Newspaper Page Text
Card of Ctyatika BOWLER. FANNIE C. To the many friends and relatives of Miss FANNIE C. BOWLER and family we wish to extend £ur sincere thanks for the many kindnesses i her recent illness and at her death. THE FAMILY. • SratljB ALLNUTT. ANNA C. On Thursday. Oc tober 19. 1939. at her home. Dawsonville. Md . ANNA C. 'ALLNUT T, beloved wife of the late Edwin R. Allnutt. Funeral from her Jate residence Satur day October 21. at 2 p.m. Interment Monocaey Cemeterv. Beallsville. Md. BALDWIN. THOMAS PATRICK. On Fri day. October 20. 1939. at his residence. 6811 Colorado ave.. THOMAS PATRICK BALDWIN, beloved husband of Catherine Mullen Baldwin and brother of Mrs. Mar garet L. Heard. Mrs. Mary Moore. Mr. An drew J. Baldwin and Mr. Edward Baldwin. Funeral irorn the riuntemann tuneral home 5732 Georgia ave.. on Monday. Oc tober 25. at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at the Church oi the Nativity. 0000 Georgia ave. at 9 a.m. Relatives ana friends in vited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. BEALL. WILLIAM HERBERT. On Thurs day October 19. 1939. at Providence Hos pital. WILLIAM HERBERT BEALL ol For estville. Md.. husband oi Heather V. Darcy Beall and father of J Howard. Emmett E . N Eiiwood Beall. Mrs. J. A. Scnultz, Mrs Georue W. Brady and Mrs. Wallace A Ritchie. Service^ at F’orestviUe M. E. Church on Eunaay. tir.ober 22. at 2 p.m. Interment churcn cemeiery. 22 BELLOSl, C ARL. On Wednesday. Oc tober 18. 1939. at his residence. , H st. nw, CARL BELLOSi. beloved husband of Eva Eellosi and lather oi Flora ana Mane Bellosi. huneral will be held from the above resi dence on Saturday. October 21. at 9:30 a m Jriigh requiem mass at Si. Aloysius Church at in a m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 2u BEYER. MAKGARFi E On Friday. October 29. 1959, at providence Hospital. MARGARET E. BEYER, aged T8 years, be loved wife of james V Beyer. Mineral from her late residence, til2 D *t s.w . on Monday. October 23. at 8:30 am. Requiem mass at St Dominic’s Cnurch at 9 a.m Relatives and friends invitea. Interment Mount Olivet Cem e,srj. Arrangements by P. A Taltavull. 22 BrttTt HER. FLORENCE ESTELLE. On Wednesday. October 18. 1939. at her resi dence. T9 S st. n.w.. FLORENCE ESTELLE BrIICHER. wife oi Harold J Britcher and * mother oi Mrs Florence Howard and grandmother of Ida Mae Howard. Services at Chambers' funeral home. 1400 Chapin st. n w . on Saturday. October 21. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends are Invited Interment Washington National Cemetery. 20 BRITCHER. FLORENCE. Officers and members and Drill Team of Golden Rule Council. No 10. Daughters of America: A special meeting has been called at the home M Mrs Ethel Windsor. 1110 G st £f„ T 30 p.m. Friday. October 20. 1939. to make arrangements for the funeral of cur deceased sister. FLORENCE BRITCHER. MAMIE SOLOMON. Councilor. ETHEL WINDSOR. Rec. Sec. • BROOKE. MARY BLANCHE. On Wed nesday. October J8 1939. at Siblev Me morial Hospital. MARY BLANCHE BROOKE, beloved daughter of the late Joseph H ana Martha V Brooke. Remains resting at her late rpsidenep. 12 Owens ave.. Hyattsville, Mi Funeral services at the above residence cn Saturday. October 21. at 9 am.; thence to St. Jerome’s Catholic Church. Hvatts ville. where mass will be said at 9:30 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery 20 BROTHEBTON. GEORGIA J. Sud denly. on Thursday. October IP. 1939. at thp National Lutheran Home 18th and Douglas sts. n.e Mrs. GEORGIA J EJlGiHERTON. Widow of the late Isaac Broiherton Funeral service at the above address on Saturday. October *23. at 10 am. Inter ment Glenwood Cemeterv. CARRICO. ANDREW H. Suddenly, on Tuesday. October IT. 1939. at his resi dence. 914 M st nw.. ANDREW H. CAR RICO. brother Of Nellie Carrico Smith of Ekron. Ky Interment Saturday afternoon. October Si. Ekron. Ky CORBIN. GEORGE ESDEL, JR. On Wednesday. October 18. 1939. at 3:15 a m at his residence 521 50th st, n.e. GEORGE ESDEL CORKIN’. Jr. beloved son of George and Marie Arnold Corbin, loving brother of Marie and Richard Cnrbm. beloved grand ton of Mrs. Dolly Corbin He also leaves ether relatives and friends. Funeral Saturday. October 21. at 2 pm. from the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 You st n.w. Relatives and friends Invited Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. *20 DAVIS. JOHN F. On Thursday. Oc tober 19. 1939. JOHN F. DAVIS brloved husband of the late Harriet R Davis and father of John F. Davis. Catherine G. Davis. Mary D. Nolan and Walter B Davis; brother of Mrs Martha Vaughn. Miss Mary A Davis and William R Davis. Funeral from the W. W Deal funeral home. 816 H st. up. on Saturday. October 21. at 2 pm Relatives and iriends in vited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. *21 GATANOS. MICHAEL. On Tuesday. Oc tober 17. 1939. MICHAEL GATANOS. be loved husband of Sophia Gatanos. Funeral services at Chambers’ George town funeral home. 31st and M sts. n.w . on Saturday. October 21. at 1:30 n m : thence to St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church. 8th and L sts. n.w.. where services will be held at *2 pm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Washington Memorial Park GAUGES, JOSEPH A. On Thursday. October J9. 1939. at his residence. 1601 Oris st. n.e . JOSEPH A. GAUGES, be loved husband of Mary C. Gauges. Funenul from the above residence Sat urday. October *21. at 8:30 am: thence to Sr, Anthony's Church, where requiem mass will be said at 9 a m for thp recose of his soul Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. (Baltimore Parer? please copy.) 20 GAUGES. JOSEPH A. Members of Po A N tomac Council. 433. Knights of Columbus, are hereby notified of ^thp death of Brother JOSEPH A. ^GAUGES, on Thursday. October 19. 1939. and are requested to assemble at thp K nf c. Hall. 92010th st. n.w.. Friday. Octo ber *2o. at 7 45 n.m.. to proceed thence to h- iate residence. 1601 Otis st n.e.. for Prayers for the repose nf his soul Re O’liem mass a» 9 a.m. Saturday. October tJ- at j?!- AnthonVs Church. Interment Mount Ohvpt Cemetpry ROBERT L. SHERIDAN. G. K. GIBBONS. ANNIE D. On Friday. Oc tober 20. 1939. at h°r residence. 12*23 G f s c ANNIE D GIBBONS, beloved wife rf William S Gibbons and mother of ; “ ‘.auci mime aj, vuia ui ucro fc'rc Va Services at the above residence on F’.md0”. October 2*2. at 1 o m. Relatives ®"i friends invited Interment at 3 pm. 1 i Union Cemetery. Leesburg. Va Services b • Chambers' S F. funeral home. *2‘2 HEATH. JOHN aHFNRY On Thursday. October 10. 1030. at hi* residence on Great Falls st . Fall? Church. Va.. JOHN HENRY HEATH. agpd 65. He is survived b his wife. Ella Roberta Heath, and also ii n sons Notice of funeral later JOHNSON. HENRY. On Thursday. Oc l9- , 1^30. at Gallinger Hospital. HE.'.RY JOHNSON. beloved friend of ^iTs Jpnn;p Cardwell He also leaves many o‘hpr friends. Remains at the John T f nines A* Co. funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye •tr, s w. Notice of funeral later. JOHNSON. MAUDE. On Tuesday Oc fncer 1/. 10 to at her residence 2521 Eve * MAUDE JOHNSON beloved wife o William Johnson, loving mother of Jo scph Gporgo and clarence Sweetney; Jk!esdam*s Elizabeth McGee. Marv Goodall. Kosaoelle Jones. Bertha. Georgianna and V Ilham Johnson; sister 0f Mesdames Georgia Wood. Annie Jackson. Bertha Gar land Carthi Sinclare. Benjamin and Rome * a kip She also leaves seven grandchil dren. other relatives and friends. Remains resting at her late residence. Funeral Saturday. October 21. at 2 J\m . from Morning Star Baptist ChurchT •* *-Hrh st n w. Interment Lincoln Me rrorial Cemetery. Arrangements bv John T Rhines & Co.. 3rd and Eye sts. s!w. JOHNSON. MYRTLE Departed this life on Wednesday. October is 1030 at ySSSHSL"*"*/ * brief Illness. H i RTLE JOHNSON of 1500 Swan st. h w Relatives unknown Funeral Saturday October 21. at 2 pm. ir m Janifer's funeral home- 1141 22nd p w. Interment Pavne's Cemetery. KRUSEN. MILES A. On Thursday. Oc V’trtjUcr-L0 Annapolis. Md. MILES A KRLSEN. beloved husband of Maude I J. u-pti and fa'tifr Of Margaret I Mills. C'arence F and Milas Krusen R“matns re- ing a* the w Warren Taltavull funeral h<me .'imfi i4tg, at. n.w Funeral notice later. oo LANDIS. COL. J. F. REYNOLDS. On v. erlnesdav, Ortnber IS, )!W<). at San g1*?0!,Cl' ro1 J F REYNOLDS LAN CIS. IT. S A. (retired) Due notice of funeral later. 21* «-.2Av.WRUCh..,,1'Al’RV °n Thursday. October 10. 1030. at her residence 5215 Blaine st n.e . LAURA LAWRENCE, de voted sister of William and Frank Russell fchp also js survived by other relatives and Inends Remains resting at the Malvan 4 A?chev funeral home. N. J. ave and « ‘d. n.w Notice of funeral later. • McDERMOTT. JAMES. On Thursday. October 10. 1030. JAMES McDERMOTT Funeral from the James T. Rvan fu neral home. 317 Pa. ave. s.e . on Satur 2£roblr ~V ®r R:30 a m.; thence to Jr®, church of the Assumption. 3405 HichojK ave. se. where mass will bp' of fer*? wat ? *a m Relatives and friends Invned. Interment Mount Olivet Cem etery. ' FUNERAl, DIRECTORS. Frank Geier’a Sona Co. 1113 Sttenlb St N.tV NI Modern Chapel T.I National Z473 J. William Lee’s Sons Co. FLNEBA1 DIRECTOR# Crematorium 4th anil Man Are N.B Lincoln S20U V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither the successor to nor connectea with the original W R Speare establishment 1009 H St. N.W. FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER, Fnc. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES PHONE NAT 0104 and 8un4ara Coi. 14 th b Eye GUDE BROS. CO. ^oral Piece* ms a at. n.w. atunti am 33d Masonic Degree Elections Will Be Announced Today Supreme Council In Session Here; Banquet Last Night Elections to the 33d degree, high est in Masonry, were to be an nounced today by the Supreme Council, 33d Degree, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of the South ern Jurisdiction of the United States, meeting in Scottish Rite Temple, 1733 Sixteenth street N.W. This degree is honorary and is con ferred for distinguished service in behalf of the order and its prin ciples. Banquet Last Night. The Royal Order of Scotland, which meets annually with the Su preme Councils of the Northern and Southern Jurisdiction in alterna tion, held its banquet last night in the Mayflower Hotel. Provincial Grand Master Edgar Cordell Powers of Baltimore lauded America's public schools as “pillars of our national life” because they foster freedom of thought and speech. Charles H. Johnson, past grand master and grand secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York, declared fraternal groups, such as Masonry, are aids in the preservation of democratic government. He called attention to the Mason's annual ex pendtiure of approximately $20,000, 000 for charitable purposes. Silent Toasts Offered. James Henry Brice was toast master, and John C. Palmer de livered the invocation. Silent toasts were offered for the President of the Lnited States and the King of England. The latter is hereditary grand master of the Order of Scot land. The Soutnern Jurisdiction’s Su preme Council named three depu ties t6 active membership in the Scottish Rite body at is session yes terday. They were Rufus O. Ren frew, Woodward. Okla.; Gen. Charles P Summerall, former chiel of staff of the Army, of Charleston, S. C., and Claude F. Young of Fort Scott, Kans. G. P. 0. Employe Found Fatally Shot Charles Williams Edwards, 44 year-old World War veteran and Government Printingt Office em ploye, was found fatally shot last night in the bath of his rooms at a hotel In the first block of Massa chusetts avenue NW. A .32-caliber automatic was clutched in Mr. Edwards’ right hand when a maid discovered the bod> on the floor. A doctor who re sponded with a Casualty Hospital ambulance pronounced him dead A bullet had entered his right tem ple and pierced his brain. Dr. Christopher Murphy, assistant coroner, said a suicide certificate would be issued later today. No notes were found in the room, police said Mr. Edwards is survived by his wife. Rita W. Edwards, 1307 Cliftor street N.W. SrattfH OCHSENREITER. FRANK B. On Wed nesday. October 18. 1939. FRANK B. OCHSENREITER. beloved husband of Gloria Ochsenreiter (nee Richter), son of Flor ence r flnd the late William F. Ochsen reiter.'father of Frank B.. Jr., and Gloria E Ochsenreiter and brother of Eugene C. Ochsenreiter. Funeral from his late residence. 317 Upshur st. n.w on Saturday. October 21. at 2 pm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Pock Creek Cemetery. 20 OPITZ. ERNEST. On Wednesday. Oc tober 18. 1939. at his residence. 624 F st. s.w.. ERNEST OPITZ. beloved husband of Ottilie ODitz and father of Mrs. Martha Beyer. Ernest. William. Harry. Gustav Opitz; Ottilie Nichols and Frederick Opitz. Funeral from the chaDel of P. A. Talta vull. 436 7th *t s.w.. on Saturday. Octo ber 21. at 2:30 D m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 20 ROBINSON. FAYBELL Departed this life on Monday, October 16. 1939. FAY BELL ROBINSON. Funeral service at the De Lilly A Bailey funeral home. 923 3rd st. n.w.. on Satur day. October 21. at 1 P.m. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. ROLLS. CHARLES DANIEL. On Thurs day. October 19. 1939 at 731 23rd st. n.w . CHARLES DANIEL ROLLS, beloved son of the late Joshua J. and Mary C. Rolls and brother of Mrs. Mollip Bauby Services at Chambers' funeral home. 1400 ChaDin st. n.w.. on Saturday. October 21. at 2'3<> Dm. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Olenwood Cemetery. RUTH. LINFORD FITCH. Suddenly, on Wednesday. October 18. 1939. LINFORD FITCH RUTH, husband of the late Kate G. Ruth. Remains restine at Chambers' Riverdale funeral home Notice of funeral lp.ter 20 SCOTT. CHARLES (BENJAMIN JOHN SON). On Sunday. October 15. 1939. at St Elizabeth's Hospital. CHARLES SCOTT (BENJAMIN JOHNSON), brother of Mrs. Evelyn Scott. * Funeral Saturday. October 21. at 9 a m., fjom the W Ernest Jarvis funeral church. 1432 Yon st n.w. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. 20 SPAULDING. HENRIETTA J. On Thurs day. October 19. 1939. at Providence Hos pital. HENRIETTA J. SPAULDING, the beloved wife of Berlin E. Spaulding. Re mains resting at H. M. Padgett’s funeral home. 131 11th st. s e. Funeral services at the above fu neral home on Monday. October 23. at 11 a m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 22 STRAUGHN. JOHN. On Thursday. Oc tober 19. 1939. at Gallinger Hospital. JOHN STRAUGHN. loving husband of Mildred Strauehn. beloved father of Mrs. Eliza Wilson. Arthur and Thomas Straughn. Other relatives and friends also survive. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines A Co. funeral chapel. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later STRUNK, LEROY H. Suddenly, on Wednesday. October 18. 1939, at Pitts burgh Pa.. LEROY H STRUNK of 316 Gallatin st. n.w.. beloved husband of Anna B. Strunk and father of Muriel E. Strunk Funeral services at the above residence on Saturday. October 21. at 9 a m.; thence to St. Gabriel’s Church. Grant circle n.w , where mass will be offered at 9:30 a m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 20 THOMAS. CHARLES W. On Tuesday. Octooer 17. 1939. in Toronto. Canada. CHARLES W THOMAS, beloved husband of Louise Blackmore Thomas and father of C Porter Thomas. He also is survived by his mother. Mrs. Susan J. Thomas. Remains will be resting at Hysong’s fu neral home. 1300 N st. n.wv. from 9:30 a m. until 2 0™. Saturday. October 21. when services will be held. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 20 TUCKER. JOHN H. On Tuesday Oc ! tober 17. 1939. in New Haven. Conn.. JOHN H TUCKER, husband of the late j Louise Tucker and father of the late Anna Louise Hawkins. Remains may be viewed at thp Malvan & Schey funeral home. N. ' J avp. and R st. n.w.. Saturday, October ! 21. 11 a m. until 3 o m Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. • WILL. CLIFFORD ANNIE. On Thurs I day. October 19. 1939. CLIFFORD ANNIE WILL, beloved daughter of Mary C. Capers and grandmother of John E. Will. Funeral from the W. W Deal funeral home. 816 H st. n.e.. on Saturday. October 21. at 10:30 a m Services at Fort Myer Chapel at 11 a m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 20 WILLIAMS. HYLER C Suddenly, on Thursday. October 19. 1939. at Casualty Hospital. HYLER C WILLIAMS, aged 55 years, belovpd husband of Nancy M. Wil liams of 1451 Park road n.w. Remains restine in the chapel of P. A. Taltavull, 436 7th st s.w Interment Monday. October 23. in Roa noke. Va. WRIGHT. JUNIE. On Thursday. Oc tober 19. 1939. JUNIE WRIGHT, mothei of Delmer G. Wright, sister of Bertie Har lan. Amy Ford and Eddie Gheen. Funeral services at Chambers’ funeral home. 517 11th st. s.e. Notice of time later. 22 YOUNG. OPHELIA DOROTHY. On Wed nesday. October 18. 1939. OPHELIA DORO THY YOUNG of 1811 S st. n.w.. daughter of thp late Tobitha and Horace Collins, beloved wife of Attorney J. Clarence Young, devoted mother of Letitia J. Young and sister of Attorney A H. Collins. J. M. Col lins of New York City and Miss Ada V. Collins of Norfolk. Va. Also surviving are many other relatives and friends Funeral from the McGuire funeral home. 1820 9th st. n w.. on Saturday October 21. at 1:30 Dm Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery. In fErmnrtain ALFORD. EARL VERNON. In lovini remembrance of our dear son. EARL VER NON ALFORD, who died three years age today. October 20. 1038 HIS DEVOTED PARENTS. MR. AND MRS HUGH E. ALFORD. • DANIELS, MART ANN. In loving mem ory of our little daughter. MARY ANN. whf died three years ago today. October 20 1930. Only the forgotten are dead. MOTHER. DADDY AND SISTERS. * HARRIS, SAMUEL. In sacred memon of my dear father. SAMUEL HARRIS, whe passed away suddenly thirteen years age today. October 20. 1928 Gone, but not forgotten. LOVING DAUGHTER. MAMIE HARRIS SUMMERVILLE. JOHNSON, JOHN M A token of lovi ! and devotion to the memory of my deal husband. JOHN M JOHNSON, who de parted this life fifteen years ago today ! October 20. 1924. Mass will be offered ai I St. Jerome’* Church. Hyattsville. Md. Gone are the stecs I loved so dear. Silent the voice T used to hear; Too far away for sight or speech. But not too far for thoughts to reach. WIFE. ELIZABETH « ROAT, EUGF.NF F. In sad but lovini memory of husband and father. EUGENI F. ROAT. who passed into eternal resi four years ago today. October 20. 1935. Often to bis grave we wander. Flowers to lay with gentle car# O'er the one we love so dearly Who is peacefully sleeping there. HT8 LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN. < WHEELER. EVELYN B. Sacred to thf memory of our dear mother. EVELYN B WHEELER, who departed this life twe years ago today. October 20. 1937. Deep in our heart.* i* a picture Of a loved one laid to re*t: In memory’s frame we shall keep It. For she was one we loved best. HER DEVOTED CHILDREN SHIRLEY ANN. SELMA. PRESTON. JAMES AND CARLYLE. • I TO THE YOUNG Exr,ve pi! smartly styiea, Decoming glasses can give you H • MB a mental “lift” as well as correct vision defects H that cause eyestrain, headaches and the tired feeling that comes from poor sight. . . Enhance ■ ;§§{ your appearance with glasses by Castelberg’s H wl skilled optometrists. ■§ 9 CONVENIENT TERMS W l fit*? j ^ V Newspaper Snapshot Exhibit to Remain Open Till Oct. 29 Sunday Star of That Date Will Publish Prize Winners Because of increasing interest in the 372-photo exhibit of outstand ing pictures in the fifth annual newspaper snapshot competition for amateur camera artists, which was opened to the public here Tuesday, the exhibition will be continued through Sunday, October 29, it was announced today. Prize winners in the national event will be published in The Sun day Star’s rotogravure section on the final day—October 29. The Star 1 sponsored the event locally and three out of four of the pictures which took weekly honors in The Star's contest won honorable men tion and $50 each in the national competition. The exhibit is open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekdays and from noon to 6 p.m. on Sundays in the Explorers' Hall of the National Geo graphic Society, Sixteenth and M streets N.W. Snapshots by District and nearby photographers which received hon orable mention are “Surging Over the Breakwater," a study of surf breaking on a rocky shore, entered by William E. Grant of 132 Twelfth street S.E. in the class of scenes and still life; “Skipping in the Clouds,” portraying a young girl jumping rope against a background of open sky, submitted in the class of sports, hobbies and pets by William P. Betz of 2414 Everton road, Baltimore, Md., and “Whittlin’,” depicting a boy mountaineer busy with his knife on a stick as he relaxes at a window of a rustic cabin, entered by Julian Brown of 1422 North Garfield street, Arlington, Va„ in the class of chil dren and babies. Another Star-sponsored snapshot, submitted by J. Lester Ayers of 327 Emerson street N.W., portraying a mother and child, was awarded a certificate of merit carrying no financial benefit. All four local win ners received $30 prizes from The Star. Thomas G. Hodges Rites Will Be Tomorrow Puneral services for Thomas G. Hodges, 84, well-known farmer and lifelong resident of St. Marys County, Md., who died last night at his home, Barton Hall, Oakley, Md., will be held there tomorrow at 9 am. Burial will be in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Bushwood, Md. Mr. Hodges is survived by his widow, Mrs. Virginia Gibson Hodges, and 12 children, six of whom live in Washington. They are Mrs. Fenner Lee, Mrs. Emily Colton, t, Aloysius, Gonnie and Louis Hodges. Man Pleads Guilty To Murder of Wife In Second Degree Nichols Enters Plea .Before Second Trial In District Court Opens Pleading guilty to second-degree murder before going on trial again, Clarence E. Nichols, 30-year-old plumber, was sentenced to life im prisonment today for the year-old slaying of his wife, Mrs. Viola K. Nichols, 33. The sentence was Imposed in Dis trict Court by Justice Bolitha J. Laws. Nichols was accused of beat ing his wife to death with a rolling pin after a quarrel at W03 P street N.W. on September 28, 1938. Although he had been convicted last May of murdef in the first de gree, Nichols was granted a new trial, scheduled to open this morn ing. On advice of counsel, however, the defendant entered a guilty plea and Justice Laws immediately passed sentence. Assistant United 8tates Attorney Arthur B. Caldwell said that since the plea had been offered before the second trial started, it was not ac ceptable. But he pointed out that Justice Laws had made an independ ent investigation of the case, con sulting alienists. In the light of their findings Mr. Caldwell said it appeared nothing was to be gained by a second trial and that the dis trict attorney’s office accepted the second-degree murder plea. At the time he granted a new trial, Justice Laws stated the alienists he consulted had expressed the opinion that Nichols "did not have a de liberate and premeditated purpose” to kill his wife. Because of their views, he said, the first-degree ver dict should be set aside and a new trial held. Nichols was represented by At torneys James A. O’Shea, Alfred Goldstein and John H. Burnett. Milburn T. ZIRKLE Co. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Ambulance Service 510 C St. N.E. Line. 5537 North Silo of Stanton Park In Case of Death COL. 043S CALL out or THE LARGEST UNDERTAKERS IN THE WORLD 1__ LI. 2204 AT 1622 T. Frank Murray FUNEtAL HOME 741 I Ith St. S.E. Ambulance Service Cremations _ i Vehicles The eyes of those who watch a funeral cortege always pick out the funeral car. In Ryan funerals, a very fine car leads the way. All vehicles are of the finest. Our modern funeral home U a model of comfort and conven ience. De Luxe ambulance serv ice, with courteous attendants, always available. James T. Ryan Funeral Director 317 Pa. Are. S.E. Atlantic 1700, 1701 TO BUY QUALITY JEWELBY AT CASTELBEBG’S. | All you need is a small sum down and the balance in EASY weekly payments. And you're as welcome as the fellow who comes in and ’’plunks" down $100 in cash! And remember —it doesn't cost you a penny more for the time you take to pay. That's Castelberg's cordial way of giving you quality jewelry without emptying your pockets 1 I CHOICE! LADY S OR MAN S BULOVA WRIST WATCH 17 Jewel dainty «n m nc "Eirabeth" for lad- | ; je». 15 Jewel Dean 18 for men. 50c Weekly CHOICE! LADY'S OR MAN S ATTRACTIVE GOTHAMS Dependable time* M■ a a» keeper* in smart □! f,})) styles (or ladies or men! Special! .. , 50c Weekly CHOICE! LADY'S OR MAN’S * 17 J. ELGIN WATCHES Exquisite watches <■ |agm bached by a famous S # #.311 name—Elgin! 17 I. 75c Weekly CHOICE! LADY’S OR MAN'S HAMILTON WATCHES 17 Jewel "Sophie" Np A A a end 17 Jewel head- Smi.UU come nu'i "Win- tIU *hr°P” 75e Weekly _ii ■ ■limn nun cun *39 ” as A thrilling pair at a Smilingly low price! 3-Diamo»d engage ment ring and S-Diasacmd wed ding band in matching setting* pay 5 Oc Or j 75c Weekiif! If UNIVEX MERCURY CAMERA | S2500 Has l/1000th sec ond shutter speed and F 3.5 lens. An American made camera with fine foreign details. 50c Weekly r Famous Rons on Cass & Lighter PaySOc $7.95 Weekly New 1940 cigarette caw and lighter. Famous Rand Electric Shaver Pay SOc Weekly Formerly told for $9.95. Save $2.00! iimiiiiiiiiiii 8-Pc- Chrome Cocktoil Set Pay 50c $ J 95 Weekly *4 Smart shaker and 6 goblets on tray. P~ iiimlmni Man's Handsome f Birthstone Ring 1? Pay 50e 5 Weekly » Fine birthstone in 2 handsome setting. » i-iMimmiiiiiirrmrmifi' :■ V CASTELBERG’SJ 1004 F ST. N.W.