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I —- ■ a- -sr .trrsiu ■ jl x ..j..,. iaj.J wa-.-a FIRST TRUST MONEY to buy. build or refinance your real estate Investments. Interest Rates 4'/2%-5% 3 to 5 Year Straight Loans Long Term Amortised Loana As low as ffl.80 per thousand until paid. e Applications from nearby Maryland and Virginia also solicited. Consult Vs We have saved money for others in solving their mortgage problems. , E. Quincy Smith, Inc. Arthur C. Houghton, President Mortgage Loan Correspondent - THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. „ j 909 15th St. N.W. Dl. 9057 ■——aBma,. « .saa sumniiiimmimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiimmiiiiiiiiiiir Holders of "Shore Accounts" in t h e INTERSTATE BUILDING ASSOCIA TION are enthusiastic over the saving habit | which their "Share Ac I count" has formed. And a feature is the sharing of the earned - dividends of the Associa | tion—distributed semi | annually. Thus a "Share | Account" grows — and § earns as it grows.. I Amounts up to $5,000 1 are insured, s = Under U. S. Government £ Supervision. I s 1 Interstate 1 Building | Association I Washington Building | 15th end N. Y. Are. Dl. 9486 s aHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiminiiimiiHiniHmiiiiiiiHmiHiiif Retailers Urged To Fight Contracts Aiding Price Rises Attempt Is Launched To Permit boosts After Order Is Placed By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Oct. 11. —Re tail trade sources said yesterday some manufacturers, notably in the men's clothing field, had attempt ed to start a practice of "blank check" contracts, whfch would per mit increases of prices after the order had been placed and ac cepted. Prank M. Mayfield of St. Louis, chairman of the Emergency Com mittee of the National Retail Dry Goods Association, urged retailers to “resist strenuously” any such efforts on the part of the manufac turers, in order to protect the buy ing public from unjustified price in creases and to prevent a “vicious upward spiralling of prices. Stamp Allows Raise. The practice complained of, it was said, consisted of sending back order acceptances with a super imposed stamp to the effect that prices could be increased should Ipiuuucuun costs increase. Other rail sources said retailers as a group had "suffered badly in N. R. A. days" from similar practices. Mr. Mayfield said: “This sort of | buying is contrary to the effort to I hold prices down in the interest not | only of the consumer, but of business | as well. j “Every manufacturer has the un } questioned right to quote prices | which he thinks are justified and I retailers have the same right to buy | or decline to buy if they believe such : quotations are unreasonably high. Held Against General Interest. § “Once a price has been quoted, [ however, and an order has been | placed, it is up to the manufacturer | to deliver in accordance with the [ terms of interest which he has ac I cepted. To reserve the right to I change some of the terms of that I contract in accordance with his later j experience, is, I believe, against the | general interest. * * • S “The active principle which oper : afees to keep prices under control is | the fact that, having committed | himself to the performance of a : contract at a stipulated price, the : business man knows that he must go j through with such contract and [ consequently all effort is directed to | the matter of keeping costs within j the contract price.” [ Contract for 8 Ships | Let by Commission : By the Associated Press. | The Maritime Commission today | awarded a contract to the Federal | Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co.. Kear | ney, N. J., for the construction of { eight cargo vessels oi the C-2 de | sign at a price of $2,054,000 each. | All told the commission has : awarded contracts for the construc = tion of 137 ships of various designs. | The C-2 vessels are 459 feet over : all and have a speed of 15 knots. Intervention Curb In Radio Cases Upheld by F. C. C. Boomerang Effect of Action Will Cut Down On Legal Complicity By WILLIAM J. WHEATLEY. Limitations placed on those seek ing to Intervene in radio broadcast station cases in an opinion handed down last week by Commissioner George Henry Payne were upheld today in a unanimous decision of the Federal Communications Com mission. The original action of Commis sioner Payne, which did away with a procedure of long standing in the commission, led to a number of pe titions asking the F. C. C. to over rule the decision, after granting the petitioners oral arguments. The commission, however, acted with out giving the attorneys an op portunity to argue their petitions. As a result, it is probable that at torneys for the petitioners will take the cases to the Court of Appeals. An examination of the whole case by the full commission disclosed that it apparently was a boomer ang, thrown out by those practicing before the body, which had re turned with a heavy blow, threat ening, as it does, to cut down con siderably the legal appearances be fore the commission. However, while ruling that Com missioner Payne had correctly inter preted the rule, it has been decided to re-examine the new rule with a committee from the Federal Com munications Bar Association. This group, it was said, not only had ap proved the rule in draft form when it was submitted to it for considera tion prior to adoption, but actually had proposed the rule against which certain members of the association now are complaining. Seven other petitions to intervene in as many cases, it was said, also were overruled at the same time epd the commission’s decision today af fected these same cases. The new regulation, it was explained, is a move to cut down on the number of stations which seek to oppose ap plicants for new stations as well as for increased facilities. The new rule merely requires that those who seek to intervene in such cases must set out in their petitions full state ments of claims on which they base their applications. The underlying purpose of the commission in adopting its new regulation on intervention, it was asserted, was to correct the practice which had become prevalent under the prior rule of the commission. Under this former rule the commis sion permitted any person to inter vene in a hearing if his petition dis closed a substantial interest in the subject matter. This standard was held to have been so broad and the commission's practice under it so loose that inter ventlon in commission hearing came to be almost a matter lyini in the discretion of persons seekini to become parties to commissioi proceedings. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Oct. il dpi.—Hat prices ad vanced stain today, topping at $7.26. witl one load selling st $7.30. Trade on me dlumwelght and heavy steers was trail slow, but fat limbs were strong to l cents higher. Hog receipts In the open market totsle 8.000 and bis packers received 8.000 direct The market was up as much as 25 cer.u with most prices 15 to 20 cents highei Best light pork loins in the wholettl dressed market advanced a cent to li cents a nound Choice to prime 1.480-pound steer topped at $10 76, with a few loads sellin from *10 to $10.50. Light yearlings wer active. Pat native lambs sold up to $9.75, bull bringing from $9.25 to $9.50. i United States Department of Agri culture).—Salable hogs. 8.000; total 14.000: active; 10-25 higher than Tues day’s average; mostly 16-20 up; practics top. 7.25; one load 7.30: bulk good an ■ choice, 200-300 pounds. 7.00-25: 300-360 , pounds. 8.76-7.10; well finished. 160-200 1 pounds. 6.60-7.15: food 270-360-pound > pecking sows generally 6.50-80; 380-460 ’ pound kinds. 6.25-60. ' Salable cattle. 0.600; salable calves. , 1.000: mother very draggy trade on me 1 dlmnwelght and weighty steers; supply excessive: bulk scaling 1.150 to 1.500 pounds: ble weights In very narrow de mand. unless strictly choice: choice to firlme. 1.480-pound average. 10.76; few oeds 10.00-50. but bulk without bids; light yearlings active, firm to shade higher. . especially on kinds scaling 1.000 pounds . downward; best yearling steers. 11.15: I mixed offerings. 11.10: heifers, 10.75: ccm . mon und medium trades light cattle > wanted, but medium to good heavies ex tremely dull, around 8.75-0.25; cows stead" 1 —.j -a a. ■ - I ! J l i to strong: sausage bulls strong, but heavi lat bulls weak to 28 lower at 7.00 down heavy sausage bulls up to 7.38. however testers scarce and steady at 11.00-12.»o light stockers and stock calves steady heavy feeders dull. Salable sheen. 4.000: total. 4.800: lati Tuesday all classes steady: best natives 9.08: sorted. 76 and 80 pound rangers 9.66; others. 9.28-60: today's trade fa ?—'1 uwi —————— lambs strom to 10 hither: tat sheep and feeding lambs scares, steady: fat natlvs > lambs. 9.T6; bulk. 9 26-50: throvoufg. ? largely 0.50-7.50: medium to good fat Texas yearlings. 7.50 and 7.75: small lot. fat native ewes. 3.26-75: no feeding lambs . in fresh supply. » First Mortgage Loans District of Columbia, Nearby Maryland and Virginia Homes Business Apartments ' Properties Terms from 3 to 15 years Also * Monthly Payment Loans Randall H. Hagner & Company | | INCORPORATED Mortgage Loan Corn—tondwt Sfyt ^nivrance Company* 1321 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone DEcatur 3600 mmmm ■ mmm mm m .. |l m v .' •>>. ' a- ?. 4k* *» ' ' • ■•.• " ••'•' . :':' • • • ;:>5; * 'J' y. *4'. ^ys'< . ■ — ...Mi... :._ f ON IMPROVED D. C. PROPERTY .•:• '$ :•:/. \ .. '•• For buying, rebuilding or refinancing at prevailing rates of interest. * I Loans repayable monthly. ' No charge for appraisal if loan is not made. Interest charged only on unpaid balance of : .• principal. '■ t ■ |' .. ; Equitable Co-operative Building Association j 915 F ST. N.W. ORGANIZED 1879 PREVAILING TO BUY, BUILD fVTFRKT OB REFINANCE tiniLitLO I L#wer Costj_No Rencwo(l Prompt Action—No Red Tape Smoll Monthly Payments i ....^ Liberal Repayment Privileges Taxes and Insurance May Be Paid Monthly Accounts Interest Computed on Monthly Balance of Loon Federally Poss Books Show New Loan Balance After Each Insured Payment COLUMBIA BUILDING ASSOCIATION 716 11th St. N.W. NA. 6543 . ' ————>— ✓ b l Reserve District No. 5. REPORT OF CONDITION OP THE CITY BANK Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on October 2, 1939. Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section '5211. U. 8. Revised Statute*. ASSETS 1. Loans and discounts (including *451.55 over- ___ drafts) *6.665.493.60 2. United States Govern ment obligations, direct and guaranteed 794 000.00 3. Obligations of Btates ami political subdivi sions 9.000.00 4. Other bonds, notes and debentures 510.100.00 6. Cash. balances with other banks, including reserve balance. and cash items In orocess of collection 2.924.108.37 7. Bank premises owned. *155.00000 furniture and fixtures. *32.- _ __ 742.59 187.742.59 <11. Other assets _ _ 15.833.73 12. Total assets * LIABILITIES. 13. Demand deposits of in dividuals. partnerships and corporations *4.212.499.9, 14. Time deposits of indi viduals. partnerships and corporations 5 698.602.13 18. Other deposits (certi fied and cashier's checks. etc.) 58.069.21 19. Total de posits #9.967.1(1.31 23. Other liabilities ~ 196.322 24 24. Total liabilities *10.163.493j>5 CAPITAL ACCOUNT8. 25. Capita! stock: <ai Capita; debenture. *225.000.00 (Rate of interest paid on deben’ure is 3').) (c) Common *)ock total oar. #250. oOO DO *475.000.00 , 26. Surplus 250.000.00 27. Undivided profits 117 609 .4 28. Reserves land retire ment account for deben- _ „ ture) 100,1(5.00 29 Total capital ac- ____ counts *942. (84. (4 30. Total liabilities and capital accounts *11.106.2 (8 29 MEMORANDA. 31. Pledged assets (and se curities loaned) (book value): (c) Assets pledged to qualify for exercise of fiduciary or cor porate powers, and lor purposes other than to secure lia- __ blllties _ #1.000.00 (e) Total #1 000.00 District of Columbia, as.: I. M H BUCKINGHAM, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. M. H BUCKINGHAM. Cashier Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of Octoher. 1939 (Seal.) JOHN F. GUTHRIDGE. Notary Public. Correct—Attest: C F BURTON. FRANK W LEE. - 1 F. H. COX. Directors. Charter No. 4107. Reserve District No. 8. REPORT OP CONDITION OP THE National Capital Bank Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the cloae of business on October 2. 1939. published in response to call made bv Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 6211, U. 8. Revised Statutes. ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts » (including *124.28 over drafts! __ *494.740.99 2. United States Govern ment obligations, direct and guaranteed 864.337.17 4. Other bonds, notes and debentures 249/849.76 6. Corporate stocks, includ ing stork of Pedersl Re serve bank_ 10.800.00 6. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserves balance, and cash items In process of collection 1.141.476.74 7. Bank premises owned. $46,600; furniture and fixtures. *4.000 49.500.00 12. Total assets _ *2.800.704.66 LIABILITIES. 13. Demand deposits of indi viduals. partnerships, and corporations *2083,391 93 17. Deposits of banks 306.646.97 18. Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks. etc. i 10.698.90 19. Total deposits *2.399.635.80 23. Other liabilities_ 4.20 24. Total liabilities *2,399.640.0(1 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. 25. Capital stock: (c) Common stock total oar. *100; *200.000.00 26. Surplus 160,000.00 27. Undivided profits 41.064.65 29. Total capital accounts *401 064.85 30. Total nubilities wnd ~ capital accounts_*2.800.704.65 MEMORANDA. 31. Pledged assets (and se curities. loaned) ibook value): (c) Assets pledged to duality for exercise of fiduciary or corpo rate powers and for purposes other than to secure liabilities-- #1,000.00 te) Total *1.000.00 District of Columbia, ss: I. H. C. STEWART, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement ts true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. H. C. STEWART. Cashier. Sworn to and sub#ribed before me thla 6th day of October. 1939 (Seal.) S. WILSON EARN8HAW. Notary Public. Correct—Attest: H. H MCKEE. CHARLES A CARRY. A R WALKER. JOHN B. EARNSHAW, WILLIAM A. SIMPSON. Directors. Reserve District No. 5. REPORT OF CONDITION OF The Washington Loan & Trust Co. Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on October 2, 1939. Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts (including $830.48 overdrafts)- $8,541,416.34 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaran teed _ 7,921,514.42 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions- 111,357.36 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures - ..... 1,084,029.31 5. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve Bank 142,972.88 6. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection .. 7,263,152.66 7. Bank premises owned, $1,792,060.84; furniture and fix tures, $54,673.94 - - -- 1,846,734.78 i 8. Real estate owned other than bank premises_ 479,319.94 1 11. Other assets _______.... 55 981.67 12. Total Assets....—.-.... $27,446,479.36 ... j LIABILITIES. 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora tions _ . - -- $13,439,912.29 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and (fcrporations 9,742,401.38 17. Deposits of banks ... . 424,846.02 18. Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks, etc.) . 108,227.49 19. Total Deposits... $23,715,387.18 23. Other liabilities___ 134,189.84 24. Total Liabilities.....$23,849,577,02 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. 25. Capital stock: (c) Common stock, total par, $1,000,000.00_ $1,000,000.00 26. Surplus . . ___ 2.000,000.00 27. Undivided profits.... 492,524.04 28. Reserves ........ 104,378.30 29. Total Capital Accounts...;_ $3,596,902.34 Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts_ $27,446,479.36 MEMORANDA. 31. Pledged assets (book value): (a) United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities __ _ $1,159,628.75 (c) Assets pledged to qualify for exercise of fiduciary or corporate powers, and for purposes other than to secure liabilities......„. 251,833.32 TVital *1 111 IfiOAV 32. Secured liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to re quirements of law._______.. $1,348,760.82 <d) Total ........ $1,348,760.82 Washington, D. C., ss: I, OEO. M. FISHER, Vice President and Treasurer of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. OEO. M. FISHER, Vice President and Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of October, 1939. (Seal.) ARTHUR C. HARMAN, Correct—Attest: ' HARRY O. MEEM, ARTHUR PETER, ALFRED H. LAWSON, WM. H. BADEN, WALTER S. PRATT, Jr., JOHN A. JOHNSTON, CHARLES H. DOING, THEODORE W. NOYES, C. B. KEFERSTEIN, L Notary Public. HIRAM BINGHAM, FREDERICK M. BRADLEY, MELVILLE B. GROSVENOR, GEO. P. HOOVER, THOS. H. WELSH, S. H. KAUFFMANN, DONALD WOODWARD, W. E. PEARSON, Dlndon. I Charter No. 4247. Reserve District no. d. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Lincoln National Bank Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on October 2, 1939. Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 8211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts (including $3,077.95 overdrafts) . $4,428,934.36 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaran teed . __ __ 1,971,922.44 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions -- 180,726.98 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures .....- ... - 1,192,416.55 5. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve Bank 41,719.26 6. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection. -- 4,166,324.02 i 7. Bank premises owned, $331,070.53; furniture and fix tures, $46,570.92. __ - . - - 377,641.45 8. Real estate owned other than bank premises ... . .. 237,531.96 10. Customers’ liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding. 6,220.00 11. Other assets_ 11,044.18 12. Total Assets. $12,614,481.20 j LIABILITIES. 13. Demand deposits of Individuals, partnerships, and corpora tions _ . _ ... _ . $5,898,083.57 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 4,042,822.76 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions. ...... 4.097.16 17. Deposits of banks . 1,158,385.61 18. Other deposits (certified and cashier’s checks, etc.) 142,726.66 19. Total Deposits . ... $11,246,115.76 22. Acceptances executed by or for account of this bank and outstanding ..r... 6,220.00 23. Other liabilities _ 15,000.00 24. Total Liabilities . $11,267,335.76 — CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. 25. Capital stock: (c) Common stock, total par, $400,000.00.... $400,000.00 . 26. 8urplus . .... 400,000.00 27. Undivided profits.______ 421,830.06 j 28. Reserves .. .. __ 125,315.38 , 29. Total Capital Accounts_ $1,347,145.44 30. Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts_ $12,614,481.20 MEMORANDA. 31. Pledged assets (book value): , (a) United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities ... <\43,000.00 (b) Other assets pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities . . 109,371.25 i (c) Assets pledged to qualify for exercise of fiduciary or corporate powers, and for purposes other than to secure liabilities____ 100,906.25 (e) Total . .....r. *353,277.50 32. Secured liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to re quirements of law... *114,930.62 (d) Total .... *114.930.62 District of Columbia, ss: I. JAMES A. SOPER, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JAMES A SOPER. Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of October. 1939. (Seal ) MARTIN A. COOK, Notary Public, D. C. My commission expires March 1, 1943. Correct—Attest: . ' GEORGE I BORGER, H. R. NORTON, WILLIAM W. BRAWNER, JOHN SAUL. FLOYD E DAVIS. FRED A SMITH. ALBERT S. GATLEY. CHANNING S WALKER, FRANKLIN W HARPER, HOWARD L. WILKINS. LEROY W. HERRON. W. C. WITTS, RICHARD A. NORRIS. Directors. l^tu. 11000. rve&ervc uisinci ino. 0. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Liberty National Bank Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on October 2, 1939. Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts (including $363.80 overdrafts).. _ $2,981,156.20 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaran teed _ 1,474.545.63 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures .. ... 64.089.17 .. 5. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve Bank 29.604.00 6. Cash, balance with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection 3,690,717 85 1 7. Bank premises owned, $246,146.06; furniture and fix tures, $17,856.93 . 264.002.99 11. Other assets _ 5.032.00 12. Total Assets_ $8,509,147.84 LIABILITIES. 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora tions . _ $4,851,305.31 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 2,465,030.54 15. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) .... _ 100,000.00 17. Deposits eft banks ........ - - ... - 40,761.51 18. Other deposits (certified and cashier's checks, etc.) 65,685.89 19. Total Deposits... $7,522,783.25 23. Other liabilities... 16,469.29 24. Total Liabilities. $7,539,252.54 I CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. 25. Capital stock: (c) Common stock, total par, $500,000.00_ $500,000.00 26. Surplus ... 320,000.00 27. Undivided profits._... 106,989.32 , 28. Reserves (and retirement account for preferred stock)_ 42.905.98 29. Total Capital Accounts... $969,895.30 30. Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts___ $8,509,147.84 ! ■-X MEMORANDA. 31. Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value): (a) United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities - ... _ __ 11,061,221.04 (c) Assets pledged to qualify for exercise of fiduciary or corporate powers, and for purposes other than to secure llabilites___ 176,275.63 (e) Total ..... $1,237,496.67 32. Secured liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to re quirements of law__ —.. $793,347.68 (d) Total ..... $793,347.68 District of Columbia, ss: I, W. T. VANDOREN, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 4 W. T. VANDOREN, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of October, 1939. (Seal.) WILLIAM A. CAMPBELL. Notary Public. My commission expires August 15, 1943. Correct—Attest: ■ ' I. E. SHOEMAKER, NORMAN B. FROST, PAUL B. JOHNSON, FREDERIC N. TOWERS, JOSEPH A. RAFFERTY, M. F. CALNAN, Director* I I 2nd MONEY W* will buy SECOND TRUST notes secured on improved property. THE AMERICAN COMPANY 807 ISth NA. 80S* JOHN POOLE. PresUlent ■i-.ll I ——— 1 Money for Construction Loans * and Loans on Existing Properties 5% rixai dud or non onu GEORGE I. BORGER aSS Indiana Ate. A.W Natn aaaa , Reserve District No. 6. REPORT OP CONDITION OP THE „ American Security & Trust Co. Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on October 3, 1939. Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts (including $1,790.93 overdrafts).- $14,485,219.15. 2 United States Government obligations, direct and guaran teed ... . 21,636,460.93 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions.- 277,060.40 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures - 2,536,396.39 5. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve Bank . 419,907.20 6. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection - - 18,192,437.61 7. Bank premises owned, $2,417,043.09; furniture and fix tures, $204,703.00 . . 2,621,746.09 - 8. Real estate owned other than bank premises. 342,447.54 LI. Other assets ___ 311,338.04 12. Total Assets_-_.....____$60,823.013.35 LIABILITIES. 13. Demand deposits of Individuals, partnerships, and corpora tions . __- ___$27,636,307.6$ 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations. 22,181,904.80 17. Deposits of Banks .. —.- ---. 1,794,707.57 18. Other deposits (certified and treasurer's checks, etc.) 234,942.1$ 19. Total Deposits___ $51,847,862.19 23. Other liabilities_ 160,711.38 24. Total Liabilities... $52,008.573.57 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. 25. Capital stock: (c) Common stock, total par, $3,400,000.00- $3,400,000.00 ^ 26. Surplus ..—. 3.400,000.00 27. Undivided profits_ 1,809,680.03 28. Reserves _ 204,759,75 29. Total Capital Accounts-- $8.814.439.78 30. Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts-- 860.823.013.33 ~ MEMORANDA. 31. Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value): (a) United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities - - - -- --- --- - - $676,512.23 (c) Assets pledged to qualify for -exercise of fiduciary or corporate powers, and for purposes other than to secure liabilities_ 1,010,209.51 <e) Total ... $1,586.721.74 32. Secured liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to re quirements of law.----- $99,563.13 (d) Total .—. $99,563.13 District of Columbia, ss: 1, CORCORAN THOM, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. CORCORAN THOM, President. Sworn to smd subscribed before me this 6th day of October. 1939. (Seal.) JOSEPHINE L. HATES. Notary Public. My commission expires March 14, 1942. Correct—Attest: WM. J. FLATHER, Jr, S PERCY THOMPSON, B. W. THORON, f HOWARD MORAN, GIST BLAIR. ' M. G. GIBBS. WM. MONTGOMERY. JAMES M. GREEN, LAWRENCE E WILLIAMS. WILLIAM W. EVERETT, WM. L. BEALE, NEWBOLD NOYES, JOHN SAUL, C. A. ASPINWALL, CHAS. A. CARRY. HARRY K. BOSS, JOHN F. WILKINS. F. W. COLEMAN. GILBERT GROSVENOR, Directors. Charter No. 3425. Reserve District No. ft. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE National Bank of Washington Of Washington, in the District of Columbia, at the close of business on October 2. 1939. Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS. 1. Loans and discounts (including $694.83 overdrafts)_ $3,516,143.99 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaran teed .. - _____ 3,238,285.94 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures -- - - 186,128 50 5. Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve Bank . 46,802.00 6. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balance, and cash items in process of collection . _ . .. 4,580,634.40 7. Bank premises owned, $412,374.00; furniture1 and fix tures, $58 866.77 - - ---. 471.240J7 8. Real estate owned other than bank premises_ 477.400.00 11. Other assets ---- 7,427.99 12. Total Asrets...-.- $12,524,063.59 LIABILITIES 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora tions .-- -.. $6,244,481.27 14. Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 3,570,337.12 15. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) - - _ 336,000.00 17. Deposits of banks. -- - 433.87W0 LO. UUin UCpUDiU) ttATUUiCU WJU MWiMVi o Uitvno, CW./- vx,«iu.ia 19. Total Deposits ..$10,678,966.61 !3. Other liabilities . 1,929.40 14. Total Liabilities..-.$10,680,896.01 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. 15. Capital stock: (c) Common stock, total par, $1,050,000.00- $1,050,000.00 !6. Surplus _;_____........._ 510,000.00 17. Undivided profits___... 189,370.71 ; 18. Reserves - 93,796.87 !9. Total Capital Accounts__ $1,843,167.58 10. Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts_....._$12,524,063.59 MEMORANDA. 11. Pledged assets (book value): (a) United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities . $690,284.31 * (c) Assets pledged to qualify for exercise of fiduciary or corporate powers, and for purposes other than to secure liabilities--- 263,500.00 (e) Total..... >953,784,31 12. Secured liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to re quirements of law.,... >581,552.17 (e) Total ... >581,552.17 ' 3ity of Washington, District of Columbia, ss: I, RUTHERFORD J. DOOLEY, cashier of the above-named bank, do lolemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge ind belief. RUTHERFORD J. DOOLEY, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of October, 1939. (Seal.) S. J. COSIMANO, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: JOHN ALDEN, MAURICE F. FLYNN, J. FRANK WHITE, W. CLARENCE MILLER, WRI6LEY BROWN. EDGAR N. BRAWNER, CLARENCE F. NORMENT, Jr., FRANK R. JELLEFF. GEO. P. SACKS, GEORGE N. EVERETT, O. W. FORSBERO, MARK LAN8BUROH, ’ARTHUR MAY, ODELL 8. SMITH. MORRIS E MARLOW, JOHN SCRIVENER, DSweten. . J. a