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Threat to Moral Value of Fleet Seen in Air Raids on,British Admiralty's Failure to Adapt Itself To New War Technique Criticized By MAJ. GEORGE FIELDING ELIOT. ' It Is now admitted officially that the British battleship Royal Oak was sunk by a German submarine inside the great British operating base at Scapa Flow. This has been justly hailed as a feat of daring and skill an the part of the U-boat commander, Lt. Comdr. Prien, who well deserves the decorations and honors which he is receiving. But from the British viewpoint, such an occurrence is profoundly shocking. Quite naturally, for it was 25 years ago that Admiral Sir George Callaghan, commander in chief of the grand fleet, was expressing his anxiety as to the safety from submarine attack of the ships anchored in Scapa Flow, an gnxiety which was fully shared by his successor, Lord Jellicoe. writing oi measures taaen iui de fense of Scapa Flow at the outset of the last war, the latter officer says in his book "The Grand Fleet": •‘It was not felt in the fleet, however, that these measures gave much security whatever against submarine attack. Nothing but obstructions of some kind could give that security. The matter was frequently discussed. Although many brains had been at work, no satisfactory anti-submarine obstruction had been devised.” Elsewhere he observed: “The ques tion of providing gun defenses for this base (Scapa Flow) which the -admiralty had decided a year or two before the war was to be the main fleet base, had been discussed on more than one occasion after exami nation by a committee of officers on the spot: but since finance governs defense, and the admiralty from year to year had insufficient money for even more urgent needs, no action had been taken.” Obstructions Later Provided. While anti-submarine obstructions were later on provided for the var ious channels leading into Scapa Fiow “under the urgent pressure of war,” and while it is clear that there are some such obstructions there now, to judge from the reports of the Royal Oak sinking, it is also clear that thes£ defenses are in adequate for their purpose. Indeed, It is difficult to escape the con clusion that the discussion and pro crastination of which Admiral Jelli coe speaks with such obvious re straint has continued during a pe riod of 25 years, during all of which time it was quite clear that the Brit ' lsh Navy would require Scapa Flow as a base in case of a renewal of the struggle with Germany. The attacks by German aircraft on British warships lying off the base at Rosyth. in which damage has ad mittedly been done to the large cruisers Edinburgh and Southamp ton and to the destroyer leader MOnaWK, ana me suuseuueiu iaius „ on Scapa Flow itself, resulting in ' damage to the old battleship Iron Duke (once demilitarized for train ing purposes, but perhaps since re stored to her former fighting trim, as the Japanese are reported to have restored the Hiei, demilitarized un der the same treaty arrangements), demonstrate how closely the Ger mans are co-ordinating their naval and air activities. It is a co-ordina tion which the British would do well to imitate without delay. Indeed, unless the admiralty soon becomes more willing to admit that the ex cellent staff of the royal air force has ideas which are worthy of con sideration by the heirs of Nelson, the results may pass from the omi nous to the disasterous. Established Doctrine Worshiped. The intrenched conservatism of official doctrine at the admiralty has, of course, Its admirable fea tures, but is little adaptable to revo lutionary changes and prone to overconfidence in established meth ods. The admiralty appears, on the record so far, to have completely failed to realize the changed condi tions of sea warfare in narrow waters such as those of the North Sea within easy operating radius of enemy shore-based aircraft nd of enemy submarines of highly im “proved qualities over those of 1914. The presence of large naval units In such waters without adequate protection, and especially without the protection of counter-offensive operations against the bases from Which the danger proceeds—indeed. Under conditions which so far have almost completely abandoned the initiative to the Germans—Is not a reassuring commentary to Britain’s allies as to the competence of the high command of the British Nvy to deal with the new conditions of sea warfare. It would be, indeed, unfortunate for Britain if further losses should reduce not only the lighting strength ol her fleet, but the "prestige of British sea power in the,minds of both allies and neutrals. It is British sea power more than anything else which holds Italy in check, which assures Turkey of firm support in her refusal to be overawed by Mos cow. It is British sea power which is Britain's main military contribu tion to the alliance with Prance. It is the pressure of blockade, which rests on British sea power as a house on its foundation, upon which the allies count for the flnal reduction of Germany, now as in 1914-1918. It is British sea power, meanwhile, which assures that steady flow of supplies and foodstuffs without which British industry cannot op erate, and the British people cannot live. Moral Value Suffers. The invincible might of the Brit ish Navy is, indeed, almost legen dary It has been a rock-ribbed point of departure for all the allied calculations. It is not yet seriously reduced in material strength, but its moral value, transcending the material in importance, is weakened by every German success. As yet ■ 1 1 i the Germans have not undertaken really intensive air attacks against British naval bases; they have rather sought to injure ships. They have not risked any considerable part of their air force. Their raids have been rather tentative, almost ex perimental, involving no very con siderable forces. Save for the early raid on Cuxhaven and Brunsbuttel, and the one reported near Emden yesterday, the Royal Air Force has been permitted no counter-offensive opportunities. These facts are Indeed ominous for the future. They call for the most careful consideration in Great r Britain, and particularly at the ad miralty. The British people have confidence in Mr. Churchill, and it may be readily understood that he has been deeply preoccupied with matters of general ‘policy, to the partial exclusion, perhaps, of the operation of his particular depart ment. But even that confidence may soon suffer serious impairment unless it becomes apparent that there is a dawning realization of the fact that this war is not being fought under the conditions of 1914 1918, much less in the fashion of Nel son and Rodney. The great new fact of war—de monstrated in Ethiopia, Spain and Poland and being redemonstrated in the North Sea—is that surface operations by land or sea have little chance of success unless co-ordinated with and adequately supported by operations in the air. This is well recognized by the Germans, as proven by all they have done; un less it is recognized and the recog nition completely translated into action by Germany’s opponents, the results will continue to be painful for them and may well become catastrophic. (Copyright 1030 by New York Tribune, Ine.) Holidays for Women Hotel maids of Tokio, Japan, are to have at least one holiday a month, according to a new ruling of the j Metropolitan Police Board. | Air Raid Precautions Dublin has issued an appeal to its citizens to co-operate in carrying out air raid precautions. NO MORE X>VEN FAILURES! When you use the new SeU-Hiiuui, tylausi ufa&lg* ^ FLOUR It has an amazing new leavening in gredient that works like magic in the oven. 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