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Held Artillery Officers Win Small Arms Trophy Yesterday, for the third consecu tive year, the Colj Richard Weth erill Small Arms Trophy was won at a team of Field Artillery officers at the National Guard range in a com petition with other reserve officers of the District Using the standard .45 caliber Army automatic, the Field Artillery team nosed out the second-place Infantry team with a score of 945 to the Infantry's 945. Third place was taken by the Engineers' team with an average of 91. The 65 officers who comprised the 13 teams In the contest fired over an Army "D" course which is com posed of 10 shots, slow fire and rapid fire at 25 yards, 10 shots rapid fire at 15 yards and 15 shots, time fire, at a bobbing target. Medals were presented by Col. WetheriU, Infantry, to the 10 officers with the highest score, who were: 1. Capt. E. C. Moore, Infantry; 2. Capt. M. W. Van 8coyce, Field ArtiUery; 3, Lt. T. N. Burdeen, Infantry; 4, Capt. G. L. Hart, Field ArtiUery; 5, Capt. Preston Grover. Field Artil lery; 6, Lt. S. J. Marsdan, Infantry; 7, Lt. A. C. Schieck, Infantry; 8, Capt. N. C. Seewald, Engineers; 9, Lt. M. J. Schaub, Quartermaster; 10, Lt. A. H. Jackman, Field Artillery. Other medals were presented to the members of the first, second and third place teams. The shoot was held under the direction of Capt. Edmund Malezewski. Infantry, chief range and statistical officer. Hindus Mustn't Gamble Gambling in Calcutta's Chinatown has been restricted to the Chinese, since the wives of Hindus com plained their husbands spent all their money at the gaming tables. Club Advisers Named At Fairfax High Special Dispatch to The Star. FAIRFAX, Va., Oct. 30—Organi zation of a number of clubs and ap pointment of faculty advisers at Fairfax High School for the current session has been anounced. Clubs and sponsors Include: Glee Club, Miss Jeanne Johnson, adviser; Dramatic Club, Harry J. Stanley, adviser; Pep Club, Ralph E. Buck ley, adviser; Needlecraft, Miss Sadie Bird, Miss Mary Leigh Hubbard and Miss Frances Bates, advisers; Photo graphy, W. J. Dowling, adviser; Journalism, Miss Mary Burgess, ad viser; Radio, Carl Levin, adviser; Scientific, Mrs. Dorcas Lawson and Carroll Iden, advisers; Future Farm ers of America, Ralph E. Buckley, adviser; Home Arts, Mrs. Harriett E. Gordon, adviser; Library, Miss Betty Lou Peck, adviser; Industrial Arts, J. Wilson Johnston, adviser; Commercial, Miss Sarah C. Smoot and Mrs. Margaret Swetnam. ad visers; Aviation, Karl Stutsman, ad viser, and Band, Harry J. Stanley. The famous baths of ancient Rome were without one item we consider a necessity—soap. 'Flagship Skysleeper' Service Will Start American Airlines will start a new overnight "Flagship Skysleeper" service between Washington and Los Angeles Wednesday, Herbert D. Ford, district sales manager, an nounced today. Planes will leave Washington at 7:25 pm. and arrive at 10:58 am. on the West Coast. The added schedule gives Wash ington passengers four daily flights on American Airlines to the West Coast and provides a new service to South Texas. New Orleans and Mexico City. The new flight on American Airlines will serve Nash ville, Memphis, Dallas, El Paso, Tuc son and Phoenix on the Washing ton-Los Angeles flight. Forum Told of Latin Social and Labor Laws Many Latin American countries had national social and labor laws before the United States, Beatrice Newhall, assistant editor of the Bulletin of the Pan-American Union yesterday told the Adult Forum of the Universalist National Memorial Church. “Low-cost housing has interested many governments,” she Mid. Th^B first low-cost housing eommisslor^B in Argentina, for example, was e*H tablished in October, 1915, and ln^B terest in this subject has grow^H throughout America with the year^H The first Pan-American Low-Co«^B Housing Congress was held in Ar^H gentina early this month.” Open House at School An open house for students anHi parents will be held at 5 p.m. Thur^H day in the Anacostia High Schcc^B Various classes and shops will be iHfl operation and students will act ^E guides for tours of inspection. BH 1914-1939 \ 25 YEARS J OF PROGRESS . * AND SERVICE TO AMERICA 50 PIECE P*' SERVICE FOR 8 HELENE SILVERPLATE 25c DOWN Thrilling savings on this fully guaran teed fine silverplate! Qet yours today —while the sale is on! IGLASSBAKE WHISTLING KETTLE 69' Guaranteed heatproof glass. Fills your kitchen with a cheerful whistle when it bolls! YOUR BIRTHSTONE BRACELET and PENDANT Styled by “Carmen” —set ^ . r with your own birthstone. D ZD Exquisitely designed in the color and charm of natural gold. 25c DOWN I 15 JEWEL >: 2-DIAMOND t LADY'S ELGIN $3975 n 25c DOWN lj$ Set with 2 fine dia monds! A dainty new model. Ejjx ?:• 25 Months to Fay GLORITONE Exclusive with Kay’sl 4-sta- £ ^g mb a j tion push - button tuning — Jp T 1^ 7 J streamlined bakelite cabinet! I J Built-in Aero scope—no aerial ® or ground needed! Last _ r\/A\i/ai i I chance to get these terms! 2jC DOWN 25 MONTHS TO PAY ! HI Toast-O-Matic Toaster PP Fully automatic— d* f" qc I tells you just when J P«fl toast is done! Effi jPffi cient oven-type! Get jaBB these savings today 1 MAN'S GLADSTONE BAG I GENUINE SPLIT COWHIDE Now! Save on luggage during Kay's great 35th birthday event I m _ _ This heavy well-built man's C T K Gladstone bag is made of genu- J Lg^. lne split grain cowhide of a very ^ good weight—beautifully lined— » M duality hardware built for years of service! Holds your suits and all accessories! See it today— k/miisi and remember—this is only one /Hr nrjWN of the many luggage bargains * now at Kay's. BUY NOW AND SAVE! LADY'S FITTED BAG A smart new idea in fitted lug ■ ace for ladies—a really com- ^0 c plete ba*. because the flttinas m. 1 Include a smart oiled silk UM- * 0 *0 BRELLA. making you -ready for W ■ any kind of weather! The m. M covering is smartly styled tweed with contrasting stripes. Pol ished brass hardware! Post -jc, riOWkl handle! Shirred pockeU all £ jC l/U YY It around! 5 enamel finished fit tings REMEMBER—THE UM BRELLA IS INCLUDED! 409 7TH ST. N.W. I 15 JEWEL Bulova "DEANE" *2475 25c DOWN Lut chance te act Kay'i ] ■eecial term on nationally fanone watchei. £& NEW ROSE COLOR P LADY'S BENRUS m 1 *29” I 25c DOWN Kvj The latest thing! Ex quisite rose color nat Ural gold finish! Bjv #£ 25 Months to Pay |:§ KAY’S 25th ANNIVERSARY SALE! I INDEXED I DICTIONARY 39e g Handsome black binding with fine 1 quality paper. Self-pronouncing— S ideal for home, office, and school! teeny weeny LAMP 24c complete wlthbSbtUmp! Come* JAM JAR SET £°vely crystal elass . co,w a”a »P00if torn.® ••••• " v-wl " :W:? Lovely New Style vXv! 3 Diamond Band $$& Ill III Dainty 14-k natural .vX-X'X gold Styleerest X'X'X'lv moun’ing Five dia- XvXvXJ mm MmM Beautiful New BIRTHSTONE RING M ■5“ 1 25c DOWN Last chanee to »et .wjS L this lovely creation .vX\v for only $5.95! XvX-X jWSMS Jii I SILVERPLATE server and CAKE PLATE 49' pnatfne! Onlv 40. has *UverpIat*d h~yet «tainle« XJJ “1