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President of School Board Watches Safety Dog Perform Shown, left to right in the back row, are Miss Elizabeth O'Hara, principal of the Takoma School, and Mrs. Henry Grat tan Doyle, president of the Board of Education. In the front row are Evelyn Nelson, Gladys Merritt, Paul Rains, Bobby Brown and Roy Herndon. —Star Staff Photo. With a large number of parents watching. Knee-Hi, The Star's safety dog, yesterday carri«l her safety message to the children of the Takoma School with an out side demonstration at Pinev Branch road and Cedar street N.W., fol lowed by an inside demonstration In the school auditorium. Among the spectators who watched the little canine perform was Mrs. Henry Grattan Doyle, president of the Board of Education. The dog Is sponsored by The Star with the co-operation of the Board of Edu cation, the Police Department and the Department of Vehicles and Traffic. ‘‘Knee-Hi sure is a smart dog," one lad confided to Sergt. T. T. Hef fernan of the Police Department, assigned to help run off the dem onstration. Arrangements for the demonstra tion were worked out with the co operation of Miss Elizabeth O'Hara, principal of the school. As usual, the dog was presented by her teach er, Dr. George E. Brunson, child psychologist, and her announcers, Jack Dalton and Bill Tobin. The little dog was to make her final appearance of the week today at 9:30 a.m. at Third and E streets S.E., before the children of tire Brent. Dent and St. Pe er's Schools. t _ ■ __ ; Pro-Russian Cabinet Expected for Bulgaria B? the Associated Press. SOFIA, Oct. 20.—It was widely predicted in political circles today that a new Bulgarian rabinet to replace that which resigned yester day would lean toward Soviet Russia rather than Germany. The cabinet of Premier George KiosseivanofI had followed a mildly pro-German course. King Boris III conferred today with a number of political leaders, including Stoircho Mochanov, presi dent of the Chamber of Deputies: former Presidents Tzenkov and Mouchanov of the Senate and for mer Foreign Minister Kalfov. 1 1' important alligator calf shoes, so soft and pliable, on the mint-new walled last. Rich furbrown or glossy black. Heels high or low. Sixes 2% to 10, AAAA to C ! WM •• *•■ •• $£ v>-< >vwvCCov. • ' V A«< , *• < < vi'x/ "w * 1208 F STREET ’f / ^ .. ... __ __|_ | Peasants 'See Red' When the beautiful Lake Sirlo, at the foot of the Italian Alps, turned bright red recently, superstitious Piedmontese peasants declared “Now that Germany has gone to Moscow even our lakes go red.” Botanists in Turin, however, declared the col oring was due to the release in the lake of millions of red algae, Just as the water turned red a year before. Mysore, India, is rapidly becom ing an important industrial center. National Guard Intensifies Campaign for Members The District National Guard today intensified its drive to recruit 552 new members from all sections of Washington. Tomorrow night will bring to an end the main campaign, which has been featured by anti-aircraft dem onstrations of the 260th Coast Artll lery, establishment of recruiting stations in all sections of Washing ton and appearances of Guard officers before civic organizations. In order to raise the full increase recently granted by the War De partment. however, the drive will continue next week through the ef forts of individual officers and their enlisted men. The Coast Artillery Regiment was allotted 465 new men, making its total strength 1,187. The regimental commander, Col. Walter W. Burns, will speak tonight to the Glover Park Citizens' Associa tion and the Cooley-McCullough Post of the American Legion. Maj. Sidney Morgan, inspector and State staff officer, spoke on "The Battle of Yorktown" today at 10 a m. in the Daughters of the American Revo lution broadcast over Station WMAL. A searchlight and machine gun demonstration will be presented by men of Battery A and Battery O at Thirty-fourth street and Benning road N.E. tonight at 7:30 o'clock. Capt. James S. Heizer will be in command of the program, which is sponsored by the Benning Citizens' Association. Music will be furnished by the Sons of the American Legion Drum and Bugle Corps. Other batteries of the regiment also will be in action tonight and tomorrow night in the windup of the recruiting campaign. The 121st Engineers, commanded by Col. John W. Oehmann, have been assigned 70 men of the aug mented Guard. Seventeen were as signed to Company A. 372d Infantry, colored troops, commanded by Capt. Sylvester Blackwell. Children of Japan have a new racing game played with toy air planes. JULIUS LANSBURGH FURNITURE CO., 9 09 F STREET 10-Piece 18th Century Dining Room Suite * Almost unbelievable! A suite you’d never expect to find under $225! Glorious Eighteenth Century design in crotched mahogany or burl walnut veneers on gum wood. Hand-rubbed and waxed. Suite consists of—Extension Table with ten legs, large Buffet. China, Server. Host Chair and five side chairs. See it. . . you’ll agree it’s a remark able value at this amazing low price! \Mty<mwuTBi»w$H "Lonstyle" Bilt-Rite Furni ture for Every Room—at Prices that Reflect True Economy. Open a Convenient “J. L. ” Budget Account Barrel Back 1 Chair $29 Covered in rayon \ damask with exposed A parts of solid fruit wood. One-piece web : constructipn for dur ability and comfort. * Grip Arm Lounge Chair *29 i Semi-pillow back, soft j spring filled reversible cushion, and genuine walnut finish grip arm. A quality-built chair covered in newest cot ton tapestry. Everting Appointments Gladly Arranged —Phone NAtional 8748 Before 6 P.M. 2-Piece Living Room Suite Here Is comfort and beauty—plus! Eighteenth Century Style Living Room Suite with solid mahogany frame and attractively covered in fine quality Rayon Brocatelle. Sagless construction and other superb fea tures found in higher-priced furni ture. Gov. Winthrop Secretary, walnut veneer...$25 2-drawer Commode, Mahogany Veneers. .$9.95 Tier Table, Duncan Phyfe base_$12 Genuine Alabaster Table Lamp_$2.95 Solid Mahogany Cocktail Table_$10.95 --- v-Piece Solid Maple Bedroom Suite An ideal group, smartly styled and constructed of solid maple richly finished. Panel Bed, Chest of Drawers and Dresser. Other matching pieces priced propor tionately low. A much better suite than the price in dicates! Use a Convenient “J. L.” Budget Account. ^Julius %msburgh $umitureQ). r . “Where Most Smart Eeople Shop” a 909 F STREET N.W. 4 ,