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I (I'd make it my choice IT'S CHEAP! / ■umiNUi juii JJirm Repairing • Renovizing • Modernizing Homes In the Spirit of ’49 After completing a rather complex job for Mr. C. J. C., he writes us appreciatingly. Quote: MI can find nothing hut work of the finest craftsmanship. Most pleasing were the sincere efforts of your men to please us. My congratulations—that the spirit of Eberly still lives.” End quote. The spirit in which The Eberly Plan was born (1849) does still live. No matter what the house needs, from simplest repairs, renovizing, or complete modernization—it will be done in the “spirit of ’49” and with the experience of ninety years—with only ONE modest profit and ONE responsibility—OURS. THIS IS PUZZLE NO. 11. PLEAD Spotted TRIAL A rope REVEL Adroit EWERS Wooden pin DENIM Virgin BULGE To steal HEART Slender cord Add a letter to each word shown In the left-hand column and re arrange the letters to spell a word for which the definition is given. Insert the new word below the definition and place the added letter in the last column opposite the new word. If the puzzle is solved correctly, the added letters will spell the trade name of one of the eighteen (18) automobiles shown In the list below, to be exhibited at the Twentieth Annual Auto mobile Show of Washington, D. C., October 21 to 28, 1939, inclusive, at the Riverside Stadium, Twenty-sixth and'D streets N.W., under the auspices of the Washington Automotive Trade Association, which, with the co operation of The Star, is conducting this contest. BUICK DODGE MERCURY PLYMOUTH CADILLAC FORD NASH PONTIAC . CHEVROLET HUDSON OLDSMOBILE STUDEBAKER CHRYSLER LA SALLE PACKARD WILLYS DE SOTO ZEPHYR The first puzzle appeared on September 30, 1939. A different one will appear each day until October 17, 1939. The puzzles which have appeared prior U> this one may be studied from the files in the business office of The Star.» Solve each puzzle, and not earlier than October 17, 1939, but not later than midnight, October 18, 1939, send all of the solutions with a reason of not more than twenty (20) words "As to Why an Automobile Show Should Be Held in Washington, D. C.,” to the Washington Automotive Trade As sociation. 1427 I street N.W.. Washington, D. C. It is not necessary to send in the actual puzzles, but it is compulsory that the entries show the new words. The new words will not be given out or published, and no entries will be returned. Every one is eligible to compete except employes of The Star and the Washington Automotive Trade Association. Officials of the Washington Automotive Trade Association, whose decisions will be final, will act as judges, and, based on correctness, neat ness and manner in which the solutions are submitted, as well as the reason for holding an Annual Automobile Show, will award prizes totaling $100 and 100 tickets to the Automobile Show, as follows: First prize, $50 and 12 tickets; second prize, $25 and 8 tickets; third prize, $10 and 6 tickets; fourth prize, $5 and 4 tickets; 10 prizes of $1 each and 2 tickets and 25 prizes of 2 tickets each. In case of ties duplicate prizes will be awarded. Winners will be announced in the Automobile Show Section of The Sunday Star on October 22, 1939. Questions should be addressed to Wash ington Automotive Trade Association, 1427 I street N.W., Washington, D. C Maxie Rosenbloom In Aerial Elopement By the Auoclkted Preu. HOLLYWOOD. Oct. 10—Married in an aerial elopement to Las Vegas, Nev., “Slapsie" Maxie Rosenbloom, night club owner and once world light heavyweight boxing champion. Is “settling down to my screen career.” The bride is 22-year-old Muriel Faeder, New York and Beverly Hills blond. “Fighting?” Max echoed inter viewers. “Yes, 111 fight again, but no setups. Ill fight if they get me Joe Louis or Tony Galento out here before Christmas.” Brazil is buying more goods from the United States than from any other country. ~J/U/ WITH CERTIFIED IMS'S LAMPS • See for yourself that it is more fun to live in a home that has better light for better sight. Begin with one or more of the new certified I.E.S. Better Sight Lamps. You’ll give your children new eyesight protection... enjoy new comfort yourself... and add new beauty and charm to your home. Here’s abundant, soft, glareless light that makes seeing easy, and guards against eyestrain ... grand help for homework, reading, sewing or games. And you get definite assurance of satis* factory service, as well as good light, through this famous tag, the Certificate of Compliance with the 54 specifica* tioos of the Illuminating Engineering Society. Prices diet fit any budget. Nine different types in many attractive styles Lad far thisfnmaut Certifies# af timplisntt whan yam buy. I-1-1 Enjoy better light all over your home with the right size G-E Mazda LAMPS Check now. Be sure that you don't hare I 2 5-watt bulbs where your eyes need SO or 100-watt. For the size bulb that you use dut make a big difference to your eyes. Ask your dealer to help you select the j right sixtG-E MAZDA Lamps. They give 1 more light this year ... and they stay brighter Imgtr. j 0»E ri»o imki I limp for 10c...7tt,lg,30,E0«w«tt«lz—... Hf> martodGE . r k : ^ Fencing of Bushes Against Lurking Purse Thieves Asked Kalorama Citizens' Association Cites Recent Crimes Members of the Kalorama Citi zens’ Association at a meeting last night favored the erection of a fence surrounding the bushes at the south end of the Connecticut Avenue Bridge, or talcing other precaution ary measures of protection to pre vent further pocketboolc snatchings, Memoers were told four purse snatchings have been cently in that area, three occurring at the south end of the bridge, the thieves in each case jumping from their hiding places in the bushes. Recruiting Buttons Sought. Lt. Paul M. Meyer, 260th Coast Artillery, spoke on the enlistment drive by the District National Guard. A committee was appointed to lo cate a suitable place in the vicinity to erect a temporary recruiting sta tion. Miss Sibyl Baker, director of com munity centers and playgrounds, spoke on the formation and develop ment of the recreational system. The association went on record as favoring the immediate appoint ment of a bona fide resident of the District to fill the vacancy on the District Court bench created by the death of the late Justice Joseph Cox. Miss Etta L. Taggart made the mo tion. Delegates Are Re-elected. Mrs. Harvey W. Wiley and Monle Sanger were re-elected as delegates to the Federation of Citizens’ Asso ciations. The association will select a can didate for queen of the 20th annual ■ auto show, to be selected on October 21, and a candidate for queen of the Halloween parade. m The meeting was held in the John Quincy Adams School. wm If yea want beautiful llrlnr room walla aae Tezellte. 922 N. Y. Ave. NA. 8610 f SULPHUR VAPOR BATHS Bsnshts of HOT SULPHUR SPRINGS Now Availablo in Washington Minus High Cost Scientifically administered as recom mended and directed by your physician. Greater therapeutic activity is assured if you use the baths at our clinic, because of the high percentage of sulphur in colloidal form. En dorsed by the Highest Medical Authorities. Pleas ant! Harmless! Ask for complete information or phone . . . j ADAMS 1316 for Appointmsntf WASHINGTON CLINIC OF PHYSIOTHERAPY J 1801 Calvert St. N.W. ‘ WAR and P UCES n ' § I ._ I | It is an economic fact that retail prices rise | I during war times. And this is true whether such | * | war involves us or others. J | Certain raw materials that go into the making § | of some of our Nation’s merchandise do, of jj !| necessity, come from other countries, and such materials are higher now. | | WE DO NOT BELIEVE IT WILL BE NEC- j I ESSARY FOR US TO RAISE PRICES ON | | LIFETIME FURNITURE GENERALLY J | IN THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE. We have j | “covered” at favorable prices on a considerable amount of Lifetime Furniture for practically f every American furnishing problem. Prices may | have to be adjusted from time to time but only j to the extend that it is absolutely necessary. | While we assure you that our present stocks are unusually large and will be offered you on the basis of the low prices we paid, the daily arrival of announcements from mills and manufactories that their prices have advanced suggests that thrifty people would like to know of this con I dition. Far be it from Mayer & Co. to suggest that any one buy more than they actually need. We much prefer a steady, normal business. But we do be lieve it smart to look now to your furniture needs. 1 Ml s* f MAYER & CO. Seventh Street Between D and E «