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Nazi Patrols Batter ' French Lines From Moselle to Rhine Germans Are Reported Repulsed With Heavy Losses All Along Front 41 By the Associated Press. PARIS, Oct. 12—German patrols battered French outposts from the Moselle to the Rhine today, con tinuing a series of thrusts reported to have cost the Nazis “hundreds" of casualties in the last three days without gaining “an inch of ground.” French advices, which told of “very hot ’ action in one unidentified sector during the night, said the latest assaults had been repulsed despite !jeavy preparation by German artil ery. At no point had the Germans been successful in attempts to take prisoners, according to these reports The French, entrenched in positions from which they raked the advanc ing Germans with machine-gun fire, described their own losses as "slight. Weather Turns Cold. As the fighting increased in scope, with artillery thundering along the v100-mile front, the weather—which has been foggy and rainy—suddenly turned cold. The French reported their recon naissance planes had taken some "very interesting” photographs of German positions, but said no Nazi airmen had attempted to cross the lines since October 10, when one was •hot down. The heaviest land action occurred on the plateau that skirts the east ern bank of the Moselle north of uie town of Perl. Hundreds of Ger man infantry troops were thrown into the battle after strong artillery preparation. • Although a barrage cut off French advance posts and the Ger mans used automatic rifles, the French reported they had repulsed the attackers with heavy losses after a "long and hard" battle. “Passive Attitude” Dropped. Artillery and in some places vio lent infantry "feeler" actions spread along the entire front from the Moselle to the Rhine, military re * ports stated. Describing the German attacks as • steadily increasing in scope and in tensity, semi-official sources said the Nazis had definitely abandoned the "passive attitude” which they have been pursuing until recently on the western front. Teamsters i (Continued From First Page.1 fcion of said buildings and private and public works; and that it was part of said conspiracy that said restraint would be and was effected by employment of strikers, boycotts and by threats to use, and the use of, force and violence.” Contracts Declared Violated. In carrying out the alleged con spiracy. the indictment said, it was attempted to compel various com panies operating the so-called mixer concrete trucks to employ as drivers only members of Local 639 and to breach contracts previously entered ■4nto by the companies with Inter national Union of Operating Engi neers, Local 77. The three com panies named are Howat Concrete Co., Maloney Concrete Co. and Su per Concrete Corp. They are said to operate more than 50 per cent of all mixer trucks and were employing, it was added, about 75 per cent of their operators and drivers from the ranks of the operating engineers' Union. It further sought, the indictment says, to compel the mixer drivers /md operators to resign from the Operating Engineers and become members of the teamsters local. Further, it is alleged to effectuate their plans “the defendants would and they did threaten the calling of strikes and that they would a»d they did urge, induce and assist in the calling of such strikes” by teamster members to stop construc " tion work. The indictment says further that by "threat of force and by force” the defendants prevented the deliv ery of concrete by the mixer trucks operated by engineer union mem bers. "The said conspiracy and each of the aots of said conspirators was not intended to be, nor was it in fact, in aid of higher wages, shorter hours, better working conditions for labor or any other legitimate object of a labor union.” the indictment ♦sums up, adding that it had as its "sole object" the replacing of Local T7 members by Local 639 members Speedy Jury Action. The grand Jury acted with un usual-speed in returning the indict ment, having just taken the case under consideration yesterday when 10 witnesses from construction com-; panics and labor unions were ques- j tioned by Gordon Dean and Walter Hutchinson, special assistants to the Attorney General, who were assisted by Howard Boyd, an assistant to the United States attorney. The difficulty between the team-1 •ters and operating engineers'unions, both A. F. of L. affiliates, has been of long standing and the teamsters, who recently concluded a wage strike, had threatened to go out this past Monday, but deferred action pending action of international ofli * cers in Cincinnati to settle the trouble. The threatened teamsters’ strike also carried with It the possi bility of a city-wide strike in the building trades, the Washington Building Trades Council having em powered a special committee to take such action. Justice Department Statement. In an unusual gesture, the De partment of Justice Issued a state ment as the Indictment was re turned, outlining its scope; pointing * to troubles that have beset the build ing industry here and attributing them to "unreasonable and im proper” activities by the teamsters. It refers incidentally to the recent ■trike on the new Social Security , and Census Buildings as having sprung from jurisdictional troubles, although the teamsters contended It was a wage strike. If You Suffer With Kidney Trouble Yau can assist kidneys to normal function ing by following the health resort method at home. Drink Mountain VaUey Mineral Water from Hot Sprints. Ark. Indorsed by * physicians tor over SO years. Phone MXt. 1063 for Information and booklet; Mountain Valley Mineral Water iDt. lNt IMS K «t. N.W. A 0 IfllteEc can, be no Question 1 Giant Sells ONLY F-R-E-S-H ECCS Never knowingly is a storage egg offered for sale in ■■ II. S Govt I IWP1 ■% Q7 C-Arfl your GIANT. Every egg you buy here is candled C SJ. 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