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Unlisted Securities Show Few Changes In 10-Month Period Bank Stock Quotations Higher Than Majority Of Other D. C. Issues By EDWARD C. STONE. Although there has been some shading of prices on Washington se curities sold over the counter, both bonds and stocks are winding up the first 10 months of 1939 about where they started. These issues did not share in the "war boom" advances a month ago, and had no recession afterward. These stocks, which are not listed on the Washington Exchange, did. however, feel the effects of the er ratic moves in New York. It is said In the financial district that some out-of-town holders of local issues W'ere persuaded to part with them and switch into so-called war se curities, held likely to go higher be cause of conditions in Europe. Switching by some investors in other cities has made more of these issues available to Washingtonians, a step toward repatriation of these se curities, as one dealer said today. People outside the Capital know less about Washington issues than is known here. This makes them more willing to sell certain holdings and pick up issues which may or may not move more rapidly in war times. Bond Quotations Steady. Recent quotations show the price firmness of many unlisted Wash ington securities. Consolidated Title 6s are the highest-priced bonds in the list, the bid now standing at 100. The bid for Hamilton Realty first 5s stands at 99 with 102 asked. For Barber & Ross 4s 94 is bid. La Salle Apts North Actuals. 40 bid and 55 asked; South Actuals, 55 bid and 70 asked. Mayflower Hotel first 5s carrv a bid of S31 with 88R, asked: National Press Building first 3-5s. 71 bid, 76 asked: Racquet Club first. 5s. 48 bid and 53 asked: Shoreham Hotel sec ond 4s, 85 bid and 95 asked; Wash ington Auditorium first 6s, 75 bid. 83 asked; Washington Properties 7s, 66!2 bid and 61 'a asked. Quotations on stocks are esquallv Interesting. National Metropolitan Bank stock is now the highest quoted issue in the list. 245 bid and 260 asked. Columbia National stands second, 192>2 bid and 205 asked. Prices of Other Issues. Anacostia Bank stock carries a bid of 160, with 175 asked. City Bank stands at 23’2 bid: East. Washington Savings. 14 bid: Hamil ton National, 27 bid and 29 asked; Munsey Trust, 80 bid and none offered. Second National Bank has a bid of 65 and Union Trust Co. stock stands at 6 bid and 82 asked. Aside from bank stocks. Washington Sanitary Housing Co. is one of the the highest priced, with a bid of 109. The bid for Fidelity Storage Co. Is 107 and for Griffith-Consumers preferred. 104. Washington Convention Hall pre ferred stock is now quoted at 88 bid and 15 bid for the common. Raleigh Hotel common stands at 14 bid and 18 asked. For Capitol Park Hotel. 30 is bid and 50 asked, according to latest financial dis trict reports. Brokers May Get Two Holidays. There is a possibility that Wash ington brokerage houses connected with the New York Stock Exchange may get two Thanksgiving holidays. Brokers said today that they now expect to observe Thanksgiving on November 23. the new date set by President Rooosevelt. It is expected that Gov. Lehman will name the same date tor the holiday in New York State. However, it the New York State official should stick to the old date, November 30, Wash ington brokers would have no choice but to observe the second holiday. This, they say. they are willing to do. The Lehman proclamation is expected this week, although it had not come over the tickers up to noon today, and his decision will settle the problem lacing all New York Exchange brokers in the Capital one turkey dinner or two. Washington banks will all be closed on November 23. although some of the out-of-town banks with which they do business will be open. Officials say, however, this is not a serious matter. Outlook Best In 21 Months. A note of caution against over optimism in a long-range view of the effects of the war in Europe on American business is sounded in the monthly survey on the condition of business in the November issue of Banking, official publication of the American Bankers Association. The war seems to be making things easier for business, although the feeling up to this time is not entirely optimistic, the survey states. Recovery, of course, had developed quite a bit of momentum before the first shot was fired and every index was pointing to a continua tion of the movement. Meanwhile, no one really believes that prosperi ty can be based on the destruction of life and wealth. The cross-index of business opin ion compiled by Banking reveals that 91 per cent of the bankers and industrial leaders queried this month think that their respective businesses are improving or holding up quite well. On the whole, this is the most favorable outlook recorded lor the 21 months that this index has been compiled, the survey says. Peoples Common at New Top. Peoples Drug Stores common stock scored another high mark for the year on the Washington Exchange today when 44 shares changed hands at 35. up half a point from Saturday and a full point from last Friday. The stock closed with 33 bid and 36 asked. Today's transfer was the first since the report, out yesterday, showed such favorable earnings in the first nine months of this year. $1.94 a share against $1.57 per share in the first nine months of 1938. Anacostia & Potomac 5s appeared on the board today, $1 000 transfer taking place at 97>4, a substantial gain since the last previous sale at 95*2. Other bid and asked prices were firm. The Treasury's offering to ex change new 1 per cent notes for the l-’s per cent Treasury notes which mature on December 15 was ac cepted by $515,210,900. or 97.9 per cent of the maturing issue, Secretary Morgenthau announces. New York Bar Silver NEW YORK, Oct. 30 (TP).—Bar •ilver 33‘>4, off cent. 1 — — _ ' 7 — — — — — y v w wv^ o.vl/i/1 — — — — T R ^ NS AC T! ONS ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE 2:30 p.m. Prev. 1930 Stock and Sales— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low Close, chge. 71% 63 Ah'tt Lab 1.60a xrts 4 65 64% 65 1% 1% Abbott Lab rt Nov 9 17 1% 1% 1% + % 56% 31% Acme Steel (2) 1 54% 54% 61% — % 11% 6% Adams Exp (,10g)_. 6 10 9% 9% — % 25 19 Adams-Millis (1)... 1 21% 21% 21% + y4 27% 15% Addressog'ph 1.40 _ 4 20% 20% 20% 68 45% Air Reduction (la). 5 61% 60% 60% + % 1% % Air-Way Elec Appl. 11 1 1 10 6% Alaska Juneau .SOg 6 7 6% 6% 2 s» Aileghanv Corp - 11 1% 1% 1% 20% 5% Ailegh’y $30 pf ww. 6 17 17 17 23% 8 Ailegii’y prior pf 2 18% 18% 18% - % 28% 14 AHeg-Ludlum Steel 2 24% 24% 24% — % 11% 6% Allen Indust .625g . 2 10%, 10% Ills, 200% 151% Allied Chemical (6) 5 179% 179 179 -1% 15% 9% Allied Mills (.Tag) . 2 13% 13% 13% — Vi 11% 6 Allied Stores 7 10% 10% 10% - % 48% 28 Allls-Chalmers 75g 7 43% 42% 43% + % 19% 12% Alph Port Cmt .75g_ 2 16% 16% 16% - % 21 12 Antal Leather pf __ 1 17 17 17 -1% 74% 50 Amerada (2) .. l 07% 07% 07,^ + ^ 24% 16 Am Ag Ch Del (lg)_ 1 21% 21% 21% 40% 16% Am Airlines 26 40% 39% 39-% — &(, 17% 9% Am Bar.k Note ,20g. 7 13% 13 i3v4 _ i,4 60 49% Am Hank N of (31 50s 51% 50% 60s, -1% 8 3% Am Bosch 3 7% 7 7 — v4 57% 31% Am Brake Shoe 75g 3 51% 51 % 51% 110 125 Am Hr Shoe nf 5.25. 80s 130% 130 130 -4 179 150 Am Can pf (7) _ 1 165 165 161 - % 40% 16% Am Car & Foundry. 7 37% 37 37 — % '-'5% 1.3% Am Chain & C 65g.. 10 24%. 24% 24% + 132 109% Am Chicle < 4a) _ 2 122 121% 121% — % 8% 5 AmColortvpe _ 1 7% 7% 71, 18% 6% Am Crystal Sugar.. 6 13% 13 13 — % 5% 2% Am Encaustic Til_ 5 3 2% 2% — % 6% 4% Am European Sec . 1 6 6 6 — % •8% 2 Am & Foreign Pwr. 4 2% 2% 2% + % 28% 12% Am * For'n P 37 of. 1 26% 26% 26% - % 33 12 Am Hawa'n SS (1). 2 24% 24% 21% +• % 8 2% Am Hide £• Leather 4 7- 6% 6% A.11 . An, D—J •) r r 1 . r < , e « . . ! 3% 1 % Am Ice 3 2% 2% 2% 9 S', Am International.. 1 7% 7% 7% + % 30% 13 Am Locomotive _ 3 26'% 26% 26% - % 79% 41 Am Locomotive pf. 2 71 70% 71 + % 15% 11 Am Mach & Fy S0_. 2-5 14% 14% 14% — a, 40% 25% Am Metal ,(75g) __ 1 27% 27% 27% — % 26 21% Am .News (1.25k) 50s 23 22% 23 7 3-% Am Power & Light. 14 5% 5% 5% — % 45% 28 Am P&L $5 pf 2 501c 4 44 4:1% 43 , _ a, 52% 32 Am P&L $6 pf (3k). 4 51% 51 ' 61%.- % 18% 8% Am Radiator ... 56 11 10% 10% 22% 11% Am Rolling Mills .. 15 20% 20% 20% — % 80% 50 Am Roll M pf 1.25k. 1 78 78 78 — % 15% 11 . Am Safety Kaz 1 20 1 12% 12% 12% — % 20 9 Am Seating (,50el . 3 13 13 pi — % 46% 25% Am Ship Bldg 1.50g. 60s 39', 39% 39% - % 6.1 35% Am Sm & Ref (2) ... 9 55% 54% 65% + % 140% 127% Am Sm & li pf (7).. 1 138 138 138 41 20% Am Steel Foundry.. 25 37% 36% 36% - a, U% 8% Am Stores (,50g)... 1 13% 13% 13% 34% 15% Ain Sugar Refining. 1 24% 24% 24 , 98 75% Am Sugar R pf (7). 3 93% 93 93 - % 170% 148 Am Tel & Telee (9) 18 168 167 167%+ ■% 87'a 73 Am Tobacco (5) .... 2 81 81 81 j- % 89% 75% Am Tobacco (B)(5) 3 83 82 83 +1 8% 4% Am Type Founders. 4 6% 6% 6% — % 14% 8% Am W ater Works.. 15 13 , 13 13% - ‘4 15% 3% Am Woolen _ 2 13% 12% 12% — % 64% 28% Am Woolen pf_ 4 53 52% 53 — % 12 4 Am Zinc 2 g<4 g% g% _ % 40 20% Anaconda (.75g) 14 33% 33% 33% + % 54% 35 Anaconda Wire & C 1 43 43 43 - 1% 27% 13% Anchor Hoc G1 45g. 1 22% 22% 22%+ % 114% 111 Anchor H G pf 6.50 10s 114 114 114 105 97 Armourt Del) pf (7) 2 101 lol 101 8% 3% Armour (111) .. 11 6% 6% 6% — % 60 S3 % Armour (111» pr pf. ] 48% 4s% 4>% - •% a as sruoonuom 1 10% 10% lo% 10% 5% Assoc Drv Goods 5 9% 9% 9% — % lull 89%. Assoc Invest pf (5) 10s 93% 93% 93% + 1% 4.% 21 A tell loll & S F 6 31% 31% 31% — % 71 50 Atch T&SK pf 3.50* 1 63% 63% 63% - % 30% 15 Atl Coast Line_ 2 26 25% 26 + % 24'. 18% Atl Keflning 11) __ 1! 24% 24 24% — % 9 % 7 Allas Corp (.25*1 2 8% 8% 8% — % 127 116 Atlas Powder pflSl 10s 12 !% 123% 123% -+3% 8 4% Atlas Tack .. 1 7% 7% 7% - % 5% 1%. Auburn Auto <r 1 ... 1 3 3 3 8% 3% Aviation Core ... ]nl 71. 7 7 — % 21% 9 > Baldwin Loco ctrs.. 37 19% 19% 19,-1, 8% 3% Ballo&Ohlo _ 9 7% 7% 7% — % 11% 4% Baito&Ohlopf__ 1 9% 9% 9% — % 30% 19 Bangor & Ar (2)_ 1 21% 21% 21% 13 6 Barker Brothers_ 1 9% 9% 9., — 1, 19% 11% Barnsdall (.fiOg) _ 5 14% 11% 14% — % 25:% loV* Bayuk Cigars (.75). 1 24 . 24V. 24% + % 28 17 Beatrice Cre 1 la 1 . 1 27% 27% 27% + % 9% 7% Belding-Hem (.80). 1 9% 9% 9% + % 33«4 16-% Bendix Aviat'n .50* 40 32% 31% 32% 21% 17% Beneficial L'n 1.35*) 2 20% 20% 20%+ % 55 % 48% Beneficial L pf 2.50. 6 54 54 54 + % 57% 32 Best & Co (1.60a) 1 41% 41% 41% + % 100 50% Bethlehem Stl 1.5"g 42 91% 90 % 90% 1>% 15% Beth Stl 5% pf U)_ 5 lie, 17% 17% - % UIWI pi u o 1N‘« iH‘3 - Iv 327 157 Bigelow-Sanford_ 4 317 307 317 — 7 247 14 Black & Decker (1). 7 237 22 22 -17 177 87 Klaw-Knox 8 137 13*4 137 + 7 867 137 Bliss & Lane 2.2"a 4 357 35 35 _ .7 237 147 Bloomingdale (.75) 50s 177 177 177 347 16 7 Boeing Airplane 19 197 297 297 287 16 Bohn Alum & B .Tog 1 26 26 26 + 7, 11" l(i07 Bon Ami (A) (4a 1 50s 114 114 114 +17 60 51 Bon Ami (BI 2 50a. 10s 587 587 687 - is 227 127 Bond Stores (.SO)_ 8 23 7 227 227 - 7 22 157 Borden Co ( 90c)_ 9 217 217 217 + 7 32 187 Borg-Warner ,T5g _ 7 27 267 27 347 197' Bower Boll Brg (2) 1 337 337 337 + 1, 77 57 Brewing Corp (.60). 3 67 67 67 157 77 Bridgeport Brass _ 6 13 7 137 137 _ 1, 31s 167 Briggs Mfg (lg) 28 257 20 25 — 7 53 417 Brlstol-AIvers 2.40 2 51 51 51 -1 147 77 Bklyn-Man Transit 1 117 117 rt, +. t, 307 13-7 Bklyn l'n D us(.50g) 3 26 25 1 26 — 7 237 97 Brunswick-B 1.25g 4 227 227 227. + 7 137 7 Bucyrus-Erie_ 1 10 •„ R17 107 + 7 8 4 Budd Mfg _ 3 6 7 67 64 + 7 557 297 Budd Mfg pf- 220s 477 46‘t 477 -1 57 3 Budd Wheel _ 3 57 57 5'v, _ 7 197 117 Burllngt'n Mills <1) 5 187 187 187+ 7 187 11 Burr's Add Mch .40. 17 137 13 13 - 7 77 1 Bush Terminal _. 3 57 57 57 — 7 97 57 Butler Bros (.30g). 1 87 87 87 + 7 237 187 Butler Bros pf 1.50. 2 227 227 227 — 7 137 7 Bvers'AMiCc 1 137 137 137 + 7 76 257 Byers AM of 12.57k 30s 77 77 77 +2 177 117 Byron Jackson (1) x 2 167 167 167 uu » Lanrornia pacaing. 2 244 24 24 —1 34 -4 Callahan Zinc 7 24 2 2 104 4% Calumet & Hec .25g. 4 84 84 84+ 4 20% 12 Canada Dry (.50g) 4 154 154 154 64 34 Canadian Pacific 13 04 54 54 — 4 4 24 Carriers&Gen ,125g 2 34 34 34 644 384 Caterpillar Traci2) 7 58 574 58 - 4 294 134 Celanese Corp __ 28 284 274 284 +14 1094 84 Celanese pr pf (7). 80s 1044 103% 1044 + 4 19% 7% Celotex Corp 3 11 11 11 724 58 Celotex Corp pf (5) 10s 62 62 62 304 184 Cent Aguirre (1.50) 5 254 254 2514 — 4 54 24 Central Foundry 1 4 4 4 —4 1134 1034 Cent 111 L of 4.50 .. 10s 1084 1084 1084 124 34 Central RR of N J.. 2 84 84 84 — % 144 34 Central Violetta .. 6 84 84 84 — 4 • >2% 32 Cerro de Pasco (4)_ 3 40 394 394 - 4 13 5% Certain-teed _ 3 74 74 74 474 22 Certain-teed pf _ 290s 38 364 374 +1 224 18 Chain Belt (1.10g)_. 3 20 194 194 — 4 30 17 Champ caper & F_ 1 27 27 27 214 64 Checker Cab Co _ 1 194 194 194 — 4 294 174 Ches Corp 1 l,20g)__ 1 284 284 284 474 27 Ches & (Ihlo < 2) . 19 424 424 424 — 4 95 4 854 Ches & Ohio pf (4). 2 92 92 92 +2 4 1 4 Chi & Cast 111 pt <r> 13 3 3 44 14 Chi Gri West pf <r) 1 3% 3% 3% — % 14 94 Chi Mail Order (1) _ 1 134 134 134 - % % 4 Chi M StP Sc P <r) __ 4 4 4 4 14 4Chl M StP*P pf (r). 11 1 1 -% 14 4 Chi & Northwn »r>_ 11 1 1 — % 204 10 Cr.l Pneu Tool _ 3 17% 174 17%+ % % 4 Chi K 1 & P < r) ..1444 154 10 Chickasha C O ,25g. 3 114 114 114 134 5 Childs Co __ 10 74 7% 7% Q4S- Chrvcler i A rr \ 90 Q1U QAl/. Ol 1/ 14% 9 City lce&-Fuel 90g. 4 12 12 12 - % 97% 79 City tee & F of 6.50 60s 9.3 92% 93 + % 4% 2% City Stores _ 1 4% 4% 4% 34% 15 Clark Kquip(1.25g). 1 32% 32% 32V* 115 106% Clev El Illu Df 4 50. 20s 110% 110% 110% + % 39 20% Cleve Graphite ill. 2 37 36% 37 60% 34% Climax Molih 1.20a. 6 48 47% 48 -% 86% 21% duett Peabdy(.75g) 11 35% 35 35%+% 133 105 Coca-Cola t2g) ... 2 120 120 120 62 58 Coca-Cola (AM3)2 b0% 60% 60%+ % 17% 11% Colgate-Palm-P 50. 2 14 14 14 107 101% Colg-Pal-P pf (6)_ 1 105% 105% 105% +1% 37% 20% Collins Aik <.75g>_. 3 36 35% 35%-% 24% 11% Colo Fuel * Iron . 2 23% 23 23 - % 24% 14 Colum BC(A)1.05g 1 21V* 21% 21% + % 24% 14 Colum B C <B> 1.05* 1 21% 21% 21%-% 9 5% Columbia Gas & El. 38 7% 7% 7% 91 74% Col G&E of A (6) .. 2 82% 82% 82% - M, 15% 6% Columb Pic vtc 2%f 2 8%' 8 8 — % 30% 16 Columb Pic pf 2.41k 1 19% 19% 19%-% 96 73 Columb n Carb «♦>. 1 93 93 93 -2% 57 38% Cornel Credit 4 4)_ 10 47% 47 47% 60- 42 Cornel Inv Tr (4).7 52% 52 52%+ Vi 16 8% Cornel Solvents _ 9 13% 13% 13% 31% 25% Comwlth Edis 1.65g 76 30% 30% 30% — % 2% IV* Comwlth & South’n. 63 1% 1% 1% 72% 45% Comwlth & S pf (3). 5 70 69% 70 8% 5 Conde-Nast Pub_ 2 7% 7% 7% 80% 19 Congoleum 75g_ 4 25% 25% 25% 8% 5 Congress Cigar_ 1 7% 7% 7% — V* 31% 15% Consol Aircraft . 40 31 30 30% + % 85 "73 Consol Clear pf (7) 10s 79 79 79 -1 11 4% Consol Cop M(.30g) 6 8% 8% 8% + % 35 27 Consol Edison <2 >_ 44 31% 31V* 31% 108% 101% Consol Edis of <6). 1 105% 105%. 105'% + % 2% 1 • Consol Film . 5 1% 1% IV* 12% 7% Consol Film pf ,75k 1 10% 10% 10% - Vi 7% 4% Consol Laundries.. 7 5 4% 5 9% 6% Consol Oil i.*0) . 30 8% 8% 8% — Vi 5% 1 Consol RR Cuba pf. 4 2% 2% 2% 9 1% Consolidation Coal 8 5% • 5% 5% 16% 9% Container Corp ,25g 17 16% 15% 16%+% 22% 11% Conti Baking tA)__ 2 14% 14% 14% - % 2 1% Conti Baking <B)__ 2 1% 1% 1% 51% 32% Conti Can (2g)_ 10 43% 43% 43%-% 10% 5 Conti Diamond__ 3 8 8 • 1 Pml'h1?3!> Stock and Sale^"' Net 37* 29WYrnnD,1,Vl,ClendRate « , AddOO.Hiah.Low. Close. chYe. 4 M1,.“r,U°*> 3 37T» 37* 37*8* * Conti Motor 32 314. 3 3 _ u aiH 19* Conti OlllDel) .76r. 12 27* 27* 27*-* ^1,? Corn Exchange <3). 20s .69* 69* 50*+* b7* 64* Corn Product. <8>_. 2 63* 62* 62*-* 4 « 3 Coty. Inc <25c) - 13 .417, 4N 4* J* 1fi,1‘^0ty Internatl 20*- 1 U4 1* •18 lb I'rane ro 1 05 9K or j. 110 93 Crane Co c» Df (6) 2 97 96* 97 4 s?I4 36* Cream of \Vhcat(2). ’ 1 30* 30* 30* - V, 41* 20* Crown Pork & Seal 16 32* 31* 3 » 8* 01 7* Crown Zeller < 60 10 15* 15* 15* “l„ 7o Crown Zeller Df <61 60s 88* 88 88 "f4 24* Crucible Steel ... 7 48* 48* 48*-* , 3 Cuban Am Sugar... 18 7* 7 7 -* 19 a 9 Cudahy Packing_ 2 16 15* 15* _ * 7* 3* Curtis Publishing .16 6 6 63'5 38 r,ul'' r’t‘b Pf -’.37;,k . 1 55* 55* 65* - * 3 4* < urnssWright 470 9* 9 9* + * ; 9* 19* Curtiss Wr A <lg) . 51 29* 29* 29* + Vi 33 13* Cutler Hammer 25* 8 23* 22* 23* + * 10* 4* Davison Chemical . 6 8* 8* 8*-* 25* 15* Deere & Co . 6 23* 23% 23% + V 27* 23 Deere* Poof <140) 3 25 25 25 oT' ^ ,75g. 2 16* Ifi.r, 16* 33 ,,4 E® 4 Hudson — - 21 27 26* 26* + Vi 8* 3* Pel l.aek * Wn 6 714 714 71, l.a* 103 Detroit Edison (6c) 1 125* 125* 125* + * 34* 28 luam d Match 1.60 4 34 33^ 34 44* 36* Plain'd Mtch of 1.60 2 39* 39* 30* + Vi 10* 5* Diamond T Motor _ 10 0* fl* 0*8 * oo' ir n!s,!l';Seae,M,K - 9 17,» ** 17* — * 90 66 Distil Seagr pf (5)_. 1 71 71 71 +2 •"4 20* Dome Mines (2) ... Q 2.0* 23* 23* 86* 55 Douglas Aircraft... 37 83* 83 83* - V, 5reSKerMfS - 16 15* 14* 15*+ * V, , 4 Dunhlll internatl_ 12 9 kv, 9 _ 186* 126* Du Pont <3 75g) 7 131 181 I8P» — * 124*112 Du Pont pf (« 60) — 6 119*118*119*41* 24 12’-4 Eastern Air l.lnes.. 71 24* 23* 24* + * ■ -* • • « ,,0.0 in min mills _ -J, y fi*4 fi s4 _ i.4 1S6'. 138', Kastman Kodak IG) 2 104 If.'. If4 4 \ 1 s0'» 15V« Katnn Mfp (2) . 3 29'-, 29'. 299.- >, •'l\ 1 Kitinuinn Schlld 2 IT 1 <4 1,41. 4O'* 22'i Klee Autn L (2tr)_ 12 2s', *8', 34:1 ^ _ i.4 17 K'i Electric Boat .60r._ 10 If * 15'4 if - y4 12'» ft Klee Pwi * l.lkht _ 8 S'4 8', sv4 38 1ST Klee Pw & Et SG of- 2 29'i 28:* 29 ... + Vi 41'j 20'j Klee Pw & Et of _ fi 2,4-, 341, 341, _ 35 23Elec Stor Rat (21... 1 31 31 31 3'i V* Klk Horn Coal 1 2'4 2'* 2', 411* 29 R1 Paso Nat G 42)_ 2 40'. 40'i 40'a - 4, 111 10:1". Endlcott-J of (6)60s 108 107 108 4l E0V 7 line Pub Service_ f IP, 1 pi4 jp* _ 1, 1 » '4 EauIt Office Bid*__ 1 p4 p4 p4 4 1, 3 1 ErleRR(r) _ 4 o.t4 2'* 2'* 0 lr. Erie RR 1st uf (r)_. 2 4H 41.. 41.. _ i4 13 ti Evans Products__ 3 IP, IP* IP* — 1, 251* 14’, Ex-Cell-O t 70e).__ 2 23'4 23'j 23'j — 2', 1 Exchance Huffet_ 1 pt p4 p4 4 ik 43'. 24 Fairt>anks-Mnrse__. 2 37P, 37 3 7 i/t — *, 18', 11 Fed Et & Trac ___ 1 15 15 15 _ i,4 0 2', Fed Motor Truck .. 4 4', 474 474 37', 27:l4 Fldelltv Phoe 1 fiOa. 2 37'2 37'/, 370, + *, 25’* 17'. Firestone Tire tl)_. 2 22W 22'. 22:L, — lO.Va 99', Firestone pf (61 . 1 104', 104', 101', 4 *4 61 38', First Natl Strs 2.60. 2 48 47', 47',- i5 31'j 15 Fllntkote Co __ 3 21', 2Pi 2P, + t* 5 1'2 Follanshee Bro (r). 14 4 4 — t, ri7!,7 21 F’nnd Marh 1 1 O-vtr 1 0*7 3 0*7 « 1 29% 14 Foster Wheeler _ 2 23% 22% 22% — % 9% 1% Francisco Sugar 3 5% 4% 41, _ % 30 18V, Freeport Sulph (la) 9 33% 33% 33% - V, 5% 2 (lair iKotierl) 7* 5 4 „ 5 18% 9% Gaylord Cont ,60g__ 1 15 15 15 9 , 5% Gen Am Invest .. 2 7% 7% 7% — % 65 49 Gen Am Tran 1.125b 2 58% 58 59% + % 11 7% Gen Baking (,45g)_. 18 8 8 18 9 Gen Gable __ 3 13% 13% 13%+ % 25 , 18 Gen Cigar (1.50g)__ 1 19 19 19 - V. 130% 100 Gen Cigar pf (7)__ 20a 111) 110 DO + % 44% 31 Gen Fleetric 75b- 27 41% 40% 41V* + % 41 s 36% Gen Foods (2a)_ 7 43% 43% 44 + % 1% % Gen G.,s ft El 1 A)_ 5 % % % 99 72% Gen Mills (3.75g)_ 1 88 88 88 +2 r,6% 30% Gen Motors (2.25g). 70 55% 54% 51% - % 120% 112 Gen Motors pf (5).. 1 121 124 121 41 10 « 7 Gon Print Ink 30g_. 7 <%% 914 91. + ^ 1% ", Gen Public Service. 2 1% 1% 1% 1% % Gen Realty ft Util _ 7 ■% % % 20% 11 Gen Realty A U pf.. 4 10, 10 , 10% _ % 41 19% Gen Refractor ,25b. 1 37% 37% 37-, 15% 12% Gen Shoe (1.20) __ 1 14 , 14%,14%- % 43% 10 Gen Sieel Cast pf .. 20s 391., 38% ::8% - », 18% 13’, Gen Telephone (1) . 2 17% 17% 17%+ % 15% 8% Gen Thea Kq (.65g). 14 13% 12% 12% - % 27% 15% Gen TlreftRub ,50(f. 13 25% 24 24% + % 8% 5% Gillette Saf R « (50) 7 7% 7% 7'., 54 43", Gillette S R pf (6).. 5 50% 50 50 + % 13% 0% Glmbel Broa_ 2 10% 10% 10% 24% 14 Olldden Co _ 5 19 18% 19 3", 2% Gobel (Adolf) _ 4 3%, 3s, 2% 1% Goebel Brew ( 20a). 1 2% 2% 2%+*% 84 70 Gold Stock Tel (6) _ 30s 81 81 81 -2 li4r<a l.°.U CnndHrh iR m 1 *? OO on i , 74% 53 Goodrtch(BF>pf(5) 1 66% 66% 66 4 — % 38% 21% Goodyear !.75g)__ 9 28% 27% 28% + % 1% % Graham-Palge - 12 1 % 7, _ v* 16% 4% Granby Consol ,40g. 5 8% 8% S'% 17 4 11 Grand (Jn pf< 1.25k) 1 17 17 17 — «„ 25 22% Grant! W T)pf(l)__ 1 23% 23% 23%-% 33% 16% Great North n pf . 14 31 30% 30% — % 22% 12% Great No O cfs .75*. 3 18% 18% 18% - % 37% 23% Great Wn Sub (2)_ 2 31 30% 30% 141% 129% Great Wn S pf (7)_20s 135 135 135 35% 24% Green (HL> (2)_ 1 32% 32% 32% + % 21% 14% Greyhound ( 80) _ 29 17% 17% 17% + % 12% 10 Greyhound pf ( 55) 3 11 11% 11%+ % 6 % Guantanamo Surar 25 27s 1% 2% — 7„ ."6 9 Guantanamo S pf __ 10s 20 20 20 17% 8 Hall 'W Ft Trie 3 17 17 17 18 15 Hamilton W (,75k). 1 17% 17% 17% — % 103 96 Hanna 1M tpf (5)_ 50s 103 103 103 33% 17 Harb-Walk ,45g_ 4 32% 31% 31% — % 4% 2 Haves Bod* _ 11 4 , 4% 4 t _ % 110% 95 Hazel Atlas G1 (5). 2 108 107% 103 +1 13% 8% Hecker Prod ( 60a). 4 11 10% 10% — % 18% 10 Hercules Motor . 3 17 16% 17 + % 101 * a 63 Hercules P (1.20g)_ 2 88% 87% 87% — 1% FtA Hprshpv f hor i « i 1 cm c * _o 115 100 Hershey cv pf (4a). 3 106% 106% 106% 51 29% Holland Burn (2) . 1 35% 35% 36% + % 106% 95 Holly Sugar pf (7). 20s 109% 109% 109% + % 66% 47% Homestake (4.601 6 55% 55% 55%+ % 36% 27 Houd-Her( A) (2.50) 1 33% 33% 33% — % 17% 8% Houd-Hersh(B) 25g 3 14* 14% 14% 72% 60% Household Fin (4).. 2 6( 62% 62% — % 9% 4% Houston OH _ 4 7% 7% 7% — % 35% 21% Hudson Bay 1.75g__ 2 27% 27% 27% — % 1% % Hudson & Manhat.. 1 1% 1% 1% + % 8% 4% Hudson Motor__ 1 7 7 7 + % 2% % Hupp Motor_ 3 1 1 1 20% 9 Illinois Central_ 6 15% 15% 15% 29% 16% Indust Rayon .25s— 2 27 % 27 27 — % 131 86 Ingeraol] R'd *.50g_ 3 117 117 117 -1% 98% 67 Inland Steel 1.60g_. 9 91 90 91 +% 21 9% Inspiration Copper. 2 16% 16% 16% — % 9% 2% Intertinro R T (r)_ 1 3% 3% 3% + % 46% 17% Interchem (.40s)_ 3 43% 43% 43% + % 108 90 Interchem pf (6)... 30s 101 104 104 16% 7% Interlake lion _ 12 14% 14% 14% — % 3% 1% lntl Asrlcultural_ 1 3% 3% 3% — % 41 16 lntl Asrlcul pr of_ 3 39% 38% 39% + % 195*145 lntl Bus Mach (6a). 1 176 176 176 71% 45% lntl Harvester 1.60. 12 63% 63% 63% + % 8% 3% lntl Hydro-El (A).. 6 5% 5% 5% - % 17% 2% lntl Mercantile Ma. 5 10 9% 9% 10 5% lntl Minins (.30s)— 2 6% 6% 6% — % 55% 36% lntl Nickel (2) ... 39 40% 39% 40%-% 14% 6% lntl Paper & Power. 18 14 13% 14 + % 52% 25% lntl Paper* Pw pf. 23 51% 50 51% + % 40% 31% lntl Shoe (1.50)_ 5 37% 37% 37%+ % 33 19 lntl Silver _ 2 31 30% 30%+ % 9% 3% lntl Tel & Teles_ 76 5% 4% 5% + % 9% 4 lntl T & T for ct_ 30 5% 5% 5% + % 14% 7% Interstate Dept St.. 1 13% 13% 13% + % 18 13 Jarvis (\VB) (lg)._ 3 17% 17% 17% - % 85 68 Jewel Tea (4a)_ 1 79% 79% 79% -1% 105 59 Johns-Manvllle ,75g 2 79% 79 79% + % 19% 13 Kalamazoo Stov .50 1 18 18 18 — % 121% 117% Kan CI’&L. 1st B(6) 10s 118% 118% 118% + % 18 12% Kayser (J) 1.50g _. 2 15 15 15 99 79 Kendall pf (6) ... 10s 90 90 90 46% 28 Kennecott Cop ,75s 17 40% 39% 39% - % 30% 12% Kinney J5 pf (.60g) 100s 27% 27% 27% — % 29% 23% KressiS HX1.60) . 2 27% 27 27%-% 29% 20V* Kroger Groc 1.60a_ 12 29Vi 28% 29%+ % 18% 14 Lambert <1.50) _ 5 15% 15% 15% - % 37% 25 Lee Ruh & T 2.50a . 2 32% 32 32 25 17 Leh Port Cmt 1.26g. 1 24V* 24% 24% — % 118 113 Leh Port C pf (4)_ 60s 115% 115% 115% 3% % Leh Valley Coal .. 4 2 1% ]% - % 8% 1 '* Leh Valley Coal Df. 2 5% 5% 5% + V* 6% 2% Leh Valley RR <r)„ 36 6% 4% 5 + % 27% 20 Lehman Corp (.80), 5 25% 25% 25% — % 56% 36% Llbbey-Ow-F 1.60g. 2 52% 52% 62% + % 10 4% Libby McNA-Llb 2 7% 7% 7% — % 43% 33 Life Savers (l.tOa). 1 42% 42% 42%+ % 108% 95 Ligg & Myers <4a). 3 98% 98% 98%+ % 109% 95% Ligg & Myers(B)4a 5 99% 99% 99% — % 40% 20% Lima Locomotive . 1 35% 35% 35% — % 47 31% Link Belt (1) _ 2 44 43% 44 + % 20% 10 Lion Oil Ref (1) 3 15% 15% 15% 19 13% Liquid Carbide .80a. 1 15% 15% 15%+ % 54% 30% Loew’s. Inc (2a)_ 12 36% 36% 36% - % 21% 6 Loft Ino 18 17% 17% 17% + % 62 38% Lone Star C (S)___ 6 48% 48% 48% - % 6% 2 Long-Bell (A) 3 4% 4% 4% 22% 16% Loose-Wiles (1)_ 1 17% 17% 17% + % 24% 19% Lorlllard (1.20).6 23% 23% 23%+% 159% 138 Lorlllard pf (7)_100s 147 147 147 20% 15% Louis GAE(A)1.60. 3 19% 19V* 19% — % 67 36% Louis & Nash 2.25g. 1 69 • 59 59 -1 35 28 Mac And&Forb (2). 1 31 31 31 + % 33% 18 Mack Trucfts _ 5 31% 30% 31% 43% 25% Macy (UH) Co (2)... 2 33% 33% 33%+% 19Vj 11% .Madis Sq Gar 1.35g. 2 13% 12% 13%+% 6% 1 Manati Sugar . 7 3% 3 3 — % 14% 5 Man Ry mod gtd<r) 5 13 13 13 — % 5% 4% Marine Midl'd .S2g_. 16 5% 5% 5% + % 17% 9% Marshall Field_ 8 17% 16% 16% 42% 26% Martin (Glenn)_ 24 40% 40% 40% 5% 2 Martin Parry _ 1 4% 4% 4% 67% 30 Masonite Coro (1).. 2 40 40 40 — V* 37% 20% Math Alklll (1.601.. 2 31% 31% 31%-% 63% 40% May Dept Stre (»)„ 2 53% 53% 63%-% 6% 3Vi Maytag Co-- 1 4% 4% 4% 16V* 9% McCrorv Stre-- 4 15% 15% 15% — V* 24 15% McQraw Elec (1)__. 6 20% 20% 20% — % 59% 39 McIntyre Pore (2a). 2 48% 48% 48%+% ' I _ 2:30 p.m. Prev. 103(1 Stock and Sales— Net. Hlkh. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. Hieh. Low. Close, chae. 18% 8% McKeesport Tin 2 15% 14% 14% — % 10% 6% Mcl,ellan Strs .60g. 3 10% 10% 10%+% 6% 8 Alengsl Co ... 1 5% 6% 5% + % 28% 14 Mengel Co 6% pf___ 10s 22% 22% 22%+ % 16% 6% M latm Copper 4 13 13 13 18 11% Mid Cont Tet ( 60g) 6 17 17 17 37% 18% Mid Steel (1.50g) .. 8 34% 34% 34% -1% 119% 101 Mid Stl 1st of «8 > . 10s 119 119 119 -% 114 10.3% Minn Hon Pf B (4). 60s 109 109 109 + % 6% 2% Minn Moline Imp 4 5% 5% 6% + % 54 36 Minnaap-Mollne pf 1 47% 47% 47%+ % 2% 1 Mo-Kan & Texas... 2 1% 1% 1% 2% % Mo Pacific pf <r> 2 1% 1% 1% 21 10% Mohawk Carpet 25g 4 19% 19% 19% — % 114% 85% Monsanloi2> 3 109% 109 109 —1 67% 40% Montgom W'd 1.25b 28 56% 55% 66 + % 37% 22% Morris & Es 13 875) 60s 30% 30% 30%-% 19 9% Motor Products 2 13% 13% 13% - % 17% 10 Motor Wheel (1 60) 2 17% 17% 17* + % 7% 3% Mullins Mfg (.B) — 1 6% 5% 5% - % 44% 30 Mullins Mfe pf_ 20s 38 37% 37% - % 14% 9 Munslnewear _ 1 12% 12% 12% — % 70 60 Murphy (GC1 (It_ 1 08% 08% 68% -1% 9% 4 Murray Coro__ 4 7 6% 7 9% 5*4 Nash Ketvtnator __ 12 7% 7% 7% 14% 71 j Natl Aviation 60s- 5 13v4 13% 13% 28% 21% Natl Biscuit (1.60). 15 23% 23% 23% - V4 16 10% Natl Bond & In fit's 1 15% 15% 15% - % 23% 17% Natl Bond & Sh .60— 1 20% 20% 20% - Vs 26*4 14% Nall fash KeE ill 21 16% 16% 16% - % 16 8% Natl Cyl Oas 1.35s). 1 13% 13% 13*4 - % 18% 12 ■ Nat Dairy (.60s) - 9 16% 16% 16*4- % 28% 20% Natl Distillers <2>. 3 24% 24% 24% — % 18% 10% Natl Enam & Stps~ 1 14% 14% 14% + Vi 16% 8% Natl fivpsum 9 12% 12% 12% 106 83 Natl Gyps m pf 4.50 9 90% 90% 90'« + % 27% 17% Natl Lead i 601 5 22% 21% 22% - % 145 135 Natl Lead pf(B><6) 20s 136 135 135 -1 10 6% Natl Pwr & L I 60). 2 8% 8% 8% - % 82 52 Natl Steel (1.20s)— 4 75% 75% 75% - % 15% 5% Natl Supply _ 1 11% 11% 11% 5% 2% Natl Tea Co _ 1 4% 4% 4% - % 29% 18% Nelsner Bros (1) 5 26 25% 25% + % 112% 105% NewberrvtJJ tpf(5) 10s 109% 109% 109% — % 17% 8% Newport Indus 4 15 14*4 15 V/- i. I X 2A 1 1 JTJIrtlVC £. .»•* O'* ~ vs 23'. 11', N Y Central 63 2! 2I'» 22 4- V, I 51 a Id's N Y Chi & St Louis, 1 24 23 . 23*4- V. 45'. 18', N Y Chi * St I Df 4 41 <. 41*4 41'* — '. 43', 30 N Y C Omnibus (3a) 1 33'% 33V4 33'* - W 10*. 1", N Y Dock 2 6, 6', 6'i - V* 1', ', N Y N H & H (r> . 1 1' a l1. l'a+U fi'4 2 NYNH*Hpf(r|. 6 4 3, 4 3, 4 '3. - V, 1*. HNYOnt&Wn lr).. 11 1 l - v* 17 8S N Y Shipbuilding .. 1 14H 1 4 3. 143, - 216 16s Norfolk A Wn (10). I 20s 207'* 207v. -IV* 113 103'a Norfolk & W pr (4) x 80s 106Vi 106 a 106', '29 12'', North Arn Aria.40* lit) 28 27'* 27:, + V 263, 184* North Atn Co( .90g) 15 23V* 23 2IV* 59 50 , No Am 64.^1 2 87S 4 .'-O'* 56 56 3,4 1V* 59', 52', North Am 67. pf (3 >. 3 56 56 56 -1 14'* 7 Northern Paclftr 10 11', 11 '* 1114 112V* 100 Nor'n Sta P, pf (6). 1 110 lit) 110 — V* 6’, 2"* Norwalk Tire _ 5 6 5:, 6 10’, 6 Ohio Oil t.20e> ... 27 8% 8 4 8'4 30 14', Oliver Farm FouId 11 25'* 24', 25'* 4- 4* 20'i 12 Omnibus Corp 1 20a 1 14’, 14'. 1^'* 27‘* 15', Otis Elevator .90g . 6 19 , 19', 19', — v* 16 7', Otis Steel . 5 14'* 14, 14',- V* 51 40V, Outlet Co (3a) . 10s 51 51 51 70 50 Owens-111 Glass (2) 4 66V, 65'* 65*» - Vi 7'j 3 I’ac Am Fisheries . 2 5T, 5', 5T« — '* 7'* 21* Pacillc Coast .... 60s 6', 6 -, 6', — ** 247, 11'* Pac Coast 1st pf_ 20s 23', 23 23 15', 3‘. Pac Coast 2d pf .. 10s 14'* IP* 14'4 — v. 34', 27V, Pac Gas & Klee (2). 13 313, 31 31', 50'* 41 Pac Fighting (3)_ 4 48 47'* 48 4 V* 21', 9'i Pac Mills ... 1 IS 18 18 32r„ 17 Pac Tin spl (.75c)_ 4 32 30'. 30,-1'. 11T, 73, Pac Westn Ol 6lle). 1 M1, 8 , S', — V, 4 « 3 Packard Motor _ 47 4 3T» 4 16', 9:. Pan-Am Airways... 3 16', 15U 16', 2 ", Panhandle .. 1 IV* 1'. H* - 1* 14', 6', Paramount (.15g)_ 22 9 S:, 9 107', 72 Paramount 1st (6). 1 85 85 85 -1 13', 7* Param't 2d pf ( 60). 4 10'* 10 10‘* 4 1* 4 1', Park Ptah Mines . 3 2>. 2'. 2'* 47 36 Parke Davisi 1 60g). 4 44'* 4P, 41,— V* ' I 21 11:4 Parker liust (1)_ 2 19V» 19', 19 , — 13', 5'* PatheFilm ... 1 10'. 10". It)'* — 1* j II . 7V* Patino Mines __ 1 9', 9r, 9T, — 1* 1 94 * 74 Penney (JC) 2 25*.. 6 90'* 90', 90', — t.. j Ci PennCnni Ci'e 'A A A . _ , 17% 15 Penn Kallroadi 60e) 29 26% 25% 23% + % 45 21 Pere Mara nr pf _ 110s 37% 37 37%+ % 47% 28% Phelps Dodge ,76g . 23 42% 41% 41% + % 48% 36 Phila Co $6 pf (3) ._ 1 45% 45% 45% — % i % % Phila 6RC4I (r). 19 % % % — % 103% 74 Philip Morris (3a).. 2 89 89 89 * % 46% 31% Phillips Petrol (2)_ 7 43% 43% 43% + % 9 6 Pierce Oil Df _ 1 8% 8}« 8% 31% 23 Pillsbury FI (1.60). 1 28% 28% 28% - % 12 2% Pitts Coal _ 1 7% 7% 7% + % 32% 12 Pitts Coal pf ... 1 27 27 27 +1 14% 4 Pitts Coke & Iron... 1 11% 10% 10% — % 11% 4% ritts Screw _ 4 ]0 9% 9% — % 20% 6 Pitts* W Va_ 10s 17% 17 17 2% % Plttston Co _ 5 1% 1% 1% — % 24 17% Plymouth Oil 1.40a_ 1 22% 22% 22% 16% 7% Poor & Co lE) __ 1 15 15 15 — % 16% 6 Pressed Steel Car.. 2 14% 14% 14%+ % 65 50% Proctor & Gam Ola) 5 64% 63% 64% 41% 81% Pub Svc (NJ l l.Sag. 8 40% 39% 40 — % 114% 101% Pub SvcOJ J )pf(5)_ 3 107% lu7% 107% — % 128% 112 Pub SvclN Jpf(6> 1 123% 123% 123%+ % i 143 129 Puh Svc(NJ)pf(7) 1 138', 138% 1.38V* + % 41% 22% Pullman Co t.76g) 14 37 36% 37 — %! 11% 6% Pure Oil 24 9% 9 9 — %i 81% 63% Pure OlI pf (6) 4 78% 78 78%+ % 18% 10<4 Purity Raking ,65g 2 15% 15'* 15% + % ' 15% 11 Quaker Sta Oil 1.10g 1 15% 15% 15% - % 8'* 5 Radio Corp . 60 6 5% ."■% _ L, 67% 63% Radio cv pf (3.60) . 3 58', 58 58 — %' 27* 1% Radio-Kelth-Or (r) 1 1% 1% 1% j 11% 4% Ilailr'd Sec I'1 Stk 30s 7% 7% 7', + V, 23% 16% Raybesl-Man(.76g) 1 21% 21% 21% 26% 12% Rammer Inc pf_ 1 25% 25% 25% - % 22% 10% Reading Co (1)_ 2 20 20 20 - % I 17% 9% Item Rand ( SOe) _ d II7. 11V. 11*. 754 55 Hern H pf ww(4.50) 1 57 57 57 +4 74 60 Renssalaer & S (8). 10s 72 72 72 24 4 Keo Motor lr) _ 8 14 14 J4 + 4 284 124 Republic Steel 38 27 264 27 +4 894 42 Rep Steel pfA 4.50k. 1 86 86 86 144 74 Reynolds Metals .. 2 11 11 11 — 4 114 54 Reynolds Spring _ 1 8 8 8 —4 45 35 Rsyn’Ids Tob(B)2g. 20 374 374 374 — 4 104 64 Richfield oil 17 84 84 84 + 4 174 10 Roan Antelope .40g. 2 114 114 114 - 4 34 154 Ruberoid Co 1.80).. 1 21 21 21 484 274 Safeway Strs 1.75g. 20 454 444 454 — 4 109 824 Safeway pi (6) 40s 103 103 103 — 4 494 274 St Joseph Read .75c 1 43 41 43 — 4 v» 4 St D-San Fran (r) — 14 4 4 2 4 St L-San Fr pf (r)„ 1 14 14 14+ 4 174 10 Schenlev Distillers. 5 144 14 t 144 — 4 1 4 Schulte Retail Sir). 21 4 4 4 104 34 Schulte R S pf (r).. 3 64 64 64— 4 1174 105 Scott Paper pf 4.50. 40s 114 114 114 1 4 Seaboard A B CD 2 4 4 4—4 34 1 Seaboard A L pf <r) 1 24 24 24 — 4 844 604 Sears Roebuck (3a) 15 844 834 844 + 4 184 114 Servel Inc (la)_ 5 164 16 16 — 4 214 104 Sharon Steel - 1 174 174 174-1 74 34 Sharp & Dohme_ 2 64 64 64 + 4 53 43 Sharp & D pf (3.50). 1 64 54 54 +1 114 64 Shattuck (FGH.40) 3 74 74 74- 4 174 94 Shell Un OR (.Z5g)_ 10 144 144 144-4 324 174 Simmons Co (lg)._. 4 25 244 25 34 2'2 Simms Petrol _ 6 24 24 24 294 154 Skelly Oil (,50g)- 3 224 224 224 - 4 1104 101 Sloss-Sheff pf (6)_ 10s 1074 1074 1074 + 4 21 114 Smith (A O) -- 1 194 194 J9u, 2:30 p.m Prev. 1030 Stock and Sales— Net. High. Low. Dividend Rate. Add 00. High Low. Close. ch*e. 24 12% Snider Pke ... 5 20% 20% 20%-% 15% 10% Soconjr-Vac'm .60*. 18 14 13% 13% — % 3% 1% So Amer Gold .20*.. 1 2% 2% 2% 35% 14 S Porto R Sue 1.25* 2 27 26% 26% -1 142 127 South P R S pf (S). 20s 136 136 136 -1 29% 23% Southn Cal Ed 1.60* 7 26% 26% 26% + % 21% 10% Southern Pacific... 20 17% 17% 17% - % 23% 11% Southern Railway.. 20 20% 20 20% + % 35% 15% Southern Rwy of... 14 34% 33% 34 3% 1% Sparks Wlthineton 3 2% 2% 2'/%. 60 60 Spear* Co pf{5.50> 40s 70 70 70 +10 51% 36 Sperry Corp Ur)... 7 50 49% 49% - % 33% 11 Spicer Mfg (2g)_ 2 32 32 32 + % 51% 42 Spicer Mfe pf A (3) 20s 51% 51% 51%+% 16% 8% Spiegel. Inc (.30g).. 13 11% 11% 11%+% 75% 60 Spiegel Inc pf 4 50.. 70s 63% 63% 63% + % 30% 18% Square D Co <.75g). 1 27% 27% 27% — % 7% 5% Stand Brands .475*. 33 6 5% 6 108 91 Stand Br'ds pf 4.60. 2 97% 97% 97%+ % 4!4 2>4 Stand fiaa Jb HI*** 1 07... oil, ot/_ 10% 4% Stand Gas & Elec pt 2 8% 8 8% 20% 10 Stand G&E $6 pr pf. 1 20% 20% 20% 25V 13% Stand G&E $7 pr pt. 6 24% 24 24% — % 33% 24% Stand OH Cal (la).. 10 28% 27% 28 -% 30 22% Stand OH lnd (1)._. 36 27% 26% 27 63% 38 Stand Oil N J (la).. 23 47% 47 47% - % 79% 65 Sterling Prod(3 80) 4 74% 74 74%+ % 12% 6% Stewart-Warner 8 10% 9% 10% + % 17% 8% Stone*Webster.23g 13 13% 13% 13% 10 5% Studebaker . . 24 9% 9% 9% — % 66 45% Sun 011(1) 1 58% 58% 58%-% 11% 7% Sunshine Min 1.20*. 1 10% 10% 10% 3% 1% Superior Oil _ 6 2% 2% 2% — % 22% 10 Superior Steel _ 1 19% 19% 19%+ % 25% 17 Swift & Co 41.20)__ 6 22 21% 22 — % 37% 24% Swift Inti (2)_ 6 33 32% 33 + % 12% 4% Symington wwa__ 3 11% n 11%+ % 9% 3% Symington xw l 8% 8% 8% — V« 6% 3% Telautograph .25*.. 1 4 4 4 + % 9% 4 Tenn Corp _ 3 7% 7% 7«t 60% 32% Texas Corp 12)_ 27 47% 46% 46% - % 38% 26 Tex Gulf Sul (2) ... 4 36% 36% 36%+ % 11% 7 Tax Pac C&O < 40) _ 5 9% 9% 9% - % 9 6% Texas Pac Ld Tr... 25 6% 6% 6% + % 5% 3% The Fair - 1 5% 5% 5% 40 30 The Fair pf- 60s 41 40% 41 + *(, 5 2% Thermold 74 5% 4.1, 5% + % 30% 14 Thermold pf 1.75k.. 150s 31% 29% 31%+1% 31 1% Third Avenue _ 1 3% 3% 3% 4% 2% Thompson (J R)_ 9 4 4 4 32% 17 Thomp Prod ,75g 2 30% 30% 30% - % .V * iVj inompson tstarrett. 12 2 2 154 7In Thompson Star pf _ 1 II 11 11 — u 144 94 Tide- Water AO ,«5g 2 124 124 124- 4 224 104 Timken Det Ax ,26g 6 22 214 22 + 4 544 344 Tlmkar. Roll B (lg) 2 504 504 504 8 » 5 Transamerica (.60). 4 64 64 64 124 64 Transcontl & W Air 22 114 11 11+4 104 54 Transue & WUlma.. 1 94 94 94 + 4 44 2 Tri-Continental .. 6 34 34 34 — 4 264 12 20th Century Fox .. 13 15 15 15 — 4 344 194 20th Cent-F pf 1 50. 1 234 234 234 - V* 34 14 Twin Citv Rap Tr._ 1 34 34 34 354 174 Twin Citv R T of.. 80s 30 294 294 124 74 Twin Coach _ 3 114 114 114 44 14 Ulen&Co _ __ H 14 14 14 66 344 Underw-Ell-F 1.50g 3 464 464 464 + 4 124 6 Union Bae & Paper 11 124 114 124+ 4. 944 654 Union Carb <1.90g) 6 894 89 89 -1 11S 1084 Union El(Mo)pf(5) x 20s 1134 1134 1134 + 4 194 154 Un Oil (Cal) 1.05g._ 13 17 17 17 - 4 105 814 Union Pacific (61 ... 1 1024 1024 1024 +14 90 78 Union Pac pf (4) . 3 824 82 824 + 4 24 4 204 Un Tank Car (1 20) 1 234 2 4 234 -1- 4 484 31 Unit Aircraft!.76g> 27 474 464 464 + 4 134 74 Unit Air Lines .. 136 134 124 13 + 4 694 52 United Carbon (3). 3 674 674 674 - 4 20 134 Unit-Carr F (.60g). 1 184 184 184 - 4 34 2 Unit Coro 13 24 24 24 — 4 394 304 Unit Corp pf (3.45k) 12 364 36'* 364 - 4 74 44 l nit Drug . 21 54 54 54 — 4 84 44 Unit Dyewood 3 64 64 64 + 4 354 254 Unit Kng & Fdry (2. 1 344 344 344 - 4 95 624 Limed Fruit (♦)_ 6 864 854 864 +1 14 4 11 Unit (Jas Imn (1 > In 1 iu u in. 14 6*, UmtMer&Mfg_ 1 12 12 12 — y, 7S 3'S L'nlt Paperboard_ 3 6*, 6S 6H + S 11 5 4 U S & For’n Secur._ 1 8S 8S fcs. — t. 14 5S US Freight . ._ 1 11S 11, ir, - 1, 113 60S U S Gypsum (2a) ,„ 3 82 82 82 +1 29’. 13'a u S Indus Alconol.. 1 26 26 26 — ia 10S 3S U S Feather _ 2 8 8 8 — 15V« 5*. U S Feather <A) . 3 12*4 12*4 12S — S 49 32'. U S Pipe & FdyCa) 7 39 38S 39 6S IS U S Realty & Im(r). 8 IS IS IS 52*4 31V* U S Rubber .. 28 43 42S 42*, - «, 112*4 86S U S Rub 1st pf (8).. 5 109 10SS 109 + *. 70 60 U S S& R pf (3.60). 3 67S 67 67s +1S 82S 41S US Steel _ _ 72 76 . 75S 76'. 1- *, 120S 98S U S Steel rf (7)_ 2 119 , 119S 119S - V. 4 1*. Unit Stpckyards ._ 1 2S 2S 2S 2S 1*« United Stores <A)._ 2 2S 2'S 2*» 78 45V. Univ Pictur 1st pf.. 130s 76 75 75 +1 1 S Vadsco Sales_ 2 *4 *. *4 + S 40 16 Vanadium Corp . 11 36S 36'. 36S - S 38 25 Van Raalte (1.50g). 1 37 37 37 + *, 5*. 2S Va Caro Chemical.. 3 4*. 4S 4S — V. 33*. 17 Va Caro Chem pf... 8 30S 30 30 - S 5*. S Va Iron Coal &C_ 40s 3S 3*4 3S 8 5S Waldorf Syst .30g_. 2 7*. 7*. 7*. 23S 15S Walgreen (1.(0)- 1 20S 20S 20S + V, 50*. 30*. Walker (H)(4)_ 4 35*. 35*. 35S - S 9S 4 Walworth Co ___ 3 6S 6*. 6*. 6', 3S Warner Bros Plct . 15 4*, 4*» 4H 58 36 Warner Bros Pic pf 30s 49 49 49 + t, 3S IS Warren Bros <r» . 2 2*. 2Vi 2*4 35*. 19*. Warren F & 1’ (2a). 6 35S 34', 35*.+ t. 24*, 14*4 V\ aukesha Mot (1). 2 23*. 23S 23S - V. 3*. IS Webster ilisenlohr. 1 3*. 3*, 3S 79 55*. Wesson OArS pf (4) 1 64S 64*« 64'. + *4 i cun e nu | i"3 pi; i, x\‘ l. Ls lUc'-H — ** 105 88 West Penn E pf(6) 30s 100 994 994- 4 112 95 West Penn El pf(7) 60s 1064 1064 1064 - 4 1124 1054 W Penn Pw pf 4.50. 1 1124 1121 a 1124 544 204 West Aut 8 1.05k__. 3 34 334 34 + 1, 64 24 Westn Maryland . 1 64 64 64 + 4 2 4 Western Pacific pf. 2 14 14 14 -t- 4 37 164 W estn Union Tel . 33 324 314 324 - 4 374 184 Westhse A B .625g.. 7 32 314 32 +4 121 824 Westhse Klee 2.5eg 3 1164 1154 1164 + 4 264 104 Weston El Instilg) 1 26 26 26 - V* 314 154 Weatvaco tla) . 2 31 304 31 97 74 . Wheel & L E pf 5.50 30s 96 95 y6 +1 384 154 W heeling Steel . lo 374 37 374 + 4 124 94 White Dental (.60). 1 104 104 104 15 » 7 White Motor .. 3 144 144 144 — 4 7 34 White Hock Min Sp. 27 54 44 64 +1 44 14 White Sewing Mch. 1 34 34 34 34 24 WUcoxOil&Gas 4 34 34 34 — 4 34 1 Wlllys-Overland__ 14 24 2 4 24 74 24 Wilson* Co -__ 12 6 54 54 - 4 56 32 Wilson * Co pf__ 4 524 52 52 -1 314 15 Woodward Iron___ 4 28 274 28 504 36 Woolworth (2.40)_ 10 414 414 414 — 4 384 234 Worth P pr pf - 3 374 37 374 +14 534 31!a Worth P cv pr pf... 1 50 50 50 - 4 1204 85 Wright Aero __ 80s 120 119 119 334 184 Yale & H>wne(.60). 1 25 25 25 +4 214 114 Yellow Truck 60 214 204 21 — 4 1204 98 Yell Tk 1% pf 6.25k 50s 123 123 123 +3 664 30 Ygstwn Sheet & T 23 634 524 524 + 4 34 17 Ygstwn Stl Dr .£0g. 3 314 314 314 224 12 Zenyh Kadlo (lg> 11 l&e. 17.4 13-4 Approximate Sales of Stocks on the N. Y. Stock Exchange. 11:00 A.M- 180,000 12:00 Noon_ 290 000 1:00 P.M. - 380.000 2:00 P.M_ 470.000 sUnlt of trading in shares rla cankruptey or receiverahip *>r being reorganized under Bankruptcy Act or securities assumed by such companies Rates ol dividend in the foregoing table arc annual disburse ments based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declaration, unless otherwise noted special or extra dividends are not Included xd Ex dividend xr E> rights a A;so extra or extras, e Paid *asKyear I Payable in stock e Declared or paid so far this year h Ca«h or stock k Accumulated dividends paid or d* dared this year. Continental Oil Co. , Earns $1,528,561 In Three Months Result Contrasts With $2,706,698 in Same 1938 Period By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Oct. 30.—The Con tinental Oil Co. and subsidiaries re ported today for the three months ended September 30 net income of $1,528,561, equal to 33 cents a share on the common stock, compared with profit of $2,706,698. or 57 cents a share, in the like 1938 period. For nine months net earnings amounted to $4,065,842. equal to 87 cents a share, against $5,793,406, or $1.23 a share, in the correspond ing 1938 months. The drop in earnings was ascribed to the August shutdown of wells in the Mid-Continent and Gulf Coast areas, coupled with low*r prices for crude oil and refined products. Skelly Oil Co. The Skelly Oil Co. and sub sidiaries for the third quarter showed net income of $609,327, equal to 52 cents a share on the common stock, compared with $695,180, or 59 cents a share, in the like 1938 quar ter. Studebaker Corp. Studebaker Corp. reported today net loss for the quarter ended Scp I tember 30 of $395,365, compared with net loss of $891,751 in the same quarter last year. For the first three quarters of this year net profit of $378,948, or 17 cents a share, was reported, against net loss of $2,832,112 in the like 1938 period. Ceneral Telephone. General Telephone Corp. reported indicated net profit for the quarter ended September 30 of $491,393, or 63 cents a common share, compared with $384,611, or 48 cents a share in the September quarter last year. Consolidated Edison. The Consolidated Edison Co. of New York system for the three months ended September 30 reported consolidated net income of $4,554, 949, equal to 16 cents a share on the common stock, compared with $3,524,021, or 7 cents a common share, in the 1938 period. For nine months ended Septem ber 30 the consolidated net income w;#; $27,619,927, equal after charges and preferred dividends to $1.67 a common share, against $26,542,699, or $1.60 a share, in the like 1938 months. A. M. Byers Co. The A. M. Byers Co., Pittsburgh, producer of wrought iron, for the third quarter showed net profits of $286,478, equal after preferred divi dends to 71 cents a common share, contrasted with a net loss of $49,463 in the third quarter last year. McCarthy Joins Bendix Home Appliances, Inc. Special Dispatch to The Star. SOUTH BEND. Ind., Oct. 30.—The appointment of A. L. McCarthy as manager of branch and resale op erations has been announced by J. S. Sayre, vice president in charge of sales. Bendix Home Appliances, Inc., South Bend, Ind. With the announcement comes word of Mr. McCarthy's resignation from the Eureka Vacuum Cleaner Co. of Detroit. He had been vice president in charge of sales for Eureka since 1919, and with that company since 1914. Visible Grain Supply NEW YORK Oct. 30 <>Pi.—The visible supply of American grain shows the fol lowing changes compared with a week ago: Wheat decreased 1.724.000. corn increased 3.014.000, oats decreased 245.000. rye in creased 112.000. barley decreased 207,000. I United States Treasury Position By the Associated Press. The position of the Treasury October 27. compared with comparable date a year ago: _ , October 27. 1030. October 27. 1038. Receipts- $13 547,212 06 $10,743,180.84 Expenditures- 10.873.634.63 Net balance-...... - 1.012.507,204 65 2,592,587.911.10 Working balance Included_ 1.212.780.885.02 1,083.812.137.05 Customs receipts for month_ 28.571.068 28 26.878.235 32 Receipts for fiscal vear (July 1)_ 1.724.514.327.54 1.705.857.780.96 Expenditures - 2.911.309.050.02 Excess of expenditures- 1.403.550.865 15 1.115.451.269.06 Gross debt-...----41.02*808.069,96 88.426.425.534.80 Increase over previous day_ Gold assets-17.071.990.254.65 14,051.434,497.18 I A Jj . Stock Prices Improve Slightly at Close , Of Dull Day Fractional Declines Predominate Most Of Session Stock Averages 30 15 15 60 Indust. Ralls. Util. Btks Net change unc. —.1 —.1 —.1 Today, noon 75.0 22.6 40.1 53.0 — 75.0 22.7 40.2 53.1 j Month ago- 75.0 23.1 38.8 528 Year ago „ 76.2 21.3 37.1 52.4 1939 high-. 77.0 23.8 40.6 53.9 1939 low— 58.8 15.7 33.7 41.6 1938 high- 79.5 23.5 37.8 54.7 1938 low— 49.2 12.1 24.9 33.7 1932 low-- 17.5 8.7 23.9 16.9 1929 high-146.9 153.9 184.3 157.7 1927 low— 51.6 95.3 61.8 618 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By VICTOR EUBANK, Associated Press Financial Writer. NEW YORK, Oct. 30.—Traders generally cold-shouldered the stock market today and the result was a narrowly uneven swing in virtually all departments. The list moped at the start and slept at frequent intervals through out the session. The turnover of around 600.000 shares was the small est for a full day in about two weeks. The encouraging part of the pro ceedings, from the standpoint of analysts, was that selling pressure seldom was in evidence. While fractional losses predomi nated most of the time, feeble sup port came in at the last and enabled a few steels, motors, mail orders, rails, coppers and aircrafts to reduce early declines or post minor gains. The "strangest of strange' wars, as they referred to the European embroglio in the financial sector, apparently provided scant specula tive incentives either way. Many commission-house custom ers remained in the "do-nothing” ranks pending more light on just what the allies are likely to spend in this country if and when the House gives its approval to the arms embaigo repeal. Domestic business, in the mean time. continued favorable, although there was some question as to whether the recovery move might not be near the peak, with a possi bility ot tapering off in the next , several months. At the same time the opinion was expressed in Wall Street that Gov ernment armament spending at home next year would act as a new i "pump primer.” Mild cheer was derived from the estimate of the American Iron <s Steel Institute placing this weeks mill operations at 91 per cent of ca pacity. up .8 of a point from last week at a new top since the period of May 19, 1937. Among resistant shares were Beth lehem Steel, Chrysler. General Mo tors. Montgomery Ward. Sears Roe buck. United Aircraft, Eastern Air lines. Curtiss-Wright. International i Telephone. Anaconda. Westing i house. General Electric. Eastman | Kodak, American Telephone, New 1 ^ork Central and Southern Railway. Rising difficulties were encoun j tered by United States Steel. United States Rubber, Douglas Aircraft, Western Union, Du Pont, Allied Chemical and American Wrater Works. -— . Chicago Grain By the Associated Press. CHICAGO. Oct. 30.—Profit taking and spreading sales helped to de press wheat prices today as the market backed down from its best level in more than a month. Early gains of about % cent that lifted December wheat to 87 for ; the first time since late in Sep tember were canceled in late deal ings. Prices dropped a cent from the highs and closed fractionally lower than Saturday. Some selling was credited to spreaders who bought wheat at Kansas City and Minneapolis. The easy tone of securities also unsettled the grain market. Wheat closed %-* lower than Saturday, December, 86-86%- May 85%-*; corn *-% higher; Decem ber, 50 % -12; May, 52%-53; oats Vi down to higher. j Dfc'emberT »‘eh Clow Mav " 1 ■*'. -8-t« .80-80* JuW- 's2. -SS'‘ .85*-* CORN- S4 ’ 80 >4 84' Dumber, .50% .50% .504. .504,-% :JUOAT8^- •5J‘’ ^ -M* M.rbe_". -T* TV' ■■?!!* July _ -j-i /-’i "ii,, SOY BEANS'--- U 'U * a~ /* December. .Hi .HI .80% 80% May-.02% h:i .01% 013* JURYE—''9Va '9i'‘a 91 B1 December. .54% .54* .55* .53% S May- -o5* .58* .54s, 54% LARI>-- 05'“ 54’« -54*» October - H 40 „ December- 0 52 0.55 0 47 0 47 January- 0.05 0.05 0 57 0 57 Mav - 7.25 _ •? os BELLIES— - January_ _ _ _ 7 qq Chicago Cash Market. Cash wheat. No, 3 yellow, hard (weevily>. a: No. 3 mixed (tough). *8; sample, herd. Hii Corn (new) No. ] mixed. 51: | No. 1 yellow. 49,2-51: No. 2. 4014-51; No. 3 48-49r4: No. 1 white. 6234: No. 2. 62*4; No. 3, *»2i-4-,»i sample grade, white. 47-60. Oats. No. 1 mixed. .37’4; sample grade, mixed. .35-36: No. 2 white. 39: No. 3. 3 7*?—38: sample grade, white 35,2-36,a. Soy beans. No 2 yellow. ao^-Ol: No 3. |90!g. Barley, malting 48-62. nom : feed, S 33-42. nom. Timothy seed 3.90-4.15, ! nom. Red clover 12.50-15.00. nom. Red top. 8.50-9.00, nom Alsike, 14.00-17.00, nom. Alfalfa. 17.50-22 50. nom. Baltimore Quotations. BALTIMORE. Oct 30 >/P%—Wheat No. 2 red winter, garlicky, spot, domestic, 96Va. New York Cotton By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Oct. 30—Cotton futures ruled steady on a good demand from trade and mill ac counts in moderately active trad ing today. Buying through Liver pool and Bombay brokers absorbed light hedging, New Orleans and local selling. Late afternoon prices were 1 to 3 points higher except October, which was off 2 at 8.43. January was 3 higher at 9.08. Cottonseed Oil. Cottonseed oil futures trading was at a virtual standstill today, with forenoon sales limited to only 3 contracts. May was 1 point net higher on a bid of 7.07 cents. Crude oil in the Southeast and Valley was 1 quoted 534 cents nominal, and Texas waa 1 5'/a-H bid. depending upon location. I New Orleans Prices. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 30 i^Pi.—Cotton futures registered small net gains on most positions here today and at noon tke market was steady, 4 points net higher to 1 lower. _ High. Low. Cloae. December_ 0.25 0.20 9.29 March_ 9.07 9.OB 9.07 May- 8.99 8.95 8.98 July- 8.85 8.80 8 82 October_ 8.52 8.58 #.62 t I