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— ■ --- -u. i;.. r h 11 Hsn a v nr<awD-CTj no im* __A—13 ■ It’s SANITARY for VALUES I FLOUR I FLOUR "S'" - • I ANGLO ” ”-15* I WrtEflTIES 2 ^ W I PEflCHES-2 251 I QUAKER ™, •}£ 17' COFFEE125* EGGS fa. 33° IIIIAFDole or Del Monte 46 oz. Ole JUlvE PINEAPPLE con FLAKO crust _ _ pkg 10c Cfl| T Columbia O 24 or. Cq OHL I Plain or Iodized £, P^gs. Q 0XTDOL.*H' Dated Bread J Look for the date J on the wrapper, loaf _ B Davis Codfish 10 oz. can 9C ■ Domestic Sardines 3tlns 13c ■ Catalina Tuna__2 J,” 25c ■ Sanico Macaroni_pkg. 5c H Sanico Spaghetti_pkg. 5c H Sanico Noodles_pkg. 5c ■ Soda Crackers 2 lb- b°x 13c I Champion Syrup_ _ *>t. 25c I Log Cabin Syrup_. if,” 19c 1 Bab-0 Powder_can ] Oc 1 Sanico Napkins, 2 Pkg*. 9c 1 Wax Paper_pkg. 6c ' Cotton Gloves_pair 10c 0. K. Laundry Soap bar 3c Octagon Powder 2 pkgs. 9C Kleenex pkg. of 200 2 for 25c Castleton Tissue 3 Pkg*- 25c Scot Towels_3 roils 25c Red Cross Towels 2 roils 15C Safe Home Matches_3 Pkgs. 10c Special Brooms_“ch 23c Red Handle Brooms_each 35c Economy Brooms_each 35c Scrub Brushes_each ]Qc Under the amazing new Guaranteed Meat* plan, your Sanitary market now off era you only meats of selected top quality These Guaranteed Meats have been carefully aged to bring out their fullest tenderness and flavor. They have been expertly cut. They have been kept always under rigidly controlled temperatures. And these meats are delivered to your Sanitary market man daily_ you enioy them at their very peak of perfection! in revolutionary plan guarantees you finer meats—every time! Beef, lamb, pork, veal . . , every cut of rGuaranteed Meat you buy at your Sanitary market must satisfy you—or money back. Tender—Delicious—Guaranteed ■ One Pound Pkg. of I SANITARY’S A SAUSAGE MEAT and ont Pkg. of SANICO m PANCAKE or BUCKWHEAT IV r 25° Rib Roast of Beef.ib. 23c Chuck Roast of Beef CAI - ■ »> 17c Fresh Turkeys.ib. 29c Armours Star Hams Skinleu Hock* End 23c Fresh Shoulders HacktaM* - - - lb. 15c Fresh Hams "&£*•.ib. 20c J | Red Jacket .ib 15c A I V SANICO FRYERS HALL OW\E|>M TaZt* 'v Mott's Cider-% g,i. Jug 23c I Peppermint Patties—1 ib. Pwg. 19c H R&R Plum Pudding „ _ ». can 23c H Marshmallows, Campfire. »!u. 14c Layer Figs -• M. Pkf. 10c ■ Potatostix-3 cans 25c V All 5c Candy_3 for 10c ■ AH Gum_3 for 10c Boned Chicken CS2”_«n 39c Zion Fig Bars_ib. pkg. 10c Ginger Snaps_n>. pkg. 10c Graham Crackers_ib. pkg. 10c Popcorn, Jollytime___io ox. can 14c O-Ke-Doke Popcorn. * or. pkg. 15c Vienna Sausage_* ox. tm 9c Potted Meat-sv2 0z. tin 5c Deviled Ham_4 oz. gun 23c Cocktail Franks_ _6 oz. tin 25c Hormel s Spam_12 oz. can 29c Queen Olives _8 oz. bot. 12c Stuffed Olives_ . _5 oz. bot. 25c Sanico Peanut Butter ... 17c Lang's Pickles_ __ 13 oz. Jar 10c Sanico Jelly_ __ 8 oz. glass 10c WINDEX Windex removes soap and tal low streaks from glass and win dows. 1 LOCAL GREENS Right now supplies of local-grown greens are plentiful and quality excellent This week we have as sembled a complete line of these health - giving greens, including Wgkefleld pointed Cabbage, and are offering them to you at a price so low that you can afford to use them daily. Varieties may be as sorted if desired. ‘ POINTED NEW CADBAGE FRESH KALE TURNIP SALAD COLLARDS MUSTARD GREENS 3 £|0C In recognition of the wholesome, healthful qualities of the Apple as J ^ a f0°d item, it has been the custom for many years to set aside B xr !n during Apple Harvest time designated as ■ NATIONAL APPLE WEEK. This year, the nine-day period from fl 26 to November 4 has been selected as NATIONAL APPLE ■ and throughout the United States apple growers and retail- ^B ers will combine their efforts in promoting a more general under standing of the value of apples in the diet, and the variety of ways ^B they may be used. J * ^B This year, due to a bumper crop, the price of apples is very low, K ana as has been our custom we are co-operating in this movement to assist the growers and increase the consumption of this popular ^B fruit. We have assembled for this period a particularly fine array of ^B the most-wanted varieties at this season of the year, and we sue- ^B gest that you buy one or more baskets of this fancy fruit and put B - it aside for future use. All varieties featured are suitable for both ^B and eatinS> and priced so low you cannot afford to pass ^B up this economical food value. ^B ^B su. „Y0RK or STAYMAN-RED or K& GRIMES GOLDEN GOLDEN DELICIOUS B i? 6lb*-for 15e 4 lbs. 15c # Original Original ** m BuiImI C Buthil fl IQ I Ba*k«t Bisktt 1.17 B ORANGES 10-33° I Dut cnicKen scientm- fl Wm ,m * »P«yer» 6 oi 1 >1 ^ VI tally for table purposes. ■ I 1^ A ^ ^ 1A , f I ZLC I ] l Washington and deliver- |b. # MCh • Oc bot. | “J** ALX ‘ighborhood in refrigerated id remember, they're guar- ■ to please or money 1 BC aS^S? Wers „„ ZARDS~~ * 1 "“ tou „„ th J a^sU £^$3,1?**: - -,: It rs^ri f s^aSs? iw1* toOKTin. / | ^!nzBnbYyFnnaj^-'-' «£c L^JOcJ f Ne/nz fc, P|'cWes.. ?*c / J^T"/ f __ &&*•'::■ ££ y-1 I I UU* y S^n/c° <Sr*Co}kt‘il 2 c i,c nKS^^r f jyr2»-**;:fa:«./»S5 f OVALTINE LIFEBUOY I x ■“. ''jrMjhm $**'■? j vpti __ OCTAGON UUMWtV SOAP • •• - • if Tortff JOAP v a* . cZazofMear BBBBBBBSBB3!sASiTJi771io5ii^5iBg^c^^^^^MggMME| A /A