S W Bell la, 3s 68 .. loo , 100* 10u6* S W Bell lei 3*s 64. 107* 107* 107* Southwn U4tB 4a 60 1046* 1046* 1046* SDOhane ini os 60 18* t8v, 18* SUnu oil N J 2V»s 63 100 99* 99 * Stand Oil N J 3s 61 101* lol* 10U, studeOakei cv bs 46.. 02* 92 92* Swill & Co 3*■ 60 ... 1006, 106* 1066, Tenn C&l Ka 5s 51... 119 119 119 term As at i_ 4s o3 .. iOo* lOol, 1056, 1 exas ooro 3s 63 . 99* yy* yy •, Texas Cory 3 V» a 51.. 1006, 1061? 106 , Third Av ret 4a 60 .. 4y 48* 4o , Third Ave 1st 6s 37.. 05* 056. 056, Thiro Av aui os 60 .. 146, 13* 13* Tide Wai OH 3*s 62. 1046, 104 101* Tol & Ohio C 3 *s 60. 84 , 84* 84!, Un Bl«Alol3*s62 . 10b6* 105* 105* Un Oil (Call bs 42 A. 1101, 1101, llOj, Un Baeihc 3 *s 7u .. »2 y2 02 Un BaciOc 3 *s ; 1 ... 03 02* 03 Un Bacitlc 1st 4s 47.. 1106, UO* 1106, U11 Pac rel 4s 2008... 102* 102* 1021, Un Bac 1st 5s 2008... 114* 113', 113* Unileu Urui; 6s 03_ 76* 74* 75 [ L td N J a 4a 44 - 1066. 106 IOo* . U steel 3 *8 48 103* i03* t03* Uld Stkyds4 V* sol ww 87 87 87 U tan UAt i os 44 _ y86, y8‘, 98* Ulan Bwi & at os 44. 09* ys ► yy* u mi * Ot u UB « f < f 7i Utility PILi V** *7. 77 77 77 Vanadium 6s 41 112 111 111 Va By 1st 34*s 66-103b 103 103 Wabasn 1st 6s 39_ 43b 42V* 42V* Wabasn 6s 76 B_ 12', 12>* 12 '» Wabaeii 6s 8u U_ 13 12-, 12-, Walworth 4s 66 _ 69 58 -, 69 W aruer Bros 6s 41 . _ 81Vi Si hll* Western USD 3 b* 67 101 . 10lb lotv, W est Penn P 3 V*s 66 107b 107b 107V* West an 1st 4* 2361 55la 04 o4*, W Sh 1st 4s 2361 reg 51 51 51 West MU 1st 4s 62 84 84 84 West Pacinc 6s 46 A 2Ui* 20 b 2ub W est Pae os 4b A as 20'* 20-, 20b W est Union 4 v*s 6u os.-* tis 68•« W est Union os ul 72 72 73 West Union ss 60 it-* 71b 71b W hile Sew 51 6s 4U__. 101',* 101 . lulb W HKes BAtiu as 42 12 lls* li>* Wilson & Uo 3-j*s 47 9 i * 9 Vi, 97b* W IS Gem Isi tin -is 49 20 19--I 20 W’is G S4tU T 4s 36 .. 9‘* 9b 9b W is hll Pw 3 V»s 68 1011,101 101 W is Pub Svc 4s 61 . 10oi* 106b lOob \oungsl n sdc'i 4s 41 111b 110b 110-H Youngst n S&'l 4s Cl I02v. 102b 102v* wasmn&ton exchange SALES. Capital Transit Co—3 at 13, 2 at 13. BONDS PUBLIC UTILITY Bid. Ailced Anacostia & Pot 5s_ 93 97 Ana & Pot Guar os_ 108 113 Cap Traction 1st 5s_ 88 93 City A* Suburoan os _ 92 b 97 Georgetown Gas 1st 5s 113 Pot Elec Pow 3bs __ lolb Washinghn Gas 5s I960 118 Wash Rwy & Elec 4s_105 MISCELLANEOUS Chevy chase Club 1st 4>*s 102 _ Col Country Club 1st 4V*s 102 _ Ter Rei & Wh Corn 1st 4>/«s 100 _ STOCKS PUBLIC UTILITY Bid Asked. Amer Tel A Tel (9) •162V. Capital Transit Co_ 12b 14 N A* W S:pnmhnnl 141 19) 25 Pot Elec Pow 6Cr Did (6) 112 Pot Ei Pw 5*ate Did (5.50) ill 112'/a Wash Gas Lt com (1.50) 26V* 29 Wash Gas Lt Did (4.50) 100 103(7 Wash Ry Ac El com (g3B) 030 j Wash Ry & El Did (5) 108(7 _ BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Amer Sec & Tr Co (e8)___*230 260 Bank of Bethesda (.75) 30 Capital (4) 143 Com & Savings (ylO.OO)_ 270 _ Liberty (6) _ 175 190 Lincoln (15) 200 Natl Sav Ac Tr (V3.00) 176 205 Pr Georges Bk Ac Tr (.60)_18 22 Riggs ie8i _*258 272 Riggs Did (5) __ _100 _ Washington (6)_ 121 _ Wash Loan & Tr (e8)_ 235 250 FIRE INSURANCE. American (tb) 115 _ Firemen's (1.40) 27 > _ _ National Union ( 75) 14(7 17 TITIE INSURANCE. Columbia (k.30> _ 13 _ Real Estate (mH) 170 MISCELLANEOUS Carpel Com (2.00) 27'A 31 Lanston Monotype (4)_ 42J* 45 Lincoln Serv com (tl.00)_. 19 23 Line 8er orlot pfd (3.50)4417 52 Mergenthaler Lino (p.50) 18 20 Natl Mtg Ac Inv pfd (d.20)1 3(7 4*/« Peoples Dr Str com (tl.OO) 304» 35 Real Eat M. Ac G. Dfd. (.45) 5 7 Security Storage (5)_*84 98 Ter Ref At Wh Coro (3)_ 58 65 Wdwd Ac Loth com (82.00) 40 60 Wdwd Ac Loth pfd (7)_116 •Ex-divldend. d 20c paid June 15. 1939. ♦ Pius extras e 2» extra i 3'« extra, g $14.00 extra paid December 20. 1938. k 20c extra, m $1.60 extra p One paid September 20t 1938. e $2.00 paid in 1938. v $3.00 paid so far this year y$5.00 extra ‘New York Sugar NEW YORK. Oct. 5 (iPi.—Domestic su gar futures were firm. Trading was re stricted pending Hitler's speech timorrow March sold at 2.22. up 4. and May at 2 27. ud 5. The world market was firm on some new buying and short covering, with March at 1.89. un 3hi. May at 1.90 was 3 higher. The raw market was unchanged. Lim ited duty frees were held at 3.65 and higher. Buyers temporarily withdrew. The refined market was unchanged. Both new business and withdrawals on old con tracts continued at a slow rat*, with the prevailing price 5.50 cents. y Rayon Consumption In 9 Months Soars Far Above 1938 Volume Already Near Total Recorded for All of Last Year By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Oct. 5.—Consump tion of rayon yarn and staple fiber in the United States during the first nine months of this year totaled 326,700,000 pounds, practically equal ing the entire 1938 annual consump tion of 327,200,000 pounds. Rayon Organon stated today. « Use of rayon staple fiber showed the greater gain, nine months’ con sumption aggregating 68,500,000 pounds against 53,100,000 pounds for the full year 1938. Rayon yarn con sumption amounted to 258,200,000 pounds for the nine months com pared with 274,100,000 pounds for all of last year. While record rayon consumption is expected for 1939, the Organon does not anticipate that the fourth quarter will exceed the record total of 122,000,000 pounds estimated for the three months ended September 30. With production at approximate capacity the third-quarter total was made possible only by drawing on producer’s stocks w'hich now equal less than two week's supply. Technicolor Declares 25-Cent Dividend By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Oct. 5.—Technicolor. Inc., today announced declaration of a dividend of 25 cents a share, pay able October 18 to stock of record October 13. Last July 17 the com pany paid a dividend of 35 cents a share. Washington Produce BUTTER—00 score 1-pound prints. 31; tub 30; 14-Pound prints 32: 92 score, tub. 31: 1-pound prints. 32. U-pound prints ^ MEATS—Choice berf 18. good beel. 18 17‘j. calves. 10*2- spring lamos. 9: \eal. 10 down: pork loin. 20-21: .smoked regu lar ham. 22-23; smoked skinned ham. 24. large smoked skinned ham. 20-21: bacon, sliced. 28; bacon, piece. 23. compound. 10. pure lard. 8‘j. LIVESTOCK—Pigs. 120-140 pounds. 6.90-0.40: light pigs 140-100 pounds. 6 59-8.75; 170-210 pound1 6.45-6.55: i 220-240 pounds ft. 15-7.65: 250-300 pounds. 5.65-0.15. calves, good grade. 10 down, lambs. 9 down: buck lambs 2.70 less, sows 5.20-5.50 stags, 4.10 down, weightier sows. 4 10-5.10. From Agricultural Marketing Service. ^Prices paid net 1. o. b. Wash.ngton: EGGS—Market stead. For eggs can died and gradea in Washington lOctober 5»: White . u. S. extras, large. 33. U. S extras, mediums 23: U. S. standard*, large. 28. U S standards mediums. 2u. U. S trades. IT; U. S. pullets. 14. For nearby ungraded eggs. Current receipts, white-. 21 to 22. mixed colors. 10 to 20. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady, some heavy fowl bringing premium? Fowl: Colored, all sizes. 1 o best higher. No 2. 12 to 13: Leghorns. 10: few higher; roosters. 9 to 19 Chicken- Virginia Rock*, broilers and fryers, all size*. 17 to 1h. No 2. 12 to 13. Delaware Rocks and crosses, broilers and fryers ail sizes, i 7 to 18 few best higher. No. 2, 12 to 13. mixed colored fryers 15 to 18. Turkeys: Young toms. 15 pounds and up 1 •: young hen* Hi pounds. 20 some premiums paid. No 2. hens and tims. 12; undersizes. 15. Young guinea keats. 1\* pounds and up. 18 a pound. Foreign Exchange NEW YORK Oct ft up*.—The British pound levelled off today after several ses sions of fast gains in relation to the dollar Bankers said the slight reaction—the pound lost less than *2 cent—t$as prob ably nothing more than a consolidation of the recent gams. Helping to strengthen the unit, foreign exchange men said, were covering of short holdings and restrictions on luxury im ports into England as well as lower prices for British exports outside sterling areas since the outbreak of the war. The Swiss iranc and guider edged for ward. but the French franc and belga declined narrowly. The belga. off .03 of a cent, was quoted at the lowest price thus far in the yeai Late rates follow Greaf Britain in dollars, others in cents Great Britain demand 4 (I41*: Great Britain, cables 4 047«: on-dav bills. 4.033>: OO-day bills. 4.0134 Canada. Montreal in New York. *5.00; Canada New York in Montreal. 111.75: Belgium 10.77: Den mark. 10.35: Finland. 2.00: France. 2.203*; Germany, unquoted, benevolent. 18 75. travel, unquoted Greece. 73’jn Hungary. 10 non. Italy. 5.05: Netherlands 53 27. Norway. 22.75; Poland unquoted; Por tugal 3.72n; Rumania. .73n: Sweden. 2:!.*::; Switzerland. 22.4*; Argentina (of ficial'. 20.« * ; Argentina »iree». 23.00. Brazil (official), ft.05: Brazil (free'. 5.10; Mexico. 2o.s5n; Japan. 23 05; Hong Kor.g 25.45 Shanghai. 7.80; Yugoslavia 2.33n. Rates in spot cables unless otherwise indicated n—Nominal. Dividends Announced NEW YORK Oct 5.—Dividends declared. Prepared by Titch Publishing Co Pe- Stock of Pay Rate. riod. record, able. Increased. Collins Co_$2 Q io-3 10-4 Decrease. Technicolor Ins 25c _ 10-13 10-1* Accumulated. Lake of the Woods Milling 7'. pf _$3.50 __ 10-14 11-1 Shamrock Oil & Gas O'. Df-$3_. 10-10 10-14 Do 6' i cv pf-30c 10-10 10-14 Regular. Am All nce Ins Co N Y_25c Q 10-5 10-18 Atlan City Elec Co SO Pf --$1.50 Q 10-6 11-1 Greet Am Ins N Y_25c Q 10-5 10-16 Lincoln Tel & Tel A 25c Q 0-30 10-10 Do B - 25c Q 11-311 10-10 Do 6', pf-$1.5(1 Q 0-3(1 10-10 Michigan Bakieries 15c 0-21 9-"9 Montgy & Erie Ry__17'2c S 10-31 11-10 Nor River Ins N Y_25c __ 11-28 12-9 Public Elec Lt_25c Q 10-20 ll-l Reed D ug Co_10c __ 9-22 10-2 Do A- . ..O^c Q 9-22 10-2 Rochester Am Ins N Y 25c Q 10-5 10-16 Sm'th S Morcan Co $1 50 Q 11-1 11-1 Texamerica OH _8'2c 9-28 10-2 Utah Wyoming 0:1 Co^.oc 10-14 11-1 wuson L.ine . _ _*1 __ it-i 5 9-30 Amer Mach & Fdv 20c 10-1R ll-i Dayton Rubber Mfg 25c 10-14 10-25 Inti Cigar Mach . 50c 10-16 li-1 Paris Exchange Rates PARIS. Oct 5 OP)—The United States dollar was quoted 43 80 francs 12.283 cents to the franc) in foreign exchange dealings today, compared with the franc at 2.297 in New Vnrk over night. Exchange on London. 176.625. Principal rent) issues in the Bourse: 3 oer cent 67.45 francs; 4Vis "A.'’ 74 50; 4M,s. 1937. 177.10. Federal Land Banks NEW YORK. Oct. 5 (4b.—Federal Land Bank bonds: 4s July. 1946-44. .. 3s Julv. 1955-45 3s May. 1956-46 _ 3V«b May. 1955-45 ... 3s Jan.. *1956-46 Big Gain Seen In Woolworth Volume By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Oct. 5.—P. W. Wool worth Co. reported today sales in September rose nearly 10 per cent to $25,810,154, against $23,491,433 in the comparable month a year ago. In the first nine months of the year the aggregate was $213,022,705, a gain of 5>/2 per cent over $201, 846,132 in tne first nine months of 1938. McCrory Stores Corp., variety chain, made public the following sales comparison: Sept. 9 months. S Japan’s lumber shortage is ex pected to be nearly 1,000,000 board feet this year. NEW YORK CURB MARKET! Stock and Salea— Dividend Rat* Add 00. Hlth Low. Clos* Aero Supply (B). 1 41k 4H 41k Ainsworth __ 17 7 7 Air Assoc (.60).. 8 814 81k 8y* Air Investors . 2 2 Ilk Ilk Als Grt Sou (3c) 25* 82V* 821* 821* Ala Power pf (6) 80s 871* 87 871* Ala Power pf (7) 50s 9714 97 97 Alum Co of Am 50a 13314 133y* 13314 ’ Alum Co pf (6).. 100s 113 118 113 Alum Ltd (.25a). 460s 91 91 91 Am Capital (B).. 1 ft ft ft Am Cap pf ,75k ... 1 22 — 22 22 Am Centrifugal. 1 Ik 14 Ik Am City PAL(B) 2 11* 11k 11* Am Cynam B «0. 22 33v* 3214 331* Am A For P war 1 ft £ ft Am Fork A H .60 350s 12 12 12 Am Gas A El 1.60 25 3714 36'k 36** Am General .. 2 6 5 5 Am LtATrae 1.20 2 1514 1514 1514 AmMfgCo ... 60s 21 21 21 Am Maracaibo 3 1 1 l ( Am PotACh (20 175s 96 95 95V* Am Republics 3 814 81k 8i» Am Seal-Kap ,36g 1 51* 6S 6H Am Superpower 8 14 ft ft Am Superpwr pf 1 18 18 18 Angostura (.05c) 2 Ilk 114 Ilk Apex Eec Mfg 1 12y* 12y« 12y* Appal El P pf(7) 10s 111'* 11114 11114 Ark Nat Gas .. 4 2\ 21* 21* Ark Nat Gas A 9 214 21* 214 Art Met’Wks .40c 3 7y« 7 71* Assoc Gas A Elec 1 1* 1* 1* Assoc G A E (A) 11 1* 1* Assoc GasAEl pf. 18 8 8 Atl Coast Fish . 1 31* 31* 3S Atl Coast L l le). 60s 28 2s 28 Atlas Drop Fore 3 4i« 4'4 41* Aviation A Trans 6 214 214 214 Babcock A Wll .. 7 24 23'4 2314 Baldwin Lo war. 11 914 81* 9 Baldw L pf 2.10 ,350s 27 26'* 27 Barium Stain Stl 10 1 ] i Basic Dol .25g ... 2 814 814 814 Bath Iron — 3 9y* 9v* 9>y Beanult Mills_ 15 5 5 Beaunlt M cv pf (,375k)_. 1 13 13 IS Beech Aircraft 6 9‘4 9V4 9y, Bellanca Aircraft 3 7l» 7k» 71* Bell Aircraft . 2 23 227» 23 nera & uay ( ur.. 2 % ft <4 Berk & Gay war. 7 4k 4, 4* Bickfords (1.60). 100s 14', 14', 14', Bliss (EW) 7 17s, 16', 174, Blue Ridge 1 14, i>, n, Blue K cvpf (3h) 3 39',, 38s, 39'/, Bohacki HC) 1st. 10s 20 20 20 Bowman-Blit ... 2 ", t„ Brazilian T & L.. 3 6'/, 64, 64s Breeze Corp .. 16 6 6 Brewst Aero 20k 6 74* 74* 74* Brldgp t Machine 4 4V> 4 4 Brill pf 50s 34 31 3 4 Brit-Am O cp (1) 1 164, 16’, 164 Bro« Copftr). 300s 21', 20 204, Brown For Dist .12 2 2 I Brown Rubber 18 5 4’, 4’, 1 B N&EF pf l 60 3 20 , 20s, 20', j Bunker Hill 50k 9 16 15’* 16 Burma Ltd 077k. 1 14 1', li* Can Col A rwayi 2 o', 54 5‘. ; Can Marc -Vlre 7 14, 14 14 Carib Synd cate 16 14 14, 14 Carman(B; .1555 Carnation Co (1) 1 35', 35»i 35s, Carnegie Met . 1 '* '» », Caro P&L pf <61. 10s 89 89 89 Caro P&L pf 17). 10s 99 99 99 Carrier Corp 2 114 114, 114, Catalln (Am) 12 3 24 3 Celan ptc pf (7ai 50s 1024 102’, 1024 Cent HG&E (.80) 2 134 13', 134 Cent NY Pwr pf 6 20s 90 90 9u Cent & Sown LJtll 5 14* 14 14 Cent States Elec 7 4 ft », Cant Sts El 7% pf 50s 10 10 10 i Chi Flex S (5a) 150s 674 67 67 Chi Rivet (,20g) 2 9 9 9 j Cities Service 11 6i, 6 64 j Cities Service pf 4 514 51'* 514 | Cities SP&L *6 pf 10s 76 76 76 Cities SP&L *7 pf 30s 76 76 76 Clark Cont ,25g . luOs 19V» 184 18', 1 Clev Elec 111 (2) 300s 40', 404 40-, Clev Tractor 4 54 o', 5s, Col Fuel & 1 war 5 '84 8V* 84 .Colts Pat F A (2) 250s 88 87 87 Columb Oil & Gas 8 24 2s, 24* Comwlth & S war 3 4 4 4 ' Com P' & L 1st pf 50s 314 314 314 Com'ty PS (2) ofa 25v, 26 4 264 Cons G&E Ba 3 60 2 73 72*i 73 Consol Gas Util 4 14 14 14 Cons Retail Strs. 3 44 4 4 j Cons Steel Com 2 74 64 74 ] Conti G&E prpf 7 100s 91 91 91 Conti Roll & Stl 4 114 114 114 Cooper-Bess 2 124 114 124 Copper Ranee 250s 74 74 74 | Corroon & Reyn 2 24 24 24 Creole Petm 60a. 10 25 4 25 4 254 ! Croft Brewing 6 4 4 4 Crown Drug 4 14 14 14 Crown Dpf 1.75 50s 154 154 154 Cuneo Press (3a) 50s 50V* 504 504 Darby Petroleum 4 5 5 5 Dayton Rub 1 lg) 1 164 164 164 Decra Kec 60g 3 6 . 64 64 Dejay Stores 40g 1 44 44 44 Del Paper Prod 1 14 14 p, i Divco Twin .40g lb 64 74 84' Dobeckman 1 64 64 64 j Dorrun St 1 & Coal 3 12 12 12 | Dubilier Coil ,13g 4 14 14 14 Eagle Richer l.a 12 124 114 124 > East n Gas St F (1 4', 44 44 Easin G&8 6 pf 200* 23 224 23 Easln G&F pr pf 175* 384 384 3e4 Eisier Electric 1 14 14 14 Elec Bond St SI) 88 9 4 9 4 94 i Elec B & S pf (5) 6 58 574 67:* 1 Elec B & S pf 16 r 6 65 4 634 634 I Electrolvtc 3 14 14 141 EmpG&F7%Df 50s 604 60V* 604 Empire Pw 1.50k 50s 26'* 264 264 Erasco Derrick 1 84 84 84 Equity Corn 2 4 4 4 Esquire (.60) 1 44 44 44 Europ E deb rts 31 A r» 4 Fairchild At 20g 3 104 104 104 Fansteel Metal 4 114 104 104 Fidelio Brew 22 H Hi I Fisk Rubber 3 10 94 94 Fisk Ktrb pf (6) 25s 82 82 82 Fla P&L pf 5.68k 275s 82 794 82 Ford (Cam A (1) 16 164 154 154 Froedt cvpf 1.20 2 174 174 174 Fruehauf T 75g 33 254 22 25 Fuller (GA) 50s 18 18 18 Fullerpf(4) 50s 374 374 374 Gen El Ltd(.67g) 1 124 12V* 124 Gen Sharehold 1 44 14 14 Gen Tel Df (3) _ 1 49 49 49 Ga Power pf (6) 75s 95 95 95 Ulen Alden Coal 10 8 74 74 GodchauxA 2.50g 100s 314 314 314 Goldfield Consol 14 4 4 GA&P n v (6g I) 125s 101 994 101 Grt No Pap 1.50g 50s 44 44 44 fleeanlUI/4 <T D U III fir rx , , Grumann Alr.50g 6 16% 16'. 16% Gulf Oil of Pai 1 1 1J 42% 41% 42 Gul St Ut Df 5 50 10s 107 107 107 Gulf St Ut of <6> 40s 111 111) 111 Gypsum L& A 25s 5 5 5 Hall Lamp 2 3% 3% 3% Hartford El 2.75a 25s 63 63 63 Hartford Kayon 5 2% 2% 2% Hartman Tobac 1 % % % Harv'd Brew .05* 2 1% 1% 1% Hearn Dept Strs 2 3% 3% 3% Hecla Min i 2Ug) 2 7% 7% 7% .Helena Huben _ 2 4% 4% 4% Heyden Ch 1.60 1 65 55 55 Holllnger G 66a 2 10 9% 10 Horn* Hard (2) 25a 33 33 33 . Humble O 1.376g 6 68% 67% 68% Hummel-Ross P 15 5 5 Ullnols-la Power 2 3% 3% 3% lll-la Power pt 3 19% 19% 19% Ill-la Pwr dlv ct 2 4% 4% . 4% Ilium Shar A(2). 25s 56 56 56 ImpUllLld 60a 8 13 12% 13 Imp OH reg 50a 1 12% 12% 12% Imp Tob Can 40a 21 11% 11% 11% Ins Co N Am 2a 150l 67 66% 66% Int Hydro El pf 1 15% 15% 15% Int Pa&Pwr war 5 3% 3% 3% Int Petrol 1.60a 18 20 18% 19% Int Vitamin .225g 11 3% 3% S% Interst H Eq .50a 2 7% 7% 7% ' Interst P Del pf 50s 5% 5% 5% ' Irving Air C i la) 2 20% 20% 2(5% | Jer CP4L pf (7) 40s 101% 100 101% Jones ALauStl 13 45% 44 44% Kennedy’s ,60g 5 5 4% 4% Kgs C Ltd pf D 5 50s 63 63 63 Knott Corp .30* . 1 7% 7% 7% KressiSH) pf .60 1 12% 12% 12% Kreuger Brew 1 5% 5% 6% Lake Shore M14) 3 27 26% 27 Lane-Wells .75g 3 10 10 10 .Lehigh Coal 4 N 9 3% 3% 3% Leonard OH 4 £ & 4 Line Mater 1 35g 200s 10% 10% 10% Llpton pf (1.501 100s 19 19 19 Locke Steel 1.20 60s J3% 13% 13% Lockheed Alrc . 16 28% 28% 28% Lone Star (,40g) 2 8% 8% 8% Long Island Ltg 1 1% 1% 1% Long lal Ltg pf B 50* 28% 28% 28% Loudon Packing 1 2% 2% 2% La Land&Exp .40 3 6% 6% 6% Lucky Tiger .02*. 1 4 4 4 , Majestic Radio— S 2% 2% 2% ] I * omen ana Bales— Dividend Rate Add 00. Hlih. Low. Close Manatl Suk war 8 % % % Marlon St Shovel 6 54 54 54 Mead John (3a) 50a 1434 1434 1434 Mempb N O ,35g_ 1 44 4*4 44 Merr-Chap A Sc.. 1 44 44 44 MeaabI Iron_ 8 M 4 4 Mich Suaar 4 14 14 14 Mid Sts P (B).10i 1 4 4 4 Midland Stl 1.50k 1 18 18 18 Midvale Co (Ig). 60a 110 110 110 Mid WeatCorp 4 74 74 74 Mock Jud V .75g. 1 12 12 12 Molybdenum 4 64 6 6 Monarch MT ,85g 1 274 274 274 Mont Ward A 17) 20a 153 163 153 Mount City Cop 7 54 54 64 Mount Prod 60 . 2 54 64 54 Murray (O) .50g_ 2 94 94 94 Muskegon 1.20g_. 1 15 15 16 Nat Auto Fibre 16 84 84 84 Nat City L pf (3) 60s 424 424 424 Nat Contain.225g 19 9 9 Nat Fuel Gas (1) 2 134^134 134 Nat Oil Prod .85g 1 41 41 41 Nat P & L pf < 6) 100s 814 804 814 Nat Rubber Macb 5 6 44 44 Nat Suk Ref (1) 1 144 144 144 Nestle Le Mur A 1 4 4 4 Nev-Cal Elec pf 25s 41 41 41 N EP A pf (5k).. 75s 73 4 73 4 734 New Idea (.60) 1 114 114 114 N J Zinc (1.60g)_ 250s 70 674 674 Newmont 1.50r . 3 70 70 70 N Y Merch (.60). 1 74 74 74 Nlag Hudson Pwr 10 74 74 74 Niles-Bem-P ,50a 4 70 694 70 Not Am L&P pf 75s 58 57 58 Northn Ind P S 6% pf (4.50k) 80s 914 91 914 N 1 P S 7 pf 5.25k 10s 984 984 984 North n Sia PiA) 31 164 154 16 Ohio Brass (B) . 75s 214 214 214 Ohio Edis pr (6) 75s 1034 103 1034 Ohio 0)1 pf (6) 50s 1024 1024 1024 Ohio Pwr pf (6) 408 1134 113 113 Okla.NatGas.75g 2 154 154 154 Oldetyme Dlst 4 14 14 14 Pac Gas 6 pf 1.60 5 31 31 31 rantecec on 66 5% 5% 5% ] P’k’b g K & R.50g 1 11% 11% 11% 1 Pennroad Corp 14 2% 2% 2% Penn P&L pf («). 10s 104% 101% 104% Pepperell <4r) .. 2oi 92 92 92 PharisT&R 60g_ l 7% 7% 7% Phillips Packing. 1 6% 6% 6% ■. Phoenix Secur 6 7 7 7 Pioneer Gold 40 4 2 2 2 Pitney-Bowes <0 17 TV Pitts Forging 10 12% 12% 12% Pitts & L E 50g 10s 70 70 70 Pitts Metall .75g. 1 11 n n Pitts PI G1 2.25g. 2 96 95% 96 Potrero Sugar . 1 1% 1% 1% Premier Gold 12 1 1% 1% 1% Pressed Metals _ 1 H% n% 11% Producers Corp . 5 % % % Pub Sv lnd S6 pf 50s 31% 31% 31% P S lnd *7 pr pf 25s 60% 60 , 60% Puget Sd P $5 pf 200s 65 65 65 Pugei S d P {6 pf 325s 22% 21V* 22% Puget Sd P & T 1 b% 8% 8% Reed Roll B (la) 1 28% 28% 28% Rome Cable 20g. 3 12% 12V* 12V* Root Petrolm pf 3 8 7% 8 Russeks Fifth Av 2 4% 4 4 Rustless Ir & St) 1 14 14 14 Rverson H .7 1% 1% 1% St Regis Pacer 13 3% 2% 3%, Salt Dome 011 1 8*4 g% g\4 Samson United 8 2% 1% 2% Scrant Lace 1.25g 10s 23 23 23 j Scullin Steel 3 13% 13% 13% Scullin Steel war 4 1% 1% 1% Segal Lock 4 *s % Selberling Rub 3 7% 7% 7% Select Industries 4 1% 1% 1% Seton Leat'r ,50g 1 8% 8% 8% Seversky Aircr't 22 4% 4% 4% Shattuck-D 125g 2 7% 74, 7:, Sber-Wilimst2g) 350s 69% 88 89% SilexCo(la) 2 14% 14V, 14% Singer Mfg iSa) 10s 138 138 138 3 Cal Ed pf 1.50a 10s 37% 37% 37% S C Ed pf C 1.375 2 25% 25% 25% Std C&S cvpf 1.60 60s 20 20 20 Stand Oil Ky (1) 4 18% 18V, 18% Stand Pwr & Lt 9 % (j, •% Stand Prod 2Rg 2 9% 9% 9% Stand Silver-Ld 1 % % % Sucray Oil 05g 1 2% 2V* 2% Taggart 3 4% 4V, 4% ] Tarrina K'.lpr* 994 1 Qu. 9u_ 9i i Taylor i ky) Dlst 7 v & ft Tachnicolor ,35g 10 12 H», 12 Tex P&L pf (7) 10s 1057; 105', 105V TUo Rooting (1) 3 10V 10V 10V Tob Prod Ex 36a 6 4>i 4v 4'. I Todd Shlpy’d 2g 50s 75V 73V 75V Trans-Lux 2 IV IV IV i Tubize Chatlllon 2 10V 10V 10V I Tung-Sol Lamp 1 3V 3V 3 V Tung-Sol L pf 80 4 7V 7V, 7V Ulen & Co pt A 1 IV IV IV UnPremFSU). 2 16V 15V 16V Unit Chemical _ 2 8V 8V 8V» UtdCgr Wh Strs 3 V V v Unit Gas 26 2V 2V 2V» Unit Gas pf 6.76k 3 86 85 86 Unit Lt&Pwr lAI 3 IV IV IV Unit Lt & Pwr pf 21 29 27V 28V Unit Sn M 2 50a 400s 76 74V 74V U S Foil iB) 14V 4V 41, U S & inti Secur 1 ■'-» v V U S Lines pi 1 3V 3V 3V U S Plywood 1 15 15 15 U S Radiator 2 2 2 2 U S Hub Reclaim 2 4V 41, 41, Unit Verde Exl 10 1 1 1 Unit Wall Paper 2 2 2 2 Utah-ldaho Sug 4 2V4 2V 2V i L'th P&L pi 3.50k 7os 63V 63 63V Util P&L pf«rl 50s 20 2U 20 I Valspar Corp 2 IV IV IV1 Van Norm 1 2ug , 50s 27 27 27 Venezuela Petrol 6 IV* 1 IV 1 t'oght Jllg ( 6Ug) 1 10 lu 10 Wagner Baking 1 5V 5V 5H Wear Va C &C 8 3V 3 3 W'est’n Md 1st pf 10s 58 58 58 W'estmoreTd (1) 150a 10V 10V 10V W eBtrnor Id Coal 100a 11V UV 1IV Western Air Exp 1 3V 3V 3V Wilson Jon ,25g 2 8 8 8 Woolw Ltd 531g 1 11 v 11V 11V Wright Harg.40a 7 6V, 6V 6V Tukon Pac Mfg 1 IV iv IV r In bankruptcy or recemrshle ot Osins reorganized under Bankruptcy Act or lecuritles assumed By such companies Rates ot dividends in the torezolnz table 1 are annual disbursements based on ;h» last luarterV or aemt-annual declaration Un less otherwise noted, special or axtrs diyi 1en1s are not tnclnOeo XJ Ex dividend xr Ex rights a Also sxtra or extras e Paid last Tear t Pay able In stnek a Declared at ogtd so far this year b Cash dr stock k Accumu lated dividend nald or declared this year < or Under rule ww With warrants gw without warrants war Warrant* Jersey Wage Average Highest Since 1930 By the Associated Press. NEWARK, N. J„ Oct. 5.—New Jersey industrial workers are re ceiving now an average weekly wage i which is higher than at any time I since 1930, a memorandum pre- i pared by the State Chamber of ] Commerce said today. TVlP mpmnrnnrinm cHntirc “o fo_ ! vorable trend has been established j in New Jersey and that econom- ' ically we are on the way up. Chamber President Robert T. Bow- 1 man said. The average industrial 1 pay envelope for a week, based on J earnings in the quarter ending last i June, contained $26.42, Bowman I said, a figure slightly higher than ; the $26.39 national average during the same quarter. ] Wages today, Bowman said, may ' ae slightly higher. The June figure, 1 ne added, is 9 per cent below the , level recorded at the "boom” peak n December, 1928. - i Swift Denies Report Df British Deal > 3> the Associated Press. j CHICAGO, Oct. 5.—William B. < rraynor, vice president and treas- < irer of Swift & Co., today denied i l report that negotiations were un- j ier way for the sale of Swift's in- 3 erest in Libby, McNeill and Libby, { lacking concern, to the English- 3 :ontrolled Level Brothers and Uni- ? ever, Ltd. i “There is no foundation for such \ t rumor,” Traynor said. The re- { lort was published in New York. i f - i To conserve lumber, Japan will \ estrict the building of wooden t louses. ’ < Ml Copper Producers ; Follow Leader in :j Boosting Price .n Domestic Quotation Raised Half a Cent To 12Vi Cents . % By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Oct. 5.—All pro- ' ducing and smelting interests today '* * advanced the price of domestic cop per 4 cent a pound td 12 Vi cents following the action of one producer * in boosting the metal yesterday. Establishment of the uniform higher price came about within a V few minutes alter actual sales of V? copper at the 124-cent level were M reported. Fair-sized tonnages were f said to have changed hands. Several producers and smelters id failed to post quotations after the i'/ hoist yesterday, but trade circles % said they continued to take care of / regular customers at 12 cents until V they decided to join the movement 4 in the forenoon today. v Copper has not sold at 124 cents since October 5, 1937, except for one day early in September when a producer raised it to that level from 18 cents, but canceled the higher quotation when other interests lg nored the move. On May 8 this jear the red metal dropped to its 1939 low of 10 cents a pound. li. S. Industrialists Warned Against Plant Sabotage NEW YORK, Oct. 5.—Warning is given to industry' by Factory Man agement and Maintenance t<j take steps lor the prevention ot sabotage m plants during the present war emergency. It is pointed out that the problem in World War days was especially serious long before America entered the war. The cost to American industry then is esti mated at $150,000,000 in material damage, exclusive of losses in pro duction and profits. Incendiary fires and explosions were the saboteurs chief activities. To forestall serious loss in the pres ent emergency the National Fire Piotection Association has suggest ed four pointers. These include: (1> Keeping the amount of material to burn in one place as small as pos sible; (21 providing construction that tends to retard the spread of fire, such as use of fire doors, fire wails and the like: (3< employing fire protection equipment, such as automatic sprinklers, automatic fire alarms and fire extinguishers; (4» using adequate and efficient watch- -* man service. Safety experts emphasize the ne cessity' for adequate fencing of plants and guarding of gates. The Safety Research Institute urges that - fire extinguishers be grouped at points where special hazards exist to cope with the full extent and type of fire may be anticipated. CURB BONDS Ald>'prIwd-TIFi— e- Low Noon. Aia rewer -I *-2* f# iiw5* qqi_ Ala Power 5s ri« 1m 104 ini'* A?i P 4 T -s -;<!16 — »14 944 0434 8skr-PTnri J.°S 1044 10438 1i:4S, Vs FI tad 4 4s 53 08 4 58 4 084 . S & S 44s *8 41 41 41 As G & E 5s 60 4.i:3 431.- .!•-Lt As P £ 1 5-S, 43 2 43 * 43* As y A'J1 o*aS iT 4; 34 4'i-»* 4 1, SM T 5*25 55 A TO 0O’v TO Bald Loco 6s 5JI .. 1284 1274 1284 n!ii ?! £ ?s 2° A 1O01* lots1* ill#*# rf* TpwCTiJS -£ - - 305!1» 1"o38 1055, ,5s -? 10534 H»534 1o5* -ent St Ei 0I2S o4 4i2 4*> 40 Ten Sc PAL SV 53 Tl34 *0% H -hi Rys os '21 cod _ 5oU 50 =>n Titles Service 5s 50 ?1*J ?Vt4 7V14 Titles Service 5s 68 .. T1 Tl ti n1} | fJ'2S 512 8012 80 80 #40 80 8(J 80 Cons G Util 6s 43 st 704 ;o34 704 Del I? PaE5?S °?',A /'V* S54 854 4 k!‘ ~ W- £■** •7 ’ l«»o loti 100 ? r ?°iE os 4J liib‘2 xn»' Hi.~!a b .st G AC 1 4s 5* A 7834 784 784 t* * A: Lt os JO.iO ?1>2 TlJ3 Tl1! t Fea^wi't V a5-.5' 1‘" '.3 1"‘ 4 11 1 2 rf * t* ° 2S - M> 2 8(»1 a 80U Fl.i P'ai coupn 4s 04 4 :*4 04 * Florida P a: L 5s .»4-luu 101-U iu_ 3eorlla ^ -1"53* l"o3. 11154 jeorgia p l os 1 K_. H<» «') jleu Alaen Cl 4s 65.. 704 704 7111* iiHleTC ^8 Lt 2,s 53 A— 103 1(13 103'* ' ndtana Stc 5s 00 A__ 66 66 H6 »* eO-A-- «54 65 4 654 ntl P Sec 04s 55 C ._ 324 324 3“4 SfeCtf d W 4As .671- 654 65 654 ’ .nterst Pw its o—__ 5-1 4 5’ '# nterst P a 5s 50 D.__ 00 jh> oii !nt£rST* fP s 41*s 58 F_92 4 92 924 !? . cL&Ji '3S 57 A- 1034 1034 1034 • [tal Sit Pa 6s 63 A_ 324 324 3’4 Cfr C P&L 4'.js 61 C. . 105 4 105 1054 ^totoclty U os 69 I_ 084 9a 9o4 - S Dist P 34s 66 A.. 994 99 994 4noi5.Lti ?s-46-~- 094 994 994 -a Pw & Lt os 57_loH3, 1064 1064 didtan VRR 5s 43 69 684 69 . G & E 14s tn .. 97 97 97 dinn P & L 44s 78 994 994 994 tjtnn P At L 5s 55. .. 97 97 97 diss Pow 5s 55 _ 99 90 99 aiss River P 5s 51 1094 1094 1094 do Put) Svc 5s 60_■ 874 874 874 8ass & Su L 5s 45 - 914 94 4 944 levad Cal El 6s 56 75 75 75 JeW JPJ?,* E 5s 4f- 67 4 67 4 674 Sew F_OAE 5s 50 674 67 4 674 ■ Jtw f* i?w -5s 48- »64 96 P63» . Jew laTi °2>5 54 — 9H «8 4 984 'e* Srle.4 JS oo std -.1014 1014 1014 Se V ?r / ,S ,!s, 40 A - 06 4 08 4 984 j v E £ ,Et 44s 67 ..1O44 1044 1044 l VS E fc G 44s 80 . 10234 1024 1024 to Bosi Lt? 34s 42 _ 105 104’« 105 * 1° Ind_,p S 4 4s 70 E 102 102 102 'J™ Jpl.0* 45 stnd - 1054 1054 1054 JhiO pub S'c 4s 62 105 105 105 ,ac Coast Pw 5s 4o 1004 1004 1004 > p & „L„ os 55 894 89 4 894 enn C L & P4 is 77 97 4 97 974 ’eon G L & C 4s 61 D 954 954 954 . h“a Rap T 6s 62 8 3 4 8334 8 34 itts Steel 6s 48 99 ps4 99 ’ortland G & C 5s 4o 79 4 79 4 794 rotero Sug 7s 47 st 514 514 514 |ue Sd P & L 54s -19 94 933J 94 ’us 8 P * L 5! 50 C 914 914 914 0 ■ uf S„P A' L f 4s 50 D 864 86 4 864 safe H Wa 4V2s 79 .1094 1094 1994 iculltn Steel 3s 51 73 724 73 |6w W P 44s 67 A 89 88 89 >hw W Ac P 44s TO D 88 874 874 ! E P & L 6s 2035 A 105 105 105 inn Pn 1 ir.ii ...... 5ou Cal E .‘J3«s eo B 104 104 104 jpaldinK os M* 411*4 491/4 491. ><d Gas & El 6s 51 A 67% 87V« 87V« ltd Gas k El hs fit! B fifi fit! fifi Stand Pw & Lt fis 57 65% 65% fiS% itarret Corp 5s 50 18% 18% 18% Texas Elec 5s 60 101 % 101 % 101 % ■ ide Wat P 5s 711 A 05% 05% 85% Twin CRT 5%s 52 A 50% 5011 SO3! {len g CO fis 50 IV st 11 11 11 Jnit El N'J 4s 40 111% 111% 111% Jnit Lt A Pw 5Hs 50 105 105 105 Jmt Lt k Pw fis 75 _ . 81 81 81 nit L&R& S'is 52 . 85 85 85 Jtah P & L fis 2022 A 02% 9°% O'33! Ja Pub S 5%s 46 A 07% 07% 97% Vald Ast Hot 5s 54 12% 11% 12% VestPaTr 5S 60 108 V, 108% 108% Tadkin Riv P 5s 41 104% 104% 104% FOREIGN. sarco Hyd El 7s 52 ._ 38 38 erni-Soc 6%s 53 A 36 36 Jnit El Svc 7s 56 A 35% 35% ww With warrants. xw Without warrant*. New. st (stp) Stamped. INegotiabllity impaired by maturity. ihort-Term Securities (Reported by Smith. Barney Sc Co.) labama Gt South ‘‘A’' 5s 43 107% Aslt*^- • illeghany Corp Cv os 44 80% 8i" ■m" T'* * 5%s 43 . 100V, 109% .usttn & Northwest 5s 41 72 76% laldwin Loco Works 3s 40 100% 102% Central Foundry fis 41 100' Chicago Union 8'a 4s 44 107 lontainer Corp 5s 43 99% 100% uba Northern,Rwys 51 as 42 33% 35 Jelaware k Hudson 4 s 43 63% 65 •rand Rapids k Ind 4%s 41 100 llinois Steel 4%s 40 101% 104% ntl Hydro-Electric fis 44 68*5 69% nter Merc Marine fis 41 64 87 ,ake Erie A- West 5s 41 68 88 .ehiRh Val Term Rwy 5s 41 57 .ouis A Nash R R 4s 40 106 100% lichiean Cent R R 4s 40 100 100% lidland R R of N J 5s 40 13% 13% f Y k Long Branch 4s 41 75 85% ennsylvania Co 3%s 41 101% 103 enn-DiXie Cement fis 41 94 95% 'enn R R Co 4s 43 lfip'J 'copies G Lt k C 6s 43 112% 116 eona k Eastern 4s 40 61 64% hlla. Balt a Wash 4s 43 105 107% tudebsker Corp fis 45 90% 93 'cxas & N Orleans 5s 43 50 85 Jnton Oil of Calif fis 42 110% 111% anadlum Corn 5a 41 __ 110% 115 Uarren Bros fis 41 . 30% 41 Western N 7 At Pa 4s 48. 104# 7hue Sew Machine 6i 40. 101% _I *