Newspaper Page Text
Sratljfl BELLOST. CARL. On Wednesday Oc tober 18. 1939. at his residence. 77 H st. n.w.. CARL BELLOSI. beloved husband of Eva Bellosi and father of Flora and Marie Bellosi. Funeral will he held from the above resi dence on Saturday. October 21. at 9:30 a m. High requiem mass at St Aloysius Church at 10 a m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 20 j BRITCHER. FLORENCE ESTELLE. On Wednesday. October 18. 1030. at her tesi dence. 70 S st. n.w.. FLORENCE ESTELLE I BRITCHER. wife of Harold J Britcher and mother of Mrs. Florence Howard and grandmother of Ida Mae Howard Services at Chambers’ funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n w.. on Saturday. October 21. at 2 pm. Relatives and friends are Invited Interment Washington National Cemetery. 20 BROOKE. MARY BLANCHE. On Wed nesday. Ortober 18. 1030. at Siblev Me morial Hospital. MARY BLANCHE BROOKE, beloved daughter of the la»e Joseph H ana Martha V Brooke. Remains resting at her late residence. 12 Owens ave.. Kyattsville, Md. Funeral services at the above residence on Saturday. October 21. at 0 am.; thence to St. Jerome’s Catholic Church. Hvatts ville. where mass will be said at 9:30 a m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 20 COLLINS. LOTTIE. On Tuesday. October 17. 1930. at the residence of her daughter. Geneviev* Coies. 82 M st. n.w . LOTTIE COLLINS, beloved wife of the late John F Collins and mother of Genevieve Col^s. William Collins and Dowetta Brown. Re mains can be viewed at the Malvan Sehey funeral home. N J ave. and R st. n.w. after 4 pm Thursday. October 10. Funeral from the Vermont Avenue Bap tist, Church Friday. October 20. at 1 P m. 1 Interment Harmony Cemetery. • CORBIN. C,FORGE ESDEL. JR. On ! Wednesday. October 18 1039. at 3:15 a m.. ' at his residence. 521 50th st n.e . GEORGE ESDEL CORRIN Jr., beloved son of George 1 and Marie Arnold Corbin, lovinc brother of | Marie and Richard Corbin, belovrd grand- i son of Mrs. Dolly Corbin He also leaves other relatives and friends. Funeral Saturday. October 21. at 2 pm.. | from the W Ernest Jarvjc funeral church. ; 1432 You st n.w Relatives and friends i invited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 20 | CROSS. GEORGIANA. Departed this life suddenly, on Wednesday October 18. j 1939. at 8 p m.. GEORGIANA CROSS, de- , voted friend of the Lomack family. Notice of funeral hereafter. DAVIS, JOHN F On Thursday Oc- , tober 10. 1930. JOHN F DAVIS, beloved husband of the late Harriet R Davis and ! father of John F Davis. Catherine G. Da •■•is. Mary D Nolan and Walter B. Davis. Funeral from the W. W Deal funeral home. 818 H st. n e . on Saturday. October 21. at 2 p m Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 21 DAVIS, M4MIF. On Wednesday. Octo ber 18. 1030. at Freedmen’s Hospital. MAMIE DAVIS. She leaves to mourn their loss a husband. Bennie Davis; one son. Randolph Davis, one sister. Jennie brewn; one brother. Courtney Blair; three pieces, one nephew and other relatives and friends home. 1300 South Capitol st . until 4 p m. Saturdav, October 21; thence to her late j residence. Indianhead Md. Funeral Monday. October 23. ai 1 p m . from Metropolitan M F. Church. Fo monkey, Md. Interment church cemetery. 1 19.22 I EBERLY. HERMAN. On Mondav. Oc- ! tober JO. 1039. at Chicago. 111. HERMAN ■ EBERLY. beloved brother of Mrs. Gertrude j Frederick. Victor and Lewis Ebprlv. Funeral from the chapel of Frank Grier’s Sons’ Cm. 1113 Tth st. nw. on Friday October 20. at 2 pm. Relatives and friends 1 invited Interment (private) Glenwood Cemetery. FOWLER, RALPH O. Suddenly, on Wednesday. October 1R. 1939. at hi* resi dence. 323R Walnut st n* RALPH O. FOW'LER. beloved son of Hattie M. Fowler and the late John T. Fowler Funeral services at his mother's resi dence. 1.331 W st s e,. on Fridav. October 20. at 2 .30 p.m Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. GAUGES. JOSEPH A. On Thursday. October 19. 1939 at his residence. 1 HO I Oates *♦ n.p . JOSEPH A GAUGES, be loved husband of Mary C Gauges Funeral from the above residence Sat urday. October 21. at R:30 a m : thence to St Anthony's Church, where requiem mass will be said at 9 a m. for the repose of his soul Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 20 HOOKS, WALDO W. On Tuesday. Oc tober IT. 1939. at Garfield Hospital. WALDO VV HOOKS, beloved husband of Frances M Hooks and brother of Mrs. H D Smalley, Mrs. Jason Vickery. Mrs Vera Bradshaw. Mrs R L. Burtner and Claude R. Hooks, all of Greensboro. N C. Services af the S H Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w . on Fridav. Oc tober 20. at 2 D.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 19 ) HUDNALL. ANNIE B. On Tuesday. Oc tober IT, 1939. ANNIB B HUDNALL. the beloved wife of John W. Hudnall and ; mother of Mary Costello. Irene Johnson. | Georgia Sargent. Ethel Rose. Linden Mar- ! tin and John Hudnall. Services at the Chambers funeral home. Rl Til tVl c a r\ Thurerlo v rixtAkr. 1 O 3 30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 19 JOHNS, ELIZA (LYLA), On Wednesday. October IS. 1930. ELIZA (LYLA) JOHNS, the beloved aunt of Miss Lvla M. Coates. Remains resting at her late residence. 4601 Georgia ave. n.w.. until Friday morn ing. KELLY. GRACE E. On Monday. October 16. 1939. GRACE E. KELLY, the beloved wife of John C. Kelly; mother of Mary. Georgette and Joseph Oliveto and Grace Mary Kelly. Services at Chambers’ funeral home. ®1 * Hth st. s e., on Friday. October 20. at 5;30 a m : mass at St. Joseph s Catholic Church it 9 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cem etery. * 19 LANDIS. COL. J. F. REYNOLDS. On Wednesday. October 1«. 1939. at San Diego. Calif . Col J. F. REYNOLDS LAN DIS. U. S A. (retired). Due notice of funeral later. 21* MAKEL, HENRIETTA. On Tuesdav Oc tober 17. 1939. at her residence. 512 E st « e HENRIETTA MAKEL. wife of Alfred Makel. mother of Edward Scott and sister of Agnes Shea and Lillie Jackson She also is survived by seven brothers and other relatives and friends. Funeral from the Malvan A Schev fu neral home, N. J. ave. and R st. n w.. Sat urday. October 21. at 1 p m. Interment Payne s Cemetery. • MORRIS. K. E. On Wednesday. October 1939. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs_ H D. Neuman. Beltsville. Md.. Mrs. K. E. MORRIS Funeral services at, the above residence ©n Fridav. October 20. at 3 p.m Relatives •nd friends invited. Interment Camden. Ohio. j p NIEPOLD, NEWMAN. On "Wednesday, October IS. 1939. at Brooks’ Hospital. Brookline. Mass . NEWMAN NIEPOLD. be loved son of Frank and Amiee V. Niepold Notice of funeral later. Services by Chambers . OCHSENREITER. FRANK B. On Wed nesday. October IS. 1939. FRANK B. OCHSENREITER. beloved husband of Gloria Ochsenreiter (nee Richter), son of Flor ence C and the late William F. Ochsen £.elt£r\_fath*r of Frank B . Jr,, and Gloria E. Ochsenreiter and brother of Eugene C. Ochsenreiter. Funeral from his late residence. 317 Fpshur st. n w . on Saturday. October 21. *r - P.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 20 OPITZ, F.RNF.ST. On Wednesday. Oc tober 1R. 1939. at his residence 624 F st ERNEST OPITZ beloved husband of Ottilie Orntz and father of Mrs. Martha Beyer. Ernest. William. Harry. Gustav Opitz, Ottilie Nichols and Frederick Opitz Funeral from the chaDel of p. a TaPa Yull. 436 7th st s.w.. on Saturdav. Octo ber 21. at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemeterv 20 PROCTOR GEORGE L On Tuesday. ' 1939. at Freedmen s Hospital. GEORGE T PROCTOR loving son of George and Flizabefh Proctor, devoted brother of William W and Elizabeth E Proctor Remains at, the John T. Rhines A Co funeral chaDel. 3rd and Eye sts c w Funeral service Friday. October 20. at ^ 8 72Pi V*j^xon Md. Interment Oxon Hill. Md. REED, HARRIET ADELINE. On Wednes day. October 1 *. 193ft. HARRIET ADELINE beloved wife of the late Richard Reed Funeral services at her late residence. 1105 Montgomery ave,. Laurel. Md . on Fri Gctober 20. at 10 a.m. Interment Ivy Hill Cemetery. RIPPON. JULIA ANN ELIZABETH. Sud 2n Thursday. October 19. 1939. JULIA ANN ELIZABETH RIPPON Funeral services at the chapel of John * fw’rlahi„ i337 loth st. n.w . on Friday. Oc ober 20 at •> p.m. Interment Bethel Cemetery, Alexandria. Vb. FITCH Suddenly, on Wednesday. October J 8. 1939 LINFORD FFTCH RUTH, husband of the late Kate G SHriL.i R?maln5 resting at Chambers' Riverdale funeral home. Notice of funeral later 29 .^OTT> CHARI.ES (BENJAMIN JOHN *°N>. On Sunday Ortober 15. 1939. at p Hospital. CHARLES SCOTT (BENJAMIN JOHNSON), brother of Mrs Evelyn Scott. Funeral Saturday. October 21. at 9 A.m.. from the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st n.w. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. 20 SILLERS. LUCIE. Suddenly, on Tues day, October 17. 1939. at Homeopathic Hospital. LUCIE SILLERS of 1355 Kalmla rd n.w\. beloved wife of Basil Sillers. S?.‘.hnr. of. B?-Sli uG Slllers and sister of Miss Bernice Oreham. -t,FH"'ral services at the above residence October 20 at 3 p.m. Inter ment Glenwood Cemetery ]9 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Frank Geierra Sons Co. KJErSTfa,.81 itS National 2473 J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FUNEB/U DIRECTORS Crematorium I 4t> ml Maw Aft. N.t Lincoln BSOO V. L. SPEARE CO. NelRier the succesaor to nor connected vim the original W R 8pear* ectablishment 1009 H St. N.W. FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C SHAFFER,-Inc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT OIOS °ZS £3Sr Cor. 14th & Eye GUDE BROS. CO. r»or»i **«*««• ISIS V Si. N.W. Rational 4S7S t Col. J. F. R. Landis Dies In San Diego Hospital Col. J. F. Reynolds Landis. U. S. A., retired, of 1413 Twenty-first street N.W.. died yesterday in Mercy Hospital. San Diego, Calif., after a long illness. He would have been 83 Saturday. Col. Landis was graduated from West Point in the class of 1878, the Infantry and Cavalry School in 1885 and the War College in 1907. He served in the 1st and 6th Caval ry until retired in 1912. and again served in the Inspector General's Office during the World War. While military attache to Italy, he was decorated with the Silver Medal of Italy and the Italian Red Cross Silver Medal for his herioc services during the Messina disaster in 1911. He was awarded a Silver Star Medal for gallantry in action in Cuba. July 1. 1898. A native of Philadelphia, Col. Landis was a son of the late Capt. Henry D. Landis, who served in the Union Army during the Civil War, and the late Mrs. Catherine Rey nolds Landis. He was a nephew of the late Rear Admiral William Reynolds. U. S. N„ and of Maj. Gen. John F. Reynolds, U. S. A., killed at Gettysburg. July 1, 1863. Col. Landis was a member of the Sons of the Revolution, the Aztec Club of 1847, the Loyal Legion, Order of Indian Wars and Order of Foreign Wars. His wife, the former Marie Louise Lynch, died in 1930. Surviving are two sisters. Miss Bertha L. Landis, who lives here in the Ontario Apartments, and Mrs. John Scott, jr„ of Philadelphia, and nephew, Maj. J. F. R. Scott, on duty here in the office of tfie Judge Advocate General, War Department, The body will be brought here for burial in Arlington National Cemetery. The time of the funeral and other details of the funeral arrangements were to be announced later. Bank . (Continued From First Page.) two months before these accountants can complete their reports to him on this matter. The second check from the direc tors was for $150,000 turned over to Mr. Moran in another capacity as receiver for the Park Savings Bank. This money will go to all creditors of the bank including the 1929 depos itors. But this is not all that is available for the general credit of the bank. They will receive also the $293,000 which has been piled up since payment of the last vididend in September. 1934. This makes a total of $443,000 to be distributed to general creditors of the bank. This amount is roughly estimated to be about 15 per cent dividend to the general creditors. The receivership had previously j paid to these creditors 24 per cent of their funds in the bank, when it | closed in 1933. Further Assets Remain. In addition to the funds to be i distributed to the two classes of j creditors, a report of the receivers shows that there Is still remaining in the receivership assets "estimated" to be worth about $75,000. These assets will be liquidated by the re | reiver for the benefit of depositors later on. Mr. Moran could not estimate to day when he will be able to dis tribute the two different dividends. On account of the complicated ac mnnfinir nrn/'pHnrp still nnri*»r vjuv there is no definite prediction as to Just when he can write the checks. But he estimated that it probably would be some time before January 1. This, however, could not be cer tainly assured. The close of litigation in the Park Savings Bank case brings to an end what Government experts have characterized as the most compli cated defunct bank case in the his tory of the country. Recovery of the $500,000 from directors resulted after a prolonged battle in the courts started first by a depositors committee which later was joined by the receiver in some cases. The receiver also instigated some action of his own. A battery of counsel for the direc tors. the depositors and the receiver were busy early today preparing final papers to be presented to Dis trict Court for final action. The money had been turned over by the directors to the National Metropolitan Bank which drew the two checks. The directors thus had the money paid in in advance of the date, next Monday, when, under a previous order of the court, signed by Justice Oscar R. Luhring, the funds were to be paid. Bingo Party Scheduled The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Riverdale (Md.) Volunteer Fire De partment will hold a benefit bingo party at the Riverdale elementary school at 8 p.m. tomorrow, it was announced by Mrs. Virginia H. Reid, secretarv. Gerard Everstine, 59, Insurance Leader, Dies Gerard Everstine, 59, insurance executive and brother-in-law of the late Representative Frederick N. Zihlman of Maryland, died yester day at Cumberland, Md„ the ’As sociated Press reported. Prominent in Ifmonte and music circles, Mr. Everstine was director of the Ali Ghan Shrine Band and at one time assistant grand lecturer for the Grand Lodge of Maryland Masons. He was a Rotarian and had served overseas during the World War with the Y. M. C. A. He also was a former director of the Municipal Band of the Cumber land Concert Orchestra and of the Festival Orchestra. His widow, Mrs. Emma Mae Zihl man Everstine, and two sons, Carl N. ot Baltimore, Md., and Roy F. Everstine of Cumberland, survive. Party*at Glenmont A bingo party will be held at the Glenmont, Md., School tonight at 8 pjn. under the auspices of the Parent-Teacher Association. Mrs. William Davis and Mrs. Artis Curry are in charge. Mrs. Jessie Webster To Be Buried in Arlington Mrs. Jessie Fraser Webster, 68, mother of Miss Marjorie Webster, founder of the schools bearing her name, died yesterday at her home. 3200 Sixteenth street N.W. She had been ill since last March. Mrs. Webster was part owner of the Marjorie Webster Schools, founded by Miss Webster in 1920. She had been active in social life in this city since coming here in 1918; was a member of the Women’s City Club and Jhe New York Avenue Presbyterian Church. A native of McGregor, Iowa, Mrs. Webster was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fraser. She was the widow of Lt. George A. Webster, leather goods merchant, who served aft a lieutenant in the Army during the World War. Besides her daughter, who is president of the Marjorla Webster •Schools, Mrs. Webster leaves two sons, George Fraser Webster, Rochester, N. Y., and Donald Webster, this city; a brother, Donald S. Flraser, Vancouver, British Columbia, and four grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow in the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, follow ing brief services at the Marjorie Webster Schools, 7775 Seventeenth street N. W. Burial will be in Arling ton National Cemetery. Mrs. Elizabeth Niles Succumbs to Illness Mrs. Elizabeth C. Niles, widow of Rear Admiral Kossuth Niles, died yesterday at her home, 1523 Twenty second street N.W. Mrs. Niles had been ill since last summer when she fell down a flight of steps in her house on her sum mer estate near Winsted, Conn., and was burned by hot water which spilled from a pan she was carry ing. Although she had recovered from the burns, Mrs. Niles had been ill since, suffering from shock, friends said. A native of Belleville, 111., Mrs. Niles'had been a resident of this city for many years and was an ac tive member of St. Thomas’ Epis copal Church. She is survived by a sister, Miss Maria Challners, this city. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. tomorrow in St. Thomas' Episcopal Church. Burial will be in Arlington National Cemetery. Burial of Col. Fiebeger Will Be in West Point Col. Gustav J. Fiebeger, Corps of Engineers, retired, who died yes terday at Walter Reed Hospital at the age of 81, will be buried at West Point, N. Y., tomorrow, where he was professor of civil and military en gineering at the United States Mili tary Academy for 26 years. He was born at Akron, Ohio. He was graduated from West Point in 1879 and commissioned a second lieutenant of engineers. He became a colonel in 1906. Col. Fiebeger taught at the Acad emy from 1896 until 1922, when he retired. He was author of a num ber of textbooks on engineering and critical studies of the Battle of Get tysburg and other Civil War cam paigns. He was awarded the Dis tinguished Service Medal for out standing service in engineering. He was recalled for active duty at the historical section of the Army War College in Washington from November 6, 1924, to September 15, 1925. Col. Fiebeger is survived by a daughter. Miss Julia F. Fiebeger, with whom he lived at 2318 Nine teenth street N.W. He will be buried beside his wife, who died several years ago. Dratlja STRUNK, LEROY H. Suddenly, on Wednesday. October IS. 1939. at Pitts burgh. Pa . LEROY H STRUNK of 316 Gallatin st. n.w • beloved husband of Anna B. Strunk and father of Muriel E. Strunk. Funeral services at the above residence on Saturday. October 21. at 9 a.m . 'hence to St. Gabriel’s Church. Grant circle n.w . where mas*: will be offered pt 9:30 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 20 THOMAS, CHARLES W. On Tuesday. October 17. 19.39. in Toronto. Canada. CHARLES W THOMAS, beloved husband of Louise Blackmore Thomas and father of C Porter Thomas He also is survived by his mother. Mrs. Susan J. Thomas. Remains wiM be resting at Hysong's fu neral home. 1300 N st. n.w . from 9:30 a m. until 2 pm Saturday. October 21. when services will be held. Relatives and friends invited t0 attend. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 20 TURNER, ELLA O. On Tuesday. October 17. 19.39, at her residence. 1210 G st. s.e ELLA O TURNER »nee Carroll*, beloved wife of Samuel A. Turner and mother of Mrs. Elsie Graham Mr Russell Turner. Mrs Regina Edwards. Mrs. Ann Fry. Mrs. June Welton and Mr Carroll Turner. She also is survived by five grandchildren. Funeral from the above residence on Friday. Octobpr 20. at 2:30 pm. Rela tives and friends invited Interment Con gressional Cemetery. 19 WEBSTER. JESSIE FRASER. On Wed nesday October IK. 1939, at her residence. 164o Kalmia rd. n.w. JESSIE FRASER WEBSTER, wife of the lafp Lt George A. Webster, mother of Marjorie Fraser Web ster. George Fraser Webster and Donald Webster Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co funeral home. 2901 141h st. n.w . until 10 pm Thursday. October 19: at the Marjorie Webster Schools Friday. October 20. from 10 a.m to 12 noon Funeral services at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church Friday October 20. at 1:30 pm. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 19 WILL. CLIFFORD ANNIE. On Thurs day. October If*. 1939. CLIFFORD ANNIE WILL, beloved daughter of Mary C. Capers and grandmother of John E. Will. Funeral from the W. W Deal funeral home. 816 H st n.e.. on Saturday. October 21 at 10:30 a.m. Services at Fort Myer Chapel at 11 a m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 20 WOODS. ETHEL A. On Tuesday. Oc tober 17. 1939. at her residence. 211 S st. n.w . ETHEL A WOODS, wife of Henry Woods and sister of Mrs. Fannie Hem mingway. Funeral from the Malvan A: Sc'ney fu neral home N J. ave. and R st. n w. Thursday. October 19. at 8 Dm. Inter ment Conway. S. C. • YOUNG, OPHELIA DOROTHY. On Wed nesday. October 18. 1939. OPHELIA DORO THY YOUNG of 1811 S st. n.w.. daughter of the late Tnbitha and Horace Collins, beloved wife of Attorney J. Clarence Young, devoted mother of Letit.ia J. Young and sister of Attorney A. H. Collins. J. M. Col lins of New York City and Miss Ada V. Collins of Norfolk. Va. Also surviving are many other relatives and friends. Notice of funeral hereafter. Arrange ments bv McGuire. in MUmnnam BUCKLEY, JOHN' M. In loving memory of JOHN M. BUCKLEY, who died nineteen years aeo today. October 19. 1920. HIS SON AND DAUGHTER. DODSON. WILLIAM HENRY. A tribute of love to the memory of our beloved hus band and father. WILLIAM HENRY DOD SON. who departed »hi«; life one year ago today. October 19. 1938 A light is from our household gone. A voice.we loved is stilled: A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled HIS DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN • JOHNSON, ELLEN G. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our dear mother, wife and sister. ELLEN G JOHN SON. who passed on October 19. 1934. Somewhere back of the sunset. Where loveliness never dies. She lives in a land of glorv Mid the blue and gold of the skies. HER LOVING CHILDREN. HUSBAND. SIS TERS AND BROTHER. • JONES. FRANK W. In sad but loving remembrance of my dear husband, FRANK W. JONES, who departed this life one year ago today. October 19. 1938. Loved in life, remembered in death. DEVOTED WIFE. MAMIE JONES. • JONES, WILLIAM FRANK. Sacred to the memory of our father. WILLIAM FRANK JONES, who passed so suddenly one year ago today. October 19. 1938 HIS DAUGHTERS. RUTH MOZEE. GRACE DOUGLAS AND LOUISE HARDY. • LANDRUM. FRANK. In sad but loving memory of my dear husband. FRANK LAN DRUM. who left us October 18. 1938. One year among the angels, beloved, thou hast been. One year has Heaven’s white portals shut back the sound of sin: And yet no voice, no whisper, comes float ing down from thee. To tell us what glad wonders a year of Heaven may be LOVING WIFE. JULIA LANDRUM. • MARTZ, WILLIAM R. In loving remem brance of our husband and father. WIL LIAM R. MARTZ. who passed awav four years ago today. October 19. 1935. Treasured thoughts nf one so dear Often bring a silent tear: Thoughts return to scenes long past. Time rolls on but memory lasts WIFE AND CHILDREN. • McKERN AN, KATHRYN T. In loving memory of my mother. KATHRYN T. Mc KERNAN. who passed away two years ago today. October 19. 1937. Gone, but not forgotten. LOVING DAUGHTER. GLADYS HALL. • MURPHY. WALTER H. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of mv dear husband. WALTER H. MURPHY, who passed away eight, years aeo today. October 19. 1931. WIFE. SARAH. * WITHERS. POWELL PICKETT. In lov ing remembrance of our dear husband and father. POWELL PICKETT WITHER8. who left us fourteen years ago today, Oc tober 19. 1925. To live in the hearts of those we love Is not ta die. DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN. • MISS MARION GOODSON. MISS BARBARA HIETT. These two young women have entered the contest to select Washington’s Halloween queen for 1939. The Misses Goodson and Hiett will be among a group of young women who will gather at the Raleigh Hotel tomorrow afternoon for the final selection.. They are sponsored by the Washington School of Fashion Modeling. The queen will reign over a parade the night of October 31. || ^eniimenti- | 1 florist § service by I expert . I florists 1 5 I FUNERAL SPRAYS * 1 *2°° \ W& end up £ I i t 4 ONE OP THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS IN THE WORLD FACTS concerning I CEDAR HILL CEMETERY For a quarter of a century Cedar Hill has served this community as one of the most beautiful burial parks in the East. It has for immediate use a wide selection of burial plots in ideal locations at moderate prices and on convenient terms. Prices begin as low ! i as FIFTY DOLLARS ($50) per grave site. Your inspec tion is respectfully invited. i I Washington’s Most Beautiful Cemetery Located at the end of Penn. Ave. S£. Gates open until 7:00 O'Clock. Univex Mercury Candid Camera *25 I i JVo Money Down 2 Yemra to Pmy Super speed camera with 3/1,000 of a second shut ter, built-in photo-flash exposure calculator, accu rate focal plane shutter, etc. Takes 36 pictures on one roll, 35 mm. film. F/3.5 focusing lens. loll FILMO 8 S MM. MOVIE CAMERA $49-50 No Monty Down, 2 Yoart la Day Small, lightweight, measures only I3«x3x5 In. and weighs only 24 ounces. Has 4 film speeds and Interchangeable lens. NEW KEYSTONE 8 MM. PROJECTOR * KODAK VIGILANTS SIX-20 FOLDING CAMERA $14-50 IVo Honey Down The Six-20 Vigilant f/8.8, with 3-speed Ko dex shutter, is provided with a plunger-type body shunter release and re flecting waist- level finder. Look fok the cold clock CtiAS. SCtiWAflTZ & SON 1 708 Serenth St. N.W. H Phone MEt. 0060 TRIPLE-TEST T NEW CHIPSO MEANS SPEEDY WASHDAYS! m 2,000,000 WOMEN TRY NEW, SPEEDY CHIPSO WAY TO WHITE WASHES! Rood about that* Amaslng Torts 19“ CHIPSO BEATS 8 POPULAR SOAPS IN SPEEB! The first test proved that Chipso dis solves up to 66% faster, makes suds up to 44% faster, than 8 other popular washday soaps tested—including the most famousl Chipso goes to work for you with SPLIT-SECOND speed! NOW MY WASHES f APE DAZZLING WHITE... THANKS ] Itd ch/psos CLEANSING POWER!) CHIPSO MAKES 24% MORE RICH SUDS! Secondly, Chipso proved its power I Ounce for ounce, Chipso makes 24% more suds than the average of 8 other popular washday soaps tested. These rich suds THOROUGHLY rout dirt help get your wash snowy-white. f MY HEAVY FAMILY WASh\ ^4Lx EVEN WASHABLE / COLORED FABRICS, ) H.** <4 ARE SA FE IN < ^^/^CHIPSO'S 6ENTLE SUDSfJ THE 3RD FEATURE YOU 6ET IS REAL SAFETY! Not only heavy family wash, BUT even wathable colored fabrice are safe in Chipso’s powerful suds. Chipso is not loaded with harsh chemicals or harm ful alkalis. Thousands trust Chipso to help keep their hands soft, lovely I GOOD news travels fast! That’s why thousands of happy housewives are using this marvelous, new washday soap—the new, Faster-Sudsing Chipso. And no wonder! For this soap gave such a sensational performance in our own laboratories, we could hardly believe our eyes. So here’s how we proved its amazing qualities: first: Hundreds of housewives like your self, received unmarked packages of new Chipso. We asked them to test it thoroughly in a comparative “Blind” Test—for dishes, for the heavy family wash. They praised Chipso to the skies! “Plenty of suds”—“Speedy suds’* —“Clothes come out sparkling”—“So safe on dothes and hands”-to quote just a few of the enthusiastic replies. second: We demonstrated Chipso’s famous “THple-Tfest” before members of women’s dubs. With their own eyes they saw (against popular washday soaps) the sort of results which again proved Chipso’s safety and power—with split-second speed1 Now! Enjoy Fast, Easy WashdaysI chipso gives you more suds. Ounce for ounce, CHIPSO MAKES 24% MORE dirt-rout ing suds than the average of eight other pop ular washday soaps tested. No longer do you have to worry about grey looking washes and needless hours of back breaking, “youth-stealing” drudgery. This new Faster-Sudsing Chipso helps avoid all that! You’re due for the thrill of your life when you try new, Faster-Sudsing Chipso—the speedy, safe way to unbelievably easy washdays! MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE! Let new, Faster-Sudsing Chipso show you how to get white, sparkling washes, gay, brilliant washable fabrics—plus speed that helps avoid back-breaking drudgery. If you don’t agree that this new, Faster-Sudsing Chipso lives up to all our promises for ALL-AROUND WASHDAY PERFORMANCE in SPEED, POWER and SAFETY —then return the unused portion to your deal er and he’ll refund your money. Get a large economical package of new, Faster-Sudsing Chipso from your dealer TODAY! __ _ >4 A _ADVERTISEMENT._ Asthma Mucus Coughing, Gasping Thanks to a Doctor’s prescription called Mendaco, many can now curb terrible at tacks of choking, gasping, coughing, wheezing Bronchial Asthma by helping nature dissolve the mucus or phlegm. No dopes, no smokes, no injections. Just tasteless, pleasant tablets. Mendaco dis solves in the stomach and circulates thru the blood. Often the quick, delight ful palliative action helps nature bring welcome sleep and proves a “Godsend.” Mendaco is so satisfactory it is offered under a guarantee of money back on re turn of empty package unless completely satisfied. Ask your druggist for Mendaca today. The guarantee protects you.