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KNEE-HI PHONES POLICE—The Star’s terrier demonstrates how to report the license number of a hit-run driver, if you hap pen to see one. Anxious to promote traffic safety, Boy Patrolman Bernard Booth of Phillips-Wormley School is all ears. —Star Staff Photo. _ Knee-Hi Gives 690th Lesson in Campaign To Save Lives Phillips-Wormley Pupils Delighted by Safety Demonstration Knee-Hi, the cunning canine whose object lessons in safety have served as an example to so many Wash ington school children, romped through her routine yesterday at Twenty-eighth and M streets N.W. before an audibly delighted throng of colored pupils of the Phillips Wormley School. The little fox terrier conformed to traffic signals, played dead when “struck” by an automobile and chased the boys acting as safety violators off the streets, while the onlooking youngsters laughed in de light. It was Knee-Hi's 690th per formance in her two and a half years of campaigning to save lives. If the little terrier is as wise to the dangers of vehicular traffic as she appears something ought to be done about motorcycles, because she has a positively ingrained hatred for them. About a dozen motor cycles chugged onto Knee-Hi’s “stage” yesterday, and it appeared that only her years of training kept her from flying at the machines and biting out a piston rod or chunk of tire. A woman who declined to identify herself but who said she was re tired after many years of superin tending schools, told Dr. George E. Brunson, Knee-Hi’s master, she had attended 11 of Knee-Hi’s perform ances and was truly amazed and delighted by the effect of the pup’s lessons in safety. After yesterday’s appearance Knee-Hi trotted to a police call box and "rang in” to tell the seventh precinct commander the license number of a hit-and-run motorist she had seen. She was showing the children how a policeman could catch the guilty motorist if they were able to tell him the license number of the striking automobile. Hague Intimates He Favors Third Term By the Associated Press. JERSEY CITY. N. J., Oct. 17.— Mayor Frank Hague, State Demo cratic leader, indorsed by inference last night a third term for Presi dent Roosevelt. Following a speech by Representa tive Mary T. Norton, Democrat, of New Jersey, in which the Jersey City Congresswoman said she hoped Mr. Roosevelt would run again, newspapermen asked Mr. Hague if be were for a third term for the President. “Mary Norton and I are of one mind,” replied Mr. Hague. Several weeks ago he was reported by sources close to him to be behind Roosevelt in 1940. ROOF REPAIRING HEATING SYSTEMS OIL BURNERS PAINTING, PAPERING, PLUMBING, STUCCOING, WATERPROOFING, RECREATION ROOMS Estimates Cheerfully Given Financed on Small Monthly Payments ROACHESl Rid the home of these pests quickly and fc *< J surely. One appllca Ky-jja tlon does wonders OO" Repairing • Renovizing • Modernizing Homes Have The Eberly Plan Put A Stop To Decadence A house is a HOME only when you give it the things that make for living comfort and housekeeping convenience. You don’t have to have a NEW house —The Eberly Plan can make it a NEW HOME. You will be happily surprised at the « practical suggestions an Eberly Plan Supervisor will give you — needed repairs, that will put the house in order — renovizing here and there -—modernizing the old • fashioned kitchen, creating a recreation room out of the forgotten cellar, transforming the old-time porch into a den or sunny sewing room—and so on. Under The Eberly Plan all these things—no matter how many trades are involved—are done by OUR OWN WORKMEN. That means only ONE modest profit; and ONE responsibility —OURS. Let us send an Eberly Plan supervisor to talk with you. District 6557 will bring him. i » i Interfederation Defers Action on Hatch Law Discussicm of the Hatch law, which prohibits Government em ployes from participating in politics on penalty of losing their jobs, featured the initial meeting of the season last night of the Interfedera tion Conference in the United States Chamber of Commerce. Action was withheld, however, until constituent bodies hold their respective meet lngs and report back to the con ference. The bill was considered to be good In “principle," but certain sections, applying to small communities such as exist in nearby Maryland and Virginia, were branded as unjust. It was felt by some of the delegates that a person participating tn com munity politics should be liiuded rather than discouraged and faced with the loss of his or her joo. The secretary was Instructed to write a letter of sympathy to the family of Walter U. Varney, a for mer delegate to the conference from Arlington County, who died several weeks ago. * Further business was confined to reports of delegates consisting of Judge Alfred D. Bailey, Prince Georges County; L A. Carruthers, president of the Federation of Citi zens’ Associations, District of Col umbia; Walter Venskle, Arlington County, and H. 8. Yohe, presiding chairman, Montgomery County. Salmon and salmon trout cat ches off the northern coast of Japan this year were twice as large as in previous seasons. Three Armed Convicts Recaptured in Texas • Bj tho Auoclatad Prow. PORT WORTH, Tex., Oct. 17. Three armed convicts who escaped from the State prison farm at Sugarland were captured last night at Grandview without a shot being fired. The convicts, Aubrey Scalley, Leo White and Joe Marv n Burleson, had been credited with six kid napings and an automobile theft since the break from the farm Sat urday, but all persona abducted had been released unharmed. Sergt. Herman Reissig and Patrol min B. C. Wilmuth of the State police, captured the long-term pris oners. Film Divorce Ban Asked LYNN, Mass., Oct. 17 OP).—Motion picture theaters here have been re quested to discontinue showing pic tures in which actors or actresses who have been divorced are fea tured - Grace Gray DeLenc Lilt Reader-Adulter Cencaltatien. SI • ISO 12th St. N.W.. Cer. L Private Parking Space Telephene Met. H234 II undecided. In doubt, troubled, unhappy, comult "The Helpful One" today. Complete 65-Piece Dinette Ensemble \ Here’s a real “Buy’* for you! Everythin? you need to completely furnish your dinette. Comprises: Buffet or China Cabinet and four sturdily built Chairs with upholstered seats, finished in walnut on solid rum wood. Also included—26-piece Silver Set, 32-piece Din ner Set and a Mirror. Woitf oney Domhi?—at The 0Mb' 4-Pc Reading Outfit 4 Consists of a com- a n n fortable Lounge 3 ■ 11.00 Chair and Otto- ■ Mm man covered in H ■ B long-wearing cot ton tapestry. Also included—Booktrough End Table, walnut finish, and a handsome Table Lamp. An attractive and comfortable cor ner group. Circulating Oil Haater *Q.88 Attractive cabinet design with one burner unit. Eco nomical and effi cient to operate. Florence Space Heater SJO.75 Discontinued mod el st a close-out price! Enamel ex terior and porcelain burner. Platform Rocker, *f.9» Covered in eot t o n tapestry. Walnut finished hardwood, frame. Worth much more. f 5-Pc. KROEKLER Living Room Comprises a large, comfortable Sofa and mm f L matching Arm Chair, 2 Sofa Pillows and BK PRBP /^fl V rfl a large Ottoman. All pieces covered in fine «V V /■ # y quality cotton tapestry in choice of blue, ^ ^ / / green or wine colors. Spring-filled re- m H- / # ventble cushions. High, restful backs. W -^n_ L No Money Down!—at the Hub! J 10-Pc. One-Room Studio Ensemble *49 Everything yon need to completely furnish one room? Studio Couch that opens into comfortable twin beds or full-size bed,- and coveiled in cotton tapestry. Also included— Kneehole Desk and Desk Chair, Coffee and Studio End Table, Floor and Table Lamp, Occasional Chair, Mirror and Smoker. Daunt!—at The Huh! 5-Pc. Bed Outfit Comprises: — Pos- ** QO ter Bed in walnut, 9 H " mahogany or ma- ■ pie finish on gum- I U B wood. Also in eluded—Simmons Coil Spring, Restful Mat tress and 2 Feather Pillows. A value hard to beat! f RUG Y f/ CUSHION ft 1 GIVEN |g V WITH EVERY m \ ROOM SIZE JH ^CARPET RUG^^^I 9x12 or 8.3x10.6 , Seamless flxminsler Rags S20J>* Perfect, Ugh pile goaUt/ In eboiee of Pentan, Floral, Colonial, or the popolar Leaf Patterns. ECO CUSHION INCLUDED—At No Extra Coat! 9x12 or 8x10 Oriaalal Reproductions Lustrous Bods, Busts or Blue with copies of famous Persian designs. Fringed Ends. BUG CUSH ION INCLUDED—At No Extra Cost! 1—___ « _ ... . ____ _ * IVo 1 Easy IWfonej I V Credit Down* I_^kTerms1