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Augusfana Lutheran Church to Be Host To Convention District League Session Will Open Tonight With Banquet The Augustana Lutheran Church will be the ’.lost to the Philadelphia 1 District Luther League at its annual convention. Members from the Au gustana congregations of Baltimore. Philadelphia, Sugar Notch and Wilkes-Barre, Pa., will be in attend ance. The convention begins tonight with a banquet in the Sunday school rooms. The Rev. S. E. Engstrom of Minneapolis. Minn., former president THE REV. S. E. ENGSTROM. of the Luther League of the Augus tana Synod, will speak on “Ceiling Zero—Visibility Zero." Delegates will attend the sessions of the Sunday school tomorrow at 9:45, in connec tion with which there will be a spe cial baptismal service, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Arthur 6. Hjelm. Holy communion will be at 11 am. The convention will close tomor row with a rally service at 3 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Engstrom will speak on "Found Horizons." Tire church choir, under Miss Lila Knudsen. will render several anthems. The public Is invited. Church of the Brethren Due to the absence of the pastor, who is attending a meeting of the Board of Christian Education at Elgin, 111., Dr. Charles E. Resser, president of the District of Colum- ! bia Sunday School Association will preach tomorrow at 11 am. on “Deepening Faith.” At 8 p.m. Dr ! W. L. Darby, secretary of the Fed eration of Churches, will speak on “Bearing and Sharing." The Intermediate and Senior B. Y. P. D.s will meet at 6:50. At the Senior B. Y. P. D. Mrs. Ruth Rinehart from Westminster. Md. will speak on "How We Can Be Brethren in Reality in Our Eco nomic Life.” On Thursday at 8 p.m. will be continued the study of “A Quest, for a Vital Christian Experience.” French Sermon. UIUU 1 IO V\ a 1 LiUliUI c College will again be the speaker at the French service at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church tomor row at 4:30 p.m. Open Door Church. "World Powers According to Bible Prophecy" is the pastor's subject Sunday morning, and "Christ Walk ing on the Water," at night. The young people's service is at 7. American Rescue Workers. Services Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at 413 Fourth street N.W.. conducted by Charles Stuckey. Mothers’ Bible Class, Wednesday, 8 p.m.; children's meeting Thursday 7:30 p.m., C. B. Bayrs in charge. Church of Two Worlds. "Miracles" will be the subject of the Rev. H. Gordon Burroughs to morrow evening at the Church of Two Worlds at the Hotel Conti mental. A lecture and messages will be given by the minister Wednesday. Self Realization. Brahmachari Jotin of Calcutta. India, will speak at the morning eervice of the self-realization fel lowship on "Serenity of Mind.' The public class in philosophy and yoga will be held Wednesday at 8 p.m. MASS MEETING and SACRED CONCERT Celebrating the Fifty-fifth Anniversary CENTRAL UNION MISSION Sunday 2:30 P.M. Calvary Baptist Church Eighth and H Sts. N.W. Featuring JOE EMERSON Radio artist of the "Hymns of All Churches” program over the National Broadcasting Network and his choir director, Fred Jacky, with a choir of sixteen voices. COME, HEAR THEM_ Jfrintfla Friends Meeting of Washington 'Established 1930—2111 Florida Are.) Meeting for Worship First Day (Sundav) at 11 a.m. Sunday school 9:45 a.m. All Interested are welcome FRIENDS MEETING (ORTHODOX) 13th and Irving Streets N.W. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.— Meetings for worship._All welcome. _Unitarian J i ALL SOULS’ \ CHURCH W lT *7 Sixteenth and Igi Harvard Street* Minister fin™ ULYSSES G. B. PIERCE, D. D. 9f45 a.m.—Church School. 11100 a.m.—Morning Worship, "NOTHING BUT MANNA!" t J__ I (Hhurrlf of OtyrtHt 14th St. Church of Christ 3460 14th St. N.W. HUGO McCORD, Loral Evangelist 10 a.m.—Bible School. 11a.m.—"Fall and Restoration.” 8 p.m.—Guest speaker. $ositiur (jllfrtHtiamty National (Eljurrlf of flooitiur GUirifilianilg Dr. G. F. Fraser. Teacher. * 1726 H_St. N.W. Sunday. October 2f*. 11:00 a.m.—"Is There a Resurrection of the Body?" Classes on Wednesday. ALL CLASSES FREE • Schedule of Activities in Washington Churches fCnntirmpH Frnm Pacrp A-13^ I tfpcfpr noetnr nrill mifn * i n i-» a. . * Church Committee of the U. L. C. A., will speak. St. Mark's. "How to Know What Is Right" will be the theme of the Rev. J. Luther Frantz at 11 a.m. Beginning with November 5 and continuing through November 12, special services will be held com memorating the 50th anniversary of St. Mark's Church. Prominent guest speakers will take part at each service. Mount Olivet (Colored). "Prophecy and Fulfillment in the Reformation” is the subject of the Rev. W. Schiebel in observance of Reformation Day. In the Adult Bible Class the pastor will continue the series of lessons on "Distinctive Doctrines of the Lutheran Church.” On Monday evening the Junior Re ligious Instruction Class will study the lesson, “Holy Writ.” The meet ing is held in the Phyllis Wheatley Y. W. C. A. Methodist Lincoln Road. "The Lord's Inheritance” will be the theme of Dr. Reginald H Stone at 11 a.m. Youth Council will meet at 7 p.m. A mass meeting will be held at .8 p.m. under the direction of the Woman's Christian Temper ance Union, when contestants will present orations in the Grand Dia mond Prohibition Award. Woman's day will be observed Wednesday at 11 a.m. Chevy Chase. The Rev. Edward Gardiner Latch will have "The Supreme Rule” as his theme at 11 a.m. Union. Dr. John R. Edwards will preach at 11 a.m. on "An American Dic tator” and at 8 p.m. in a series of Old Testament addresses on "The Trudge of the Trail." Special music in the morning includes the anthem by Handel. "Trust in the Lord," to be presented by the choir, and the morning offertory solo. Gray's "O Dream of Paradise.” to be sung by Harol Lee. At the evening service Mrs. William B. Cafky will sing "Beautiful Isle.” by Fearis. The Epworth League will meet at 6:30 p.m. Emerson Zettle will pre sent the league worship service, which will be based on a favorite youth hymn, “Are Ye Able?” Douglas Memorial. The pastor has as his themes A UUUI >U1U UIV VUU11U iUl lilt morning service, and “The Ninety First Psalm" in the evening. At the midweek service he will continue his talks on Paul's letters to the church at Corinth. McKendree. Worship at 11 a m. in the Masonic Hall at Rhode Island and Mills ave nues N.E. The Rev. Samuel E. Rose speaks on “Imprisoned Blessings.” The Young People's League meets at 7 p.m. Informal song service, led by Stanley Bell, at 8 p.m. Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Rose on “Christ Crowded Out.” St. Paul A. M. E. The Rev. J. M. Harrison, jr., will preach at the morning service. At 4 p.m. the Sunday School Vested Choir will render a program of musical and literary numbers. This choir will also sing at the morning worship. Waugh. The Rev. Clarkson R. Banes will preach the last of a series of ser mons at 11 a m. on the Lord’s Prayer, the subject being "For Thine Is the Kingdom." A musical program will be rendered at 8 p m. by the com bined choirs. Jene Stewart is the director. The official board will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. On No vember 3 at 8 p.m. the quarterly conference will be held with Dr. Edgar C. Beery, district superintend ent, presiding. Ryland. Continuing his sermon series on “Builders of Life's Deepest Way,” the Rev. Mr. Newell speaks Sunday on “The Man Who Felt the Demand of Religion.” The services are 11 am. at the church. Tenth and D streets S.W., and 7 p.m. in the church room, 1804 Branch avenue S.E. Congress Street. The Harrison Bible Class will meet tomorrow at 9:45 a m. William N. Payne, jr.. third vice president, will preside. Fred R. Stephens wall have charge of the lesson. Dr. Hirl A. Dr. »Elmer Louis Kayser, dean, George Washington University, and teacher of the class, will be the speaker. The lesson theme is “Bev erage, Alcohol and Social Progress.” Dr. Kester will preach at 11 a.m. on “My Gospel" and at 8 p.m. on “The Master's Mission.” Young peo ple's meeting at 7 p.m. Calvary, Georgetown. The Rev. F. L. Morrison will preach at 11 a.m. on "Some-Laws We Can t Repeal” in keeping with World Tem perance Sunday, and at 8 p.m. on "Loss and Gain.” Gorsurh. Sunday is World Temperance Sunday in the Methodist Church. The Rev. Richard T. Scholl will preach on "Abstinence is Best.” At 8 p.m. there will begin a song serv ice and worship. The Fellowship Forum will hold a “measuring party” for all adults on Wednesday even ing. Dr. Beery, district superintendent, will hold quarterly conference on Thursday evening. Congress Heights. Howard M. Stackhouse of the Or ganized Men's Bible Class Associa tion of the District of Columbia will address its Men's Bible Class tomorrow morning. A photograph of this class, which has a member ship of 85, will be taken. The Rev. J. M. McCauley is the teacher and uyjiiii . iviccicc, picajucm. The Woman's Home Missionary Society will hold a luncheon in the social hall on Thursday. The Rev. G. L. Conner will preach on "The Christian's Symbol of God" at 11 a.m. A recently organized orchestra will support a song serv ice, directed by R. T. Thrift, at the Epworth League Service at 7 p.m. and at 8 p.m. will be sponsored by the Men's Bible Class. Miles Memorial C. M. E. The Rev. Mr. McCoy of the How ard University schoo' of religion will be the guest speaker at 11 a.m. At 8 p.m. the pastor will discuss “The Five and the Calf." The Epworth League will meet at 6:30 p.m. Allen A. M. E. At 11 a.m. the Rev. G. Oliver Wing will speak on "Sowing and Reaping." and at 8 p.m. on "A Dor sey Song Recital.” R. H. Gray, sponsor, speaks Monday at 8 p.m. Program sponsored by Miss Ella Henson. Israel C. M. E. Sunday is "missionary day.” Mrs. Novella Allison, president of the Women's Missionary Society, has prepared the program. Mrs. Lil lian Russell, supervisor jf mission ary societies of the ninth Episcopal 1 district: Mrs. Mary Tolson. chair j man of Membership Committee of ' the Y. W. C. A.: Miss Lulu Pollen, president of the Washington-Phila delphia annual conference: Mrs. Sarah Moxley, president of the Washington district conference, and Mrs. Mary Griffin of Ebenezer M. E. Church will take part in the pro gram. At 6:30 p.m. the Rev. E. F. Howard will preach a missionary sermon. Galbraith A. M. E. Z. Woman's day will be held Sunday under the auspices of the Missionary Society. The Rev. Miss White of John Wesley A. M. E. Z. will be the speaker. 11 a.m., Mrs. Julia West Hamilton: 3:30, All-Women Choir will sing: 6:Id, Miss Nouella Sneed will lead the V. C. E.: topic, "How to Get Along With Older Folks." I — Metropolitan A. M. E. Sermon by the Rev. J. C. Beckett at 11 a m. and by the Rev. S. F. Parks at 8 p.m. The junior choir will render the music at both serv ices. Metropolitan Wesley A. M. E. Z. In the absence of the minister the Rev. Robert Duncan will have charge of the services Sunday morn ing and evening. John Wesley A. M. E. Z. Dr. Stephen Gill Spottswood. fol lowing his theme “The Seven Seals of the Apocalypse" will preach on "The Pale Horse" at 11 am. The chorus choir will sing. At 3:30 p.m. Dr. Sppttswood. accompanied by the Children's Choir, will worship with Spiritualist MYSTIC CHURCH OF CHRIST Services Sunday and Wednesday at * p.m Healing and Consultation daily 12 to 0 pm Hraling each mrptine : in 8 p.m. DR. F. L. DONCEEL, Teacher. _1312 R. I. Ave. N.W._•_ Rev. Mrs. Carol E. McKinstry 1313 Gallatin S*. N.W. at 5000 Block llth St. Ordained by the Intem'l General Assembly of Spiritualists. ‘‘Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.“ Matt. ft.4. Message Meetings, Tues. and Fri. Eves., 8 n.m Public welcome. All reached. Georgia 6563^ ___ * Psychic Message Council House IIOO Twelfth Street Northwest Reading Room Open Daily for Prayer and Meditation Authorized and licensed practitioners available for individual development, prayer healing, private readings or spirit message seance at Council House. Advance Appointment Advisable Telephone Metropolitan 5231. Message Meeting. Friday. 2 p.m. _Deaconess De Long_ in_charge. MRS. SUIT. Psychic Medium, holds a mes sage circle Mon and Friday. H D.m. Advice on all affairs of life. 3423 Holmead PI. N.W. Call Col. 055K-W for private readmg. • MRS. ELISABETH- McDONALD—Message Service Thurs., 2:00 p.m.. Apt. ft, 1110 G. Cor. 12th N.W. Met. ft.’lOft. Readings by appointment.___• LONGLEY MEMORIAL 3433 Holm,id Place N.W.. Cor. Newton St. Sunday. October 39. at 8 P.M. LECTURE BY REV. D. J. CAVE. Message, by Mrs. Eggers and Mrs. Suit. Message Service Wednesday at 8 P.M. MRS, JEAN HAMPSON IN CHARGE. • National Spiritualist _Aflguriatiuu J. K. Simmons. 1341 New ton~St7~ NW Message Meetings every Thurs„ 8 P.M. Readings by Appt. Col. 4343. The First Spiritualist Church Services at the Psychic Center. 131 C Street N.E.. Sunday. 8 P.M. Lecture by the Pastor REV. ALFRED H. TERRY Subject: “AFTER DEATH—WHAT?” Followed by Healing Service. Followed by Spirit Messages. Consultations. Phone Lincoln 1572. • The Church of Two Worlds Hotel Continental ggJS pi.« Rev. H. Gordon Burroughs, Minister Sunday, 8 p.m. Address by ths Minister Wednesday, 8 p.m. Message Service Uivmnwu n. IV A. £j, 4J1UXX Church, Brentwood, Md. The chorus choir will render a service of song in the evening. Jones Memorial (Colored). Dr. Julius S. Carroll will preach on "The Church's Missionary Re sponsibility.” At 3:30 p.m. the guest preacher is the Rev. John J. Barnes, pastor of Orchard Strept Methodist Church, Baltimore. Music by the Orchard Street Choir. Ebenezer (Colored). "Annual Harvest Home Day” will be celebrated at 11 a.m. The Rev. J. T. Bailey will speak on “Harvest” at 3 p.m. the Rev. G. O. Bullock, pastor of the Third Baptist Church, will be the guest speaker. His Gos pel Chorus, under the direction of Mr. Poole, will sing, 6:30 p.m., Allen Christian Endeavor League; 8 p.m., literary program. Presybterian Garden Memorial. At 11 a.m„ "The Thrill of Sal vation” is the topic.” At 7 p.m., Ves per Club and at 8 p.m.. "Master Builders.” The Anacostia Lions Club will attend the evening serv ice in a body. Knox. Resuming the special series on “Christianity the Supernatural Re ligion" the Rev. Henry D. Phillips will speak on “Supernatural Re demption” at 1316 Vermont avenue N.W. in the morning; the evening message will be "Our Missionary Responsibility.” River Road. The Rev. Virgil M. Cosby will continue the series of sermons on “The Certainties of the Christidh” speaking on "The Deity of Christ" at 11 a.m. The upper room prayer group at 9:30. Junior Church at 11 under the direction of Mrs. George Geanaros and committee. Young people's groups at 7 o'clock. The session will have charge of the service Thursday at 8 p.m. Central. Dr. James H. Taylor will continue the series Sunday morning on “A Spiritual Crusade.” This move ment is being emphasized through out the entire Southern Presby terian Church by request of the General Assembly of that church. In the evening he will preach on "The Nature of Faith." The Friday night class for young people, under the direction of Dr. Taylor, will study the book of Genesis for the next meeting. This class is open to all the-young people of the congregation. western. On Sunday morning Dr. Dunham will prpach on "Positive Christian Living.” Gunton Temple Memorial. Dr. Bernard Braskamp will have for his subject at li a.m. "Looking Unto Jesus." Westminster Memorial. The Rev. Harry V. Porter will preach in the morning on "Listen. Christ Calls.” In the evening he will conclude the series of sermons on the parables of Jesus with "The Parable of the Chief Seats.” Metropolitan. The 11 a m. service has been set aside for the cause of the China relief. The special guest preacher will be Dr. C. C. Hung of Washing ton. who will speak on “China's Gethsemane.” At 7:45 p.m. the 3Jmiaalrm _(SWEDENBORGIAN) CHURCH OF THE HOLY CITY, lllth Above Q N.W iV n —8 8,. 10—Arcana Class. ll:0u a.m.—Morning Worship, Sermon by Rev, Louis G. Hoeck. 'The _ . Shepherd’s Song." 8:00 p.m —Study Circle Parish House. _P**tor-_jjtev. Papl Sperry._ _lillitr QIrnafi THE WHITE CROSS OF CHRIST Divine Services Sunday at i P.M. 1810 Ontario Place N.W. The Postor, REV. JANE B. COATES presents DR. F. HOMER CURTISS Founder of The CHRISTIAN MYSTICS, In a greet and interesting address covering his recent tour of European Nations and the ever increasing advance in Spiritualism both in England and on the Continent. “THE HIGHER SPIRITUALISM” Dr. Curtiss will be glad to answer questions covering the features of his address Following the address the regular Healing and Message Service will be held Doors Will Open at 3:30 PM Musical Director. Miss Callahan. Solos. Rev. Paul W. De Loe Consultations by appointment._Col. fl*™7. • liJptttrrnatal Aaarmhltra itf (Iktb The Full Gospel Tabernacle 915 Mass. Axe. N.W. 9:30—Sunday School—classes for all ages. 1 1 o'clock—Morning Worship. Topic: "Serious Omissions." 7 :45—Evangelistic— Topic: "The Death of a Fool." Everybody Welcome B. E. MAHAN, Minister ■ Preaching the Cross in Heart of Nation's Capitol Bethel Tabernacle N. Capitol and K Sts. Bible 8cbool, 9:3<Ta.m. 11:09 a.m.. Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m.. Evangelistic. 7:13 p.m., Tues., ‘‘Christ Ambassadors." 1:00 p.m., Thur.. Fasting and Prayer. 7:13 p.m., Fri,. Pentecost. The Friendly Church. HARRY V, SCHAEFFER, PASTOR The White Church with The Red Cross 1911 H St. N.W. Take Penna. Ave. Cars to 19th St. N.W. CALVARY GOSPEL CHURCH Old-time revival with Mrs. Etta Reckley. Services nighHy at 7:45 p.m. except Saturday. DR. JONAS E. MILLER, Minliter Everybody Welcome 4 guesi minister will De me Kev. n. i. Barnes, pastor of the North Caro lina Avenue M. P. Church. On Thursday evening Dr. J. L. Fendrlch, jr„ will continue his series of talks on the theme, "What Jesus Taught." Sherwood. The Rev. Thomas Law Coyle will preach tomorrow at 8:50 and 11 a.m. on “The Inner Bastion.” At 8 p.m. his topic “A Rare Find." Roy K. Easter, a graduate of the Westminster Choir School of Prince ton, N. J., will direct the young peo ple's choir at both morning serv ices. Fifteenth Street (Colored). ‘‘Fighting for World Peace” is the subject of Dr. Halley B. Taylor at 11 a.m. The choir, under the di rection of Miss Virginia Williams, will render music for the service. At 5 p.m., Ray H. Everett, secretary of the Social Hygiene Society of the District of Columbia, will address the second of a series of forum meetings on "Marriage and the Family." On November 4, for the benefit of the organ fund, the choir will serve a turkey dinner from 2 to 8 p.m. at the church. Other Services Healing Services. “I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes,” by Glenn Clark, will be taken up for study by the St. Stephen's Prayer Circle when it meets in the parish hall of the Church of St. Stephen and the Incarnation Tuesday at 10:30 am. It will include prayers for the sick and meditation. Holy communion with intercessions and the laying on of hands, with prayers for healing, will be held Thursday in the chapel at 10 a m. The Rev. Paul Duliver Wilbur, rector, will offi ciate. White Cross. The White Cross Church of Christ will hold services Sunday at 4 p.m. at 1810 Ontario place N.W. The Rev. Jane B. Coates will present Dr. F Homer Curtiss, founder of the Christian Mystics with an address on ‘‘The Higher Spiritualism." He will also answer questions regard-! ing any feature of his address. Fol- ! lowing the service a healing and message service will be held. Salvation Army. Services tomorrow are: Temple Corps, 606 E street N.W.— : Maj. F. F. Fox will speak at 11 a m. j on "Christ—The Man Pre-Eminent." and at 8 p.m. on “God and Man in Co-operation." Colored Corps. 1501 Seventh street N.W.—At 11 a.m. Adjt. M. A. Smith will speak on "A Clean Heart." At 8 p.m. there will be a special meet i ing and special singing with Bessie 4 < - -AKaamr srtrnrr ^“AKASHICf SCIENCE**! ■ UTTI.E THEATER. 9 Above F Nw| ■ Sun* i 1 a m —The Language of Symbols! 1 Revealed Thru the 4ka«hir Records. | ■■■REV. BERTINE POWERSSBB Society of Washington, D. C. 1326 Eye St. N.W. SI NDATS: 9:IS a m.—Sunday School. 1 1 On a m.—Lecture i •> 45 p m.—Young People s Group. s on pm —Goon Words Cmb I 3:no and S:no p.m. Tues—Lessons in Truth | b-UO p m V» ed Heahnc and Prosperity. 1-:*:o to 1 40—Noon Day Silence. Unity Literature for Sale Tet. Met 1889 i (Hljrtfltimi j CHRISTIAN _• ^iutli ^trrrl 9th & D Sts. N.E. CLIFFORD H. JOPE. Minister. WM. GEO. ORAM, Assistant. 9:30 a m.—Bible School 11:00 am.—Sermon. "The Mind of Christ.” Rev. Lowell C. McPherson. 7:45 p m.—Sermon "Hiding Be hind Trees.” Clifford H. Jope. JTltr National (Citij | Thomas Circle. | RAPHAEL H. MILLER, j IVAN H. DUG AN, Ministers 9:45 a m—B’ble School. 10:50 a m.—Morning Service. "The Religion of Good Work manship.” Dr Miller. 6:30 p.m.—Young People's Meeting. (Columbia liifigljtu | 1435 Park Road N.YV. j Arthur P. YVilson. Minister 11:00 a.m.—"Youth Seeks Christ.” 7:30 p.m.—Evening Forum. #ark Hirui 627 Park Road N.W. J. LLOYD BLACK. Minister. I’D Thy Crow.” 6:00 p.m.—"What of Tomorrow?" (Eongrrrjatinnal -iimenck, blind evangelist, who will lave charge of the service. Southeast Corps, 733 Eighth street 3.E.—At 11 a m., Y. P. S. M. Delores Davis will speak on “Going Well.’’ M 8 p.m. Guard Leader Gertrude 3owden will speak on “Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God.’’ Georgetown Corps, 1075 Jefferson street N.W.—Capt. Ben Jones will speak at 11 a.rn. on "Joy,” and at t p.m. on “The Two Calls.” Northeast Corps, 715 Eye street U.W.—Maj. and Mrs. Charles Walk tr will have charge-of both the 11 i.m. and 8 p.m. services. This will je the first night of a week of spe :ial meetings on the gospel of peace. Christian Science. “Everlasting Punishment” is the subject of the lesson-sermon in all the Churches of Christ, Scientist, to norrow at 11 a m. and 8 p.m. Sun lay school is at 11 a.m. Church services Wednesday at 8 p.m. The golden text is from Ezekiel \ 18:31. “Cast away from you all your ! ;ransgressions, whereby ye have sransgressed, and make you a new leart and a new spirit; for why will ^e die, O house of Israel?” Among the citations which com arise the lesson sermon is the fol lowing from the Bible: "If you, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? Let Israel hope n the Lord: For with the Lord there s mercy, and with Him is plenteous •edemption.” (Psalms 130:3, 7). Divine Science. The Rev. Nona L. Brooks, who. with a small group of associates, founded the first Divine Science Dhurch at Denver, Colo., will speak In the churchroom of the First I Church of Divine Science at the Grafton Hotel at 8 p.m. Thursday. | GUfriataMpIfiatt THF.~ WASHINGTON ECCXESIA^ S S . 1 ci: uo a m. Service. 11:00 a m. BOM Eve St. N.W. Public Invited^ j Christadelphian Chapel :.f» Webster SI. N.W.; S. S.. 10:10 a m. Preaching. 11:15 a.m._Public Invited. urutlj (Erntrr i A TRUTH CENTER MRS APPLETON. Leader. 1713 K Street N.W. Sun. 11 am—“Abundance of Peace.” Tues. 8: J 5—“Security.” Thurs.. 8:15—“Healing.” Interviews—Tues. Si Thurs., 2-5: Wed.. 4-»i pm • (Eliriatiatt &mttrr Christian Science CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Branches of The Mother Church, The Firit Church of Chriat Scientist, Boston, Mass. First Church of Christ Scientist Columbia Rd and Euclid 8t Second Church of Christ Scientist! Ill C 8t. NE. rhird Church of Christ Scientist 13th and L Sts. N.W. Fourth Church of Christ Scientist lrtth and Oak 8ts. N.W. SUBJECT: “EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT” ? EP VICES— Bundey 11 A M and 8 P M. Sunday School — H A.M WEDNESDAY EVENING MEETING— A* o'clock RADIO PROGRAMS SUNDAYS in 45 A M STATION WJSV. SECOND AND FOURTH FRIDAYS. 1 “ 45 P M . STATION WRC. READING ROOMS FIRST CHURCH—730 17th St N.W Hours 9 to 9 (except WEDNESDAYS. 9 to 7. and Sun days and holidays. 2:30 to 5:30 > SECOND CHURCH—111 C St N.E. Hours. 12 to 5:30 p.m week days 2:30 to 5:30 Sun days and holidays. THIRD CHURCH - Colorado Bldg., 14th and G Sts. Hours, 9 to 9 (Wednesdays, 9 to 7:30 and Sundays and holidays, 2 to 6). FOURTH CHURCH-^Rlggs Bank m J . nn An e a ni. A 1 _ A__ _ DIUg., OdUU 17U1 Ul., *7 1/V7 *7 days; Wednesdays. 9:30 to 7; Sundays. 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. Holidays. 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend our church services and use our reading rooms. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Alexandria. Va George Ma«on Hotel Sunday Service and Sunday School. 11 a m Wednesday Service, 8 p.m Public Cordially Invited Reading Room _ 1108_Washington 8t First Church of Christ Scientist LAST FALLS CHURCH VA At Little Falls Street Station Sunday Services and Sunday School 11 AM Wednesday Services S P.M Reading Room at 3148 Wilton Blvd. Arlington Va. (Emtgrrgalimtal MOUNT PLEASANT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 1410 Columbia Road Fred Sherman, Buschmeyer, Minister n no A M “NEGLECTED NEIGHBORLINESS” 10th & G St#. N.W. Ministers Howard Stone Anderson Walter G. Borchers. Jr. 11:00 A.M. EDDIE CANTOR World-famous comedian now at Capitol Theater, will (ire an address on “Christianity and Democracy.” Sermon by Howard Stone Anderson “1 KNOW! I KNOW! I KNOW!” 8:00 PM. RABBI NORMAN GERSTENFELD Spiritual Leader of Washington Hebrew ‘Congregation on “WAR and PEACE” A Cappella Choir of 60 Sing# at Both Services * i She will leave for Denver immed iately after her address. Akashic Science. “The Language of Symbols Re vealed Through the Akashic Rec ords'’ will be the subject of an ad dress Sunday at 11 a m. by the Rev. Bertini Powers at the Little Theater. The address to be followed by Akashic tests and a forum. First Spiritualist. “After Death—What?” is the sub ject of the lecture by the Rev. Alfred H. Terry, to be followed by a healing and message service, Sunday, 8 p.m., at 131 C street N£. Daughters of the King. The Daughters of the King. Wash ington diocese, will have their local assembly at the Church of the Good Shepherd on November 2 at 8 p.m. The Rev. Gordon L. Graser of Em manuel Church will speak on 'Greater Service in the Parish.” etyrofiophy “The New Freedom” Harry D. Appleby Sunday, Oct. M P.M. Classes: Inquirer. Mon.. 8 p.m.—Trouard. Tue*.. 4 p m.—Blavatskv. Tuev. K p.m — Liberation. Fri., 8 p.m.—Astrology. Sat., 8 p.m.—Christian Mystir, Sun., ft:30 p.m. WASHINGTON LODGE T.S. 1216 H St. N.W. Sun., Oct 't!Mh, 8:15 P.M—Talk "REINCARNATION." W'ed 8:15 p.m.. Study Class. Library Open Wednesday. 7:30 PM. Saturday 1:30 to 4 P.M. United Lodge of Theoiophisti HiT B’dc 17th and Eve Sts. N.W. No Due*. Fee* or Collections. _^glf-Sfoalization_ SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP Brahmarhari Jotin of India SERENITY OF MIND Sunday, Orlober 29, at 11 AM. Public Class in Philosophy and lota Wednesday, November 1, at 8 P.M. 4748 Western Ave. N.W. ' Between Chesapeake and 49th Sts.) _(Churrb n! (Sob CHURCH OF GOD 2407 Minnesota Avenue S.E. IHeadquarters at Anderson Indiana » ORDER OF Sl'N'DAV SERVICES Church School—Classes for __ Eaptiat laptist r8 - ■ - — i SECOND 17th and Eaat Capitol 8t>. Rev. H. M. B Jones. D. D. 9 30 a m.—Bible School 1 1 <10 a m.—"Ready for Battle.” 8.on p.m.—"Able to Discern." CENTENNIAL 7th and I Streets N.E. Wilson Holder, Pastor. 9:30—Bible School. 11:00 AM. “Highways and Hedges” 6:4*%—Baptist Training L'nion. 8:00 P.M. “Hold Fast the Faith” Special Youne People', Service. Baptiam. Thursday at 8:00 p.m.—Prayer and Bible Study Meettm. Prayer for the Slrk at Each Service. WEST WASHINGTON 31 st and N Street, N.W CHARLES B. AUSTIN. Pastor. Worship. 11:00 am. and 8:00 pm. METROPOLITAN Sixth and A Sta. N.E. John Compton Ball, D. D. Sermons hr Assistant Pastor. REV. ROBERT CARLTON SAVAGE. MORNING AT ELEVEN7 “DUMB SHEEP” EVENING AT SEVEN FORTY-FIVE “All in the Same Boat” Also Bantismal Service and Inspirational Service 0 30 n m —Church Bible School: 1 0*2.% attended last Sundav 6:30 p.m.—Five Young People's Societies. 9:30 pm — Seth Parker Hvmn Sing. Thursday—7:45 P.M.—Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Yocum, missionaries from China, speaking. The Church That Grows. Glows and Goes Continually DrTWHDTU * Randolph Sts. rxl ff UK Ifl Rev- H. J. Smith. Pastor 11:00 a.m.—Sermon by Pastor "God’s Invitation to Self-Realisa tion.” 8:00 p.m.—Sermon and Song Service. "Let Me Alone—Not Lsed to Kindness." 9:4.5 a m —S S Classes for All. Yaden Bible Class for Men. Wednesday—Turkey Dinner. TEMPLE Street*nN.W. MINISTER. RANDOLPH L. GREGORY. 9:30 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—"The Church and Neighbor hood." 8:00 p.m.—"Can Jesus Be Trusted?" * I ■ I I N.E. Corner of Chilium McKinley of tenn. FSICAL SUNDAY ESSEXGERS SERVICES Hours: lO. 11 and 7:30. Marvland Avenue 14th and Md. Ave. N.E. W. A. Emmant, Pastor W> Prearh J £-"rnfl,d Chr,st • Comin* Arain 11:00 a m. “Strange Doctrines” 8:00 p.m. “An Everlasting Freedom” grace” 9th and South Carolina Are. 6.K. PASTOR. F. \V. JOHNSON SERMON TOPICS LI 00 a m.—“Making Afflictions Work for Us." 7:45 p.m.—“The Old Home Town.” 9 3(i a m—Bible School. Classes for All. 0 45 pm.—B Y P U. ‘Three Groups.) W>d at 8—Annual Business Meeting. Thursday at 8—Prayer Meeting. CICTIJ E Near 7th S.W. r ir i n Dr. John E. Brin* Pastor. LI :00 am.—Dr Walter R Feser of New Jersey preaching. “M ore Beyond.” 7:45 p.m —Dr Feser preaching. “Satis fied ” Baptisms 9:30 a m.—S S Rev. Lukens teaching the Bereas Mr. Sandridge. the Baracas: Deacon Time, the Ph:la*heas fi:hO p m.—B T U Assembly Program. Thursday, s pm.—Praver Service Con ducted by Junior Dep» of g g. Roll Call Day! Come! KENDALL 9th Near Independence Are. g if. Len Franklin Stevens. Minister. I 1 :00 a m—“How Big In Your God?” 8:00 p m —“The Call of Christ.” TAK0MA 11:00 a.m.—"God and the Family.” 7:45 pm—Dedication of ‘he Chimei. William E. La Rue. Pastor. FOUNTAIN MEMORIAL Naylor Road and Que St. S E. W. BERTRAM KING. Minister. _ .4 9:30 a m.—Sunday School. 10:45 a m.—“Heaven.” 0:45 p.m.—Young People’s. \ 7:45 p.m.—“What Will You Do With Christ?” REV. H. A. MANFWAL AND PARTY CHEVY CHASE Western Ave.. W. of Circle. Rev Edward O. Clark. Pastor. 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School Session 11:00 a.m.—“The Secret of Building a New Church." 8:00 p.m.—Bible Motion Pictures: “Jems and His Friends.” Welcome! Rational baptist Memorial 16th St. and Columbia Road N.W. Gove G. Johnson, Pastor. A. Lincoln Smith, Assistant Pastor 11:00 a.m.—MRS. JOHN BENNETT, Mr. Jo Emerson, Central Union Mis sion Glee Club. 8:00 p m —“WORKERS TOGETHER WITH GOD." Sermon by the Assist ant Pastor Baptisms. 9:40 a.m.—Bible School. 6:45p.m.—Training Unions. SPECIAL MEETINGS! DR. GEO. W. TRUETT of Texas. Nov. 1-8, nightly except Saturday, at 7:30. Noon, 12:10-12:50, N. Y. Ave. Presbyterian Church, Nov. 2-3 and 6-8. (ft f u jjrti 8th and H Sts- NW KLiUUfirP REV- W. S. ABERNETHY, Minister ^ Rev. E. H. Tuller, Assistant 11 a m—“THE WORLD CRISIS AND RELIGIOUS LIBERTY,” Dr. Rufus W. Weaver. “TREASURES IN HEAVEN,” Children’s Story Sermon, Edwin H Tuller. 8 p.m.—Special program of music. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 6:30 p.m.—B. Y. P. U. FIR ST 16th and 0 Streets NW* " * ■ Edward Hughes Pruden, Pastor 11:00 am.—“UNDENIABLE CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES,” Dr Pruden. ' 8:00 p.m.—8ermon by Dr. Rufus W Weaver Executive Secretary. Baptist ' Convention Sunday School at 0:00 a m.: B. Y. P. U at 6:45 p.m. Swedish Services at 3:30 p.m. ’ DP'TI ¥ A RTV *•1 *’*■ ,n* 2"d st- N w. M- r, german. Minuter. KK I H Y 1100 a m —"A Faith That Is Wllllni te Walt.” 8:00 p.m.—Address by Mr. M. W. Miller. The Men’* Bible Clese Invites Tou to Heer Hereee Stevenson Give l Practice! Interpretation of tho Lesson. , a • , MEN AND WOMEN OF GOODWILL: Join now. morning, noon and night, with thousands of others using this Invocation in this hour of world need: -4 ; Let the forees of light bring Illu mination to mankind. Let the spirit of price be abroad. May men of good-will, everywhere* .Inin in the sniri* of rn-operat on. Let the spirit of forgiveness be in voked hv men everywhere, one to wards the other. Let power attend the efforts of the great servers of humanity. Box 97-S, Star • Piping &rtgttfg First Divine Science Church Grafton Hotel, Conn. Ate. at De Salea. 11:00 a m—"The Father Within.” Rev. G. L. Patch Thursday. 8 pm —Rev. Mona Brooks of Denver, "CREATIVE SPIRIT."_ Spiritual 8>rigtirg Church of Spiritual Science Dr. Z. A. Wrixht. Pastor s 1329 N ST N W SUNDAY SERVICE— 7:30 pm. Address By REV. MARY McFARLAND Midweek Service Thur . 8 P.M Messages to all b> clergy. Rev M Mc Farland. Dr A Frederick. Dr Z. A. Wright. Rev J Gray. Visiting; Dr. Geo. D Klinefelter and Rev M. Brown. Seanrev I .VI N J Aw S.E.. Mon.. Wed. Fri. at 8 pm. Line 10027 BENEFIT—Dr. Grav and Dr Wright. Sat . 1 In H n m ReiHinra * I J 1 iSrrthrrn CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 1th and North Carolina Avenue S.E. DR. WARREN D. BOWMAN. Minister. 0 45 a m —Church School 11:00 a.m.—••Deepening Faith.'* by Dr. C E Resser 8:00 p m.— ‘Bearing and Sharint.** by Dr. W. L. Darby. JFrrr fHrthohtsl fl2th and N Sts. REV. NATHAN COHEN BESKIN I Converted Russion Jew.) Two Weeks Sunday Mornings November 5 to 19