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i M unez-W urth M unez-W urth - MINERAL OIL f kg^Sig** m b,*-iJurz I * °*% > I s,°° />„>, / JOc f a^O® f *ft/| A i , 00 >*0,6 - *■ 70./ ■'« I on.. *//>£ r'*: a Cc° a l [9c f I a Zipper <■ K two stur K and lock V 49c Ambai ' fount; PENS Smooth-writ es me points, colored cases. MlA ^SPECIAL^ I < CASHEW NUTS ^ Testy, freshly routed nuts from Indie, where I BRIEF CASES ‘ ^P^PE^LATOM I ^ ||l Th'* n'°<**rn t>>rcol>*I ilN ^r\ CASSEROLE and I QZZjISp^r III |^^^*STARD CUP SETS maJ.ii= « g v■ IBS I I I SCc P»opl*t Thompten't jge Grmhmmt iTt p.opl.. Chloroform NASAL Milk of CASTOR Linimant Inhalant Magnasla Oil T.Ll.t. r DUNDEE ■ Bake in It . . . then Zlear S BATH TOWELS ^ I 90■■■ 1 w T pie plat* . . . six cut- | tard cups. 0m ■■ a k a l| Luxuriously thick-nap- t ■ Eg EJ| B pad. hiahly absorbent. J | £|Y| 1 and toft. 29c value. ■ ■■■#! H 4.-69- WW* ®?®LETS ——I \w 6'- 27c I | Goblets of rare beauty and Quality for to low a price. A graceful ■ ■ design with ringed bottom will fit right in with your other m ■ stemware. Get at least tlx of them! m — *«e«uent ror rue- Relieves nasal rOrlGS m ■ UJ"‘. »*v«vnc** V.^fmLC^a >* t,; *“hlSSa bln* "" vOonWPttMi due to H(lpi eounteraet ... .... A k l I I °°rd- 1 - rr'JBAw SKtSn oilier eche*. colds. excess acidity. Inf ant or Adult II ,1 ||| | || I ■Ounce 11e »-Ounc«17e $1.00 C O c Bottle 17, 3Sc |^c ^F I ||| 11jjijl 98c # QC (^HAjMf lotilo- II Bottle. IAfc *„«/. 33V o/«0. I /W Sisc _ I A6 | Value.. # ^ <^F EPSOM SALT | Peoples Vitamin Tested With Cord I People§ Brand COD LIVER OIL ^J|| $3A9 Kwikway £ ectric I Solendld cathartic Youn* and old need the valua- lAf AFFI F I Dq^C | jiil/ f y^jp j ^ ' *nd •orient. U. 8. ble vitamins A and D t^anch^^a|||| T * “™ * ''Villi ■ GRAHAMS COLD TABLETS ' Jr»c A laxative treatment tor common ^^F . _ > . • ft Assorted xWSXB^T I head colds. Accurate, Dependable I A handsome chrome 25« ^ /HJFeniA amaa I 5^'»"n.S .^r CHRISTMAS V^yj£». s,.._| -<c X CHEERIO ALARM I Br.,crc; ^ \z*j[ f £ -I I i!«s£h,“““^r CARDS - 14c ■■■Pr I ||io/©J2 CLOCKS l|ii||||g^ 2 boxes —-»» .i,i,'i;,‘^,i.'i!;.i.^.‘,a' ^Wf I Ib^Sa *. ZQc I r fjS^T] Eaton's Stationery ||||p||jjj | I Value jjp J^r / Ch0iM 01 Cr0Wn VellUm in tW0 sizes 01 Crushed ^ Round or square shape . . . ^^^F 3 Q ^ 2 for ■ both real beauties, in a choice 1 u | ■ of attractive colors. Ticks Value- # ^ /'l... ■ quietly to let you sleep, wakes ____ - w ^ ~— —-w—w — you orumpuy in me morn BUTTER DISHES With Covar « Keeps butter clean and free from Ice-box odors. 7e 75c Value . . . 8-Piece Gla*$ People* REFRIGERATOR SETS ZINC Four useful else Jars. OXIDE each with a cover. Ointment m f fj i rj i ■ i **■'••*• atlas shoe POWDMS SHINE K,TS Effervescent I Relieve. ■*•• »** °,ub" constipation. and 8hin-0-Cloth. Box of He 35c 10 Dow... II'1 Valao .... 25c Enders I Whisk razors I Brooms With Thro« Bladmt I Good duality broom ■ _ ■ straw, securely bound. For a really smooth. ■ Excellent values, painless shave. ■ Comploto r I Solo f £ r for Only--. | I Prico_ |Q 5c ERCO Chocolate Peppermints Creamy, refreshing, mouth melting centers . . . combined BSSSSESSSSBIERgggBSggggSSSSSW with rich dark chocolate coat lngs. 2*4 ounces. 2® wwm Pafiat* Today and of Ntno _ ' . . Tomorrow Only! Milk Chocolate Covered PEANUT CLUSTERS Freshly roasted peanuts, sev eral to the piece. V e r » tempting. C Pound CHOCOLATE Nonpareils «inall discs, of delicious cho colate. covered with tiny white aucar bead*. 13e Prices May Vary Slightly in Mai State Contract Laws. V ■ -r \ 9 Chocolate Covered { BRITTLE JJJ CHIPS HERSHEYS Milk Chocolate BLOCKS Cream; * wm whole- |7C Poun* some. — 5c CANDY BARS. All except tyms. mints. Iruit drops, couth drops or Whit man items. 5H5 Chocolate Covered WHIPPED CREAMS Cream;, mouth-meltint m am _ centers, cost- ■ E C Saaai ed with rleh I J rounu chocolate. ■ Chocolate Covered Butter Creams 29c Pound Old-fashioned Mammy Lou Creams, with plenty of but ter Chocolate Covered NOUGATINES There'a an art to ■ a aaklnt line nouta- | KC tinea—and here the; I J art at their beat. Pound aland and rirsinia Stores on e Few /feme Which Art tinder / 4 | Security Changes Protect Family of Wage Earner Widows and Orphans Provided With Monthly Benefits Every one who has a social -security account number should know how the changes made by the last Congress in the old-age insurance provisions of the Social Security Act apply to him. For the benefit of the readers of The Star, the District field office of the Social Security Board has prepared a series of brief articles, each explaining one point of the new provisions. Following is the fourth of this series. The amended old-age insurance program not only provides benefits for the individual wage earner, but also extends protection to his family. Under the new program, the wife of a retired worker is entitled to a sup plementary benefit when she reaches age 65. The payment to her will equal one-half of her husband's benefit. A dependent child under 16 (or under 18 if attending school) is also entitled to a separate benefit equal to one-half of the father’s an nuity. Table of Benefits. Here is a table which shows ex amples of monthly benefits for the retired wage earner and dependents after three years’ participation in the system: Averste Ware Benefit Benefit far monthly earner s for wife dependent wage monthly over 65 child benefit I $66 $20 80 $10.30 $10.30 100 25.75 12.88 12*8 IS'1 30.90 J545 1545 200 38.05 18.03 18.03 250 41.20 20.80 20.60 The amended program also pro vides benefits for the widow and orphans of an insured wage earner. In case he leaves no such heirs, his dependent parents may receive monthly benefits. A widow over age 65 is entitled to a benefit equal to three-fourths of her husband's basic monthly benefit. A younger widow who has minor children in her care receives a similar benefit. In addi tion, a dependent child under 16 (or 18 if attending school) receives a benefit equal to one-half of the father's basic-monthly benefits. Survivor Benefits. The table below shows examples of monthly benefits for survivors: Averts* Widow s Total bene- Total bene monthly benefits fits widow fits widow wage and one and two .... child children $50 $15 45 $25.75 $36 05 « 100 19.31 32.19 45 06 150 23 1* 38.63 54 ft* 2*10 27.04 45 06 63 09 250 30 90 51 50 72.10 (Next—How to figure old-age insurance and survivors' bene fits. Marriage License Applications Alfred W Stoner. 36. 1532 Upshur st. n.w . end Doris L. Bodmer. 28 Bealls vine. the Rev. Henry J Smith Luther R. Williamson. 35 335 0rh s- n e and Jane H Tucker. 28. 763 H st. n.e,. the Rev. J. H. Dunham James T. Morris, 47. 1815 15th st nw and Hattie L. L. Mitchell. 43 338 W st n.w.; the Rev. Clarence Sumler Alphonso E. 8m!th. 22. 1504 Vermont ave. n.w.. and Lunema Cherry. 20. 1306 6th at n.w Judge R. E Mattinglv Francis H. O Dunne 24. 2010 Kslorama £<}• n*-- ,n<1 M»r>» M. Whitehurst. 24. 3115 34th st. n.w.; the Rev Joseph M. Mori n . Maurice J. P. Curtin. 22. 1924 Summit SI n.e and Jennie E Principe 21. ^o L st. n.e.: the Rev. Paul J. pough John A. Heagv. Jr . 22. 1415 Chapin st. n w . and Margaret E Smith 21. 14>> 1 Fairmont st. n.w . the Rev. R. H. Miller Norman R. Harrison. 2D. 418 Massachusetts *Y?- J? w- *ncl Josephine TrUaroftia 21 111 R st. n.e.; the Rev N M De Carlo Johnnie R Johnson 24. 1812 6th st n.w.. and Naomi Hampton, 18. 221» 12th pi. n.w.; the Rev. Charles E. Walden. James G Brunsos 48 and Hilda M Harrison, 28. both of 5004 3rd st n w . the Rev John A Trader. Charles Smith. 21. 128 and Anna L Jennings. 18 409 Hollage ct. n.w.. the Rev. Samuel Kelsey. James R Warren. 31. New Brighton Pa. and Alice R Ernst 22. 2214 Hall pi. n * '; the Rev Peter Marshall Rprr'' ** BeII 3, and Lydia Mason 37. both of Baltimore. Md.. the Rev. K W. Roy John N. Fisher. 30. Rockville. Md . and Anna M. Fannon. CT 3Hi« icth st. Patrick E Conroy Hugh E. Rozelle. C4 1M North Carolina * And M*ry L Yarbrough C4. Midland City. Ala.; the Rev. C. R. Banes. Births Reported Robert and Alice Monahan, boy. Archie and Julia Money, bov. James and Jane Close, girl. Oscar and Norma Anderson, girl. Francis and Louise Warman boy. Julian and Vivian Johnson, boy. Le Roy and Evelyn Palmer girl. Dallas and Elizabeth Dorr. girl. Joe and Ethel Davis, girl. Robert and Kathleen Thorne, girl. Jesse and Alice Coffey girl Bernard and Harriett Wade, girl, Leonard and Laura Bockeiman. boy John and Beatrice Miles, girl. George and Ruth Dasher, girl §*r.l. and C^rice Patterson, girl. William and Edith Brock, boy. SJjtrles and Mary Byrne, boy William and Christiana McKenney. girl Lonnie and Grace Jennings, girl. Eugene and Cecil Carusi. girl. Dorian and Rose O’Neil, girl. Warren and Beatrice Sanders, girl Charles and Constance Massey. girl. J4a»Mret«iIocks- glrl twl«s Milton and Elsie Shepard. girl James and Mary Stanback. boy. Ernest and Elizabeth Coleman, boy. Osborne and Priscilla West, girl Adrien and Ozella Banner, girl George and Robinette Penn. girl. Miles and 8arah Coleman, bov. Wayman and Daisy Smith boy. John and Leila Greene, boy Albert, and Beatrice Anderson boy Paul and Hazel Green girl. * Robert and Donnie Walker, girl £?"nd *Melv?* Scott, Hf trf °B Deaths Reported Oustav J. Flebeger. 81. Wwlter Reed Hoe Dital. 8»r»h E Cresswell. 78. 8t. Ellubeth s Hospital Mwry B. Brooke 86 8iblev Hospital Vinxeneo Montesl. 65. George Washington _ University Hospital • Robert Marks. 62. Casualty Hospital Lucie Sillers. 59. Homeopathic Hospital Worthington McCaulev 59. Sibley Hosoital. O. Edward Smith 51. Commodore Hotel Warnerfleld W Hooks. 50. Garfleld Hospital, Grace Kelly 38. Oallinger Hospital. James H Baley. 16 1804 25th st. s.e. Infant Thorne. Garfleld Hospital. Adam Woodruff. 82 444 S st. Nunna Charlton. 66. 327 G st if. Linwood Turner. 54. 2206 13th st. Richard E. Banks 49 1241 Kenyon st. Worsis Baxter. 28. Oallinger Hospital. Ikiulse B. Liverpool. 19 Galllnaer Hospital. Free estimate—low cost —easy payments—on: • Plumbing * Heating * Roofing • Tinning * Enclosing Porches NO MONEY DOWN Remodeling From Basement to Attic mmmJimiHm A 1 i