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An “inside Tip99 tor Outside Painting e__ J ■ UIIIVU9 "BARRELED SUNLIGHT" Outside Paint 111* nost costly point Is assails tha cheapest. Use the hast and (*t the beneflt of Its fresh, spark llns cleanliness for sears to cob*. BARRELED SUNLIGHT is durable and esen-wearlnc and eomes In white and 1* weather-defsins colors. Hush Beilis Co. offers tlae pasaents for larse pur chases. $0.25 # W GAL. (tS.i5 Slntlt OaU Sold Exclusively in Washington by— HUGH REILLY “.I Since 1888 ^urpo,, - -1334 Xcw York Ave. I¥.W. OtUif. a few Hum Weeks to See ike Hew Ifonk WORLD’S FAIR at these B&O Botyoiu fakes SUNDAY COACH IXCURSIONS OCTOBIR ISAS* - J| A A Oo»d an specified train* Saturday night and Sunday f fl »U morning. Roturn Sunday avoning or midnight. Am nnuND ' ■■ - ■ ■ rtttP SPiCIAl COLUMBUS DAY IXCURSION. THURSDAY, OCTOBiR 12. Per details ceniull B R O Ticket Agent These excursion* permit 12 hour* at the Fair Ground*. $^W 5 0 10*DAV LIMIT . . . Leave Friday or Saturday g round ^n*on Sto. 1:30 P. M. or 3:45 A. M.). Return on any g TRIP ,rsin within 10 day*. Good in conchas only. C P ft J SVIRY WKK-IND . . . leave Friday an Sat* ___ urdoy. Return Saturday or Sunday evening or ^g midnight. Good in coaches only an specified Main*. $ 9 5 ONI*DAY LIMIT . . . (very weekday except ■A ROUNO Holidays. Goad an specified train* in coaches only. — M trip $065 CO*DAY LIMIT ... On sale dally. Oaad M ^g ROUND nil trains in coache* only. m trip_ “Don’t fail to tea the spectacular Railroad Exhibit” For Dncriptit* FoUtr. I’hurt* l>i*trict 3300 FUBJWTURE % • * 8,543 Under Care Of Visiting Nurses In Four Months Miss Donovan Resigns As Supervisor of Anacostia Office A total of 8,543 patients were under the care of staff nurses of the Instructive Visiting Nurse Society during the fourth-month period ending, in Sep tember, Miss Gertrude H. Bowling, execu tive director of the society, re ported yesterday , at the first fall meeting of the society’s Bo&rd of Directors at headquarters in the Albee Build ing. There were 6.377 new pa tients in this number, and M1*» Donovan. 6.955 were dismissed during the four months. The nurses made 47,607 visit^ during the period, Miss Bowl ing reported. While many of the patients re ceived care for some time, the aver age patient was visited about eight times by a staff nurse. The resignation of Miss Irene Donovan, supervisor of the society’s Anacostia office since it was opened ! in 1929, to take effect the last of this month, was reported to the board. Miss Donovan is leaving to take a supervisory position with the State Department of Health in North Dakota. . Miss Dillon Named Successor. Miss Mary Regina Dillon, who has had charge of the society's South west division, will succeed Miss Don ovan as supervisor of the Anacostia office., Miss Eileen Dixon, a new super visory appointee, will have charge of the Southwest division. Miss Dixon has had wide experience in public health nursing. She has a degree in public health from the University of Minnesota and also took post-graduate work there. Mrs. Harlan Fiske Stone, presi dent of the society, announced that Mrs. Charles F. Wilson will serve as chairman of the Instructive Vis iting Nurse Society Division of the Community Chest in the metropol itan area. She also announced the Chest organization will hold open house for visitors from 2:30 to 4:30 pm. on October 25. Mrs. Charles C. Glover, jr., chair man of the Community Chest Motor Corps, announced the corps hopes to offer transportation to all groups wishing to visit Community Chest agencies which hold open house during coming weeks. Mrs. Glover ! said the corps will limit the trans portatlon to adults and senioi classes of the high schools. Campaign Flans Reported. Mrs. James Lawrence Houghtel ing reported on plans for the Com munity Chest campaign and urget the board members to attend thi opening luncheon of the Commu nity Chest League, October 16, a the Mayflower Hotel, where the In structive Visiting Nurse Soelety wil have a table. The treasurer’s report was reat by John L. Proctor, assistant treas urer. Others attending the board meet ing included Mrs. Leonard A. Block Mrs. Hutchinson I. Cone, Mrs Whitman Cross, Mrs. Henry Grat tan Doyle, Mr. Joshua Evans, jr. Miss Virginia Hunt, Harold N Marsh, Mrs. Henry Morgenthau, Jr.; Mrs. Thomas Parran, Miss Elsa M Peterson, Mrs. John M. Sternhagen Mrs. B. W. Thoron, Mrs. J. W. Tur rentine, Mrs. Charles P. Wilson Richard Wilmer and Mrs. Johr Marvin Wright. Burroughs P.-T. A. to Meet The John Burroughs Parent Teacher Association will hold its first monthly meeting of the season tomorrow at 8 p.m. A committee jf room representatives will intro duce the parents to the teachers of their children. John Gunter’s “Inside Asia,” in Tanonaea 4* Kainn> «nl<4 In Inquest Clears Officer In Fatal Battle A 30-year-old Metropolitan Police 1 private yesterday was absolved of i blame In the death of Arthur J. McMahon, 73, of 3322 First street ; N.W., who died last Thursday, six days after an altercation with police 1 who attempted to place him under arrest In a night club in the 600 ; block of Ninth street N.W. A coroner’s Jury held that Ray D. McClure, a private attached to No. 1 precinct, had used proper force , in line of duty. A certificate of , justifiable homicide was Issued. Mr. McMahon, described by police as weighing 200 pounds and vigor dus despite his age, died at Sibley Hospital. An autopsy showed death was due to hypostatic pneumonia, toxemia and lacerations of the scalp. Witnesses, Including employes of the night club, testified that Mr. Mc Mahon had been creating a disturb ance. Mr. McClure said Mr. Mc Mahon had resisted arrest and that in the scuffle that followed he struck him four or flvo times with a blackjack. Four policemen were re quired to subdue him, It was testi fied. Park Gats Raal Nama Lima, Peru, has decided to change the name of the Parque Neptuno, because no one knows what the name stands for or why It was chosen. It originated during the ex hibition of 1876. The new name,” Juana Alarco de Dammert, Is for the grandmother of the present Al cade of Lima. Her philanthropic work in behalf of poor children has endeared her to the memory of the present generation. FOR ANYWHERE BY AIR... CALL AIR LINES MEtropoliton 5656 Ticket Office: 808 15th St. N.W. Information and tickets to all principal U. S. cities, including Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, 'The Carleton" | QUALITY BUILT BY KINDEL I OF GRAND RAPIDS ' A Charming Lifetime Suite i 4 Major Pieces *259 BENCH, $13 NIGHT TABLE, $18 It is real economy to buy Lifetime Furniture and when you choose this suite your bed room will truly be a charming one. You will love the rich, mellow beauty of the durable English oxford fin ish on this all Honduras mahogany suite. Lam inated tops, fronts and ends with solid Honduras mahogany posts and traditional tastefully chosen brass hardware. Late 18th century English and with the characteristic grace of line. Four pieces at $259 include dresser and vanity, both with hanging mirrors, chest of drawers and dou-1 ble bed. Solid Honduras mahogany sliding jew elry trays and some drawers* carry divisions. See this specially priced Grand Rapids suite at Mayer's. Visit Our Kindel Galleries of 18 th Century Type Bedroom Furniture MAYER & CO. Seventh Street Between D and E % i V DETROLA O RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS with AUTOMATIC CHANGER NAPANEE If you are building a new home, or remodeling your present home we will be pleased to submit a plan and estimate for a modern kitchen. Kitchen Equipment Co. 1612 K St. N.W. Phone ME. 1562 *nQ50 The type of set we never expected to be able to sell at this price ... it is of the quality and size and has EVERY feature AND MORE of sets priced much higher. A list of the outstanding features is below—for any other in formation, call us at NATIONAL 4730. 1 I j TT'S easy to get quick relief from stuffy noetrlls with Mentholatum. This soothing ointment reduces the local congestion, thus helping to clear the breathing passages. Mentholatum also checks sniffling, sneezing, soreness due to colds. It soothes Irritated membranes and promotes healing. And Its vapors likewise carry comfort deep Into the cold-infested air passages. j : * Chonges 10 or 1* inch** Record* termixed outomo ticoliy j. Has new improved 1940 Crystal P'ck up A it Hosneediecupond i * ssr&ssr I * L%5rd'r I k.c. Brings m d® 1 srjfas I broadcasts. Needs no a-— i detroscope 1 takes the place «f l 5t £ »I signs, etc. ^ Cabin** •* automatic rad»o fSd°?n beau*' SfiX-wSj* ~ 16Vi inches deep. NO MONET DOWN I Your Old S«t in Trade \ i . 4 I ► « ■_i_ I 1 9 • A plentiful supply of hot water always on tap. ! I . , . « % • Speeds hundreds of everyday household tasks. • Clean hot water instantly in case of emergency. • Economical to operate—only a few cents a day. • Completely automatic—ends stair climbing. • Four Famous Makes to choose from— * "PITTSBURG"—"RUUD"—"A.G.P."— "REX" ! ^ * * WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT COMPANY Ml lOth St. N.W. . District 8500 • 133* Wb. Am. N. W. % % « , ; I V ‘ ; ; ' t