Newspaper Page Text
Low-Yield Issues Meet With Favor On Bond Market Foreign Loans Again Are Participants In Selective Advance Bond Averages 20 10 10 10 ■ . . Rail*. Indust. Util. F'*n. Net* change — 2 unc. +5 unc. Today, noon 61.1 100.0 95.9 48.5 Prev. day.. 61.3 100.0 95.7 48.5 Month ago. 61.8 98.0 93.6 47.3 Year ago... 60.1 98.9 94.0 65.2 1939 high.. 64.9100.8 97.5 64.0 1939 low... 53.4 95.8 90.4 41.7 1938 high- 70.5100.3 95.1 67.0 1938 low... 46.2 93.0 85.8 59.0 1932 Iowl— 45.8 40.0 64.6 422 1928 high-101.1 98.9 102.9 100.5 10 Low-Yield Bonds. Noon -108.9 Prev. day 108.7 M'nth ago 105.5 Year ago. 110.0 1939 high 112.6 1939 low. 103.6 1938 high 110.7 1938 low. 106.7 1928 high 104.4 1932 low. 86.8 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Nov. 1.—Low-yield Issues were favored over speculative ratings in today’s bond market, and foreign loans again participated in a selective advance. Several U. S. Treasuries won fresh gains, ranging from 2-32 to 8-32 in small turnover. In the corporate list fractional improvement featured Bethlehem Steel 3Us, Santa* 4s of ’95, Anaconda Copper 4Us. Consolidated Oil 3Us, Firestone Tire 3’is, Stand ard Oil of N. J. 2Us and Pacific Telephone 3Us. Junior bonds continued in a nar row drift, with most rails dipping fractionally. Interest in this section of the list was restricted by the hesitant stock market. Foreign issues extended their re cent rally led by loans of Japan, Italy, Colombia and Brazil. Italian public utility 7s and Norway Munici pal Bank 5s pushed up as much as 2 . points. Estonia 6s jumped more than 10 points on the transfer of one bond. Large Insurance Group Opens D. C. Office The Insurance Company of North America group today announced opening of a Washington office at 729 Fifteenth street, with Charles F. Holden as general manag er. The aim of the agency is to make more available to bro kers and agents the complete home office fa cilities of all members of the group. Mr. Holden, whose Insurance expefieiifce has extended ‘«wer a perlbd of'' 22 years, has been chan** r. Roiden. resident vice president at Alexan dria, Va„ for the Indemnity Insur ance Company of North America for the past 11 years, with super vision over Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina. He was educated at Princeton and the University of Virginia. The North America Group is comprised of the Insurance Com pany of North America, Alliance Insurance Company of Philadel phia, Central Insurance Company of Baltimore, Indemnity Insurance Company of North America, Na tional Security Insurance Company and the Philadelphia Fire & Marine Insurance Company. Connected with the new office will be Philip S. P. Carpenter, Rob ert Jonscher and Huber S. Morris. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Nov i i.-p.—With receipts totaling 20.500 head, most hog prices moved lower today. Cattle pnces mostly were weak. Pat lambs and yearlings were 15 to 25 cents higher and sheep were firm. Hog prices opened about steady, but later trade was generally 5 to 10 cents off on weights of 2lo pounds and up: A top of $«.00 was paid sparingly. Salablp receipts were 13.000 head. 2 000 more than ex pected. and packers received heavy direct shipments of 7.500 head. There was r liberal run of good to near choice long vearUnes and light steers, strictlv good and choice offerings held steady, but others sold weak Choice to prime 1.470-pound steers brought. $10.75. Choice heifers were steady, hut other grades W'eak. Cows were siradv to w’eak and bulls steady on weighty shipper kinds. Vealers were steady tn 25 cents lower Salable re ceipts were 10.000 head. 1.000 above ex pectations. Native lambs topped at SO.(55. Native ewes bronchi S:5.5() to *4.(U> Salablp re ceipts were ".000 head, .half the number expected. «viiitcu o.rties ueparimcm oi Agri culture).—Salable hogs. 13,000: total. 20.500: opened about steady with Tues days average; later trade generally 5-10 lower on weights 210 pounds up: closed fairly active at decline: ton. 7.On sparing ly; bulk good and choice. 200-300 pounds. 6 75-95: 800-330-pound butchers. 6 60 80: most 100-210-pound lights 6.60-90; good 330-450-pound sows. 6.00-40; lighter Weights. 6.50-65. Salable cattle. 10.000; salable calves. 1.000: liberal run good to near choice long yearlings and light steers here: strictly good and choice offerings steady, others weak; comparable grade heifers tending lower, but choice heifers steady: better action on weighty steers: choice to prime 1.470-pound offerings up to 10.75: several loads 10.00-50; medium grade. 1.300 1.400-pound steers, s.00-25: stocker and feeder trade very dull. 25 under Monday: cows steady to weak: bulls steady on weighty shipper kinds, weak on others; best sausage offerings. 7.35: vealers steady to 25 lower; medium to good grades show ing decline at 10.00 down: choice vealers. 10 50-75:, few selects 11.00. Salable* .shreo. 2.000; total. 4 500: late Tuesday: fat lambs and yearlings. 15-25 higher, after strong to 15 higher start; other classes steady: top native lambs. 9.50: bulk. 9.25-40: good to choice year lings. 7 65-8.15: native ewes. 3 50-4.00; today’s trade: fat lambs and yearlings. 15 25 higher: sheep Arm: native lambs. 9.5C lreely: top. 9 65: good to near choice yearlings, 7.75-8.15; native ewes. 3.50 4.00. Chicago Produce CHICAGO. Nov. 1 i/Pt.—Butter. 674.429 Steady; 90 score, centralized carlots. 26s. 27; other prices unchanged. Eggs. 2.882: firm. Refrigerator, extras 17Va; standards. 17V«: firsts. 16Va; othe prices unchanged. ■U. S Dept. Agr ).—Potatoes. 106; oi track. 381: total U S shipments, 498 steady; supplies liberal, demand fall Sacked, per cwt . Idaho Russet Burbanks U. S. No. 1. 1.70-09: U S. No. 2. 1.35-40 Nebrsksa B'iss Triumphs. 85 to 90 pe cent D. S. No 1. cotton sacks, unwashed 1.60; burlap sacks, washed, few sales. 1.80 Colorado Red McClures. TJ S. No. 1. burla' sacks unwashed 2.00: Bliss Triumphs, 0 8. No 1. cotton sacks, unwashed few sale! 1 50-60: Minnesota Red River Valley sec tion Cobblers. U S. commercials, 1.1(1 No-th Dakota Red River Valley sectloi Cobblers. 00 per cent U S No. J. 1.05-15 washed. 1.22*4: Bliss Triumphs. 85 to Oi per cent O. 8 No 1. 1.05-25 Wisconsil round whites. U. 8 commercials. 95. Dry Goods Market NEW YORK. Nov. 1 (^.—Scattered se lective buying came into the Worth stree tray goods market today at steady prices Rayon goods prices held Arm with i fair inauiry for better grade fall mer chaadise. 611k fabrics trade was sloe except for scattered innuiry for aheeri Woolen goods had fair turnover. The government of Denmark ha ordered a boost in gasoline prices. \ BONDS ON N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE ■> print* win Bmt M Tb* itu. TREASURY. BIch. Low. 2:55. 2 4* 1946- 107.8 107.8 107.8 2 Ua 1949-65_ 103.16 103.12 108.12 2 Us 1960-62_ 103 17 103.17 103.17 2*a 1945-47_ 107.16 107.15 107.15 34s 1948-61_ 106.6 106.8 106.4 84s 1961-64_ 104.22 104.22 104.22 24* 1958-68_ 103.15 103.15 103.15 24* 1980-65_ 103.20 103.20 103.20 24* 1966-60_ 105.7 104.29 104.29 8*1951-66. .... 107.19 107.15 107.15 34* 1941 _ 105.11 105.11 105.11 34* 1943-45_ 109.8 109.5 109.8 3 4* 1044-48 109 9 109.9 109.9 84*1941-43 Mar 104.25 104.25 104.25 84* 1946-58 .... 112.20 112.20 112.20 4* 1944-84 . 113.16 113.11 118.16 FEDERAL FARM MORTGAGE. 8*1942-47 _ 105.16 105.16 106.15 HOME OWNERS’ LOAN. 14* 1945-47_ 100. 99.29 99.29 24*1942-44. _ 104.2 104.2 104.2 8*1944-52 . 106.16 106.15 106.16 FOREIGN BONDS. Blah. Low 2:65. Antloauta 7* 45 A_ 13U 134 134 Antlooula 7a 46 B_ 134 134 134 Antloauta 7s 45 D ... 134 134 134 Antloauta 2d 7s 57 124 124 124 Argentine 4s 72 Feb.". 724 724 724 Argentine 4s 72 Apr.. 73 724 724 Argentine 4 Us 48_ 93 924 93 Argentine 4U* 71_ 834 83 83 Australia 4U" 58_ 764 754 764 Australia 6s 65_ 804 794 794 Belgium 6s 66__ 84 834 834 Belgium 7a 55 _ 92 92 92 BrarD 6Us 1926-57_ 154 15 15 Brasil 6 4s 1927-57 _ 154 15 15 Brasil C Rv El 7s 62 . 14 134 134 Brasil 8*41 . 184 174 184 Breda Ernesto 7a 64.. 814 814 814 Brisbane 5a 67 . 794 794 794 Buen Air 4U-4U* 77 544 544 544 B A 4U-«Ua 76 Aug.. 534 534 534 Canada Ilia 44_ 944 944 944 Canada 2Us 45_ 934 934 934 Canada 3s 67___934 934 934 Canada 4a 60_ 974 964 964 Canada 6s 62_ 1024 102 1024 Chile 6s 60 154 154 154 Chile 6s 61 Feb assd .. 114 114 114 Chile 6s 61 Sent _ 154 154 154 Colombia 6a 81 Jan... 26 254 254 Colombia 6s 61 Oct ._ 26 254 254 Col Mtg Bk 7s 46 ... 25 25 25 Copenhagen 4Us 53.. 53 514 53 Cuba 4Us 77 _ 54 54 52 Cubs BUs 45 _ 70 70 70 Denmark 4 U* 62_ 554 55 554 Denmark 6« 42 ... 764 76 764 Dominic 2d BUs 40... 67 67 67 Estonia 7s 67_ 40 40 40 Finland 6s 45 _ 944 944 844 French Ovt 7Us 41... 1034 1034 1034 Ger Gen Elec 6s 48_ 204 204 204 Ger Govt SUs 65 .. 94 94 94 Ger Gov 7* 49 un st._. 64 64 64 Italv 7a 51 _ 67 654 67 Ital P U Crd 7a 62_ 584 674 574 Japan BUs 65 _ 644 634 64 Japan 6Us 64 .. 78 78 78 oow Austria t %s &u_. » H » Medellin 8%s 64 ... 13 13 13 Mexico 4s 64 assd.__. 1 t 1 Milan 8%a 62 _ 64 52 53% Norway 4s S3 __80% 79% 79% Norway 4%s S5-._. 81% 81% 81% Norway Ss 43 __ 98 97% 98 Norwav Ss 44 __ 98 97% 98 Norw Mun Bk Ss 70 _ 90 90 90 Oriental Dev 5%s 68 52% 52 52 Oriental Dev Ss 63 57% 57% 57% Panama 6s S3 at aad - 73% 71% 72% Peru 1st Ss SO_.. 9% 8% 8% Peru 2d Ss SI _ 9 8% 8% Peru 7s 69 __ 9% 9% 9% Poland 4Hs SS aad... 8 8 8 Queensland 7a 41__ 95 95 95 Rio de Jan 6%s 68__ 7% 7% 7% Rio de Jan 8s 46 ... 8% 8% 8% Rio Gr do'Sul 7s 66 .. 8% 8% 8% Rome SUs 62 58 ' 57% 58 Rouman 7s 59 Feb pd. 8% 8% 8% Sao Paulo C Ss 62_ 7% 7% 7% Sao Paulo St Ss 68_ 7% 7% 7% S?io Paulo St 7s 40_21% 21% 21% ♦to Paulo St 7a 66_8 8 8 feso.PauloBtSs si*... 4» 9 9 Sao Paulo St 8s 60 ... 8% 8% 8% Serbs 7s 62 .. 13%- 13% 13% Rhlr.’su F P6%«52... SO', 60 60% Svdnev 6%s 56 75% 75% 75% Tokvo Cltv 6s 62 39% 39% 39% Tokvo Cltv 6%s 61... 59 69 59 Tokvo FI l,t Ss 63 __ 57% 57 57% Ultra wa FI P 7s 45 83% 83% 83% Dru 3% 4-4%s adl 79 43% 43% 43% Warsaw 4%s68 assd 6 8 6 DOMESTIC I0NDS, AUee Corn 6a 44 79% 79% 79% Allee Corn 6s 49 . 73% 72% 72% AUee Corn 6s 60 std .48 43 43 Allee Valley 4s 42 106% 106% 106% Allis Chalmers 4s 62 109% 109% 109% Am IOCb 6%s 49 . 102% 101% 102 Am T A T 314 s 61_ 106% 106% 106% 1 Am T A T 3%s SS_ 106% 105% 106 Am T A T 6%s 43 ... 109% I09H 109% Am Wat Wks Ss 75 106% 106% 106% Anaconda db 4%s50 107% 107% 107% Anelo-Cbll Nltr db S7 36 35% 36 ArmourtDel)lst4s 65 98':, 98% 98% Armour Del 4s 67 98% 98 98% A TAS Fe 4s 1905-56 97 97 97 A TAS Fe adl 4s 95 at 89% 89% 89% A TAR Fe ren 4s 95 105 104% 105 A TAS Fe 4 %s 48 103 103 103 Atl Coast L 1st 4s 52 82 82 82 Atl Coast Lclt 4s 62 68 F8 68 Atl Coast I 4 %s 64 62 62 62 Atl Gulf A W I 5s 59 70% 70 70 Atlantic Refln 3s 53 103% 103% 102% Auburn Auto 4% 8 89 31 31 31 Aust A Northn 6s 41 81 81 81 SAO 1st 4s 48 66 65 65% BAOconv4%s60_ 20 19% 19% B A O 4%s 60 ct_ 19% 18% 18% B AO 1st 6a 48_67% 67 67% B A O ref 6a 96 _ 29 28% 28% B A O raf 6s 96 ct_28% 28 28 H*or«r6s»&_ 33% 33 33 B A O 6s 96 F _ 28% 28% 28% B A O 6s 96 F ct_ 28% 27% 27% B A O ref 6s 96 ct ... 32 32 32 BAO PLEAW V 4s 41 61% 60 60 BAO Toledo 4s 69 65 64% 55 Bang A Ar ct 4s 51 at 85% 85 85% Bang A Aroos 6a 43 .. 103 103 103 Bell T of Pa 6a 48 B . 115% 115% 115% Bell T of Pa 6s 60 C.. 128% 128% 128% Beth Steel 3V«s 59 F-. 98% 98 98% Beth Steel 3 %s 62 .. 109% 108% 109% Beth Steel SMs 66 .. 103% 103 103 Bath Steel 4%a 60 . 107 107 107 Boa A Me 4%s 6’ JJ._ 36% 35% 35% Bos A Me 6s 65 " .40% 40 40 Bos A Me 6s 67 40 39% 39% Bklvn Ed cn SMs 66 106 106 106 Bklvn Man T 4%s «« 72% 72% 72% Bklyn Man 4%s 66 ct 72 72 72 Bklvn Un El 6s 60 80% 80 80 Bklvn Un Oaa 6s 46 . 110% 110% 110% Bklvn Un Gas 6s 60 . 94% 94% 94% Bklvn Un C 6s 57 B 103% 103% 103% Bklvn UrOrf 6s 47 111% 111% 111% Buff R A P 4%sct reg 40% 40 40 Bush Termer 6s 65 41% 41% 41*4 Canada South 6s 62 86% 86% 86% Canadian NR 4Ha 61 100 99% 100 Can NR 4 %B 66 _ 99% 99% 99% Can NR 4 %s 67_ 100 99% 100 Can NR 4%s 66 _102 101% 102 Can NR 6s 69 July_102% 102% 102% Can NR 6s 69 Oct_ 103% 103 103% Can Nor 6 %a 46 _ 109 109 109 Can Pac db 4a earn_ 67% 67% 67% Can Pac 4 %e 46_ 86 86 86 Can Pac 6a 44 _ 104 103% 104 Car A Gen 6a 60 __ 95% 95% 96% Cent of Ga cn 6a 45_ 8% 8% 8% Cent of NJ 4a 87 ... 16% 16% 16% Cent of N J gen 6a 87. 19 18% 18% ■ Cent N J gn 6a 87 rg . 14% 14% 14% Cent Pac 1st rf 4s 49. 74% 74 74 1 Cent Pac 6a 60 ... 56% 54 54 ' Cent N Eng 4s 61 ... 39 39 39 Cent NT Pw *%s 62 107% 107 107% i Cent RRAB Ga 6s 42 58 58 58 ; Cham PAF 4%s 35-50 104 103% 104 : Ches A Ohio 3%s 63 F 104% 104% 104% 1 Ches A O 3 %s 96 D 98% 98 98% ChesAUS%s96 E .. 98% 98 98% ■ Chi A Alton 3s 49 .. 12% 12% 12% ; Cht BAO gen 4s 68 ... 95 94% 95 ■ Chi BA(J 4 %e 77 - 87% 87 87 ) Chi RAW ref 6s 71 91% 90% 90% > C BAW 111 dlv 8%s 49 99% 99 99% C BAO 111 dlv 4s 49 103% 103% 103% Chi A E 111 6s 61 _ 18 17% 17% Chi A E 111 6s 84_111 110% 110% Chi Gri West 4s 69 22% 21% 21% Chi Ind A L gen 6s 66 4% 4 4 , CMAStP gn 8%s 89 B 25% 25%i 25% CMAStP 4 Ms 89 C 28% 28% 28% 1 CMAStP 4%s 89 E .. 28 28 28 Cht Mil A St P 6s 76 8% 8% 8% CMStPAP adl 6s 2000 2% 2% 2% ChlANW gen*%s87. 14% 14% 14% ChlAN W gen 4a *7 .. 15% 16% 15% > Chi ANW 4%i20l7.. 10 9% 9% ChlANW 4%a 2087 C. 10% 10 10 ■ ■ / Bith. Low. 2:55. ChlANWcy4Va49. 4% 414 4% ChlANW 614s 15_ 18 18 18 Chi RIAPrf 4s 54 ... 7 614 614 Chi RIAPrf 4s 14 et.. 5% 614 514 Chi RlAP414a6l A . 7 7 7 Chi R1AP4 Va68A cfs 7 7 7 Chi RIAPev 414s60. 2% 214 214 Ch1 Un 8ta *%s 8S .. 105V4 10514 105% Chi A W In ev 4s 61 . 9114 91% 91% Chi AW Ind4%s6I. 93 93 93 Child* A Co 6a 41 .. 60% 59% 60 CCCAStL Ran 4a 93 67 67 67 CCCAStLLrf 4%*77 67V 57 67 Clav Un Tar 4%s 77.. 76% 76% 76V Clev Un Tar 6a It .. 84V 84% 84V Clav Un Tar 6%a 7|.. 92% 92 92 ColoP Air 6a 70 .... 70% 70% 70% Colo A So 4 %a 10_ 38 38 38 Col GAE 6a 63 Mar_103% 103V 103V Col GAE 6a 61 -108% 103% 103% Com* Ed IVa 61- 123% 123 123% Comw Ed 3%a 63 .. 108V 108V 108V Cona Ed N t SVs 46. 106% 105% 105% Cons Ed db 3 Vs 43 . 107% 107V 107% Cons Ed N 7 3 Vs 61 106% 106% 106% Cona OH 3 Vs 61 . 104 108% 103% Conaum Pwr 3 Va 66. 104V 104% 104% Conaum Pwr 3 Va 66. 107% 107% 107% Conaum Pwr 8 Vs 70 108% 108% 108% Conaum Pwr 8 Vs 65. 108% 108% 108% Container deb 6a 48 . 100% 100% 100% Conti 011 8 Va 48 111% 111% 111% Crucible Steal 4 Vs 41 102 102 102 Cuba Northn 6 Va 43 35 34% 34% Cuba RR 6a 46 _ 86% 36% 36% Cuba RR 7 Vfc 46 A_ 47 47 47 Dayton PALS Va 60.. 107% 107% 107% Del A Hud ret 4a 43 . 66% 6SV 65% Den A R G con 4a 36. 9% 9% 9% Den A R G 4%s 36_ 9% 9% 9% Den A R Q W 6s 65 .. 8% 3% 3% D A K Q W 6s 66 eat.. 3% 3% 3% Den AH G W rf 6s 7*.. 7 7? Det Edison 4s 66 .. 111% 110% 111% Das MAP D 4a 36 ct._ 4% 4% 4% Det Edison 3 %a 66 .. 110 110 110 Duquesne Lt I Vs 65.- 109% 109% 109% E.T V A Ga cn 6s 66.. 92% 92% 92% Elec Auto Lt 4s 63_108% 108% 108% Erie let 4s 96__ 60 60 60 Erie ref 6s 67- 16% 16% 16V Erie ref 6s 76 - 16% 16% 16% Fed LtATr 6s 42 st_103% 103% 103% Fed LtATr 6s 42 ... 104 104 104 Firestone Tire *Va 41 105% 105% 105% Fla CAPen 5s 43_ 43% 43% 43% Fla E C Ry 6a 74 .. 8% 8% 8% Francisco Sus 6s 56- 47 47 47 Gen Cable 6 Vs 47 101% 101% 101% Gen Mot Acc 3 Vs 61. 106% 106% 106% Gen Stl Cast 6 Vs 49.. 74 73 73 Goodrich 4 %s 56 _103% 103% 103% Grt Nor Ry SVs 67_ 76% 76 76 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 G... 105% 105 105 Grt Nor Ry 4s 46 H _ 92 92 93 Grt N Ry 1st 4‘/,s 61„ 103 108 103 Grt N Ry 4%a 76 D_ 84 84 84 Gulf MAN 6s 60 _ 81 81 81 Gulf MAN 6%s 60_ 85 85 85 Gulf St Util 3 Va 69.. 106 106 106 Housatonlc cn 6s 37.. 47 47 47 Hudson Coal 6s 62 A 37% 36% 36% Hudson CG 1st 6s 49. 120 120 120 Hua « Man lnc 6s 67. 14% 14% 14% Hud & Man raf 6a 67. 47% 47% 47% 111 Cent 4s 62__ 63 52% 62% 111 Cent 4a 63__ 49 48% 48% 111 Cent raf 4a 66_ 62% 62% 52% 111 Cent 4%s 66 _ 49 48% 49 111 Cent raf 6s 66_ 62% 62 62% ICC&StL NO 4 %a 61. 49% 49% 49% ICCAStL NO 6s 63 .. 63 52% 52% 111 Stl deb 4%a 40 A 101IJ 101% 101% Indust Kayon 4 %s 4* 98% 98 98 Inland Stael 3%a 61 . 108% 107% 108% Inter R T 1st rf 6s 66 68% 67% 68% Int R T 1st rf 6a 66 ct 67% 67% 67% Inter R T 7a 32 _ 67% 67% 67% Int R T 7a 32 ct __ 65% 65% 65% Interlake Iron 4a 47 . 91% 91% 91% Int Grt Nor adj 6a 63. 2 1% 2 Int Hydro El 6a 44.._ 74 74 74 Int Mer Mar 6a 41_ 64% 64% 64% Int Paper 1st 6a 47_ 99% 99 99% Int T&T 4 Ha 61_ 45% 44% 45 Int T&T 6a 66_ 60% 50 60 Jones* L Stl 4%s 81. 95 95 95 KCFS&Mrf 4s36ct. 31 31 31 Kana City Sola 60... 65 64% 64% Kana C So rf 6s 60 . 67% 67% 67% Kan City Term 4a 60. 107% 107 107% Kana G&E 4Ha 30_106% 106% 106% Kings Co Lt 6a 64_105% 105 105% Kot>nersCo4a61_102 101% 102 UtcledaOaa 6%a 63.. 49% 49% 49% Laclede <3 6Ha 60 D.. 49% 49 49% Laclede Gas 6s 42 A.. 45 45 45 Lake S&M S 3 %s 97.. 82 82 82 Lautaro Nitrate 76_ 31 36% 31 Leb CAN 4 Ha 64 C_ 55% 55% 55% Leh New Eng 4s 65_ 89% 89% 89% Leh Val C 5s 64 std .. 24% 24% 24% Leh Val Co 5s 74 std.. 27% 27% 27% Leh Val Har 6a 64 45% 45 45 Leh V NY 4%s 40 asd 46 46 46 L V RH 4S 2003 asd 17% 17% 17% L V RR 4 Ha 2003 asd 17% 17% 17% L V RR 6a 2003 asd 18% 17% 17% Loew'a 3 Ha 46 100 99% 99% Lone Star Gas 3Hs63 108% 108% 108% Lone laid ref 4s 49 .. 86% 86% 86% Long lal ref 4s 49 at.. 86 86 86 La A Ark 6s 69 84 83 83 Loulsv GAE 3 Ha 66.. 107H 107% 107% LAN 1st 4s 2003 __ 83 83 83 LA Nash unlf 4a 40.. 1004 100% 1004 McCrory Stra 6a 61__ 106% 106% 106% Me Central 4 Ha 60... 56 56 66 Manbat tty 4a 90 _ 68% 68% 68% Manatl Sugar 4s 67 38% 37 37 Manhat R 2d 4s 2013. 36% 36% 36% Marlon St Shov 6s 47. 67% 67 67 Mead Co 6a 46 .. 104% 104 104 Metrop Ed 4 Ha 68 . 110% 110% 110% Mich Cons Gas 4s 63. 100% 100 100% Mil Spa A NW 4a 47.. 15% 15% 15% MStPSSM cn 4s 88 8 8 8 MStP&SSM 6s 38 gtd 8% 8% 8<% Mo K A T Ut 4s 90 .. 35% 35% 35% Mo K A T 4s 62 B __ 18% 18 18% Mo K A T 6s 62 A ._ 23 22% 22% Mo K A T ad1 6s 67_ 10% 10% 10% Mo Pac 4a 76 _ 4% 4% 4% Mo Pac 6s 77 F_ 15% 15% 15% Mo Pac 6s 78 G_ 15% 15% 15% Mo Pac 5a 80 H_ 15% 15% 15% Mo Pac 6a 81 1_16% 15% 15% Mo Pac 6s 81 let_ 16 15 15 Mo Pac 6Hs 49 _ 3% 3 3 Mob A Ohio 4 Ha 77.. 28% 28% 28% MnK A AkU Ka tl Q9 tz. 99 99 Mob A Oh Mont 6s 77. 214 214 214' Monong PS 44s 60 . 1094 109 1094 Mont Power 3 4 a 66 . 984 98 98 MorrlsAEs 34s *000. 46 46 46 Morris A Es 44s 66.. 40% 404 40% Morris A Es 6s 66 464 45 454 Mount StTATS4s 61 1054 1054 1054 Nassau Elec 4S 61 404 394 394 Nat Dairy 3%s61 ww 1064 1064 1064 Natl Distill 3 4s 49.. 1024 102% 1024 Natl Steel 3s 66 _ 1004 994 1004 New Eng R 4s 45_ 26 26 26 New Eng RR 6s 46_ 264 264 264 New E TAT 4 4s 61. 123% 123 1234 New Jer PAL 4 4s 60 109% 109% 109% New Orl G N R 6s 13. 77 76 77 New Orl P S 5s 62 A .. 1054 1054 1054 New Orl P S 5s 66 B 1064 106 1064 New Orl Ter 1st 4s 63 684 68% 68% New Orl TAM 6s 64 B 354 354 35% N Y Central 3%s 62 . 68 66% 66% N Y Central 3 4s 97 . 774 774 774 N Y Central 3%s 46- 78% 78% 78% N Y Central 4a 43 .. 864 864 864 N Y Cent con 4s 93 654 634 634 N Y Cent rf 4 48 2013 594 58 59 N Y Cent rf 6s 2018 664 66 664 NYC Mich C 34s 98. 61 604 604 N Y ChlAStL 4 4s 78. 69% 58 584 N Y CAStL 6 4s 74 A. 684 684 684 N Y Chi A St L6S41.. 75 75 75 N Y Conn 1st 44s 68. 105 105 105 N Y Dock 4s 61 _ 54 54 64 N Y Dock cv fa 47_ 524 524 524 N Y Edls 8 4s 66 D .. 1064 106% 1064 N Y A Green L 6s 46 . 14% 14 14 NY LE WD Imp 6s 43. 65 65 65 NY NH AH 4s 67_ 74 74 74 NY NH A H 4s 66_ 144 144 144 NY NH AH 4 4s67... 17 17 17 NY NH AH Cl 6s 40.. 25% 26% 25% NY NH A H cv 6a 4*.. 184 18 18 NY OAW ref 4s 92 ... 8 8 8 N Y Putnam 4s 93_ 654 654 554 N Y Rich G 6s 61_ 1054 1054 1054 N Y Steam 8 4s 63 _. 102 1014 102 N Y SAW gen 6s 40_ 74 74 74 N Y Tel 8 %s 67 109 109 109 N Y WAB 44s 46 ... 4 4 4 Nlag L A O 6s 66_110 110 110 Nlag Sh 54s 60 __1024 102% 102% Norf Southn 6s 61_ 104 104 104 North Am 348 49 ... 1064 10G4 1064 North Am 8%s 64 105% 105% 105% Nor*n Pac gn 3s 2047 44 424 424 Nor*n Pac 4s 97 .. 70% 70% 70% Nor*n Pao 4 4s 3047.. 614 61 61 Nor-n Pao 6s 2047 C— 644 534 544 Nofn Pao 6s 2047 604 604 60% North 8ta Pw 8 4s 67 1074 107 107 Ogden LC 4s 48_ 94 94 94 Ohio Edison 8%s 78.. 104% 1044 1044 Ohio Edison 4s 66 .. 107 1064 1064 OntPwr Nlag 6s 48— 1044 1044 1044 Oreg RR A N 4s 46 . 109% 109% 109% Pao Gas A El 811s 68. 104% 104% 104% Pao G A E 3%s 61-108% 108% 108% Pao G A B 4a 84-111 1104 110% i ___ Hlsh. tow. S:68. Pao TAT rf 8%s « B. 106% 106% 106% Ponn Co «a 6* _101% 101% 101% Ponn PAL I %■ 69_105% 105% 105% Pann PAL 4%s 74- 106% 104% 105% Pann RK I %■ 61__ 88% 88: 88 Pann RR 8 Its 70- 87% 87% 87% Pann RR 4s 41-lit "Hi 111 Pann R 4%a 94 -_ 93% 93% 93% Pann RR 4%a ••_117% 117% 117% Pann HR gn 4%a 68.. 100 99% 99% Pann RRdb4%a70.. 86%> 86% 86% Pann RR gen 6a 68 .. 108% 107% 108 Peoples GLAC 6a 47.. 113% 113 113% Peoria A E lat 4a 40.. 70% 70 70 Peoria A E Ino 4s 90 . 9% 9% 9% Para Marquette 4a 66. 66% 66% 65% Para Mara 4%a 80 . 66 65% 66% Pare Mara 6a 66 78% 78% 73% Phlla BAW 4%s 77 C 106% 106% 106% Phlla BAW 4%a 61 D 105 105 105 Phlla Co 6a 87 .. 106% 105% 106% Phlla Elec I %e 67 .. 109% 109 109 Phlla RCA Ir6e7l._ 13% 18% 13% Phlla R C A Ir 6a 49.. 4% 4% 4% Philippine Ry 4s *7 . 6% 6% 6% Phillips Petrol ta 48. 112% 112 112 PCCAStL 4%a 42 B._ 106% 106V4 106% PCCAStL 4%s 77 ... 98 98 98 PCCAStL 6a 70 A-106% 105% 105% PCCAStL 6s 76 B ... 105% 106 106 Pitts C A Ir 4%s 66... 100% 100% 100% PlttAW Va 4%a63 A. 48 48 48 PlttAW Va4%s69 B. 48 48 48 PlttAW Va 4%s60C. 47% 47 47 Port Gan El 4 %a 60 . 77% 76% 77 Porto R A T 6a 42 at.. 40 40 40 Postal Tel A C 6s 61 . 16% 16% 16% Publlo By 1st 1 He 68 106% 106% 106% Purity Bakina 6a 48.. 102% 102% 102% Reading Jer C 4s 61.. 60 60 60 Reading R 4%s 97 A 75% 75 75 Ram Rand 4%a 66 ww 97% 97% 97% Republic Stl 4 %s 68 95 94% 94% Republlo Stl 4 %s 61.. 94% 93% 94 Republic Stl 6%aE4- 109% 109 109% Revere Cop 4 Ms 16... 99% 99% 99% Richfield 011 4a 68_ 107% 107 107 R1AAL4%s34_.. 8% 8% 8% St L PANW 5s 48 ... 22% 22 22 St L-San Fr 4s 60 A._ 11 11 11 StL-San Fr 4tfcs 78 .. 11% 10% 10% St L-8 F 4%s 78 ct st. 10% 10% 10% St L-San Fr 6s 60 B 11% 11 11 St L S W 1st ter 6a 68 18 17% 17% Sac AAA Pass 48 43 68 63 68 San Antonio P S 4s 68 106% 106% 106% Saji Diego CGAE 4s65 110% 110% 110% Schulco 6%s 46 A Stp 19 19 19 Schulco 6%s 46 B _ 30% 30% 30% Schulco 6%a 46 B stp. 29% 29% 29% Seaboard A L 4s 60_ 16% 16% 16% Seabd A L 4s 60 stp_14% 14% 14% i Seab'd A L rf 4s 69._ 6% 5% 5% Seab'd A L 6s 46 A_9 8% 8% Seab d A L 6a 45«... 8 7% 7% Seab'd A FI 6s 36 A ct 4% 4% 4% Shell UnOil 2%s64_. 94% 94% 94% Skelly 011 4a 61-104% 104% 104% Socony Vac 3s 64_102% 102% 102% Southn Cal G 4 %s 81. 108% 108% 108% Southn Kraft 4%s 46. 96% 96 96 So Pac col 4s 49_ 61 50 60% 80 Pao ref 4s 65_ 68 67% 67% So PtfilUiKI KOix aii/. CO 80 Pac 4%s (9- 62 51% 61% So Pac 4Ha II.__ 62 61% 61% So Pac Ore* 4 Hs 77.. 63 . 62% 62% So Ry Ben 4a S6 A_ 61% 60% 60% So Ry 6a 94 - 88% 87% 87% So Ry Ken 6a 66- 76% 76% 76% So Ry 6 %a 66 _ 81% 81 81 S W Bell Tel tall ._ 103% 103% 103% Bouthwn GAE 4s 60 . 107% 107% 107% Stand Oil N J 2%s 61 102% 102% 102% Stand Oil N J 3s 61 .. 104% 103% 104% Studebaker cy 6s 46.. 94 93% 93% Term As St J. 4s 61_ 107 107 J07 Texas Com Ss 69 _102% 102 102% Texas Com 3%s 61_107'. 107% 107% Tex A Pac 5s 10 D_ 77% 77% 77% Third Av ref 4s 60_ 49% 49 49 Third Av ad) 6s 60 .. 14% 14% 14% Tide Wat 011 3 %a 62. 106% 105% 105% Trl-Contl Ss 63 _ 106 106 106 Un El Chicago 6s 45.. 9.9 9 Un Ell Mo)3%s 12 109 109 109 Union Oil (Cal) 3s 69. 101 100% 100% Un Oil Cal 3Ha 62- 106% 105% 105% Un Paclho 3 Ha 71- 86% 96% 96% Un Pacino 1st 4s 47__ 112% 112% 112% Un Pac ref 4s 2008_105% 105% 105% Un Pao 1st 6s 2008_113 113 113 United Omg 6s 63_ 76% 76% 76% U 8 Steel 3%s 46 106% 106% 106% Utd Stkyds4%s61ww 89 89 89 Utah EAT 6s 44 . 101 100% 101 Utah Pwr A Lt 6a 44 101% 101% 101% Utility P A L 6Hs 47. 79% 79% 79% Va El A P 3Ha 61 B._ 107% 107% 107% Va Ry 1st 3%s 66_ 106 105% 106 Wabash 4 %s»C_10% 10% 10% Wabash 1st 6s 39__ 39 38% 39 Wabash 6s 76 B__ 10% 10% 10% Wabash 6s 80 D _ 10% 10% 10% Walker HAS 4 Ha 45. 103% 103% 103% Walworth 4s 66 65S 64% 65 Weatchl Lgn3 Hi 67 106 105% 106 West Sh 1st 4a 2361 . 55% 55 55 W Sh 1st 4s 2361 reg. 50 50 50 West Md 1st 4s 62 ... 84% 83 83 West Md 6Hs 77 . .. 90 89 90 West PaclOc 6s 46 A.. 21 _ 21 21 West Union 6s 61_ 72 72 72 West Union 6s 60 .. 71% 71% 71% Wheel Steel 4Hs 66.. 98 98 98 Wilson A Co 3%s 47.. 96% 96% 96% Wilson A Co 4s 66 ... 103 102% 103 WlsCent tsi gn 4s 49 18% 18% 18% WIsC SAD T 4s 38... 8% 8 8% Wls El Pw 3%s6K.._ 106% 106% 106% Youngst'n SAT 4a 46. 111% 110% 111% Youngst’n SAT 4a 61 105% 105 105% Firm Boosts Employes' Pay 10 Per Cent By the Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 1.—J. H. Vogel, new general works manager of the York Ice Machinery Corp., announced today a 10 per cent in crease in the hourly wage and a 40-hour week for employes in the corporation’s plant at York, Pa. The increases and 40-hour week are provided in an agreement signed by the management and employe representatives. Firm Jo Spend $1,500,000 On Potash Resources By the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Nov. 1.—Interna tional Agricultural Chemical Corp., a leading fertilizer producer, an nounced today plans for a $1,500,000 additional development of its potash resources near Carlsbad, N. Mex., by its subsidiary, the Union Potash & Chemical Co. Louis Ware, president of the par ent concern, said the company had sold $1,208,000 of first mortgage 5 per cent bonds to the New York Trust Co. at a price yielding the buyer 3% per cent. Together with about $250,000 from the company’s own funds, Mr. Ware indicated, the proceeds of the bond sale will be used to buy preferred stock of the potash unit and thus provide capital for the equipping and development of its mine on land leased from the United States Gov ernment in New Mexico. New York Bank Stocks NEW YORK. Nov. 1 UP).—National Association Securities Dealers, Inc.: Bid. Asked. Bk or Am NTS (SP1 (2.40) . 3ft 37 Bank of Man ( 80a)_ 17(4 18% Bank of N Y (14)_44(1 456 Bankers Tr (2) ft«y4 ft8% Bklyn Tr (4) 76 81 Cen Han Bk & Tr (4)_103 106 Chase Nat (1.40) 36% 38% Chem Bk da^Tr (1.80)_ 50% 52% Commercial (8) 171 177 Cont Bk d- Tr (.80)_ 13% 14% Corn Ex Bk & T (3)_ 58% 50% Emn’re Tr (.30) 12% 13% First Nat (Bos) (2)_ 45% 47% First Natl (100) _1025 1065 Guaranty Tr (12)_ 280 204 Irvine Tr (.60) 12% 13% Manufacturers Tr (2) 37(4 30% Manufacturers Tr pf (2)_ 51(4 B3% Natl City (1) __ 28% 30 N Y Trust (5)._11.1% 116% Public (1(4)_ 31 33 Title GdtT . _ 3% 4% a Also extra or extrai. London Gold and Silver LONDON, Not. 1 UP) —Bar silver. 23(4d. unchanxed Eauiralent 42.16 cents on the dollar basis. 94.03 to the pound.) 983;85.)°*d. le8*’ ““cbunfed. (Equivalent Steel Orders Pile Up For First Quarter, Industry Reports Delay in Announcing Prices for Period Is Unexplained 87 the Associated Press. NEW YORK, Nov. 1.—Despite lack of quotations for first-quarter de livery, steel orders continued to pile up for that period, Iron Age said today in its weekly survey. “If the present flow of business continues," the magazine added, “some products will be sold out for the first quarter within another few weeks. “The delay in announcement of first-quarter prices is unexplained, although opinion seems to be grow ing among buyers that there may be no horizontal Increase but an adjustment of some prices which are said to be out of line witn costs; for example, on galvanized sheets. “A survey of steel consumers and distributors by Iron Age shows that at the present time there are no excessive inventories of finished steel; in fact the consumers whose requirements are not yet adequately taken care of seem to outnumber those in a fairly comfortable posi tion.” Iron Age estimated ingot produc tion for the current week at 93 per cent, one point above last week. This week's output was figured at about 1,270,000 tons, higher than the peak weekly average of 1,193564 tons in May, 1929, when the industry operated at 102 per cent of the then existing capacity. The Iron Age scrap composite rose 8 cents to $20.96 a ton after three consecutive weekly declines. The export market was said to be firmer, due to possibility of renewed buying by Great Britain and Japan. .. " ' I ■ M II r Washington Produce BUTTER—90 score. 1-pound prints. 31; tub. 30; Va-pound prints 32; 92 score, tub. 31; l-pound prints. 32; 4-pound prints. 33. MEATS—Choice beef. 18: good beef, 16 17V»: calves. 10; spring lamb. 9; veal. 10 down; pork loin. 20-21: smoked regular ham. 22-2.3: smoked skinned ham. 24; large smoked skinned ham. 20-21; bacon, sliced. 28; bacon piece. 23; command. 10; pure lard. 8Va. LIVESTOCK—Pigs. 120-140 pounds. 5.80-ti 10: light pigs. 140-160 pounds. 6.30-6.60; 170-210 pounds 6.00-6.35: 220-240 pounds. 5.90-6.15: 350-300 pounds. 5.00-6.00; calves, good grade. 10 less. sows. 4.00-5.00: stags. 4.10 down weightier sows. 4.1oa5.10. Dally report of Washington egg and live poultry markets: iPrices paid net f.o.b. Washington.) EGGS—Market steady. For eggs candled and graded in Washington iNovember 1 >: White: U S. extras, large. 36 cents: U. S. extras, medium. 24 cents: U S. standards, large. 32 cents. U S. standards, mediums, 21 cents: U. 8 trades. 17 cents: U. 8 pullets. 14 cents. For nearby ungraded eggs: Current receipts: Whites. 23 to 24 cents; mixed colors. 19 to 20 cents. LIVE POULTRY—Market steady. Fowl: Colored all sixes 15 to 16 tents: some premiums paid for heavy hens, pullets, colored. 16 to 17 cents. No. 2s. 12 to 13 cents: Leghorns, hens and pullets, 10 cents; roosters. 9 cents. Chickens: Virginia Rocks: Broilers and fryers, all sizes. 17 to 18 cents: No. 2s. 12 cents. Delaware Rocks and crosses: Broilers and fryers, all sizes. 16 to 17 cents: No. 3s. 12 cents; mixed colored fryers. 14 to 15 cents. Turkeys: Young toms. 15 to 18 pounds. 17 cents; 18 pounds and up 15 cents; young hens, lit pounds, mostly 20 cents: No. 2s, hens and toms 12 cents: undersizes. 15 cents. Young guinea keats. 13< pounds and up. t 18 cents a pound, old keats. 12 cents a 1 pound. Other Markets. FLORIDA—23 lugs avocados. 10 bushel baskets okra. 31 bushel baskets squash. VIRGINIA—5 barrels watercress. souni CAROLINA—35 bushel baskets snap beans. PENNSYLVANIA—148 three-pound bas kets mushrooms. UNKNOWN ORIGIN—33 crates mixed vegetaoles APPLES—Truck receipts light. Market dull. Maryland. Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia. Eastern crates and bushel baskets. U 3. No. 1: Grimes 2V«-inch minimum. 60-70: 2'a-inch minimum. 76 85; 33<-inch minimum. 90-1.00: mostly 90; Stavmans. 2ta-inch minimum 90-1.00: 234-tnch minimum. 1.00-1.15: 3-inch min imum. 1.15-1.25: mostl(v around 1.15; Delicious. 2'4-inch minimum. 75-85; 2'/a inch minimum. 1.10-1.25: 234-inch min imum. 1.35-1.50: Pennsylvania. Virginia and West Virginia, bushel boxes, combina tion extra fancy and fancy: Delicious. 113s 150s. 1.35-1.50: 64s-100s. 1.65-1.75: Stavmans and Golden Delicious 113s 150s. 1.25-1.40: 64s-100s. 1.40-1.70: Jonathans, combination U. S. fancy and U. S. No. 1. all sizes. 1.25-1.50. AVOCADOS—Market dull. Truck and express receipts light. Florida, flats. 9s 12s. 50-75: few 1.00; 10s-18s. 50-60: venti lated crates, mostly 1.50-2.00. CABBAGE—Market dull. No carlot ar rivals; one broken car on track. Virginia, bushel hampers domestic round type, packed locally. 65-75: 5-peck hampers. 85. POTATOES—Market steady. One Idaho one New York arrived, three broken and 10 unbroken cars on track Hundred-pound sacks U S. No. 1: New York, round whites. 1.60-1.65: New Jerseiv. Cobblers 1.75 1.85: Pennsylvania. Cobblers. 1.65-1.75: IdFh„ Piirhqnks. °.15-2.25. CARROTS—Market dull. One'California arrived: one hroken and one unbroken cars on track New York, bushel baskets, topped, washpd 1.1 Sal.25; California. L. A. crates, bunched. 3.00. CELERY—Market slightly weaker. New York. >2 crates, individually washed, 1.75 2.25 LETTUCE—Market slightly weaker. Two California arrived: four broken and one unbroken cars on trRck California. L A . crates Iceberg type, 4-5 dozen, fair Qual ity. 4.25-4.75: New Jersey Eastern crates. Big Boston type. 2 dozen. 75a 1.00 LIMES—Market dull. Truck and express receipts moderate. Florida, boxes. 75 1.00 unions—Market about steady, one Indiana arrived: one broken and four un broken cars on track. 50-pound sacks. U. 8. No. 1. yellows. New York, mostly around 75- Ohio, mostly around 75: Colorado. Sweet Spanish. 3 Inches and larger. l.OO 1.10: New York, reds mostly around 75. Correction. New York, white boilers, fair quality and condition. U S. No. 1. 25 pound sacks. H0afl5. In Tuesday's report. PEAS—No carlot arrivals; no cars on track. Supplies Insufficient to quote. SWEET POTATOE8—Market dull. Truck receipts moderate. Bushel baskets. North Carolina. Jersey type. 60-00: Virginia. Nancy Halls. C. S. No. 1. mostly around 75: Maryland. Goldens. V B. No. 1. 50-00. CARROTS (additional'—Pennsylvania, bushel baskets, topped, washed. 75. MIXED VEGETABLES—No carlot ar rivals: three broken and one unbroken cars on track. SNAP BEANS—Market steady. • Truck receipts moderate. Bushel hampers: Flor ida. green, flat type, 1.25-1.45: round type. 1.50-2.00: North Carolina, fair qual ity. green, flat type. 75-85: round tyDe. 1.00- 1.50- Virginia, green, flat type. 1.00 1.25- round type. 1.26-1.50 LIMA BEANS—Market steady. Truck receipts very light. Pennsylvania, bushel hampers. 1.40. TOMATOES—Market dull. One Cali fornia arrived: three broken and four unbroken cars on track. Lug boxes, green and turning, wrapped: California. (IxO. best. 2.25-2.50: fair quality. 1.25-1.50; 0x7. 1.00-1.50: 7x7. 1.00-1.25; Maryland, unclassified, all sixes. 75-1.00. SQUASH—Market dull. Truck receipts very light. Florida, fair quality, bushel hampers, white, wrapped. 76-1.00; yel low. 1.00. CUCUMBERS—Market dull. Truck re ceipts moderate. Florida, bushel ham pers. U. S. No. 1, best. 2.00: fair condi tion. l .oo. ‘ PEPPERS—Supplies insufficient to quote. BRUSSELS SPROUTS—No carlot ar rivals: one broken and one unbroken cars on track. California. 25-nound drums, 2.50-2.05: New York. 32-auart crates. 10 per quart. BROCCOLI—Pennsylvania, crates. 1.50. P A R S L E Y—Pennsylvania. one-half bushel baskets. 40. CAULIFLOWER—Long Island, crates, mostly around 75. MUSHROOMS—Maryland and Pennsyl vania. 3-nound baskets, 25-70. according to grade. CRABAPPLE8—Michigan and New York. Va-bushel baskets, 25-50; bushel baskets. 50-75. PINEAPPLE8—Cuba, crates. Red Span ish. 3.00-3.60. TURNIPS—Pennsylvania. Va-bushel bas kets topped. 25. OKRA—Florida, bushel hampers. 2.50 2.73. CHESTNUTS—Italian, Imported. 12-13. per pound. QUINCES—New York, bushel baskets. 1.00- 1.25. GRAPES—California, table stock, no car lot arrivals; on# car diverted; four broken and two unbroken cars on track: Black Juice stock, n" carlot arrivals: one broken car on track: White Juice stock, no carlot arrivals: two broken and one unbroken cars on track. California, lugs. Thompson Seed less, 1.50-2.00; Malagas. 1.26-1.50; Cor nlchons. 1.25-1.50; Emperors. 1.25-1.35. PERSIMMONS — California. 20-oounfl lues. 1.25-1.50. TANGERINES—Florida. 44-bushel boxes. 75-1.25 .as to al*e. ORANGES—One California arrived: one broken and five unbroken cars on track. Florida: boxes. 1.50-2.25. according to carlot arrival*; one un broken ear on track. NEW YORK CURB MARKET ■V irmu Wife direct to The Mar. Stock end Sale*— Dividend Rate. Add 00 HICh. Low. CSS. Aero Supply (B). 3 6 6 6 Ainsworth - 6 6% 6% 6M Air Aeeoo (.50)„ 1 9% 9% 9% Air Investors.. 12 2 2 AlaGrtSou (**) 126s 86 85 86 Ala Power pf (6) lOe 90% 90% 90% Ala Power pf (7) 80s 99% 99% 99% Alliance Invest.. 1 1% 1% ;% Alum Co of Am.. 650s 137% 136% 137% Alum Co pf (8).. 60s 116 116 116 Alum Industries. 450s 9 8% 9 Alum Ltd (,86a). 60s 98% 98% 98% Am Book (4) .. 800s 44 43 43 Am Bos Board 18 8 8 Am City Power A Lt(A) 2.52%h.. 60s 82 31% 31% Am CPA Lt( A) WW2.76H 1 31 81 81 Am City PAL(B) 2 1% 1% 1% Am Cynam B .60. 8 33 32% 32% Am Fork A H .60 300s 12% 12% 12% Am Gas A El 1.(0 4 36% 36 36 AmOensra]- 1 4% 4% 4% Am Gen pf (2)... BOs 27% 27% 27% Am Hard Rubber 100s 11% 11% 11% Am LtATrae 1.80 1 16% 16% 16% AraMfaCo- 60s 22% 22% 22% Am Maracaibo 4 % g ft Am PotACh (2a) 60s 92 89 89 Am Republics 1 7% 7% 7% Am Seal-Kap .36c 4 6% 6% 6% Am Superpower 3 A % % Arctur Rad T (r) 1 % % % Ark Nat Gas __ 1 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat Gas A— 2 2% 2% 2% Ark Nat Gaa pf.. 6777 Ark PA Lpf (7). 10» 97 97 97 Ashland OAR 40. I 6% 5% 6% Assoc Gas A Eleo 3 % % % Assoc G A E < A1. 80 A % % Assoc GaaAEl pf. 2 6% 6% 6% Atlas Corp war 1 % % 74 Atlas Drop Fora. 14 4 4 Austin SJlv M(r). 6 % % % Avery A Sons 1 7% 7% 7% Aviation A Trans 2 3% a% 3% Aston Fisher A.. ’ 20s 40 40 40 Babcock A Wll... 2 21% 21% 21% Baldwin Lo war.. 12 8% 8% 8% Baldw L of 2.10 .. 100s 27 27 27 Baldwin Rub.25a 1 7% 7% 7% Barium Stain Stl 8 1 % 1 Beau Brumm ,40g 15 5 6 Beech Aircraft 2 10% 10% 10% Bellanca Aircraft 5 9% 9% 9% Bell Aircraft _ 4 23% 23% 23% Berk A Gay Fur . 2 % % % Bickfords pf 2.60. 25g 38 38 38 Bllsa (EWI - 8 17% 16% 16% Blue Rldae . 2 1% 1% 1% Bnhack(HC) let 20s 29* 29% 29% Borne Scrym(la) 100s 16 16 16 Brazilian T A L.. 1. 7% 7% 7% Breeze Corp .. 3 7% 7% 7% Brewst Aero .20a 9 8% 8% 8% Brown Co pf (r). 60s 23% 23% 23% Brown Rubber 2 5 4% 4% I»unvcj« Iu l.oug OUi ZVV) 29*4 29*4 B NftEP of 1.60 1 20% 20% 20% Bunker Hill .75*. 1 14% 14% 14% Can Col Airways. 2 6% 5% 5% Can In(A).15*— 13 3 3 Can Marc Wire . 9 1%]% 1% Carnation Co fl). 2 36% 36% 36% Carrier Coro - 7 11% 11% n% Catalln (Am) 2 .3% 3 3% Celan pte pf (7a) 50s 109 109 109 Celluloid pf . 60s 21% 21 21 Celluloid 1st pf 30s 70 69% 70 Cent NT Pwr pf 6 210s 94% 93% 93% Cent Sts E cvpf p lOOe 3% 3% 3% Centrlf Pipe 40 2 4 4 4 Cltlee Service 9 5% 5% 6% Cltlee Service of 7 55% 54% 55% Cltlee SP&L <6 of 40s 88 85 88 Cities SP&L *7 of 160s 92 86 92 Clev Elec 111 (2) 350s 42 42 42 Clev Tractor .. 2 5% 5% 5% Coion Develop 2 2% 2% 2% Colon Dev pf. 2 4% 4% 4% Col Fuel ft 1 war 2 7% 7% 7% Colts Pat FA (2) 100s 86 85% 85% Col Q ft E pf (6) 100s 63% 63% 63% ColumbUl) ft Oaa 7 2% 2% 2% Comwlth ft S war 3 A a A Com’ty P S 2.15*. 75s 31% 31 31 Compo 8hoe (1 > 1 16 16 16 Cons G&E Ba 3 60 2 78 78 78 Consol GasAEleo * Baltopf B 4.60. 30s 116% 115% 115% Cons Steel Corp.. 3 6% 6% 6% Conti Roll A 8tl_ 3 10% 10% 10% Cooper-Bess ... 4 11% 10% ll% Copper Ran*e 250s 6% 6 6 Copperweld .60*. 40 15% 15 15% Coeden Petrolm 1 1% j% i% Crsole Petm 60s. 6 25 24% 25 Croft Brewina 4 % % % Crown Dru* .05*. 1 1% 1% 1% Darby Petroltum 2 5 6 6 Dayton Rub 1.25* 2 17 16% 17 Decca Reo 60* 2 7% 7% 7% Det Mich Stove 3 1% 1% -1% Det Stl Prod .75* 1 20% 20% 20% Dobeckman .17 7 7 Domln Stl A Coal 3 13% 13% 13% Draper Corp'3a) 70s 80 80 80 Drlver-Har 55* 2 29% 29% 29% Dubllier Con .13* 7 1% 1% 1% DuvaL Texas Sul 1 6% 6% 6% Ea*le Ptcber Ld 3 13% 13 13% East’n Gas A F.. 11 4 3% 3% Eastn OAF 6 pf 100s 22% 22% 22% Eastn OAF nr pf 60s 39% 39% 39% Eastern States . 4 1 1 1 Eastern Sts pf B 25s 17 17 17 Easy Wash M(B) 2 4 4 4 Economy 08(1) 60s 18 18 18 Elsler Electric— 1 1% 1% i% Eleo Bond A Sh . 23 9% 9 9% Elec BAS pf (6) 1 68% 68% 68% EmpOAF6*pf 40s 61% 61% 61% Em GAF 6%% of 25s 62% 62% 62% EmpGAPH pf 150s 63 62 63 Equity Corp 6 % ft % Eureka P L (2).. 60s 22 22 22 Fairchild Av 20* 11 12% 11% 11% Fanny Farm 1.50 100s 22% 22% 22% Fansteel Metal . 8 13% 13% 13% Fidello Brew_ 3 ft % % Fisk Rubber 4 10% 10% 10% Fisk Rub pf (6) 100s 83% 83% 83% Fla PAL Df 5.68k 25s 88% 88% 88% Ford (Can) A (1) 4 18% 18% 18% Ford Ltd (.16*) . 2 2% 2% 2*4 Froedt cvpf 1.20. 1 17% 17% 17% FruehaufT 76*. 8 29 28 28% Fuller cvpf (3*). 25s 22 2^ 22 Gen Invest — 3 ft ft ft Gen Invest pf- 1 50 50 50 Ua Rower pr <•). Z6s 97* 97* 97* Glen Alden Coal 5 7* 7* 7* GodchauxA 2.50g 200s 30 30 30 Godchaux pf (7) 10s 102 102 102 Gorham Mf 2.25g 1 23* 23* 23* Gray Mfg 1 8* 8* 8* GA&P n v (fig)) 250s 113* 110 113* GA&P 1st pf (7). 26s 133 133 133 Grumann Alr.BOg, 1 17 17 17 Gulf Oil of Pad) 6 43 42* 42* Hartford El 2.75a 50s 65 65 65 Hartford Rayon 1 i* 2* 2* Harv’d Brew ,05g 1 1* 1* 1* Hecla Min < 20g> 2 7* 7 7 Heyden Ch 1.60.. 4 59 68 68 Hires (A) (2a)... 100s 48* 48 48 HolllngerG 65a 1 11* 11* 11* Holophane 1.25g_ 1 14* 14* 14* Horn & Hard (2) 275s 33* 33 33* Humble O 1.375k 4 68* 67* 68 Hummel-Rosa F_ 3 4* 4* 4* llltnols-ls Power 1 3* 3* 3* 111-la Power pf 2 20* 20* 20* Imp Oil Ltd 60a 3 14* 14* 14* Imp Tob Can 40a 2 12* 12 12* Ins Co N Am 2a 200s 70 69* 69* Int Hydro El pf.. 1 15* 15* 15* Int Pa&Pwr war. 2 3* 3* 3* Int Petrol 1.50a 9 22 21* 21* Interst H Eq .60a 6 7* 7* 7* Irving Air C 11a) 8 20* 20 20 Jacobs Co ... 2 3* 3* 3* Jeanette Glass... 2 1* 1* 1* Jer CP&L pf (6). 10s 95 95 95 Jer CP&L pf (7). 20e 104 104 104 Jones &Lau8tl. 8 40* 89* 40 Kirby Petroleum 1 2* 2* 2* Koppers Co pf 3k 60e 76* 76 76 Lake Shore M(4) 4 28 27* 28 Lakey Fdry AM. 6 3* 3* 3* Lane-Wells ,75g. 1 9* 9* 9* Lehigb Coal AN. 13* 3* 3* Lock# Steel 1.20. 50e 13* 13* 13* Lockheed Aire... 40 31* 31 31 Lone Star .70g.._ 3 9* 9* 9* Long laid Ltg pf 60s 32 31* 31* Long Isl Ltg pf B 25a 29 29 29 Loudon Packing 12 2 2 La Land&Exp .40 2 5* 5* 6* Ludwlg-Bau pf . 10s 20 20 20 Mo Wtllms Oradg 18 8 8 Maleatlc Radio 15 * ft * Marlon St Shoval 2 4* 4* 4* Master El (.90g). 250s 23* 23 23 Mead John (3a>.. 25a 150 150 150 MercantllaStra.. 60a 20 20 ' 20 Marr-Chap & So.. 2 4* 4* 4* Mesabl Iron _ 9 1 tt « Mich Sugar pf 1 6* 6* 6* Mid Sts P A 62g. 1 4* 4* 4* Midvale Co (Sg). 25* 107 107 107 Mld-Weat Abraa. 2 1* 1* 1* Mldwast 011 .90 6 7* 7* >7* Minn M&M 1.96g. 100s 57* 67 67* Molybdenum 24 Ml I 6* Monarch MT -95g 1 28* 28* 28* Mont Ward A (7) 80a 169 169 169 Moor* (T) Dlat.. 1 * * * A Stock and Sales— Dividend Rate. Add 00. High. Low. 3:55. Mount City Cop 4 6% 6% 6% Murray <0) .50*. 1 11% 11% 11% Muskegon 1.20*.. 1 17% 17% 17% Nachman SpU*). 1 10% 10% 10% Nat Auto Fibre.. 4 8% 8 8 Nat Bella Heee 15 % % % Nat Contain .40*. 3 9% 9% 9% Nat Fuel Gas 11) 2 13 13 13 Nat OH Prod 16* 1 41 41 41 Nat P4Lpf <•) 75* 88 88 88 Nat Rubber Macb 1 6% 6% 6% Neptune Met (A) 16 6 6 N E P A of (5k) . liBs 73 72% 72% N Eng TAT 4.50* 10a 118 118 118 New Idea (.60) .. 1 12% 12% 12% New Max A Aria. 3 1% 1% 1% Newmont 1.60*.. 2 69 68% 68% N Y Hon R (3*)_. 250* 26 25 26 N Y P A Lt pf (7) 10(116 116 116 N Y Water Svc pf 100a 17 17 17 Nla* Hudson Pwi 23 7% 7% 7% Nla* Hud 1st <6) 60s 86% 86% 86% Nla* Hud B war.. 2 1% 1% 1% Nla* 8b Md (B).. 1 6% 6% 6% Nlplssln* Mines. 11 1 1 l Nor Am Lt A Pwr 12 111 NorEuropOU — 8 A A A Nortb’n Sta PiA) 11 18% 12% 12% Ohio Brass (B)— 25# 24% 24% 24% Ohio Oil pf (4) . 160s 104% 103 103 Ohio P S pf A(7) 20a 112 112 112 Okla N«t G pf(3) 100a 45% 45% 46% OkNtGcpf 5.50. 75s 109 108% 109 Oldetyme Olat .. 1 1% 1% i% Pac Gas A Elec 6%%pf 1.376 1 28 28 28 PacGas 6f«pf 1.50 3 30% 30% 30% Pan tepee OH 16 6% 5% 5% Pender Groc (B). 1 12% 12% , 12% Pennroad Corp . 23 2% 2% 2% Penn PAL pf (7). 25s 110% 110% 110% Penn Balt (4*) . 76e 165 165 165 PharisTAR 60*. 3 8 7% 8 Phoenix Secur . 1 6% 6% 6% Pioneer Gold 40.. 1 1% 1% i% Pitney-Bow .40a. 1 7% 7% 7% Pitts For*ln«c 2 13% 13% 13% Pitts PI G1 2.25*. 1 100 100 100 Ploush. Inc (.60). 1 9 9 9 Powdrell4kAl 20* 2 4% 4% 4% Pratt* Lam (lg) 2 19 19 19 Prudential Inv 16 6 6 Pub Sv Ind 26 pf 125a 36 35% 36 P 8 Ind 87 pr pf 75a 69% 69% 69% Puset Sd P 35 pf 25a 72% 72% 72% Puget S’d P 16 pf 60s 24 24 24 Raym'd Concrete 150e 14 14 14 Red Bank OH .. 3 2% 2% 2% Reiter Foster 1 A A A Republic Aviat'n. 16 6% 6', 6% Reynolds Invest. 1 A A A Richmond Rad ..12 2 2 Rome Cable 20*. 3 11% 11% 11% Root Petroleum 72 4 3% 3% Root Petrolm pf. 4 9 8% 9 Royal Typ (3) 200s 58% 68% 68% Russeks Fifth Av 1 4 4 4 >■ ac ou a 14 14 Ryerson H _ 2 14 14 14 St Law Ltd pf.— 25s 144 144 144 St Kegis Paper— 3 34 34 34 Salt Dome Oil . 4 84 84 84 Scovlll Mfg .60*. 3 334 384 334 Selberllna Rub 7 84 84 84 Sel Ind al ct 6.60 100s 60 60 60 Sel Ind pr pf 6.60 150s 594 694 594 Shattuck-D .125g t 74 74 74 Sher-Wilms 2.75g 250s 964 964 964 Simmons HAP 3 14 14 14 Singer Mfg 16a) 10s 152 152 162 Sonotone (.log).. 1 14 14 14 So Penn 011 1.50 2 37 37 37 S C Ed pf B 1 60 6 274 274 274 So.N ETel 6.2f,g 10s 160 160 160 SouWPLl.oOg 60s 22 22 22 Spalding inew). 4 2** 24 24 Stand Dredge 1 24 24 24 Stand Oil Ohlo(l) 4 254 264 264 Stand Silver-Ld 7 ft ft 4 Starrett vtc ... 6 14 14 14 Stetson (JB) ... 75s 54 5 5 Sullivan Mach .. 1 10 10 10 Sunray Oil .05g_. 6 24 24 24 Taggart .. 1 44 44 44 Tampa Elec 2 24. 1 32 32 32 Technicolor 60g 11 14 134 13l4 Thew Shovel .60* 600s 194 19 19 Tonopah Minin*. 14 4 4 Transwest Oil ._ 1 34 34 34 Trl Conti war ... 4 4 14 4 Tublze Chatlllon 1 114 114 114 Tublze Chat (A). 50s 35 35 35 1 Tung-Sol Lamp . 1 34 34 34 UnPremFS(l). 2 184 184 184 Utd C*r Wh Stra 4 4 4 4 Unit Corp war . 3444 Unit Oaa 11 24 24 24 Unit Gas pf (8k). 7 914 904 91 Unit LlAPwr IA) 1 14 14 14 Unit Lt A Pwr pf 23 354 334 34 Unit Milk (2) 60s 21 21 21 Unit Shipyds (B) 12 2 2 Uni* Sb M 2.60a l'.Os 784 77 77 Unit Sh M pf 1.60 40s 42 42 42 Unit Specialties 1 44 44 44 U S Foil IB) . 2 44 44 44 USA inti Secur. 1 ft ft ft US Plywood ... 1 154 154 154 Unit Verde Ext.. 1 1 1 1 Unit Wall Paper. 12 2 2 Univ Prod 1.20*.. 60s 18 18 18 Utah-ldaho Sug 10 14 14 14 Utb PAL pf 3.60k 60s 674 674 674 Util’y Equity new 5 14 14 14 Utility Eq pf(lk) 75a 56 66 66 Utility A Ind pf 1 14 14 1*4 Valspar Corp .t 2 14 14 14 Van Norm 1.20g 100s 274 274 274 Venezuela Petrol 1111 Waco Aircraft... 4 6 64 6 Western Air Exp 2444 West n Md 1st pf 20s 604 60 60 Willson Prod.45g 125s 12 12 12 Wolverine T .20* 3 64 64 64 Woolw Ltd 631* 1 114 114 114 Wright Harg.40a 1 64 64 64 Yukon Pac Mf* 3 14 14 14 ' r In bankruptcy or receivership or being j reorganized under Bankruptcy Act. or ! securities assumed by such companies. i Rates ot dividends in the foregoing table I are annual disbursements based on the last Quarterly or semi-annual declaration Un less otherwise noted special or extra divi dends are not included. xd Ex dividend xr Ex rights, a Also extra or extras e Paid last year f Pay able In stock, g Declared or paid so far this year h Cash or stock k Accumu lated dividend paid or declared this year, ur Under rule ww With warrants, xw Without warrants, war Warrants. Dividends Announced NEW YORK. Nov. 1—Dividends de clared. prepared by Eitch Publishing Co. Year End. Phelps Dodge Corp.. 76c __ 11-26 12-8 Increase. Archer Daniels Mid land Co.-35o 11-20 12-1 Bigelow Sanford Car pet Co.-1.00 ._ 11-14 12-1 Extra. Standard Oil N J.__ 25c_11-15 18-15 aStandard Oil N. J._ 11-15 12-15 Resumed. t Pe- Stk. of Pay _ Rate. rlod. record, able. Celanese Corp. of America -60c -. 11-17 12-1 Stock. Celanese Corp of America—1 share of -common for each 40 shares held -11-17 12-22 Aecumulated. American Rolling Mill 4\',7c pf-$1.50 .. 11-15 12-15 Regular. Belding — Corticelli Ltd. -$1.00 Q 12-15 1-2-40 Belding — Corticelli 77 pf-$1.75 Q 12-16 1-2-40 Carolina Tel. A Tel. .$2.00 Q 12-14 12-21 Celanese Corp. of America 77 1st ptc. pf-$3.50 8 12-15 12-31 Celanese Corp. of America 77 pr pf .$1.75 Q 12-15 1-1-40 Crown Cork At Seal Ltd --— 40c Q 11-10 11-15 Fishman. M. H.. Co... 15c Q 11-15 12-1 Fitssimons A Connell Dredge ft Dock— 25c_11-20 12-1 General America Corp. -75c Q 11-15 12-1 Inland Steel_$1.00 _. 11-14 12-1 Savage Arms Corp._76c_11-9 11-15 Texamerlca Oil_814c 10-28 11-1 Texas Gulf Producing 10c 11-17 12-15 United Aircraft Corp $1.25_12-1 12-15 U. 8. Steel 77 pf_..$1.75 Q 11-3 11-20 Universal Winding Co. 77 pf-$1.75 Q 10-27 11-1 Bristol Myers Co_HOC Q 11-15 12-1 Caterpillar Tractor Co. 50c Q 11-15 11-25 Standard Oil N J._ 50c 8 11-15 12-15 Standard Cap A Seal Corn -40c O 11-15 12-1 a Stock dividend of three shares for each 200 shares held. U. S. Treasury Notes NEW YORK. Not. 1 (£*>.—Prices Quoted in dollars and thirty-seconds. Pet. Month. Yr. Bid. Asked. 'Ad! 1% Dec,. 1939_100.4 184 Mar., 1940_101.8 101.10 .. 1*4 June. 1940_101.17 101.19 ._ 1*4 Dec.. 1940_101.29 101.31 __ 1J4 Mar.. 1941_101.31 102.1 184 June. 1941_ 102.1 102.3 .08 1V« Deo- 1941.... 102.12 102.14 .09 1V« Mar.. 1942_ 103.19 103.21 .20 2 Sept.. 1942 _ 104.26 104.27 .SO 184 Dee.. 1942_ 104.4 104.6 .40 1J4 June. 1943- 101.25 101.27 .60 1% Dee- 1943_101.20 10L22 .70 1., Mar- 1944 ... 100.23 lOfT.25 .81 84 June. 1944 ... 99.22 99.24 .80 Electric Production Sets New Record For Weekly Period - Aggregate Is 14 Per Cent Ahead of Comparable Figure Last Year By the Associated Press. 'NEW YORK, Nov. 1.—ElectriO power production passed the 2,* 500,000,000-kilowatt hour mark the week ended October 28 with the largest weekly energy production on record, Edison Electric Institute said today. The latest total of 2,538,779,000 kilowatt hours was 15 per cent ahead of 2,493,993,000 in the preced ing week in a seasonally unexpected move. The aggregate was 14 per cent ahead of the 2526,038,000 in the comparable 1938 week. The Associated Press index of power production, based on 1929-30 as 100, advanced to a new high tot the year at 128.1 from 125.9 in the preceding week. A year ago the index, adjusted for seasonal and long-term trend, stood at 114.5. Range for recent years follows: 1939, 1938 1937. 193ft 1934-35 High 128.1 117.2 125.2 119 8 105 5 Low 112.3 102,8 111.8 1.02.0 01.9 Percentage gains over last year, according to major geographic areas, were reported as follows by the institute: New England, 14.1; Middle Atlantic, 11.8; Central in dustrial, 17.7; West Central, 8.7; Southern States, 16; Rocky Moun tain, 16.1; Pacific Coast, 85. CURB BONDS DOMESTIC. High. Low. Noon. Ala lower 4%* 67_102 102 102 Am O & E 5s 2028 ... 107%; 107% 101% Am F & L 8s 2016 .. (10 98% 08% Appalach E P 4%s 48. _ 108% 108% 108% As El Ind 4%s 53_ 60% 59% 60% As O & E 4%s 49_ 35 35 35 As O A E 5s 50_ 37 37 37 As O A E 5s 68- 36% 36% 36% Bald Loco Hs 50 _ 125 124 124 Bell Tel C 5s 57 B_110 110 110 ge’l Tel C 5s 60 C-Illy, 111% 111% lirm. E1 4J>5 - »5 94% 94% Blrmlng aOs 5s 5P_ 94% 94% 04% Can Nor Fwr 5s 63_ 96% 96% 96% Caro Pi* Lt 6s 56 .. 106% 106% 106% Cent St El 6s 48 .. 41 41 41 Cent St El 5%s 64 ... 41% 41% 41% Cen St PAL 5%s 53 .. 71% 71% 71% Cities Svc 5s 50 73 72% 7”*? Clt S PAL 5%s 52__.. 82% 82% 82% Clt S PAL 5%s 49- 82% 82% 82% Comnty PAL os 57_ 86% 86% 86% Cons GEUrP 3s 69_ 104 104 104 ~ Cont O A E 5s 58 A... 89% 88% 89V* Cudahy Pkg 3*,s 55... 93 03 03 gel®Pwo%s 59 ... 106 106 108 East G A F 4s 56 A_ 80% 80 80 EdisEl niu 3%s 65 _110 HO 110 E Pw A Lt 5s 2030... 75% 75 75 Fla Pwr coupn 4s 66 _ 97% 97 97 Florida PAL 5s 54_102’, 102% ltr% Gen Bronze 6s 40 76% 76% 76' Georgia Pw 5s 67 ... 106% 106 106% Hygrade Fd 6s 49 B .. 82 62 62 111 Pw A Lt 5%s 57 95 95 us n! oW * H5'.*5 34 B -- l'*l101% 101% Pw * L 6s 56 C_ 09% 99’., 99’, Ind El C 6s 47 A ... 105% 105% 105% rn5 S £ fi'*s 3,ri B _ 1053, 105% 105% in<j,E C 5s 51 C ... 100% 100% 100% Indianap Gas os 52... 63*, 63% 63% Interst Pw 5s 57 ... 97% 67 67 Interst Pw 6s 52 ... 54 54 Si Interst P S 5s 56 D— 100», 100% 100», Interst P S 4%s 58 F _ 98% ps*? 08% J,er £ 3,s 47 B — 102% 102% 102% Jet c PAL 4%s 81 C_104% 104% 104% Ky tUillties os 61 -100’, 100’, 100% Kentucky U 5s 69 I . 101% 101 % 101 % Ken U 6%s 48 D ZZZ 105% 105% 105% C'bbv McNAL 5s 42 ... 103*, 103% 103*? Midland V R R 5s 43 .. 73% 73% 73% Mil G A E 4*2$ 67_99*4 993? 993 J JJ!nn P A I* 4%s 78_102% 102’, 102% 35 --100 100 100 Miss Pw A L os 57_102 % 102’ 4 10-’% M'S* River P 5s 51-110’, 110% 110% Mo Pub Svc os 60_ 91% 91% pis? Nat P A L Hs 2026 A_111'* 111 % 111 % Nat P A L 5s 2030 B _ 106 105*1 108 Nat Pb S 5s 78 cod "8 * og Nevad Cal El 5s 56 .. 78 78 78 New E G A E 6s 48_ 69 68% 68% New E Pw 5s 48_ 97% 97% PT'J New E Pw o %s 54_ 99% 9p * pp New Or P S "s 49 A_Ini', 101% 101% v Y-s E. * 9 4'*5 s0~- 1"4% 1"4% 10*'? No Con u 5%s 48 A 60% 50% 50% No Ind P S 5s 86 C-105% 105% 105% Ohio Power 3%s 68 .. 105% 105% 105% Ohio Pub Svc 4s 62 .. 107% 107% 1<I7>? E®e O A E 6s 4J_B .. 111 % 111 % m % Pac P A L 5s an __ pl% 9iw, pjjJ Penn C L * P 4'as 77 09** 99% 99% Penn Oh E 5%s 59 B _ 106% 106% 106% Penn Oh E Hs 50 A .. 107% 107% 107*? Peop G L & C 4s 81 B _ 9H34 fmi. Pitts Steel 6s 48 99*, 99*, 99*? Portland G A- C 5s 40 78% 78% 78% Pub Ser N J 6s ctfs __ 146% 146% 146% Pug Sd P A L5%s 49 .. 95% 95% 95% Pug 8 P A L 5s 50 C .. 94% P4*« 94% Pug 8 P Ar L4%s 50 D . 89*, 89% 89*? Quee G & E 5*2$ 52 A #4 oi w -- 10ft3« 1091? I0f»*i gh* y * p 67 A 93*4 931'* 93*4 | E P & L Hs 2025 A 110% 110% Ho*? Sou Cal Ed 3%j 60 108% ios% ins% Sou Caro 5s 5T 97% 97% P7>! Sou C Ga of Cal 4%s 68 105% 105% 105% Souw PA;L 6s 2022 A 99*? 99'? 99*? 1*5 65 31 A «9% 6n% «9% S'd GasAEl 6s 66 B 69% «9>, 69'? Stand PwALt 6s 57.. 69 68*? 68*! Texas Elec 5s 60 _103% 103*? 103*1 Tfvt Pw A L 5s 56 .. 166% 106% 106% Tide Wat P 5s 79 A . 09 99 00 Twin C RT 5%s 52 A 61% 61% 61% Ulen A Co 6s 50 IV st. 10 10 10 Unit LtAPw 6s 75 Z 85 85 85 Unit LtAPw 6%s 74 87 87 87 Unit LAR 5%s 52 89’, 89% Sn’i Va Pub Ser 6s 46_93 95 93 Wald Ast Hot 5s 54. 14% 14% 14% Wis PAL 4s 66 104% 104y* 104% FOREIGN. Fin R M B 5s 61 st 69 6* 69 Isarco Hyd El 7s 52 47 47 47 Medelln Col 7s 51 13% ]3% 13% Parana Braz 7s 58_ 9% 9% p% Pied El 6%s 60 A 42% 42 42% Unit El Svc 7s 56 A.. 44 44 44 ww—With warrants, xw—Without war rants. n—New. st <stp)—Stamped SNegotiabllity impaired bv maturity. New York Produce NEW YORK. Nov. 1 Up,.—Butter. 611 .58: unsettled Creamery higher than extra. 29-29%; extra (92 score:, 28%-%: firsts (88-91). 26-27%: seconds (84-87), 23%-25%. Cheese—182.196: quiet. prlcei un changed. Eggs—22.03' firm Mixed colors: Fancy to extra fan 33%: standards. 28%: firsts. 23%: 19%-20%: mediums. 18%: dirties 19: average checks. 1«%-18. Re r fancy and heavy weights. li»-.. ,;andards. 18%; firsts,. 18 seconds. . a-17; mediums. 16%; dirties. l«%-%. t Whites: Resale of premium marks, 36% 39: nearby and Midwestern, premium marks. 83%-36: exchange specials. 33: ex change standards. 31%. Resale of nearby’ heavier mediums. 24%-20. Nearby and Mid western. exchange mediums. 24. Pullets. < 21; peewees. 19 Refrigerator, nearby spe- > cta.s. 22V4-25: nearby and Midwestern j standards 21-22: firsts. 19-20. | Browns: Nearby, fancy to extra. 32%-36. ■ Nearby and Midwestern, exchange specials, “ 3l%-32: exchange standards. 27%. Near- j by mediums. 25: pullets. 20. i Duck eggs. 27-28. I Rye. spot, firm: No. 2 American, f.ob. 4 New York. 73%; No. 2 Western, c.i.f. New f York. 72%. 5 Barley steady: No. 2 domestic. e.l.f. | New York. 00%. Lard firm: Mlddlewest, 7.02%. j Other articles steady and unchanged. J — Short-Term Securities (Reported by Smith. Barney & Co.) Bid. Offer, Alleghany Corp Cv 5s 44 79 79% American Tel Sc Tel 6%* 43 109% 109% Austin A Northwestern 5s 41 80 81 Baldwin Loco Works 5s 40 101% 102% Central Foundry 6s 41 _ 98 Chicago Union Sts 4s 44 107 ♦ Childs Co 5s 43 60% 60% * Colorado Fuel Sc Iron 5s 43 104% * Container Corn 5s 43 99% 100 Cuba Northern Rwya 5%s 42 35% 35% Delaware Sc Hudson 4s 43 66% 67 Grand Rapids Sc Ind 4%s 41 100% Illinois Steel 4%s 40 ... 101% 102 li\tl Hydro-Electric 6s 44 74 75 Intern Merc Marine 6s 41 63% 65% Laclede Gas Light 5s 42 76 86 Lake Erie Sc Western 5s 41 70 88 Lehigh Val Term Rwv 6s 41 50 Louis A Nash R R 4s 40 100% 100% Midland R R of N J 5s 40 11% 12% N Y Sc Long Branch 4s 41__ 70 90 Norfolk Sc Southern 5s 41 51 54% Pennsylvania Co 3%g 41 101% 103% ?enn-Dlxle Cement 6s 41 . _ 96 96 % enna R R Co 4s 43 109 Peoples Gas Lt A C 6s 43 112% 113% Peoria Sc Eastern 4s 40 69% 74% Phila. Balt A Wash 4s 43 108 109 8tudebaker Corp 6s 45 95 96 Texas A N Orleans 5s 43 50 84% Union Oil of Calif 6i 42 111% 112 Vanadium Corp 5s 41 _ 110% ill Warren Bros 6a 41 36% 37 Western N Y A Pa 4| 43 107 _ White Sewing Much 6s 40 101% _ New York Sugar NEW YORK. Not. 1 UP.—Sugar future* No. 3 opened 3-4 higher. January. 1.68: March. 177: May. 1.81; July. 1.85: Sep-5 tember. 1.89. | Crude Rubber Futures NEW YORK. Not. 1 UP.—Crude rub be*,* futures Opened unchanged to hlAer. Do-4' eember. 20.20b: March. 18.00b: May. 18.45b. b Bid. 4