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Federal and Carrier Issues Lead Rise On Bond Market Demand for Treasuries Stimulated by New 4 Financing Plans --- i Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. F’gri. Net change +.6 +.1 +.1 +.2 Today, noon 62.0 08.8 95.3 46.7 Prev. day ., 61.4 98.7 95.2 46.5 Month ago, 59.8 97.7 93.0 43.7 Year ago... 59.3 99.0 94.9 64.5 1939 high,. 64.9 100.8 97.5 64.0 1939 low... 53.4 95.R 90.4 41.7 * 1938 high- 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low— 4612 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low— 45.8 40.0 64.6 42.2 1928 high. 101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon ... 107.1 Prev. day 106.9 M'nth ago 104.9 Year ago 109.9 1939 high 112.6 1939 low 103.6 1938 high 110.7 1938 low 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low, 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Oct. 17.—United States Government issues and rail loans took a good step forward in today’s bond market. The Federals extended their re cent substantial recovery from the September war selling lows by an average of around point. Treas ury 334s led the move with a rise of more than l'i points. Home Owners l'i scored a similar gain. Demand for Treasuries was ap parently stimulated by Secretary Morgenthau’s overnight announce ment of Treasury financing plans. The decision to offer at this time two-year 1 per cent notes of the Commodity Credit Corp., in ex- i change for a $206,000,000 issue ma turing November 2 was well re- j ceived by the Government market! as was the disclosure the Treasury j would offer another $150,000,000 of ; Treasury bills, continuing the re- j cent policy of bill financing to keep ! * the Treasury's working balance at | the desired level. Rail liens stirred fresh interest chiefly as a result of the stock mar ket's moderate upturn. Gains ran to an extreme of V2 points in Dela ware & Hudson 4s, Southern Rail way 4s, New York Central 5s, M-K-T 6s. Nickel Plate 4>2s and Northern Pacific 4s. Key issues in the foreign division * added to recent improvement, par ticularly Italian 7s, Canadian 3*4S and German 5’2s and 7s. Wholesale Commodity Index at New High The wholesale commodity price Index compiled by the National Fer tilizer Association advanced last week to the highest point reached since January, 1933. This index in the week ended October 14 was 772, compared with 76.7 in the preced ing week, 76.8 a month ago and 72.7 a year ago, based on the 1926 1928 average as 100. * Food prices were slightly lwer last week on the average, making the fourth consecutive weekly de- j cline. The farm product index turned upward, with cotton, grains and live stock showing increases. The trend of prices of industrial com modities continued upward, with the j index for all commodities except farm prices and foods rising for the ' ninth consecutive week. This aver age is now higher than at any time since October, 1937. Higher prices for anthracite coal and petroleum took the fuel index , to a new high for the year. The j , textile index rose sharply, due in : large part to higher quotations for woolen goods and yarns. Burlap. Bilk and cotton were also higher for the week. In the metal group rising prices for brass and copper products more ; than offset declines for steel scrap I and tin, resulting in a slight rise « in the group average. An upturn in the building material index to the highest point reached this year re flected a markup in lumber quota tions. Newspaper Advertising Climbs 5 Per Cent Special Dispatch to The Star. CHICAGO, Oct. 17.—For the week ended October 7, volume of news • paper advertising placed by retail ers in 78 major American markets totaled 21.994.451 lines, according to a report issued today by Ad vertising Age, national advertising newspaper. This was an increase of more than 1.090.000 lines over the 20,901, 078 lines carried during the cor responding week of 1938—an in crease of 5.2 per cent. For the entire year to date, retail volume in these markets has totaled 716.136.739 lines, compared with 703,737,303 lines during the cor responding period of last year. This is an increase of 12,399,436 lines, or « 1.8 per cent. r i druaeDOKer v-urp. jaieh Jump81 PerCent By the Associated Press. SOUTH BEND, Ind.. Oct. 17.—The Stuaebaker Corp. reported yesterday September factory sales of 10,710 * autos and trucks, a gain of 81 per cent over the 5.912 of September, 1933. Factory sales for the first nine months of the year were 77.254, compared with 32.301 in the like 1938 period and 52,605 for all of 1938. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Oct, 17 (IP).—National As sociation of Securities Dealers, Inc.: (Quotations as ol 2 o'clock.) Bid. Asked. « Bk of Am NTS (SF) (2.40) _ 30% 38% Bank of Man (80a)- 1* IfJVi Bank of N Y (14)_ 440 450 Bankers Tr (2) _ 58% H()% Bklyn Tr (41 7(1 81 Cen Han Bk & Tr (4)_104% 1<)7% Chase Nat (1.40i _ 36% 3B% Chem Bk * Tr d.80)_ 51 V* 53% Commercial (8) 173 170 Cont Bk A Tr (.801 _ 13% 15% Corn Ex Fk A T (3)_ 58% 50% Empire Tr I.CO) _ 13% 14% Krst Nat (Bosi (2)_ 4(1 48 First Natl (100) 1805 1035 Guaranty Tr (12) __ 288 203 Irving Tr (.(10) _ 13% 14% Manufacturers Tr (2) :ti! 41 Manufacturers Tr pf (2)_ 51% 53% Natl City (1) __ 20% 31 N Y Trust (5)-110 114 Public il%) , __ 30% 32% Title G & T _I 3% 4% Federal Land Banks NEW YORK. Oct. 17 OP).—Federal Land Bank bonds: '. Bid Asked. 4s July, 1946-44- 110% 110% 8%S Ma». 1955-45- 104% 104% 3s July, 1950-40-103% 103% 3s Jan., 1056-46_103% 103% 3s May, 1956-40- 103% 103% v r BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE By ornate wire direct to Toe >W< TREASURY. Hiith. Low. 2:58. 2a 1947_ 102.2 102.2 102.2 234s 1945_106.8 106. 106.8 2 34s 1948 _ 104.11 104.4 104.11 23ts 1949-53_ 102.26 102. 102.26 2 34S 1950-62_ 102.26 102.25 102.25 2548 1945-47_ 106.6 106.2 106.2 2 44 s 1948-51- _ 105.3 104.24 105.3 244s 1951-64_ 104.2 103.12 104.2 2443 1956-69_ 102.15 102.15 102.15 244s 1958-63_ 102.30 101.19 102.30 2 44s 1960-65_ 102.31 102 7 102.31 2 34s 1955-60_ 104.2 103.15 103.30 3a 1946-48 _ 107.8 107.8 107.8 334s 1946-49_ 107.23 107.23 107.23 3 34s 1949-52. _ 108.16 108.16 108.16 334S 1943-45..I. 108.16 108.16 108.16 3 34 s 1944-46 . 108.24 108.24 108.24 3’4s 1944-46 rtr._ 108.18 108.18 108.18 344s 1940-43 Jun 103.6 103.6 103.6 344s 1943-47 _ 108.14 108.14 108.14 3 44s 1946-5#_ 111.28 111.22 111.28 4s 1944-54 _112.14 112.14 112.14 4 34s 1947-52 _ 116.16 116.16 116.16 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE Ss 1944-49 105.16 105.16 105.16 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 1 %s 1945-47 ... 99.8 99.8 99.8 38 1944-52 ... 105.16 105.8 105.16 FOREIGN BONDS. High. Low 2:55 Abltlbt P&P 6s 63 .. 60% 50% 50% Argentine 4s 72 Feb . 71% 71 71% Argentine 4s 72 Apr . 71% 71% 71% Argentine 4 Us 48_ 89 88% 89 Argentine 4 %s 71_ 82 81% 82 Australis 4%s66_ 64 63% 63% Australia Bs 55_ 68% 68% 68% Australia 6s 67 ...... 68 68 68 Relgium 6s 55 _ 8614 86 86 Belgium 6%s 49__ 86. 84% 84% Belgium 7s 55 .. 88% 8«% 88% Brazil 6 %s 1927-57_ 12 11% 11% Brazil 8s 41 _ 15 14% 15 Rrlshnne Rs 50 ... 71% 71% 71% P.uenos Aires 3s 84 . 40 40 40 Ruen Air 4 %-4 % s 77. 54 54 54 R A 4V. -4%s76 Aug.. 53% 53% 53% B A 4%-4%s 76 Apr.. 54 54 54 Canada 2%s 44_ 94% 94% 94% Canada 2 %s 46__ 94% 94 94% Canada 3s 67 _ 85% 84% 85% Canada 3% s 61_ 88 86 88 Canada 4s 60 _ 94% 93% 94% Canada 5s 52 _ 102% 102% 102% Chile 6s 60 assd_ 11 11 11 Chile 6s 61 Jan _ 15 15 15 Chile 6s 61 Rent_ 14% 14% 14% Chile 7s 42 assd _ 11% 11% 11% Chile Mtg Bk 6s 61 _ 14% 14% 14% Chile Mtg B 6s 61 asd 10 10 10 Chile Mtg Bk 6>.'.s 57 14% 14% 14% Chile MB 6%s 57 assd 10 10 10 Chilean Mun I. 7s 60 13% 13% 13% Colombia 6s 61 Jan . 23% 23% 23% Copenhagen 414s 53 . 47 47 47 Copenhagen 5s 52 50% 50 50 Cordoba City 7s 57 st. 55% 55% 55% Cordoba Prov 7s 42... 70% 70% 70% Costa Rica 7s 51_ 10 19 19 Cuba 4Us 77 _ 57 56% 56% Denmark 4Us 62_ 53% 51% 51% Denmark 5Ue55_... 61% 60 60 Denmark 6s 42 _ 67% 65 65 Finland 6s 45 _ 76 76 76 C A Bk 6s 60 July 7% 7% 7% Her Govt 5%s 65 10% 10% 10% Herman Govt 7s 49 13 12% 12% Hrt C El Jap 6%s 50.. 78 78 78 Haiti 6s 52 ... 81 81 81 Ilseder Steel 6s 48 ... 13 13 13 Itaiv 7s 51 58% 58 58 Ital Crd P W 7s 47 B_ 62 59% 62 ltal P 11 Crd 7s 52_ 42 42 42 Japap 6Us 64__ 78 78 78 Milan 6Us 62_ 43 42% 43 Norway 4s 63 _.... ' 75% 75% 75% Norway 4%s 65_.... 77% 76% 76% Norway 4Us 56.__ 82% 82 82% Norway 6s 43___ 95% 94% 94% Norway 6s 44 _ 95% 95 95 Oriental Dev5Us 58 50 49% 50 Oriental Dev 6s 53 . 55% 55% 65% Panama 5s 63 st asd.. 62% 62% 63% Panama 5%s 53 _105% 105% 105% Paulista Ry 7s 42_ 58 55 58 Peru 1st 6s 60__ 7% 7% 7% Peru 2d 6s 61 _ 7% 7% 7% ftlo de Jnn 6Us 63___ 6% 6% 6% Rio de Jan 8s 46 _ 7% 7 7% Rome 6Us 52 _ 49% 49 49% Sao Paulo St 7s 56_ 6% 6% 6% Rerhs 7s 62 _ 14% 13% 13% Serbs Rs 62 14 13% 14 Silesia Pr 4%s 58 asd 5 5 5 Tokyo City 6s 52 .. 37 37 37 Ullgawa El P 7s 45 _. 76 76 76 Uru 3%-4-4%s ad1 79 41% 41% 41% Warsaw 4Us 58 assd 5% 5% 5% DOMESTIC BONDS. Adams Exp 4s 47_ 101 101 101 Allen Corp 6s 44_ 78% 77% 78% Allen Corn 6s 49 _ 74 74 74 Allen Corn 6s 50 std . 4fi 45% 46 Allied Stores 4%s 51 93% 92% 92% Allis I'halmers 4s 62 109% 109% 109% Am A For Pw 6s 2030 59% 58V 59% Am 1 O Ch 6 %s 49 __ 101 100% 100% AmTAT3%s61_ 105 104% 104% Am T A T 3% s 66_104% 103V 104 Am T A T 6%s 43 ... 109% 100H 1094$ Am Wat Wits 6s 75 ... 105% 105% 105% Anaconda dh 4%s50 107% 107 107% Annlo-Chll Nltr db 67 34% 34% 34% Armour* Del )lst4s 55 97% 96% 97% Armour Del 4s 57 97% 97% 97% A TAS Fe 4s 1905-55 94 94 94 A TAS Fe ad1 4s 95 st 90 89% 90 A TAS Fe nen 4s 95 104% 103% 104% A TASF nen 4s 95 ren 100 99% 100 A TAS FeCA 4%s62 105% 105% 105% A TASF RMt dv 4s 65 99% 99% 99% Atl Coast L 1st 4s 52 83 83 83 Atl Coast L clt 4s 52 70 69% 70 At! Coast L 4 %s 64 . 67 66 67 Atl Coast L 5s 46 _ 80 80 80 At) A Dan 1st 4s 48 .. 42% 40% 42% Atl A Dan 2d 4s 48 _ 35% 35% 35% Atl Gulf A W 1 6s 59 . 69% 69% 69% Atlantic Refin 3s 63.. 103% 103 103 B & U 1st 4s 48 ... 69% 69 69% BAO Conv 4%s 60_ 211* 21 21% B A O 4 %s 60 ct_ 21% 19% 20% B A O 1st 6s 48_ 69% 68% 69 B A O ref 5s 95 __ 30% 29 30% BAO ref 6s 95 ct_ 30% 29 30% B A O 5s 96 F _ 30% 30 30% B A O 6s 96 F ct _ 30% 29% 30% B A O ref 5s 2000 D - 30% 29 30% B A O rf 5s 2000 D ct- 30 29% 30 BAO ref 6s 95 _ 35 34 34% B AO ref 6s 95 Ct ... 34% 32 34% BAO PL.EAW V 4s 41 60 60 60 BAOPLEAW V 4s41ct 6t 61 61 BAO Swn 6s 60 ... 50 50 50 BAO Swn 6s 50 ct_ 49% 49% 49% BAO Toledo 4s 69_ 55% 55% 55% Bann A Aroos 4s 61._ 88% 88% 88% Bell T of Pa 5s 60 C_ 128 127 128 Beth Steel 3V«s 59 F._ 97% 97% 97% Beth Steel 3 %s 62 ._ 111% 110% 111% Beth Steel 3%s 66 ._ 101 100% 101 Beth Steel 4%s 60 _ 106 105% 106 Bos A Me 4%s6’ JJ_. 38 37% 38 Bos A Me 6s 65 _ 42% 41% 42% Bos & Me 6s 67 _ 42% 41 42% Bos N Y A L 4s 65 _. 8% 8% 8% r> I. i __th a_oil — 484* 1048/ I A 4 I 1 A48i Bklvn Man T 4 Vis 66 72% 72% 72% Bklvn Un El 6s 60 . 80% 80 80 Bklvn Un Gas 5s 45.. 10914 109 109 Bklvn Un Gas 5s 50.. 92 92 92 Bklvn Un C 6s 67 B . 101% 101% 101% Bklyn Un G rf 6s 47.. 108% 108% 108% Buff RAP cn 4 Vis 67 44% 44 44% B R & P cn 4%0 67 ct 43 43 43 Buff R & P 4%s ct reg 38% 38% 38% Bush Term en 6s 65 45% 45 45 Bush Ter Bldg 6s 60 . 56 56 56 Canadian NR 4 %■ 61. 98 97% 97% Can NR 4 Vis 66_ 97% 96% 97% Can NR 4 %s 67_ 98 97 98 Can NR 4 %s 65_ 99% 99% 99% Can NR 5s 69 July_101% 101 101% Can NR 6s 69 Oct_102% 101% 102% Can NR 6s 70 101% 100% 101% Can Nor 6 Vis 46 _108% 108% 108% Can .Pac db 4s pern_ 58 57% 58 Can Pac 4 %s 46_ 82 82 82 Can Pac 4%s 60_ 67% 67% 67% Can Pac 6s 44 _101% 101% 101% Can Pac 6s 54 _ 78% 78 78 Caro Cl & Oh 6- 52— 107% 107% 107% Car & Gen 6s _ 95 94% 95 Cent of Ga 6s 59 C- 4% 4% 4% Cent of Ga 6 %s 59- 4% 4% 4% Cent N Eng 4s 61 _ 38 38 38 Cent of N J 4s 87 _ 17 16 16 Cent of N J gen 5s 87 19% 17 17 Cent N J gn 6s 87 rg 15 15 15 Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49. 74% 73 74% Cent Pac 6s 60 57% 56% 57% Cerfd deb 6%s 48 74 73% 74 Cham P&F 4 % s 35-50 102% 102% 102% Ches & Ohio 3%s 63 F 102 101% 102 Ches* O 3 Vis 96 D . €96% 96% 96% Ches & O 3 Vis 96 E— 95% 95% 95% C&Ogen 4 Vis 92.__. 119% 119% 119% Chi & Alton 3s 49_ 13 12% 13 Chi BftU gen 4s SS- 94 94 94 Chi B&U 4 %s 77_86% 86% 86% Chi B&<J ref 6s 71- 92 91% 92 C B&U 111 dlv 3%a 49. 99% 99% 9914 ft High. Low. 2:65. CB&Q 111 dv 3%s49rg 95 95 95 C B&O 111 dlv «■ 49_ 104 103% 103% Chi & E 111 6s (1 20% 19% 20% Cht & E 111 6s 61 et_ 19 19 19 Chi Urt West 4s 69 22% 21% 22% Chi Ind & L gen 6s 66. 5% 5% 6% Cht Mil & St P 4s 89.. 28 28 28 CM&StP 4 %s 89 C 28% 28% 28% Chi Mil * St P 6s 75 . 9% 8% 9% I CMStP*P «di 6s 2000 3% 2% 3% ChlANVV gen 4s 87 .. 15% 15% 15% Chi A NW 4%s 2037.. 11 10% 11 Chl&NW 4 %s 2037 C. 11 10% 11 Chi & NW rv 4%s 49. 5 4% 5 Chl&NW 4%s87 ... 16% 16% 16% Chl&NW rf 6s 2037_ 10% 10% 10% Chi Rwy 6s 27 _ 66 66 66 Chi Rl&P rf 48 34 . 7% 7 7% Chi R I A PBen 4s 88. 15% 16 16% Chi Rl&P 4%s 62 A . 8 8 8 Chi RI&Pcv 4%s 60.. 3 3 3 Phi THAR rf Re A A AAI4 AAU. Chi TH&S Ino Es 60_ 66% 55% 56% Chi Un Sta 3%a 51_102% 102 102 Chi Un Sta 3%s 63_ 104 103% 103% Chi Un Sta 4s 63 D .. 104% 104% 104% Chi & W In cv 4s 52 . 91 91 91 Chi AW lnd 4%b 62. 93% 93% 93% Childs & Co 6s 43 .. 59 68% 59 Cln G&E 3 % a 66 104% 104% 104% Cln U Trm 8%s 69 gt 106% 105% 106% CCC&StL L rf 4%s 77 60% 59% 60% CCC&StLStL dv 4s90 66 66 66 Clev Un Ter 4%s 77.. 76% 76% 76% Clev Un Ter 6s 73 .. 85% 84 85% Clev Un Ter 6%s 72.. 92% 91% 92% Colo F & Ir 6s 43_103% 103% 103% Colo F & Ir 6s 70_ 73 72% 73 Colo & So 4 %B 80_ 41 40% 41 Col G&E 6s 52 May .. 103% 103% 103% Col G&E 5s 61 . 103 102% 103 Colurn Ky P&l. 4s 65. 109 109 109 Comw Ed 3 %s 68 . 120% 119% 120% Comw Ed 3 %s 68 . 106 105% 106 Cons Ed N ¥ 3%s 46. 105% 105% 105% Cons Ed db 3%s 48 106% 106% 106% Cons Ed N Y 3%s 56. 104 103% 104 Cons Ed N 7 3%s 58. 101% 104 104 Cons 011 3%s 61 ... 102% 102% 102% Consol Rvs Is 54 13% 13% 13% Consum Pwr 3%s 66. 102% 102 102% Consum Pwr 3%s 65. 103% 103% 103% Consum Pwr 3%s 67. 105 105 105 Consum Pwr 3 %s 70. 105 104% 105 Consum Pwr 3%s 65. 106% 106% 106% Container deb 6s 43.. 99% 99% 99% Conti 011 2%s 48 _113 112% 112% Crane Co 3 %s 51 .. 102% 102% 102% Cuba Northn 6%s 42. 35 35 35 Cuba R 1st 6s 62_ 38% 38% 38% Cuba RR 6s 46 _ 37% 37% 37% Cuba RR 7%s 46 A_ 48 47% 48 Dayton P&L 3Hs 60.. 106% 106% 106% Del & Hud ret «s 43._ 66 64% 66 Den G&E 5s 61 .. 107JJ 10745 107H Den & K G con 4s 36. 11 11 11 D & R G W 6s 56 ast.. 3% 3% 3% Den&K G W rf fis 78.. 7% 7% 7% Det Edison 4s 66 ... 110% 110% 110% Det Edison 4% 61 .. 112% 112% 112% Dow Chemical 3s 61.. 105 105 105 Duauesne Lt 3%s 65. 108% 108% 108% Elec Auto Lt 4s 62 ... 109 108 109 Erie cv 4s 63 A_ 23% 21% 23% Erie cv 4s 63 B__ 23 22% 23 Erie sen 4s 96__ 25% 24% 25% Erie ref 6s 67- 17% 16% 17% Erie ref 6s 75 _ 17% 16 17% Erie & Jersey 6s 55... 52% 51 52% Fed Lt&Tr 6s 42 st . 103% 103% 103% Firestone Tire 3%s 4» 104% 104% 104% Fla EC Rv 4%s 59 .. 62 61% 62 Fla E C Rv 6s 74 . 9% 9% 9% Fla E C Rv 5s 74 ctfa. 9% 9% 9% Francisco Sue 6s 56.. 62 52 52 Gen Cable 5%s 47 .. 101% 101% 101% Gen Mot Aec 3%s 51. 106 106 106 Gen Stl Cast B%s 49.. 75% 73% 75% Goodrich 4%s66 .. 102% 102% 102% Grt Nor Rv 3%s 67_ 76 75 76 Ort Nor 4s 46 G ... 106% 104% 106% Get Nor Ry 4s 46 H . 93% 92% 93% Grt N Ry 1st 4%s 61.. 101% 101% 101% Grt N Rv 4%s 76 D 85 84 85 Grt N R en 4%s 77 E. 85 84 85 Ort Nor Rv 5s 73 ... 90 90 90 Ort Nor Rv 5%s 52_ 98 97% 98 Gulf MAN 5s 50 _ 79 79 79 Har Rlver&P 4s 54_ 55 55 55 Hock VaJ 4 %s 99 ...116 116 116 Housatonlr cn 6s 37 _. 42 42 42 Houston Oil 4% 54 _ 96 96 96 Hudson Coal 6s 62 A. 40 39% 40 Hud * Man Inc Es 57. 15% 15 15% Hud * Man ref 5s 57 48% 48 48% 111 Bell Tel 3%s 70 B 108% 108% 108% 111 i cm as oo .__ mn 111 Cent 4%s66 _ 52% 51% 52% Til Cent ref fis 56 62 62 62 TCCftStT. NO 4 %s 81. 51% 51 51% ICCftStL NO 5s 83, 56 54% 56 rndusr Ravnn 4Us 43 96% 96% 96% inland Steel 3% s 61 107 106% 107 Inter R T 1st rf 6« 68 64% 63% 64% rnt R T 1st rf 5s 68 ct 63% 63% 63% I Inter Ft T 7s 32 . 63 69% 63 Int R T 7s 32 ct 62 62 62 Interlake Iron 4s 47 . 93 92% 93 Int Ort Nor 1st 8s 63. 19 19 19 Int FTvdrn FI 6s 44 __ 71% 70% 70% Int Mer Mar *s 41 ... 65% 64% 65 Int Paper 1st Bs 47 ... 99 99 99 Int Paper ref 8s 66_ 92% 92 99% Tnt Rv of r A 5s 72_ 7-"*l 74 74 Int TftT 4 % s 62 ._ 47% 47% 47% tnt TftT 5s 65 . 52% 52 52 Jones ft L Stl 4Ms 61 94% 93% 93% Kanaw ft M 4s 90 . 86 85 86 Kans c FtSftM 4s 38 33 33 33 K r FSftM rf 4s 38 Ct 33 32% 32% Kans ritv So 3s 50 .. 64 64 64 Kans r So rf 5s 60 68% 67% 67% Kan rity Term 4s 60 10674, 106% 106U, Kans OftF 4Hs 80 _ 10474,10474,10474, Klners Co Lt 5s 54 ... 103% 105% 105% Konners Po 4« 61 99% 99% 99% Kresire Found 3%s 47 102% 102% 102% Kresire Found 4s 45 104 104 104 Laclede Oas 6s 42 82 82 82 Laclede Oas 5%s 63 50% 50% 50% Laelede O 6%s 80 D 50 49% 50 Lake RftM S 3Us 97 84 83% 83% Lake R&M 3%s 97 rg. 80 80 80 Lamaro Nitrate 76 33 33 33 Leh r ft N 4 %s 54 A 59% 59% 59%. Leh Val N V 4«s 40 52 52 52 Lake KftW 3s 47 . 76% 76% 7674 Leh Val Co 5s 74 std. 30 30 30 Leh Val Har 5s 64 . 49 49 49 L V RR con <s 2003 . 20 20 20 L v RR 4s 2003 asd 19% 18% 19 L V RR cn 4%s 2003 20% 20% 20% L V RR 4%s 2003 asd 197* 191* 197* L V RR 6s 2003 asd . 21 21 21 Lice ft Mvers 7s 44 . 125% 124% 125% Llatild Parbon 4s 47.. 108% 108% 108% Loew's 3Us 48 99 98% 99 Lone Star Oas 8%s63 106% 106% 106% Lorillard 6s 61 _119% 119% 119% Lorlllard 7s 44_124% 124% 124% La ft Ark 6s 69 _ 83% 83% 83% Lou Jeff Bldsr 4s 45_ 106 106 106 L * Nash untf 4s 40.. 100% 100% 100% L ft Nash 4%s 2003_ 90 89% 90 L & N 6s 2003 B _ 98 98 98 McCrory Strs 6s 61_105% 105% 105%, Manat! Suear 4s 67_ 39 38% 39 Me Centra! 4%s 60_ 54 53% 54 Manhat Kv 4s 90_ 65% 65 65% Mead Co 6s 46 .. 102% 102% 102% iTI IUI < .(Ills UQO in »»•» IM n l' MStPSSM cn 4s 38 8 8 8 MStP&SSM con Bs 38 51# 5% 5% MStP&SSM Bs 38 ertd. 7% 7% 7% MStP&SSM 6%s 49.. 2% 2% 2% MStP&SSM 6s 46_ 4% 4% 4% Mo 111 5s 59 _ 61 61 61 Mo K&T 1st 4s 90_ 37 36% 36% Mo K&T 4s 62 B_ 22 22 22 MoK&T4%s78- 23 23 23 Mo K & T 5s 62 A_ 27 25% 27 Mo K&T ad.1 Bs 67_ 12 11 12 Mo Pac 48 76 _ 5% 6 6% Mo Pac 6s 65 A._17% 17 17 Mo Pac 6s 77 P_18 17% 18 Mo Pac 6s 78 Q_17% 17% 17% Mo Pac 6s 80 H_17% 17% 17% Mo Pac 6s 81 l-17% 17% 17% Mo Pao 6%s 49- 3% 3% 3% Mob & Ohio 4 %s 77_ 28 27% 28 Mob & Ohio 6s 38 — 31 31 31 Monona Pub S 6s 66 107 107 107 Monona Ry 1st 4s 60- 103 102% 103 Mont Power 3 %s 66 98 97% 97% Morrls&Es 3%s 2000 50 50 50 Morris & Es 4%s 66 45 44% 44% Mount StT&T8%s68 103% 103 103% Nat Dairy 3%s 6] ww 105 104% 104% Natl Distill 3%s 49 100% 100% 100% Natl Steel 3s 65 99% 99% 99% New Jer P&L 4%s 60 108% 108 108 New Orl P S 5s 62 A 105% 105% 105% New O T&M Inc 6s 35 32% 32% 32% New Orl Ter 1st 4s 63 68% 68% 68% New Orl T&M 6%s 64 37 36 36% N Y Central 3%s 62 71% 70% 71% N Y Central 8 %s 97 80% 79% 80% NY Central 3%s 46 80% 79% 79% N Y Cent con 4s 98 66% 65 66 N Y Cent rf 4%s 2018 63% 61% 63% N Y Cent rf 6s 2018.. 70 68% 69% N Y C L Sh 8%s 98--. 64% 64% 64% N Y Chl&StL. 4%s 78 62 60% 62 N Y C&StL 6%s 74 A 69% 68% 69% N Y Chi * St L «■ 41 76 76% 76 N Y Conn 1st 4%a68. 103 102% 103 NY Dock 4s 61. _ 68 63 63 N Y Dock cv 6s 47_ 66 66 66 N Y Edis $%s 66 D— 105% 106% 105% High. Low. 2:56. N T Edlsrefl *4s66_ 106 105 105 NIOE HftP 4s 49 113*4 113 113*4 NT NH ft H **4s65._ 14*4 1414 14*4 NT NH ft H 4s 66_ 14V* 14V* 14*4 NT NH ft H 4s 67_ 8 8 8 NT NH AH 4 Hs 67_19 18*4 19 NT NH ft H cl 6s 40 2544 25*4 26V* NT NH ft H ov 6s 46.. 1844 1744 1844 NT OftW rsf 4s 92 __ 844 8't 844 N T Steam **4s 62 10044 100*4 100*4 N Y S ft W ref 6s 17 9*4 9*4 9*4 N T Tel 1*4 s 67 10644 106% 106% N T WftB 4*4* 48 . 4 3*4 4 Nlac Palls P IHs 68. 107*4 107*4 107*4 Nlag Sb 5 *4s 60 _101'4 101*4 101*4 Norf Southn 6s 61_ 18*4 12*4 13V* North Am t%» 64_104V* 104% 104% North Am 4s 69 _. 105% 105% 105% Nor'n Pse Rn 8s 2047. 45 44% 45 Nor’n Pao 4s 97 .. 71 70% 70 Nor’n Pao 4 %s 2047.. 63 61% 63 Nor’n Pao 6s 2047 D._ 67% 66% 67% Nor’n Pao 6s 2047 . 64% 63 64% North Sta Pw 3%s 67 105% 104% 105% Ohio Edison 3%s 72.. 103% 102% 102% Ohio Edison 4s 66 107% 107 107% Ont Trans 1st 6s 45_ 108 108 108 OreR RR A N 4s 46_ 108 107% 108 OreR Sh L 6s 48 Rtd._ 114% 114% 114% OreRon W RR 4s 81_ 103% 103 103% Otis Steel 4%s 62_ 78% 78% 78% Pad Gas & El 3 %a 66. 104 103% 104 Pac G A E3%s 61 . 106 105% 106 Pac TAT rf 3 % a 66 B 104 104 104 Pao T & T 3V*s 66 C... 104 104 104 Param t Pic 3%a 47.. 80% 80% 80% Parmelee 6s 44 48 48 48 Penn Co 3 %s 44 D_ 100 100 100 Penn Co 4s 63 .. 101% 101 101% Penn Dixie C 6s 41 A. 93 93 93 Penn P&L 3 %s 69_105% 105 105% Penn P&L 4%s 74_104% 104 104% Penn HR 3%s 62_ 90 89% 90 Penn RR 3%s 70- 86% 86 86% Penn RR 4s 43 _ 109 108% 109 Penn RR cn 4s 41 stp. 108% 108% 108% Penn RR 4 %s 31. 93% 93 93% Penn R 4 %s 84 _ 93% 93% 93% Penn RR 4 %s 60_113 113 113 Penn RR Rn 4 Vis 85_ 99% 99% 99% Penn RR Ren 6s 68 __ 106% J06% 106% Penn RR db 4%s 70.. 86 84% 86 Peoples GL&C 6s 47_. 112 111% 112 Peoria & E 1st 4s 40_ 62 60% 62 Peoria & E Inc 4s 90.. 8% 8% 8% Pere Marq 6s 66 .. 76 75% 76 Phelps DodRe 3%s 62 113 112% 113 Phlla B&W 4s 43 .. 107% 107% 107% Phlla B&W 4%s 77 C. 105 105 105 Phlla Co 6s 67 _ 105 104% 105 Phlla Elec 3 %s 67_107% 107% 107% Phlla RC* Ir6s73._ 16% 15% 16% Phlla R C & Ir 6s 49„ 6% 5 5% Philippine Ry 4s 37 7 7 7 Phillips Petrol Ss 43. 114% 114% 114% PCC&StL 4%s 77 .. 97% 97 97 Pitts C & Ir 4%s 52 _ 99 99 99 Pltt&W Vs 4%s 69 B. 51 51 51 Pitt&W Va 4%s 60 C. 51% 50% 51% Port Gen El 4 %s 80._ 75% 75% 75% Postal Tel * C 6s 63 . 18 ]•/% 1774 Pub Svc E&G 8 V«s 68. 105 104% 104% Publlo Sv 1st 3%s 88. 104% 104 104% R-K-O-fi* 41 KKii kcia ecu Reading R 4 4s *7 A 774 77 774 Rem Rand «V«s 66 w« 964 96-4 964 Republic Stl 44s 68 934 934 934 Republic Stl 44s 61.. 934 93 934 Republic Stl B4s 64.. 112 1104 112 Rio GW 1st 4s 39 . 324 324 324 Saguenay Pw 4 4 s 66 91 894 91 St JAGr 1st 4s 47 . 1054 1054 1054 StL I MAS RAG 4s S3 62 62 62 St LIM&SH&G 4s33ct 62 62 62 St l.-San Fr «s 50 A . 124 11 124 StL-San Fr 4s 50 ct._ 114 11 114 Stl^-San Fr 44s 78 114 u 114 St L-S F 4 4s 78 ct st. 114 104 114 St L Ran Fr 6s 60 B . 114 114 H4 St P Un Dep rf 6s 72.. 114 114 114 Sar. AAA Pass 4s 43 634 63 634 San Antonio P S 4s 63 104 104 104 Schuleo 64s 46 A 20 20 20 Srhulco 6Us 46 B stp 304 304 304 Seabd A L 4s 50 stp_ 14 14 14 Seab'd A L rf 4s 59_ 64 64 64 Seab’d A L 6s 45 A_ 94 9 94 Seab’d A L 6s 45 ct ... 84 8 84 Seab'd A FI 6s 35 A ct 4 4 4 Shell Un Oil 24» 64.. 934 93 4 934 Simmons Co 4s 62_ 98 98 98 Skelly 011 4s 61 _ 103 103 103 Socony Vac 3s 64 101 1004 101 Sothn Bell TAT 3s 79 994 984 99 So Bell T&T 84s 82 . 1044 1044 1044 Southn Cal O 4s 65 . 1074 107 1074 Southn Cal G 44s 61 1084 1084 1084 Southn Kraft 44s 48 964 964 964 Southn Nat G 4 4s 61 1044 1044 1044 So Pac 24s 46 _ 634 63 63 So Pac col 4s 49_ 53 53 53 So Pac ref 4s 55_ 684 68 684 So Pac 44s 68._____ 544 534 544 So Pac 44s 69__ 54 4 534 544 So Pac 44s 81 ... 544 6rf 544 So Pac Ore* 4 4s 77 . 554 544 65 So Pac S F Ter 4s 60.. 81 81 81 So Rv een 4s 66 A ... 624 61 624 So Rv 6s 94 _ 894 884 894 So Ry gen 6s 66- 794 784 794 So Rv 64s 56 _ 844 83 4 84 S W Bell Tel 3s 68 ... 102 1014 102 Spokane Int 6s 55 . 184 18 184 Stand Oil N J 2 4s 63 1004 1004 1004 Stand Oil N J 3s 61 .. 1014 1014 1014* Studebaker cv 6s 45.. 93 924 93 Texarkana 5 4s 60— 874 874 874 Texas Corp 3s 59 _ 101 1004 101 Texas Corp 34s 61 _. 107 106H 1064 Texas A Pac 5s 77 B._ 80 80 80 Texas A Pac 5s 79 C-. 794 794 794 Tex & Pac 6s 80 D_ 80 80 80 Third Av ref 4s 60.._ 514 494 504 Third Av adj 6s 60 . 164 15H 154 Tide Wat Oil 84s 62. 1044 1044 1044 Un El( Mo)34s (2 106 106 106 Union Oil (Cal) 3s 59. 994 994 994 Un Oil (Cal) 6s 42 A. 111* 111A 111* Un Pacific 34s 70_ 93 924 93 Un Pacific 3 4s 71 ... 93 92V* 93 Un Pacific 1st 4s 47 . 1141111 1114, Un Pac ref 4s 2008 104 1034 104 u " “1*0 oa va ( o I <) United Drue 5s 63 78% 78 78 Utd Rys St L 4s 34_ 28% 28H 28% U S Steel 3%s 48 _ 105 104% 104% Utah L&T 6s 44 .. 99% 99 99 Utah Pwr & Lt 6s 44. 100% 100% 100% Utility P * L 6s 69 . 77 77 77 Utility P& L 5%s 47. 77% 77% 77% Vanadium 6s 41 . 113% 111 113% Va El & P3%s 68 B._ 105% 105% 105% Wabash 4%s N C_11 11% 12 Wabash 1st 6s 39_ 43 42 43 Wabash 2d 6s 39____ 23 23 23 Wabash 6s 76 B__ 12 12 12 Wabash 5s 80 0___ 11% 11 H7% Wabash 5 %s 76 _ 12 11% 12 Wabash Des M 4s 39.. 17 17 17 Walworth 4s 66 __ 62% 62 62% Warner Bros 6s 48 . . 83 82 82 Westcht L gn 3%s 67 104% 104% 104% West Sb 1st 4s 2361.. 55 55 55 West Md 1st 4s 62_ 85% 85 85% WestMd6%s77_ 90 90 90 West Union 4%s 60_69% 69% 69% West Union 6s 61- 75% 74% 75% West Union 6s 60 _ 74 73 73 Wheel Steel 4 %s 66 __ 97% 96% 96% Wilson & Co 3 %s 47.. 96% 96 96% Wilson & Co 4s 66 101 100% 101 Wls Cent 1st gn 4s 49 19% 19 19% W C 1st Bn 4s 49 cfs . 18 18 18 Wls El Pw S %s 68 . 105% 104% 105% Youngstn S&T 4s 48 112% 111% 112% Youngst’n S&T 4s 61. 103 102% 103 Continental Motors Fills Aircraft Posts 8pecial Dispatch to The Stir. NEW YORK, Oct. 17.—C. J. Reese, president of Continental Motors Corp., today announced the appointment of three new executives in the aircraft division of the com pany. A. W. Wild has been made man ager of the aircraft division. D. H. Hollowell has been appointed sales manager of that division, replacing W. R. Angell, jr., who recently re signed as assistant secretary of Continental Motors and as sales manager of the aircraft division. J. B. Fomaser has been made sales engineer of the aircraft division. R. D. Hicks will continue as service manager of that division and W. B. Powell will continue as his as sistant. Paris Exchange Rates PARIS. Oct. 17 (/Pi.—The United States dollar held unchanged at 43.80 francs (2.283 cents to the franc) in final foreign exchange dealings today, compared with the franc at 2.270 cents in New York over night. Exchange on London. 178.625. Three per cent rentes in the Bourse ended 67.50 francs; 4%s “A.” 76.35; 4%s. 1937. 179.30. W 1 Knowlson Is Elected To Presidency of Stewart-Warner Firm Reports Profit Compared With Loss In 1938 Quarter By the Associated Press. CHICAGO, Oct. 17.—James 8. Knowlson, chairman of the board of Stewart-Warner Corp., yester day was elected president of the organization. Knowlson, who already had been vested with all the powers and du ties of the president, succeeded Jos eph E. Otis, Jr., who resigned to become president of the Dodge Man ufacturing Corp. of Mishawaka, Ind., effective November 1. The Board of Directors also elect ed Prank Ross, a vice president of the company, a director to fill the vacancy created by the resigna tion of Oti. Ross also was desig nated senior vice president of the board. Stewart-Warner and subsidiaries reported for the third quarter of 1939 profit of $35,948, which com pared with a net loss of $145,579 in the like quarter last year. Washington Produce BUTTER—00 score, 1-pound prints, 31; ;ub. 30; */«-pound prints. 32; 02 score, .ub. 31; 1-pound prints. 32; V«-pound irints. 33. MEATS—Choice beef. 18; good beef, IO-17‘/4; calves, 10; spring lamb 0; veal, [o down; pork loin. 20-21; smoked regu ar ham, 22-23; smoked skinned ham. 14: large smoked skinned ham. 20-21; jacon, sliced. 28; bacon, piece, 23; com iound. 10; pure lard. sVi. , LIVESTOCK — Pigs. 120-140 pounds. 1.30-050; light Pigs. 140-100 pounds, 1.00-085; 170-210 pounds. 0.50-0.05; 120-240 pounds. 0.25-7.75: 250-300 iounds, 5.75-6.25; calves, good grade 10 lown; lambs, ii down; buck lambs. 2.70 ess: sows. 5.20-5 50; stags. 4.10 down; veightler sows. 4.10-5.10. From Agricultural Marketing Service. Prices paid net f. o. b. Washington: EGGS—Market firm and 1 higher on all tandled and graded eggs. Current receipts inchanged. For eggs candled and graded n Washington ‘October 17>—Whites. U. S. ‘xtras. large. 37: U. S. extras, mediums. 15; U. 8. standards, large. 32: U. S. stand irds mediums 22; U. S. trades. 18: U 8. Juliets. 15. For nearby ungraded eggs— Current receipts, whites. 22 to 24; mixed :olors- Ml to 20. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady. Fowl— -olored all sizes 16; some premiums paid for heavy hens: No. 2s 12 to 1.3: Leghorns, III; roosters, 0, Chickens—Virginia Rocks, trailers and fryers all sizes. 17 to 18; No. Is. 12: Delaware Rocks and crosses, broil ers and fryers, all sizes. 17 to 18; No 2s, 12; mixed colored fryers. 15. Turkeys— Young toms. 15 pounds and up. 17: young lens, lo pounds. 20: No. 2s. hens and toms. 12; undersize: 15: young guinea keats 14i pounds and up, 18 to 20 a pound; old keats. L2 a pound. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (Compiled by the Market News Section >f Agricultural Marketing Service sales o 8:00 am. on this mornings whoie ;ala market in less than carlot quan ities): APPLES—Market steady. Truck re ceipts moderate. Maryiana, Pennsylvania, /irgmia and West Virginia, bushel baskets ind eastern crates. U. S. 1: Grimes. Jo lathans. Yorks and Bonums. 2-V<-inch mil. 40-50; 2-'s-inch min.. 65-85: 2-3« nch min. 75-00; cold storage stock. Mi lo higher; Staymans and Delicious. Z-'/i nch min 75-1.0(1; 2-3<-inch min.. 85 I. 15: 3-inch min.. 1.00-1.25; Pennsyl ■ama, Virginia and West Virginia, bushel loxes. Combination Extra Fancy and Fancy: Delicious. Staymans and Jonathans, Kills ana larger. l.lO-i .50. loos and arger. 1.35-1.80; Grimes, 103s and larger, J. 5. No. 1. 1.00-1.25. AVOCADOS—Truck and express re :eipts light. Market slightly weaker. Flon la. lugs and flats. 12s and lbs. 75-00, nostly 75. ripes. 60. CABBAGE—Truck receipts moderate. Market about steady. Domestic Round ype: Pennsylvania. 6-peck hampers. 1.0(1. 'ev lower. New York, 5u-ib. sacks, 05 rs. Virginia, bushel hampers, packed to tally HO. PERSIAN MELONS—Market steady. California. Salmon Meats, jumbo flats 4s ,0 (is. 1.75-2.00. standard flats Hs. mostly iround 1.50, pony crates 6s to 8s, 1.00 L.25. CARROTS—Market slightly weaker, rruck receipts light. California. L A. crates, lunched, 3.00-3.26. few higher; New York, jushel baskets, topped, washed. 85-1.00; 3hio. 12-qt. climax, topped, washed. 40. CELERY—Truck receipts moderate. Mar ket steady. New York. '2 crates and 10 inch crates, individually washed. 3-8 dozen 1.25-1.50. mostly around 1.50. few high er; 2-3 crates, in the rough. 1.26 1.40. GRAPES—Market abaut steady, too few LETTUCE—Market slightly stronger. California. Los Anpeles crates. Iceberg type. 5-dozen, best. 5.50-6.00, lair qual ity and condition, 5.00-5.50. LIMES—Truck and express receipts light. Florida market steady: I‘^-bushel lugs and cartons various varieties, <5-1.00. very few higher mostly 75-00. ONIONS—Truck receipts moderate. Mar ket steady. New York. 50-pound sacks, yellows. U. S. No. 1. best mostly 75-55, fair quality. 60; white boilers. U. S. No. 1: 50-pound sacks, mostly around 1.25: 25-pound sacks, 65-75; Idaho and Colo rado. 50-pound sacks. Sweet Spanish. 3 inches and larger U. S. No. 1. 1.16-1.25; Michigan and Ohio. 50-Pound sacks, yel lows, U. S. No. 1, 85. PEARS-—Truck receipts light. Market steady. New York. la-bushel baskets and boxes. Seckels. U. S. No. 1. 75-90; bushel baskets. Bartletts. U. S. No. 1, 1.75, few lower; Sheldons. U. S. No. 1, mostly around 1.50. PEAS—Market about steady. Bushel hampers.California, best, 2.75-3.00; lair quality. 2.50: New Mexico. 2.65-2.75. POTATOES—Truck receipts moderate. Market steady. 100-pound sacks. U. S. No. 1: Pennsylvania. Cobblers and Ka tahdins. fair quality and condition, 1.50 1.65. few best higher; New Jersey. Chip pewas. mostly around 1.75 few lower: Cob blers. 1.65-1.75; New York, Round Whites, generally good quality ana condition. 1.60 1.70: Idaho. Russet Burbanks. 2.15-2.25. SWEET POTATOES—Truck receipts mod erate. Market steady. Bushel baskets. Maryland and Virginia. Goldens and Puerto Ricans. 65-75: Nancy Halls. U. S. No. 1. mostly around 85. few lower. Snap Beans Steady. SNAP BEANS—Truck receipts light. Market steady. Maryland, bushel baskets and hampers, flat type, mostly 75; round type 1.00-1.15. LIMA BEANS—Truck receipts moderate. Market abodt steady. Maryland, bushel hampers, mostly 3.00. few higher. SPINACH—Truck receipts light. Market about steady. Pennsylvania, bushel baskets, best. 40-50; poor, 25-35. BEETS—Pennsylvania, bunched, dozen. 1 do Nfew Tower. ^ 3 bUSheU' trimmed 25BpoDund!L 2i75-<2l85S~Calif0rnla, drUmS' , ,w?P£9°LI—Pennsylvania, crates. 12s. 1 n7,Lv™ mostly around 45 ARSLEY—Pennsylvania, ‘/a bushels. 35 — New York. double around r,a£0quallty- 1 00-1.25. best mostly „oJ^®?I*<^,^?®7rMary'and and Pennsyl Var.D A 2".c,?^,n£LcIlmax baskets, 40-80. boxeBA5oPPLES — Michigan. ‘/a-bushel •<4?,RAa* n’TST5La 11 f°,rn,La „ standard boxes. •J44S. 3.00; 288s, 3.25-3.50- 250s 3 7 V Frii!?’ 4-2«>-4.50; some’ No. i IT.tttt of larger and finer quality higher; ?*qnda .,.?Aandard crates and 1 3-5-bushel boxes. 344s. 2.00-2.25: 28,8s. 2 25- "60, and larger. 2.50-3.00. depending on ouSlitv — *• mvmu niUUXia ” r»ii flndRf^EE^HJhTFlorida- standard boxes higher a bu hel crates' 1.75-2.25, lew NoLElM?)I?,^rgoalirn5i?i0-5S‘a5ndard b°XCS' 3B™hAPP(Kf^lower.CrateS' 3°S' Red mostly ,York- Italians. >/i bushels. m°WAnTsiOTcl ^u?wer' few higher. RADISHES—Ohio. 12-ouart baskets, carryovers. mostly around 25 ** “ c« keSCfr&;P2?-n3g0yIVBnia- %-bUSbel baS boxesARR?^RIES—**Cw Jersey* 25-pound , APPLES—--Commercial, no carlot ar !»»yaJ5i.ntne and "“broken cars on track. Relief, no carlot arrivals; one broken car on track. CABBAGE—One Pennsylvania arrived; no cars on track. , _£ARROTS—No carlot arrivals; three br^rn«J??d 2£e "“broken cars on track. .. £ELJRY—Three New York arrived; three broken and three unbroken cars on track._ GRAPEFRUIT—One Florida arrived; one broken and two unbroken cars on track. GRAPES—One California arrived: three broken and two unbroken cars on track. HONEYDEWS—No carlot arrivals; one broken car on track. LETTUCE—No carlot arrivals: four broken and one unbroken cars on track. ONION8—One Michigan arrived; four unbroken cars on track. ORANGES—Two California, four Florida, arrived; one car diverted; three broken and four unbroken cars on track. PEARS—No carlot arrivals; one broken car on track. W*EA8—One California arrived: two broken and one unbroken cars on track. POTATOES—No carlot arrivals; three broken and four unbroken cars on track. TOMATOES—One California arrived; odp ^broken and three unbroken cars on lr MIXED VEGETABLES—One Virginia arrived; one broken and one unbroken ears on track. BANANAS—Eight cars arrived; two un broken cars on track. 1 NEW YORK CURB MARKET Bt private wire direct te The Star. Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. 2:55. Aero Supply (B). 14 4 4 Alpsworth _ 1 6% 6% 6% Air Aaaoo (.50)_ 1 8% 8% 8% Air Invest war . 1 % % % Air Invest cv pf.. 1 17% 17% 17% Ala Power pf (8). 10s 88% 88% 88% Ala Power pf (7) 30s 99 98% 98% Allied Prod .375g. 60s 10% 10% 10% Alum Co of Am.. 450s 136 133 135 Alum Co pf <«).. 100s 114 114 114 Alum Ltd (,25a). 150s 96% 95 95 Am Book (fc)_20s 44% 44% 44% Am Boa Board_ 18 8 8 Am Capital (B)_ 4 ft ft ft Am Cap pf ,75k_ 1 22% 22% 22% Am Centrifugal.. 2 % % % Am C P & Lt(A) ww 2.75 H_ 6 31 31 31 Am Cynam B .60. 26 *34 32% 34 Am Fork A H .60 . 300s 12% 12% 12% Am Oas A El 1.60 8 36 85% 36% Am G A El pf (6) 100s 114 114 114 Am Gensral .. 2 5 5 5 Am Gen pf 2.60 25s 33 S3 S3 Am Hard Rubber 50s 10% 10% 10% Am LtATrac 1.20 3 15% 15% 15% AmMfgCo_ 300s 22 20% 21% Am Maracaibo_ 1 % % % Am Republics .. 6 8% 8 8% Am Seal-Kap ,36g 2 5% 5% 6% Am Superpower 14 ft % ft Am Superpwr pf. 3 18 18 18 Am Thread pf .25. 1 3% 3% 3% Ark Nat Gas_ 4 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat Gas A_ 2 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat Gas pf.. 4 7 6% 7 Ark P A L pf (7). 20s 97 97 9" Ashland OAR 40. 2 6% 5% 5% Assoc Gas & Elea 1 & i, A Assoc G * E (A). 4 % - % % Atl Coast Fish .. 2 4% 4 4% Atl Coast L lie). 20s 27 27 27 Atlas Corp war .31 1 1 Atlas Drop Forg. 3 4% 4% 4% Avery (BF) war. 3 2% 2% 2% Aviation ft Trans 23 3 3 3 Babcock ft WU_ 8 22% 22 22% Baldwin Lo war.. 31 9% 8% 9'* Baldw L pf 2.10.. 400s 27 26% 27 Basic Dol .25g_ 1 8% 8% 8% Bath Iron * 14 9% 8% 9% Beech Aircraft... 38 10% 9% 10% Bellanca Aircraft 7 8% 8% 8% Bell Aircraft . 8 24% 23 24% Blrdsboro Stl Fy. 19 9 9 Bliss 1EW1 41 18 17% 18 Bliss ft Lau 1.25g 76s 29% 28% 29% Blue Ridge 3 1% 1% 1% Blue R cvpf (3h). 1 40% 40% 40% Brazilian T ft L-. 2 6% 6% 6% Breeze Corp _ 3 6% 6% 6% Brewst Aero ,20g 22 8 7% 8 Brill pf 100s 33% 33% 33% Brit Col Pw A (2) 100s 22 21% 22 Brown Co pf (r). 60s 24 24 24 Brown F&W ,20s 6 6% 5% 5% Brown Fence A 2. 2 19% 19% 19% Brown Rubber .. 4 5% 5% 6% B N&EP of 1.60.. n 21 20% 20% B N&EP 1st (6).. 10US 101 100% 100% Bunker Hill .&0g_ 5 15% 15 15% Cable Elec Prod— 1 % % % Can Col Airways. 4 5% 5 5 Can Marc Wire... 21 1% 1% 1% Carib Syndicate— 10 1% 1% 1% Carnegie Met_ 6 % % % Carrier Corp _ 3 10% 10% 10% Celluloid Corp_ 2 4% 4% 4% Celluloid pf .. 125s 20 19% 20 Cent P & L pf (7) 25s 105 105 105 Cities Service _ 6 6 5% 6 Cities Service pf 20 53% 50% 52% Cities SP&L *6 pf 10s 72 72 72 Cities SP&L *7 pf 40s 73 73 73 City Auto St .15g i 6% 6% 6% Claude Neon L l % % % Clev Eleo 111 (2). 250s 42 41% 41% Clev Tractor _ 3 6% 5% 5% Colon Develop .. 1 2% 2% 2% Col Fuel & 1 war 6 9 8% 9 Colts Pat F A (2> 150s 87 85% 87 Col G & E pf (5) 25s 65 65 65 ColumbUU&Oas 6 2% 2% 2% Comwlth & S war 13 % % % Coir P * L 1st pf 100s 34% 33% 34% Com ty PS (2) 75s 27 26% 27 Cons G&E Ba 3 60 3 77 77 77 Consol Gas Util.. 3 1% 1% 1% Cons Retail Stra. 5 4% 4% 4% Cons Steel Corp.. 2 7% 7% 7% Conti Roll & Stl- 12 11% 10% 11% Cooper-Bess_ 12 12% 11% 12% Copper Range 160s 7% 7% 7% Copperweld .60g. 2 14% 14% 14% Corroon & Reyn.. 12 2 2 Cosden Petrolm . 9 2 1% 2 Creole Petm 60a. 31 27 £6% 26% Crocker Wheeler. 4 7% 7 7% Crown Cent Pet . 6 2% 2% 2% Cr’n C'k Int A Ik. 1 6% 6% 6% PeAmn rWum 9 1li 1 U 1 1i Cuban Tobacco _ 1 2% 2% 2% Cuneo Press < 3a) 250s 53% 53 53% Cun Press pf 6.50 10s 110% 110% 110% Darby Petroleum 1 5% 5% 5% Dayton Rub 1.25g 2 17% 17% 17% Decca Kec .60g__. 5 6% 6% 6% Darby Oil- _ 2 2% 2% 2% Det Paper Prod . ' 1 1% 1% 1% Det Stl Prod .75*. 1 21% 21% 21% Divco Twin .40g 4 8 8 8 Driver-Har ,55g . 1 28% 28% 28% Dublller Con .13g 1 1% 1% 1% Duro-Test (4%f). 4 2% 2% 2% Cagle Plcber Cd. 3 13 12% 12% East'n Gas & F.. 7 4% 4 4% Bastn G&F 6 pf 400s 23 22% 23 Castn G&F or pf 100s 39% 38% 39% Castn Mall Iron. 125s 12 12 12 Eastern Sts pf B 50s 18% 18 18% Easy Wash M(B) 2 4 4 4 Economy GS<1) 100s 16 16 16 Eisler Electric... 2 1% 1% 1% Elec Bond & Sh.. 51 9% 9% 9% Elec B & S pf (5) 1 58% 58% 58% Elec B & S pf (6> 7 69 68% 68% Bmp G & F 6% pf 30s 62% 61% 62% Em G&F 6%% pf 90s 62% 61% 62% Emp G & F 7% pf 125s 62% 62 62% Emp G&F 8% pf 100s 62% 62% 62% Empire Pw 1.50k 100s 26% 26% 26% Equity Corp . 1 % % % Equity cv pf (3>- 125s 27% 27% 27% Esquire (.60) ... 2 4% 4% 4% Eureka P L (2)._ 350s 20% 19% 20 Fairchild Ay ,20c 14 11 10% 11 Fanny Farm 1.50 100s 19% 19% 19% Fansteel Metal . 13 11% 11 11’% Ferro-Enam (1). 2 21% 21% 21% Fisk Rubber 2 10% 10% 10% Fisk Rub pf (6) 25s 83 83 83 Fla P&Lpf 5.68k 100s 87% 86 87% Ford (Can) A (1) 10 16% 15% 15% Ford Ltd (.16*). 5 2% 2% 2% Fox Brew (la)... 200s 13% 13% 13% Froedert (.60*).. 2 9% 9% 9% Fruehauf T .75*. 7 28 27% 28 Fuller (GA) .. 25s 18% 18% 18% Fuller cvpf (3*). 26s 22% 22% 22% Gen El Ltd(.67g) 3 13% 13% 13% Gen Firepr’f ,70g 1 13 13 13 Gen Invest_ 1 % % % Ga Power pf (6). 100s 95% 95% 95% Glen Alden Coal. 3 8% 8% 8% Gorham Inc pf _. 25s 17 17 17 Gorham Mf 1.75* 1 22% 22% 22% GA&P 1st pf (7) 60s 129% 129% 129% Greenfield T & D 11 10 9% 9% Grumann Air.60* 14 17% 16% 17% Guard Inv 2 % % % Gulf Oil of Pad ) 15 44 43% 44 Gulf St Ut pf (6) 30s 110% 110% 110% nan Lamp i 4% 4% 4% Hearn Dep Sts pf 50a 12% 12% 12% Hecla Min • 2Cg) 1 7% 7% 7% Helena Kuban 2 6% 5 5% Helena R(A)(1). 100a 8% 8% 8% Hewitt Rub .45*. 1 14% 14% 14% Heyden Ch 1.60 1 63% 63% 53% Hoe <R) 44 Co A .. 3 8% 8% 8% Hollinger O 65a 4 10% 10% 10% Horn & Hard (2) 25a 33% 33% 33% Humble O l.375g 14 69% 68% 69% Hummel-Rose F. 4 5% 5 5% Hvgrade Food 2 2% 2% 2% Hvgrade Syl 1.60 50s 27% 27% 27% Ill-la Power pf.. 4 20 19% 20 Ul-la Pwr div ct. 3 4% 4% 4% Imp Oil Ltd 60a. 9 13% 13% 13% Ind Ter 111 (A)... 1 1% 1% i% Ind Pipe L <.60g) -*1 7% 7% -7% Ins Co N Am 2a 100s 69 67% 69 Int Indust .10g_ 2 2% 2% 2% Int Pa44Pwr war- 26 3% 3% 3% Int Petrol 1.60a.. 13 21% 20% 21% Int Products 1 4% 4% 4% Int Safety Raz B. 2 % % % Int Utilities (B) 4 % & £ Int Util prpf 1.50 50a 33% 33% 33% Int Util pf (.75k) 100s 16% 16 16% Int Vitamin 225g 13 3 3 Interst H Eq .60a 10 7% 7% 7% Iron Firs vtc 1.20 650a 18% 18 18% Irving Air C (la) 5 20% 20 20 Jacobs Co 6 2% 2% 2% Jer CP44L pf (6) 60s 91% 91 91 Jer CP«L pf (7) 400s 101% 101 101 Jones 44 Lau Stl 31 45% 43 45% Kennedy's .60*.. 1 5% 5% 5% Kreuger Br .125*. 1 5% 6% 5% Lakey Fdry 44 M. 2 3% 3% 3% Lehigh Coal 44 N. 2 3% 3% 3% Lockheed Alrc._. 108 30% 29% 30% Lone Star <.40g). 8 8% 8% 8% Long Island Ltg 6 1% 1% 1% Long (al Ltg pf B 225s 80% 30 80% La Land&Exp .49 2 6% 6% 6% Lucky Tlgar .02*. I % % % 4 Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. 3:55. Mo W 111ms Gredg 2 7b 714 714 Majestic Radio.. 6 214 3 2 Manatl Sug war.. 1111 Mangel Sirs pf._. 10s 33 33 33 Mapes Consol (2) 1 26 25 25 Marconi Int ,246g 1 414 414 414 Marlon 8t Shovel 2 5 41« 5 Master El <.90g). 60s 19 19 19 Mead John (3a).. 25a 144'4 14414 14414 Merr-Chap & Sc.. 2 414 414 414 Mesabl Iron _ 3 Vi % Vt Massey-Harrls... 16 6 6 Mich Gas ft Oil .. 6 1 1 1 Mich Steel T 45g. 18 8 8 Mich Sugar pi .. 1 614 614 614 Mid Sts P A 62g. 3 4H 414 4H Midvale Co (Jg). 25«lll 110 111 Midwert 011 90 . 1 7% 7% 744 Miss R Pw pt(6). 40s 113 11214 113 Mock Jud V ,75g_ 1 12 12 12 Molybdenum 3 614 b\ 614 Monarch MT ,85g 1 27 27 27 Monogram Pic .. 1 114 114 114 Mont Ward A (7) 60s 158 1664 1574 Mount City Cop.. 3 6% 514 544 Mount Prod(.eO). 3 614 614 614 Murray (O) ,60g. 4 10b 1014 1014 Nat Auto Flora_ 18 8 8 Nat Bella Hess . 7 i & i Nat City B pf (3) 60s 41 41 41 Nat Contain.225* 1 8% 874 874 Nat Fuel Gas <1> 3 13% 13% 13% Nat Oil Prod .85* 1 39 39 39 Nat P & L pf (6) 125s 84% 84% 8474 Nat Rubber Mach 4 6% 6% 5% Nat Steel Car (2) 26s 60 60 60 Nat $u* Ref (1) _ 1 1474 1474 1474 Nat Transit .35* 2 8% 8% 8% Nat Tunnel A Min 1 1% 1% 1% Nat Union Radio 2 % % % Nestle Be Mur A. 111 1 NEPApf (5k).. 25s 75% 7574 75% New idea (.60) ... 1 11% 11% 11% N J Zinc (1.60*). 200s 65 64 65 New Mex & Aria. 1 1% 1% 174 Newmont 1.50* . 1 69 69 69 N Y Hon R (3*) 190s 25 24% 25 N Y P & Bt pf (7) 120s 110 110 110 NY Shipbld fd sh 1 1174 11% 11% NY Water Svc pf 20s 17 17 17 Nla* Hudson Pwr 2 7% 7% 7% Nla* Hud 1st (6) 60s 83 83 83 Nla* Hud 2d (6). 870s 70 70 70 Nla* Hud A war. 2 4 4 4 Nla* Sh Md (B).. 1 6 6 6 Niles-Bem-P 50a. 4 68% 67 68% Noma Electric .. 2 5% . 5% 5% Nor Am Bt & Pwr 9 1% 17* 1% Nor Am BAP pf.. 60s 58 67% 58 Nor Europ Oil 2 4 4 4 Northn Ind PS 67i pf (4.50k) _ 40s 94% 94% 94% N I P S 7 pf 5.25k 10s 99% 99% 99% North'n P B .lug. 1 5% 5% 5% North n Sta P> A) 1 15 15 15 Novadel-Ag (2)_. 1 35% 35% 35% Ohio Brass (B>._ 175s 21% 21% 21% Ohio Oil pf (6) .. 100s 103 103 103 Ohio Pwr pf (6) 120s 113% 11374 113% Okla Nat Gas .75* 1 16% 16% 16% OklaNatG pf(3) 200s 45 44% 44% Pac Gas 6 pf 1.60 6 31 31 31 Panteoec 011 25 6% 5% 5% Pender Gr A 3.50. 60s 43% 43% 43% Pender Groc (B). 2 11% 11% 11% Pa-Cent Airlines. 6 9 8% 9 Pennroad Corp 3 2% 2% 2% PennP&Bpf (7) 25s 108% 1087^108% Penn Salt <4g)_. 50b 165'% 165% 165% Pepperell (4g) 50a 90% 89% 90% Pharis TAR 60*. 1 7% 7% 7% Phillips Packing 5 7V« 7% 77, Phoenix Secur 13 67* 6% 674 Phoenix Secur pf 50* 28% 28% 28% Pltney-Bowes .46 1 7% 7% Pitts Forging * 7 13% 12% 13% Pitts & B E 50* 60s 69% 697a 69% Pitts Metall ,75g. 1 11 n n Pitts PI G1 2.25* 1 100% 1007* 10074 Polaris Minin* 1 17, 17* Pratt & Bam (lg) 4 19 iy 19 Pressed Metals . 2 11% 11% 11% Prudential Inv .. 2 6% 6% 6% PS Ind 17 pr pf 503 60% 60% 60-% PS Ok pr In pf(6) 20s 97 97 97 Puget Sd P $5 pf 190s 68% 68 68% Pueet S'd P *6 pf 125s 23% 23% 23% Puget Sd PAT.. 1 8% 8% 8% rJivationai ... 25s 114 114 114 Quaker Oats (5). 10s 1154 1154 1154 Red Bank Oil .. 1 24 24 24 Reeves <D) .50— 2 64 64 54 Reiter Foster_ 2 4 4 4 Richmond Rad_ 1 24 24 24 Root Petroleum 14 44 4 44 Root Petrolm pf 1 104 104 104 Russeks Fifth Av 1 4 4 4 Rustless Ir & Stl 1 144 I44 144 Ryan Consol_ 1 24 24 24 St Regis Paper_ 2 34 34 34 Samson United_ 1 14 14 14 Scovill Mfg ,60g_. 6 344 344 344 Scullin Steel .. 1 134 134 134 Scullin Steel war 2 14 14 14 Selberling Rub 1 74 74 74 Select Industries 3 1 {} y Sel Ind pr pf 6.50 100s 59 59 59 Seversky Alrcr't 25 5 44 5 Shattuck-D.125g 2 74 74 74 Sher-Wlllms(2g) 700s 964 934 964 Sher-Will pf (6) 120s 110 110 110 Simplicity Pat .. 1 14 14 14 Singer Mfg (6a). 20s 142 142 142 Solar Mfg _ 12 2 2 Soss Mfg < .50)_ 2 54 54 54 South Coast_ 14 4 4 So Penn Oil 1.60 5 37V* 37 37 S Cal Ed pf 1.50a 30s 37 37 37 S C Ed Dt B 1.60 5 274 274 274 SC Ed pf C 1.376 . 2 254 254 254 Stand OH Ky (1 > 12 184 18V* 18V* Stand Oil Ohio! 1) 1 26 26 26 Stand Prod ,26g 1 94 94 94 Stand Stl Sp(lg). 1 364 354 354 Sterchi Bros Sts 6 44 44 44 Stetson (JB) .. 25s 64 54 54 Sullivan Mach... 1 11 n n Tampa Elec 2.24. 2 32 32 32 Technicolor 60g. 3 114 114 114 TexonOili.log) 13 3 3 Thew Shovel ,60c 50s 154 154 154 Tob Prod Ex 36e 7 44 44 44 Tob Sec Ltd ,19g 1 94 94 94 Todd Shipy'd 2g 75s 75 744 75 Toledo Ed pf (7) 10s 110 110 110 Tonopah Mining 2 4 V, 4 Trans-Lux ... 1 14 14 14 Trans west Oil... 1 34 34 34 Trl Conti war ... 1 4 *4 t4 Tubize Chatlllon 1 104 104 104 TublzeChat (A) 60s 36 36 36 Tung-Sol Lamp 1 34 34 34 Tung Sol L pf *0 1 74 74 74 UnPremFS(l). 1 154 154 154 UtdCgrWhStrs 7 4 4 4 Unit Gaa ... 19 24 24 24 Unit Gas war - 2 ft ft ft Unit Gas pf 6.76k 2 86 86 86 Unit Lt&Pwr (A) 4 14 1% ij* Unit Lt & Pwr pf 4 284 28V* 284 Unit frollt Shar 2 ft ft ft Unit Shipyds (A) 1 104 104 104 Unit Shlpyds (B) 2 2 2 2 Unit Sb M 2.60a 150g 74 734 734 US Foil IB) 2 44 44 44 U S & Inti Secur. 1 ft ft ft US&In S pf 2.75k 25s 62 62 62 U S Lines pf 3 34 34 34 US Ply wood- 1 154* 154 154 U S Radiator_ 3 14 14 14 --. ± ,,4 Unit Verde Ext .1X11 Unit Wail Paper 3 2 2 2 Univ Insur (1) „ 60s 17V4 17Vi 17V4 Utah-lUalio Sub 2 2V* 2V* 2V» Utb P&L pf 3.50k 25s 63V* 63V* 63V* Util P&L pf(r) 100s 20 20 20 Voght Mfg ( 6ftg) 1 10 10 10 Wayne Knit Mill 1 14 14 14 WestVaC&C 2 254 2v* 2V* Western Air Exp 14 4 4 Willson Prod.45g 60s 10 10 10 Wilson Jon 26g 3 84* 8V* 844 Wolverine T .20*. 1 6V* 64» 6V4 Woodley Pet ,40_. 1 64* 64* 64* Wright Harg.40*. 1 64* 64* H Yukon Pan Mfg.. 1 1% jt* 1»/4 r In oankrupter or receivership or beln* reorganised under Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by such companies Rates of dividends in the foregoing table •re annual disbursements based on the last auarterly or semi-annual declaration On less otherwise noted, apeela) or extra divi dends are not included xj Ex dividend xr Ex rights a Also extra or extras e Paid last Tear FPay able in stork a Declared or oaid _o far this vear h Cash or stock k Accumu •■ted dividend paid or declared thla vear SJ.JJnder rule ww With warrants xw Without warrants war Warrants -V New York Sugar NEW YORK, Oct. 17 UP).—Domestic sugar futures reacted from morning highs on scattered trade and commission house selling today. •The list was up early on active producer buying. Broadening of war operations in Europe was the domi nating market factor. Late prices were down 1 to » Points. March sold at 2.10 and May at 2.14. World contracts followed the trend of the domestic list and eased on profit-taking and liquidation, with active deliveries showing losses of 1 to IV* points. March lost IV* at 1.79V*. Raw sugar offerings on a duty-free basis were available at 3 56 cents snd possibly lower. Refined held at 5.60 cents, r ____________________________ Rubber Futures NEW YORK. Oct. 17 UP).—Crude rubber Sturea opened 15 higher. October. 19.90b: icember. 19.70b: March. 18.60. b—Bid. I Bank Loans Increase $37,000,000 More in Latest Week Reserve Board Reports Gain for Eighth Consecutive Period By the Associated Press. Commercial, industrial and agri cultural loans of banks Increased for the eighth straight week during the week ended October ll, the Fed eral Reserve Board announced yes terday. Banks in 101 leading cities re ported their business loans in creased $37,000,000 to a total of $4, 228,000,000. This made a gain of $376,000,000 in eight weeks and brought this class of loans in the reporting bank group to a level $371, 000,000 above a year ago. Although increases were general, the board said principal commercial loan increases were $10,000,000 in New York City and $4,000,000 each in the Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago Federal Reserve districts. The board’s statement gave the following summary of assets and liabilities on October 11, together with changes for the week and with the same week last year, in millions of dollars: Oct 11, Oct 4. Oct u, , 19.10. 1939. 1938. Loans and Invest ments—total . 22,588 4 70 4-1,273 Loans—total 8.408 4- 33 4 138 Commercial, indus trial and agricul tural loans 4.288 + 37 4 371 Open market pacer 318 unchg. — 27 Loans to brokers and dealers In securities 530 — 8 _ 123 Other loans for purchasing or carrying securl _ «es . 504 — 1 — 7B Real estate loans. 1,182 434 21 Loans to banks. . 37 4- 1 _ 70 Other loans 1.549 4- 1 4 40 Government direct obligations 8.559 + 56 4 506 United States bills 553 4 61 _ United States notes 2.128 — 2 _ United States bonds 6.878 — 3 Fully guaranteed Government obli gations _ 2.240 unchg. 4- 562 Other securities 3.361 — 19 4- 85 Reserve with Fed eral Reserve „ banks 0.879 4- 63 + 3.009 Cash In vault 489 4- 18 4 60 Balances with do mestic banks 3.037 4 3 4 626 Demand deposits— adjusted 18.451 4 145 4 2.847 rune deposits- 5.242 4 6 4 70 Government d e - posits 538 — 2 — 32 Inter-bank deposits: Domestic banks 7.811 — 23 41,770 Foreign banks... 791 4 29 4 322 Borrowings_ 0 — i CURB BONDS DOMESTIC. HiRh. Low. 1pm. A a Power 4%s 67_101 101 101 Ala Power 5s 68 _104% 104% 104% Ala Power os 50 _ . 106 106 100 Am P & L 6s 2016 . 98% 97% 9S Ark P & L 5s 56 105% 105% 105% As G & E 4%s 49_ 41 41 41 As G & E 5s 50 44 44 44 As G & E 5s 68 42 42 42 AU City El 3%s 64_102% 101% 102% Bala Loco 6s 50 _ _ 130 128 130 Bell Tel C 5s 55 A- 108 106 106 Bell Tel C os 57 B_ 108 108 108 Bell Tei C os 60 C_108% 108% 108% Birm El 4%s 68 _ 93 93 93 Broad River P 5s 54_ 96 96 96 Can Nor Pwr 5s 53_ 93% 93% 93% Central Pw 5s 57 D — 95% 95% 95% Cent St El 5%s 54 42 41% 42 Cen St P & L 5%s 53. 71 71 71 Chi M&I11 4%s 56 A 102% 102% 102% Chi Rys 5s 27 cod_ 56% 56 56 Cm Str Ry 6S 55 B — 79% 79% 79% Cities Svc 5s 50 _ 71% 71% 71% Cities Svc 5s 69 71 71 71 Cit S P & L 5 %s 52_ 81 80% 81 Cit 8 P&L 5%s 49 ... 81% 80% 81% Comnty P&L 5s 57 . 84% 84% 84% Con GEL*F 3%s 71 105% 105% 105% Cons G Util 6s 43 st... 71% 70% 71% Cont G & E os 68 A_ 84 83% 84 Det lilt Br 8125 52 _ 5% 5% 5% East G & F 4s 50 A... 78% 78 78 Edis El lllu 3%s 65... 107% 107% 107% El Pw & Lt os 2030_ 72% 72 79 Fed Wat 5%s 54 _ 89 89 89 Fia Pwr coupn 4s 65.._ 97 97 97 Florida P&L os 54 .. 101% 101% 101% Gary E&G os 4 4st_ 99% 99 99% Gen Pub Ut 6%s 06 93% 93% 9. % Gen W W&E os 43 A 91 90% 91 Gf°fgl.a. ,Pw 5s 67 ..106 105% 106 Glen Alden Cl 4s 65 __ 71% 71% 71% Houst L & P 3%s 66 106 106 106 J} F«t & Lt 6s 53 A 104 104 104 ? ! £W&„L 54 B — 101 101 101 111 Pw & L 03 50 C_ 99% 90% 99% ?SS 5 9 51-C — 98% 98% 98% Ind Hyd Elec os 08 ... 95% 95% 95% Jodiana Set os 63 A 66% 66% 66% P&L 1st 3%s 68 _ 106 105% 106 Inti P Sec 6%s 5o C 33 33 33 Ihtl Pw Sec_7s_57 E_ 36 36 36 Interst Pw 5s o < 6* % 67 67% Interst Pw 6s 52 53% 53% sari Interst PS 4%s 08 P 95% 95 95 Ital Su Pw 6s 63 A 33% 32% 33% i" cm 5s_47 B ... 106% 106% 1(16% Ky Utilities os bl ___ 100 10 100 ffiPW 52 -101 % 101 % 101 % Libby McN&L os 42 _. 104 104 104 Lpr'g Is Lt 6s 45 100 99’, 99% Mar Rse Pw 4*as 52_lu4 1U4 1<»4 Midlan VRR os 43. I:: 71 71 71 J?;1 G .& E 4'2S 8”_98% 99% 99% Minn P&L 5s 55- 99% 99% 99% os- 66-1"" 190 100 £Ul? ?vc os 80- 88% 88% 88% & L os 2030 B_. 106% 106% 106% Nevad Cal El 5s 06_ 74% 74% 74% New E Pw 54s 54_ 99 99 99 " New Orl 4%s 50 std._ 101 % 101 % 101 % New Or P S 6s 49 A. 99% 99% 99% N J P & Lt 4%s 67. 104% 104% 104'% N Y 8 E&G 4%s 80_103% 103% lt>3% No Bost Ltg 3%s 42... 105% 105’, 105% No Ind P S os 66 C-105% ] 05% 105% No Ind PS 5s 69 D- 105 105 105 Northw P S 6s 5! A_103% 103% 103% ORden O Co 5s 45. ... 1(.*% idjii? iok% Ohio Power 3%s 68_'__ 103% 103% 193% Ohio Pub Svc 4s 62_107% lol-j 107% Pac Invest 5s 48 A_ 88’, 8K% 88% Pac P & L os 55_ 90% 89% 90s. Penn C L&P 4%s 77_ 99 9X% 99 Penn Oh E 6s 50 \_106% 106% 106% PeeP G L&C 4s 61 D.. 96 95s, 9i Peon G L & C 4s 81 B 95 94 % 95 Phda El P 5%s 12-115', 115% 115% Pw Cp C 4%s 59 B_ 83 83 83 Protero Sur 7s 47 st_ 50% 50% 51 % Pub Ser N J 6s ctts_. 145 145 145 Pub S Okla 4s 66 A_104% 104% 104% Pug Sd P&L 5%s 49_94 Oh3, 94 Pur S P&L 5s 50 C_ 92% 92% 92% Pur S P&L 4%s 50 D_. 88% 88% 88% Scripps 5%s 43_100% 100% 100% Scullin Steel 3s 51_ 71 71 71 Shw W & P 4%s 70 D-. 90% 90% 90% S E P & L 6s 2025 A__ 108% 108 108% Sou Cal Ed 3%s 60_ 106 105% 106 Sou Cal E 3%s 60 B 106 106 106 Std G & E 6s 48 st _ 66% 66% 66% Starret Corp 5s 50_ 18 18 18 Texas Elec 5s 60 _103% 103% 103% Tex Pw & L os 56_106% 106 106% Tide Wat P 5s 79 A .. 96% 95% 96 Twin CRT 5%s 52 A . 59% 59% 69% Ulen & Co 6s 50 IV st. 10 10 10 Unit Lt & Pw (is 75 . 85% 84% 85% Unit Lt & Pw 6%s 74 . 87 87 87 Unit L & R M 6s 52 A . 114 114 114 Utah P&L 4%s 44 _ 97% 97 97 Va Pub S 5%s 46 A . 100 98% 100 Va Pub Ser 5s 50 B _ 97% 97% 97% Wald Ast Hot 5s 54 _ 13% 12 1° * West News U 6s 44 _ 59 59 59 West Pa 5s 2030 _K'o 105 105 West Pa Tr 5s 60 _jin 109% 110 Wis P & L 4s 66 101% 101% 101% FOREIGN. Ger Con Mun 7s 47 7% 7% 7% Terni-Soc 6%s 53 A 38% 38% 38% ww With warrants xv Without warrants, n New st (stp) Stamped. § Negotiability impaired by maturity. Dividends Announced NEW YORK. Oct. 17—Dividends de clared. Prepared by Pitch Publishing Co. Extra. Pe- Stock of Pay . _ __ _ Rate riod. record, able. £b> Thfraww Bot A $1.00 10-20 li-l §?*« Co 5c. 10-31 11-10 Hollineer Cons Gold 5c 10-21 11-4 Increased Sllex Co- 30c Q 10-31 11-10 Arrears. A M Byers pf *$2.17 11-10 1"-1 Int Util Co $1.76 pf 60Vic _ _ 10-20 11-1 Resumed. Peninsular Orind Whl 10c . 10-26 11-15 Rice Ranch OH lc _ 12-1 12-11 Accumulated. Oulf Coast Water 7% cum pf 35c.. 10-1 10-16 Havana El«c & Util 6^ 1st pf 76c _ _ 11-1 11-15 Simp n s Lt 6Vi% pf $1.26 10-23 11-1 Regular. Clark Equipment ..50c 10-26 11-15 Comwlth Int CorD Ltd 4c Q 10-14 11-15 Duquesne Brew Pitts 15c Q 10-20 11-1 Haverty Furn Co 5c 10-10 10-25 Hawal’n Pineapple Ltd 25c Q 10-21 10-31 Hollinger Cons Gold 5c 10-21 11-4 Huston Tom Peanut 25c 11-15 Huston Tom Peanut 71S. Pf $3 50 8 12-20 1-1-40 Rubinstein H Inc _75c 11-1 11-15 Shawlnaan W & Pow 22c Q 10-20 11-15 Tobacco Prod Export 4Or li-i 11-15 Trane Co 25c Q 11-1 11-15 Trane Co pf $1.50 Q 11-25 12-1 Yuba Cons Gold Fields 10c Q 10-11 11-1 Inti UtU Corn $3.50 prior pi 87 Vic Q 10-20 11-1 •Represents payment ol $1.75 dus ordinarily February 1. 1936. and interest thereon to December 1. 1939. New York Bar Silver NEW YORK, Oct. 17 (JP).—Bat Silver 36, off 1. K