Newspaper Page Text
Foreign Dollar Loans Stage Wide Advance On Bond Market Traders Are Surprised At Unexpected Gains Of the Section Bond Averages CO 10 10 10 Rails. Indust. Util. F en. Net change +.3 unc. +.1 unch. Today, noon 62.3 99.6 95.8 48.4 Prev. day _ 62.0 99.6 95.7 48.4 Month ago. 638 97.6 93.1 45.7 Year ago _ 60 3 99.0 94.4 64.9 1939 high.. 64.9 100.8 97.5 64.0 1939 low 53.4 95 8 90.4 41.7 1938 high-. 70.5 100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 low... 45.8 40 0 64.6 42.2 1928 high..101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon_ 108.2 Prev. day 108.0 M’nth ago 104 0 Year ago 109.8 1939 high 112.6 1939 low 103.6 , 1938 high 110.7 1938 low 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low 86.8 • Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Oct. 25.—Selected foreign dollar loans lunged forward In the bond market again today, outsripping the more modest forward tendencies of United States Govern ment and corporate issues. Bond dalers seemed somewhat surprised at the gams in the foreign i section, especially in view of the bellicose Von Ribbentrop speech Tuesday. Advances ranging to around 5 points were posted for loans of Den mark. Finland, Japan, Hungary, Norway, Prussia. Australia and Bris bane. United States Governments added more than one-half point in some cases. Rails benefited by the deluge of favorable earnings reports and pros pects of sustained traffic. Marked up here were Santa Fe 4s, North western 4:!,s of '49, Illinois Central • 43is, Erie 5s of '75. Frisco 4’;S of ’78 and Union Pacific 3'^s. Celanese Corp. Raises Prices On Rayon Yarn By the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Oct. 25.—A new price list issued by the Celanese Corp. of America names price Increases for the company's line of rayon yarns, the trade was informed today. Effective immediately for Decem ber business, the schedule shows boosts ranging from 2 cents a pound for 100 denier sizes and coarser up to 10 cents a pound for 45 denier sizes. Southern Railway Income • Rises Sharply in Month E; the Associated Press. NEW YORK. Oct. 25.—Net operat ing income of Southern Railway for September rose to $2,416,721 from SI.983.149 a year ago. it was report ed today. Gross revenues for the month increased to $9,083,690 from $3,234 847 a year ago. New York Central. New York Central Railroad re ported September net operating in come, before fixed charges and other Income, of $478,099, compared with , $349,411 in September a year ago. Reading Company. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 25 </P).— Reading Company net railway op erating income for September amounted to $1,251,105, an increase of $256,124 over September last year. For the nine- months of 1939 the operating income was $7,970,374. an increase of $1,464,730 over the same period in 1938. Virginia Tobacco Market Maintains Prices By the Associated Press. In spite of the appearance of piles of inferior leaf on warehouse floors, Virginia's old belt tobacco markets maintained average prices yesterday well above those of last week. Prices were down a cent or so . from Monday’s high figures, but of ficial figures from Danville, five big market barometer, showed 1.212.370 brought $202,449.03. an average per hundredweight of $16.70. On some of the other markets volume was off, but prices held near ly firm. Other official poundage and per hundredweight averages: Chase City-100.704 S17.00 Petersburg _ 108.IICO ] 5 ■),, Rocky Mount __ 88010 35 10 B’ooknesl _ 50.000— 1570 •South Boston _ 050.000 18 98 •Monday's sale. New York Produce NEW YORK. Oct. 25 —Eggs. °1 flOft* f.rm Mixed colors: Fancy to extra fancy’ standards. 27,2: firsts. j 1 ,• sec onds. l.‘)-20: mediums, is’*; dirties. No l. 1" 4: average checks. 17U. Refrigerator— Fancy and heavyweights. 1834-22: stand ards. ls-1Sl4; firsts. 1 7 34: seconds. lO1^ 1. mediums lti»4; dirties, iti-inv* Whites: Resale of premium marks. 37*6 4"; nearby and Midwestern, premium marks. 34,2-37: exchange specials. 33-34; exchange standards. 31 *-2. Resale of near by heavier mediums. 25,2-30. Nearby and Midwestern, exchange mediums. 24>2-25; pullets. 22: peewees. 20. Refrigerator— Nearby specials. 24-27: nearby and Mid Western. standards. 22-24: firsts. 20-22. Browns: Nearby, fancy to extra fancy. S0*2-34. Nearby and Midwestern, ex change specials. 30: exchange standards 2 «**. Nearby, exchange mediums. 24: pullets. 20. Duck eggs- 27. Butter. 805.000: barely steady. Cream ery higher than extra. 20-293.*; extra (92 Fcore). 28*2-34: firsts (88-91). 25,2-27‘2: seconds (94-87). 23-25. Cheese. 204.343: quiet: prices unchanged. Rye snot easy: No. 2 American, f ob. N. Y. (carlots). 723b: No. 2 Western, c.i.f. Barley easy: No. 2 domestic, c.i.f. N. Y.. 69’2. Lard easy: Middle West. 0 90. Greases steady: yellow. 534n: house. 534. Other articles seady and unchanged. n—Nominal New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK Oct. 25 UP).—Natl. Assn. Securities Dealers. Inc.: Bid. Asked. Bk of Am NTS (SF) (2.40). US3. Bank of Man i.soa)_ 18'. l*ia. Bank of N Y (14)_ 448 457 Bankers Tr (3) _ 5T3« 5034 Brooklyn Trust (4i 78 83 Cen Han Bk A Tr (4)_105 108 Chase Nat (1.401 _ _ 37V. 39 V. Chem Bk & Tr (1.801_ 51>/« 53V. Commercial (8) 174 ISO Cont Bk A- Tr (,80i_ 13‘/a 15 Corn Ex Bk A- Tr (3)_ 59'i 00(A Empire Tr (.00) 13V. 14 First Nat iBos) (2) __ 45 48 First Natl (100) _1030 1970 ) Guaranty Tr (12)_ 290 (301 Irving Tr (.00) __ 13V. ] 41 i Manuf’ct'rs Tr (2)_ 39V. 41’.» Manuf'rs Tr pf (2)_ 51 Va 53Va Natl City (1) _ 29'a 31'i N Y Trust (5)_115'4 118V* Public (l’a) _ 31 Va 33 Va Title GAT_ 4 5 a—Also extra or extras. BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK. EXCHANGE •» private wire firm to The Star. TREASURY. High. Low. 2:55. 24s 1945_107. 10G.26 107. 24s 1948 _ 105.20 105.20 105.20 24s 1949-53_103.16 103.10 103.10 24s 1950-52_ 103 13 103 13 103.13 2%s 1945-47_ 107.10 107.2 107.10 24s 1951-54_ 104 30 104.23 104.23 24s 1956-59_ 105. 104 2 104.2 24s 1960-65_ 103.29 103 26 103.29 24s 1955 60_ 105 8 105.2 105.6 3a 1946-48 _ 108.10 108.6 108.10 3s 1951-55 ... 107.26 107.26 107.26 34s 1946-49_ 109.2 109.2 109.2 24s 1949-52.... 109.28 109.28 109 28 3V4s 1943-45_ 109.5 109.5 109.5 34s 1944-46. 109.3 109.3 109.3 348 1943 47_ 109.5 109.3 109.3 4s 1944-54 113.18 113.7 113.18 4 4s 1947-62 _ J 17.18 117.6 117.18 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE 3a 1942-47 105.19 105.19 105.19 HOME OWNERS' LOAN. 14s 1945-47_ 98.30 98.28 98.30 3s 1944-62_ 106.12 106.12 106.12 FOREIGN BONDS. Hieh Low 2:55. Adriatic Elec 7s 52 67 67 67 Aer MtR Bk Col 6s 47. 244 244 244 Antloqula 7s 45 A_ 12 12 12 Antloqula 7s 45 B_ 114 H4 114 Antloqula 7s 45 D ... 12 12 12 Antloqula 1st 7s 57_ 114 10% 114 Antloqula 2d 7s 57... 114 10% 114 Antloqula 3d 7s 57 II 11%. 11%. 11%. Argentine 4s 72 Fob 73% 72% 73% Argentine 4s 72 Apr 73 72% 73 Arcentlne 4 4s 48_ 92% 92% 92% Argentine 4 4s 71_ 84 *4 84 Australia 44* 56_ 74% 744 74% Australia 6s 55_ 79 774 774 j Australia 6s 57_ 784 784-784 Belclum 64* 49_ 87 87 87 Belsr1um7s55 ... 934 92". 931/, j Brazil 6 4s 1926-67... 12%. 12% 124 Rr'azll 64s 1927-57 .. 124 12% 12% Brazil C Rv El 7s 52.. 11% 11% 11% Brazil 8s 41 _ 15% 154 154 Brisbane Is 58 . 72 72 * 72 Buen Air 44-4Ns 77 54 54 54 B A 4U-44S 76 Aub_. 53% 53% 53% B A 4*4-4Ns 76 Apr.. 54% 54 54 Bulgaria 7s 67 _ 12%. 124 124 Canada 24s 45_ 95% 95% 95% Canada 3s 67 _ 86% 864 86", Canada 34s 61_ 904 90% 904 Canada 4s 60_ 100 99% 994 Canada 6s 52_104% 1044 1044 Chile 6s 61 Jan_ 15% 154 15% Chile 6s 61 Feb_ 15% 15% 15% Chile 6s 61 Sept_ 15% 15% 15% ! Chile 6s 62_ 15% 15% 15% j Chile 6s 63 _ 15% 15% 154 Chile 6s 63 assd_ 114 11% ll'i i Chile 7s 42 ... 15% 15% 15% 1 Chile Mti; Bk 6s 61_ 144 144 144 Chile Mtc B 6s 61 asd 10% 10% 10% Chile Mnrtg Bk 6s 62 14% 14% 14% Chile Mtg B 6s 62 asd 10% 10% 10% Colombia 6s 61 Oct .. 23% 23% 23% Copenhagen 4%s 53.. 54 54 54 Copenhagen 5s 62 _ 58% 57% 5S Cordoba City 7s 57 st. 54% 54% 54% Costa Rica 7s 51_ IS IS IS Cuba5%s45 _ 72% 72% 72% Denmark 4 %s 62_ 59% 57% 59 Denmark 5%s 55_ 65% 65 6V Denmark 6s 42 7S 77% 77% Dominic 1st 5%s 42.. 69% 69% 69% El Salvador 8s 48 ct.. 15% 15% 15% Finland 6s 45 .. 83%, 83% 83% j French Gvt 7 %s 41.. 102%. 102% 102%! Ger Govt 5%s 65 ... 10% 10%. 10% ! German Govt 7s 49 11 10% 10% Grt C El Jap 6%s 50 85% 84 85% Haiti 6s 52 .. 82 82 82 Helsingfors 6 V,s 60 _ 82 82 82 Hungary 4 Us 79 ext. 20 19 20 Hung L M 7%s 61 B .. 7% 7% 7% ItalV 7s 61 70% 69% 69% Ital Crd P W 7s 47 B. 69 69 69 ltal P U Crd 7s 62_ 56 55 55% Japan 6%s 65_ 62% 62% 62% Japan 6Hs 54 _ 78 77% 78 Karstadt 6s 43 ct stp. 9 9 9 Medellin 6%s 54_ 11% 10% 11% Mendoza 4s 54 _ 70 70 70 Met Water 5 %s 50 __ 75 75 75 Mex 4s 10-45 ast sm._ % % % Milan 6 %s 62 _ 55% 53 54 i Montevideo 7s 52_ 34 34 34 Norway 4s 63 _ 82 80% 81% Norway 4 %s 65_ 87 86 86 Norway 4%s 56_ 89 89 89 Norway 6s 43 _ 99 99 99 Norway 6s 44 _ 99 99 99 Oriental Dev 6%s 58 53% 53% 53% Oriental Dev 6s 53 . 58 57% 58 Panama 6s 63 st asd.. 63 63 63 Pernambuco 7s 47_ 6% 6% 6% Peru 1st 6s 60 _ 7% 7% 7% Poland 4%s 63 asd_ 8 8 8 i Poland 4%s 68 asd_ 8% 8% 8% j Prussia 6s 52_ 10% 10% 10% Queensland 6s 47*_ 85 82 85 Queensland 7s 41_ 97 96% 97 Klo de Jan 6%s 63_ 6% 6% 6% Rio Gr do Sul 7s 67_ 7% 7% 7% Rome6%s 62 61 69% 59% Rouman 7s 59 Feb pd 8 8 8 Serbs 8s 62 .. 13% 13% 13% Shin’su E P 6%s 52... 61 60 61 Taiwan Elec 5%s 71.. 55 54% 55 Tokyo City 6s 52_ 39% 38% 39% Tokyo El Lt 6s 63_ 57% 57% 57% U.11g%wa El P 7s 45... 80% 80% 80% ! Uruguay 3%s 84 _ 41 40 41 Uru 3%-4-4V«s adj 79. 42% 41% 41% | Warsaw 4%s 58 assd 6% 6% 6% j Westphalia E P 6s 53 11% 11% 11% i DOMtjTIC ponds. Adams Ex 4Vis 46 st. 106 106 106 AlleK CorD 6s 44 ._ 79% 79% 79% AlleK CorD 6s 50 std.. 45 45 45 AlleK Valley 4s 42 ... 106% 106% 106% Allied Stores 4 Vis 51. 94 94 94 Allis Chalmers 4s 52 110 110 110 Am & For Pw 6s 2030 61% 61% 61% I Am 1 G Ch 6 Vis 49... 101% 101% 101% : Am T&T 3Vis61_106% 106% 106% | Am T&T 3Vls 66_ 106% 106 106 j Am T&T 6Vis 43 . 109% 109% 109% Am Type Fdrs cv 60.. 106% 106% 106% Am Wat Wks 6s 75106% 106% 106% Anaconda db 4 Vis50 107% 107 107 AnKlo-Chll Nltr db 67 35 35 35 Armour!Del)lst4s 66 98% 98% 98% Armour Del 4s 67 . 98 97% 97% A TAS Fe 4s 1905-55.. 94% 94% 94% A T&S Fe 4s 1909-65.. 94% 94% 94% A T&S Fe 4s 60_ 92% 92'% 92% A T&S Fe Ken 4s 96— 105% 105% 105% A TAS Fe 4 Vis 48 . 103 102% 103 Atl Coast L 1st 4s 52. 82% 82 82% Atl A Dan 1st 4s 48 .. 42 42 42 Atl & Dan 2d 4s 48 . 35% 35% 35% Atl Gulf & W 1 6s 69. 69% 69% 69% Atlantic Refln 3s 63 .. 103% 103% 103% Baldwin Loco 5s 40 101% 101% 101% BAD 1st 4s 48 67% 67% 67% B & O conv 4Vis 60_ 22% 21% 22% B A O 4Vis 60 ct_ 21% 20% 21 BAO 1st 5s 48 _ 68 67% 67% B A O 1st 5s 48 ct_ 67% 67% 67% BAO ref 5s 95 _ 30% 29% 30% BAO ref 5s 96 ct_ 30 29% 29% B AO 5s 96 F _ 30% 30% 30%. BA06s96,Fct _ 29% 29% 29% B & O ref 6S 2000 D _. 30% 30% 30% B A O rf 6s 2000 D ct. 29% 29% 29% BAO ref 6s 95 _ 33% 33% 33% B A O ref 6s 95 ct_ 33 33 33 BAO PLE&W V 4s 41. 61% 60% 61% B & O Swn 6s 60 51 50 51 BAO Swn 6s 60 ct_ 49 49 49 B A O Toledo 4s 59—. 55'% 55% 55% BanR & Ar cv 4s 51 at. 85 85 85 Bell T of Pa 6e 48 B— 115 115 115 Bell T of Pa 6s 60 C„ 127% 127% 127V. Beth Steel 3V«s 59 F— 98% 98% 98% Beth Steel 3Vis 62—. Ill 110% 110% oieei jus no_ iu.3% iU24 lU.i'/i, Beth Steel-4 % s 60_ 107 1064 107 Bos & Me 4%s 61 JJ._ 38% 38 38 Bos A Me 6s 65__ 42% 424 42% Bos & Me 5s 67 _ 424 42 42% Bos N y A L 4s 65_ 94 84 94 Bklyn Ed cn 3 4s 66.. 106 106 106 Bklyn Man T 4 4s 66 744 744 744 Bklyn Man 4 Vis 66 ct. 73% 734 73% Bklyn Un El 6s 60 . 824 824 824 Bklyn Un Gas 6s 45._ 1104 110 110 " Bklyn Un Gas 5s 60._ 924 92% 924 Bklvn Un G 6s 67 B _ 102% 102% 102% Buff R&P cn 4V6s 67.. 45V* 45 454 B K & P cn 44s 67 ct. 444 444 444 Bush Term cn 6s 65 _ 46 46 46 Calif Orea Pwr 4s 66- 994 99 99 Canada South 6s 63 .. 88 87% 88 Canadian Nit 4 4s 61. 1004 100 1004 Can NR 4 %8 66 _101 100 101 Can NR 4 4s 67_ 1004 100 1004 Can NR 4%s 65_ 1024 1024 1024 Can NR 6s 69 July_ 1044 103% 104V. Can NK 6s 69 Oct_ 1064 1064 1064 Can NR 6e 70_ 105 105 105 Can Nor 6 4 s 46 _ 1104 110% 110% Can Pao db 4s perp_ 604 60 60 Can Pac 4 4s 46_ 834 834 834 Can Pac 44s 60_ 70% 694 70% Can Pac 6s 44 _ 104 103% 104 Can Pac 6a 64_ 83 82 82 \ High. Low. 2:55. Car & Gen 6s 60_ 95% 95 95 Celoteg 4%s 47 ww 85 83 86 Cent HudG&E 3%s65. 105% 105% 105% Cent N Eng 4s 61 ... 40 40 40 Cent of N J gen 6s 87. 18% 18% 18% Cent N J Rn 6s 87 rg_. 16% 16V* 16% Cent NY Pw 3%s 62.. 107% 107% 107% Cent Pac 1st rf «V 49 75 71% 75 Cent Tac 1st 4s 49 rg_ 70 70 70 Cent Pac 6s 60 57% 56% 57 Cert'd deb 6%s 48 76 75% 75% Ches & Ohio 3%s 63 F 102% 102% 102% Ches & O 3 %s 96 D .. 97 96% 96% Ches & O 3 %s 96 E ... 97 96% 96% C & O Ren 4 %s 92_119% 119 119% Chi & Alton 3s 4?_ 13% 12% 13% Chl B&U cen 4s 68_ 96 96 90 Chi R&y ref 6s 71_ 92 91% 92 C B&O 111 dlv 4s 49_103% 103% 103% Chl & E 111 6s 61_ 19 18% 18% Chl & Erie 5s 82 _ 88 88 88 Chl Gri Wesi 4s 59 22% 22% 22% Chl Ind & L een 6s 66. 4 4 4 CM&StP 4 %s 89 C __ 29% 29% 29% CM&StP «%s 89 E_ 28% 28% 28% CM&StP 4%s 89 ... 30 30 30 Chl Mil & St P 6s 75 . 9% 9 9% CMStP&P adl 6s 2000 2% 2% 2% Chl&NW Ren 3%s 87. 15% 15% 15% Chl&NW Ren 4s 87 __ 16 16 16 Chl&NW cn 4s 87 st_. 16 16 16 Chl & NW cv 4%s 49. 5% 5 5 Chl&NW 4%s 87 ... 17 17 17 Chl & NW cen 5s 87,. 17% 17 17 Chl&NW rf 6s 2037_ 11 11 11 Chl RI&P rf 4s 34 ... 7% 7% 7% Chl RI&P rf 4s 34 ct.. 6% 6% 6% Chl R I & P een 4s 88. 16% 16% 16% Chi RI&P 4 %s 62 A . 8% 8% 8% Chl Rl&P cv 4%s 60.. 3% 3% 3% Chl & W In cv 4s 52 . 91V* 91 91% Chl & VV Ind 4 % s 62 . 94 93% 93% Childs & Co 6s 43 . 60% 60 60% Chl lln Sta 3%s 63 105% 105% 105% Cln U Trin 3 % s 69 Rt 107% 107% 107% Cin Cn Term 3 %s 71 107% 107% l()'i% CCC&Stl- pen 4s 93 67% 67% 67% CtT&Stt. L rf 4 %s 77 59% 59% 59% Clev tin Ter 4 %s 77.. 77% 77% 77vt Clev tin Ter 6s 73 .. 84% 84% 84 > Clev tin Ter 6 %s 72-. 92% 92 92% ColoF&lr6s70_ 72% 72% 72% Colo & So 4 %s 80_ 40% 40% 40% Co! G&E 6s 62 May... 103% 103% 103% Col G&E fs 61 . 103% 103% 103% Colum Ry P&L 4s 65. 108% 108% 108% Comw Ed 3 %s 68 _ 121% 120% 121% Comw Ed 3%s 68 __ 108% 107% 108% Cons Coal Del 6s 60 .. 65% 65% 65 % Cons Ed N ¥ 3%s 46. 105% 105% 105'.% Gons Ed db 3 %s 48 „ 106% 106% 106% Cons Ed N Y 3%s56_ 104% 104% 104% Cons Ed N 7 3%s 68. 105 105 105 Cons Oil SVts 61 . 103% 103% 103% Consum Pwr 3%s 66 . 104% 103% 104 Consum Pwr 3%a 65. 107% 106% 107% Consum Pwr 3%s 67. 107 106% 106% Consum Pwr 3 %s 70. 108 107% 108 Consum Pwr 3 &*s 65. 109 109 109 Container delj 6s 43.. 100 99% 99% Container 6s 46_1034 103'-, 10314 Conti OH 244s 48_llli, 110', 110', Crane Co S 04s 61 _ 1041, 104', 104', Crucible Steel 4 04 s 48 101 101 101 Cuba Northn 6 4s 42 35% 35'i 35% Cuba R 1st 6s 62_ 40 39T, 39', Cuba RR 6s 46 _ 38% 380'* 38', Cuba KK 7 04 s 46 A ... 46'* 46', 46', Del & Hud ref 4s 43 . 67 66'4 66'* Den & K G con 4s 36. 11 10', 11 Den & R G 404s 26 ... 11 10', 11 Den & R"G OV 5s 65_ 3% 3*4 3% D & R G W 6s 65 ast.. S’, 314 313 Det Edison 4s 65 .. Ill1, 1114 1114 Det Edison 400 61 .. 112'-, 111'* 111'* Dow Chemical 3s 51 105 105 105 Duluth M&IR 3 04s 62 1070* 107'* 107V* Duauesne Lt 3 04s 65 109', 109V, 109'-, E T V & Ga cn 5s 56.. 92*4 9204 92% Elec Auto Lt 4s 62... 108V, 108'*, 1084 Erie cv 4s 63 A_... 224 220, 224 Erie 1st 4s 96_ 61 51 51 Erie Ben 4s 96_ 25 244 25 Erie ref 6s 67- I84 17*, 184 Erie ref 5s 75 _ __ IS 170, 18 Erie & Jersey 6s 55 ... 624 524 524 Falrbks Alorse 4s 56 106 106 106 Firestone Tire 3 4s 48 105'i lO.t'-'lOS'/i FI* E C Ry 6s 74 . 9', 90, 94 Fla E C Ry 5s 74 ctfs 84 8', 8', FondaJ&G4 04s52filed 6 6 6 Fonda J&G 4s 82 ct _. 3% 3', 34 Francisco Sue 6s 56 .. 52 614 52 Gen Mot Acc 3»4s 61. 106', 106', 1064 6en Stl Cast 5 4s 49.. 764 764 764 Ga & Ala 5s 45 _ 21. 21 21 Goodrich 4 0*s66 1030, j030*, 1034 Goth Silk H 5s 46 ww 81 84 84 Grt Nor Ry 3 0, s 67 . 764 76', 76', Grt Nor 4s 46 G ... 1064 1054 106 Grt Nor Ky 4s 46 H 920*, 92 924 Grt N K «tn 44s 77 E 84’, 844 844 Grt Nor Ry 5 4s 62 974 97', 974 Green Bav & W db B. 94 94 94 Gulf Al&N 6s 50 .. 804 804 80', Gulf St Util 34s 69.. 1054 105’, 1054 I Hock Val 4 4s 99 ... 116 116 116 j Housatonlc cn 5s 37.. 464 464 464' Houston Oil 40'* 54 974 974 970* I Hudson Coal 6s 62 A. 390, 374 394 Hud & Man inc 6s 67. 154 15 15 Hud & Man ref 6s 67. 484 48 48 111 Bell Tel 34s 70 B_ 1104 1104 1104 111 Cent 4s 52_ 52 52 52 111 Cent 4s 63_ 494 49 494 111 Cent ref 4s 65_ 52 4 5 2 520, 111 Cent 4%s 66_ 614 51 51o, ICC&StL NO 4 4s 68. 614 504 514 ICC.&StL NO 6s 63 554 544 54', Indust Rayon 4 4s 48 980* 974 980, Inland Steel 34s 61 1084 108 1084 Inter R T 1st rf 6s 66 684 674 68 Int R T 1st rf 6s 66 ct 67 H60, 67 inter R T 6s 32_ 294 284 29 Inter RT 7s 32_ 670, 674 67V, Int R T 7s 32 ct_ 664 664 664 lnterlake Iron 4s 47 . 934 931* 934 Int Grt Nor adj 6s 52. 24 20, 2% Int Hydro El 6s 44_ 72V* 72 72 Int Mer Mar 6s 41_ 65 64 65 Int Paper 1st 6s 47_ 994 994 994 Int Paper ref 6s 55_ 924 920, 920, Int T&T 4 %s 62 _ 464 45V* 454 Int T&T 6s 65 _ 514 504 514 Jones & L Stl «4s 61. 95 95 95 Kans City So 3s 60... 65 65 65 Kans C So rf 6s 60_ 674 6704 674 Keith’s 6s 46 _ 1004 1004 1004 Koppers Co 4s 61__1010i 1004 1010* Krestte Found 4s 45.. 10404 10404 10404 Laclede Gas 6s 39_ 8814 88’4 88’4 Laclede Gas 6s 42 A_ 46 45:4 46 Laclede Gas 6 4s 62_51% 51 51% Laclede G 64s 60 D.. '5004 50% 50% Lautaro Nitrate 76 — 3104 314 3104 Leh C& N 44s 64 A-. 58 58 58 T ah Van Pntr 8a Sitf’L. Leh Val Har 6s 64 _ 42% 41* 42 Leh V N V 1st 4s 45— 34* 34* 34* L V RR con 4S 2003— 17* 16* 17* L V RK 4s 2003 asd . 16V, 15* 15* L V RR cn 4*s 2003 16'a 16* 16* L V RR 4*s 2003 asd 16* 16* 16* Llee & M.vers 5s 61... 124 124 124 Lies & Myers 7« 44— 125* 125* 125* Loew's3*s4$ _ 98% 98* 98% Lone lsld ref 4s 49_ 86* 86* 86* Lorillard 5s 61 122* 122* 122* Louisv G&E 3*s 66- 106* 106* 106* La & Ark 6s 69 84 83* 83* L & Nash uni# 4s 40__ lOOjjt 1 ft0Vi 100* L& Nash 4%s 2003 .. 90* 90 90 L & N 5s 2003 B .. 99 98% 98% L&N So Mon it 4s 52.. 73* 73* 73* Me Central 4 !4s 60— 65% 55* 55% Manatl Sugar 4s 67_ 39* 39* 39* Manhat Ky 4s 90__ 70 69* 69* Manhat Ry 4s 90 ct_ 69* 69* 69* Market St Ry 7s 40 ... 56 56 56 Met West Side 4s 38— 8 8 8 Mich Cent 4s 40_ 100 100 100 Mich Cons Gas 4s 6S_ 99 98% 99 MStPSSM cn 4s 38 „ 7* 7% 7% MStP&SSM 6*s 49— 2% 2% 2% Mo 111 6s 69_ _ 62* 62* 62* Mo K & T 1st 4s 90— 36* 35 36* Mo K & T 4s 62 B_ 19% 19* 19* MoK&T 6s 62 A_ 25* 24% 25* Mo K & T ad.1 6s 67_ 11% 11* 11% Mo Pac 4s 76 — 5 4* 4* Mo Pac 6s 77 F _ 16% 16* 16% Mo Pac 5s 77 Fct_ 15% 15% 15% Mo Pac 6s 78 G _ 16* 16* 16* Mo Pac 6s 80 H _ 16* 16* 16* Mo Tac 5s 80 H ct_ 15% 15% 15% Mo Pac 6s 811_ 16% 16* 16* Mo Pac 5 %s 49 __ 3* 3* 3* Mob & Ohio 4*s 77.. 31* 31 31 Mob & Ohio 6s 38 37% 36 36 Mob & Oh Mont 6s 77. 24* 24* 24* Mohawk & M 4s 91 .. 69 59 59 Monone Pub S 6a 65.. 108 107% 108 Mont Power 3%s 66 .. 98% 98* 98* Morrls&Es 3%s 2000. 48* 47* 48* Morris & Es **s 65 42 42 42 Mount StT&T 3%s 68 105 105 105 Nassau Elec 4s 61_ 42 42 42 ' Nat Dairy 3%s 61 ww 106 105* 105% Natl Distill 3 %e 49 . 101* 101* 101* Nat R M 1st 4s 61 as.. % % % Natl Steel 3s 65 _. 100* 100 100 NewET&T4*s«l.. 121 121 121 New Orl G N R 6s S3 . 76* 76 76 New Jer P&L 4%s 60 109* 109 109* New Orl P S 6s 62 A 105* 105* 105* New Orl Ter 1st 4s 63 69* 68 69* New Orl T&M 6%s 64 36* 36* 36* N t Central l*s 62.. 71 70* 70% N X Central I %s 97.. 79 79 79 A i „ High. Low. 2:58. N Y Central 8 44 * 4#.. 80% 80 80% N Y Central 4a 42_ 87 86% 87 N Y Cent con «s 98... 66 65% 65% N Y Cent rf 444s 2011 62% 61% 62% N Y Cent rf Bs 2013._. 69% 68 69% N YCLSh 3 44s 98 .. 63% 63% 63% N Y Chi A St L 4s 46.. 81% 81% 81% N Y Cht&StL 4%s 7*. 62% 62 62% N Y C&StL 6%s 74 A. 70% 70% 70% N YChl&St L8s41. 77% 76% 77% N Y Conn 1st 444s 53. 105 104% 104% N Y Conn 6s 53 - 106% 106V* 106% N Y Dock 4s 61 .. 55 54% 54% N Y Edis 3 44 s 65 D .. 106 105% 106 N Y & Green L 5s 46.. 15 15 15 N Y L&W 1st 4s 73 .. 69 59 59 NY NH & H 3%s 64.. 14% 14% 14% NY NH & H 3 44s 66.. 14% 14% 14% NY NH & H 4s 47- 15% 15% 15% NY NH & H 4s 56_ 15% 15V* 15% NY NH & H 4s 57 .... 8 8 8 NY NH&H 444s 67—,19% 18% 19% NY NH A H cl 6s 40.. 27 26'% 27 NY NH A H cv 6s 46 19% 19 1914 NYNH&H cv 6s 48 rff. 19 19 19 N Y Kys 6s 58 stpd_ 106 106 106 N Y Rich G 6s 61 _104% 104% 104% N Y Steam J44» 63 .. 101% 100% 101 N Y SAW sen 6s 40... 7 7 7 Nias Falls P 3 %e 66. 108% 108% 108% Nias LAO 6s 65_ 109 109 109 Nias Sh 5 %s 60__ 102% 101% 101% Norf Southn 6s 41_ 65 64’% 55 Norf Southn 6s 61_ 12 12 12 Norf Southn 6s 61 ct. 11 11 11 Norf A W 1st 4a 96_117% 117% 117% North Am 3 44a 49_105% 105 105% North Am 8%s 64- 104% 104% 104% North Am 4s 69 106 106 106 Nor'n Pac sn 3s 2047. 45% 44% 45% Nor'n Pac 4s 97 .. 71 70% 70% Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 D . 56% 56% 56% Nor'n Pac 6s 2047 63% 63% 63% North Sta Pw 3 44s 67 106% 109 106 Opden L C 4s 48 .. 8% 8% 8% Ohio Edison S%a 72.. 104 103% 103% Ohio Edison 4s 65 _107% 107 107 Ohio Edison 4s 67_107% 107% 107% Okla G&E 3%s 66_106% 106% 106% Okla GAE 4s 46 _105% 105% 105% OntPwr Nlss 5a 43... 104% 104% 104% Ores Sh Line 5s 46 .. 114% 111% 114 % Oreson W RR 4s 61.. 105 104'% 1044% Otis Steel 444s 62 ... 79% 79% 79% Pao Gas A El 3 44 s 86. 105% 105% 105% Pac G & E 3 % s 61_107% 107 % 107% Pac G A E 4s 64 _112 111'% 111% Param't Pic 3 44 s 47.. 83 82% 82 Penn Co 4s 63 ... 101% 101 101 Vi Penn Dixie C 6s 41 A- 93 93 93 Penn PAL 3 44s 63_ 106 105% 105% Penn PAL 4 Vis 74_104% 104% 104% Penn RR 34*s 62_ 89% 89% 89% Penn RR 3 44s 70_ 88 87% 87% Penn RR 4 44 s 81__ 94% 94% 94% Penn R 4 44 s 84_ 94% 93% 94% Penn RR 444s 60_116% 116% 116% Penn RR sn 4 44s 85.. 99% 99% 99% Penn RR db 4 44 s 70.. 86% 86 86% Penn RR sen 5s 68 .. 107 107 107 Peoria A E 1st 4s 40.. 71 68% 71 Peoria A E tnc 4s 90.. 9% 9 9% Pere Marq 6s 66 ... 75% 75 75 Phelps Dodse 34?» 62 113 112% 112% Phila B&W 4s 43 . 103 108 108 Phila B&W 4 44 s 77 C. 105% 105% 105% Phila B&W 4 44 s 81 D 105 105 105 Phila Co 6s 67 . 105% 105 105 Phila R C A Ir 5s 73 14% 14% It". Phila R C A lr 6s 49 . 5 4% 5 Phillips Petrol 3s 48. 113% 113 113 PCCAStL 4%s 77 ... 97% 96% 97% PCCAStL 5s 70 A 104% 104% 104% Pitts C A ir 4%s 62 . 98% 98% 98% Pltt&W Va 4%s 58 A 51% 51% 61% Pltt&W Va 4%s 59 B. 51% 51 51% Pltt&W Va 4%s 60 C. 51 51 51 Port Gen E) 4 %s 60 . 78 77% 77% Porto Rico A T 6s 42. 41% 41% 41% Porto R A T 6s 42 st.. 42 42 42 Postal Tel A C 5s 63 . 18 18 18 Pressed Stl Car 5s 61. 85% 85% 85% Purity Baking 5s 48.. 102 102 102 Heading Jer C 4s 61._ 60 59% 60 Reading R 4 %s 97 A 77% 77% 77% Rem Rand 4'/»s 56 ww 97% 96% 96% Republic Stl 4%s 56.. 95 94% 85 Republic Stl 4 %s 61.. 94% 93% 94% Republic Stl 6%s 54- 110% 109% 109% Revere Cop 4 %s 56_ 98% 98% 98% Richfield 011 4s 52_ 107 107 107 Rio GW 1st 4s 39_ 34% 34% 34% R 1 A & L 4 % s 34_ 10% 10% 10% Rutland Can 4s 49_ 8% 8% 8% Saguenay Pw 4%s 66 93% 93 93% StL 1 MAS RAG 48 33. 63 63 63 St L PANW 5s 48_ 22% 21% 22% St L R MAP 5s 55 ... 59 59 69 StL-San Fr 4%s 78 .. 12% 12% 12% St L-S F 4%s 78 ct st. 12% 12% 12% St L San Fr 6s 60 B . 12 11% 12 St L S W ref 5s 90 10% 10% 10% St L S W 1st ter 6s 52 17% 17% 17% St P M&M 4s 40 97 97 97 San Diego CGAE 4s66 109% 109% 109% Seabd A L 4s 60 stp_ 15% 15% 15 % Seab’d A L rf 4s 69... 6% 6% 6% Seab d A L 6s 46 A ... 9% 9% 9% Seab d A L 6s 45 ct .. 8% 8% 8% Seab’d A F! 6s 36 A ct 4% 4% 4% Shell Un Oil 2%s 54.. 94% 94 94 Simmons Co 4s 62_ 100 99% 100 Skelly Oil 4s 61_104% 104% 104% Socony Vac 3s 64_ 102% 102% 102% Sothn Bell T&T 3s 79 101 100% 100% Southn Cal O 4s 65 .. 109 108% 108% Southn Cal G 4%s 61. 108% 108% 108% Southn Nat G 4%s 61 105% 105% 105% So Colo Pwr 6s 47 A . 105 104% 101% Southn Kraft 4 %s 46. 95% 95% 95% So Pac 3 42s 46 _ $3 62% 63 So Pac col 4s 49___ 54 53% 54 So Pac ref 4s 6a_68% 68% 68% So Pac 4%s 68_ 55% 54% 55% So Pac 4 %s 69_... 65% 54% 54% So Pac 4 %s 81-- 54% 54% 54% So Pac Oreg 4 %s 77_ 55% 55% 55% So Pac S F Ter 4s 50.. 81 81 81 So Ry gen 4s 66 A__ 62 61% 62 So Ry 6s 94 _ 88% 88% 88% So Ry gen 6s 66- 78% 78 78% So Ry 6%s 66 _ 83% 83 83% Spokane lnt 6s 65_ 18% 18% 18% S W Bell Tai 3s 68 . 103% 103% 103% Stand Oil N J 2%s 53 102 101% 101% Stand Oil N J 3s 61 .. 103% 103% 103% Studebaker cv 6s 46.. 98 97 98 Swift & Co 848* 60_ 107 106% 107 Texas Corp 3s 69 102 101% 102 Texas Corp 3%s 51_ 107 106% 107 Texas A Pac 6s 77 B_. 79 79 79 Texas A Pac 6s 79 C-. 79 79 79 Tex & Pac 6s 80 D_ 79 79 79 Third Av ref 4s 60_ 50% 50 50 Third Av adj 5s 60_15% 15 15% Tide Wat Oil 3 %s 62. 105% 105% 105% To) & Ohio C 3 % s 60. 86 86 86 Un El(Mo)3%s 62 107% 107 107% Union Oil (Cal) 3s 59. 100% 100% 100% Un Oil CaJ 3%s62_105i| 1051! 1051! Un Pacific 3 %s 70._„ 96 96 96 Un Pacifio 3%s 71_ 96% 96 96% Un Pacific 1st 4s 47 112 111% 111% Utd Cgr W Strs 6s 52 73% 73 73% U S Steel 3%s 48 105% 105% 105% Utd Stkyds4% s61ww 87 87 87 Utah L.&1 6s 44 .. lOOVi 99% 100% Utah Pwr & Et 6s 44. 101% 101 101% Utility P& L 6s 69... 77 77 77 Vanadium 5s 41 _113% 112% 113% Va El & P 3%s 68 B.. 107 107 107 Va Ir C&C 6s 49 _ 44 44 44 Va Rv 1st 3%s 66_105% 105% 105% Wabash 4%s 78 C_ 11% 11% 11% Wabash 1st 6s 39_ 43% 42% 42% Wabash 2d 5s 39__ 25% 25 25% Wabash 6s 76 B_ 11% n% u^. Walker H&S 4%s 46. 103% 103% 103% Walworth 4s 55__ 65 65 65 Walworth 6s 55_ 80 80 80 Warner Bros 6s 48_81% 81% 81% W Sh 1st 4s 2361 reg. 50 50 50 West Md 1st 4s 62_ 87% 86% 86% West Union 6s 61_ 73% 73% 73% West Union 6s 60__ 72% 71% 71% Wheel & L E 4s 49_112% 112% 112% Wheel Steel 4%s «#._ 96% 96% 96% Wilkes B&E 6s 42 _ 12% 12% 12% Wilson & Co 3%s 47.. 96 96 96 Wilson & Co 4s 66?_ 103 102% 102% Wls Cent 1st gn 4s 49 19% 19% 19% Wls El Pw 3 %s 68... 106% 106% 106% Youngst'n S&T 4s 48. 113% 113 113 Youngst'n S&T 4s 81. 105 105 105 Federal Land Banks NEW YORK. Oct. 25 (Ah.— 4s July. 1940-44_111% 112 .'{Us May. 1055-45__lOHVa 107 Os July, 1055-45_105U 105% Its Jan.. 1956-46_105U 105U as May. 1050-46_lOS1/* 1053/4 New York Sugar NEW YORK. Oct. 25 (Ah.—Suear fu tures. Nn. 3. oijened 1 higher. January, 1.84; March. 1.93; May. 1.97; July. 2.03: September. 2.07b. b Bid. Crude Rubber Futures NEW YORK. Oct. 25 (Ah.—Crude rubber futures opened 7 to in higher. December. 20.01; March. 18.75: May. 18.35. One hundred twenty-one Lon doners made their living by agri culture last year. A Electric Production Levels Off From Record High Decline Is Fractional, But Is Against Trend Of Seasonal Expectation ^By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Oct. 25.—Electric power production in the United States during the week ended Octo ber 21 leveled off a shade under the record high production of the pre ceding week, the Edison Electric In stitute said today. Latest output of 2.493.993,000 kilo watt hours compared with 2,494,630, 000 in the previous week but was 12.6 per cent ahead of 2,214,097,000 in the comparable 1938 week. Small as the decline was, it was against seasonal expectations and long-term trend and the Associated Press weighted power index, based on 1929-30 as 100, declined to 125.9 from 126.8 in the week before. A year ago the index stood at 114. Range for recent years follows: into, ln.'ix ln.-iT. new. nm-ss. HiEh r.w.H l it.” ]•’:«.a mix io5.r> , Low 112.2 102.8 111.8 102.0 01.0 Percentage gains over a year ago according to major geographic areas was reported as follows by the in stitute: New England. 12.3; Middle Atlantic 11.3: Central Industrial, 15.8; West Central, 7.5; Southern States, 10.3; Rocky Mountain, 16.5; Pacific Coast, 9.6. I Washington Produce BUTTER—00 score, l-pound prints. 31 tub. .»o; U-Pound prints. 32; 02 score’ prints? 33 1_pound Drint&1 V«-pound MEATS—Choice beef. 18: good beef in i' *'■ calves, lo. spring lamb, o, veai. 10 down; pork loin 20-21: .smoked regular ham. 22-23. smoked skinned ham 24; laiRe smoked skinned ham. 20-21; bacon, sliced. 28; bacon. Diece, 23; compound. 10. pure lard. fi*/a. o I1!1 Y,E?-TOSPrrPiBs' 120-140 pounds, S h,?1*1 J4m-ioo pounds. !!., " I'1 <0-210 pounds 6.35-0.50; - 20-2 40 pounds. 0.10-6.60; 26o-3o(» pounds. 5.00-6.10; calves, good grade 10 down, lambs. <♦ down, buck lambs 2.70 less; sows. 5.20-5.50. stags. 4.10 down, weightier sows. 4.10-5 lo ??‘d, net f o.b. Washington.) EGGS—Market steady. For eggs can dled and graded in Washington ^October fT° o Whites, L S. extras large. 36; fir?, exf, mediums. 2*4. U S standards. iarK£’ &■ standards, mediums. 21 Sc trades.17; U. S. pullets. J 4. For ncaiby ungraded eggs: Current receipts— Whites. to tit: mixed colors. ]«i to no. F„^VErKTRY,—¥arkc‘ about steady Foul Colored, all sizes, 1«;; some pie imums paid lor neavy hens: No. 2. 12 to Legnorns. lo toll: roosters, o. Chick ens Virginia Rocks, broilers and fryer« all sizes, 1 , to 18; No. 2. 12. Delaware .a~ld, cr°wSew; broiier.s and fryers, a a fTWMc 1' 11° iSr No \r mixed colored irytiS. 15. furneys—Young toms 15 PwUnK?. a.VdvUp A,; y°ting hens, lo pounds. 7- • -• hens and toms, 12; undersize^ I no ii0Ung sumea Keats. 1J4 pounds and j up, lb a pound, old keats. 12 a pound. Other .Market*. go,Fs0r‘id,aT;?;li,ugA Bvocadof 1” lugs man KOts. lo busnel baskets okra. 22 bushel caskets squash. uusnei Virginia—n barrels watercress. okra°nh Car°hna—15 ‘a-bushel baskets bem?sUthlnarf°ii?Ha'7;3e bushel baskets snap beans, lo standard crates asparagus musnrooms.amS 368 J'B0Ui‘Q Ba-’k'1* etaoles"0*U or““n~1“ crat“ mixed veg VB,‘Iornia—~4 ti-pound boxes flss ket m'rfw’VV'C* recemts muuerait. .vlar Qa“k Maryana e'ennsynama. v.r “:;lla alld v**st Virginia, uusnei oaskets ai.u itasitrn crates, u. ©. r»u r Oi lines uuiiamaiis aiiu aunts, t .-m/miuS: • - 2-men minimum. ,o-i.uu, mosi mi , .V , “‘uuu“1’ bu-i.iu. moi.iy ., r-CndnUs. , .-men ilimmnuji, lU-o.i. ™,a-iucii minimum. xj r..n-i.n„. Ota,mans, - - men in....mum, Sn-r.uu. „ ,-iiicu n,m 4 ruusiiei tllMtr. . t.l.n,. na. V lr am.a anu V.cs. , nAiilla, .all Un.anOh u.i. mney mid .a.m,. b.a, mans ana utnutui. Hi.js ana ra.acr. a.,u l’ul2l m‘J’ k"*1*11 l mostly A n i runny, .a* Sc sue, he^'0>'"~v'0 i‘“v“ receipts -‘“I ACC OU,l. <,o„u., „a.0 „„u ,u. 1-0 lU loi. .J-I.eti, UMu, «u, ►clui.a.e.U wa.tS «.,u OUiulei * Uautj “•*“ tUilUiiiUui SilUOts/ AiVUuu U CSs, — H-u receipts moderate. ilasKct sttaay. ViigiUia, Ouiuei na*u*>eia, *Mmuett a*lU Qomesuc rouuu types. patKea iocttiiy, uu-oo, x-euasysvania. .j-peck Ham pers. Savoy type, oo-uu, uomesuc round type, no-1.00; bushel Hampers, red type, ho-l.uu, mostly l.uu, New Yor*. Long Island traLes, red type. l.uu. CARROTS—Maraet about steady. Truck receipts very light. California, j^os An geles crates, bunched. 3.UU-3.25. mostly 3.uu; New York and Pennsylvania, oushel baskets, topped, washed. 7 5. »* C?LERY^"Truck receipts moderate. Market steady. New- York, individually washed, lu-inch crates and «2 crates. 4-is dozen. I.i5-2.0U, mostly 1.76, few lower4 c. 3 crates in the rough. 4-b dozen. 1.35 l.ou. mostly around 1.50. GRAPES—Truck receipts very light: too few sales to quote. LETTUCE—Market stronger. California, no good stock on the market. L. A. crates. Iceberg type. 5 dozen, very poor quality and condition, 2.00-3.on; ordinary quality and condition. 4.25-4.75; fair quality and condition. 5.00-5.50; Idaho, generally good to good quality and condition L. A crates. Iceberg type. 5 dozen. 5.75-0.00; o dozen. 5.00-5.75; New Jersey and New York East ern_crates. Big Boston type. 2 dozen, l.ou LIMES—Market dull. Truck and ex press receipts liRht. Florida. >4 boxes, various varieties. 75-1.00; 2/5-bushel car tons. best fruit. 1.25. few higher. ONIONS—Truck receipts moderate. Mar ket steady. 5n-pound sacks. U S. No. 1: New York. Michigan and Ohio, yellows. b.est .0-75 few hiRher; fair quality, rto 05; Michigan, yellows, best. 85: New York, white boilers. U. S. No. 1. 50-pound sacks, fair quality and condition. l.Oo-j.25; 25 pound sacks. 05-75; Idaho and Colorado r>o-pound sacks. Sweet Spanish. 3 inches and larger. U. S. No. 1. 1.15-1.25. PEARS—Truck receipts very light. Mar ket about steady. New York, few sales. *2-bushel boxes and ’i-bushel baskets Seckels. U. S No. 1. 75-1.00; bushel bas kets. Bartletts. U. S. No. 1. good quality and condition. 1.85-2.00; fair quality and condition. 1.00-1.25. few higher. PEAS—Market slightly stronger. Bushel hampers Telephones. California. 2.75, few higher: New Mexico. 2.60-2.65. POTATOES—Truck receipts moderate. Market steady, loo-pound sacks. U. S. No. 1; New' York. Round Whites, generally good quality and condition. 1.65: best. 1.75: New Jersey Cobblers. 1.75-1.85; very few' higher: Pennsylvania, Katahdins. 1.65 1.75; few higher, mostly 1.70-1.75; Idaho. Russet Burbanks. 2.15-2.25. SWEET POTATOES—Truck receipts moderate, market dull. Bushel baskets; Maryland and Virginia. Goldens and Jer sey type. 50-60; North Carolina. Nancy Halls. U. S No 1. 75. SNAP BE4NS—Truck receipts light. Market steady. Bushel hampers, green, flat type. Florida. 1.75-2.00. . LIMA BEANS—No supplies on the mar ket. TOMATOES—Market about steady. Cali fornia. lug boxes, turning wrapped. 6x7 and larger, U. S. No. 1. 2.00-2.50; No. 2, 1.50-1.75. APPLES—One Washington arrived: one broken and one unbroken cars on track; relief, no carlot arrivals; one broken car on track. BEANS—One Florida arrived; one un broken car on track CABBAGE—No carlot arrivals; two bro ken and one unbroken cars on track. CARROTS—Two California arrived: one broken and two unbroken cars on track. CELER—Three New York arrived: three broken and two unbroken cars on track. GRAPEFRUIT—No carlot arrivals; two broken and two unbroken cars on track. GRAPES—No carlot arrivals; one car diverted: five broken and three unbroken cars on track. broken and one unbroken ears on track. ONIONS—No carlot arrivals: one broken and one unbroken cars on track. ORANGES—One Florida arrived: three broken and four unbroken cars on track. PEARS—No carlot arrivals; one broken car on track. PEAS—No carlot arrivals; one broken oar on track. POTATOES—Two Idaho, one Maine ar rived: 4 broken and 11 unbroken cars on track. TOMATOES—One California arrived; one unbroken car on track. MIXED VEGETABLES—No carlot ar rivals; three broken cars on track. BRUSSELS SPROUTS—No carlot ar rivals; two broken cars on track. CRANBERRIES—No carlot arrivals; one broken car on track. MIXED MELONS—No carlot arrivals: one broken car on track. BEETS—Pennsylvania, bushel baskets, l'/a dozen bunches. 45. BRUSSELS SPROUTS—California, 25 pound drums. 2,75-3.00; mostly 2.75; Cali fornia, 24s, 3.00-3.50. BROCCOLI—Pennsylvania, crates. 12s, 1.50: few higher: New Jersey. 1.25-1.50. PARSLEY—Pennsylvania. *4 bushels, fair auality, holdovers. 25; best 50. CAULIFLOWER—New York, crates, 1.00 1.25: mostly 1.15. MUSHROOMS—Maryland and Pennsyl vania. three-pound baskets. 25-75; mostly around 60. CRABAPPLES — Michigan, H bushel boxes. 25-50. LEMONS—California, standard boxes. W°. Lfl.00-7^0; NO 2. 6.50-6.00. PINEAPPLES—Cuba, crates. 80; Red Spanish. 4.00. k NEW YORK CURB MARKET nr ornate wire direct to The Mar. Stock end Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hlsh. Low. 2:55. Aero Supply (B). 1 4% 4% 4% Ainsworth _ 2 6% 6% 6% Air Aasoc (.B0)_. 5 10% 10 10% Ala Grt Sou (3k). 25s 86% 86% 86% Ala Power pf (6) 30s 90% 90% 90% Ala Power pf (7) 110a 100% 100 100% Ail’d Inti pf (lk). 60s 7 7 7 Allied Pro A 1.75. 50s 21 21 21 Alum Co of Am.. 400s 138 137 137 Alum Co pf (6).. 200s 114% 114% 114% Alum Industries. 60s 7 7 7 Alum Ltd (.25a >. 760s 99 94% 99 Alum Ltd pf (6). 60s 96% 96% 96% Am Book <4> ... 20s 43 43 43 Am Pox Board... 1 7% 7% 7% Am C P& Lt (A) ww 2 75 H .. 4 31 31 31 Am City PAL(B) 1 1% l% i% Am Cynam B .60. 9 34% 34% 34% Am A For P war. 1 ft ft ft Am Fork AH .60. 200s 13 13 13 Am Gas A E) 1.60 14 36% 36% 36% Am G A El pf (6) 675s 114 113% 113% Am General_ 6 5% 6% 6% Am LtATrao 1.20 1 16% 16% 16% Am L A T pf 1.50. 4 26% 26 26 Am MfK Co_ 300s 24% 24 24% Am PotACh (2k) 75s 96 95 95 Am Republics 3 . 8 7% 7% Am Superpower- 7 ft ft ft Am Superpwr pf. 8 18% 18% 18% Am Sup lstpf(6) 200s 76% 76 76% Am Thread pf .26 1 3% 3% 3% Apex Eec Mfc .. 7 16% 15% 16% Appal El P pf(7). 90s 112 112 112 Ars Nat Gas A... 7 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat Gas pf.. 7 7 7 7 Ashland OAR 40 2 5% 5% 5% Assoc Gas A Eleo 1 % % % Assoc GasAlCl pf 1 7% 7% 7% Assoc Lau of Am 1 % % % Atl Coast Fish .. 14 4 4 Automat Prod . 1 1% 1% 1% Aviation A Trana 119 3% 3% 3% Axton Fisher A 100» du do do Babcock & Wll _. 7 23% 23 23% Baldwin Lo war. 11 9% 9% 9% Baldw L pf 2.10 . 20Os 27 .. 27% 27% Baldwin Rub.25* 1 6% 6% 6% Barl&Seel A 1.20. 200s 8% 8% 8% Basic Dol -25g_ 1 8% 8% 8% Bath Iron _ 1 9% 9% 9% Beech Aircraft. _ 40 ]0% 10% ]o% Bellanca Aircraft 40 9% 9% 9% Bell Aircraft _ 18 26% 26 26% Bell T Pa pf 6.50. 60s 124 124 124 Berk & Clay Fur.. 1 % % % Bickfords (1.60). 60s 15% 15% 15% Bliss (EW) . 31 18% 17% 18 Bliss & Lau 1.25g 725s 35% 34 34% Blue Ridge . 1 1% 1% 1% Blue R cvpf (3h). 1 42 42 42 Bohack(HC) 1st. 50s 27 26 27 Brazilian T & L.. 11 7% 7% 7% Breeze Corp_ 16 7% 7% 7% Brewst Aero .20* 46 9 8% 87» Brit-A T br .868g. 1 17 17 17 Brown Co pf (r). 200s 2i 24% 25 Brown Rubber 3 5% 5 6 Buckeye P L 154* 60s 29 29 29 B N&EP of 1.60.. 5 21 21 21 B N&EP 1st (5>_. 150s 101% 101 101 Bunker Hill .50*. 2 15% 15 15 1 Cable Elec Prod 1 % % % j Camden F Ins (1) 25s 22 22 22 j Can Col Airways 4 0% 5% 5% i Can Car & Fy pf. 25s 23 23 23 1 Can Marc Wire.. 5 1% ]% 1% Carnegie Met_ 1 % % % Carrier Corp 9 12% 12 12% j Carter (J\V) 45g 17 7 7 Casco Prod < lg). 2 12% 12% 12% Catalln < Am) 4 3 3 3 Celluloid Corp ._ 1 4% 4% 4% J Cent HU&E (.SO) 1 14% 14% 14% Cent & Sown lltll 2 1% 1% 1% Cent Sts El 1% pf 50s 9% 91, 9% Centrlf Pine 40 1 3% 3% 3% ! Charis Corp .40*. 1 7% 7% 7% , Childs pf -175s 29-4 29 29 ; Cities Service ... 8 5% 5% 5% Cities Service pf. 7 64% 53 53% ■ Cities Svc pf B .. 3 5% 5 5 Cities Svc BB pf 20s 49% 49% 49% 1 Cities SP&L J6 pf 130s 79 78 78% Cities SP&L $7 pf 70s 81% 80% 81% City Auto St .15g. 1 6% 6% 6% Clayton & Lamb. 1 4% 4% 4% Col Fuel & 1 war 3 8% 8% 8% Colts Pat F A (2) 400s 89% 89 89% | Cotumb Oil & Gaa 1 2% 2% 2% Com P & L 1st pf 25s 34 34 34 I Com'ty P S 2.15g . 125s 31 30% 30% I Compo Shoe (1) 1 16 16 16 o 4 M) lOV* <0^4 Consol Gas Util.. 2 1*. 14 Is. Cons Steel Corn.. 1 74 74 74 Conti Roll & Stl.. 2 114 114 114 Cooper-Bess .. 1 11s, in, 114 Copper Ranee . 100s 7 64 7 Copperweld .60*. ;i 15 15 15 Corroon & Reyn 3 2 2 2 Cor&R pf A 6.50k 10s 72 72 72 Cornucopia Gold. 10 4 4 4 Cosden Fetrolm 1 14 14 14 Creole Petm ,60a 6 26 254 26 Crown Dru* ,05g 3 14 14 14 Crown Dpf 1.75 125s 164 16 16 Cuban Tobacco 1 24 24 24 Cuneo Press (3a) 350s 54 534 54 Dayton Rub 1.25* 1 18 18 18 Decca Kec .60*... 4 7 64 7 Darby Oil- 1 24 24 24 Det Gray Iron .04 1 14 14 14 Det Stl Prod .75*. 1 214 214 214 Diam’d Shoe (2). 25s 274 274 274 Divco Twin .40* 4 74 74 74 Domin Stl & Coal. 2 134 134 134 Driver-Har .55*.. 3 334 324 334 Durham Hos (B). 1 14 14 14 Duro-Test (f). 5 34 3 34 Eagle Plcber Ld. 61 144 14 144 East'n Gas & F._ 2 44 44 44 Eastn G&F 6 pf 360s £4 234 24 EastD G&F pr pf 325s 424 394 424 Easy Wash M(B) 9 44 44 44 Economy GS(1) 300s 174 164 174 Eisler Electric... 1 14 14 14 Eleo Bond & Sh . 61 94 94 94 Elec B & S pf (6) 1 60 60 6(1 Elec B & S bf (6 ( 7 70 694 694 Elgin Nat W .75* 25s 244 214 244 Emp G & F 6% pf 10s 604 604 604 Equity Corn ... 13 4 4 4 Esquire (.60)_ 3 44 44 44 Fairchild Av .20* 11 12 114 12 Fansteel Metal . 5 124 124 124 Ferro-Enam (1). 5 23 224 224 Fire As Phila 2a. 60s 69 69 69 Fisk Rubber 76 114 104 114 Fla P&L pf 6.68k 200s 90 894 90 Ford (Can) A (1) 1 174 174 174 Froedt cvpf 1.20. 1 174 174 174 Fruehauf T .75*. 15 30 284 30 Fuller (GA)_ 20s 194 194 194 Gen Alloys_ 12 2 2 Gen Flrepr'f .70* 1 134 134 134 Gen G&E cv pf B. 30s 544 544 544 Gen T&R pf A(6) 10s 1014 1014 1014 Gen WG&Epf(3> 50s 374 374 374 Ga Power pf (6). 100s 974 974 974 Gilbert (AC) ... 2 64 64 64 Glen Alden Coal 2 84 8 84 GodchauxA 2.50* 150s 30 30 30 Goldfield Consol. 2 4 4 4 Gorham Inc Df 25s 17!% 174 174 Gorham Mf 1.75* 2 254 254 254 GA&P n v (6*)) 125s 108 108 1U8 Grt No Pap 1.60* 60s 42 42 42 Greenfield T & D 3 104 104 104 Grumann Air.60g 18 184 174 18 Gulf Oil of Pa(l) 17 4e4 444 45 Hall Damp .. 3 44 34 44 Hartford Rayon. 6 24 2 2 Hearn Dept Strs. 1 3 4 34 34 Hearn Dep Sts pf 60s 144 144 144 Hecla Min (.20*) 7 74 74 74 Heyden Ch 1.60 . 7 61 59 61 Holllnger G 65a 1 11 11 11 Holophane (1*).. 2 124 124 124 Hormel G (1.50).. 100s 294 29 294 Humble O 1.375*. 6 684 684 684 HvRrade Syl 1.60. 60s 29 29 29 llllnols-la Power. 10 3V4 3% 3% 111-la Power pf.. 1 20% 20% 20% 111-la Pwr dlv ct_ 2 4% 4% 4% Imp Oil Ltd 60a_ 6 14% 14% 14% Imp Oil reg 50a— 3 14% 14 14% Imp T GB l.llog. 1 23 23 23 Ind Svc 1% pf_ 20s 11% 11 11% Ins Co N Am 2a.. 150b 71 71 71 Int Cigar M (2).. 3 22 22 22 Int Hydro El pf_ 3 15% 15 15% Int Indust .10*_ 1 2% 2% 2% int Pa&Pwr war. 6 3% 3% 3% Int Petrol 1.60a . 7 22 21% 22 Int Safety Raz B. 1 % % % Int Utilities (B). 2 % % % Int Vltanrtn 225* 2 3 3 3 Interst H Ea .50a 1 7% 7% 774 Interst P Del of 60s 5% 5% 5% Irvin* Air C t la) 6 20% 20% 20% Jacobs Co _ 6 3% 3% 3% Jeanette Glass... 1 1% 1% 1% JerCP&Lpf »6). 70s 91 91 91 JerCP&L of t7). 20s 101 101 101 Jones ft Lau Stl— 8 44% 44 44% Kennedy's .60*_ 3 6% 5% 574 Kingston Prod... 6 2% 2% 2% Kirby Petroleum. 1 244 2% 12% Lake Shore Ml4). 6 29 28% 29 Ls^ey Fdry ft M. 13% 3% 3% Lane-Wells .76*. 3 <9% 9 9% Lehigh Coal ft N. 3 3% 3% 3% Leonard OH- 3 % % % Llne-Mater’l .36* 200s 11% 11% 11% Locke Steel 1.20. 300s 13% 13 13 Lockheed Aire_ 89 83 82H 8244 Lone Star 1.40*). 6 8% 8% 8% Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. 2:55. Long 1*1 Ltg pf B 50a 30 30 30 La Land&Exp .40 3 5v» 544 54« La P&Ltpf (6)_ 60a 98 98 98 Lynch Corp (J).. 200a 28b 28 28b McCord Rad (B). 1 2b 2'/* 2b Mo Wlllms Dredg 26 8b 8 8b Mangel Stores __ 1 2b 2b 2b Manatl Sug war.. 6 % *4 b Masssy-Harrls 4 6b 6b 6b Master El (,90g)_ *250* 23b 23 23b May Hos pf (4).. 60s 64b 54b 64b Mead John <a«).. 25a 147 147 147 Mesabl Iron_ 82 lb 1 1 Mich Humber_ 1 £ & & Mich Oas & Oil... 2 111 MiiStsPA 62g 2 4b 4b 4b Mid Sts P (Bl.lOg 1 $ « « Mid-West Abras 4 lb lb lb Mid West Corn 3 8 8 8 Minn M&M 1.65g 300a 58b 67b 67b Molybdenum 7 6 b 6b 6b Monarch MT ,85g 2 27b 27b 27b Monogram Pic... 6 lb lb lb Moore (T) Dist_ 1 H % b Mount City Cop.. 9 6b 5b 6b Mount Prodt.60). 6 6b 6b 5b Nat Auto Fibre.. 11 8b 8b 8b Nat Bella Hess_ 62 b b b Nat City L.60g_. 1 13 13 13 Nat Contain.225g 2 8b 8b 8b Nat Fuel Gas (1). 7 13b 13b 13b Nat Mfg & Strs._ 1 3b 3b 3b Nat Oil Prod ,85g 2 41 41 41 Nat P&Lpf«6) 200a 88b 88b 88b Nat Rubber Mach 4 6*4 6b 5b Nat Sug Ref (1).. 1 12b 12b 12b Nat Transit .35g. 3 9 8b 9 Nat Union Radio 3 j| b Nehi Corp (2) 1 41 41 41 Nestle Le Mur A. 1 b b b N E P A pf (5k) 150s 75 74b 75 N Eng T&T 4.6Ug 110s 116b Hub 11Gb New Haven Clock 1 7b 7b 7b New Idea (.60) 1 lib Hb lib N J Zinc (1.50g). 70s 69b 69b 69 * Newmont 1.6og 2 70 09 ■* 69b N V P&Ltpf (7) 100s 115 114b 114b NY Shipbld £d sh 2 lib lib lib Mag Hudson Pwr 12 8b 8 8 Nlae Hud 1st (6) 150s £5'-* 85 85b Mag Hud B war. 1 lb lb u, NtagShMd(B) 1 6b 6V4 6b Niles-Bem-P 60a. 1 69 69 69 Nlplsslng Mines. 11 1 i Nor Am L&P pf. 100s 59 58b 59 N Am Ray A .50g 1 25 25 25 North n Sta Pt A) 6 15b 14b 14b NWEng(l)- 1 181* 18b 18b Ohio Brass (B).. 100a 23b 22b 23b Ohi PS 1st (6)... 25s 105 105 105 Okla Nat Gas ,75g 6 16b 16b 16b Okla Nat G pf(3). 60s 45b 45b 45b flvprupaa Qqodp 1 4 a a Pac Gas & Elec 647. pf 1.376.. 5 284 284 284 Pac Gas B pf 1.60. 12 32% 31% 31% Pantepec Oil ... 2 8 5% 5% 5% Penln Tel 1.90g._ 100s 304 30 .. 304 Pa-Gent Airlines. 4 8% 84 84 Pennroad Corp .. 25 2% 24 2% Penn G & E (A)— 1 3% 3% 3% Penn Salt (4g) _ 25s 165 165 165 Penn W&P 4.50b 150s 73 72 73 Pharis T&R 60k. 8 74 7% 7% Phiia Co <.£5g) 1 9 9 & Phillips Packing. 2 6% 64 6% Phoenix Secur 3 6% 64 6-t Phoenix Secur Df 100s 29% 294 29% Pioneer Gold 40 20 2 2 2 Pitney-Bowes 40 2 7% 7% 7% Pitts Forging 11 14 14 14 Pitts & L E 50g 80s 69 68% 69 Pitts PI G1 2.25g 1 103% 103' . 1034 Powdrell&Al 3ug 3 4% 4% 4', Pratt & Lam <lg) 5 18% 184 18% Premier Gold 12. 6 1% 1% ]it Pressed Metals.. 1 114, 11% n% Prosperity <B)_ 1 3*, y»4 3^ Prudential lnv... 2 6% 6% 6% Pub Sv ind $6 pf. 60s 364 38% 364 P S Ind $7 pr pf 100s 71 70% 70% Pueet Sd P $0 pf 350s 72 70% 72 Puget S'd P £6 pf 725s 254 24% 24% Quaker Oats (6) 10s 116 116 116 Quaker Oats pf 6 60s 143 142 142 Republic Aviat'n. 68 5 4 5 4 5 4 Rice Styx DG .. 1 5% 6% 5% Richmond Rad 4 2 2 2 RochG&EpfD6 25s 9n% 98% 98% Roosevelt Field . 2 14 1% 1% Root Petroleum. 3 4 4 4 Royal Typ (3) ..150s 57 66 57 Rustless lr & Stl 2 14% 14% 14% Ryerson H. 1 na 1Vj St Regis Paper . 6 34 3% 3% St Regis Pap pf.. 25s 56% 56% 56% Schift Co (1) — 1 134 134 ^4 Scuvill Mfg ,50g_ 6 34% 34 34% Scullin Steel ] 134 r>l, 12% Scullln Steel war 8 14 1% 14 Seiberiing Rub 14 lu 9 „ 9:1, SUattuck-D .125g 2 7% 7% 7% Sher- Wilimsi 2g 1 £50s 99% 99% 99% Simmons H & P . 3 1% 14 14 Singer Mfg (6a)_ lus 149% 149% 149% Solar Mfg ... 4 24 2 , 2% Sonolone (.05g).. 4 14 14 14 So Penn Oil 1 50.. 1 37 36% 36% Spalding (new).. 1 24 2% 2% Stand C & S 1 60 7 15 14% ,15 Std C&S cvpf 1.60 50s 21 21 21 Stand Prod ,2£g_. 19 9 9 Stand Silver-Ld_. 1 A A A Stand Stl Sp(lg). Is 44 464 43% Starrett vtc. _ 34 1 4 1 Sterchl Bros Sta. 6 5 4% 4?, Sterling Alu .26g. 3 6% 6% 64 Sun Ray D(.6Ug). 1 10% 10% 10% Suin-ay Oil .U5g_. 8 2% 24 24 Taggart- 3 44 44 44 Tampa Elec 2.24.. 1 32 32 32 Technicolor ,6t'g_ 31 144 13 14 Tllo Kootin* Hi 7 11% 11% 11% Tob Prod Exp.40g 6 5 6 5 -v-- — *• r> *.uo i m i b Trans-Lux _ 3 14 14 14 Trl Conn war. ... 5 4 ft 4 Tubize Chatillon 22 12 ll-» 12 Tubize Chat (A). loOs 38 38 38 tin Prem P S (1). 4 18 174 18 Unit Chemical . 1 it 9 9 Unit Chem ptc pf. 1 69 6U 60 U id Lg 1 WtiStrs 3 ft 4 at Unit Gas _ 11 24 24 24 Unit Gas war 2 ft ft £ Unit Gas pi 6.76k 8 99 89‘. 90 Unit Lt&Pwr tAt 18 14 14 14 Unit Lt&Pwr <B) 79 14 14 14 Unit Lt & Pwr pf 34 324 31 324 Unit Molas .233g. 1 44 4:, 4:, Unu Sn M Z.aua 200s 77 76 '* 764 US Foil (B) 17 5 44 o US&ln S pf 2.75k 200s 644 634 644 U S Lines pf.. . 5 34 34 34 U S Plywood- 1 164 164 164 U S Radiator_ 1 24 24 24 Unit Verde Ext.. 30 14 14 14 Unit Wall Paper. 19 2 2 2 Univ Corp vtc... 1 24 24 24 Univ Pictures .. 3 74 74 74 Univ Prod 1.20g. 100s 18 18 18 Mlah-ldaho Bug. 11 2 2*2 UUIP&Lofiri 150s 20 20 20 Utility & Ind pf 4 14 14 14 Venezuela Petrol 7 14 1 1 Va Pub Serv pf_. 100s 534 534 634 Waco Aircraft .. 3 64 64 54 Want & Bond B._ 11 1 1 Wayne Knit Mill. 1 14 14 14 Wentworth .2ug 2 24 24 24 Western Air Lxp 4 44 4 44 Western Grocery 20s 64 64 64 Wey’berg Sh ,25g 50s 74 7.4 7.4 Warms rc .log 1 74 74 74 W'ilson-J ones .604 3 9 8 4 84 Wright Harg.4ua 3 64 64 64 Yukon PacMlg 13 14 14 14 r In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under Bankruptcy Act. or securities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividends in the foregfeing table are annual disbursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Un less otherwise noted, special or extra divi dends are not included. xd Ex dividend, xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras, e Paid last year, f Pay able In stock, g Declared or paid so far this year h Cash or stock, k Accumu lated dividend paid or declared this year ur Under rule. ww With warrants, xw Without warrants, war Warrants. Dry Goods Market NEW YORK Oct. 25 ilPi.—Best interest was shown in print cloth items in Worth Street textile trade today Rayon fabrics were moderately active. A fair inquiry was reported ior twills, but in most cases buyers were asking slight concessions. Dealings in silk fabrics re mained inactive, with the attention of silk traders directed toward recent Nylon hosiery sales. Demand improved for overcoatings in the woolen piece goods market due to the more seasonable weather, and requests by retailers for immediate delivery are be coming more urgent. Boston Wool Market BOSTON. Oct. 25 (4b (D. 8. Dept, of Agr.i.—Scattered sales of small to moderate volumes indicated an even tersdency in prices of the liner domestic wools on the Boston market today. Fine delaine bright fleeces moved in small lots at 30 to 43 cents, in the grease, or a $1.05 to $1.08 scoured basis Graded French combing length fine territory wools were sold in moderate quantities at $1 to $1.03. scoured basis. Small lots of graded quarter blood combing bright fleece wools brought 48 to 60 cents, in the grease, which was steady compared with last week's nominal quo tations. ▲ Customers 'Hound' Steel Companies For Shipments Bulk of Production Goes Into Consumption, Industry Believes By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Oct. 25.—Steel com panies were described by Iron Age Magazine today as “being virtually hounded by customers for quicker shipments.” “Buyers,” the magazine reported, “are flocking to general sales head quarters to bring added pressure to bear for a speeding up of shipments. “It is not doubted in steel circles that some of the tonnage on their books represents speculative buying, but for the present at least the bulk of steel production is going rapidly into consumption, with the probability that steel users will not be able to accumulate much inven tory before the first quarter. * • • “While the present prospects seem to assure a high rate of steel opera tions for the remainder of the year, it does not necessarily follow that operations of 90 per cent or better are assured through the first quar ter,’’ the publication continued. “The Iron Age estimates ingot ! production for the current week at i 92 per cent, up 1 point over last week. • * • “Scrap markets, which have under gone a reaction during the past two weeks, appear to be back on a more solid basis. Prices are higher in some districts and lower in others. The net result as reflected by the Iron Age composite of steel scrap it a decline of only 12>,2 cents, as com pared with one of $1.08 in the pre ceding week.” . 1 1 l /. B. M. Creates New Company I In Spain By the Associated Press. MADRID, Oct. 25.—International Business Machines Corp. announced : today it was setting up an independ ent company in Spain to handle its ' interests here. i This is the first announced action of any American company toward expansion of interests in Spain since the end of the civil war. _ CURB BONDS DOMESTIC High, lew Noon. Ala Power 4%s 67_102 101% 102 Am G A E 5s 2028_108% ins3, 108% I Am P & L 6s 2016 . 100% 100 100 ! Appalach E P 4s 63-108% 108% 108% , Ars PAL 5s 5« 105 194% IQ?.. ■ As FI Ind 4%s 53 - 61% 61% 61% As O A E 4%s 49- 42% 42 42 As GAE 5s 50 45% 4r>% 45% As T & T 5%s 55 A_ 72, 72 72, : Atl iCty Ei 3%s 64 . 103% 103% 303% j Avery A S 5s 47 ww 89% 89% 89% Bali Loco 6s 5" 135% 135 13> a Bell Tel C 5s 51 B-111 11 <J% J ] 1 Bell Tel C 5s fill C . 112 112 112 Bum El 4%s f.s 94% 94% 94% Can Nor Pwr 5s 53 . 96 95% 96 Can Pac 6s 42 -. 81 80% 81 I Caro Pw A Lt 5s 56 ... 106% lOO-s 105% Central Pw 5s 5T D 90% 96% P63, ! Cent 8t El 5s 48 ... 42 42 42 Cen St PAL 5%s 53 .. 71% .14 71% ! Chi Rys 5s 27 cod__ 53% o3% o3% Cuies Svc 5s 50 _ 73% .3% .3% Cities Svc 5s 58 - 73 ,3 ,3 1 Cit S P<vL 5%s 52 ... 83’, 83% 83’. I Comntv PAL 5s 57 . 8, 86% 8. Cons C.ELA° 3$ HP 103 103 lp3 Corn GAE 5s 58 A 89% <9 89 Del El Pw 5%s 59 .,. 107 107 107 East G A F 4s 56 A . 80% 79 80s. E! Pw A Lt 5s 2030 _ 73s, 73% 73% Emp Dis El 5s 52 — 103% 1 0a% 103% Florida PAL 5s 54 .. 102% 102% 102% Gary EAG os 44 st_ 99% 99% 99% Gen Pub Sv 5s 53 ... 99% 99% 99% Gen Pub Ut 6%s 58- 93% 93V, 93% Georgia Pw 5s 67_106% 106% 106% Glen Alden Cl 4s 65 — 71 71 .1 Grand Tr We 4s 50 _76 76 <6 111 Pwr A Lt 6s 53 A . 104% 104% 104% 111 Pw A L 5s 50 C ... 99% 99% 99% Ir.d E C 5s 51 C ... 100% 100% 100% Ind PAL 1st 3%s 68 . 107 107 107 Interst Pw- 5s 57_. ... 6.% 6,% 6,% Interst Pw Os 52 _ 54% 54% 54% Intern P S 5s 5R D ... 99% 99% 90% Interst PS 4'as 58 F _ 06% 96% 96’, la- NLAP 5s 57 A ... 103% 103% 103% Ital Su PW Os 03 A .. 4"% 39% 40% Jer C PAL 5s 47 B 104 104 104 Jer C PAL 4%s HI C .. 105% 105% 105% Ky Utilities 5' 01 . 102 101% 101% Kentucky U 5s 09 I _ 102 102 102 Ken U O'is 48 D _ 106 106 106 La Pw- A Lt 5s 57 196% 106% 106% Mtdlan VRR 5s 43_ 72 72 72 Mil GAE 41 -s 67 __ 100% 100s, 100% Minn PAL 4%s 78_102% 102% 102% Minn PA L5s55_ 100 196 106 Ml-S Paw 5s 55 _ion 99’ll 100 Miss Pw A L 5s 57 . 102% 101% 102% Mo Pub Svc 5s on 91% 91% 91s, Nat P A- L 6s 20.30 B 106 loo 106 Nevad Cal El 5s 56 78% 78% 78% New E GAE 5s 47 68'a 68% 68% New E GAE 5s 50_ 68% 68% 68% New E Pw 5s 48 07 90% 97 New E Pw 5us 54_ 99 99 99 NY P A Lt 4%s 67 .104s, 104% 104% N Y S EAG 4%s 80 .- 104 104 104 N Y A W L 5s 54 _ 111 % 11 1 % 111% No Con U 5%s 48 A . 51 51 51 No Ind P S 5s 69 D 105% 105% 105% No Ind PS 41 as 70 E 104% 104 104 Ohio Power 3%s 68 . 104 104 104 Oh.o Pub Svc 4s 62 _ 107% 107% 107% Okla Nat G 3%s 55. .. 104 % 1 04 % 104% Pac L A P 5s 42_100% 100% 109% Pac P A L 5s 55 ... 91% 91% 91% Pern C LAP 4%s 77... 99% 99% 99% Pern Elec 4s 71 F ... 104% 104% 104% Pa WaiP 4%s 68 B . . 108% 108% 108V4 Pern Wa A P 5s 40 100s, 109% 199% Penp GLAC 4s 61 D 97% 97% 97% Peop GLAC Is 81 B . 96 96 96 Phila Rap T Hs 62 . 89', 89% 89% Pug Sd PAL 5%s 49 96 95% 96 Pug S PAL 5s 50 C 03% 93% 93% Pug S PAL 4%s 50 D 90 90 90 Safe H Wa 4%s 79 111', 111 % 111V. Scripps 5%s 43 _100s, 100% 100s, Sh'.v WAP 4%s 67 A .. 95 95 95 S E PAL 6s 2025 A 109% 199% 100% Sou Cal Ed 3%s 69 _ 198 1971,108 Sou Caro 5s 57 98% 98% 98% Snow PAL Hs 2022 A 99% 99% 99V, Std GAE Us 48 st 69', 68% 69V, Std GAE 6s 48 cv st 69 08% 69 Std Gas A El 6s 51 A 69% 68% 69% Std Gas A El 6s 57 68', 67% 68% Std Gas A- El Os Ol. B 08s, 68% RS% Stand Pw A Lt Os 57__ 08% 68 68% Texas Elec 5s oo 103% 103% lo.i% Tide Wat P 5s 79 A 97% 97% 97V, Ukn A Co Os 50 IV st 10% 10% 10% Um’ Lt A Pw 5%s 59 106s, 106s, 106s, Unit LI A Pw (is 75 . 86% 86 86% Unit Lt A Pw 0%s 74 87% 87% 87% Unit LA RD Sl2s 52 90% 89% pot. Unit LA RM (is 52 A 115% 115% 115% Utah PAL 4%s 44 _ 97% 97% 97% Utah PAL 6s 2022 A 97 97 97 Va Pub Ser Hs 40 93 93 93 Va Pub S 5%s 40 A __ 101 100% 101 Va Pub Ser 5s 50 B ._ 99% 99 99% Wald Ast Hot 5s 54 13 13 13 Wash R A E 4s 51_107% 107% 107% West News U 6s 44_ 60 % 60% 60% Wis PAL 4s 66_103 103 103 FOREIGN. Pled El 6%j 60 A _ 46% 46% 46% ww With warrants. xw Without war rants. n New st (stp) Stamped. SNegotlabllity impaired by maturity. Chicago Produce CHICAGO. Oct 25 I/p).—Poultry, live, 35 trucks: steady: small colored ducks. llVi: small white ducts. 12'/a; other prices unchanged. Butter. 575.513; steady: 90 score, cen tralized carlots. 2d3*-27; other prices un changed. Eggs. 3.307; steady; prices un changed. (United States Department of Agricul tural.—Potatoes. 7tt; on track. 347; total U. S. shinments. Sod1 best quality, all sec tions. steady: demand fair: poor quality, all sections, weak, demand very slow: supplies rather liberal: sacked, per cwt.. Idaho Bus set Burbanks. U fi No. 1. washed, few sales. 1.70-80: unwashed. 1.00: Nebraska Bliss Triumphs. 85 to 00 per cent U 8. No 1. unwashed cotton sacks. 1.5(1; burlap sacks. 1.45: Colorado Red McClures. U 8 No 1. cotton sacks. 1.85: North Dakota! Red River Valley section. Cobblers. 75 per cent U S No 1. 1.00; Early Ohios. 85 to 90 per cent U. S No. 1. few sales. 1 10 25; Wisconsin, round whites. U. 8. No 1. flne^ quality, heavy to large. 1.35; one car. Freight Loadings NEW YORK, Oct. 25 (/p—Revenue freight carloadings of railroads reporting today for the week ended October 21 In cluded: Oct. 21. Prev Wk. Yr Ago. Norfolk A West. 33.796 33.673 27.480 Pennsylvania ...128,531 128.397 96.043 »re,.°?2: 8:85 MS Pere Marquette.. 13.259 13.032 11.080